From 162979126675c3a37fc60efee7dc5d5a3a58a24b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gloria Corti <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 18:53:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] modify reference due to change of dddb tag for dev and
 pythia8 tuning

 .../tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref    | 2935 ++++++------
 Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV.ref        | 1055 ++---
 .../refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref  | 3945 +++++++++--------
 .../tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref |  829 ++--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref    |  620 ++-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref    |  465 +-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref   | 1010 +++--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref    | 3505 +++++++--------
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref   | 1090 +++--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref   | 1005 +++--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref   | 1122 ++---
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref    | 3454 ++++++++-------
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref    | 3518 +++++++--------
 .../refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050-caloonly.ref |  134 +-
 .../tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050.ref    |  303 +-
 15 files changed, 12616 insertions(+), 12374 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
index c1f4313be..b527cd8ed 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/PrevPrev/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/MC/Header#1', '/Event/NextNext/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/NextNext/MC/Header#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/NextNext/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/PrevPrev/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/PrevPrev/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/PrevPrev/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/NextNext/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/NextNext/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/NextNext/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 02:33:49 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:40:30 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO   Rich Max Mirror reflectivity R1M1 R1M2 R2M1 R2
 RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO  Total Photon suppress factor for Aerogel Rich1Gas Rich2Gas 0.297488    0.273167    0.285066
 GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSequence/GiGa.TrackSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
-RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181029-histos.root
+RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114-histos.root
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 GaussGeo                   INFO ============================================
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ GaussGeo                WARNING Multiple indistinguishable misalignable detector
 --- Warning from G4Material::G4Material() define a material with density=0 is not allowed.
  The material /dd/Materials/RichMaterials/HpdS20PhCathode will be constructed with the default minimal density: 1e-25g/cm3
 GaussGeo.ZeroField         INFO createFieldMgr(): null magnetic field
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo                WARNING Multiple indistinguishable misalignable detector elements found inside '/dd/Geometry/AfterMagnetRegion/T/IT/Ladder/lvLong410Sector'!
 GaussGeo                WARNING Multiple indistinguishable misalignable detector elements found inside '/dd/Geometry/AfterMagnetRegion/T/IT/lvITX1LongLayer'!
 GaussGeo                WARNING Multiple indistinguishable misalignable detector elements found inside '/dd/Geometry/AfterMagnetRegion/T/IT/lvITULongLayer'!
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, Generation, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Oct 2018 at 02:34:50    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:42:18    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -574,9 +574,9 @@ OTHitMonitorNextNext....   INFO            Eta cut          : -1.79769e+308 < P
 DataUnpackTestNextNext     INFO Member list: UnpackMCVertex/UnpackMCVertexNextNext, UnpackMCParticle/UnpackMCParticleNextNext, CompareMCVertex/CompareMCVertexNextNext, CompareMCParticle/CompareMCParticleNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/UnpackVeloHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/CheckVeloHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/UnpackTTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/CheckTTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/UnpackITHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/CheckITHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/UnpackOTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/CheckOTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/UnpackRichHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/UnpackRichOpPhotNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/UnpackRichSegmentsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/UnpackRichTracksNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/CheckRichHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/CheckRichOpPhotNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/CheckRichSegmentsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/CheckRichTracksNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/UnpackSpdHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/CheckSpdHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/UnpackPrsHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/CheckPrsHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/UnpackEcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/CheckEcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/UnpackHcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/CheckHcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/UnpackMuonHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/CheckMuonHitsNextNext, with rootInTES 'NextNext/'
 GenFSRSeq                  INFO Member list:
 EventPersistencySvc        INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
-GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181029.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 FileRecordPersistencySvc   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:FileRecordCnvSvc
-FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181029.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
@@ -924,34 +924,34 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich G4 Histo Set2
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1173
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1321
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1260
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1415
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1086029981, 0]
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2040
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2296
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1948
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2135
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1769989743, 0]
 GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2
 GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3
-IODataManager              INFO Referring to dataset Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181029.sim by its file ID:CAF1B21E-1BDB-E811-B23E-02163E01BBB4
+IODataManager              INFO Referring to dataset Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim by its file ID:EE797A2A-B7E7-E811-91BF-02163E01BFAC
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1474865432, 0]
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1139999521, 0]
 GaussGenNextNext           INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 590814074, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1044128089, 0]
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	968
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1000
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	917
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	961
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 835413103, 0]
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1576
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1708
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1476
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1594
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1494238608, 0]
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 645125023, 0]
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 1981540210, 0]
 GaussGenNextNext           INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 1371961496, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 790725412, 0]
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1724
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1914
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1704
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1841
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 613239283, 0]
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1586
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1696
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1732
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1941
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 1913999548, 0]
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [1082, 4, 1010630449, 0]
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [1082, 4, 1367779284, 0]
@@ -963,20 +963,20 @@ PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [10
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [1082, 4, 2074872519, 0]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	771
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	826
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	738
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	795
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 1094777801, 0]
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 1414964200, 0]
 GaussGenNextNext           INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 298503821, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 103049051, 0]
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1327
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1445
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1331
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1470
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 89229770, 0]
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1582
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1713
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1728
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1887
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 815953073, 0]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	117
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	122
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	150
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	163
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGen                SUCCESS 5 events processed
@@ -985,25 +985,25 @@ Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator
  generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 15 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 2 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 5 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 10 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 5 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 23 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 111  value: 4 / f + g -> f + g                key: 128  value: 4 / g + g -> g + g                key: 168  value: 5 / Elastic scattering            key: 191  value: 7 / Double  diffractive           key: 194  value: 3 /
-cross-sections: All included subprocesses   þ  key: 0  value: 77.1056 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 14.9061 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 14.9061 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 18.6327 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 0 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 0 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00351894 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 2.84514e-08 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.00395433 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0179068 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
+cross-sections: All included subprocesses   ý  key: 0  value: 77.1056 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 14.9061 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 14.9061 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 18.6327 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 0 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 0 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00351894 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 2.84508e-08 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.00395446 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0179079 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1869
+= Number of particles generated: 1881
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean multiplicity: 373.8
+= Mean multiplicity: 376.2
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1570
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1582
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 314
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 316.4
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 510
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 514
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 102
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 102.8
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 119
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 122
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 23.8
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 24.4
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -1069,26 +1069,26 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 5 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  758.20 +-12.31 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  896.60 +-13.39 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.04 +-0.03%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  430.80 +- 9.28 ( 56.82 +-0.80%) Rich2 =  229.40 +- 6.77 ( 25.59 +-0.65%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   28.00 +- 2.37 (  3.69 +-0.31%) Rich2 =   31.80 +- 2.52 (  3.55 +-0.28%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  282.80 +- 7.52 ( 37.30 +-0.79%) Rich2 =  431.80 +- 9.29 ( 48.16 +-0.75%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.05 +-0.04%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  607.60 +-11.02 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  674.60 +-11.62 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  431.60 +- 9.29 ( 71.03 +-0.82%) Rich2 =  195.20 +- 6.25 ( 28.94 +-0.78%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   24.80 +- 2.23 (  4.08 +-0.36%) Rich2 =   15.60 +- 1.77 (  2.31 +-0.26%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  131.20 +- 5.12 ( 21.59 +-0.75%) Rich2 =  214.40 +- 6.55 ( 31.78 +-0.80%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.04 +-0.03%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  192.40 +- 6.20 ( 21.46 +-0.61%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   79.00 +- 3.97 ( 10.42 +-0.50%) Rich2 =  119.20 +- 4.88 ( 13.29 +-0.51%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   63.80 +- 3.57 (  8.41 +-0.45%) Rich2 =   96.60 +- 4.40 ( 10.77 +-0.46%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  240.60 +- 6.94 ( 35.67 +-0.82%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   36.40 +- 2.70 (  5.99 +-0.43%) Rich2 =   57.00 +- 3.38 (  8.45 +-0.48%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   27.40 +- 2.34 (  4.51 +-0.38%) Rich2 =   46.80 +- 3.06 (  6.94 +-0.44%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   26.80 +- 2.32 (  3.53 +-0.30%) Rich2 =   40.60 +- 2.85 (  4.53 +-0.31%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.04 +-0.03%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   16.00 +- 1.79 (  2.63 +-0.29%) Rich2 =   20.80 +- 2.04 (  3.08 +-0.30%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  430.80 +- 9.28 ( 56.82 +-0.80%) Rich2Gas =  229.40 +- 6.77 ( 25.59 +-0.65%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  431.60 +- 9.29 ( 71.03 +-0.82%) Rich2Gas =  195.20 +- 6.25 ( 28.94 +-0.78%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -1108,98 +1108,98 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   447.00 +-  9.46 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   432.60 +-  9.30 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    59.80 +-  3.46 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   714.60 +- 11.95 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     0.40 +-  0.28 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    22.60 +-  2.13 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    52.00 +-  3.22 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     8.20 +-  1.28 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     8.20 +-  1.28 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     0.40 +-  0.28 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   451.40 +-  9.50 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   444.60 +-  9.43 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    40.40 +-  2.84 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   345.60 +-  8.31 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     0.20 +-  0.20 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    23.80 +-  2.18 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    56.80 +-  3.37 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     6.00 +-  1.10 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  0.89 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     0.20 +-  0.20 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3136 |     627.20 |     408.61 |      0.0000 |      1283.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3263 |     652.60 |     449.68 |      0.0000 |      1400.0 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        105 |     21.000 |     15.925 |      0.0000 |      48.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        117 |     23.400 |     19.489 |      0.0000 |      58.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1056 |     211.20 |     127.77 |      0.0000 |      387.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1229 |     245.80 |     141.46 |      0.0000 |      389.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        680 |     136.00 |     100.65 |      0.0000 |      242.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        715 |     143.00 |     86.399 |      0.0000 |      260.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       2504 |     500.80 |     324.78 |      0.0000 |      859.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       2479 |     495.80 |     307.46 |      0.0000 |      934.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1016 |     203.20 |     123.17 |      0.0000 |      331.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1223 |     244.60 |     158.24 |      0.0000 |      468.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       6787 |     1357.4 |     890.73 |      0.0000 |      2375.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       7023 |     1404.6 |     960.00 |      0.0000 |      2958.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       4588 |     917.60 |     576.91 |      0.0000 |      1571.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       4777 |     955.40 |     563.70 |      0.0000 |      1719.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8108 |     1621.6 |     1076.7 |      0.0000 |      2951.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       7808 |     1561.6 |     1018.8 |      0.0000 |      3109.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1033 |     206.60 |     138.17 |      0.0000 |      382.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1075 |     215.00 |     129.88 |      0.0000 |      356.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8274 |     1654.8 |     1149.2 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       6411 |     1282.2 |     723.94 |      0.0000 |      2242.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8272 |     1654.4 |     1149.3 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       6411 |     1282.2 |     723.94 |      0.0000 |      2242.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        457 |     91.400 |     52.614 |      0.0000 |      157.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        454 |     90.800 |     54.345 |      0.0000 |      164.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        367 |     73.400 |     41.205 |      0.0000 |      119.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        383 |     76.600 |     46.254 |      0.0000 |      139.00 |
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       627.2+/-182.736
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 21+/-7.1218
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       652.6+/-201.102
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 23.4+/-8.71596
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 211.2
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 996.071
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.153117
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0491289
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 245.8
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 653.896
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.155479
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0565526
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       123 |        123 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1056 |    1051851 |     996.07 |     3424.6 |   0.0029383 |      34403. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1056 |     211.20 |     127.77 |      0.0000 |      387.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       153 |        153 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1229 |   803638.1 |     653.90 |     2159.2 |    0.020150 |      26462. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1229 |     245.80 |     141.46 |      0.0000 |      389.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 136
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 5107.2
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.125607
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0379012
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 143
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1883.89
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.119295
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0427652
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        30 |         30 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       680 |    3472895 |     5107.2 |     12387. |      1.2288 |      52271. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |        680 |     136.00 |     100.65 |      0.0000 |      242.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        47 |         47 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       715 |    1346984 |     1883.9 |     7974.7 |    0.011191 |      55577. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |        715 |     143.00 |     86.399 |      0.0000 |      260.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 500.8
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1004.21
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.196902
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0746341
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 495.8
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1170.43
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.194723
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0811213
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       170 |        170 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2504 |    2514549 |     1004.2 |     2998.9 |    0.012520 |      27676. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       2504 |     500.80 |     324.78 |      0.0000 |      859.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       196 |        196 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      2479 |    2901489 |     1170.4 |     3613.3 |   0.0056370 |      26462. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       2479 |     495.80 |     307.46 |      0.0000 |      934.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -1208,398 +1208,400 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 31.200  1.400  2.800  2.600  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 54.800  2.000  0.600  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 53.200  1.800  2.200  0.800  0.800   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 43.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 38.800  48.200  0.000  0.000  0.200   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 51.600  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 52.600  3.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 43.600  1.600  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 182.200  10.200  5.600  4.400  0.800   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 186.600  57.800  0.000  0.000  0.200   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
+CompareMCVertex         SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+CompareMCVertex         SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4        Message = 'Packed MCVertex info truncated. Set DEBUG OutputLevel for details'
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        105 |     21.000 |     15.925 |      0.0000 |      48.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        117 |     23.400 |     19.489 |      0.0000 |      58.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       105 |-8.612995e-07 |-8.2029e-09 | 2.9964e-07 | -4.9418e-07 |  4.9930e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       105 |4.888554e-06 | 4.6558e-08 | 2.9294e-07 | -4.9940e-07 |  4.8156e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       105 |8.63642e-07 | 8.2252e-09 | 2.9334e-07 | -4.9104e-07 |  4.6090e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       105 |-5.116394e-06 |-4.8728e-08 | 5.4683e-07 | -9.9584e-07 |  9.7021e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       105 |-4.46256e-05 |-4.2501e-07 | 2.9199e-05 | -4.9088e-05 |  4.7346e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       105 |7.007683e-06 | 6.6740e-08 | 2.9335e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9283e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       105 |-0.0003301872 |-3.1446e-06 | 2.7193e-05 | -4.9802e-05 |  4.8769e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       105 | 0.02429083 | 0.00023134 |  0.0028597 |  -0.0049538 |   0.0048001 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       105 |-2.981043e-05 |-2.8391e-07 | 2.7723e-06 | -4.9563e-06 |  4.9945e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       105 |  0.1379781 |  0.0013141 |   0.024083 |   -0.059470 |     0.10394 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       105 |-0.02788511 |-0.00026557 |   0.022000 |   -0.046532 |    0.076211 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       105 |  -31.27615 |   -0.29787 |   0.021520 |    -0.30059 |   -0.078413 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       105 |   14.55252 |    0.13860 |    0.22888 |    0.031129 |      1.8512 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       105 |   86.79616 |    0.82663 |     16.951 |     -39.523 |      38.794 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       105 |   -176.186 |    -1.6780 |     18.990 |     -39.307 |      40.729 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       105 |   -28085.1 |    -267.48 |     41.540 |     -315.94 |     -218.95 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       105 |   607575.1 |     5786.4 |     5005.8 |      445.85 |      26574. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       105 |   97.92522 |    0.93262 |    0.21369 |     0.53395 |      1.2843 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       105 |   0.137979 |  0.0013141 |   0.024083 |   -0.059470 |     0.10394 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       105 |   -0.02789 |-0.00026562 |   0.022000 |   -0.046532 |    0.076211 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       105 |  -31.27615 |   -0.29787 |   0.021520 |    -0.30059 |   -0.078413 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       105 |   14.55252 |    0.13860 |    0.22888 |    0.031130 |      1.8512 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       105 |    86.7962 |    0.82663 |     16.951 |     -39.523 |      38.794 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       105 |   -176.186 |    -1.6780 |     18.990 |     -39.307 |      40.729 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       105 |   -28085.1 |    -267.48 |     41.540 |     -315.94 |     -218.95 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       105 |     607575 |     5786.4 |     5005.8 |      445.85 |      26574. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       105 |   97.92525 |    0.93262 |    0.21369 |     0.53395 |      1.2843 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       117 |-2.183654e-06 |-1.8664e-08 | 2.7759e-07 | -4.9574e-07 |  4.7946e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       117 |-7.941808e-07 |-6.7879e-09 | 2.7854e-07 | -4.9784e-07 |  4.9102e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       117 |2.613838e-06 | 2.2340e-08 | 2.7883e-07 | -4.9819e-07 |  4.9252e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       117 |-6.912676e-06 |-5.9083e-08 | 5.6093e-07 | -9.9701e-07 |  9.9885e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |-0.0001313048 |-1.1223e-06 | 2.9470e-05 | -4.8864e-05 |  4.8872e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |0.0001954268 | 1.6703e-06 | 2.6633e-05 | -4.8183e-05 |  4.9203e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |-0.0001449987 |-1.2393e-06 | 3.0235e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9879e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       117 | 0.03411402 | 0.00029157 |  0.0030204 |  -0.0049834 |   0.0049536 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       117 |2.742947e-05 | 2.3444e-07 | 2.8545e-06 | -4.9779e-06 |  4.9032e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       117 |  0.2608188 |  0.0022292 |   0.025679 |   -0.091031 |    0.092070 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       117 | -0.7336568 | -0.0062706 |   0.030025 |    -0.15661 |    0.076998 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       117 |  -34.07547 |   -0.29124 |   0.041204 |    -0.30048 |   -0.023355 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       117 |    12.6899 |    0.10846 |   0.063275 |    0.025561 |     0.57415 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |    242.679 |     2.0742 |     17.692 |     -39.813 |      38.849 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -266.2708 |    -2.2758 |     18.414 |     -39.747 |      41.696 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |  -31352.93 |    -267.97 |     42.052 |     -316.04 |     -218.95 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |   571561.4 |     4885.1 |     4496.6 |      1.5748 |      23680. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       117 |   105.5003 |    0.90171 |    0.23326 |     0.44367 |      1.3510 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       117 |   0.260821 |  0.0022292 |   0.025679 |   -0.091031 |    0.092070 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       117 |  -0.733656 | -0.0062706 |   0.030025 |    -0.15661 |    0.076998 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       117 |  -34.07548 |   -0.29124 |   0.041204 |    -0.30048 |   -0.023355 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       117 |   12.68991 |    0.10846 |   0.063276 |    0.025560 |     0.57415 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |   242.6791 |     2.0742 |     17.692 |     -39.813 |      38.849 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |   -266.271 |    -2.2758 |     18.414 |     -39.747 |      41.696 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |  -31352.93 |    -267.97 |     42.052 |     -316.04 |     -218.95 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |   571561.4 |     4885.1 |     4496.6 |      1.5700 |      23680. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       117 |   105.5002 |    0.90171 |    0.23326 |     0.44367 |      1.3510 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3136 |     627.20 |     408.61 |      0.0000 |      1283.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3263 |     652.60 |     449.68 |      0.0000 |      1400.0 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3136 |4.202178e-07 | 1.3400e-10 | 2.8575e-07 | -4.9985e-07 |  4.9909e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3136 |-2.377861e-05 |-7.5825e-09 | 2.8626e-07 | -4.9953e-07 |  4.9930e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3136 |-1.446903e-05 |-4.6138e-09 | 2.9127e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9987e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3136 |-6.388429e-06 |-2.0371e-09 | 5.8625e-07 | -9.9986e-07 |  9.9981e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3136 |0.001560375 | 4.9757e-07 | 2.8902e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3136 |0.002577535 | 8.2192e-07 | 2.8329e-05 | -4.9946e-05 |  4.9856e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3136 |-0.0008342103 |-2.6601e-07 | 2.8852e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9920e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3136 | -0.2866738 |-9.1414e-05 |  0.0028954 |  -0.0049991 |   0.0049962 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3136 |4.145257e-05 | 1.3218e-08 | 2.9115e-06 | -4.9982e-06 |  4.9998e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3136 |   -13.6715 | -0.0043595 |    0.12855 |     -2.2276 |      2.5904 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3136 |   3.929505 |  0.0012530 |    0.13678 |     -1.2753 |      3.3758 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3136 |   393.4011 |    0.12545 |    0.26759 |    -0.30168 |     0.30157 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3136 |   390.3682 |    0.12448 |    0.12921 |  0.00024917 |      2.1001 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3136 |   4097.365 |     1.3066 |     15.427 |     -42.891 |      44.326 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3136 |  -807.6848 |   -0.25755 |     18.296 |     -43.804 |      43.570 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3136 |   633418.1 |     201.98 |     271.23 |     -175.81 |      751.11 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3136 |1.454952e+07 |     4639.5 |     6137.8 |      1.4325 |      67271. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3136 |   2957.622 |    0.94312 |     1.8445 |    0.028859 |      42.304 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3136 |   -13.6715 | -0.0043595 |    0.12855 |     -2.2276 |      2.5904 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3136 |   3.929529 |  0.0012530 |    0.13678 |     -1.2753 |      3.3758 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3136 |   393.4011 |    0.12545 |    0.26759 |    -0.30168 |     0.30157 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3136 |   390.3682 |    0.12448 |    0.12921 |  0.00025000 |      2.1001 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3136 |   4097.363 |     1.3066 |     15.427 |     -42.891 |      44.326 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3136 |  -807.6874 |   -0.25755 |     18.296 |     -43.804 |      43.570 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3136 |   633418.1 |     201.98 |     271.23 |     -175.81 |      751.11 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3136 |1.454952e+07 |     4639.5 |     6137.8 |      1.4300 |      67271. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3136 |   2957.622 |    0.94312 |     1.8445 |    0.028860 |      42.304 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3263 |1.463297e-05 | 4.4845e-09 | 2.8762e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9988e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3263 |-6.481597e-06 |-1.9864e-09 | 2.9026e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3263 |-2.738483e-05 |-8.3925e-09 | 2.8699e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3263 |-3.481261e-05 |-1.0669e-08 | 5.7930e-07 | -9.9936e-07 |  9.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3263 | 0.00121206 | 3.7146e-07 | 2.8768e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9933e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3263 | -0.0014321 |-4.3889e-07 | 2.8807e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3263 |0.001837437 | 5.6311e-07 | 2.8497e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3263 | -0.2583629 |-7.9180e-05 |  0.0028638 |  -0.0049992 |   0.0049983 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3263 |7.250389e-05 | 2.2220e-08 | 2.8913e-06 | -4.9981e-06 |  4.9999e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3263 |   -10.3877 | -0.0031835 |    0.11586 |     -1.0254 |      2.5544 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3263 |  -9.181111 | -0.0028137 |    0.10756 |     -1.2961 |      1.2244 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3263 |   458.1764 |    0.14042 |    0.25954 |    -0.30167 |     0.30188 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3263 |   466.3012 |    0.14291 |    0.32051 |  0.00018232 |      10.646 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3263 |   5757.065 |     1.7643 |     15.697 |     -43.003 |      44.298 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3263 |   -1772.92 |   -0.54334 |     17.972 |     -43.962 |      43.426 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3263 |   642972.3 |     197.05 |     269.64 |     -175.81 |      751.17 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3263 |1.570592e+07 |     4813.3 |     6767.6 |      1.5784 |      67273. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3263 |   2937.787 |    0.90033 |    0.76862 |    0.028843 |      2.8021 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3263 |  -10.38771 | -0.0031835 |    0.11586 |     -1.0254 |      2.5544 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3263 |  -9.181105 | -0.0028137 |    0.10756 |     -1.2961 |      1.2244 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3263 |   458.1765 |    0.14042 |    0.25954 |    -0.30167 |     0.30188 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3263 |   466.3012 |    0.14291 |    0.32051 |  0.00018200 |      10.646 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3263 |   5757.064 |     1.7643 |     15.697 |     -43.002 |      44.298 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3263 |  -1772.919 |   -0.54334 |     17.972 |     -43.962 |      43.426 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3263 |   642972.3 |     197.05 |     269.64 |     -175.81 |      751.17 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3263 |1.570592e+07 |     4813.3 |     6767.6 |      1.5800 |      67273. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3263 |   2937.787 |    0.90033 |    0.76862 |    0.028840 |      2.8021 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1056 |     211.20 |     127.77 |      0.0000 |      387.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1229 |     245.80 |     141.46 |      0.0000 |      389.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |-2.732522e-06 |-2.5876e-09 | 2.9002e-07 | -4.9973e-07 |  4.9987e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1056 |1.854008e-05 | 1.7557e-08 | 2.8151e-07 | -4.9963e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |4.496324e-07 | 4.2579e-10 | 1.0222e-07 | -4.8672e-07 |  4.8672e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1056 |-1.065491e-05 |-1.0090e-08 | 5.8377e-07 | -9.9795e-07 |  9.9687e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |-0.0006958713 |-6.5897e-07 | 2.8715e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9951e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |-0.0002816199 |-2.6669e-07 | 2.8880e-05 | -4.9912e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |0.0001198099 | 1.1346e-07 | 8.1876e-06 | -4.9771e-05 |  4.9766e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |  -0.097334 |-9.2172e-05 |  0.0028763 |  -0.0049971 |   0.0049992 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1056 |4.764678e-05 | 4.5120e-08 | 2.8634e-06 | -4.9952e-06 |  4.9913e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |  -23.35227 |  -0.022114 |    0.43564 |     -3.0403 |      8.1863 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1056 |  -5.564613 | -0.0052695 |    0.28610 |     -6.7561 |      1.7320 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |   350.2113 |    0.33164 |    0.34246 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1056 |   318.0333 |    0.30117 |    0.51186 |  0.00063990 |      4.3471 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |  -16495.92 |    -15.621 |     290.69 |     -776.89 |      771.52 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |  -31582.16 |    -29.907 |     245.37 |     -657.98 |      661.00 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |    2630178 |     2490.7 |     136.38 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |    3351323 |     3173.6 |     5361.7 |      1.4286 |      40793. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1056 |   10728.61 |     10.160 |     4.0996 |      7.5619 |      33.695 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |  -23.35227 |  -0.022114 |    0.43564 |     -3.0403 |      8.1863 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1056 |  -5.564632 | -0.0052695 |    0.28610 |     -6.7561 |      1.7320 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |   350.2113 |    0.33164 |    0.34246 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1056 |   318.0333 |    0.30117 |    0.51186 |  0.00064000 |      4.3471 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |  -16495.92 |    -15.621 |     290.69 |     -776.89 |      771.52 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |  -31582.16 |    -29.907 |     245.37 |     -657.98 |      661.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |    2630178 |     2490.7 |     136.38 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |    3351323 |     3173.6 |     5361.7 |      1.4300 |      40793. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1056 |   10728.61 |     10.160 |     4.0996 |      7.5619 |      33.695 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1229 |4.462026e-06 | 3.6306e-09 | 2.9166e-07 | -4.9902e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1229 |5.273164e-06 | 4.2906e-09 | 2.8658e-07 | -4.9940e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1229 |-3.437644e-06 |-2.7971e-09 | 1.1829e-07 | -4.9289e-07 |  4.8953e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1229 |9.967095e-06 | 8.1099e-09 | 5.6610e-07 | -9.9804e-07 |  9.9806e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 | -0.0020132 |-1.6381e-06 | 2.8749e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9907e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |-0.0006373407 |-5.1858e-07 | 2.8513e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9626e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |0.0005529702 | 4.4994e-07 | 9.8453e-06 | -4.9722e-05 |  4.9577e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1229 |  0.1263448 | 0.00010280 |  0.0028481 |  -0.0049908 |   0.0049916 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1229 |0.0001763013 | 1.4345e-07 | 3.0757e-06 | -4.9984e-06 |  5.0000e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1229 |   1.926457 |  0.0015675 |    0.54646 |     -6.7094 |      2.8184 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1229 |  -7.554015 | -0.0061465 |    0.29921 |     -2.5417 |      5.4634 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1229 |   347.7134 |    0.28292 |    0.37348 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1229 |   395.9239 |    0.32215 |    0.72741 |  0.00020576 |      13.447 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 |  -1156.438 |   -0.94096 |     310.75 |     -779.64 |      803.14 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |  -10281.62 |    -8.3658 |     263.07 |     -660.35 |      659.16 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |    3082493 |     2508.1 |     135.26 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1229 |    3344025 |     2720.9 |     5371.7 |      1.4247 |      40793. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1229 |   14104.74 |     11.477 |     5.9271 |      7.5614 |      71.363 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1229 |   1.926453 |  0.0015675 |    0.54646 |     -6.7094 |      2.8184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1229 |   -7.55402 | -0.0061465 |    0.29921 |     -2.5417 |      5.4634 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1229 |   347.7134 |    0.28292 |    0.37348 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1229 |   395.9238 |    0.32215 |    0.72741 |  0.00020600 |      13.447 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 |  -1156.436 |   -0.94096 |     310.75 |     -779.64 |      803.14 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |  -10281.62 |    -8.3658 |     263.07 |     -660.35 |      659.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |    3082493 |     2508.1 |     135.26 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1229 |    3344025 |     2720.9 |     5371.7 |      1.4200 |      40793. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1229 |   14104.74 |     11.477 |     5.9271 |      7.5614 |      71.363 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        680 |     136.00 |     100.65 |      0.0000 |      242.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        715 |     143.00 |     86.399 |      0.0000 |      260.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       680 |3.715189e-06 | 5.4635e-09 | 2.9806e-07 | -4.9930e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       680 |3.236683e-06 | 4.7598e-09 | 2.8421e-07 | -4.9701e-07 |  4.9796e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       680 |7.169183e-06 | 1.0543e-08 | 2.9110e-07 | -4.9859e-07 |  4.9966e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       680 |-2.652272e-06 |-3.9004e-09 | 5.7794e-07 | -9.9637e-07 |  9.9801e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |0.001072053 | 1.5765e-06 | 2.8007e-05 | -4.9793e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |-0.00124885 |-1.8365e-06 | 2.9074e-05 | -4.9955e-05 |  4.9782e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |1.809492e-05 | 2.6610e-08 | 2.9224e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9569e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       680 | 0.01131382 | 1.6638e-05 |  0.0028357 |  -0.0049996 |   0.0049987 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       680 |4.392868e-05 | 6.4601e-08 | 2.8859e-06 | -4.9967e-06 |  4.9943e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       680 |  -10.08502 |  -0.014831 |    0.17056 |     -1.0064 |     0.80732 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       680 |  -2.727259 | -0.0040107 |   0.068884 |    -0.46587 |     0.55767 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       680 |   231.9095 |    0.34104 |    0.16901 |    -0.41148 |     0.41129 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       680 |   103.2507 |    0.15184 |    0.13282 |   0.0076553 |      2.2007 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |  -23221.46 |    -34.149 |     285.29 |     -624.81 |      621.05 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |  -3796.967 |    -5.5838 |     92.678 |     -205.01 |      186.23 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |    5697718 |     8379.0 |     541.85 |      7667.8 |      9172.1 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       680 |    5874317 |     8638.7 |     11584. |      1.4870 |      55156. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       680 |   19453.67 |     28.608 |     5.4747 |      25.409 |      101.70 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       680 |  -10.08502 |  -0.014831 |    0.17056 |     -1.0064 |     0.80732 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       680 |  -2.727262 | -0.0040107 |   0.068884 |    -0.46587 |     0.55767 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       680 |   231.9095 |    0.34104 |    0.16901 |    -0.41148 |     0.41129 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       680 |   103.2507 |    0.15184 |    0.13282 |   0.0076560 |      2.2007 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |  -23221.46 |    -34.149 |     285.29 |     -624.81 |      621.05 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |  -3796.966 |    -5.5838 |     92.678 |     -205.01 |      186.23 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |    5697718 |     8379.0 |     541.85 |      7667.8 |      9172.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       680 |    5874317 |     8638.7 |     11584. |      1.4900 |      55156. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       680 |   19453.67 |     28.608 |     5.4747 |      25.409 |      101.70 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       715 |-4.772001e-07 |-6.6741e-10 | 2.8607e-07 | -4.9916e-07 |  4.9942e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       715 |-1.154641e-05 |-1.6149e-08 | 2.8545e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9967e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       715 |-6.054984e-06 |-8.4685e-09 | 2.7246e-07 | -4.9978e-07 |  4.9938e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       715 |-2.466296e-06 |-3.4494e-09 | 5.7686e-07 | -9.9923e-07 |  9.9862e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       715 |-0.001268553 |-1.7742e-06 | 2.9416e-05 | -4.9925e-05 |  4.9831e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       715 |0.001057559 | 1.4791e-06 | 2.8045e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9945e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       715 |-0.0002791809 |-3.9046e-07 | 2.8822e-05 | -4.9544e-05 |  4.9816e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       715 |-0.02980487 |-4.1685e-05 |  0.0028070 |  -0.0049851 |   0.0049728 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       715 |7.913647e-05 | 1.1068e-07 | 2.8849e-06 | -4.9586e-06 |  4.9729e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       715 |  -18.60637 |  -0.026023 |    0.21640 |     -2.7684 |     0.66763 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       715 |   7.781477 |   0.010883 |    0.18156 |    -0.80979 |      2.7359 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       715 |   208.4468 |    0.29153 |    0.21283 |    -0.41093 |     0.41270 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       715 |   119.3276 |    0.16689 |    0.23190 |   0.0024808 |      2.8666 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       715 |   15803.03 |     22.102 |     285.84 |     -640.86 |      633.63 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       715 |  -27160.28 |    -37.986 |     103.93 |     -207.71 |      203.94 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       715 |    6013794 |     8410.9 |     547.01 |      7667.7 |      9172.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       715 |    6629449 |     9272.0 |     12197. |      1.4413 |      55128. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       715 |   20425.63 |     28.567 |     2.0316 |      25.409 |      34.048 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       715 |  -18.60637 |  -0.026023 |    0.21640 |     -2.7684 |     0.66763 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       715 |   7.781489 |   0.010883 |    0.18156 |    -0.80979 |      2.7359 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       715 |   208.4468 |    0.29153 |    0.21283 |    -0.41093 |     0.41270 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       715 |   119.3276 |    0.16689 |    0.23190 |   0.0024800 |      2.8666 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       715 |   15803.03 |     22.102 |     285.84 |     -640.86 |      633.63 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       715 |  -27160.28 |    -37.986 |     103.93 |     -207.71 |      203.94 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       715 |    6013794 |     8410.9 |     547.01 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       715 |    6629449 |     9272.0 |     12197. |      1.4400 |      55128. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       715 |   20425.63 |     28.567 |     2.0316 |      25.409 |      34.048 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       2504 |     500.80 |     324.78 |      0.0000 |      859.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       2479 |     495.80 |     307.46 |      0.0000 |      934.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2504 |1.866015e-05 | 7.4521e-09 | 2.8804e-07 | -4.9996e-07 |  4.9953e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2504 |-2.310503e-05 |-9.2272e-09 | 2.8452e-07 | -4.9964e-07 |  4.9888e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2504 |8.134158e-06 | 3.2485e-09 | 2.8433e-07 | -4.9996e-07 |  4.9933e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2504 |-2.179138e-05 |-8.7026e-09 | 5.7381e-07 | -9.9990e-07 |  9.9948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2504 |8.790129e-05 | 3.5104e-08 | 2.9233e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2504 |-0.0003653707 |-1.4591e-07 | 2.9020e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2504 |-0.001627886 |-6.5011e-07 | 2.9250e-05 | -4.9953e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2504 | 0.02724458 | 1.0880e-05 |  0.0029052 |  -0.0049998 |   0.0049878 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2504 |0.0001098658 | 4.3876e-08 | 2.8550e-06 | -4.9973e-06 |  4.9996e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2504 |  -871.7253 |   -0.34813 |     9.3463 |     -75.031 |      105.67 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2504 |  -155.5447 |  -0.062118 |     4.2061 |     -46.440 |      56.123 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2504 |   18008.68 |     7.1920 |     6.8407 |     -10.881 |      10.872 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2504 |    675.121 |    0.26962 |    0.33884 |  0.00014212 |      9.5720 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2504 |   104368.2 |     41.681 |     1343.0 |     -3105.0 |      3136.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2504 |   29206.93 |     11.664 |     677.29 |     -2330.4 |      2340.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2504 |2.162708e+07 |     8637.0 |     555.67 |      7849.2 |      9414.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2504 |    8123688 |     3244.3 |     4666.4 |      1.4478 |      33905. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2504 |   86291.53 |     34.461 |     13.894 |      26.058 |      157.12 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2504 |  -871.7253 |   -0.34813 |     9.3463 |     -75.031 |      105.67 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2504 |  -155.5446 |  -0.062118 |     4.2061 |     -46.440 |      56.123 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2504 |   18008.68 |     7.1920 |     6.8407 |     -10.881 |      10.872 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2504 |   675.1211 |    0.26962 |    0.33884 |  0.00014200 |      9.5720 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2504 |   104368.2 |     41.681 |     1343.0 |     -3105.0 |      3136.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2504 |   29206.93 |     11.664 |     677.29 |     -2330.4 |      2340.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2504 |2.162708e+07 |     8637.0 |     555.67 |      7849.2 |      9414.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2504 |    8123688 |     3244.3 |     4666.4 |      1.4500 |      33905. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2504 |   86291.53 |     34.461 |     13.894 |      26.058 |      157.12 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2479 |9.991786e-06 | 4.0306e-09 | 2.8449e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9966e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2479 |2.965107e-06 | 1.1961e-09 | 2.9289e-07 | -4.9996e-07 |  4.9878e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2479 |-5.420214e-06 |-2.1865e-09 | 2.8624e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2479 |-1.557517e-05 |-6.2828e-09 | 5.8033e-07 | -9.9945e-07 |  9.9974e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2479 |-2.794664e-05 |-1.1273e-08 | 2.8336e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2479 |0.0002057735 | 8.3007e-08 | 2.9187e-05 | -4.9846e-05 |  4.9882e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2479 |0.002432891 | 9.8140e-07 | 2.9147e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2479 |0.003016285 | 1.2167e-06 |  0.0028632 |  -0.0049965 |   0.0049995 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2479 |-0.0001157989 |-4.6712e-08 | 2.8660e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9984e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2479 |  -1505.143 |   -0.60716 |     8.5508 |     -144.76 |      100.62 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2479 |   291.8381 |    0.11772 |     8.6582 |     -87.539 |      180.43 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2479 |   15584.51 |     6.2866 |     7.5998 |     -11.027 |      11.380 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2479 |   776.7333 |    0.31333 |    0.43315 |  0.00014687 |      7.4568 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2479 |  -423021.8 |    -170.64 |     1264.6 |     -3055.1 |      3058.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2479 |  -193560.4 |    -78.080 |     804.09 |     -2390.6 |      2391.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2479 |2.147644e+07 |     8663.3 |     554.06 |      7849.0 |      9415.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2479 |    7063793 |     2849.5 |     4357.6 |      1.4227 |      33891. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2479 |   82579.95 |     33.312 |     10.099 |      26.056 |      146.37 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2479 |  -1505.143 |   -0.60716 |     8.5508 |     -144.76 |      100.62 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2479 |   291.8381 |    0.11772 |     8.6582 |     -87.539 |      180.43 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2479 |   15584.51 |     6.2866 |     7.5998 |     -11.027 |      11.380 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2479 |   776.7333 |    0.31333 |    0.43315 |  0.00014600 |      7.4568 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2479 |  -423021.8 |    -170.64 |     1264.6 |     -3055.1 |      3058.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2479 |  -193560.4 |    -78.080 |     804.09 |     -2390.6 |      2391.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2479 |2.147644e+07 |     8663.3 |     554.06 |      7849.0 |      9415.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2479 |    7063793 |     2849.5 |     4357.6 |      1.4200 |      33891. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2479 |   82579.95 |     33.312 |     10.099 |      26.056 |      146.37 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8274 |     1654.8 |     1149.2 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       6411 |     1282.2 |     723.94 |      0.0000 |      2242.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8272 |     1654.4 |     1149.3 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       6411 |     1282.2 |     723.94 |      0.0000 |      2242.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        457 |     91.400 |     52.614 |      0.0000 |      157.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        454 |     90.800 |     54.345 |      0.0000 |      164.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        367 |     73.400 |     41.205 |      0.0000 |      119.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        383 |     76.600 |     46.254 |      0.0000 |      139.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8274 |-0.004384758 |-5.2994e-07 | 4.9460e-05 |  -0.0044978 |  0.00011303 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      8274 |-0.001783331 |-2.1553e-07 | 2.8753e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      8274 |0.0006652837 | 8.0407e-08 | 2.8938e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      8274 |0.001761251 | 2.1287e-07 | 2.8782e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9925e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8274 |0.0001557698 | 1.8826e-08 | 2.8744e-06 | -4.9971e-06 |  4.9998e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8274 |   2165.546 |    0.26173 |     15.546 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      8274 |    2446334 |     295.67 |     2912.6 |     -4150.2 |      4151.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      8274 |  -395176.1 |    -47.761 |     884.92 |     -1391.7 |      1391.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      8274 |5.475904e+07 |     6618.2 |     4629.9 |      1330.5 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8274 |   268910.1 |     32.501 |     23.142 |      6.9217 |      162.95 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8274 |    2165.55 |    0.26173 |     15.546 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      8274 |    2446334 |     295.67 |     2912.6 |     -4150.2 |      4151.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      8274 |  -395176.1 |    -47.761 |     884.92 |     -1391.7 |      1391.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      8274 |5.475904e+07 |     6618.2 |     4629.9 |      1330.5 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8274 |   268910.1 |     32.501 |     23.142 |      6.9216 |      162.95 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6411 |-4.448525e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      6411 |0.001902806 | 2.9680e-07 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      6411 |0.0005357815 | 8.3572e-08 | 2.8919e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      6411 |0.001902976 | 2.9683e-07 | 2.8901e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6411 |-2.081285e-05 |-3.2464e-09 | 2.8844e-06 | -4.9954e-06 |  4.9997e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6411 |     128.22 |   0.020000 | 4.1697e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      6411 |   -1533611 |    -239.22 |     2907.1 |     -4150.4 |      4150.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      6411 |     274019 |     42.742 |     900.52 |     -1391.4 |      1390.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      6411 |4.120409e+07 |     6427.1 |     4601.0 |      1330.7 |      11095. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      6411 |   215216.9 |     33.570 |     23.746 |      6.7691 |      119.04 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6411 |     128.22 |   0.020000 | 4.1697e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      6411 |   -1533611 |    -239.22 |     2907.1 |     -4150.4 |      4150.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      6411 |     274019 |     42.742 |     900.52 |     -1391.4 |      1390.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      6411 |4.120409e+07 |     6427.1 |     4601.0 |      1330.7 |      11095. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6411 |   215216.9 |     33.570 |     23.746 |      6.7691 |      119.04 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      8272 | 0.00216011 | 2.6114e-07 | 2.8875e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      8272 |-0.0003656269 |-4.4201e-08 | 2.8899e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      8272 |-0.003680264 |-4.4491e-07 | 2.8701e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8272 |-2.055458e-10 |-2.4848e-14 | 5.8223e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8272 |-0.003253667 |-3.9333e-07 | 2.8732e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8272 |0.0003051187 | 3.6886e-08 | 2.8952e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9956e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8272 |0.001047541 | 1.2664e-07 | 2.8876e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8272 |   26111.63 |     3.1566 |     1.8296 |  0.00045807 |      6.2831 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8272 |   4620.477 |    0.55857 |    0.54188 |    0.011688 |      2.9416 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      8272 |    2616686 |     316.33 |     2174.5 |     -4028.4 |      4068.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      8272 |    -184504 |    -22.305 |     593.64 |     -1399.9 |      1427.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      8272 |5.340874e+07 |     6456.6 |     4593.0 |      990.05 |      11823. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8272 | 0.03582231 | 4.3305e-06 | 1.1145e-06 |  1.7545e-06 |  6.8808e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8272 |    2373200 |     286.90 |     2847.2 |     -4077.7 |      4078.5 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8272 |  -355332.5 |    -42.956 |     824.78 |     -1316.9 |      1313.9 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8272 |5.432774e+07 |     6567.7 |     4626.2 |      1260.1 |      11072. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8272 |   26111.63 |     3.1566 |     1.8296 |  0.00045807 |      6.2831 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8272 |   4620.477 |    0.55857 |    0.54188 |    0.011688 |      2.9416 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      8272 |    2616686 |     316.33 |     2174.5 |     -4028.4 |      4068.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      8272 |    -184504 |    -22.305 |     593.64 |     -1399.9 |      1427.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      8272 |5.340874e+07 |     6456.6 |     4593.0 |      990.05 |      11823. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8272 | 0.03582231 | 4.3305e-06 | 1.1145e-06 |  1.7545e-06 |  6.8808e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8272 |    2373200 |     286.90 |     2847.2 |     -4077.7 |      4078.5 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8272 |  -355332.5 |    -42.956 |     824.78 |     -1316.9 |      1313.9 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8272 |5.432774e+07 |     6567.7 |     4626.2 |      1260.1 |      11072. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8272 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      6411 |-0.004519131 |-7.0490e-07 | 2.8994e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9970e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      6411 |-0.001763873 |-2.7513e-07 | 2.8757e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      6411 |-0.003608817 |-5.6291e-07 | 2.8698e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6411 |-1.318767e-10 |-2.0570e-14 | 5.7829e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6411 |0.0001494064 | 2.3305e-08 | 2.9050e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6411 |-0.001518482 |-2.3686e-07 | 2.8860e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6411 | 0.00240932 | 3.7581e-07 | 2.8794e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9952e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6411 |   19762.19 |     3.0825 |     1.8322 |   0.0011560 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6411 |   3383.733 |    0.52780 |    0.64580 |   0.0041597 |      2.8821 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      6411 |  -802352.6 |    -125.15 |     1816.2 |     -4057.8 |      4001.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      6411 |   84188.11 |     13.132 |     515.06 |     -1410.1 |      1495.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      6411 |4.017533e+07 |     6266.6 |     4561.8 |      990.82 |      11788. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6411 | 0.02753595 | 4.2951e-06 | 1.0491e-06 |  1.7526e-06 |  6.8073e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6411 |   -1499232 |    -233.85 |     2840.2 |     -4077.9 |      4077.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6411 |     242823 |     37.876 |     839.75 |     -1316.9 |      1284.9 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6411 |4.089082e+07 |     6378.2 |     4600.1 |      1260.1 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6411 |   19762.19 |     3.0825 |     1.8322 |   0.0011560 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6411 |   3383.733 |    0.52780 |    0.64580 |   0.0041597 |      2.8821 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      6411 |  -802352.6 |    -125.15 |     1816.2 |     -4057.8 |      4001.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      6411 |   84188.11 |     13.132 |     515.06 |     -1410.1 |      1495.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      6411 |4.017533e+07 |     6266.6 |     4561.8 |      990.82 |      11788. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6411 | 0.02753595 | 4.2951e-06 | 1.0491e-06 |  1.7526e-06 |  6.8073e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6411 |   -1499232 |    -233.85 |     2840.2 |     -4077.9 |      4077.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6411 |     242823 |     37.876 |     839.75 |     -1316.9 |      1284.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6411 |4.089082e+07 |     6378.2 |     4600.1 |      1260.1 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6411 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       457 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       454 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       4588 |     917.60 |     576.91 |      0.0000 |      1571.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       4777 |     955.40 |     563.70 |      0.0000 |      1719.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4588 |-0.003410155 |-7.4328e-07 | 2.8821e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9957e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4588 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4588 |   2787.946 |    0.60766 |     2.1056 |  6.5775e-06 |      68.989 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4588 |       7086 |     1.5445 |     1.7007 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4588 |    2787.95 |    0.60766 |     2.1056 |      0.0000 |      68.989 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4588 |       7086 |     1.5445 |     1.7007 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4777 |-0.001136327 |-2.3787e-07 | 2.8981e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4777 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4777 |   2755.639 |    0.57686 |     1.7800 |  6.4157e-07 |      41.600 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4777 |       7353 |     1.5393 |     1.6984 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4777 |    2755.64 |    0.57686 |     1.7800 |      0.0000 |      41.600 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4777 |       7353 |     1.5393 |     1.6984 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       6787 |     1357.4 |     890.73 |      0.0000 |      2375.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       7023 |     1404.6 |     960.00 |      0.0000 |      2958.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6787 |-0.001234686 |-1.8192e-07 | 2.8869e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6787 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6787 |   6689.311 |    0.98561 |     3.6237 |  2.5312e-07 |      85.020 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6787 |      10508 |     1.5483 |     1.7646 |     -1.0000 |      21.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6787 |   6689.312 |    0.98561 |     3.6237 |      0.0000 |      85.020 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6787 |      10508 |     1.5483 |     1.7646 |     -1.0000 |      21.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7023 |-0.00289795 |-4.1264e-07 | 2.8807e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7023 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7023 |   6939.479 |    0.98811 |     3.6088 |  3.4127e-07 |      75.210 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      7023 |      10810 |     1.5392 |     1.6977 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7023 |   6939.482 |    0.98811 |     3.6088 |      0.0000 |      75.210 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7023 |      10810 |     1.5392 |     1.6977 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8108 |     1621.6 |     1076.7 |      0.0000 |      2951.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       7808 |     1561.6 |     1018.8 |      0.0000 |      3109.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8108 |0.001300007 | 1.6034e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8108 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8108 |     102861 |     12.686 |     56.424 |  2.5105e-05 |      1818.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8108 |       1191 |    0.14689 |    0.41256 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8108 |     102861 |     12.686 |     56.424 |      0.0000 |      1818.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8108 |       1191 |    0.14689 |    0.41256 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7808 |4.71544e-05 | 6.0392e-09 | 2.8815e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7808 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7808 |     102865 |     13.174 |     57.121 |  5.7387e-05 |      1741.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      7808 |       1097 |    0.14050 |    0.40534 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7808 |     102865 |     13.174 |     57.121 |  0.00010000 |      1741.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7808 |       1097 |    0.14050 |    0.40534 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1033 |     206.60 |     138.17 |      0.0000 |      382.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1075 |     215.00 |     129.88 |      0.0000 |      356.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1033 |0.0009824561 | 9.5107e-07 | 2.9307e-05 | -4.9789e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1033 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1033 |    7936.29 |     7.6828 |     20.215 |  0.00028731 |      293.01 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1033 |        151 |    0.14618 |    0.47076 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1033 |   7936.289 |     7.6828 |     20.215 |  0.00030000 |      293.01 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1033 |        151 |    0.14618 |    0.47076 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1075 |0.001272809 | 1.1840e-06 | 2.8034e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9951e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1075 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1075 |   11109.26 |     10.334 |     33.845 |  0.00012226 |      656.97 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1075 |        237 |    0.22047 |    0.57446 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1075 |   11109.26 |     10.334 |     33.845 |  0.00010000 |      656.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1075 |        237 |    0.22047 |    0.57446 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1016 |     203.20 |     123.17 |      0.0000 |      331.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1223 |     244.60 |     158.24 |      0.0000 |      468.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |3.823167e-06 | 3.7630e-09 | 2.9395e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9807e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |1.125276e-05 | 1.1076e-08 | 2.8421e-07 | -4.9850e-07 |  4.9982e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |7.392943e-06 | 7.2765e-09 | 2.9006e-07 | -4.9800e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1016 |-1.06688e-05 |-1.0501e-08 | 5.9306e-07 | -9.9976e-07 |  9.9581e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |-0.0007431929 |-7.3149e-07 | 2.8779e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |0.002090656 | 2.0577e-06 | 2.9420e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9838e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |-0.0004411492 |-4.3420e-07 | 2.9320e-05 | -4.9895e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 | -0.0221502 |-2.1801e-05 |  0.0028809 |  -0.0049817 |   0.0049886 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1016 |-2.644758e-05 |-2.6031e-08 | 2.9599e-06 | -4.9753e-06 |  4.9994e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |   181.9656 |    0.17910 |     7.0523 |     -77.070 |      151.19 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |   24.62691 |   0.024239 |     6.7964 |     -94.464 |      141.83 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |   3790.826 |     3.7311 |     2.7625 |     -5.1079 |      5.3363 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1016 |   2.302541 |  0.0022663 |  0.0041434 |  8.4422e-06 |    0.049447 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |   40884.82 |     40.241 |     1495.2 |     -4785.4 |      3813.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |   10208.32 |     10.048 |     856.91 |     -3375.2 |      3130.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |1.275443e+07 |     12554. |     1308.7 |      11952. |      18941. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 |    2059732 |     2027.3 |     4344.9 |      1.4449 |      39247. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1016 |   44376.29 |     43.677 |     6.4245 |      39.722 |      112.62 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |   181.9656 |    0.17910 |     7.0523 |     -77.070 |      151.19 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |    24.6269 |   0.024239 |     6.7964 |     -94.464 |      141.83 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |   3790.826 |     3.7311 |     2.7625 |     -5.1079 |      5.3363 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1016 |   2.302552 |  0.0022663 |  0.0041434 |  8.0000e-06 |    0.049448 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |   40884.82 |     40.241 |     1495.2 |     -4785.4 |      3813.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |   10208.31 |     10.048 |     856.91 |     -3375.2 |      3130.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |1.275443e+07 |     12554. |     1308.7 |      11952. |      18941. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 |    2059732 |     2027.3 |     4344.9 |      1.4400 |      39247. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1016 |   44376.29 |     43.677 |     6.4245 |      39.722 |      112.62 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1223 |3.995368e-06 | 3.2669e-09 | 2.9529e-07 | -4.9964e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1223 |-4.754179e-06 |-3.8873e-09 | 2.8678e-07 | -4.9979e-07 |  5.0000e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1223 |-1.959815e-07 |-1.6025e-10 | 2.9021e-07 | -4.9962e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1223 |2.919644e-06 | 2.3873e-09 | 5.8541e-07 | -9.9935e-07 |  9.9960e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1223 |-0.000454797 |-3.7187e-07 | 2.8704e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1223 |-0.0007764895 |-6.3491e-07 | 2.8802e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9902e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1223 |0.001039486 | 8.4995e-07 | 2.8572e-05 | -4.9923e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1223 |  0.2043487 | 0.00016709 |  0.0028794 |  -0.0049912 |   0.0049915 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1223 |-0.0001194201 |-9.7645e-08 | 2.8841e-06 | -4.9902e-06 |  4.9865e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1223 |   -119.832 |  -0.097982 |     4.1199 |     -55.412 |      40.789 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1223 |   174.2082 |    0.14244 |     6.1552 |     -81.493 |      136.84 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1223 |   4983.027 |     4.0744 |     2.2601 |     -5.2935 |      5.2579 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1223 |   2.448841 |  0.0020023 |  0.0032913 |  2.1714e-06 |    0.068658 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1223 |  -224348.6 |    -183.44 |     1216.7 |     -3842.8 |      4753.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1223 |   94003.95 |     76.863 |     861.14 |     -4076.0 |      3470.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1223 |1.574475e+07 |     12874. |     1337.4 |      11952. |      18734. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1223 |    1921636 |     1571.2 |     3913.1 |      1.4230 |      35344. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1223 |   54272.57 |     44.377 |     5.4380 |      39.780 |      81.039 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1223 |   -119.832 |  -0.097982 |     4.1199 |     -55.412 |      40.789 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1223 |   174.2082 |    0.14244 |     6.1552 |     -81.493 |      136.84 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1223 |   4983.027 |     4.0744 |     2.2601 |     -5.2935 |      5.2579 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1223 |   2.448838 |  0.0020023 |  0.0032913 |  2.0000e-06 |    0.068658 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1223 |  -224348.6 |    -183.44 |     1216.7 |     -3842.8 |      4753.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1223 |   94003.96 |     76.863 |     861.14 |     -4076.0 |      3470.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1223 |1.574475e+07 |     12874. |     1337.4 |      11952. |      18734. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1223 |    1921636 |     1571.2 |     3913.1 |      1.4200 |      35344. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1223 |   54272.57 |     44.377 |     5.4380 |      39.780 |      81.039 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 5 events processed
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  848.40 +-13.03 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  822.80 +-12.83 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  564.20 +-10.62 ( 66.50 +-0.72%) Rich2 =  272.80 +- 7.39 ( 33.16 +-0.73%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   22.20 +- 2.11 (  2.62 +-0.25%) Rich2 =   28.60 +- 2.39 (  3.48 +-0.29%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  235.40 +- 6.86 ( 27.75 +-0.69%) Rich2 =  339.80 +- 8.24 ( 41.30 +-0.77%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 1265.80 +-15.91 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  718.80 +-11.99 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  426.00 +- 9.23 ( 33.65 +-0.59%) Rich2 =  240.00 +- 6.93 ( 33.39 +-0.79%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   20.20 +- 2.01 (  1.60 +-0.16%) Rich2 =   16.80 +- 1.83 (  2.34 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  800.40 +-12.65 ( 63.23 +-0.61%) Rich2 =  216.40 +- 6.58 ( 30.11 +-0.77%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  169.80 +- 5.83 ( 20.64 +-0.63%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   80.20 +- 4.00 (  9.45 +-0.45%) Rich2 =   98.20 +- 4.43 ( 11.93 +-0.51%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   62.40 +- 3.53 (  7.36 +-0.40%) Rich2 =   81.40 +- 4.03 (  9.89 +-0.47%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  233.60 +- 6.84 ( 32.50 +-0.78%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  249.00 +- 7.06 ( 19.67 +-0.50%) Rich2 =   57.20 +- 3.38 (  7.96 +-0.45%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  203.40 +- 6.38 ( 16.07 +-0.46%) Rich2 =   45.60 +- 3.02 (  6.34 +-0.41%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   30.60 +- 2.47 (  3.61 +-0.29%) Rich2 =   32.00 +- 2.53 (  3.89 +-0.30%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   78.00 +- 3.95 (  6.16 +-0.30%) Rich2 =   23.20 +- 2.15 (  3.23 +-0.29%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.03 +-0.02%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  564.20 +-10.62 ( 66.50 +-0.72%) Rich2Gas =  272.80 +- 7.39 ( 33.16 +-0.73%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  426.00 +- 9.23 ( 33.65 +-0.59%) Rich2Gas =  240.00 +- 6.93 ( 33.39 +-0.79%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -1619,98 +1621,96 @@ GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   590.80 +- 10.87 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   454.20 +-  9.53 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    50.80 +-  3.19 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   575.20 +- 10.73 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     0.20 +-  0.20 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    32.80 +-  2.56 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    57.80 +-  3.40 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     6.00 +-  1.10 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     6.20 +-  1.11 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     0.20 +-  0.20 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   445.00 +-  9.43 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   485.40 +-  9.85 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    37.00 +-  2.72 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  1016.80 +- 14.26 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    23.80 +-  2.18 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    64.20 +-  3.58 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     5.40 +-  1.04 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     4.60 +-  0.96 / event
 GetRichTracksPrevPrev      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3865 |     773.00 |     491.89 |      0.0000 |      1492.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3987 |     797.40 |     497.26 |      0.0000 |      1518.0 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        152 |     30.400 |     19.520 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        164 |     32.800 |     17.971 |      0.0000 |      53.000 |
 MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1614 |     322.80 |     261.40 |      0.0000 |      799.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1512 |     302.40 |     183.99 |      0.0000 |      563.00 |
 MCITHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        987 |     197.40 |     119.89 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1016 |     203.20 |     145.33 |      0.0000 |      411.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3105 |     621.00 |     390.36 |      0.0000 |      1188.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3396 |     679.20 |     397.69 |      0.0000 |      1109.0 |
 MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1291 |     258.20 |     142.55 |      0.0000 |      428.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1289 |     257.80 |     130.52 |      0.0000 |      361.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8502 |     1700.4 |     878.57 |      0.0000 |      2523.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9269 |     1853.8 |     935.10 |      0.0000 |      2500.0 |
 MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       5335 |     1067.0 |     586.37 |      0.0000 |      1763.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       5774 |     1154.8 |     578.46 |      0.0000 |      1503.0 |
 MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9519 |     1903.8 |     1053.5 |      0.0000 |      3100.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |      10716 |     2143.2 |     1090.1 |      0.0000 |      3022.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1364 |     272.80 |     158.06 |      0.0000 |      490.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1470 |     294.00 |     167.59 |      0.0000 |      521.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8356 |     1671.2 |     1076.5 |      0.0000 |      2922.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9923 |     1984.6 |     2081.2 |      0.0000 |      6012.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerPre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8356 |     1671.2 |     1076.5 |      0.0000 |      2922.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9921 |     1984.2 |     2081.3 |      0.0000 |      6012.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerPr...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        515 |     103.00 |     58.917 |      0.0000 |      182.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        490 |     98.000 |     62.421 |      0.0000 |      189.00 |
 MCRichTrackPackerPrev...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        423 |     84.600 |     46.362 |      0.0000 |      142.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        418 |     83.600 |     51.763 |      0.0000 |      158.00 |
 VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       773+/-219.978
-VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 30.4+/-8.72972
+VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       797.4+/-222.381
+VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 32.8+/-8.03691
 VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 322.8
-TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1010.84
-TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.157275
-TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0583134
+TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 302.4
+TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 893.924
+TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.15285
+TTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0564962
 TTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        93 |         93 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1614 |    1631499 |     1010.8 |     3844.1 |    0.043867 |      49578. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1614 |     322.80 |     261.40 |      0.0000 |      799.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       195 |        195 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1512 |    1351613 |     893.92 |     3743.0 |   0.0085423 |      56188. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1512 |     302.40 |     183.99 |      0.0000 |      563.00 |
 ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 197.4
-ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2757.46
-ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.111513
-ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.046098
+ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 203.2
+ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2802.68
+ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.121455
+ITHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0448747
 ITHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        53 |         53 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       987 |    2721609 |     2757.5 |     6713.2 |     0.40855 |      39543. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |        987 |     197.40 |     119.89 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        25 |         25 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1016 |    2847519 |     2802.7 |     8136.3 |   0.0043964 |      54052. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1016 |     203.20 |     145.33 |      0.0000 |      411.00 |
 OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 621
-OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1585.11
-OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.200023
-OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0760134
+OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 679.2
+OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1870.39
+OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.196798
+OTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0733459
 OTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       218 |        218 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      3105 |    4921755 |     1585.1 |     5334.3 |   0.0031737 |      49578. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       3105 |     621.00 |     390.36 |      0.0000 |      1188.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       276 |        276 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      3396 |    6351830 |     1870.4 |     5675.2 |   0.0033111 |      56188. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       3396 |     679.20 |     397.69 |      0.0000 |      1109.0 |
 SpdMonitorPrevPrev      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorPrevPrev      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorPrevPrev     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -1719,398 +1719,400 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 31.200  1.400  2.800  2.600  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 54.800  2.000  0.600  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 53.200  1.800  2.200  0.800  0.800   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 43.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 38.800  48.200  0.000  0.000  0.200   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 51.600  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 52.600  3.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 43.600  1.600  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 182.200  10.200  5.600  4.400  0.800   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 186.600  57.800  0.000  0.000  0.200   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
+CompareMCVertexPrevPrev SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+CompareMCVertexPrevPrev SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3        Message = 'Packed MCVertex info truncated. Set DEBUG OutputLevel for details'
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        152 |     30.400 |     19.520 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        164 |     32.800 |     17.971 |      0.0000 |      53.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       152 |2.220619e-06 | 1.4609e-08 | 2.8225e-07 | -4.7555e-07 |  4.9548e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       152 |5.301132e-06 | 3.4876e-08 | 2.9885e-07 | -4.8917e-07 |  4.9626e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       152 |-1.491532e-06 |-9.8127e-09 | 2.8677e-07 | -4.9875e-07 |  4.9084e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       152 |-7.682243e-07 |-5.0541e-09 | 5.8464e-07 | -9.9985e-07 |  9.9909e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       152 |8.01504e-05 | 5.2731e-07 | 2.7561e-05 | -4.9688e-05 |  4.9857e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       152 |3.941647e-05 | 2.5932e-07 | 2.9970e-05 | -4.9816e-05 |  4.9631e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       152 |2.570042e-05 | 1.6908e-07 | 3.0158e-05 | -4.9698e-05 |  4.9835e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       152 | 0.01953215 | 0.00012850 |  0.0027220 |  -0.0049882 |   0.0048730 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       152 |-1.319573e-05 |-8.6814e-08 | 2.9073e-06 | -4.9639e-06 |  4.9674e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       152 | -0.2369228 | -0.0015587 |    0.12706 |    -0.89054 |     0.82184 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       152 |  -2.809161 |  -0.018481 |   0.074113 |    -0.46108 |     0.22626 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       152 |  -44.39191 |   -0.29205 |   0.057311 |    -0.30470 |     0.29704 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       152 |   28.20128 |    0.18553 |    0.47951 |   0.0079938 |      4.4151 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       152 |   202.8988 |     1.3349 |     14.809 |     -33.743 |      44.477 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       152 |  -869.5635 |    -5.7208 |     15.713 |     -42.525 |      38.956 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       152 |  -40601.13 |    -267.11 |     41.314 |     -315.85 |     -218.95 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       152 |   864723.1 |     5689.0 |     5636.5 |      2.5499 |      37171. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       152 |   122.0445 |    0.80292 |    0.21228 |     0.42067 |      1.2835 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       152 |  -0.236925 | -0.0015587 |    0.12706 |    -0.89054 |     0.82184 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       152 |  -2.809166 |  -0.018481 |   0.074113 |    -0.46108 |     0.22626 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       152 |   -44.3919 |   -0.29205 |   0.057311 |    -0.30470 |     0.29704 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       152 |   28.20128 |    0.18553 |    0.47951 |   0.0079940 |      4.4151 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       152 |   202.8987 |     1.3349 |     14.809 |     -33.743 |      44.477 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       152 |  -869.5635 |    -5.7208 |     15.713 |     -42.525 |      38.956 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       152 |  -40601.13 |    -267.11 |     41.314 |     -315.85 |     -218.95 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       152 |   864723.1 |     5689.0 |     5636.5 |      2.5500 |      37171. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       152 |   122.0445 |    0.80292 |    0.21228 |     0.42067 |      1.2835 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       164 |9.748396e-08 | 5.9441e-10 | 2.9805e-07 | -4.9727e-07 |  4.8776e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       164 |-9.402425e-07 |-5.7332e-09 | 2.8861e-07 | -4.9961e-07 |  4.9701e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       164 |1.658578e-06 | 1.0113e-08 | 2.9248e-07 | -4.9825e-07 |  4.9301e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       164 |-8.864376e-06 |-5.4051e-08 | 5.5637e-07 | -9.7866e-07 |  9.8245e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       164 |-0.0001279847 |-7.8039e-07 | 3.0123e-05 | -4.8829e-05 |  4.9688e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       164 |-1.117127e-05 |-6.8117e-08 | 2.8711e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       164 |2.895617e-05 | 1.7656e-07 | 2.7786e-05 | -4.9424e-05 |  4.9013e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       164 | 0.00960523 | 5.8568e-05 |  0.0028010 |  -0.0049496 |   0.0048161 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       164 |4.33035e-05 | 2.6405e-07 | 2.7978e-06 | -4.8448e-06 |  4.9383e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       164 |  0.3776451 |  0.0023027 |   0.026472 |   -0.044097 |     0.22848 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       164 |   -1.01998 | -0.0062194 |   0.029445 |   -0.067700 |     0.16429 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       164 |  -48.20564 |   -0.29394 |   0.031973 |    -0.30037 |   -0.043110 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       164 |   18.46686 |    0.11260 |   0.081599 |   0.0093952 |     0.70313 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       164 |   311.7053 |     1.9006 |     14.655 |     -34.443 |      44.591 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       164 |  -803.3525 |    -4.8985 |     17.552 |     -42.214 |      38.826 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       164 |  -44203.11 |    -269.53 |     41.744 |     -315.90 |     -218.94 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       164 |   915142.6 |     5580.1 |     5926.8 |      4.2386 |      37171. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       164 |   131.4497 |    0.80152 |    0.19756 |     0.42068 |      1.2029 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       164 |   0.377645 |  0.0023027 |   0.026472 |   -0.044097 |     0.22848 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       164 |  -1.019979 | -0.0062194 |   0.029445 |   -0.067700 |     0.16429 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       164 |  -48.20564 |   -0.29394 |   0.031973 |    -0.30037 |   -0.043110 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       164 |   18.46687 |    0.11260 |   0.081599 |   0.0093960 |     0.70313 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       164 |   311.7054 |     1.9006 |     14.655 |     -34.443 |      44.591 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       164 |  -803.3525 |    -4.8985 |     17.552 |     -42.214 |      38.825 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       164 |  -44203.11 |    -269.53 |     41.744 |     -315.90 |     -218.94 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       164 |   915142.6 |     5580.1 |     5926.8 |      4.2400 |      37171. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       164 |   131.4496 |    0.80152 |    0.19756 |     0.42068 |      1.2029 |
 UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3865 |     773.00 |     491.89 |      0.0000 |      1492.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3987 |     797.40 |     497.26 |      0.0000 |      1518.0 |
 CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3865 |-1.019315e-05 |-2.6373e-09 | 2.8446e-07 | -4.9981e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3865 |-3.47695e-05 |-8.9960e-09 | 2.9046e-07 | -4.9995e-07 |  4.9973e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3865 |-5.68376e-06 |-1.4706e-09 | 2.8780e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9981e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3865 |-1.305891e-05 |-3.3788e-09 | 5.7491e-07 | -9.9998e-07 |  9.9971e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3865 |-0.001144962 |-2.9624e-07 | 2.8916e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9975e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3865 |-0.001325072 |-3.4284e-07 | 2.8841e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3865 |-8.941295e-05 |-2.3134e-08 | 2.8895e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3865 | -0.2044533 |-5.2899e-05 |  0.0028864 |  -0.0049999 |   0.0049852 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3865 |-5.615582e-05 |-1.4529e-08 | 2.8969e-06 | -4.9998e-06 |  4.9994e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3865 |   16.91599 |  0.0043767 |   0.088176 |     -2.0401 |      1.7653 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3865 |  -1.507741 |-0.00039010 |    0.10759 |     -1.5963 |      2.8169 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3865 |   746.0691 |    0.19303 |    0.22309 |    -0.30331 |     0.30076 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3865 |   568.5965 |    0.14711 |    0.47716 |  0.00042023 |      18.903 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3865 |   4259.404 |     1.1020 |     15.367 |     -42.948 |      44.768 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3865 |   50.79707 |   0.013143 |     18.711 |     -44.198 |      43.900 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3865 |   728807.1 |     188.57 |     253.81 |     -175.80 |      751.16 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3865 |2.284553e+07 |     5910.9 |     11715. |      1.6948 |  1.3392e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3865 |   3565.849 |    0.92260 |    0.76107 |    0.033893 |      3.2151 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3865 |     16.916 |  0.0043767 |   0.088176 |     -2.0401 |      1.7653 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3865 |  -1.507706 |-0.00039009 |    0.10759 |     -1.5963 |      2.8169 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3865 |   746.0691 |    0.19303 |    0.22309 |    -0.30331 |     0.30076 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3865 |   568.5965 |    0.14711 |    0.47716 |  0.00042000 |      18.903 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3865 |   4259.405 |     1.1020 |     15.367 |     -42.948 |      44.768 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3865 |    50.7984 |   0.013143 |     18.711 |     -44.198 |      43.900 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3865 |   728807.1 |     188.57 |     253.81 |     -175.80 |      751.16 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3865 |2.284553e+07 |     5910.9 |     11715. |      1.6900 |  1.3392e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3865 |   3565.849 |    0.92260 |    0.76107 |    0.033890 |      3.2151 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3987 |2.508104e-05 | 6.2907e-09 | 2.8934e-07 | -4.9989e-07 |  4.9953e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3987 |1.492303e-05 | 3.7429e-09 | 2.8686e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3987 |-9.032408e-07 |-2.2655e-10 | 2.8767e-07 | -4.9939e-07 |  4.9973e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3987 |1.090423e-06 | 2.7349e-10 | 5.8246e-07 | -9.9979e-07 |  9.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3987 |-0.0004173219 |-1.0467e-07 | 2.9060e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3987 |7.940718e-05 | 1.9917e-08 | 2.8895e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3987 |-0.003436948 |-8.6204e-07 | 2.8708e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9926e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3987 | -0.4509799 |-0.00011311 |  0.0028304 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049981 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3987 |-7.054412e-08 |-1.7694e-11 | 2.9127e-06 | -4.9985e-06 |  4.9953e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3987 |   18.10611 |  0.0045413 |   0.096211 |     -1.9922 |      2.1535 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3987 |   1.543515 | 0.00038714 |    0.14385 |     -1.5553 |      5.6827 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3987 |   743.3256 |    0.18644 |    0.22780 |    -0.30538 |     0.30129 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3987 |   593.8681 |    0.14895 |    0.41859 |  0.00050778 |      11.025 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3987 |   9961.317 |     2.4984 |     15.553 |     -41.509 |      44.462 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3987 |  -651.4004 |   -0.16338 |     17.709 |     -43.878 |      43.603 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3987 |   822943.3 |     206.41 |     266.28 |     -175.99 |      751.01 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3987 |2.315742e+07 |     5808.2 |     11566. |      1.6860 |  1.3392e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3987 |   3897.274 |    0.97750 |    0.79361 |    0.033885 |      3.9918 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3987 |   18.10609 |  0.0045413 |   0.096211 |     -1.9922 |      2.1535 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3987 |     1.5435 | 0.00038713 |    0.14385 |     -1.5553 |      5.6827 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3987 |   743.3256 |    0.18644 |    0.22780 |    -0.30538 |     0.30129 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3987 |   593.8681 |    0.14895 |    0.41859 |  0.00050800 |      11.025 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3987 |   9961.318 |     2.4984 |     15.553 |     -41.509 |      44.462 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3987 |  -651.4005 |   -0.16338 |     17.709 |     -43.878 |      43.603 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3987 |   822943.3 |     206.41 |     266.28 |     -175.99 |      751.01 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3987 |2.315742e+07 |     5808.2 |     11566. |      1.6900 |  1.3392e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3987 |   3897.274 |    0.97750 |    0.79361 |    0.033880 |      3.9918 |
 UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1614 |     322.80 |     261.40 |      0.0000 |      799.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1512 |     302.40 |     183.99 |      0.0000 |      563.00 |
 CheckTTHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1614 |9.111636e-06 | 5.6454e-09 | 2.9187e-07 | -4.9937e-07 |  4.9962e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1614 |1.450373e-05 | 8.9862e-09 | 2.9405e-07 | -4.9920e-07 |  4.9947e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1614 |4.620681e-06 | 2.8629e-09 | 1.0267e-07 | -4.9462e-07 |  4.9462e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1614 |4.483409e-05 | 2.7778e-08 | 5.7999e-07 | -9.9828e-07 |  9.9993e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1614 |-0.0004690713 |-2.9063e-07 | 2.8690e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1614 |-0.001167088 |-7.2310e-07 | 2.8753e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9886e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1614 |0.001186138 | 7.3491e-07 | 7.6620e-06 | -4.9719e-05 |  4.8941e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1614 |  0.1570812 | 9.7324e-05 |  0.0028857 |  -0.0049934 |   0.0049860 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1614 |-7.568729e-05 |-4.6894e-08 | 2.8510e-06 | -4.9974e-06 |  4.9879e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1614 |  -5.797905 | -0.0035923 |    0.51661 |     -8.1763 |      4.1167 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1614 |  -20.50209 |  -0.012703 |    0.25053 |     -3.7412 |      1.8149 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1614 |   498.0951 |    0.30861 |    0.35871 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1614 |   466.6901 |    0.28915 |    0.56772 |   0.0010861 |      13.107 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1614 |   25489.37 |     15.793 |     315.74 |     -767.31 |      794.42 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1614 |  -17868.09 |    -11.071 |     262.55 |     -661.96 |      677.15 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1614 |    4027861 |     2495.6 |     136.19 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1614 |    4936878 |     3058.8 |     8045.4 |      1.4351 |      85531. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1614 |   17641.97 |     10.931 |     4.7941 |      7.6254 |      40.866 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1614 |  -5.797914 | -0.0035923 |    0.51661 |     -8.1763 |      4.1167 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1614 |   -20.5021 |  -0.012703 |    0.25053 |     -3.7412 |      1.8149 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1614 |   498.0951 |    0.30861 |    0.35871 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1614 |   466.6901 |    0.28915 |    0.56772 |   0.0010860 |      13.107 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1614 |   25489.38 |     15.793 |     315.74 |     -767.31 |      794.42 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1614 |  -17868.09 |    -11.071 |     262.55 |     -661.96 |      677.15 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1614 |    4027861 |     2495.6 |     136.19 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1614 |    4936878 |     3058.8 |     8045.4 |      1.4400 |      85531. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1614 |   17641.97 |     10.931 |     4.7941 |      7.6254 |      40.866 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1512 |-7.010158e-06 |-4.6363e-09 | 2.8622e-07 | -4.9978e-07 |  4.9985e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1512 |6.250834e-06 | 4.1341e-09 | 2.8848e-07 | -4.9916e-07 |  4.9960e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1512 |2.073134e-06 | 1.3711e-09 | 1.1055e-07 | -4.9851e-07 |  4.9851e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1512 |3.527187e-05 | 2.3328e-08 | 5.7806e-07 | -9.9791e-07 |  9.9939e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1512 |0.001277905 | 8.4518e-07 | 2.8641e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9951e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1512 |0.0003819377 | 2.5260e-07 | 2.8587e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9763e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1512 |-0.0006559209 |-4.3381e-07 | 8.7492e-06 | -4.9358e-05 |  4.9413e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1512 |  0.1754891 | 0.00011606 |  0.0028625 |  -0.0049713 |   0.0049960 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1512 |-4.451538e-05 |-2.9441e-08 | 2.8629e-06 | -4.9968e-06 |  4.9915e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1512 |   41.32439 |   0.027331 |    0.77294 |     -18.739 |      8.6860 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1512 |   44.29979 |   0.029299 |    0.83301 |     -8.6126 |      27.182 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1512 |    463.681 |    0.30667 |    0.35935 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1512 |   456.2784 |    0.30177 |    0.64504 |  0.00020222 |      12.938 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1512 |  -5558.563 |    -3.6763 |     294.21 |     -813.00 |      771.47 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1512 |   1353.435 |    0.89513 |     252.15 |     -664.53 |      661.98 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1512 |    3771724 |     2494.5 |     136.03 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1512 |    4656740 |     3079.9 |     8316.4 |      1.4220 |      85533. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1512 |    16281.3 |     10.768 |     4.3679 |      7.6322 |      36.828 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1512 |    41.3244 |   0.027331 |    0.77294 |     -18.739 |      8.6860 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1512 |   44.29978 |   0.029299 |    0.83301 |     -8.6126 |      27.182 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1512 |    463.681 |    0.30667 |    0.35935 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1512 |   456.2783 |    0.30177 |    0.64504 |  0.00020200 |      12.938 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1512 |  -5558.564 |    -3.6763 |     294.21 |     -813.00 |      771.47 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1512 |   1353.434 |    0.89513 |     252.15 |     -664.53 |      661.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1512 |    3771724 |     2494.5 |     136.03 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1512 |    4656740 |     3079.9 |     8316.4 |      1.4200 |      85533. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1512 |    16281.3 |     10.768 |     4.3679 |      7.6322 |      36.828 |
 UnpackITHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        987 |     197.40 |     119.89 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1016 |     203.20 |     145.33 |      0.0000 |      411.00 |
 CheckITHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       987 |2.175918e-06 | 2.2046e-09 | 2.9147e-07 | -4.9692e-07 |  4.9929e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       987 |5.590026e-06 | 5.6637e-09 | 2.9107e-07 | -4.9882e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       987 |1.059229e-05 | 1.0732e-08 | 2.9399e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       987 |-1.493372e-05 |-1.5130e-08 | 5.8312e-07 | -9.9946e-07 |  9.9853e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       987 |0.0005000738 | 5.0666e-07 | 2.8863e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       987 |0.001466554 | 1.4859e-06 | 2.9022e-05 | -4.9969e-05 |  4.9870e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       987 |0.000540334 | 5.4745e-07 | 2.8932e-05 | -4.9806e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       987 | 0.02094339 | 2.1219e-05 |  0.0029287 |  -0.0049726 |   0.0049978 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       987 |-9.775351e-05 |-9.9041e-08 | 2.9289e-06 | -4.9975e-06 |  4.9516e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       987 |  -8.397592 | -0.0085082 |    0.25979 |     -3.9066 |      1.9692 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       987 |  -1.047009 | -0.0010608 |    0.10843 |     -1.2608 |     0.63101 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       987 |   300.4923 |    0.30445 |    0.20132 |    -0.41434 |     0.41207 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       987 |   167.6141 |    0.16982 |    0.18120 |  5.1219e-05 |      1.8547 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       987 |  -26431.31 |    -26.779 |     279.97 |     -637.91 |      639.56 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       987 |   -4690.02 |    -4.7518 |     99.979 |     -208.34 |      210.14 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       987 |    8243359 |     8351.9 |     551.60 |      7667.7 |      9172.2 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       987 |    9390867 |     9514.6 |     14797. |      1.4523 |  1.3409e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       987 |   28177.85 |     28.549 |     2.4978 |      25.474 |      43.699 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       987 |  -8.397594 | -0.0085082 |    0.25979 |     -3.9066 |      1.9692 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       987 |  -1.047015 | -0.0010608 |    0.10843 |     -1.2608 |     0.63101 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       987 |   300.4922 |    0.30445 |    0.20132 |    -0.41434 |     0.41208 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       987 |   167.6141 |    0.16982 |    0.18120 |  5.2000e-05 |      1.8547 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       987 |  -26431.31 |    -26.779 |     279.97 |     -637.91 |      639.56 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       987 |  -4690.022 |    -4.7518 |     99.979 |     -208.34 |      210.14 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       987 |    8243359 |     8351.9 |     551.60 |      7667.7 |      9172.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       987 |    9390867 |     9514.6 |     14797. |      1.4500 |  1.3409e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       987 |   28177.85 |     28.549 |     2.4978 |      25.474 |      43.699 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |7.635047e-06 | 7.5148e-09 | 2.9030e-07 | -4.9911e-07 |  4.9876e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |-8.037286e-07 |-7.9107e-10 | 2.8326e-07 | -4.9946e-07 |  4.9884e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |-1.371448e-05 |-1.3499e-08 | 2.9234e-07 | -4.9970e-07 |  4.9978e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1016 |-1.178831e-06 |-1.1603e-09 | 5.7594e-07 | -9.9955e-07 |  9.9865e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |0.001843132 | 1.8141e-06 | 2.9803e-05 | -4.9890e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |0.0004587424 | 4.5152e-07 | 2.8147e-05 | -4.9829e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |-0.0001469942 |-1.4468e-07 | 3.0017e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9891e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 |  0.2001587 | 0.00019701 |  0.0029312 |  -0.0049984 |   0.0049939 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1016 |-5.058071e-05 |-4.9784e-08 | 2.7962e-06 | -4.9929e-06 |  4.9924e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |   -23.6089 |  -0.023237 |    0.20757 |     -4.0939 |     0.97108 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |   7.605519 |  0.0074857 |    0.10440 |    -0.91508 |      1.2059 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |   317.2569 |    0.31226 |    0.20501 |    -0.41123 |     0.41187 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1016 |   220.9916 |    0.21751 |    0.57388 |  0.00054280 |      12.765 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |   -43129.3 |    -42.450 |     282.85 |     -644.35 |      638.90 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |   26224.11 |     25.811 |     97.131 |     -201.76 |      213.38 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |    8468392 |     8335.0 |     532.77 |      7667.6 |      9172.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 |    9297101 |     9150.7 |     13050. |      1.4441 |      61878. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1016 |   29217.59 |     28.757 |     3.7269 |      25.527 |      66.575 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1016 |  -23.60891 |  -0.023237 |    0.20757 |     -4.0939 |     0.97108 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1016 |    7.60552 |  0.0074857 |    0.10440 |    -0.91508 |      1.2059 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1016 |   317.2569 |    0.31226 |    0.20501 |    -0.41123 |     0.41187 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1016 |   220.9916 |    0.21751 |    0.57388 |  0.00054200 |      12.765 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1016 |   -43129.3 |    -42.450 |     282.85 |     -644.35 |      638.90 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1016 |   26224.11 |     25.811 |     97.131 |     -201.76 |      213.38 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1016 |    8468392 |     8335.0 |     532.77 |      7667.6 |      9172.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1016 |    9297101 |     9150.7 |     13050. |      1.4400 |      61878. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1016 |   29217.59 |     28.757 |     3.7269 |      25.527 |      66.575 |
 UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3105 |     621.00 |     390.36 |      0.0000 |      1188.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3396 |     679.20 |     397.69 |      0.0000 |      1109.0 |
 CheckOTHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3105 |-4.849771e-07 |-1.5619e-10 | 2.9004e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3105 |1.301027e-05 | 4.1901e-09 | 2.8708e-07 | -4.9971e-07 |  4.9969e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3105 |-2.044778e-05 |-6.5854e-09 | 2.8819e-07 | -4.9989e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3105 |-5.195836e-06 |-1.6734e-09 | 5.8065e-07 | -9.9661e-07 |  9.9912e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3105 |0.0003791262 | 1.2210e-07 | 2.8624e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.9956e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3105 |-0.003105872 |-1.0003e-06 | 2.8890e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3105 |-0.0001227497 |-3.9533e-08 | 2.8636e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3105 |-0.04842896 |-1.5597e-05 |  0.0029221 |  -0.0049951 |   0.0049966 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3105 |-6.773099e-05 |-2.1814e-08 | 2.8724e-06 | -4.9897e-06 |  4.9901e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3105 |   117.7909 |   0.037936 |     9.1660 |     -96.771 |      116.36 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3105 |    292.993 |   0.094362 |     6.7666 |     -78.154 |      185.13 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3105 |   22412.82 |     7.2183 |     6.6836 |     -10.828 |      10.813 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3105 |   949.8773 |    0.30592 |    0.44156 |  1.1039e-05 |      6.6681 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3105 |   245367.2 |     79.023 |     1416.3 |     -3047.3 |      3016.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3105 |  -127173.7 |    -40.958 |     661.57 |     -2412.9 |      2254.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3105 |2.66768e+07 |     8591.6 |     572.60 |      7846.7 |      9412.6 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3105 |1.109543e+07 |     3573.4 |     8116.8 |      1.4243 |      85525. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3105 |   101769.4 |     32.776 |     10.140 |      26.107 |      172.44 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3105 |   117.7909 |   0.037936 |     9.1660 |     -96.771 |      116.36 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3105 |    292.993 |   0.094362 |     6.7666 |     -78.154 |      185.13 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3105 |   22412.82 |     7.2183 |     6.6836 |     -10.828 |      10.813 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3105 |   949.8773 |    0.30592 |    0.44156 |  1.2000e-05 |      6.6681 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3105 |   245367.2 |     79.023 |     1416.3 |     -3047.3 |      3016.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3105 |  -127173.7 |    -40.958 |     661.57 |     -2412.9 |      2254.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3105 |2.66768e+07 |     8591.6 |     572.60 |      7846.7 |      9412.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3105 |1.109543e+07 |     3573.4 |     8116.8 |      1.4200 |      85525. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3105 |   101769.4 |     32.776 |     10.140 |      26.107 |      172.44 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3396 |-1.601826e-05 |-4.7168e-09 | 2.8850e-07 | -4.9979e-07 |  4.9968e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3396 |1.42117e-05 | 4.1848e-09 | 2.8599e-07 | -4.9939e-07 |  4.9960e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3396 |-1.786691e-05 |-5.2612e-09 | 2.8913e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3396 |-3.471636e-05 |-1.0223e-08 | 5.8225e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9990e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3396 |-0.0001627075 |-4.7912e-08 | 2.8703e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3396 |0.0003674656 | 1.0821e-07 | 2.8927e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9949e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3396 |-0.0009970146 |-2.9358e-07 | 2.9375e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3396 | 0.08270083 | 2.4352e-05 |  0.0028967 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049992 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3396 |2.257497e-05 | 6.6475e-09 | 2.8972e-06 | -4.9985e-06 |  4.9999e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3396 |  -987.2031 |   -0.29070 |     7.6850 |     -96.172 |      72.709 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3396 |    8.23551 |  0.0024251 |     5.0575 |     -91.264 |      62.913 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3396 |    24658.3 |     7.2610 |     6.6805 |     -10.875 |      10.873 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3396 |   1008.948 |    0.29710 |    0.36167 |  2.9297e-05 |      4.7638 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3396 |   447888.8 |     131.89 |     1402.7 |     -3069.6 |      3080.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3396 |  -114179.2 |    -33.622 |     710.80 |     -2378.2 |      2411.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3396 |2.94695e+07 |     8677.7 |     564.76 |      7849.2 |      9415.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3396 |1.119385e+07 |     3296.2 |     7741.2 |      1.4234 |      85529. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3396 |   114429.2 |     33.695 |     11.761 |      26.176 |      163.28 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3396 |  -987.2031 |   -0.29070 |     7.6850 |     -96.172 |      72.709 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3396 |   8.235496 |  0.0024251 |     5.0575 |     -91.264 |      62.913 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3396 |    24658.3 |     7.2610 |     6.6805 |     -10.875 |      10.873 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3396 |   1008.948 |    0.29710 |    0.36167 |  3.0000e-05 |      4.7638 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3396 |   447888.8 |     131.89 |     1402.7 |     -3069.6 |      3080.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3396 |  -114179.2 |    -33.622 |     710.80 |     -2378.2 |      2411.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3396 |2.94695e+07 |     8677.7 |     564.76 |      7849.2 |      9415.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3396 |1.119385e+07 |     3296.2 |     7741.2 |      1.4200 |      85529. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3396 |   114429.2 |     33.695 |     11.761 |      26.176 |      163.28 |
 UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8356 |     1671.2 |     1076.5 |      0.0000 |      2922.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9923 |     1984.6 |     2081.2 |      0.0000 |      6012.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8356 |     1671.2 |     1076.5 |      0.0000 |      2922.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9921 |     1984.2 |     2081.3 |      0.0000 |      6012.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsPre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        515 |     103.00 |     58.917 |      0.0000 |      182.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        490 |     98.000 |     62.421 |      0.0000 |      189.00 |
 UnpackRichTracksPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        423 |     84.600 |     46.362 |      0.0000 |      142.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        418 |     83.600 |     51.763 |      0.0000 |      158.00 |
 CheckRichHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8356 |-5.79814e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      8356 |0.001636133 | 1.9580e-07 | 2.8841e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9954e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      8356 |-0.001328585 |-1.5900e-07 | 2.8837e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      8356 |0.0007329789 | 8.7719e-08 | 2.8608e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8356 |-4.160967e-05 |-4.9796e-09 | 2.8927e-06 | -4.9969e-06 |  4.9993e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8356 |     167.12 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      8356 |  -614524.2 |    -73.543 |     2813.2 |     -4150.6 |      4151.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      8356 |  -394031.7 |    -47.156 |     941.58 |     -1391.4 |      1391.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      8356 |5.104609e+07 |     6108.9 |     4632.0 |      1330.3 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8356 |   247533.3 |     29.623 |     20.478 |      6.6343 |      124.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8356 |     167.12 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      8356 |  -614524.2 |    -73.543 |     2813.2 |     -4150.6 |      4151.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      8356 |  -394031.7 |    -47.156 |     941.58 |     -1391.4 |      1391.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      8356 |5.104609e+07 |     6108.9 |     4632.0 |      1330.3 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8356 |   247533.3 |     29.623 |     20.478 |      6.6343 |      124.99 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9923 |-0.006098865 |-6.1462e-07 | 4.5170e-05 |  -0.0039581 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      9923 | -0.0017242 |-1.7376e-07 | 2.9007e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      9923 |0.0006443186 | 6.4932e-08 | 2.9111e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      9923 |-5.921919e-05 |-5.9679e-09 | 2.8705e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      9923 |0.0001322025 | 1.3323e-08 | 2.8905e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9971e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      9923 |   541.1539 |   0.054535 |     2.9665 |    0.020000 |      290.99 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      9923 |  -804784.7 |    -81.103 |     2415.2 |     -4150.5 |      4151.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      9923 |   -4757610 |    -479.45 |     917.45 |     -1391.6 |      1391.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      9923 |4.868135e+07 |     4905.9 |     4449.6 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      9923 |     253648 |     25.562 |     21.576 |      6.8915 |      137.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9923 |     541.16 |   0.054536 |     2.9666 |    0.020000 |      290.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      9923 |  -804784.7 |    -81.103 |     2415.2 |     -4150.5 |      4151.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      9923 |   -4757610 |    -479.45 |     917.45 |     -1391.6 |      1391.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      9923 |4.868135e+07 |     4905.9 |     4449.6 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      9923 |     253648 |     25.562 |     21.576 |      6.8914 |      137.16 |
 CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      8356 | 0.00400189 | 4.7892e-07 | 2.8936e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      8356 |-0.0004891227 |-5.8536e-08 | 2.8796e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      8356 |-0.003207702 |-3.8388e-07 | 2.8942e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8356 |-6.375558e-10 |-7.6299e-14 | 5.7256e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8356 |0.003626192 | 4.3396e-07 | 2.8796e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8356 |-0.006296807 |-7.5357e-07 | 2.8849e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8356 |-0.003513896 |-4.2052e-07 | 2.8938e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8356 |   26489.31 |     3.1701 |     1.8185 |  0.00025937 |      6.2823 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8356 |   3929.488 |    0.47026 |    0.53818 |   0.0012225 |      2.9304 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      8356 |  -332557.3 |    -39.799 |     1983.8 |     -4077.5 |      4016.1 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      8356 |  -287506.9 |    -34.407 |     574.93 |     -1354.7 |      1445.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      8356 |4.979123e+07 |     5958.7 |     4569.6 |      990.09 |      11822. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8356 | 0.03571093 | 4.2737e-06 | 1.0993e-06 |  1.7525e-06 |  6.8885e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8356 |  -596998.5 |    -71.445 |     2749.8 |     -4078.5 |      4079.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8356 |  -381849.2 |    -45.698 |     878.85 |     -1317.2 |      1309.7 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8356 |5.062352e+07 |     6058.3 |     4631.1 |      1260.2 |      11072. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8356 |   26489.31 |     3.1701 |     1.8185 |  0.00025937 |      6.2823 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8356 |   3929.488 |    0.47026 |    0.53818 |   0.0012225 |      2.9304 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      8356 |  -332557.3 |    -39.799 |     1983.8 |     -4077.5 |      4016.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      8356 |  -287506.9 |    -34.407 |     574.93 |     -1354.7 |      1445.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      8356 |4.979123e+07 |     5958.7 |     4569.6 |      990.09 |      11822. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8356 | 0.03571093 | 4.2737e-06 | 1.0993e-06 |  1.7525e-06 |  6.8885e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8356 |  -596998.5 |    -71.445 |     2749.8 |     -4078.5 |      4079.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8356 |  -381849.2 |    -45.698 |     878.85 |     -1317.2 |      1309.7 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8356 |5.062352e+07 |     6058.3 |     4631.1 |      1260.2 |      11072. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8356 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      9921 |0.0004554184 | 4.5904e-08 | 2.9004e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      9921 |-0.003960336 |-3.9919e-07 | 2.8936e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      9921 |-0.001091783 |-1.1005e-07 | 2.8923e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9921 |-2.57387e-10 |-2.5944e-14 | 5.7502e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9921 |0.001341774 | 1.3525e-07 | 2.8921e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9921 |-0.004726636 |-4.7643e-07 | 2.8841e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9921 | 0.00154291 | 1.5552e-07 | 2.8893e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9921 |   30754.04 |     3.0999 |     1.8198 |  7.8118e-05 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9921 |   5926.961 |    0.59742 |    0.52060 |   0.0018039 |      2.9355 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      9921 |  -411818.6 |    -41.510 |     1546.0 |     -4043.3 |      4010.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      9921 |   -4276137 |    -431.02 |     674.08 |     -1396.8 |      1488.0 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      9921 |4.731617e+07 |     4769.3 |     4376.4 |      990.57 |      11775. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      9921 | 0.04298699 | 4.3329e-06 | 1.1449e-06 |  1.7515e-06 |  6.8875e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9921 |  -822317.5 |    -82.887 |     2360.4 |     -4078.3 |      4079.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9921 |   -4401346 |    -443.64 |     853.64 |     -1318.1 |      1315.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9921 |4.819334e+07 |     4857.7 |     4446.4 |      1259.2 |      11072. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9921 |   30754.04 |     3.0999 |     1.8198 |  7.8118e-05 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9921 |   5926.961 |    0.59742 |    0.52060 |   0.0018039 |      2.9355 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      9921 |  -411818.6 |    -41.510 |     1546.0 |     -4043.3 |      4010.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      9921 |   -4276137 |    -431.02 |     674.08 |     -1396.8 |      1488.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      9921 |4.731617e+07 |     4769.3 |     4376.4 |      990.57 |      11775. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9921 | 0.04298699 | 4.3329e-06 | 1.1449e-06 |  1.7515e-06 |  6.8875e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9921 |  -822317.5 |    -82.887 |     2360.4 |     -4078.3 |      4079.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9921 |   -4401346 |    -443.64 |     853.64 |     -1318.1 |      1315.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9921 |4.819334e+07 |     4857.7 |     4446.4 |      1259.2 |      11072. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9921 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsPrev...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       515 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       5335 |     1067.0 |     586.37 |      0.0000 |      1763.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       5774 |     1154.8 |     578.46 |      0.0000 |      1503.0 |
 CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5335 |0.001996031 | 3.7414e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9918e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5335 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      5335 |   2649.942 |    0.49671 |     1.5535 |  7.3652e-07 |      75.899 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      5335 |       8241 |     1.5447 |     1.7068 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5335 |    2649.94 |    0.49671 |     1.5535 |      0.0000 |      75.899 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5335 |       8241 |     1.5447 |     1.7068 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5774 |7.550147e-05 | 1.3076e-08 | 2.8809e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5774 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      5774 |   3618.306 |    0.62666 |     2.3773 |  5.2427e-07 |      99.493 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      5774 |       8991 |     1.5572 |     1.7032 |     -1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5774 |   3618.306 |    0.62666 |     2.3773 |      0.0000 |      99.493 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5774 |       8991 |     1.5572 |     1.7032 |     -1.0000 |      8.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8502 |     1700.4 |     878.57 |      0.0000 |      2523.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9269 |     1853.8 |     935.10 |      0.0000 |      2500.0 |
 CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8502 |-0.006434915 |-7.5687e-07 | 2.8961e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8502 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8502 |   9025.254 |     1.0615 |     4.2917 |  6.1675e-06 |      118.39 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8502 |      13047 |     1.5346 |     1.6993 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8502 |    9025.26 |     1.0615 |     4.2917 |      0.0000 |      118.39 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8502 |      13047 |     1.5346 |     1.6993 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9269 | 0.00458203 | 4.9434e-07 | 2.8617e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      9269 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      9269 |   10240.65 |     1.1048 |     4.3222 |  5.4693e-06 |      96.068 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      9269 |      14319 |     1.5448 |     1.7045 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9269 |   10240.65 |     1.1048 |     4.3222 |      0.0000 |      96.068 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      9269 |      14319 |     1.5448 |     1.7045 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9519 |     1903.8 |     1053.5 |      0.0000 |      3100.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |      10716 |     2143.2 |     1090.1 |      0.0000 |      3022.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9519 |0.0006684152 | 7.0219e-08 | 2.9010e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      9519 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      9519 |   142911.7 |     15.013 |     90.927 |  0.00025565 |      4887.1 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      9519 |       1276 |    0.13405 |    0.35902 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9519 |   142911.7 |     15.013 |     90.927 |  0.00030000 |      4887.1 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      9519 |       1276 |    0.13405 |    0.35902 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10716 |0.001332964 | 1.2439e-07 | 2.8740e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     10716 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     10716 |   148788.1 |     13.885 |     74.213 |  2.4135e-05 |      3573.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     10716 |       1693 |    0.15799 |    0.55858 |      0.0000 |      25.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10716 |   148788.1 |     13.885 |     74.213 |      0.0000 |      3573.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     10716 |       1693 |    0.15799 |    0.55858 |      0.0000 |      25.000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1364 |     272.80 |     158.06 |      0.0000 |      490.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1470 |     294.00 |     167.59 |      0.0000 |      521.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1364 |-0.0004599028 |-3.3717e-07 | 2.8504e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9800e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1364 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1364 |   16715.16 |     12.255 |     43.961 |  3.5170e-05 |      776.36 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1364 |        296 |    0.21701 |    0.44141 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1364 |   16715.16 |     12.255 |     43.961 |      0.0000 |      776.36 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1364 |        296 |    0.21701 |    0.44141 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1470 |-0.001907815 |-1.2978e-06 | 2.8502e-05 | -4.9928e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1470 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1470 |   15505.67 |     10.548 |     36.240 |  0.00047143 |      667.35 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1470 |        315 |    0.21429 |    0.45138 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1470 |   15505.67 |     10.548 |     36.240 |  0.00050000 |      667.35 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1470 |        315 |    0.21429 |    0.45138 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1291 |     258.20 |     142.55 |      0.0000 |      428.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1289 |     257.80 |     130.52 |      0.0000 |      361.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1291 |-1.367704e-05 |-1.0594e-08 | 2.8742e-07 | -4.9539e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1291 |4.150025e-06 | 3.2146e-09 | 2.8736e-07 | -4.9844e-07 |  4.9803e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1291 |4.43223e-06 | 3.4332e-09 | 2.8345e-07 | -4.9940e-07 |  4.9977e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1291 |1.278271e-05 | 9.9014e-09 | 5.8292e-07 | -9.9957e-07 |  9.9985e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |6.063358e-06 | 4.6966e-09 | 2.9655e-05 | -4.9939e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |-0.0007676392 |-5.9461e-07 | 2.8963e-05 | -4.9942e-05 |  4.9846e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 | 0.00172026 | 1.3325e-06 | 2.8750e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9936e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1291 | 0.09207451 | 7.1320e-05 |  0.0028988 |  -0.0049943 |   0.0049985 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1291 |4.317965e-05 | 3.3447e-08 | 2.9003e-06 | -4.9746e-06 |  4.9998e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1291 |   395.3779 |    0.30626 |     8.3479 |     -41.552 |      250.39 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1291 |   37.51099 |   0.029056 |     4.3437 |     -78.207 |      41.197 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1291 |   4902.916 |     3.7978 |     2.5935 |     -5.1352 |      5.1235 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1291 |   2.499773 |  0.0019363 |  0.0035025 |  1.2233e-05 |    0.064635 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |   129816.2 |     100.55 |     1615.7 |     -3981.9 |      4666.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |    82455.6 |     63.870 |     927.43 |     -4004.9 |      4012.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 |1.658053e+07 |     12843. |     1549.2 |      11953. |      19034. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1291 |    3343947 |     2590.2 |     7413.5 |      1.4270 |      85506. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1291 |   57886.56 |     44.839 |     6.9846 |      39.884 |      88.288 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1291 |   395.3779 |    0.30626 |     8.3479 |     -41.552 |      250.39 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1291 |   37.51098 |   0.029056 |     4.3437 |     -78.207 |      41.197 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1291 |   4902.916 |     3.7978 |     2.5935 |     -5.1352 |      5.1235 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1291 |    2.49976 |  0.0019363 |  0.0035025 |  1.2000e-05 |    0.064634 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |   129816.2 |     100.55 |     1615.7 |     -3981.9 |      4666.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |    82455.6 |     63.870 |     927.43 |     -4004.9 |      4012.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 |1.658053e+07 |     12843. |     1549.2 |      11953. |      19034. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1291 |    3343947 |     2590.2 |     7413.5 |      1.4300 |      85506. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1291 |   57886.56 |     44.839 |     6.9846 |      39.884 |      88.288 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1289 |3.205218e-06 | 2.4866e-09 | 2.8702e-07 | -4.9992e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1289 |3.570027e-06 | 2.7696e-09 | 2.8685e-07 | -4.9897e-07 |  4.9928e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1289 |-8.453534e-06 |-6.5582e-09 | 2.8764e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9891e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1289 |-4.685235e-05 |-3.6348e-08 | 5.7801e-07 | -9.9958e-07 |  9.9943e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1289 |-0.00127789 |-9.9138e-07 | 2.8582e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9805e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1289 |-0.0004332111 |-3.3608e-07 | 2.8966e-05 | -4.9862e-05 |  4.9970e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1289 |0.001417318 | 1.0995e-06 | 2.9084e-05 | -4.9945e-05 |  4.9859e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1289 | 0.02434888 | 1.8890e-05 |  0.0028262 |  -0.0049838 |   0.0049960 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1289 |-8.20943e-05 |-6.3688e-08 | 2.8830e-06 | -4.9958e-06 |  4.9895e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1289 |    79.3135 |   0.061531 |     3.9557 |     -22.647 |      39.112 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1289 |   706.7187 |    0.54827 |     6.6380 |     -33.376 |      150.68 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1289 |   4591.663 |     3.5622 |     2.7640 |     -5.1046 |      5.2165 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1289 |   3.450417 |  0.0026768 |   0.010836 |  1.5257e-05 |     0.33658 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1289 |   81131.32 |     62.941 |     1490.6 |     -4067.4 |      4658.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1289 |   125297.6 |     97.205 |     847.69 |     -3044.1 |      3716.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1289 |1.63379e+07 |     12675. |     1485.9 |      11952. |      19034. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1289 |    3286474 |     2549.6 |     7172.9 |      1.4247 |      85506. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1289 |   57211.25 |     44.384 |     8.7003 |      39.762 |      160.64 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1289 |    79.3135 |   0.061531 |     3.9557 |     -22.647 |      39.112 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1289 |   706.7187 |    0.54827 |     6.6380 |     -33.376 |      150.68 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1289 |   4591.663 |     3.5622 |     2.7640 |     -5.1046 |      5.2165 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1289 |   3.450464 |  0.0026769 |   0.010836 |  1.6000e-05 |     0.33658 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1289 |   81131.32 |     62.941 |     1490.6 |     -4067.4 |      4658.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1289 |   125297.6 |     97.205 |     847.69 |     -3044.1 |      3716.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1289 |1.63379e+07 |     12675. |     1485.9 |      11952. |      19034. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1289 |    3286474 |     2549.6 |     7172.9 |      1.4200 |      85506. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1289 |   57211.25 |     44.384 |     8.7003 |      39.762 |      160.64 |
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 5 events processed
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  108.00 +- 6.00 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  301.67 +-10.03 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  208.33 +- 8.33 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  280.67 +- 9.67 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  100.67 +- 5.79 ( 93.21 +-1.40%) Rich2 =   94.33 +- 5.61 ( 31.27 +-1.54%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    2.33 +- 0.88 (  2.16 +-0.81%) Rich2 =   13.67 +- 2.13 (  4.53 +-0.69%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  128.33 +- 6.54 ( 42.54 +-1.64%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  153.00 +- 7.14 ( 73.44 +-1.77%) Rich2 =  130.67 +- 6.60 ( 46.56 +-1.72%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.67 +- 0.47 (  0.24 +-0.17%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   49.00 +- 4.04 ( 23.52 +-1.70%) Rich2 =   97.00 +- 5.69 ( 34.56 +-1.64%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   60.67 +- 4.50 ( 20.11 +-1.33%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    5.33 +- 1.33 (  4.94 +-1.20%) Rich2 =   41.00 +- 3.70 ( 13.59 +-1.14%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    4.67 +- 1.25 (  4.32 +-1.13%) Rich2 =   32.00 +- 3.27 ( 10.61 +-1.02%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   46.33 +- 3.93 ( 16.51 +-1.28%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   20.67 +- 2.62 (  9.92 +-1.20%) Rich2 =   21.67 +- 2.69 (  7.72 +-0.92%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   15.33 +- 2.26 (  7.36 +-1.04%) Rich2 =   20.00 +- 2.58 (  7.13 +-0.89%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.00 (  2.78 +-0.91%) Rich2 =   11.67 +- 1.97 (  3.87 +-0.64%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    6.67 +- 1.49 (  3.20 +-0.70%) Rich2 =    5.00 +- 1.29 (  1.78 +-0.46%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  100.67 +- 5.79 ( 93.21 +-1.40%) Rich2Gas =   94.33 +- 5.61 ( 31.27 +-1.54%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  153.00 +- 7.14 ( 73.44 +-1.77%) Rich2Gas =  130.67 +- 6.60 ( 46.56 +-1.72%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -2130,96 +2132,96 @@ GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   105.67 +-  5.93 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   159.67 +-  7.30 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    16.00 +-  2.31 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   128.33 +-  6.54 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     5.00 +-  1.29 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    17.00 +-  2.38 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     1.33 +-  0.67 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     0.67 +-  0.47 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   159.33 +-  7.29 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   183.00 +-  7.81 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     0.67 +-  0.47 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   146.00 +-  6.98 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     7.67 +-  1.60 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    15.33 +-  2.26 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     0.33 +-  0.33 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     2.33 +-  0.88 / event
 GetRichTracksNextNext      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        426 |     142.00 |     169.99 |      0.0000 |      381.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        388 |     129.33 |     152.20 |      0.0000 |      343.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         19 |     6.3333 |     8.2597 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         17 |     5.6667 |     7.3182 |      0.0000 |      16.000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        142 |     47.333 |     56.008 |      0.0000 |      126.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        190 |     63.333 |     76.526 |      0.0000 |      171.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        225 |     75.000 |     83.821 |      0.0000 |      192.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        274 |     91.333 |     109.30 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        375 |     125.00 |     127.48 |      0.0000 |      300.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        490 |     163.33 |     208.09 |      0.0000 |      457.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        229 |     76.333 |     93.496 |      0.0000 |      208.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        183 |     61.000 |     62.562 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        922 |     307.33 |     320.79 |      0.0000 |      750.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1330 |     443.33 |     428.62 |      0.0000 |      1023.0 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        562 |     187.33 |     203.37 |      0.0000 |      470.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        792 |     264.00 |     227.85 |      0.0000 |      556.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1120 |     373.33 |     349.76 |      0.0000 |      841.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       2000 |     666.67 |     686.37 |      0.0000 |      1611.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        387 |     129.00 |     123.24 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |        401 |     133.67 |     155.03 |      0.0000 |      351.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1229 |     409.67 |     523.81 |      0.0000 |      1149.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1467 |     489.00 |     642.00 |      0.0000 |      1396.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1229 |     409.67 |     523.81 |      0.0000 |      1149.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |       1467 |     489.00 |     642.00 |      0.0000 |      1396.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         72 |     24.000 |     27.178 |      0.0000 |      62.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         77 |     25.667 |     31.478 |      0.0000 |      70.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         61 |     20.333 |     22.066 |      0.0000 |      51.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         3 |         69 |     23.000 |     27.725 |      0.0000 |      62.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       142+/-98.1461
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 6.33333+/-4.76873
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       129.333+/-87.8715
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 5.66667+/-4.22515
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 47.3333
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 418.165
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.15671
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0734237
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 63.3333
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 87.8709
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.160401
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0694455
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        10 |         10 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       142 |   59379.37 |     418.16 |     1181.1 |     0.40181 |      5480.4 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        142 |     47.333 |     56.008 |      0.0000 |      126.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        18 |         18 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       190 |   16695.47 |     87.871 |     139.66 |     0.18634 |      522.02 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        190 |     63.333 |     76.526 |      0.0000 |      171.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 75
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 355.599
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.121161
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0403391
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 91.3333
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 705.105
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118653
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0431585
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        13 |         13 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       225 |   80009.72 |     355.60 |     664.76 |    0.011611 |      4234.9 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        225 |     75.000 |     83.821 |      0.0000 |      192.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        15 |         15 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       274 |   193198.8 |     705.10 |     6052.9 |     0.90829 |      90107. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        274 |     91.333 |     109.30 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
 OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 125
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 587.658
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.194161
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0853241
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 163.333
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2184.7
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.202403
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.100378
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "DeltaRay"                                      |        38 |         38 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       375 |   220371.8 |     587.66 |     1244.2 |    0.095088 |      4875.5 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        375 |     125.00 |     127.48 |      0.0000 |      300.00 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       490 |    1070505 |     2184.7 |     11709. |   0.0068726 |      90107. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         3 |        490 |     163.33 |     208.09 |      0.0000 |      457.00 |
 SpdMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -2228,374 +2230,374 @@ MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 26.333  2.333  4.667  4.333  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 47.333  0.000  1.000  1.667  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 55.333  0.333  1.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 37.333  5.333  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 40.333  44.333  0.000  0.000  0.333   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 34.333  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 37.333  0.667  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 30.333  1.333  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 166.333  8.000  6.667  6.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 142.333  52.333  0.000  0.000  0.333   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         19 |     6.3333 |     8.2597 |      0.0000 |      18.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         17 |     5.6667 |     7.3182 |      0.0000 |      16.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        19 |8.753563e-07 | 4.6071e-08 | 2.8030e-07 | -4.4476e-07 |  4.7393e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        19 |-2.917243e-06 |-1.5354e-07 | 2.6855e-07 | -4.8570e-07 |  3.4187e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        19 |1.688417e-06 | 8.8864e-08 | 2.5792e-07 | -4.9127e-07 |  4.3604e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        19 |-1.744806e-06 |-9.1832e-08 | 5.3368e-07 | -9.9279e-07 |  8.2757e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |-0.0001265572 |-6.6609e-06 | 2.6259e-05 | -4.8884e-05 |  4.8293e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |-4.459497e-05 |-2.3471e-06 | 2.7357e-05 | -4.8215e-05 |  4.7826e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |0.0001506038 | 7.9265e-06 | 2.0282e-05 | -2.7505e-05 |  3.5122e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |0.0002779295 | 1.4628e-05 |  0.0027118 |  -0.0034451 |   0.0046659 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        19 |7.578361e-06 | 3.9886e-07 | 2.9570e-06 | -4.8391e-06 |  4.8193e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        19 | -0.1994891 |  -0.010499 |   0.013361 |   -0.030316 |    0.020827 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        19 | -0.1306039 | -0.0068739 |   0.011663 |   -0.033780 |   0.0093643 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        19 |  -5.423342 |   -0.28544 |   0.042263 |    -0.30011 |    -0.16222 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        19 |    1.68628 |   0.088752 |   0.021904 |    0.042228 |     0.13746 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |  -190.0879 |    -10.005 |     13.269 |     -29.276 |      21.953 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |  -128.1375 |    -6.7441 |     10.648 |     -34.830 |      9.1664 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |  -5183.236 |    -272.80 |     39.894 |     -315.84 |     -218.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |   123012.2 |     6474.3 |     4935.4 |      701.84 |      15018. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        19 |   17.21772 |    0.90620 |    0.15093 |     0.71113 |      1.2381 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        19 |   -0.19949 |  -0.010499 |   0.013361 |   -0.030316 |    0.020827 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        19 |  -0.130601 | -0.0068737 |   0.011663 |   -0.033780 |   0.0093640 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        19 |  -5.423344 |   -0.28544 |   0.042263 |    -0.30011 |    -0.16222 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        19 |   1.686282 |   0.088752 |   0.021904 |    0.042228 |     0.13746 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |  -190.0878 |    -10.005 |     13.269 |     -29.276 |      21.953 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |  -128.1375 |    -6.7441 |     10.648 |     -34.830 |      9.1664 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |  -5183.236 |    -272.80 |     39.894 |     -315.84 |     -218.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |   123012.2 |     6474.3 |     4935.4 |      701.84 |      15018. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        19 |   17.21771 |    0.90620 |    0.15093 |     0.71113 |      1.2381 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        17 |-3.255105e-07 |-1.9148e-08 | 2.7735e-07 | -4.3967e-07 |  4.4247e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        17 |1.130023e-06 | 6.6472e-08 | 2.7414e-07 | -3.3129e-07 |  4.7903e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        17 |-7.273113e-07 |-4.2783e-08 | 2.9361e-07 | -4.7070e-07 |  4.6170e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        17 |9.190064e-07 | 5.4059e-08 | 6.5098e-07 | -9.9828e-07 |  9.8011e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        17 |-2.400396e-05 |-1.4120e-06 | 2.4242e-05 | -4.6322e-05 |  4.0193e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        17 |-5.507049e-05 |-3.2394e-06 | 3.2967e-05 | -4.7712e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        17 |-2.253492e-05 |-1.3256e-06 | 2.2956e-05 | -4.7852e-05 |  2.9025e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        17 | 0.01783559 |  0.0010492 |  0.0030511 |  -0.0041280 |   0.0048540 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        17 |-6.163408e-06 |-3.6255e-07 | 3.2135e-06 | -4.9984e-06 |  4.7691e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        17 | -0.1688613 | -0.0099330 |   0.014317 |   -0.030449 |    0.021100 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        17 | -0.1092149 | -0.0064244 |   0.012036 |   -0.033528 |   0.0086807 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        17 |  -5.098919 |   -0.29994 | 0.00011878 |    -0.30011 |    -0.29966 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        17 |   2.043419 |    0.12020 |   0.049612 |    0.076703 |     0.27184 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        17 |  -135.4455 |    -7.9674 |     12.589 |     -29.367 |      22.178 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        17 |  -98.89576 |    -5.8174 |     10.897 |     -34.651 |      8.7969 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        17 |  -4582.431 |    -269.55 |     40.970 |     -315.84 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        17 |   119758.8 |     7044.6 |     4902.0 |      744.39 |      15017. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        17 |   15.24264 |    0.89663 |    0.15680 |     0.71113 |      1.2381 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        17 |  -0.168861 | -0.0099330 |   0.014317 |   -0.030449 |    0.021100 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        17 |  -0.109216 | -0.0064245 |   0.012036 |   -0.033528 |   0.0086810 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        17 |  -5.098918 |   -0.29994 | 0.00011882 |    -0.30011 |    -0.29966 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        17 |   2.043418 |    0.12020 |   0.049612 |    0.076702 |     0.27184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        17 |  -135.4455 |    -7.9674 |     12.589 |     -29.367 |      22.178 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        17 |   -98.8957 |    -5.8174 |     10.897 |     -34.651 |      8.7969 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        17 |  -4582.431 |    -269.55 |     40.970 |     -315.84 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        17 |   119758.8 |     7044.6 |     4902.0 |      744.39 |      15017. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        17 |   15.24265 |    0.89663 |    0.15680 |     0.71113 |      1.2381 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        426 |     142.00 |     169.99 |      0.0000 |      381.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        388 |     129.33 |     152.20 |      0.0000 |      343.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       426 |2.661191e-06 | 6.2469e-09 | 2.8257e-07 | -4.9844e-07 |  4.9822e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       426 |-4.145367e-06 |-9.7309e-09 | 2.8791e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9985e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       426 |-9.841469e-06 |-2.3102e-08 | 2.8967e-07 | -4.9784e-07 |  4.9958e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       426 |4.896977e-06 | 1.1495e-08 | 5.7598e-07 | -9.8028e-07 |  9.9886e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       426 |-0.0001726866 |-4.0537e-07 | 2.9084e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9895e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       426 |-0.0003228432 |-7.5785e-07 | 2.7450e-05 | -4.9869e-05 |  4.9335e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       426 |-2.249278e-05 |-5.2800e-08 | 2.8817e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9801e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       426 |   0.108538 | 0.00025478 |  0.0028445 |  -0.0049420 |   0.0049936 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       426 |-8.568661e-05 |-2.0114e-07 | 2.8503e-06 | -4.9647e-06 |  4.9928e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       426 |  -1.003311 | -0.0023552 |   0.074445 |    -0.46443 |     0.49484 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       426 |    4.87521 |   0.011444 |   0.087089 |    -0.52620 |     0.79359 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       426 |   80.49098 |    0.18895 |    0.22822 |    -0.30250 |     0.30023 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       426 |   50.21552 |    0.11788 |   0.072683 |   0.0049757 |     0.81794 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       426 |   1084.717 |     2.5463 |     17.290 |     -40.196 |      44.614 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       426 |   479.3481 |     1.1252 |     16.844 |     -40.566 |      41.673 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       426 |   118848.3 |     278.99 |     284.54 |     -175.78 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       426 |    5791702 |     13596. |     21673. |      3.2529 |      81818. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       426 |   449.7244 |     1.0557 |    0.82207 |    0.027600 |      2.5304 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       426 |  -1.003314 | -0.0023552 |   0.074445 |    -0.46443 |     0.49484 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       426 |   4.875214 |   0.011444 |   0.087089 |    -0.52621 |     0.79359 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       426 |   80.49099 |    0.18895 |    0.22822 |    -0.30250 |     0.30023 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       426 |   50.21552 |    0.11788 |   0.072683 |   0.0049760 |     0.81794 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       426 |   1084.717 |     2.5463 |     17.290 |     -40.196 |      44.614 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       426 |   479.3484 |     1.1252 |     16.844 |     -40.566 |      41.673 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       426 |   118848.3 |     278.99 |     284.54 |     -175.78 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       426 |    5791702 |     13596. |     21673. |      3.2500 |      81818. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       426 |   449.7245 |     1.0557 |    0.82207 |    0.027600 |      2.5304 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       388 |8.386607e-06 | 2.1615e-08 | 2.9941e-07 | -4.9802e-07 |  4.9813e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       388 |6.881946e-06 | 1.7737e-08 | 2.8495e-07 | -4.8747e-07 |  4.9919e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       388 |-2.987198e-06 |-7.6990e-09 | 2.8014e-07 | -4.9922e-07 |  4.9974e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       388 |-9.213436e-06 |-2.3746e-08 | 5.9995e-07 | -9.9986e-07 |  9.9901e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       388 |-0.001243498 |-3.2049e-06 | 2.8908e-05 | -4.9535e-05 |  4.9679e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       388 |-9.113977e-05 |-2.3490e-07 | 2.7754e-05 | -4.9694e-05 |  4.9787e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       388 |0.0001727377 | 4.4520e-07 | 2.7937e-05 | -4.9608e-05 |  4.9699e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       388 |  0.0194753 | 5.0194e-05 |  0.0029810 |  -0.0049977 |   0.0049725 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       388 |-0.0001214305 |-3.1297e-07 | 2.9291e-06 | -4.9966e-06 |  4.9944e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       388 |  -2.421504 | -0.0062410 |   0.078718 |    -0.46628 |     0.49659 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       388 |   4.767689 |   0.012288 |   0.094916 |    -0.53292 |     0.79855 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       388 |   72.38045 |    0.18655 |    0.23080 |    -0.30252 |     0.30023 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       388 |   51.33529 |    0.13231 |    0.21130 |    0.055558 |      3.1408 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       388 |   960.3987 |     2.4753 |     17.867 |     -40.216 |      44.601 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       388 |  -592.2041 |    -1.5263 |     15.015 |     -40.572 |      39.729 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       388 |   99320.61 |     255.98 |     277.95 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       388 |    5759511 |     14844. |     22294. |      7.2433 |      81818. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       388 |   378.8975 |    0.97654 |    0.80550 |    0.027626 |      2.5503 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       388 |  -2.421512 | -0.0062410 |   0.078718 |    -0.46628 |     0.49659 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       388 |   4.767682 |   0.012288 |   0.094916 |    -0.53292 |     0.79855 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       388 |   72.38046 |    0.18655 |    0.23080 |    -0.30252 |     0.30023 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       388 |    51.3353 |    0.13231 |    0.21130 |    0.055558 |      3.1408 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       388 |   960.3999 |     2.4753 |     17.867 |     -40.216 |      44.601 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       388 |   -592.204 |    -1.5263 |     15.015 |     -40.572 |      39.729 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       388 |   99320.61 |     255.98 |     277.95 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       388 |    5759511 |     14844. |     22294. |      7.2400 |      81818. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       388 |   378.8976 |    0.97654 |    0.80550 |    0.027630 |      2.5503 |
 UnpackTTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        142 |     47.333 |     56.008 |      0.0000 |      126.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        190 |     63.333 |     76.526 |      0.0000 |      171.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       142 |-4.099077e-06 |-2.8867e-08 | 2.7564e-07 | -4.9471e-07 |  4.9053e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       142 |-3.721804e-06 |-2.6210e-08 | 2.7711e-07 | -4.9794e-07 |  4.8966e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       142 |5.551115e-17 | 3.9092e-19 | 5.8382e-08 | -3.8814e-07 |  3.8814e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       142 |6.448177e-06 | 4.5410e-08 | 6.1639e-07 | -9.9789e-07 |  9.8752e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       142 |0.0001281446 | 9.0243e-07 | 2.8942e-05 | -4.9128e-05 |  4.8941e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       142 |0.0003465706 | 2.4406e-06 | 2.7282e-05 | -4.9712e-05 |  4.8671e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       142 |-0.0001406161 |-9.9025e-07 | 6.0157e-06 | -4.9612e-05 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       142 |-0.02415534 |-0.00017011 |  0.0029477 |  -0.0049994 |   0.0049880 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       142 |-3.869694e-05 |-2.7251e-07 | 2.9568e-06 | -4.9723e-06 |  4.9945e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       142 |  -10.71258 |  -0.075441 |    0.38941 |     -1.6878 |      1.2445 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       142 |   4.186698 |   0.029484 |    0.25654 |     -1.5138 |     0.78319 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       142 |         31 |    0.21831 |    0.43825 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       142 |   45.13497 |    0.31785 |    0.28921 |    0.047145 |      1.5148 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       142 |   4836.155 |     34.057 |     326.41 |     -797.12 |      726.44 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       142 |   5083.679 |     35.801 |     267.62 |     -560.17 |      675.63 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       142 |   353535.3 |     2489.7 |     136.10 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       142 |    1065185 |     7501.3 |     17709. |      2.1279 |      81809. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       142 |   1983.758 |     13.970 |     8.6125 |      7.6031 |      41.671 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       142 |  -10.71257 |  -0.075441 |    0.38941 |     -1.6878 |      1.2445 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       142 |   4.186702 |   0.029484 |    0.25654 |     -1.5138 |     0.78319 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       142 |         31 |    0.21831 |    0.43825 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       142 |   45.13496 |    0.31785 |    0.28921 |    0.047144 |      1.5148 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       142 |   4836.154 |     34.057 |     326.41 |     -797.12 |      726.44 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       142 |   5083.679 |     35.801 |     267.62 |     -560.17 |      675.63 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       142 |   353535.3 |     2489.7 |     136.10 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       142 |    1065186 |     7501.3 |     17709. |      2.1300 |      81809. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       142 |   1983.758 |     13.970 |     8.6125 |      7.6031 |      41.671 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       190 |-5.180926e-06 |-2.7268e-08 | 3.0579e-07 | -4.9926e-07 |  4.8451e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       190 |5.604577e-06 | 2.9498e-08 | 2.7938e-07 | -4.9384e-07 |  4.9880e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       190 |-4.528714e-06 |-2.3835e-08 | 1.8322e-07 | -4.8999e-07 |  4.9320e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       190 |-1.513486e-06 |-7.9657e-09 | 5.8737e-07 | -9.9309e-07 |  9.9703e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       190 |-0.0004705038 |-2.4763e-06 | 2.8345e-05 | -4.9581e-05 |  4.9119e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       190 |-0.0001360632 |-7.1612e-07 | 2.8094e-05 | -4.9883e-05 |  4.9057e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       190 |0.0006296348 | 3.3139e-06 | 1.2625e-05 | -4.5625e-05 |  3.9141e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       190 | 0.05074989 | 0.00026710 |  0.0027693 |  -0.0049836 |   0.0049771 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       190 |6.331369e-05 | 3.3323e-07 | 2.9643e-06 | -4.9005e-06 |  4.9328e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       190 |  -13.63151 |  -0.071745 |    0.35210 |     -1.7039 |      1.8267 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       190 |  -9.128155 |  -0.048043 |    0.22272 |    -0.98658 |      1.1959 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       190 |   52.78892 |    0.27784 |    0.32927 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       190 |   178.3142 |    0.93850 |     2.8115 |   0.0037986 |      20.408 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       190 |  -15560.25 |    -81.896 |     305.73 |     -763.62 |      779.52 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       190 |    444.961 |     2.3419 |     200.46 |     -412.81 |      616.31 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       190 |   472500.3 |     2486.8 |     133.59 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       190 |    1015606 |     5345.3 |     15237. |      1.4450 |      81808. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       190 |   1955.179 |     10.290 |     6.6704 |      7.6030 |      44.434 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       190 |  -13.63151 |  -0.071745 |    0.35210 |     -1.7039 |      1.8267 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       190 |  -9.128161 |  -0.048043 |    0.22272 |    -0.98658 |      1.1959 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       190 |   52.78892 |    0.27784 |    0.32927 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       190 |   178.3142 |    0.93850 |     2.8115 |   0.0037980 |      20.408 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       190 |  -15560.25 |    -81.896 |     305.73 |     -763.62 |      779.52 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       190 |   444.9611 |     2.3419 |     200.46 |     -412.81 |      616.31 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       190 |   472500.3 |     2486.8 |     133.59 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       190 |    1015606 |     5345.3 |     15237. |      1.4500 |      81808. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       190 |   1955.179 |     10.290 |     6.6704 |      7.6030 |      44.434 |
 UnpackITHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        225 |     75.000 |     83.821 |      0.0000 |      192.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        274 |     91.333 |     109.30 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
 CheckITHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       225 |1.028992e-05 | 4.5733e-08 | 2.8551e-07 | -4.9499e-07 |  4.9915e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       225 |-4.548637e-06 |-2.0216e-08 | 2.7657e-07 | -4.9901e-07 |  4.9262e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       225 |-1.600044e-05 |-7.1113e-08 | 2.6973e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9477e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       225 |-7.217417e-06 |-3.2077e-08 | 5.9526e-07 | -9.9834e-07 |  9.9827e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |-0.0001091039 |-4.8491e-07 | 2.7879e-05 | -4.8910e-05 |  4.9513e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |0.0007056298 | 3.1361e-06 | 2.8685e-05 | -4.9828e-05 |  4.9721e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |-4.089321e-05 |-1.8175e-07 | 3.0095e-05 | -4.9640e-05 |  4.9732e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       225 |-0.01933304 |-8.5925e-05 |  0.0030292 |  -0.0048513 |   0.0049417 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       225 |-1.580521e-05 |-7.0245e-08 | 2.6838e-06 | -4.9828e-06 |  4.9635e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       225 |      3.329 |   0.014796 |    0.18233 |     -1.2429 |     0.70927 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       225 |  -3.278708 |  -0.014572 |   0.078725 |    -0.71136 |     0.11897 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       225 |   82.70447 |    0.36758 |    0.12043 |    -0.41147 |     0.41023 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       225 |   37.88498 |    0.16838 |    0.18298 |   0.0069531 |      1.9171 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |    27279.8 |     121.24 |     259.83 |     -396.80 |      581.26 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |  -8495.368 |    -37.757 |     63.848 |     -140.66 |      93.543 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |    1888655 |     8394.0 |     589.91 |      7667.8 |      9171.1 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       225 |    4347385 |     19322. |     23851. |      1.4868 |      81805. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       225 |   6315.458 |     28.069 |     1.9501 |      25.413 |      30.803 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       225 |    3.32899 |   0.014796 |    0.18233 |     -1.2429 |     0.70927 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       225 |  -3.278703 |  -0.014572 |   0.078725 |    -0.71136 |     0.11897 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       225 |   82.70449 |    0.36758 |    0.12043 |    -0.41147 |     0.41023 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       225 |   37.88498 |    0.16838 |    0.18298 |   0.0069540 |      1.9171 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |    27279.8 |     121.24 |     259.83 |     -396.80 |      581.26 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |  -8495.369 |    -37.757 |     63.848 |     -140.66 |      93.543 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |    1888655 |     8394.0 |     589.91 |      7667.8 |      9171.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       225 |    4347385 |     19322. |     23851. |      1.4900 |      81805. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       225 |   6315.458 |     28.069 |     1.9501 |      25.413 |      30.803 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       274 |5.465241e-06 | 1.9946e-08 | 3.0128e-07 | -4.9926e-07 |  4.9960e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       274 |-2.230721e-06 |-8.1413e-09 | 3.0059e-07 | -4.8765e-07 |  4.9409e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       274 |3.329852e-06 | 1.2153e-08 | 3.0433e-07 | -4.9728e-07 |  4.9562e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       274 |-3.290092e-06 |-1.2008e-08 | 5.6496e-07 | -9.9915e-07 |  9.9944e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       274 |-0.0003253077 |-1.1873e-06 | 3.0088e-05 | -4.9359e-05 |  4.9773e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       274 |0.0004668702 | 1.7039e-06 | 2.9466e-05 | -4.9722e-05 |  4.9938e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       274 |0.000219458 | 8.0094e-07 | 2.8452e-05 | -4.9556e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       274 |0.002333103 | 8.5150e-06 |  0.0028115 |  -0.0049908 |   0.0049447 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       274 |-6.218104e-06 |-2.2694e-08 | 2.7539e-06 | -4.7588e-06 |  4.8929e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       274 |   -6.94962 |  -0.025364 |    0.11532 |    -0.92326 |     0.16121 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       274 |  0.1041078 | 0.00037996 |   0.064450 |    -0.58624 |     0.32578 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       274 |   101.1989 |    0.36934 |    0.11340 |    -0.41158 |     0.41082 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       274 |   45.15479 |    0.16480 |    0.16469 |   0.0081271 |      1.5667 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       274 |   4848.389 |     17.695 |     289.69 |     -596.10 |      623.86 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       274 |  -11042.66 |    -40.302 |     72.464 |     -204.17 |      109.92 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       274 |    2281263 |     8325.8 |     543.81 |      7667.9 |      9171.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       274 |    4942048 |     18037. |     21440. |      1.4402 |      81804. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       274 |   7772.623 |     28.367 |     8.3414 |      25.413 |      163.03 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       274 |  -6.949625 |  -0.025364 |    0.11532 |    -0.92326 |     0.16121 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       274 |    0.10411 | 0.00037996 |   0.064450 |    -0.58624 |     0.32578 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       274 |   101.1989 |    0.36934 |    0.11340 |    -0.41158 |     0.41082 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       274 |   45.15479 |    0.16480 |    0.16469 |   0.0081280 |      1.5667 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       274 |    4848.39 |     17.695 |     289.69 |     -596.10 |      623.86 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       274 |  -11042.66 |    -40.302 |     72.464 |     -204.17 |      109.92 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       274 |    2281263 |     8325.8 |     543.81 |      7667.9 |      9171.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       274 |    4942048 |     18037. |     21440. |      1.4400 |      81804. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       274 |   7772.623 |     28.367 |     8.3414 |      25.413 |      163.03 |
 UnpackOTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        375 |     125.00 |     127.48 |      0.0000 |      300.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        490 |     163.33 |     208.09 |      0.0000 |      457.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       375 |4.244524e-07 | 1.1319e-09 | 2.7900e-07 | -4.9482e-07 |  4.9885e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       375 |-1.790031e-06 |-4.7734e-09 | 2.8991e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       375 |4.294687e-06 | 1.1452e-08 | 2.6888e-07 | -4.9072e-07 |  4.9496e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       375 |-6.609338e-06 |-1.7625e-08 | 6.0223e-07 | -9.9399e-07 |  9.9746e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       375 |0.0001502881 | 4.0077e-07 | 2.8073e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9886e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       375 |0.0004804488 | 1.2812e-06 | 3.0155e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       375 |8.895794e-05 | 2.3722e-07 | 3.0199e-05 | -4.9835e-05 |  4.9557e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       375 |-0.02301508 |-6.1374e-05 |  0.0028622 |  -0.0049589 |   0.0049951 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       375 |-7.593585e-05 |-2.0250e-07 | 2.8809e-06 | -4.9748e-06 |  4.9837e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       375 |    978.333 |     2.6089 |     20.926 |     -44.199 |      262.07 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       375 |   269.3947 |    0.71839 |     4.1362 |     -21.363 |      38.344 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       375 |   2682.183 |     7.1525 |     6.5037 |     -10.747 |      10.782 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       375 |   120.0534 |    0.32014 |    0.46093 |   0.0027349 |      5.0722 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       375 |  -23119.66 |    -61.652 |     1253.7 |     -3012.9 |      2712.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       375 |  -21607.05 |    -57.619 |     690.38 |     -1775.2 |      2389.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       375 |    3254487 |     8678.6 |     551.90 |      7850.5 |      9413.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       375 |    1077591 |     2873.6 |     5989.8 |      1.4470 |      81796. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       375 |   12389.99 |     33.040 |     11.262 |      26.257 |      93.380 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       375 |    978.333 |     2.6089 |     20.926 |     -44.199 |      262.07 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       375 |   269.3947 |    0.71839 |     4.1362 |     -21.363 |      38.344 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       375 |   2682.183 |     7.1525 |     6.5037 |     -10.747 |      10.782 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       375 |   120.0534 |    0.32014 |    0.46093 |   0.0027340 |      5.0722 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       375 |  -23119.66 |    -61.652 |     1253.7 |     -3012.9 |      2712.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       375 |  -21607.05 |    -57.619 |     690.38 |     -1775.2 |      2389.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       375 |    3254487 |     8678.6 |     551.90 |      7850.5 |      9413.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       375 |    1077591 |     2873.6 |     5989.8 |      1.4500 |      81796. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       375 |   12389.99 |     33.040 |     11.262 |      26.257 |      93.380 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       490 |-1.020657e-05 |-2.0830e-08 | 2.7119e-07 | -4.9827e-07 |  4.9963e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       490 |-2.887585e-06 |-5.8930e-09 | 2.8186e-07 | -4.9770e-07 |  4.9717e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       490 |-8.68218e-07 |-1.7719e-09 | 2.9257e-07 | -4.9815e-07 |  4.9821e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       490 |1.087543e-05 | 2.2195e-08 | 5.9435e-07 | -9.9831e-07 |  9.9962e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       490 |-0.0005674478 |-1.1581e-06 | 2.9423e-05 | -4.9828e-05 |  4.9258e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       490 |0.0006415962 | 1.3094e-06 | 2.9035e-05 | -4.9667e-05 |  4.9660e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       490 |-0.0002045691 |-4.1749e-07 | 2.8777e-05 | -4.9647e-05 |  4.9533e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       490 |0.007899375 | 1.6121e-05 |  0.0029145 |  -0.0049877 |   0.0049991 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       490 |6.982172e-05 | 1.4249e-07 | 2.8175e-06 | -4.9198e-06 |  4.9963e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       490 |   776.5898 |     1.5849 |     8.9819 |     -40.538 |      53.032 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       490 |   215.1261 |    0.43903 |     6.1781 |     -19.230 |      62.072 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       490 |   3276.955 |     6.6877 |     7.0995 |     -10.771 |      10.785 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       490 |   172.9628 |    0.35299 |    0.50256 |  0.00030029 |      4.6975 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       490 |   159777.6 |     326.08 |     1164.3 |     -2960.4 |      2971.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       490 |  -95451.77 |    -194.80 |     739.45 |     -2417.6 |      1967.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       490 |    4224083 |     8620.6 |     560.65 |      7847.0 |      9406.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       490 |    1557029 |     3177.6 |     7529.8 |      1.4547 |      81796. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       490 |   16369.89 |     33.408 |     8.1336 |      26.262 |      75.369 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       490 |   776.5898 |     1.5849 |     8.9819 |     -40.538 |      53.032 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       490 |   215.1261 |    0.43903 |     6.1781 |     -19.230 |      62.072 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       490 |   3276.955 |     6.6877 |     7.0995 |     -10.771 |      10.785 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       490 |   172.9628 |    0.35299 |    0.50256 |  0.00030000 |      4.6975 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       490 |   159777.6 |     326.08 |     1164.3 |     -2960.4 |      2971.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       490 |  -95451.77 |    -194.80 |     739.45 |     -2417.6 |      1967.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       490 |    4224083 |     8620.6 |     560.65 |      7847.0 |      9406.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       490 |    1557029 |     3177.6 |     7529.8 |      1.4500 |      81796. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       490 |   16369.89 |     33.408 |     8.1336 |      26.262 |      75.369 |
 UnpackRichHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1229 |     409.67 |     523.81 |      0.0000 |      1149.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1467 |     489.00 |     642.00 |      0.0000 |      1396.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1229 |     409.67 |     523.81 |      0.0000 |      1149.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1467 |     489.00 |     642.00 |      0.0000 |      1396.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         72 |     24.000 |     27.178 |      0.0000 |      62.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         77 |     25.667 |     31.478 |      0.0000 |      70.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         61 |     20.333 |     22.066 |      0.0000 |      51.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |         69 |     23.000 |     27.725 |      0.0000 |      62.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1229 |-8.527901e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 |0.000838794 | 6.8250e-07 | 2.8613e-05 | -4.9649e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |0.0004332136 | 3.5249e-07 | 2.8560e-05 | -4.9945e-05 |  4.9914e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |-0.001766133 |-1.4370e-06 | 2.8923e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9915e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1229 |-0.0001193853 |-9.7140e-08 | 2.8784e-06 | -4.9969e-06 |  4.9897e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1229 |      24.58 |   0.020000 | 4.7141e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 |   -1714222 |    -1394.8 |     3150.1 |     -4150.1 |      4148.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |   293947.3 |     239.18 |     702.36 |     -1280.9 |      1319.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |1.029594e+07 |     8377.5 |     4037.3 |      1469.8 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1229 |   49305.23 |     40.118 |     21.351 |      7.4118 |      137.20 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1229 |      24.58 |   0.020000 | 4.7189e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1229 |   -1714222 |    -1394.8 |     3150.1 |     -4150.1 |      4148.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1229 |   293947.3 |     239.18 |     702.36 |     -1280.9 |      1319.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1229 |1.029594e+07 |     8377.5 |     4037.3 |      1469.8 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1229 |   49305.23 |     40.118 |     21.351 |      7.4118 |      137.20 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1467 |-1.017936e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1467 |-0.003461323 |-2.3595e-06 | 2.8529e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9765e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1467 |0.0003471783 | 2.3666e-07 | 2.8657e-05 | -4.9880e-05 |  4.9898e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1467 |0.0008160353 | 5.5626e-07 | 2.9324e-05 | -4.9717e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1467 |6.616504e-05 | 4.5102e-08 | 2.8865e-06 | -4.9971e-06 |  4.9896e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1467 |      29.34 |   0.020000 | 3.8808e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1467 |    1827880 |     1246.0 |     2737.5 |     -4148.7 |      4148.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1467 |   222424.8 |     151.62 |     841.74 |     -1390.4 |      1392.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1467 |1.012261e+07 |     6900.2 |     4627.9 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1467 |   49277.22 |     33.590 |     20.993 |      6.7394 |      114.79 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1467 |      29.34 |   0.020000 | 3.8905e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1467 |    1827880 |     1246.0 |     2737.5 |     -4148.7 |      4148.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1467 |   222424.8 |     151.62 |     841.74 |     -1390.4 |      1392.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1467 |1.012261e+07 |     6900.2 |     4627.9 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1467 |   49277.22 |     33.590 |     20.993 |      6.7394 |      114.79 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1229 |0.002188439 | 1.7807e-06 | 2.7985e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9930e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1229 |0.000250124 | 2.0352e-07 | 2.9090e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9900e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1229 |-0.000369899 |-3.0098e-07 | 2.8590e-05 | -4.9969e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1229 |-3.642526e-10 |-2.9638e-13 | 5.8569e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1229 |-0.00133322 |-1.0848e-06 | 2.8380e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1229 |-7.411483e-05 |-6.0305e-08 | 2.9788e-05 | -4.9892e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1229 |-0.001870449 |-1.5219e-06 | 2.8947e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1229 |   3918.845 |     3.1886 |     1.7547 |  0.00044774 |      6.2723 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1229 |   659.8948 |    0.53694 |    0.62447 |    0.012999 |      2.8176 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1229 |   -1847205 |    -1503.0 |     1898.7 |     -4009.1 |      2339.4 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1229 |     143869 |     117.06 |     400.63 |     -992.36 |      1463.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1229 |1.003693e+07 |     8166.7 |     4045.3 |      993.76 |      11598. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1229 |0.005334381 | 4.3404e-06 | 1.0961e-06 |  1.8717e-06 |  6.8097e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1229 |   -1674749 |    -1362.7 |     3077.6 |     -4067.7 |      4075.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1229 |   285895.4 |     232.62 |     659.68 |     -1182.2 |      1238.2 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1229 |1.023827e+07 |     8330.6 |     4037.4 |      1402.8 |      11067. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1229 |   3918.845 |     3.1886 |     1.7547 |  0.00044774 |      6.2723 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1229 |   659.8948 |    0.53694 |    0.62447 |    0.012999 |      2.8176 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1229 |   -1847205 |    -1503.0 |     1898.7 |     -4009.1 |      2339.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1229 |     143869 |     117.06 |     400.63 |     -992.36 |      1463.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1229 |1.003693e+07 |     8166.7 |     4045.3 |      993.76 |      11598. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1229 |0.005334381 | 4.3404e-06 | 1.0961e-06 |  1.8717e-06 |  6.8097e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1229 |   -1674749 |    -1362.7 |     3077.6 |     -4067.7 |      4075.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1229 |   285895.4 |     232.62 |     659.68 |     -1182.2 |      1238.2 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1229 |1.023827e+07 |     8330.6 |     4037.4 |      1402.8 |      11067. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1229 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1467 |-0.0009417117 |-6.4193e-07 | 2.8456e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9819e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1467 |-0.0005497156 |-3.7472e-07 | 2.9190e-05 | -4.9916e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1467 |-0.0005478465 |-3.7345e-07 | 2.8257e-05 | -4.9927e-05 |  4.9905e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1467 |7.901235e-11 | 5.3860e-14 | 5.6842e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1467 |0.0007055666 | 4.8096e-07 | 2.8625e-05 | -4.9760e-05 |  4.9903e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1467 |0.0004036107 | 2.7513e-07 | 2.8800e-05 | -4.9714e-05 |  4.9784e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1467 |0.0007125732 | 4.8573e-07 | 2.8637e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1467 |   4609.585 |     3.1422 |     1.7655 |   0.0016490 |      6.2816 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1467 |   589.8715 |    0.40209 |    0.52692 |    0.013644 |      2.8032 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1467 |    1254436 |     855.10 |     1574.8 |     -2311.4 |      3982.2 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1467 |   178177.5 |     121.46 |     437.59 |     -1219.2 |      1356.5 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1467 |    9830245 |     6700.9 |     4580.9 |      990.62 |      11645. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1467 |0.006190561 | 4.2199e-06 | 1.0769e-06 |  1.7547e-06 |  6.7953e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1467 |    1787555 |     1218.5 |     2676.4 |     -4073.2 |      4074.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1467 |   200019.9 |     136.35 |     784.65 |     -1316.4 |      1317.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1467 |1.004553e+07 |     6847.7 |     4624.0 |      1260.4 |      11071. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1467 |   4609.585 |     3.1422 |     1.7655 |   0.0016490 |      6.2816 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1467 |   589.8715 |    0.40209 |    0.52692 |    0.013644 |      2.8032 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1467 |    1254436 |     855.10 |     1574.8 |     -2311.4 |      3982.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1467 |   178177.5 |     121.46 |     437.59 |     -1219.2 |      1356.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1467 |    9830245 |     6700.9 |     4580.9 |      990.62 |      11645. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1467 |0.006190561 | 4.2199e-06 | 1.0769e-06 |  1.7547e-06 |  6.7953e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1467 |    1787555 |     1218.5 |     2676.4 |     -4073.2 |      4074.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1467 |   200019.9 |     136.35 |     784.65 |     -1316.4 |      1317.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1467 |1.004553e+07 |     6847.7 |     4624.0 |      1260.4 |      11071. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        72 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        562 |     187.33 |     203.37 |      0.0000 |      470.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        792 |     264.00 |     227.85 |      0.0000 |      556.00 |
 CheckSpdHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       562 |0.0001093053 | 1.9449e-07 | 2.8984e-05 | -4.9825e-05 |  4.9846e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       562 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       562 |   353.4121 |    0.62885 |     1.6860 |  6.6418e-05 |      15.862 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       562 |        902 |     1.6050 |     1.7115 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       562 |    353.412 |    0.62885 |     1.6860 |  0.00010000 |      15.862 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       562 |        902 |     1.6050 |     1.7115 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       792 |0.0003936716 | 4.9706e-07 | 2.8114e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9914e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       792 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       792 |   552.0007 |    0.69697 |     2.0099 |  9.7384e-05 |      26.288 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       792 |       1280 |     1.6162 |     1.7878 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       792 |   552.0003 |    0.69697 |     2.0099 |  0.00010000 |      26.288 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       792 |       1280 |     1.6162 |     1.7878 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        922 |     307.33 |     320.79 |      0.0000 |      750.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1330 |     443.33 |     428.62 |      0.0000 |      1023.0 |
 CheckPrsHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       922 |0.001463728 | 1.5876e-06 | 2.8964e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9849e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       922 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       922 |   938.0077 |     1.0174 |     3.7599 |  4.5050e-06 |      67.601 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       922 |       1453 |     1.5759 |     1.6816 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       922 |   938.0062 |     1.0174 |     3.7599 |      0.0000 |      67.601 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       922 |       1453 |     1.5759 |     1.6816 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1330 |-0.002596239 |-1.9521e-06 | 2.8831e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1330 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1330 |   1309.024 |    0.98423 |     4.3489 |  8.5764e-07 |      107.33 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1330 |       2095 |     1.5752 |     1.6803 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1330 |   1309.027 |    0.98423 |     4.3489 |      0.0000 |      107.33 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1330 |       2095 |     1.5752 |     1.6803 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       1120 |     373.33 |     349.76 |      0.0000 |      841.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |       2000 |     666.67 |     686.37 |      0.0000 |      1611.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1120 |0.001326154 | 1.1841e-06 | 2.8647e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9962e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1120 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1120 |   23549.58 |     21.026 |     214.71 |  0.00058081 |      6907.0 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1120 |        205 |    0.18304 |    0.68496 |      0.0000 |      14.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1120 |   23549.58 |     21.026 |     214.71 |  0.00060000 |      6907.0 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1120 |        205 |    0.18304 |    0.68496 |      0.0000 |      14.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2000 |0.001189857 | 5.9493e-07 | 2.8683e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2000 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2000 |   31763.87 |     15.882 |     125.21 |  0.00035462 |      4704.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2000 |        338 |    0.16900 |    0.39299 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2000 |   31763.87 |     15.882 |     125.21 |  0.00040000 |      4704.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2000 |        338 |    0.16900 |    0.39299 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        387 |     129.00 |     123.24 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        401 |     133.67 |     155.03 |      0.0000 |      351.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       387 |-3.543145e-05 |-9.1554e-08 | 2.8227e-05 | -4.9916e-05 |  4.9737e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       387 |   5647.652 |     14.593 |     64.828 |  0.00012005 |      924.84 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       387 |         72 |    0.18605 |    0.47306 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       387 |   5647.652 |     14.593 |     64.828 |  0.00010000 |      924.84 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       387 |         72 |    0.18605 |    0.47306 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       401 |-0.0001345043 |-3.3542e-07 | 2.8503e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9600e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       401 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       401 |   5519.761 |     13.765 |     44.717 |   0.0011030 |      439.15 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       401 |         56 |    0.13965 |    0.48463 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       401 |   5519.762 |     13.765 |     44.717 |   0.0011000 |      439.15 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       401 |         56 |    0.13965 |    0.48463 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        229 |     76.333 |     93.496 |      0.0000 |      208.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         3 |        183 |     61.000 |     62.562 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       229 |1.450608e-07 | 6.3345e-10 | 2.8516e-07 | -4.9992e-07 |  4.9777e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       229 |-3.637083e-07 |-1.5882e-09 | 2.9010e-07 | -4.9781e-07 |  4.8840e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       229 |3.610804e-06 | 1.5768e-08 | 2.9605e-07 | -4.9756e-07 |  4.9942e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       229 |-2.002349e-06 |-8.7439e-09 | 5.7220e-07 | -9.8650e-07 |  9.9706e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       229 |9.901109e-05 | 4.3236e-07 | 2.9770e-05 | -4.8571e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       229 |-0.0003035704 |-1.3256e-06 | 2.8053e-05 | -4.9581e-05 |  4.9668e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       229 |-0.0004103366 |-1.7919e-06 | 2.9864e-05 | -4.9639e-05 |  4.9566e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       229 | -0.0350896 |-0.00015323 |  0.0030316 |  -0.0049407 |   0.0049820 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       229 |2.587494e-05 | 1.1299e-07 | 2.8771e-06 | -4.8701e-06 |  4.9933e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       229 |  -33.87506 |   -0.14793 |     2.4594 |     -11.632 |      6.0486 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       229 |    26.6422 |    0.11634 |     2.0225 |     -18.801 |      5.6833 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       229 |   979.5639 |     4.2776 |     2.1197 |     -5.0142 |      5.0205 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       229 |   0.436524 |  0.0019062 |  0.0024062 |  0.00010866 |    0.014350 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       229 |   69099.77 |     301.75 |     1598.8 |     -3116.8 |      5167.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       229 |   4387.746 |     19.160 |     844.92 |     -2255.5 |      3017.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       229 |    3143376 |     13727. |     1920.2 |      11955. |      18832. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       229 |   930481.3 |     4063.2 |     10756. |      1.4542 |      81787. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       229 |   10873.42 |     47.482 |     7.0680 |      39.786 |      73.248 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       229 |  -33.87507 |   -0.14793 |     2.4594 |     -11.632 |      6.0486 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       229 |    26.6422 |    0.11634 |     2.0225 |     -18.801 |      5.6833 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       229 |   979.5639 |     4.2776 |     2.1197 |     -5.0142 |      5.0205 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       229 |   0.436526 |  0.0019062 |  0.0024062 |  0.00010800 |    0.014350 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       229 |   69099.77 |     301.75 |     1598.8 |     -3116.8 |      5167.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       229 |   4387.747 |     19.160 |     844.92 |     -2255.5 |      3017.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       229 |    3143376 |     13727. |     1920.2 |      11955. |      18832. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       229 |   930481.4 |     4063.2 |     10756. |      1.4500 |      81787. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       229 |   10873.42 |     47.482 |     7.0680 |      39.786 |      73.248 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       183 |6.69263e-06 | 3.6572e-08 | 2.8749e-07 | -4.8036e-07 |  4.9940e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       183 |3.549443e-06 | 1.9396e-08 | 2.8507e-07 | -4.9405e-07 |  4.9762e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       183 |-2.394581e-06 |-1.3085e-08 | 2.8973e-07 | -4.9872e-07 |  4.7934e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       183 |-1.306846e-05 |-7.1412e-08 | 5.3833e-07 | -9.9675e-07 |  9.8503e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       183 |3.586026e-05 | 1.9596e-07 | 2.8819e-05 | -4.9942e-05 |  4.8806e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       183 |4.746792e-05 | 2.5939e-07 | 2.8387e-05 | -4.9859e-05 |  4.9069e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       183 |1.603174e-05 | 8.7605e-08 | 3.0840e-05 | -4.9365e-05 |  4.9207e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       183 |0.004345839 | 2.3748e-05 |  0.0028532 |  -0.0049889 |   0.0048314 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       183 |4.473581e-05 | 2.4446e-07 | 2.5990e-06 | -4.9703e-06 |  4.9923e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       183 |   -48.1288 |   -0.26300 |     2.4697 |     -13.984 |      6.7226 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       183 |   -9.69131 |  -0.052958 |     2.0388 |     -22.315 |      7.6992 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       183 |   724.4717 |     3.9589 |     2.4331 |     -5.0154 |      5.0144 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       183 |  0.3264469 |  0.0017839 |  0.0020455 |  5.9138e-05 |    0.020570 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       183 |   19890.18 |     108.69 |     1314.3 |     -3646.7 |      3581.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       183 |  -2429.924 |    -13.278 |     672.35 |     -2734.4 |      2528.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       183 |    2230588 |     12189. |     479.07 |      11955. |      15340. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       183 |   972513.1 |     5314.3 |     13044. |      1.9914 |      81787. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       183 |   7705.526 |     42.107 |     3.4742 |      39.766 |      68.698 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       183 |  -48.12881 |   -0.26300 |     2.4697 |     -13.984 |      6.7226 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       183 |  -9.691314 |  -0.052958 |     2.0388 |     -22.315 |      7.6992 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       183 |   724.4717 |     3.9589 |     2.4331 |     -5.0154 |      5.0144 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       183 |    0.32646 |  0.0017839 |  0.0020455 |  6.0000e-05 |    0.020570 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       183 |   19890.18 |     108.69 |     1314.3 |     -3646.7 |      3581.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       183 |  -2429.924 |    -13.278 |     672.35 |     -2734.4 |      2528.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       183 |    2230588 |     12189. |     479.07 |      11955. |      15340. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       183 |   972513.1 |     5314.3 |     13044. |      1.9900 |      81787. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       183 |   7705.526 |     42.107 |     3.4742 |      39.766 |      68.698 |
 GaussTape                  INFO Events output: 5
 FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Set up File Summary Record
 FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Events output: 1
@@ -2605,367 +2607,367 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6793.408 |     1358.7 |     19.225 |      1321.0 |      1373.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6859.356 |     1371.9 |     17.672 |      1336.6 |      1382.9 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6766.62 |     1353.3 |     26.531 |      1300.7 |      1370.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6820.856 |     1364.2 |     31.848 |      1300.5 |      1380.5 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6649.884 |     1330.0 |     73.080 |      1184.0 |      1370.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6649.884 |     1330.0 |     73.080 |      1184.0 |      1370.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6649.884 |     1330.0 |     73.080 |      1184.0 |      1370.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6649.884 |     1330.0 |     73.080 |      1184.0 |      1370.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 72162.000 | 73230.992 | 25260.506  124995.9 37138.83 |       5 |   366.155 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 71454.000 | 72244.469 | 25083.598  122820.4 36351.00 |       5 |   361.222 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   284.000 |   293.058 |   11.057    1349.1   590.43 |       5 |     1.465 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   268.000 |   277.142 |    1.654    1328.0   587.53 |       5 |     1.386 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.193       1.3     0.48 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   266.000 |   276.208 |    1.280    1325.3   586.53 |       5 |     1.381 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     2.000 |     0.463 |    0.118       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     2.000 |     0.447 |    0.103       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    14.000 |    13.424 |    0.530      20.2     7.52 |       5 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     2.000 |     0.275 |    0.148       0.7     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    10.000 |    12.886 |    0.300      19.2     7.30 |       5 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     2.000 |     0.217 |    0.049       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     0.204 |    0.040       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     2.000 |     2.469 |    0.280       8.8     3.63 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.121       0.5     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     2.000 |     2.059 |    0.058       8.1     3.45 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.028       0.6     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.020       0.6     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 71170.000 | 71951.391 | 25072.525  121471.3 35888.67 |       5 |   359.757 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 33134.000 | 33537.461 |   32.532   63031.5 25103.75 |       5 |   167.687 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.104       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 33134.000 | 33537.195 |   32.339   63030.8 25103.61 |       5 |   167.686 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 33064.000 | 33466.605 |   31.565   62944.1 25061.75 |       5 |   167.333 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  6108.000 |  6171.837 |    0.756   30851.0 13796.07 |       5 |    30.859 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 26934.000 | 27271.572 |   27.708   49511.0 19056.15 |       5 |   136.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     2.000 |     2.759 |    0.240       6.2     2.29 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    16.000 |    17.369 |    1.035      35.3    12.98 |       5 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.024       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     2.000 |     0.903 |    0.009       1.6     0.59 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     2.000 |     1.024 |    0.008       1.7     0.71 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     2.000 |     0.637 |    0.007       1.2     0.49 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.703 |    0.019       2.8     1.14 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    10.343 |    0.882      24.3     8.79 |       5 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     4.000 |     5.473 |    0.751      13.7     4.92 |       5 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     2.000 |     1.514 |    0.018       3.3     1.32 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.689 |    0.013       3.9     1.47 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     2.000 |     0.560 |    0.009       0.9     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.032       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     0.878 |    0.017       2.4     0.90 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.011       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.007       0.7     0.28 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.008       1.1     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.007       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.167 |    0.009       2.6     0.97 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     4.000 |     2.946 |    0.330       6.2     2.31 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.026       1.0     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.018       0.6     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.021       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.014       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.015       0.5     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.028       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.014       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.015       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     4.000 |     0.983 |    0.015       2.5     0.94 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.015       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.014       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    70.000 |    70.580 |    0.764     134.3    49.24 |       5 |     0.353 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.059       0.3     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.026       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     2.000 |     0.420 |    0.028       0.8     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     6.000 |     7.380 |    0.140      17.6     6.52 |       5 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     4.000 |     2.934 |    0.018       9.1     3.58 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.009       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.017       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.752 |    0.006       1.4     0.56 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.012       1.3     0.48 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.665 |    0.008       1.3     0.53 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     2.000 |     0.834 |    0.008       1.4     0.59 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.192 |    0.009       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.022       1.7     0.65 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    62.000 |    62.249 |    0.478     123.8    44.85 |       5 |     0.311 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.017       1.4     0.51 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     2.000 |     0.541 |    0.013       1.3     0.50 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.011       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.362 |    0.009       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.019       0.4     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.006       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.013       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     6.000 |     4.032 |    0.005       8.1     2.89 |       5 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.366 |    0.015       2.5     0.91 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     2.000 |     0.889 |    0.005       1.5     0.73 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.011       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     4.000 |     3.225 |    0.005       5.5     2.34 |       5 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.014       0.8     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.015       1.6     0.63 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     2.000 |     0.360 |    0.014       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.014       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     4.000 |     5.594 |    0.007      12.0     4.34 |       5 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    36.000 |    35.434 |    0.007      76.0    27.51 |       5 |     0.177 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     2.000 |     0.699 |    0.006       1.2     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.006       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.015       0.8     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.088 |    0.005       2.0     0.79 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.012       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.493 |    0.005       2.6     1.10 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     2.000 |     0.248 |    0.013       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     2.000 |     1.702 |    0.005       3.1     1.27 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.005       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.012       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.354 |    0.005       2.2     0.92 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 32298.000 | 32622.279 |    9.790   58420.6 20893.13 |       5 |   163.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.233       0.5     0.12 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 32298.000 | 32621.934 |    9.518   58420.1 20893.04 |       5 |   163.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 32218.000 | 32540.600 |    8.788   58262.7 20838.28 |       5 |   162.703 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     6.000 |     2.743 |    0.098       4.8     1.75 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 32190.000 | 32512.883 |    7.857   58214.9 20821.58 |       5 |   162.564 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     2.871 |    0.046       4.6     1.73 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    18.000 |    18.898 |    0.420      34.8    12.84 |       5 |     0.094 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.021       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.131 |    0.010       2.4     0.88 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     2.000 |     1.359 |    0.009       3.1     1.14 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     2.000 |     0.924 |    0.011       1.4     0.56 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     1.949 |    0.010       3.3     1.19 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    12.000 |     9.957 |    0.257      19.3     8.05 |       5 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     6.000 |     5.228 |    0.139      10.0     4.25 |       5 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.376 |    0.013       3.0     1.21 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     2.000 |     1.602 |    0.014       3.3     1.38 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     4.000 |     0.664 |    0.009       1.0     0.38 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.031       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.915 |    0.020       1.9     0.87 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.012       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.021       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.766 |    0.009       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.009       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.732 |    0.011       3.0     1.20 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     4.000 |     3.073 |    0.316       5.2     1.94 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.024       1.0     0.38 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     0.295 |    0.018       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.020       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.014       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.017       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.014       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.016       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.982 |    0.017       2.0     0.86 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     2.000 |     0.186 |    0.016       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    80.000 |    81.316 |    0.718     157.3    58.11 |       5 |     0.407 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     2.000 |     0.097 |    0.066       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     2.000 |     0.405 |    0.016       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.024       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     8.000 |    11.996 |    0.144      37.3    14.52 |       5 |     0.060 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     3.128 |    0.019       8.0     2.96 |       5 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.011       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.006       0.4     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.863 |    0.006       1.7     0.63 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.015       1.2     0.42 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     4.000 |     4.856 |    0.010      21.6     9.39 |       5 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.995 |    0.011       1.9     0.67 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     0.216 |    0.010       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.664 |    0.024       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    68.000 |    68.471 |    0.446     118.7    45.97 |       5 |     0.342 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.857 |    0.015       1.3     0.54 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     2.000 |     0.782 |    0.012       1.2     0.50 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     2.000 |     0.499 |    0.009       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.008       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.019       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     2.000 |     0.239 |    0.006       0.5     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     5.307 |    0.006       9.7     3.78 |       5 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.013       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     2.150 |    0.005       5.3     1.93 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.014       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.330 |    0.005       2.3     0.88 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.013       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     4.000 |     4.112 |    0.005       7.7     2.82 |       5 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.015       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.796 |    0.017       1.3     0.53 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.016       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.015       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     5.828 |    0.007      10.5     4.32 |       5 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|    36.000 |    35.139 |    0.007      61.1    25.22 |       5 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.762 |    0.006       1.3     0.49 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.006       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.015       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     1.208 |    0.006       2.0     0.73 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.013       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     1.900 |    0.005       2.8     1.08 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.331 |    0.015       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     2.027 |    0.006       3.3     1.24 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.005       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.014       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     1.694 |    0.006       2.8     1.04 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  5738.000 |  5791.616 |    0.360   25030.2 10886.55 |       5 |    28.958 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.153       0.5     0.13 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  9563.333 |  9652.098 |   18.567   25030.0 13458.86 |       3 |    28.956 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  9546.666 |  9631.908 |   16.149   24978.9 13432.06 |       3 |    28.896 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     3.333 |     1.865 |    0.378       2.6     1.29 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  9533.333 |  9622.684 |   10.360   24963.4 13426.61 |       3 |    28.868 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.982 |    0.204       2.0     0.93 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     6.666 |     5.365 |    2.361      11.2     5.09 |       3 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.029       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.020       0.7     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.010       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.008       0.9     0.43 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.009       1.5     0.75 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     6.666 |     2.687 |    0.557       5.2     2.35 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     3.333 |     1.712 |    0.220       2.8     1.33 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.020       0.7     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     3.333 |     0.284 |    0.016       0.8     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.012       0.4     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.029       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.027       0.4     0.19 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.011       0.1     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.008       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.009       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.007       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.010       1.3     0.72 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.377       1.7     0.74 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.022       0.3     0.17 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.019       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.021       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.013       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.017       0.4     0.22 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    16.666 |    20.171 |    2.401      51.0    26.84 |       3 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.066       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.040       0.5     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.028       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     3.333 |     3.520 |    1.576       7.3     3.29 |       3 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.075 |    0.148       2.9     1.58 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.050       0.6     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.046       0.5     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     3.333 |     0.434 |    0.054       1.1     0.54 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.074       0.5     0.22 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.278 |    0.121       0.6     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.113       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.069       0.3     0.14 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.027       0.7     0.36 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    13.333 |    16.266 |    0.557      42.9    23.22 |       3 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.018       0.4     0.18 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.013       0.4     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.016       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.009       0.4     0.20 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.007       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.970 |    0.006       2.6     1.42 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.006       0.8     0.45 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.006       1.3     0.67 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.006       1.9     1.01 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.021       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.017       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.015       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.025       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.398 |    0.006       3.9     2.17 |       3 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    10.000 |     8.624 |    0.007      24.1    13.45 |       3 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.006       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.006       0.6     0.30 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.013       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.005       0.8     0.44 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.014       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.005       0.9     0.45 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.006       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.005       1.4     0.78 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GenFSRSeq                    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   706.000 |   984.533 |  176.702    2167.7   820.16 |       5 |     4.923 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 53648.000 | 56657.633 | 17618.713  108754.3 34578.09 |       5 |   283.288 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 52988.000 | 55491.832 | 17417.188  104902.9 33193.92 |       5 |   277.459 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   278.000 |   283.838 |   11.822    1306.3   571.68 |       5 |     1.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   266.000 |   267.952 |    0.745    1284.5   568.31 |       5 |     1.340 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.155       1.1     0.40 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   266.000 |   266.302 |    0.516    1277.7   565.45 |       5 |     1.332 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.250 |    0.032       5.7     2.47 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.238 |    0.025       5.6     2.46 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    12.000 |    13.079 |    0.338      21.0     7.64 |       5 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.088       0.8     0.27 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    12.000 |    12.591 |    0.188      19.9     7.37 |       5 |     0.063 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.022       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.015       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     0.000 |     2.790 |    0.224      10.7     4.49 |       5 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.084       0.5     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.509 |    0.051      10.5     4.52 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.028       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.020       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 52710.000 | 55207.984 | 17405.354  103596.6 32716.13 |       5 |   276.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 25594.000 | 26673.436 |   89.615   58857.8 22652.04 |       5 |   133.367 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     2.000 |     0.215 |    0.090       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 25592.000 | 26673.207 |   89.440   58857.2 22651.88 |       5 |   133.366 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 25534.000 | 26615.445 |   88.743   58782.1 22623.25 |       5 |   133.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  6106.000 |  6450.112 |    0.589   32242.5 14418.38 |       5 |    32.251 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 19416.000 | 20149.307 |   84.702   37662.9 14173.33 |       5 |   100.747 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.369 |    0.255       4.8     1.75 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    12.000 |    11.506 |    1.468      19.8     6.84 |       5 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.022       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     2.000 |     0.811 |    0.010       1.6     0.58 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.136       1.2     0.40 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.032       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     1.082 |    0.013       1.7     0.66 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     8.000 |     6.118 |    1.178      10.8     3.54 |       5 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     3.021 |    1.075       5.6     1.64 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     2.000 |     0.813 |    0.011       1.5     0.55 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     2.000 |     1.104 |    0.011       1.9     0.73 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     2.000 |     0.503 |    0.008       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.028       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     0.521 |    0.018       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.011       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.007       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.008       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.007       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.224 |    0.008       2.2     0.86 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.086 |    0.273       4.2     1.44 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.021       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.017       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.017       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.015       0.3     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.014       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.014       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.014       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.013       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    58.000 |    57.750 |    0.687      99.0    36.43 |       5 |     0.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.047       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.014       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.025       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     8.000 |     5.317 |    0.114      12.1     4.51 |       5 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     4.000 |     2.148 |    0.015       6.1     2.37 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.009       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.005       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.006       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.011       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     2.000 |     0.581 |    0.008       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     2.000 |     0.735 |    0.008       1.2     0.52 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.009       0.4     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.018       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    50.000 |    51.704 |    0.470      90.9    32.84 |       5 |     0.259 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.016       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.012       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.009       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     2.000 |     0.380 |    0.007       0.7     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.016       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.006       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.086       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     2.000 |     4.252 |    0.006       9.1     3.25 |       5 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     4.000 |     1.630 |    0.005       2.6     1.04 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     2.000 |     0.933 |    0.004       1.7     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.012       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     3.210 |    0.004       6.0     2.22 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     2.000 |     0.224 |    0.014       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.014       0.8     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.014       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.014       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     6.000 |     4.254 |    0.005       7.4     2.69 |       5 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    28.000 |    26.742 |    0.006      46.6    16.84 |       5 |     0.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.005       1.1     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.005       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.013       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.090 |    0.006       1.9     0.71 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.012       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.527 |    0.005       3.2     1.16 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.012       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     4.000 |     1.636 |    0.004       3.3     1.19 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.004       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.625 |    0.005       3.1     1.18 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 23554.000 | 24720.939 |   35.550   44717.6 16104.66 |       5 |   123.605 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.139       0.4     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 23554.000 | 24720.721 |   35.398   44717.2 16104.58 |       5 |   123.604 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 23468.000 | 24636.299 |   34.760   44495.6 16030.54 |       5 |   123.181 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     4.000 |     2.268 |    0.082       4.0     1.45 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 23432.000 | 24602.279 |   27.421   44392.3 15999.63 |       5 |   123.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     2.664 |    0.046       5.2     1.83 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    24.000 |    24.705 |    2.585      83.4    33.15 |       5 |     0.124 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.042 |    0.009       2.2     0.81 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.821 |    0.010       1.6     0.58 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.009       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     4.000 |     1.410 |    0.009       2.4     0.91 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    18.000 |    18.182 |    2.432      71.9    30.09 |       5 |     0.091 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     9.880 |    0.124      41.1    17.51 |       5 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     2.000 |     2.365 |    0.012       9.7     4.10 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     2.000 |     2.986 |    0.013      12.2     5.17 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.646 |    0.009       1.2     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.033       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     2.164 |    0.283       7.4     3.01 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.018       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.009       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.816 |    0.009       1.4     0.50 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.008       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.098 |    0.011       1.5     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     6.000 |     4.310 |    1.626      11.6     4.28 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     4.000 |     1.243 |    0.327       4.0     1.60 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.057       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.024       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.014       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.017       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.015       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.017       0.4     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     2.000 |     1.760 |    0.018       7.5     3.19 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.016       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    86.000 |    84.412 |    0.630     221.6    82.18 |       5 |     0.422 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.014       1.1     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.023       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     8.000 |     6.484 |    0.124      15.7     5.68 |       5 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     2.567 |    0.016       8.2     3.24 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.010       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.005       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.006       1.0     0.38 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     2.000 |     0.543 |    0.013       1.1     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.008       1.3     0.48 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.986 |    0.009       1.8     0.63 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.009       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.353 |    0.020       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    78.000 |    77.026 |    0.404     203.7    75.74 |       5 |     0.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.015       1.2     0.43 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.012       1.2     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.010       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     2.000 |     0.573 |    0.008       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.006       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     6.000 |     5.201 |    0.005      10.0     3.66 |       5 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.013       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     2.058 |    0.005       4.1     1.49 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     4.000 |     1.354 |    0.004       2.8     1.09 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.013       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     4.442 |    0.005       7.4     2.93 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.444 |    0.015       1.6     0.64 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     2.000 |     0.778 |    0.015       2.6     1.08 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.014       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.015       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     8.000 |     6.705 |    0.006      20.5     7.96 |       5 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|    42.000 |    43.026 |    0.006     133.4    52.01 |       5 |     0.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     2.000 |     0.809 |    0.005       2.1     0.77 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.014       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.291 |    0.005       1.7     0.72 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.012       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     2.039 |    0.005       2.8     1.15 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.013       0.6     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     2.260 |    0.005       3.2     1.29 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.005       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     1.708 |    0.005       2.4     0.96 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  3562.000 |  3813.581 |    0.191   17280.2  7566.49 |       5 |    19.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.171       0.5     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  5936.666 |  6355.546 |   20.605   17280.0  9501.01 |       3 |    19.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  5913.333 |  6333.695 |   18.418   17223.6  9470.99 |       3 |    19.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.056 |    0.344       3.5     1.59 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  5906.666 |  6324.608 |   10.383   17209.5  9466.85 |       3 |    18.974 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.937 |    0.392       1.7     0.68 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     3.333 |     5.112 |    1.536      10.1     4.43 |       3 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.032       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.010       0.5     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.009       0.5     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.009       0.5     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     3.333 |     0.392 |    0.009       1.0     0.54 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     3.240 |    0.382       5.8     2.72 |       3 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.145 |    0.113       3.4     1.78 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.017       0.9     0.47 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.017       1.0     0.55 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.012       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.018       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.014       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.009       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.009       0.6     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.009       0.1     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.011       0.5     0.26 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.908 |    0.347       1.9     0.83 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.026       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.019       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.024       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.027       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.017       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    23.333 |    21.840 |    2.176      56.4    30.02 |       3 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.017       0.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     3.333 |     0.125 |    0.029       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |     2.722 |    1.374       5.3     2.20 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.121       1.8     0.97 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.035       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.028       0.3     0.13 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.025       0.5     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.115       0.5     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.112       0.7     0.31 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.113       0.9     0.46 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.039       0.3     0.15 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.023       0.8     0.39 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    20.000 |    18.809 |    0.486      50.5    27.58 |       3 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.019       0.3     0.13 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.013       0.4     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.011       0.3     0.18 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.008       0.4     0.18 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.007       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.006       2.3     1.24 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.427 |    0.006       1.1     0.63 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.005       1.7     0.90 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.087 |    0.005       3.0     1.68 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.043       0.3     0.12 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     3.333 |     1.647 |    0.007       4.7     2.64 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|     6.666 |    10.186 |    0.007      29.0    16.31 |       3 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     3.333 |     0.220 |    0.006       0.6     0.33 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.006       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.014       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.005       1.1     0.58 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.013       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.720 |    0.005       1.7     0.90 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.005       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     3.333 |     0.427 |    0.005       1.0     0.52 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GenFSRSeq                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   652.000 |  1164.461 |  201.398    3845.5  1517.00 |       5 |     5.822 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 17863    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 17803    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:CAF1B21E-1BDB-E811-B23E-02163E01BBB4 [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181029.sim]
+RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:EE797A2A-B7E7-E811-91BF-02163E01BFAC [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim]
 XMLCatalog                 INFO File 'NewCatalog.xml' does not exist. New file created.
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  324  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 24.9(+- 18.6)/ 0.01/ 57.9  [s] #= 13
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  410  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  232  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 17.8(+- 13.5)/ 0.01/   41  [s] #= 13
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  314  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |        13 |      18747 |     1442.1 |     1122.0 |      0.0000 |      3100.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |        13 |       2784 |     214.15 |     153.22 |      0.0000 |      490.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |        13 |       1892 |     145.54 |     115.17 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |        13 |      12874 |     990.31 |     710.82 |      2.0000 |      2040.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         5 |       8272 |     1654.4 |     1149.3 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         5 |        457 |     91.400 |     52.614 |      0.0000 |      157.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         5 |        367 |     73.400 |     41.205 |      0.0000 |      119.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |        13 |      14056 |     1081.2 |     784.25 |      3.0000 |      2296.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |        13 |       2536 |     195.08 |     143.11 |      0.0000 |      428.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |        13 |       5984 |     460.31 |     373.41 |      0.0000 |      1188.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |        13 |      16211 |     1247.0 |     955.67 |      0.0000 |      2523.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |        13 |      17859 |     1373.8 |     1138.4 |      0.0000 |      3544.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |        13 |       8357 |     642.85 |     562.94 |      0.0000 |      1768.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |        13 |       9502 |     730.92 |     643.97 |      0.0000 |      2297.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |        13 |      10485 |     806.54 |     623.79 |      0.0000 |      1763.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |        13 |       2812 |     216.31 |     210.35 |      0.0000 |      799.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |        13 |       7427 |     571.31 |     472.57 |      0.0000 |      1492.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |        13 |      20524 |     1578.8 |     1131.2 |      0.0000 |      3109.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |        13 |       2946 |     226.62 |     163.18 |      0.0000 |      521.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |        13 |       2005 |     154.23 |     125.04 |      0.0000 |      411.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |        13 |      12994 |     999.54 |     714.79 |      2.0000 |      1948.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         5 |       6411 |     1282.2 |     723.94 |      0.0000 |      2242.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         5 |        454 |     90.800 |     54.345 |      0.0000 |      164.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         5 |        383 |     76.600 |     46.254 |      0.0000 |      139.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |        13 |      14217 |     1093.6 |     785.15 |      3.0000 |      2135.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |        13 |       2695 |     207.31 |     153.43 |      0.0000 |      468.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |        13 |       6365 |     489.62 |     381.56 |      0.0000 |      1109.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |        13 |      17622 |     1355.5 |     1010.7 |      0.0000 |      2958.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |        13 |      17801 |     1369.3 |     1513.3 |      0.0000 |      6012.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |        13 |       9992 |     768.62 |     1198.6 |      0.0000 |      4769.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |        13 |       7809 |     600.69 |     464.72 |      0.0000 |      1435.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |        13 |      11343 |     872.54 |     617.77 |      0.0000 |      1719.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |        13 |       2931 |     225.46 |     174.84 |      0.0000 |      563.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |        13 |       7638 |     587.54 |     495.22 |      0.0000 |      1518.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -2991,3 +2993,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV.ref
index 5a838ae00..47595b8c2 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV.ref
@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = []
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 02:44:10 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:47:39 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO   Rich Max Mirror reflectivity R1M1 R1M2 R2M1 R2
 RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO  Total Photon suppress factor for Aerogel Rich1Gas Rich2Gas 0.297488    0.273167    0.285066
 GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSequence/GiGa.TrackSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
-RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181106-histos.root
+RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114-histos.root
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
 HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 02:45:09    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:50:07    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.330
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 Generation              SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation              SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -457,9 +457,9 @@ OTHitMonitor.MCPartic...   INFO            Eta cut          : -1.79769e+308 < P
 DataUnpackTest             INFO Member list: UnpackMCVertex, UnpackMCParticle, CompareMCVertex, CompareMCParticle, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/UnpackPuVetoHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/CheckPuVetoHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/UnpackVeloHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/CheckVeloHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/UnpackTTHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/CheckTTHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/UnpackITHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/CheckITHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/UnpackOTHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/CheckOTHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/UnpackRichHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/UnpackRichOpPhot, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/UnpackRichSegments, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/UnpackRichTracks, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/CheckRichHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/CheckRichOpPhot, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/CheckRichSegments, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/CheckRichTracks, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/UnpackSpdHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/CheckSpdHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/UnpackPrsHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/CheckPrsHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/UnpackEcalHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/CheckEcalHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/UnpackHcalHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/CheckHcalHits, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/UnpackMuonHits, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/CheckMuonHits
 GenFSRSeq                  INFO Member list:
 EventPersistencySvc        INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
-GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181106.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 FileRecordPersistencySvc   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:FileRecordCnvSvc
-FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181106.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
@@ -805,22 +805,23 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich G4 Histo Set2
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	905
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	951
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1466
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1724
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1474865432, 0]
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours
+ PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1044128089, 0]
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2287
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2391
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2367
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2673
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 645125023, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 3,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 3 with seeds [1082, 3, 790725412, 0]
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1468
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1601
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1920
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2195
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [1082, 4, 1010630449, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 4,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 4 with seeds [1082, 4, 1633773475, 0]
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3899
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4376
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1266
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1433
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 1094777801, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 5,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 5 with seeds [1082, 5, 103049051, 0]
 GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2
@@ -831,27 +832,27 @@ GaussGen                SUCCESS 5 events processed
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 5 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 10 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 5 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 1 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 10 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 7 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 2 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 5 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 10 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 5 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 10 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 7 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 1 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
-cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 76.4693 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 50.5791 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 19.6998 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.19042 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
+cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 82.6597 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 50.5791 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 19.6998 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.19042 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 6.19042 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 4536
+= Number of particles generated: 3577
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean multiplicity: 907.2
+= Mean multiplicity: 715.4
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2276
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1747
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 455.2
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 349.4
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 730
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 566
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 146
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 113.2
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 183
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 144
 = Number of events: 5
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 36.6
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 28.8
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -859,26 +860,26 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 5 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  781.40 +-12.50 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  915.20 +-13.53 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  437.20 +- 9.35 ( 55.95 +-0.79%) Rich2 =  419.60 +- 9.16 ( 45.85 +-0.74%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   28.40 +- 2.38 (  3.63 +-0.30%) Rich2 =    7.60 +- 1.23 (  0.83 +-0.13%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  300.40 +- 7.75 ( 38.44 +-0.78%) Rich2 =  206.20 +- 6.42 ( 22.53 +-0.62%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.40 +- 0.28 (  0.05 +-0.04%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  791.80 +-12.58 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1121.60 +-14.98 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  483.20 +- 9.83 ( 61.03 +-0.78%) Rich2 =  322.80 +- 8.03 ( 28.78 +-0.60%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   16.60 +- 1.82 (  2.10 +-0.23%) Rich2 =   40.60 +- 2.85 (  3.62 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  271.20 +- 7.36 ( 34.25 +-0.75%) Rich2 =  496.80 +- 9.97 ( 44.29 +-0.66%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  262.40 +- 7.24 ( 28.67 +-0.67%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   77.40 +- 3.93 (  9.91 +-0.48%) Rich2 =   60.80 +- 3.49 (  6.64 +-0.37%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   63.60 +- 3.57 (  8.14 +-0.44%) Rich2 =   49.20 +- 3.14 (  5.38 +-0.33%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.20 +- 0.20 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  246.60 +- 7.02 ( 21.99 +-0.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   85.00 +- 4.12 ( 10.74 +-0.49%) Rich2 =  110.40 +- 4.70 (  9.84 +-0.40%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   69.40 +- 3.73 (  8.76 +-0.45%) Rich2 =   87.00 +- 4.17 (  7.76 +-0.36%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   25.20 +- 2.24 (  3.22 +-0.28%) Rich2 =   24.80 +- 2.23 (  2.71 +-0.24%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   25.80 +- 2.27 (  3.26 +-0.28%) Rich2 =   43.60 +- 2.95 (  3.89 +-0.26%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  437.20 +- 9.35 ( 55.95 +-0.79%) Rich2Gas =  419.60 +- 9.16 ( 45.85 +-0.74%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  483.20 +- 9.83 ( 61.03 +-0.78%) Rich2Gas =  322.80 +- 8.03 ( 28.78 +-0.60%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -898,98 +899,98 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   452.00 +-  9.51 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   701.20 +- 11.84 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    36.00 +-  2.68 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   506.60 +- 10.07 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     0.60 +-  0.35 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    24.80 +-  2.23 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    79.00 +-  3.97 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     6.00 +-  1.10 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     5.60 +-  1.06 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     0.60 +-  0.35 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   503.80 +- 10.04 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   583.80 +- 10.81 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    57.20 +-  3.38 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   768.00 +- 12.39 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     0.40 +-  0.28 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    22.20 +-  2.11 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    63.80 +-  3.57 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     7.40 +-  1.22 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     7.40 +-  1.22 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     0.40 +-  0.28 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       4297 |     859.40 |     618.98 |      0.0000 |      1678.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3041 |     608.20 |     406.31 |      0.0000 |      1229.0 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        204 |     40.800 |     27.294 |      0.0000 |      78.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        117 |     23.400 |     17.095 |      0.0000 |      50.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1357 |     271.40 |     250.41 |      0.0000 |      735.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1393 |     278.60 |     153.97 |      0.0000 |      439.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1302 |     260.40 |     210.35 |      0.0000 |      604.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1110 |     222.00 |     135.96 |      0.0000 |      426.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3842 |     768.40 |     692.38 |      0.0000 |      2015.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       3323 |     664.60 |     390.87 |      0.0000 |      1157.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1704 |     340.80 |     300.99 |      0.0000 |      858.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1317 |     263.40 |     152.31 |      0.0000 |      459.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |      11051 |     2210.2 |     2003.0 |      0.0000 |      5481.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |      10118 |     2023.6 |     1313.5 |      0.0000 |      3909.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       7235 |     1447.0 |     1215.9 |      0.0000 |      3483.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       6260 |     1252.0 |     777.56 |      0.0000 |      2296.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |      13697 |     2739.4 |     2218.1 |      0.0000 |      5879.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |      12381 |     2476.2 |     1530.1 |      0.0000 |      4536.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       2256 |     451.20 |     365.73 |      0.0000 |      941.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       1625 |     325.00 |     210.50 |      0.0000 |      656.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8483 |     1696.6 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9567 |     1913.4 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       8482 |     1696.4 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |       9566 |     1913.2 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        580 |     116.00 |     100.19 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        506 |     101.20 |     63.616 |      0.0000 |      194.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        492 |     98.400 |     86.516 |      0.0000 |      252.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         5 |        421 |     84.200 |     51.101 |      0.0000 |      154.00 |
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       859.4+/-276.816
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 40.8+/-12.2062
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       608.2+/-181.71
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 23.4+/-7.64513
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 271.4
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2217.43
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.154595
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0519538
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 278.6
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1735.27
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.1579
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0572315
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       128 |        128 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1357 |    3009046 |     2217.4 |     12746. |   0.0085400 |  1.0614e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1357 |     271.40 |     250.41 |      0.0000 |      735.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       168 |        168 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1393 |    2417236 |     1735.3 |     9358.6 |   0.0072969 |  1.4376e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1393 |     278.60 |     153.97 |      0.0000 |      439.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 260.4
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4692.97
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.117082
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0442496
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 222
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 5156.84
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118569
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0495069
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        46 |         46 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1302 |    6110243 |     4693.0 |     14377. |    0.024338 |  1.0614e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1302 |     260.40 |     210.35 |      0.0000 |      604.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        49 |         49 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1110 |    5724093 |     5156.8 |     19761. |   0.0036188 |  1.4376e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       1110 |     222.00 |     135.96 |      0.0000 |      426.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 768.4
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 953.322
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.197381
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0792461
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 664.6
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2399.54
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.197616
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0774344
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       230 |        230 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      3842 |    3662662 |     953.32 |     3980.1 |   0.0044530 |      34450. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       3842 |     768.40 |     692.38 |      0.0000 |      2015.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       204 |        204 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      3323 |    7973659 |     2399.5 |     9136.8 |   0.0023739 |  1.1522e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         5 |       3323 |     664.60 |     390.87 |      0.0000 |      1157.0 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -998,374 +999,374 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 84.200  10.600  4.200  4.200  0.800   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 64.200  7.400  1.200  0.200  0.600   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 61.400  7.600  2.400  2.400  2.600   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 74.200  9.800  1.800  0.800  0.200   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 65.000  7.800  2.200  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 77.600  3.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 48.000  1.400  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 54.600  3.000  0.800  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 284.000  35.400  9.600  7.600  4.200   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 245.200  15.200  3.000  0.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        204 |     40.800 |     27.294 |      0.0000 |      78.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        117 |     23.400 |     17.095 |      0.0000 |      50.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       204 |-7.597026e-06 |-3.7240e-08 | 2.8097e-07 | -4.9310e-07 |  4.8515e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       204 |3.62763e-06 | 1.7782e-08 | 2.8950e-07 | -4.9301e-07 |  4.9931e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       204 |-6.384279e-06 |-3.1295e-08 | 2.8320e-07 | -4.8413e-07 |  4.9154e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       204 |3.397394e-06 | 1.6654e-08 | 5.5012e-07 | -9.8993e-07 |  9.8492e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |0.0006963702 | 3.4136e-06 | 2.8890e-05 | -4.9453e-05 |  4.9501e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |-0.0003947566 |-1.9351e-06 | 2.9503e-05 | -4.9847e-05 |  4.9773e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |-0.0001249196 |-6.1235e-07 | 3.0765e-05 | -4.9896e-05 |  4.9398e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |-0.01107336 |-5.4281e-05 |  0.0028659 |  -0.0049808 |   0.0048703 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       204 |-2.164729e-07 |-1.0611e-09 | 2.9592e-06 | -4.9967e-06 |  4.9607e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       204 |  0.4687514 |  0.0022978 |   0.048755 |    -0.36680 |     0.18777 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       204 |  -2.496859 |  -0.012240 |   0.063966 |    -0.36000 |     0.24584 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       204 |  -58.20034 |   -0.28530 |   0.068807 |    -0.30152 |     0.30059 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       204 |    60.1892 |    0.29505 |     1.1061 |    0.055574 |      11.863 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |   254.5451 |     1.2478 |     17.172 |     -39.883 |      43.643 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |  -38.70019 |   -0.18971 |     17.394 |     -41.952 |      43.657 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |  -54423.11 |    -266.78 |     41.682 |     -315.95 |     -218.94 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |    1723810 |     8450.1 |     11601. |      3.1189 |      67346. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       204 |   210.6789 |     1.0327 |    0.19163 |     0.65166 |      1.9116 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       204 |   0.468759 |  0.0022978 |   0.048755 |    -0.36680 |     0.18777 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       204 |  -2.496863 |  -0.012240 |   0.063966 |    -0.36000 |     0.24584 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       204 |  -58.20034 |   -0.28530 |   0.068807 |    -0.30152 |     0.30059 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       204 |   60.18919 |    0.29505 |     1.1061 |    0.055574 |      11.863 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |   254.5444 |     1.2478 |     17.172 |     -39.883 |      43.643 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |   -38.6998 |   -0.18970 |     17.394 |     -41.952 |      43.657 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |  -54423.11 |    -266.78 |     41.682 |     -315.95 |     -218.94 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |    1723810 |     8450.1 |     11601. |      3.1200 |      67346. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       204 |   210.6789 |     1.0327 |    0.19163 |     0.65166 |      1.9116 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       117 |-7.356086e-09 |-6.2873e-11 | 3.0154e-07 | -4.8940e-07 |  4.9805e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       117 |6.757403e-07 | 5.7756e-09 | 2.8765e-07 | -4.9247e-07 |  4.9263e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       117 |3.617945e-06 | 3.0923e-08 | 2.7628e-07 | -4.8834e-07 |  4.8951e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       117 |-5.635039e-06 |-4.8163e-08 | 5.6310e-07 | -9.9625e-07 |  9.7757e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |4.656618e-05 | 3.9800e-07 | 2.8783e-05 | -4.9631e-05 |  4.7269e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |-0.0003421618 |-2.9245e-06 | 2.9148e-05 | -4.9792e-05 |  4.8214e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |3.876821e-05 | 3.3135e-07 | 3.0012e-05 | -4.9335e-05 |  4.9788e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |-0.03952426 |-0.00033781 |  0.0028393 |  -0.0049969 |   0.0046990 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       117 |-1.498916e-06 |-1.2811e-08 | 2.8390e-06 | -4.9570e-06 |  4.9746e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       117 |  -0.180636 | -0.0015439 |   0.021998 |   -0.050079 |     0.13067 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       117 |  0.1508127 |  0.0012890 |   0.021587 |   -0.050103 |     0.12474 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       117 |  -35.09853 |   -0.29999 | 0.00011949 |    -0.30035 |    -0.29942 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       117 |   12.82023 |    0.10957 |   0.052800 |    0.069064 |     0.43351 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |  -198.1133 |    -1.6933 |     14.972 |     -36.007 |      37.932 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -43.48184 |   -0.37164 |     15.856 |     -38.737 |      39.642 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |  -31339.23 |    -267.86 |     41.785 |     -315.90 |     -218.96 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |    1357036 |     11599. |     12772. |      3.5104 |      54795. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       117 |    112.946 |    0.96535 |    0.20066 |     0.45277 |      1.3909 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       117 |  -0.180636 | -0.0015439 |   0.021998 |   -0.050079 |     0.13067 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       117 |   0.150812 |  0.0012890 |   0.021587 |   -0.050103 |     0.12474 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       117 |  -35.09853 |   -0.29999 | 0.00011945 |    -0.30035 |    -0.29942 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       117 |   12.82024 |    0.10957 |   0.052800 |    0.069064 |     0.43351 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |  -198.1133 |    -1.6933 |     14.972 |     -36.007 |      37.932 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |   -43.4815 |   -0.37164 |     15.856 |     -38.737 |      39.642 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |  -31339.23 |    -267.86 |     41.785 |     -315.90 |     -218.96 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |    1357036 |     11599. |     12772. |      3.5100 |      54795. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       117 |    112.946 |    0.96535 |    0.20066 |     0.45277 |      1.3909 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       4297 |     859.40 |     618.98 |      0.0000 |      1678.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3041 |     608.20 |     406.31 |      0.0000 |      1229.0 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      4297 |8.763695e-06 | 2.0395e-09 | 2.8907e-07 | -4.9989e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      4297 |1.132435e-06 | 2.6354e-10 | 2.8807e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9967e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      4297 |-3.81327e-06 |-8.8743e-10 | 2.8825e-07 | -4.9925e-07 |  4.9945e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4297 |6.367249e-06 | 1.4818e-09 | 5.7768e-07 | -9.9820e-07 |  9.9952e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4297 |-0.002244324 |-5.2230e-07 | 2.9027e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4297 |0.0001210175 | 2.8163e-08 | 2.8851e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9970e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4297 |0.003998537 | 9.3054e-07 | 2.8983e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      4297 | -0.2212903 |-5.1499e-05 |  0.0028713 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0049998 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4297 |2.629991e-05 | 6.1205e-09 | 2.8902e-06 | -4.9988e-06 |  4.9996e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      4297 |   22.06073 |  0.0051340 |    0.13145 |     -3.3233 |     0.83671 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      4297 |  -22.94114 | -0.0053389 |    0.10374 |     -1.9930 |      1.6823 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      4297 |   431.7476 |    0.10048 |    0.27674 |    -0.30238 |     0.30198 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4297 |   662.1114 |    0.15409 |    0.58257 |  1.4137e-05 |      32.498 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4297 |   7395.269 |     1.7210 |     15.401 |     -43.025 |      44.819 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4297 |  -2542.999 |   -0.59181 |     17.453 |     -43.947 |      43.498 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4297 |   886744.9 |     206.36 |     277.06 |     -176.10 |      751.27 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      4297 |3.17522e+07 |     7389.4 |     11951. |      1.4262 |      96759. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4297 |    3707.29 |    0.86276 |    0.71679 |    0.022919 |      2.6557 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      4297 |   22.06072 |  0.0051340 |    0.13145 |     -3.3233 |     0.83671 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      4297 |  -22.94114 | -0.0053389 |    0.10374 |     -1.9930 |      1.6823 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      4297 |   431.7476 |    0.10048 |    0.27674 |    -0.30238 |     0.30198 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4297 |   662.1114 |    0.15409 |    0.58257 |  1.4000e-05 |      32.498 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4297 |   7395.272 |     1.7210 |     15.401 |     -43.025 |      44.819 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4297 |  -2542.999 |   -0.59181 |     17.453 |     -43.947 |      43.498 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4297 |   886744.9 |     206.36 |     277.06 |     -176.10 |      751.27 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      4297 |3.17522e+07 |     7389.4 |     11951. |      1.4300 |      96759. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4297 |    3707.29 |    0.86276 |    0.71679 |    0.022920 |      2.6557 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3041 |1.542101e-05 | 5.0710e-09 | 2.8745e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3041 |-4.915268e-06 |-1.6163e-09 | 2.8477e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9868e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3041 |2.716515e-05 | 8.9330e-09 | 2.8969e-07 | -4.9962e-07 |  4.9990e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3041 |4.014417e-05 | 1.3201e-08 | 5.7390e-07 | -9.9980e-07 |  9.9911e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3041 |0.001064309 | 3.4999e-07 | 2.9003e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3041 |-0.002161578 |-7.1081e-07 | 2.9096e-05 | -4.9961e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3041 |-0.003665278 |-1.2053e-06 | 2.8700e-05 | -4.9938e-05 |  4.9945e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3041 | 0.03738696 | 1.2294e-05 |  0.0029294 |  -0.0049932 |   0.0049930 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3041 |-2.608255e-05 |-8.5770e-09 | 2.8710e-06 | -4.9963e-06 |  4.9994e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3041 |   6.406692 |  0.0021068 |   0.094035 |     -1.3071 |      1.4351 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3041 |   11.99951 |  0.0039459 |    0.11602 |     -1.0809 |      3.0451 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3041 |   422.8564 |    0.13905 |    0.25850 |    -0.30274 |     0.30111 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3041 |   472.8596 |    0.15549 |    0.51395 |   0.0023436 |      15.105 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3041 |  -1264.766 |   -0.41590 |     16.678 |     -42.748 |      44.423 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3041 |   2117.311 |    0.69625 |     16.469 |     -44.092 |      43.518 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3041 |   661685.2 |     217.59 |     275.17 |     -175.80 |      751.28 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3041 |2.424434e+07 |     7972.5 |     16347. |      1.7372 |  1.6757e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3041 |   2762.231 |    0.90833 |    0.75644 |    0.032460 |      3.4529 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3041 |   6.406677 |  0.0021068 |   0.094035 |     -1.3071 |      1.4351 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3041 |   11.99951 |  0.0039459 |    0.11602 |     -1.0809 |      3.0451 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3041 |   422.8563 |    0.13905 |    0.25850 |    -0.30273 |     0.30112 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3041 |   472.8595 |    0.15549 |    0.51395 |   0.0023440 |      15.105 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3041 |  -1264.767 |   -0.41590 |     16.678 |     -42.748 |      44.423 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3041 |   2117.313 |    0.69626 |     16.469 |     -44.092 |      43.518 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3041 |   661685.2 |     217.59 |     275.17 |     -175.80 |      751.28 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3041 |2.424434e+07 |     7972.5 |     16347. |      1.7400 |  1.6757e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3041 |   2762.231 |    0.90833 |    0.75644 |    0.032460 |      3.4529 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1357 |     271.40 |     250.41 |      0.0000 |      735.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1393 |     278.60 |     153.97 |      0.0000 |      439.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1357 |1.889469e-05 | 1.3924e-08 | 2.8486e-07 | -4.9961e-07 |  4.9837e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1357 |-3.324692e-06 |-2.4500e-09 | 2.8991e-07 | -4.9796e-07 |  4.9629e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1357 |4.004528e-06 | 2.9510e-09 | 1.0082e-07 | -4.9858e-07 |  4.9858e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1357 |3.294626e-05 | 2.4279e-08 | 5.7519e-07 | -9.9476e-07 |  9.9745e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1357 |0.000347019 | 2.5573e-07 | 2.8426e-05 | -4.9885e-05 |  4.9783e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1357 |-0.0005424751 |-3.9976e-07 | 2.8791e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.9793e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1357 |0.0001031669 | 7.6026e-08 | 7.1738e-06 | -4.8911e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1357 | 0.01831575 | 1.3497e-05 |  0.0028895 |  -0.0049934 |   0.0049902 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1357 |-0.0001008712 |-7.4334e-08 | 2.9105e-06 | -4.9945e-06 |  4.9809e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1357 |   39.17765 |   0.028871 |    0.73318 |     -5.8752 |      9.7604 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1357 |  -43.15574 |  -0.031802 |    0.30777 |     -4.7056 |      2.7447 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1357 |    411.131 |    0.30297 |    0.37238 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1357 |   369.9823 |    0.27265 |    0.40013 |  0.00051451 |      7.6547 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1357 |  -892.9994 |   -0.65807 |     288.22 |     -802.45 |      794.11 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1357 |  -8859.067 |    -6.5284 |     236.77 |     -686.78 |      661.51 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1357 |    3399676 |     2505.3 |     134.34 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1357 |    6641098 |     4894.0 |     10739. |      1.4306 |      96733. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1357 |   15454.45 |     11.389 |     6.8178 |      7.5315 |      78.102 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1357 |   39.17763 |   0.028871 |    0.73318 |     -5.8752 |      9.7604 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1357 |  -43.15574 |  -0.031802 |    0.30777 |     -4.7056 |      2.7447 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1357 |    411.131 |    0.30297 |    0.37238 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1357 |   369.9823 |    0.27265 |    0.40013 |  0.00051400 |      7.6547 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1357 |  -892.9997 |   -0.65807 |     288.22 |     -802.45 |      794.11 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1357 |  -8859.067 |    -6.5284 |     236.77 |     -686.78 |      661.51 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1357 |    3399676 |     2505.3 |     134.34 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1357 |    6641097 |     4894.0 |     10739. |      1.4300 |      96733. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1357 |   15454.45 |     11.389 |     6.8178 |      7.5315 |      78.102 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1393 |-4.061044e-06 |-2.9153e-09 | 2.8815e-07 | -4.9984e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1393 |5.899013e-06 | 4.2348e-09 | 2.8729e-07 | -4.9859e-07 |  4.9931e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1393 |3.244373e-06 | 2.3291e-09 | 1.1045e-07 | -4.9636e-07 |  4.9636e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1393 |1.039574e-05 | 7.4628e-09 | 5.8087e-07 | -9.9928e-07 |  9.9880e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1393 |-0.0007015163 |-5.0360e-07 | 2.8725e-05 | -4.9893e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1393 |-1.214897e-06 |-8.7214e-10 | 2.8774e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1393 |0.0007210676 | 5.1764e-07 | 8.1032e-06 | -4.9167e-05 |  4.9387e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1393 |  0.1468732 | 0.00010544 |  0.0028566 |  -0.0049841 |   0.0049896 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1393 |0.0001680429 | 1.2063e-07 | 2.9203e-06 | -4.9772e-06 |  4.9910e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1393 |  -42.63964 |  -0.030610 |    0.53430 |     -5.0458 |      3.8424 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1393 |   12.87699 |  0.0092441 |    0.26941 |     -2.0531 |      2.8679 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1393 |    366.857 |    0.26336 |    0.39256 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1393 |   344.5742 |    0.24736 |    0.25865 |  1.2618e-05 |      4.9162 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1393 |  -42615.58 |    -30.593 |     312.22 |     -796.13 |      778.88 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1393 |  -10496.31 |    -7.5350 |     242.15 |     -659.63 |      636.58 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1393 |    3487104 |     2503.3 |     135.67 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1393 |    5651666 |     4057.2 |     10330. |      1.4393 |  1.0205e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1393 |   16341.63 |     11.731 |     6.1238 |      7.4214 |      46.555 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1393 |  -42.63964 |  -0.030610 |    0.53430 |     -5.0458 |      3.8424 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1393 |   12.87698 |  0.0092441 |    0.26941 |     -2.0531 |      2.8679 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1393 |    366.857 |    0.26336 |    0.39256 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1393 |   344.5742 |    0.24736 |    0.25865 |  1.2000e-05 |      4.9162 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1393 |  -42615.58 |    -30.593 |     312.22 |     -796.13 |      778.88 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1393 |  -10496.31 |    -7.5350 |     242.15 |     -659.63 |      636.58 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1393 |    3487104 |     2503.3 |     135.67 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1393 |    5651666 |     4057.2 |     10330. |      1.4400 |  1.0205e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1393 |   16341.63 |     11.731 |     6.1238 |      7.4214 |      46.555 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1302 |     260.40 |     210.35 |      0.0000 |      604.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1110 |     222.00 |     135.96 |      0.0000 |      426.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1302 |-8.428739e-06 |-6.4737e-09 | 2.8631e-07 | -4.9781e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1302 |-3.719448e-06 |-2.8567e-09 | 2.8655e-07 | -4.9955e-07 |  4.9967e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1302 |-2.815264e-06 |-2.1623e-09 | 2.9113e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9963e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1302 |-5.530305e-06 |-4.2475e-09 | 5.7236e-07 | -9.9813e-07 |  9.9554e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1302 |0.0002937319 | 2.2560e-07 | 2.8393e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1302 |-0.000915723 |-7.0332e-07 | 2.8575e-05 | -4.9608e-05 |  4.9893e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1302 |-0.001131784 |-8.6927e-07 | 2.9198e-05 | -4.9961e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1302 | 0.09117791 | 7.0029e-05 |  0.0029695 |  -0.0049801 |   0.0049810 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1302 |0.0001699033 | 1.3049e-07 | 2.8590e-06 | -4.9988e-06 |  4.9947e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1302 |  -1.312674 | -0.0010082 |    0.17281 |    -0.93945 |      1.3978 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1302 |   11.00229 |  0.0084503 |    0.12673 |    -0.89041 |      2.7883 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1302 |   434.1682 |    0.33346 |    0.16233 |    -0.41281 |     0.41451 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1302 |    235.058 |    0.18054 |    0.35627 |  0.00011852 |      7.8888 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1302 |   -8846.34 |    -6.7944 |     276.05 |     -646.59 |      631.59 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1302 |   28788.76 |     22.111 |     97.341 |     -197.45 |      213.43 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1302 |1.089482e+07 |     8367.8 |     556.36 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1302 |1.542073e+07 |     11844. |     17178. |      1.4632 |      96722. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1302 |   36461.41 |     28.004 |     1.9676 |      25.408 |      36.437 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1302 |  -1.312666 | -0.0010082 |    0.17281 |    -0.93945 |      1.3978 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1302 |   11.00229 |  0.0084503 |    0.12673 |    -0.89041 |      2.7883 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1302 |   434.1682 |    0.33346 |    0.16233 |    -0.41281 |     0.41451 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1302 |    235.058 |    0.18054 |    0.35627 |  0.00011800 |      7.8888 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1302 |   -8846.34 |    -6.7944 |     276.05 |     -646.59 |      631.59 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1302 |   28788.76 |     22.111 |     97.341 |     -197.45 |      213.43 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1302 |1.089482e+07 |     8367.8 |     556.36 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1302 |1.542073e+07 |     11844. |     17178. |      1.4600 |      96722. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1302 |   36461.41 |     28.004 |     1.9676 |      25.408 |      36.437 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1110 |-1.457558e-05 |-1.3131e-08 | 2.9155e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9646e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1110 |2.178153e-06 | 1.9623e-09 | 2.9231e-07 | -4.9915e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1110 |2.574786e-05 | 2.3196e-08 | 2.9308e-07 | -4.9727e-07 |  4.9953e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1110 |4.571107e-06 | 4.1181e-09 | 5.6423e-07 | -9.9703e-07 |  9.9947e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1110 |-0.0006185021 |-5.5721e-07 | 2.8298e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9898e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1110 |-0.0008466839 |-7.6278e-07 | 2.8290e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1110 |-0.002014689 |-1.8150e-06 | 2.9203e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9863e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1110 |0.001792947 | 1.6153e-06 |  0.0028685 |  -0.0049971 |   0.0049901 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1110 |-7.859713e-05 |-7.0808e-08 | 2.8865e-06 | -4.9844e-06 |  4.9971e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1110 |  -16.50977 |  -0.014874 |    0.27759 |     -2.1633 |      2.3011 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1110 |   3.294811 |  0.0029683 |    0.16930 |     -1.0973 |      3.0696 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1110 |   338.6035 |    0.30505 |    0.20321 |    -0.41154 |     0.41861 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1110 |   254.5379 |    0.22931 |    0.46697 |  0.00017027 |      9.2836 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1110 |  -24159.83 |    -21.766 |     271.02 |     -626.38 |      640.46 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1110 |  -27303.55 |    -24.598 |     94.362 |     -203.70 |      199.78 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1110 |    9226559 |     8312.2 |     554.16 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1110 |1.202078e+07 |     10830. |     17628. |      1.4265 |  1.0204e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1110 |   31226.73 |     28.132 |     2.1940 |      25.287 |      40.527 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1110 |  -16.50975 |  -0.014874 |    0.27759 |     -2.1633 |      2.3011 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1110 |   3.294809 |  0.0029683 |    0.16930 |     -1.0973 |      3.0696 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1110 |   338.6034 |    0.30505 |    0.20321 |    -0.41154 |     0.41861 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1110 |   254.5378 |    0.22931 |    0.46697 |  0.00017000 |      9.2836 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1110 |  -24159.83 |    -21.766 |     271.02 |     -626.38 |      640.46 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1110 |  -27303.55 |    -24.598 |     94.362 |     -203.70 |      199.78 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1110 |    9226559 |     8312.2 |     554.16 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1110 |1.202078e+07 |     10830. |     17628. |      1.4300 |  1.0204e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1110 |   31226.73 |     28.132 |     2.1940 |      25.287 |      40.527 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3842 |     768.40 |     692.38 |      0.0000 |      2015.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       3323 |     664.60 |     390.87 |      0.0000 |      1157.0 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3842 |3.185626e-05 | 8.2916e-09 | 2.9161e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3842 |-3.548534e-05 |-9.2362e-09 | 2.9011e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  4.9925e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3842 |1.27022e-05 | 3.3061e-09 | 2.9177e-07 | -4.9984e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3842 |-1.182503e-06 |-3.0778e-10 | 5.8217e-07 | -9.9930e-07 |  9.9847e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3842 |0.0006797848 | 1.7694e-07 | 2.8410e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3842 |0.003272683 | 8.5182e-07 | 2.8802e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9932e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3842 |-0.001668601 |-4.3431e-07 | 2.8939e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3842 | -0.1287852 |-3.3520e-05 |  0.0029181 |  -0.0049982 |   0.0049995 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3842 |0.000139932 | 3.6422e-08 | 2.8982e-06 | -4.9987e-06 |  4.9996e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3842 |  -891.2426 |   -0.23197 |     9.2522 |     -177.35 |      126.87 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3842 |   1166.534 |    0.30363 |     6.6291 |     -62.111 |      102.05 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3842 |   26601.74 |     6.9239 |     6.9061 |     -10.954 |      10.829 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3842 |   1417.872 |    0.36905 |    0.57147 |  0.00034458 |      7.1464 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3842 |   37747.83 |     9.8250 |     1289.1 |     -3155.8 |      3092.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3842 |   65171.68 |     16.963 |     749.49 |     -2409.2 |      2409.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3842 |3.318995e+07 |     8638.7 |     560.26 |      7848.5 |      9415.9 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3842 |1.490784e+07 |     3880.2 |     7108.3 |      1.4259 |      50273. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3842 |   128740.5 |     33.509 |     13.399 |      26.008 |      211.44 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3842 |  -891.2426 |   -0.23197 |     9.2522 |     -177.35 |      126.87 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3842 |   1166.534 |    0.30363 |     6.6291 |     -62.111 |      102.05 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3842 |   26601.74 |     6.9239 |     6.9061 |     -10.954 |      10.829 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3842 |   1417.872 |    0.36905 |    0.57147 |  0.00034400 |      7.1464 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3842 |   37747.83 |     9.8250 |     1289.1 |     -3155.8 |      3092.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3842 |   65171.67 |     16.963 |     749.49 |     -2409.2 |      2409.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3842 |3.318995e+07 |     8638.7 |     560.26 |      7848.5 |      9415.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3842 |1.490784e+07 |     3880.2 |     7108.3 |      1.4300 |      50273. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3842 |   128740.5 |     33.509 |     13.399 |      26.008 |      211.44 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3323 |-3.491089e-06 |-1.0506e-09 | 2.9101e-07 | -4.9978e-07 |  4.9956e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3323 |-1.043675e-05 |-3.1408e-09 | 2.9164e-07 | -4.9877e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3323 |1.816875e-05 | 5.4676e-09 | 2.9107e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3323 |-1.726328e-05 |-5.1951e-09 | 5.8229e-07 | -9.9990e-07 |  9.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3323 |0.001501183 | 4.5176e-07 | 2.8593e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3323 |0.0005181427 | 1.5593e-07 | 2.8895e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9909e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3323 |0.004426404 | 1.3321e-06 | 2.8954e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3323 |  0.2032044 | 6.1151e-05 |  0.0028932 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049971 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3323 |-7.396129e-05 |-2.2257e-08 | 2.8892e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9969e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3323 |   286.9639 |   0.086357 |     9.7951 |     -107.18 |      107.19 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3323 |  -40.86942 |  -0.012299 |     6.8771 |     -182.37 |      155.51 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3323 |    21718.5 |     6.5358 |     7.3055 |     -10.949 |      10.845 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3323 |   984.9914 |    0.29642 |    0.37950 |  0.00038266 |      7.3225 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3323 |  -353569.4 |    -106.40 |     1370.0 |     -3047.6 |      2979.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3323 |   213610.8 |     64.283 |     734.64 |     -2383.6 |      2390.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3323 |2.86712e+07 |     8628.1 |     570.78 |      7848.3 |      9414.7 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3323 |1.258283e+07 |     3786.6 |     7985.8 |      1.4227 |  1.0204e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3323 |   112470.4 |     33.846 |     11.157 |      25.901 |      180.50 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3323 |   286.9639 |   0.086357 |     9.7951 |     -107.18 |      107.19 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3323 |  -40.86941 |  -0.012299 |     6.8771 |     -182.37 |      155.51 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3323 |    21718.5 |     6.5358 |     7.3055 |     -10.949 |      10.845 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3323 |   984.9914 |    0.29642 |    0.37950 |  0.00038200 |      7.3225 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3323 |  -353569.4 |    -106.40 |     1370.0 |     -3047.6 |      2979.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3323 |   213610.8 |     64.283 |     734.64 |     -2383.6 |      2390.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3323 |2.86712e+07 |     8628.1 |     570.78 |      7848.3 |      9414.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3323 |1.258283e+07 |     3786.6 |     7985.8 |      1.4200 |  1.0204e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3323 |   112470.4 |     33.846 |     11.157 |      25.901 |      180.50 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8483 |     1696.6 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9567 |     1913.4 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       8482 |     1696.4 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       9566 |     1913.2 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        580 |     116.00 |     100.19 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        506 |     101.20 |     63.616 |      0.0000 |      194.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        492 |     98.400 |     86.516 |      0.0000 |      252.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |        421 |     84.200 |     51.101 |      0.0000 |      154.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8483 |-0.003922578 |-4.6240e-07 | 4.2586e-05 |  -0.0039226 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      8483 |0.001393764 | 1.6430e-07 | 2.8889e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      8483 |-0.003198607 |-3.7706e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      8483 |-0.003697518 |-4.3587e-07 | 2.8830e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8483 |0.0003504384 | 4.1311e-08 | 2.8777e-06 | -4.9984e-06 |  4.9987e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8483 |   281.4461 |   0.033178 |     1.2136 |    0.020000 |      111.81 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      8483 |   91243.06 |     10.756 |     2945.2 |     -4150.4 |      4151.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      8483 |   -2069345 |    -243.94 |     854.80 |     -1391.4 |      1392.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      8483 |5.564404e+07 |     6559.5 |     4612.1 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8483 |   284954.8 |     33.591 |     23.573 |      6.5976 |      224.12 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8483 |     281.45 |   0.033178 |     1.2137 |    0.020000 |      111.81 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      8483 |   91243.06 |     10.756 |     2945.2 |     -4150.4 |      4151.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      8483 |   -2069345 |    -243.94 |     854.80 |     -1391.4 |      1392.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      8483 |5.564404e+07 |     6559.5 |     4612.1 |      1330.0 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8483 |   284954.8 |     33.591 |     23.573 |      6.5976 |      224.12 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9567 |-0.002106519 |-2.2019e-07 | 2.1535e-05 |  -0.0021065 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      9567 |0.0007549187 | 7.8909e-08 | 2.8709e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      9567 |0.001187128 | 1.2409e-07 | 2.8840e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      9567 |0.004382373 | 4.5807e-07 | 2.8924e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      9567 |6.250391e-05 | 6.5333e-09 | 2.8996e-06 | -4.9989e-06 |  4.9997e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      9567 |   598.0979 |   0.062517 |     4.1584 |    0.020000 |      406.78 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      9567 |   -7927881 |    -828.67 |     2957.3 |     -4150.5 |      4150.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      9567 |  -962279.1 |    -100.58 |     816.10 |     -1390.1 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      9567 |6.703359e+07 |     7006.8 |     4519.1 |      1331.6 |      11095. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      9567 |   320362.1 |     33.486 |     21.578 |      6.9664 |      139.33 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9567 |      598.1 |   0.062517 |     4.1584 |    0.020000 |      406.78 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      9567 |   -7927881 |    -828.67 |     2957.3 |     -4150.5 |      4150.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      9567 |  -962279.1 |    -100.58 |     816.10 |     -1390.1 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      9567 |6.703359e+07 |     7006.8 |     4519.1 |      1331.6 |      11095. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      9567 |   320362.1 |     33.486 |     21.578 |      6.9664 |      139.33 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      8482 |-0.000645085 |-7.6053e-08 | 2.8865e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      8482 |0.001732572 | 2.0426e-07 | 2.8745e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      8482 |-0.002463799 |-2.9047e-07 | 2.9078e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8482 |2.357865e-10 | 2.7798e-14 | 5.7672e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8482 |0.001852494 | 2.1840e-07 | 2.8784e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8482 |0.001729241 | 2.0387e-07 | 2.8927e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8482 |-0.003051011 |-3.5970e-07 | 2.9069e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8482 |   26622.83 |     3.1387 |     1.8286 |  0.00055183 |      6.2803 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8482 |   4195.678 |    0.49466 |    0.60387 |   0.0039617 |      2.8769 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      8482 |   983673.7 |     115.97 |     1583.5 |     -3994.3 |      4016.0 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      8482 |   -1664720 |    -196.27 |     563.60 |     -1483.4 |      1489.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      8482 |5.388143e+07 |     6352.4 |     4519.8 |      990.19 |      11681. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8482 | 0.03660445 | 4.3155e-06 | 1.0729e-06 |  1.7627e-06 |  6.8948e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8482 |   98521.85 |     11.615 |     2878.3 |     -4078.9 |      4078.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8482 |   -1906904 |    -224.82 |     796.24 |     -1317.3 |      1318.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8482 |5.522734e+07 |     6511.1 |     4609.3 |      1259.4 |      11070. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8482 |   26622.83 |     3.1387 |     1.8286 |  0.00055183 |      6.2803 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8482 |   4195.678 |    0.49466 |    0.60387 |   0.0039617 |      2.8769 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      8482 |   983673.7 |     115.97 |     1583.5 |     -3994.3 |      4016.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      8482 |   -1664720 |    -196.27 |     563.60 |     -1483.4 |      1489.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      8482 |5.388143e+07 |     6352.4 |     4519.8 |      990.19 |      11681. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8482 | 0.03660445 | 4.3155e-06 | 1.0729e-06 |  1.7627e-06 |  6.8948e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8482 |   98521.85 |     11.615 |     2878.3 |     -4078.9 |      4078.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8482 |   -1906904 |    -224.82 |     796.24 |     -1317.3 |      1318.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8482 |5.522734e+07 |     6511.1 |     4609.3 |      1259.4 |      11070. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8482 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      9566 |-0.004671762 |-4.8837e-07 | 2.8986e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      9566 |0.0006075723 | 6.3514e-08 | 2.9085e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      9566 |0.001884823 | 1.9703e-07 | 2.9031e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9566 |-9.995347e-10 |-1.0449e-13 | 5.8193e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9566 |-0.005537437 |-5.7887e-07 | 2.8791e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9566 |-0.001957936 |-2.0468e-07 | 2.8625e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9566 |-0.006074123 |-6.3497e-07 | 2.8716e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9566 |    30021.1 |     3.1383 |     1.8349 |  0.00010357 |      6.2828 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9566 |   5255.471 |    0.54939 |    0.55837 |   0.0011027 |      2.9711 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      9566 |   -7944285 |    -830.47 |     2031.1 |     -4010.4 |      4054.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      9566 |   -1281011 |    -133.91 |     486.45 |     -1428.8 |      1491.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      9566 |6.541914e+07 |     6838.7 |     4477.0 |      990.24 |      11770. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      9566 | 0.04138391 | 4.3261e-06 | 1.1092e-06 |  1.7559e-06 |  6.8514e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9566 |   -7721002 |    -807.13 |     2890.0 |     -4078.8 |      4079.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9566 |  -903143.7 |    -94.412 |     759.73 |     -1287.9 |      1299.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9566 |6.654577e+07 |     6956.5 |     4518.9 |      1278.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      9566 |    30021.1 |     3.1383 |     1.8349 |  0.00010357 |      6.2828 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      9566 |   5255.471 |    0.54939 |    0.55837 |   0.0011027 |      2.9711 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      9566 |   -7944285 |    -830.47 |     2031.1 |     -4010.4 |      4054.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      9566 |   -1281011 |    -133.91 |     486.45 |     -1428.8 |      1491.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      9566 |6.541914e+07 |     6838.7 |     4477.0 |      990.24 |      11770. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9566 | 0.04138391 | 4.3261e-06 | 1.1092e-06 |  1.7559e-06 |  6.8514e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      9566 |   -7721002 |    -807.13 |     2890.0 |     -4078.8 |      4079.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      9566 |  -903143.7 |    -94.412 |     759.73 |     -1287.9 |      1299.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      9566 |6.654577e+07 |     6956.5 |     4518.9 |      1278.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      9566 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       580 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       506 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       7235 |     1447.0 |     1215.9 |      0.0000 |      3483.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       6260 |     1252.0 |     777.56 |      0.0000 |      2296.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7235 |-0.002565634 |-3.5461e-07 | 2.8559e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7235 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      7235 |   3993.743 |    0.55200 |     1.6124 |  5.1577e-06 |      41.421 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      7235 |      11279 |     1.5589 |     1.7272 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7235 |   3993.745 |    0.55200 |     1.6124 |      0.0000 |      41.421 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7235 |      11279 |     1.5589 |     1.7272 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6260 |-0.000867099 |-1.3851e-07 | 2.8925e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6260 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6260 |   3456.245 |    0.55212 |     1.5889 |  5.6724e-06 |      40.127 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      6260 |       9733 |     1.5548 |     1.7230 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6260 |   3456.246 |    0.55212 |     1.5889 |      0.0000 |      40.127 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6260 |       9733 |     1.5548 |     1.7230 |     -1.0000 |      11.000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |      11051 |     2210.2 |     2003.0 |      0.0000 |      5481.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |      10118 |     2023.6 |     1313.5 |      0.0000 |      3909.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     11051 |0.0002813371 | 2.5458e-08 | 2.8704e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     11051 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |     11051 |   11066.51 |     1.0014 |     4.1979 |  3.1251e-06 |      177.20 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |     11051 |      17193 |     1.5558 |     1.7423 |     -1.0000 |      14.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     11051 |   11066.51 |     1.0014 |     4.1979 |      0.0000 |      177.20 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     11051 |      17193 |     1.5558 |     1.7423 |     -1.0000 |      14.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10118 |-0.004337772 |-4.2872e-07 | 2.8825e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     10118 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     10118 |   10603.66 |     1.0480 |     4.2416 |  3.1705e-06 |      99.993 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     10118 |      15460 |     1.5280 |     1.6993 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10118 |   10603.67 |     1.0480 |     4.2416 |      0.0000 |      99.993 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     10118 |      15460 |     1.5280 |     1.6993 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |      13697 |     2739.4 |     2218.1 |      0.0000 |      5879.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |      12381 |     2476.2 |     1530.1 |      0.0000 |      4536.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     13697 |-0.003321097 |-2.4247e-07 | 2.8887e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     13697 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |     13697 |   180245.1 |     13.159 |     63.993 |  0.00022693 |      2067.6 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |     13697 |       1817 |    0.13266 |    0.39545 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     13697 |   180245.1 |     13.159 |     63.993 |  0.00020000 |      2067.6 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     13697 |       1817 |    0.13266 |    0.39545 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     12381 |0.003299884 | 2.6653e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     12381 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     12381 |   169987.3 |     13.730 |     87.246 |  8.1885e-05 |      4469.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     12381 |       1507 |    0.12172 |    0.34639 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     12381 |   169987.3 |     13.730 |     87.246 |  0.00010000 |      4469.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     12381 |       1507 |    0.12172 |    0.34639 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       2256 |     451.20 |     365.73 |      0.0000 |      941.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1625 |     325.00 |     210.50 |      0.0000 |      656.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2256 |0.001392549 | 6.1726e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2256 |   23694.84 |     10.503 |     36.879 |  3.3914e-05 |      1101.1 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2256 |        252 |    0.11170 |    0.48463 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2256 |   23694.84 |     10.503 |     36.879 |      0.0000 |      1101.1 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2256 |        252 |    0.11170 |    0.48463 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1625 |-0.0009504637 |-5.8490e-07 | 2.8952e-05 | -4.9916e-05 |  4.9878e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1625 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1625 |   13954.56 |     8.5874 |     27.936 |  0.00032496 |      488.06 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1625 |        275 |    0.16923 |    0.50381 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1625 |   13954.56 |     8.5874 |     27.936 |  0.00030000 |      488.06 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1625 |        275 |    0.16923 |    0.50381 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1704 |     340.80 |     300.99 |      0.0000 |      858.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         5 |       1317 |     263.40 |     152.31 |      0.0000 |      459.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1704 |-3.566005e-06 |-2.0927e-09 | 2.9302e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.9970e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1704 |-6.560525e-06 |-3.8501e-09 | 2.8708e-07 | -4.9890e-07 |  4.9982e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1704 |-6.248851e-06 |-3.6672e-09 | 2.8510e-07 | -4.9761e-07 |  4.9948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1704 |4.369586e-06 | 2.5643e-09 | 5.7956e-07 | -9.9736e-07 |  9.9942e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1704 |0.001238533 | 7.2684e-07 | 2.9093e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9922e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1704 |0.001102986 | 6.4729e-07 | 2.9090e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9915e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1704 |-0.0001375243 |-8.0707e-08 | 2.8784e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1704 | 0.01820071 | 1.0681e-05 |  0.0029188 |  -0.0049860 |   0.0049951 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1704 |2.854217e-05 | 1.6750e-08 | 2.8986e-06 | -4.9940e-06 |  4.9916e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1704 |   23.38684 |   0.013725 |     4.2822 |     -35.475 |      71.880 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1704 |   517.9297 |    0.30395 |     4.9716 |     -29.238 |      131.86 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1704 |   6798.344 |     3.9896 |     2.0818 |     -5.0533 |      5.1696 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1704 |   3.651362 |  0.0021428 |  0.0040870 |  2.2979e-05 |    0.085013 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1704 |   222006.4 |     130.29 |     1592.4 |     -4934.8 |      4824.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1704 |   48459.53 |     28.439 |     894.12 |     -3126.0 |      3880.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1704 |2.179912e+07 |     12793. |     1547.1 |      11953. |      19034. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1704 |    4493039 |     2636.8 |     6667.4 |      1.4342 |      70472. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1704 |   75401.58 |     44.250 |     6.3077 |      39.704 |      93.381 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1704 |   23.38685 |   0.013725 |     4.2822 |     -35.475 |      71.880 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1704 |   517.9297 |    0.30395 |     4.9716 |     -29.238 |      131.86 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1704 |   6798.344 |     3.9896 |     2.0818 |     -5.0533 |      5.1696 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1704 |   3.651358 |  0.0021428 |  0.0040870 |  2.2000e-05 |    0.085014 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1704 |   222006.4 |     130.29 |     1592.4 |     -4934.8 |      4824.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1704 |   48459.53 |     28.439 |     894.12 |     -3126.0 |      3880.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1704 |2.179912e+07 |     12793. |     1547.1 |      11953. |      19034. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1704 |    4493039 |     2636.8 |     6667.4 |      1.4300 |      70472. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1704 |   75401.58 |     44.250 |     6.3077 |      39.704 |      93.381 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1317 |-4.625935e-06 |-3.5125e-09 | 2.9526e-07 | -4.9983e-07 |  4.9966e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1317 |3.205071e-05 | 2.4336e-08 | 2.8709e-07 | -4.9971e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1317 |8.013062e-06 | 6.0843e-09 | 2.8145e-07 | -4.9984e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1317 |-9.993968e-06 |-7.5884e-09 | 5.8416e-07 | -9.9983e-07 |  9.9941e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1317 |-0.001277252 |-9.6982e-07 | 2.8836e-05 | -4.9946e-05 |  4.9965e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1317 |-0.001584372 |-1.2030e-06 | 2.8494e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1317 |-0.001599663 |-1.2146e-06 | 2.8952e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9925e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1317 |  0.2252786 | 0.00017105 |  0.0029436 |  -0.0049964 |   0.0049984 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1317 |0.0001145063 | 8.6945e-08 | 2.9195e-06 | -4.9964e-06 |  4.9971e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1317 |  -197.8059 |   -0.15019 |     3.4775 |     -32.234 |      16.829 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1317 |   13.31069 |   0.010107 |     3.5099 |     -51.044 |      52.541 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1317 |   4930.383 |     3.7436 |     2.5334 |     -5.0217 |      5.0913 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1317 |   2.606316 |  0.0019790 |  0.0037585 |  2.5583e-05 |    0.063963 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1317 |  -95138.93 |    -72.239 |     1428.7 |     -4631.5 |      3885.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1317 |   15173.03 |     11.521 |     861.14 |     -4067.9 |      3115.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1317 |1.628814e+07 |     12368. |     860.98 |      11953. |      16546. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1317 |    3495578 |     2654.2 |     7571.7 |      1.4257 |  1.0198e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1317 |    56380.2 |     42.810 |     4.8537 |      39.558 |      116.85 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1317 |  -197.8059 |   -0.15019 |     3.4775 |     -32.234 |      16.829 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1317 |   13.31066 |   0.010107 |     3.5099 |     -51.044 |      52.541 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1317 |   4930.383 |     3.7436 |     2.5334 |     -5.0217 |      5.0913 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1317 |   2.606326 |  0.0019790 |  0.0037585 |  2.6000e-05 |    0.063962 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1317 |  -95138.92 |    -72.239 |     1428.7 |     -4631.5 |      3885.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1317 |   15173.03 |     11.521 |     861.14 |     -4067.9 |      3115.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1317 |1.628814e+07 |     12368. |     860.98 |      11953. |      16546. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1317 |    3495577 |     2654.2 |     7571.7 |      1.4300 |  1.0198e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1317 |    56380.2 |     42.810 |     4.8537 |      39.558 |      116.85 |
 GaussTape                  INFO Events output: 5
 FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Set up File Summary Record
 FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Events output: 1
@@ -1375,12 +1376,12 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6519.116 |     1303.8 |     68.183 |      1169.8 |      1354.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6530.876 |     1306.2 |     68.612 |      1169.5 |      1344.2 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6519.116 |     1303.8 |     68.183 |      1169.8 |      1354.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6530.876 |     1306.2 |     68.612 |      1169.5 |      1344.2 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
@@ -1395,12 +1396,12 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  | non-diffractive                                101 |           7          7          7 |   5.058e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           2          2          2 |   1.970e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   1.970e+01  1.970e+01 |
  | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.190e+00  6.190e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.190e+00  6.190e+00 |
  | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |          10         10         10 |   7.647e+01  6.190e+00 |
+ | sum                                                |          10         10         10 |   8.266e+01  2.156e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -1408,150 +1409,152 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      1   Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours               |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
+ |      1   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 44106.000 | 45152.621 |   28.218   93798.9 34325.52 |       5 |   225.763 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 43656.000 | 44521.141 |   26.834   92865.7 33962.63 |       5 |   222.606 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   318.000 |   339.886 |    1.658    1299.5   541.89 |       5 |     1.699 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   318.000 |   339.877 |    1.642    1299.5   541.90 |       5 |     1.699 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.193       1.2     0.43 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   318.000 |   338.924 |    1.309    1297.0   541.07 |       5 |     1.695 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.089       1.2     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.081       1.2     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 43338.000 | 44181.234 |   25.160   92712.0 33896.04 |       5 |   220.906 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 43338.000 | 44181.207 |   25.133   92712.0 33896.04 |       5 |   220.906 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.165       1.7     0.64 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 43338.000 | 44180.629 |   24.949   92711.7 33896.01 |       5 |   220.903 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 43250.000 | 44096.969 |   24.211   92532.4 33830.39 |       5 |   220.485 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  6064.000 |  6160.214 |    2.799   30782.3 13764.15 |       5 |    30.801 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 37152.000 | 37904.973 |   15.355   92459.0 36506.16 |       5 |   189.525 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     6.000 |     4.352 |    0.508       8.6     2.88 |       5 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    22.000 |    23.472 |    2.879      52.3    19.50 |       5 |     0.117 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.024       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.231 |    0.009       2.4     0.98 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     2.000 |     1.305 |    0.009       3.1     1.13 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     2.000 |     1.318 |    0.008       2.6     0.96 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     2.721 |    0.007       5.9     2.21 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    12.000 |    11.881 |    2.723      26.8    10.16 |       5 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     8.000 |     6.096 |    1.823      13.0     4.84 |       5 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.610 |    0.012       3.8     1.60 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     2.000 |     1.925 |    0.013       5.0     1.96 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.902 |    0.009       2.0     0.73 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     2.000 |     0.195 |    0.082       0.4     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     1.061 |    0.021       2.6     1.13 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.030       1.1     0.39 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.008       1.6     0.66 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.143 |    0.007       2.5     1.05 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.008       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     4.000 |     2.239 |    0.010       5.6     2.08 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     2.000 |     3.814 |    0.286       7.5     2.73 |       5 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.680 |    0.022       1.3     0.47 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.017       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.019       0.6     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     2.000 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.012       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.015       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.012       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.013       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.015       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.153 |    0.016       2.9     1.17 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.014       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.013       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    88.000 |    83.641 |    0.727     179.3    69.50 |       5 |     0.418 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.050       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     2.000 |     0.577 |    0.015       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     2.000 |     0.438 |    0.026       0.8     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     8.000 |     8.778 |    0.144      15.0     5.87 |       5 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     2.000 |     3.127 |    0.019       6.5     2.48 |       5 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.020       0.8     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     2.000 |     0.231 |    0.006       0.5     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.936 |    0.006       2.2     0.87 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     2.000 |     0.729 |    0.014       1.5     0.54 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.920 |    0.009       2.0     0.78 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.249 |    0.010       2.4     0.95 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     2.000 |     0.278 |    0.009       0.4     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.818 |    0.021       1.3     0.50 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    76.000 |    73.593 |    0.466     162.0    63.99 |       5 |     0.368 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     2.000 |     1.036 |    0.014       2.3     0.87 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.009 |    0.011       2.4     0.90 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     2.000 |     0.614 |    0.009       1.4     0.49 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     2.000 |     0.677 |    0.008       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.018       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.007       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.013       0.4     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     6.000 |     5.596 |    0.005      10.9     4.49 |       5 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.012       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.755 |    0.005       4.8     1.81 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.011       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     4.000 |     1.702 |    0.004       3.9     1.52 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.012       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     4.000 |     5.013 |    0.004      13.2     5.09 |       5 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.013       0.8     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.015       1.4     0.58 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.013       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     4.000 |     5.752 |    0.006      12.3     5.03 |       5 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    40.000 |    35.156 |    0.006      75.8    30.95 |       5 |     0.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.005       1.9     0.71 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.006       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.013       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     2.000 |     1.654 |    0.005       3.9     1.50 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.011       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     2.000 |     2.436 |    0.004       6.1     2.47 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.013       1.0     0.46 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     2.000 |     2.926 |    0.004       6.3     2.65 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.012       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.005       1.1     0.46 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.012       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     6.000 |     2.243 |    0.005       5.6     2.19 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 32956.000 | 37816.000 |   15.350   74349.1 28235.51 |       5 |   189.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 32536.000 | 36871.832 |   14.651   70943.8 27087.76 |       5 |   184.359 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   326.000 |   474.328 |    0.784    1342.5   638.84 |       5 |     2.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   326.000 |   474.321 |    0.779    1342.5   638.84 |       5 |     2.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.160       0.9     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   326.000 |   473.291 |    0.566    1338.9   637.69 |       5 |     2.366 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.681 |    0.029       2.6     1.10 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.021       2.6     1.10 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 32210.000 | 36397.488 |   13.856   69601.4 26518.76 |       5 |   181.987 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 32210.000 | 36397.473 |   13.842   69601.3 26518.76 |       5 |   181.987 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.101       0.8     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 32210.000 | 36397.164 |   13.729   69600.5 26518.54 |       5 |   181.986 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 32124.000 | 36311.039 |   13.116   69501.4 26468.92 |       5 |   181.555 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  5972.000 |  7294.639 |    1.526   36451.4 16299.10 |       5 |    36.473 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 26126.000 | 28990.434 |   10.122   52485.6 18988.53 |       5 |   144.952 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     2.000 |     3.316 |    0.167       5.4     2.08 |       5 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    19.342 |    0.986      46.3    17.02 |       5 |     0.097 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.023       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     4.000 |     0.754 |    0.009       1.4     0.53 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.740 |    0.007       1.1     0.43 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     2.000 |     0.410 |    0.008       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     1.433 |    0.007       2.4     0.89 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    12.944 |    0.865      35.5    13.60 |       5 |     0.065 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     4.000 |     6.988 |    0.764      19.7     7.51 |       5 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     2.000 |     1.809 |    0.012       5.2     2.06 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     2.000 |     2.095 |    0.011       5.7     2.23 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     2.000 |     0.663 |    0.009       1.0     0.42 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.027       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     1.211 |    0.017       3.7     1.46 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.010       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.007       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.891 |    0.007       1.6     0.61 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.007       0.3     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     2.000 |     1.124 |    0.008       2.1     0.77 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     4.000 |     3.237 |    0.269       6.7     2.63 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     2.000 |     0.472 |    0.020       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.015       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.019       0.4     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     2.000 |     0.035 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.012       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.302 |    0.015       3.9     1.53 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.014       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.014       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    86.000 |    86.113 |    0.604     175.0    63.85 |       5 |     0.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.044       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.012       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.027       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     6.000 |     6.248 |    0.115      12.7     4.72 |       5 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     4.000 |     2.115 |    0.016       6.0     2.30 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.009       0.8     0.28 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.005       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     2.000 |     0.486 |    0.005       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.559 |    0.012       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.008       1.4     0.59 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.032 |    0.009       1.7     0.68 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.008       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.016       0.9     0.36 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    80.000 |    78.852 |    0.389     164.9    59.98 |       5 |     0.394 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     2.000 |     0.748 |    0.013       1.6     0.61 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.684 |    0.011       1.4     0.51 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.009       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     2.000 |     0.784 |    0.007       1.8     0.63 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.018       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     2.000 |     0.264 |    0.006       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.012       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     4.000 |     4.233 |    0.005       8.6     3.17 |       5 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.011       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     2.000 |     1.932 |    0.004       3.0     1.19 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     1.573 |    0.004       3.0     1.07 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.011       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     8.000 |     4.600 |    0.004       8.0     3.02 |       5 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.013       0.9     0.37 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.015       1.7     0.75 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.013       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.029       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     6.000 |     7.139 |    0.006      16.2     5.98 |       5 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    44.000 |    42.813 |    0.006      97.2    35.83 |       5 |     0.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.781 |    0.006       1.5     0.54 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.005       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.250 |    0.014       0.5     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.604 |    0.005       2.9     1.10 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     2.000 |     0.287 |    0.012       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     2.000 |     2.573 |    0.005       5.0     1.88 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     2.000 |     0.348 |    0.012       0.8     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     2.000 |     3.104 |    0.005       5.6     2.12 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.012       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.004       0.8     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.011       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     2.000 |     1.846 |    0.004       3.2     1.18 |       5 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GenFSRSeq                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   448.000 |   629.882 |    0.655    1562.2   631.10 |       5 |     3.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   420.000 |   943.034 |    0.546    3400.2  1394.16 |       5 |     4.715 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 8486     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 9572     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:582ACBD6-64E1-E811-99F6-02163E01C104 [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181106.sim]
+RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:EE797A2A-B7E7-E811-91BF-02163E01BFAC [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim]
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  186  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 37.1(+- 31.8)/ 0.01/   90  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  303  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  131  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 26.1(+- 15.1)/ 0.01/   47  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  240  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |      13697 |     2739.4 |     2218.1 |      0.0000 |      5879.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |       2256 |     451.20 |     365.73 |      0.0000 |      941.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |       1302 |     260.40 |     210.35 |      0.0000 |      604.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       8561 |     1712.2 |     1322.8 |      2.0000 |      3899.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         5 |       8482 |     1696.4 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         5 |        580 |     116.00 |     100.19 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         5 |        492 |     98.400 |     86.516 |      0.0000 |      252.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       9322 |     1864.4 |     1480.1 |      3.0000 |      4376.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |       1704 |     340.80 |     300.99 |      0.0000 |      858.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       3842 |     768.40 |     692.38 |      0.0000 |      2015.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |      11051 |     2210.2 |     2003.0 |      0.0000 |      5481.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       8483 |     1696.6 |     1338.6 |      0.0000 |      3651.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       3907 |     781.40 |     580.46 |      0.0000 |      1623.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       4576 |     915.20 |     854.89 |      0.0000 |      2404.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       7235 |     1447.0 |     1215.9 |      0.0000 |      3483.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |       1357 |     271.40 |     250.41 |      0.0000 |      735.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       4297 |     859.40 |     618.98 |      0.0000 |      1678.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |      12381 |     2476.2 |     1530.1 |      0.0000 |      4536.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |       1625 |     325.00 |     210.50 |      0.0000 |      656.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |       1110 |     222.00 |     135.96 |      0.0000 |      426.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       7021 |     1404.2 |     797.76 |      2.0000 |      2367.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         5 |       9566 |     1913.2 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         5 |        506 |     101.20 |     63.616 |      0.0000 |      194.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         5 |        421 |     84.200 |     51.101 |      0.0000 |      154.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       8028 |     1605.6 |     905.41 |      3.0000 |      2673.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |       1317 |     263.40 |     152.31 |      0.0000 |      459.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       3323 |     664.60 |     390.87 |      0.0000 |      1157.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |      10118 |     2023.6 |     1313.5 |      0.0000 |      3909.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       9567 |     1913.4 |     1425.7 |      0.0000 |      4324.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       3959 |     791.80 |     720.66 |      0.0000 |      1937.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       5608 |     1121.6 |     826.79 |      0.0000 |      2387.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       6260 |     1252.0 |     777.56 |      0.0000 |      2296.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |       1393 |     278.60 |     153.97 |      0.0000 |      439.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       3041 |     608.20 |     406.31 |      0.0000 |      1229.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
index 197b32e61..4b449178c 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 Ecut value = 5.0
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Aug 29 06:44:56 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:30:36 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -143,6 +143,22 @@ Strange PDGEncoding
 -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
+-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
+*** G4Exception : PART102
+      issued by : G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion
+Strange PDGEncoding
+*** This is just a warning message. ***
+-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
+-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
+*** G4Exception : PART102
+      issued by : G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion
+Strange PDGEncoding
+*** This is just a warning message. ***
+-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
 -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
 *** G4Exception : PART102
       issued by : G4ParticleDefintion::G4ParticleDefintion
@@ -159,7 +175,7 @@ GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSe
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 DeVP                       INFO There are 208 sensors (left: 104, right: 104)
@@ -187,7 +203,7 @@ GaussGeo                   INFO Global 'G4MagIntegratorStepper' is set to 'G4Cla
 --- Warning from G4Material::G4Material() define a material with density=0 is not allowed.
  The material /dd/Materials/RichMaterials/RichPMTPhCathodeMaterial will be constructed with the default minimal density: 1e-25g/cm3
 GaussGeo.ZeroField         INFO createFieldMgr(): null magnetic field
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
 GaussGeo                   INFO =    Converted objects
 GaussGeo                   INFO =
@@ -218,7 +234,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, Generation, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -287,7 +303,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Aug 2018 at 06:45:53    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 07:32:03    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -391,7 +407,7 @@ Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS ==================================================================
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.327
 Generation.Inclusive       INFO Generating Inclusive events of Omega_b~+ Xi'_b~0 Xi'_b~+ Xi_b~0 Sigma_b~- Sigma_b~0 Xi_b~+ Lambda_b~0 Sigma_b~+ B_c- B_s~0 B- B~0 B0 B+ B_s0 B_c+ Sigma_b- Lambda_b0 Xi_b- Sigma_b0 Sigma_b+ Xi_b0 Xi'_b- Xi'_b0 Omega_b-
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 Generation              SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -408,7 +424,7 @@ GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.297
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.274
 GenerationPrevPrev.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -424,7 +440,7 @@ GenerationPrev.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.265
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.250
 GenerationPrev.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -440,7 +456,7 @@ GenerationNext.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.247
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.341
 GenerationNext.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -456,7 +472,7 @@ GenerationNextNext.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.263
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.315
 GenerationNextNext.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -600,8 +616,10 @@ ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Started successfully
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 644571761, 0]
  PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
+ PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 304947982, 0]
 GaussGenPrev               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1902665432, 0]
+ PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
 GaussGenNext               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 34684228, 0]
 GaussGenNextNext           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 29408696, 0]
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1711122878, 0]
@@ -946,144 +964,187 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich Ckv G4 Histo Set2
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO  End booking Rich G4 Histo set2
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6053
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6870
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3382
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3984
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 111083353, 0]
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/muPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/muPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2830
-GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2974
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6598
+GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	7371
 PrevEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1855376552, 0]
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hBrems', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	10849
-GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	12039
+======       Pre-compound/De-excitation Physics Parameters     ========
+Type of pre-compound inverse x-section              3
+Pre-compound model active                           1
+Pre-compound low energy (MeV)                       0.1
+Type of de-excitation inverse x-section             3
+Type of de-excitation factory                       Evaporation
+Number of de-excitation channels                    8
+Min excitation energy (keV)                         0.01
+Min energy per nucleon for multifragmentation (MeV) 1e+05
+Level density (1/MeV)                               0.1
+Time limit for long lived isomeres (ns)             1e+12
+Internal e- conversion flag                         1
+Store e- internal conversion data                   0
+Electron internal conversion ID                     2
+Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
+Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
+-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
+*** G4Exception : had012
+      issued by : G4HadronicProcess:CheckResult()
+Warning: Bad energy non-conservation detected, will re-sample the interaction
+ Process / Model: lambdaInelastic / FTFP
+ Primary: lambda (3122),  E= 33642.1, target nucleus (13, 27)
+ E(initial - final) = 1882.82 MeV.
+*** This is just a warning message. ***
+-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
+GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	9200
+GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	10267
 NextEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1961715997, 0]
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3538
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3783
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6116
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6413
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1343867981, 0]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5268
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	5761
+-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW -------
+*** G4Exception : had012
+      issued by : G4HadronicProcess:CheckResult()
+Warning: Bad energy non-conservation detected, will re-sample the interaction
+ Process / Model: anti_neutronInelastic / FTFP
+ Primary: anti_neutron (-2112),  E= 3023.07, target nucleus (6, 12)
+ E(initial - final) = 1889.89 MeV.
+*** This is just a warning message. ***
+-------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5349
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	5936
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGen                SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
-Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v30r22  njobs:1
+Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 33 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 29 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 210 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 9 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 18 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 4 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 2 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antiB0Gen  key: 31  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antiB0Acc  key: 42  value: 1 / DplusGen  key: 57  value: 1 / DminusGen  key: 58  value: 1 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / DplusAcc  key: 66  value: 1 / DminusAcc  key: 67  value: 1 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 2 / D2starGen  key: 87  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 2 / D2starAcc  key: 90  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 210 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 118 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 45 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 14 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 15 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 18 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 7 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 3 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 16 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 3 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / Bs0Gen  key: 34  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / Bs0Acc  key: 45  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 16 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 10 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 3 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 2 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 3 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 2 /
-cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 88.6271 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 57.1656 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 22.5806 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 0 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.88086 /  }
+cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 86.1886 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 57.1656 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 22.5806 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.44236 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 2402
+= Number of particles generated: 1557
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 2402
+= Mean multiplicity: 1557
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1428
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 733
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1428
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 733
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 434
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 212
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 434
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 212
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 99
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 41
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 99
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 41
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
 GaussGenPrevPrev        SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGenPrevPrev        SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGenPrevPrev        SUCCESS ==================================================================
-GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationPrevPrev.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v30r22  njobs:1
+GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationPrevPrev.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 6 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 6 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
+ generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 6 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 6 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
 cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev      INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1631
+= Number of particles generated: 4333
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 1631
+= Mean multiplicity: 4333
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 851
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1685
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 851
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1685
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 246
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 514
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 246
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 514
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 41
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 137
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 41
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 137
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev   SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
 GaussGenPrev            SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGenPrev            SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGenPrev            SUCCESS ==================================================================
-GenerationPrev          SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationPrev.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v30r22  njobs:1
+GenerationPrev          SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationPrev.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 6 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 6 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
+ generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 6 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 6 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 1 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 1 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
 cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgPrev          INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 5256
+= Number of particles generated: 6131
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 5256
+= Mean multiplicity: 6131
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2811
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2186
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 2811
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 2186
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 788
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 674
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 788
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 674
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 175
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 123
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 175
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 123
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgPrev       SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
 GaussGenNext            SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGenNext            SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGenNext            SUCCESS ==================================================================
-GenerationNext          SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationNext.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v30r22  njobs:1
+GenerationNext          SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationNext.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 8 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 8 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
+ generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 8 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 8 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 1 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 1 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
 cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNext          INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1965
+= Number of particles generated: 5116
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 1965
+= Mean multiplicity: 5116
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1119
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2066
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1119
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 2066
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 352
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 626
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 352
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 626
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 82
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 101
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 82
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 101
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNext       SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
 GaussGenNextNext        SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGenNextNext        SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGenNextNext        SUCCESS ==================================================================
-GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationNextNext.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v30r22  njobs:1
+GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: GenerationNextNext.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
  generator counters: EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 9 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 9 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 1 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 /
@@ -1091,21 +1152,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext      INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 2652
+= Number of particles generated: 2375
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 2652
+= Mean multiplicity: 2375
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1408
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1278
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1408
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1278
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 428
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 398
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 428
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 398
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 93
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 76
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 93
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 76
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext   SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -1113,1864 +1174,1862 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 3860.00 +-62.13 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2811.00 +-53.02 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.21 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  0.78 +-0.17%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 3673.00 +-60.61 ( 95.16 +-0.35%) Rich2 = 1404.00 +-37.47 ( 49.95 +-0.94%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  122.00 +-11.05 (  3.16 +-0.28%) Rich2 =  631.00 +-25.12 ( 22.45 +-0.79%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2174.00 +-46.63 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1038.00 +-32.22 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) Rich2 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  210.00 +-14.49 (  9.66 +-0.63%) Rich2 =  120.00 +-10.95 ( 11.56 +-0.99%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.07 +-0.05%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.23 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.21 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  0.78 +-0.17%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  326.00 +-18.06 ( 11.60 +-0.60%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  271.00 +-16.46 ( 26.11 +-1.36%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 3673.00 +-60.61 ( 95.16 +-0.35%) CF4 = 1404.00 +-37.47 ( 49.95 +-0.94%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) CF4 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  3673.00 +- 60.61 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1730.00 +- 41.59 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   753.00 +- 27.44 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   482.00 +- 21.95 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   126.00 +- 11.22 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   225.00 +- 15.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    53.00 +-  7.28 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    24.00 +-  4.90 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1698.00 +- 41.21 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   791.00 +- 28.12 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   330.00 +- 18.17 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   372.00 +- 19.29 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   115.00 +- 10.72 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    39.00 +-  6.24 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1908 |     1908.0 |     0.0000 |      1908.0 |      1908.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
 MCUTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 MCFTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        154 |     154.00 |     0.0000 |      154.00 |      154.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8769 |     8769.0 |     0.0000 |      8769.0 |      8769.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1339 |     1339.0 |     0.0000 |      1339.0 |      1339.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6671 |     6671.0 |     0.0000 |      6671.0 |      6671.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoni                INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 1908+/-0
+VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 936+/-0
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1319
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1682.43
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.077436
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0318768
+UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 799
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1262.69
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0788977
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0380725
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       115 |        115 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1319 |    2219122 |     1682.4 |     7700.1 |     0.22057 |  1.0785e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        76 |         76 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       799 |    1008886 |     1262.7 |     4685.8 |     0.27460 |      49687. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 FTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2981
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2294.01
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.240888
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0873779
+FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1710
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2332.76
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.24549
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.100757
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       165 |        165 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2981 |    6838445 |     2294.0 |     7087.3 |   0.0042740 |      68114. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       176 |        176 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1710 |    3989013 |     2332.8 |     7401.9 |   0.0060999 |      49687. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1908 |     1908.0 |     0.0000 |      1908.0 |      1908.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
 CheckVPHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |-9.018107e-06 |-4.7265e-09 | 2.9390e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |-2.961179e-05 |-1.5520e-08 | 2.9122e-07 | -4.9944e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |6.442241e-07 | 3.3764e-10 | 5.0996e-08 | -4.9668e-07 |  4.9668e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1908 |3.026201e-05 | 1.5861e-08 | 5.8221e-07 | -9.9949e-07 |  9.9865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |0.003281355 | 1.7198e-06 | 2.8801e-05 | -4.9972e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |2.268501e-06 | 1.1889e-09 | 2.8847e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |-0.0001402734 |-7.3519e-08 | 3.8498e-06 | -4.8650e-05 |  4.9380e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |-0.06925005 |-3.6295e-05 |  0.0029028 |  -0.0049996 |   0.0049952 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1908 |-5.671268e-05 |-2.9724e-08 | 2.8645e-06 | -4.9966e-06 |  4.9996e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |  -6.159539 | -0.0032283 |   0.088507 |     -3.1804 |     0.54940 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |   6.747141 |  0.0035362 |   0.046785 |    -0.26835 |      1.0338 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |   197.4342 |    0.10348 |    0.16896 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1908 |   168.9117 |   0.088528 |    0.19380 |   0.0012146 |      3.8870 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |  -1996.423 |    -1.0463 |     14.366 |     -45.923 |      48.603 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |   1785.358 |    0.93572 |     14.242 |     -48.950 |      47.540 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |   384355.3 |     201.44 |     298.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |1.631114e+07 |     8548.8 |     13030. |      1.7122 |  1.0561e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1908 |   2071.127 |     1.0855 |     1.4685 |    0.030607 |      29.022 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |   -6.15953 | -0.0032283 |   0.088507 |     -3.1804 |     0.54940 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |   6.747171 |  0.0035363 |   0.046785 |    -0.26835 |      1.0338 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |   197.4342 |    0.10348 |    0.16896 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1908 |   168.9116 |   0.088528 |    0.19380 |   0.0012140 |      3.8870 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |  -1996.426 |    -1.0463 |     14.366 |     -45.923 |      48.603 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |   1785.358 |    0.93572 |     14.242 |     -48.950 |      47.540 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |   384355.3 |     201.44 |     298.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |1.631114e+07 |     8548.8 |     13030. |      1.7100 |  1.0561e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1908 |   2071.127 |     1.0855 |     1.4685 |    0.030610 |      29.022 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       936 |-3.5451e-06 |-3.7875e-09 | 2.9038e-07 | -4.9790e-07 |  4.9959e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       936 |-1.17528e-05 |-1.2556e-08 | 2.7753e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.9805e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       936 |-1.48233e-06 |-1.5837e-09 | 5.8300e-08 | -4.9613e-07 |  4.9613e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       936 |-6.922633e-06 |-7.3960e-09 | 5.6718e-07 | -9.9973e-07 |  9.9023e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |-0.001038475 |-1.1095e-06 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9874e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |4.05432e-05 | 4.3315e-08 | 2.8516e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |0.0001568515 | 1.6758e-07 | 3.9536e-06 | -3.5656e-05 |  4.8341e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |-0.04239743 |-4.5296e-05 |  0.0028828 |  -0.0049760 |   0.0049596 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       936 |8.341044e-05 | 8.9114e-08 | 2.9130e-06 | -4.9690e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233257 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871575 | -0.0019995 |   0.061991 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93243 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021159 |      4.1321 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3267 |    0.46402 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.741 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8160 |      71967. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       936 |   973.4051 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022677 |      28.829 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233253 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871563 | -0.0019995 |   0.061992 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93244 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021160 |      4.1321 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3277 |    0.46403 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.740 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8200 |      71967. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       936 |    973.405 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022680 |      28.829 |
 UnpackUTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 CheckUTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |-3.604233e-06 |-2.7325e-09 | 2.8627e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9936e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |-1.110474e-05 |-8.4191e-09 | 2.8812e-07 | -4.9958e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |4.539224e-06 | 3.4414e-09 | 8.8495e-08 | -4.9446e-07 |  4.9413e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1319 |2.713944e-05 | 2.0576e-08 | 5.7625e-07 | -9.9704e-07 |  9.9972e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |-0.0009035282 |-6.8501e-07 | 2.8798e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9899e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |-0.0006542488 |-4.9602e-07 | 2.8383e-05 | -4.9778e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |-0.0003741642 |-2.8367e-07 | 6.9498e-06 | -4.9506e-05 |  4.9911e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |  0.1578408 | 0.00011967 |  0.0028313 |  -0.0049819 |   0.0049973 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1319 |-3.401238e-05 |-2.5786e-08 | 2.9061e-06 | -4.9815e-06 |  4.9872e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |  -34.44628 |  -0.026115 |    0.33103 |     -3.9617 |      1.3856 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |  -8.493452 | -0.0064393 |    0.18950 |     -2.8891 |      2.5091 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |   134.9142 |    0.10229 |    0.21814 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1319 |   189.0935 |    0.14336 |    0.21659 |  0.00050393 |      3.9661 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |  -84278.78 |    -63.896 |     372.39 |     -883.55 |      849.31 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |   35635.55 |     27.017 |     244.39 |     -667.57 |      661.05 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |    3300163 |     2502.0 |     136.17 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |    4122041 |     3125.1 |     7318.2 |      1.4276 |      71665. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1319 |   17285.83 |     13.105 |     8.5871 |      7.6072 |      91.949 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |  -34.44628 |  -0.026115 |    0.33103 |     -3.9617 |      1.3856 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |  -8.493441 | -0.0064393 |    0.18950 |     -2.8891 |      2.5091 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |   134.9142 |    0.10229 |    0.21814 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1319 |   189.0935 |    0.14336 |    0.21659 |  0.00050400 |      3.9661 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |  -84278.78 |    -63.896 |     372.39 |     -883.55 |      849.31 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |   35635.55 |     27.017 |     244.39 |     -667.57 |      661.05 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |    3300163 |     2502.0 |     136.17 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |    4122040 |     3125.1 |     7318.2 |      1.4300 |      71665. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1319 |   17285.83 |     13.105 |     8.5871 |      7.6072 |      91.949 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       799 |8.130843e-06 | 1.0176e-08 | 2.8248e-07 | -4.9840e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       799 |-2.281308e-06 |-2.8552e-09 | 2.8123e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       799 |-6.307342e-07 |-7.8940e-10 | 8.8536e-08 | -4.7182e-07 |  4.7995e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       799 |1.234927e-05 | 1.5456e-08 | 5.6297e-07 | -9.9730e-07 |  9.9530e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |-0.001147916 |-1.4367e-06 | 2.8136e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |-0.001082746 |-1.3551e-06 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.9715e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |-0.0001099674 |-1.3763e-07 | 6.3116e-06 | -4.5955e-05 |  4.5659e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |-0.02272803 |-2.8446e-05 |  0.0027903 |  -0.0049806 |   0.0049743 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       799 |2.827111e-05 | 3.5383e-08 | 2.9275e-06 | -4.9934e-06 |  4.9526e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       799 |    23.0073 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       799 |  -6.395372 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3489 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030480 |      2.6382 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.669 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4560 |      71901. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       799 |   23.00729 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       799 |   -6.39537 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3488 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030400 |      2.6382 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.668 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4600 |      71901. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
 UnpackFTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 CheckFTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |6.14414e-06 | 2.0611e-09 | 2.8673e-07 | -4.9865e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |7.09205e-06 | 2.3791e-09 | 2.8919e-07 | -4.9918e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |-3.120566e-05 |-1.0468e-08 | 2.8959e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9983e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2981 |-2.295308e-05 |-7.6998e-09 | 5.7577e-07 | -9.9959e-07 |  9.9999e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |0.0004708478 | 1.5795e-07 | 2.8942e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |0.002002384 | 6.7172e-07 | 2.8791e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |0.0002279622 | 7.6472e-08 | 2.9196e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 | 0.07124362 | 2.3899e-05 |  0.0029007 |  -0.0049857 |   0.0049967 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2981 |-1.601405e-05 |-5.3720e-09 | 2.8606e-06 | -4.9971e-06 |  4.9975e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |  -298.8817 |   -0.10026 |     1.1523 |     -11.915 |      12.025 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |   51.76685 |   0.017366 |    0.64247 |     -6.3710 |      11.802 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |   2683.499 |    0.90020 |    0.82647 |     -1.3188 |      1.3402 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2981 |   1260.957 |    0.42300 |    0.65447 |  8.3026e-05 |      10.400 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |  -647494.5 |    -217.21 |     1129.8 |     -3314.5 |      2999.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |   186923.3 |     62.705 |     598.55 |     -2420.1 |      2422.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |2.580099e+07 |     8655.1 |     566.92 |      7816.8 |      9411.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 |1.342575e+07 |     4503.8 |     7738.9 |      1.4273 |      59705. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2981 |   98128.11 |     32.918 |     11.162 |      25.978 |      162.04 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |  -298.8817 |   -0.10026 |     1.1523 |     -11.915 |      12.025 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |   51.76684 |   0.017366 |    0.64247 |     -6.3710 |      11.802 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |   2683.499 |    0.90020 |    0.82647 |     -1.3188 |      1.3402 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2981 |   1260.957 |    0.42300 |    0.65447 |  8.4000e-05 |      10.400 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |  -647494.5 |    -217.21 |     1129.8 |     -3314.5 |      2999.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |   186923.3 |     62.705 |     598.55 |     -2420.1 |      2422.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |2.580099e+07 |     8655.1 |     566.92 |      7816.8 |      9411.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 |1.342575e+07 |     4503.8 |     7738.9 |      1.4300 |      59705. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2981 |   98128.11 |     32.918 |     11.162 |      25.978 |      162.04 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |1.010116e-05 | 5.9071e-09 | 2.8885e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |-6.938369e-07 |-4.0575e-10 | 2.8456e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |-7.139572e-06 |-4.1752e-09 | 2.8477e-07 | -4.9935e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1710 |-2.431618e-05 |-1.4220e-08 | 5.7608e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9810e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |0.0003080386 | 1.8014e-07 | 2.9035e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9946e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |-0.002184913 |-1.2777e-06 | 2.8644e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |0.0009949966 | 5.8187e-07 | 2.8795e-05 | -4.9837e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 | 0.07525092 | 4.4006e-05 |  0.0029024 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049976 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1710 |0.0001353358 | 7.9144e-08 | 2.8723e-06 | -4.9831e-06 |  4.9720e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021856 |      11.485 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.92 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4241 |      71897. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021800 |      11.485 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.93 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4200 |      71897. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6671 |     6671.0 |     0.0000 |      6671.0 |      6671.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6671 |0.008609569 | 1.2906e-06 | 0.00016664 |  -0.0042628 |   0.0037625 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |0.001536542 | 2.3033e-07 | 2.8874e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |0.002974372 | 4.4587e-07 | 2.9024e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |-0.00151626 |-2.2729e-07 | 2.8593e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9954e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6671 |-0.0001625425 |-2.4366e-08 | 2.8763e-06 | -4.9985e-06 |  4.9992e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6671 |   7997.789 |     1.1989 |     27.620 |    0.020000 |      1000.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |   -2714383 |    -406.89 |     2519.5 |     -4073.8 |      4074.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |   560545.4 |     84.027 |     1043.2 |     -1651.3 |      1647.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |3.688142e+07 |     5528.6 |     4439.5 |      1273.4 |      11075. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6671 |   189704.4 |     28.437 |     18.378 |      7.4395 |      136.77 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6671 |    7997.78 |     1.1989 |     27.620 |    0.020000 |      1000.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |   -2714383 |    -406.89 |     2519.5 |     -4073.8 |      4074.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |   560545.4 |     84.027 |     1043.2 |     -1651.3 |      1647.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |3.688142e+07 |     5528.6 |     4439.5 |      1273.4 |      11075. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6671 |   189704.4 |     28.437 |     18.378 |      7.4395 |      136.77 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3212 |1.069173e-05 | 3.3287e-09 | 0.00018845 |  -0.0041984 |   0.0039666 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |0.0006117115 | 1.9045e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |-0.0001188687 |-3.7008e-08 | 2.8868e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |-0.000590575 |-1.8387e-07 | 2.9011e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3212 |-8.712409e-05 |-2.7125e-08 | 2.9293e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9983e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |-0.0001019979 |-1.5359e-08 | 2.8881e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |0.001626788 | 2.4496e-07 | 2.8968e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |-0.003551088 |-5.3472e-07 | 2.9219e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9957e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6641 |-3.94607e-10 |-5.9420e-14 | 5.8020e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |0.0006741317 | 1.0151e-07 | 2.9071e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |-0.003564873 |-5.3680e-07 | 2.8691e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |0.005108903 | 7.6930e-07 | 2.8928e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |   20823.87 |     3.1357 |     1.8209 |  0.00040087 |      6.2831 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |   1654.809 |    0.24918 |    0.40998 |   0.0056359 |      2.7807 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |   -2919917 |    -439.68 |     1666.6 |     -4038.9 |      4058.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |  -34443.78 |    -5.1865 |     317.80 |     -2431.4 |      2111.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |3.518978e+07 |     5298.9 |     4489.5 |      863.93 |      11737. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6641 |  0.0247769 | 3.7309e-06 | 7.6119e-07 |  1.8790e-06 |  6.1688e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |   -2649586 |    -398.97 |     2510.9 |     -4065.1 |      4065.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |   557586.2 |     83.961 |     1037.9 |     -1642.8 |      1639.4 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |3.659758e+07 |     5510.9 |     4437.4 |      1268.1 |      11070. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |   20823.87 |     3.1357 |     1.8209 |  0.00040087 |      6.2831 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |   1654.809 |    0.24918 |    0.40998 |   0.0056359 |      2.7807 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |   -2919917 |    -439.68 |     1666.6 |     -4038.9 |      4058.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |  -34443.78 |    -5.1865 |     317.80 |     -2431.4 |      2111.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |3.518978e+07 |     5298.9 |     4489.5 |      863.93 |      11737. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6641 |  0.0247769 | 3.7309e-06 | 7.6119e-07 |  1.8790e-06 |  6.1688e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |   -2649586 |    -398.97 |     2510.9 |     -4065.1 |      4065.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |   557586.2 |     83.961 |     1037.9 |     -1642.8 |      1639.4 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |3.659758e+07 |     5510.9 |     4437.4 |      1268.1 |      11070. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |-0.0002449524 |-7.6643e-08 | 2.8479e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |0.001679691 | 5.2556e-07 | 2.8720e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |-0.002696419 |-8.4369e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3196 |2.580691e-11 | 8.0748e-15 | 5.8024e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |-0.0004441598 |-1.3897e-07 | 2.8858e-05 | -4.9947e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |0.0004688422 | 1.4670e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |-0.00224869 |-7.0360e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8769 |     8769.0 |     0.0000 |      8769.0 |      8769.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8769 |0.0008466686 | 9.6552e-08 | 2.8666e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8769 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8769 |   139768.6 |     15.939 |     79.005 |  3.0657e-05 |      3904.4 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8769 |       1158 |    0.13206 |    0.37590 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8769 |   139768.6 |     15.939 |     79.005 |      0.0000 |      3904.4 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8769 |       1158 |    0.13206 |    0.37590 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4656 |-0.0002995226 |-6.4330e-08 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4656 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00012600 |      3014.7 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00010000 |      3014.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1339 |     1339.0 |     0.0000 |      1339.0 |      1339.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1339 |-0.0006122424 |-4.5724e-07 | 2.9036e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1339 |   13839.44 |     10.336 |     31.481 |  0.00021008 |      356.33 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1339 |        259 |    0.19343 |    0.45639 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1339 |   13839.44 |     10.336 |     31.481 |  0.00020000 |      356.33 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1339 |        259 |    0.19343 |    0.45639 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       496 |-0.0003035474 |-6.1199e-07 | 2.9141e-05 | -4.9343e-05 |  4.9718e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       496 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.903 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030899 |      304.30 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.904 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030000 |      304.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        154 |     154.00 |     0.0000 |      154.00 |      154.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       154 |-5.193398e-06 |-3.3723e-08 | 2.8868e-07 | -4.9475e-07 |  4.9782e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       154 |4.925191e-06 | 3.1982e-08 | 2.8843e-07 | -4.9845e-07 |  4.9284e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       154 |1.185427e-06 | 7.6976e-09 | 2.8146e-07 | -4.9742e-07 |  4.9794e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       154 |-5.107036e-06 |-3.3163e-08 | 5.9481e-07 | -9.9977e-07 |  9.4949e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |-0.0005819714 |-3.7790e-06 | 2.8659e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.5794e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |0.0001965122 | 1.2761e-06 | 2.8655e-05 | -4.9465e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |0.0003197883 | 2.0765e-06 | 3.0253e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       154 | 0.01094329 | 7.1060e-05 |  0.0029145 |  -0.0049331 |   0.0049860 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       154 |2.842388e-05 | 1.8457e-07 | 2.8962e-06 | -4.9938e-06 |  4.9594e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       154 |   53.60034 |    0.34805 |     4.4485 |     -25.963 |      24.706 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       154 |   -2.98171 |  -0.019362 |     3.8286 |     -13.193 |      12.415 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       154 |   586.3356 |     3.8074 |     2.9703 |     -5.0200 |      5.0447 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       154 |  0.4129129 |  0.0026813 |  0.0036270 |  0.00010807 |    0.022553 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |    34703.2 |     225.35 |     1274.0 |     -1504.3 |      4813.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |   23289.58 |     151.23 |     792.64 |     -1459.9 |      2796.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |    2424788 |     15745. |     820.33 |      15096. |      19026. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       154 |   96308.94 |     625.38 |     927.18 |      1.4231 |      4028.4 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       154 |   8338.586 |     54.147 |     3.8401 |      50.302 |      71.478 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       154 |   53.60035 |    0.34805 |     4.4485 |     -25.963 |      24.706 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       154 |  -2.981715 |  -0.019362 |     3.8286 |     -13.193 |      12.415 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       154 |   586.3356 |     3.8074 |     2.9703 |     -5.0200 |      5.0447 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       154 |   0.412918 |  0.0026813 |  0.0036269 |  0.00010800 |    0.022554 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |    34703.2 |     225.35 |     1274.0 |     -1504.3 |      4813.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |   23289.58 |     151.23 |     792.64 |     -1459.9 |      2796.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |    2424788 |     15745. |     820.33 |      15096. |      19026. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       154 |   96308.93 |     625.38 |     927.18 |      1.4200 |      4028.4 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       154 |   8338.586 |     54.147 |     3.8401 |      50.302 |      71.478 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        66 |-3.192241e-06 |-4.8367e-08 | 2.8040e-07 | -4.9503e-07 |  4.8530e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        66 |2.149414e-06 | 3.2567e-08 | 2.8054e-07 | -4.7238e-07 |  4.5177e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        66 |5.647688e-07 | 8.5571e-09 | 2.6455e-07 | -4.9399e-07 |  4.7948e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        66 |-2.86845e-06 |-4.3461e-08 | 6.3560e-07 | -9.8251e-07 |  9.7124e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |-0.0003045014 |-4.6137e-06 | 2.9727e-05 | -4.9213e-05 |  4.9550e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |-2.203884e-05 |-3.3392e-07 | 2.6502e-05 | -4.7776e-05 |  4.9880e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |4.281464e-05 | 6.4871e-07 | 2.9126e-05 | -4.6453e-05 |  4.5181e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |-0.01688626 |-0.00025585 |  0.0028743 |  -0.0047496 |   0.0049404 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        66 |-2.991571e-05 |-4.5327e-07 | 2.8733e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.7230e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32669 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        66 |  0.4613031 |  0.0069894 |   0.013991 |  0.00012308 |    0.097077 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.35 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4853 |      3642.7 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32668 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        66 |   0.461306 |  0.0069895 |   0.013991 |  0.00012400 |    0.097076 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.37 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4900 |      3642.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 1721.00 +-41.48 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  673.00 +-25.94 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.17 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.59 +-0.30%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1534.00 +-39.17 ( 89.13 +-0.75%) Rich2 =  400.00 +-20.00 ( 59.44 +-1.89%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  128.00 +-11.31 (  7.44 +-0.63%) Rich2 =  128.00 +-11.31 ( 19.02 +-1.51%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 4454.00 +-66.74 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 3413.00 +-58.42 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  0.22 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.76 +-0.15%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 3855.00 +-62.09 ( 86.55 +-0.51%) Rich2 = 2020.00 +-44.94 ( 59.19 +-0.84%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  325.00 +-18.03 (  7.30 +-0.39%) Rich2 =  525.00 +-22.91 ( 15.38 +-0.62%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.17 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.30 +-0.21%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.11 +-0.05%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.06 +-0.04%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.17 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.59 +-0.30%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  103.00 +-10.15 ( 15.30 +-1.39%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  0.22 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.76 +-0.15%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  320.00 +-17.89 (  9.38 +-0.50%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1534.00 +-39.17 ( 89.13 +-0.75%) CF4 =  400.00 +-20.00 ( 59.44 +-1.89%)
+GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 3855.00 +-62.09 ( 86.55 +-0.51%) CF4 = 2020.00 +-44.94 ( 59.19 +-0.84%)
 GetRichHitsPrevPrev        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1534.00 +- 39.17 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   503.00 +- 22.43 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   256.00 +- 16.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =    89.00 +-  9.43 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    59.00 +-  7.68 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    72.00 +-  8.49 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    25.00 +-  5.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  3855.00 +- 62.09 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2340.00 +- 48.37 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   850.00 +- 29.15 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   779.00 +- 27.91 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   136.00 +- 11.66 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   245.00 +- 15.65 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    65.00 +-  8.06 / event
 GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =     6.00 +-  2.45 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrevPrev    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    42.00 +-  6.48 / event
 GetRichTracksPrevPrev      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        894 |     894.00 |     0.0000 |      894.00 |      894.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2199 |     2199.0 |     0.0000 |      2199.0 |      2199.0 |
 MCUTHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        561 |     561.00 |     0.0000 |      561.00 |      561.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1318 |     1318.0 |     0.0000 |      1318.0 |      1318.0 |
 MCFTHitPackerPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1472 |     1472.0 |     0.0000 |      1472.0 |      1472.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3553 |     3553.0 |     0.0000 |      3553.0 |      3553.0 |
 MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        132 |     132.00 |     0.0000 |      132.00 |      132.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        145 |     145.00 |     0.0000 |      145.00 |      145.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3451 |     3451.0 |     0.0000 |      3451.0 |      3451.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      10234 |     10234. |     0.0000 |      10234. |      10234. |
 MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        477 |     477.00 |     0.0000 |      477.00 |      477.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1799 |     1799.0 |     0.0000 |      1799.0 |      1799.0 |
 MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2394 |     2394.0 |     0.0000 |      2394.0 |      2394.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7867 |     7867.0 |     0.0000 |      7867.0 |      7867.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerPre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2387 |     2387.0 |     0.0000 |      2387.0 |      2387.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7831 |     7831.0 |     0.0000 |      7831.0 |      7831.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerPr...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        164 |     164.00 |     0.0000 |      164.00 |      164.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        490 |     490.00 |     0.0000 |      490.00 |      490.00 |
 MCRichTrackPackerPrev...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        139 |     139.00 |     0.0000 |      139.00 |      139.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        384 |     384.00 |     0.0000 |      384.00 |      384.00 |
 VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 894+/-0
+VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 2199+/-0
 VPGaussMoniPrevPrev        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 561
-UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 775.704
-UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0742502
-UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0240532
+UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 1318
+UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2086.84
+UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0759144
+UTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0269026
 UTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        34 |         34 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       561 |   435170.2 |     775.70 |     2627.0 |     0.55615 |      26048. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        561 |     561.00 |     0.0000 |      561.00 |      561.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       116 |        116 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1318 |    2750450 |     2086.8 |     8212.6 |    0.013157 |      74862. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1318 |     1318.0 |     0.0000 |      1318.0 |      1318.0 |
 FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 1472
-FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1763.98
-FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.247134
-FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.105476
+FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO #hits per event: 3553
+FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3344.27
+FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.240045
+FTHitMonitorPrevPrev       INFO Half Sample width 0.0917691
 FTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitorPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        63 |         63 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1472 |    2596579 |     1764.0 |     8132.3 |   0.0027102 |      88298. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1472 |     1472.0 |     0.0000 |      1472.0 |      1472.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       240 |        240 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      3553 |1.188219e+07 |     3344.3 |     14189. |   0.0038272 |  1.4421e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       3553 |     3553.0 |     0.0000 |      3553.0 |      3553.0 |
 EcalMonitorPrevPrev     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitorPrevPrev     SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        894 |     894.00 |     0.0000 |      894.00 |      894.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2199 |     2199.0 |     0.0000 |      2199.0 |      2199.0 |
 CheckVPHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       894 |-6.369308e-06 |-7.1245e-09 | 2.9783e-07 | -4.9837e-07 |  4.9846e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       894 |-1.275971e-05 |-1.4273e-08 | 2.9027e-07 | -4.9970e-07 |  4.9937e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       894 |-1.397897e-06 |-1.5636e-09 | 4.8028e-08 | -4.7520e-07 |  4.0610e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       894 |2.611504e-05 | 2.9211e-08 | 5.8200e-07 | -9.9752e-07 |  9.9876e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       894 |0.0004315106 | 4.8267e-07 | 2.8517e-05 | -4.9633e-05 |  4.9938e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       894 |0.000281804 | 3.1522e-07 | 2.9183e-05 | -4.9843e-05 |  4.9709e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       894 |-0.0001111187 |-1.2429e-07 | 4.0143e-06 | -4.4761e-05 |  4.0138e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       894 |-0.07567758 |-8.4651e-05 |  0.0029207 |  -0.0049970 |   0.0049814 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       894 |-2.694779e-05 |-3.0143e-08 | 2.8997e-06 | -4.9673e-06 |  4.9966e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       894 |   1.829081 |  0.0020460 |   0.061200 |     -1.1546 |     0.31395 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       894 |   2.494344 |  0.0027901 |   0.046908 |    -0.29378 |     0.64160 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       894 |   99.55184 |    0.11136 |    0.16360 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       894 |   87.69879 |   0.098097 |    0.20844 |   0.0064308 |      3.6166 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       894 |    2129.38 |     2.3819 |     15.395 |     -46.644 |      47.316 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       894 |   82.78458 |   0.092600 |     13.863 |     -40.999 |      49.859 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       894 |   163474.4 |     182.86 |     269.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       894 |    6244627 |     6985.0 |     11759. |      2.3450 |      88323. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       894 |   919.9011 |     1.0290 |    0.73757 |    0.021531 |      4.4604 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       894 |   1.829087 |  0.0020460 |   0.061200 |     -1.1546 |     0.31395 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       894 |   2.494357 |  0.0027901 |   0.046909 |    -0.29378 |     0.64160 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       894 |   99.55184 |    0.11136 |    0.16360 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       894 |   87.69877 |   0.098097 |    0.20844 |   0.0064300 |      3.6166 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       894 |   2129.379 |     2.3819 |     15.395 |     -46.644 |      47.316 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       894 |    82.7843 |   0.092600 |     13.863 |     -40.999 |      49.859 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       894 |   163474.4 |     182.86 |     269.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       894 |    6244627 |     6985.0 |     11759. |      2.3500 |      88323. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       894 |   919.9011 |     1.0290 |    0.73757 |    0.021530 |      4.4604 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2199 |5.913696e-06 | 2.6893e-09 | 2.8754e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2199 |-2.828089e-05 |-1.2861e-08 | 2.8884e-07 | -4.9992e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2199 |-7.798919e-07 |-3.5466e-10 | 2.5971e-08 | -4.6434e-07 |  3.8272e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2199 |-9.471309e-06 |-4.3071e-09 | 5.8388e-07 | -9.9817e-07 |  9.9854e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2199 | 0.00058991 | 2.6826e-07 | 2.8964e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2199 |-0.002054676 |-9.3437e-07 | 2.8911e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2199 |-4.746061e-05 |-2.1583e-08 | 2.2910e-06 | -4.3241e-05 |  4.0954e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2199 |  0.1915482 | 8.7107e-05 |  0.0029328 |  -0.0049932 |   0.0050000 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2199 |-8.467179e-05 |-3.8505e-08 | 2.8824e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9978e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2199 |  0.4219839 | 0.00019190 |   0.057681 |    -0.79345 |     0.58549 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2199 |  0.1626117 | 7.3948e-05 |   0.078450 |     -2.1385 |     0.88350 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2199 |    97.2476 |   0.044224 |    0.19410 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2199 |   211.4641 |   0.096164 |    0.19765 |   0.0015173 |      3.8676 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2199 |  -454.3308 |   -0.20661 |     14.128 |     -44.931 |      49.399 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2199 |   5076.116 |     2.3084 |     14.929 |     -48.176 |      46.541 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2199 |   362156.8 |     164.69 |     297.16 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2199 |2.269174e+07 |     10319. |     17079. |      1.6637 |  1.8524e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2199 |   1943.914 |    0.88400 |    0.66761 |    0.021804 |      3.8499 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2199 |   0.421978 | 0.00019190 |   0.057681 |    -0.79346 |     0.58549 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2199 |    0.16264 | 7.3961e-05 |   0.078450 |     -2.1385 |     0.88350 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2199 |    97.2476 |   0.044224 |    0.19410 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2199 |   211.4641 |   0.096164 |    0.19765 |   0.0015180 |      3.8676 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2199 |  -454.3314 |   -0.20661 |     14.128 |     -44.931 |      49.399 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2199 |   5076.118 |     2.3084 |     14.929 |     -48.176 |      46.541 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2199 |   362156.8 |     164.69 |     297.16 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2199 |2.269174e+07 |     10319. |     17079. |      1.6600 |  1.8524e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2199 |   1943.914 |    0.88400 |    0.66761 |    0.021800 |      3.8499 |
 UnpackUTHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        561 |     561.00 |     0.0000 |      561.00 |      561.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1318 |     1318.0 |     0.0000 |      1318.0 |      1318.0 |
 CheckUTHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       561 |1.646087e-06 | 2.9342e-09 | 2.8382e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.9806e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       561 |-5.053424e-06 |-9.0079e-09 | 2.8499e-07 | -4.9720e-07 |  4.9982e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       561 |-3.366021e-07 |-6.0000e-10 | 6.5242e-08 | -4.7943e-07 |  4.7943e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       561 |-9.180341e-06 |-1.6364e-08 | 5.8033e-07 | -9.9980e-07 |  9.9805e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       561 |-0.001076854 |-1.9195e-06 | 2.8836e-05 | -4.9900e-05 |  4.9455e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       561 |0.0004418253 | 7.8757e-07 | 2.9221e-05 | -4.9618e-05 |  4.9631e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       561 |7.510596e-05 | 1.3388e-07 | 4.7291e-06 | -3.8142e-05 |  4.6564e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       561 | 0.05732187 | 0.00010218 |  0.0028419 |  -0.0049733 |   0.0049793 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       561 |-8.053127e-05 |-1.4355e-07 | 2.8391e-06 | -4.9906e-06 |  4.9937e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       561 |   11.74341 |   0.020933 |    0.27475 |     -1.2404 |      4.4797 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       561 |  -1.478943 | -0.0026363 |    0.17449 |     -2.1982 |      1.8742 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       561 |   85.80558 |    0.15295 |    0.19273 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       561 |   70.02201 |    0.12482 |    0.16920 |   0.0052512 |      2.4226 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       561 |   33714.11 |     60.096 |     314.87 |     -818.33 |      857.56 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       561 |   14481.69 |     25.814 |     235.86 |     -665.80 |      647.63 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       561 |    1401747 |     2498.7 |     137.55 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       561 |    1721964 |     3069.5 |     6626.5 |      1.4234 |      45453. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       561 |   6389.904 |     11.390 |     5.5888 |      7.7670 |      47.289 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       561 |   11.74341 |   0.020933 |    0.27475 |     -1.2404 |      4.4797 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       561 |  -1.478938 | -0.0026363 |    0.17449 |     -2.1982 |      1.8742 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       561 |   85.80559 |    0.15295 |    0.19273 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       561 |   70.02202 |    0.12482 |    0.16920 |   0.0052520 |      2.4226 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       561 |   33714.11 |     60.096 |     314.87 |     -818.33 |      857.56 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       561 |   14481.69 |     25.814 |     235.86 |     -665.80 |      647.63 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       561 |    1401747 |     2498.7 |     137.55 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       561 |    1721964 |     3069.5 |     6626.5 |      1.4200 |      45453. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       561 |   6389.905 |     11.390 |     5.5888 |      7.7671 |      47.289 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1318 |-9.747533e-06 |-7.3957e-09 | 2.8746e-07 | -4.9778e-07 |  4.9892e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1318 |1.100503e-05 | 8.3498e-09 | 2.8614e-07 | -4.9912e-07 |  4.9926e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1318 |5.183412e-07 | 3.9328e-10 | 7.3704e-08 | -4.9717e-07 |  4.9717e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1318 |-4.926733e-05 |-3.7380e-08 | 5.7409e-07 | -9.9477e-07 |  9.9968e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1318 |-0.0001361274 |-1.0328e-07 | 2.8618e-05 | -4.9921e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1318 |-0.0006207225 |-4.7096e-07 | 2.9129e-05 | -4.9687e-05 |  4.9895e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1318 |0.000642495 | 4.8748e-07 | 5.2712e-06 | -4.7287e-05 |  4.9348e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1318 | 0.05257875 | 3.9893e-05 |  0.0028867 |  -0.0049847 |   0.0049977 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1318 |7.967533e-05 | 6.0452e-08 | 2.9277e-06 | -4.9972e-06 |  4.9972e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1318 |   14.16437 |   0.010747 |    0.25732 |     -1.6596 |      5.3466 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1318 |  -4.816537 | -0.0036544 |    0.13135 |     -1.8460 |     0.98696 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1318 |   224.8186 |    0.17058 |    0.17479 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1318 |   181.2229 |    0.13750 |    0.34059 |   0.0020065 |      10.598 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1318 |   2195.012 |     1.6654 |     311.97 |     -807.50 |      882.14 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1318 |   24621.35 |     18.681 |     245.73 |     -668.18 |      669.02 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1318 |    3289471 |     2495.8 |     136.39 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1318 |    7285674 |     5527.8 |     13015. |      1.4385 |  1.2882e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1318 |   14050.58 |     10.661 |     5.7971 |      7.3928 |      48.117 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1318 |   14.16438 |   0.010747 |    0.25732 |     -1.6596 |      5.3466 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1318 |  -4.816548 | -0.0036544 |    0.13135 |     -1.8460 |     0.98696 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1318 |   224.8186 |    0.17058 |    0.17479 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1318 |   181.2229 |    0.13750 |    0.34059 |   0.0020060 |      10.598 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1318 |   2195.012 |     1.6654 |     311.97 |     -807.50 |      882.14 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1318 |   24621.35 |     18.681 |     245.73 |     -668.18 |      669.02 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1318 |    3289471 |     2495.8 |     136.39 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1318 |    7285674 |     5527.8 |     13015. |      1.4400 |  1.2882e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1318 |   14050.58 |     10.661 |     5.7971 |      7.3928 |      48.117 |
 UnpackFTHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1472 |     1472.0 |     0.0000 |      1472.0 |      1472.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3553 |     3553.0 |     0.0000 |      3553.0 |      3553.0 |
 CheckFTHitsPrevPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1472 |1.046001e-05 | 7.1060e-09 | 2.9383e-07 | -4.9972e-07 |  4.9807e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1472 |-5.133774e-06 |-3.4876e-09 | 2.9449e-07 | -4.9881e-07 |  4.9723e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1472 |5.038498e-06 | 3.4229e-09 | 2.9196e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1472 |-2.869256e-05 |-1.9492e-08 | 5.8527e-07 | -9.9924e-07 |  9.9955e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1472 |-0.0003797017 |-2.5795e-07 | 2.9020e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9951e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1472 |9.724216e-05 | 6.6061e-08 | 2.8491e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9806e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1472 |0.0004069861 | 2.7649e-07 | 2.8954e-05 | -4.9961e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1472 |-0.07345512 |-4.9902e-05 |  0.0028436 |  -0.0049872 |   0.0049867 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1472 |-0.0001123973 |-7.6357e-08 | 2.9379e-06 | -4.9998e-06 |  4.9990e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1472 |  -7.980555 | -0.0054216 |     1.3903 |     -12.725 |      24.134 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1472 |  -81.09857 |  -0.055094 |    0.86971 |     -11.066 |      6.7552 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1472 |   1367.212 |    0.92881 |    0.81466 |     -1.3371 |      1.3243 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1472 |   677.1909 |    0.46005 |    0.57835 |   0.0021884 |      5.6640 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1472 |   334830.8 |     227.47 |     1142.1 |     -3157.9 |      3126.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1472 |   72442.99 |     49.214 |     719.15 |     -2360.1 |      2427.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1472 |1.270059e+07 |     8628.1 |     567.65 |      7819.4 |      9411.2 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1472 |    5395561 |     3665.5 |     7657.3 |      1.4429 |      45378. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1472 |   49107.86 |     33.361 |     9.7353 |      26.144 |      135.73 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1472 |  -7.980565 | -0.0054216 |     1.3903 |     -12.725 |      24.134 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1472 |  -81.09856 |  -0.055094 |    0.86971 |     -11.066 |      6.7552 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1472 |   1367.212 |    0.92881 |    0.81466 |     -1.3371 |      1.3243 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1472 |    677.191 |    0.46005 |    0.57835 |   0.0021880 |      5.6640 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1472 |   334830.8 |     227.47 |     1142.1 |     -3157.9 |      3126.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1472 |   72442.99 |     49.214 |     719.15 |     -2360.1 |      2427.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1472 |1.270059e+07 |     8628.1 |     567.65 |      7819.4 |      9411.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1472 |    5395561 |     3665.5 |     7657.3 |      1.4400 |      45378. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1472 |   49107.86 |     33.361 |     9.7353 |      26.144 |      135.73 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3553 |-1.726175e-05 |-4.8584e-09 | 2.8515e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.9981e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3553 |9.195149e-07 | 2.5880e-10 | 2.8795e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9969e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3553 |1.545983e-05 | 4.3512e-09 | 2.9125e-07 | -4.9994e-07 |  4.9985e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3553 |9.277549e-06 | 2.6112e-09 | 5.7409e-07 | -9.9990e-07 |  9.9961e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3553 |-0.001028717 |-2.8953e-07 | 2.8769e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3553 |-0.003715226 |-1.0457e-06 | 2.8919e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3553 |-0.001201823 |-3.3826e-07 | 2.8790e-05 | -4.9928e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3553 | 0.08788845 | 2.4736e-05 |  0.0028585 |  -0.0049984 |   0.0049985 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3553 |-2.665055e-05 |-7.5009e-09 | 2.8787e-06 | -4.9893e-06 |  4.9881e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3553 |  -309.7709 |  -0.087186 |     2.1948 |     -83.540 |      10.999 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3553 |  -201.5988 |  -0.056740 |     1.0749 |     -40.607 |      5.0600 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3553 |   3438.426 |    0.96775 |    0.75929 |     -1.3917 |      1.3130 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3553 |   1695.029 |    0.47707 |    0.79239 |  0.00037758 |      19.493 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3553 |   104086.9 |     29.295 |     1140.0 |     -3190.3 |      3192.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3553 |   290527.1 |     81.770 |     672.72 |     -2205.5 |      2398.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3553 |3.069466e+07 |     8639.1 |     574.32 |      7818.8 |      9410.9 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3553 |2.07396e+07 |     5837.2 |     12892. |      1.4261 |  1.2881e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3553 |   113608.9 |     31.975 |     9.2138 |      25.733 |      181.71 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3553 |  -309.7709 |  -0.087186 |     2.1948 |     -83.540 |      10.999 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3553 |  -201.5988 |  -0.056740 |     1.0749 |     -40.607 |      5.0600 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3553 |   3438.426 |    0.96775 |    0.75929 |     -1.3917 |      1.3130 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3553 |   1695.029 |    0.47707 |    0.79239 |  0.00037800 |      19.493 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3553 |   104086.9 |     29.295 |     1140.0 |     -3190.3 |      3192.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3553 |   290527.2 |     81.770 |     672.72 |     -2205.5 |      2398.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3553 |3.069466e+07 |     8639.1 |     574.32 |      7818.8 |      9410.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3553 |2.07396e+07 |     5837.2 |     12892. |      1.4300 |  1.2881e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3553 |   113608.9 |     31.975 |     9.2138 |      25.733 |      181.71 |
 UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2394 |     2394.0 |     0.0000 |      2394.0 |      2394.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7867 |     7867.0 |     0.0000 |      7867.0 |      7867.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2387 |     2387.0 |     0.0000 |      2387.0 |      2387.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7831 |     7831.0 |     0.0000 |      7831.0 |      7831.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsPre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        164 |     164.00 |     0.0000 |      164.00 |      164.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        490 |     490.00 |     0.0000 |      490.00 |      490.00 |
 UnpackRichTracksPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        139 |     139.00 |     0.0000 |      139.00 |      139.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        384 |     384.00 |     0.0000 |      384.00 |      384.00 |
 CheckRichHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2394 |-0.005635073 |-2.3538e-06 | 0.00013078 |  -0.0035583 |   0.0030143 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2394 |0.0002280871 | 9.5274e-08 | 2.9112e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2394 |-0.0002055877 |-8.5876e-08 | 2.8931e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9956e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2394 |-0.001126045 |-4.7036e-07 | 2.8988e-05 | -4.9930e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2394 |-5.067549e-05 |-2.1168e-08 | 2.8298e-06 | -4.9870e-06 |  4.9929e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2394 |   1725.224 |    0.72065 |     18.451 |    0.020000 |      653.49 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2394 |   93091.19 |     38.885 |     2097.0 |     -4071.4 |      4069.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2394 |  -561602.4 |    -234.59 |     1137.1 |     -1623.5 |      1574.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2394 |1.021098e+07 |     4265.2 |     4033.3 |      1317.5 |      11055. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2394 |   59179.04 |     24.720 |     17.210 |      8.0382 |      104.81 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2394 |    1725.23 |    0.72065 |     18.451 |    0.020000 |      653.49 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2394 |   93091.19 |     38.885 |     2097.0 |     -4071.4 |      4069.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2394 |  -561602.4 |    -234.59 |     1137.1 |     -1623.5 |      1574.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2394 |1.021098e+07 |     4265.2 |     4033.3 |      1317.5 |      11055. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2394 |   59179.04 |     24.720 |     17.210 |      8.0382 |      104.81 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7867 | 0.01030204 | 1.3095e-06 | 0.00017658 |  -0.0043792 |   0.0043823 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      7867 |-0.00334936 |-4.2575e-07 | 2.8717e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      7867 |-0.0002330777 |-2.9627e-08 | 2.8816e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      7867 | 0.00126266 | 1.6050e-07 | 2.8601e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7867 |0.0001042791 | 1.3255e-08 | 2.8610e-06 | -4.9980e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7867 |   11898.81 |     1.5125 |     33.713 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      7867 |   -3257118 |    -414.02 |     2540.9 |     -4073.7 |      4073.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      7867 |    1181991 |     150.25 |     1036.6 |     -1653.7 |      1652.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      7867 |4.445135e+07 |     5650.4 |     4483.7 |      1269.6 |      11078. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      7867 |     226281 |     28.763 |     18.981 |      7.1751 |      130.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7867 |    11898.8 |     1.5125 |     33.713 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      7867 |   -3257118 |    -414.02 |     2540.9 |     -4073.7 |      4073.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      7867 |    1181991 |     150.25 |     1036.6 |     -1653.7 |      1652.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      7867 |4.445135e+07 |     5650.4 |     4483.7 |      1269.6 |      11078. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7867 |     226281 |     28.763 |     18.981 |      7.1751 |      130.67 |
 CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      2387 |5.067476e-05 | 2.1229e-08 | 2.9078e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9803e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      2387 |4.662266e-05 | 1.9532e-08 | 2.8351e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      2387 |0.0001295527 | 5.4274e-08 | 2.8900e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2387 |2.596607e-10 | 1.0878e-13 | 5.6880e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      2387 |0.002023234 | 8.4761e-07 | 2.9187e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      2387 |-0.0001735005 |-7.2686e-08 | 2.8646e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      2387 |-0.0005856106 |-2.4533e-07 | 2.8785e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9928e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      2387 |   7483.732 |     3.1352 |     1.8316 |  0.00095533 |      6.2826 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      2387 |   499.2962 |    0.20917 |    0.38421 |    0.020271 |      2.7401 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      2387 |   378649.8 |     158.63 |     1248.4 |     -3894.0 |      3968.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      2387 |  -166705.3 |    -69.839 |     429.75 |     -1369.9 |      1841.6 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      2387 |    9690185 |     4059.6 |     4036.3 |      863.62 |      11511. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2387 |0.008958399 | 3.7530e-06 | 7.6440e-07 |  1.9580e-06 |  6.0184e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      2387 |   84914.08 |     35.574 |     2089.5 |     -4062.6 |      4060.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      2387 |  -557190.8 |    -233.43 |     1130.6 |     -1615.1 |      1566.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      2387 |1.015033e+07 |     4252.3 |     4029.5 |      1312.1 |      11050. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      2387 |   7483.732 |     3.1352 |     1.8316 |  0.00095533 |      6.2826 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      2387 |   499.2962 |    0.20917 |    0.38421 |    0.020271 |      2.7401 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      2387 |   378649.8 |     158.63 |     1248.4 |     -3894.0 |      3968.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      2387 |  -166705.3 |    -69.839 |     429.75 |     -1369.9 |      1841.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      2387 |    9690185 |     4059.6 |     4036.3 |      863.62 |      11511. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2387 |0.008958399 | 3.7530e-06 | 7.6439e-07 |  1.9580e-06 |  6.0184e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      2387 |   84914.08 |     35.574 |     2089.5 |     -4062.6 |      4060.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      2387 |  -557190.8 |    -233.43 |     1130.6 |     -1615.1 |      1566.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      2387 |1.015033e+07 |     4252.3 |     4029.5 |      1312.1 |      11050. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      2387 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 | 0.00230564 | 2.9442e-07 | 2.8814e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |-0.001094937 |-1.3982e-07 | 2.8678e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |0.000635079 | 8.1098e-08 | 2.8736e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7831 |-4.683898e-10 |-5.9812e-14 | 5.7896e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 |-0.002031385 |-2.5940e-07 | 2.8765e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |0.001439888 | 1.8387e-07 | 2.8845e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9963e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |0.002247254 | 2.8697e-07 | 2.8891e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |   24599.03 |     3.1412 |     1.8429 |  0.00040576 |      6.2831 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |   1986.411 |    0.25366 |    0.40398 |    0.011264 |      2.9103 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 |   -3041747 |    -388.42 |     1539.8 |     -4042.6 |      4032.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |   388240.9 |     49.577 |     449.38 |     -2514.5 |      2057.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |4.242994e+07 |     5418.2 |     4483.0 |      860.95 |      11676. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7831 |  0.0292616 | 3.7366e-06 | 7.6353e-07 |  1.9575e-06 |  6.1083e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 |   -3223667 |    -411.65 |     2531.9 |     -4065.0 |      4065.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |    1178312 |     150.47 |     1031.4 |     -1645.2 |      1644.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |4.411135e+07 |     5632.9 |     4481.8 |      1264.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |   24599.03 |     3.1412 |     1.8429 |  0.00040576 |      6.2831 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |   1986.411 |    0.25366 |    0.40398 |    0.011264 |      2.9103 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 |   -3041747 |    -388.42 |     1539.8 |     -4042.6 |      4032.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |   388240.9 |     49.577 |     449.38 |     -2514.5 |      2057.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |4.242994e+07 |     5418.2 |     4483.0 |      860.95 |      11676. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7831 |  0.0292616 | 3.7366e-06 | 7.6353e-07 |  1.9575e-06 |  6.1083e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 |   -3223667 |    -411.65 |     2531.9 |     -4065.0 |      4065.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |    1178312 |     150.47 |     1031.4 |     -1645.2 |      1644.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |4.411135e+07 |     5632.9 |     4481.8 |      1264.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsPrev...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       164 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       490 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3451 |     3451.0 |     0.0000 |      3451.0 |      3451.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      10234 |     10234. |     0.0000 |      10234. |      10234. |
 CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3451 |-0.004725083 |-1.3692e-06 | 2.8423e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9945e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3451 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3451 |    49714.1 |     14.406 |     72.572 |  0.00032116 |      2867.1 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3451 |        554 |    0.16053 |    0.45072 |      0.0000 |      8.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3451 |    49714.1 |     14.406 |     72.572 |  0.00030000 |      2867.1 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3451 |        554 |    0.16053 |    0.45072 |      0.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10234 |-0.001295923 |-1.2663e-07 | 2.8750e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     10234 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     10234 |   169908.1 |     16.602 |     90.592 |  2.0153e-10 |      3536.0 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     10234 |       1516 |    0.14813 |    0.66336 |      0.0000 |      37.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10234 |   169908.1 |     16.602 |     90.592 |      0.0000 |      3536.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     10234 |       1516 |    0.14813 |    0.66336 |      0.0000 |      37.000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        477 |     477.00 |     0.0000 |      477.00 |      477.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1799 |     1799.0 |     0.0000 |      1799.0 |      1799.0 |
 CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       477 |0.0004974734 | 1.0429e-06 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9803e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       477 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       477 |   4694.769 |     9.8423 |     35.041 |  2.5510e-05 |      581.35 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       477 |        107 |    0.22432 |    0.45094 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       477 |   4694.769 |     9.8423 |     35.041 |      0.0000 |      581.35 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       477 |        107 |    0.22432 |    0.45094 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1799 |0.001259306 | 7.0000e-07 | 2.8745e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1799 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1799 |   17603.77 |     9.7853 |     32.874 |  0.00025213 |      630.10 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1799 |        174 |   0.096720 |    0.51502 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1799 |   17603.77 |     9.7853 |     32.874 |  0.00030000 |      630.10 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1799 |        174 |   0.096720 |    0.51502 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        132 |     132.00 |     0.0000 |      132.00 |      132.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        145 |     145.00 |     0.0000 |      145.00 |      145.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       132 |-1.036249e-06 |-7.8504e-09 | 2.8109e-07 | -4.9440e-07 |  4.9214e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       132 |3.592941e-06 | 2.7219e-08 | 2.9972e-07 | -4.7168e-07 |  4.9414e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       132 |6.778534e-06 | 5.1353e-08 | 2.9513e-07 | -4.9500e-07 |  4.9374e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       132 |8.205084e-06 | 6.2160e-08 | 5.8082e-07 | -9.8558e-07 |  9.9448e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |1.322019e-05 | 1.0015e-07 | 2.7418e-05 | -4.8848e-05 |  4.7291e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |-0.0003010867 |-2.2810e-06 | 2.8707e-05 | -4.9461e-05 |  4.9892e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |6.668679e-05 | 5.0520e-07 | 3.1477e-05 | -4.9023e-05 |  4.9750e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |-0.00151077 |-1.1445e-05 |  0.0028472 |  -0.0049177 |   0.0048139 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       132 |-8.320619e-06 |-6.3035e-08 | 2.9341e-06 | -4.8736e-06 |  4.9899e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       132 |   172.1438 |     1.3041 |     15.673 |     -44.988 |      103.71 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       132 |   211.8657 |     1.6050 |     7.4462 |     -8.9617 |      34.551 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       132 |   519.7053 |     3.9372 |     2.9553 |     -5.0257 |      5.1091 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       132 |  0.4373882 |  0.0033135 |  0.0051779 |  0.00033302 |    0.029072 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |  -60160.47 |    -455.76 |     2024.7 |     -3815.7 |      3184.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |   20684.86 |     156.70 |     1221.6 |     -1460.4 |      3942.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |    2160997 |     16371. |     1306.9 |      15091. |      19016. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |   152606.9 |     1156.1 |     1569.7 |      1.6173 |      5826.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       132 |   7625.468 |     57.769 |     5.6391 |      51.200 |      76.660 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       132 |   172.1438 |     1.3041 |     15.673 |     -44.988 |      103.71 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       132 |   211.8657 |     1.6050 |     7.4462 |     -8.9617 |      34.551 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       132 |   519.7053 |     3.9372 |     2.9553 |     -5.0257 |      5.1091 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       132 |    0.43738 |  0.0033135 |  0.0051780 |  0.00033400 |    0.029072 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |  -60160.47 |    -455.76 |     2024.7 |     -3815.7 |      3184.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |   20684.86 |     156.70 |     1221.6 |     -1460.4 |      3942.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |    2160997 |     16371. |     1306.9 |      15091. |      19016. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |   152606.9 |     1156.1 |     1569.7 |      1.6200 |      5826.6 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       132 |   7625.468 |     57.769 |     5.6391 |      51.200 |      76.660 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       145 |3.434297e-06 | 2.3685e-08 | 2.7508e-07 | -4.8307e-07 |  4.8058e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       145 |-4.484818e-06 |-3.0930e-08 | 3.0550e-07 | -4.9966e-07 |  4.8913e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       145 |7.379478e-06 | 5.0893e-08 | 2.8753e-07 | -4.8952e-07 |  4.9843e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       145 |-1.250577e-05 |-8.6247e-08 | 5.5843e-07 | -9.9636e-07 |  9.8708e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       145 |-0.0002057912 |-1.4192e-06 | 2.8073e-05 | -4.9462e-05 |  4.8508e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       145 |-0.0002718917 |-1.8751e-06 | 2.9226e-05 | -4.8978e-05 |  4.8580e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       145 |0.0006183463 | 4.2645e-06 | 2.8624e-05 | -4.8735e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       145 | 0.02760864 | 0.00019040 |  0.0027655 |  -0.0049967 |   0.0049089 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       145 |6.38766e-05 | 4.4053e-07 | 2.9711e-06 | -4.9302e-06 |  4.9625e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       145 |   88.91458 |    0.61320 |     5.3986 |     -14.085 |      27.344 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       145 |  -109.4643 |   -0.75493 |     5.8799 |     -19.547 |      20.666 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       145 |   544.4517 |     3.7548 |     3.0829 |     -5.0535 |      5.0565 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       145 |  0.4436275 |  0.0030595 |  0.0037996 |  0.00021849 |    0.028562 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       145 |   15982.66 |     110.23 |     1055.7 |     -2534.7 |      2407.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       145 |    9067.75 |     62.536 |     723.17 |     -1583.3 |      1331.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       145 |    2295234 |     15829. |     912.18 |      15092. |      17814. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       145 |   148774.2 |     1026.0 |     2227.9 |      1.5570 |      11571. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       145 |   7884.567 |     54.376 |     4.7082 |      50.314 |      72.162 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       145 |   88.91457 |    0.61320 |     5.3986 |     -14.085 |      27.344 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       145 |  -109.4643 |   -0.75493 |     5.8799 |     -19.547 |      20.666 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       145 |   544.4517 |     3.7548 |     3.0829 |     -5.0536 |      5.0565 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       145 |    0.44364 |  0.0030596 |  0.0037997 |  0.00021800 |    0.028562 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       145 |   15982.66 |     110.23 |     1055.7 |     -2534.7 |      2407.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       145 |   9067.751 |     62.536 |     723.17 |     -1583.3 |      1331.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       145 |    2295234 |     15829. |     912.18 |      15092. |      17814. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       145 |   148774.1 |     1026.0 |     2227.9 |      1.5600 |      11571. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       145 |   7884.567 |     54.376 |     4.7082 |      50.314 |      72.162 |
 PrevEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 PrevEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 PrevEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 5629.00 +-75.03 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 4558.00 +-67.51 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.09 +-0.04%) Rich2 =   32.00 +- 5.66 (  0.70 +-0.12%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 5178.00 +-71.96 ( 91.99 +-0.36%) Rich2 = 2946.00 +-54.28 ( 64.63 +-0.71%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  367.00 +-19.16 (  6.52 +-0.33%) Rich2 =  582.00 +-24.12 ( 12.77 +-0.49%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 3902.00 +-62.47 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2856.00 +-53.44 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  0.46 +-0.11%) Rich2 =   21.00 +- 4.58 (  0.74 +-0.16%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 2803.00 +-52.94 ( 71.83 +-0.72%) Rich2 = 2024.00 +-44.99 ( 70.87 +-0.85%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  705.00 +-26.55 ( 18.07 +-0.62%) Rich2 =  189.00 +-13.75 (  6.62 +-0.47%)
 GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.11 +-0.04%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.07 +-0.04%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  0.31 +-0.09%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.14 +-0.07%)
 GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.09 +-0.04%) Rich2 =   32.00 +- 5.66 (  0.70 +-0.12%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  491.00 +-22.16 ( 10.77 +-0.46%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  0.46 +-0.11%) Rich2 =   21.00 +- 4.58 (  0.74 +-0.16%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  326.00 +-18.06 ( 11.41 +-0.60%)
 GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 5178.00 +-71.96 ( 91.99 +-0.36%) CF4 = 2946.00 +-54.28 ( 64.63 +-0.71%)
+GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 2803.00 +-52.94 ( 71.83 +-0.72%) CF4 = 2024.00 +-44.99 ( 70.87 +-0.85%)
 GetRichHitsPrev            INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  5178.00 +- 71.96 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  3437.00 +- 58.63 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   949.00 +- 30.81 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     9.00 +-  3.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   577.00 +- 24.02 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   217.00 +- 14.73 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   386.00 +- 19.65 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    29.00 +-  5.39 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  2803.00 +- 52.94 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2350.00 +- 48.48 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   894.00 +- 29.90 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsPrev         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   656.00 +- 25.61 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   119.00 +- 10.91 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   302.00 +- 17.38 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    84.00 +-  9.17 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     8.00 +-  2.83 / event
+GetRichSegmentsPrev        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    33.00 +-  5.74 / event
 GetRichTracksPrev          INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPackerPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3005 |     3005.0 |     0.0000 |      3005.0 |      3005.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2649 |     2649.0 |     0.0000 |      2649.0 |      2649.0 |
 MCUTHitPackerPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1442 |     1442.0 |     0.0000 |      1442.0 |      1442.0 |
 MCFTHitPackerPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6161 |     6161.0 |     0.0000 |      6161.0 |      6161.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4476 |     4476.0 |     0.0000 |      4476.0 |      4476.0 |
 MCMuonHitPackerPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        268 |     268.00 |     0.0000 |      268.00 |      268.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        176 |     176.00 |     0.0000 |      176.00 |      176.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      17997 |     17997. |     0.0000 |      17997. |      17997. |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      12748 |     12748. |     0.0000 |      12748. |      12748. |
 MCHcalHitPackerPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2787 |     2787.0 |     0.0000 |      2787.0 |      2787.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1788 |     1788.0 |     0.0000 |      1788.0 |      1788.0 |
 MCRichHitPackerPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      10187 |     10187. |     0.0000 |      10187. |      10187. |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6758 |     6758.0 |     0.0000 |      6758.0 |      6758.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      10150 |     10150. |     0.0000 |      10150. |      10150. |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6719 |     6719.0 |     0.0000 |      6719.0 |      6719.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerPrev SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        702 |     702.00 |     0.0000 |      702.00 |      702.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        546 |     546.00 |     0.0000 |      546.00 |      546.00 |
 MCRichTrackPackerPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        580 |     580.00 |     0.0000 |      580.00 |      580.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        461 |     461.00 |     0.0000 |      461.00 |      461.00 |
 VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 3005+/-0
+VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 2649+/-0
 VPGaussMoniPrev            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO #hits per event: 1809
-UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1343.06
-UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0751272
-UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Half Sample width 0.0239546
+UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO #hits per event: 1442
+UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1335.91
+UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.077444
+UTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Half Sample width 0.034098
 UTHitMonitorPrev        SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitorPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       141 |        141 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1809 |    2429603 |     1343.1 |     5474.0 |    0.011698 |      67403. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       120 |        120 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1442 |    1926381 |     1335.9 |     9288.2 |   0.0045715 |  1.3922e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1442 |     1442.0 |     0.0000 |      1442.0 |      1442.0 |
 FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO #hits per event: 6161
-FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1941.93
-FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.239289
-FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Half Sample width 0.0834225
+FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO #hits per event: 4476
+FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2467.57
+FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.241527
+FTHitMonitorPrev           INFO Half Sample width 0.0867566
 FTHitMonitorPrev        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitorPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       478 |        478 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      6161 |1.196423e+07 |     1941.9 |     7074.5 |   0.0046309 |      76345. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       6161 |     6161.0 |     0.0000 |      6161.0 |      6161.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       297 |        297 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      4476 |1.104486e+07 |     2467.6 |     9710.3 |   0.0052704 |  1.3837e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       4476 |     4476.0 |     0.0000 |      4476.0 |      4476.0 |
 EcalMonitorPrev         SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitorPrev         SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
-CompareMCVertexPrev     SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-CompareMCVertexPrev     SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 6        Message = 'Packed MCVertex info truncated. Set DEBUG OutputLevel for details'
 UnpackVPHitsPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3005 |     3005.0 |     0.0000 |      3005.0 |      3005.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2649 |     2649.0 |     0.0000 |      2649.0 |      2649.0 |
 CheckVPHitsPrev         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3005 |-3.228046e-05 |-1.0742e-08 | 2.8627e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9949e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3005 |-9.909804e-06 |-3.2978e-09 | 2.8650e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9987e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3005 |5.453363e-07 | 1.8148e-10 | 4.0764e-08 | -4.8072e-07 |  4.8072e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3005 |5.038723e-06 | 1.6768e-09 | 5.7363e-07 | -9.9934e-07 |  9.9868e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3005 |0.0008584858 | 2.8569e-07 | 2.8724e-05 | -4.9947e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3005 |-0.001464143 |-4.8724e-07 | 2.8792e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9849e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3005 |-8.969176e-05 |-2.9848e-08 | 3.3550e-06 | -4.5069e-05 |  4.8688e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3005 | 0.03400037 | 1.1315e-05 |  0.0028900 |  -0.0049999 |   0.0049988 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3005 |2.198446e-05 | 7.3160e-09 | 2.8856e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9943e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3005 |   -7.14327 | -0.0023771 |   0.058395 |    -0.91454 |      1.0124 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3005 | -0.5034449 |-0.00016754 |   0.056483 |    -0.93144 |     0.88762 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3005 |   250.6528 |   0.083412 |    0.18030 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3005 |   262.2367 |   0.087267 |    0.15073 |  0.00041348 |      4.6108 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3005 |  -5053.673 |    -1.6818 |     14.047 |     -48.529 |      47.475 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3005 |    2665.49 |    0.88702 |     14.932 |     -46.404 |      48.113 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3005 |   554141.7 |     184.41 |     288.10 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3005 |3.241116e+07 |     10786. |     18853. |      1.4967 |  4.6959e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3005 |   2798.494 |    0.93128 |     1.1404 |    0.024058 |      28.716 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3005 |  -7.143238 | -0.0023771 |   0.058395 |    -0.91454 |      1.0124 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3005 |  -0.503435 |-0.00016753 |   0.056483 |    -0.93144 |     0.88762 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3005 |   250.6528 |   0.083412 |    0.18030 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3005 |   262.2367 |   0.087267 |    0.15073 |  0.00041400 |      4.6108 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3005 |  -5053.674 |    -1.6818 |     14.047 |     -48.529 |      47.475 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3005 |   2665.491 |    0.88702 |     14.932 |     -46.404 |      48.113 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3005 |   554141.7 |     184.41 |     288.10 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3005 |3.241116e+07 |     10786. |     18853. |      1.5000 |  4.6959e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3005 |   2798.494 |    0.93128 |     1.1404 |    0.024060 |      28.716 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2649 |6.175688e-06 | 2.3313e-09 | 2.8614e-07 | -4.9959e-07 |  4.9856e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2649 |1.193997e-05 | 4.5073e-09 | 2.8968e-07 | -4.9933e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2649 |1.667891e-06 | 6.2963e-10 | 4.5750e-08 | -4.7996e-07 |  4.5399e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2649 |2.374535e-05 | 8.9639e-09 | 5.8484e-07 | -9.9956e-07 |  1.0000e-06 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2649 |-0.0009055644 |-3.4185e-07 | 2.9003e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2649 |-0.001322273 |-4.9916e-07 | 2.8371e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9870e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2649 |-0.0005908751 |-2.2306e-07 | 4.1444e-06 | -4.1654e-05 |  4.7007e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2649 | 0.01003789 | 3.7893e-06 |  0.0029053 |  -0.0049975 |   0.0049982 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2649 |0.0001963419 | 7.4119e-08 | 2.8619e-06 | -4.9923e-06 |  4.9988e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2649 |  0.9528522 | 0.00035970 |   0.060094 |     -1.3397 |     0.79018 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2649 |   7.400465 |  0.0027937 |   0.063828 |    -0.46331 |      1.2046 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2649 |   128.3779 |   0.048463 |    0.19226 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2649 |   263.2781 |   0.099388 |    0.28994 |   0.0043263 |      10.375 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2649 |   1246.368 |    0.47051 |     13.183 |     -47.878 |      49.119 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2649 |   1074.647 |    0.40568 |     15.828 |     -49.529 |      48.590 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2649 |   289517.9 |     109.29 |     287.35 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2649 |2.76761e+07 |     10448. |     16636. |      1.4420 |  1.4198e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2649 |   2283.378 |    0.86198 |    0.77943 |    0.020452 |      22.532 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2649 |   0.952846 | 0.00035970 |   0.060094 |     -1.3397 |     0.79018 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2649 |   7.400453 |  0.0027937 |   0.063828 |    -0.46331 |      1.2046 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2649 |   128.3779 |   0.048463 |    0.19226 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2649 |   263.2781 |   0.099388 |    0.28994 |   0.0043260 |      10.375 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2649 |   1246.369 |    0.47051 |     13.183 |     -47.878 |      49.119 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2649 |   1074.649 |    0.40568 |     15.828 |     -49.529 |      48.590 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2649 |   289517.9 |     109.29 |     287.35 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2649 |2.76761e+07 |     10448. |     16636. |      1.4400 |  1.4198e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2649 |   2283.378 |    0.86198 |    0.77943 |    0.020450 |      22.532 |
 UnpackUTHitsPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1442 |     1442.0 |     0.0000 |      1442.0 |      1442.0 |
 CheckUTHitsPrev         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |3.30193e-06 | 1.8253e-09 | 2.8951e-07 | -4.9964e-07 |  4.9913e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |-1.033876e-05 |-5.7152e-09 | 2.9412e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |-2.433052e-06 |-1.3450e-09 | 7.9853e-08 | -4.8937e-07 |  4.8937e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1809 |1.187769e-05 | 6.5659e-09 | 5.7303e-07 | -9.9969e-07 |  9.9986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |-0.0005310914 |-2.9358e-07 | 2.8259e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9923e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |-0.00285202 |-1.5766e-06 | 2.8108e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |-0.0003169947 |-1.7523e-07 | 5.5711e-06 | -4.7232e-05 |  4.9854e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |   0.173976 | 9.6172e-05 |  0.0028843 |  -0.0049997 |   0.0049968 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1809 |5.511422e-05 | 3.0467e-08 | 2.9220e-06 | -4.9936e-06 |  4.9948e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |   9.085947 |  0.0050226 |    0.25278 |     -3.7388 |      4.0087 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |   2.904356 |  0.0016055 |    0.19339 |     -5.0381 |      2.8960 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |   311.0936 |    0.17197 |    0.17353 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1809 |   300.1173 |    0.16590 |    0.46775 |  0.00032335 |      11.095 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |   -44880.8 |    -24.810 |     337.51 |     -868.57 |      831.43 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |   31544.86 |     17.438 |     252.42 |     -673.04 |      671.94 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |    4514905 |     2495.8 |     137.45 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |    8761769 |     4843.4 |     10299. |      1.4588 |      80623. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1809 |    19352.7 |     10.698 |     6.5492 |      7.5217 |      81.565 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |   9.085944 |  0.0050226 |    0.25278 |     -3.7388 |      4.0087 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |   2.904366 |  0.0016055 |    0.19339 |     -5.0381 |      2.8960 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |   311.0936 |    0.17197 |    0.17353 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1809 |   300.1173 |    0.16590 |    0.46775 |  0.00032400 |      11.095 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |   -44880.8 |    -24.810 |     337.51 |     -868.57 |      831.43 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |   31544.86 |     17.438 |     252.42 |     -673.04 |      671.94 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |    4514905 |     2495.8 |     137.45 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |    8761769 |     4843.4 |     10299. |      1.4600 |      80623. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1809 |    19352.7 |     10.698 |     6.5492 |      7.5217 |      81.565 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1442 |-1.112101e-05 |-7.7122e-09 | 2.9017e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9810e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1442 |-2.250853e-05 |-1.5609e-08 | 2.8682e-07 | -4.9951e-07 |  4.9796e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1442 |1.019607e-06 | 7.0708e-10 | 8.4518e-08 | -4.9115e-07 |  4.8793e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1442 |-3.052095e-05 |-2.1166e-08 | 5.7328e-07 | -9.9946e-07 |  9.9845e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1442 |-0.001376728 |-9.5474e-07 | 2.9240e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9946e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1442 |-3.777144e-05 |-2.6194e-08 | 2.8818e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9851e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1442 |0.0003033032 | 2.1034e-07 | 6.7175e-06 | -4.9740e-05 |  4.9701e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1442 |-0.02749551 |-1.9068e-05 |  0.0028849 |  -0.0049987 |   0.0049933 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1442 |-0.0002043331 |-1.4170e-07 | 2.8817e-06 | -4.9890e-06 |  4.9961e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1442 |  -5.803973 | -0.0040249 |    0.39814 |     -10.707 |      1.8678 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1442 |   4.265893 |  0.0029583 |    0.25122 |     -4.3832 |      6.4616 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1442 |   164.6501 |    0.11418 |    0.21437 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1442 |    238.623 |    0.16548 |    0.35537 |   0.0013424 |      7.2393 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1442 |  -546.5547 |   -0.37903 |     360.56 |     -896.43 |      896.36 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1442 |  -30742.87 |    -21.320 |     285.59 |     -672.98 |      666.65 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1442 |    3592646 |     2491.4 |     137.50 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1442 |    6065705 |     4206.5 |     11215. |      1.4425 |  1.3883e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1442 |   18104.63 |     12.555 |     8.6606 |      7.6896 |      98.323 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1442 |  -5.803962 | -0.0040249 |    0.39814 |     -10.707 |      1.8678 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1442 |   4.265916 |  0.0029583 |    0.25122 |     -4.3832 |      6.4616 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1442 |   164.6501 |    0.11418 |    0.21437 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1442 |    238.623 |    0.16548 |    0.35537 |   0.0013420 |      7.2393 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1442 |  -546.5533 |   -0.37902 |     360.56 |     -896.43 |      896.36 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1442 |  -30742.87 |    -21.320 |     285.59 |     -672.98 |      666.65 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1442 |    3592646 |     2491.4 |     137.50 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1442 |    6065705 |     4206.5 |     11215. |      1.4400 |  1.3883e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1442 |   18104.63 |     12.555 |     8.6606 |      7.6896 |      98.323 |
 UnpackFTHitsPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6161 |     6161.0 |     0.0000 |      6161.0 |      6161.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4476 |     4476.0 |     0.0000 |      4476.0 |      4476.0 |
 CheckFTHitsPrev         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      6161 |9.807701e-06 | 1.5919e-09 | 2.8718e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  5.0000e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      6161 |-3.578959e-06 |-5.8091e-10 | 2.8767e-07 | -4.9959e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      6161 |-1.869299e-06 |-3.0341e-10 | 2.8860e-07 | -4.9958e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6161 |-3.184642e-05 |-5.1690e-09 | 5.7239e-07 | -9.9989e-07 |  9.9949e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      6161 |-0.001737975 |-2.8209e-07 | 2.8869e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      6161 |0.0003939873 | 6.3949e-08 | 2.8502e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      6161 |-0.002660721 |-4.3187e-07 | 2.8918e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9950e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      6161 | -0.2505448 |-4.0666e-05 |  0.0029013 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0049996 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6161 |0.0003144117 | 5.1033e-08 | 2.9049e-06 | -4.9996e-06 |  4.9993e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      6161 |  -319.1783 |  -0.051806 |     1.4112 |     -52.729 |      16.084 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      6161 |   81.21226 |   0.013182 |    0.71917 |     -15.790 |      13.870 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      6161 |   5580.075 |    0.90571 |    0.83851 |     -1.3182 |      1.3344 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6161 |   2610.477 |    0.42371 |    0.66053 |  0.00030521 |      13.921 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      6161 |  -573299.6 |    -93.053 |     1108.9 |     -3194.8 |      3168.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      6161 |     317634 |     51.556 |     682.99 |     -2434.6 |      2424.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      6161 |5.306902e+07 |     8613.7 |     569.63 |      7818.0 |      9410.9 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      6161 |3.130522e+07 |     5081.2 |     9325.5 |      1.4221 |      75053. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6161 |   200733.3 |     32.581 |     9.4102 |      25.890 |      230.11 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      6161 |  -319.1783 |  -0.051806 |     1.4112 |     -52.729 |      16.084 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      6161 |   81.21226 |   0.013182 |    0.71917 |     -15.790 |      13.870 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      6161 |   5580.075 |    0.90571 |    0.83851 |     -1.3182 |      1.3344 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6161 |   2610.477 |    0.42371 |    0.66053 |  0.00030600 |      13.921 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      6161 |  -573299.6 |    -93.053 |     1108.9 |     -3194.8 |      3168.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      6161 |     317634 |     51.556 |     682.99 |     -2434.6 |      2424.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      6161 |5.306902e+07 |     8613.7 |     569.63 |      7818.0 |      9410.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      6161 |3.130522e+07 |     5081.2 |     9325.5 |      1.4200 |      75053. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6161 |   200733.3 |     32.581 |     9.4102 |      25.890 |      230.11 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      4476 |-2.174829e-05 |-4.8589e-09 | 2.8871e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9993e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      4476 |3.261228e-05 | 7.2860e-09 | 2.8884e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9981e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      4476 |2.254328e-05 | 5.0365e-09 | 2.9048e-07 | -4.9976e-07 |  4.9988e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4476 |5.713873e-05 | 1.2766e-08 | 5.8133e-07 | -9.9990e-07 |  9.9983e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4476 |0.0004153186 | 9.2788e-08 | 2.8807e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9849e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4476 |-0.002844191 |-6.3543e-07 | 2.9202e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9912e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4476 |0.001406755 | 3.1429e-07 | 2.8915e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      4476 | -0.3979588 |-8.8909e-05 |  0.0029377 |  -0.0049997 |   0.0049973 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4476 |-0.0001937743 |-4.3292e-08 | 2.8872e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9878e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      4476 |  -188.2565 |  -0.042059 |     1.3516 |     -38.613 |      17.468 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      4476 |   13.96979 |  0.0031210 |    0.60663 |     -6.6508 |      9.3433 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      4476 |   4157.025 |    0.92874 |    0.80788 |     -1.3156 |      1.3185 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4476 |   1863.678 |    0.41637 |    0.61950 |  0.00038675 |      10.300 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4476 |   171329.1 |     38.277 |     1079.6 |     -3142.9 |      3348.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4476 |   37890.45 |     8.4652 |     690.38 |     -2405.7 |      2405.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4476 |3.845892e+07 |     8592.3 |     578.08 |      7817.2 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      4476 |2.114034e+07 |     4723.0 |     9889.1 |      1.4257 |      97132. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4476 |   145736.1 |     32.559 |     12.950 |      26.046 |      277.05 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      4476 |  -188.2565 |  -0.042059 |     1.3516 |     -38.613 |      17.468 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      4476 |   13.96976 |  0.0031210 |    0.60663 |     -6.6508 |      9.3433 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      4476 |   4157.025 |    0.92874 |    0.80788 |     -1.3156 |      1.3185 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4476 |   1863.678 |    0.41637 |    0.61950 |  0.00038600 |      10.300 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4476 |   171329.1 |     38.277 |     1079.6 |     -3142.9 |      3348.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4476 |   37890.45 |     8.4652 |     690.38 |     -2405.7 |      2405.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4476 |3.845892e+07 |     8592.3 |     578.08 |      7817.2 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      4476 |2.114034e+07 |     4723.0 |     9889.1 |      1.4300 |      97132. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4476 |   145736.1 |     32.559 |     12.950 |      26.046 |      277.05 |
 UnpackRichHitsPrev      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      10187 |     10187. |     0.0000 |      10187. |      10187. |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6758 |     6758.0 |     0.0000 |      6758.0 |      6758.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      10150 |     10150. |     0.0000 |      10150. |      10150. |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6719 |     6719.0 |     0.0000 |      6719.0 |      6719.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsPrev  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        702 |     702.00 |     0.0000 |      702.00 |      702.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        546 |     546.00 |     0.0000 |      546.00 |      546.00 |
 UnpackRichTracksPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        580 |     580.00 |     0.0000 |      580.00 |      580.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        461 |     461.00 |     0.0000 |      461.00 |      461.00 |
 CheckRichHitsPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10187 |-0.0008619025 |-8.4608e-08 | 0.00016702 |  -0.0049241 |   0.0040728 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |     10187 |0.002000619 | 1.9639e-07 | 2.8976e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |     10187 |0.002667468 | 2.6185e-07 | 2.8962e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |     10187 |-0.001071817 |-1.0521e-07 | 2.8867e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     10187 |6.488174e-05 | 6.3691e-09 | 2.8930e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9989e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |     10187 |   16481.25 |     1.6179 |     36.781 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |     10187 |   -1420452 |    -139.44 |     2614.5 |     -4073.4 |      4074.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |     10187 |  -541225.4 |    -53.129 |     1038.1 |     -1649.3 |      1655.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |     10187 |5.875385e+07 |     5767.5 |     4498.8 |      1266.3 |      11075. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |     10187 |   309950.3 |     30.426 |     19.797 |      7.3016 |      141.09 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10187 |   16481.25 |     1.6179 |     36.781 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |     10187 |   -1420452 |    -139.44 |     2614.5 |     -4073.4 |      4074.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |     10187 |  -541225.4 |    -53.129 |     1038.1 |     -1649.3 |      1655.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |     10187 |5.875385e+07 |     5767.5 |     4498.8 |      1266.3 |      11075. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     10187 |   309950.3 |     30.426 |     19.797 |      7.3017 |      141.09 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6758 |-0.001162881 |-1.7207e-07 | 0.00021275 |  -0.0049957 |   0.0049858 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      6758 |-0.0004071264 |-6.0244e-08 | 2.8639e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      6758 |0.001157026 | 1.7121e-07 | 2.8625e-05 | -4.9955e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      6758 |-0.001170674 |-1.7323e-07 | 2.8799e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6758 |7.331131e-05 | 1.0848e-08 | 2.8789e-06 | -4.9984e-06 |  4.9995e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6758 |    12502.2 |     1.8500 |     36.691 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      6758 |    2481889 |     367.25 |     2524.8 |     -4073.6 |      4074.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      6758 |     547801 |     81.060 |     1071.5 |     -1654.7 |      1655.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      6758 |3.730521e+07 |     5520.2 |     4475.3 |      1266.6 |      11074. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      6758 |   196935.4 |     29.141 |     20.649 |      7.1644 |      295.25 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6758 |    12502.2 |     1.8500 |     36.691 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      6758 |    2481889 |     367.25 |     2524.8 |     -4073.6 |      4074.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      6758 |     547801 |     81.060 |     1071.5 |     -1654.7 |      1655.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      6758 |3.730521e+07 |     5520.2 |     4475.3 |      1266.6 |      11074. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6758 |   196935.4 |     29.141 |     20.649 |      7.1644 |      295.25 |
 CheckRichOpPhotPrev     SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |     10150 |-0.003392739 |-3.3426e-07 | 2.8821e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |     10150 |-0.0008809223 |-8.6790e-08 | 2.8821e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |     10150 |0.006095591 | 6.0055e-07 | 2.8736e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10150 |-4.312142e-10 |-4.2484e-14 | 5.7732e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |     10150 |0.001403729 | 1.3830e-07 | 2.9057e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |     10150 |0.0002450656 | 2.4144e-08 | 2.9008e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |     10150 |0.001531263 | 1.5086e-07 | 2.8761e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |     10150 |   31769.55 |     3.1300 |     1.8243 |  0.00059840 |      6.2830 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |     10150 |   2242.393 |    0.22093 |    0.40597 |   0.0046873 |      2.8607 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |     10150 |   -1493167 |    -147.11 |     1425.6 |     -3982.4 |      4037.0 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |     10150 |  -4716.496 |   -0.46468 |     382.88 |     -2870.1 |      3050.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |     10150 |5.618745e+07 |     5535.7 |     4491.2 |      860.53 |      11812. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |     10150 | 0.03803073 | 3.7469e-06 | 7.6264e-07 |  1.8616e-06 |  6.1150e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |     10150 |   -1409621 |    -138.88 |     2604.4 |     -4064.7 |      4065.5 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |     10150 |  -537462.1 |    -52.952 |     1033.1 |     -1640.9 |      1647.3 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |     10150 |5.834771e+07 |     5748.5 |     4497.2 |      1260.9 |      11071. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |     10150 |   31769.55 |     3.1300 |     1.8243 |  0.00059840 |      6.2830 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |     10150 |   2242.393 |    0.22093 |    0.40597 |   0.0046873 |      2.8607 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |     10150 |   -1493167 |    -147.11 |     1425.6 |     -3982.4 |      4037.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |     10150 |  -4716.495 |   -0.46468 |     382.88 |     -2870.1 |      3050.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |     10150 |5.618745e+07 |     5535.7 |     4491.2 |      860.53 |      11812. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10150 | 0.03803073 | 3.7469e-06 | 7.6264e-07 |  1.8616e-06 |  6.1150e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |     10150 |   -1409621 |    -138.88 |     2604.4 |     -4064.7 |      4065.5 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |     10150 |  -537462.1 |    -52.952 |     1033.1 |     -1640.9 |      1647.3 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |     10150 |5.834771e+07 |     5748.5 |     4497.2 |      1260.9 |      11071. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |     10150 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      6719 |-0.002360559 |-3.5133e-07 | 2.8899e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      6719 |0.002604155 | 3.8758e-07 | 2.8954e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      6719 |-0.001374871 |-2.0462e-07 | 2.8905e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6719 |-6.210712e-10 |-9.2435e-14 | 5.7408e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6719 |0.0006918746 | 1.0297e-07 | 2.8684e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6719 |-0.001601466 |-2.3835e-07 | 2.8848e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6719 |-0.001082545 |-1.6112e-07 | 2.8827e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6719 |   21015.55 |     3.1278 |     1.8587 |  0.00050301 |      6.2822 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6719 |   1871.698 |    0.27857 |    0.42364 |   0.0093245 |      2.8114 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      6719 |    1232588 |     183.45 |     1262.4 |     -4060.3 |      4010.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      6719 |   574062.4 |     85.439 |     554.66 |     -2884.4 |      2392.3 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      6719 |3.568928e+07 |     5311.7 |     4458.0 |      860.46 |      11766. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6719 |  0.0251729 | 3.7465e-06 | 7.7334e-07 |  1.8606e-06 |  6.1535e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6719 |    2451291 |     364.83 |     2517.7 |     -4064.8 |      4065.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6719 |     522587 |     77.777 |     1065.8 |     -1646.3 |      1647.1 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6719 |3.70132e+07 |     5508.7 |     4474.1 |      1261.2 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6719 |   21015.55 |     3.1278 |     1.8587 |  0.00050301 |      6.2822 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6719 |   1871.698 |    0.27857 |    0.42364 |   0.0093245 |      2.8114 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      6719 |    1232588 |     183.45 |     1262.4 |     -4060.3 |      4010.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      6719 |   574062.4 |     85.439 |     554.66 |     -2884.4 |      2392.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      6719 |3.568928e+07 |     5311.7 |     4458.0 |      860.46 |      11766. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6719 |  0.0251729 | 3.7465e-06 | 7.7334e-07 |  1.8606e-06 |  6.1535e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6719 |    2451291 |     364.83 |     2517.7 |     -4064.8 |      4065.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6719 |     522587 |     77.777 |     1065.8 |     -1646.3 |      1647.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6719 |3.70132e+07 |     5508.7 |     4474.1 |      1261.2 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6719 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsPrev   SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       702 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       546 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsPrev      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      17997 |     17997. |     0.0000 |      17997. |      17997. |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      12748 |     12748. |     0.0000 |      12748. |      12748. |
 CheckEcalHitsPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     17997 |0.005473737 | 3.0415e-07 | 2.8846e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     17997 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |     17997 |   269208.3 |     14.959 |     72.418 |  2.0423e-05 |      3901.0 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |     17997 |       2722 |    0.15125 |    0.40475 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     17997 |   269208.3 |     14.959 |     72.418 |      0.0000 |      3901.0 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     17997 |       2722 |    0.15125 |    0.40475 |      0.0000 |      9.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     12748 |-0.002518722 |-1.9758e-07 | 2.9055e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     12748 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     12748 |     199387 |     15.641 |     70.468 |  1.4557e-06 |      2067.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     12748 |       1869 |    0.14661 |    0.61534 |      0.0000 |      40.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     12748 |     199387 |     15.641 |     70.468 |      0.0000 |      2067.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     12748 |       1869 |    0.14661 |    0.61534 |      0.0000 |      40.000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsPrev      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2787 |     2787.0 |     0.0000 |      2787.0 |      2787.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1788 |     1788.0 |     0.0000 |      1788.0 |      1788.0 |
 CheckHcalHitsPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2787 |-0.001710859 |-6.1387e-07 | 2.9261e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2787 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2787 |   26317.98 |     9.4431 |     30.421 |  0.00012790 |      620.87 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2787 |        339 |    0.12164 |    0.47309 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2787 |   26317.98 |     9.4431 |     30.421 |  0.00010000 |      620.87 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2787 |        339 |    0.12164 |    0.47309 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1788 |-0.002362119 |-1.3211e-06 | 2.8757e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9809e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1788 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1788 |   14442.89 |     8.0777 |     24.980 |  0.00021603 |      530.15 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1788 |        319 |    0.17841 |    0.56565 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1788 |   14442.89 |     8.0777 |     24.980 |  0.00020000 |      530.15 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1788 |        319 |    0.17841 |    0.56565 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsPrev      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        268 |     268.00 |     0.0000 |      268.00 |      268.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        176 |     176.00 |     0.0000 |      176.00 |      176.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsPrev       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       268 |-2.333992e-06 |-8.7089e-09 | 2.8988e-07 | -4.9741e-07 |  4.9908e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       268 |-2.658246e-06 |-9.9188e-09 | 2.8710e-07 | -4.9428e-07 |  4.9722e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       268 |-2.254282e-06 |-8.4115e-09 | 2.8435e-07 | -4.9746e-07 |  4.8499e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       268 |1.311936e-05 | 4.8953e-08 | 5.8171e-07 | -9.7475e-07 |  9.9254e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       268 |0.0004852021 | 1.8105e-06 | 2.9034e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9481e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       268 |-0.0002883997 |-1.0761e-06 | 2.7563e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9758e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       268 |0.0005086199 | 1.8978e-06 | 2.9449e-05 | -4.9791e-05 |  4.9832e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       268 | 0.03731032 | 0.00013922 |  0.0028372 |  -0.0048917 |   0.0049333 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       268 |-6.880496e-05 |-2.5673e-07 | 2.8526e-06 | -4.9732e-06 |  4.9327e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       268 |   110.2431 |    0.41135 |     5.5702 |     -52.837 |      19.528 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       268 |   191.6445 |    0.71509 |     10.151 |     -23.316 |      130.30 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       268 |   897.8555 |     3.3502 |     3.5378 |     -5.0488 |      5.0269 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       268 |  0.9168071 |  0.0034209 |  0.0063126 |  5.5411e-05 |    0.051167 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       268 |   131747.5 |     491.60 |     1671.4 |     -4719.0 |      5976.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       268 |   69736.25 |     260.21 |     1251.8 |     -4019.0 |      3996.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       268 |    4232092 |     15791. |     980.54 |      15094. |      19036. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       268 |   223932.9 |     835.57 |     1712.1 |      1.4263 |      13333. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       268 |   14950.06 |     55.784 |     7.5066 |      50.207 |      97.665 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       268 |   110.2431 |    0.41135 |     5.5702 |     -52.837 |      19.528 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       268 |   191.6445 |    0.71509 |     10.151 |     -23.316 |      130.30 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       268 |   897.8555 |     3.3502 |     3.5378 |     -5.0488 |      5.0269 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       268 |   0.916794 |  0.0034209 |  0.0063126 |  5.6000e-05 |    0.051166 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       268 |   131747.5 |     491.60 |     1671.4 |     -4719.0 |      5976.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       268 |   69736.25 |     260.21 |     1251.8 |     -4019.0 |      3996.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       268 |    4232092 |     15791. |     980.54 |      15094. |      19036. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       268 |   223932.8 |     835.57 |     1712.1 |      1.4300 |      13333. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       268 |   14950.06 |     55.784 |     7.5066 |      50.207 |      97.665 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       176 |-9.91423e-07 |-5.6331e-09 | 2.9601e-07 | -4.9724e-07 |  4.9042e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       176 |6.796517e-07 | 3.8617e-09 | 2.8794e-07 | -4.9934e-07 |  4.9888e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       176 |1.678612e-06 | 9.5376e-09 | 2.7809e-07 | -4.9180e-07 |  4.9802e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       176 |-1.115776e-05 |-6.3396e-08 | 5.6710e-07 | -9.9322e-07 |  9.5242e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       176 |-0.0003877238 |-2.2030e-06 | 2.7712e-05 | -4.9925e-05 |  4.9372e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       176 |-0.0003088391 |-1.7548e-06 | 2.9587e-05 | -4.9090e-05 |  4.9428e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       176 |-0.0005198693 |-2.9538e-06 | 2.8474e-05 | -4.8851e-05 |  4.9828e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       176 |-0.01115922 |-6.3405e-05 |  0.0029039 |  -0.0049984 |   0.0049747 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       176 |-5.99554e-06 |-3.4066e-08 | 2.9365e-06 | -4.8387e-06 |  4.9379e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       176 |   243.6474 |     1.3844 |     8.5908 |     -6.5681 |      60.992 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       176 |  -106.2063 |   -0.60344 |     6.5609 |     -41.697 |      19.619 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       176 |   771.8699 |     4.3856 |     2.2390 |     -5.0089 |      5.0707 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       176 |  0.4834748 |  0.0027470 |  0.0040973 |  0.00016173 |    0.029401 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       176 |  -84621.33 |    -480.80 |     1365.9 |     -4689.8 |      2924.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       176 |   22478.35 |     127.72 |     1624.1 |     -3920.8 |      4018.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       176 |    2728857 |     15505. |     567.42 |      15094. |      17739. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       176 |   75018.61 |     426.24 |     511.84 |      1.4469 |      2151.1 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       176 |   9526.686 |     54.129 |     4.9502 |      50.772 |      82.580 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       176 |   243.6474 |     1.3844 |     8.5908 |     -6.5681 |      60.992 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       176 |  -106.2063 |   -0.60344 |     6.5609 |     -41.697 |      19.619 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       176 |   771.8699 |     4.3856 |     2.2390 |     -5.0089 |      5.0707 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       176 |   0.483486 |  0.0027471 |  0.0040973 |  0.00016200 |    0.029402 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       176 |  -84621.33 |    -480.80 |     1365.9 |     -4689.8 |      2924.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       176 |   22478.35 |     127.72 |     1624.1 |     -3920.8 |      4018.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       176 |    2728857 |     15505. |     567.42 |      15094. |      17739. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       176 |   75018.62 |     426.24 |     511.84 |      1.4500 |      2151.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       176 |   9526.686 |     54.129 |     4.9502 |      50.772 |      82.580 |
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2634.00 +-51.32 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1601.00 +-40.01 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.30 +-0.11%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.25 +-0.12%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 2433.00 +-49.33 ( 92.37 +-0.52%) Rich2 = 1094.00 +-33.08 ( 68.33 +-1.16%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  111.00 +-10.54 (  4.21 +-0.39%) Rich2 =  183.00 +-13.53 ( 11.43 +-0.80%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 3903.00 +-62.47 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1095.00 +-33.09 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  0.31 +-0.09%) Rich2 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.55 +-0.22%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 2877.00 +-53.64 ( 73.71 +-0.70%) Rich2 =  678.00 +-26.04 ( 61.92 +-1.47%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  682.00 +-26.12 ( 17.47 +-0.61%) Rich2 =  141.00 +-11.87 ( 12.88 +-1.01%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.19 +-0.11%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  0.56 +-0.12%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.18 +-0.13%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.30 +-0.11%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.25 +-0.12%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  199.00 +-14.11 ( 12.43 +-0.82%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  0.31 +-0.09%) Rich2 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.55 +-0.22%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  100.00 +-10.00 (  9.13 +-0.87%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 2433.00 +-49.33 ( 92.37 +-0.52%) CF4 = 1094.00 +-33.08 ( 68.33 +-1.16%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 2877.00 +-53.64 ( 73.71 +-0.70%) CF4 =  678.00 +-26.04 ( 61.92 +-1.47%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  2433.00 +- 49.33 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1293.00 +- 35.96 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   294.00 +- 17.15 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   200.00 +- 14.14 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    92.00 +-  9.59 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   118.00 +- 10.86 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    12.00 +-  3.46 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  2877.00 +- 53.64 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   778.00 +- 27.89 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   823.00 +- 28.69 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =    24.00 +-  4.90 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   478.00 +- 21.86 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   126.00 +- 11.22 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    95.00 +-  9.75 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    87.00 +-  9.33 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    24.00 +-  4.90 / event
 GetRichTracksNext          INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1364 |     1364.0 |     0.0000 |      1364.0 |      1364.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2133 |     2133.0 |     0.0000 |      2133.0 |      2133.0 |
 MCUTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        808 |     808.00 |     0.0000 |      808.00 |      808.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1156 |     1156.0 |     0.0000 |      1156.0 |      1156.0 |
 MCFTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1891 |     1891.0 |     0.0000 |      1891.0 |      1891.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1796 |     1796.0 |     0.0000 |      1796.0 |      1796.0 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        160 |     160.00 |     0.0000 |      160.00 |      160.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6532 |     6532.0 |     0.0000 |      6532.0 |      6532.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       5089 |     5089.0 |     0.0000 |      5089.0 |      5089.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1007 |     1007.0 |     0.0000 |      1007.0 |      1007.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        832 |     832.00 |     0.0000 |      832.00 |      832.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4235 |     4235.0 |     0.0000 |      4235.0 |      4235.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4998 |     4998.0 |     0.0000 |      4998.0 |      4998.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4223 |     4223.0 |     0.0000 |      4223.0 |      4223.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4980 |     4980.0 |     0.0000 |      4980.0 |      4980.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        243 |     243.00 |     0.0000 |      243.00 |      243.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        339 |     339.00 |     0.0000 |      339.00 |      339.00 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        196 |     196.00 |     0.0000 |      196.00 |      196.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        265 |     265.00 |     0.0000 |      265.00 |      265.00 |
 VPGaussMoniNext            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoniNext            INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoniNext            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoniNext            INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 1364+/-0
+VPGaussMoniNext            INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 2133+/-0
 VPGaussMoniNext            INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 808
-UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 910.739
-UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0730955
-UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0238881
+UTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 1156
+UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 734.016
+UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.07591
+UTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0284535
 UTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       103 |        103 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       808 |   735877.2 |     910.74 |     3703.3 |     0.20799 |      31074. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        808 |     808.00 |     0.0000 |      808.00 |      808.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       163 |        163 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1156 |   848522.2 |     734.02 |     3257.5 |   0.0033278 |      46449. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1156 |     1156.0 |     0.0000 |      1156.0 |      1156.0 |
 FTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 1891
-FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1845.65
-FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.241144
-FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0773546
+FTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 1796
+FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 778.177
+FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.236316
+FTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0796647
 FTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        92 |         92 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1891 |    3490120 |     1845.6 |     6539.6 |   0.0039216 |      54244. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1891 |     1891.0 |     0.0000 |      1891.0 |      1891.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       115 |        115 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1796 |    1397606 |     778.18 |     2524.2 |   0.0055759 |      18928. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1796 |     1796.0 |     0.0000 |      1796.0 |      1796.0 |
 EcalMonitorNext         SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitorNext         SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1364 |     1364.0 |     0.0000 |      1364.0 |      1364.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2133 |     2133.0 |     0.0000 |      2133.0 |      2133.0 |
 CheckVPHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1364 |1.512421e-06 | 1.1088e-09 | 2.9073e-07 | -4.9963e-07 |  4.9900e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1364 |-4.938293e-06 |-3.6204e-09 | 2.8812e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9727e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1364 |4.532767e-07 | 3.3231e-10 | 3.6702e-08 | -3.6512e-07 |  4.5124e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1364 |-3.082677e-05 |-2.2600e-08 | 5.6135e-07 | -9.9890e-07 |  9.9682e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1364 |1.939265e-05 | 1.4217e-08 | 2.8594e-05 | -4.9937e-05 |  4.9748e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1364 |0.0002969312 | 2.1769e-07 | 2.8315e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1364 |-2.792158e-05 |-2.0470e-08 | 3.7383e-06 | -4.8873e-05 |  3.8340e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1364 |  0.0342758 | 2.5129e-05 |  0.0028955 |  -0.0049948 |   0.0049922 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1364 |-2.098685e-06 |-1.5386e-09 | 2.8984e-06 | -4.9889e-06 |  4.9708e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1364 |  -2.620593 | -0.0019213 |   0.066765 |     -1.3904 |     0.35212 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1364 |   -3.88052 | -0.0028450 |   0.068297 |     -1.7291 |     0.63237 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1364 |   129.5411 |   0.094972 |    0.17415 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1364 |    156.226 |    0.11454 |    0.58210 |   0.0046184 |      12.864 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1364 |   730.9511 |    0.53589 |     15.010 |     -50.127 |      46.213 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1364 |  -1735.978 |    -1.2727 |     14.111 |     -46.144 |      46.447 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1364 |   223524.3 |     163.87 |     289.26 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1364 |1.425257e+07 |     10449. |     20603. |      2.2738 |  2.5701e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1364 |   1290.222 |    0.94591 |    0.69710 |    0.038321 |      2.9601 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1364 |  -2.620595 | -0.0019213 |   0.066765 |     -1.3904 |     0.35212 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1364 |  -3.880515 | -0.0028450 |   0.068297 |     -1.7291 |     0.63237 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1364 |   129.5411 |   0.094972 |    0.17415 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1364 |    156.226 |    0.11454 |    0.58210 |   0.0046180 |      12.864 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1364 |   730.9511 |    0.53589 |     15.010 |     -50.127 |      46.213 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1364 |  -1735.978 |    -1.2727 |     14.111 |     -46.145 |      46.447 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1364 |   223524.3 |     163.87 |     289.26 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1364 |1.425257e+07 |     10449. |     20603. |      2.2700 |  2.5701e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1364 |   1290.222 |    0.94591 |    0.69710 |    0.038320 |      2.9601 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2133 |-1.580256e-06 |-7.4086e-10 | 2.8990e-07 | -4.9911e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2133 |-1.116749e-05 |-5.2356e-09 | 2.9142e-07 | -4.9975e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2133 |-1.076499e-06 |-5.0469e-10 | 5.7983e-08 | -4.8036e-07 |  4.8036e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2133 |-1.015121e-05 |-4.7591e-09 | 5.6721e-07 | -9.9988e-07 |  9.9784e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2133 |0.0003146566 | 1.4752e-07 | 2.8829e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9956e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2133 |-0.002467507 |-1.1568e-06 | 2.9116e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9965e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2133 |0.000235327 | 1.1033e-07 | 4.7434e-06 | -4.8659e-05 |  4.7666e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2133 | -0.1087832 |-5.1000e-05 |  0.0028908 |  -0.0049860 |   0.0049872 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2133 |0.0001627304 | 7.6292e-08 | 2.8666e-06 | -4.9983e-06 |  4.9979e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2133 |  0.9120174 | 0.00042757 |   0.071593 |    -0.96343 |     0.70547 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2133 |  -6.568823 | -0.0030796 |   0.069968 |     -1.0018 |     0.72763 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2133 |   107.8973 |   0.050585 |    0.19090 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2133 |   237.8422 |    0.11151 |    0.30812 |  0.00017014 |      6.0776 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2133 |  -1883.615 |   -0.88308 |     14.237 |     -46.591 |      45.773 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2133 |  -4163.721 |    -1.9520 |     15.020 |     -46.387 |      49.417 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2133 |   204924.7 |     96.073 |     261.97 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2133 |1.444283e+07 |     6771.1 |     10939. |      1.4278 |  1.0720e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2133 |   1632.507 |    0.76536 |    0.57666 |    0.017416 |      2.7682 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2133 |   0.912019 | 0.00042758 |   0.071593 |    -0.96343 |     0.70547 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2133 |  -6.568812 | -0.0030796 |   0.069968 |     -1.0018 |     0.72763 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2133 |   107.8973 |   0.050585 |    0.19090 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2133 |   237.8422 |    0.11151 |    0.30812 |  0.00017000 |      6.0776 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2133 |  -1883.615 |   -0.88308 |     14.237 |     -46.591 |      45.773 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2133 |  -4163.718 |    -1.9520 |     15.020 |     -46.387 |      49.417 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2133 |   204924.7 |     96.073 |     261.97 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2133 |1.444283e+07 |     6771.1 |     10939. |      1.4300 |  1.0720e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2133 |   1632.506 |    0.76536 |    0.57666 |    0.017420 |      2.7682 |
 UnpackUTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        808 |     808.00 |     0.0000 |      808.00 |      808.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1156 |     1156.0 |     0.0000 |      1156.0 |      1156.0 |
 CheckUTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       808 |1.265845e-05 | 1.5666e-08 | 2.8743e-07 | -4.9666e-07 |  4.9900e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       808 |-1.226534e-05 |-1.5180e-08 | 2.7886e-07 | -4.9413e-07 |  4.9953e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       808 |7.162844e-07 | 8.8649e-10 | 8.5631e-08 | -4.8904e-07 |  4.8904e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       808 |1.014818e-05 | 1.2560e-08 | 5.8074e-07 | -9.9714e-07 |  9.9982e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       808 |-0.0004593137 |-5.6846e-07 | 2.8990e-05 | -4.9781e-05 |  4.9944e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       808 |-0.0005732018 |-7.0941e-07 | 2.8779e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9734e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       808 |-0.0001470457 |-1.8199e-07 | 5.9910e-06 | -4.8110e-05 |  4.8878e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       808 | -0.2012568 |-0.00024908 |  0.0028603 |  -0.0049398 |   0.0049293 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       808 |4.32432e-05 | 5.3519e-08 | 2.8777e-06 | -4.9812e-06 |  4.9897e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       808 |  -9.270011 |  -0.011473 |    0.21012 |     -2.4882 |     0.85868 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       808 |  -6.793272 | -0.0084075 |    0.12721 |     -1.3953 |      1.3980 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       808 |   139.6007 |    0.17277 |    0.17181 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       808 |   111.0043 |    0.13738 |    0.30219 |  5.3365e-05 |      5.2296 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       808 |  -19603.89 |    -24.262 |     303.42 |     -853.92 |      756.92 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       808 |   14838.97 |     18.365 |     244.53 |     -627.09 |      652.25 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       808 |    2009895 |     2487.5 |     136.84 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       808 |    3593999 |     4448.0 |     9239.6 |      1.4562 |      66739. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       808 |   8232.765 |     10.189 |     4.2873 |      7.6525 |      34.794 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       808 |  -9.270024 |  -0.011473 |    0.21012 |     -2.4882 |     0.85868 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       808 |   -6.79326 | -0.0084075 |    0.12721 |     -1.3953 |      1.3980 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       808 |   139.6007 |    0.17277 |    0.17181 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       808 |   111.0042 |    0.13738 |    0.30219 |  5.4000e-05 |      5.2296 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       808 |  -19603.89 |    -24.262 |     303.42 |     -853.92 |      756.92 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       808 |   14838.97 |     18.365 |     244.53 |     -627.09 |      652.25 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       808 |    2009895 |     2487.5 |     136.84 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       808 |    3593999 |     4448.0 |     9239.6 |      1.4600 |      66739. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       808 |   8232.765 |     10.189 |     4.2873 |      7.6525 |      34.794 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1156 |1.451511e-06 | 1.2556e-09 | 2.8694e-07 | -4.9903e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1156 |-1.325126e-05 |-1.1463e-08 | 2.8700e-07 | -4.9942e-07 |  4.9888e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1156 |7.211815e-07 | 6.2386e-10 | 7.6574e-08 | -4.6182e-07 |  4.9464e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1156 |-9.651811e-06 |-8.3493e-09 | 5.7993e-07 | -9.9677e-07 |  9.9996e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1156 |0.0001646738 | 1.4245e-07 | 2.8782e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1156 |-0.0002851149 |-2.4664e-07 | 2.9000e-05 | -4.9858e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1156 |-0.0001502403 |-1.2997e-07 | 6.4369e-06 | -4.5926e-05 |  4.6893e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1156 | -0.1570396 |-0.00013585 |  0.0027993 |  -0.0049956 |   0.0049989 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1156 |0.0001245444 | 1.0774e-07 | 2.9051e-06 | -4.9986e-06 |  4.9931e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1156 |    10.3718 |  0.0089721 |    0.35731 |     -5.5220 |      4.3124 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1156 |    4.50555 |  0.0038975 |    0.20060 |     -1.2368 |      3.6719 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1156 |   166.7693 |    0.14426 |    0.19636 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1156 |   155.7758 |    0.13475 |    0.19695 |   0.0032632 |      2.7465 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1156 |   8320.771 |     7.1979 |     355.82 |     -866.39 |      861.82 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1156 |  -17912.37 |    -15.495 |     277.71 |     -669.99 |      673.16 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1156 |    2891825 |     2501.6 |     136.10 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1156 |    2702671 |     2338.0 |     5481.7 |      1.4607 |      59499. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1156 |   13030.69 |     11.272 |     4.8805 |      7.4544 |      35.169 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1156 |    10.3718 |  0.0089721 |    0.35731 |     -5.5220 |      4.3124 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1156 |   4.505563 |  0.0038975 |    0.20060 |     -1.2368 |      3.6719 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1156 |   166.7693 |    0.14426 |    0.19636 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1156 |   155.7759 |    0.13475 |    0.19695 |   0.0032640 |      2.7465 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1156 |   8320.771 |     7.1979 |     355.82 |     -866.39 |      861.82 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1156 |  -17912.37 |    -15.495 |     277.71 |     -669.99 |      673.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1156 |    2891825 |     2501.6 |     136.10 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1156 |    2702671 |     2338.0 |     5481.7 |      1.4600 |      59499. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1156 |   13030.69 |     11.272 |     4.8805 |      7.4544 |      35.169 |
 UnpackFTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1891 |     1891.0 |     0.0000 |      1891.0 |      1891.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1796 |     1796.0 |     0.0000 |      1796.0 |      1796.0 |
 CheckFTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1891 |-2.395768e-06 |-1.2669e-09 | 2.8977e-07 | -4.9995e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1891 |-2.783727e-07 |-1.4721e-10 | 2.9375e-07 | -4.9855e-07 |  4.9908e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1891 |1.807825e-05 | 9.5602e-09 | 2.8454e-07 | -4.9970e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1891 |1.749656e-05 | 9.2525e-09 | 5.7118e-07 | -9.9787e-07 |  9.9865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1891 |0.0003704514 | 1.9590e-07 | 2.8813e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9965e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1891 |0.0001668366 | 8.8227e-08 | 2.9049e-05 | -4.9943e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1891 |-0.0001400889 |-7.4082e-08 | 2.9099e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1891 |  0.2058729 | 0.00010887 |  0.0028645 |  -0.0049962 |   0.0049943 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1891 |-2.844042e-05 |-1.5040e-08 | 2.9829e-06 | -4.9975e-06 |  4.9841e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1891 |   8.433438 |  0.0044598 |    0.98995 |     -12.179 |      21.532 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1891 |   72.77954 |   0.038487 |    0.61550 |     -12.061 |      4.5828 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1891 |   1882.131 |    0.99531 |    0.75441 |     -1.3434 |      1.3140 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1891 |   903.4456 |    0.47776 |    0.82687 |   0.0049487 |      14.456 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1891 |   264163.6 |     139.70 |     1196.2 |     -3162.6 |      2953.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1891 |   312103.2 |     165.05 |     764.41 |     -2417.3 |      2394.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1891 |1.638061e+07 |     8662.4 |     564.47 |      7819.0 |      9411.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1891 |1.308492e+07 |     6919.6 |     11396. |      1.4282 |      71106. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1891 |   62741.43 |     33.179 |     11.380 |      26.017 |      129.83 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1891 |    8.43344 |  0.0044598 |    0.98995 |     -12.179 |      21.532 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1891 |   72.77954 |   0.038487 |    0.61550 |     -12.061 |      4.5828 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1891 |    1882.13 |    0.99531 |    0.75441 |     -1.3434 |      1.3140 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1891 |   903.4455 |    0.47776 |    0.82687 |   0.0049480 |      14.456 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1891 |   264163.6 |     139.70 |     1196.2 |     -3162.6 |      2953.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1891 |   312103.2 |     165.05 |     764.41 |     -2417.3 |      2394.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1891 |1.638061e+07 |     8662.4 |     564.47 |      7819.0 |      9411.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1891 |1.308491e+07 |     6919.6 |     11396. |      1.4300 |      71106. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1891 |   62741.43 |     33.179 |     11.380 |      26.017 |      129.83 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1796 |-4.679024e-06 |-2.6052e-09 | 2.8921e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9780e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1796 |-1.180482e-05 |-6.5728e-09 | 2.9014e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1796 |1.446921e-05 | 8.0564e-09 | 2.8833e-07 | -4.9878e-07 |  4.9988e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1796 |-6.421345e-06 |-3.5754e-09 | 5.6562e-07 | -9.9934e-07 |  9.9838e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1796 |-0.001118606 |-6.2283e-07 | 2.8882e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9904e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1796 |0.001012766 | 5.6390e-07 | 2.8894e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1796 |-0.001068358 |-5.9485e-07 | 2.9137e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1796 | -0.1495192 |-8.3251e-05 |  0.0029015 |  -0.0049957 |   0.0049986 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1796 |-3.855424e-05 |-2.1467e-08 | 2.8754e-06 | -4.9899e-06 |  4.9998e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1796 |  -39.33696 |  -0.021903 |    0.89426 |     -6.1660 |      11.372 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1796 |  -3.034568 | -0.0016896 |    0.62813 |     -6.2470 |      7.6061 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1796 |   1818.672 |     1.0126 |    0.72336 |     -1.3225 |      1.3130 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1796 |   772.0028 |    0.42985 |    0.66574 |  8.1282e-05 |      9.4010 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1796 |  -213879.2 |    -119.09 |     1216.6 |     -3247.8 |      2979.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1796 |   21612.86 |     12.034 |     775.03 |     -2414.7 |      2419.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1796 |1.552803e+07 |     8645.9 |     564.78 |      7819.4 |      9411.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1796 |    9401904 |     5234.9 |     8787.0 |      1.4364 |      59479. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1796 |   58555.15 |     32.603 |     14.403 |      25.836 |      344.80 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1796 |  -39.33695 |  -0.021903 |    0.89426 |     -6.1660 |      11.372 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1796 |  -3.034556 | -0.0016896 |    0.62813 |     -6.2470 |      7.6061 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1796 |   1818.672 |     1.0126 |    0.72336 |     -1.3225 |      1.3130 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1796 |   772.0029 |    0.42985 |    0.66574 |  8.2000e-05 |      9.4010 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1796 |  -213879.2 |    -119.09 |     1216.6 |     -3247.8 |      2979.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1796 |   21612.86 |     12.034 |     775.03 |     -2414.7 |      2419.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1796 |1.552803e+07 |     8645.9 |     564.78 |      7819.4 |      9411.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1796 |    9401904 |     5234.9 |     8787.0 |      1.4400 |      59479. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1796 |   58555.15 |     32.603 |     14.403 |      25.836 |      344.80 |
 UnpackRichHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4235 |     4235.0 |     0.0000 |      4235.0 |      4235.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4998 |     4998.0 |     0.0000 |      4998.0 |      4998.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4223 |     4223.0 |     0.0000 |      4223.0 |      4223.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4980 |     4980.0 |     0.0000 |      4980.0 |      4980.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        243 |     243.00 |     0.0000 |      243.00 |      243.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        339 |     339.00 |     0.0000 |      339.00 |      339.00 |
 UnpackRichTracksNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        196 |     196.00 |     0.0000 |      196.00 |      196.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        265 |     265.00 |     0.0000 |      265.00 |      265.00 |
 CheckRichHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4235 |-0.004927701 |-1.1636e-06 | 0.00011743 |  -0.0040330 |   0.0037559 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4235 |0.002171952 | 5.1286e-07 | 2.8871e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4235 |-0.001131709 |-2.6723e-07 | 2.8849e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4235 |-0.002426014 |-5.7285e-07 | 2.8738e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4235 |-0.0001254061 |-2.9612e-08 | 2.9007e-06 | -4.9976e-06 |  4.9990e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4235 |   1532.725 |    0.36192 |     13.931 |    0.020000 |      851.75 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4235 |   492165.9 |     116.21 |     2405.8 |     -4071.6 |      4073.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4235 |  -405248.8 |    -95.690 |     1083.2 |     -1653.4 |      1638.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4235 |2.18043e+07 |     5148.6 |     4377.3 |      1270.0 |      11076. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4235 |   118895.7 |     28.075 |     19.942 |      7.1924 |      131.64 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4235 |    1532.73 |    0.36192 |     13.931 |    0.020000 |      851.75 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4235 |   492165.9 |     116.21 |     2405.8 |     -4071.6 |      4073.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4235 |  -405248.8 |    -95.690 |     1083.2 |     -1653.4 |      1638.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4235 |2.18043e+07 |     5148.6 |     4377.3 |      1270.0 |      11076. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4235 |   118895.7 |     28.075 |     19.942 |      7.1924 |      131.64 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4998 |0.006503223 | 1.3012e-06 | 0.00017319 |  -0.0049405 |   0.0042995 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4998 |0.001718939 | 3.4393e-07 | 2.8987e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4998 |-0.001515125 |-3.0315e-07 | 2.8842e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4998 |-0.0003387854 |-6.7784e-08 | 2.8981e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4998 |1.510053e-05 | 3.0213e-09 | 2.8591e-06 | -4.9979e-06 |  4.9954e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4998 |   3964.797 |    0.79328 |     24.706 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4998 |   -1099030 |    -219.89 |     1836.8 |     -4073.9 |      4073.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4998 |  -485475.1 |    -97.134 |     1217.2 |     -1654.6 |      1651.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4998 |1.845826e+07 |     3693.1 |     3735.1 |      1268.2 |      11072. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4998 |   104405.8 |     20.890 |     16.218 |      7.2744 |      124.55 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4998 |    3964.79 |    0.79328 |     24.706 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4998 |   -1099030 |    -219.89 |     1836.8 |     -4073.9 |      4073.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4998 |  -485475.1 |    -97.134 |     1217.2 |     -1654.6 |      1651.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4998 |1.845826e+07 |     3693.1 |     3735.1 |      1268.2 |      11072. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4998 |   104405.8 |     20.890 |     16.218 |      7.2744 |      124.55 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      4223 |-0.0009607447 |-2.2750e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      4223 |-0.002617953 |-6.1993e-07 | 2.8971e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      4223 |-0.000596336 |-1.4121e-07 | 2.9016e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4223 |-6.798473e-11 |-1.6099e-14 | 5.7633e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4223 |0.001719549 | 4.0719e-07 | 2.9097e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4223 |-0.002044946 |-4.8424e-07 | 2.8884e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4223 |0.0002401663 | 5.6871e-08 | 2.8922e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4223 |   13307.87 |     3.1513 |     1.8219 |  0.00085143 |      6.2827 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4223 |   789.0045 |    0.18684 |    0.35611 |   0.0061891 |      2.8460 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      4223 |   151450.1 |     35.863 |     1272.6 |     -4012.0 |      3907.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      4223 |  -17840.82 |    -4.2247 |     365.20 |     -1510.8 |      2421.6 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      4223 |2.072858e+07 |     4908.5 |     4367.3 |      863.89 |      11652. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4223 |  0.0158668 | 3.7572e-06 | 7.5534e-07 |  1.9403e-06 |  6.1344e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4223 |   488827.5 |     115.75 |     2400.9 |     -4062.8 |      4064.9 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4223 |  -402500.6 |    -95.312 |     1076.6 |     -1645.0 |      1630.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4223 |2.172513e+07 |     5144.5 |     4377.9 |      1264.7 |      11071. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4223 |   13307.87 |     3.1513 |     1.8219 |  0.00085143 |      6.2827 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4223 |   789.0045 |    0.18684 |    0.35611 |   0.0061891 |      2.8460 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      4223 |   151450.1 |     35.863 |     1272.6 |     -4012.0 |      3907.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      4223 |  -17840.82 |    -4.2247 |     365.20 |     -1510.8 |      2421.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      4223 |2.072858e+07 |     4908.5 |     4367.3 |      863.89 |      11652. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4223 |  0.0158668 | 3.7572e-06 | 7.5534e-07 |  1.9403e-06 |  6.1344e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4223 |   488827.5 |     115.75 |     2400.9 |     -4062.8 |      4064.9 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4223 |  -402500.6 |    -95.312 |     1076.6 |     -1645.0 |      1630.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4223 |2.172513e+07 |     5144.5 |     4377.9 |      1264.7 |      11071. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4223 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      4980 |0.002700632 | 5.4230e-07 | 2.8950e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      4980 |-0.001412498 |-2.8363e-07 | 2.8659e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      4980 |0.001485943 | 2.9838e-07 | 2.9231e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4980 |-8.318466e-10 |-1.6704e-13 | 5.7614e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4980 |0.001610627 | 3.2342e-07 | 2.9096e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4980 |0.001281473 | 2.5732e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4980 |  0.0001414 | 2.8394e-08 | 2.8818e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4980 |   15867.91 |     3.1863 |     1.8828 |   0.0011070 |      6.2795 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4980 |   1347.368 |    0.27056 |    0.38095 |    0.013532 |      2.6467 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      4980 |   -1066686 |    -214.19 |     1074.6 |     -3999.3 |      3936.2 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      4980 |   324148.7 |     65.090 |     577.82 |     -1837.0 |      2569.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      4980 |1.736966e+07 |     3487.9 |     3755.6 |      863.80 |      11573. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4980 | 0.01859902 | 3.7347e-06 | 7.8015e-07 |  1.8504e-06 |  6.1370e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4980 |   -1075315 |    -215.93 |     1831.6 |     -4065.2 |      4064.5 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4980 |  -487719.7 |    -97.936 |     1210.0 |     -1646.1 |      1642.5 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4980 |1.834626e+07 |     3684.0 |     3732.5 |      1262.8 |      11067. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4980 |   15867.91 |     3.1863 |     1.8828 |   0.0011070 |      6.2795 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4980 |   1347.368 |    0.27056 |    0.38095 |    0.013532 |      2.6467 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      4980 |   -1066686 |    -214.19 |     1074.6 |     -3999.3 |      3936.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      4980 |   324148.7 |     65.090 |     577.82 |     -1837.0 |      2569.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      4980 |1.736966e+07 |     3487.9 |     3755.6 |      863.80 |      11573. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4980 | 0.01859902 | 3.7347e-06 | 7.8015e-07 |  1.8504e-06 |  6.1370e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4980 |   -1075315 |    -215.93 |     1831.6 |     -4065.2 |      4064.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4980 |  -487719.7 |    -97.936 |     1210.0 |     -1646.1 |      1642.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4980 |1.834626e+07 |     3684.0 |     3732.5 |      1262.8 |      11067. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4980 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       243 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6532 |     6532.0 |     0.0000 |      6532.0 |      6532.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       5089 |     5089.0 |     0.0000 |      5089.0 |      5089.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6532 |0.002882583 | 4.4130e-07 | 2.8728e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6532 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6532 |   108577.9 |     16.622 |     85.199 |  4.9337e-06 |      2868.2 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6532 |        978 |    0.14972 |    0.38646 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6532 |   108577.9 |     16.622 |     85.199 |      0.0000 |      2868.2 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6532 |        978 |    0.14972 |    0.38646 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5089 |-0.002756034 |-5.4157e-07 | 2.9069e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5089 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      5089 |   69732.11 |     13.703 |     54.393 |  4.7439e-05 |      1359.5 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      5089 |        946 |    0.18589 |    0.44553 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5089 |   69732.12 |     13.703 |     54.393 |      0.0000 |      1359.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5089 |        946 |    0.18589 |    0.44553 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1007 |     1007.0 |     0.0000 |      1007.0 |      1007.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        832 |     832.00 |     0.0000 |      832.00 |      832.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1007 |7.464748e-05 | 7.4129e-08 | 2.9073e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9962e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1007 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1007 |   10417.98 |     10.346 |     31.475 |  0.00039418 |      556.54 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1007 |        162 |    0.16087 |    0.49420 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1007 |   10417.98 |     10.346 |     31.475 |  0.00040000 |      556.54 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1007 |        162 |    0.16087 |    0.49420 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       832 |0.002133773 | 2.5646e-06 | 2.8826e-05 | -4.9893e-05 |  4.9867e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       832 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       832 |   7911.536 |     9.5091 |     29.829 |  9.4615e-05 |      578.37 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       832 |        144 |    0.17308 |    0.45080 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       832 |   7911.534 |     9.5091 |     29.829 |  0.00010000 |      578.37 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       832 |        144 |    0.17308 |    0.45080 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        160 |     160.00 |     0.0000 |      160.00 |      160.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 CheckMuonHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       160 |2.296187e-06 | 1.4351e-08 | 2.8683e-07 | -4.9202e-07 |  4.9050e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       160 |-1.453692e-06 |-9.0856e-09 | 2.7679e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9486e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       160 |-2.369206e-06 |-1.4808e-08 | 2.5737e-07 | -4.9111e-07 |  4.9629e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       160 |4.948218e-06 | 3.0926e-08 | 5.7461e-07 | -9.9872e-07 |  9.8351e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       160 |0.0001401531 | 8.7596e-07 | 3.0069e-05 | -4.9278e-05 |  4.9221e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       160 |-5.324431e-06 |-3.3278e-08 | 2.8124e-05 | -4.9859e-05 |  4.9407e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       160 |0.000224116 | 1.4007e-06 | 2.9588e-05 | -4.9704e-05 |  4.9477e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       160 | 0.02495103 | 0.00015594 |  0.0028484 |  -0.0049181 |   0.0049678 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       160 |-1.990817e-05 |-1.2443e-07 | 2.9540e-06 | -4.9711e-06 |  4.9910e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       160 |    23.9062 |    0.14941 |     3.9024 |     -26.394 |      15.376 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       160 |  -36.03657 |   -0.22523 |     5.8085 |     -19.270 |      35.811 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       160 |   599.1445 |     3.7447 |     3.1216 |     -5.0274 |      5.1290 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       160 |  0.3984749 |  0.0024905 |  0.0032790 |  3.3366e-05 |    0.022382 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       160 |  -47534.73 |    -297.09 |     1934.2 |     -4778.4 |      4547.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       160 |  -8643.436 |    -54.021 |     829.75 |     -2954.5 |      2365.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       160 |    2578218 |     16114. |     1206.3 |      15090. |      19032. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       160 |   101709.2 |     635.68 |     545.10 |      1.4404 |      2630.3 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       160 |   9045.784 |     56.536 |     7.2507 |      50.632 |      122.92 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       160 |    23.9062 |    0.14941 |     3.9024 |     -26.394 |      15.376 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       160 |  -36.03657 |   -0.22523 |     5.8085 |     -19.270 |      35.811 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       160 |   599.1445 |     3.7447 |     3.1216 |     -5.0274 |      5.1290 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       160 |    0.39847 |  0.0024904 |  0.0032792 |  3.4000e-05 |    0.022382 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       160 |  -47534.73 |    -297.09 |     1934.2 |     -4778.4 |      4547.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       160 |  -8643.436 |    -54.021 |     829.75 |     -2954.5 |      2365.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       160 |    2578218 |     16114. |     1206.3 |      15090. |      19032. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       160 |   101709.2 |     635.68 |     545.10 |      1.4400 |      2630.3 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       160 |   9045.784 |     56.536 |     7.2507 |      50.632 |      122.92 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        74 |-4.978093e-08 |-6.7272e-10 | 2.6206e-07 | -4.7411e-07 |  4.9882e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        74 |1.140078e-06 | 1.5406e-08 | 2.7327e-07 | -4.9463e-07 |  4.8194e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        74 |-4.848264e-06 |-6.5517e-08 | 2.8531e-07 | -4.8876e-07 |  4.8986e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        74 |-5.823359e-06 |-7.8694e-08 | 6.0651e-07 | -9.9877e-07 |  9.9225e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |-0.0001009334 |-1.3640e-06 | 2.8388e-05 | -4.8124e-05 |  4.9675e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |1.969645e-05 | 2.6617e-07 | 2.9563e-05 | -4.9732e-05 |  4.8645e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |-0.0002112212 |-2.8543e-06 | 2.7442e-05 | -4.8310e-05 |  4.8379e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |-0.004321516 |-5.8399e-05 |  0.0027171 |  -0.0048988 |   0.0047700 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        74 |5.752961e-06 | 7.7743e-08 | 2.9742e-06 | -4.8286e-06 |  4.8756e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        74 |   48.87347 |    0.66045 |     5.5541 |     -21.630 |      15.786 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        74 |  -52.02974 |   -0.70310 |     3.1292 |     -8.4401 |      14.784 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   287.7954 |     3.8891 |     2.8293 |     -5.0304 |      5.0252 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        74 |  0.2621962 |  0.0035432 |  0.0066445 |  6.7518e-05 |    0.041822 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |  -77744.09 |    -1050.6 |     2468.8 |     -5860.2 |      2864.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   64150.57 |     866.90 |     1749.5 |     -1552.0 |      4773.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |    1180553 |     15953. |     1216.8 |      15093. |      18843. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   185091.1 |     2501.2 |     8494.6 |      1.7327 |      37951. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        74 |   4449.551 |     60.129 |     14.317 |      50.742 |      99.767 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        74 |   48.87347 |    0.66045 |     5.5541 |     -21.630 |      15.786 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        74 |  -52.02974 |   -0.70310 |     3.1292 |     -8.4401 |      14.784 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   287.7954 |     3.8891 |     2.8293 |     -5.0304 |      5.0252 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        74 |   0.262202 |  0.0035433 |  0.0066445 |  6.8000e-05 |    0.041822 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |  -77744.09 |    -1050.6 |     2468.8 |     -5860.2 |      2864.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   64150.57 |     866.90 |     1749.5 |     -1552.0 |      4773.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |    1180553 |     15953. |     1216.8 |      15093. |      18843. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   185091.1 |     2501.2 |     8494.6 |      1.7300 |      37951. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        74 |   4449.551 |     60.129 |     14.317 |      50.742 |      99.767 |
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2815.00 +-53.06 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1835.00 +-42.84 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.11 +-0.06%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  0.87 +-0.22%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 2600.00 +-50.99 ( 92.36 +-0.50%) Rich2 = 1094.00 +-33.08 ( 59.62 +-1.15%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  149.00 +-12.21 (  5.29 +-0.42%) Rich2 =  215.00 +-14.66 ( 11.72 +-0.75%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 1998.00 +-44.70 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1897.00 +-43.55 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.30 +-0.12%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  0.84 +-0.21%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1630.00 +-40.37 ( 81.58 +-0.87%) Rich2 = 1033.00 +-32.14 ( 54.45 +-1.14%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  166.00 +-12.88 (  8.31 +-0.62%) Rich2 =  327.00 +-18.08 ( 17.24 +-0.87%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.32 +-0.11%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.16 +-0.09%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.20 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.16 +-0.09%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.11 +-0.06%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  0.87 +-0.22%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  247.00 +-15.72 ( 13.46 +-0.80%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.30 +-0.12%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  0.84 +-0.21%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  199.00 +-14.11 ( 10.49 +-0.70%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 2600.00 +-50.99 ( 92.36 +-0.50%) CF4 = 1094.00 +-33.08 ( 59.62 +-1.15%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1630.00 +-40.37 ( 81.58 +-0.87%) CF4 = 1033.00 +-32.14 ( 54.45 +-1.14%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  2600.00 +- 50.99 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1341.00 +- 36.62 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   364.00 +- 19.08 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =    12.00 +-  3.46 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   314.00 +- 17.72 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    91.00 +-  9.54 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   161.00 +- 12.69 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    29.00 +-  5.39 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1630.00 +- 40.37 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1232.00 +- 35.10 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   493.00 +- 22.20 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   511.00 +- 22.61 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    65.00 +-  8.06 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   156.00 +- 12.49 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    43.00 +-  6.56 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    26.00 +-  5.10 / event
 GetRichTracksNextNext      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1527 |     1527.0 |     0.0000 |      1527.0 |      1527.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1419 |     1419.0 |     0.0000 |      1419.0 |      1419.0 |
 MCUTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        821 |     821.00 |     0.0000 |      821.00 |      821.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1056 |     1056.0 |     0.0000 |      1056.0 |      1056.0 |
 MCFTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2799 |     2799.0 |     0.0000 |      2799.0 |      2799.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2723 |     2723.0 |     0.0000 |      2723.0 |      2723.0 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        167 |     167.00 |     0.0000 |      167.00 |      167.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        217 |     217.00 |     0.0000 |      217.00 |      217.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8662 |     8662.0 |     0.0000 |      8662.0 |      8662.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6923 |     6923.0 |     0.0000 |      6923.0 |      6923.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1331 |     1331.0 |     0.0000 |      1331.0 |      1331.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1014 |     1014.0 |     0.0000 |      1014.0 |      1014.0 |
 MCRichHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4650 |     4650.0 |     0.0000 |      4650.0 |      4650.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3895 |     3895.0 |     0.0000 |      3895.0 |      3895.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4631 |     4631.0 |     0.0000 |      4631.0 |      4631.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3873 |     3873.0 |     0.0000 |      3873.0 |      3873.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        294 |     294.00 |     0.0000 |      294.00 |      294.00 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        233 |     233.00 |     0.0000 |      233.00 |      233.00 |
 VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 1527+/-0
+VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 1419+/-0
 VPGaussMoniNextNext        INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 821
-UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1404.66
-UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0749963
-UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0263775
+UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 1056
+UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 793.685
+UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0808125
+UTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0412537
 UTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       115 |        115 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       821 |    1153229 |     1404.7 |     6608.5 |     0.35111 |      79782. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        821 |     821.00 |     0.0000 |      821.00 |      821.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       109 |        109 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1056 |   838131.1 |     793.68 |     4938.2 |     0.43456 |      75524. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1056 |     1056.0 |     0.0000 |      1056.0 |      1056.0 |
 FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 2799
-FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1979.6
-FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.240366
-FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0859033
+FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 2723
+FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1343.65
+FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.24732
+FTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0957864
 FTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       135 |        135 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2799 |    5540897 |     1979.6 |     6917.4 |   0.0056593 |      79782. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2799 |     2799.0 |     0.0000 |      2799.0 |      2799.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       181 |        181 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      2723 |    3658755 |     1343.6 |     4446.4 |   0.0053341 |      63370. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2723 |     2723.0 |     0.0000 |      2723.0 |      2723.0 |
 EcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1527 |     1527.0 |     0.0000 |      1527.0 |      1527.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1419 |     1419.0 |     0.0000 |      1419.0 |      1419.0 |
 CheckVPHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1527 | -1.411e-05 |-9.2403e-09 | 2.9187e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9960e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1527 |8.512781e-06 | 5.5748e-09 | 2.9151e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9989e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1527 |7.286008e-07 | 4.7715e-10 | 3.0633e-08 | -4.4058e-07 |  4.4294e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1527 |-1.349839e-05 |-8.8398e-09 | 5.7289e-07 | -9.9959e-07 |  9.9458e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1527 |-0.002634783 |-1.7255e-06 | 2.8533e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9894e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1527 |-0.001497615 |-9.8076e-07 | 2.9376e-05 | -4.9921e-05 |  4.9859e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1527 |0.0004022504 | 2.6343e-07 | 2.7600e-06 | -5.6843e-14 |  3.6715e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1527 |-0.06585985 |-4.3130e-05 |  0.0028640 |  -0.0049748 |   0.0049952 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1527 |-3.091099e-05 |-2.0243e-08 | 2.8148e-06 | -4.9995e-06 |  4.9967e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1527 |   2.640563 |  0.0017292 |   0.056804 |    -0.61877 |      1.1790 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1527 |  -1.893255 | -0.0012399 |   0.076382 |    -0.94592 |      1.8304 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1527 |   140.8678 |   0.092251 |    0.17611 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1527 |   149.7367 |   0.098059 |    0.24040 |   0.0019024 |      5.1554 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1527 |   691.9082 |    0.45312 |     14.465 |     -49.491 |      49.090 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1527 |   1268.702 |    0.83085 |     14.859 |     -49.019 |      45.637 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1527 |     226923 |     148.61 |     272.47 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1527 |2.674277e+07 |     17513. |     64474. |      2.1386 |  6.3904e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1527 |   1327.094 |    0.86909 |    0.67689 |    0.028866 |      2.9440 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1527 |   2.640577 |  0.0017293 |   0.056804 |    -0.61877 |      1.1790 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1527 |  -1.893264 | -0.0012399 |   0.076382 |    -0.94592 |      1.8304 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1527 |   140.8678 |   0.092251 |    0.17611 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1527 |   149.7368 |   0.098059 |    0.24040 |   0.0019020 |      5.1554 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1527 |   691.9108 |    0.45312 |     14.465 |     -49.491 |      49.090 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1527 |   1268.703 |    0.83085 |     14.859 |     -49.019 |      45.637 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1527 |     226923 |     148.61 |     272.47 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1527 |2.674277e+07 |     17513. |     64474. |      2.1400 |  6.3904e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1527 |   1327.094 |    0.86909 |    0.67689 |    0.028870 |      2.9440 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1419 |4.424711e-06 | 3.1182e-09 | 2.9285e-07 | -4.9982e-07 |  4.9909e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1419 |-9.049381e-06 |-6.3773e-09 | 2.8833e-07 | -4.9967e-07 |  4.9988e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1419 |-1.589075e-06 |-1.1199e-09 | 7.0376e-08 | -4.3529e-07 |  4.2595e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1419 |-8.522602e-06 |-6.0061e-09 | 5.7345e-07 | -9.9950e-07 |  9.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1419 | 0.00269682 | 1.9005e-06 | 2.9185e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1419 |-0.000870022 |-6.1312e-07 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9872e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1419 |0.000511432 | 3.6042e-07 | 6.5148e-06 | -4.5370e-05 |  4.9413e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1419 |-0.08611416 |-6.0687e-05 |  0.0028854 |  -0.0049972 |   0.0049967 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1419 |-0.0001171712 |-8.2573e-08 | 2.8746e-06 | -4.9876e-06 |  4.9988e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1419 |   4.713619 |  0.0033218 |   0.067421 |    -0.43976 |      1.1641 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1419 |   6.872808 |  0.0048434 |    0.13202 |     -3.0721 |      2.1996 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1419 |   59.18603 |   0.041710 |    0.19221 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1419 |   198.6399 |    0.13999 |    0.57969 |   0.0013799 |      12.213 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1419 |   747.2379 |    0.52659 |     13.840 |     -47.794 |      45.461 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1419 |  -556.1672 |   -0.39194 |     14.894 |     -49.363 |      45.727 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1419 |   214094.1 |     150.88 |     278.10 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1419 |1.103723e+07 |     7778.2 |     15058. |      1.4401 |  1.6219e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1419 |   1179.039 |    0.83089 |    0.65562 |    0.027295 |      4.9564 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1419 |   4.713615 |  0.0033218 |   0.067421 |    -0.43976 |      1.1641 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1419 |   6.872817 |  0.0048434 |    0.13202 |     -3.0721 |      2.1996 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1419 |   59.18604 |   0.041710 |    0.19221 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1419 |   198.6399 |    0.13999 |    0.57969 |   0.0013800 |      12.213 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1419 |   747.2352 |    0.52659 |     13.840 |     -47.794 |      45.461 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1419 |  -556.1663 |   -0.39194 |     14.894 |     -49.363 |      45.727 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1419 |   214094.1 |     150.88 |     278.10 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1419 |1.103723e+07 |     7778.2 |     15058. |      1.4400 |  1.6219e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1419 |   1179.039 |    0.83089 |    0.65562 |    0.027290 |      4.9564 |
 UnpackUTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        821 |     821.00 |     0.0000 |      821.00 |      821.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1056 |     1056.0 |     0.0000 |      1056.0 |      1056.0 |
 CheckUTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       821 |-6.49695e-06 |-7.9135e-09 | 2.9272e-07 | -4.9908e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       821 |1.160182e-06 | 1.4131e-09 | 2.8190e-07 | -4.9502e-07 |  4.9867e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       821 |-3.701704e-07 |-4.5088e-10 | 6.1190e-08 | -4.7983e-07 |  4.5218e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       821 |6.944357e-06 | 8.4584e-09 | 5.6006e-07 | -9.9883e-07 |  9.9612e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       821 |0.001092264 | 1.3304e-06 | 2.8988e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9908e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       821 |-0.001579403 |-1.9238e-06 | 2.8448e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       821 |0.0001200668 | 1.4624e-07 | 4.2661e-06 | -4.8780e-05 |  4.1548e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       821 |  0.1921335 | 0.00023402 |  0.0028177 |  -0.0049935 |   0.0049973 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       821 |0.0002525089 | 3.0756e-07 | 2.8436e-06 | -4.9929e-06 |  4.9983e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       821 |  -8.148827 | -0.0099255 |    0.67092 |     -18.136 |      2.1264 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       821 |  -2.527781 | -0.0030789 |    0.14198 |     -1.2474 |      1.5231 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       821 |   127.0993 |    0.15481 |    0.19115 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       821 |   107.8275 |    0.13134 |    0.30924 |  0.00054014 |      7.8159 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       821 |   1347.971 |     1.6419 |     321.14 |     -843.61 |      848.66 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       821 |  -21795.84 |    -26.548 |     240.84 |     -662.63 |      667.02 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       821 |    2053465 |     2501.2 |     136.35 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       821 |    6936390 |     8448.7 |     45885. |      1.4409 |  6.3902e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       821 |   9208.216 |     11.216 |     7.3894 |      7.6482 |      64.059 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       821 |  -8.148821 | -0.0099255 |    0.67092 |     -18.136 |      2.1264 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       821 |  -2.527782 | -0.0030789 |    0.14198 |     -1.2474 |      1.5231 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       821 |   127.0993 |    0.15481 |    0.19115 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       821 |   107.8275 |    0.13134 |    0.30924 |  0.00054000 |      7.8159 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       821 |    1347.97 |     1.6419 |     321.14 |     -843.61 |      848.66 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       821 |  -21795.84 |    -26.548 |     240.84 |     -662.63 |      667.02 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       821 |    2053465 |     2501.2 |     136.35 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       821 |    6936390 |     8448.7 |     45885. |      1.4400 |  6.3902e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       821 |   9208.216 |     11.216 |     7.3894 |      7.6482 |      64.059 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |5.957953e-07 | 5.6420e-10 | 2.8858e-07 | -4.9779e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1056 |-8.744527e-06 |-8.2808e-09 | 2.9087e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9933e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |-1.538623e-06 |-1.4570e-09 | 7.5920e-08 | -4.5673e-07 |  4.5673e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1056 |5.440924e-05 | 5.1524e-08 | 5.7549e-07 | -9.9924e-07 |  9.9886e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |0.001370099 | 1.2974e-06 | 2.8538e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9848e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |0.0001321099 | 1.2510e-07 | 2.9015e-05 | -4.9539e-05 |  4.9960e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |-0.000415868 |-3.9381e-07 | 5.6392e-06 | -4.8457e-05 |  4.5719e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |  0.1022405 | 9.6819e-05 |  0.0029073 |  -0.0049986 |   0.0049967 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1056 |-9.566344e-05 |-9.0590e-08 | 2.8868e-06 | -4.9948e-06 |  4.9931e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |    34.4115 |   0.032587 |    0.39758 |     -3.1114 |      6.5507 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1056 | -0.5227827 |-0.00049506 |    0.13353 |    -0.81707 |     0.87176 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |   71.46011 |   0.067671 |    0.23374 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1056 |   149.9536 |    0.14200 |    0.15781 |  0.00020761 |      2.3659 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |    39094.5 |     37.021 |     372.02 |     -899.63 |      879.72 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |  -2915.391 |    -2.7608 |     254.53 |     -668.93 |      670.44 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |    2649983 |     2509.5 |     135.47 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |    3711521 |     3514.7 |     11497. |      1.4274 |  1.1966e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1056 |    14732.1 |     13.951 |     8.7661 |      7.2881 |      96.274 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1056 |    34.4115 |   0.032587 |    0.39758 |     -3.1114 |      6.5507 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1056 |  -0.522774 |-0.00049505 |    0.13353 |    -0.81707 |     0.87176 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1056 |   71.46011 |   0.067671 |    0.23374 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1056 |   149.9535 |    0.14200 |    0.15781 |  0.00020800 |      2.3659 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1056 |    39094.5 |     37.021 |     372.02 |     -899.63 |      879.72 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1056 |  -2915.391 |    -2.7608 |     254.53 |     -668.93 |      670.44 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1056 |    2649983 |     2509.5 |     135.47 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1056 |    3711521 |     3514.7 |     11497. |      1.4300 |  1.1966e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1056 |    14732.1 |     13.951 |     8.7661 |      7.2881 |      96.274 |
 UnpackFTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2799 |     2799.0 |     0.0000 |      2799.0 |      2799.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2723 |     2723.0 |     0.0000 |      2723.0 |      2723.0 |
 CheckFTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2799 |1.188296e-05 | 4.2454e-09 | 2.8670e-07 | -4.9978e-07 |  4.9878e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2799 |7.182593e-07 | 2.5661e-10 | 2.8708e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2799 |-1.195688e-05 |-4.2718e-09 | 2.8561e-07 | -4.9996e-07 |  4.9958e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2799 |3.823546e-05 | 1.3660e-08 | 5.7738e-07 | -9.9837e-07 |  9.9996e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2799 |-0.0002099613 |-7.5013e-08 | 2.9315e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2799 |0.0001309594 | 4.6788e-08 | 2.8950e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2799 |8.48243e-05 | 3.0305e-08 | 2.8861e-05 | -4.9934e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2799 | 0.05319699 | 1.9006e-05 |  0.0029144 |  -0.0049999 |   0.0049977 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2799 |1.755716e-05 | 6.2727e-09 | 2.9001e-06 | -4.9994e-06 |  4.9934e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2799 |  -178.1324 |  -0.063641 |     1.1216 |     -19.483 |      12.987 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2799 |  -89.14121 |  -0.031848 |    0.50079 |     -5.7428 |      5.0359 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2799 |   2686.826 |    0.95992 |    0.77170 |     -1.3163 |      1.3107 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2799 |   1098.953 |    0.39262 |    0.53868 |  0.00087642 |      11.985 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2799 |  -44237.89 |    -15.805 |     1143.7 |     -3166.8 |      3237.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2799 |  -35252.27 |    -12.595 |     641.54 |     -2422.5 |      2421.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2799 |2.418712e+07 |     8641.3 |     560.40 |      7816.7 |      9411.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2799 |2.28756e+07 |     8172.8 |     43142. |      1.4239 |  6.3902e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2799 |   92045.62 |     32.885 |     10.198 |      26.006 |      140.18 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2799 |  -178.1325 |  -0.063641 |     1.1216 |     -19.483 |      12.987 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2799 |  -89.14121 |  -0.031848 |    0.50079 |     -5.7428 |      5.0359 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2799 |   2686.826 |    0.95992 |    0.77170 |     -1.3163 |      1.3107 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2799 |   1098.953 |    0.39262 |    0.53868 |  0.00087600 |      11.985 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2799 |  -44237.89 |    -15.805 |     1143.7 |     -3166.8 |      3237.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2799 |  -35252.27 |    -12.595 |     641.54 |     -2422.5 |      2421.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2799 |2.418712e+07 |     8641.3 |     560.40 |      7816.7 |      9411.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2799 |2.28756e+07 |     8172.8 |     43142. |      1.4200 |  6.3902e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2799 |   92045.62 |     32.885 |     10.198 |      26.006 |      140.18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2723 |-1.955372e-05 |-7.1809e-09 | 2.9336e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9932e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2723 |-3.80212e-06 |-1.3963e-09 | 2.8692e-07 | -4.9963e-07 |  4.9996e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2723 |-2.333813e-05 |-8.5707e-09 | 2.8486e-07 | -4.9918e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2723 |-1.772065e-05 |-6.5078e-09 | 5.7278e-07 | -9.9995e-07 |  9.9920e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2723 |0.001240205 | 4.5546e-07 | 2.8674e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2723 |-0.002443542 |-8.9737e-07 | 2.8830e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9964e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2723 |-0.002665578 |-9.7891e-07 | 2.8829e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2723 | 0.07620754 | 2.7987e-05 |  0.0028920 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049994 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2723 |-9.266782e-05 |-3.4032e-08 | 2.8815e-06 | -4.9973e-06 |  4.9993e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2723 |   105.0034 |   0.038562 |     1.3464 |     -14.735 |      26.923 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2723 |   18.23111 |  0.0066952 |    0.82905 |     -9.7005 |      9.6486 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2723 |   2022.247 |    0.74265 |    0.97260 |     -1.3283 |      1.3270 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2723 |   1144.313 |    0.42024 |    0.68552 |  0.00041977 |      13.153 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2723 |    78495.1 |     28.827 |     1192.8 |     -3203.1 |      3179.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2723 |  -50564.65 |    -18.569 |     683.03 |     -2349.4 |      2394.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2723 |2.342161e+07 |     8601.4 |     560.35 |      7818.4 |      9412.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2723 |1.205738e+07 |     4428.0 |     12334. |      1.4237 |  1.1966e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2723 |    91681.6 |     33.669 |     11.698 |      25.656 |      144.29 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2723 |   105.0034 |   0.038562 |     1.3464 |     -14.735 |      26.923 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2723 |   18.23111 |  0.0066952 |    0.82905 |     -9.7005 |      9.6486 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2723 |   2022.247 |    0.74265 |    0.97260 |     -1.3283 |      1.3270 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2723 |   1144.313 |    0.42024 |    0.68552 |  0.00042000 |      13.153 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2723 |    78495.1 |     28.827 |     1192.8 |     -3203.1 |      3179.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2723 |  -50564.65 |    -18.569 |     683.03 |     -2349.4 |      2394.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2723 |2.342161e+07 |     8601.4 |     560.35 |      7818.4 |      9412.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2723 |1.205738e+07 |     4428.0 |     12334. |      1.4200 |  1.1966e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2723 |    91681.6 |     33.669 |     11.698 |      25.656 |      144.29 |
 UnpackRichHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4650 |     4650.0 |     0.0000 |      4650.0 |      4650.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3895 |     3895.0 |     0.0000 |      3895.0 |      3895.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4631 |     4631.0 |     0.0000 |      4631.0 |      4631.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3873 |     3873.0 |     0.0000 |      3873.0 |      3873.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        294 |     294.00 |     0.0000 |      294.00 |      294.00 |
 UnpackRichTracksNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        233 |     233.00 |     0.0000 |      233.00 |      233.00 |
 CheckRichHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4650 | 0.01033353 | 2.2223e-06 | 0.00019817 |  -0.0048889 |   0.0041494 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4650 |0.0004820037 | 1.0366e-07 | 2.8982e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4650 |0.002627007 | 5.6495e-07 | 2.9029e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4650 |0.003184263 | 6.8479e-07 | 2.8827e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4650 |0.0001133568 | 2.4378e-08 | 2.8840e-06 | -4.9972e-06 |  4.9941e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4650 |    8517.94 |     1.8318 |     39.179 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4650 |    1043642 |     224.44 |     2449.8 |     -4073.9 |      4073.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4650 |   558120.4 |     120.03 |     1069.8 |     -1653.6 |      1644.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4650 |2.461051e+07 |     5292.6 |     4417.9 |      1269.7 |      11073. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4650 |   130241.7 |     28.009 |     18.536 |      7.7461 |      121.27 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4650 |    8517.93 |     1.8318 |     39.179 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4650 |    1043642 |     224.44 |     2449.8 |     -4073.9 |      4073.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4650 |   558120.4 |     120.03 |     1069.8 |     -1653.6 |      1644.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4650 |2.461051e+07 |     5292.6 |     4417.9 |      1269.7 |      11073. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4650 |   130241.7 |     28.009 |     18.536 |      7.7461 |      121.27 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3895 |-0.01058314 |-2.7171e-06 | 0.00021496 |  -0.0048572 |   0.0049473 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3895 |0.004088826 | 1.0498e-06 | 2.8990e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3895 |-0.0001950204 |-5.0069e-08 | 2.8988e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3895 |-0.0009349848 |-2.4005e-07 | 2.8823e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3895 |0.0001916107 | 4.9194e-08 | 2.8650e-06 | -4.9956e-06 |  4.9918e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3895 |   6520.569 |     1.6741 |     35.649 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3895 |   762853.6 |     195.85 |     2730.9 |     -4073.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3895 |  -390107.1 |    -100.16 |     997.76 |     -1651.2 |      1635.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3895 |2.380327e+07 |     6111.2 |     4515.2 |      1273.6 |      11075. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3895 |   119411.3 |     30.658 |     19.537 |      6.9560 |      162.75 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3895 |    6520.58 |     1.6741 |     35.649 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3895 |   762853.6 |     195.85 |     2730.9 |     -4073.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3895 |  -390107.1 |    -100.16 |     997.76 |     -1651.2 |      1635.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3895 |2.380327e+07 |     6111.2 |     4515.2 |      1273.6 |      11075. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3895 |   119411.3 |     30.658 |     19.537 |      6.9560 |      162.75 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      4631 |-0.0003327307 |-7.1849e-08 | 2.8822e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9915e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      4631 |-0.0001783526 |-3.8513e-08 | 2.8820e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      4631 |-0.001448335 |-3.1275e-07 | 2.8956e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4631 |-7.003109e-10 |-1.5122e-13 | 5.8327e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4631 |-9.753968e-06 |-2.1062e-09 | 2.8918e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4631 |-0.00119045 |-2.5706e-07 | 2.8574e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4631 |0.0008800311 | 1.9003e-07 | 2.9078e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4631 |   14734.94 |     3.1818 |     1.8470 |   0.0022257 |      6.2832 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4631 |   1000.816 |    0.21611 |    0.38833 |    0.011545 |      2.8504 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      4631 |     424889 |     91.749 |     1500.1 |     -4015.6 |      4029.1 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      4631 |   50160.75 |     10.832 |     367.23 |     -2879.1 |      3161.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      4631 |2.338719e+07 |     5050.1 |     4417.2 |      861.12 |      11766. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4631 | 0.01735199 | 3.7469e-06 | 7.5668e-07 |  1.9851e-06 |  6.1391e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4631 |    1026775 |     221.72 |     2439.2 |     -4065.2 |      4065.2 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4631 |   557249.4 |     120.33 |     1064.8 |     -1645.1 |      1635.9 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4631 |2.440744e+07 |     5270.4 |     4414.1 |      1264.4 |      11068. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4631 |   14734.94 |     3.1818 |     1.8470 |   0.0022257 |      6.2832 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4631 |   1000.816 |    0.21611 |    0.38833 |    0.011545 |      2.8504 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      4631 |     424889 |     91.749 |     1500.1 |     -4015.6 |      4029.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      4631 |   50160.75 |     10.832 |     367.23 |     -2879.1 |      3161.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      4631 |2.338719e+07 |     5050.1 |     4417.2 |      861.12 |      11766. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4631 | 0.01735199 | 3.7469e-06 | 7.5668e-07 |  1.9851e-06 |  6.1391e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4631 |    1026775 |     221.72 |     2439.2 |     -4065.2 |      4065.2 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4631 |   557249.4 |     120.33 |     1064.8 |     -1645.1 |      1635.9 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4631 |2.440744e+07 |     5270.4 |     4414.1 |      1264.4 |      11068. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4631 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      3873 |-0.0001063966 |-2.7471e-08 | 2.8903e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      3873 |-0.0003518587 |-9.0849e-08 | 2.8933e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      3873 |-0.001511387 |-3.9024e-07 | 2.9373e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3873 |9.094947e-12 | 2.3483e-15 | 5.6650e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3873 |0.002551082 | 6.5868e-07 | 2.8963e-05 | -4.9934e-05 |  4.9957e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3873 |0.0008565336 | 2.2116e-07 | 2.8635e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9949e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3873 |0.002859146 | 7.3823e-07 | 2.8825e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3873 |   12180.23 |     3.1449 |     1.8467 |  0.00076826 |      6.2810 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3873 |   1190.911 |    0.30749 |    0.44429 |    0.011028 |      3.0352 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      3873 |   702083.6 |     181.28 |     1864.5 |     -3995.8 |      4050.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      3873 |  -154033.8 |    -39.771 |     475.33 |     -2289.2 |      2332.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      3873 |2.272878e+07 |     5868.5 |     4523.5 |      864.92 |      11804. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3873 | 0.01451734 | 3.7483e-06 | 7.7316e-07 |  1.8388e-06 |  6.0408e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3873 |   745357.2 |     192.45 |     2721.2 |     -4065.2 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3873 |  -385223.3 |    -99.464 |     993.03 |     -1642.7 |      1627.2 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3873 |2.360198e+07 |     6094.0 |     4515.0 |      1268.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3873 |   12180.23 |     3.1449 |     1.8467 |  0.00076826 |      6.2810 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3873 |   1190.911 |    0.30749 |    0.44429 |    0.011028 |      3.0352 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      3873 |   702083.6 |     181.28 |     1864.5 |     -3995.8 |      4050.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      3873 |  -154033.8 |    -39.771 |     475.33 |     -2289.2 |      2332.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      3873 |2.272878e+07 |     5868.5 |     4523.5 |      864.92 |      11804. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3873 | 0.01451734 | 3.7483e-06 | 7.7316e-07 |  1.8388e-06 |  6.0408e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3873 |   745357.2 |     192.45 |     2721.2 |     -4065.2 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3873 |  -385223.3 |    -99.464 |     993.03 |     -1642.7 |      1627.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3873 |2.360198e+07 |     6094.0 |     4515.0 |      1268.3 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3873 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8662 |     8662.0 |     0.0000 |      8662.0 |      8662.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6923 |     6923.0 |     0.0000 |      6923.0 |      6923.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8662 |0.002109898 | 2.4358e-07 | 2.9006e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8662 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8662 |   170468.2 |     19.680 |     231.35 |  5.9335e-05 |      16072. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8662 |       1377 |    0.15897 |    0.40661 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8662 |   170468.2 |     19.680 |     231.35 |  0.00010000 |      16072. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8662 |       1377 |    0.15897 |    0.40661 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6923 |0.003028728 | 4.3749e-07 | 2.9045e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6923 |   99533.78 |     14.377 |     69.394 |  4.5029e-05 |      1750.9 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      6923 |       1227 |    0.17724 |    0.52271 |      0.0000 |      11.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6923 |   99533.78 |     14.377 |     69.394 |      0.0000 |      1750.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6923 |       1227 |    0.17724 |    0.52271 |      0.0000 |      11.000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1331 |     1331.0 |     0.0000 |      1331.0 |      1331.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1014 |     1014.0 |     0.0000 |      1014.0 |      1014.0 |
 CheckHcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1331 |-0.001185005 |-8.9031e-07 | 2.8330e-05 | -4.9953e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1331 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1331 |   19194.31 |     14.421 |     120.03 |  0.00027403 |      4036.5 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1331 |        276 |    0.20736 |    0.46740 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1331 |   19194.31 |     14.421 |     120.03 |  0.00030000 |      4036.5 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1331 |        276 |    0.20736 |    0.46740 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1014 |0.0003316814 | 3.2710e-07 | 2.9355e-05 | -4.9872e-05 |  4.9609e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1014 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1014 |   10137.07 |     9.9971 |     43.929 |  0.00048931 |      1178.6 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1014 |        109 |    0.10750 |    0.71009 |     -1.0000 |      12.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1014 |   10137.07 |     9.9971 |     43.929 |  0.00050000 |      1178.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1014 |        109 |    0.10750 |    0.71009 |     -1.0000 |      12.000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        167 |     167.00 |     0.0000 |      167.00 |      167.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        217 |     217.00 |     0.0000 |      217.00 |      217.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       167 |1.341081e-07 | 8.0304e-10 | 2.8180e-07 | -4.9089e-07 |  4.9952e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       167 |-1.634006e-06 |-9.7845e-09 | 2.8220e-07 | -4.9844e-07 |  4.9098e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       167 |2.589345e-06 | 1.5505e-08 | 2.8709e-07 | -4.8276e-07 |  4.9825e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       167 |1.717183e-06 | 1.0283e-08 | 5.8542e-07 | -9.7844e-07 |  9.9948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       167 |0.0002853841 | 1.7089e-06 | 2.8548e-05 | -4.9676e-05 |  4.9420e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       167 |-0.0003236115 |-1.9378e-06 | 2.8147e-05 | -4.9487e-05 |  4.8696e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       167 |-0.0003441329 |-2.0607e-06 | 2.9783e-05 | -4.9773e-05 |  4.9343e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       167 | 0.05402836 | 0.00032352 |  0.0028018 |  -0.0048429 |   0.0049910 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       167 |-1.285241e-06 |-7.6961e-09 | 2.7511e-06 | -4.9546e-06 |  4.9445e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       167 |   133.1983 |    0.79759 |     5.3123 |     -11.923 |      41.596 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       167 |  -67.24067 |   -0.40264 |     5.0370 |     -16.149 |      27.937 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       167 |   724.7752 |     4.3400 |     2.2610 |     -5.0400 |      5.1006 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       167 |  0.3705397 |  0.0022188 |  0.0044273 |  0.00019738 |    0.054992 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       167 |  -45901.14 |    -274.86 |     1716.7 |     -5142.6 |      3351.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       167 |  -44582.85 |    -266.96 |     1476.4 |     -3955.7 |      3820.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       167 |    2672570 |     16003. |     1104.2 |      15083. |      19011. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       167 |   194326.1 |     1163.6 |     1636.6 |      1.4329 |      6735.5 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       167 |   9214.302 |     55.175 |     4.8491 |      50.770 |      79.757 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       167 |   133.1983 |    0.79759 |     5.3123 |     -11.923 |      41.596 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       167 |  -67.24067 |   -0.40264 |     5.0370 |     -16.149 |      27.937 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       167 |   724.7752 |     4.3400 |     2.2610 |     -5.0400 |      5.1006 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       167 |   0.370538 |  0.0022188 |  0.0044273 |  0.00019800 |    0.054992 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       167 |  -45901.14 |    -274.86 |     1716.7 |     -5142.6 |      3351.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       167 |  -44582.85 |    -266.96 |     1476.4 |     -3955.7 |      3820.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       167 |    2672570 |     16003. |     1104.2 |      15083. |      19011. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       167 |   194326.1 |     1163.6 |     1636.6 |      1.4300 |      6735.5 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       167 |   9214.302 |     55.175 |     4.8491 |      50.770 |      79.757 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       217 |3.819059e-06 | 1.7599e-08 | 3.0043e-07 | -4.9282e-07 |  4.9898e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       217 |-4.503347e-06 |-2.0753e-08 | 2.7992e-07 | -4.9954e-07 |  4.8531e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       217 |-2.67742e-06 |-1.2338e-08 | 2.9303e-07 | -4.9873e-07 |  4.9675e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       217 |1.169764e-05 | 5.3906e-08 | 5.8847e-07 | -9.8596e-07 |  9.8579e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       217 |0.0001285258 | 5.9228e-07 | 2.9164e-05 | -4.9834e-05 |  4.9850e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       217 |-0.0001424102 |-6.5627e-07 | 2.6690e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9332e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       217 |8.191225e-05 | 3.7748e-07 | 2.8837e-05 | -4.9691e-05 |  4.9916e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       217 | 0.01970663 | 9.0814e-05 |  0.0028563 |  -0.0049861 |   0.0049869 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       217 |9.613919e-05 | 4.4304e-07 | 2.6969e-06 | -4.7108e-06 |  4.9249e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       217 |   70.52511 |    0.32500 |     15.330 |     -152.64 |      135.24 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       217 |   212.7245 |    0.98030 |     11.874 |     -39.063 |      135.30 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       217 |   959.0416 |     4.4195 |     2.0057 |     -5.0229 |      5.0571 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       217 |  0.7555317 |  0.0034817 |  0.0065381 |  0.00023846 |    0.051128 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       217 |   30987.64 |     142.80 |     1487.7 |     -4624.6 |      4921.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       217 |   29463.77 |     135.78 |     810.25 |     -3701.8 |      3876.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       217 |    3549439 |     16357. |     1314.0 |      15094. |      19034. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       217 |   302140.4 |     1392.4 |     2390.9 |      1.4318 |      9818.5 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       217 |    12154.7 |     56.012 |     4.8952 |      49.942 |      72.639 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       217 |   70.52511 |    0.32500 |     15.330 |     -152.64 |      135.24 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       217 |   212.7245 |    0.98030 |     11.874 |     -39.063 |      135.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       217 |   959.0416 |     4.4195 |     2.0057 |     -5.0229 |      5.0571 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       217 |    0.75552 |  0.0034817 |  0.0065381 |  0.00023800 |    0.051128 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       217 |   30987.64 |     142.80 |     1487.7 |     -4624.6 |      4921.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       217 |   29463.77 |     135.78 |     810.25 |     -3701.8 |      3876.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       217 |    3549439 |     16357. |     1314.0 |      15094. |      19034. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       217 |   302140.4 |     1392.4 |     2390.9 |      1.4300 |      9818.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       217 |    12154.7 |     56.012 |     4.8952 |      49.942 |      72.639 |
 RootHistSvc             WARNING no ROOT output file name, Histograms cannot be persistified
 EventLoopMgr               INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
 ToolSvc                    INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
@@ -2978,54 +3037,54 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1458.76 |     1458.8 |     0.0000 |      1458.8 |      1458.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1465.496 |     1465.5 |     0.0000 |      1465.5 |      1465.5 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1427.96 |     1428.0 |     0.0000 |      1428.0 |      1428.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1426.244 |     1426.2 |     0.0000 |      1426.2 |      1426.2 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1346.276 |     1346.3 |     0.0000 |      1346.3 |      1346.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1365.92 |     1365.9 |     0.0000 |      1365.9 |      1365.9 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1316.296 |     1316.3 |     0.0000 |      1316.3 |      1316.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1304.984 |     1305.0 |     0.0000 |      1305.0 |      1305.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1182.34 |     1182.3 |     0.0000 |      1182.3 |      1182.3 |
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1182.208 |     1182.2 |     0.0000 |      1182.2 |      1182.2 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.928 |     1178.9 |     0.0000 |      1178.9 |      1178.9 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.232 |     1176.2 |     0.0000 |      1176.2 |      1176.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3038,12 +3097,12 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  | non-diffractive                                101 |           4          4          4 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           4          4          4 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           3          3          3 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           2          2          2 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           9          9          9 |   8.863e+01  8.881e+00 |
+ | sum                                                |           9          9          9 |   8.619e+01  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3062,13 +3121,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           5          5          5 |   5.717e+01  3.016e-07 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           4          4          4 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   2.258e+01  2.258e+01 |
  | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           3          3          3 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           8          8          8 |   9.507e+01  2.510e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |           8          8          8 |   8.619e+01  2.258e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3087,13 +3146,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           5          5          5 |   5.717e+01  3.016e-07 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           4          4          4 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           6          6          6 |   6.605e+01  8.881e+00 |
+ | sum                                                |           6          6          6 |   7.249e+01  1.097e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3101,6 +3160,7 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      3   Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed                                   |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3112,13 +3172,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           4          4          4 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           3          3          3 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   2.258e+01  2.258e+01 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           2          2          2 |   8.881e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           6          6          6 |   8.619e+01  2.348e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |           6          6          6 |   8.863e+01  2.258e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3137,13 +3197,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |         118        118        118 |   5.717e+01  4.023e-07 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          45         45         45 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |          14         14         14 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |          15         15         15 |   6.442e+00  2.176e-08 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |          18         18         18 |   8.881e+00  3.974e-08 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |          10         10         10 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           3          3          3 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |         210        210        210 |   1.015e+02  4.049e-07 |
+ | sum                                                |          16         16         16 |   1.015e+02  1.272e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3152,449 +3212,430 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
- |      2   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |      1   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |      2   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 298190.031 | 302301.562 | 302301.594  302301.6     0.00 |       1 |   302.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 298169.969 | 302289.656 | 302289.688  302289.7     0.00 |       1 |   302.290 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  5260.000 |  5520.454 | 5520.454    5520.5     0.00 |       1 |     5.520 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  4620.000 |  4630.614 | 4630.614    4630.6     0.00 |       1 |     4.631 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.606 |    1.606       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  4620.000 |  4626.655 | 4626.655    4626.7     0.00 |       1 |     4.627 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.295 |    2.295       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.264 |    2.264       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    80.000 |   326.200 |  326.200     326.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.326 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     1.178 |    1.178       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    80.000 |   324.534 |  324.534     324.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.325 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |   360.000 |   364.091 |  364.091     364.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.364 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.815       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |   360.000 |   361.961 |  361.961     362.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     1.270 |    1.270       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     1.255 |    1.255       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    70.000 |    72.301 |   72.301      72.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     1.383 |    1.383       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    70.000 |    70.365 |   70.365      70.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.500       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |   130.000 |   127.219 |  127.219     127.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.127 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.857 |    0.857       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |   130.000 |   125.693 |  125.693     125.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.126 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.617       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 292910.031 | 296769.188 | 296769.188  296769.2     0.00 |       1 |   296.769 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 76130.000 | 78642.367 | 78642.367   78642.4     0.00 |       1 |    78.642 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.483 |    1.483       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 76130.000 | 78640.859 | 78640.859   78640.9     0.00 |       1 |    78.641 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 75830.000 | 78282.406 | 78282.406   78282.4     0.00 |       1 |    78.282 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 21050.000 | 21292.283 | 21292.285   21292.3     0.00 |       1 |    21.292 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 54610.000 | 55383.719 | 55383.719   55383.7     0.00 |       1 |    55.384 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    21.809 |   21.809      21.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   110.000 |   709.794 |  709.794     709.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.710 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     6.572 |    6.572       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |    10.000 |     6.242 |    6.242       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    10.000 |     8.234 |    8.234       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    90.000 |   343.649 |  343.649     343.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.344 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    40.000 |    46.249 |   46.249      46.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    15.868 |   15.868      15.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |   267.287 |  267.287     267.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.267 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     3.832 |    3.832       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.875 |    0.875       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |     9.214 |    9.214       9.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     3.865 |    3.865       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |   340.551 |  340.551     340.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.341 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    40.000 |   874.559 |  874.559     874.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.875 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |    10.000 |     3.308 |    3.308       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     2.386 |    2.386       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |    10.000 |   845.251 |  845.251     845.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.845 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.457       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.777 |    1.777       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.287 |    1.287       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    20.000 |    16.364 |   16.364      16.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     2.134 |    2.134       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   300.000 |   358.417 |  358.417     358.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.358 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.542 |    2.542       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |    10.000 |     2.433 |    2.433       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |   108.283 |  108.283     108.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    20.000 |    26.031 |   26.031      26.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.695 |    3.695       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     5.610 |    5.610       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     6.079 |    6.079       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |    65.695 |   65.695      65.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   250.000 |   244.666 |  244.666     244.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     3.726 |    3.726       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     3.236 |    3.236       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     2.023 |    2.023       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |    10.000 |     1.930 |    1.930       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     0.912 |    0.912       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    10.000 |    13.085 |   13.085      13.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |    10.000 |     8.628 |    8.628       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     0.676 |    0.676       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    20.000 |    19.562 |   19.562      19.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.659 |    1.659       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     3.377 |    3.377       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |    10.000 |     1.541 |    1.541       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.650 |    0.650       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    22.425 |   22.425      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   140.000 |   142.296 |  142.296     142.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     3.290 |    3.290       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.273       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    20.000 |     1.674 |    1.674       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     9.908 |    9.908       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.534 |    1.534       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.078 |    1.078       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 21030.000 | 21138.865 | 21138.865   21138.9     0.00 |       1 |    21.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 21030.000 | 21138.355 | 21138.355   21138.4     0.00 |       1 |    21.138 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 20870.000 | 20970.432 | 20970.434   20970.4     0.00 |       1 |    20.970 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     9.557 |    9.557       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 20810.000 | 20917.508 | 20917.508   20917.5     0.00 |       1 |    20.918 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |    10.000 |    10.895 |   10.895      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    30.000 |    25.204 |   25.204      25.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     1.447 |    1.447       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     1.820 |    1.820       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |     3.469 |    3.469       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    16.023 |   16.023      16.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     6.650 |    6.650       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     3.205 |    3.205       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|    20.000 |     2.890 |    2.890       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.674 |    1.674       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     1.362 |    1.362       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.577 |    1.577       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.503       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     7.078 |    7.078       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.292 |    1.292       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.944 |    0.944       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.219       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|    10.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     2.998 |    2.998       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |   160.000 |   167.897 |  167.897     167.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.168 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     1.651 |    1.651       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    50.000 |    46.133 |   46.133      46.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrevPrev    |    40.000 |    37.005 |   37.005      37.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.434 |    1.434       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     3.059 |    3.059       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |    10.000 |     2.523 |    2.523       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.607 |    0.607       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.390 |    1.390       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |   110.000 |   119.305 |  119.305     119.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     2.800 |    2.800       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     2.650 |    2.650       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.446 |    1.446       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     1.431 |    1.431       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.807 |    0.807       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrevPrev    |    10.000 |     6.132 |    6.132       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     3.790 |    3.790       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.815       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrevPrev    |    20.000 |    17.041 |   17.041      17.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.193 |    1.193       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     2.590 |    2.590       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     8.139 |    8.139       8.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|    60.000 |    61.410 |   61.410      61.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     1.288 |    1.288       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.834 |    0.834       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     3.746 |    3.746       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.557       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.924       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               | 97580.000 | 98110.578 | 98110.578   98110.6     0.00 |       1 |    98.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            | 97580.000 | 98110.094 | 98110.094   98110.1     0.00 |       1 |    98.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              | 97110.000 | 97641.773 | 97641.773   97641.8     0.00 |       1 |    97.642 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |    10.000 |     8.369 |    8.369       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           | 96830.000 | 97361.922 | 97361.922   97361.9     0.00 |       1 |    97.362 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |    30.000 |    24.072 |   24.072      24.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |   220.000 |   216.790 |  216.790     216.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.217 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     4.507 |    4.507       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     5.802 |    5.802       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrev          |    10.000 |    13.290 |   13.290      13.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |   190.000 |   181.611 |  181.611     181.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |   100.000 |   104.029 |  104.029     104.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |    30.000 |    25.296 |   25.296      25.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |    30.000 |    26.448 |   26.448      26.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     5.436 |    5.436       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|    10.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    19.840 |   19.840      19.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     8.403 |    8.403       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     1.146 |    1.146       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     1.847 |    1.847       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    30.354 |   30.354      30.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     3.226 |    3.226       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     2.377 |    2.377       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.544 |    0.544       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.830 |    0.830       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.640 |    0.640       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |    20.000 |    20.307 |   20.307      20.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     1.366 |    1.366       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |   470.000 |   468.304 |  468.304     468.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.468 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     3.712 |    3.712       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     1.725 |    1.725       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |    40.000 |    40.337 |   40.337      40.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrev        |    20.000 |    23.164 |   23.164      23.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     1.713 |    1.713       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrev       |    10.000 |     5.366 |    5.366       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     7.382 |    7.382       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |    10.000 |     1.850 |    1.850       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |   420.000 |   422.297 |  422.297     422.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |    10.000 |     6.426 |    6.426       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     6.952 |    6.952       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |    10.000 |     4.837 |    4.837       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     3.476 |    3.476       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.833 |    0.833       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrev        |    20.000 |    19.621 |   19.621      19.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrev        |    10.000 |    11.668 |   11.668      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     1.662 |    1.662       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrev        |    40.000 |    39.879 |   39.879      39.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     2.183 |    2.183       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |    10.000 |     5.391 |    5.391       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |    10.000 |     1.865 |    1.865       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |    30.000 |    33.730 |   33.730      33.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |   250.000 |   247.864 |  247.864     247.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.248 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |    10.000 |     5.381 |    5.381       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     2.910 |    2.910       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    20.327 |   20.327      20.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     3.024 |    3.024       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     1.786 |    1.786       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 31590.000 | 31820.738 | 31820.738   31820.7     0.00 |       1 |    31.821 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |    10.000 |     1.008 |    1.008       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 31580.000 | 31819.695 | 31819.695   31819.7     0.00 |       1 |    31.820 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 31350.000 | 31583.443 | 31583.445   31583.4     0.00 |       1 |    31.583 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |    20.000 |    20.287 |   20.287      20.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 31260.000 | 31489.852 | 31489.854   31489.9     0.00 |       1 |    31.490 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |    12.567 |   12.567      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    50.000 |    49.745 |   49.745      49.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.050 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.658 |    1.658       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.573 |    2.573       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNext          |    10.000 |     3.805 |    3.805       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    30.000 |    37.597 |   37.597      37.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    10.000 |    19.479 |   19.479      19.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |    10.000 |     5.588 |    5.588       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |    10.000 |     6.221 |    6.221       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     2.235 |    2.235       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     3.707 |    3.707       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     2.728 |    2.728       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.435 |    0.435       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |    10.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    10.794 |   10.794      10.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     1.670 |    1.670       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     1.223 |    1.223       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.288       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNext      |    10.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     4.995 |    4.995       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |   230.000 |   236.230 |  236.230     236.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.236 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     2.627 |    2.627       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     1.278 |    1.278       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    40.000 |    46.416 |   46.416      46.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNext        |    30.000 |    37.511 |   37.511      37.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.038 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.303 |    1.303       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     2.755 |    2.755       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |    10.000 |     3.158 |    3.158       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |   180.000 |   185.684 |  185.684     185.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     2.000 |    2.000       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     2.180 |    2.180       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     2.288 |    2.288       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |    10.000 |     2.224 |    2.224       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.405       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNext        |     0.000 |     9.422 |    9.422       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNext       |    10.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     5.501 |    5.501       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNext       |    10.000 |     0.567 |    0.567       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNext        |    10.000 |    12.492 |   12.492      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     2.611 |    2.611       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     2.447 |    2.447       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.803       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.169       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |    20.000 |    19.584 |   19.584      19.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |   100.000 |    97.950 |   97.950      97.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.098 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |    10.000 |     4.169 |    4.169       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     1.933 |    1.933       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |    13.424 |   13.424      13.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     2.021 |    2.021       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.747 |    1.747       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 66580.000 | 67056.555 | 67056.555   67056.6     0.00 |       1 |    67.057 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.720 |    0.720       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 66580.000 | 67055.758 | 67055.758   67055.8     0.00 |       1 |    67.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 66280.000 | 66754.047 | 66754.047   66754.0     0.00 |       1 |    66.754 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |    20.000 |    11.462 |   11.462      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 66130.000 | 66615.391 | 66615.391   66615.4     0.00 |       1 |    66.615 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    20.000 |    19.260 |   19.260      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    90.000 |    91.583 |   91.583      91.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.092 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |     3.162 |    3.162       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     4.200 |    4.200       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |    10.336 |   10.336      10.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    60.000 |    64.680 |   64.680      64.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    30.000 |    31.781 |   31.781      31.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|    10.000 |    10.233 |   10.233      10.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|    10.000 |    11.481 |   11.481      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     4.045 |    4.045       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.286 |    0.286       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     6.507 |    6.507       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     6.154 |    6.154       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.304 |    1.304       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    20.000 |    16.083 |   16.083      16.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     2.786 |    2.786       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.157 |    2.157       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.212 |    0.212       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNextNext  |    10.000 |     0.319 |    0.319       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.582       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     7.752 |    7.752       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|    10.000 |     1.067 |    1.067       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |   300.000 |   301.641 |  301.641     301.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.302 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     3.669 |    3.669       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.332 |    1.332       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    50.000 |    45.089 |   45.089      45.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNextNext    |    30.000 |    26.948 |   26.948      26.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.252 |    2.252       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |     6.089 |    6.089       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     6.843 |    6.843       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |    10.000 |     1.620 |    1.620       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     1.096 |    1.096       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |   250.000 |   250.603 |  250.603     250.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.251 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     3.308 |    3.308       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     3.122 |    3.122       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     3.100 |    3.100       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|    10.000 |     2.394 |    2.394       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |    10.461 |   10.461      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 246470.000 | 289184.781 | 289184.750  289184.8     0.00 |       1 |   289.185 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 246460.000 | 289179.094 | 289179.125  289179.1     0.00 |       1 |   289.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  5560.000 |  6685.013 | 6685.013    6685.0     0.00 |       1 |     6.685 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2500.000 |  3204.896 | 3204.896    3204.9     0.00 |       1 |     3.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2500.000 |  3202.929 | 3202.929    3202.9     0.00 |       1 |     3.203 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.102 |    1.102       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.077 |    1.077       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |   920.000 |   972.747 |  972.747     972.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.973 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.770 |    0.770       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |   920.000 |   969.273 |  969.273     969.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.969 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.988 |    0.988       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |  1160.000 |  1483.843 | 1483.843    1483.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     1.358 |    1.358       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |  1160.000 |  1479.012 | 1479.012    1479.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.479 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     3.428 |    3.428       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     3.413 |    3.413       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |   870.000 |   913.667 |  913.667     913.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.914 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     2.074 |    2.074       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |   870.000 |   910.349 |  910.349     910.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.910 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     1.207 |    1.207       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     1.181 |    1.181       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |   110.000 |   109.836 |  109.836     109.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |   110.000 |   107.856 |  107.856     107.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.108 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 240900.000 | 282494.094 | 282494.094  282494.1     0.00 |       1 |   282.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 45780.000 | 60393.086 | 60393.082   60393.1     0.00 |       1 |    60.393 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.193 |    1.193       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 45780.000 | 60391.871 | 60391.871   60391.9     0.00 |       1 |    60.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 45630.000 | 56019.930 | 56019.926   56019.9     0.00 |       1 |    56.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 19870.000 | 21502.865 | 21502.865   21502.9     0.00 |       1 |    21.503 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 25720.000 | 32493.992 | 32493.992   32494.0     0.00 |       1 |    32.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.439 |    8.439       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |  2006.573 | 2006.573    2006.6     0.00 |       1 |     2.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.561       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |     0.000 |     1.948 |    1.948       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |     0.000 |  1975.167 | 1975.167    1975.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.975 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    25.050 |   25.050      25.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |    10.658 |   10.658      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     3.908 |    3.908       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     4.174 |    4.174       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.392 |    3.392       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.253 |    2.253       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.687 |    1.687       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.918 |    0.918       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     7.965 |    7.965       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.288 |    1.288       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.855       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |    10.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     2.642 |    2.642       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.661 |    0.661       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   150.000 |  4371.934 | 4371.934    4371.9     0.00 |       1 |     4.372 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |  2026.740 | 2026.740    2026.7     0.00 |       1 |     2.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |  2220.814 | 2220.814    2220.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.221 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    10.000 |    22.283 |   22.283      22.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.254 |    1.254       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.438 |    1.438       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.736 |    2.736       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |  2192.479 | 2192.479    2192.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   120.000 |   123.104 |  123.104     123.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.123 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     2.731 |    2.731       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.169 |    2.169       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.073 |    1.073       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.982 |    0.982       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    10.000 |     6.533 |    6.533       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |     0.000 |     5.569 |    5.569       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    10.000 |    11.326 |   11.326      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.958       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.818 |    1.818       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    10.738 |   10.738      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    60.000 |    67.154 |   67.154      67.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.733 |    1.733       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     5.165 |    5.165       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.495       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 54780.000 | 59957.688 | 59957.688   59957.7     0.00 |       1 |    59.958 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 54780.000 | 59957.270 | 59957.270   59957.3     0.00 |       1 |    59.957 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 54460.000 | 59643.449 | 59643.449   59643.4     0.00 |       1 |    59.643 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     6.028 |    6.028       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 54300.000 | 59403.457 | 59403.457   59403.5     0.00 |       1 |    59.403 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |    10.000 |    12.998 |   12.998      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |   130.000 |   202.321 |  202.321     202.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |    27.166 |   27.166      27.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |    14.309 |   14.309      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |   100.000 |   153.527 |  153.527     153.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.154 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    50.000 |   105.597 |  105.597     105.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|    10.000 |    16.450 |   16.450      16.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|    30.000 |    16.209 |   16.209      16.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     3.065 |    3.065       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    11.937 |   11.937      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |    10.000 |     3.985 |    3.985       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.647 |    0.647       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|    10.000 |    18.549 |   18.549      18.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.809 |    1.809       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.398 |    1.398       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.519       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|    10.000 |    12.537 |   12.537      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.846       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |   320.000 |   313.806 |  313.806     313.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.314 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     1.931 |    1.931       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     1.249 |    1.249       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    40.000 |    33.993 |   33.993      34.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    24.432 |   24.432      24.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.082 |    1.082       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     2.553 |    2.553       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     4.270 |    4.270       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.999       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.595       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |   280.000 |   276.495 |  276.495     276.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.276 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     3.872 |    3.872       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|    10.000 |     3.765 |    3.765       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.947 |    1.947       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     1.747 |    1.747       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrevPrev    |    20.000 |    14.612 |   14.612      14.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.378       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     8.733 |    8.733       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.864 |    0.864       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    23.328 |   23.328      23.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.564 |    1.564       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|    10.000 |     3.997 |    3.997       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     1.305 |    1.305       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |    30.000 |    26.439 |   26.439      26.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|   160.000 |   163.022 |  163.022     163.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     3.314 |    3.314       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.708 |    1.708       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |    11.341 |   11.341      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     1.989 |    1.989       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.987 |    0.987       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               | 66950.000 | 77826.469 | 77826.469   77826.5     0.00 |       1 |    77.826 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            | 66950.000 | 77826.047 | 77826.047   77826.0     0.00 |       1 |    77.826 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              | 66630.000 | 77480.281 | 77480.281   77480.3     0.00 |       1 |    77.480 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |    10.000 |    11.546 |   11.546      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           | 66480.000 | 77331.266 | 77331.266   77331.3     0.00 |       1 |    77.331 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |    20.000 |    18.708 |   18.708      18.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |   110.000 |   101.574 |  101.574     101.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     2.687 |    2.687       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     3.007 |    3.007       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     7.537 |    7.537       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |    80.000 |    81.925 |   81.925      81.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |    40.000 |    42.679 |   42.679      42.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |    10.000 |    12.932 |   12.932      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |    10.000 |    12.872 |   12.872      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |    10.000 |     4.306 |    4.306       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |     8.782 |    8.782       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     5.251 |    5.251       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.403       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    17.097 |   17.097      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     2.519 |    2.519       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     2.151 |    2.151       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.565       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.464       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |    10.000 |     9.376 |    9.376       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.896 |    0.896       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |   320.000 |   345.754 |  345.754     345.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.346 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.831 |    2.831       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |    10.000 |     0.998 |    0.998       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |    30.000 |    39.042 |   39.042      39.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrev        |    20.000 |    27.543 |   27.543      27.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     1.225 |    1.225       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrev       |    10.000 |     3.189 |    3.189       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     5.352 |    5.352       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     1.066 |    1.066       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |   280.000 |   302.764 |  302.764     302.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.303 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |    20.000 |     5.305 |    5.305       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     5.243 |    5.243       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     2.696 |    2.696       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     2.702 |    2.702       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrev        |    20.000 |    17.390 |   17.390      17.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     9.478 |    9.478       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     1.108 |    1.108       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrev        |    30.000 |    29.433 |   29.433      29.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     1.359 |    1.359       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     3.461 |    3.461       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |    10.000 |     1.220 |    1.220       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    22.366 |   22.366      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |   150.000 |   172.790 |  172.790     172.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.173 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     4.161 |    4.161       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     2.634 |    2.634       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    15.358 |   15.358      15.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     2.362 |    2.362       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     1.270 |    1.270       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 31420.000 | 38110.309 | 38110.309   38110.3     0.00 |       1 |    38.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 31420.000 | 38109.809 | 38109.809   38109.8     0.00 |       1 |    38.110 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 31190.000 | 37885.066 | 37885.066   37885.1     0.00 |       1 |    37.885 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |    20.000 |    19.303 |   19.303      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 31080.000 | 37766.695 | 37766.699   37766.7     0.00 |       1 |    37.767 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |    18.562 |   18.562      18.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    60.000 |    68.276 |   68.276      68.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNext          |    10.000 |     2.629 |    2.629       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.781 |    2.781       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     3.505 |    3.505       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    50.000 |    55.942 |   55.942      55.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    30.000 |    29.974 |   29.974      30.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |    10.000 |     8.829 |    8.829       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     8.261 |    8.261       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |    10.000 |     3.613 |    3.613       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     4.951 |    4.951       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     2.669 |    2.669       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    12.097 |   12.097      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |    10.000 |     2.513 |    2.513       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |    10.000 |     2.012 |    2.012       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.372       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     5.295 |    5.295       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.758 |    0.758       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |   230.000 |   224.726 |  224.726     224.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.225 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     2.663 |    2.663       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.881 |    0.881       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    30.000 |    34.559 |   34.559      34.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNext        |    20.000 |    27.817 |   27.817      27.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNext       |    10.000 |     1.150 |    1.150       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.485 |    1.485       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     2.695 |    2.695       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.714 |    0.714       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |   190.000 |   186.448 |  186.448     186.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.186 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     3.592 |    3.592       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     3.709 |    3.709       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     2.487 |    2.487       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |    10.000 |     3.356 |    3.356       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.602       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNext        |    10.000 |    14.266 |   14.266      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     7.657 |    7.657       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNext        |    10.000 |    12.036 |   12.036      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     1.169 |    1.169       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |    10.000 |     2.713 |    2.713       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |    10.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |    10.000 |    16.776 |   16.776      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |   110.000 |   104.445 |  104.445     104.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     2.718 |    2.718       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.981 |    0.981       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     5.758 |    5.758       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 41970.000 | 46206.504 | 46206.504   46206.5     0.00 |       1 |    46.207 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 41970.000 | 46205.980 | 46205.980   46206.0     0.00 |       1 |    46.206 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 41780.000 | 46017.195 | 46017.195   46017.2     0.00 |       1 |    46.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |    10.000 |     9.819 |    9.819       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 41710.000 | 45945.281 | 45945.277   45945.3     0.00 |       1 |    45.945 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    10.000 |    11.235 |   11.235      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    40.000 |    42.980 |   42.980      43.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.596 |    1.596       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     2.173 |    2.173       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |     4.587 |    4.587       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    30.000 |    31.068 |   31.068      31.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |    15.240 |   15.240      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|    10.000 |     5.258 |    5.258       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     5.154 |    5.154       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |    10.000 |     2.365 |    2.365       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.820 |    2.820       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     2.683 |    2.683       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     7.766 |    7.766       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     1.549 |    1.549       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.183 |    1.183       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|    10.000 |     3.225 |    3.225       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |   190.000 |   188.769 |  188.769     188.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.189 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     1.633 |    1.633       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.617       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    30.000 |    30.315 |   30.315      30.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNextNext    |    20.000 |    22.822 |   22.822      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.920 |    0.920       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.010 |    2.010       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |    10.000 |     3.182 |    3.182       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.738       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |   160.000 |   156.085 |  156.085     156.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.156 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |    10.000 |     3.082 |    3.082       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     3.033 |    3.033       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|    10.000 |     1.621 |    1.621       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     1.827 |    1.827       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     9.278 |    9.278       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     5.853 |    5.853       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.697 |    0.697       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNextNext    |    20.000 |    21.548 |   21.548      21.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |    10.000 |     0.893 |    0.893       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     1.981 |    1.981       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.718 |    0.718       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |    17.280 |   17.280      17.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|   150.000 |   146.621 |  146.621     146.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.147 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|    10.000 |     4.207 |    4.207       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     2.202 |    2.202       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |    20.000 |    18.878 |   18.878      18.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.918 |    2.918       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.220 |    2.220       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     7.063 |    7.063       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNextNext    |    20.000 |    17.867 |   17.867      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.829 |    0.829       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     2.008 |    2.008       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    20.000 |    12.962 |   12.962      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    80.000 |    80.456 |   80.456      80.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     1.959 |    1.959       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     7.596 |    7.596       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.107 |    1.107       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.480 |    1.480       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/2/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hBrems', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/muPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 33114    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 31581    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  270  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 53.9(+- 26.8)/ 20.8/ 96.8  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 9.07[min]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  219  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 43.8(+- 14.9)/ 25.7/ 66.4  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  444  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        881 |     176.20 |     47.373 |      132.00 |      268.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       6941 |     1388.2 |     766.54 |      477.00 |      2787.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       8698 |     1739.6 |     711.46 |      894.00 |      3005.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |      11478 |     2295.6 |     1320.0 |      673.00 |      4558.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |      16659 |     3331.8 |     1334.5 |      1721.0 |      5629.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |      28137 |     5627.4 |     2654.4 |      2394.0 |      10187. |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |      28538 |     5707.6 |     2819.0 |      2830.0 |      10849. |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |      31427 |     6285.4 |     3192.1 |      2974.0 |      12039. |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |      45411 |     9082.2 |     4857.2 |      3451.0 |      17997. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        678 |     135.60 |     58.284 |      66.000 |      217.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       5929 |     1185.8 |     523.29 |      496.00 |      1799.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       9336 |     1867.2 |     609.91 |      936.00 |      2649.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |      10299 |     2059.8 |     945.15 |      1038.0 |      3413.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |      16431 |     3286.2 |     1002.0 |      1998.0 |      4454.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |      26730 |     5346.0 |     1739.5 |      3212.0 |      7867.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |      30645 |     6129.0 |     1887.1 |      3382.0 |      9200.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |      33971 |     6794.2 |     2057.8 |      3984.0 |      10267. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |      39650 |     7930.0 |     3108.9 |      4656.0 |      12748. |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
 Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.1.6. Please make sure to cite the paper:
   Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132  (
-======       Pre-compound/De-excitation Physics Parameters     ========
-Type of pre-compound inverse x-section              3
-Pre-compound model active                           1
-Pre-compound low energy (MeV)                       0.1
-Type of de-excitation inverse x-section             3
-Type of de-excitation factory                       Evaporation
-Number of de-excitation channels                    8
-Min excitation energy (keV)                         0.01
-Min energy per nucleon for multifragmentation (MeV) 1e+05
-Level density (1/MeV)                               0.1
-Time limit for long lived isomeres (ns)             1e+12
-Internal e- conversion flag                         1
-Store e- internal conversion data                   0
-Electron internal conversion ID                     2
-Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
-Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
index 927de8bea..5f66156db 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 Ecut value = 5.0
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 06:29:51 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:40:21 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, Generation, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 06:30:56    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 07:42:16    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS ==================================================================
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.327
 Generation.Inclusive       INFO Generating Inclusive events of Omega_b~+ Xi'_b~0 Xi'_b~+ Xi_b~0 Sigma_b~- Sigma_b~0 Xi_b~+ Lambda_b~0 Sigma_b~+ B_c- B_s~0 B- B~0 B0 B+ B_s0 B_c+ Sigma_b- Lambda_b0 Xi_b- Sigma_b0 Sigma_b+ Xi_b0 Xi'_b- Xi'_b0 Omega_b-
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 Generation              SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Started successfully
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 644571761, 0]
  PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
+ PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1711122878, 0]
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager::  Geometry will be extracted from GaussGeo
@@ -788,35 +789,36 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich Ckv G4 Histo Set2
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO  End booking Rich G4 Histo set2
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6053
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6870
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3382
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3984
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGen                SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 29 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 29 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 210 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 9 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 18 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 4 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 2 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antiB0Gen  key: 31  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antiB0Acc  key: 42  value: 1 / DplusGen  key: 57  value: 1 / DminusGen  key: 58  value: 1 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / DplusAcc  key: 66  value: 1 / DminusAcc  key: 67  value: 1 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 2 / D2starGen  key: 87  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 2 / D2starAcc  key: 90  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 210 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 118 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 45 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 14 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 15 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 18 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 3 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 3 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 16 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 3 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / Bs0Gen  key: 34  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / Bs0Acc  key: 45  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 16 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 10 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 3 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 1 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 101.512 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 57.1656 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 22.5806 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.44236 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 6.44236 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.88086 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 2402
+= Number of particles generated: 1557
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 2402
+= Mean multiplicity: 1557
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1428
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 733
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1428
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 733
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 434
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 212
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 434
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 212
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 99
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 41
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 99
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 41
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -824,374 +826,374 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 3860.00 +-62.13 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2811.00 +-53.02 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.21 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  0.78 +-0.17%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 3673.00 +-60.61 ( 95.16 +-0.35%) Rich2 = 1404.00 +-37.47 ( 49.95 +-0.94%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  122.00 +-11.05 (  3.16 +-0.28%) Rich2 =  631.00 +-25.12 ( 22.45 +-0.79%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2174.00 +-46.63 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1038.00 +-32.22 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) Rich2 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  210.00 +-14.49 (  9.66 +-0.63%) Rich2 =  120.00 +-10.95 ( 11.56 +-0.99%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.03 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.07 +-0.05%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.23 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  0.21 +-0.07%) Rich2 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  0.78 +-0.17%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  326.00 +-18.06 ( 11.60 +-0.60%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  271.00 +-16.46 ( 26.11 +-1.36%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 3673.00 +-60.61 ( 95.16 +-0.35%) CF4 = 1404.00 +-37.47 ( 49.95 +-0.94%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) CF4 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  3673.00 +- 60.61 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1730.00 +- 41.59 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   753.00 +- 27.44 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   482.00 +- 21.95 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   126.00 +- 11.22 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   225.00 +- 15.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    53.00 +-  7.28 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    24.00 +-  4.90 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1698.00 +- 41.21 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   791.00 +- 28.12 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   330.00 +- 18.17 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   372.00 +- 19.29 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   115.00 +- 10.72 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    39.00 +-  6.24 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1908 |     1908.0 |     0.0000 |      1908.0 |      1908.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
 MCUTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 MCFTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        154 |     154.00 |     0.0000 |      154.00 |      154.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8769 |     8769.0 |     0.0000 |      8769.0 |      8769.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1339 |     1339.0 |     0.0000 |      1339.0 |      1339.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6671 |     6671.0 |     0.0000 |      6671.0 |      6671.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoni                INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 1908+/-0
+VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 936+/-0
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1319
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1682.43
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.077436
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0318768
+UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 799
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1262.69
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0788977
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0380725
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       115 |        115 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1319 |    2219122 |     1682.4 |     7700.1 |     0.22057 |  1.0785e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        76 |         76 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       799 |    1008886 |     1262.7 |     4685.8 |     0.27460 |      49687. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 FTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2981
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2294.01
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.240888
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0873779
+FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1710
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2332.76
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.24549
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.100757
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       165 |        165 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2981 |    6838445 |     2294.0 |     7087.3 |   0.0042740 |      68114. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       176 |        176 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1710 |    3989013 |     2332.8 |     7401.9 |   0.0060999 |      49687. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 31.000  18.000  4.000  3.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 57.000  23.000  0.000  1.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 105.000  41.000  4.000  4.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1908 |     1908.0 |     0.0000 |      1908.0 |      1908.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
 CheckVPHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |-9.018107e-06 |-4.7265e-09 | 2.9390e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |-2.961179e-05 |-1.5520e-08 | 2.9122e-07 | -4.9944e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |6.442241e-07 | 3.3764e-10 | 5.0996e-08 | -4.9668e-07 |  4.9668e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1908 |3.026201e-05 | 1.5861e-08 | 5.8221e-07 | -9.9949e-07 |  9.9865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |0.003281355 | 1.7198e-06 | 2.8801e-05 | -4.9972e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |2.268501e-06 | 1.1889e-09 | 2.8847e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |-0.0001402734 |-7.3519e-08 | 3.8498e-06 | -4.8650e-05 |  4.9380e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |-0.06925005 |-3.6295e-05 |  0.0029028 |  -0.0049996 |   0.0049952 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1908 |-5.671268e-05 |-2.9724e-08 | 2.8645e-06 | -4.9966e-06 |  4.9996e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |  -6.159539 | -0.0032283 |   0.088507 |     -3.1804 |     0.54940 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |   6.747141 |  0.0035362 |   0.046785 |    -0.26835 |      1.0338 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |   197.4342 |    0.10348 |    0.16896 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1908 |   168.9117 |   0.088528 |    0.19380 |   0.0012146 |      3.8870 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |  -1996.423 |    -1.0463 |     14.366 |     -45.923 |      48.603 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |   1785.358 |    0.93572 |     14.242 |     -48.950 |      47.540 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |   384355.3 |     201.44 |     298.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |1.631114e+07 |     8548.8 |     13030. |      1.7122 |  1.0561e+05 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1908 |   2071.127 |     1.0855 |     1.4685 |    0.030607 |      29.022 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1908 |   -6.15953 | -0.0032283 |   0.088507 |     -3.1804 |     0.54940 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1908 |   6.747171 |  0.0035363 |   0.046785 |    -0.26835 |      1.0338 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1908 |   197.4342 |    0.10348 |    0.16896 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1908 |   168.9116 |   0.088528 |    0.19380 |   0.0012140 |      3.8870 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1908 |  -1996.426 |    -1.0463 |     14.366 |     -45.923 |      48.603 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1908 |   1785.358 |    0.93572 |     14.242 |     -48.950 |      47.540 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1908 |   384355.3 |     201.44 |     298.02 |     -287.98 |      750.48 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1908 |1.631114e+07 |     8548.8 |     13030. |      1.7100 |  1.0561e+05 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1908 |   2071.127 |     1.0855 |     1.4685 |    0.030610 |      29.022 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       936 |-3.5451e-06 |-3.7875e-09 | 2.9038e-07 | -4.9790e-07 |  4.9959e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       936 |-1.17528e-05 |-1.2556e-08 | 2.7753e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.9805e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       936 |-1.48233e-06 |-1.5837e-09 | 5.8300e-08 | -4.9613e-07 |  4.9613e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       936 |-6.922633e-06 |-7.3960e-09 | 5.6718e-07 | -9.9973e-07 |  9.9023e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |-0.001038475 |-1.1095e-06 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9874e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |4.05432e-05 | 4.3315e-08 | 2.8516e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |0.0001568515 | 1.6758e-07 | 3.9536e-06 | -3.5656e-05 |  4.8341e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |-0.04239743 |-4.5296e-05 |  0.0028828 |  -0.0049760 |   0.0049596 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       936 |8.341044e-05 | 8.9114e-08 | 2.9130e-06 | -4.9690e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233257 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871575 | -0.0019995 |   0.061991 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93243 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021159 |      4.1321 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3267 |    0.46402 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.741 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8160 |      71967. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       936 |   973.4051 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022677 |      28.829 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233253 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871563 | -0.0019995 |   0.061992 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93244 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021160 |      4.1321 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3277 |    0.46403 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.740 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8200 |      71967. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       936 |    973.405 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022680 |      28.829 |
 UnpackUTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1319 |     1319.0 |     0.0000 |      1319.0 |      1319.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
 CheckUTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |-3.604233e-06 |-2.7325e-09 | 2.8627e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9936e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |-1.110474e-05 |-8.4191e-09 | 2.8812e-07 | -4.9958e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |4.539224e-06 | 3.4414e-09 | 8.8495e-08 | -4.9446e-07 |  4.9413e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1319 |2.713944e-05 | 2.0576e-08 | 5.7625e-07 | -9.9704e-07 |  9.9972e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |-0.0009035282 |-6.8501e-07 | 2.8798e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9899e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |-0.0006542488 |-4.9602e-07 | 2.8383e-05 | -4.9778e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |-0.0003741642 |-2.8367e-07 | 6.9498e-06 | -4.9506e-05 |  4.9911e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |  0.1578408 | 0.00011967 |  0.0028313 |  -0.0049819 |   0.0049973 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1319 |-3.401238e-05 |-2.5786e-08 | 2.9061e-06 | -4.9815e-06 |  4.9872e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |  -34.44628 |  -0.026115 |    0.33103 |     -3.9617 |      1.3856 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |  -8.493452 | -0.0064393 |    0.18950 |     -2.8891 |      2.5091 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |   134.9142 |    0.10229 |    0.21814 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1319 |   189.0935 |    0.14336 |    0.21659 |  0.00050393 |      3.9661 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |  -84278.78 |    -63.896 |     372.39 |     -883.55 |      849.31 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |   35635.55 |     27.017 |     244.39 |     -667.57 |      661.05 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |    3300163 |     2502.0 |     136.17 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |    4122041 |     3125.1 |     7318.2 |      1.4276 |      71665. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1319 |   17285.83 |     13.105 |     8.5871 |      7.6072 |      91.949 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1319 |  -34.44628 |  -0.026115 |    0.33103 |     -3.9617 |      1.3856 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1319 |  -8.493441 | -0.0064393 |    0.18950 |     -2.8891 |      2.5091 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1319 |   134.9142 |    0.10229 |    0.21814 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1319 |   189.0935 |    0.14336 |    0.21659 |  0.00050400 |      3.9661 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1319 |  -84278.78 |    -63.896 |     372.39 |     -883.55 |      849.31 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1319 |   35635.55 |     27.017 |     244.39 |     -667.57 |      661.05 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1319 |    3300163 |     2502.0 |     136.17 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1319 |    4122040 |     3125.1 |     7318.2 |      1.4300 |      71665. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1319 |   17285.83 |     13.105 |     8.5871 |      7.6072 |      91.949 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       799 |8.130843e-06 | 1.0176e-08 | 2.8248e-07 | -4.9840e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       799 |-2.281308e-06 |-2.8552e-09 | 2.8123e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       799 |-6.307342e-07 |-7.8940e-10 | 8.8536e-08 | -4.7182e-07 |  4.7995e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       799 |1.234927e-05 | 1.5456e-08 | 5.6297e-07 | -9.9730e-07 |  9.9530e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |-0.001147916 |-1.4367e-06 | 2.8136e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |-0.001082746 |-1.3551e-06 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.9715e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |-0.0001099674 |-1.3763e-07 | 6.3116e-06 | -4.5955e-05 |  4.5659e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |-0.02272803 |-2.8446e-05 |  0.0027903 |  -0.0049806 |   0.0049743 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       799 |2.827111e-05 | 3.5383e-08 | 2.9275e-06 | -4.9934e-06 |  4.9526e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       799 |    23.0073 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       799 |  -6.395372 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3489 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030480 |      2.6382 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.669 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4560 |      71901. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       799 |   23.00729 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       799 |   -6.39537 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3488 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030400 |      2.6382 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.668 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4600 |      71901. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
 UnpackFTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2981 |     2981.0 |     0.0000 |      2981.0 |      2981.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
 CheckFTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |6.14414e-06 | 2.0611e-09 | 2.8673e-07 | -4.9865e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |7.09205e-06 | 2.3791e-09 | 2.8919e-07 | -4.9918e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |-3.120566e-05 |-1.0468e-08 | 2.8959e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9983e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2981 |-2.295308e-05 |-7.6998e-09 | 5.7577e-07 | -9.9959e-07 |  9.9999e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |0.0004708478 | 1.5795e-07 | 2.8942e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |0.002002384 | 6.7172e-07 | 2.8791e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |0.0002279622 | 7.6472e-08 | 2.9196e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 | 0.07124362 | 2.3899e-05 |  0.0029007 |  -0.0049857 |   0.0049967 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2981 |-1.601405e-05 |-5.3720e-09 | 2.8606e-06 | -4.9971e-06 |  4.9975e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |  -298.8817 |   -0.10026 |     1.1523 |     -11.915 |      12.025 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |   51.76685 |   0.017366 |    0.64247 |     -6.3710 |      11.802 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |   2683.499 |    0.90020 |    0.82647 |     -1.3188 |      1.3402 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2981 |   1260.957 |    0.42300 |    0.65447 |  8.3026e-05 |      10.400 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |  -647494.5 |    -217.21 |     1129.8 |     -3314.5 |      2999.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |   186923.3 |     62.705 |     598.55 |     -2420.1 |      2422.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |2.580099e+07 |     8655.1 |     566.92 |      7816.8 |      9411.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 |1.342575e+07 |     4503.8 |     7738.9 |      1.4273 |      59705. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2981 |   98128.11 |     32.918 |     11.162 |      25.978 |      162.04 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2981 |  -298.8817 |   -0.10026 |     1.1523 |     -11.915 |      12.025 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2981 |   51.76684 |   0.017366 |    0.64247 |     -6.3710 |      11.802 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2981 |   2683.499 |    0.90020 |    0.82647 |     -1.3188 |      1.3402 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2981 |   1260.957 |    0.42300 |    0.65447 |  8.4000e-05 |      10.400 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2981 |  -647494.5 |    -217.21 |     1129.8 |     -3314.5 |      2999.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2981 |   186923.3 |     62.705 |     598.55 |     -2420.1 |      2422.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2981 |2.580099e+07 |     8655.1 |     566.92 |      7816.8 |      9411.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2981 |1.342575e+07 |     4503.8 |     7738.9 |      1.4300 |      59705. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2981 |   98128.11 |     32.918 |     11.162 |      25.978 |      162.04 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |1.010116e-05 | 5.9071e-09 | 2.8885e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |-6.938369e-07 |-4.0575e-10 | 2.8456e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |-7.139572e-06 |-4.1752e-09 | 2.8477e-07 | -4.9935e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1710 |-2.431618e-05 |-1.4220e-08 | 5.7608e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9810e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |0.0003080386 | 1.8014e-07 | 2.9035e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9946e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |-0.002184913 |-1.2777e-06 | 2.8644e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |0.0009949966 | 5.8187e-07 | 2.8795e-05 | -4.9837e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 | 0.07525092 | 4.4006e-05 |  0.0029024 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049976 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1710 |0.0001353358 | 7.9144e-08 | 2.8723e-06 | -4.9831e-06 |  4.9720e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021856 |      11.485 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.92 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4241 |      71897. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021800 |      11.485 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.93 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4200 |      71897. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6671 |     6671.0 |     0.0000 |      6671.0 |      6671.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6671 |0.008609569 | 1.2906e-06 | 0.00016664 |  -0.0042628 |   0.0037625 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |0.001536542 | 2.3033e-07 | 2.8874e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |0.002974372 | 4.4587e-07 | 2.9024e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |-0.00151626 |-2.2729e-07 | 2.8593e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9954e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6671 |-0.0001625425 |-2.4366e-08 | 2.8763e-06 | -4.9985e-06 |  4.9992e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6671 |   7997.789 |     1.1989 |     27.620 |    0.020000 |      1000.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |   -2714383 |    -406.89 |     2519.5 |     -4073.8 |      4074.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |   560545.4 |     84.027 |     1043.2 |     -1651.3 |      1647.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |3.688142e+07 |     5528.6 |     4439.5 |      1273.4 |      11075. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6671 |   189704.4 |     28.437 |     18.378 |      7.4395 |      136.77 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6671 |    7997.78 |     1.1989 |     27.620 |    0.020000 |      1000.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      6671 |   -2714383 |    -406.89 |     2519.5 |     -4073.8 |      4074.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      6671 |   560545.4 |     84.027 |     1043.2 |     -1651.3 |      1647.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      6671 |3.688142e+07 |     5528.6 |     4439.5 |      1273.4 |      11075. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6671 |   189704.4 |     28.437 |     18.378 |      7.4395 |      136.77 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3212 |1.069173e-05 | 3.3287e-09 | 0.00018845 |  -0.0041984 |   0.0039666 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |0.0006117115 | 1.9045e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |-0.0001188687 |-3.7008e-08 | 2.8868e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |-0.000590575 |-1.8387e-07 | 2.9011e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3212 |-8.712409e-05 |-2.7125e-08 | 2.9293e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9983e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |-0.0001019979 |-1.5359e-08 | 2.8881e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |0.001626788 | 2.4496e-07 | 2.8968e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |-0.003551088 |-5.3472e-07 | 2.9219e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9957e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6641 |-3.94607e-10 |-5.9420e-14 | 5.8020e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |0.0006741317 | 1.0151e-07 | 2.9071e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |-0.003564873 |-5.3680e-07 | 2.8691e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |0.005108903 | 7.6930e-07 | 2.8928e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |   20823.87 |     3.1357 |     1.8209 |  0.00040087 |      6.2831 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |   1654.809 |    0.24918 |    0.40998 |   0.0056359 |      2.7807 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |   -2919917 |    -439.68 |     1666.6 |     -4038.9 |      4058.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |  -34443.78 |    -5.1865 |     317.80 |     -2431.4 |      2111.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |3.518978e+07 |     5298.9 |     4489.5 |      863.93 |      11737. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6641 |  0.0247769 | 3.7309e-06 | 7.6119e-07 |  1.8790e-06 |  6.1688e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |   -2649586 |    -398.97 |     2510.9 |     -4065.1 |      4065.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |   557586.2 |     83.961 |     1037.9 |     -1642.8 |      1639.4 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |3.659758e+07 |     5510.9 |     4437.4 |      1268.1 |      11070. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      6641 |   20823.87 |     3.1357 |     1.8209 |  0.00040087 |      6.2831 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      6641 |   1654.809 |    0.24918 |    0.40998 |   0.0056359 |      2.7807 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      6641 |   -2919917 |    -439.68 |     1666.6 |     -4038.9 |      4058.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      6641 |  -34443.78 |    -5.1865 |     317.80 |     -2431.4 |      2111.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      6641 |3.518978e+07 |     5298.9 |     4489.5 |      863.93 |      11737. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6641 |  0.0247769 | 3.7309e-06 | 7.6119e-07 |  1.8790e-06 |  6.1688e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      6641 |   -2649586 |    -398.97 |     2510.9 |     -4065.1 |      4065.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      6641 |   557586.2 |     83.961 |     1037.9 |     -1642.8 |      1639.4 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      6641 |3.659758e+07 |     5510.9 |     4437.4 |      1268.1 |      11070. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      6641 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |-0.0002449524 |-7.6643e-08 | 2.8479e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |0.001679691 | 5.2556e-07 | 2.8720e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |-0.002696419 |-8.4369e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3196 |2.580691e-11 | 8.0748e-15 | 5.8024e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |-0.0004441598 |-1.3897e-07 | 2.8858e-05 | -4.9947e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |0.0004688422 | 1.4670e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |-0.00224869 |-7.0360e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       431 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8769 |     8769.0 |     0.0000 |      8769.0 |      8769.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8769 |0.0008466686 | 9.6552e-08 | 2.8666e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8769 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      8769 |   139768.6 |     15.939 |     79.005 |  3.0657e-05 |      3904.4 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      8769 |       1158 |    0.13206 |    0.37590 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8769 |   139768.6 |     15.939 |     79.005 |      0.0000 |      3904.4 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8769 |       1158 |    0.13206 |    0.37590 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4656 |-0.0002995226 |-6.4330e-08 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4656 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00012600 |      3014.7 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00010000 |      3014.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1339 |     1339.0 |     0.0000 |      1339.0 |      1339.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1339 |-0.0006122424 |-4.5724e-07 | 2.9036e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1339 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1339 |   13839.44 |     10.336 |     31.481 |  0.00021008 |      356.33 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1339 |        259 |    0.19343 |    0.45639 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1339 |   13839.44 |     10.336 |     31.481 |  0.00020000 |      356.33 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1339 |        259 |    0.19343 |    0.45639 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       496 |-0.0003035474 |-6.1199e-07 | 2.9141e-05 | -4.9343e-05 |  4.9718e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       496 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.903 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030899 |      304.30 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.904 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030000 |      304.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        154 |     154.00 |     0.0000 |      154.00 |      154.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       154 |-5.193398e-06 |-3.3723e-08 | 2.8868e-07 | -4.9475e-07 |  4.9782e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       154 |4.925191e-06 | 3.1982e-08 | 2.8843e-07 | -4.9845e-07 |  4.9284e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       154 |1.185427e-06 | 7.6976e-09 | 2.8146e-07 | -4.9742e-07 |  4.9794e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       154 |-5.107036e-06 |-3.3163e-08 | 5.9481e-07 | -9.9977e-07 |  9.4949e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |-0.0005819714 |-3.7790e-06 | 2.8659e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.5794e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |0.0001965122 | 1.2761e-06 | 2.8655e-05 | -4.9465e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |0.0003197883 | 2.0765e-06 | 3.0253e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       154 | 0.01094329 | 7.1060e-05 |  0.0029145 |  -0.0049331 |   0.0049860 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       154 |2.842388e-05 | 1.8457e-07 | 2.8962e-06 | -4.9938e-06 |  4.9594e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       154 |   53.60034 |    0.34805 |     4.4485 |     -25.963 |      24.706 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       154 |   -2.98171 |  -0.019362 |     3.8286 |     -13.193 |      12.415 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       154 |   586.3356 |     3.8074 |     2.9703 |     -5.0200 |      5.0447 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       154 |  0.4129129 |  0.0026813 |  0.0036270 |  0.00010807 |    0.022553 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |    34703.2 |     225.35 |     1274.0 |     -1504.3 |      4813.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |   23289.58 |     151.23 |     792.64 |     -1459.9 |      2796.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |    2424788 |     15745. |     820.33 |      15096. |      19026. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       154 |   96308.94 |     625.38 |     927.18 |      1.4231 |      4028.4 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       154 |   8338.586 |     54.147 |     3.8401 |      50.302 |      71.478 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       154 |   53.60035 |    0.34805 |     4.4485 |     -25.963 |      24.706 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       154 |  -2.981715 |  -0.019362 |     3.8286 |     -13.193 |      12.415 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       154 |   586.3356 |     3.8074 |     2.9703 |     -5.0200 |      5.0447 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       154 |   0.412918 |  0.0026813 |  0.0036269 |  0.00010800 |    0.022554 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       154 |    34703.2 |     225.35 |     1274.0 |     -1504.3 |      4813.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       154 |   23289.58 |     151.23 |     792.64 |     -1459.9 |      2796.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       154 |    2424788 |     15745. |     820.33 |      15096. |      19026. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       154 |   96308.93 |     625.38 |     927.18 |      1.4200 |      4028.4 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       154 |   8338.586 |     54.147 |     3.8401 |      50.302 |      71.478 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        66 |-3.192241e-06 |-4.8367e-08 | 2.8040e-07 | -4.9503e-07 |  4.8530e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        66 |2.149414e-06 | 3.2567e-08 | 2.8054e-07 | -4.7238e-07 |  4.5177e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        66 |5.647688e-07 | 8.5571e-09 | 2.6455e-07 | -4.9399e-07 |  4.7948e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        66 |-2.86845e-06 |-4.3461e-08 | 6.3560e-07 | -9.8251e-07 |  9.7124e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |-0.0003045014 |-4.6137e-06 | 2.9727e-05 | -4.9213e-05 |  4.9550e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |-2.203884e-05 |-3.3392e-07 | 2.6502e-05 | -4.7776e-05 |  4.9880e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |4.281464e-05 | 6.4871e-07 | 2.9126e-05 | -4.6453e-05 |  4.5181e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |-0.01688626 |-0.00025585 |  0.0028743 |  -0.0047496 |   0.0049404 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        66 |-2.991571e-05 |-4.5327e-07 | 2.8733e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.7230e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32669 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        66 |  0.4613031 |  0.0069894 |   0.013991 |  0.00012308 |    0.097077 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.35 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4853 |      3642.7 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32668 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        66 |   0.461306 |  0.0069895 |   0.013991 |  0.00012400 |    0.097076 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.37 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4900 |      3642.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
 RootHistSvc             WARNING no ROOT output file name, Histograms cannot be persistified
 EventLoopMgr               INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
 ToolSvc                    INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
@@ -1199,14 +1201,14 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1119.996 |     1120.0 |     0.0000 |      1120.0 |      1120.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1121.08 |     1121.1 |     0.0000 |      1121.1 |      1121.1 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1119.996 |     1120.0 |     0.0000 |      1120.0 |      1120.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1121.08 |     1121.1 |     0.0000 |      1121.1 |      1121.1 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1218,13 +1220,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |         118        118        118 |   5.717e+01  4.023e-07 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          45         45         45 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |          14         14         14 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |          15         15         15 |   6.442e+00  2.176e-08 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |          18         18         18 |   8.881e+00  3.974e-08 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |          10         10         10 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           3          3          3 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |         210        210        210 |   1.015e+02  4.049e-07 |
+ | sum                                                |          16         16         16 |   1.015e+02  1.272e+01 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -1233,120 +1235,123 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
- |      2   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |      1   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |      2   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 78390.000 | 79698.781 | 79698.781   79698.8     0.00 |       1 |    79.699 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 78390.000 | 79689.016 | 79689.016   79689.0     0.00 |       1 |    79.689 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  4570.000 |  4568.424 | 4568.424    4568.4     0.00 |       1 |     4.568 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  4570.000 |  4568.418 | 4568.418    4568.4     0.00 |       1 |     4.568 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     1.229 |    1.229       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  4560.000 |  4564.816 | 4564.816    4564.8     0.00 |       1 |     4.565 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.323 |    2.323       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.282 |    2.282       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 73820.000 | 75120.578 | 75120.578   75120.6     0.00 |       1 |    75.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 73820.000 | 75120.555 | 75120.555   75120.6     0.00 |       1 |    75.121 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.283 |    1.283       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 73820.000 | 75119.258 | 75119.250   75119.2     0.00 |       1 |    75.119 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 73510.000 | 74458.656 | 74458.656   74458.7     0.00 |       1 |    74.459 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 20830.000 | 20957.111 | 20957.111   20957.1     0.00 |       1 |    20.957 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 52530.000 | 53000.172 | 53000.172   53000.2     0.00 |       1 |    53.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    16.902 |   16.902      16.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   100.000 |   244.562 |  244.562     244.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.245 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     3.568 |    3.568       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |    10.000 |     5.895 |    5.895       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    10.000 |    27.265 |   27.265      27.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    70.000 |    76.996 |   76.996      77.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    40.000 |    39.294 |   39.294      39.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    12.672 |   12.672      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |    12.192 |   12.192      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.311 |    3.311       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |    10.000 |     0.696 |    0.696       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     8.712 |    8.712       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     3.285 |    3.285       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |   126.970 |  126.970     127.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.127 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    30.000 |   239.629 |  239.629     239.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.240 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     2.764 |    2.764       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.603 |    1.603       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |    10.000 |    31.178 |   31.178      31.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.301 |    1.301       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.960 |    0.960       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    10.000 |    10.588 |   10.588      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |    10.000 |   189.508 |  189.508     189.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.872 |    0.872       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   310.000 |   660.576 |  660.576     660.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.661 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.303 |    2.303       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.950 |    1.950       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    60.000 |   404.120 |  404.120     404.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.404 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    40.000 |    42.029 |   42.029      42.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.360 |    2.360       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     3.260 |    3.260       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.650 |    4.650       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |   350.662 |  350.662     350.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.351 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   250.000 |   251.745 |  251.745     251.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.252 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     4.328 |    4.328       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     4.076 |    4.076       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.940 |    1.940       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.790 |    1.790       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |    10.000 |     1.099 |    1.099       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    20.000 |    13.484 |   13.484      13.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.652       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |     0.000 |     8.742 |    8.742       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |    10.000 |     1.726 |    1.726       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    10.000 |    19.426 |   19.426      19.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     3.308 |    3.308       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     7.088 |    7.088       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |    10.000 |     2.427 |    2.427       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.863 |    0.863       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    22.878 |   22.878      22.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   140.000 |   138.896 |  138.896     138.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     3.258 |    3.258       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     2.428 |    2.428       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     9.584 |    9.584       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |    10.000 |     1.458 |    1.458       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.085 |    1.085       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 50130.000 | 58545.391 | 58545.391   58545.4     0.00 |       1 |    58.545 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 50130.000 | 58540.172 | 58540.172   58540.2     0.00 |       1 |    58.540 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2480.000 |  2495.799 | 2495.799    2495.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.496 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2480.000 |  2495.792 | 2495.792    2495.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.496 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2480.000 |  2493.564 | 2493.564    2493.6     0.00 |       1 |     2.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.148 |    1.148       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.105 |    1.105       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 47650.000 | 56044.355 | 56044.355   56044.4     0.00 |       1 |    56.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 47650.000 | 56044.340 | 56044.340   56044.3     0.00 |       1 |    56.044 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.960 |    0.960       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 47650.000 | 56043.363 | 56043.363   56043.4     0.00 |       1 |    56.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 47490.000 | 51449.992 | 51449.992   51450.0     0.00 |       1 |    51.450 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 20430.000 | 20696.174 | 20696.174   20696.2     0.00 |       1 |    20.696 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 27010.000 | 29490.951 | 29490.951   29491.0     0.00 |       1 |    29.491 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.241 |    8.241       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |  1245.822 | 1245.822    1245.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.246 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     1.485 |    1.485       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |     0.000 |     1.811 |    1.811       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    10.000 |  1214.242 | 1214.242    1214.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.214 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    24.706 |   24.706      24.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |    10.587 |   10.587      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     4.200 |    4.200       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     4.472 |    4.472       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     2.302 |    2.302       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.528       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.496 |    2.496       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.033 |    1.033       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     8.714 |    8.714       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.618 |    1.618       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.978 |    0.978       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     2.652 |    2.652       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   160.000 |  4593.340 | 4593.340    4593.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.593 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.226 |    1.226       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |  3323.717 | 3323.717    3323.7     0.00 |       1 |     3.324 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |  1139.436 | 1139.436    1139.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    30.000 |    22.981 |   22.981      23.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.340       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.369 |    1.369       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.524 |    2.524       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |  1110.668 | 1110.668    1110.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.111 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   130.000 |   128.651 |  128.651     128.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     2.520 |    2.520       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.365 |    2.365       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     1.307 |    1.307       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.206 |    1.206       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |     0.000 |     6.430 |    6.430       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.256       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |    20.000 |     5.290 |    5.290       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.452       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    10.000 |    11.099 |   11.099      11.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.953 |    0.953       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.867 |    1.867       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.874 |    0.874       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.428       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    10.952 |   10.952      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    70.000 |    71.787 |   71.787      71.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     2.004 |    2.004       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.095 |    1.095       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     5.596 |    5.596       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 7826     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3776     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 52.5  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  165  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=   27  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  125  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        154 |     154.00 |     0.0000 |      154.00 |      154.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        353 |     353.00 |     0.0000 |      353.00 |      353.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        431 |     431.00 |     0.0000 |      431.00 |      431.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       1339 |     1339.0 |     0.0000 |      1339.0 |      1339.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       1908 |     1908.0 |     0.0000 |      1908.0 |      1908.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       2811 |     2811.0 |     0.0000 |      2811.0 |      2811.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       3860 |     3860.0 |     0.0000 |      3860.0 |      3860.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       6053 |     6053.0 |     0.0000 |      6053.0 |      6053.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       6641 |     6641.0 |     0.0000 |      6641.0 |      6641.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       6671 |     6671.0 |     0.0000 |      6671.0 |      6671.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       6870 |     6870.0 |     0.0000 |      6870.0 |      6870.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       8769 |     8769.0 |     0.0000 |      8769.0 |      8769.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       1038 |     1038.0 |     0.0000 |      1038.0 |      1038.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       2174 |     2174.0 |     0.0000 |      2174.0 |      2174.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       3382 |     3382.0 |     0.0000 |      3382.0 |      3382.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       3984 |     3984.0 |     0.0000 |      3984.0 |      3984.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
index 9c8ecd030..3b5cde4b8 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 01:51:12 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 02:56:52 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -4691,7 +4691,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5083,7 +5083,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 01:52:06    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 02:58:20    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5328,13 +5328,14 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool Generation.Inclusive.LHCbAcceptance
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.330
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  *-------  PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only)  ------------------*
  |                                                                                                                 |
  | Name                                          |                      Now |      Default         Min         Max |
  |                                               |                          |                                      |
+ | BeamRemnants:remnantMode                      |                        1 |            0           0           1 |
  | Beams:allowMomentumSpread                     |                       on |          off                         |
  | Beams:frameType                               |                        3 |            1           1           5 |
  | Beams:pxA                                     |                 -2.08250 |          0.0                         |
@@ -5343,6 +5344,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | Beams:pyB                                     |                 -0.12250 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pzA                                     |                 3500.000 |     7000.000                         |
  | Beams:pzB                                     |                -3500.000 |    -7000.000                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:allowDoubleJunRem          |                      off |           on                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:junctionCorrection         |                  0.83990 |      1.20000   0.0100000    10.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:m0                         |                  0.90210 |      0.30000     0.10000     5.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:mode                       |                        1 |            0           0           4 |
+ | ColourReconnection:timeDilationPar            |                  1.96670 |      0.18000         0.0   100.00000 |
  | Init:showChangedParticleData                  |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showChangedSettings                      |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showMultipartonInteractions              |                      off |           on                         |
@@ -5352,7 +5358,7 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | LhcbHooks:pT0Ref                              |                  1.43000 |      2.28000                         |
  | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile              |                        1 |            3           0           4 |
  | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow                |                  0.23800 |      0.21500         0.0     0.50000 |
- | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.74229 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
+ | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.41880 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
  | Next:numberCount                              |                        0 |         1000           0             |
  | Next:numberShowEvent                          |                        0 |            1           0             |
  | Next:numberShowInfo                           |                        0 |            1           0             |
@@ -5379,16 +5385,16 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J0                       |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J1                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J2                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
- | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.74744 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.38190 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S0J1                      |                0.0989000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J0                      |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J1                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J2                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDvector                      |                  0.60000 |      0.50000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0                       |                0.0500000 |    0.0275000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.16157 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.40000 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35016 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.10860 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.64510 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35900 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings  -----------------------------*
 Generation.Inclusive       INFO Generating Inclusive events of Omega_b~+ Xi'_b~0 Xi'_b~+ Xi_b~0 Sigma_b~- Sigma_b~0 Xi_b~+ Lambda_b~0 Sigma_b~+ B_c- B_s~0 B- B~0 B0 B+ B_s0 B_c+ Sigma_b- Lambda_b0 Xi_b- Sigma_b0 Sigma_b+ Xi_b0 Xi'_b- Xi'_b0 Omega_b-
@@ -6942,6 +6948,7 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+ PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -6954,6 +6961,51 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+ PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -6970,6 +7022,18 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -6988,6 +7052,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -6995,6 +7061,16 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7013,6 +7089,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7020,6 +7101,14 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7033,6 +7122,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7051,6 +7142,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7060,11 +7156,18 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7076,6 +7179,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7090,6 +7198,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7106,6 +7216,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7113,6 +7228,10 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7120,8 +7239,14 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7129,6 +7254,19 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7136,6 +7274,9 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7143,6 +7284,10 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7152,6 +7297,13 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7159,6 +7311,10 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::SplitJunPairs: parallel junction state not allowed.
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Not possible to split junctions; making new colours
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7166,11 +7322,18 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7180,6 +7343,14 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7196,10 +7367,15 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -7212,9 +7388,7 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 2655 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 816 particles
 Simulation                DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventSeq              DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventGaussSim         DEBUG ==> Execute
@@ -7578,32 +7752,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  679 #SubHits=  867 #Slots= 5118 Energy=    3.54[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  888 #SubHits= 1191 #Slots= 7038 Energy=    7.59[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3130 #SubHits= 7783 #Slots= 9296 Energy=     113[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  515 #SubHits= 1074 #Slots= 1413 Energy=    14.6[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  119 #SubHits=  135 #Slots=  800 Energy=   0.549[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  171 #SubHits=  196 #Slots= 1157 Energy=    1.13[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  858 #SubHits= 1139 #Slots= 1361 Energy=    15.1[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  152 #SubHits=  224 #Slots=  318 Energy=    3.16[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27adb9d0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27c44620 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 5
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 5012
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 3
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 952
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 126
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 2937
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 930
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2368
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2649
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1078
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1523
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 6
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 11
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 479
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 281
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 673
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 318
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 143
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 132
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 3
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 679
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 888
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 3130
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 515
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 1178
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 987
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 2887
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 119
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 171
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 858
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 152
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 280
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 218
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 460
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -7639,8 +7813,8 @@ GetHcalHits               DEBUG GetCaloHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVecto
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5717
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6178
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1142
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1246
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -7657,7 +7831,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Finalize
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 39 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 34 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 85 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 5 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 9 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / bBaryonGen  key: 36  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / bBaryonAcc  key: 47  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / anticBaryonGen  key: 62  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / anticBaryonAcc  key: 71  value: 1 / B2starGen  key: 77  value: 1 / B2starAcc  key: 80  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / D2starGen  key: 87  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / D2starAcc  key: 90  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 85 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 55 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 15 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 6 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 7 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 2 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 65 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 7 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 58 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 133 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 3 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 13 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 1 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 1 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / Bs0Gen  key: 34  value: 1 / antiBs0Gen  key: 35  value: 1 / Bs0Acc  key: 45  value: 1 / antiBs0Acc  key: 46  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 2 / DsplusGen  key: 59  value: 1 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 2 / DsplusAcc  key: 68  value: 1 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 4 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 4 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 133 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 67 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 36 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 11 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 6 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 13 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 90.7646 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 50.5791 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 19.6998 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.19042 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 6.19042 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.1049 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
@@ -7683,21 +7857,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 2655
+= Number of particles generated: 816
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 2655
+= Mean multiplicity: 816
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1447
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 371
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1447
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 371
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 460
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 126
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 460
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 126
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 123
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 15
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 123
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 15
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -7784,59 +7958,57 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 5017.00 +-70.83 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2601.00 +-51.00 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.04 +-0.04%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 2305.00 +-48.01 ( 45.94 +-0.70%) Rich2 = 1877.00 +-43.32 ( 72.16 +-0.88%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   82.00 +- 9.06 (  1.63 +-0.18%) Rich2 =   69.00 +- 8.31 (  2.65 +-0.32%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 = 2530.00 +-50.30 ( 50.43 +-0.71%) Rich2 =  391.00 +-19.77 ( 15.03 +-0.70%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.02 +-0.02%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.04 +-0.03%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  991.00 +-31.48 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  275.00 +-16.58 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  533.00 +-23.09 ( 53.78 +-1.58%) Rich2 =  233.00 +-15.26 ( 84.73 +-2.17%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   54.00 +- 7.35 (  5.45 +-0.72%) Rich2 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  3.27 +-1.07%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  387.00 +-19.67 ( 39.05 +-1.55%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.10 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.04 +-0.04%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  195.00 +-13.96 (  7.50 +-0.52%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  768.00 +-27.71 ( 15.31 +-0.51%) Rich2 =  138.00 +-11.75 (  5.31 +-0.44%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  616.00 +-24.82 ( 12.28 +-0.46%) Rich2 =  105.00 +-10.25 (  4.04 +-0.39%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  8.73 +-1.70%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   94.00 +- 9.70 (  9.49 +-0.93%) Rich2 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  3.64 +-1.13%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   82.00 +- 9.06 (  8.27 +-0.88%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  2.55 +-0.95%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =  232.00 +-15.23 (  4.62 +-0.30%) Rich2 =   63.00 +- 7.94 (  2.42 +-0.30%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  2.22 +-0.47%) Rich2 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  2.91 +-1.01%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =  492.00 +-22.18 (  9.81 +-0.42%) Rich1Gas = 1813.00 +-42.58 ( 36.14 +-0.68%) Rich2Gas = 1877.00 +-43.32 ( 72.16 +-0.88%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =   64.00 +- 8.00 (  6.46 +-0.78%) Rich1Gas =  469.00 +-21.66 ( 47.33 +-1.59%) Rich2Gas =  233.00 +-15.26 ( 84.73 +-2.17%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  0 hits =    9.00 +- 3.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  0 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  1 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  2 hits =  103.00 +-10.15 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  3 hits =   36.00 +- 6.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  4 hits =   98.00 +- 9.90 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  5 hits =   12.00 +- 3.46 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  6 hits =   15.00 +- 3.87 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  2 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  3 hits =    5.00 +- 2.24 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  4 hits =   36.00 +- 6.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  5 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  6 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  7 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  8 hits =    4.00 +- 2.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  9 hits =    3.00 +- 1.73 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 10 hits =   71.00 +- 8.43 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 11 hits =   30.00 +- 5.48 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =  100.00 +-10.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =   10.00 +- 3.16 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =   18.00 +- 4.24 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    1.00 +- 1.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Aerogel =   510.00 +- 22.58 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1892.00 +- 43.50 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2140.00 +- 46.26 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   151.00 +- 12.29 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  2921.00 +- 54.05 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : AerogelFilter =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Aerogel =   103.00 +- 10.15 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   108.00 +- 10.39 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   185.00 +- 13.60 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    23.00 +-  4.80 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    20.00 +-  4.47 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : AerogelFilter =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  8 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  9 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 10 hits =    3.00 +- 1.73 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 11 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =   21.00 +- 4.58 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Aerogel =    65.00 +-  8.06 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   484.00 +- 22.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   266.00 +- 16.31 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   387.00 +- 19.67 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : AerogelFilter =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Aerogel =    14.00 +-  3.74 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    32.00 +-  5.66 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    29.00 +-  5.39 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    10.00 +-  3.16 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : AerogelFilter =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -7880,42 +8052,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       2937+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 126+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       479+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 11+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 930
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 790.932
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.150646
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0501842
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 281
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 919.798
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.157749
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0495794
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        72 |         72 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       930 |   735566.9 |     790.93 |     3306.6 |    0.010484 |      34256. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        930 |     930.00 |     0.0000 |      930.00 |      930.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        37 |         37 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       281 |   258463.2 |     919.80 |     2452.0 |     0.34204 |      16877. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        281 |     281.00 |     0.0000 |      281.00 |      281.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 987
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4076.04
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.112908
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0443311
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 218
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 392.277
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.120458
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0351853
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        64 |         64 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       987 |    4023051 |     4076.0 |     14144. |     0.14120 |      80425. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        987 |     987.00 |     0.0000 |      987.00 |      987.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       218 |   85516.45 |     392.28 |     1746.6 |     0.29680 |      14834. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        218 |     218.00 |     0.0000 |      218.00 |      218.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2887
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1016.75
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.198397
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0809087
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 460
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 790.779
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.205324
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0980512
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       228 |        228 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2887 |    2935359 |     1016.8 |     3666.4 |   0.0053631 |      34256. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2887 |     2887.0 |     0.0000 |      2887.0 |      2887.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        88 |         88 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       460 |   363758.5 |     790.78 |     1777.7 |     0.47532 |      6564.9 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        460 |     460.00 |     0.0000 |      460.00 |      460.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -7924,14 +8096,14 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 195.000  20.000  20.000  9.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 347.000  14.000  2.000  3.000  3.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 264.000  28.000  39.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 198.000  22.000  8.000  0.000  6.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 22.000  62.000  1.000  4.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 42.000  32.000  2.000  0.000  1.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 30.000  27.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 52.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 1004.000  84.000  69.000  12.000  9.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 146.000  126.000  3.000  4.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -7956,7 +8128,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.216 |     1186.2 |     0.0000 |      1186.2 |      1186.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.484 |     1186.5 |     0.0000 |      1186.5 |      1186.5 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -7995,11 +8167,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.216 |     1186.2 |     0.0000 |      1186.2 |      1186.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.484 |     1186.5 |     0.0000 |      1186.5 |      1186.5 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -8015,40 +8187,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   14.62753 |     14.628 |     0.0000 |      14.628 |      14.628 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        515 |     515.00 |     0.0000 |      515.00 |      515.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1074 |     1074.0 |     0.0000 |      1074.0 |      1074.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1413 |     1413.0 |     0.0000 |      1413.0 |      1413.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.159771 |     3.1598 |     0.0000 |      3.1598 |      3.1598 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        152 |     152.00 |     0.0000 |      152.00 |      152.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        224 |     224.00 |     0.0000 |      224.00 |      224.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   113.4585 |     113.46 |     0.0000 |      113.46 |      113.46 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       3130 |     3130.0 |     0.0000 |      3130.0 |      3130.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       7783 |     7783.0 |     0.0000 |      7783.0 |      7783.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       9296 |     9296.0 |     0.0000 |      9296.0 |      9296.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   15.05448 |     15.054 |     0.0000 |      15.054 |      15.054 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        858 |     858.00 |     0.0000 |      858.00 |      858.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1139 |     1139.0 |     0.0000 |      1139.0 |      1139.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1361 |     1361.0 |     0.0000 |      1361.0 |      1361.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   7.590073 |     7.5901 |     0.0000 |      7.5901 |      7.5901 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        888 |     888.00 |     0.0000 |      888.00 |      888.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1191 |     1191.0 |     0.0000 |      1191.0 |      1191.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       7038 |     7038.0 |     0.0000 |      7038.0 |      7038.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.132004 |     1.1320 |     0.0000 |      1.1320 |      1.1320 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        171 |     171.00 |     0.0000 |      171.00 |      171.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        196 |     196.00 |     0.0000 |      196.00 |      196.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1157 |     1157.0 |     0.0000 |      1157.0 |      1157.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.542671 |     3.5427 |     0.0000 |      3.5427 |      3.5427 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        679 |     679.00 |     0.0000 |      679.00 |      679.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        867 |     867.00 |     0.0000 |      867.00 |      867.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       5118 |     5118.0 |     0.0000 |      5118.0 |      5118.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.5489019 |    0.54890 |     0.0000 |     0.54890 |     0.54890 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        119 |     119.00 |     0.0000 |      119.00 |      119.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        135 |     135.00 |     0.0000 |      135.00 |      135.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        800 |     800.00 |     0.0000 |      800.00 |      800.00 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -8091,13 +8263,13 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |          55         55         55 |   5.058e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          15         15         15 |   1.970e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           6          6          6 |   6.190e+00  3.441e-08 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           7          7          7 |   6.190e+00  3.186e-08 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           2          2          2 |   8.105e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |          67         67         67 |   5.058e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          36         36         36 |   1.970e+01  7.947e-08 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |          11         11         11 |   6.190e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           6          6          6 |   6.190e+00  3.441e-08 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |          13         13         13 |   8.105e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |          85         85         85 |   9.076e+01  4.690e-08 |
+ | sum                                                |         133        133        133 |   9.076e+01  8.660e-08 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -8105,7 +8277,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      2   Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed                                   |
+ |      2   Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Not possible to split junctions; making new colours        |
+ |      2   Warning in JunctionSplitting::SplitJunPairs: parallel junction state not allowed.                      |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
+ |      7   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -8128,87 +8304,87 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 173150.000 | 173894.906 | 173894.906  173894.9     0.00 |       1 |   173.895 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 173140.000 | 173885.844 | 173885.844  173885.8     0.00 |       1 |   173.886 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2980.000 |  2978.564 | 2978.564    2978.6     0.00 |       1 |     2.979 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2980.000 |  2978.528 | 2978.528    2978.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.979 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.349 |    1.349       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2980.000 |  2975.465 | 2975.465    2975.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.975 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.671 |    1.671       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.596 |    1.596       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 170160.000 | 170907.219 | 170907.203  170907.2     0.00 |       1 |   170.907 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 170160.000 | 170907.156 | 170907.156  170907.2     0.00 |       1 |   170.907 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.386 |    1.386       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 170160.000 | 170905.750 | 170905.734  170905.7     0.00 |       1 |   170.906 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 170130.000 | 170868.281 | 170868.281  170868.3     0.00 |       1 |   170.868 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 44050.000 | 44165.730 | 44165.730   44165.7     0.00 |       1 |    44.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 125920.000 | 126546.031 | 126546.031  126546.0     0.00 |       1 |   126.546 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    18.968 |   18.968      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   140.000 |   137.300 |  137.300     137.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.137 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.912 |    0.912       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     4.337 |    4.337       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     4.371 |    4.371       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     4.235 |    4.235       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     9.189 |    9.189       9.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    90.000 |    97.021 |   97.021      97.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    50.000 |    42.120 |   42.120      42.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    17.949 |   17.949      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    19.009 |   19.009      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.729 |    3.729       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.616       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    13.341 |   13.341      13.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     1.935 |    1.935       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.056 |    2.056       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     3.695 |    3.695       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     8.750 |    8.750       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    37.437 |   37.437      37.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.238 |    2.238       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.975 |    1.975       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    32.662 |   32.662      32.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    11.483 |   11.483      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.184 |    2.184       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.084 |    1.084       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     3.251 |    3.251       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.949 |    2.949       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.405 |    3.405       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     4.453 |    4.453       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.901 |    0.901       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.803 |    2.803       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 63390.000 | 68324.031 | 68324.031   68324.0     0.00 |       1 |    68.324 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 63390.000 | 68318.641 | 68318.641   68318.6     0.00 |       1 |    68.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  4540.000 |  4897.318 | 4897.318    4897.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.897 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  4540.000 |  4897.306 | 4897.306    4897.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.897 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  4540.000 |  4894.360 | 4894.360    4894.4     0.00 |       1 |     4.894 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.977 |    1.977       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.951 |    1.951       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 58850.000 | 63421.277 | 63421.273   63421.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.421 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 58850.000 | 63421.254 | 63421.254   63421.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.421 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 58850.000 | 63420.188 | 63420.188   63420.2     0.00 |       1 |    63.420 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 58830.000 | 63407.258 | 63407.258   63407.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.407 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 41490.000 | 44061.727 | 44061.727   44061.7     0.00 |       1 |    44.062 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 17320.000 | 19327.111 | 19327.111   19327.1     0.00 |       1 |    19.327 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     3.514 |    3.514       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    14.818 |   14.818      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.387 |    1.387       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     7.391 |    7.391       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.896 |    2.896       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.403 |    1.403       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.293 |    1.293       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.825 |    0.825       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.333       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.561 |    0.561       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.084 |    2.084       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    12.914 |   12.914      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    11.750 |   11.750      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.133 |    6.133       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.761       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.410       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.840 |    0.840       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.805       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     0.923 |    0.923       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.407       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.172 |    1.172       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 7624     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1267     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  126  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  259  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 17.3  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  138  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       9296 |     9296.0 |     0.0000 |      9296.0 |      9296.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |       1413 |     1413.0 |     0.0000 |      1413.0 |      1413.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        987 |     987.00 |     0.0000 |      987.00 |      987.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       5717 |     5717.0 |     0.0000 |      5717.0 |      5717.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       7617 |     7617.0 |     0.0000 |      7617.0 |      7617.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        442 |     442.00 |     0.0000 |      442.00 |      442.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        338 |     338.00 |     0.0000 |      338.00 |      338.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       6178 |     6178.0 |     0.0000 |      6178.0 |      6178.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |       1178 |     1178.0 |     0.0000 |      1178.0 |      1178.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       2887 |     2887.0 |     0.0000 |      2887.0 |      2887.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       7038 |     7038.0 |     0.0000 |      7038.0 |      7038.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       7618 |     7618.0 |     0.0000 |      7618.0 |      7618.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       5017 |     5017.0 |     0.0000 |      5017.0 |      5017.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       2601 |     2601.0 |     0.0000 |      2601.0 |      2601.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       5118 |     5118.0 |     0.0000 |      5118.0 |      5118.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        930 |     930.00 |     0.0000 |      930.00 |      930.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       2937 |     2937.0 |     0.0000 |      2937.0 |      2937.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       1361 |     1361.0 |     0.0000 |      1361.0 |      1361.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        218 |     218.00 |     0.0000 |      218.00 |      218.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       1142 |     1142.0 |     0.0000 |      1142.0 |      1142.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       1266 |     1266.0 |     0.0000 |      1266.0 |      1266.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         89 |     89.000 |     0.0000 |      89.000 |      89.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       1246 |     1246.0 |     0.0000 |      1246.0 |      1246.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        280 |     280.00 |     0.0000 |      280.00 |      280.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        460 |     460.00 |     0.0000 |      460.00 |      460.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       1157 |     1157.0 |     0.0000 |      1157.0 |      1157.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       1266 |     1266.0 |     0.0000 |      1266.0 |      1266.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |        991 |     991.00 |     0.0000 |      991.00 |      991.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        275 |     275.00 |     0.0000 |      275.00 |      275.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        800 |     800.00 |     0.0000 |      800.00 |      800.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        281 |     281.00 |     0.0000 |      281.00 |      281.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |        479 |     479.00 |     0.0000 |      479.00 |      479.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -8234,4 +8410,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
index 9f64682bc..8a026218b 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 02:01:13 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:05:00 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -4638,7 +4638,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5083,7 +5083,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 02:02:24    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:06:09    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5328,13 +5328,14 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool Generation.Inclusive.LHCbAcceptance
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.330
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  *-------  PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only)  ------------------*
  |                                                                                                                 |
  | Name                                          |                      Now |      Default         Min         Max |
  |                                               |                          |                                      |
+ | BeamRemnants:remnantMode                      |                        1 |            0           0           1 |
  | Beams:allowMomentumSpread                     |                       on |          off                         |
  | Beams:frameType                               |                        3 |            1           1           5 |
  | Beams:pxA                                     |                 -0.94400 |          0.0                         |
@@ -5343,6 +5344,11 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | Beams:pyB                                     |                  0.40000 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pzA                                     |                 4000.000 |     7000.000                         |
  | Beams:pzB                                     |                -4000.000 |    -7000.000                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:allowDoubleJunRem          |                      off |           on                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:junctionCorrection         |                  0.83990 |      1.20000   0.0100000    10.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:m0                         |                  0.90210 |      0.30000     0.10000     5.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:mode                       |                        1 |            0           0           4 |
+ | ColourReconnection:timeDilationPar            |                  1.96670 |      0.18000         0.0   100.00000 |
  | Init:showChangedParticleData                  |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showChangedSettings                      |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showMultipartonInteractions              |                      off |           on                         |
@@ -5352,7 +5358,7 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | LhcbHooks:pT0Ref                              |                  1.43000 |      2.28000                         |
  | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile              |                        1 |            3           0           4 |
  | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow                |                  0.23800 |      0.21500         0.0     0.50000 |
- | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.74229 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
+ | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.41880 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
  | Next:numberCount                              |                        0 |         1000           0             |
  | Next:numberShowEvent                          |                        0 |            1           0             |
  | Next:numberShowInfo                           |                        0 |            1           0             |
@@ -5379,16 +5385,16 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J0                       |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J1                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J2                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
- | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.74744 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.38190 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S0J1                      |                0.0989000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J0                      |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J1                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J2                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDvector                      |                  0.60000 |      0.50000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0                       |                0.0500000 |    0.0275000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.16157 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.40000 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35016 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.10860 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.64510 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35900 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings  -----------------------------*
 Generation.Inclusive       INFO Generating Inclusive events of Omega_b~+ Xi'_b~0 Xi'_b~+ Xi_b~0 Sigma_b~- Sigma_b~0 Xi_b~+ Lambda_b~0 Sigma_b~+ B_c- B_s~0 B- B~0 B0 B+ B_s0 B_c+ Sigma_b- Lambda_b0 Xi_b- Sigma_b0 Sigma_b+ Xi_b0 Xi'_b- Xi'_b0 Omega_b-
@@ -6939,7 +6945,6 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retr
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
- PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -6954,16 +6959,17 @@ Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
@@ -6979,11 +6985,16 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+ PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -6995,8 +7006,6 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
@@ -7004,20 +7013,14 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has b
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
+Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::BeamParameters*' has been retrieved from TS at address 'Gen/BeamParameters'
 Generation                DEBUG Generation:: The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::HepMCEvent,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' is registered in TS at address '/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents'
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::HepMCEvent,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been created from TS at address '/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents'
 Generation                DEBUG Generation:: The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::GenCollision,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' is registered in TS at address '/Event/Gen/Collisions'
@@ -7026,7 +7029,9 @@ GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 910 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 4897 particles
 Simulation                DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventSeq              DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventGaussSim         DEBUG ==> Execute
@@ -7390,32 +7395,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   95 #SubHits=  109 #Slots=  651 Energy=   0.288[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  131 #SubHits=  167 #Slots=  994 Energy=    1.06[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  647 #SubHits=  968 #Slots= 1038 Energy=    17.3[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   91 #SubHits=  110 #Slots=  150 Energy=    1.49[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  908 #SubHits= 1225 #Slots= 7249 Energy=    4.43[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits= 1199 #SubHits= 1781 #Slots=10560 Energy=      11[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3619 #SubHits=11288 #Slots=13134 Energy=     208[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  521 #SubHits= 1324 #Slots= 1785 Energy=    15.6[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x285a27e0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27cfcef0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1150
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 4
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 6346
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 104
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 701
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 156
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 131
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 609
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1105
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 441
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 154
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 4097
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 1726
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2469
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2888
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2112
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2879
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 2
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 95
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 131
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 647
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 91
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 232
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 120
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 392
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 908
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 1199
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 3619
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 521
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 1610
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 1047
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 4096
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -7451,8 +7456,8 @@ GetHcalHits               DEBUG GetCaloHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVecto
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1342
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1464
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	7279
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	7997
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -7469,9 +7474,9 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Finalize
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 11 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 11 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 28 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antibBaryonGen  key: 37  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antibBaryonAcc  key: 48  value: 1 / DminusGen  key: 58  value: 1 / cBaryonGen  key: 61  value: 1 / DminusAcc  key: 67  value: 1 / cBaryonAcc  key: 70  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 1 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 1 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 28 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 15 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 6 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 2 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 3 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 2 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 9 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 9 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 28 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 4 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 1 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 1 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 1 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 1 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / BplusGen  key: 32  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / BplusAcc  key: 43  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 2 / DplusGen  key: 57  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 2 / DplusAcc  key: 66  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 2 / D2starGen  key: 87  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 2 / D2starAcc  key: 90  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 28 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 16 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 7 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 4 /
-cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 92.7419 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 51.7798 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 20.2278 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.23999 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 6.23999 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.25436 /  }
+cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 86.5019 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 51.7798 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 20.2278 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.23999 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.25436 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
 Generation                DEBUG De-Registering tool Generation.FixedLuminosity
 Generation                DEBUG The tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity' of type 'FixedLuminosity' is released
@@ -7495,21 +7500,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 910
+= Number of particles generated: 4897
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 910
+= Mean multiplicity: 4897
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 442
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1916
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 442
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1916
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 136
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 590
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 136
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 590
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 12
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 183
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 12
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 183
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -7596,59 +7601,57 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  740.00 +-27.20 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1546.00 +-39.32 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.13 +-0.09%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  324.00 +-18.00 ( 43.78 +-1.82%) Rich2 =  366.00 +-19.13 ( 23.67 +-1.08%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   68.00 +- 8.25 (  9.19 +-1.06%) Rich2 =   55.00 +- 7.42 (  3.56 +-0.47%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  336.00 +-18.33 ( 45.41 +-1.83%) Rich2 =  753.00 +-27.44 ( 48.71 +-1.27%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 5357.00 +-73.19 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 4991.00 +-70.65 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 4104.00 +-64.06 ( 76.61 +-0.58%) Rich2 = 2314.00 +-48.10 ( 46.36 +-0.71%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  128.00 +-11.31 (  2.39 +-0.21%) Rich2 =  113.00 +-10.63 (  2.26 +-0.21%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  956.00 +-30.92 ( 17.85 +-0.52%) Rich2 = 1127.00 +-33.57 ( 22.58 +-0.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.14 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  0.07 +-0.04%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.13 +-0.09%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  361.00 +-19.00 ( 23.35 +-1.08%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   57.00 +- 7.55 (  7.70 +-0.98%) Rich2 =  139.00 +-11.79 (  8.99 +-0.73%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   48.00 +- 6.93 (  6.49 +-0.91%) Rich2 =  117.00 +-10.82 (  7.57 +-0.67%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1355.00 +-36.81 ( 27.15 +-0.63%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  310.00 +-17.61 (  5.79 +-0.32%) Rich2 =  340.00 +-18.44 (  6.81 +-0.36%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  230.00 +-15.17 (  4.29 +-0.28%) Rich2 =  283.00 +-16.82 (  5.67 +-0.33%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  1.62 +-0.46%) Rich2 =   45.00 +- 6.71 (  2.91 +-0.43%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.06 +-0.06%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =  138.00 +-11.75 (  2.58 +-0.22%) Rich2 =  110.00 +-10.49 (  2.20 +-0.21%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  3.51 +-0.68%) Rich1Gas =  298.00 +-17.26 ( 40.27 +-1.80%) Rich2Gas =  366.00 +-19.13 ( 23.67 +-1.08%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =  650.00 +-25.50 ( 12.13 +-0.45%) Rich1Gas = 3454.00 +-58.77 ( 64.48 +-0.65%) Rich2Gas = 2314.00 +-48.10 ( 46.36 +-0.71%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  0 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  1 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  2 hits =    8.00 +- 2.83 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  3 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  4 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  1 hits =    3.00 +- 1.73 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  2 hits =  100.00 +-10.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  3 hits =   32.00 +- 5.66 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  4 hits =  133.00 +-11.53 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  5 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  6 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  7 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  6 hits =   52.00 +- 7.21 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  7 hits =    2.00 +- 1.41 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  8 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile =  9 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 10 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 11 hits =    7.00 +- 2.65 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =   11.00 +- 3.32 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Aerogel =    26.00 +-  5.10 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   308.00 +- 17.55 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   736.00 +- 27.13 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   123.00 +- 11.09 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  1089.00 +- 33.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : AerogelFilter =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich CO2 =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Aerogel =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    17.00 +-  4.12 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    77.00 +-  8.77 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    17.00 +-  4.12 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    10.00 +-  3.16 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : AerogelFilter =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich CO2 =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 10 hits =  133.00 +-11.53 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 11 hits =   22.00 +- 4.69 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =  167.00 +-12.92 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    6.00 +- 2.45 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =   24.00 +- 4.90 / event
+GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    5.00 +- 2.24 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Aerogel =   679.00 +- 26.06 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  3590.00 +- 59.92 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  3751.00 +- 61.25 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   241.00 +- 15.52 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  2083.00 +- 45.64 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : AerogelFilter =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Aerogel =   152.00 +- 12.33 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   195.00 +- 13.96 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   389.00 +- 19.72 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    30.00 +-  5.48 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    26.00 +-  5.10 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : AerogelFilter =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -7692,42 +7695,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       701+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 104+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       4097+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 154+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 156
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1444.66
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.153266
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0445278
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1726
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2320.9
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.15495
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0540794
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        12 |         12 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       156 |   225366.9 |     1444.7 |     3368.4 |     0.70202 |      17708. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        156 |     156.00 |     0.0000 |      156.00 |      156.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       185 |        185 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1726 |    4005867 |     2320.9 |     10800. |     0.17531 |  1.5730e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1726 |     1726.0 |     0.0000 |      1726.0 |      1726.0 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 120
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1052.79
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.126205
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0545684
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1047
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4433.81
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.122096
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0423048
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       120 |   126335.2 |     1052.8 |     3367.3 |     0.71526 |      13611. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        120 |     120.00 |     0.0000 |      120.00 |      120.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        26 |         26 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1047 |    4642194 |     4433.8 |     19125. |     0.21621 |  1.5730e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1047 |     1047.0 |     0.0000 |      1047.0 |      1047.0 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 392
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2904.81
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.197868
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0805426
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 4096
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2071.64
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.195383
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0778978
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        16 |         16 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       392 |    1138687 |     2904.8 |     6371.2 |    0.035131 |      29650. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        392 |     392.00 |     0.0000 |      392.00 |      392.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       269 |        269 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      4096 |    8485422 |     2071.6 |     7561.2 |   0.0042552 |      77726. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       4096 |     4096.0 |     0.0000 |      4096.0 |      4096.0 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -7736,14 +7739,14 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 44.000  21.000  1.000  1.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 61.000  17.000  0.000  3.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 45.000  1.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 27.000  0.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 275.000  64.000  20.000  9.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 356.000  59.000  10.000  4.000  8.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 364.000  26.000  11.000  7.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 362.000  31.000  0.000  0.000  4.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 177.000  39.000  1.000  14.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 1357.000  180.000  41.000  20.000  12.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -7768,7 +7771,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.444 |     1186.4 |     0.0000 |      1186.4 |      1186.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.696 |     1186.7 |     0.0000 |      1186.7 |      1186.7 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -7807,7 +7810,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.444 |     1186.4 |     0.0000 |      1186.4 |      1186.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.696 |     1186.7 |     0.0000 |      1186.7 |      1186.7 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7827,40 +7830,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.489036 |     1.4890 |     0.0000 |      1.4890 |      1.4890 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        110 |     110.00 |     0.0000 |      110.00 |      110.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        150 |     150.00 |     0.0000 |      150.00 |      150.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   15.55721 |     15.557 |     0.0000 |      15.557 |      15.557 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        521 |     521.00 |     0.0000 |      521.00 |      521.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   17.32356 |     17.324 |     0.0000 |      17.324 |      17.324 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        647 |     647.00 |     0.0000 |      647.00 |      647.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        968 |     968.00 |     0.0000 |      968.00 |      968.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1038 |     1038.0 |     0.0000 |      1038.0 |      1038.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   207.9824 |     207.98 |     0.0000 |      207.98 |      207.98 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       3619 |     3619.0 |     0.0000 |      3619.0 |      3619.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |      11288 |     11288. |     0.0000 |      11288. |      11288. |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |      13134 |     13134. |     0.0000 |      13134. |      13134. |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.058213 |     1.0582 |     0.0000 |      1.0582 |      1.0582 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        131 |     131.00 |     0.0000 |      131.00 |      131.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        167 |     167.00 |     0.0000 |      167.00 |      167.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        994 |     994.00 |     0.0000 |      994.00 |      994.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   10.98363 |     10.984 |     0.0000 |      10.984 |      10.984 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       1199 |     1199.0 |     0.0000 |      1199.0 |      1199.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1781 |     1781.0 |     0.0000 |      1781.0 |      1781.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |      10560 |     10560. |     0.0000 |      10560. |      10560. |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.2884671 |    0.28847 |     0.0000 |     0.28847 |     0.28847 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         95 |     95.000 |     0.0000 |      95.000 |      95.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        651 |     651.00 |     0.0000 |      651.00 |      651.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   4.425783 |     4.4258 |     0.0000 |      4.4258 |      4.4258 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        908 |     908.00 |     0.0000 |      908.00 |      908.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1225 |     1225.0 |     0.0000 |      1225.0 |      1225.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       7249 |     7249.0 |     0.0000 |      7249.0 |      7249.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -7903,13 +7906,13 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |          15         15         15 |   5.178e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           6          6          6 |   2.023e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           2          2          2 |   6.240e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           3          3          3 |   6.240e+00  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           2          2          2 |   8.254e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |          16         16         16 |   5.178e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           7          7          7 |   2.023e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.240e+00  6.240e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           4          4          4 |   8.254e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |          28         28         28 |   9.274e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | sum                                                |          28         28         28 |   8.650e+01  6.240e+00 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -7917,8 +7920,9 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      3   Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed                                   |
+ |      1   Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours               |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
- |      1   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -7938,90 +7942,90 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 85630.000 | 86034.508 | 86034.508   86034.5     0.00 |       1 |    86.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 85610.000 | 86027.000 | 86027.000   86027.0     0.00 |       1 |    86.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1700.000 |  1707.987 | 1707.987    1708.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.708 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1700.000 |  1707.975 | 1707.975    1708.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.708 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.490 |    1.490       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1700.000 |  1704.900 | 1704.900    1704.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.705 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.539 |    1.539       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.509 |    1.509       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 83910.000 | 84318.969 | 84318.969   84319.0     0.00 |       1 |    84.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 213150.000 | 225147.547 | 225147.562  225147.6     0.00 |       1 |   225.148 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 213150.000 | 225141.766 | 225141.766  225141.8     0.00 |       1 |   225.142 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2520.000 |  2523.792 | 2523.792    2523.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.524 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2520.000 |  2523.780 | 2523.780    2523.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.524 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     0.913 |    0.913       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2510.000 |  2520.522 | 2520.522    2520.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.521 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.302 |    2.302       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.259 |    2.259       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 210630.000 | 222617.906 | 222617.906  222617.9     0.00 |       1 |   222.618 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 83910.000 | 84318.945 | 84318.945   84318.9     0.00 |       1 |    84.319 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.061 |    1.061       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 83910.000 | 84317.859 | 84317.859   84317.9     0.00 |       1 |    84.318 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 83880.000 | 84295.844 | 84295.836   84295.8     0.00 |       1 |    84.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 42410.000 | 42635.816 | 42635.812   42635.8     0.00 |       1 |    42.636 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 41440.000 | 41626.281 | 41626.281   41626.3     0.00 |       1 |    41.626 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     6.822 |    6.822       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    26.785 |   26.785      26.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.274 |    1.274       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.081 |    1.081       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.024 |    1.024       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     2.634 |    2.634       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    16.759 |   16.759      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     7.244 |    7.244       7.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     3.373 |    3.373       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     3.055 |    3.055       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.031 |    1.031       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.399       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     1.518 |    1.518       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.334       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.563       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.004 |    2.004       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    22.004 |   22.004      22.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.688       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    20.182 |   20.182      20.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    30.000 |    12.863 |   12.863      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.984 |    0.984       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.882 |    0.882       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.993 |    0.993       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.514       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.125 |    2.125       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 210630.000 | 222617.891 | 222617.875  222617.9     0.00 |       1 |   222.618 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     2.553 |    2.553       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 210630.000 | 222615.297 | 222615.297  222615.3     0.00 |       1 |   222.615 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 210590.000 | 222577.812 | 222577.797  222577.8     0.00 |       1 |   222.578 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 41360.000 | 45028.305 | 45028.305   45028.3     0.00 |       1 |    45.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 169010.000 | 177330.875 | 177330.891  177330.9     0.00 |       1 |   177.331 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    13.902 |   13.902      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   210.000 |   204.624 |  204.624     204.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.205 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     5.354 |    5.354       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     4.292 |    4.292       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.792 |    1.792       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    20.000 |     8.323 |    8.323       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   160.000 |   166.461 |  166.461     166.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.166 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    90.000 |    89.153 |   89.153      89.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.089 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    24.880 |   24.880      24.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    30.000 |    27.062 |   27.062      27.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.907 |    3.907       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    20.804 |   20.804      20.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.944 |    1.944       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.683 |    2.683       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     4.889 |    4.889       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     7.548 |    7.548       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    40.000 |    37.487 |   37.487      37.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.166 |    2.166       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.448 |    2.448       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    32.615 |   32.615      32.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    11.235 |   11.235      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.784 |    1.784       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.853 |    2.853       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.106 |    3.106       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     4.167 |    4.167       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     5.286 |    5.286       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.402 |    2.402       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2285     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 10348    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 41.4  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  169  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  169  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  288  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       1038 |     1038.0 |     0.0000 |      1038.0 |      1038.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |        150 |     150.00 |     0.0000 |      150.00 |      150.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        120 |     120.00 |     0.0000 |      120.00 |      120.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       1342 |     1342.0 |     0.0000 |      1342.0 |      1342.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       2284 |     2284.0 |     0.0000 |      2284.0 |      2284.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       1464 |     1464.0 |     0.0000 |      1464.0 |      1464.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        232 |     232.00 |     0.0000 |      232.00 |      232.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        392 |     392.00 |     0.0000 |      392.00 |      392.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        994 |     994.00 |     0.0000 |      994.00 |      994.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       2286 |     2286.0 |     0.0000 |      2286.0 |      2286.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |        740 |     740.00 |     0.0000 |      740.00 |      740.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       1546 |     1546.0 |     0.0000 |      1546.0 |      1546.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        651 |     651.00 |     0.0000 |      651.00 |      651.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        156 |     156.00 |     0.0000 |      156.00 |      156.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |        701 |     701.00 |     0.0000 |      701.00 |      701.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |      13134 |     13134. |     0.0000 |      13134. |      13134. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |       1047 |     1047.0 |     0.0000 |      1047.0 |      1047.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       7279 |     7279.0 |     0.0000 |      7279.0 |      7279.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |      10348 |     10348. |     0.0000 |      10348. |      10348. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        796 |     796.00 |     0.0000 |      796.00 |      796.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        582 |     582.00 |     0.0000 |      582.00 |      582.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       7997 |     7997.0 |     0.0000 |      7997.0 |      7997.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |       1610 |     1610.0 |     0.0000 |      1610.0 |      1610.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       4096 |     4096.0 |     0.0000 |      4096.0 |      4096.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |      10560 |     10560. |     0.0000 |      10560. |      10560. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |      10348 |     10348. |     0.0000 |      10348. |      10348. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       5357 |     5357.0 |     0.0000 |      5357.0 |      5357.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       4991 |     4991.0 |     0.0000 |      4991.0 |      4991.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       7249 |     7249.0 |     0.0000 |      7249.0 |      7249.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |       1726 |     1726.0 |     0.0000 |      1726.0 |      1726.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       4097 |     4097.0 |     0.0000 |      4097.0 |      4097.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -8047,4 +8051,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
index 77dd5ee11..279d31a89 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 02:00:42 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:10:46 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSe
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5083,7 +5083,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Oct 2018 at 02:01:41    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:11:47    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5274,7 +5274,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.5ox6W8 for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6791,7 +6791,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000180400 (id), -0 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 110.45 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.5ox6W8
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8873,32 +8873,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   35 #SubHits=   37 #Slots=  221 Energy=    0.11[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   36 #SubHits=   40 #Slots=  238 Energy=   0.265[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  215 #SubHits=  249 #Slots=  279 Energy=    3.53[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   39 #SubHits=   43 #Slots=   63 Energy=    1.11[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   38 #SubHits=   40 #Slots=  234 Energy=   0.169[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   89 #SubHits=  101 #Slots=  596 Energy=   0.595[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  421 #SubHits=  542 #Slots=  610 Energy=    6.48[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   51 #SubHits=   53 #Slots=   73 Energy=   0.367[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21d7d0d0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x2054b520 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 192
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 225
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 51
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 31
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 12
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 51
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 152
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 203
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 1
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 74
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 33
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 56
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 45
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 67
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 88
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 35
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 36
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 215
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 39
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 68
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 58
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 109
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 38
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 89
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 421
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 51
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 91
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 106
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 230
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -8935,14 +8935,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 221 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 245 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 286 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 266 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	221
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	286
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	245
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	266
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -9086,26 +9086,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =   63.00 +- 7.94 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  355.00 +-18.84 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  101.00 +-10.05 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  155.00 +-12.45 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   61.00 +- 7.81 ( 96.83 +-2.21%) Rich2 =  156.00 +-12.49 ( 43.94 +-2.63%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   99.00 +- 9.95 ( 98.02 +-1.39%) Rich2 =   74.00 +- 8.60 ( 47.74 +-4.01%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   98.00 +- 9.90 ( 27.61 +-2.37%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   94.00 +- 9.70 ( 26.48 +-2.34%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  3.17 +-2.21%) Rich2 =   21.00 +- 4.58 (  5.92 +-1.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  3.17 +-2.21%) Rich2 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  5.07 +-1.16%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   77.00 +- 8.77 ( 49.68 +-4.02%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  4.52 +-1.67%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  3.23 +-1.42%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.59 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   11.00 +- 3.32 (  3.10 +-0.92%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.29 +-0.91%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   61.00 +- 7.81 ( 96.83 +-2.21%) Rich2Gas =  156.00 +-12.49 ( 43.94 +-2.63%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   99.00 +- 9.95 ( 98.02 +-1.39%) Rich2Gas =   74.00 +- 8.60 ( 47.74 +-4.01%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9125,12 +9125,10 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   257.00 +- 16.03 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =    98.00 +-  9.90 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    31.00 +-  5.57 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   101.00 +- 10.05 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   155.00 +- 12.45 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     6.00 +-  2.45 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    32.00 +-  5.66 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -9176,43 +9174,43 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         58 |     58.000 |     0.0000 |      58.000 |      58.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        221 |     221.00 |     0.0000 |      221.00 |      221.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        279 |     279.00 |     0.0000 |      279.00 |      279.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         35 |     35.000 |     0.0000 |      35.000 |      35.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
@@ -9225,41 +9223,40 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       51+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       74+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 0+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 31
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 115.434
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.152532
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0405175
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 33
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2861.89
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.151611
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0327269
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        31 |   3578.462 |     115.43 |     156.83 |      1.5646 |      404.13 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        33 |   94442.37 |     2861.9 |     4401.9 |      1.5646 |      11109. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 58
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 16823
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.119383
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0349167
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 106
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 15676.5
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.12993
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.074517
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
-ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         2 |          2 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        58 |   975735.5 |     16823. |     16591. |      5.4846 |      43618. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         58 |     58.000 |     0.0000 |      58.000 |      58.000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       106 |    1661709 |     15677. |     33239. |     0.32010 |      96368. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 109
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4409.48
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.195289
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0559757
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 230
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1742.32
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19307
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0832676
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        14 |         14 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       109 |   480633.3 |     4409.5 |     11941. |     0.16092 |      43618. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        12 |         12 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       230 |   400733.9 |     1742.3 |     4194.1 |   0.0056077 |      17932. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9268,345 +9265,345 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 24.000  3.000  4.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 6.000  7.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 15.000  1.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 26.000  7.000  4.000  2.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 22.000  0.000  1.000  4.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 53.000  11.000  4.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 73.000  7.000  5.000  6.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        51 |-1.890095e-06 |-3.7061e-08 | 2.6121e-07 | -4.9771e-07 |  4.2615e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        51 |2.296018e-07 | 4.5020e-09 | 2.7747e-07 | -4.9202e-07 |  4.9819e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        51 |1.736884e-06 | 3.4057e-08 | 2.9666e-07 | -4.9345e-07 |  4.7521e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        51 |-8.800316e-06 |-1.7256e-07 | 5.2290e-07 | -9.9553e-07 |  8.0762e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |2.572508e-06 | 5.0441e-08 | 2.8760e-05 | -4.6623e-05 |  4.8160e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |2.921334e-05 | 5.7281e-07 | 2.7534e-05 | -4.9411e-05 |  4.7790e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |0.0003445472 | 6.7558e-06 | 2.7678e-05 | -4.5080e-05 |  4.8466e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |-0.01366474 |-0.00026794 |  0.0027121 |  -0.0047752 |   0.0041816 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        51 |-2.270655e-05 |-4.4523e-07 | 2.8881e-06 | -4.9216e-06 |  4.9281e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        51 |  0.8285651 |   0.016246 |   0.073280 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        51 | -0.2337358 | -0.0045831 |   0.051123 |    -0.28858 |    0.048100 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        51 |   15.23239 |    0.29867 |  0.0054247 |     0.26326 |     0.30030 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        51 |   6.177487 |    0.12113 |   0.068659 |    0.070244 |     0.52858 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |   206.1331 |     4.0418 |     9.5271 |     -6.5254 |      34.777 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |  -86.43667 |    -1.6948 |     19.287 |     -39.404 |      43.582 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |   21561.42 |     422.77 |     192.50 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |   199059.2 |     3903.1 |     2303.2 |      418.47 |      7522.5 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        51 |   72.57432 |     1.4230 |    0.63379 |     0.58914 |      2.5092 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        51 |   0.828567 |   0.016246 |   0.073280 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        51 |  -0.233736 | -0.0045831 |   0.051123 |    -0.28858 |    0.048100 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        51 |   15.23239 |    0.29867 |  0.0054247 |     0.26326 |     0.30030 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        51 |   6.177496 |    0.12113 |   0.068659 |    0.070244 |     0.52858 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |   206.1331 |     4.0418 |     9.5272 |     -6.5254 |      34.777 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |   -86.4367 |    -1.6948 |     19.287 |     -39.404 |      43.582 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |   21561.42 |     422.77 |     192.50 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |   199059.2 |     3903.1 |     2303.2 |      418.47 |      7522.5 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        51 |   72.57434 |     1.4230 |    0.63379 |     0.58914 |      2.5092 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        74 |-5.248473e-07 |-7.0925e-09 | 2.8409e-07 | -4.8654e-07 |  4.7572e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        74 |-6.111876e-07 |-8.2593e-09 | 2.9458e-07 | -4.9802e-07 |  4.9819e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        74 |2.187459e-07 | 2.9560e-09 | 3.1967e-07 | -4.9921e-07 |  4.9397e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        74 |2.318194e-06 | 3.1327e-08 | 5.5367e-07 | -9.8162e-07 |  9.9642e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |0.0001615919 | 2.1837e-06 | 2.9209e-05 | -4.8595e-05 |  4.9848e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |-0.0001002626 |-1.3549e-06 | 2.7134e-05 | -4.9731e-05 |  4.6231e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |0.0001097652 | 1.4833e-06 | 2.9935e-05 | -4.8802e-05 |  4.9800e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        74 | 0.01390193 | 0.00018786 |  0.0028683 |  -0.0049192 |   0.0049748 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        74 |-2.331173e-05 |-3.1502e-07 | 2.7234e-06 | -4.8846e-06 |  4.7016e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        74 |  0.5381295 |  0.0072720 |   0.063758 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        74 |  0.2977244 |  0.0040233 |   0.050996 |    -0.28858 |     0.18559 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   21.49034 |    0.29041 |   0.042981 |    0.033683 |     0.30030 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        74 |    8.58228 |    0.11598 |   0.076419 |   0.0055702 |     0.57916 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |   21.43706 |    0.28969 |     9.8077 |     -16.438 |      34.777 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   394.2558 |     5.3278 |     19.395 |     -39.404 |      43.496 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |   36488.64 |     493.09 |     193.81 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   282098.8 |     3812.1 |     2286.8 |      2.6029 |      7522.5 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        74 |   122.4469 |     1.6547 |    0.63864 |     0.58914 |      2.5091 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        74 |    0.53813 |  0.0072720 |   0.063758 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        74 |   0.297725 |  0.0040233 |   0.050996 |    -0.28858 |     0.18559 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   21.49034 |    0.29041 |   0.042981 |    0.033683 |     0.30030 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        74 |   8.582278 |    0.11598 |   0.076419 |   0.0055700 |     0.57916 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |    21.4369 |    0.28969 |     9.8077 |     -16.438 |      34.777 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   394.2559 |     5.3278 |     19.395 |     -39.404 |      43.496 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |   36488.64 |     493.09 |     193.81 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   282098.7 |     3812.1 |     2286.8 |      2.6000 |      7522.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        74 |   122.4469 |     1.6547 |    0.63864 |     0.58914 |      2.5091 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        31 |-2.650212e-06 |-8.5491e-08 | 2.5786e-07 | -4.7433e-07 |  4.3955e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        31 |-9.489198e-07 |-3.0610e-08 | 2.7931e-07 | -4.9947e-07 |  3.8499e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        31 |2.775558e-17 | 8.9534e-19 | 4.0086e-09 | -1.5782e-08 |  1.5782e-08 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        31 |4.05186e-06 | 1.3071e-07 | 5.6109e-07 | -9.6869e-07 |  9.4800e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        31 |-5.472488e-06 |-1.7653e-07 | 2.9101e-05 | -4.4460e-05 |  4.3732e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        31 |1.763163e-05 | 5.6876e-07 | 2.9550e-05 | -4.9847e-05 |  4.6446e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        31 |4.798422e-05 | 1.5479e-06 | 8.4781e-06 |      0.0000 |  4.7984e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        31 |-0.008512399 |-0.00027459 |  0.0029024 |  -0.0048718 |   0.0046741 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        31 |-1.188409e-05 |-3.8336e-07 | 2.9727e-06 | -4.8700e-06 |  4.4017e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        31 |  -2.684278 |  -0.086590 |    0.76248 |     -1.9748 |      3.2099 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        31 | -0.7877009 |  -0.025410 |   0.083748 |    -0.29774 |     0.13499 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        31 |         12 |    0.38710 |    0.29749 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        31 |   8.658508 |    0.27931 |    0.38716 |     0.10902 |      2.2942 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        31 |   2708.302 |     87.365 |     163.74 |     -37.559 |      512.07 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        31 |  -9.283782 |   -0.29948 |     236.03 |     -416.19 |      398.80 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        31 |   78301.17 |     2525.8 |     134.41 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        31 |   99647.53 |     3214.4 |     2665.5 |      5.2564 |      7502.2 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        31 |   296.5279 |     9.5654 |     1.8204 |      7.7575 |      14.193 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        31 |  -2.684275 |  -0.086590 |    0.76248 |     -1.9748 |      3.2099 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        31 |    -0.7877 |  -0.025410 |   0.083748 |    -0.29774 |     0.13499 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        31 |         12 |    0.38710 |    0.29749 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        31 |   8.658504 |    0.27931 |    0.38716 |     0.10902 |      2.2942 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        31 |   2708.302 |     87.365 |     163.74 |     -37.559 |      512.07 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        31 |    -9.2838 |   -0.29948 |     236.03 |     -416.19 |      398.80 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        31 |   78301.17 |     2525.8 |     134.41 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        31 |   99647.54 |     3214.4 |     2665.5 |      5.2600 |      7502.2 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        31 |   296.5279 |     9.5654 |     1.8204 |      7.7575 |      14.193 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        33 |-2.562358e-08 |-7.7647e-10 | 2.4495e-07 | -4.0989e-07 |  4.9443e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        33 |-4.17489e-07 |-1.2651e-08 | 3.0854e-07 | -4.9872e-07 |  4.8680e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        33 |          0 |     0.0000 | 9.5880e-08 | -3.8947e-07 |  3.8947e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        33 |1.797571e-06 | 5.4472e-08 | 5.9356e-07 | -9.8269e-07 |  9.9817e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |0.000179171 | 5.4294e-06 | 2.8366e-05 | -4.4367e-05 |  4.5199e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |-0.0001454035 |-4.4062e-06 | 2.9041e-05 | -4.9451e-05 |  4.7569e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |-2.389468e-06 |-7.2408e-08 | 4.0960e-07 | -2.3895e-06 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |-0.003732395 |-0.00011310 |  0.0028940 |  -0.0047362 |   0.0048099 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        33 |1.452488e-05 | 4.4015e-07 | 2.8487e-06 | -4.5197e-06 |  4.9931e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        33 |   0.336843 |   0.010207 |   0.036773 |   -0.018729 |     0.10673 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        33 |-0.06983042 | -0.0021161 |   0.045496 |   -0.082726 |    0.081015 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        33 |         16 |    0.48485 |   0.062201 |     0.17840 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        33 |    7.52359 |    0.22799 |    0.19640 |     0.11041 |      1.1202 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |   1399.487 |     42.409 |     159.99 |     -53.672 |      496.09 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |  -180.7338 |    -5.4768 |     211.52 |     -403.28 |      401.11 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |   81440.82 |     2467.9 |     137.85 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |   112189.7 |     3399.7 |     2249.9 |      522.31 |      7502.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        33 |   279.5651 |     8.4717 |    0.76086 |      7.7500 |      10.687 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        33 |   0.336843 |   0.010207 |   0.036773 |   -0.018729 |     0.10673 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        33 |   -0.06983 | -0.0021161 |   0.045496 |   -0.082726 |    0.081015 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        33 |         16 |    0.48485 |   0.062201 |     0.17840 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        33 |   7.523588 |    0.22799 |    0.19640 |     0.11041 |      1.1202 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |   1399.487 |     42.409 |     159.99 |     -53.672 |      496.09 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |  -180.7337 |    -5.4768 |     211.52 |     -403.28 |      401.11 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |   81440.82 |     2467.9 |     137.85 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |   112189.7 |     3399.7 |     2249.9 |      522.31 |      7502.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        33 |   279.5651 |     8.4717 |    0.76086 |      7.7500 |      10.687 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         58 |     58.000 |     0.0000 |      58.000 |      58.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        58 |-2.601273e-06 |-4.4850e-08 | 3.0284e-07 | -4.9121e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        58 |1.933522e-06 | 3.3337e-08 | 3.0226e-07 | -4.9869e-07 |  4.9261e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        58 |3.74777e-07 | 6.4617e-09 | 2.6582e-07 | -4.7537e-07 |  4.7265e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        58 |-6.609884e-06 |-1.1396e-07 | 5.9137e-07 | -9.6108e-07 |  9.8909e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        58 |-9.901026e-06 |-1.7071e-07 | 2.7629e-05 | -4.9409e-05 |  4.4925e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        58 |0.0001128043 | 1.9449e-06 | 2.9989e-05 | -4.9577e-05 |  4.9332e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        58 |-0.0001904688 |-3.2839e-06 | 3.0540e-05 | -4.8947e-05 |  4.9822e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        58 |-0.02193732 |-0.00037823 |  0.0030103 |  -0.0047776 |   0.0048477 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        58 |5.998287e-06 | 1.0342e-07 | 2.8290e-06 | -4.9944e-06 |  4.9942e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        58 |   1.100836 |   0.018980 |   0.040040 |   -0.011734 |     0.12397 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        58 |  0.1388659 |  0.0023942 |   0.026022 |    -0.11973 |     0.15669 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        58 |   19.31077 |    0.33294 |    0.12543 |    -0.32023 |     0.40983 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        58 |   9.530105 |    0.16431 |    0.23674 |    0.012041 |      1.7951 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        58 |   2952.753 |     50.910 |     230.39 |     -141.85 |      617.40 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        58 |   3276.192 |     56.486 |     74.644 |     -14.773 |      155.17 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        58 |   491502.2 |     8474.2 |     541.07 |      7668.0 |      9168.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        58 |   761308.1 |     13126. |     13768. |      1.4614 |      37955. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        58 |   1641.676 |     28.305 |     1.7879 |      25.583 |      30.588 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        58 |   1.100839 |   0.018980 |   0.040040 |   -0.011734 |     0.12397 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        58 |   0.138864 |  0.0023942 |   0.026022 |    -0.11973 |     0.15669 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        58 |   19.31077 |    0.33294 |    0.12543 |    -0.32023 |     0.40983 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        58 |   9.530112 |    0.16431 |    0.23674 |    0.012042 |      1.7951 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        58 |   2952.753 |     50.910 |     230.39 |     -141.85 |      617.40 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        58 |   3276.192 |     56.486 |     74.644 |     -14.773 |      155.17 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        58 |   491502.2 |     8474.2 |     541.07 |      7668.0 |      9168.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        58 |   761308.1 |     13126. |     13768. |      1.4600 |      37954. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        58 |   1641.676 |     28.305 |     1.7879 |      25.583 |      30.587 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       106 |-3.114781e-06 |-2.9385e-08 | 2.6153e-07 | -4.7555e-07 |  4.8500e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       106 |-4.329605e-06 |-4.0845e-08 | 2.6391e-07 | -4.9834e-07 |  4.8755e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       106 |-1.091734e-06 |-1.0299e-08 | 2.5601e-07 | -4.9686e-07 |  4.9346e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       106 |2.544969e-06 | 2.4009e-08 | 5.7975e-07 | -9.8757e-07 |  9.9288e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |8.865498e-05 | 8.3637e-07 | 2.8199e-05 | -4.9920e-05 |  4.8753e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |0.0005238434 | 4.9419e-06 | 3.0055e-05 | -4.9800e-05 |  4.8556e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |-0.0004476175 |-4.2228e-06 | 2.8569e-05 | -4.8338e-05 |  4.8781e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |0.008653127 | 8.1633e-05 |  0.0028565 |  -0.0049832 |   0.0048027 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       106 |-3.909723e-05 |-3.6884e-07 | 2.8181e-06 | -4.9728e-06 |  4.9385e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       106 |   6.073989 |   0.057302 |    0.32869 |    -0.34330 |      1.6196 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       106 |    6.01569 |   0.056752 |    0.24787 |    -0.73555 |     0.76106 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       106 |   42.33094 |    0.39935 |   0.036276 |     0.17828 |     0.41254 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       106 |   46.41681 |    0.43789 |    0.58489 |    0.059178 |      2.8765 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |   8666.321 |     81.758 |     318.35 |     -608.64 |      403.63 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -2356.062 |    -22.227 |     85.842 |     -210.50 |      105.63 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   917348.6 |     8654.2 |     565.52 |      7668.2 |      9170.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   946921.3 |     8933.2 |     15725. |      55.469 |      47600. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       106 |   3082.571 |     29.081 |     2.0007 |      25.584 |      32.191 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       106 |   6.073992 |   0.057302 |    0.32869 |    -0.34330 |      1.6196 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       106 |   6.015694 |   0.056752 |    0.24787 |    -0.73555 |     0.76106 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       106 |   42.33094 |    0.39935 |   0.036276 |     0.17828 |     0.41254 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       106 |   46.41681 |    0.43789 |    0.58489 |    0.059178 |      2.8765 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |   8666.321 |     81.758 |     318.35 |     -608.64 |      403.63 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -2356.063 |    -22.227 |     85.842 |     -210.50 |      105.63 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   917348.6 |     8654.2 |     565.52 |      7668.2 |      9170.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   946921.2 |     8933.2 |     15725. |      55.470 |      47600. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       106 |   3082.571 |     29.081 |     2.0007 |      25.584 |      32.191 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       109 |4.972362e-07 | 4.5618e-09 | 2.8440e-07 | -4.9607e-07 |  4.8692e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       109 |-1.637873e-06 |-1.5026e-08 | 2.8056e-07 | -4.9743e-07 |  4.6845e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       109 |-3.049669e-06 |-2.7979e-08 | 2.6780e-07 | -4.9959e-07 |  4.9847e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       109 |4.047402e-06 | 3.7132e-08 | 6.0339e-07 | -9.9726e-07 |  9.9302e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |5.304602e-05 | 4.8666e-07 | 2.9623e-05 | -4.9671e-05 |  4.9673e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |0.0002345666 | 2.1520e-06 | 2.6030e-05 | -4.9641e-05 |  4.5900e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |-0.000215166 |-1.9740e-06 | 2.8003e-05 | -4.7994e-05 |  4.5958e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |-0.01939579 |-0.00017794 |  0.0027556 |  -0.0049880 |   0.0049645 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       109 |2.638553e-05 | 2.4207e-07 | 2.9611e-06 | -4.9746e-06 |  4.8805e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       109 |  -156.0837 |    -1.4320 |     7.2011 |     -38.601 |      19.634 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       109 |   193.2309 |     1.7728 |     4.3773 |     -7.1298 |      27.493 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       109 |   632.5661 |     5.8034 |     7.9278 |     -10.756 |      10.771 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       109 |   25.56071 |    0.23450 |    0.15936 |   0.0062644 |      1.3506 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |  -99590.27 |    -913.67 |     1376.7 |     -2955.9 |      2180.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |   10800.94 |     99.091 |     620.20 |     -829.15 |      1466.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |   967410.2 |     8875.3 |     536.96 |      7852.9 |      9409.2 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |   309914.6 |     2843.3 |     2527.1 |      1.5073 |      7494.0 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       109 |   3721.541 |     34.143 |     8.1244 |      26.368 |      56.743 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       109 |  -156.0837 |    -1.4320 |     7.2011 |     -38.601 |      19.634 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       109 |   193.2309 |     1.7728 |     4.3773 |     -7.1298 |      27.493 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       109 |   632.5661 |     5.8034 |     7.9278 |     -10.756 |      10.771 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       109 |    25.5607 |    0.23450 |    0.15936 |   0.0062640 |      1.3506 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |  -99590.27 |    -913.67 |     1376.7 |     -2955.9 |      2180.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |   10800.94 |     99.091 |     620.20 |     -829.15 |      1466.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |   967410.2 |     8875.3 |     536.96 |      7852.9 |      9409.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |   309914.7 |     2843.3 |     2527.1 |      1.5100 |      7494.0 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       109 |   3721.541 |     34.143 |     8.1244 |      26.368 |      56.743 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       230 |-5.354772e-06 |-2.3282e-08 | 3.0553e-07 | -4.9572e-07 |  4.9699e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       230 |-2.200246e-06 |-9.5663e-09 | 2.7910e-07 | -4.9164e-07 |  4.9294e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       230 |-5.688699e-06 |-2.4733e-08 | 2.7989e-07 | -4.9942e-07 |  4.9471e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       230 |-1.696452e-06 |-7.3759e-09 | 5.9640e-07 | -9.9999e-07 |  9.9389e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |-0.0002806183 |-1.2201e-06 | 2.8135e-05 | -4.9915e-05 |  4.9304e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |-0.0001394473 |-6.0629e-07 | 2.7474e-05 | -4.9858e-05 |  4.8604e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |0.0005034758 | 2.1890e-06 | 2.9670e-05 | -4.9885e-05 |  4.9856e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |-0.05576336 |-0.00024245 |  0.0028876 |  -0.0049493 |   0.0049563 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       230 |4.727339e-05 | 2.0554e-07 | 3.0307e-06 | -4.9941e-06 |  4.9387e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       230 |   531.3311 |     2.3101 |     9.0865 |     -12.063 |      49.201 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       230 |  -47.51964 |   -0.20661 |     5.2570 |     -19.606 |      19.422 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       230 |   1901.745 |     8.2685 |     5.0857 |     -10.734 |      10.800 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       230 |   122.9901 |    0.53474 |    0.77258 |  0.00027200 |      3.9438 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |  -53168.31 |    -231.17 |     929.17 |     -2383.8 |      1860.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |   1114.298 |     4.8448 |     687.82 |     -2235.9 |      1462.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |    2031416 |     8832.2 |     544.36 |      7852.9 |      9409.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |   557443.6 |     2423.7 |     2419.4 |      1.4247 |      7782.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       230 |   7388.863 |     32.125 |     4.9948 |      26.368 |      55.562 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       230 |   531.3311 |     2.3101 |     9.0865 |     -12.063 |      49.201 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       230 |  -47.51964 |   -0.20661 |     5.2570 |     -19.606 |      19.422 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       230 |   1901.745 |     8.2685 |     5.0857 |     -10.734 |      10.800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       230 |   122.9901 |    0.53474 |    0.77258 |  0.00027200 |      3.9438 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |  -53168.31 |    -231.17 |     929.17 |     -2383.8 |      1860.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |   1114.298 |     4.8448 |     687.82 |     -2235.9 |      1462.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |    2031416 |     8832.2 |     544.36 |      7852.9 |      9409.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |   557443.7 |     2423.7 |     2419.4 |      1.4200 |      7782.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       230 |   7388.863 |     32.125 |     4.9948 |      26.368 |      55.562 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         35 |     35.000 |     0.0000 |      35.000 |      35.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       418 |-2.900458e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       418 |0.0003391335 | 8.1132e-07 | 2.6340e-05 | -4.9486e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       418 |0.0001204339 | 2.8812e-07 | 2.9282e-05 | -4.9749e-05 |  4.8934e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       418 |-0.000393615 |-9.4166e-07 | 2.7920e-05 | -4.9950e-05 |  4.9774e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       418 |-1.349626e-05 |-3.2288e-08 | 2.8126e-06 | -4.9964e-06 |  4.9798e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       418 |       8.36 |   0.020000 | 3.1874e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       418 |  -185893.4 |    -444.72 |     3615.0 |     -4148.0 |      4151.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       418 |  -26334.23 |    -63.001 |     527.83 |     -1283.2 |      1319.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       418 |    3969871 |     9497.3 |     3334.6 |      1468.7 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       418 |   19341.39 |     46.271 |     16.962 |      11.743 |      98.816 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       418 |       8.36 |   0.020000 | 3.1978e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       418 |  -185893.4 |    -444.72 |     3615.0 |     -4148.0 |      4151.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       418 |  -26334.23 |    -63.001 |     527.83 |     -1283.2 |      1319.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       418 |    3969871 |     9497.3 |     3334.6 |      1468.7 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       418 |   19341.39 |     46.271 |     16.962 |      11.743 |      98.816 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       256 |-1.776357e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |6.983602e-05 | 2.7280e-07 | 2.9013e-05 | -4.9579e-05 |  4.8949e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |-6.676082e-05 |-2.6078e-07 | 2.9604e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9652e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |-0.0002519451 |-9.8416e-07 | 2.8392e-05 | -4.8316e-05 |  4.9263e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       256 |-9.000648e-05 |-3.5159e-07 | 2.9478e-06 | -4.9747e-06 |  4.9838e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       256 |       5.12 |   0.020000 | 1.2963e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |  -84146.24 |    -328.70 |     3092.0 |     -4149.9 |      4148.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |   24678.84 |     96.402 |     812.00 |     -1283.7 |      1319.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |    1840183 |     7188.2 |     4504.8 |      1469.5 |      11093. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       256 |   10220.19 |     39.923 |     23.942 |      11.747 |      108.64 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       256 |       5.12 |   0.020000 | 1.3171e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |  -84146.24 |    -328.70 |     3092.0 |     -4149.9 |      4148.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |   24678.84 |     96.402 |     812.00 |     -1283.7 |      1319.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |    1840183 |     7188.2 |     4504.8 |      1469.5 |      11093. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       256 |   10220.19 |     39.923 |     23.942 |      11.747 |      108.64 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       418 |-1.528174e-05 |-3.6559e-08 | 2.8797e-05 | -4.9632e-05 |  4.9748e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       418 |-0.001186567 |-2.8387e-06 | 2.9134e-05 | -4.9931e-05 |  4.9903e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       418 |0.0001075852 | 2.5738e-07 | 2.9452e-05 | -4.9764e-05 |  4.9630e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       418 |5.707079e-11 | 1.3653e-13 | 5.6383e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       418 |0.0009833106 | 2.3524e-06 | 2.8081e-05 | -4.9893e-05 |  4.9440e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       418 |-0.0003318142 |-7.9381e-07 | 2.9157e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9872e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       418 |0.0005538858 | 1.3251e-06 | 2.9585e-05 | -4.9839e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       418 |   1349.459 |     3.2284 |     1.8615 |   0.0018639 |      6.1928 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       418 |   183.5326 |    0.43907 |    0.62122 |    0.022707 |      2.8302 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       418 |  -408796.5 |    -977.98 |     1677.9 |     -3748.6 |      2836.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       418 |   20588.54 |     49.255 |     213.06 |     -1006.4 |      1020.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       418 |    3856656 |     9226.4 |     3308.7 |      995.80 |      11650. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       418 |0.001794054 | 4.2920e-06 | 1.0736e-06 |  1.7716e-06 |  6.7618e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       418 |  -180998.1 |    -433.01 |     3530.9 |     -4069.4 |      4076.7 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       418 |  -20841.36 |    -49.860 |     496.58 |     -1195.6 |      1224.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       418 |    3948402 |     9445.9 |     3333.3 |      1422.9 |      11061. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       418 |   1349.459 |     3.2284 |     1.8615 |   0.0018639 |      6.1928 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       418 |   183.5326 |    0.43907 |    0.62122 |    0.022707 |      2.8302 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       418 |  -408796.5 |    -977.98 |     1677.9 |     -3748.6 |      2836.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       418 |   20588.54 |     49.255 |     213.06 |     -1006.4 |      1020.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       418 |    3856656 |     9226.4 |     3308.7 |      995.80 |      11650. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       418 |0.001794053 | 4.2920e-06 | 1.0736e-06 |  1.7716e-06 |  6.7618e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       418 |  -180998.1 |    -433.01 |     3530.9 |     -4069.4 |      4076.7 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       418 |  -20841.36 |    -49.860 |     496.58 |     -1195.6 |      1224.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       418 |    3948402 |     9445.9 |     3333.3 |      1422.9 |      11061. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       418 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       256 | 0.00067177 | 2.6241e-06 | 2.9112e-05 | -4.9611e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |0.0002439728 | 9.5302e-07 | 2.9258e-05 | -4.9902e-05 |  4.9834e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |-0.0003703061 |-1.4465e-06 | 2.9340e-05 | -4.9798e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       256 |5.888978e-11 | 2.3004e-13 | 5.7251e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |9.595742e-05 | 3.7483e-07 | 2.9781e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.8961e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |-3.934049e-07 |-1.5367e-09 | 2.8302e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.8632e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |0.0001108693 | 4.3308e-07 | 2.9580e-05 | -4.9881e-05 |  4.9413e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |   778.3183 |     3.0403 |     1.8217 |   0.0096417 |      6.2735 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |   125.8717 |    0.49169 |    0.80305 |    0.015235 |      2.8880 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       256 |  -7986.802 |    -31.198 |     816.44 |     -2729.0 |      3234.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |   11527.25 |     45.028 |     379.44 |     -1209.0 |      1220.2 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |    1770014 |     6914.1 |     4409.0 |      999.60 |      11619. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       256 |0.001116478 | 4.3612e-06 | 9.5029e-07 |  1.8116e-06 |  6.3089e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |  -82166.29 |    -320.96 |     3022.4 |     -4073.4 |      4070.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |   24006.91 |     93.777 |     757.52 |     -1195.5 |      1221.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |    1826748 |     7135.7 |     4502.4 |      1437.8 |      11052. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |   778.3183 |     3.0403 |     1.8217 |   0.0096417 |      6.2735 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |   125.8717 |    0.49169 |    0.80305 |    0.015235 |      2.8880 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       256 |  -7986.803 |    -31.198 |     816.44 |     -2729.0 |      3234.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |   11527.25 |     45.028 |     379.44 |     -1209.0 |      1220.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |    1770014 |     6914.1 |     4409.0 |      999.60 |      11619. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       256 |0.001116477 | 4.3612e-06 | 9.5029e-07 |  1.8116e-06 |  6.3089e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |  -82166.29 |    -320.96 |     3022.4 |     -4073.4 |      4070.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |   24006.91 |     93.777 |     757.52 |     -1195.5 |      1221.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |    1826748 |     7135.7 |     4502.4 |      1437.8 |      11052. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        35 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        221 |     221.00 |     0.0000 |      221.00 |      221.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       221 |-0.0004459956 |-2.0181e-06 | 2.8424e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9877e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       221 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       221 |   110.2562 |    0.49890 |     1.1099 |  1.9412e-06 |      8.2880 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       221 |        334 |     1.5113 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       221 |   110.2566 |    0.49890 |     1.1099 |      0.0000 |      8.2880 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       221 |        334 |     1.5113 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       234 |0.000114194 | 4.8801e-07 | 2.9277e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9288e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       234 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       234 |   169.3034 |    0.72352 |     1.9594 |  0.00021606 |      22.859 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       234 |        372 |     1.5897 |     1.6878 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       234 |   169.3033 |    0.72352 |     1.9594 |  0.00020000 |      22.859 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       234 |        372 |     1.5897 |     1.6878 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       238 |0.0007013012 | 2.9466e-06 | 2.8673e-05 | -4.9620e-05 |  4.9833e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       238 |   264.5459 |     1.1115 |     5.1576 |  0.00021424 |      55.210 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       238 |        362 |     1.5210 |     1.6995 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       238 |   264.5452 |     1.1115 |     5.1576 |  0.00020000 |      55.210 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       238 |        362 |     1.5210 |     1.6995 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       596 |-0.0007454403 |-1.2507e-06 | 2.7871e-05 | -4.9547e-05 |  4.9665e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       596 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       596 |   595.0963 |    0.99848 |     3.4376 |  6.6586e-06 |      47.697 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       596 |        919 |     1.5419 |     1.6909 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       596 |    595.097 |    0.99848 |     3.4376 |      0.0000 |      47.697 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       596 |        919 |     1.5419 |     1.6909 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        279 |     279.00 |     0.0000 |      279.00 |      279.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       279 |0.000469552 | 1.6830e-06 | 2.7989e-05 | -4.7804e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       279 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       279 |   3534.287 |     12.668 |     49.771 |  0.00078883 |      722.84 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       279 |         40 |    0.14337 |    0.43282 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       279 |   3534.287 |     12.668 |     49.771 |  0.00080000 |      722.84 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       279 |         40 |    0.14337 |    0.43282 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       610 |0.0001877218 | 3.0774e-07 | 2.9907e-05 | -4.9741e-05 |  4.9768e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       610 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       610 |   6480.412 |     10.624 |     35.367 |  1.8103e-05 |      466.97 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       610 |         76 |    0.12459 |    0.35420 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       610 |   6480.411 |     10.624 |     35.367 |      0.0000 |      466.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       610 |         76 |    0.12459 |    0.35420 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        63 |0.0002344673 | 3.7217e-06 | 2.7272e-05 | -4.7517e-05 |  4.6835e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        63 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        63 |   1109.538 |     17.612 |     54.298 |  0.00065555 |      403.13 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        63 |         16 |    0.25397 |    0.50295 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        63 |   1109.538 |     17.612 |     54.298 |  0.00070000 |      403.13 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        63 |         16 |    0.25397 |    0.50295 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        73 |9.830273e-05 | 1.3466e-06 | 2.8845e-05 | -4.6819e-05 |  4.7430e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        73 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        73 |   367.1629 |     5.0296 |     8.6466 |  0.00038690 |      45.260 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        73 |         23 |    0.31507 |    0.49315 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        73 |   367.1628 |     5.0296 |     8.6466 |  0.00040000 |      45.260 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        73 |         23 |    0.31507 |    0.49315 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        68 |5.422421e-07 | 7.9741e-09 | 3.0125e-07 | -4.9568e-07 |  4.9804e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        68 |1.511363e-06 | 2.2226e-08 | 2.7981e-07 | -4.7149e-07 |  4.7102e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        68 |1.093574e-06 | 1.6082e-08 | 2.9529e-07 | -4.9962e-07 |  4.9397e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        68 |-1.853302e-06 |-2.7254e-08 | 6.2323e-07 | -9.7414e-07 |  9.9553e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |-0.0003007845 |-4.4233e-06 | 2.8732e-05 | -4.9209e-05 |  4.5546e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |9.466484e-05 | 1.3921e-06 | 3.0024e-05 | -4.8213e-05 |  4.8595e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |6.972696e-07 | 1.0254e-08 | 2.8289e-05 | -4.8182e-05 |  4.9500e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |-0.003768849 |-5.5424e-05 |  0.0028488 |  -0.0049024 |   0.0048423 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        68 |-9.653222e-06 |-1.4196e-07 | 2.8456e-06 | -4.9560e-06 |  4.7144e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        68 |   14.48988 |    0.21309 |     2.7038 |     -9.9542 |      8.1519 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        68 |   14.98076 |    0.22031 |     2.6703 |     -7.8358 |      7.5486 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        68 |   235.5227 |     3.4636 |     2.7082 |     -5.0282 |      5.0272 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        68 |  0.1216981 |  0.0017897 |  0.0018162 |  1.9328e-05 |    0.010130 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |  -1973.174 |    -29.017 |     1219.7 |     -3416.9 |      1870.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |   4905.322 |     72.137 |     484.49 |     -1083.7 |      1837.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |   876906.8 |     12896. |     1487.7 |      11953. |      16631. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |   152817.8 |     2247.3 |     6472.0 |      1.7002 |      37928. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        68 |   2996.897 |     44.072 |     5.2237 |      39.879 |      56.527 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        68 |   14.48988 |    0.21309 |     2.7038 |     -9.9542 |      8.1519 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        68 |   14.98076 |    0.22031 |     2.6703 |     -7.8358 |      7.5486 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        68 |   235.5227 |     3.4636 |     2.7082 |     -5.0282 |      5.0272 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        68 |     0.1217 |  0.0017897 |  0.0018162 |  2.0000e-05 |    0.010130 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |  -1973.174 |    -29.017 |     1219.7 |     -3416.9 |      1870.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |   4905.322 |     72.137 |     484.49 |     -1083.7 |      1837.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |   876906.8 |     12896. |     1487.7 |      11953. |      16631. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |   152817.8 |     2247.3 |     6472.0 |      1.7000 |      37928. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        68 |   2996.897 |     44.072 |     5.2237 |      39.879 |      56.527 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        91 |-7.137901e-06 |-7.8438e-08 | 2.8157e-07 | -4.9379e-07 |  4.7163e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        91 |1.361794e-06 | 1.4965e-08 | 2.7342e-07 | -4.8560e-07 |  4.7786e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        91 |-2.182469e-06 |-2.3983e-08 | 2.7602e-07 | -4.7638e-07 |  4.9283e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        91 |-7.19715e-06 |-7.9090e-08 | 5.9531e-07 | -9.8490e-07 |  9.6585e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |7.317405e-05 | 8.0411e-07 | 3.1176e-05 | -4.9405e-05 |  4.9481e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |-0.0001810582 |-1.9897e-06 | 2.6551e-05 | -4.9124e-05 |  4.9462e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |-0.000308508 |-3.3902e-06 | 2.9015e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.9193e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |-0.009927782 |-0.00010910 |  0.0028626 |  -0.0048820 |   0.0047914 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        91 |-2.279429e-06 |-2.5049e-08 | 2.5649e-06 | -4.8640e-06 |  4.5295e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        91 |   -159.352 |    -1.7511 |     5.8502 |     -38.115 |      4.5917 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        91 |  -8.199195 |  -0.090101 |     5.3139 |     -15.608 |      34.186 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        91 |   297.8795 |     3.2734 |     3.6524 |     -5.0562 |      5.1231 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        91 |  0.2034808 |  0.0022361 |  0.0024931 |  0.00036219 |    0.014496 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |   11173.66 |     122.79 |     1585.7 |     -3322.1 |      2846.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |  -27609.48 |    -303.40 |     1217.6 |     -3190.9 |      2309.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |    1179840 |     12965. |     1730.4 |      11955. |      17739. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |   212916.9 |     2339.7 |     6293.6 |      1.4880 |      42579. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        91 |   4256.818 |     46.778 |     7.6425 |      40.308 |      72.123 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        91 |   -159.352 |    -1.7511 |     5.8502 |     -38.115 |      4.5917 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        91 |  -8.199196 |  -0.090101 |     5.3139 |     -15.608 |      34.186 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        91 |   297.8795 |     3.2734 |     3.6524 |     -5.0562 |      5.1231 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        91 |   0.203488 |  0.0022361 |  0.0024929 |  0.00036200 |    0.014496 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |   11173.66 |     122.79 |     1585.7 |     -3322.1 |      2846.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |  -27609.48 |    -303.40 |     1217.6 |     -3190.9 |      2309.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |    1179840 |     12965. |     1730.4 |      11955. |      17739. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |   212916.9 |     2339.7 |     6293.6 |      1.4900 |      42579. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        91 |   4256.818 |     46.778 |     7.6425 |      40.308 |      72.123 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9630,7 +9627,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.296 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.988 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.FlatZSmear...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9657,7 +9654,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.256 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.944 |     2100.9 |     0.0000 |      2100.9 |      2100.9 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9677,40 +9674,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.109538 |     1.1095 |     0.0000 |      1.1095 |      1.1095 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         39 |     39.000 |     0.0000 |      39.000 |      39.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         43 |     43.000 |     0.0000 |      43.000 |      43.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.3671629 |    0.36716 |     0.0000 |     0.36716 |     0.36716 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         53 |     53.000 |     0.0000 |      53.000 |      53.000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.534287 |     3.5343 |     0.0000 |      3.5343 |      3.5343 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        215 |     215.00 |     0.0000 |      215.00 |      215.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        249 |     249.00 |     0.0000 |      249.00 |      249.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        279 |     279.00 |     0.0000 |      279.00 |      279.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   6.480412 |     6.4804 |     0.0000 |      6.4804 |      6.4804 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        421 |     421.00 |     0.0000 |      421.00 |      421.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        542 |     542.00 |     0.0000 |      542.00 |      542.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.2645459 |    0.26455 |     0.0000 |     0.26455 |     0.26455 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         36 |     36.000 |     0.0000 |      36.000 |      36.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.5950963 |    0.59510 |     0.0000 |     0.59510 |     0.59510 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         89 |     89.000 |     0.0000 |      89.000 |      89.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        101 |     101.00 |     0.0000 |      101.00 |      101.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1102562 |    0.11026 |     0.0000 |     0.11026 |     0.11026 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         35 |     35.000 |     0.0000 |      35.000 |      35.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         37 |     37.000 |     0.0000 |      37.000 |      37.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        221 |     221.00 |     0.0000 |      221.00 |      221.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1693034 |    0.16930 |     0.0000 |     0.16930 |     0.16930 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -9759,139 +9756,139 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 41790.000 | 42135.453 | 42135.449   42135.4     0.00 |       1 |    42.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 41790.000 | 42127.992 | 42127.992   42128.0     0.00 |       1 |    42.128 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1270.000 |  1297.276 | 1297.276    1297.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1270.000 |  1297.262 | 1297.262    1297.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.297 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.153 |    1.153       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1270.000 |  1295.184 | 1295.184    1295.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.295 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.743 |    0.743       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 40520.000 | 40830.664 | 40830.664   40830.7     0.00 |       1 |    40.831 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 40520.000 | 40830.621 | 40830.617   40830.6     0.00 |       1 |    40.831 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.807 |    0.807       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 40520.000 | 40829.785 | 40829.785   40829.8     0.00 |       1 |    40.830 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 40500.000 | 40751.824 | 40751.824   40751.8     0.00 |       1 |    40.752 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30430.000 | 30667.951 | 30667.951   30668.0     0.00 |       1 |    30.668 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 10050.000 | 10065.644 | 10065.644   10065.6     0.00 |       1 |    10.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.003 |    4.003       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     0.000 |     9.130 |    9.130       9.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.643       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.746 |    0.746       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.109 |    1.109       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     3.939 |    3.939       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     1.634 |    1.634       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.716 |    0.716       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.459       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.235 |    0.235       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.255 |    1.255       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     4.936 |    4.936       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |    10.000 |     0.925 |    0.925       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.798       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.431 |    0.431       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.428       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    77.940 |   77.940      77.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.372       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     0.000 |     8.990 |    8.990       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     4.715 |    4.715       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.512 |    0.512       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.348       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.075 |    1.075       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    68.071 |   68.071      68.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |    10.000 |     0.371 |    0.371       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |    47.238 |   47.238      47.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.047 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.879       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.524       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.756 |    0.756       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     1.544 |    1.544       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    10.000 |     9.161 |    9.161       9.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 39620.000 | 39870.875 | 39870.875   39870.9     0.00 |       1 |    39.871 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 39620.000 | 39865.855 | 39865.859   39865.9     0.00 |       1 |    39.866 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1250.000 |  1254.434 | 1254.434    1254.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1250.000 |  1254.421 | 1254.421    1254.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.954 |    0.954       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1250.000 |  1252.877 | 1252.877    1252.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 38370.000 | 38611.375 | 38611.379   38611.4     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 38370.000 | 38611.336 | 38611.336   38611.3     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 38370.000 | 38610.695 | 38610.695   38610.7     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 38350.000 | 38584.883 | 38584.887   38584.9     0.00 |       1 |    38.585 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30470.000 | 30664.713 | 30664.711   30664.7     0.00 |       1 |    30.665 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  7870.000 |  7909.656 | 7909.656    7909.7     0.00 |       1 |     7.910 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.005 |    2.005       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     0.000 |     5.815 |    5.815       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.879       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     2.210 |    2.210       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.763 |    0.763       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.887       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     2.617 |    2.617       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    25.792 |   25.792      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     0.000 |     9.412 |    9.412       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     5.474 |    5.474       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.554 |    0.554       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.563       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.861       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    15.796 |   15.796      15.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |     1.501 |    1.501       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.357       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.959       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     5.463 |    5.463       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.645       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     0.640 |    0.640       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 418      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 256      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.5ox6W8
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=   10  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 90.8  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 7.86  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 82.4  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        279 |     279.00 |     0.0000 |      279.00 |      279.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |         58 |     58.000 |     0.0000 |      58.000 |      58.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        221 |     221.00 |     0.0000 |      221.00 |      221.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         35 |     35.000 |     0.0000 |      35.000 |      35.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        245 |     245.00 |     0.0000 |      245.00 |      245.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        286 |     286.00 |     0.0000 |      286.00 |      286.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        418 |     418.00 |     0.0000 |      418.00 |      418.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        355 |     355.00 |     0.0000 |      355.00 |      355.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        221 |     221.00 |     0.0000 |      221.00 |      221.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        266 |     266.00 |     0.0000 |      266.00 |      266.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |        101 |     101.00 |     0.0000 |      101.00 |      101.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        155 |     155.00 |     0.0000 |      155.00 |      155.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -9915,3 +9912,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
index dbbfba47f..79e08b2e3 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 02:02:41 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:12:40 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSe
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   3.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5088,7 +5088,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Oct 2018 at 02:03:34    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:13:28    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5303,19 +5303,25 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.327
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  *-------  PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only)  ------------------*
  |                                                                                                                 |
  | Name                                          |                      Now |      Default         Min         Max |
  |                                               |                          |                                      |
+ | BeamRemnants:remnantMode                      |                        1 |            0           0           1 |
  | Beams:allowMomentumSpread                     |                       on |          off                         |
  | Beams:frameType                               |                        3 |            1           1           5 |
  | Beams:pxA                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pxB                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pzA                                     |                 6500.000 |     7000.000                         |
  | Beams:pzB                                     |                -6500.000 |    -7000.000                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:allowDoubleJunRem          |                      off |           on                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:junctionCorrection         |                  0.83990 |      1.20000   0.0100000    10.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:m0                         |                  0.90210 |      0.30000     0.10000     5.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:mode                       |                        1 |            0           0           4 |
+ | ColourReconnection:timeDilationPar            |                  1.96670 |      0.18000         0.0   100.00000 |
  | Init:showChangedParticleData                  |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showChangedSettings                      |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showMultipartonInteractions              |                      off |           on                         |
@@ -5325,7 +5331,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | LhcbHooks:pT0Ref                              |                  1.43000 |      2.28000                         |
  | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile              |                        1 |            3           0           4 |
  | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow                |                  0.23800 |      0.21500         0.0     0.50000 |
- | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.74229 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
+ | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.41880 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
  | Next:numberCount                              |                        0 |         1000           0             |
  | Next:numberShowEvent                          |                        0 |            1           0             |
  | Next:numberShowInfo                           |                        0 |            1           0             |
@@ -5352,16 +5358,16 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J0                       |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J1                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J2                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
- | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.74744 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.38190 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S0J1                      |                0.0989000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J0                      |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J1                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J2                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDvector                      |                  0.60000 |      0.50000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0                       |                0.0500000 |    0.0275000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.16157 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.40000 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35016 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.10860 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.64510 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35900 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings  -----------------------------*
 Generation                DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias
@@ -5580,7 +5586,7 @@ GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.146
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.274
 GenerationPrevPrev.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5596,7 +5602,7 @@ GenerationPrev.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.175
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.257
 GenerationPrev.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5612,7 +5618,7 @@ GenerationNext.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.259
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.281
 GenerationNext.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5628,7 +5634,7 @@ GenerationNextNext.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.288
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.323
 GenerationNextNext.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -7264,7 +7270,7 @@ GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 371 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 841 particles
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 422620573, 0]
 GaussGenPrev               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1048387414, 0]
 GaussGenNext               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1039602768, 0]
@@ -7632,32 +7638,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  142 #SubHits=  172 #Slots= 1015 Energy=   0.734[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  237 #SubHits=  309 #Slots= 1834 Energy=     1.9[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1049 #SubHits= 1725 #Slots= 1982 Energy=    20.5[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  115 #SubHits=  133 #Slots=  171 Energy=    1.79[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  269 #SubHits=  386 #Slots= 2300 Energy=    1.24[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  368 #SubHits=  594 #Slots= 3538 Energy=    3.58[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1673 #SubHits= 3654 #Slots= 4049 Energy=      53[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  187 #SubHits=  267 #Slots=  344 Energy=    3.11[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x24fe96c0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x261c2df0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 744
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1694
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 21
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 489
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 131
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 267
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 358
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 143
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 556
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 43
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 714
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 308
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 269
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 385
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 620
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 641
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 4
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 142
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 237
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 1049
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 115
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 204
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 117
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 498
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 269
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 368
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 1673
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 187
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 385
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 345
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 951
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -7694,14 +7700,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 851 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 1944 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 923 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 2205 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	851
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	923
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1944
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	2205
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1086029981, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
@@ -7710,31 +7716,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.7335286 |    0.73353 |     0.0000 |     0.73353 |     0.73353 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        142 |     142.00 |     0.0000 |      142.00 |      142.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        172 |     172.00 |     0.0000 |      172.00 |      172.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1015 |     1015.0 |     0.0000 |      1015.0 |      1015.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.236539 |     1.2365 |     0.0000 |      1.2365 |      1.2365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        269 |     269.00 |     0.0000 |      269.00 |      269.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        386 |     386.00 |     0.0000 |      386.00 |      386.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       2300 |     2300.0 |     0.0000 |      2300.0 |      2300.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.900914 |     1.9009 |     0.0000 |      1.9009 |      1.9009 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        237 |     237.00 |     0.0000 |      237.00 |      237.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        309 |     309.00 |     0.0000 |      309.00 |      309.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1834 |     1834.0 |     0.0000 |      1834.0 |      1834.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.583154 |     3.5832 |     0.0000 |      3.5832 |      3.5832 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        594 |     594.00 |     0.0000 |      594.00 |      594.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       3538 |     3538.0 |     0.0000 |      3538.0 |      3538.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   20.51106 |     20.511 |     0.0000 |      20.511 |      20.511 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       1049 |     1049.0 |     0.0000 |      1049.0 |      1049.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1725 |     1725.0 |     0.0000 |      1725.0 |      1725.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1982 |     1982.0 |     0.0000 |      1982.0 |      1982.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   52.98887 |     52.989 |     0.0000 |      52.989 |      52.989 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       1673 |     1673.0 |     0.0000 |      1673.0 |      1673.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       3654 |     3654.0 |     0.0000 |      3654.0 |      3654.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       4049 |     4049.0 |     0.0000 |      4049.0 |      4049.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.794462 |     1.7945 |     0.0000 |      1.7945 |      1.7945 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        115 |     115.00 |     0.0000 |      115.00 |      115.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        171 |     171.00 |     0.0000 |      171.00 |      171.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.108303 |     3.1083 |     0.0000 |      3.1083 |      3.1083 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        187 |     187.00 |     0.0000 |      187.00 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        267 |     267.00 |     0.0000 |      267.00 |      267.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        344 |     344.00 |     0.0000 |      344.00 |      344.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7746,31 +7752,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.7335286 |    0.36676 |    0.36676 |      0.0000 |     0.73353 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        142 |     71.000 |     71.000 |      0.0000 |      142.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        172 |     86.000 |     86.000 |      0.0000 |      172.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1015 |     507.50 |     507.50 |      0.0000 |      1015.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   1.236539 |    0.61827 |    0.61827 |      0.0000 |      1.2365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        269 |     134.50 |     134.50 |      0.0000 |      269.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        386 |     193.00 |     193.00 |      0.0000 |      386.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       2300 |     1150.0 |     1150.0 |      0.0000 |      2300.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   1.900914 |    0.95046 |    0.95046 |      0.0000 |      1.9009 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        237 |     118.50 |     118.50 |      0.0000 |      237.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        309 |     154.50 |     154.50 |      0.0000 |      309.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1834 |     917.00 |     917.00 |      0.0000 |      1834.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   3.583154 |     1.7916 |     1.7916 |      0.0000 |      3.5832 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        368 |     184.00 |     184.00 |      0.0000 |      368.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        594 |     297.00 |     297.00 |      0.0000 |      594.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       3538 |     1769.0 |     1769.0 |      0.0000 |      3538.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   20.51106 |     10.256 |     10.256 |      0.0000 |      20.511 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |       1049 |     524.50 |     524.50 |      0.0000 |      1049.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       1725 |     862.50 |     862.50 |      0.0000 |      1725.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1982 |     991.00 |     991.00 |      0.0000 |      1982.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   52.98887 |     26.494 |     26.494 |      0.0000 |      52.989 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |       1673 |     836.50 |     836.50 |      0.0000 |      1673.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       3654 |     1827.0 |     1827.0 |      0.0000 |      3654.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       4049 |     2024.5 |     2024.5 |      0.0000 |      4049.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   1.794462 |    0.89723 |    0.89723 |      0.0000 |      1.7945 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        115 |     57.500 |     57.500 |      0.0000 |      115.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        133 |     66.500 |     66.500 |      0.0000 |      133.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        171 |     85.500 |     85.500 |      0.0000 |      171.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   3.108303 |     1.5542 |     1.5542 |      0.0000 |      3.1083 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        187 |     93.500 |     93.500 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        267 |     133.50 |     133.50 |      0.0000 |      267.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        344 |     172.00 |     172.00 |      0.0000 |      344.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7782,70 +7788,72 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.7335286 |    0.24451 |    0.34579 |      0.0000 |     0.73353 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        142 |     47.333 |     66.939 |      0.0000 |      142.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        172 |     57.333 |     81.082 |      0.0000 |      172.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1015 |     338.33 |     478.48 |      0.0000 |      1015.0 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  155 #SubHits=  189 #Slots= 1124 Energy=   0.689[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   1.236539 |    0.41218 |    0.58291 |      0.0000 |      1.2365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        269 |     89.667 |     126.81 |      0.0000 |      269.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        386 |     128.67 |     181.96 |      0.0000 |      386.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       2300 |     766.67 |     1084.2 |      0.0000 |      2300.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   74 #SubHits=   95 #Slots=  558 Energy=   0.336[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   1.900914 |    0.63364 |    0.89610 |      0.0000 |      1.9009 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        237 |     79.000 |     111.72 |      0.0000 |      237.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        309 |     103.00 |     145.66 |      0.0000 |      309.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1834 |     611.33 |     864.56 |      0.0000 |      1834.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  193 #SubHits=  246 #Slots= 1467 Energy=     1.5[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   3.583154 |     1.1944 |     1.6891 |      0.0000 |      3.5832 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        368 |     122.67 |     173.48 |      0.0000 |      368.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        594 |     198.00 |     280.01 |      0.0000 |      594.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       3538 |     1179.3 |     1667.8 |      0.0000 |      3538.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  115 #SubHits=  136 #Slots=  808 Energy=   0.882[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   20.51106 |     6.8370 |     9.6690 |      0.0000 |      20.511 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |       1049 |     349.67 |     494.50 |      0.0000 |      1049.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       1725 |     575.00 |     813.17 |      0.0000 |      1725.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1982 |     660.67 |     934.32 |      0.0000 |      1982.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1033 #SubHits= 1371 #Slots= 1521 Energy=    18.3[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   52.98887 |     17.663 |     24.979 |      0.0000 |      52.989 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |       1673 |     557.67 |     788.66 |      0.0000 |      1673.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       3654 |     1218.0 |     1722.5 |      0.0000 |      3654.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       4049 |     1349.7 |     1908.7 |      0.0000 |      4049.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  777 #SubHits=  994 #Slots= 1211 Energy=    14.3[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   1.794462 |    0.59815 |    0.84592 |      0.0000 |      1.7945 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        115 |     38.333 |     54.212 |      0.0000 |      115.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        133 |     44.333 |     62.697 |      0.0000 |      133.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        171 |     57.000 |     80.610 |      0.0000 |      171.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  123 #SubHits=  132 #Slots=  179 Energy=    1.35[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1146
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1280
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   3.108303 |     1.0361 |     1.4653 |      0.0000 |      3.1083 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        187 |     62.333 |     88.153 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        267 |     89.000 |     125.87 |      0.0000 |      267.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        344 |     114.67 |     162.16 |      0.0000 |      344.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  105 #SubHits=  123 #Slots=  163 Energy=    1.35[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	873
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	865
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1769989743, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   1.422409 |    0.35560 |    0.35595 |      0.0000 |     0.73353 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        297 |     74.250 |     74.392 |      0.0000 |      155.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        361 |     90.250 |     90.450 |      0.0000 |      189.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2139 |     534.75 |     536.14 |      0.0000 |      1124.0 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  129 #SubHits=  160 #Slots=  945 Energy=   0.465[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   1.572045 |    0.39301 |    0.50591 |      0.0000 |      1.2365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        343 |     85.750 |     110.03 |      0.0000 |      269.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        481 |     120.25 |     158.26 |      0.0000 |      386.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2858 |     714.50 |     943.31 |      0.0000 |      2300.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   61 #SubHits=   77 #Slots=  458 Energy=   0.215[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   3.403403 |    0.85085 |    0.86243 |      0.0000 |      1.9009 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        430 |     107.50 |     108.62 |      0.0000 |      237.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        555 |     138.75 |     140.53 |      0.0000 |      309.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       3301 |     825.25 |     835.39 |      0.0000 |      1834.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  179 #SubHits=  235 #Slots= 1398 Energy=    1.25[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |    4.46525 |     1.1163 |     1.4691 |      0.0000 |      3.5832 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        483 |     120.75 |     150.27 |      0.0000 |      368.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        730 |     182.50 |     243.98 |      0.0000 |      594.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       4346 |     1086.5 |     1453.3 |      0.0000 |      3538.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  128 #SubHits=  154 #Slots=  908 Energy=   0.926[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   38.80681 |     9.7017 |     9.7333 |      0.0000 |      20.511 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       2082 |     520.50 |     520.53 |      0.0000 |      1049.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       3096 |     774.00 |     784.05 |      0.0000 |      1725.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       3503 |     875.75 |     890.79 |      0.0000 |      1982.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  786 #SubHits= 1278 #Slots= 1393 Energy=    12.3[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   67.29551 |     16.824 |     21.681 |      0.0000 |      52.989 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       2450 |     612.50 |     689.57 |      0.0000 |      1673.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       4648 |     1162.0 |     1494.9 |      0.0000 |      3654.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       5260 |     1315.0 |     1654.1 |      0.0000 |      4049.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  727 #SubHits=  995 #Slots= 1135 Energy=    15.3[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   3.139757 |    0.78494 |    0.80084 |      0.0000 |      1.7945 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        238 |     59.500 |     59.567 |      0.0000 |      123.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        265 |     66.250 |     66.251 |      0.0000 |      133.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        350 |     87.500 |     87.546 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   81 #SubHits=  107 #Slots=  130 Energy=    1.42[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	813
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	961
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   4.458107 |     1.1145 |     1.2762 |      0.0000 |      3.1083 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        292 |     73.000 |     78.546 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        390 |     97.500 |     109.99 |      0.0000 |      267.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        507 |     126.75 |     141.99 |      0.0000 |      344.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   85 #SubHits=   95 #Slots=  122 Energy=    1.12[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	506
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	564
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -7862,7 +7870,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Finalize
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 1 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 1 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 2 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 56.4185 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 56.4185 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 0 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 0 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
@@ -7888,21 +7896,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 371
+= Number of particles generated: 841
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 371
+= Mean multiplicity: 841
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 231
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 493
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 231
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 493
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 72
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 132
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 72
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 132
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 16
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 24
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 16
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 24
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -7984,21 +7992,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNext          INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 411
+= Number of particles generated: 527
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 411
+= Mean multiplicity: 527
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 251
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 306
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 251
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 306
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 76
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 98
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 76
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 98
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 17
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 26
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 17
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 26
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNext       SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8013,21 +8021,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext      INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 285
+= Number of particles generated: 190
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 285
+= Mean multiplicity: 190
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 184
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 164
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 184
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 164
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 42
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 62
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 42
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 62
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 3
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 11
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 3
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 11
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext   SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8105,26 +8113,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  625.00 +-25.00 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  699.00 +-26.44 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  541.00 +-23.26 ( 86.56 +-1.36%) Rich2 =  327.00 +-18.08 ( 46.78 +-1.89%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.80 +-0.36%) Rich2 =   15.00 +- 3.87 (  2.15 +-0.55%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   46.00 +- 6.78 (  7.36 +-1.04%) Rich2 =  139.00 +-11.79 ( 19.89 +-1.51%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  654.00 +-25.57 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1261.00 +-35.51 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.08 +-0.08%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  440.00 +-20.98 ( 67.28 +-1.83%) Rich2 =  667.00 +-25.83 ( 52.89 +-1.41%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  1.53 +-0.48%) Rich2 =   14.00 +- 3.74 (  1.11 +-0.30%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  192.00 +-13.86 ( 29.36 +-1.78%) Rich2 =  192.00 +-13.86 ( 15.23 +-1.01%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  196.00 +-14.00 ( 28.04 +-1.70%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   48.00 +- 6.93 (  7.68 +-1.07%) Rich2 =   43.00 +- 6.56 (  6.15 +-0.91%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   37.00 +- 6.08 (  5.92 +-0.94%) Rich2 =   31.00 +- 5.57 (  4.43 +-0.78%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.08 +-0.08%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  360.00 +-18.97 ( 28.55 +-1.27%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   79.00 +- 8.89 ( 12.08 +-1.27%) Rich2 =   79.00 +- 8.89 (  6.26 +-0.68%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   60.00 +- 7.75 (  9.17 +-1.13%) Rich2 =   59.00 +- 7.68 (  4.68 +-0.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  3.04 +-0.69%) Rich2 =   21.00 +- 4.58 (  3.00 +-0.65%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  3.67 +-0.74%) Rich2 =   38.00 +- 6.16 (  3.01 +-0.48%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  541.00 +-23.26 ( 86.56 +-1.36%) Rich2Gas =  327.00 +-18.08 ( 46.78 +-1.89%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  440.00 +-20.98 ( 67.28 +-1.83%) Rich2Gas =  667.00 +-25.83 ( 52.89 +-1.41%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -8144,14 +8152,14 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   574.00 +- 23.96 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   545.00 +- 23.35 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    20.00 +-  4.47 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   185.00 +- 13.60 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    23.00 +-  4.80 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    59.00 +-  7.68 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   452.00 +- 21.26 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1054.00 +- 32.47 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    24.00 +-  4.90 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   384.00 +- 19.60 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    29.00 +-  5.39 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   107.00 +- 10.34 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -8197,46 +8205,46 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        489 |     489.00 |     0.0000 |      489.00 |      489.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        714 |     714.00 |     0.0000 |      714.00 |      714.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         21 |     21.000 |     0.0000 |      21.000 |      21.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         43 |     43.000 |     0.0000 |      43.000 |      43.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        131 |     131.00 |     0.0000 |      131.00 |      131.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        308 |     308.00 |     0.0000 |      308.00 |      308.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        117 |     117.00 |     0.0000 |      117.00 |      117.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        345 |     345.00 |     0.0000 |      345.00 |      345.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        498 |     498.00 |     0.0000 |      498.00 |      498.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        951 |     951.00 |     0.0000 |      951.00 |      951.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        204 |     204.00 |     0.0000 |      204.00 |      204.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        385 |     385.00 |     0.0000 |      385.00 |      385.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1834 |     1834.0 |     0.0000 |      1834.0 |      1834.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3538 |     3538.0 |     0.0000 |      3538.0 |      3538.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1015 |     1015.0 |     0.0000 |      1015.0 |      1015.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2300 |     2300.0 |     0.0000 |      2300.0 |      2300.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1982 |     1982.0 |     0.0000 |      1982.0 |      1982.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4049 |     4049.0 |     0.0000 |      4049.0 |      4049.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        171 |     171.00 |     0.0000 |      171.00 |      171.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        344 |     344.00 |     0.0000 |      344.00 |      344.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1915 |     1915.0 |     0.0000 |      1915.0 |      1915.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1914 |     1914.0 |     0.0000 |      1914.0 |      1914.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        145 |     145.00 |     0.0000 |      145.00 |      145.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         72 |     72.000 |     0.0000 |      72.000 |      72.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8246,42 +8254,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       489+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 21+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       714+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 43+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 131
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 993.756
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.155459
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0558569
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 308
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3727.93
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.153753
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0461056
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        11 |         11 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       131 |     130182 |     993.76 |     2194.5 |     0.81734 |      9482.4 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        131 |     131.00 |     0.0000 |      131.00 |      131.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        47 |         47 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       308 |    1148202 |     3727.9 |     20543. |   0.0095704 |  1.6154e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        308 |     308.00 |     0.0000 |      308.00 |      308.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 117
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 229.214
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0973749
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.03747
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 345
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2495.55
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.116336
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0449239
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         8 |          8 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       117 |   26818.06 |     229.21 |     245.30 |     0.18648 |      869.81 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        117 |     117.00 |     0.0000 |      117.00 |      117.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        15 |         15 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       345 |   860964.2 |     2495.5 |     10808. |   0.0054476 |  1.6154e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        345 |     345.00 |     0.0000 |      345.00 |      345.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 498
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2193.92
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.193096
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0696252
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 951
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3678.45
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.196862
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0830083
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        14 |         14 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       498 |    1092575 |     2193.9 |     6171.1 |     0.90062 |      29842. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        498 |     498.00 |     0.0000 |      498.00 |      498.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        50 |         50 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       951 |    3498210 |     3678.5 |     20302. |    0.013513 |  1.6154e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        951 |     951.00 |     0.0000 |      951.00 |      951.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -8290,374 +8298,374 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 77.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 38.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 57.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 24.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 110.000  0.000  7.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 122.000  0.000  4.000  0.000  2.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 74.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 66.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 196.000  8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 372.000  0.000  11.000  0.000  2.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         21 |     21.000 |     0.0000 |      21.000 |      21.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         43 |     43.000 |     0.0000 |      43.000 |      43.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        21 |1.078075e-06 | 5.1337e-08 | 2.8811e-07 | -4.6787e-07 |  4.3964e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        21 |1.202145e-06 | 5.7245e-08 | 3.1226e-07 | -4.1896e-07 |  4.8677e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        21 |-2.147714e-06 |-1.0227e-07 | 2.1043e-07 | -4.9655e-07 |  3.2794e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        21 |1.726535e-06 | 8.2216e-08 | 5.7655e-07 | -8.7670e-07 |  9.3865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        21 |-2.35147e-05 |-1.1197e-06 | 2.3165e-05 | -4.0349e-05 |  4.1296e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        21 |0.0001156534 | 5.5073e-06 | 2.0863e-05 | -2.7792e-05 |  3.9029e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        21 |0.0001140383 | 5.4304e-06 | 2.5914e-05 | -4.9555e-05 |  4.7085e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        21 | -0.0119157 |-0.00056741 |  0.0027634 |  -0.0048475 |   0.0043918 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        21 |-3.648337e-06 |-1.7373e-07 | 2.5626e-06 | -4.1691e-06 |  4.5987e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        21 | 0.08445508 |  0.0040217 |   0.017740 |   -0.021510 |    0.028748 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        21 |  0.0287262 |  0.0013679 |   0.021191 |   -0.038902 |    0.028472 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        21 |  -6.021292 |   -0.28673 |   0.059323 |    -0.30015 |   -0.021429 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        21 |   1.858644 |   0.088507 |   0.028563 |   0.0064854 |     0.17782 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        21 |   101.2342 |     4.8207 |     15.075 |     -20.739 |      23.112 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        21 |   52.24642 |     2.4879 |     17.901 |     -36.857 |      28.647 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        21 |  -5606.825 |    -266.99 |     41.302 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        21 |     215474 |     10261. |     6164.0 |      3.2283 |      21173. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        21 |   18.73371 |    0.89208 |    0.13710 |     0.72938 |      1.0559 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        21 |   0.084454 |  0.0040216 |   0.017740 |   -0.021510 |    0.028748 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        21 |   0.028725 |  0.0013679 |   0.021191 |   -0.038902 |    0.028472 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        21 |   -6.02129 |   -0.28673 |   0.059323 |    -0.30015 |   -0.021429 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        21 |   1.858642 |   0.088507 |   0.028563 |   0.0064860 |     0.17782 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        21 |   101.2342 |     4.8207 |     15.075 |     -20.739 |      23.112 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        21 |    52.2463 |     2.4879 |     17.901 |     -36.857 |      28.648 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        21 |  -5606.825 |    -266.99 |     41.302 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        21 |     215474 |     10261. |     6164.0 |      3.2300 |      21173. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        21 |   18.73371 |    0.89208 |    0.13710 |     0.72938 |      1.0559 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        43 |-3.452523e-06 |-8.0291e-08 | 3.0553e-07 | -4.9399e-07 |  4.7447e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        43 |8.523299e-07 | 1.9822e-08 | 3.0445e-07 | -4.8566e-07 |  4.6952e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        43 |2.408799e-06 | 5.6019e-08 | 3.0763e-07 | -4.8685e-07 |  4.7967e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        43 |2.39416e-07 | 5.5678e-09 | 5.9233e-07 | -9.5604e-07 |  9.1199e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        43 |6.289872e-06 | 1.4628e-07 | 2.8782e-05 | -4.7516e-05 |  4.5465e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        43 |0.0002918699 | 6.7877e-06 | 2.5350e-05 | -4.4083e-05 |  4.6508e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        43 |-0.0002061631 |-4.7945e-06 | 2.9825e-05 | -4.9596e-05 |  4.9780e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        43 |-0.001328665 |-3.0899e-05 |  0.0027676 |  -0.0048650 |   0.0045854 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        43 |2.303889e-05 | 5.3579e-07 | 3.0850e-06 | -4.9955e-06 |  4.9415e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        43 |  0.5628155 |   0.013089 |   0.073632 |   -0.028263 |     0.48099 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        43 |  0.1204739 |  0.0028017 |   0.014204 |   -0.036441 |    0.029072 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        43 |  -11.99622 |   -0.27898 |   0.096407 |    -0.30012 |     0.30307 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        43 |   4.599294 |    0.10696 |   0.048046 |    0.037271 |     0.36365 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        43 |    162.878 |     3.7879 |     14.291 |     -26.955 |      35.863 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        43 |    115.979 |     2.6972 |     13.531 |     -28.125 |      28.981 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        43 |  -11857.01 |    -275.74 |     40.636 |     -316.06 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        43 |   419075.5 |     9745.9 |     13680. |      5.2679 |      54233. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        43 |   42.18364 |    0.98101 |    0.21223 |     0.73125 |      1.9882 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        43 |   0.562819 |   0.013089 |   0.073632 |   -0.028263 |     0.48100 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        43 |   0.120473 |  0.0028017 |   0.014204 |   -0.036441 |    0.029072 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        43 |  -11.99622 |   -0.27898 |   0.096407 |    -0.30012 |     0.30307 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        43 |   4.599294 |    0.10696 |   0.048046 |    0.037270 |     0.36365 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        43 |    162.878 |     3.7879 |     14.291 |     -26.955 |      35.864 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        43 |   115.9787 |     2.6972 |     13.531 |     -28.125 |      28.981 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        43 |  -11857.01 |    -275.74 |     40.636 |     -316.06 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        43 |   419075.5 |     9745.9 |     13680. |      5.2700 |      54233. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        43 |   42.18362 |    0.98101 |    0.21223 |     0.73125 |      1.9882 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        489 |     489.00 |     0.0000 |      489.00 |      489.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        714 |     714.00 |     0.0000 |      714.00 |      714.00 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       489 |4.591673e-06 | 9.3899e-09 | 3.0245e-07 | -4.9936e-07 |  4.9912e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       489 |-9.562173e-06 |-1.9555e-08 | 2.9155e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9459e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       489 |-2.651207e-06 |-5.4217e-09 | 2.9697e-07 | -4.9315e-07 |  4.9948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       489 |-3.722323e-06 |-7.6121e-09 | 5.7914e-07 | -9.9555e-07 |  9.9620e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       489 |0.0006802622 | 1.3911e-06 | 2.8189e-05 | -4.9613e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       489 |-0.0007698573 |-1.5744e-06 | 2.8857e-05 | -4.9612e-05 |  4.9808e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       489 |-0.0004008295 |-8.1969e-07 | 2.9538e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       489 |-0.02324291 |-4.7532e-05 |  0.0027853 |  -0.0049667 |   0.0049590 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       489 |-6.931896e-05 |-1.4176e-07 | 2.8052e-06 | -4.9982e-06 |  4.9713e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       489 |  0.9459256 |  0.0019344 |   0.077429 |    -0.83766 |     0.74823 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       489 |  -5.321411 |  -0.010882 |   0.080512 |    -0.42780 |     0.48867 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       489 |   58.41906 |    0.11947 |    0.26588 |    -0.30119 |     0.30048 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       489 |   75.60399 |    0.15461 |    0.54310 |   0.0036570 |      10.712 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       489 |  -853.1279 |    -1.7446 |     16.358 |     -40.457 |      43.111 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       489 |  -1811.989 |    -3.7055 |     16.748 |     -43.640 |      40.986 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       489 |    92038.8 |     188.22 |     266.20 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       489 |    5364997 |     10971. |     16038. |      4.0682 |      66905. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       489 |   414.5635 |    0.84778 |    0.69618 |    0.045383 |      2.5117 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       489 |   0.945921 |  0.0019344 |   0.077429 |    -0.83766 |     0.74823 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       489 |  -5.321401 |  -0.010882 |   0.080512 |    -0.42780 |     0.48867 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       489 |   58.41906 |    0.11947 |    0.26588 |    -0.30119 |     0.30048 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       489 |     75.604 |    0.15461 |    0.54310 |   0.0036580 |      10.712 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       489 |  -853.1286 |    -1.7446 |     16.358 |     -40.457 |      43.111 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       489 |  -1811.988 |    -3.7055 |     16.748 |     -43.640 |      40.986 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       489 |    92038.8 |     188.22 |     266.20 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       489 |    5364997 |     10971. |     16038. |      4.0700 |      66905. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       489 |   414.5636 |    0.84778 |    0.69618 |    0.045380 |      2.5117 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       714 |2.832598e-06 | 3.9672e-09 | 2.8829e-07 | -4.9868e-07 |  4.9773e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       714 |2.280917e-06 | 3.1946e-09 | 2.8602e-07 | -4.9956e-07 |  4.9848e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       714 |3.798085e-06 | 5.3194e-09 | 2.8011e-07 | -4.9838e-07 |  4.9891e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       714 |-7.989879e-06 |-1.1190e-08 | 5.9279e-07 | -9.9531e-07 |  9.9978e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       714 |0.0008400004 | 1.1765e-06 | 2.9091e-05 | -4.9962e-05 |  4.9937e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       714 |5.42008e-05 | 7.5911e-08 | 2.9239e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9934e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       714 |0.0003305633 | 4.6297e-07 | 2.8944e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       714 |-0.00250487 |-3.5082e-06 |  0.0029382 |  -0.0049878 |   0.0049645 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       714 |-3.652762e-05 |-5.1159e-08 | 2.9759e-06 | -4.9650e-06 |  4.9907e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       714 |   6.374532 |  0.0089279 |    0.11540 |    -0.42951 |      1.1286 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       714 |  0.3074613 | 0.00043062 |    0.11231 |     -1.0629 |     0.86477 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       714 |     107.97 |    0.15122 |    0.25345 |    -0.30036 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       714 |   90.86247 |    0.12726 |    0.11981 |   0.0090648 |      1.2773 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       714 |   704.6899 |    0.98696 |     15.579 |     -42.495 |      43.968 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       714 |    2236.39 |     3.1322 |     16.364 |     -42.926 |      42.477 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       714 |   158022.4 |     221.32 |     288.56 |     -175.78 |      751.17 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       714 |    5773943 |     8086.8 |     15236. |      3.6450 |      94265. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       714 |   643.6632 |    0.90149 |    0.76837 |    0.032946 |      2.5103 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       714 |   6.374529 |  0.0089279 |    0.11540 |    -0.42951 |      1.1286 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       714 |   0.307459 | 0.00043061 |    0.11231 |     -1.0629 |     0.86477 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       714 |     107.97 |    0.15122 |    0.25345 |    -0.30036 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       714 |   90.86247 |    0.12726 |    0.11981 |   0.0090640 |      1.2773 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       714 |   704.6891 |    0.98696 |     15.579 |     -42.495 |      43.968 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       714 |    2236.39 |     3.1322 |     16.364 |     -42.926 |      42.477 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       714 |   158022.4 |     221.32 |     288.56 |     -175.78 |      751.17 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       714 |    5773943 |     8086.8 |     15236. |      3.6500 |      94265. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       714 |   643.6632 |    0.90149 |    0.76837 |    0.032950 |      2.5103 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        131 |     131.00 |     0.0000 |      131.00 |      131.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        308 |     308.00 |     0.0000 |      308.00 |      308.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       131 |-8.027329e-07 |-6.1277e-09 | 2.7784e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.8862e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       131 |3.75265e-07 | 2.8646e-09 | 3.0980e-07 | -4.9318e-07 |  4.7861e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       131 |-2.542009e-07 |-1.9405e-09 | 1.2582e-07 | -4.9768e-07 |  4.6442e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       131 |-1.100869e-05 |-8.4036e-08 | 5.4203e-07 | -9.8198e-07 |  9.9764e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       131 |0.0003099799 | 2.3663e-06 | 2.8132e-05 | -4.6330e-05 |  4.9936e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       131 |0.0005041874 | 3.8488e-06 | 2.7537e-05 | -4.9706e-05 |  4.9406e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       131 |2.865518e-06 | 2.1874e-08 | 6.9280e-06 | -4.9022e-05 |  3.3880e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       131 |-0.07253444 |-0.00055370 |  0.0028104 |  -0.0049832 |   0.0049005 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       131 |-1.834753e-05 |-1.4006e-07 | 2.5508e-06 | -4.9345e-06 |  4.4785e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       131 |   6.371562 |   0.048638 |    0.37936 |    -0.83510 |      2.8189 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       131 |  0.4244974 |  0.0032404 |    0.10846 |    -0.35629 |     0.59366 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       131 |   47.20482 |    0.36034 |    0.29207 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       131 |   26.24241 |    0.20032 |    0.13008 |    0.021241 |     0.94543 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       131 |  -9042.206 |    -69.024 |     280.70 |     -771.90 |      767.03 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       131 |   -4222.67 |    -32.234 |     189.77 |     -328.00 |      632.57 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       131 |   325074.5 |     2481.5 |     135.96 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       131 |    1152857 |     8800.4 |     16462. |      1.5863 |      66898. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       131 |    1256.14 |     9.5889 |     2.7960 |      7.7492 |      20.113 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       131 |   6.371563 |   0.048638 |    0.37936 |    -0.83510 |      2.8189 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       131 |   0.424497 |  0.0032404 |    0.10846 |    -0.35629 |     0.59366 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       131 |   47.20482 |    0.36034 |    0.29207 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       131 |   26.24242 |    0.20032 |    0.13008 |    0.021242 |     0.94543 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       131 |  -9042.207 |    -69.024 |     280.70 |     -771.90 |      767.03 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       131 |  -4222.671 |    -32.234 |     189.77 |     -328.00 |      632.57 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       131 |   325074.5 |     2481.5 |     135.96 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       131 |    1152857 |     8800.4 |     16462. |      1.5900 |      66898. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       131 |    1256.14 |     9.5889 |     2.7960 |      7.7492 |      20.113 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       308 |7.075995e-06 | 2.2974e-08 | 2.9175e-07 | -4.9118e-07 |  4.9839e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       308 |7.507524e-06 | 2.4375e-08 | 2.8312e-07 | -4.9400e-07 |  4.9857e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       308 |-1.680048e-06 |-5.4547e-09 | 1.1429e-07 | -4.9418e-07 |  4.8590e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       308 |2.154994e-06 | 6.9967e-09 | 6.1270e-07 | -9.9825e-07 |  9.9646e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       308 |0.0001295046 | 4.2047e-07 | 2.8950e-05 | -4.9943e-05 |  4.9570e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       308 |0.0004842611 | 1.5723e-06 | 2.9133e-05 | -4.9155e-05 |  4.9761e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       308 |-9.259392e-05 |-3.0063e-07 | 6.1067e-06 | -4.1680e-05 |  3.6669e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       308 | 0.07645563 | 0.00024823 |  0.0028669 |  -0.0049168 |   0.0049822 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       308 |3.702192e-05 | 1.2020e-07 | 3.0220e-06 | -4.9830e-06 |  4.9850e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       308 |  0.3016521 | 0.00097939 |    0.48213 |     -2.8215 |      4.6575 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       308 |   3.941401 |   0.012797 |    0.46378 |     -6.2839 |      3.4001 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       308 |   111.2971 |    0.36135 |    0.30333 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       308 |    79.2142 |    0.25719 |    0.48213 |   0.0027655 |      6.9371 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       308 |   4064.244 |     13.196 |     265.51 |     -741.44 |      728.16 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       308 |  -2195.935 |    -7.1297 |     238.04 |     -673.79 |      637.81 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       308 |   767804.3 |     2492.9 |     136.93 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       308 |    1628806 |     5288.3 |     14755. |      1.4244 |      94253. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       308 |   3120.475 |     10.131 |     5.0868 |      7.6555 |      40.026 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       308 |   0.301645 | 0.00097937 |    0.48213 |     -2.8215 |      4.6575 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       308 |   3.941393 |   0.012797 |    0.46378 |     -6.2839 |      3.4001 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       308 |   111.2971 |    0.36135 |    0.30333 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       308 |    79.2142 |    0.25719 |    0.48213 |   0.0027660 |      6.9371 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       308 |   4064.244 |     13.196 |     265.51 |     -741.44 |      728.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       308 |  -2195.936 |    -7.1297 |     238.04 |     -673.79 |      637.81 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       308 |   767804.3 |     2492.9 |     136.93 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       308 |    1628806 |     5288.3 |     14755. |      1.4200 |      94253. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       308 |   3120.475 |     10.131 |     5.0868 |      7.6555 |      40.026 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        117 |     117.00 |     0.0000 |      117.00 |      117.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        345 |     345.00 |     0.0000 |      345.00 |      345.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       117 |1.484692e-07 | 1.2690e-09 | 2.8639e-07 | -4.7752e-07 |  4.7720e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       117 |-5.658313e-06 |-4.8362e-08 | 2.7606e-07 | -4.9889e-07 |  4.9855e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       117 |5.748445e-07 | 4.9132e-09 | 2.7496e-07 | -4.8953e-07 |  4.7063e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       117 |5.583441e-06 | 4.7722e-08 | 5.8253e-07 | -9.7715e-07 |  9.7881e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |0.0006233318 | 5.3276e-06 | 3.0179e-05 | -4.8576e-05 |  4.9839e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |-0.0003289145 |-2.8112e-06 | 2.9516e-05 | -4.9506e-05 |  4.8460e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |-0.0004686274 |-4.0054e-06 | 2.8119e-05 | -4.8948e-05 |  4.9490e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       117 | 0.02649083 | 0.00022642 |  0.0029459 |  -0.0048862 |   0.0048329 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       117 |-2.191471e-05 |-1.8731e-07 | 2.7004e-06 | -4.8603e-06 |  4.8391e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       117 |  -2.047204 |  -0.017497 |    0.14282 |    -0.82255 |     0.38308 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       117 |   1.014436 |  0.0086704 |   0.057970 |    -0.30446 |     0.20600 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       117 |   33.59903 |    0.28717 |    0.20535 |    -0.40987 |     0.41038 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       117 |   22.25619 |    0.19022 |    0.33157 |    0.037291 |      2.6102 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |   125.1596 |     1.0697 |     270.62 |     -533.42 |      624.62 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -1212.877 |    -10.366 |     122.33 |     -179.51 |      205.50 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |   965097.5 |     8248.7 |     581.87 |      7667.6 |      9170.9 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |    2574248 |     22002. |     23973. |      1.4844 |      66865. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       117 |   3343.713 |     28.579 |     2.2297 |      25.605 |      33.718 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       117 |  -2.047204 |  -0.017497 |    0.14282 |    -0.82255 |     0.38309 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       117 |   1.014442 |  0.0086704 |   0.057970 |    -0.30446 |     0.20600 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       117 |   33.59903 |    0.28717 |    0.20535 |    -0.40987 |     0.41037 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       117 |   22.25619 |    0.19022 |    0.33157 |    0.037290 |      2.6102 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |    125.159 |     1.0697 |     270.62 |     -533.42 |      624.62 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -1212.876 |    -10.366 |     122.33 |     -179.51 |      205.50 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |   965097.5 |     8248.7 |     581.87 |      7667.6 |      9170.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |    2574248 |     22002. |     23973. |      1.4800 |      66865. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       117 |   3343.713 |     28.579 |     2.2297 |      25.605 |      33.718 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       345 |6.560526e-07 | 1.9016e-09 | 2.6959e-07 | -4.9947e-07 |  4.9802e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       345 |5.38438e-06 | 1.5607e-08 | 2.8785e-07 | -4.9648e-07 |  4.9631e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       345 |-4.804392e-06 |-1.3926e-08 | 2.6477e-07 | -4.9886e-07 |  4.9900e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       345 |6.007718e-06 | 1.7414e-08 | 5.8950e-07 | -9.9610e-07 |  9.9722e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       345 |1.128358e-06 | 3.2706e-09 | 2.9498e-05 | -4.9768e-05 |  4.9526e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       345 |0.0001150154 | 3.3338e-07 | 2.8778e-05 | -4.9795e-05 |  4.9742e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       345 |0.0002929484 | 8.4913e-07 | 2.9629e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9362e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       345 |-0.01570711 |-4.5528e-05 |  0.0030861 |  -0.0049879 |   0.0049798 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       345 |-8.22471e-05 |-2.3840e-07 | 2.9121e-06 | -4.9629e-06 |  4.9787e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       345 |   3.433934 |  0.0099534 |    0.25366 |     -1.3638 |      1.1197 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       345 | -0.5817556 | -0.0016862 |    0.11430 |    -0.62734 |     0.82414 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       345 |    101.001 |    0.29276 |    0.21247 |    -0.41043 |     0.41103 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       345 |   67.32747 |    0.19515 |    0.32071 |  0.00025113 |      4.9434 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       345 |   17461.46 |     50.613 |     243.52 |     -484.32 |      610.88 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       345 |   7924.781 |     22.970 |     108.10 |     -204.69 |      212.39 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       345 |    2841546 |     8236.4 |     554.47 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       345 |    3269629 |     9477.2 |     19821. |      1.4263 |      94246. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       345 |   9638.158 |     27.937 |     1.9222 |      25.533 |      32.936 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       345 |   3.433933 |  0.0099534 |    0.25366 |     -1.3638 |      1.1197 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       345 |  -0.581761 | -0.0016863 |    0.11430 |    -0.62734 |     0.82414 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       345 |    101.001 |    0.29276 |    0.21247 |    -0.41043 |     0.41103 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       345 |   67.32746 |    0.19515 |    0.32071 |  0.00025200 |      4.9434 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       345 |   17461.46 |     50.613 |     243.52 |     -484.32 |      610.88 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       345 |   7924.781 |     22.970 |     108.10 |     -204.69 |      212.39 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       345 |    2841546 |     8236.4 |     554.47 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       345 |    3269629 |     9477.2 |     19821. |      1.4300 |      94246. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       345 |   9638.158 |     27.937 |     1.9222 |      25.533 |      32.936 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        498 |     498.00 |     0.0000 |      498.00 |      498.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        951 |     951.00 |     0.0000 |      951.00 |      951.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       498 |-2.327868e-06 |-4.6744e-09 | 3.0741e-07 | -4.9929e-07 |  4.9564e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       498 |1.366596e-05 | 2.7442e-08 | 2.9327e-07 | -4.9762e-07 |  4.9990e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       498 |3.307175e-07 | 6.6409e-10 | 2.9271e-07 | -4.9931e-07 |  4.9835e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       498 |4.381589e-06 | 8.7984e-09 | 5.6853e-07 | -9.9575e-07 |  9.8907e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       498 |4.053145e-05 | 8.1388e-08 | 2.9634e-05 | -4.9925e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       498 |0.0008213236 | 1.6492e-06 | 2.8350e-05 | -4.9887e-05 |  4.9487e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       498 |-0.000522026 |-1.0482e-06 | 2.9474e-05 | -4.9834e-05 |  4.9765e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       498 |  0.0166706 | 3.3475e-05 |  0.0028548 |  -0.0049439 |   0.0049763 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       498 |-6.620184e-05 |-1.3294e-07 | 2.8808e-06 | -4.9780e-06 |  4.9655e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       498 |   94.94944 |    0.19066 |     8.5475 |     -59.141 |      46.515 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       498 |  -7.805262 |  -0.015673 |     4.8893 |     -43.397 |      48.512 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       498 |   3407.481 |     6.8423 |     6.8821 |     -10.792 |      10.868 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       498 |   115.1552 |    0.23124 |    0.14589 |   0.0013055 |      1.4165 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       498 |  -24853.93 |    -49.907 |     1295.1 |     -3024.3 |      2777.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       498 |  -41519.84 |    -83.373 |     667.42 |     -2174.1 |      2105.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       498 |    4303680 |     8641.9 |     549.59 |      7852.2 |      9408.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       498 |    1654817 |     3322.9 |     4806.3 |      1.4569 |      23862. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       498 |   16345.35 |     32.822 |     8.9324 |      26.219 |      96.519 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       498 |   94.94944 |    0.19066 |     8.5475 |     -59.141 |      46.515 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       498 |  -7.805276 |  -0.015673 |     4.8893 |     -43.397 |      48.512 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       498 |   3407.481 |     6.8423 |     6.8821 |     -10.792 |      10.868 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       498 |   115.1552 |    0.23124 |    0.14589 |   0.0013060 |      1.4165 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       498 |  -24853.93 |    -49.907 |     1295.1 |     -3024.3 |      2777.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       498 |  -41519.84 |    -83.373 |     667.42 |     -2174.1 |      2105.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       498 |    4303680 |     8641.9 |     549.59 |      7852.2 |      9408.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       498 |    1654817 |     3322.9 |     4806.3 |      1.4600 |      23862. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       498 |   16345.35 |     32.822 |     8.9324 |      26.219 |      96.519 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       951 |1.253144e-05 | 1.3177e-08 | 2.8278e-07 | -4.9900e-07 |  4.9285e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       951 |-2.209338e-07 |-2.3232e-10 | 2.9118e-07 | -4.9717e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       951 |-2.74831e-06 |-2.8899e-09 | 2.9036e-07 | -4.9932e-07 |  4.9962e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       951 |1.073534e-05 | 1.1288e-08 | 5.8001e-07 | -9.9918e-07 |  9.9868e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       951 |-0.0004196031 |-4.4122e-07 | 2.8325e-05 | -4.9899e-05 |  4.9824e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       951 |-0.0009273659 |-9.7515e-07 | 2.9349e-05 | -4.9893e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       951 |-0.0002278308 |-2.3957e-07 | 2.8491e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9910e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       951 |-0.06039647 |-6.3508e-05 |  0.0028714 |  -0.0049837 |   0.0049716 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       951 |-1.538104e-05 |-1.6174e-08 | 2.8604e-06 | -4.9882e-06 |  4.9894e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       951 |  -1293.891 |    -1.3606 |     8.1293 |     -73.826 |      103.44 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       951 |   855.8789 |    0.89998 |     7.2148 |     -33.901 |      76.058 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       951 |   7144.536 |     7.5127 |     6.5654 |     -10.838 |      11.004 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       951 |   316.1195 |    0.33241 |    0.43218 |  0.00056348 |      5.2261 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       951 |  -140205.9 |    -147.43 |     1211.0 |     -2944.5 |      2998.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       951 |    25751.8 |     27.079 |     683.02 |     -2414.2 |      2422.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       951 |    8322934 |     8751.8 |     540.93 |      7847.0 |      9414.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       951 |    3694939 |     3885.3 |     11437. |      1.4230 |      94244. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       951 |   30744.59 |     32.329 |     7.5935 |      26.132 |      125.58 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       951 |  -1293.891 |    -1.3606 |     8.1293 |     -73.826 |      103.44 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       951 |   855.8789 |    0.89998 |     7.2148 |     -33.901 |      76.058 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       951 |   7144.536 |     7.5127 |     6.5654 |     -10.838 |      11.004 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       951 |   316.1195 |    0.33241 |    0.43218 |  0.00056400 |      5.2261 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       951 |  -140205.9 |    -147.43 |     1211.0 |     -2944.5 |      2998.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       951 |    25751.8 |     27.079 |     683.02 |     -2414.2 |      2422.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       951 |    8322934 |     8751.8 |     540.93 |      7847.0 |      9414.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       951 |    3694939 |     3885.3 |     11437. |      1.4200 |      94244. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       951 |   30744.59 |     32.329 |     7.5935 |      26.132 |      125.58 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1915 |     1915.0 |     0.0000 |      1915.0 |      1915.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1914 |     1914.0 |     0.0000 |      1914.0 |      1914.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        145 |     145.00 |     0.0000 |      145.00 |      145.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         72 |     72.000 |     0.0000 |      72.000 |      72.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1324 |-9.187096e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1324 |0.001105129 | 8.3469e-07 | 2.8834e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1324 |-0.0007487975 |-5.6556e-07 | 2.8699e-05 | -4.9934e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1324 |0.001950558 | 1.4732e-06 | 2.8861e-05 | -4.9945e-05 |  4.9975e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1324 |-0.0001215271 |-9.1788e-08 | 2.8523e-06 | -4.9970e-06 |  4.9997e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1324 |      26.48 |   0.020000 | 4.4202e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1324 |   -1737716 |    -1312.5 |     2594.4 |     -4150.5 |      4149.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1324 |  -109094.3 |    -82.397 |     880.83 |     -1319.6 |      1355.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1324 |    8571278 |     6473.8 |     4603.6 |      1399.4 |      11092. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1324 |   43797.13 |     33.079 |     21.698 |      8.0941 |      137.09 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1324 |      26.48 |   0.020000 | 4.4296e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1324 |   -1737716 |    -1312.5 |     2594.4 |     -4150.5 |      4149.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1324 |  -109094.3 |    -82.397 |     880.83 |     -1319.6 |      1355.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1324 |    8571278 |     6473.8 |     4603.6 |      1399.4 |      11092. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1324 |   43797.13 |     33.079 |     21.698 |      8.0941 |      137.09 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1915 |-0.001218931 |-6.3652e-07 | 2.7847e-05 |  -0.0012189 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1915 |0.002858731 | 1.4928e-06 | 2.8966e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1915 |0.001243874 | 6.4954e-07 | 2.8990e-05 | -4.9896e-05 |  4.9876e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1915 |-0.001492938 |-7.7960e-07 | 2.8804e-05 | -4.9791e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1915 |-7.006331e-05 |-3.6587e-08 | 2.8545e-06 | -4.9972e-06 |  4.9980e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1915 |   44.99878 |   0.023498 |    0.15304 |    0.020000 |      6.7188 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1915 |  -197089.4 |    -102.92 |     3269.7 |     -4149.9 |      4151.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1915 |  -240966.5 |    -125.83 |     763.14 |     -1390.7 |      1354.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1915 |1.462243e+07 |     7635.7 |     4354.6 |      1331.9 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1915 |   75090.74 |     39.212 |     21.106 |      7.6830 |      144.10 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1915 |         45 |   0.023499 |    0.15307 |    0.020000 |      6.7200 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1915 |  -197089.4 |    -102.92 |     3269.7 |     -4149.9 |      4151.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1915 |  -240966.5 |    -125.83 |     763.14 |     -1390.7 |      1354.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1915 |1.462243e+07 |     7635.7 |     4354.6 |      1331.9 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1915 |   75090.74 |     39.212 |     21.106 |      7.6830 |      144.10 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1324 |-0.001029834 |-7.7782e-07 | 2.8675e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1324 |0.0006059473 | 4.5766e-07 | 2.9172e-05 | -4.9899e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1324 |-0.00182097 |-1.3754e-06 | 2.8151e-05 | -4.9972e-05 |  4.9791e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1324 |-2.914931e-10 |-2.2016e-13 | 5.8664e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1324 |-0.0003320498 |-2.5079e-07 | 2.9197e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9759e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1324 |-0.0007327292 |-5.5342e-07 | 2.8776e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1324 |7.380573e-05 | 5.5745e-08 | 2.8250e-05 | -4.9972e-05 |  4.9884e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1324 |   4226.985 |     3.1926 |     1.8372 |   0.0032451 |      6.2792 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1324 |   438.0475 |    0.33085 |    0.54562 |   0.0061813 |      2.8470 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1324 |  -973791.8 |    -735.49 |     1394.5 |     -3877.7 |      3012.8 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1324 |  -87360.08 |    -65.982 |     377.06 |     -1297.7 |      1443.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1324 |    8247247 |     6229.0 |     4526.6 |      991.90 |      11619. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1324 |0.005615693 | 4.2415e-06 | 1.0211e-06 |  1.8303e-06 |  6.8737e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1324 |   -1701737 |    -1285.3 |     2535.3 |     -4065.7 |      4077.9 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1324 |    -100391 |    -75.824 |     818.95 |     -1219.3 |      1267.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1324 |    8502799 |     6422.1 |     4599.5 |      1337.2 |      11064. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1324 |   4226.985 |     3.1926 |     1.8372 |   0.0032451 |      6.2792 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1324 |   438.0475 |    0.33085 |    0.54562 |   0.0061813 |      2.8470 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1324 |  -973791.8 |    -735.49 |     1394.5 |     -3877.7 |      3012.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1324 |  -87360.09 |    -65.982 |     377.06 |     -1297.7 |      1443.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1324 |    8247247 |     6229.0 |     4526.6 |      991.90 |      11619. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1324 |0.005615693 | 4.2415e-06 | 1.0211e-06 |  1.8303e-06 |  6.8737e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1324 |   -1701737 |    -1285.3 |     2535.3 |     -4065.7 |      4077.9 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1324 |    -100391 |    -75.824 |     818.95 |     -1219.3 |      1267.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1324 |    8502799 |     6422.1 |     4599.5 |      1337.2 |      11064. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1324 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1914 |-0.003525946 |-1.8422e-06 | 2.8837e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9960e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1914 |0.0002738071 | 1.4305e-07 | 2.8784e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1914 |-0.002803298 |-1.4646e-06 | 2.8956e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1914 |1.988383e-10 | 1.0389e-13 | 5.7106e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1914 |-0.003014598 |-1.5750e-06 | 2.8487e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9851e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1914 |0.001091591 | 5.7032e-07 | 2.8756e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1914 |-0.0009556977 |-4.9932e-07 | 2.8329e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1914 |   6108.921 |     3.1917 |     1.8243 |   0.0080433 |      6.2828 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1914 |   855.9138 |    0.44719 |    0.62971 |   0.0010305 |      2.8285 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1914 |  -395249.5 |    -206.50 |     1483.6 |     -4032.4 |      4051.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1914 |  -326570.3 |    -170.62 |     439.54 |     -1329.3 |      1434.7 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1914 |1.413868e+07 |     7387.0 |     4255.1 |      990.90 |      11626. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1914 |0.008218949 | 4.2941e-06 | 1.0324e-06 |  1.7812e-06 |  6.7782e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1914 |  -187334.4 |    -97.876 |     3194.9 |     -4078.1 |      4078.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1914 |  -228856.9 |    -119.57 |     711.88 |     -1296.9 |      1250.1 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1914 |1.451657e+07 |     7584.4 |     4352.6 |      1275.9 |      11064. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1914 |   6108.921 |     3.1917 |     1.8243 |   0.0080433 |      6.2828 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1914 |   855.9138 |    0.44719 |    0.62971 |   0.0010305 |      2.8285 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1914 |  -395249.5 |    -206.50 |     1483.6 |     -4032.4 |      4051.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1914 |  -326570.3 |    -170.62 |     439.54 |     -1329.3 |      1434.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1914 |1.413868e+07 |     7387.0 |     4255.1 |      990.90 |      11626. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1914 |0.008218948 | 4.2941e-06 | 1.0324e-06 |  1.7812e-06 |  6.7782e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1914 |  -187334.4 |    -97.876 |     3194.9 |     -4078.1 |      4078.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1914 |  -228856.9 |    -119.57 |     711.88 |     -1296.9 |      1250.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1914 |1.451657e+07 |     7584.4 |     4352.6 |      1275.9 |      11064. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1914 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       145 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1015 |     1015.0 |     0.0000 |      1015.0 |      1015.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2300 |     2300.0 |     0.0000 |      2300.0 |      2300.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1015 |-0.0007318394 |-7.2102e-07 | 2.9021e-05 | -4.9950e-05 |  4.9844e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1015 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1015 |   733.5286 |    0.72269 |     2.6742 |  2.4401e-05 |      55.703 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1015 |       1577 |     1.5537 |     1.6975 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1015 |   733.5293 |    0.72269 |     2.6742 |      0.0000 |      55.703 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1015 |       1577 |     1.5537 |     1.6975 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2300 |0.000331516 | 1.4414e-07 | 2.8912e-05 | -4.9930e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2300 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2300 |   1236.539 |    0.53763 |     1.5142 |  5.9052e-06 |      31.003 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2300 |       3568 |     1.5513 |     1.7284 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2300 |   1236.539 |    0.53763 |     1.5142 |      0.0000 |      31.003 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2300 |       3568 |     1.5513 |     1.7284 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1834 |     1834.0 |     0.0000 |      1834.0 |      1834.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3538 |     3538.0 |     0.0000 |      3538.0 |      3538.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1834 |0.001129662 | 6.1596e-07 | 2.8575e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9879e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1834 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1834 |   1900.914 |     1.0365 |     3.6422 |  4.9121e-07 |      68.612 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1834 |       2831 |     1.5436 |     1.7205 |     -1.0000 |      9.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1834 |   1900.913 |     1.0365 |     3.6422 |      0.0000 |      68.612 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1834 |       2831 |     1.5436 |     1.7205 |     -1.0000 |      9.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3538 |0.001739294 | 4.9160e-07 | 2.9218e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3538 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3538 |   3583.154 |     1.0128 |     3.6350 |  9.8924e-06 |      79.573 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3538 |       5383 |     1.5215 |     1.7018 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3538 |   3583.152 |     1.0128 |     3.6350 |      0.0000 |      79.573 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3538 |       5383 |     1.5215 |     1.7018 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1982 |     1982.0 |     0.0000 |      1982.0 |      1982.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4049 |     4049.0 |     0.0000 |      4049.0 |      4049.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1982 |0.0009262547 | 4.6733e-07 | 2.9106e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1982 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1982 |   20511.06 |     10.349 |     32.664 |  1.5461e-05 |      571.33 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1982 |        276 |    0.13925 |    0.36189 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1982 |   20511.06 |     10.349 |     32.664 |      0.0000 |      571.33 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1982 |        276 |    0.13925 |    0.36189 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4049 |-0.0007986052 |-1.9724e-07 | 2.8955e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9942e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4049 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4049 |   52988.87 |     13.087 |     81.617 |  6.2405e-05 |      4318.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4049 |        431 |    0.10645 |    0.32173 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4049 |   52988.87 |     13.087 |     81.617 |  0.00010000 |      4318.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4049 |        431 |    0.10645 |    0.32173 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        171 |     171.00 |     0.0000 |      171.00 |      171.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        344 |     344.00 |     0.0000 |      344.00 |      344.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       171 |-0.0003981582 |-2.3284e-06 | 2.8732e-05 | -4.9496e-05 |  4.9355e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       171 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       171 |   1794.462 |     10.494 |     39.789 |   0.0014062 |      414.36 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       171 |         34 |    0.19883 |    0.42742 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       171 |   1794.462 |     10.494 |     39.789 |   0.0014000 |      414.36 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       171 |         34 |    0.19883 |    0.42742 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       344 |-8.809844e-05 |-2.5610e-07 | 2.9615e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.8916e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       344 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       344 |   3108.303 |     9.0358 |     22.775 |  0.00025233 |      213.46 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       344 |         47 |    0.13663 |    0.45296 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       344 |   3108.303 |     9.0358 |     22.775 |  0.00030000 |      213.46 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       344 |         47 |    0.13663 |    0.45296 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        204 |     204.00 |     0.0000 |      204.00 |      204.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        385 |     385.00 |     0.0000 |      385.00 |      385.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       204 |1.466487e-07 | 7.1887e-10 | 2.8636e-07 | -4.9694e-07 |  4.9127e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       204 |3.856601e-08 | 1.8905e-10 | 3.0198e-07 | -4.9861e-07 |  4.9924e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       204 |-1.04473e-06 |-5.1212e-09 | 2.8026e-07 | -4.9712e-07 |  4.8621e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       204 |1.082327e-05 | 5.3055e-08 | 5.7353e-07 | -9.9660e-07 |  9.9773e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |0.0003728346 | 1.8276e-06 | 2.9370e-05 | -4.9808e-05 |  4.9652e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |-8.037241e-05 |-3.9398e-07 | 2.8077e-05 | -4.9702e-05 |  4.9910e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |-0.00029726 |-1.4572e-06 | 2.8966e-05 | -4.9504e-05 |  4.9710e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |-0.01338812 |-6.5628e-05 |  0.0028971 |  -0.0049898 |   0.0049981 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       204 |-3.279382e-05 |-1.6075e-07 | 2.9176e-06 | -4.9739e-06 |  4.9815e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       204 |  -95.55581 |   -0.46841 |     4.0752 |     -44.634 |      9.4625 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       204 |   49.79425 |    0.24409 |     3.5432 |     -16.391 |      26.962 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       204 |   759.6453 |     3.7238 |     1.9888 |     -5.0591 |      5.0971 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       204 |  0.7891428 |  0.0038683 |   0.016268 |  3.6921e-05 |     0.15008 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |  -35344.68 |    -173.26 |     1309.2 |     -4601.1 |      3513.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |  -41852.81 |    -205.16 |     987.46 |     -3938.0 |      3027.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |    2499005 |     12250. |     635.20 |      11953. |      15421. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |   564925.4 |     2769.2 |     6506.2 |      1.5145 |      51191. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       204 |   8563.851 |     41.980 |     3.0183 |      39.888 |      55.341 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       204 |  -95.55581 |   -0.46841 |     4.0752 |     -44.634 |      9.4625 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       204 |   49.79425 |    0.24409 |     3.5432 |     -16.391 |      26.962 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       204 |   759.6453 |     3.7238 |     1.9888 |     -5.0591 |      5.0971 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       204 |   0.789132 |  0.0038683 |   0.016268 |  3.6000e-05 |     0.15008 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       204 |  -35344.69 |    -173.26 |     1309.2 |     -4601.1 |      3513.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       204 |  -41852.81 |    -205.16 |     987.46 |     -3938.0 |      3027.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       204 |    2499005 |     12250. |     635.20 |      11953. |      15421. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       204 |   564925.4 |     2769.2 |     6506.2 |      1.5100 |      51191. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       204 |   8563.851 |     41.980 |     3.0183 |      39.888 |      55.341 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       385 |1.176674e-05 | 3.0563e-08 | 2.8068e-07 | -4.9411e-07 |  4.9841e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       385 |-1.851663e-06 |-4.8095e-09 | 2.8485e-07 | -4.9532e-07 |  4.9834e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       385 |3.803054e-07 | 9.8781e-10 | 2.8471e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       385 |-7.649264e-06 |-1.9868e-08 | 5.5455e-07 | -9.9866e-07 |  9.8402e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       385 |9.161832e-05 | 2.3797e-07 | 2.8647e-05 | -4.9873e-05 |  4.9884e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       385 |0.000655634 | 1.7029e-06 | 3.0326e-05 | -4.9906e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       385 |0.0001852466 | 4.8116e-07 | 2.8446e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9683e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       385 |-0.01377138 |-3.5770e-05 |  0.0029007 |  -0.0049563 |   0.0049842 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       385 |-6.772661e-05 |-1.7591e-07 | 2.7736e-06 | -4.9425e-06 |  4.9888e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       385 |  -126.0881 |   -0.32750 |     6.0192 |     -87.318 |      38.407 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       385 |   43.88336 |    0.11398 |     4.3073 |     -52.981 |      30.025 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       385 |   1483.111 |     3.8522 |     2.1645 |     -5.0156 |      5.0568 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       385 |  0.7251044 |  0.0018834 |  0.0027523 |  2.4404e-05 |    0.026399 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       385 |  -24060.11 |    -62.494 |     1401.1 |     -3791.9 |      3666.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       385 |   29095.12 |     75.572 |     697.66 |     -1594.9 |      3151.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       385 |    4737367 |     12305. |     870.59 |      11955. |      18723. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       385 |     845887 |     2197.1 |     5782.5 |      1.4528 |      48502. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       385 |   16412.01 |     42.629 |     5.9108 |      39.841 |      116.02 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       385 |  -126.0881 |   -0.32750 |     6.0192 |     -87.318 |      38.407 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       385 |   43.88336 |    0.11398 |     4.3073 |     -52.981 |      30.025 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       385 |   1483.111 |     3.8522 |     2.1645 |     -5.0156 |      5.0568 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       385 |   0.725112 |  0.0018834 |  0.0027523 |  2.4000e-05 |    0.026398 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       385 |  -24060.11 |    -62.494 |     1401.1 |     -3791.9 |      3666.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       385 |   29095.12 |     75.572 |     697.66 |     -1594.9 |      3151.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       385 |    4737367 |     12305. |     870.59 |      11955. |      18723. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       385 |     845887 |     2197.1 |     5782.5 |      1.4500 |      48502. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       385 |   16412.01 |     42.629 |     5.9108 |      39.841 |      116.02 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8796,14 +8804,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 77.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 38.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 57.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 24.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 110.000  0.000  7.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 122.000  0.000  4.000  0.000  2.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 74.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 66.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 196.000  8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 372.000  0.000  11.000  0.000  2.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -8976,14 +8984,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 77.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 38.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 57.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 24.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 110.000  0.000  7.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 122.000  0.000  4.000  0.000  2.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 74.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 66.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 196.000  8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 372.000  0.000  11.000  0.000  2.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -9031,26 +9039,26 @@ NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  403.00 +-20.07 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  888.00 +-29.80 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  733.00 +-27.07 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  687.00 +-26.21 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  389.00 +-19.72 ( 96.53 +-0.91%) Rich2 =  196.00 +-14.00 ( 22.07 +-1.39%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   51.00 +- 7.14 (  5.74 +-0.78%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  420.00 +-20.49 ( 47.30 +-1.68%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  384.00 +-19.60 ( 52.39 +-1.84%) Rich2 =  165.00 +-12.85 ( 24.02 +-1.63%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  3.00 +-0.63%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  2.33 +-0.58%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  307.00 +-17.52 ( 41.88 +-1.82%) Rich2 =  400.00 +-20.00 ( 58.22 +-1.88%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.14 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  214.00 +-14.63 ( 24.10 +-1.44%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   14.00 +- 3.74 (  3.47 +-0.91%) Rich2 =  124.00 +-11.14 ( 13.96 +-1.16%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   14.00 +- 3.74 (  3.47 +-0.91%) Rich2 =  113.00 +-10.63 ( 12.73 +-1.12%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   97.00 +- 9.85 ( 14.12 +-1.33%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   71.00 +- 8.43 (  9.69 +-1.09%) Rich2 =  136.00 +-11.66 ( 19.80 +-1.52%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   57.00 +- 7.55 (  7.78 +-0.99%) Rich2 =  116.00 +-10.77 ( 16.89 +-1.43%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  1.49 +-0.60%) Rich2 =   35.00 +- 5.92 (  3.94 +-0.65%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   23.00 +- 4.80 (  3.14 +-0.64%) Rich2 =   35.00 +- 5.92 (  5.09 +-0.84%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.15 +-0.15%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  389.00 +-19.72 ( 96.53 +-0.91%) Rich2Gas =  196.00 +-14.00 ( 22.07 +-1.39%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  384.00 +-19.60 ( 52.39 +-1.84%) Rich2Gas =  165.00 +-12.85 ( 24.02 +-1.63%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9071,95 +9079,97 @@ GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   403.00 +- 20.07 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   417.00 +- 20.42 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    51.00 +-  7.14 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   420.00 +- 20.49 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    58.00 +-  7.62 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   271.00 +- 16.46 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    38.00 +-  6.16 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   707.00 +- 26.59 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    21.00 +-  4.58 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    29.00 +-  5.39 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracksNext          INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        417 |     417.00 |     0.0000 |      417.00 |      417.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        685 |     685.00 |     0.0000 |      685.00 |      685.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         15 |     15.000 |     0.0000 |      15.000 |      15.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         36 |     36.000 |     0.0000 |      36.000 |      36.000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        158 |     158.00 |     0.0000 |      158.00 |      158.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        177 |     177.00 |     0.0000 |      177.00 |      177.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        163 |     163.00 |     0.0000 |      163.00 |      163.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
 MCOTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        719 |     719.00 |     0.0000 |      719.00 |      719.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        246 |     246.00 |     0.0000 |      246.00 |      246.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        248 |     248.00 |     0.0000 |      248.00 |      248.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        117 |     117.00 |     0.0000 |      117.00 |      117.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1467 |     1467.0 |     0.0000 |      1467.0 |      1467.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        808 |     808.00 |     0.0000 |      808.00 |      808.00 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1124 |     1124.0 |     0.0000 |      1124.0 |      1124.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        558 |     558.00 |     0.0000 |      558.00 |      558.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1521 |     1521.0 |     0.0000 |      1521.0 |      1521.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1211 |     1211.0 |     0.0000 |      1211.0 |      1211.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        163 |     163.00 |     0.0000 |      163.00 |      163.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1291 |     1291.0 |     0.0000 |      1291.0 |      1291.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1420 |     1420.0 |     0.0000 |      1420.0 |      1420.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1291 |     1291.0 |     0.0000 |      1291.0 |      1291.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1420 |     1420.0 |     0.0000 |      1420.0 |      1420.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         62 |     62.000 |     0.0000 |      62.000 |      62.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         77 |     77.000 |     0.0000 |      77.000 |      77.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         46 |     46.000 |     0.0000 |      46.000 |      46.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       417+/-0
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 15+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       685+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 36+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 158
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1157.12
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.159098
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.063459
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 177
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 267.891
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.151817
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0363141
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       158 |   182824.2 |     1157.1 |     4374.0 |     0.80057 |      26384. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        158 |     158.00 |     0.0000 |      158.00 |      158.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        19 |         19 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       177 |   47416.74 |     267.89 |     695.50 |      1.4809 |      3205.9 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        177 |     177.00 |     0.0000 |      177.00 |      177.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 163
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 200.067
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.111793
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0552287
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 51
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 310.921
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118834
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0334994
 ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       163 |   32610.91 |     200.07 |     405.03 |      3.6912 |      2045.4 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        163 |     163.00 |     0.0000 |      163.00 |      163.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        51 |   15856.95 |     310.92 |     266.79 |      9.6796 |      684.49 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
 OTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 719
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 919.74
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.194781
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0668873
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 246
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 402.835
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.195789
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0564315
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        42 |         42 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       719 |   661293.3 |     919.74 |     3871.8 |     0.17565 |      26384. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        719 |     719.00 |     0.0000 |      719.00 |      719.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         2 |          2 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       246 |   99097.36 |     402.83 |     1315.0 |     0.59038 |      5862.5 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        246 |     246.00 |     0.0000 |      246.00 |      246.00 |
 SpdMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNext         SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9168,398 +9178,398 @@ MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 77.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 38.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 57.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 24.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 110.000  0.000  7.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 122.000  0.000  4.000  0.000  2.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 74.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 66.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 196.000  8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 372.000  0.000  11.000  0.000  2.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         15 |     15.000 |     0.0000 |      15.000 |      15.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         36 |     36.000 |     0.0000 |      36.000 |      36.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        15 |1.197917e-06 | 7.9861e-08 | 2.3577e-07 | -4.1324e-07 |  4.9153e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        15 |-6.52101e-07 |-4.3473e-08 | 2.6304e-07 | -3.7496e-07 |  4.1320e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        15 |4.996467e-07 | 3.3310e-08 | 2.5218e-07 | -4.3192e-07 |  4.8549e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        15 |1.513301e-06 | 1.0089e-07 | 5.7539e-07 | -9.3225e-07 |  9.6477e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        15 |0.000210432 | 1.4029e-05 | 2.2342e-05 | -4.0635e-05 |  4.3656e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        15 |2.384323e-05 | 1.5895e-06 | 3.1157e-05 | -4.7516e-05 |  4.6745e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        15 |0.0001788675 | 1.1925e-05 | 2.4764e-05 | -2.3474e-05 |  4.4664e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        15 |0.003144885 | 0.00020966 |  0.0026516 |  -0.0040429 |   0.0042758 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        15 |-1.162161e-06 |-7.7477e-08 | 2.8063e-06 | -4.5740e-06 |  3.9756e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        15 |  0.0165762 |  0.0011051 |   0.025508 |   -0.031826 |    0.045743 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        15 | -0.1040047 | -0.0069336 |  0.0061690 |   -0.022196 |   0.0031453 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        15 |  -4.499651 |   -0.29998 | 0.00017305 |    -0.30026 |    -0.29964 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        15 |   1.460892 |   0.097393 |   0.025189 |    0.074464 |     0.18172 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        15 |   39.43521 |     2.6290 |     22.883 |     -33.871 |      40.301 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        15 |  -91.57038 |    -6.1047 |     5.6160 |     -18.586 |      3.5463 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        15 |  -3988.368 |    -265.89 |     41.105 |     -315.82 |     -219.01 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        15 |   177873.3 |     11858. |     11612. |      1063.0 |      36746. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        15 |   14.69937 |    0.97996 |    0.13591 |     0.82190 |      1.1446 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        15 |   0.016575 |  0.0011050 |   0.025508 |   -0.031826 |    0.045743 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        15 |  -0.104004 | -0.0069336 |  0.0061690 |   -0.022196 |   0.0031450 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        15 |  -4.499651 |   -0.29998 | 0.00017314 |    -0.30026 |    -0.29964 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        15 |    1.46089 |   0.097393 |   0.025189 |    0.074464 |     0.18172 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        15 |     39.435 |     2.6290 |     22.883 |     -33.871 |      40.301 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        15 |   -91.5704 |    -6.1047 |     5.6160 |     -18.586 |      3.5463 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        15 |  -3988.369 |    -265.89 |     41.105 |     -315.82 |     -219.01 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        15 |   177873.3 |     11858. |     11612. |      1063.0 |      36746. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        15 |   14.69937 |    0.97996 |    0.13591 |     0.82190 |      1.1445 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        36 |1.450712e-06 | 4.0298e-08 | 2.9752e-07 | -3.9547e-07 |  4.7435e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        36 |2.028982e-06 | 5.6361e-08 | 2.8910e-07 | -4.5307e-07 |  4.8391e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        36 |-8.040264e-07 |-2.2334e-08 | 2.4840e-07 | -4.7543e-07 |  4.6339e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        36 |4.607525e-07 | 1.2799e-08 | 5.9792e-07 | -9.8202e-07 |  9.3286e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |0.0001268031 | 3.5223e-06 | 2.7088e-05 | -4.4534e-05 |  4.5842e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |-0.0002801882 |-7.7830e-06 | 3.2898e-05 | -4.9481e-05 |  4.9031e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |-1.426138e-05 |-3.9615e-07 | 3.1765e-05 | -4.9809e-05 |  4.9070e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |-0.01792868 |-0.00049802 |  0.0032306 |  -0.0048486 |   0.0049321 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        36 |1.385156e-05 | 3.8477e-07 | 2.7385e-06 | -4.6983e-06 |  4.8407e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        36 |-0.03507355 |-0.00097427 |   0.019303 |   -0.081771 |    0.025071 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        36 |-0.08926697 | -0.0024796 |   0.018513 |   -0.051768 |    0.024460 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        36 |  -10.79933 |   -0.29998 | 9.5987e-05 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29970 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        36 |   5.141334 |    0.14281 |    0.20553 |    0.068922 |      1.3197 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |   56.42773 |     1.5674 |     12.957 |     -27.288 |      27.786 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |  -45.51298 |    -1.2642 |     15.372 |     -36.531 |      26.327 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |  -9617.992 |    -267.17 |     41.630 |     -315.89 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |   402956.7 |     11193. |     9144.5 |      256.95 |      37441. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        36 |   33.19776 |    0.92216 |    0.13805 |     0.75744 |      1.0886 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  -0.035075 |-0.00097431 |   0.019303 |   -0.081771 |    0.025071 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        36 |  -0.089269 | -0.0024797 |   0.018513 |   -0.051768 |    0.024460 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        36 |  -10.79933 |   -0.29998 | 9.5984e-05 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29970 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        36 |   5.141334 |    0.14281 |    0.20553 |    0.068922 |      1.3197 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |    56.4276 |     1.5674 |     12.957 |     -27.288 |      27.786 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |   -45.5127 |    -1.2642 |     15.372 |     -36.531 |      26.327 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |  -9617.992 |    -267.17 |     41.630 |     -315.89 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |   402956.7 |     11193. |     9144.5 |      256.95 |      37441. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        36 |   33.19775 |    0.92216 |    0.13805 |     0.75744 |      1.0886 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        417 |     417.00 |     0.0000 |      417.00 |      417.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        685 |     685.00 |     0.0000 |      685.00 |      685.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       417 |5.557755e-06 | 1.3328e-08 | 2.8597e-07 | -4.8715e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       417 |-5.746048e-06 |-1.3779e-08 | 2.9184e-07 | -4.9833e-07 |  4.9371e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       417 |1.524569e-06 | 3.6560e-09 | 2.9430e-07 | -4.9971e-07 |  4.9903e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       417 |1.728484e-05 | 4.1450e-08 | 5.6258e-07 | -9.9275e-07 |  9.9492e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       417 |0.001084634 | 2.6010e-06 | 2.8702e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       417 |-3.866645e-05 |-9.2725e-08 | 2.9949e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9926e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       417 |-0.0004339731 |-1.0407e-06 | 2.8443e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9529e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       417 |-0.06048358 |-0.00014504 |  0.0029664 |  -0.0049696 |   0.0049750 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       417 |-1.840876e-05 |-4.4146e-08 | 2.8560e-06 | -4.8965e-06 |  4.9835e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       417 |   2.956181 |  0.0070892 |    0.10055 |    -0.37572 |      1.0025 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       417 |   3.844608 |  0.0092197 |   0.092120 |    -0.32016 |     0.82031 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       417 |   41.88752 |    0.10045 |    0.27906 |    -0.30124 |     0.30057 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       417 |   60.41484 |    0.14488 |    0.22353 |   0.0092547 |      2.4331 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       417 |   836.9471 |     2.0071 |     17.300 |     -43.140 |      43.094 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       417 |   869.6475 |     2.0855 |     15.308 |     -40.824 |      41.890 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       417 |   90561.96 |     217.17 |     299.51 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       417 |    2549460 |     6113.8 |     7045.8 |      3.1669 |      36747. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       417 |   461.5706 |     1.1069 |     1.1484 |    0.029320 |      5.8597 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       417 |   2.956175 |  0.0070891 |    0.10055 |    -0.37572 |      1.0025 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       417 |   3.844614 |  0.0092197 |   0.092120 |    -0.32016 |     0.82031 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       417 |   41.88752 |    0.10045 |    0.27906 |    -0.30124 |     0.30057 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       417 |   60.41482 |    0.14488 |    0.22353 |   0.0092540 |      2.4331 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       417 |    836.946 |     2.0071 |     17.300 |     -43.140 |      43.094 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       417 |   869.6475 |     2.0855 |     15.308 |     -40.824 |      41.890 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       417 |   90561.96 |     217.17 |     299.51 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       417 |    2549460 |     6113.8 |     7045.8 |      3.1700 |      36747. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       417 |   461.5706 |     1.1069 |     1.1484 |    0.029320 |      5.8597 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       685 |-1.482115e-06 |-2.1637e-09 | 2.7910e-07 | -4.9905e-07 |  4.9924e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       685 |1.310993e-06 | 1.9139e-09 | 2.8984e-07 | -4.9959e-07 |  4.9922e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       685 |-9.80221e-06 |-1.4310e-08 | 2.9357e-07 | -4.9948e-07 |  4.9608e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       685 |-2.372325e-07 |-3.4632e-10 | 6.0483e-07 | -9.9906e-07 |  9.9954e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       685 |-0.001169362 |-1.7071e-06 | 2.8644e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9792e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       685 |-0.001216951 |-1.7766e-06 | 2.8919e-05 | -4.9806e-05 |  4.9920e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       685 |-0.0008010356 |-1.1694e-06 | 2.9605e-05 | -4.9866e-05 |  4.9814e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       685 |-0.01438247 |-2.0996e-05 |  0.0029587 |  -0.0049977 |   0.0049822 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       685 |7.011757e-05 | 1.0236e-07 | 2.9364e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.9968e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       685 | -0.6911085 | -0.0010089 |   0.064174 |    -0.53974 |     0.28936 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       685 |   4.917604 |  0.0071790 |   0.062374 |    -0.34371 |     0.52535 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       685 |   131.8997 |    0.19255 |    0.22212 |    -0.30217 |     0.30046 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       685 |   100.3007 |    0.14642 |    0.46837 |    0.016172 |      10.386 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       685 |   873.0142 |     1.2745 |     17.103 |     -42.031 |      43.660 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       685 |  -876.4633 |    -1.2795 |     17.822 |     -41.404 |      42.319 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       685 |   139682.5 |     203.92 |     236.00 |     -175.79 |      750.97 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       685 |    3265515 |     4767.2 |     8670.4 |      4.4164 |      79835. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       685 |   561.7866 |    0.82013 |    0.64312 |    0.050542 |      2.4849 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       685 |  -0.691107 | -0.0010089 |   0.064174 |    -0.53974 |     0.28936 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       685 |   4.917603 |  0.0071790 |   0.062374 |    -0.34371 |     0.52535 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       685 |   131.8997 |    0.19255 |    0.22212 |    -0.30217 |     0.30046 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       685 |   100.3007 |    0.14642 |    0.46837 |    0.016172 |      10.386 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       685 |   873.0154 |     1.2745 |     17.103 |     -42.031 |      43.660 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       685 |  -876.4621 |    -1.2795 |     17.822 |     -41.404 |      42.319 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       685 |   139682.5 |     203.92 |     236.00 |     -175.79 |      750.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       685 |    3265515 |     4767.2 |     8670.4 |      4.4200 |      79835. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       685 |   561.7865 |    0.82013 |    0.64312 |    0.050540 |      2.4849 |
 UnpackTTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        158 |     158.00 |     0.0000 |      158.00 |      158.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        177 |     177.00 |     0.0000 |      177.00 |      177.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       158 |-1.723973e-06 |-1.0911e-08 | 2.8999e-07 | -4.9378e-07 |  4.9677e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       158 |1.452362e-06 | 9.1922e-09 | 2.8849e-07 | -4.9358e-07 |  4.9562e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       158 |-5.107794e-07 |-3.2328e-09 | 6.9763e-08 | -4.4259e-07 |  4.4259e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       158 |9.22503e-07 | 5.8386e-09 | 5.3498e-07 | -9.5789e-07 |  9.9874e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       158 |-8.358192e-05 |-5.2900e-07 | 2.9835e-05 | -4.9711e-05 |  4.9223e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       158 |0.0003028615 | 1.9168e-06 | 2.8879e-05 | -4.9410e-05 |  4.9911e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       158 |5.393312e-05 | 3.4135e-07 | 3.1807e-06 |      0.0000 |  3.7557e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       158 | 0.08202961 | 0.00051917 |  0.0030088 |  -0.0049612 |   0.0048777 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       158 |-4.51729e-05 |-2.8590e-07 | 2.8073e-06 | -4.9439e-06 |  4.9617e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       158 |  -2.877547 |  -0.018212 |    0.48936 |     -3.4804 |      1.3190 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       158 |   2.739384 |   0.017338 |    0.22341 |     -1.7692 |      1.0730 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       158 |   27.90811 |    0.17663 |    0.45904 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       158 |   37.86254 |    0.23964 |    0.14821 |   0.0053473 |      1.1042 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       158 |  -9202.114 |    -58.241 |     366.12 |     -772.07 |      753.50 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       158 |   8896.757 |     56.309 |     275.45 |     -659.06 |      642.19 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       158 |   392124.1 |     2481.8 |     136.80 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       158 |   538857.5 |     3410.5 |     4821.3 |      1.4353 |      20287. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       158 |   1948.418 |     12.332 |     5.8852 |      7.6587 |      52.159 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       158 |  -2.877545 |  -0.018212 |    0.48936 |     -3.4804 |      1.3190 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       158 |   2.739383 |   0.017338 |    0.22341 |     -1.7692 |      1.0730 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       158 |   27.90811 |    0.17663 |    0.45904 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       158 |   37.86254 |    0.23964 |    0.14821 |   0.0053480 |      1.1042 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       158 |  -9202.114 |    -58.241 |     366.12 |     -772.07 |      753.50 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       158 |   8896.756 |     56.309 |     275.45 |     -659.06 |      642.19 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       158 |   392124.1 |     2481.8 |     136.80 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       158 |   538857.5 |     3410.5 |     4821.3 |      1.4400 |      20287. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       158 |   1948.418 |     12.332 |     5.8852 |      7.6587 |      52.159 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       177 |-3.529009e-06 |-1.9938e-08 | 2.8007e-07 | -4.8574e-07 |  4.9624e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       177 |-9.470688e-07 |-5.3507e-09 | 3.0665e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       177 |-8.327596e-07 |-4.7049e-09 | 8.0909e-08 | -4.4591e-07 |  4.4591e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       177 |-7.588898e-06 |-4.2875e-08 | 5.7029e-07 | -9.6722e-07 |  9.7337e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       177 |-0.0004491985 |-2.5378e-06 | 2.8132e-05 | -4.9040e-05 |  4.9198e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       177 |0.0002366855 | 1.3372e-06 | 2.7984e-05 | -4.9408e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       177 |1.936594e-05 | 1.0941e-07 | 5.7286e-06 | -2.9054e-05 |  4.2813e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       177 | 0.02550678 | 0.00014411 |  0.0029493 |  -0.0049822 |   0.0049989 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       177 |2.016133e-06 | 1.1391e-08 | 2.7265e-06 | -4.9912e-06 |  4.9565e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       177 |   -3.88987 |  -0.021977 |    0.15644 |    -0.75550 |      1.1657 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       177 |  -1.192018 | -0.0067346 |   0.094282 |    -0.38065 |     0.42856 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       177 |   76.86793 |    0.43428 |    0.21411 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       177 |   37.26131 |    0.21052 |    0.17773 |    0.014992 |      1.5644 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       177 |   -11188.1 |    -63.210 |     288.17 |     -697.50 |      717.55 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       177 |   407.1239 |     2.3001 |     253.30 |     -572.08 |      592.15 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       177 |   440270.9 |     2487.4 |     136.83 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       177 |     578172 |     3266.5 |     5794.2 |      1.4495 |      31278. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       177 |   1793.907 |     10.135 |     6.8780 |      7.7202 |      38.595 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       177 |  -3.889866 |  -0.021977 |    0.15644 |    -0.75550 |      1.1657 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       177 |  -1.192017 | -0.0067346 |   0.094282 |    -0.38065 |     0.42856 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       177 |   76.86793 |    0.43428 |    0.21411 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       177 |   37.26132 |    0.21052 |    0.17773 |    0.014992 |      1.5644 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       177 |   -11188.1 |    -63.210 |     288.17 |     -697.50 |      717.55 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       177 |   407.1237 |     2.3001 |     253.30 |     -572.08 |      592.15 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       177 |   440270.9 |     2487.4 |     136.83 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       177 |   578171.9 |     3266.5 |     5794.2 |      1.4500 |      31278. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       177 |   1793.907 |     10.135 |     6.8780 |      7.7202 |      38.595 |
 UnpackITHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        163 |     163.00 |     0.0000 |      163.00 |      163.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
 CheckITHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       163 |5.821468e-06 | 3.5715e-08 | 2.8677e-07 | -4.9805e-07 |  4.9531e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       163 |-2.003053e-06 |-1.2289e-08 | 2.9759e-07 | -4.9801e-07 |  4.9331e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       163 |-2.076744e-06 |-1.2741e-08 | 2.7680e-07 | -4.9332e-07 |  4.9902e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       163 |-2.611296e-06 |-1.6020e-08 | 6.1136e-07 | -9.8980e-07 |  9.9697e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       163 |0.0002990904 | 1.8349e-06 | 2.9391e-05 | -4.9249e-05 |  4.8653e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       163 |-0.0002349054 |-1.4411e-06 | 2.8839e-05 | -4.9874e-05 |  4.9872e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       163 |-1.003085e-05 |-6.1539e-08 | 2.8351e-05 | -4.9145e-05 |  4.9719e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       163 |-0.02315455 |-0.00014205 |  0.0031625 |  -0.0048054 |   0.0049413 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       163 |4.761318e-05 | 2.9211e-07 | 2.7984e-06 | -4.9516e-06 |  4.9965e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       163 |  0.6717148 |  0.0041209 |    0.26136 |    -0.67148 |      1.6436 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       163 |  -0.917784 | -0.0056306 |   0.080856 |    -0.53185 |     0.42114 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       163 |    52.2743 |    0.32070 |    0.17705 |    -0.41018 |     0.41098 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       163 |   25.72796 |    0.15784 |    0.10441 |    0.038458 |     0.82455 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       163 |  -436.1165 |    -2.6756 |     226.87 |     -588.20 |      538.81 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       163 |   5430.327 |     33.315 |     97.232 |     -206.59 |      201.43 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       163 |    1342323 |     8235.1 |     576.34 |      7668.1 |      9172.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       163 |   448814.8 |     2753.5 |     4128.0 |      1.6222 |      12609. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       163 |   4514.076 |     27.694 |     1.9308 |      25.511 |      31.314 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       163 |   0.671709 |  0.0041209 |    0.26136 |    -0.67148 |      1.6436 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       163 |  -0.917782 | -0.0056306 |   0.080856 |    -0.53185 |     0.42114 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       163 |   52.27431 |    0.32070 |    0.17705 |    -0.41018 |     0.41098 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       163 |   25.72796 |    0.15784 |    0.10441 |    0.038458 |     0.82455 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       163 |  -436.1168 |    -2.6756 |     226.87 |     -588.20 |      538.81 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       163 |   5430.328 |     33.315 |     97.232 |     -206.59 |      201.43 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       163 |    1342323 |     8235.1 |     576.34 |      7668.1 |      9172.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       163 |   448814.8 |     2753.5 |     4128.0 |      1.6200 |      12609. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       163 |   4514.076 |     27.694 |     1.9308 |      25.511 |      31.314 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        51 |-4.144658e-06 |-8.1268e-08 | 2.6978e-07 | -4.9198e-07 |  4.9638e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        51 |-7.05889e-07 |-1.3841e-08 | 2.9942e-07 | -4.9103e-07 |  4.7924e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        51 |2.699775e-06 | 5.2937e-08 | 2.7471e-07 | -4.5971e-07 |  4.8930e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        51 |-6.074661e-06 |-1.1911e-07 | 6.4486e-07 | -9.9721e-07 |  9.9585e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |0.000296956 | 5.8227e-06 | 2.8098e-05 | -4.9471e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |-1.114338e-06 |-2.1850e-08 | 2.6681e-05 | -4.8122e-05 |  4.8342e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |7.720872e-05 | 1.5139e-06 | 2.8266e-05 | -4.7955e-05 |  4.8216e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |0.005653938 | 0.00011086 |  0.0029397 |  -0.0046473 |   0.0048245 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        51 |1.109775e-05 | 2.1760e-07 | 2.6306e-06 | -4.7740e-06 |  4.8769e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        51 | -0.7371261 |  -0.014453 |    0.14876 |    -0.86311 |     0.25411 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        51 |  -2.508548 |  -0.049187 |    0.16284 |    -0.71524 |   0.0068520 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        51 |   16.34287 |    0.32045 |    0.21414 |    -0.32051 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        51 |    7.48444 |    0.14675 |   0.061637 |    0.078766 |     0.38941 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |  -1440.853 |    -28.252 |     179.89 |     -274.52 |      361.60 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |   2288.829 |     44.879 |     85.580 |     -166.03 |      152.60 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |   431415.2 |     8459.1 |     579.98 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |    2194001 |     43020. |     37542. |      2.4912 |      95386. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        51 |    1456.83 |     28.565 |     2.4613 |      25.554 |      33.742 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        51 |  -0.737122 |  -0.014453 |    0.14876 |    -0.86311 |     0.25411 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        51 |  -2.508547 |  -0.049187 |    0.16284 |    -0.71524 |   0.0068520 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        51 |   16.34287 |    0.32045 |    0.21414 |    -0.32051 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        51 |   7.484446 |    0.14675 |   0.061637 |    0.078766 |     0.38941 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        51 |  -1440.853 |    -28.252 |     179.89 |     -274.52 |      361.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        51 |    2288.83 |     44.879 |     85.580 |     -166.03 |      152.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        51 |   431415.2 |     8459.1 |     579.98 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        51 |    2194001 |     43020. |     37542. |      2.4900 |      95386. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        51 |    1456.83 |     28.565 |     2.4613 |      25.554 |      33.742 |
 UnpackOTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        719 |     719.00 |     0.0000 |      719.00 |      719.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        246 |     246.00 |     0.0000 |      246.00 |      246.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       719 |-2.400347e-06 |-3.3385e-09 | 2.9613e-07 | -4.9905e-07 |  4.9694e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       719 |3.05697e-06 | 4.2517e-09 | 2.8950e-07 | -4.9743e-07 |  4.9927e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       719 |-3.507439e-07 |-4.8782e-10 | 2.9182e-07 | -4.9916e-07 |  4.9899e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       719 |-5.554615e-06 |-7.7255e-09 | 5.9009e-07 | -9.9928e-07 |  9.9955e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       719 |0.0001620921 | 2.2544e-07 | 2.9072e-05 | -4.9872e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       719 |6.639284e-05 | 9.2341e-08 | 2.9538e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9750e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       719 |-0.001204611 |-1.6754e-06 | 2.8926e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9596e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       719 | 0.09167377 | 0.00012750 |  0.0028180 |  -0.0049890 |   0.0049875 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       719 |0.0001289285 | 1.7932e-07 | 2.9604e-06 | -4.9819e-06 |  4.9915e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       719 |  -352.0725 |   -0.48967 |     8.6218 |     -77.853 |      31.218 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       719 |  -548.6844 |   -0.76312 |     7.0878 |     -115.90 |      30.214 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       719 |   4851.926 |     6.7482 |     7.1837 |     -10.898 |      10.834 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       719 |   205.2961 |    0.28553 |    0.34604 |  0.00064499 |      4.3527 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       719 |   98824.87 |     137.45 |     1333.5 |     -2841.0 |      2983.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       719 |   11465.67 |     15.947 |     632.41 |     -2009.5 |      2266.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       719 |    6174208 |     8587.2 |     561.09 |      7851.7 |      9408.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       719 |    1676550 |     2331.8 |     3468.0 |      1.4239 |      19270. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       719 |   23551.76 |     32.756 |     9.2430 |      26.141 |      123.75 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       719 |  -352.0725 |   -0.48967 |     8.6218 |     -77.853 |      31.218 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       719 |  -548.6844 |   -0.76312 |     7.0878 |     -115.90 |      30.214 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       719 |   4851.926 |     6.7482 |     7.1837 |     -10.898 |      10.834 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       719 |   205.2961 |    0.28553 |    0.34604 |  0.00064400 |      4.3527 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       719 |   98824.87 |     137.45 |     1333.5 |     -2841.0 |      2983.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       719 |   11465.67 |     15.947 |     632.41 |     -2009.5 |      2266.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       719 |    6174208 |     8587.2 |     561.09 |      7851.7 |      9408.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       719 |    1676550 |     2331.8 |     3468.0 |      1.4200 |      19270. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       719 |   23551.76 |     32.756 |     9.2430 |      26.141 |      123.75 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       246 |-4.273751e-06 |-1.7373e-08 | 2.9105e-07 | -4.9025e-07 |  4.9513e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       246 |-2.458731e-06 |-9.9948e-09 | 2.8916e-07 | -4.9683e-07 |  4.9896e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       246 |-2.964884e-06 |-1.2052e-08 | 2.8566e-07 | -4.9903e-07 |  4.9897e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       246 |5.277016e-06 | 2.1451e-08 | 5.5280e-07 | -9.9604e-07 |  9.8974e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       246 |0.0004676784 | 1.9011e-06 | 2.9187e-05 | -4.9604e-05 |  4.9884e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       246 |0.000386226 | 1.5700e-06 | 2.6557e-05 | -4.8502e-05 |  4.9773e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       246 |-4.380596e-05 |-1.7807e-07 | 2.8737e-05 | -4.9408e-05 |  4.9743e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       246 |-0.004467955 |-1.8162e-05 |  0.0029434 |  -0.0049447 |   0.0049813 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       246 |-5.958224e-06 |-2.4220e-08 | 2.7783e-06 | -4.9619e-06 |  4.8968e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       246 |  -39.36602 |   -0.16002 |     5.5946 |     -16.747 |      13.705 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       246 |   93.35842 |    0.37951 |     3.7693 |     -8.1211 |      23.924 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       246 |   2271.861 |     9.2352 |     4.5504 |     -10.726 |      10.738 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       246 |     63.059 |    0.25634 |    0.24160 |   0.0090727 |      1.8677 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       246 |  -40854.57 |    -166.08 |     1270.9 |     -2903.6 |      3009.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       246 |  -45395.92 |    -184.54 |     739.32 |     -1734.4 |      1993.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       246 |    2120656 |     8620.6 |     549.26 |      7850.2 |      9403.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       246 |   947785.9 |     3852.8 |     3200.0 |      1.4579 |      11655. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       246 |   7432.253 |     30.212 |     4.2066 |      26.224 |      57.798 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       246 |  -39.36601 |   -0.16002 |     5.5946 |     -16.747 |      13.705 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       246 |   93.35842 |    0.37951 |     3.7693 |     -8.1211 |      23.924 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       246 |   2271.861 |     9.2352 |     4.5504 |     -10.726 |      10.738 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       246 |   63.05899 |    0.25634 |    0.24160 |   0.0090720 |      1.8677 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       246 |  -40854.57 |    -166.08 |     1270.9 |     -2903.6 |      3009.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       246 |  -45395.92 |    -184.54 |     739.32 |     -1734.4 |      1993.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       246 |    2120656 |     8620.6 |     549.26 |      7850.2 |      9403.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       246 |   947785.9 |     3852.8 |     3200.0 |      1.4600 |      11655. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       246 |   7432.253 |     30.212 |     4.2066 |      26.224 |      57.798 |
 UnpackRichHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1291 |     1291.0 |     0.0000 |      1291.0 |      1291.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1420 |     1420.0 |     0.0000 |      1420.0 |      1420.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1291 |     1291.0 |     0.0000 |      1291.0 |      1291.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1420 |     1420.0 |     0.0000 |      1420.0 |      1420.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         62 |     62.000 |     0.0000 |      62.000 |      62.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         77 |     77.000 |     0.0000 |      77.000 |      77.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         46 |     46.000 |     0.0000 |      46.000 |      46.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1291 |-8.958112e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |-0.001489683 |-1.1539e-06 | 2.8326e-05 | -4.9923e-05 |  4.9850e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |0.0003185773 | 2.4677e-07 | 2.8388e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9875e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 |0.001067167 | 8.2662e-07 | 2.9216e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1291 |-6.399106e-05 |-4.9567e-08 | 2.8526e-06 | -4.9969e-06 |  4.9962e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1291 |      25.82 |   0.020000 | 4.5525e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |   -2470823 |    -1913.9 |     2659.3 |     -4150.1 |      4149.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |   108600.3 |     84.121 |     739.62 |     -1389.2 |      1391.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 |1.031306e+07 |     7988.4 |     4340.3 |      1330.8 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1291 |   47786.61 |     37.015 |     19.988 |      11.538 |      118.26 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1291 |      25.82 |   0.020000 | 4.5619e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1291 |   -2470823 |    -1913.9 |     2659.3 |     -4150.1 |      4149.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1291 |   108600.3 |     84.121 |     739.62 |     -1389.2 |      1391.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1291 |1.031306e+07 |     7988.4 |     4340.3 |      1330.8 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1291 |   47786.61 |     37.015 |     19.988 |      11.538 |      118.26 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1420 |-9.853229e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1420 |0.0004627654 | 3.2589e-07 | 2.8380e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9926e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1420 |-0.0008342595 |-5.8751e-07 | 2.8933e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9962e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1420 |0.0005071686 | 3.5716e-07 | 2.9158e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9947e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1420 |-0.0002078117 |-1.4635e-07 | 2.8450e-06 | -4.9933e-06 |  4.9980e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1420 |       28.4 |   0.020000 | 4.0520e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1420 |   25230.73 |     17.768 |     2766.8 |     -4149.8 |      4150.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1420 |   175661.9 |     123.71 |     950.35 |     -1391.1 |      1391.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1420 |    8601614 |     6057.5 |     4670.9 |      1331.4 |      11093. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1420 |   41712.48 |     29.375 |     21.239 |      6.7255 |      104.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1420 |       28.4 |   0.020000 | 4.0616e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1420 |   25230.73 |     17.768 |     2766.8 |     -4149.8 |      4150.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1420 |   175661.9 |     123.71 |     950.35 |     -1391.1 |      1391.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1420 |    8601614 |     6057.5 |     4670.9 |      1331.4 |      11093. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1420 |   41712.48 |     29.375 |     21.239 |      6.7255 |      104.67 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1291 |-0.0009302667 |-7.2058e-07 | 2.8278e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9923e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1291 |0.0003251874 | 2.5189e-07 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9954e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1291 |-7.996083e-06 |-6.1937e-09 | 2.8635e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1291 |-1.014087e-10 |-7.8550e-14 | 5.8297e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1291 |0.0005538726 | 4.2903e-07 | 2.8674e-05 | -4.9954e-05 |  4.9944e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1291 | 0.00077416 | 5.9966e-07 | 2.8697e-05 | -4.9962e-05 |  4.9772e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1291 |-0.000589428 |-4.5657e-07 | 2.8383e-05 | -4.9874e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1291 |   4036.719 |     3.1268 |     1.8581 |   0.0020047 |      6.2759 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1291 |   714.9571 |    0.55380 |    0.60861 |   0.0021290 |      2.8962 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1291 |   -2009428 |    -1556.5 |     1903.4 |     -3973.8 |      3556.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1291 |   43209.76 |     33.470 |     273.76 |     -1268.2 |      1219.2 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1291 |1.009863e+07 |     7822.3 |     4311.4 |      996.22 |      11512. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1291 |0.005522312 | 4.2775e-06 | 1.1209e-06 |  1.7671e-06 |  6.8610e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1291 |   -2412516 |    -1868.7 |     2597.2 |     -4077.7 |      4071.3 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1291 |   102925.6 |     79.725 |     689.44 |     -1301.2 |      1303.2 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1291 |1.025062e+07 |     7940.1 |     4339.7 |      1272.2 |      11072. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1291 |   4036.719 |     3.1268 |     1.8581 |   0.0020047 |      6.2759 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1291 |   714.9571 |    0.55380 |    0.60861 |   0.0021290 |      2.8962 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1291 |   -2009428 |    -1556.5 |     1903.4 |     -3973.8 |      3556.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1291 |   43209.76 |     33.470 |     273.76 |     -1268.2 |      1219.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1291 |1.009863e+07 |     7822.3 |     4311.4 |      996.22 |      11512. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1291 |0.005522312 | 4.2775e-06 | 1.1209e-06 |  1.7671e-06 |  6.8610e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1291 |   -2412516 |    -1868.7 |     2597.2 |     -4077.7 |      4071.3 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1291 |   102925.6 |     79.725 |     689.44 |     -1301.2 |      1303.2 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1291 |1.025062e+07 |     7940.1 |     4339.7 |      1272.2 |      11072. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1420 |0.001297803 | 9.1395e-07 | 2.8836e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1420 |0.001689959 | 1.1901e-06 | 2.9840e-05 | -4.9928e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1420 |-0.0002022547 |-1.4243e-07 | 2.8893e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1420 |2.127081e-10 | 1.4979e-13 | 5.8176e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1420 |0.001010044 | 7.1130e-07 | 2.8661e-05 | -4.9810e-05 |  4.9903e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1420 |0.001555448 | 1.0954e-06 | 2.9210e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1420 |0.0009666862 | 6.8076e-07 | 2.9052e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1420 |   4591.743 |     3.2336 |     1.8362 |   0.0010942 |      6.2724 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1420 |   780.5074 |    0.54965 |    0.49106 |   0.0053242 |      2.8851 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1420 |   299143.2 |     210.66 |     2172.5 |     -4006.7 |      3779.0 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1420 |   191746.1 |     135.03 |     637.08 |     -1276.7 |      1228.7 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1420 |    8397116 |     5913.5 |     4641.4 |      990.81 |      11702. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1420 |0.006170717 | 4.3456e-06 | 1.1380e-06 |  1.7807e-06 |  6.8044e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1420 |   25312.81 |     17.826 |     2704.7 |     -4076.6 |      4061.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1420 |     149379 |     105.20 |     888.18 |     -1305.0 |      1303.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1420 |    8530705 |     6007.5 |     4668.1 |      1269.8 |      11069. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1420 |   4591.743 |     3.2336 |     1.8362 |   0.0010942 |      6.2724 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1420 |   780.5074 |    0.54965 |    0.49106 |   0.0053242 |      2.8851 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1420 |   299143.2 |     210.66 |     2172.5 |     -4006.7 |      3779.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1420 |   191746.1 |     135.03 |     637.08 |     -1276.7 |      1228.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1420 |    8397116 |     5913.5 |     4641.4 |      990.81 |      11702. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1420 |0.006170717 | 4.3456e-06 | 1.1380e-06 |  1.7807e-06 |  6.8044e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1420 |   25312.81 |     17.826 |     2704.7 |     -4076.6 |      4061.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1420 |     149379 |     105.20 |     888.18 |     -1305.0 |      1303.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1420 |    8530705 |     6007.5 |     4668.1 |      1269.8 |      11069. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1420 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        62 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1124 |     1124.0 |     0.0000 |      1124.0 |      1124.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        558 |     558.00 |     0.0000 |      558.00 |      558.00 |
 CheckSpdHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1124 |0.0003021849 | 2.6885e-07 | 2.8583e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1124 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1124 |   688.8803 |    0.61288 |     2.8709 |  6.9866e-05 |      64.644 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1124 |       1723 |     1.5329 |     1.7019 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1124 |     688.88 |    0.61288 |     2.8709 |  0.00010000 |      64.644 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1124 |       1723 |     1.5329 |     1.7019 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       558 |0.0003657482 | 6.5546e-07 | 2.9492e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9309e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       558 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       558 |    335.506 |    0.60127 |     1.6603 |  8.7617e-05 |      20.426 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       558 |        887 |     1.5896 |     1.7055 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       558 |   335.5056 |    0.60126 |     1.6603 |  0.00010000 |      20.426 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       558 |        887 |     1.5896 |     1.7055 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1467 |     1467.0 |     0.0000 |      1467.0 |      1467.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        808 |     808.00 |     0.0000 |      808.00 |      808.00 |
 CheckPrsHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1467 |0.0001559739 | 1.0632e-07 | 2.8989e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1467 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1467 |   1502.489 |     1.0242 |     3.3556 |  1.2681e-05 |      52.229 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1467 |       2238 |     1.5256 |     1.7096 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1467 |   1502.489 |     1.0242 |     3.3556 |      0.0000 |      52.229 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1467 |       2238 |     1.5256 |     1.7096 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       808 |-0.0002523263 |-3.1228e-07 | 2.8972e-05 | -4.9948e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       808 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       808 |   882.0966 |     1.0917 |     4.6678 |  3.1729e-06 |      71.606 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       808 |       1237 |     1.5309 |     1.7015 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       808 |   882.0969 |     1.0917 |     4.6678 |      0.0000 |      71.606 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       808 |       1237 |     1.5309 |     1.7015 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1521 |     1521.0 |     0.0000 |      1521.0 |      1521.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1211 |     1211.0 |     0.0000 |      1211.0 |      1211.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1521 |0.001466296 | 9.6403e-07 | 2.8845e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1521 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1521 |   18295.75 |     12.029 |     50.064 |  4.3738e-05 |      1340.5 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1521 |        162 |    0.10651 |    0.32102 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1521 |   18295.75 |     12.029 |     50.064 |      0.0000 |      1340.5 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1521 |        162 |    0.10651 |    0.32102 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1211 |-0.001091226 |-9.0109e-07 | 2.8526e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9828e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1211 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1211 |   14306.64 |     11.814 |     50.671 |  0.00016139 |      1051.0 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1211 |        239 |    0.19736 |    0.41626 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1211 |   14306.64 |     11.814 |     50.671 |  0.00020000 |      1051.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1211 |        239 |    0.19736 |    0.41626 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        163 |     163.00 |     0.0000 |      163.00 |      163.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       179 |-0.0004040184 |-2.2571e-06 | 2.8386e-05 | -4.9482e-05 |  4.8867e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       179 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       179 |   1345.295 |     7.5156 |     21.345 |  0.00099782 |      255.57 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       179 |         41 |    0.22905 |    0.45837 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       179 |   1345.296 |     7.5156 |     21.345 |   0.0010000 |      255.57 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       179 |         41 |    0.22905 |    0.45837 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       163 |-0.0003581727 |-2.1974e-06 | 2.8948e-05 | -4.9352e-05 |  4.9319e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       163 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       163 |   1349.804 |     8.2810 |     21.815 |  0.00080008 |      211.47 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       163 |         22 |    0.13497 |    0.47664 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       163 |   1349.804 |     8.2810 |     21.815 |  0.00080000 |      211.47 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       163 |         22 |    0.13497 |    0.47664 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        248 |     248.00 |     0.0000 |      248.00 |      248.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        117 |     117.00 |     0.0000 |      117.00 |      117.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       248 |4.891252e-06 | 1.9723e-08 | 2.8918e-07 | -4.9882e-07 |  4.9845e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       248 |-1.191579e-05 |-4.8048e-08 | 2.8927e-07 | -4.9785e-07 |  4.9588e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       248 |-1.323907e-06 |-5.3383e-09 | 2.8154e-07 | -4.9366e-07 |  4.9189e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       248 |-1.289616e-05 |-5.2001e-08 | 5.8027e-07 | -9.9062e-07 |  9.9518e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       248 |0.0002095204 | 8.4484e-07 | 2.7962e-05 | -4.9708e-05 |  4.9827e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       248 |-0.0001008136 |-4.0651e-07 | 2.8999e-05 | -4.8926e-05 |  4.9310e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       248 |0.0005963825 | 2.4048e-06 | 2.9872e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9828e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       248 | -0.0521849 |-0.00021042 |  0.0028614 |  -0.0049929 |   0.0049974 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       248 |2.255551e-05 | 9.0950e-08 | 2.7180e-06 | -4.9938e-06 |  4.9341e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       248 |   27.15108 |    0.10948 |     2.7734 |     -11.047 |      18.407 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       248 |   20.73627 |   0.083614 |     2.0174 |     -16.753 |      7.7181 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       248 |    1069.75 |     4.3135 |     2.1557 |     -5.0126 |      5.0278 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       248 |  0.5291111 |  0.0021335 |  0.0037222 |  0.00017484 |    0.043891 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       248 |   47142.36 |     190.09 |     1798.3 |     -3613.5 |      4443.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       248 |    88016.9 |     354.91 |     1067.1 |     -1762.5 |      4009.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       248 |    3228007 |     13016. |     1780.3 |      11958. |      19025. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       248 |   340898.1 |     1374.6 |     2714.5 |      1.5080 |      19233. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       248 |   11140.51 |     44.921 |     6.1387 |      39.942 |      65.441 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       248 |   27.15108 |    0.10948 |     2.7734 |     -11.047 |      18.407 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       248 |   20.73628 |   0.083614 |     2.0174 |     -16.753 |      7.7181 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       248 |    1069.75 |     4.3135 |     2.1557 |     -5.0126 |      5.0278 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       248 |   0.529124 |  0.0021336 |  0.0037222 |  0.00017400 |    0.043890 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       248 |   47142.36 |     190.09 |     1798.3 |     -3613.5 |      4443.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       248 |    88016.9 |     354.91 |     1067.1 |     -1762.5 |      4009.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       248 |    3228007 |     13016. |     1780.3 |      11958. |      19025. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       248 |   340898.1 |     1374.6 |     2714.5 |      1.5100 |      19233. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       248 |   11140.51 |     44.921 |     6.1387 |      39.942 |      65.441 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       117 |-4.980555e-06 |-4.2569e-08 | 2.8695e-07 | -4.9173e-07 |  4.7696e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       117 |-3.06618e-06 |-2.6207e-08 | 2.9173e-07 | -4.9639e-07 |  4.9929e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       117 |1.482969e-06 | 1.2675e-08 | 2.9433e-07 | -4.9917e-07 |  4.9772e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       117 |-8.787577e-06 |-7.5107e-08 | 6.1196e-07 | -9.9086e-07 |  9.9218e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |0.000583316 | 4.9856e-06 | 2.8998e-05 | -4.8906e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |-0.0002079699 |-1.7775e-06 | 2.9362e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.7693e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |-0.0002814208 |-2.4053e-06 | 2.7595e-05 | -4.7608e-05 |  4.7086e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       117 | 0.03024977 | 0.00025855 |  0.0028531 |  -0.0049765 |   0.0049165 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       117 |-5.45639e-06 |-4.6636e-08 | 2.9104e-06 | -4.9166e-06 |  4.9989e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       117 |   46.80593 |    0.40005 |     3.5582 |     -12.552 |      27.131 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       117 |  -127.6648 |    -1.0912 |     4.8300 |     -49.685 |      3.2188 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       117 |   478.7304 |     4.0917 |     2.3294 |     -5.0278 |      5.0116 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       117 |  0.2099692 |  0.0017946 |  0.0020467 |  8.2477e-05 |    0.011677 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |   32534.41 |     278.07 |     1631.7 |     -3340.5 |      3802.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -63834.54 |    -545.59 |     1088.8 |     -2929.1 |      2111.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |    1518545 |     12979. |     1570.6 |      11955. |      17530. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |   243400.1 |     2080.3 |     3508.4 |      1.4672 |      21850. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       117 |   5189.679 |     44.356 |     5.3496 |      40.042 |      60.180 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       117 |   46.80593 |    0.40005 |     3.5582 |     -12.552 |      27.131 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       117 |  -127.6648 |    -1.0912 |     4.8300 |     -49.685 |      3.2188 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       117 |   478.7304 |     4.0917 |     2.3294 |     -5.0278 |      5.0116 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       117 |   0.209978 |  0.0017947 |  0.0020467 |  8.2000e-05 |    0.011676 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       117 |   32534.41 |     278.07 |     1631.7 |     -3340.5 |      3802.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       117 |  -63834.54 |    -545.59 |     1088.8 |     -2929.1 |      2111.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       117 |    1518545 |     12979. |     1570.6 |      11955. |      17530. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       117 |     243400 |     2080.3 |     3508.4 |      1.4700 |      21850. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       117 |   5189.679 |     44.356 |     5.3496 |      40.042 |      60.180 |
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  259.00 +-16.09 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1430.00 +-37.82 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  370.00 +-19.24 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  347.00 +-18.63 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  248.00 +-15.75 ( 95.75 +-1.25%) Rich2 =  402.00 +-20.05 ( 28.11 +-1.19%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.77 +-0.54%) Rich2 =   48.00 +- 6.93 (  3.36 +-0.48%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.77 +-0.54%) Rich2 =  752.00 +-27.42 ( 52.59 +-1.32%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  362.00 +-19.03 ( 97.84 +-0.76%) Rich2 =  235.00 +-15.33 ( 67.72 +-2.51%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.27 +-0.27%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  208.00 +-14.42 ( 14.55 +-0.93%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  3.09 +-1.08%) Rich2 =  214.00 +-14.63 ( 14.97 +-0.94%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  2.32 +-0.93%) Rich2 =  160.00 +-12.65 ( 11.19 +-0.83%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  100.00 +-10.00 ( 28.82 +-2.43%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  1.89 +-0.71%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  4.61 +-1.13%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  1.89 +-0.71%) Rich2 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  3.75 +-1.02%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  1.54 +-0.77%) Rich2 =   78.00 +- 8.83 (  5.45 +-0.60%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.07 +-0.07%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.27 +-0.27%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  2.02 +-0.75%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  248.00 +-15.75 ( 95.75 +-1.25%) Rich2Gas =  402.00 +-20.05 ( 28.11 +-1.19%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  362.00 +-19.03 ( 97.84 +-0.76%) Rich2Gas =  235.00 +-15.33 ( 67.72 +-2.51%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9579,472 +9589,470 @@ GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   255.00 +- 15.97 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   630.00 +- 25.10 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    50.00 +-  7.07 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   754.00 +- 27.46 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    13.00 +-  3.61 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    55.00 +-  7.42 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     8.00 +-  2.83 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     9.00 +-  3.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   369.00 +- 19.21 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   347.00 +- 18.63 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    20.00 +-  4.47 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    34.00 +-  5.83 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracksNextNext      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        218 |     218.00 |     0.0000 |      218.00 |      218.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        327 |     327.00 |     0.0000 |      327.00 |      327.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          8 |     8.0000 |     0.0000 |      8.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          5 |     5.0000 |     0.0000 |      5.0000 |      5.0000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         93 |     93.000 |     0.0000 |      93.000 |      93.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        225 |     225.00 |     0.0000 |      225.00 |      225.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        494 |     494.00 |     0.0000 |      494.00 |      494.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        379 |     379.00 |     0.0000 |      379.00 |      379.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        191 |     191.00 |     0.0000 |      191.00 |      191.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         92 |     92.000 |     0.0000 |      92.000 |      92.000 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1398 |     1398.0 |     0.0000 |      1398.0 |      1398.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        908 |     908.00 |     0.0000 |      908.00 |      908.00 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        945 |     945.00 |     0.0000 |      945.00 |      945.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        458 |     458.00 |     0.0000 |      458.00 |      458.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1393 |     1393.0 |     0.0000 |      1393.0 |      1393.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1135 |     1135.0 |     0.0000 |      1135.0 |      1135.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        122 |     122.00 |     0.0000 |      122.00 |      122.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1689 |     1689.0 |     0.0000 |      1689.0 |      1689.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        717 |     717.00 |     0.0000 |      717.00 |      717.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1689 |     1689.0 |     0.0000 |      1689.0 |      1689.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        717 |     717.00 |     0.0000 |      717.00 |      717.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         85 |     85.000 |     0.0000 |      85.000 |      85.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         55 |     55.000 |     0.0000 |      55.000 |      55.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         46 |     46.000 |     0.0000 |      46.000 |      46.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       218+/-0
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 8+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       327+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 5+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 93
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2513.81
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.168899
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0719997
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 100
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4693.17
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.150177
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.034025
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        15 |         15 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        93 |   233784.4 |     2513.8 |     6539.6 |      3.9626 |      29660. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         93 |     93.000 |     0.0000 |      93.000 |      93.000 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        11 |         11 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       100 |   469317.4 |     4693.2 |     9497.6 |      7.1293 |      44819. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 225
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2261.15
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.128474
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0373569
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 103
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 6487.33
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.120423
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0288957
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        10 |         10 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       225 |   508757.8 |     2261.1 |     4665.4 |     0.24414 |      16481. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        225 |     225.00 |     0.0000 |      225.00 |      225.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       103 |   668195.1 |     6487.3 |     14939. |      9.2242 |      44819. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
 OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 494
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 5363.63
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.201085
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0989938
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 379
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2278
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19508
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0623867
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        49 |         49 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       494 |    2649633 |     5363.6 |     13219. |      1.0249 |      67888. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        494 |     494.00 |     0.0000 |      494.00 |      494.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        44 |         44 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       379 |   863362.8 |     2278.0 |     5295.2 |     0.48743 |      28263. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        379 |     379.00 |     0.0000 |      379.00 |      379.00 |
 SpdMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
-HcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 13 Histogram(s) : 1D=13
+HcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 77.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 38.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 57.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 24.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 110.000  0.000  7.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 122.000  0.000  4.000  0.000  2.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 74.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 66.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 196.000  8.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 372.000  0.000  11.000  0.000  2.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          8 |     8.0000 |     0.0000 |      8.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          5 |     5.0000 |     0.0000 |      5.0000 |      5.0000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         8 |1.109798e-06 | 1.3872e-07 | 2.1345e-07 | -1.9470e-07 |  4.0855e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         8 |-1.998951e-09 |-2.4987e-10 | 2.3076e-07 | -3.8748e-07 |  3.5475e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         8 |1.815679e-07 | 2.2696e-08 | 2.4896e-07 | -3.2838e-07 |  4.7865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         8 |-2.33987e-06 |-2.9248e-07 | 5.0119e-07 | -9.5513e-07 |  6.9804e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         8 |-0.000116684 |-1.4585e-05 | 2.1200e-05 | -4.4464e-05 |  1.6759e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         8 |-2.405763e-05 |-3.0072e-06 | 2.1518e-05 | -4.4241e-05 |  2.3391e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         8 |0.0001521804 | 1.9023e-05 | 3.0642e-05 | -3.4474e-05 |  4.4573e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         8 |  0.0128783 |  0.0016098 |  0.0021181 |  -0.0025460 |   0.0045766 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         8 |8.332591e-06 | 1.0416e-06 | 2.8228e-06 | -4.2522e-06 |  4.2811e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         8 |  0.3793231 |   0.047415 |    0.10668 |   -0.020985 |     0.32417 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         8 |  -0.028163 | -0.0035204 |   0.032746 |   -0.032379 |    0.066231 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         8 |  -2.398351 |   -0.29979 | 0.00065921 |    -0.30021 |    -0.29808 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |         8 |  0.8913977 |    0.11142 |   0.031755 |    0.080887 |     0.16226 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         8 |   73.34928 |     9.1687 |     17.534 |     -18.307 |      32.752 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         8 |  -76.86242 |    -9.6078 |     14.798 |     -22.119 |      18.003 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         8 |  -2084.607 |    -260.58 |     39.285 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         8 |   18699.01 |     2337.4 |     2264.2 |      316.26 |      6140.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |         8 |   7.053918 |    0.88174 |    0.24963 |     0.64252 |      1.4363 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         8 |   0.379322 |   0.047415 |    0.10668 |   -0.020985 |     0.32417 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         8 |  -0.028163 | -0.0035204 |   0.032746 |   -0.032379 |    0.066231 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         8 |  -2.398351 |   -0.29979 | 0.00065924 |    -0.30021 |    -0.29808 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         8 |     0.8914 |    0.11143 |   0.031755 |    0.080888 |     0.16226 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         8 |    73.3494 |     9.1687 |     17.534 |     -18.307 |      32.752 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         8 |   -76.8624 |    -9.6078 |     14.798 |     -22.119 |      18.003 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         8 |  -2084.607 |    -260.58 |     39.285 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         8 |      18699 |     2337.4 |     2264.2 |      316.26 |      6140.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         8 |    7.05391 |    0.88174 |    0.24963 |     0.64252 |      1.4363 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         5 |-5.66521e-07 |-1.1330e-07 | 1.1385e-07 | -3.0065e-07 |  4.8798e-08 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         5 |-6.544573e-07 |-1.3089e-07 | 1.2389e-07 | -2.5378e-07 |  8.7722e-08 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         5 |5.861593e-07 | 1.1723e-07 | 2.2998e-07 | -9.0424e-08 |  4.6151e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         5 |-1.074273e-06 |-2.1485e-07 | 5.2631e-07 | -8.4377e-07 |  4.3284e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |-5.251211e-06 |-1.0502e-06 | 3.7188e-05 | -4.8031e-05 |  4.8688e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |-3.375827e-05 |-6.7517e-06 | 2.0956e-05 | -3.1254e-05 |  2.7123e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |-9.780606e-06 |-1.9561e-06 | 2.8939e-05 | -3.2603e-05 |  4.3742e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |0.003940404 | 0.00078808 |  0.0018541 |  -0.0022347 |   0.0036077 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         5 |5.265927e-07 | 1.0532e-07 | 3.6439e-06 | -3.6323e-06 |  4.6568e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         5 | -0.1242226 |  -0.024845 |   0.016915 |   -0.055864 |  -0.0095381 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         5 | 0.05817935 |   0.011636 |   0.017046 |  -0.0079611 |    0.035487 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         5 |  -1.499859 |   -0.29997 | 0.00014293 |    -0.30014 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |         5 |  0.5576009 |    0.11152 |   0.041634 |    0.074560 |     0.18825 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |  -81.59351 |    -16.319 |     9.8214 |     -32.332 |     -5.1867 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |   42.52427 |     8.5049 |     12.447 |     -7.0199 |      24.602 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |  -1257.921 |    -251.58 |     39.876 |     -300.50 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |   41767.28 |     8353.5 |     3514.2 |      1941.7 |      11566. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |         5 |   3.737701 |    0.74754 |    0.13041 |     0.63419 |     0.90723 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         5 |  -0.124222 |  -0.024844 |   0.016915 |   -0.055864 |  -0.0095380 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         5 |    0.05818 |   0.011636 |   0.017046 |  -0.0079610 |    0.035487 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         5 |   -1.49986 |   -0.29997 | 0.00014279 |    -0.30014 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         5 |   0.557602 |    0.11152 |   0.041634 |    0.074560 |     0.18825 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |   -81.5935 |    -16.319 |     9.8213 |     -32.332 |     -5.1867 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |    42.5243 |     8.5049 |     12.447 |     -7.0199 |      24.602 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |  -1257.921 |    -251.58 |     39.876 |     -300.50 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |   41767.28 |     8353.5 |     3514.2 |      1941.7 |      11566. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         5 |     3.7377 |    0.74754 |    0.13041 |     0.63419 |     0.90723 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        218 |     218.00 |     0.0000 |      218.00 |      218.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        327 |     327.00 |     0.0000 |      327.00 |      327.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       218 |-3.09865e-07 |-1.4214e-09 | 3.0575e-07 | -4.9942e-07 |  4.9466e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       218 |-3.619608e-06 |-1.6604e-08 | 2.8080e-07 | -4.9369e-07 |  4.9895e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       218 |-3.213805e-07 |-1.4742e-09 | 2.8728e-07 | -4.9513e-07 |  4.9901e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       218 |-3.695127e-06 |-1.6950e-08 | 5.7857e-07 | -9.8704e-07 |  9.8685e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       218 |0.0005829076 | 2.6739e-06 | 2.8328e-05 | -4.9682e-05 |  4.9049e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       218 |-0.0007149776 |-3.2797e-06 | 2.8628e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9850e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       218 |0.0002471014 | 1.1335e-06 | 2.7760e-05 | -4.9345e-05 |  4.9843e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       218 | 0.06773136 | 0.00031069 |  0.0028785 |  -0.0049557 |   0.0049665 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       218 |-5.378899e-05 |-2.4674e-07 | 3.0248e-06 | -4.9906e-06 |  4.8758e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       218 |  -1.212355 | -0.0055613 |   0.075580 |    -0.27582 |     0.53848 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       218 |  -2.827082 |  -0.012968 |    0.10924 |    -0.61858 |     0.66615 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       218 |   37.60283 |    0.17249 |    0.23626 |    -0.30063 |     0.30074 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       218 |    26.3068 |    0.12067 |   0.083881 |    0.013215 |     0.75384 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       218 |  -878.1179 |    -4.0281 |     15.574 |     -42.324 |      44.677 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       218 |   1106.122 |     5.0740 |     13.536 |     -31.007 |      29.105 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       218 |   68774.66 |     315.48 |     325.62 |     -175.79 |      750.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       218 |    1137801 |     5219.3 |     8421.0 |      2.3008 |      34691. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       218 |   281.9726 |     1.2935 |    0.91692 |    0.084973 |      2.6168 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       218 |  -1.212355 | -0.0055613 |   0.075580 |    -0.27582 |     0.53848 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       218 |  -2.827078 |  -0.012968 |    0.10924 |    -0.61858 |     0.66615 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       218 |   37.60283 |    0.17249 |    0.23626 |    -0.30063 |     0.30074 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       218 |   26.30681 |    0.12067 |   0.083881 |    0.013214 |     0.75384 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       218 |  -878.1185 |    -4.0281 |     15.574 |     -42.324 |      44.677 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       218 |   1106.123 |     5.0740 |     13.536 |     -31.007 |      29.105 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       218 |   68774.66 |     315.48 |     325.62 |     -175.79 |      750.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       218 |    1137801 |     5219.3 |     8421.0 |      2.3000 |      34691. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       218 |   281.9726 |     1.2935 |    0.91692 |    0.084970 |      2.6168 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       327 |-3.621482e-06 |-1.1075e-08 | 3.0078e-07 | -4.9776e-07 |  4.9845e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       327 |2.56276e-06 | 7.8372e-09 | 2.9060e-07 | -4.9974e-07 |  4.9287e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       327 |-1.417707e-06 |-4.3355e-09 | 2.9050e-07 | -4.9215e-07 |  4.9459e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       327 |1.507921e-06 | 4.6114e-09 | 5.6949e-07 | -9.9898e-07 |  9.9967e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       327 |-0.0003185536 |-9.7417e-07 | 2.8843e-05 | -4.8722e-05 |  4.9522e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       327 |-0.0004581413 |-1.4010e-06 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.8538e-05 |  4.9846e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       327 |0.0005695493 | 1.7417e-06 | 2.9042e-05 | -4.9737e-05 |  4.9621e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       327 | 0.01269595 | 3.8826e-05 |  0.0029349 |  -0.0049474 |   0.0049620 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       327 |4.184713e-05 | 1.2797e-07 | 3.1329e-06 | -4.9911e-06 |  4.9944e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       327 | -0.6509526 | -0.0019907 |   0.058435 |    -0.27855 |     0.39223 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       327 |   2.195138 |  0.0067130 |   0.072451 |    -0.45034 |     0.45716 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       327 |   68.39613 |    0.20916 |    0.20357 |    -0.30057 |     0.30029 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       327 |   38.67759 |    0.11828 |    0.11724 |   0.0050133 |      1.1632 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       327 |  -448.4195 |    -1.3713 |     15.749 |     -36.498 |      36.422 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       327 |   1085.498 |     3.3196 |     14.094 |     -30.721 |      39.759 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       327 |   119106.9 |     364.24 |     286.58 |     -160.84 |      751.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       327 |    2113242 |     6462.5 |     8845.1 |      3.2822 |      50786. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       327 |   453.5517 |     1.3870 |    0.85125 |    0.055288 |      2.6226 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       327 |  -0.650949 | -0.0019907 |   0.058435 |    -0.27855 |     0.39223 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       327 |   2.195135 |  0.0067130 |   0.072451 |    -0.45034 |     0.45716 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       327 |   68.39613 |    0.20916 |    0.20357 |    -0.30057 |     0.30029 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       327 |   38.67759 |    0.11828 |    0.11724 |   0.0050140 |      1.1632 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       327 |  -448.4192 |    -1.3713 |     15.749 |     -36.498 |      36.422 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       327 |   1085.498 |     3.3196 |     14.094 |     -30.721 |      39.759 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       327 |   119106.9 |     364.24 |     286.58 |     -160.84 |      751.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       327 |    2113242 |     6462.5 |     8845.1 |      3.2800 |      50786. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       327 |   453.5516 |     1.3870 |    0.85125 |    0.055290 |      2.6226 |
 UnpackTTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         93 |     93.000 |     0.0000 |      93.000 |      93.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        93 |7.301171e-07 | 7.8507e-09 | 2.5873e-07 | -4.7737e-07 |  4.7698e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        93 |-4.161719e-06 |-4.4750e-08 | 2.6125e-07 | -4.9961e-07 |  4.2177e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        93 |6.015161e-07 | 6.4679e-09 | 1.5468e-07 | -4.3741e-07 |  4.8729e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        93 |-5.371186e-06 |-5.7755e-08 | 6.2976e-07 | -9.9895e-07 |  9.8971e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        93 |-6.964525e-05 |-7.4887e-07 | 2.7814e-05 | -4.9634e-05 |  4.9296e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        93 |-2.924051e-05 |-3.1441e-07 | 2.7511e-05 | -4.8566e-05 |  4.7380e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        93 |-5.171789e-06 |-5.5611e-08 | 1.0606e-05 | -3.8908e-05 |  4.3706e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        93 | 0.03937718 | 0.00042341 |  0.0025533 |  -0.0046137 |   0.0049808 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        93 |3.49581e-07 | 3.7589e-09 | 2.9537e-06 | -4.9324e-06 |  4.9491e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        93 |   4.384045 |   0.047140 |    0.46190 |     -1.8051 |      2.6603 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        93 |  -1.392143 |  -0.014969 |    0.21215 |     -1.5927 |     0.41683 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        93 |   27.64903 |    0.29730 |    0.34827 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        93 |   24.29841 |    0.26127 |    0.27666 |   0.0046995 |      1.6001 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        93 |  -5231.281 |    -56.250 |     309.93 |     -655.51 |      773.98 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        93 |   5266.669 |     56.631 |     125.02 |     -236.15 |      343.08 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        93 |   233093.8 |     2506.4 |     134.34 |      2322.0 |      2647.6 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        93 |   139537.5 |     1500.4 |     3125.1 |      1.4550 |      13401. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        93 |   1035.411 |     11.133 |     6.0911 |      7.8419 |      50.601 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        93 |   4.384044 |   0.047140 |    0.46190 |     -1.8051 |      2.6603 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        93 |  -1.392139 |  -0.014969 |    0.21215 |     -1.5927 |     0.41683 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        93 |   27.64903 |    0.29730 |    0.34827 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        93 |   24.29842 |    0.26127 |    0.27666 |   0.0047000 |      1.6001 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        93 |  -5231.281 |    -56.250 |     309.93 |     -655.51 |      773.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        93 |   5266.669 |     56.631 |     125.02 |     -236.15 |      343.08 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        93 |   233093.8 |     2506.4 |     134.34 |      2322.0 |      2647.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        93 |   139537.5 |     1500.4 |     3125.1 |      1.4500 |      13401. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        93 |   1035.411 |     11.133 |     6.0911 |      7.8419 |      50.601 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       100 |2.110606e-06 | 2.1106e-08 | 2.9120e-07 | -4.8755e-07 |  4.9673e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       100 |3.227915e-06 | 3.2279e-08 | 2.7960e-07 | -4.8762e-07 |  4.9552e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       100 |-1.387779e-17 |-1.3878e-19 | 3.0119e-09 | -2.0358e-08 |  2.0358e-08 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       100 |1.964443e-06 | 1.9644e-08 | 5.8161e-07 | -9.9065e-07 |  9.8633e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |-0.0002821393 |-2.8214e-06 | 2.8686e-05 | -4.8896e-05 |  4.9663e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |4.125145e-05 | 4.1251e-07 | 2.8305e-05 | -4.9490e-05 |  4.8167e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |-7.026615e-06 |-7.0266e-08 | 5.6087e-06 | -4.3020e-05 |  3.5994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       100 | 0.01595957 | 0.00015960 |  0.0025771 |  -0.0049453 |   0.0046822 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       100 |3.883105e-05 | 3.8831e-07 | 2.8775e-06 | -4.9187e-06 |  4.9411e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       100 |  0.2820171 |  0.0028202 |    0.26771 |    -0.73109 |      2.0661 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       100 |  -2.998965 |  -0.029990 |    0.28761 |     -2.4782 |     0.18171 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       100 |         47 |    0.47000 |    0.14899 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       100 |   20.94079 |    0.20941 |    0.15828 |    0.051901 |      1.2507 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |  -6019.769 |    -60.198 |     194.12 |     -577.26 |      405.72 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |   3254.172 |     32.542 |     128.77 |     -173.23 |      410.17 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |   249301.3 |     2493.0 |     136.48 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       100 |   488923.9 |     4889.2 |     6427.7 |      20.088 |      25702. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       100 |   869.9258 |     8.6993 |     1.3358 |      7.8459 |      16.374 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       100 |   0.282015 |  0.0028202 |    0.26771 |    -0.73109 |      2.0661 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       100 |  -2.998968 |  -0.029990 |    0.28761 |     -2.4782 |     0.18171 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       100 |         47 |    0.47000 |    0.14899 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       100 |   20.94078 |    0.20941 |    0.15828 |    0.051900 |      1.2507 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |  -6019.769 |    -60.198 |     194.12 |     -577.26 |      405.72 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |   3254.172 |     32.542 |     128.77 |     -173.23 |      410.17 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |   249301.3 |     2493.0 |     136.48 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       100 |   488923.9 |     4889.2 |     6427.7 |      20.090 |      25702. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       100 |   869.9258 |     8.6993 |     1.3358 |      7.8460 |      16.374 |
 UnpackITHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        225 |     225.00 |     0.0000 |      225.00 |      225.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
 CheckITHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       225 |1.676805e-06 | 7.4525e-09 | 3.0309e-07 | -4.9373e-07 |  4.9810e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       225 |-2.253264e-06 |-1.0015e-08 | 2.7884e-07 | -4.9212e-07 |  4.7477e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       225 |-1.816322e-06 |-8.0725e-09 | 2.8698e-07 | -4.9633e-07 |  4.9888e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       225 |-4.214831e-06 |-1.8733e-08 | 5.9126e-07 | -9.9008e-07 |  9.4670e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |-7.183064e-05 |-3.1925e-07 | 3.0506e-05 | -4.9610e-05 |  4.9488e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |0.001037368 | 4.6105e-06 | 2.8978e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9952e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |0.0004218672 | 1.8750e-06 | 2.9029e-05 | -4.9596e-05 |  4.9809e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       225 | 0.08068733 | 0.00035861 |  0.0029039 |  -0.0049643 |   0.0049830 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       225 |-3.145695e-05 |-1.3981e-07 | 3.0518e-06 | -4.9463e-06 |  4.8803e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       225 |   2.420428 |   0.010757 |    0.29844 |    -0.77200 |      2.5893 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       225 | -0.4255573 | -0.0018914 |   0.066891 |    -0.43659 |     0.57223 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       225 |   79.50829 |    0.35337 |    0.15226 |    -0.41108 |     0.41069 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       225 |   43.13569 |    0.19171 |    0.28112 |   0.0057883 |      2.8679 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |  -33520.67 |    -148.98 |     214.11 |     -647.96 |      401.51 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |   674.7027 |     2.9987 |     77.321 |     -176.60 |      103.40 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |    1871990 |     8320.0 |     540.58 |      7667.8 |      9170.9 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       225 |   828181.1 |     3680.8 |     7257.3 |      1.4471 |      31531. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       225 |    6367.54 |     28.300 |     2.0041 |      25.691 |      34.647 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       225 |   2.420426 |   0.010757 |    0.29844 |    -0.77200 |      2.5893 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       225 |  -0.425555 | -0.0018914 |   0.066891 |    -0.43659 |     0.57223 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       225 |   79.50829 |    0.35337 |    0.15226 |    -0.41108 |     0.41069 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       225 |   43.13569 |    0.19171 |    0.28112 |   0.0057880 |      2.8679 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       225 |  -33520.67 |    -148.98 |     214.11 |     -647.96 |      401.51 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       225 |   674.7017 |     2.9987 |     77.321 |     -176.60 |      103.40 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       225 |    1871990 |     8320.0 |     540.58 |      7667.8 |      9170.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       225 |     828181 |     3680.8 |     7257.3 |      1.4500 |      31531. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       225 |    6367.54 |     28.300 |     2.0041 |      25.691 |      34.647 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       103 |3.044028e-06 | 2.9554e-08 | 2.8129e-07 | -4.9643e-07 |  4.9871e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       103 |-5.057348e-06 |-4.9100e-08 | 2.8154e-07 | -4.9455e-07 |  4.9947e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       103 |-3.95482e-06 |-3.8396e-08 | 2.7297e-07 | -4.9960e-07 |  4.7423e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       103 |-6.881227e-07 |-6.6808e-09 | 5.7132e-07 | -9.9794e-07 |  9.9013e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |0.0001375286 | 1.3352e-06 | 2.9406e-05 | -4.6905e-05 |  4.9270e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |0.0003824675 | 3.7133e-06 | 2.8678e-05 | -4.9164e-05 |  4.9731e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |0.0003965354 | 3.8499e-06 | 2.7992e-05 | -4.7405e-05 |  4.9169e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |-0.003690105 |-3.5826e-05 |  0.0027395 |  -0.0048384 |   0.0048141 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       103 |1.225162e-05 | 1.1895e-07 | 2.9315e-06 | -4.8142e-06 |  4.9208e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       103 |  -7.526218 |  -0.073070 |    0.11347 |    -0.69232 |    0.017462 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       103 |  -1.870178 |  -0.018157 |   0.071612 |    -0.44052 |    0.012747 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       103 |   39.47214 |    0.38322 |   0.067139 |    0.012712 |     0.40985 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       103 |    15.6934 |    0.15236 |    0.11050 |   0.0083257 |      1.1129 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |   -28170.9 |    -273.50 |     256.33 |     -613.77 |      228.71 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |  -2255.346 |    -21.897 |     71.609 |     -211.91 |      154.85 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |   864147.6 |     8389.8 |     565.78 |      7667.9 |      9170.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |    1382127 |     13419. |     12932. |      3.1680 |      50704. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       103 |   2917.869 |     28.329 |     1.9337 |      25.684 |      31.605 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       103 |  -7.526221 |  -0.073070 |    0.11347 |    -0.69232 |    0.017462 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       103 |  -1.870173 |  -0.018157 |   0.071612 |    -0.44052 |    0.012747 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       103 |   39.47215 |    0.38322 |   0.067139 |    0.012712 |     0.40985 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       103 |    15.6934 |    0.15236 |    0.11050 |   0.0083260 |      1.1129 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |   -28170.9 |    -273.50 |     256.33 |     -613.77 |      228.71 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |  -2255.346 |    -21.897 |     71.609 |     -211.91 |      154.85 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |   864147.6 |     8389.8 |     565.78 |      7667.9 |      9170.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |    1382127 |     13419. |     12932. |      3.1700 |      50704. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       103 |   2917.869 |     28.329 |     1.9337 |      25.684 |      31.605 |
 UnpackOTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        494 |     494.00 |     0.0000 |      494.00 |      494.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        379 |     379.00 |     0.0000 |      379.00 |      379.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       494 |6.354547e-06 | 1.2863e-08 | 2.8801e-07 | -4.8856e-07 |  4.9700e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       494 |-9.582065e-06 |-1.9397e-08 | 2.9892e-07 | -4.9582e-07 |  4.9913e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       494 |4.23601e-06 | 8.5749e-09 | 2.9510e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9961e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       494 |-1.136885e-05 |-2.3014e-08 | 6.0359e-07 | -9.9577e-07 |  9.9697e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       494 |-0.0004307446 |-8.7195e-07 | 2.8453e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9912e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       494 |0.0004036434 | 8.1709e-07 | 2.8915e-05 | -4.9890e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       494 |0.001014802 | 2.0543e-06 | 2.8899e-05 | -4.9634e-05 |  4.9828e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       494 | -0.0272096 |-5.5080e-05 |  0.0029355 |  -0.0049753 |   0.0049528 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       494 |2.857303e-05 | 5.7840e-08 | 2.9173e-06 | -4.9901e-06 |  4.9933e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       494 |  -474.3168 |   -0.96016 |     10.437 |     -112.32 |      46.321 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       494 |  -167.8246 |   -0.33973 |     5.9397 |     -42.087 |      46.350 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       494 |   2244.424 |     4.5434 |     8.4265 |     -10.794 |      10.785 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       494 |   122.3688 |    0.24771 |    0.18335 |  0.00059807 |      2.5705 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       494 |  -78905.32 |    -159.73 |     1288.8 |     -2956.6 |      2823.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       494 |   13875.41 |     28.088 |     370.26 |     -2075.9 |      978.56 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       494 |    4173780 |     8448.9 |     579.95 |      7848.9 |      9408.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       494 |   695208.6 |     1407.3 |     2474.4 |      1.4227 |      13393. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       494 |   16730.12 |     33.867 |     6.9471 |      26.327 |      60.645 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       494 |  -474.3168 |   -0.96016 |     10.437 |     -112.32 |      46.321 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       494 |  -167.8246 |   -0.33973 |     5.9397 |     -42.087 |      46.350 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       494 |   2244.424 |     4.5434 |     8.4265 |     -10.794 |      10.785 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       494 |   122.3688 |    0.24771 |    0.18335 |  0.00059800 |      2.5705 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       494 |  -78905.32 |    -159.73 |     1288.8 |     -2956.6 |      2823.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       494 |   13875.41 |     28.088 |     370.26 |     -2075.9 |      978.56 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       494 |    4173780 |     8448.9 |     579.95 |      7848.9 |      9408.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       494 |   695208.6 |     1407.3 |     2474.4 |      1.4200 |      13393. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       494 |   16730.12 |     33.867 |     6.9471 |      26.327 |      60.645 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       379 |7.357777e-07 | 1.9414e-09 | 2.7771e-07 | -4.9775e-07 |  4.9757e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       379 |9.319243e-06 | 2.4589e-08 | 3.0407e-07 | -4.9825e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       379 |2.410543e-06 | 6.3603e-09 | 2.8112e-07 | -4.9464e-07 |  4.9819e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       379 |-1.159891e-05 |-3.0604e-08 | 5.7308e-07 | -9.8605e-07 |  9.9938e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       379 |0.0001221482 | 3.2229e-07 | 2.8467e-05 | -4.9924e-05 |  4.9387e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       379 |4.735168e-05 | 1.2494e-07 | 2.9148e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       379 |0.0006374154 | 1.6818e-06 | 2.8089e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9869e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       379 |-0.03526339 |-9.3043e-05 |  0.0028673 |  -0.0049931 |   0.0049908 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       379 |-0.0001134424 |-2.9932e-07 | 2.9066e-06 | -4.9952e-06 |  4.9974e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       379 |   102.4341 |    0.27027 |     8.6126 |     -57.683 |      90.370 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       379 |   9.248594 |   0.024403 |     4.3272 |     -24.799 |      43.274 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       379 |   2549.557 |     6.7271 |     7.3718 |     -10.798 |      10.886 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       379 |    91.7675 |    0.24213 |    0.20211 |   0.0042070 |      1.9372 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       379 |  -348.1428 |   -0.91858 |     1412.7 |     -2877.2 |      2535.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       379 |  -887.5682 |    -2.3419 |     478.65 |     -2213.4 |      1499.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       379 |    3288843 |     8677.7 |     552.33 |      7852.9 |      9410.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       379 |    1074504 |     2835.1 |     3843.5 |      1.4854 |      16446. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       379 |   12142.08 |     32.037 |     6.6807 |      26.329 |      74.132 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       379 |   102.4341 |    0.27027 |     8.6126 |     -57.683 |      90.370 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       379 |   9.248585 |   0.024403 |     4.3272 |     -24.799 |      43.274 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       379 |   2549.557 |     6.7271 |     7.3718 |     -10.798 |      10.886 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       379 |   91.76751 |    0.24213 |    0.20211 |   0.0042080 |      1.9372 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       379 |  -348.1429 |   -0.91858 |     1412.7 |     -2877.2 |      2535.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       379 |  -887.5682 |    -2.3419 |     478.65 |     -2213.4 |      1499.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       379 |    3288843 |     8677.7 |     552.33 |      7852.9 |      9410.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       379 |    1074504 |     2835.1 |     3843.5 |      1.4900 |      16446. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       379 |   12142.08 |     32.037 |     6.6807 |      26.329 |      74.132 |
 UnpackRichHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1689 |     1689.0 |     0.0000 |      1689.0 |      1689.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        717 |     717.00 |     0.0000 |      717.00 |      717.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1689 |     1689.0 |     0.0000 |      1689.0 |      1689.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        717 |     717.00 |     0.0000 |      717.00 |      717.00 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         85 |     85.000 |     0.0000 |      85.000 |      85.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         55 |     55.000 |     0.0000 |      55.000 |      55.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         46 |     46.000 |     0.0000 |      46.000 |      46.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1689 |-1.171979e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1689 |0.002459183 | 1.4560e-06 | 2.8837e-05 | -4.9956e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1689 |0.0009549027 | 5.6537e-07 | 2.8498e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1689 |0.002104804 | 1.2462e-06 | 2.9168e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1689 |6.575844e-06 | 3.8933e-09 | 2.9095e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9980e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1689 |      33.78 |   0.020000 | 1.4275e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1689 |   -4360549 |    -2581.7 |     2669.7 |     -4150.6 |      4150.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1689 |     551002 |     326.23 |     452.80 |     -1389.0 |      1355.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1689 |1.578853e+07 |     9347.9 |     3298.5 |      1335.3 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1689 |   70241.35 |     41.588 |     16.407 |      7.2345 |      126.78 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1689 |      33.78 |   0.020000 | 1.4503e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1689 |   -4360549 |    -2581.7 |     2669.7 |     -4150.6 |      4150.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1689 |     551002 |     326.23 |     452.80 |     -1389.0 |      1355.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1689 |1.578853e+07 |     9347.9 |     3298.5 |      1335.3 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1689 |   70241.35 |     41.588 |     16.407 |      7.2345 |      126.78 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       717 |-4.975187e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       717 |0.0006155677 | 8.5853e-07 | 2.9305e-05 | -4.9851e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       717 |-0.001468454 |-2.0481e-06 | 2.8133e-05 | -4.9917e-05 |  4.9860e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       717 |0.0001250539 | 1.7441e-07 | 2.8981e-05 | -4.9855e-05 |  4.9843e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       717 |3.998531e-05 | 5.5768e-08 | 2.8780e-06 | -4.9964e-06 |  4.9948e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       717 |      14.34 |   0.020000 | 4.2106e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       717 |  -712829.7 |    -994.18 |     2615.3 |     -4150.4 |      4147.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       717 |   129496.9 |     180.61 |     901.43 |     -1354.4 |      1319.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       717 |    4333771 |     6044.3 |     4589.5 |      1401.5 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       717 |   23521.85 |     32.806 |     21.902 |      9.8371 |      96.067 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       717 |      14.34 |   0.020000 | 4.2198e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       717 |  -712829.7 |    -994.18 |     2615.3 |     -4150.4 |      4147.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       717 |     129497 |     180.61 |     901.43 |     -1354.4 |      1319.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       717 |    4333771 |     6044.3 |     4589.5 |      1401.5 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       717 |   23521.85 |     32.806 |     21.902 |      9.8371 |      96.067 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1689 |0.001466404 | 8.6821e-07 | 2.9114e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1689 |0.0005699998 | 3.3748e-07 | 2.8293e-05 | -4.9829e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1689 |-0.001581469 |-9.3633e-07 | 2.8556e-05 | -4.9866e-05 |  4.9836e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1689 |-2.648903e-11 |-1.5683e-14 | 5.8277e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1689 |-8.94837e-05 |-5.2980e-08 | 2.9207e-05 | -4.9864e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1689 |0.002330138 | 1.3796e-06 | 2.8620e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1689 |-0.0002870301 |-1.6994e-07 | 2.8955e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1689 |   5413.547 |     3.2052 |     1.8816 |   0.0022688 |      6.2793 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1689 |   992.7394 |    0.58777 |    0.56186 |   0.0024415 |      2.9332 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1689 |   -3632582 |    -2150.7 |     1935.6 |     -4042.4 |      3773.8 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1689 |     267638 |     158.46 |     261.10 |     -1455.4 |      1085.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1689 |1.547801e+07 |     9164.0 |     3308.8 |      990.51 |      11743. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1689 |0.007246696 | 4.2905e-06 | 1.1515e-06 |  1.7787e-06 |  6.8842e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1689 |   -4260754 |    -2522.6 |     2609.1 |     -4078.4 |      4076.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1689 |   523138.1 |     309.73 |     425.32 |     -1306.5 |      1254.3 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1689 |1.570619e+07 |     9299.1 |     3299.2 |      1271.1 |      11065. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1689 |   5413.547 |     3.2052 |     1.8816 |   0.0022688 |      6.2793 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1689 |   992.7394 |    0.58777 |    0.56186 |   0.0024415 |      2.9332 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1689 |   -3632582 |    -2150.7 |     1935.6 |     -4042.4 |      3773.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1689 |     267638 |     158.46 |     261.10 |     -1455.4 |      1085.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1689 |1.547801e+07 |     9164.0 |     3308.8 |      990.51 |      11743. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1689 |0.007246696 | 4.2905e-06 | 1.1515e-06 |  1.7787e-06 |  6.8842e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1689 |   -4260754 |    -2522.6 |     2609.1 |     -4078.4 |      4076.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1689 |   523138.1 |     309.73 |     425.32 |     -1306.5 |      1254.3 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1689 |1.570619e+07 |     9299.1 |     3299.2 |      1271.1 |      11065. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1689 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       717 |  -0.001534 |-2.1395e-06 | 2.8604e-05 | -4.9910e-05 |  4.9846e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       717 |-0.0003753252 |-5.2347e-07 | 2.9451e-05 | -4.9657e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       717 |0.0002922638 | 4.0762e-07 | 2.8999e-05 | -4.9969e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       717 |-2.173692e-10 |-3.0316e-13 | 5.8561e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       717 |-0.0007312728 |-1.0199e-06 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       717 |-0.002076831 |-2.8966e-06 | 2.8181e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       717 |0.0002429255 | 3.3881e-07 | 2.9014e-05 | -4.9955e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       717 |   2320.389 |     3.2362 |     1.8955 |   0.0074662 |      6.2770 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       717 |   175.7012 |    0.24505 |    0.58797 |   0.0024928 |      2.8346 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       717 |  -164309.4 |    -229.16 |     738.83 |     -2930.8 |      3471.7 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       717 |   21528.97 |     30.026 |     277.06 |     -1133.9 |      883.71 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       717 |    4165098 |     5809.1 |     4473.0 |      1010.1 |      11577. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       717 |0.003045324 | 4.2473e-06 | 1.0448e-06 |  1.8457e-06 |  6.3950e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       717 |  -696263.2 |    -971.08 |     2556.4 |     -4075.2 |      4057.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       717 |   119683.2 |     166.92 |     837.81 |     -1253.0 |      1236.2 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       717 |    4296859 |     5992.8 |     4587.6 |      1357.0 |      11067. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       717 |   2320.389 |     3.2362 |     1.8955 |   0.0074662 |      6.2770 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       717 |   175.7012 |    0.24505 |    0.58797 |   0.0024928 |      2.8346 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       717 |  -164309.4 |    -229.16 |     738.83 |     -2930.8 |      3471.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       717 |   21528.97 |     30.026 |     277.06 |     -1133.9 |      883.71 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       717 |    4165098 |     5809.1 |     4473.0 |      1010.1 |      11577. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       717 |0.003045324 | 4.2473e-06 | 1.0448e-06 |  1.8457e-06 |  6.3950e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       717 |  -696263.2 |    -971.08 |     2556.4 |     -4075.2 |      4057.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       717 |   119683.2 |     166.92 |     837.81 |     -1253.0 |      1236.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       717 |    4296859 |     5992.8 |     4587.6 |      1357.0 |      11067. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       717 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        85 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        55 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        945 |     945.00 |     0.0000 |      945.00 |      945.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        458 |     458.00 |     0.0000 |      458.00 |      458.00 |
 CheckSpdHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       945 |-0.001554196 |-1.6447e-06 | 2.8894e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9881e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       945 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       945 |   465.0698 |    0.49214 |     1.2376 |  1.9444e-05 |      19.506 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       945 |       1480 |     1.5661 |     1.7373 |     -1.0000 |      9.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       945 |   465.0714 |    0.49214 |     1.2376 |      0.0000 |      19.506 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       945 |       1480 |     1.5661 |     1.7373 |     -1.0000 |      9.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       458 |0.0008605468 | 1.8789e-06 | 2.8493e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9697e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       458 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       458 |   214.6162 |    0.46859 |     1.0267 |  9.8461e-07 |      6.7937 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       458 |        697 |     1.5218 |     1.6991 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       458 |   214.6153 |    0.46859 |     1.0267 |      0.0000 |      6.7937 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       458 |        697 |     1.5218 |     1.6991 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1398 |     1398.0 |     0.0000 |      1398.0 |      1398.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        908 |     908.00 |     0.0000 |      908.00 |      908.00 |
 CheckPrsHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1398 |0.002793212 | 1.9980e-06 | 2.9024e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1398 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1398 |   1250.396 |    0.89442 |     3.4367 |  1.1128e-05 |      75.017 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1398 |       2138 |     1.5293 |     1.7025 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1398 |   1250.393 |    0.89442 |     3.4367 |      0.0000 |      75.017 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1398 |       2138 |     1.5293 |     1.7025 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       908 |0.0002480636 | 2.7320e-07 | 2.8218e-05 | -4.9842e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       908 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       908 |   926.2376 |     1.0201 |     3.7498 |  3.9735e-06 |      43.949 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       908 |       1408 |     1.5507 |     1.6917 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       908 |   926.2374 |     1.0201 |     3.7498 |      0.0000 |      43.949 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       908 |       1408 |     1.5507 |     1.6917 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1393 |     1393.0 |     0.0000 |      1393.0 |      1393.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1135 |     1135.0 |     0.0000 |      1135.0 |      1135.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1393 |-0.002427144 |-1.7424e-06 | 2.8255e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9898e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1393 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1393 |   12312.07 |     8.8385 |     31.094 |  8.4722e-05 |      414.87 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1393 |        366 |    0.26274 |     4.2326 |      0.0000 |      112.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1393 |   12312.07 |     8.8385 |     31.094 |  0.00010000 |      414.87 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1393 |        366 |    0.26274 |     4.2326 |      0.0000 |      112.00 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1135 |0.001761317 | 1.5518e-06 | 2.9416e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1135 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1135 |   15331.16 |     13.508 |     54.899 |  0.00021307 |      1143.4 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1135 |        148 |    0.13040 |    0.34193 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1135 |   15331.16 |     13.508 |     54.899 |  0.00020000 |      1143.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1135 |        148 |    0.13040 |    0.34193 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        122 |     122.00 |     0.0000 |      122.00 |      122.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       130 |-0.0001087078 |-8.3621e-07 | 2.8569e-05 | -4.7672e-05 |  4.9742e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       130 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       130 |   1422.926 |     10.946 |     26.837 |   0.0022759 |      260.45 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       130 |         21 |    0.16154 |    0.38837 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       130 |   1422.926 |     10.946 |     26.837 |   0.0023000 |      260.45 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       130 |         21 |    0.16154 |    0.38837 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       122 |0.0001109169 | 9.0915e-07 | 2.8174e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9857e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       122 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       122 |   1121.641 |     9.1938 |     20.095 |   0.0027306 |      154.29 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       122 |         25 |    0.20492 |    0.42346 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       122 |    1121.64 |     9.1938 |     20.095 |   0.0027000 |      154.29 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       122 |         25 |    0.20492 |    0.42346 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        191 |     191.00 |     0.0000 |      191.00 |      191.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         92 |     92.000 |     0.0000 |      92.000 |      92.000 |
 CheckMuonHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       191 |1.740047e-06 | 9.1102e-09 | 2.7408e-07 | -4.7739e-07 |  4.9359e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       191 |-8.225008e-06 |-4.3063e-08 | 2.8224e-07 | -4.9670e-07 |  4.9580e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       191 |7.072352e-06 | 3.7028e-08 | 2.9970e-07 | -4.9346e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       191 |1.55207e-05 | 8.1260e-08 | 5.9645e-07 | -9.9039e-07 |  9.9060e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |-0.0003312194 |-1.7341e-06 | 2.7777e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.8534e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |0.001308051 | 6.8484e-06 | 2.8637e-05 | -4.6880e-05 |  4.9903e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |0.0002368581 | 1.2401e-06 | 2.9440e-05 | -4.9801e-05 |  4.8939e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       191 |0.002208598 | 1.1563e-05 |  0.0028287 |  -0.0049590 |   0.0049405 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       191 |-4.050863e-05 |-2.1209e-07 | 2.8291e-06 | -4.9972e-06 |  4.8502e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       191 |  -267.9246 |    -1.4027 |     7.4759 |     -91.443 |      10.642 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       191 |   139.0678 |    0.72810 |     14.698 |     -24.335 |      196.37 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       191 |   710.4072 |     3.7194 |     2.6644 |     -5.0877 |      5.0510 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       191 |  0.4575875 |  0.0023957 |  0.0041835 |  3.7755e-05 |    0.047404 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |  -79903.91 |    -418.35 |     1369.1 |     -3863.6 |      3058.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |  -4829.894 |    -25.287 |     699.53 |     -2627.7 |      1767.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |    2363968 |     12377. |     861.74 |      11957. |      15433. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       191 |   204595.2 |     1071.2 |     2588.4 |      1.8022 |      20665. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       191 |   8153.737 |     42.690 |     3.4593 |      40.050 |      53.850 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       191 |  -267.9246 |    -1.4027 |     7.4759 |     -91.443 |      10.642 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       191 |   139.0678 |    0.72810 |     14.698 |     -24.335 |      196.37 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       191 |   710.4072 |     3.7194 |     2.6644 |     -5.0877 |      5.0510 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       191 |   0.457572 |  0.0023957 |  0.0041835 |  3.8000e-05 |    0.047404 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |  -79903.91 |    -418.35 |     1369.1 |     -3863.6 |      3058.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |  -4829.895 |    -25.287 |     699.53 |     -2627.7 |      1767.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |    2363968 |     12377. |     861.74 |      11957. |      15433. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       191 |   204595.2 |     1071.2 |     2588.4 |      1.8000 |      20665. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       191 |   8153.737 |     42.690 |     3.4593 |      40.050 |      53.850 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        92 | 1.3585e-06 | 1.4766e-08 | 2.7189e-07 | -4.9287e-07 |  4.9536e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        92 |-1.032563e-06 |-1.1224e-08 | 2.5560e-07 | -4.9720e-07 |  4.9757e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        92 |-3.818657e-07 |-4.1507e-09 | 2.8860e-07 | -4.9872e-07 |  4.9883e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        92 |7.73798e-06 | 8.4108e-08 | 5.8711e-07 | -9.8041e-07 |  9.8345e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        92 |-0.0002628953 |-2.8576e-06 | 2.7142e-05 | -4.9743e-05 |  4.9847e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        92 |-0.0002433755 |-2.6454e-06 | 2.9608e-05 | -4.9846e-05 |  4.8725e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        92 |0.0002722807 | 2.9596e-06 | 2.8539e-05 | -4.9446e-05 |  4.8235e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        92 | 0.02965278 | 0.00032231 |  0.0028215 |  -0.0049656 |   0.0049064 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        92 | 3.3731e-06 | 3.6664e-08 | 2.9886e-06 | -4.8558e-06 |  4.9796e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        92 |  -55.75347 |   -0.60602 |     2.5150 |     -10.918 |      4.1155 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        92 |    6.77742 |   0.073668 |     1.5449 |     -5.2103 |      9.7109 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        92 |   387.7405 |     4.2146 |     2.3301 |     -5.0133 |      5.0350 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        92 |  0.1634977 |  0.0017771 |  0.0014903 |  0.00013377 |    0.012254 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        92 |  -61414.18 |    -667.55 |     1988.9 |     -3698.4 |      3779.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        92 |   5645.771 |     61.367 |     630.44 |     -2396.8 |      973.17 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        92 |    1116805 |     12139. |     103.64 |      11954. |      12276. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        92 |   311794.3 |     3389.1 |     6830.2 |      1.7806 |      40160. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        92 |   3863.058 |     41.990 |     1.6194 |      39.997 |      49.384 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        92 |  -55.75347 |   -0.60602 |     2.5150 |     -10.918 |      4.1155 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        92 |   6.777421 |   0.073668 |     1.5449 |     -5.2103 |      9.7109 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        92 |   387.7405 |     4.2146 |     2.3301 |     -5.0133 |      5.0350 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        92 |    0.16349 |  0.0017771 |  0.0014903 |  0.00013400 |    0.012254 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        92 |  -61414.18 |    -667.55 |     1988.9 |     -3698.4 |      3779.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        92 |   5645.771 |     61.367 |     630.44 |     -2396.8 |      973.17 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        92 |    1116805 |     12139. |     103.64 |      11954. |      12276. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        92 |   311794.3 |     3389.1 |     6830.2 |      1.7800 |      40160. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        92 |   3863.058 |     41.990 |     1.6194 |      39.997 |      49.384 |
 Simulation                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 Simulation                DEBUG Tools to release :
 Simulation                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10058,50 +10066,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.044 |     1365.0 |     0.0000 |      1365.0 |      1365.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1374.924 |     1374.9 |     0.0000 |      1374.9 |      1374.9 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1352.632 |     1352.6 |     0.0000 |      1352.6 |      1352.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.596 |     1365.6 |     0.0000 |      1365.6 |      1365.6 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |     1352.5 |     1352.5 |     0.0000 |      1352.5 |      1352.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.464 |     1365.5 |     0.0000 |      1365.5 |      1365.5 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |     1352.5 |     1352.5 |     0.0000 |      1352.5 |      1352.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.464 |     1365.5 |     0.0000 |      1365.5 |      1365.5 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10131,7 +10139,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.612 |     1238.6 |     0.0000 |      1238.6 |      1238.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10151,40 +10159,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   4.562683 |    0.91254 |    0.76040 |      0.0000 |      1.7945 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        319 |     63.800 |     53.968 |      0.0000 |      123.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        372 |     74.400 |     61.458 |      0.0000 |      133.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        480 |     96.000 |     80.127 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   5.579748 |     1.1159 |     1.1415 |      0.0000 |      3.1083 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        377 |     75.400 |     70.418 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        485 |     97.000 |     98.385 |      0.0000 |      267.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        629 |     125.80 |     127.01 |      0.0000 |      344.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   51.11888 |     10.224 |     8.7681 |      0.0000 |      20.511 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       2868 |     573.60 |     477.54 |      0.0000 |      1049.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       4374 |     874.80 |     729.68 |      0.0000 |      1725.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       4896 |     979.20 |     823.17 |      0.0000 |      1982.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   82.62667 |     16.525 |     19.402 |      0.0000 |      52.989 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       3177 |     635.40 |     618.47 |      0.0000 |      1673.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       5643 |     1128.6 |     1338.7 |      0.0000 |      3654.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       6395 |     1279.0 |     1481.2 |      0.0000 |      4049.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   4.653799 |    0.93076 |    0.78776 |      0.0000 |      1.9009 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        609 |     121.80 |     101.27 |      0.0000 |      237.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        790 |     158.00 |     131.45 |      0.0000 |      309.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       4699 |     939.80 |     781.53 |      0.0000 |      1834.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   5.391488 |     1.0783 |     1.3162 |      0.0000 |      3.5832 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        611 |     122.20 |     134.44 |      0.0000 |      368.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        884 |     176.80 |     218.52 |      0.0000 |      594.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       5254 |     1050.8 |     1301.8 |      0.0000 |      3538.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   1.887479 |    0.37750 |    0.32137 |      0.0000 |     0.73353 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        426 |     85.200 |     70.050 |      0.0000 |      155.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        521 |     104.20 |     85.577 |      0.0000 |      189.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       3084 |     616.80 |     506.84 |      0.0000 |      1124.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   1.786662 |    0.35733 |    0.45809 |      0.0000 |      1.2365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        404 |     80.800 |     98.909 |      0.0000 |      269.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        558 |     111.60 |     142.60 |      0.0000 |      386.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       3316 |     663.20 |     849.94 |      0.0000 |      2300.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -10324,13 +10332,13 @@ GaussGeo.FieldMgr         DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           1          1          1 |   5.642e+01  5.642e+01 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   2.226e+01  2.226e+01 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   7.867e+01  6.065e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -10358,520 +10366,522 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   3.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 111800.000 | 112980.438 | 112980.445  112980.4     0.00 |       1 |   112.980 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 111790.000 | 112967.578 | 112967.570  112967.6     0.00 |       1 |   112.968 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1370.000 |  1369.569 | 1369.569    1369.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1330.000 |  1331.546 | 1331.546    1331.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.332 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.534 |    1.534       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1330.000 |  1328.323 | 1328.323    1328.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.641 |    1.641       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.597 |    1.597       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     2.543 |    2.543       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |    10.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.722 |    1.722       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.639 |    1.639       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.293 |    0.293       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.247 |    1.247       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    21.680 |   21.680      21.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.255       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    21.229 |   21.229      21.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |    12.123 |   12.123      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |    11.369 |   11.369      11.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 110420.000 | 111597.945 | 111597.945  111597.9     0.00 |       1 |   111.598 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 93030.000 | 94695.547 | 94695.547   94695.5     0.00 |       1 |    94.696 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 93030.000 | 94689.602 | 94689.594   94689.6     0.00 |       1 |    94.690 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1380.000 |  1519.973 | 1519.973    1520.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.520 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1340.000 |  1481.022 | 1481.022    1481.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.481 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1340.000 |  1468.165 | 1468.165    1468.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.468 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |    11.877 |   11.877      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |    11.842 |   11.842      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     3.088 |    3.088       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |    10.000 |     0.840 |    0.840       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.192 |    2.192       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.132 |    1.132       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.844       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    26.159 |   26.159      26.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    25.760 |   25.760      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     8.543 |    8.543       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.465       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     7.956 |    7.956       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 91650.000 | 93169.578 | 93169.578   93169.6     0.00 |       1 |    93.170 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 54380.000 | 54849.000 | 54848.996   54849.0     0.00 |       1 |    54.849 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 54380.000 | 54848.031 | 54848.031   54848.0     0.00 |       1 |    54.848 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 54300.000 | 54771.449 | 54771.449   54771.4     0.00 |       1 |    54.771 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30740.000 | 31052.973 | 31052.973   31053.0     0.00 |       1 |    31.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 23520.000 | 23677.191 | 23677.191   23677.2     0.00 |       1 |    23.677 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     5.326 |    5.326       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |    27.972 |   27.972      28.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.520 |    0.520       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.208 |    1.208       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     2.223 |    2.223       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     2.063 |    2.063       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     5.462 |    5.462       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    10.687 |   10.687      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |     5.216 |    5.216       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.355 |    1.355       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.664 |    1.664       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.837 |    0.837       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.454       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.927 |    0.927       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     3.477 |    3.477       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     7.773 |    7.773       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.504 |    1.504       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.691 |    0.691       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.659       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.143 |    1.143       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.060 |    1.060       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    80.000 |    76.548 |   76.548      76.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.614       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    17.107 |   17.107      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    10.187 |   10.187      10.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.000 |    1.000       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.519       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.039 |    1.039       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.132 |    1.132       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.253 |    1.253       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.217 |    1.217       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    60.000 |    58.055 |   58.055      58.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.933       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.797       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.748 |    0.748       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     3.228 |    3.228       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.896 |    0.896       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.791 |    0.791       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |     3.253 |    3.253       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.659       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.873       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     4.662 |    4.662       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    30.000 |    27.990 |   27.990      28.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.614       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.382 |    1.382       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     2.164 |    2.164       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     2.098 |    2.098       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.386 |    1.386       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    19.920 |   19.920      19.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    19.374 |   19.374      19.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    10.000 |    17.131 |   17.131      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.277 |    2.277       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    13.834 |   13.834      13.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 67630.000 | 68722.406 | 68722.406   68722.4     0.00 |       1 |    68.722 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.696       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 67630.000 | 68721.688 | 68721.688   68721.7     0.00 |       1 |    68.722 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 67530.000 | 68617.906 | 68617.898   68617.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.618 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30490.000 | 30875.549 | 30875.549   30875.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.876 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 37000.000 | 37709.613 | 37709.609   37709.6     0.00 |       1 |    37.710 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.650 |    4.650       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |    22.429 |   22.429      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.969 |    0.969       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.015 |    1.015       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.760 |    0.760       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     2.381 |    2.381       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    11.700 |   11.700      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    20.000 |     5.155 |    5.155       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.966 |    1.966       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     2.028 |    2.028       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.154 |    1.154       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.363       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.947 |    0.947       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.675       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.460 |    1.460       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     1.869 |    1.869       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.569 |    5.569       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.417       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.363       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.215 |    1.215       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   100.000 |   103.772 |  103.772     103.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.713       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |    14.771 |   14.771      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.294 |    6.294       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.811 |    0.811       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.334       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.378 |    1.378       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.629 |    1.629       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.969 |    1.969       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.045 |    1.045       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    90.000 |    87.480 |   87.480      87.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     1.358 |    1.358       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.256 |    1.256       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.629 |    0.629       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.734       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.710 |    0.710       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.669 |    4.669       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     1.980 |    1.980       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     2.220 |    2.220       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     6.058 |    6.058       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.202 |    1.202       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.652       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     6.497 |    6.497       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    40.000 |    40.380 |   40.380      40.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.108 |    1.108       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     2.622 |    2.622       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.598 |    0.598       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     3.844 |    3.844       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     4.221 |    4.221       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.506 |    2.506       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    22.889 |   22.889      22.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    22.466 |   22.466      22.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.590 |   20.590      20.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     3.239 |    3.239       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    16.347 |   16.347      16.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     2.233 |    2.233       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.276 |    1.276       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     1.865 |    1.865       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.346 |    1.346       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     0.781 |    0.781       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    14.447 |   14.447      14.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.319       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    14.093 |   14.093      14.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    11.788 |   11.788      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |    10.517 |   10.517      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.528       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    12.913 |   12.913      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    12.643 |   12.643      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.470 |   10.470      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.669 |    9.669       9.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.282 |    2.282       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.576 |    1.576       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.164 |    2.164       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.632 |    1.632       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.730 |    0.730       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 25740.000 | 26249.693 | 26249.693   26249.7     0.00 |       1 |    26.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 25740.000 | 26249.373 | 26249.373   26249.4     0.00 |       1 |    26.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 25660.000 | 26181.885 | 26181.885   26181.9     0.00 |       1 |    26.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 25650.000 | 26162.207 | 26162.207   26162.2     0.00 |       1 |    26.162 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.588 |    1.588       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    15.300 |   15.300      15.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.619 |    0.619       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.197 |    1.197       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.711 |    1.711       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.229 |    2.229       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.453 |    6.453       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    10.000 |     3.368 |    3.368       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.956 |    0.956       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.990 |    0.990       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.558 |    0.558       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.443       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.585 |    1.585       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.181 |    2.181       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.265       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    80.000 |    67.477 |   67.477      67.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.092       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    10.000 |    11.851 |   11.851      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     6.303 |    6.303       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.780 |    0.780       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.875 |    0.875       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.139 |    1.139       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     1.139 |    1.139       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    60.000 |    54.776 |   54.776      54.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.055 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.797       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.738       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.385       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |    10.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     2.848 |    2.848       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 12840.000 | 12985.661 | 12985.661   12985.7     0.00 |       1 |    12.986 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 12840.000 | 12985.388 | 12985.388   12985.4     0.00 |       1 |    12.985 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 12780.000 | 12923.967 | 12923.967   12924.0     0.00 |       1 |    12.924 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 12770.000 | 12910.054 | 12910.054   12910.1     0.00 |       1 |    12.910 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.692 |    1.692       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |     9.645 |    9.645       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.033 |    6.033       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.872 |    2.872       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     1.051 |    1.051       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.047 |    2.047       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    60.000 |    61.409 |   61.409      61.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    10.000 |     9.854 |    9.854       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     5.800 |    5.800       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.260       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.931 |    0.931       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    50.864 |   50.864      50.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.399       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     4.448 |    4.448       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.218 |    1.218       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.134 |    1.134       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     4.687 |    4.687       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.543       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.424 |    4.424       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    27.609 |   27.609      27.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.275 |    1.275       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.669 |    1.669       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.690 |    1.690       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |    10.000 |     1.780 |    1.780       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 30270.000 | 30464.783 | 30464.783   30464.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.465 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 30270.000 | 30464.260 | 30464.260   30464.3     0.00 |       1 |    30.464 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 30200.000 | 30390.461 | 30390.461   30390.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.390 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.869 |    1.869       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 30180.000 | 30370.010 | 30370.010   30370.0     0.00 |       1 |    30.370 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.752 |    1.752       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |    14.238 |   14.238      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.389 |    1.389       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.615 |    1.615       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    10.000 |     7.220 |    7.220       7.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     3.609 |    3.609       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.991 |    0.991       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     1.351 |    1.351       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.419       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.564       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.412 |    1.412       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     2.448 |    2.448       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |    10.000 |     0.378 |    0.378       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.252 |    0.252       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.148 |    1.148       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.600 |    1.600       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.576 |    0.576       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.730 |    4.730       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    29.790 |   29.790      29.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |    10.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.648       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.897       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.316 |    1.316       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 11150.000 | 11425.654 | 11425.654   11425.7     0.00 |       1 |    11.426 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 11150.000 | 11425.251 | 11425.251   11425.3     0.00 |       1 |    11.425 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 11120.000 | 11384.571 | 11384.571   11384.6     0.00 |       1 |    11.385 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.430 |    1.430       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 11110.000 | 11374.766 | 11374.766   11374.8     0.00 |       1 |    11.375 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.006 |    1.006       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     5.918 |    5.918       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.815       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     2.657 |    2.657       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.312       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.455       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     1.384 |    1.384       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|    10.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    70.000 |    73.784 |   73.784      73.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.074 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    10.000 |    11.541 |   11.541      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.668 |    5.668       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.276 |    1.276       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.955 |    0.955       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    60.000 |    61.576 |   61.576      61.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.523       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|    10.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.454 |    1.454       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.823 |    0.823       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.501 |    1.501       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     3.257 |    3.257       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.591 |    5.591       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    40.000 |    37.282 |   37.282      37.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.090 |    1.090       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.573 |    1.573       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.311       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.573 |    1.573       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.169 |    0.169       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.310 |    1.310       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    30.000 |    40.668 |   40.668      40.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |    10.027 |   10.027      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     5.872 |    5.872       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.735 |    0.735       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    30.273 |   30.273      30.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     2.125 |    2.125       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.674 |    0.674       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.703       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.413 |    2.413       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    15.205 |   15.205      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.002 |    1.002       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.623 |    0.623       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4304     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4051     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 79.3  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 15.9(+- 13.1)/ 0.01/ 30.2  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  330  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 60.7  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 12.1(+- 13.5)/ 0.01/ 36.9  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  292  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       4896 |     979.20 |     823.17 |      0.0000 |      1982.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        480 |     96.000 |     80.127 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        505 |     101.00 |     89.306 |      0.0000 |      225.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       2820 |     564.00 |     470.76 |      5.0000 |      1146.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       1324 |     1324.0 |     0.0000 |      1324.0 |      1324.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         72 |     72.000 |     0.0000 |      72.000 |      72.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       3172 |     634.40 |     529.45 |      4.0000 |      1280.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        643 |     128.60 |     106.69 |      0.0000 |      248.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1711 |     342.20 |     291.03 |      0.0000 |      719.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       4699 |     939.80 |     781.53 |      0.0000 |      1834.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       4304 |     860.80 |     716.59 |      0.0000 |      1689.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       1287 |     257.40 |     240.35 |      0.0000 |      625.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       3017 |     603.40 |     548.01 |      0.0000 |      1430.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       3084 |     616.80 |     506.84 |      0.0000 |      1124.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        382 |     76.400 |     65.710 |      0.0000 |      158.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       1124 |     224.80 |     203.89 |      0.0000 |      489.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       6395 |     1279.0 |     1481.2 |      0.0000 |      4049.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        629 |     125.80 |     127.01 |      0.0000 |      344.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        499 |     99.800 |     128.40 |      0.0000 |      345.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       3333 |     666.60 |     717.71 |      5.0000 |      1944.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       1914 |     1914.0 |     0.0000 |      1914.0 |      1914.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        145 |     145.00 |     0.0000 |      145.00 |      145.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        130 |     130.00 |     0.0000 |      130.00 |      130.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       3642 |     728.40 |     809.39 |      4.0000 |      2205.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        594 |     118.80 |     141.29 |      0.0000 |      385.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1576 |     315.20 |     349.80 |      0.0000 |      951.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       5254 |     1050.8 |     1301.8 |      0.0000 |      3538.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       4052 |     810.40 |     763.41 |      0.0000 |      1915.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       1757 |     351.40 |     311.29 |      0.0000 |      733.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       2295 |     459.00 |     475.20 |      0.0000 |      1261.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       3316 |     663.20 |     849.94 |      0.0000 |      2300.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        585 |     117.00 |     116.40 |      0.0000 |      308.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       1726 |     345.20 |     313.09 |      0.0000 |      714.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -10897,3 +10907,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
index 379227f79..de74d2f61 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 02:09:00 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:18:00 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSe
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5081,7 +5081,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Oct 2018 at 02:10:02    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:19:19    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5272,7 +5272,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.7OiCG4 for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6789,7 +6789,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 1000822080 (id), 2560 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 2212 (id), -6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 8158.43 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.7OiCG4
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8867,34 +8867,33 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  422 #SubHits=  555 #Slots= 3265 Energy=    1.83[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  604 #SubHits=  860 #Slots= 5078 Energy=    5.02[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 2312 #SubHits= 5290 #Slots= 6230 Energy=    79.9[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  346 #SubHits=  704 #Slots=  956 Energy=    10.5[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  416 #SubHits=  527 #Slots= 3108 Energy=    1.74[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  630 #SubHits=  854 #Slots= 5055 Energy=    5.64[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 2435 #SubHits= 5461 #Slots= 6383 Energy=    81.7[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  314 #SubHits=  676 #Slots=  895 Energy=    9.71[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x210341a0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20d4d790 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 3424
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 3395
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 83
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 1809
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 730
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1373
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 649
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 741
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1528
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 71
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 1822
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 678
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1034
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1121
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 981
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 909
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 6
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 422
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 604
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 2312
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 346
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 780
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 541
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 1388
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 416
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 630
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 2435
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 314
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 679
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 677
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 1785
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -8931,15 +8930,15 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 3896 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 3859 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 4287 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 4217 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG time 2.22507e-308 set to zero for vertex 286 of type Unknown
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3896
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4287
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3859
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4217
 CompareMCParticle       WARNING CompareMCParticle:: Packed MCParticle info truncated. Set VERBOSE OutputLevel for details StatusCode=FAILURE
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
@@ -9084,26 +9083,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2022.00 +-44.97 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2269.00 +-47.63 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2155.00 +-46.42 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1890.00 +-43.47 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1319.00 +-36.32 ( 65.23 +-1.06%) Rich2 =  822.00 +-28.67 ( 36.23 +-1.01%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   92.00 +- 9.59 (  4.55 +-0.46%) Rich2 =   34.00 +- 5.83 (  1.50 +-0.26%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  578.00 +-24.04 ( 28.59 +-1.00%) Rich2 =  799.00 +-28.27 ( 35.21 +-1.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1506.00 +-38.81 ( 69.88 +-0.99%) Rich2 =  976.00 +-31.24 ( 51.64 +-1.15%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   84.00 +- 9.17 (  3.90 +-0.42%) Rich2 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  0.69 +-0.19%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  504.00 +-22.45 ( 23.39 +-0.91%) Rich2 =  246.00 +-15.68 ( 13.02 +-0.77%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  582.00 +-24.12 ( 25.65 +-0.92%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  117.00 +-10.82 (  5.79 +-0.52%) Rich2 =  201.00 +-14.18 (  8.86 +-0.60%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   86.00 +- 9.27 (  4.25 +-0.45%) Rich2 =  152.00 +-12.33 (  6.70 +-0.52%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  610.00 +-24.70 ( 32.28 +-1.08%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  140.00 +-11.83 (  6.50 +-0.53%) Rich2 =  100.00 +-10.00 (  5.29 +-0.51%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  105.00 +-10.25 (  4.87 +-0.46%) Rich2 =   84.00 +- 9.17 (  4.44 +-0.47%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   60.00 +- 7.75 (  2.97 +-0.38%) Rich2 =   75.00 +- 8.66 (  3.31 +-0.38%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.09 +-0.06%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   68.00 +- 8.25 (  3.16 +-0.38%) Rich2 =   38.00 +- 6.16 (  2.01 +-0.32%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas = 1319.00 +-36.32 ( 65.23 +-1.06%) Rich2Gas =  822.00 +-28.67 ( 36.23 +-1.01%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas = 1506.00 +-38.81 ( 69.88 +-0.99%) Rich2Gas =  976.00 +-31.24 ( 51.64 +-1.15%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9123,14 +9122,14 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1352.00 +- 36.77 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1436.00 +- 37.89 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   126.00 +- 11.22 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  1377.00 +- 37.11 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    60.00 +-  7.75 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   165.00 +- 12.85 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1567.00 +- 39.59 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  1631.00 +- 40.39 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    97.00 +-  9.85 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   750.00 +- 27.39 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    68.00 +-  8.25 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   175.00 +- 13.23 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    13.00 +-  3.61 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     8.00 +-  2.83 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -9178,46 +9177,46 @@ PackMCVertex            SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/
 PackMCVertex            SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'PackedVertex.tof underflow, set to 0.'
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1822 |     1822.0 |     0.0000 |      1822.0 |      1822.0 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         83 |     83.000 |     0.0000 |      83.000 |      83.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        730 |     730.00 |     0.0000 |      730.00 |      730.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        678 |     678.00 |     0.0000 |      678.00 |      678.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        541 |     541.00 |     0.0000 |      541.00 |      541.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        677 |     677.00 |     0.0000 |      677.00 |      677.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1388 |     1388.0 |     0.0000 |      1388.0 |      1388.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        780 |     780.00 |     0.0000 |      780.00 |      780.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        679 |     679.00 |     0.0000 |      679.00 |      679.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       5078 |     5078.0 |     0.0000 |      5078.0 |      5078.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       5055 |     5055.0 |     0.0000 |      5055.0 |      5055.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3265 |     3265.0 |     0.0000 |      3265.0 |      3265.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3108 |     3108.0 |     0.0000 |      3108.0 |      3108.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6230 |     6230.0 |     0.0000 |      6230.0 |      6230.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       6383 |     6383.0 |     0.0000 |      6383.0 |      6383.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        956 |     956.00 |     0.0000 |      956.00 |      956.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        895 |     895.00 |     0.0000 |      895.00 |      895.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        264 |     264.00 |     0.0000 |      264.00 |      264.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        215 |     215.00 |     0.0000 |      215.00 |      215.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9227,42 +9226,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       1809+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 83+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       1822+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 71+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 730
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1193.15
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.160356
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0644837
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 678
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1775.29
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.153179
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0587879
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       142 |        142 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       730 |   871002.6 |     1193.2 |     3752.7 |     0.21030 |      25511. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        730 |     730.00 |     0.0000 |      730.00 |      730.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        60 |         60 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       678 |    1203646 |     1775.3 |     7840.8 |    0.011269 |      72590. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        678 |     678.00 |     0.0000 |      678.00 |      678.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 541
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1548.58
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.122154
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0361978
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 677
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3250.01
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.12089
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0423736
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        21 |         21 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       541 |   837782.2 |     1548.6 |     7260.4 |     0.18018 |      45885. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        541 |     541.00 |     0.0000 |      541.00 |      541.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        30 |         30 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       677 |    2200256 |     3250.0 |     12305. |     0.17242 |      72590. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        677 |     677.00 |     0.0000 |      677.00 |      677.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1388
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 911.22
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.193463
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0714765
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1785
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1185.05
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.198505
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0913482
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       121 |        121 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1388 |    1264773 |     911.22 |     2783.1 |   0.0092667 |      18427. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1388 |     1388.0 |     0.0000 |      1388.0 |      1388.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       112 |        112 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1785 |    2115315 |     1185.1 |     5408.4 |   0.0094843 |      52542. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9271,376 +9270,376 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 149.000  79.000  30.000  9.000  14.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 150.000  19.000  6.000  2.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 160.000  18.000  1.000  0.000  6.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 126.000  10.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 139.000  18.000  12.000  18.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 158.000  16.000  2.000  6.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 137.000  13.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 150.000  9.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 585.000  126.000  37.000  11.000  21.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 584.000  56.000  15.000  24.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 CompareMCParticle       SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 CompareMCParticle       SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'Packed MCParticle info truncated. Set VERBOSE OutputLevel for details'
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         83 |     83.000 |     0.0000 |      83.000 |      83.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        83 |-1.425578e-06 |-1.7176e-08 | 3.1253e-07 | -4.9646e-07 |  4.9021e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        83 |-2.953009e-06 |-3.5578e-08 | 2.8466e-07 | -4.6642e-07 |  4.9216e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        83 |-2.271462e-06 |-2.7367e-08 | 3.0060e-07 | -4.9029e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        83 |3.594066e-06 | 4.3302e-08 | 6.2738e-07 | -9.8203e-07 |  9.8910e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        83 |8.962913e-05 | 1.0799e-06 | 3.0455e-05 | -4.9602e-05 |  4.9666e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        83 |0.0001157529 | 1.3946e-06 | 2.9156e-05 | -4.9656e-05 |  4.9120e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        83 |9.782972e-05 | 1.1787e-06 | 2.4960e-05 | -4.8463e-05 |  4.9589e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        83 | 0.01920691 | 0.00023141 |  0.0028444 |  -0.0048577 |   0.0049116 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        83 |-3.159968e-05 |-3.8072e-07 | 2.9681e-06 | -4.9449e-06 |  4.8736e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        83 |  0.2762286 |  0.0033281 |   0.035792 |   -0.086668 |     0.14574 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        83 |  -0.187604 | -0.0022603 |   0.043998 |    -0.29203 |    0.080913 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        83 |  -24.08313 |   -0.29016 |   0.069155 |    -0.30061 |     0.29932 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        83 |   9.018202 |    0.10865 |   0.047020 |    0.019457 |     0.33843 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        83 |   306.2103 |     3.6893 |     19.534 |     -39.687 |      42.968 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        83 |   88.30162 |     1.0639 |     16.438 |     -37.247 |      33.610 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        83 |   -22244.7 |    -268.01 |     41.537 |     -315.91 |     -218.97 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        83 |   335305.8 |     4039.8 |     5305.2 |      2.4408 |      36086. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        83 |   68.69004 |    0.82759 |    0.14442 |     0.64169 |      1.0666 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        83 |    0.27623 |  0.0033281 |   0.035792 |   -0.086668 |     0.14574 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        83 |  -0.187601 | -0.0022603 |   0.043998 |    -0.29203 |    0.080913 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        83 |  -24.08313 |   -0.29016 |   0.069155 |    -0.30061 |     0.29932 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        83 |   9.018198 |    0.10865 |   0.047020 |    0.019456 |     0.33843 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        83 |   306.2102 |     3.6893 |     19.534 |     -39.687 |      42.968 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        83 |    88.3015 |     1.0639 |     16.438 |     -37.247 |      33.609 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        83 |   -22244.7 |    -268.01 |     41.537 |     -315.91 |     -218.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        83 |   335305.7 |     4039.8 |     5305.2 |      2.4400 |      36086. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        83 |   68.69007 |    0.82759 |    0.14442 |     0.64169 |      1.0666 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |2.137217e-06 | 3.0102e-08 | 2.8414e-07 | -4.8785e-07 |  4.9031e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |-1.335648e-06 |-1.8812e-08 | 2.8113e-07 | -4.9015e-07 |  4.9232e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        71 |1.514052e-06 | 2.1325e-08 | 2.6655e-07 | -4.4078e-07 |  4.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |-7.310597e-07 |-1.0297e-08 | 5.7459e-07 | -9.8453e-07 |  9.9641e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |-0.0001972522 |-2.7782e-06 | 2.4445e-05 | -4.4952e-05 |  4.8330e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |-0.0003071992 |-4.3267e-06 | 2.7660e-05 | -4.9097e-05 |  4.9484e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |-0.0002258871 |-3.1815e-06 | 2.5259e-05 | -4.7832e-05 |  4.9328e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 | 0.03367183 | 0.00047425 |  0.0027661 |  -0.0049609 |   0.0049659 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |6.243031e-05 | 8.7930e-07 | 2.7479e-06 | -4.9384e-06 |  4.7364e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        71 |  0.1441421 |  0.0020302 |   0.026267 |   -0.051536 |    0.061062 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 |-0.06516034 |-0.00091775 |   0.024300 |   -0.099478 |    0.048341 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -21.29937 |   -0.29999 | 0.00016609 |    -0.30036 |    -0.29953 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        71 |   9.911033 |    0.13959 |    0.21902 |    0.070124 |      1.8393 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |   243.0809 |     3.4237 |     19.729 |     -37.388 |      42.860 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   47.56589 |    0.66994 |     15.563 |     -38.454 |      33.177 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |  -18747.71 |    -264.05 |     40.987 |     -315.91 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |     346900 |     4885.9 |     5662.6 |      261.65 |      36087. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        71 |   57.49174 |    0.80974 |    0.13968 |     0.64063 |      1.0666 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        71 |    0.14414 |  0.0020301 |   0.026267 |   -0.051536 |    0.061062 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        71 |  -0.065159 |-0.00091773 |   0.024300 |   -0.099478 |    0.048341 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -21.29937 |   -0.29999 | 0.00016607 |    -0.30036 |    -0.29953 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        71 |   9.911034 |    0.13959 |    0.21902 |    0.070124 |      1.8393 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |   243.0811 |     3.4237 |     19.729 |     -37.388 |      42.860 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |    47.5662 |    0.66995 |     15.563 |     -38.454 |      33.177 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |  -18747.71 |    -264.05 |     40.987 |     -315.91 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |     346900 |     4885.9 |     5662.6 |      261.65 |      36087. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        71 |   57.49168 |    0.80974 |    0.13968 |     0.64063 |      1.0666 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1822 |     1822.0 |     0.0000 |      1822.0 |      1822.0 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |-2.917611e-07 |-1.6128e-10 | 2.8542e-07 | -4.9962e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |-1.646125e-05 |-9.0996e-09 | 2.8474e-07 | -4.9874e-07 |  4.9715e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |6.707907e-06 | 3.7081e-09 | 2.8871e-07 | -4.9767e-07 |  4.9997e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1809 |-5.858112e-07 |-3.2383e-10 | 5.7421e-07 | -9.9923e-07 |  9.9998e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |0.0003817903 | 2.1105e-07 | 2.8999e-05 | -4.9819e-05 |  4.9938e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |-0.0005199418 |-2.8742e-07 | 2.8449e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9960e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |-0.0008571708 |-4.7384e-07 | 2.8922e-05 | -4.9911e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |  0.1831263 | 0.00010123 |  0.0028753 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0049996 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1809 |2.54074e-05 | 1.4045e-08 | 2.9621e-06 | -4.9993e-06 |  4.9968e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |   6.409341 |  0.0035430 |    0.16301 |    -0.89208 |      5.9366 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |  -1.254988 |-0.00069375 |    0.14121 |     -4.2178 |     0.97199 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |   302.9102 |    0.16745 |    0.24296 |    -0.30117 |     0.30053 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1809 |    225.504 |    0.12466 |    0.15843 |  0.00098806 |      2.9083 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |   4434.888 |     2.4516 |     15.513 |     -42.204 |      44.138 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |   1280.308 |    0.70774 |     17.833 |     -43.816 |      42.787 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |   392918.1 |     217.20 |     281.16 |     -175.79 |      751.00 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |1.074437e+07 |     5939.4 |     11639. |      1.4599 |      81740. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1809 |   1712.782 |    0.94681 |    0.81607 |    0.045259 |      2.8232 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1809 |   6.409341 |  0.0035430 |    0.16301 |    -0.89208 |      5.9366 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1809 |  -1.254972 |-0.00069374 |    0.14121 |     -4.2178 |     0.97199 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1809 |   302.9102 |    0.16745 |    0.24296 |    -0.30117 |     0.30053 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1809 |    225.504 |    0.12466 |    0.15843 |  0.00098800 |      2.9083 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1809 |   4434.888 |     2.4516 |     15.513 |     -42.204 |      44.138 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1809 |   1280.309 |    0.70774 |     17.833 |     -43.816 |      42.788 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1809 |   392918.1 |     217.20 |     281.16 |     -175.79 |      751.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1809 |1.074437e+07 |     5939.4 |     11639. |      1.4600 |      81740. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1809 |   1712.782 |    0.94681 |    0.81607 |    0.045260 |      2.8232 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1822 |-1.021529e-05 |-5.6066e-09 | 2.8591e-07 | -4.9993e-07 |  4.9929e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1822 |1.286299e-05 | 7.0598e-09 | 2.8724e-07 | -4.9997e-07 |  4.9983e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1822 |2.054004e-06 | 1.1273e-09 | 2.8883e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9983e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1822 |3.823984e-05 | 2.0988e-08 | 5.7819e-07 | -9.9882e-07 |  9.9869e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1822 |0.0002208762 | 1.2123e-07 | 2.9169e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1822 |-5.961074e-06 |-3.2717e-09 | 2.9166e-05 | -4.9953e-05 |  4.9921e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1822 |0.0006870477 | 3.7708e-07 | 2.8698e-05 | -4.9779e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1822 | 0.09428193 | 5.1746e-05 |  0.0028953 |  -0.0049999 |   0.0049985 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1822 |-0.0001630033 |-8.9464e-08 | 2.9420e-06 | -4.9896e-06 |  4.9902e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1822 |   6.121658 |  0.0033599 |    0.19476 |     -1.8047 |      6.7205 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1822 |  -15.58259 | -0.0085525 |    0.17007 |     -4.7922 |     0.91107 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1822 |   279.3307 |    0.15331 |    0.24696 |    -0.30136 |     0.30130 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1822 |   412.6928 |    0.22651 |    0.77659 |  0.00019991 |      11.841 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1822 |   4832.019 |     2.6520 |     15.969 |     -41.978 |      43.581 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1822 |  -1248.266 |   -0.68511 |     17.775 |     -43.044 |      42.822 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1822 |   412511.3 |     226.41 |     290.65 |     -175.79 |      751.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1822 |1.147418e+07 |     6297.6 |     12186. |      1.5535 |      81736. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1822 |    1821.09 |    0.99950 |    0.83571 |    0.045374 |      3.1512 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1822 |   6.121668 |  0.0033599 |    0.19476 |     -1.8047 |      6.7205 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1822 |   -15.5826 | -0.0085525 |    0.17007 |     -4.7922 |     0.91107 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1822 |   279.3307 |    0.15331 |    0.24696 |    -0.30136 |     0.30130 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1822 |   412.6928 |    0.22651 |    0.77659 |  0.00020000 |      11.841 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1822 |   4832.019 |     2.6520 |     15.969 |     -41.978 |      43.581 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1822 |  -1248.266 |   -0.68511 |     17.775 |     -43.044 |      42.822 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1822 |   412511.3 |     226.41 |     290.65 |     -175.79 |      751.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1822 |1.147418e+07 |     6297.6 |     12186. |      1.5500 |      81736. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1822 |    1821.09 |    0.99950 |    0.83571 |    0.045370 |      3.1512 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        730 |     730.00 |     0.0000 |      730.00 |      730.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        678 |     678.00 |     0.0000 |      678.00 |      678.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       730 |-1.906798e-06 |-2.6121e-09 | 2.9026e-07 | -4.9956e-07 |  4.9668e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       730 |-1.38187e-06 |-1.8930e-09 | 2.8365e-07 | -4.9970e-07 |  4.9826e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       730 |-2.319054e-06 |-3.1768e-09 | 1.2458e-07 | -4.9378e-07 |  4.9378e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       730 |-2.319874e-05 |-3.1779e-08 | 5.6174e-07 | -9.9849e-07 |  9.9578e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       730 |0.0008093704 | 1.1087e-06 | 2.8176e-05 | -4.9854e-05 |  4.9876e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       730 |0.000947132 | 1.2974e-06 | 2.8681e-05 | -4.9864e-05 |  4.9857e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       730 |0.0003532337 | 4.8388e-07 | 8.4902e-06 | -4.4724e-05 |  4.8562e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       730 |-0.04378202 |-5.9975e-05 |  0.0028678 |  -0.0049661 |   0.0049943 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       730 |-2.686727e-05 |-3.6804e-08 | 2.9279e-06 | -4.9772e-06 |  4.9920e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       730 |   42.81588 |   0.058652 |    0.62475 |     -2.5595 |      11.058 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       730 |  -4.236432 | -0.0058033 |    0.26379 |     -4.6675 |      1.1070 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       730 |    184.273 |    0.25243 |    0.40006 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       730 |   187.4974 |    0.25685 |    0.26600 |   0.0017468 |      3.6415 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       730 |   43448.68 |     59.519 |     279.35 |     -781.09 |      758.37 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       730 |   29782.54 |     40.798 |     220.79 |     -658.38 |      684.84 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       730 |    1826670 |     2502.3 |     135.22 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       730 |    2632325 |     3605.9 |     11005. |      1.4596 |      81719. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       730 |     8610.7 |     11.795 |     6.4879 |      7.8369 |      49.411 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       730 |   42.81588 |   0.058652 |    0.62475 |     -2.5595 |      11.058 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       730 |  -4.236431 | -0.0058033 |    0.26379 |     -4.6675 |      1.1070 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       730 |    184.273 |    0.25243 |    0.40006 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       730 |   187.4974 |    0.25685 |    0.26600 |   0.0017460 |      3.6415 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       730 |   43448.68 |     59.519 |     279.35 |     -781.09 |      758.37 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       730 |   29782.54 |     40.798 |     220.79 |     -658.38 |      684.84 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       730 |    1826670 |     2502.3 |     135.22 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       730 |    2632325 |     3605.9 |     11005. |      1.4600 |      81719. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       730 |     8610.7 |     11.795 |     6.4879 |      7.8369 |      49.411 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       678 |1.000199e-05 | 1.4752e-08 | 2.7944e-07 | -4.9821e-07 |  4.9744e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       678 |-8.528807e-06 |-1.2579e-08 | 3.0261e-07 | -4.9908e-07 |  4.9903e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       678 |1.750879e-06 | 2.5824e-09 | 1.2127e-07 | -4.9361e-07 |  4.9361e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       678 |-5.073464e-06 |-7.4830e-09 | 5.8383e-07 | -9.9897e-07 |  9.9592e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       678 |-0.001152277 |-1.6995e-06 | 2.9313e-05 | -4.9910e-05 |  4.9947e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       678 |-0.0005981513 |-8.8223e-07 | 2.8267e-05 | -4.9420e-05 |  4.9887e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       678 |0.0002201902 | 3.2476e-07 | 8.9842e-06 | -4.8471e-05 |  4.9926e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       678 | 0.01494248 | 2.2039e-05 |  0.0029108 |  -0.0049952 |   0.0049834 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       678 |-6.765606e-05 |-9.9788e-08 | 2.8816e-06 | -4.9830e-06 |  4.9938e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       678 |   31.76076 |   0.046845 |    0.50140 |     -3.0186 |      4.8178 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       678 |   25.65085 |   0.037833 |    0.37933 |     -1.1798 |      6.7458 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       678 |   204.0732 |    0.30099 |    0.36167 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       678 |   232.2231 |    0.34251 |    0.99013 |   0.0015168 |      14.027 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       678 |   2277.722 |     3.3595 |     310.05 |     -757.72 |      749.67 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       678 |  -8786.744 |    -12.960 |     239.62 |     -661.52 |      648.81 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       678 |    1696740 |     2502.6 |     135.83 |      2322.0 |      2647.9 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       678 |    2914428 |     4298.6 |     11888. |      1.4228 |      81719. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       678 |    7147.25 |     10.542 |     3.9514 |      7.8372 |      27.830 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       678 |   31.76075 |   0.046845 |    0.50140 |     -3.0186 |      4.8178 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       678 |   25.65086 |   0.037833 |    0.37933 |     -1.1798 |      6.7458 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       678 |   204.0732 |    0.30099 |    0.36167 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       678 |   232.2231 |    0.34251 |    0.99013 |   0.0015160 |      14.027 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       678 |   2277.723 |     3.3595 |     310.05 |     -757.72 |      749.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       678 |  -8786.744 |    -12.960 |     239.62 |     -661.52 |      648.81 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       678 |    1696740 |     2502.6 |     135.83 |      2322.0 |      2647.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       678 |    2914428 |     4298.6 |     11888. |      1.4200 |      81719. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       678 |    7147.25 |     10.542 |     3.9514 |      7.8372 |      27.830 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        541 |     541.00 |     0.0000 |      541.00 |      541.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        677 |     677.00 |     0.0000 |      677.00 |      677.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       541 |-1.204205e-05 |-2.2259e-08 | 2.9320e-07 | -4.9658e-07 |  4.9866e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       541 |-6.206644e-06 |-1.1473e-08 | 2.9242e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.9383e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       541 |-8.701579e-06 |-1.6084e-08 | 2.8580e-07 | -4.9719e-07 |  4.9889e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       541 |-1.053733e-05 |-1.9478e-08 | 5.7119e-07 | -9.9418e-07 |  9.9984e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       541 |-0.0003342565 |-6.1785e-07 | 3.0200e-05 | -4.9797e-05 |  4.9868e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       541 |0.001069732 | 1.9773e-06 | 2.8217e-05 | -4.9104e-05 |  4.9964e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       541 |0.0003042828 | 5.6245e-07 | 2.9322e-05 | -4.9933e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       541 |-0.03437265 |-6.3535e-05 |  0.0027770 |  -0.0049852 |   0.0049912 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       541 |-8.574899e-05 |-1.5850e-07 | 2.9419e-06 | -4.9974e-06 |  4.9985e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       541 |  -20.57586 |  -0.038033 |    0.23450 |     -2.5673 |     0.69049 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       541 |  -1.539117 | -0.0028449 |   0.092904 |    -0.62584 |     0.61904 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       541 |   186.9342 |    0.34553 |    0.18147 |    -0.41181 |     0.41203 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       541 |   92.69764 |    0.17134 |    0.17036 |  5.9895e-05 |      2.6028 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       541 |  -39136.03 |    -72.340 |     280.64 |     -630.15 |      645.58 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       541 |  -7128.301 |    -13.176 |     86.332 |     -218.90 |      164.07 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       541 |    4521400 |     8357.5 |     538.86 |      7667.7 |      9171.1 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       541 |    8733937 |     16144. |     19685. |      1.4277 |      81703. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       541 |   15323.65 |     28.325 |     2.2536 |      25.676 |      39.301 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       541 |  -20.57584 |  -0.038033 |    0.23450 |     -2.5673 |     0.69049 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       541 |  -1.539111 | -0.0028449 |   0.092904 |    -0.62584 |     0.61904 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       541 |   186.9342 |    0.34553 |    0.18147 |    -0.41181 |     0.41203 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       541 |   92.69765 |    0.17135 |    0.17036 |  6.0000e-05 |      2.6028 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       541 |  -39136.03 |    -72.340 |     280.64 |     -630.15 |      645.58 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       541 |  -7128.302 |    -13.176 |     86.332 |     -218.90 |      164.07 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       541 |    4521400 |     8357.5 |     538.86 |      7667.7 |      9171.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       541 |    8733937 |     16144. |     19685. |      1.4300 |      81703. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       541 |   15323.65 |     28.325 |     2.2536 |      25.676 |      39.301 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       677 |-1.007808e-06 |-1.4886e-09 | 2.8518e-07 | -4.9982e-07 |  4.9387e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       677 |-8.577721e-06 |-1.2670e-08 | 2.8933e-07 | -4.9166e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       677 |-1.480395e-05 |-2.1867e-08 | 2.8889e-07 | -4.9943e-07 |  4.9505e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       677 | 2.1879e-05 | 3.2318e-08 | 5.7206e-07 | -9.9550e-07 |  9.9817e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       677 |0.000539697 | 7.9719e-07 | 2.8873e-05 | -4.9393e-05 |  4.9896e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       677 |-0.0001565265 |-2.3121e-07 | 2.9162e-05 | -4.9821e-05 |  4.9781e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       677 |-3.345751e-05 |-4.9420e-08 | 2.8871e-05 | -4.9567e-05 |  4.9895e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       677 |  0.0468094 | 6.9142e-05 |  0.0029567 |  -0.0049998 |   0.0049989 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       677 |5.283082e-05 | 7.8037e-08 | 2.9112e-06 | -4.9804e-06 |  4.9977e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       677 |   3.376084 |  0.0049868 |    0.38633 |     -5.4086 |      3.8057 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       677 |  -13.52384 |  -0.019976 |    0.29542 |     -5.7076 |      1.2238 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       677 |     218.44 |    0.32266 |    0.18988 |    -0.41152 |     0.41093 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       677 |   164.6457 |    0.24320 |    0.44276 |   0.0025297 |      3.7681 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       677 |  -17683.81 |    -26.121 |     239.41 |     -537.28 |      591.33 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       677 |  -8315.103 |    -12.282 |     95.958 |     -215.07 |      200.59 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       677 |    5646363 |     8340.3 |     575.22 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       677 |    9431810 |     13932. |     18399. |      1.4699 |      81710. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       677 |   19117.84 |     28.239 |     1.9791 |      25.676 |      34.774 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       677 |   3.376085 |  0.0049868 |    0.38633 |     -5.4086 |      3.8057 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       677 |  -13.52384 |  -0.019976 |    0.29542 |     -5.7076 |      1.2238 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       677 |     218.44 |    0.32266 |    0.18988 |    -0.41152 |     0.41093 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       677 |   164.6457 |    0.24320 |    0.44276 |   0.0025300 |      3.7681 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       677 |  -17683.81 |    -26.121 |     239.41 |     -537.28 |      591.33 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       677 |  -8315.103 |    -12.282 |     95.958 |     -215.07 |      200.59 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       677 |    5646363 |     8340.3 |     575.22 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       677 |    9431810 |     13932. |     18399. |      1.4700 |      81710. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       677 |   19117.84 |     28.239 |     1.9791 |      25.676 |      34.774 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1388 |     1388.0 |     0.0000 |      1388.0 |      1388.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1388 |-7.201635e-06 |-5.1885e-09 | 2.8488e-07 | -4.9891e-07 |  4.9993e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1388 |-7.013434e-07 |-5.0529e-10 | 2.9315e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9981e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1388 |2.43032e-05 | 1.7510e-08 | 2.8793e-07 | -4.9977e-07 |  4.9922e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1388 |-1.221034e-05 |-8.7971e-09 | 5.7611e-07 | -9.9828e-07 |  9.9545e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1388 |-0.0006365401 |-4.5860e-07 | 2.8855e-05 | -4.9946e-05 |  4.9870e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1388 |0.002134611 | 1.5379e-06 | 2.8994e-05 | -4.9824e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1388 |-6.155298e-05 |-4.4347e-08 | 2.9168e-05 | -4.9911e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1388 |-0.06864729 |-4.9458e-05 |  0.0029279 |  -0.0049949 |   0.0049980 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1388 |-8.49071e-05 |-6.1172e-08 | 2.8690e-06 | -4.9940e-06 |  4.9987e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1388 |  -988.6796 |   -0.71231 |     8.7118 |     -97.013 |      85.702 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1388 |   -88.7758 |  -0.063960 |     5.0515 |     -44.705 |      56.975 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1388 |   10116.07 |     7.2882 |     6.6118 |     -10.891 |      10.779 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1388 |   362.3577 |    0.26106 |    0.25674 |  0.00056014 |      2.7581 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1388 |  -219390.2 |    -158.06 |     1290.6 |     -2940.9 |      3111.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1388 |   122392.7 |     88.179 |     673.71 |     -1939.8 |      2396.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1388 |1.203708e+07 |     8672.2 |     551.61 |      7848.9 |      9413.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1388 |    5692527 |     4101.2 |     9103.0 |      1.4242 |      77891. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1388 |   46343.39 |     33.389 |     11.784 |      26.319 |      175.65 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1388 |  -988.6796 |   -0.71231 |     8.7118 |     -97.013 |      85.702 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1388 |   -88.7758 |  -0.063960 |     5.0515 |     -44.705 |      56.975 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1388 |   10116.07 |     7.2882 |     6.6118 |     -10.891 |      10.779 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1388 |   362.3577 |    0.26106 |    0.25674 |  0.00056000 |      2.7581 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1388 |  -219390.2 |    -158.06 |     1290.6 |     -2940.9 |      3111.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1388 |   122392.7 |     88.179 |     673.71 |     -1939.8 |      2396.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1388 |1.203708e+07 |     8672.2 |     551.61 |      7848.9 |      9413.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1388 |    5692527 |     4101.2 |     9103.0 |      1.4200 |      77891. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1388 |   46343.39 |     33.389 |     11.784 |      26.319 |      175.65 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1785 |2.42634e-06 | 1.3593e-09 | 2.8985e-07 | -4.9971e-07 |  4.9946e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1785 |3.317107e-05 | 1.8583e-08 | 2.9337e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9896e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1785 |1.12347e-07 | 6.2939e-11 | 2.8702e-07 | -4.9971e-07 |  4.9883e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1785 |3.163162e-06 | 1.7721e-09 | 5.8825e-07 | -9.9745e-07 |  9.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1785 |1.974611e-05 | 1.1062e-08 | 2.8627e-05 | -4.9968e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1785 |0.0001640694 | 9.1916e-08 | 2.8691e-05 | -4.9908e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1785 |-7.19666e-05 |-4.0317e-08 | 2.8542e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9927e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1785 | -0.1574311 |-8.8197e-05 |  0.0028811 |  -0.0049938 |   0.0049966 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1785 |3.841784e-05 | 2.1523e-08 | 2.8947e-06 | -4.9985e-06 |  4.9904e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1785 |   1589.268 |    0.89035 |     11.975 |     -129.73 |      170.58 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1785 |  -352.0641 |   -0.19723 |     7.3184 |     -98.974 |      78.395 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1785 |   11960.42 |     6.7005 |     6.9330 |     -10.845 |      11.012 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1785 |   646.0836 |    0.36195 |    0.47590 |  0.00010104 |      4.6125 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1785 |   401389.4 |     224.87 |     1285.5 |     -3062.5 |      3116.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1785 |   157989.6 |     88.510 |     815.97 |     -2403.3 |      2368.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1785 |1.540386e+07 |     8629.6 |     560.73 |      7848.3 |      9414.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1785 |    5999832 |     3361.3 |     7632.4 |      1.4361 |      77881. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1785 |   60947.24 |     34.144 |     11.485 |      26.319 |      119.83 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1785 |   1589.268 |    0.89035 |     11.975 |     -129.73 |      170.58 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1785 |  -352.0641 |   -0.19723 |     7.3184 |     -98.974 |      78.395 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1785 |   11960.42 |     6.7005 |     6.9330 |     -10.845 |      11.012 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1785 |   646.0836 |    0.36195 |    0.47590 |  0.00010200 |      4.6125 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1785 |   401389.4 |     224.87 |     1285.5 |     -3062.5 |      3116.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1785 |   157989.6 |     88.510 |     815.97 |     -2403.3 |      2368.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1785 |1.540386e+07 |     8629.6 |     560.73 |      7848.3 |      9414.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1785 |    5999832 |     3361.3 |     7632.4 |      1.4400 |      77881. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1785 |   60947.24 |     34.144 |     11.485 |      26.319 |      119.83 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        264 |     264.00 |     0.0000 |      264.00 |      264.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        215 |     215.00 |     0.0000 |      215.00 |      215.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4291 |-2.977479e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4291 |0.001350989 | 3.1484e-07 | 2.8477e-05 | -4.9961e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4291 |0.001978776 | 4.6115e-07 | 2.8716e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4291 |-0.0005230923 |-1.2190e-07 | 2.8651e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4291 |-3.661146e-05 |-8.5322e-09 | 2.8723e-06 | -4.9988e-06 |  4.9960e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4291 |      85.82 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4291 |   -3250046 |    -757.41 |     2827.3 |     -4150.7 |      4151.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4291 |    1194226 |     278.31 |     861.66 |     -1389.5 |      1391.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4291 |2.765392e+07 |     6444.6 |     4591.3 |      1331.0 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4291 |   137754.8 |     32.103 |     22.363 |      6.6967 |      134.14 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4291 |      85.82 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4291 |   -3250046 |    -757.41 |     2827.3 |     -4150.7 |      4151.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4291 |    1194226 |     278.31 |     861.66 |     -1389.5 |      1391.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4291 |2.765392e+07 |     6444.6 |     4591.3 |      1331.0 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4291 |   137754.8 |     32.103 |     22.363 |      6.6967 |      134.14 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4045 |-2.806783e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4045 |-0.0003465044 |-8.5662e-08 | 2.8576e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4045 |0.0006537432 | 1.6162e-07 | 2.8903e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4045 |0.001499017 | 3.7059e-07 | 2.8650e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4045 |0.0001563602 | 3.8655e-08 | 2.8932e-06 | -4.9988e-06 |  4.9993e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4045 |       80.9 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4045 |   128017.7 |     31.648 |     2749.9 |     -4150.3 |      4150.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4045 |  -25616.08 |    -6.3328 |     939.08 |     -1354.7 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4045 |2.385037e+07 |     5896.3 |     4579.2 |      1331.4 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4045 |   131544.7 |     32.520 |     25.490 |      7.1453 |      174.75 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4045 |       80.9 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4045 |   128017.7 |     31.648 |     2749.9 |     -4150.3 |      4150.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4045 |  -25616.08 |    -6.3328 |     939.08 |     -1354.7 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4045 |2.385037e+07 |     5896.3 |     4579.2 |      1331.4 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4045 |   131544.7 |     32.520 |     25.490 |      7.1453 |      174.75 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      4291 |0.0009851456 | 2.2958e-07 | 2.9070e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      4291 |0.0001922476 | 4.4803e-08 | 2.9017e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9909e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      4291 |0.003062399 | 7.1368e-07 | 2.8766e-05 | -4.9937e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4291 |2.822844e-10 | 6.5785e-14 | 5.7447e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4291 |-0.001292462 |-3.0120e-07 | 2.8549e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4291 |0.001260444 | 2.9374e-07 | 2.8965e-05 | -4.9974e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4291 |-0.000149731 |-3.4894e-08 | 2.8895e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4291 |   13772.17 |     3.2095 |     1.8724 |  0.00033003 |      6.2829 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4291 |   2072.758 |    0.48305 |    0.57760 |   0.0081942 |      2.9298 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      4291 |   -2928652 |    -682.51 |     1756.3 |     -4044.0 |      3997.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      4291 |   893130.5 |     208.14 |     529.98 |     -1397.6 |      1489.2 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      4291 |2.697433e+07 |     6286.3 |     4545.1 |      991.08 |      11826. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4291 | 0.01848682 | 4.3083e-06 | 1.0823e-06 |  1.7529e-06 |  6.8721e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4291 |   -3170170 |    -738.80 |     2761.9 |     -4078.7 |      4077.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4291 |    1125564 |     262.31 |     802.08 |     -1299.8 |      1306.4 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4291 |2.744986e+07 |     6397.1 |     4591.2 |      1272.9 |      11067. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4291 |   13772.17 |     3.2095 |     1.8724 |  0.00033003 |      6.2829 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4291 |   2072.758 |    0.48305 |    0.57760 |   0.0081942 |      2.9298 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      4291 |   -2928652 |    -682.51 |     1756.3 |     -4044.0 |      3997.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      4291 |   893130.5 |     208.14 |     529.98 |     -1397.6 |      1489.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      4291 |2.697433e+07 |     6286.3 |     4545.1 |      991.08 |      11826. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4291 | 0.01848682 | 4.3083e-06 | 1.0823e-06 |  1.7529e-06 |  6.8721e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4291 |   -3170170 |    -738.80 |     2761.9 |     -4078.7 |      4077.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4291 |    1125564 |     262.31 |     802.08 |     -1299.8 |      1306.4 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4291 |2.744986e+07 |     6397.1 |     4591.2 |      1272.9 |      11067. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4291 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      4045 |-0.002980701 |-7.3689e-07 | 2.8407e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9952e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      4045 |-9.384441e-05 |-2.3200e-08 | 2.8756e-05 | -4.9969e-05 |  4.9986e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      4045 |0.000440951 | 1.0901e-07 | 2.8635e-05 | -4.9923e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4045 | 5.6923e-10 | 1.4072e-13 | 5.8153e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4045 |0.0004142256 | 1.0240e-07 | 2.8781e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4045 |-0.002648918 |-6.5486e-07 | 2.8774e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9936e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4045 |-0.001203284 |-2.9747e-07 | 2.8576e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4045 |   12634.85 |     3.1236 |     1.8161 |  0.00039168 |      6.2827 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4045 |   1659.161 |    0.41018 |    0.61389 |   0.0095701 |      2.9309 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      4045 |   886441.2 |     219.14 |     1257.9 |     -3782.4 |      3983.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      4045 |   496604.5 |     122.77 |     534.16 |     -1463.7 |      1481.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      4045 |2.29825e+07 |     5681.7 |     4504.1 |      990.18 |      11699. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4045 | 0.01739623 | 4.3007e-06 | 1.0407e-06 |  1.7663e-06 |  6.8261e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4045 |     123154 |     30.446 |     2688.0 |     -4073.8 |      4077.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4045 |  -15073.78 |    -3.7265 |     874.28 |     -1258.3 |      1304.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4045 |2.363703e+07 |     5843.5 |     4578.3 |      1274.0 |      11064. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      4045 |   12634.85 |     3.1236 |     1.8161 |  0.00039168 |      6.2827 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      4045 |   1659.161 |    0.41018 |    0.61389 |   0.0095701 |      2.9309 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      4045 |   886441.2 |     219.14 |     1257.9 |     -3782.4 |      3983.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      4045 |   496604.5 |     122.77 |     534.16 |     -1463.7 |      1481.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      4045 |2.29825e+07 |     5681.7 |     4504.1 |      990.18 |      11699. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4045 | 0.01739623 | 4.3007e-06 | 1.0407e-06 |  1.7663e-06 |  6.8261e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      4045 |     123154 |     30.446 |     2688.0 |     -4073.8 |      4077.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      4045 |  -15073.77 |    -3.7265 |     874.28 |     -1258.3 |      1304.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      4045 |2.363703e+07 |     5843.5 |     4578.3 |      1274.0 |      11064. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      4045 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       259 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       264 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3265 |     3265.0 |     0.0000 |      3265.0 |      3265.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3108 |     3108.0 |     0.0000 |      3108.0 |      3108.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3265 |0.001135411 | 3.4775e-07 | 2.8645e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3265 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3265 |   1831.852 |    0.56106 |     1.6288 |  3.6878e-06 |      42.534 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3265 |       5088 |     1.5583 |     1.6918 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3265 |   1831.851 |    0.56106 |     1.6288 |      0.0000 |      42.534 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3265 |       5088 |     1.5583 |     1.6918 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3108 |0.001397095 | 4.4952e-07 | 2.8654e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9937e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3108 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3108 |   1736.526 |    0.55873 |     1.5907 |  6.7313e-06 |      29.017 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3108 |       4907 |     1.5788 |     1.7214 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3108 |   1736.525 |    0.55873 |     1.5907 |      0.0000 |      29.017 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3108 |       4907 |     1.5788 |     1.7214 |     -1.0000 |      10.000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       5078 |     5078.0 |     0.0000 |      5078.0 |      5078.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       5055 |     5055.0 |     0.0000 |      5055.0 |      5055.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5078 |-0.001183465 |-2.3306e-07 | 2.8902e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5078 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      5078 |   5021.701 |    0.98891 |     4.0673 |  2.0561e-06 |      84.278 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      5078 |       7877 |     1.5512 |     1.6971 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5078 |   5021.702 |    0.98891 |     4.0673 |      0.0000 |      84.279 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5078 |       7877 |     1.5512 |     1.6971 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5055 |-0.002930057 |-5.7964e-07 | 2.9113e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5055 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      5055 |   5636.715 |     1.1151 |     4.5515 |  5.6619e-07 |      107.24 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      5055 |       7792 |     1.5414 |     1.7000 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5055 |   5636.718 |     1.1151 |     4.5515 |      0.0000 |      107.24 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5055 |       7792 |     1.5414 |     1.7000 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6230 |     6230.0 |     0.0000 |      6230.0 |      6230.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       6383 |     6383.0 |     0.0000 |      6383.0 |      6383.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6230 |0.002591927 | 4.1604e-07 | 2.8913e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6230 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      6230 |   79874.14 |     12.821 |     71.592 |  0.00010952 |      3843.3 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      6230 |       1028 |    0.16501 |    0.39588 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6230 |   79874.13 |     12.821 |     71.592 |  0.00010000 |      3843.3 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6230 |       1028 |    0.16501 |    0.39588 |      0.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      6383 |-0.004456653 |-6.9821e-07 | 2.8779e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9954e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      6383 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      6383 |    81740.5 |     12.806 |     77.332 |  0.00012612 |      4598.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      6383 |       1028 |    0.16105 |    0.44508 |      0.0000 |      12.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      6383 |   81740.51 |     12.806 |     77.332 |  0.00010000 |      4598.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      6383 |       1028 |    0.16105 |    0.44508 |      0.0000 |      12.000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        956 |     956.00 |     0.0000 |      956.00 |      956.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        895 |     895.00 |     0.0000 |      895.00 |      895.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       956 |0.0002606467 | 2.7264e-07 | 2.8043e-05 | -4.9925e-05 |  4.9851e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       956 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       956 |    10466.9 |     10.949 |     40.383 |  0.00017149 |      707.89 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       956 |        222 |    0.23222 |    0.48020 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       956 |    10466.9 |     10.949 |     40.383 |  0.00020000 |      707.89 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       956 |        222 |    0.23222 |    0.48020 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       895 |0.0003293304 | 3.6797e-07 | 2.9144e-05 | -4.9838e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       895 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       895 |   9712.109 |     10.852 |     33.826 |  0.00055659 |      366.76 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       895 |        192 |    0.21453 |    0.47368 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       895 |   9712.108 |     10.852 |     33.826 |  0.00060000 |      366.76 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       895 |        192 |    0.21453 |    0.47368 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        780 |     780.00 |     0.0000 |      780.00 |      780.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        679 |     679.00 |     0.0000 |      679.00 |      679.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       780 |1.940834e-06 | 2.4882e-09 | 2.8465e-07 | -4.9909e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       780 |8.19922e-06 | 1.0512e-08 | 2.8328e-07 | -4.9859e-07 |  4.9872e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       780 |1.465791e-05 | 1.8792e-08 | 2.8867e-07 | -4.9887e-07 |  4.9983e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       780 |-5.966142e-07 |-7.6489e-10 | 5.8783e-07 | -9.9546e-07 |  9.9076e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       780 |-0.0007049262 |-9.0375e-07 | 2.9062e-05 | -4.9662e-05 |  4.9956e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       780 |-0.0003199789 |-4.1023e-07 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9869e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       780 |0.0003161151 | 4.0528e-07 | 2.8926e-05 | -4.9939e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       780 |  0.1932442 | 0.00024775 |  0.0029278 |  -0.0049937 |   0.0049848 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       780 |1.499481e-05 | 1.9224e-08 | 2.7993e-06 | -4.9945e-06 |  4.9988e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       780 |  -264.4713 |   -0.33907 |     6.1048 |     -64.553 |      38.274 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       780 |  -200.1301 |   -0.25658 |     7.1139 |     -76.808 |      55.039 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       780 |   2733.684 |     3.5047 |     2.8532 |     -5.1607 |      5.1982 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       780 |   2.146645 |  0.0027521 |  0.0062569 |  4.0870e-05 |     0.12067 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       780 |  -28209.49 |    -36.166 |     1193.0 |     -4808.5 |      3372.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       780 |    33752.3 |     43.272 |     817.90 |     -3026.7 |      3000.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       780 |1.022804e+07 |     13113. |     1797.3 |      11953. |      18960. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       780 |    1976813 |     2534.4 |     7735.7 |      1.4604 |      81667. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       780 |   35922.76 |     46.055 |     8.6127 |      39.997 |      103.91 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       780 |  -264.4713 |   -0.33907 |     6.1048 |     -64.553 |      38.274 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       780 |  -200.1302 |   -0.25658 |     7.1139 |     -76.808 |      55.039 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       780 |   2733.684 |     3.5047 |     2.8532 |     -5.1607 |      5.1982 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       780 |   2.146646 |  0.0027521 |  0.0062569 |  4.0000e-05 |     0.12067 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       780 |  -28209.49 |    -36.166 |     1193.0 |     -4808.5 |      3372.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       780 |    33752.3 |     43.272 |     817.90 |     -3026.7 |      3000.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       780 |1.022804e+07 |     13113. |     1797.3 |      11953. |      18960. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       780 |    1976813 |     2534.4 |     7735.7 |      1.4600 |      81667. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       780 |   35922.76 |     46.055 |     8.6127 |      39.997 |      103.91 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       679 |-1.682053e-05 |-2.4773e-08 | 2.8844e-07 | -4.9999e-07 |  4.9954e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       679 |5.57051e-06 | 8.2040e-09 | 2.8861e-07 | -4.9876e-07 |  4.9962e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       679 |-3.225798e-06 |-4.7508e-09 | 2.9020e-07 | -4.9948e-07 |  4.9978e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       679 |1.772739e-05 | 2.6108e-08 | 5.6604e-07 | -9.9875e-07 |  9.9986e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       679 |0.0002321316 | 3.4187e-07 | 2.9428e-05 | -4.9863e-05 |  4.9723e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       679 |-9.998288e-05 |-1.4725e-07 | 2.8844e-05 | -4.9820e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       679 |0.0003451945 | 5.0839e-07 | 2.9100e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       679 | -0.0175789 |-2.5889e-05 |  0.0029465 |  -0.0049880 |   0.0049868 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       679 |2.395937e-05 | 3.5286e-08 | 2.8538e-06 | -4.9961e-06 |  4.9961e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       679 |   203.6221 |    0.29989 |     8.3586 |     -29.100 |      137.87 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       679 |  -222.5842 |   -0.32781 |     6.3430 |     -89.855 |      31.048 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       679 |   2379.153 |     3.5039 |     2.8501 |     -5.3057 |      5.1118 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       679 |    1.80407 |  0.0026570 |  0.0047347 |  5.9534e-06 |    0.055706 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       679 |   47967.59 |     70.644 |     1333.5 |     -3648.0 |      3806.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       679 |   16622.09 |     24.480 |     992.45 |     -3154.9 |      3438.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       679 |    8608491 |     12678. |     1426.5 |      11953. |      17825. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       679 |    1992138 |     2933.9 |     8245.1 |      1.5013 |      81678. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       679 |   30244.09 |     44.542 |     6.8703 |      39.983 |      95.292 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       679 |   203.6221 |    0.29989 |     8.3586 |     -29.100 |      137.87 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       679 |  -222.5842 |   -0.32781 |     6.3430 |     -89.855 |      31.048 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       679 |   2379.153 |     3.5039 |     2.8501 |     -5.3057 |      5.1118 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       679 |   1.804052 |  0.0026569 |  0.0047347 |  6.0000e-06 |    0.055706 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       679 |   47967.59 |     70.644 |     1333.5 |     -3648.0 |      3806.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       679 |   16622.09 |     24.480 |     992.45 |     -3154.9 |      3438.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       679 |    8608491 |     12678. |     1426.5 |      11953. |      17825. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       679 |    1992138 |     2933.9 |     8245.1 |      1.5000 |      81678. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       679 |   30244.09 |     44.542 |     6.8703 |      39.983 |      95.292 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9664,7 +9663,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.308 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.952 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9691,7 +9690,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.256 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.896 |     2100.9 |     0.0000 |      2100.9 |      2100.9 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9711,40 +9710,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |    10.4669 |     10.467 |     0.0000 |      10.467 |      10.467 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        346 |     346.00 |     0.0000 |      346.00 |      346.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        704 |     704.00 |     0.0000 |      704.00 |      704.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        956 |     956.00 |     0.0000 |      956.00 |      956.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   9.712109 |     9.7121 |     0.0000 |      9.7121 |      9.7121 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        314 |     314.00 |     0.0000 |      314.00 |      314.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        676 |     676.00 |     0.0000 |      676.00 |      676.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        895 |     895.00 |     0.0000 |      895.00 |      895.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   79.87414 |     79.874 |     0.0000 |      79.874 |      79.874 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       2312 |     2312.0 |     0.0000 |      2312.0 |      2312.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       5290 |     5290.0 |     0.0000 |      5290.0 |      5290.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       6230 |     6230.0 |     0.0000 |      6230.0 |      6230.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |    81.7405 |     81.741 |     0.0000 |      81.741 |      81.741 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       2435 |     2435.0 |     0.0000 |      2435.0 |      2435.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       5461 |     5461.0 |     0.0000 |      5461.0 |      5461.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       6383 |     6383.0 |     0.0000 |      6383.0 |      6383.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   5.021701 |     5.0217 |     0.0000 |      5.0217 |      5.0217 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        604 |     604.00 |     0.0000 |      604.00 |      604.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        860 |     860.00 |     0.0000 |      860.00 |      860.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       5078 |     5078.0 |     0.0000 |      5078.0 |      5078.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   5.636715 |     5.6367 |     0.0000 |      5.6367 |      5.6367 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        630 |     630.00 |     0.0000 |      630.00 |      630.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        854 |     854.00 |     0.0000 |      854.00 |      854.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       5055 |     5055.0 |     0.0000 |      5055.0 |      5055.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.831852 |     1.8319 |     0.0000 |      1.8319 |      1.8319 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        422 |     422.00 |     0.0000 |      422.00 |      422.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        555 |     555.00 |     0.0000 |      555.00 |      555.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       3265 |     3265.0 |     0.0000 |      3265.0 |      3265.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.736526 |     1.7365 |     0.0000 |      1.7365 |      1.7365 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        416 |     416.00 |     0.0000 |      416.00 |      416.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        527 |     527.00 |     0.0000 |      527.00 |      527.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       3108 |     3108.0 |     0.0000 |      3108.0 |      3108.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -9790,144 +9789,142 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 126480.000 | 130139.641 | 130139.641  130139.6     0.00 |       1 |   130.140 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 126470.000 | 130132.352 | 130132.352  130132.4     0.00 |       1 |   130.132 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1430.000 |  1443.040 | 1443.040    1443.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.443 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1430.000 |  1443.027 | 1443.027    1443.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.443 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.198 |    1.198       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1430.000 |  1440.386 | 1440.386    1440.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.440 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.201 |    1.201       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.170 |    1.170       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 125040.000 | 128689.258 | 128689.258  128689.3     0.00 |       1 |   128.689 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 125040.000 | 128689.219 | 128689.219  128689.2     0.00 |       1 |   128.689 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.032 |    1.032       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 125040.000 | 128688.148 | 128688.148  128688.1     0.00 |       1 |   128.688 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 124830.000 | 128475.211 | 128475.211  128475.2     0.00 |       1 |   128.475 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30430.000 | 30963.756 | 30963.756   30963.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.964 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 94290.000 | 97326.117 | 97326.125   97326.1     0.00 |       1 |    97.326 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    69.200 |   69.200      69.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.069 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    80.000 |    99.124 |   99.124      99.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.099 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |    10.000 |     0.942 |    0.942       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     4.318 |    4.318       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     9.434 |    9.434       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |    10.770 |   10.770      10.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     9.253 |    9.253       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    50.000 |    51.532 |   51.532      51.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.052 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    30.000 |    29.443 |   29.443      29.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     6.302 |    6.302       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     7.755 |    7.755       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     2.945 |    2.945       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.619 |    0.619       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |     4.199 |    4.199       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.490 |    1.490       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     1.850 |    1.850       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     3.119 |    3.119       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.794       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     5.342 |    5.342       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    16.773 |   16.773      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |    10.000 |     4.246 |    4.246       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.918 |    1.918       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.171 |    1.171       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.818 |    0.818       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.334       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.865 |    0.865       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    10.000 |     4.387 |    4.387       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.281 |    1.281       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   210.000 |   212.921 |  212.921     212.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.213 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.802 |    1.802       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.388 |    1.388       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    27.025 |   27.025      27.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    12.098 |   12.098      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.706 |    1.706       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.601       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.477 |    1.477       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.010 |    2.010       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.561 |    2.561       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     3.165 |    3.165       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.746 |    0.746       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     2.536 |    2.536       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   180.000 |   182.283 |  182.283     182.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.182 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     2.869 |    2.869       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |    10.000 |     2.854 |    2.854       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.762 |    1.762       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.875 |    1.875       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |    10.000 |     1.263 |    1.263       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    10.000 |    11.751 |   11.751      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     4.898 |    4.898       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     3.549 |    3.549       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |     9.256 |    9.256       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.778 |    1.778       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     2.299 |    2.299       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     1.448 |    1.448       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    14.769 |   14.769      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    90.000 |    89.654 |   89.654      89.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.090 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     2.492 |    2.492       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     1.123 |    1.123       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     3.920 |    3.920       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.988 |    0.988       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     5.620 |    5.620       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.254 |    1.254       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     6.726 |    6.726       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |    10.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.053 |    1.053       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     5.165 |    5.165       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 97200.000 | 99202.078 | 99202.086   99202.1     0.00 |       1 |    99.202 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 97200.000 | 99196.781 | 99196.781   99196.8     0.00 |       1 |    99.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1400.000 |  1490.685 | 1490.685    1490.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.491 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1400.000 |  1490.672 | 1490.672    1490.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.491 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.000 |    1.000       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1400.000 |  1488.564 | 1488.564    1488.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.489 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.894 |    0.894       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.866       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 95800.000 | 97706.055 | 97706.055   97706.1     0.00 |       1 |    97.706 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 95800.000 | 97706.031 | 97706.031   97706.0     0.00 |       1 |    97.706 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.757       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 95800.000 | 97705.258 | 97705.258   97705.3     0.00 |       1 |    97.705 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 95600.000 | 97510.609 | 97510.609   97510.6     0.00 |       1 |    97.511 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30160.000 | 30536.775 | 30536.777   30536.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.537 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 65370.000 | 66903.789 | 66903.789   66903.8     0.00 |       1 |    66.904 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.795 |    8.795       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    50.000 |    51.038 |   51.038      51.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     2.622 |    2.622       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     1.966 |    1.966       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.252 |    1.252       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     4.014 |    4.014       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    30.000 |    32.304 |   32.304      32.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    20.000 |    15.892 |   15.892      15.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     4.947 |    4.947       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     5.607 |    5.607       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.981 |    1.981       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.399       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     3.360 |    3.360       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.934 |    0.934       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |    10.000 |     1.319 |    1.319       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     2.372 |    2.372       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     3.400 |    3.400       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    10.118 |   10.118      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.520 |    1.520       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.219 |    1.219       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     3.670 |    3.670       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.728       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   200.000 |   194.630 |  194.630     194.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.195 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.145 |    1.145       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    20.116 |   20.116      20.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     8.035 |    8.035       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.104 |    1.104       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.349 |    1.349       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.654 |    1.654       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.240 |    2.240       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.895 |    2.895       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.554 |    1.554       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   180.000 |   171.952 |  171.952     172.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.333 |    2.333       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.368 |    1.368       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    20.000 |    11.948 |   11.948      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     4.443 |    4.443       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     4.529 |    4.529       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |    11.590 |   11.590      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.099 |    1.099       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.745 |    1.745       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.980       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    14.185 |   14.185      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    90.000 |    84.250 |   84.250      84.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.084 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.929 |    1.929       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.801 |    0.801       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     3.531 |    3.531       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.866       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     5.598 |    5.598       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.078 |    1.078       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     6.833 |    6.833       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.983       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     4.449 |    4.449       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4291     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4045     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.7OiCG4
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 94.3  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  173  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 65.4  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  142  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       6230 |     6230.0 |     0.0000 |      6230.0 |      6230.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |        956 |     956.00 |     0.0000 |      956.00 |      956.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        541 |     541.00 |     0.0000 |      541.00 |      541.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       3896 |     3896.0 |     0.0000 |      3896.0 |      3896.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        215 |     215.00 |     0.0000 |      215.00 |      215.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       4287 |     4287.0 |     0.0000 |      4287.0 |      4287.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        780 |     780.00 |     0.0000 |      780.00 |      780.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       1388 |     1388.0 |     0.0000 |      1388.0 |      1388.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       5078 |     5078.0 |     0.0000 |      5078.0 |      5078.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       4291 |     4291.0 |     0.0000 |      4291.0 |      4291.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       2022 |     2022.0 |     0.0000 |      2022.0 |      2022.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       2269 |     2269.0 |     0.0000 |      2269.0 |      2269.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       3265 |     3265.0 |     0.0000 |      3265.0 |      3265.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        730 |     730.00 |     0.0000 |      730.00 |      730.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       1809 |     1809.0 |     0.0000 |      1809.0 |      1809.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       6383 |     6383.0 |     0.0000 |      6383.0 |      6383.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |        895 |     895.00 |     0.0000 |      895.00 |      895.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        677 |     677.00 |     0.0000 |      677.00 |      677.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       3859 |     3859.0 |     0.0000 |      3859.0 |      3859.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        264 |     264.00 |     0.0000 |      264.00 |      264.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       4217 |     4217.0 |     0.0000 |      4217.0 |      4217.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        679 |     679.00 |     0.0000 |      679.00 |      679.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       1785 |     1785.0 |     0.0000 |      1785.0 |      1785.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       5055 |     5055.0 |     0.0000 |      5055.0 |      5055.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       4045 |     4045.0 |     0.0000 |      4045.0 |      4045.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       2155 |     2155.0 |     0.0000 |      2155.0 |      2155.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       1890 |     1890.0 |     0.0000 |      1890.0 |      1890.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       3108 |     3108.0 |     0.0000 |      3108.0 |      3108.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        678 |     678.00 |     0.0000 |      678.00 |      678.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       1822 |     1822.0 |     0.0000 |      1822.0 |      1822.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -9951,3 +9948,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
index af36e966e..fa597bf7d 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 02:16:31 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:21:15 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -4690,7 +4690,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5083,7 +5083,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 02:17:37    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:22:12    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5274,7 +5274,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.WbCto3 for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6791,7 +6791,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000020040 (id), -0 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 110.45 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.WbCto3
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8872,32 +8872,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   39 #SubHits=   50 #Slots=  299 Energy=   0.127[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   57 #SubHits=   79 #Slots=  471 Energy=   0.392[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  305 #SubHits=  379 #Slots=  426 Energy=    4.53[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   22 #SubHits=   22 #Slots=   31 Energy=   0.208[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   39 #SubHits=   51 #Slots=  304 Energy=   0.168[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   60 #SubHits=   90 #Slots=  537 Energy=   0.412[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  227 #SubHits=  447 #Slots=  471 Energy=    3.95[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    8 #SubHits=    9 #Slots=   14 Energy=   0.114[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21105c60 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21efadb0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 187
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 265
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 68
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 73
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 71
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 26
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 47
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 222
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 73
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 34
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 29
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 39
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 219
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 39
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 57
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 305
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 22
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 67
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 71
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 128
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 60
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 227
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 8
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 82
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 64
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 106
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -8934,14 +8934,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 217 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 287 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 281 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 380 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	217
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	281
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	287
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	380
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -9085,26 +9085,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =   73.00 +- 8.54 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  295.00 +-17.18 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =   63.00 +- 7.94 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  258.00 +-16.06 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   71.00 +- 8.43 ( 97.26 +-1.91%) Rich2 =   76.00 +- 8.72 ( 25.76 +-2.55%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  1.36 +-0.67%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  131.00 +-11.45 ( 44.41 +-2.89%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   62.00 +- 7.87 ( 98.41 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  1.16 +-0.67%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  173.00 +-13.15 ( 67.05 +-2.93%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   76.00 +- 8.72 ( 25.76 +-2.55%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  2.74 +-1.91%) Rich2 =   40.00 +- 6.32 ( 13.56 +-1.99%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.37 +-1.36%) Rich2 =   33.00 +- 5.74 ( 11.19 +-1.84%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   30.00 +- 5.48 ( 11.63 +-2.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.59 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   56.00 +- 7.48 ( 21.71 +-2.57%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   41.00 +- 6.40 ( 15.89 +-2.28%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.37 +-1.36%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  5.42 +-1.32%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.59 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  9.30 +-1.81%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   71.00 +- 8.43 ( 97.26 +-1.91%) Rich2Gas =   76.00 +- 8.72 ( 25.76 +-2.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   62.00 +- 7.87 ( 98.41 +-1.57%) Rich2Gas =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9124,14 +9124,14 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    73.00 +-  8.54 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   160.00 +- 12.65 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   131.00 +- 11.45 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =    82.00 +-  9.06 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   173.00 +- 13.15 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    12.00 +-  3.46 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -9177,7 +9177,7 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
@@ -9186,37 +9186,37 @@ MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         64 |     64.000 |     0.0000 |      64.000 |      64.000 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         67 |     67.000 |     0.0000 |      67.000 |      67.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        299 |     299.00 |     0.0000 |      299.00 |      299.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        426 |     426.00 |     0.0000 |      426.00 |      426.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         26 |     26.000 |     0.0000 |      26.000 |      26.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         22 |     22.000 |     0.0000 |      22.000 |      22.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9226,42 +9226,41 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       68+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       73+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 0+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
 TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 71
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 294.84
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.186368
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0627974
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1142.28
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.176652
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0929212
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
-TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         8 |          8 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        71 |   20933.64 |     294.84 |     315.24 |      7.0457 |      1253.3 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        71 |   81101.58 |     1142.3 |     1871.8 |      23.410 |      6684.5 |
  | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 71
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4246.77
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.129529
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0369356
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 64
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2326.16
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.11071
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0514995
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        71 |     301521 |     4246.8 |     4872.1 |      9.2233 |      11057. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        64 |   148874.2 |     2326.2 |     3798.5 |      10.548 |      10567. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         64 |     64.000 |     0.0000 |      64.000 |      64.000 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 128
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4132.16
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.203824
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.119967
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 106
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2576.07
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.211388
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.101202
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         6 |          6 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       128 |   528916.2 |     4132.2 |     9223.3 |     0.54955 |      28964. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         1 |          1 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       106 |   273063.1 |     2576.1 |     6303.2 |   0.0087372 |      29856. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9270,345 +9269,345 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 11.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 18.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 16.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 18.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 42.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 17.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 12.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 63.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 76.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        68 |-1.185649e-06 |-1.7436e-08 | 2.9744e-07 | -4.9660e-07 |  4.9072e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        68 |5.694568e-07 | 8.3744e-09 | 2.6961e-07 | -4.9453e-07 |  4.8772e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        68 |2.250733e-06 | 3.3099e-08 | 2.8591e-07 | -4.8875e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        68 |-1.332121e-06 |-1.9590e-08 | 5.4091e-07 | -9.9465e-07 |  9.2447e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |-0.000302342 |-4.4462e-06 | 3.0561e-05 | -4.9004e-05 |  4.8766e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |0.0001690414 | 2.4859e-06 | 2.9948e-05 | -4.8442e-05 |  4.9747e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |-0.0001807147 |-2.6576e-06 | 2.6685e-05 | -4.8389e-05 |  4.8720e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |-0.02060731 |-0.00030305 |  0.0027581 |  -0.0048877 |   0.0049513 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        68 |8.844773e-06 | 1.3007e-07 | 2.9253e-06 | -4.9053e-06 |  4.9566e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        68 |  0.6738988 |  0.0099103 |   0.026033 |  -0.0070080 |     0.14583 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        68 |  0.4443386 |  0.0065344 |   0.021395 |  -0.0091357 |    0.054377 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        68 |   19.85016 |    0.29191 |   0.029339 |    0.093450 |     0.30010 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        68 |   7.112161 |    0.10459 |   0.046413 |    0.032124 |     0.37200 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |   286.9944 |     4.2205 |     14.438 |     -20.591 |      28.733 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |  -33.98273 |   -0.49975 |     14.604 |     -28.375 |      27.522 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |   18695.52 |     274.93 |     268.21 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |    1096815 |     16130. |     9529.0 |      2.5426 |      26511. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        68 |   62.52969 |    0.91955 |    0.89338 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        68 |     0.6739 |  0.0099103 |   0.026033 |  -0.0070080 |     0.14584 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        68 |   0.444338 |  0.0065344 |   0.021395 |  -0.0091360 |    0.054377 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        68 |   19.85016 |    0.29191 |   0.029339 |    0.093450 |     0.30010 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        68 |   7.112162 |    0.10459 |   0.046413 |    0.032124 |     0.37200 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        68 |   286.9947 |     4.2205 |     14.438 |     -20.591 |      28.733 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        68 |   -33.9829 |   -0.49975 |     14.604 |     -28.375 |      27.522 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        68 |   18695.52 |     274.93 |     268.21 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        68 |    1096815 |     16130. |     9529.0 |      2.5400 |      26511. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        68 |   62.52968 |    0.91955 |    0.89338 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        73 |1.17425e-06 | 1.6086e-08 | 2.9802e-07 | -4.9660e-07 |  4.9930e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        73 |4.028101e-07 | 5.5179e-09 | 2.6763e-07 | -4.9453e-07 |  4.5941e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        73 |2.857583e-06 | 3.9145e-08 | 2.9347e-07 | -4.6413e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        73 |3.78703e-06 | 5.1877e-08 | 5.6478e-07 | -9.7974e-07 |  9.6238e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |-0.0002795158 |-3.8290e-06 | 2.8883e-05 | -4.9487e-05 |  4.6962e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |-1.963984e-05 |-2.6904e-07 | 2.9414e-05 | -4.9308e-05 |  4.8836e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |-0.0002958291 |-4.0525e-06 | 2.6918e-05 | -4.9897e-05 |  4.9140e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |-0.008946061 |-0.00012255 |  0.0026837 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049342 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        73 |3.29374e-05 | 4.5120e-07 | 2.8299e-06 | -4.9163e-06 |  4.9350e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        73 |  0.6854162 |  0.0093893 |   0.025223 |   -0.012420 |     0.14583 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        73 |   1.124895 |   0.015410 |   0.048950 |  -0.0090871 |     0.28661 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        73 |   20.75329 |    0.28429 |   0.053114 |    0.016707 |     0.30011 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        73 |   8.391766 |    0.11496 |   0.090769 |    0.010429 |     0.72927 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |   347.5885 |     4.7615 |     14.090 |     -20.616 |      28.715 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |   82.54828 |     1.1308 |     15.742 |     -28.281 |      41.478 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |   18180.43 |     249.05 |     275.93 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |    1100052 |     15069. |     9999.0 |      2.5426 |      26511. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        73 |   60.93218 |    0.83469 |    0.91747 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        73 |   0.685415 |  0.0093892 |   0.025223 |   -0.012420 |     0.14584 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        73 |   1.124895 |   0.015410 |   0.048950 |  -0.0090870 |     0.28662 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        73 |   20.75329 |    0.28429 |   0.053114 |    0.016707 |     0.30011 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        73 |   8.391762 |    0.11496 |   0.090769 |    0.010428 |     0.72927 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |   347.5888 |     4.7615 |     14.090 |     -20.616 |      28.715 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |    82.5483 |     1.1308 |     15.742 |     -28.281 |      41.477 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |   18180.43 |     249.05 |     275.93 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |    1100052 |     15069. |     9999.0 |      2.5400 |      26511. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        73 |   60.93215 |    0.83469 |    0.91747 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |-1.66099e-06 |-2.3394e-08 | 2.9747e-07 | -4.9447e-07 |  4.9599e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |-1.755153e-06 |-2.4720e-08 | 2.7647e-07 | -4.8008e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        71 |-2.742718e-08 |-3.8630e-10 | 1.7787e-07 | -4.9683e-07 |  4.9683e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |2.173087e-06 | 3.0607e-08 | 5.5720e-07 | -9.7021e-07 |  9.9431e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |0.0001408429 | 1.9837e-06 | 3.1537e-05 | -4.9374e-05 |  4.9869e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |8.756557e-05 | 1.2333e-06 | 2.4480e-05 | -4.2310e-05 |  4.9597e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |5.588786e-05 | 7.8715e-07 | 6.0011e-06 | -7.4968e-06 |  4.3493e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |-0.02834835 |-0.00039927 |  0.0028977 |  -0.0048915 |   0.0047382 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |1.762442e-05 | 2.4823e-07 | 2.9811e-06 | -4.9590e-06 |  4.9822e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        71 |   -2.22155 |  -0.031289 |    0.49386 |     -2.0520 |      1.9142 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 |  -1.036343 |  -0.014596 |    0.16196 |    -0.58232 |     0.37137 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -4.180519 |  -0.058881 |    0.46045 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        71 |   18.45207 |    0.25989 |    0.19463 |  0.00018647 |      1.2666 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |   7130.119 |     100.42 |     434.01 |     -706.91 |      688.83 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |  -20.46761 |   -0.28828 |     263.31 |     -586.85 |      494.31 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |     180319 |     2539.7 |     128.34 |      2329.5 |      2640.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   159413.5 |     2245.3 |     6362.1 |      1.4632 |      26499. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        71 |   1190.584 |     16.769 |     6.8114 |      7.7901 |      35.923 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        71 |  -2.221548 |  -0.031289 |    0.49386 |     -2.0520 |      1.9142 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        71 |  -1.036341 |  -0.014596 |    0.16196 |    -0.58232 |     0.37137 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -4.180519 |  -0.058881 |    0.46045 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        71 |   18.45207 |    0.25989 |    0.19463 |  0.00018600 |      1.2666 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |   7130.119 |     100.42 |     434.01 |     -706.91 |      688.83 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   -20.4677 |   -0.28828 |     263.31 |     -586.85 |      494.31 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |     180319 |     2539.7 |     128.34 |      2329.5 |      2640.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   159413.5 |     2245.3 |     6362.1 |      1.4600 |      26499. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        71 |   1190.584 |     16.769 |     6.8114 |      7.7901 |      35.923 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |-1.097346e-06 |-1.5456e-08 | 2.8260e-07 | -4.9584e-07 |  4.9745e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |1.617913e-06 | 2.2788e-08 | 2.9046e-07 | -4.8079e-07 |  4.9268e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        71 |-1.020812e-07 |-1.4378e-09 | 9.9252e-08 | -4.4756e-07 |  4.4756e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |2.067598e-06 | 2.9121e-08 | 5.6761e-07 | -9.2653e-07 |  9.9038e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |6.413756e-05 | 9.0335e-07 | 3.0626e-05 | -4.9074e-05 |  4.9894e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |9.108067e-05 | 1.2828e-06 | 2.9966e-05 | -4.8625e-05 |  4.8365e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |-5.32156e-06 |-7.4952e-08 | 5.3315e-06 | -2.1867e-05 |  3.5448e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |0.004882141 | 6.8763e-05 |  0.0028631 |  -0.0048457 |   0.0049665 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |-1.497512e-06 |-2.1092e-08 | 2.8219e-06 | -4.8218e-06 |  4.9922e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        71 |   10.95784 |    0.15434 |    0.57591 |    -0.97771 |      2.3855 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 | -0.6309854 | -0.0088871 |    0.16304 |    -0.68662 |     0.17928 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -11.98848 |   -0.16885 |    0.44548 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        71 |   19.90517 |    0.28035 |    0.21435 |    0.023828 |      1.1674 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |  -15971.36 |    -224.95 |     458.94 |     -782.42 |      696.09 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   12544.51 |     176.68 |     241.02 |     -204.17 |      628.15 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |   177722.6 |     2503.1 |     132.62 |      2330.0 |      2640.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   165639.1 |     2332.9 |     6358.1 |      1.5119 |      26498. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        71 |   1148.512 |     16.176 |     3.9319 |      7.7901 |      20.501 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        71 |   10.95784 |    0.15434 |    0.57591 |    -0.97771 |      2.3855 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        71 |  -0.630987 | -0.0088871 |    0.16304 |    -0.68662 |     0.17928 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -11.98848 |   -0.16885 |    0.44548 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        71 |   19.90517 |    0.28035 |    0.21435 |    0.023828 |      1.1674 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |  -15971.36 |    -224.95 |     458.94 |     -782.42 |      696.09 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   12544.51 |     176.68 |     241.02 |     -204.17 |      628.15 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |   177722.6 |     2503.1 |     132.62 |      2330.0 |      2640.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   165639.1 |     2332.9 |     6358.1 |      1.5100 |      26498. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        71 |   1148.512 |     16.176 |     3.9319 |      7.7901 |      20.501 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         64 |     64.000 |     0.0000 |      64.000 |      64.000 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |-1.472172e-06 |-2.0735e-08 | 2.8069e-07 | -4.8544e-07 |  4.8627e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |1.39757e-06 | 1.9684e-08 | 2.7513e-07 | -4.5559e-07 |  4.8740e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        71 |1.689929e-06 | 2.3802e-08 | 2.9301e-07 | -4.9557e-07 |  4.9963e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |6.057428e-06 | 8.5316e-08 | 5.6537e-07 | -9.5784e-07 |  9.9368e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |2.761554e-05 | 3.8895e-07 | 2.6423e-05 | -4.9198e-05 |  4.8656e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |3.326242e-05 | 4.6848e-07 | 2.8010e-05 | -4.4614e-05 |  4.7791e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |5.333064e-05 | 7.5114e-07 | 2.8909e-05 | -4.9842e-05 |  4.7552e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |-0.006906205 |-9.7270e-05 |  0.0027869 |  -0.0048783 |   0.0044682 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |1.154611e-07 | 1.6262e-09 | 2.6372e-06 | -4.9845e-06 |  4.9818e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        71 |  -2.551408 |  -0.035935 |    0.22653 |    -0.41008 |      1.0255 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 |  0.2991844 |  0.0042139 |   0.064750 |    -0.24543 |     0.35477 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        71 |   22.97319 |    0.32357 |    0.18490 |    -0.40981 |     0.40994 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        71 |   10.74874 |    0.15139 |   0.093700 |   0.0034923 |     0.61830 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |  -4730.079 |    -66.621 |     269.17 |     -505.58 |      593.29 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   2012.583 |     28.346 |     83.703 |     -90.246 |      196.31 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |   589510.2 |     8303.0 |     584.51 |      7667.8 |      9168.1 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   204729.2 |     2883.5 |     3676.2 |      1.5388 |      9927.2 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        71 |    1977.47 |     27.852 |     1.9519 |      25.614 |      31.409 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        71 |  -2.551407 |  -0.035935 |    0.22653 |    -0.41008 |      1.0255 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        71 |   0.299183 |  0.0042138 |   0.064750 |    -0.24543 |     0.35477 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        71 |   22.97319 |    0.32357 |    0.18490 |    -0.40981 |     0.40994 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        71 |   10.74874 |    0.15139 |   0.093700 |   0.0034920 |     0.61830 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |  -4730.079 |    -66.621 |     269.17 |     -505.58 |      593.29 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |   2012.583 |     28.346 |     83.703 |     -90.246 |      196.31 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |   589510.2 |     8303.0 |     584.51 |      7667.8 |      9168.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |   204729.2 |     2883.5 |     3676.2 |      1.5400 |      9927.2 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        71 |    1977.47 |     27.852 |     1.9519 |      25.614 |      31.409 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        64 |-2.064252e-06 |-3.2254e-08 | 2.8330e-07 | -4.9511e-07 |  4.8474e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        64 |2.348103e-06 | 3.6689e-08 | 2.8764e-07 | -4.4161e-07 |  4.9442e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        64 |3.325767e-06 | 5.1965e-08 | 2.5589e-07 | -4.8254e-07 |  4.8587e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        64 |-3.499685e-06 |-5.4683e-08 | 6.1710e-07 | -9.8401e-07 |  9.7693e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        64 |0.0003998385 | 6.2475e-06 | 2.8529e-05 | -4.9910e-05 |  4.9183e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        64 |0.0002352429 | 3.6757e-06 | 2.7515e-05 | -4.9232e-05 |  4.9579e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        64 |0.000187718 | 2.9331e-06 | 2.7969e-05 | -4.9703e-05 |  4.7135e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        64 |-0.05258559 |-0.00082165 |  0.0028096 |  -0.0047155 |   0.0049770 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        64 |-3.267859e-05 |-5.1060e-07 | 2.6784e-06 | -4.7245e-06 |  4.8997e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        64 |  -4.744067 |  -0.074126 |    0.28193 |     -1.3271 |     0.25787 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        64 | -0.4075657 | -0.0063682 |   0.045549 |    -0.26713 |     0.13757 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        64 |   21.72905 |    0.33952 |    0.11593 |    -0.19547 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        64 |   9.590755 |    0.14986 |   0.073565 |    0.037054 |     0.44392 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        64 |   167.3654 |     2.6151 |     269.01 |     -397.91 |      582.10 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        64 |   1870.065 |     29.220 |     80.271 |     -148.67 |      157.14 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        64 |   517533.2 |     8086.5 |     528.61 |      7668.1 |      9168.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        64 |   169621.2 |     2650.3 |     3897.3 |      1.6666 |      9927.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        64 |   1734.856 |     27.107 |     1.7387 |      25.581 |      30.636 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        64 |  -4.744065 |  -0.074126 |    0.28193 |     -1.3271 |     0.25787 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        64 |  -0.407568 | -0.0063682 |   0.045549 |    -0.26713 |     0.13757 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        64 |   21.72905 |    0.33952 |    0.11593 |    -0.19547 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        64 |   9.590758 |    0.14986 |   0.073565 |    0.037054 |     0.44392 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        64 |    167.365 |     2.6151 |     269.01 |     -397.91 |      582.10 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        64 |   1870.064 |     29.220 |     80.271 |     -148.67 |      157.14 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        64 |   517533.2 |     8086.5 |     528.61 |      7668.1 |      9168.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        64 |   169621.3 |     2650.3 |     3897.3 |      1.6700 |      9927.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        64 |   1734.856 |     27.107 |     1.7387 |      25.581 |      30.636 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       128 |2.269793e-06 | 1.7733e-08 | 2.8940e-07 | -4.6882e-07 |  4.7442e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       128 |-7.317091e-07 |-5.7165e-09 | 2.8231e-07 | -4.9954e-07 |  4.8954e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       128 |6.085122e-07 | 4.7540e-09 | 2.8866e-07 | -4.9766e-07 |  4.8336e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       128 |9.413516e-06 | 7.3543e-08 | 6.1024e-07 | -9.7965e-07 |  9.9732e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |-0.0001059812 |-8.2798e-07 | 2.9366e-05 | -4.9441e-05 |  4.9830e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |-1.211317e-06 |-9.4634e-09 | 2.9660e-05 | -4.9387e-05 |  4.9310e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |-5.633038e-05 |-4.4008e-07 | 3.0821e-05 | -4.9108e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |-0.01579021 |-0.00012336 |  0.0027232 |  -0.0049116 |   0.0047645 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       128 |2.905235e-05 | 2.2697e-07 | 2.7956e-06 | -4.9445e-06 |  4.8827e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       128 |  -272.9032 |    -2.1321 |     10.191 |     -34.874 |      44.640 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       128 |  -135.1009 |    -1.0555 |     4.1424 |     -16.160 |      19.387 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       128 |   775.6568 |     6.0598 |     7.7600 |     -10.760 |      10.745 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       128 |   48.36627 |    0.37786 |    0.44526 |   0.0018930 |      2.4682 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |  -3002.546 |    -23.457 |     1204.9 |     -2632.2 |      1937.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |  -3820.632 |    -29.849 |     777.43 |     -2281.0 |      1926.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |    1118766 |     8740.4 |     504.31 |      7854.6 |      9408.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |     463773 |     3623.2 |     7587.2 |      1.5103 |      26492. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       128 |   4494.308 |     35.112 |     14.124 |      26.217 |      87.779 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       128 |  -272.9032 |    -2.1321 |     10.191 |     -34.874 |      44.640 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       128 |  -135.1009 |    -1.0555 |     4.1424 |     -16.160 |      19.387 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       128 |   775.6568 |     6.0598 |     7.7600 |     -10.760 |      10.745 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       128 |   48.36626 |    0.37786 |    0.44526 |   0.0018920 |      2.4682 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |  -3002.546 |    -23.457 |     1204.9 |     -2632.2 |      1937.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |  -3820.632 |    -29.849 |     777.43 |     -2281.0 |      1926.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |    1118766 |     8740.4 |     504.31 |      7854.6 |      9408.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |     463773 |     3623.2 |     7587.2 |      1.5100 |      26492. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       128 |   4494.308 |     35.112 |     14.124 |      26.217 |      87.779 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       106 |1.579569e-06 | 1.4902e-08 | 2.9856e-07 | -4.9983e-07 |  4.9381e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       106 |-1.054754e-06 |-9.9505e-09 | 2.7251e-07 | -4.9224e-07 |  4.7015e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       106 |-1.275378e-06 |-1.2032e-08 | 2.9219e-07 | -4.9323e-07 |  4.7566e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       106 |-1.387254e-06 |-1.3087e-08 | 5.8702e-07 | -9.3324e-07 |  9.8337e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |-0.0004341102 |-4.0954e-06 | 2.6808e-05 | -4.8244e-05 |  4.8905e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |-9.0963e-05 |-8.5814e-07 | 2.7622e-05 | -4.9868e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |0.0001894333 | 1.7871e-06 | 3.0414e-05 | -4.9632e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |-0.02781937 |-0.00026245 |  0.0027955 |  -0.0048325 |   0.0049878 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       106 |2.972142e-06 | 2.8039e-08 | 3.0576e-06 | -4.9455e-06 |  4.9110e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       106 |  -247.7522 |    -2.3373 |     7.9783 |     -36.810 |      11.127 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       106 |  -74.47728 |   -0.70262 |     2.9857 |     -8.4332 |      16.044 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       106 |    634.893 |     5.9896 |     7.8820 |     -10.760 |      10.736 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       106 |   43.14628 |    0.40704 |    0.47598 |    0.013098 |      2.4683 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |  -24603.72 |    -232.11 |     1518.3 |     -2944.3 |      2491.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -10676.28 |    -100.72 |     811.26 |     -2281.0 |      1595.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   915173.5 |     8633.7 |     579.23 |      7854.6 |      9403.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   508204.1 |     4794.4 |     8928.5 |      1.4457 |      26494. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       106 |   3999.763 |     37.734 |     18.867 |      26.217 |      102.04 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       106 |  -247.7522 |    -2.3373 |     7.9783 |     -36.810 |      11.127 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       106 |  -74.47728 |   -0.70262 |     2.9857 |     -8.4332 |      16.044 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       106 |    634.893 |     5.9896 |     7.8820 |     -10.760 |      10.736 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       106 |   43.14628 |    0.40704 |    0.47598 |    0.013098 |      2.4683 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |  -24603.72 |    -232.11 |     1518.3 |     -2944.3 |      2491.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -10676.28 |    -100.72 |     811.26 |     -2281.0 |      1595.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   915173.5 |     8633.7 |     579.23 |      7854.6 |      9403.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   508204.1 |     4794.4 |     8928.5 |      1.4500 |      26494. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       106 |   3999.763 |     37.734 |     18.867 |      26.217 |      102.04 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         26 |     26.000 |     0.0000 |      26.000 |      26.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         22 |     22.000 |     0.0000 |      22.000 |      22.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       368 |-2.553513e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       368 |-0.0004461555 |-1.2124e-06 | 2.9251e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       368 |0.0003265642 | 8.8740e-07 | 2.9645e-05 | -4.9668e-05 |  4.9913e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       368 |0.0001555354 | 4.2265e-07 | 2.9232e-05 | -4.9879e-05 |  4.9890e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       368 |9.196103e-05 | 2.4989e-07 | 2.8751e-06 | -4.9852e-06 |  4.9813e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       368 |       7.36 |   0.020000 | 2.7736e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       368 |   612210.5 |     1663.6 |     3199.3 |     -4149.6 |      4150.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       368 |   -52420.3 |    -142.45 |     576.68 |     -1280.3 |      1282.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       368 |    3294393 |     8952.2 |     3649.8 |      1540.9 |      11090. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       368 |   17164.57 |     46.643 |     16.764 |      11.701 |      99.498 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       368 |       7.36 |   0.020000 | 2.7872e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       368 |   612210.5 |     1663.6 |     3199.3 |     -4149.6 |      4150.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       368 |   -52420.3 |    -142.45 |     576.68 |     -1280.3 |      1282.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       368 |    3294393 |     8952.2 |     3649.8 |      1540.9 |      11090. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       368 |   17164.57 |     46.643 |     16.764 |      11.701 |      99.498 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       321 |-2.227385e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |0.000118652 | 3.6963e-07 | 2.8441e-05 | -4.9805e-05 |  4.9011e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |8.264934e-05 | 2.5747e-07 | 2.8319e-05 | -4.9896e-05 |  4.9752e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |-6.395806e-05 |-1.9925e-07 | 2.8288e-05 | -4.9857e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       321 |3.598033e-05 | 1.1209e-07 | 2.9131e-06 | -4.9769e-06 |  4.9982e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       321 |       6.42 |   0.020000 | 2.1608e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |  -730502.5 |    -2275.7 |     2845.1 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |  -769.4419 |    -2.3970 |     584.62 |     -1246.5 |      1318.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |    2861231 |     8913.5 |     3613.4 |      1472.1 |      11025. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       321 |   12340.37 |     38.444 |     15.016 |      11.696 |      99.498 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       321 |       6.42 |   0.020000 | 2.1807e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |  -730502.5 |    -2275.7 |     2845.1 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |   -769.442 |    -2.3970 |     584.62 |     -1246.5 |      1318.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |    2861231 |     8913.5 |     3613.4 |      1472.1 |      11025. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       321 |   12340.37 |     38.444 |     15.016 |      11.696 |      99.498 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       368 |0.0001407051 | 3.8235e-07 | 2.8868e-05 | -4.9721e-05 |  4.9925e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       368 |-0.001486335 |-4.0390e-06 | 2.9633e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9945e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       368 |5.532965e-05 | 1.5035e-07 | 2.9504e-05 | -4.9771e-05 |  4.9799e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       368 |3.046807e-11 | 8.2794e-14 | 6.0242e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       368 |-6.276579e-05 |-1.7056e-07 | 2.9137e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9389e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       368 |0.0003415798 | 9.2821e-07 | 2.8526e-05 | -4.9919e-05 |  4.9860e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       368 |-0.0008896911 |-2.4176e-06 | 2.7379e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9836e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       368 |   1218.662 |     3.3116 |     1.9297 |   0.0024137 |      6.2716 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       368 |    213.711 |    0.58074 |    0.63801 |    0.020877 |      2.8610 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       368 |   577773.2 |     1570.0 |     2042.3 |     -3308.4 |      3929.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       368 |  -50345.59 |    -136.81 |     278.06 |     -1157.6 |      1121.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       368 |    3226351 |     8767.3 |     3613.3 |      1003.6 |      11532. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       368 |0.001629449 | 4.4279e-06 | 1.0781e-06 |  1.9364e-06 |  6.8064e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       368 |   597963.7 |     1624.9 |     3124.5 |     -4066.1 |      4074.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       368 |  -49452.75 |    -134.38 |     538.68 |     -1201.1 |      1208.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       368 |    3275971 |     8902.1 |     3651.0 |      1468.6 |      11055. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       368 |   1218.662 |     3.3116 |     1.9297 |   0.0024137 |      6.2716 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       368 |    213.711 |    0.58074 |    0.63801 |    0.020877 |      2.8610 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       368 |   577773.2 |     1570.0 |     2042.3 |     -3308.4 |      3929.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       368 |  -50345.59 |    -136.81 |     278.06 |     -1157.6 |      1121.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       368 |    3226351 |     8767.3 |     3613.3 |      1003.6 |      11532. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       368 |0.001629449 | 4.4279e-06 | 1.0781e-06 |  1.9364e-06 |  6.8064e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       368 |   597963.7 |     1624.9 |     3124.5 |     -4066.1 |      4074.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       368 |  -49452.75 |    -134.38 |     538.68 |     -1201.1 |      1208.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       368 |    3275971 |     8902.1 |     3651.0 |      1468.6 |      11055. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       368 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |0.0004732652 | 1.4743e-06 | 2.9041e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9654e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |4.588716e-05 | 1.4295e-07 | 2.7952e-05 | -4.9709e-05 |  4.8696e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |0.0002462978 | 7.6728e-07 | 2.9172e-05 | -4.9096e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       321 |-2.978595e-11 |-9.2791e-14 | 6.2149e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |0.0009697123 | 3.0209e-06 | 2.8234e-05 | -4.9291e-05 |  4.9786e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |-0.0002532729 |-7.8901e-07 | 2.8566e-05 | -4.9750e-05 |  4.9137e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |0.0001428284 | 4.4495e-07 | 2.8771e-05 | -4.9796e-05 |  4.9660e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |   1080.494 |     3.3660 |     1.7881 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |   188.7816 |    0.58810 |    0.48236 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |  -726130.9 |    -2262.1 |     2075.7 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |  -13412.68 |    -41.784 |     218.38 |     -1250.9 |      366.97 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |    2813431 |     8764.6 |     3634.4 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       321 |0.001330558 | 4.1450e-06 | 1.1939e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |  -713955.8 |    -2224.2 |     2783.5 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |  -1081.693 |    -3.3698 |     548.29 |     -1166.4 |      1224.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |    2844906 |     8862.6 |     3615.0 |      1424.8 |      10984. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |   1080.494 |     3.3660 |     1.7881 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |   188.7816 |    0.58810 |    0.48236 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |  -726130.9 |    -2262.1 |     2075.7 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |  -13412.68 |    -41.784 |     218.38 |     -1250.9 |      366.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |    2813431 |     8764.6 |     3634.4 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       321 |0.001330559 | 4.1450e-06 | 1.1939e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |  -713955.8 |    -2224.2 |     2783.5 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |  -1081.693 |    -3.3698 |     548.29 |     -1166.4 |      1224.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |    2844906 |     8862.6 |     3615.0 |      1424.8 |      10984. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        26 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        299 |     299.00 |     0.0000 |      299.00 |      299.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       299 |-0.0001179727 |-3.9456e-07 | 2.7972e-05 | -4.9706e-05 |  4.9750e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       299 |   127.2302 |    0.42552 |    0.93738 |  0.00015687 |      6.8920 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       299 |        451 |     1.5084 |     1.7045 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       299 |   127.2303 |    0.42552 |    0.93738 |  0.00020000 |      6.8920 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       299 |        451 |     1.5084 |     1.7045 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       304 |-0.0005533874 |-1.8204e-06 | 2.9409e-05 | -4.9713e-05 |  4.9598e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       304 |   168.4628 |    0.55415 |     1.5418 |  0.00029244 |      19.644 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       304 |        461 |     1.5164 |     1.7013 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       304 |   168.4634 |    0.55416 |     1.5418 |  0.00030000 |      19.644 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       304 |        461 |     1.5164 |     1.7013 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       471 |0.0006850811 | 1.4545e-06 | 2.8806e-05 | -4.9745e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       471 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       471 |   392.2861 |    0.83288 |     2.5496 |  9.0895e-06 |      27.309 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       471 |        714 |     1.5159 |     1.7015 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       471 |   392.2854 |    0.83288 |     2.5496 |      0.0000 |      27.309 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       471 |        714 |     1.5159 |     1.7015 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       537 |-0.001084998 |-2.0205e-06 | 2.8761e-05 | -4.9431e-05 |  4.9884e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       537 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       537 |    411.754 |    0.76677 |     2.1597 |  1.6795e-05 |      25.307 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       537 |        813 |     1.5140 |     1.7023 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       537 |   411.7551 |    0.76677 |     2.1597 |      0.0000 |      25.306 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       537 |        813 |     1.5140 |     1.7023 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        426 |     426.00 |     0.0000 |      426.00 |      426.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       426 |-8.860669e-05 |-2.0800e-07 | 2.8974e-05 | -4.9731e-05 |  4.9933e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       426 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       426 |   4526.961 |     10.627 |     46.544 |  0.00076116 |      856.85 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       426 |         57 |    0.13380 |    0.37956 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       426 |   4526.961 |     10.627 |     46.544 |  0.00080000 |      856.85 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       426 |         57 |    0.13380 |    0.37956 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       471 |-0.0002819508 |-5.9862e-07 | 2.9045e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       471 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       471 |   3952.926 |     8.3926 |     30.690 |  0.00082889 |      380.72 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       471 |         25 |   0.053079 |    0.22419 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       471 |   3952.926 |     8.3926 |     30.690 |  0.00080000 |      380.72 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       471 |         25 |   0.053079 |    0.22419 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        31 |-4.791232e-05 |-1.5456e-06 | 3.0484e-05 | -4.7713e-05 |  4.7941e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        31 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        31 |   207.5563 |     6.6954 |     10.644 |   0.0045624 |      53.607 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        31 |          5 |    0.16129 |    0.51411 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        31 |   207.5563 |     6.6954 |     10.644 |   0.0046000 |      53.606 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        31 |          5 |    0.16129 |    0.51411 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        14 |-9.70867e-05 |-6.9348e-06 | 2.6553e-05 | -4.3169e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        14 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        14 |    113.506 |     8.1076 |     16.511 |   0.0048494 |      61.891 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        14 |          5 |    0.35714 |    0.47916 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        14 |   113.5061 |     8.1076 |     16.511 |   0.0048000 |      61.891 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        14 |          5 |    0.35714 |    0.47916 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         67 |     67.000 |     0.0000 |      67.000 |      67.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        67 |-6.33916e-07 |-9.4614e-09 | 3.1474e-07 | -4.9685e-07 |  4.9337e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        67 |-1.896231e-06 |-2.8302e-08 | 2.8789e-07 | -4.6752e-07 |  4.9466e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        67 |-1.287272e-06 |-1.9213e-08 | 2.8940e-07 | -4.7402e-07 |  4.9292e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        67 |-7.175199e-08 |-1.0709e-09 | 5.5484e-07 | -9.8685e-07 |  9.6903e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        67 |-0.0003695923 |-5.5163e-06 | 2.9158e-05 | -4.8582e-05 |  4.7194e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        67 |-0.0001071128 |-1.5987e-06 | 3.0617e-05 | -4.9634e-05 |  4.9838e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        67 |0.0001205563 | 1.7993e-06 | 2.7718e-05 | -4.3662e-05 |  4.7152e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        67 | 0.01270779 | 0.00018967 |  0.0030136 |  -0.0049123 |   0.0048896 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        67 |4.062069e-05 | 6.0628e-07 | 2.7028e-06 | -4.5113e-06 |  4.9895e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        67 |  -29.36805 |   -0.43833 |     2.3549 |     -8.0492 |      8.8439 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        67 |   12.77154 |    0.19062 |     2.3742 |     -11.538 |      8.4725 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        67 |   289.3492 |     4.3186 |     1.8619 |     -4.9695 |      5.0089 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        67 |  0.1016759 |  0.0015176 |  0.0016840 |  0.00014747 |    0.012078 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        67 |   6608.986 |     98.642 |     1778.9 |     -3736.8 |      2808.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        67 |   18941.38 |     282.71 |     711.63 |     -694.48 |      2267.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        67 |   827922.4 |     12357. |     773.16 |      11955. |      15430. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        67 |   91970.22 |     1372.7 |     4733.9 |      1.4309 |      26415. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        67 |   2846.243 |     42.481 |     3.7197 |      39.929 |      55.149 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        67 |  -29.36805 |   -0.43833 |     2.3549 |     -8.0492 |      8.8439 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        67 |   12.77154 |    0.19062 |     2.3742 |     -11.538 |      8.4725 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        67 |   289.3492 |     4.3186 |     1.8619 |     -4.9695 |      5.0089 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        67 |   0.101676 |  0.0015176 |  0.0016840 |  0.00014800 |    0.012078 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        67 |   6608.986 |     98.642 |     1778.9 |     -3736.8 |      2808.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        67 |   18941.38 |     282.71 |     711.63 |     -694.48 |      2267.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        67 |   827922.4 |     12357. |     773.16 |      11955. |      15430. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        67 |   91970.21 |     1372.7 |     4733.9 |      1.4300 |      26415. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        67 |   2846.243 |     42.481 |     3.7197 |      39.929 |      55.149 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        82 |8.151877e-07 | 9.9413e-09 | 2.8034e-07 | -4.7315e-07 |  4.8078e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        82 |-4.241794e-06 |-5.1729e-08 | 2.7305e-07 | -4.9537e-07 |  4.9683e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        82 |3.070922e-06 | 3.7450e-08 | 3.0009e-07 | -4.8920e-07 |  4.9250e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        82 |8.986943e-07 | 1.0960e-08 | 5.6632e-07 | -9.8693e-07 |  9.6503e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |0.0006066556 | 7.3982e-06 | 2.7547e-05 | -4.5636e-05 |  4.8630e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |-2.588094e-05 |-3.1562e-07 | 3.0356e-05 | -4.9600e-05 |  4.9428e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |0.0001475431 | 1.7993e-06 | 2.6654e-05 | -4.7829e-05 |  4.9190e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        82 | 0.01136785 | 0.00013863 |  0.0028107 |  -0.0047343 |   0.0048441 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        82 |-1.510173e-06 |-1.8417e-08 | 2.8355e-06 | -4.9598e-06 |  4.7862e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        82 |  -17.11572 |   -0.20873 |     3.6142 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        82 |  -243.1182 |    -2.9649 |     21.272 |     -191.82 |      1.6075 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        82 |     262.76 |     3.2044 |     2.4447 |     -5.3584 |      5.0058 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        82 |  0.1749909 |  0.0021340 |  0.0049946 |  0.00020230 |    0.040283 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8854.461 |    -107.98 |     1109.0 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   5905.343 |     72.016 |     864.98 |     -870.88 |      2553.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |    1014881 |     12377. |     820.74 |      11963. |      15347. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |   56887.02 |     693.74 |     1608.1 |      1.6542 |      9907.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        82 |   3450.787 |     42.083 |     3.4486 |      40.007 |      53.764 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        82 |  -17.11572 |   -0.20873 |     3.6142 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        82 |  -243.1182 |    -2.9649 |     21.272 |     -191.82 |      1.6075 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        82 |     262.76 |     3.2044 |     2.4447 |     -5.3584 |      5.0058 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        82 |    0.17499 |  0.0021340 |  0.0049946 |  0.00020200 |    0.040282 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8854.461 |    -107.98 |     1109.0 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   5905.343 |     72.016 |     864.98 |     -870.88 |      2553.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |    1014881 |     12377. |     820.74 |      11963. |      15347. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |   56887.01 |     693.74 |     1608.1 |      1.6500 |      9907.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        82 |   3450.787 |     42.083 |     3.4486 |      40.007 |      53.764 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9632,7 +9631,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.284 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.996 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.FlatZSmear...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9659,11 +9658,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    2101.26 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.972 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9679,40 +9678,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.2075563 |    0.20756 |     0.0000 |     0.20756 |     0.20756 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         22 |     22.000 |     0.0000 |      22.000 |      22.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         22 |     22.000 |     0.0000 |      22.000 |      22.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   0.113506 |    0.11351 |     0.0000 |     0.11351 |     0.11351 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |          8 |     8.0000 |     0.0000 |      8.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |          9 |     9.0000 |     0.0000 |      9.0000 |      9.0000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   4.526961 |     4.5270 |     0.0000 |      4.5270 |      4.5270 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        305 |     305.00 |     0.0000 |      305.00 |      305.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        379 |     379.00 |     0.0000 |      379.00 |      379.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        426 |     426.00 |     0.0000 |      426.00 |      426.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.952926 |     3.9529 |     0.0000 |      3.9529 |      3.9529 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        227 |     227.00 |     0.0000 |      227.00 |      227.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        447 |     447.00 |     0.0000 |      447.00 |      447.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.3922861 |    0.39229 |     0.0000 |     0.39229 |     0.39229 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         57 |     57.000 |     0.0000 |      57.000 |      57.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         79 |     79.000 |     0.0000 |      79.000 |      79.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   0.411754 |    0.41175 |     0.0000 |     0.41175 |     0.41175 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         90 |     90.000 |     0.0000 |      90.000 |      90.000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1272302 |    0.12723 |     0.0000 |     0.12723 |     0.12723 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1684628 |    0.16846 |     0.0000 |     0.16846 |     0.16846 |
  | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         39 |     39.000 |     0.0000 |      39.000 |      39.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         50 |     50.000 |     0.0000 |      50.000 |      50.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        299 |     299.00 |     0.0000 |      299.00 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -9761,139 +9760,139 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 41100.000 | 41520.742 | 41520.742   41520.7     0.00 |       1 |    41.521 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 41090.000 | 41514.020 | 41514.020   41514.0     0.00 |       1 |    41.514 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1260.000 |  1264.387 | 1264.387    1264.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1260.000 |  1264.373 | 1264.373    1264.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.264 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     1.295 |    1.295       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1250.000 |  1262.073 | 1262.073    1262.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.262 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.819 |    0.819       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.790       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 39830.000 | 40249.590 | 40249.590   40249.6     0.00 |       1 |    40.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 39830.000 | 40249.555 | 40249.555   40249.6     0.00 |       1 |    40.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.765       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 39830.000 | 40248.766 | 40248.766   40248.8     0.00 |       1 |    40.249 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 39800.000 | 40219.445 | 40219.441   40219.4     0.00 |       1 |    40.219 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30260.000 | 30661.521 | 30661.521   30661.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.662 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  9520.000 |  9540.672 | 9540.672    9540.7     0.00 |       1 |     9.541 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     3.464 |    3.464       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |     9.411 |    9.411       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.081 |    1.081       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.953 |    0.953       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.155 |    1.155       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     3.903 |    3.903       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     1.682 |    1.682       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.691 |    0.691       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.454 |    0.454       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.907 |    0.907       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     4.249 |    4.249       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.793 |    0.793       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.358 |    0.358       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.409 |    0.409       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.371       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    29.302 |   29.302      29.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |     9.406 |    9.406       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     4.923 |    4.923       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.885 |    0.885       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.666 |    0.666       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.601       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.938 |    0.938       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    19.080 |   19.080      19.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.904 |    0.904       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.491       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.500 |    0.500       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.860 |    0.860       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.376       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     1.365 |    1.365       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     7.900 |    7.900       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.410       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 37550.000 | 37890.754 | 37890.754   37890.8     0.00 |       1 |    37.891 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 37550.000 | 37885.137 | 37885.133   37885.1     0.00 |       1 |    37.885 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1240.000 |  1251.793 | 1251.793    1251.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.252 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1240.000 |  1251.780 | 1251.780    1251.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.252 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.159 |    1.159       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1240.000 |  1250.011 | 1250.011    1250.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.448       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 36310.000 | 36633.297 | 36633.297   36633.3     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 36310.000 | 36633.266 | 36633.266   36633.3     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.577       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 36310.000 | 36632.668 | 36632.668   36632.7     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 36280.000 | 36607.473 | 36607.473   36607.5     0.00 |       1 |    36.607 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30410.000 | 30726.123 | 30726.123   30726.1     0.00 |       1 |    30.726 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  5860.000 |  5870.427 | 5870.427    5870.4     0.00 |       1 |     5.870 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.210 |    2.210       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |     5.785 |    5.785       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.396       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     0.623 |    0.623       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     2.606 |    2.606       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.945 |    0.945       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.846 |    2.846       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    25.147 |   25.147      25.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |     7.925 |    7.925       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     4.338 |    4.338       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.515       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.275       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.718 |    0.718       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    16.514 |   16.514      16.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.802 |    0.802       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.712       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     1.161 |    1.161       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     7.001 |    7.001       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.328       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.596 |    0.596       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.491       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.557       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 368      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 321      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.WbCto3
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 9.51  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 88.3  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 5.86  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 81.4  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        426 |     426.00 |     0.0000 |      426.00 |      426.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         31 |     31.000 |     0.0000 |      31.000 |      31.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        217 |     217.00 |     0.0000 |      217.00 |      217.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         26 |     26.000 |     0.0000 |      26.000 |      26.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         22 |     22.000 |     0.0000 |      22.000 |      22.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        281 |     281.00 |     0.0000 |      281.00 |      281.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         67 |     67.000 |     0.0000 |      67.000 |      67.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        368 |     368.00 |     0.0000 |      368.00 |      368.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        295 |     295.00 |     0.0000 |      295.00 |      295.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        299 |     299.00 |     0.0000 |      299.00 |      299.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |         64 |     64.000 |     0.0000 |      64.000 |      64.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        287 |     287.00 |     0.0000 |      287.00 |      287.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        380 |     380.00 |     0.0000 |      380.00 |      380.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        258 |     258.00 |     0.0000 |      258.00 |      258.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
index e368ca0a1..8c5013df0 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 02:14:43 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:23:07 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSe
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Run Action Object is GiGaRunActionSequence/GiGa.RunSeq
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -4635,7 +4635,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -4688,7 +4688,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5081,7 +5081,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 29 Oct 2018 at 02:16:03    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:24:32    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5272,7 +5272,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.J7N7H4 for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6789,7 +6789,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000822080 (id), -2560 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 8158.43 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.J7N7H4
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8503,7 +8503,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::GenColl
 GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for CRMC
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 1537 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 1493 particles
 Simulation                DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventSeq              DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventGaussSim         DEBUG ==> Execute
@@ -8868,34 +8868,34 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
+RichG4GeomProp          WARNING Pixel coord outside Sidet. Coord and Pixel bounds = -8.22848    -8    8
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  606 #SubHits=  837 #Slots= 4943 Energy=    3.07[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  898 #SubHits= 1331 #Slots= 7879 Energy=    7.75[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 2971 #SubHits= 8203 #Slots= 9731 Energy=     113[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  458 #SubHits= 1083 #Slots= 1462 Energy=    14.8[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  722 #SubHits=  985 #Slots= 5812 Energy=    3.65[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  932 #SubHits= 1384 #Slots= 8185 Energy=    8.18[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3144 #SubHits= 8707 #Slots=10198 Energy=     120[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  473 #SubHits= 1034 #Slots= 1392 Energy=    14.6[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21f88a30 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20989320 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 5567
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 5417
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 150
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 2659
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 966
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1044
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1934
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1912
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2409
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 144
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 2660
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 1119
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1567
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2094
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 2233
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 1939
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 4
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 606
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 898
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 2971
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 458
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 1008
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 729
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 2773
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 722
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 932
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 3144
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 473
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 1215
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 969
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 2963
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -8932,15 +8932,15 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 6242 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 6100 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 6738 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 6714 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG time 2.22507e-308 set to zero for vertex 406 of type Unknown
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG time 2.22507e-308 set to zero for vertex 386 of type Unknown
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6242
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6738
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	6100
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	6714
 CompareMCParticle       WARNING CompareMCParticle:: Packed MCParticle info truncated. Set VERBOSE OutputLevel for details StatusCode=FAILURE
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
@@ -8984,21 +8984,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1537
+= Number of particles generated: 1493
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 1537
+= Mean multiplicity: 1493
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1535
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 1491
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1535
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 1491
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 505
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 521
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 505
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 521
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 102
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 105
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 102
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 105
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -9085,26 +9085,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2978.00 +-54.57 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 4321.00 +-65.73 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1721.00 +-41.48 ( 57.79 +-0.91%) Rich2 = 1170.00 +-34.21 ( 27.08 +-0.68%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   97.00 +- 9.85 (  3.26 +-0.33%) Rich2 =   88.00 +- 9.38 (  2.04 +-0.21%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 = 1084.00 +-32.92 ( 36.40 +-0.88%) Rich2 = 1805.00 +-42.49 ( 41.77 +-0.75%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.07 +-0.05%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 3661.00 +-60.51 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 4172.00 +-64.59 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.05 +-0.03%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1904.00 +-43.63 ( 52.01 +-0.83%) Rich2 = 1366.00 +-36.96 ( 32.74 +-0.73%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  150.00 +-12.25 (  4.10 +-0.33%) Rich2 =   66.00 +- 8.12 (  1.58 +-0.19%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 = 1525.00 +-39.05 ( 41.66 +-0.81%) Rich2 = 1622.00 +-40.27 ( 38.88 +-0.75%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.19 +-0.07%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1218.00 +-34.90 ( 28.19 +-0.68%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  312.00 +-17.66 ( 10.48 +-0.56%) Rich2 =  531.00 +-23.04 ( 12.29 +-0.50%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  243.00 +-15.59 (  8.16 +-0.50%) Rich2 =  442.00 +-21.02 ( 10.23 +-0.46%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.05 +-0.03%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1055.00 +-32.48 ( 25.29 +-0.67%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =  301.00 +-17.35 (  8.22 +-0.45%) Rich2 =  415.00 +-20.37 (  9.95 +-0.46%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =  250.00 +-15.81 (  6.83 +-0.42%) Rich2 =  344.00 +-18.55 (  8.25 +-0.43%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =  116.00 +-10.77 (  3.90 +-0.35%) Rich2 =  175.00 +-13.23 (  4.05 +-0.30%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   99.00 +- 9.95 (  2.70 +-0.27%) Rich2 =  140.00 +-11.83 (  3.36 +-0.28%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.02 +-0.02%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas = 1721.00 +-41.48 ( 57.79 +-0.91%) Rich2Gas = 1170.00 +-34.21 ( 27.08 +-0.68%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas = 1904.00 +-43.63 ( 52.01 +-0.83%) Rich2Gas = 1366.00 +-36.96 ( 32.74 +-0.73%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9124,16 +9124,16 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1795.00 +- 42.37 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2428.00 +- 49.27 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   185.00 +- 13.60 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  2889.00 +- 53.75 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    92.00 +-  9.59 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   301.00 +- 17.35 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    33.00 +-  5.74 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    35.00 +-  5.92 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1979.00 +- 44.49 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2481.00 +- 49.81 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   216.00 +- 14.70 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =  3147.00 +- 56.10 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     8.00 +-  2.83 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    95.00 +-  9.75 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   324.00 +- 18.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    34.00 +-  5.83 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =    31.00 +-  5.57 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -9181,46 +9181,46 @@ PackMCVertex            SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/
 PackMCVertex            SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'PackedVertex.tof underflow, set to 0.'
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2659 |     2659.0 |     0.0000 |      2659.0 |      2659.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2660 |     2660.0 |     0.0000 |      2660.0 |      2660.0 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        150 |     150.00 |     0.0000 |      150.00 |      150.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        144 |     144.00 |     0.0000 |      144.00 |      144.00 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1119 |     1119.0 |     0.0000 |      1119.0 |      1119.0 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        729 |     729.00 |     0.0000 |      729.00 |      729.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        969 |     969.00 |     0.0000 |      969.00 |      969.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2773 |     2773.0 |     0.0000 |      2773.0 |      2773.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2963 |     2963.0 |     0.0000 |      2963.0 |      2963.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1008 |     1008.0 |     0.0000 |      1008.0 |      1008.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1215 |     1215.0 |     0.0000 |      1215.0 |      1215.0 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7879 |     7879.0 |     0.0000 |      7879.0 |      7879.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8185 |     8185.0 |     0.0000 |      8185.0 |      8185.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4943 |     4943.0 |     0.0000 |      4943.0 |      4943.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       5812 |     5812.0 |     0.0000 |      5812.0 |      5812.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       9731 |     9731.0 |     0.0000 |      9731.0 |      9731.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      10198 |     10198. |     0.0000 |      10198. |      10198. |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1462 |     1462.0 |     0.0000 |      1462.0 |      1462.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1392 |     1392.0 |     0.0000 |      1392.0 |      1392.0 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7833 |     7833.0 |     0.0000 |      7833.0 |      7833.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       7831 |     7831.0 |     0.0000 |      7831.0 |      7831.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        462 |     462.00 |     0.0000 |      462.00 |      462.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        489 |     489.00 |     0.0000 |      489.00 |      489.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        391 |     391.00 |     0.0000 |      391.00 |      391.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        408 |     408.00 |     0.0000 |      408.00 |      408.00 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9230,42 +9230,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       2659+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 150+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       2660+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 144+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 966
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1253.52
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.152125
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0542529
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1119
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1122.04
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.160504
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0617837
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        86 |         86 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       966 |    1210899 |     1253.5 |     5881.2 |     0.28748 |  1.0160e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       130 |        130 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      1119 |    1255559 |     1122.0 |     3736.6 |     0.36689 |      49301. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1119 |     1119.0 |     0.0000 |      1119.0 |      1119.0 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 729
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4466.07
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118283
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0452036
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 969
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4596.06
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.116002
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0441158
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        60 |         60 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       729 |    3255768 |     4466.1 |     16478. |     0.17652 |  1.0160e+05 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        729 |     729.00 |     0.0000 |      729.00 |      729.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        42 |         42 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       969 |    4453578 |     4596.1 |     17303. |     0.41067 |  1.2888e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        969 |     969.00 |     0.0000 |      969.00 |      969.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2773
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1203.34
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.198277
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.075928
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2963
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1569
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19572
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0762267
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       208 |        208 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      2773 |    3336860 |     1203.3 |     4750.0 |   0.0034342 |      76773. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2773 |     2773.0 |     0.0000 |      2773.0 |      2773.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       226 |        226 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      2963 |    4648959 |     1569.0 |     5620.9 |   0.0045234 |      49301. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2963 |     2963.0 |     0.0000 |      2963.0 |      2963.0 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9274,376 +9274,376 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 244.000  32.000  17.000  2.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 210.000  15.000  11.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 175.000  10.000  3.000  1.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 269.000  15.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 202.000  49.000  14.000  4.000  13.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 268.000  68.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 284.000  18.000  4.000  10.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 252.000  20.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 898.000  72.000  31.000  7.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 1006.000  155.000  23.000  14.000  17.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 CompareMCParticle       SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 CompareMCParticle       SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'Packed MCParticle info truncated. Set VERBOSE OutputLevel for details'
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        150 |     150.00 |     0.0000 |      150.00 |      150.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        144 |     144.00 |     0.0000 |      144.00 |      144.00 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       150 |-1.410082e-06 |-9.4005e-09 | 2.8698e-07 | -4.8860e-07 |  4.9411e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       150 |-3.7711e-07 |-2.5141e-09 | 2.8332e-07 | -4.9750e-07 |  4.8986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       150 |1.582208e-06 | 1.0548e-08 | 3.0731e-07 | -4.9428e-07 |  4.9685e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       150 |9.12716e-06 | 6.0848e-08 | 5.4971e-07 | -9.6833e-07 |  9.9081e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       150 |-0.0001786768 |-1.1912e-06 | 2.9590e-05 | -4.7535e-05 |  4.9508e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       150 |-0.0007789998 |-5.1933e-06 | 2.8567e-05 | -4.9080e-05 |  4.9534e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       150 |0.0001576081 | 1.0507e-06 | 2.8158e-05 | -4.9877e-05 |  4.9868e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       150 | 0.03191456 | 0.00021276 |  0.0029867 |  -0.0049519 |   0.0048934 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       150 |-1.325638e-05 |-8.8376e-08 | 2.6428e-06 | -4.9655e-06 |  4.8636e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       150 | -0.7325464 | -0.0048836 |   0.078157 |    -0.65108 |     0.30528 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       150 |   1.463116 |  0.0097541 |   0.071593 |    -0.20462 |     0.48286 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       150 |  -43.83852 |   -0.29226 |   0.056017 |    -0.30175 |     0.29822 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       150 |   20.81927 |    0.13880 |    0.15664 |   0.0074880 |      1.1612 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       150 |   104.7098 |    0.69807 |     13.009 |     -30.878 |      33.089 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       150 |  -46.21998 |   -0.30813 |     17.919 |     -41.109 |      43.482 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       150 |  -39643.05 |    -264.29 |     41.250 |     -315.93 |     -218.96 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       150 |    1279468 |     8529.8 |     10594. |      2.7003 |      52765. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       150 |   138.4331 |    0.92289 |    0.14602 |     0.75028 |      1.4935 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       150 |  -0.732545 | -0.0048836 |   0.078157 |    -0.65108 |     0.30528 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       150 |   1.463116 |  0.0097541 |   0.071593 |    -0.20462 |     0.48286 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       150 |  -43.83852 |   -0.29226 |   0.056017 |    -0.30175 |     0.29822 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       150 |   20.81926 |    0.13880 |    0.15664 |   0.0074880 |      1.1612 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       150 |     104.71 |    0.69807 |     13.009 |     -30.878 |      33.089 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       150 |   -46.2192 |   -0.30813 |     17.919 |     -41.109 |      43.482 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       150 |  -39643.05 |    -264.29 |     41.250 |     -315.93 |     -218.96 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       150 |    1279468 |     8529.8 |     10594. |      2.7000 |      52765. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       150 |   138.4331 |    0.92289 |    0.14602 |     0.75028 |      1.4935 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       144 |3.78738e-06 | 2.6301e-08 | 2.6182e-07 | -4.9010e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       144 |-8.711645e-06 |-6.0498e-08 | 2.9880e-07 | -4.9728e-07 |  4.9648e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       144 |1.938548e-06 | 1.3462e-08 | 2.9285e-07 | -4.9150e-07 |  4.9835e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       144 |-1.49455e-05 |-1.0379e-07 | 6.0894e-07 | -9.9253e-07 |  9.9072e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       144 |3.270692e-05 | 2.2713e-07 | 2.8293e-05 | -4.8844e-05 |  4.9901e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       144 |-0.0004059708 |-2.8192e-06 | 2.7051e-05 | -4.8994e-05 |  4.9410e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       144 |-9.028648e-05 |-6.2699e-07 | 2.9786e-05 | -4.8291e-05 |  4.9314e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       144 |-0.03921305 |-0.00027231 |  0.0026552 |  -0.0049767 |   0.0049089 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       144 |-5.947667e-05 |-4.1303e-07 | 2.8426e-06 | -4.9682e-06 |  4.9427e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       144 |  0.4232668 |  0.0029394 |   0.023086 |   -0.064886 |     0.16797 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       144 | -0.6053217 | -0.0042036 |   0.038394 |    -0.24305 |     0.18224 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       144 |  -41.69661 |   -0.28956 |   0.063226 |    -0.30032 |     0.26800 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       144 |   22.29899 |    0.15485 |    0.42036 |   0.0095419 |      4.4260 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       144 |      153.4 |     1.0653 |     13.292 |     -39.797 |      33.519 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       144 |   78.58409 |    0.54572 |     16.866 |     -40.574 |      39.739 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       144 |   -39026.5 |    -271.02 |     41.683 |     -316.14 |     -218.96 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       144 |    1178217 |     8182.1 |     10109. |      3.2613 |      52765. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       144 |   139.4575 |    0.96845 |    0.32077 |     0.74865 |      3.3877 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       144 |   0.423263 |  0.0029393 |   0.023086 |   -0.064886 |     0.16797 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       144 |  -0.605313 | -0.0042036 |   0.038394 |    -0.24305 |     0.18224 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       144 |  -41.69662 |   -0.28956 |   0.063226 |    -0.30032 |     0.26800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       144 |     22.299 |    0.15485 |    0.42036 |   0.0095420 |      4.4260 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       144 |      153.4 |     1.0653 |     13.292 |     -39.797 |      33.519 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       144 |    78.5845 |    0.54573 |     16.866 |     -40.574 |      39.739 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       144 |   -39026.5 |    -271.02 |     41.683 |     -316.14 |     -218.96 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       144 |    1178217 |     8182.1 |     10109. |      3.2600 |      52765. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       144 |   139.4576 |    0.96846 |    0.32077 |     0.74865 |      3.3877 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2659 |     2659.0 |     0.0000 |      2659.0 |      2659.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2660 |     2660.0 |     0.0000 |      2660.0 |      2660.0 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2659 |2.273862e-05 | 8.5516e-09 | 2.9074e-07 | -4.9964e-07 |  4.9984e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2659 |1.992298e-05 | 7.4927e-09 | 2.8771e-07 | -4.9944e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2659 |2.785656e-05 | 1.0476e-08 | 2.8823e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  5.0000e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2659 |-6.454964e-05 |-2.4276e-08 | 5.7371e-07 | -9.9944e-07 |  9.9944e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2659 |-0.002988278 |-1.1238e-06 | 2.9006e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9965e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2659 |-0.0001068827 |-4.0197e-08 | 2.8810e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9938e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2659 |0.0005484467 | 2.0626e-07 | 2.8663e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9933e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2659 |  0.1633593 | 6.1436e-05 |  0.0029111 |  -0.0049984 |   0.0049935 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2659 |-3.58439e-05 |-1.3480e-08 | 2.8841e-06 | -4.9953e-06 |  4.9998e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2659 |   6.935821 |  0.0026084 |    0.26742 |    -0.94535 |      12.139 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2659 |   -14.3685 | -0.0054037 |    0.22447 |     -8.2901 |      6.1225 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2659 |   354.4349 |    0.13330 |    0.26283 |    -0.30591 |     0.30076 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2659 |   444.5367 |    0.16718 |    0.40314 |  0.00066645 |      7.6828 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2659 |  -155.2286 |  -0.058379 |     14.536 |     -37.889 |      43.871 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2659 |  -4001.893 |    -1.5050 |     17.669 |     -43.580 |      42.161 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2659 |   609769.9 |     229.32 |     289.48 |     -175.80 |      751.01 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2659 |1.750292e+07 |     6582.5 |     12451. |      1.4844 |      94916. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2659 |   2662.695 |     1.0014 |     1.3066 |    0.029298 |      28.068 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2659 |   6.935798 |  0.0026084 |    0.26742 |    -0.94535 |      12.139 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2659 |  -14.36852 | -0.0054037 |    0.22447 |     -8.2901 |      6.1225 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2659 |   354.4349 |    0.13330 |    0.26283 |    -0.30590 |     0.30076 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2659 |   444.5368 |    0.16718 |    0.40314 |  0.00066600 |      7.6828 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2659 |  -155.2256 |  -0.058377 |     14.536 |     -37.889 |      43.871 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2659 |  -4001.893 |    -1.5050 |     17.669 |     -43.580 |      42.161 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2659 |   609769.9 |     229.32 |     289.48 |     -175.80 |      751.01 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2659 |1.750292e+07 |     6582.5 |     12451. |      1.4800 |      94916. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2659 |   2662.695 |     1.0014 |     1.3066 |    0.029300 |      28.068 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2660 |1.525953e-05 | 5.7367e-09 | 2.9002e-07 | -4.9974e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2660 |6.689751e-06 | 2.5149e-09 | 2.8728e-07 | -4.9924e-07 |  4.9995e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2660 |-1.004434e-05 |-3.7761e-09 | 2.8706e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9905e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2660 |2.267052e-05 | 8.5228e-09 | 5.7252e-07 | -9.9901e-07 |  9.9968e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2660 |0.0005895851 | 2.2165e-07 | 2.8685e-05 | -4.9935e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2660 |-0.001536915 |-5.7779e-07 | 2.9240e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2660 |-0.0009621675 |-3.6172e-07 | 2.9173e-05 | -4.9955e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2660 | -0.1162932 |-4.3719e-05 |  0.0029104 |  -0.0049929 |   0.0049887 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2660 |0.000260881 | 9.8076e-08 | 2.8736e-06 | -4.9931e-06 |  4.9919e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2660 | -0.3502377 |-0.00013167 |    0.13201 |     -2.1626 |      4.9176 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2660 |  -3.368257 | -0.0012663 |    0.13922 |     -1.4421 |      5.7312 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2660 |   343.6814 |    0.12920 |    0.26533 |    -0.30195 |     0.30115 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2660 |   396.7125 |    0.14914 |    0.42824 |  0.00082392 |      12.741 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2660 |   3414.202 |     1.2835 |     14.304 |     -41.612 |      44.761 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2660 |  -4685.503 |    -1.7615 |     17.752 |     -43.503 |      42.895 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2660 |   619717.6 |     232.98 |     292.31 |     -175.80 |      751.01 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2660 |1.919982e+07 |     7218.0 |     12682. |      2.2271 |      94919. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2660 |   2554.201 |    0.96023 |    0.79143 |    0.025304 |      3.4200 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2660 |  -0.350253 |-0.00013167 |    0.13201 |     -2.1626 |      4.9176 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2660 |  -3.368264 | -0.0012663 |    0.13922 |     -1.4421 |      5.7312 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2660 |   343.6814 |    0.12920 |    0.26533 |    -0.30195 |     0.30115 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2660 |   396.7125 |    0.14914 |    0.42824 |  0.00082400 |      12.741 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2660 |   3414.201 |     1.2835 |     14.304 |     -41.612 |      44.761 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2660 |  -4685.502 |    -1.7615 |     17.752 |     -43.503 |      42.895 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2660 |   619717.6 |     232.98 |     292.31 |     -175.80 |      751.01 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2660 |1.919982e+07 |     7218.0 |     12682. |      2.2300 |      94919. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2660 |   2554.201 |    0.96023 |    0.79143 |    0.025300 |      3.4200 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1119 |     1119.0 |     0.0000 |      1119.0 |      1119.0 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       966 |-9.155745e-08 |-9.4780e-11 | 2.8653e-07 | -4.9891e-07 |  4.9693e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       966 |1.082581e-05 | 1.1207e-08 | 2.8591e-07 | -4.9985e-07 |  4.9980e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       966 |2.348354e-06 | 2.4310e-09 | 1.2089e-07 | -4.9832e-07 |  4.9832e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       966 |-3.163162e-05 |-3.2745e-08 | 5.7579e-07 | -9.9702e-07 |  9.9877e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       966 |0.0006119955 | 6.3354e-07 | 2.8875e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       966 |-0.0001277645 |-1.3226e-07 | 2.8861e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9872e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       966 |-0.000162954 |-1.6869e-07 | 7.4928e-06 | -4.5608e-05 |  4.5346e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       966 | -0.1289387 |-0.00013348 |  0.0029188 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0049988 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       966 |9.115418e-06 | 9.4363e-09 | 2.8955e-06 | -4.9959e-06 |  4.9903e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       966 |  -42.00052 |  -0.043479 |    0.64032 |     -11.813 |      6.1552 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       966 |  -13.12074 |  -0.013583 |    0.37887 |     -8.5622 |      2.1367 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       966 |   288.3012 |    0.29845 |    0.36957 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       966 |   240.7016 |    0.24917 |    0.32506 |  0.00015349 |      5.9551 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       966 |  -4659.016 |    -4.8230 |     276.17 |     -762.11 |      731.27 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       966 |  -1131.754 |    -1.1716 |     220.28 |     -686.22 |      653.13 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       966 |    2409216 |     2494.0 |     136.23 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       966 |    3576321 |     3702.2 |     7670.5 |      1.4238 |      63767. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       966 |   10344.57 |     10.709 |     4.2952 |      7.7271 |      30.116 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       966 |  -42.00052 |  -0.043479 |    0.64032 |     -11.813 |      6.1552 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       966 |  -13.12075 |  -0.013583 |    0.37887 |     -8.5622 |      2.1367 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       966 |   288.3012 |    0.29845 |    0.36957 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       966 |   240.7016 |    0.24917 |    0.32506 |  0.00015400 |      5.9551 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       966 |  -4659.017 |    -4.8230 |     276.17 |     -762.11 |      731.27 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       966 |  -1131.754 |    -1.1716 |     220.28 |     -686.22 |      653.13 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       966 |    2409216 |     2494.0 |     136.23 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       966 |    3576321 |     3702.2 |     7670.5 |      1.4200 |      63767. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       966 |   10344.57 |     10.709 |     4.2952 |      7.7271 |      30.116 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1119 |2.657268e-06 | 2.3747e-09 | 2.8133e-07 | -4.9866e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1119 |1.204498e-05 | 1.0764e-08 | 2.8282e-07 | -4.9909e-07 |  4.9996e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1119 |5.002285e-06 | 4.4703e-09 | 1.2921e-07 | -4.9911e-07 |  4.9911e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1119 |1.052791e-05 | 9.4083e-09 | 5.6321e-07 | -9.9988e-07 |  9.9988e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1119 |0.0004754623 | 4.2490e-07 | 2.8818e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1119 |0.0006137438 | 5.4848e-07 | 2.9777e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9933e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1119 |-0.0005024654 |-4.4903e-07 | 9.1327e-06 | -4.9639e-05 |  4.4646e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1119 |-0.01706827 |-1.5253e-05 |  0.0029224 |  -0.0049918 |   0.0049993 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1119 |7.135913e-05 | 6.3770e-08 | 2.8469e-06 | -4.9981e-06 |  4.9995e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1119 |   38.07447 |   0.034025 |    0.55906 |     -3.3609 |      4.4887 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1119 |   -13.4079 |  -0.011982 |    0.29414 |     -4.1440 |      1.7292 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1119 |   256.4899 |    0.22921 |    0.40893 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1119 |   299.9932 |    0.26809 |    0.29617 |  0.00095692 |      2.7260 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1119 |   19402.12 |     17.339 |     315.51 |     -802.04 |      823.65 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1119 |   8872.826 |     7.9292 |     242.58 |     -657.21 |      657.30 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1119 |    2813532 |     2514.3 |     133.09 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1119 |    4221636 |     3772.7 |     9460.1 |      1.4292 |      94880. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1119 |   14331.56 |     12.807 |     12.125 |      7.7287 |      172.04 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1119 |   38.07447 |   0.034025 |    0.55906 |     -3.3609 |      4.4887 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1119 |  -13.40791 |  -0.011982 |    0.29414 |     -4.1440 |      1.7292 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1119 |   256.4899 |    0.22921 |    0.40893 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1119 |   299.9932 |    0.26809 |    0.29617 |  0.00095600 |      2.7260 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1119 |   19402.12 |     17.339 |     315.51 |     -802.04 |      823.65 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1119 |   8872.825 |     7.9292 |     242.58 |     -657.21 |      657.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1119 |    2813532 |     2514.3 |     133.09 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1119 |    4221636 |     3772.7 |     9460.1 |      1.4300 |      94880. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1119 |   14331.56 |     12.807 |     12.125 |      7.7287 |      172.04 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        729 |     729.00 |     0.0000 |      729.00 |      729.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        969 |     969.00 |     0.0000 |      969.00 |      969.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       729 |5.76028e-06 | 7.9016e-09 | 2.9189e-07 | -4.9859e-07 |  4.9989e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       729 |6.752333e-06 | 9.2625e-09 | 2.8595e-07 | -4.9886e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       729 |7.210583e-06 | 9.8911e-09 | 3.0366e-07 | -4.9951e-07 |  4.9852e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       729 |5.922739e-06 | 8.1245e-09 | 5.7572e-07 | -9.9969e-07 |  9.9234e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       729 |-0.00082173 |-1.1272e-06 | 2.9310e-05 | -4.9945e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       729 |-0.001573927 |-2.1590e-06 | 2.9093e-05 | -4.9793e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       729 |-0.001196263 |-1.6410e-06 | 2.8504e-05 | -4.9930e-05 |  4.9847e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       729 |-0.02104369 |-2.8867e-05 |  0.0029174 |  -0.0049988 |   0.0049984 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       729 |-3.353322e-05 |-4.5999e-08 | 2.8593e-06 | -4.9774e-06 |  4.9904e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       729 |  -25.13373 |  -0.034477 |    0.27748 |     -3.3260 |     0.87230 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       729 |   5.869867 |  0.0080519 |    0.12846 |     -1.1795 |     0.82391 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       729 |   201.7734 |    0.27678 |    0.23771 |    -0.41100 |     0.41076 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       729 |    125.645 |    0.17235 |    0.22360 |   0.0012689 |      3.6645 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       729 |  -8296.433 |    -11.381 |     249.62 |     -614.82 |      568.98 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       729 |  -645.1536 |   -0.88498 |     105.97 |     -210.08 |      221.13 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       729 |    6165235 |     8457.1 |     573.55 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       729 |1.032362e+07 |     14161. |     20049. |      1.4801 |      85586. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       729 |   20997.24 |     28.803 |     2.4361 |      25.563 |      39.233 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       729 |  -25.13373 |  -0.034477 |    0.27748 |     -3.3260 |     0.87230 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       729 |    5.86986 |  0.0080519 |    0.12846 |     -1.1795 |     0.82391 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       729 |   201.7734 |    0.27678 |    0.23771 |    -0.41100 |     0.41076 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       729 |    125.645 |    0.17235 |    0.22360 |   0.0012680 |      3.6645 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       729 |  -8296.433 |    -11.381 |     249.62 |     -614.82 |      568.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       729 |   -645.152 |   -0.88498 |     105.97 |     -210.08 |      221.13 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       729 |    6165235 |     8457.1 |     573.55 |      7667.7 |      9172.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       729 |1.032362e+07 |     14161. |     20049. |      1.4800 |      85586. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       729 |   20997.24 |     28.803 |     2.4361 |      25.563 |      39.233 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       969 |3.578832e-06 | 3.6933e-09 | 2.9600e-07 | -4.9924e-07 |  4.9993e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       969 |-1.073287e-05 |-1.1076e-08 | 2.8242e-07 | -4.9863e-07 |  4.9921e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       969 |-2.237115e-05 |-2.3087e-08 | 2.8822e-07 | -4.9989e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       969 |2.355281e-06 | 2.4306e-09 | 5.8197e-07 | -9.9867e-07 |  9.9765e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       969 |-0.001411189 |-1.4563e-06 | 2.9018e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       969 |0.002027717 | 2.0926e-06 | 2.9072e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       969 |0.0006517697 | 6.7262e-07 | 2.9060e-05 | -4.9920e-05 |  4.9855e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       969 | 0.06772268 | 6.9889e-05 |  0.0028789 |  -0.0049824 |   0.0049644 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       969 |5.412404e-05 | 5.5856e-08 | 2.9429e-06 | -4.9972e-06 |  4.9942e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       969 |  -5.953859 | -0.0061443 |    0.21997 |     -1.7456 |      3.5102 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       969 |   3.978092 |  0.0041054 |    0.13572 |     -1.6937 |      2.6847 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       969 |   308.2162 |    0.31808 |    0.19016 |    -0.41098 |     0.41947 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       969 |   159.4581 |    0.16456 |    0.18065 |  0.00024105 |      2.3399 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       969 |   597.5816 |    0.61670 |     272.53 |     -638.57 |      630.32 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       969 |   2063.613 |     2.1296 |     96.393 |     -204.65 |      209.02 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       969 |    8140664 |     8401.1 |     548.33 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       969 |1.110149e+07 |     11457. |     17110. |      1.4381 |      94868. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       969 |   27536.84 |     28.418 |     2.4977 |      25.565 |      49.183 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       969 |  -5.953863 | -0.0061443 |    0.21997 |     -1.7456 |      3.5102 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       969 |   3.978103 |  0.0041054 |    0.13572 |     -1.6937 |      2.6847 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       969 |   308.2163 |    0.31808 |    0.19016 |    -0.41098 |     0.41947 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       969 |    159.458 |    0.16456 |    0.18065 |  0.00024200 |      2.3399 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       969 |    597.583 |    0.61670 |     272.53 |     -638.57 |      630.32 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       969 |   2063.611 |     2.1296 |     96.393 |     -204.65 |      209.02 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       969 |    8140664 |     8401.1 |     548.33 |      7667.7 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       969 |1.110149e+07 |     11457. |     17110. |      1.4400 |      94868. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       969 |   27536.84 |     28.418 |     2.4977 |      25.565 |      49.183 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2773 |     2773.0 |     0.0000 |      2773.0 |      2773.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2963 |     2963.0 |     0.0000 |      2963.0 |      2963.0 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2773 |3.818821e-05 | 1.3771e-08 | 2.8751e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9984e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2773 |-3.311437e-05 |-1.1942e-08 | 2.9198e-07 | -4.9950e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2773 |-8.769766e-06 |-3.1626e-09 | 2.9048e-07 | -4.9919e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2773 |-1.122524e-05 |-4.0480e-09 | 5.7956e-07 | -9.9962e-07 |  1.0000e-06 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2773 |0.001180054 | 4.2555e-07 | 2.8796e-05 | -4.9946e-05 |  4.9898e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2773 |0.001540305 | 5.5547e-07 | 2.9064e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2773 |-0.0007825695 |-2.8221e-07 | 2.8882e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2773 | -0.1134724 |-4.0920e-05 |  0.0028577 |  -0.0049996 |   0.0049987 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2773 |0.0001254443 | 4.5238e-08 | 2.8590e-06 | -4.9973e-06 |  4.9982e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2773 |  -212.8168 |  -0.076746 |     9.5204 |     -169.36 |      120.30 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2773 |   654.6174 |    0.23607 |     5.4701 |     -46.829 |      59.948 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2773 |   18264.28 |     6.5865 |     7.3391 |     -10.812 |      10.938 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      2773 |   811.3752 |    0.29260 |    0.35983 |   0.0014331 |      6.0554 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2773 |  -4148.226 |    -1.4959 |     1339.4 |     -3106.6 |      3029.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2773 |  -47970.76 |    -17.299 |     736.73 |     -2357.3 |      2413.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2773 |2.398852e+07 |     8650.7 |     549.29 |      7848.5 |      9416.4 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2773 |    8377216 |     3021.0 |     4417.8 |      1.4380 |      26036. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      2773 |   96458.82 |     34.785 |     13.060 |      26.208 |      163.08 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2773 |  -212.8168 |  -0.076746 |     9.5204 |     -169.36 |      120.30 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2773 |   654.6174 |    0.23607 |     5.4701 |     -46.829 |      59.948 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2773 |   18264.28 |     6.5865 |     7.3391 |     -10.812 |      10.938 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2773 |   811.3752 |    0.29260 |    0.35983 |   0.0014340 |      6.0554 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2773 |  -4148.227 |    -1.4959 |     1339.4 |     -3106.6 |      3029.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2773 |  -47970.76 |    -17.299 |     736.73 |     -2357.3 |      2413.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2773 |2.398852e+07 |     8650.7 |     549.29 |      7848.5 |      9416.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2773 |    8377216 |     3021.0 |     4417.8 |      1.4400 |      26036. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2773 |   96458.82 |     34.785 |     13.060 |      26.208 |      163.08 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2963 |-2.483894e-06 |-8.3830e-10 | 2.8269e-07 | -4.9952e-07 |  4.9970e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2963 |1.989322e-05 | 6.7139e-09 | 2.9021e-07 | -4.9969e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2963 |-3.388541e-05 |-1.1436e-08 | 2.8899e-07 | -4.9922e-07 |  4.9987e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2963 |1.574127e-05 | 5.3126e-09 | 5.8165e-07 | -1.0000e-06 |  9.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2963 |-0.001212297 |-4.0915e-07 | 2.8956e-05 | -4.9935e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2963 |0.0007263119 | 2.4513e-07 | 2.8698e-05 | -4.9942e-05 |  4.9939e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2963 |-0.001206326 |-4.0713e-07 | 2.8670e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2963 | -0.1016275 |-3.4299e-05 |  0.0028871 |  -0.0049991 |   0.0049997 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2963 |-0.0001746768 |-5.8953e-08 | 2.9176e-06 | -4.9988e-06 |  4.9937e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2963 |  -631.3203 |   -0.21307 |     8.7969 |     -136.01 |      112.62 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2963 |  -408.4477 |   -0.13785 |     5.3979 |     -125.54 |      60.419 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2963 |   21874.62 |     7.3826 |     6.5512 |     -10.796 |      10.860 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2963 |   916.9104 |    0.30945 |    0.44625 |  1.2343e-05 |      12.234 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2963 |   43696.04 |     14.747 |     1288.1 |     -3069.0 |      3097.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2963 |   120320.7 |     40.608 |     747.04 |     -2410.3 |      2403.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2963 |2.563314e+07 |     8651.1 |     557.61 |      7849.4 |      9415.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2963 |1.041995e+07 |     3516.7 |     5725.3 |      1.4240 |      40324. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2963 |   99634.02 |     33.626 |     11.498 |      26.194 |      153.06 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2963 |  -631.3203 |   -0.21307 |     8.7969 |     -136.01 |      112.62 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2963 |  -408.4477 |   -0.13785 |     5.3979 |     -125.54 |      60.419 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2963 |   21874.62 |     7.3826 |     6.5512 |     -10.796 |      10.860 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2963 |   916.9104 |    0.30945 |    0.44625 |  1.2000e-05 |      12.234 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2963 |   43696.04 |     14.747 |     1288.1 |     -3069.0 |      3097.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2963 |   120320.7 |     40.608 |     747.04 |     -2410.3 |      2403.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2963 |2.563314e+07 |     8651.1 |     557.61 |      7849.4 |      9415.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2963 |1.041995e+07 |     3516.7 |     5725.3 |      1.4200 |      40324. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2963 |   99634.02 |     33.626 |     11.498 |      26.194 |      153.06 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7833 |     7833.0 |     0.0000 |      7833.0 |      7833.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7831 |     7831.0 |     0.0000 |      7831.0 |      7831.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        462 |     462.00 |     0.0000 |      462.00 |      462.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        489 |     489.00 |     0.0000 |      489.00 |      489.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        391 |     391.00 |     0.0000 |      391.00 |      391.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        408 |     408.00 |     0.0000 |      408.00 |      408.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7299 |-5.064699e-14 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      7299 |-0.002596231 |-3.5570e-07 | 2.8686e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      7299 |0.001674366 | 2.2940e-07 | 2.9170e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      7299 |-0.003487557 |-4.7781e-07 | 2.9037e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7299 |0.0005081299 | 6.9616e-08 | 2.9086e-06 | -4.9997e-06 |  4.9988e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      7299 |     145.98 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      7299 |   -1970510 |    -269.97 |     3072.2 |     -4150.6 |      4151.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      7299 |  -902095.3 |    -123.59 |     840.94 |     -1390.7 |      1391.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      7299 |5.141116e+07 |     7043.6 |     4540.6 |      1331.2 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      7299 |   255659.5 |     35.027 |     23.270 |      6.7254 |      166.82 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7299 |     145.98 |   0.020000 |     0.0000 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      7299 |   -1970510 |    -269.97 |     3072.2 |     -4150.6 |      4151.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      7299 |  -902095.3 |    -123.59 |     840.94 |     -1390.7 |      1391.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      7299 |5.141116e+07 |     7043.6 |     4540.6 |      1331.2 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7299 |   255659.5 |     35.027 |     23.270 |      6.7254 |      166.82 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7833 |-0.003522882 |-4.4975e-07 | 4.7818e-05 |  -0.0041808 |  0.00065797 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      7833 |0.003503335 | 4.4725e-07 | 2.8719e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      7833 |0.000737063 | 9.4097e-08 | 2.8973e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      7833 |0.004687298 | 5.9840e-07 | 2.9077e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7833 |0.0002935981 | 3.7482e-08 | 2.8913e-06 | -4.9957e-06 |  4.9963e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7833 |   1933.476 |    0.24684 |     14.306 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      7833 |    1254193 |     160.12 |     2929.5 |     -4150.4 |      4150.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      7833 |  -649718.1 |    -82.946 |     897.73 |     -1391.2 |      1391.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      7833 |5.072404e+07 |     6475.7 |     4616.3 |      1330.8 |      11093. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      7833 |   251706.2 |     32.134 |     22.677 |      6.6368 |      179.78 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7833 |    1933.48 |    0.24684 |     14.306 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      7833 |    1254193 |     160.12 |     2929.5 |     -4150.4 |      4150.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      7833 |  -649718.1 |    -82.946 |     897.73 |     -1391.2 |      1391.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      7833 |5.072404e+07 |     6475.7 |     4616.3 |      1330.8 |      11093. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7833 |   251706.2 |     32.134 |     22.677 |      6.6368 |      179.78 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      7299 |-0.001188307 |-1.6280e-07 | 2.8563e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      7299 |-0.003221321 |-4.4134e-07 | 2.8936e-05 | -4.9968e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      7299 |0.0006606933 | 9.0518e-08 | 2.8944e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7299 |-2.165734e-10 |-2.9672e-14 | 5.7752e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7299 | 0.00121813 | 1.6689e-07 | 2.8587e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7299 |-0.003190818 |-4.3716e-07 | 2.8957e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7299 |-0.001341638 |-1.8381e-07 | 2.8659e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7299 |   23409.64 |     3.2072 |     1.8215 |  0.00072501 |      6.2826 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7299 |   4326.915 |    0.59281 |    0.60482 |   0.0013497 |      2.8899 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      7299 |   -1853661 |    -253.96 |     2126.8 |     -4081.4 |      4046.1 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      7299 |  -580821.7 |    -79.576 |     573.02 |     -1384.1 |      1496.8 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      7299 |5.021036e+07 |     6879.1 |     4505.0 |      990.24 |      11647. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      7299 | 0.03160065 | 4.3294e-06 | 1.0884e-06 |  1.7558e-06 |  6.8394e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7299 |   -1916721 |    -262.60 |     3003.6 |     -4079.2 |      4079.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7299 |  -821906.2 |    -112.61 |     785.71 |     -1315.4 |      1318.9 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7299 |5.104261e+07 |     6993.1 |     4537.7 |      1259.4 |      11071. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7299 |   23409.64 |     3.2072 |     1.8215 |  0.00072501 |      6.2826 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7299 |   4326.915 |    0.59281 |    0.60482 |   0.0013497 |      2.8899 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      7299 |   -1853661 |    -253.96 |     2126.8 |     -4081.4 |      4046.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      7299 |  -580821.7 |    -79.576 |     573.02 |     -1384.1 |      1496.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      7299 |5.021036e+07 |     6879.1 |     4505.0 |      990.24 |      11647. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7299 | 0.03160065 | 4.3294e-06 | 1.0884e-06 |  1.7558e-06 |  6.8394e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7299 |   -1916721 |    -262.60 |     3003.6 |     -4079.2 |      4079.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7299 |  -821906.2 |    -112.61 |     785.71 |     -1315.4 |      1318.9 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7299 |5.104261e+07 |     6993.1 |     4537.7 |      1259.4 |      11071. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7299 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 |0.0009667314 | 1.2345e-07 | 2.8825e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |-0.002298705 |-2.9354e-07 | 2.9059e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |-0.0001394767 |-1.7811e-08 | 2.8814e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7831 |3.058176e-11 | 3.9052e-15 | 5.7887e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 | 0.00300162 | 3.8330e-07 | 2.8841e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |0.002835656 | 3.6211e-07 | 2.8735e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |-0.003447305 |-4.4021e-07 | 2.8893e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |    24014.5 |     3.0666 |     1.8258 |  0.00036208 |      6.2825 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |   4332.582 |    0.55326 |    0.56543 |   0.0086083 |      2.8390 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 |    1584007 |     202.27 |     1941.1 |     -4047.5 |      3988.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |  -301829.8 |    -38.543 |     629.58 |     -1499.8 |      1476.5 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |4.952297e+07 |     6324.0 |     4570.9 |      990.59 |      11804. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      7831 | 0.03360553 | 4.2913e-06 | 1.0932e-06 |  1.7506e-06 |  6.8791e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 |    1232317 |     157.36 |     2863.6 |     -4078.3 |      4078.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |  -623531.8 |    -79.624 |     836.25 |     -1315.3 |      1306.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |5.030892e+07 |     6424.3 |     4614.3 |      1261.1 |      11071. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      7831 |    24014.5 |     3.0666 |     1.8258 |  0.00036208 |      6.2825 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      7831 |   4332.582 |    0.55326 |    0.56543 |   0.0086083 |      2.8390 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      7831 |    1584007 |     202.27 |     1941.1 |     -4047.5 |      3988.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      7831 |  -301829.8 |    -38.543 |     629.58 |     -1499.8 |      1476.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      7831 |4.952297e+07 |     6324.0 |     4570.9 |      990.59 |      11804. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7831 | 0.03360553 | 4.2913e-06 | 1.0932e-06 |  1.7506e-06 |  6.8791e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      7831 |    1232317 |     157.36 |     2863.6 |     -4078.3 |      4078.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      7831 |  -623531.8 |    -79.624 |     836.25 |     -1315.3 |      1306.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      7831 |5.030892e+07 |     6424.3 |     4614.3 |      1261.1 |      11071. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      7831 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4943 |     4943.0 |     0.0000 |      4943.0 |      4943.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       5812 |     5812.0 |     0.0000 |      5812.0 |      5812.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4943 |0.0005594256 | 1.1318e-07 | 2.8796e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4943 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4943 |   3074.875 |    0.62207 |     2.5976 |  5.1915e-06 |      127.68 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4943 |       7819 |     1.5818 |     1.7270 |     -1.0000 |      8.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4943 |   3074.875 |    0.62207 |     2.5976 |      0.0000 |      127.68 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4943 |       7819 |     1.5818 |     1.7270 |     -1.0000 |      8.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      5812 |0.001131993 | 1.9477e-07 | 2.8740e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      5812 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      5812 |   3652.411 |    0.62843 |     2.1821 |  1.2309e-05 |      65.070 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      5812 |       9094 |     1.5647 |     1.7121 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      5812 |    3652.41 |    0.62843 |     2.1821 |      0.0000 |      65.070 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      5812 |       9094 |     1.5647 |     1.7121 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       7879 |     7879.0 |     0.0000 |      7879.0 |      7879.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8185 |     8185.0 |     0.0000 |      8185.0 |      8185.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      7879 |-0.0007097433 |-9.0080e-08 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      7879 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      7879 |   7753.184 |    0.98403 |     3.6319 |  3.0778e-06 |      66.057 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      7879 |      12207 |     1.5493 |     1.7040 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      7879 |   7753.184 |    0.98403 |     3.6319 |      0.0000 |      66.057 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      7879 |      12207 |     1.5493 |     1.7040 |     -1.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8185 |-0.004190776 |-5.1201e-07 | 2.8992e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9968e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8185 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      8185 |   8184.918 |    0.99999 |     3.6628 |  6.7225e-06 |      71.100 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      8185 |      12622 |     1.5421 |     1.6964 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8185 |   8184.922 |    0.99999 |     3.6628 |      0.0000 |      71.100 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8185 |      12622 |     1.5421 |     1.6964 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       9731 |     9731.0 |     0.0000 |      9731.0 |      9731.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      10198 |     10198. |     0.0000 |      10198. |      10198. |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      9731 |0.0009775924 | 1.0046e-07 | 2.8789e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      9731 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      9731 |   113357.4 |     11.649 |     52.938 |  3.5731e-05 |      2002.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      9731 |       1719 |    0.17665 |    0.42229 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      9731 |   113357.4 |     11.649 |     52.938 |      0.0000 |      2002.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      9731 |       1719 |    0.17665 |    0.42229 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     10198 |2.344132e-05 | 2.2986e-09 | 2.8842e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     10198 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     10198 |   119517.3 |     11.720 |     52.870 |  1.6338e-05 |      2120.0 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     10198 |       1657 |    0.16248 |    0.38857 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     10198 |   119517.3 |     11.720 |     52.870 |      0.0000 |      2120.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     10198 |       1657 |    0.16248 |    0.38857 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1462 |     1462.0 |     0.0000 |      1462.0 |      1462.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1392 |     1392.0 |     0.0000 |      1392.0 |      1392.0 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1462 |0.001637739 | 1.1202e-06 | 2.9615e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9814e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1462 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1462 |   14838.26 |     10.149 |     46.621 |  0.00015986 |      1020.6 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1462 |        275 |    0.18810 |    0.49847 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1462 |   14838.26 |     10.149 |     46.621 |  0.00020000 |      1020.6 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1462 |        275 |    0.18810 |    0.49847 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1392 |0.000817025 | 5.8694e-07 | 2.8888e-05 | -4.9919e-05 |  4.9898e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1392 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1392 |   14601.05 |     10.489 |     54.775 |  0.00011572 |      1676.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1392 |        258 |    0.18534 |    0.49290 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1392 |   14601.05 |     10.489 |     54.775 |  0.00010000 |      1676.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1392 |        258 |    0.18534 |    0.49290 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1008 |     1008.0 |     0.0000 |      1008.0 |      1008.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1215 |     1215.0 |     0.0000 |      1215.0 |      1215.0 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1008 |-8.383716e-06 |-8.3172e-09 | 2.8154e-07 | -4.9961e-07 |  4.9828e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1008 |-2.891365e-06 |-2.8684e-09 | 2.9509e-07 | -4.9854e-07 |  4.9814e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1008 |9.469891e-06 | 9.3947e-09 | 2.8579e-07 | -4.9772e-07 |  4.9913e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1008 |1.160377e-05 | 1.1512e-08 | 5.7217e-07 | -9.9674e-07 |  9.9971e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1008 |-0.0005540234 |-5.4963e-07 | 2.8033e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1008 |2.535561e-05 | 2.5154e-08 | 2.9396e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9912e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1008 |0.0003917029 | 3.8859e-07 | 2.9245e-05 | -4.9840e-05 |  4.9930e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1008 | -0.1108319 |-0.00010995 |  0.0028712 |  -0.0049523 |   0.0049954 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1008 |9.027124e-05 | 8.9555e-08 | 2.8883e-06 | -4.9796e-06 |  4.9910e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1008 |   184.8059 |    0.18334 |     4.1393 |     -25.650 |      52.461 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1008 |  -133.8852 |   -0.13282 |     4.4343 |     -69.700 |      36.735 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1008 |   3674.583 |     3.6454 |     2.6024 |     -5.1699 |      5.0550 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1008 |   2.158892 |  0.0021418 |  0.0033938 |  3.1579e-06 |    0.038142 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1008 |  -61363.66 |    -60.877 |     1558.3 |     -4459.9 |      4851.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1008 |   46504.61 |     46.136 |     874.98 |     -3666.6 |      3008.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1008 |1.26351e+07 |     12535. |     1176.7 |      11953. |      17827. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1008 |    2440615 |     2421.2 |     5744.4 |      1.4455 |      48353. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1008 |    44652.8 |     44.298 |     8.1006 |      39.873 |      123.72 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1008 |   184.8059 |    0.18334 |     4.1393 |     -25.650 |      52.461 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1008 |  -133.8852 |   -0.13282 |     4.4343 |     -69.700 |      36.735 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1008 |   3674.583 |     3.6454 |     2.6024 |     -5.1699 |      5.0550 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1008 |    2.15888 |  0.0021417 |  0.0033938 |  4.0000e-06 |    0.038142 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1008 |  -61363.66 |    -60.877 |     1558.3 |     -4459.9 |      4851.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1008 |   46504.61 |     46.136 |     874.98 |     -3666.6 |      3008.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1008 |1.26351e+07 |     12535. |     1176.7 |      11953. |      17827. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1008 |    2440615 |     2421.2 |     5744.4 |      1.4500 |      48353. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1008 |    44652.8 |     44.298 |     8.1006 |      39.873 |      123.72 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1215 |4.179677e-06 | 3.4401e-09 | 2.8302e-07 | -4.9978e-07 |  4.9865e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1215 |-3.339745e-06 |-2.7488e-09 | 2.8922e-07 | -4.9929e-07 |  4.9937e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1215 |1.362556e-06 | 1.1214e-09 | 2.9189e-07 | -4.9869e-07 |  4.9966e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1215 |-6.250529e-06 |-5.1445e-09 | 5.8197e-07 | -9.9895e-07 |  9.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1215 |-0.001418886 |-1.1678e-06 | 2.8821e-05 | -4.9932e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1215 |-0.001699984 |-1.3992e-06 | 2.9220e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1215 |0.0003217012 | 2.6477e-07 | 2.9201e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1215 | -0.1361264 |-0.00011204 |  0.0028746 |  -0.0049914 |   0.0049868 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1215 |6.063486e-05 | 4.9905e-08 | 2.8891e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.9893e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1215 |   523.5241 |    0.43088 |     6.0149 |     -31.247 |      171.04 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1215 |  -470.7499 |   -0.38745 |     7.6621 |     -237.68 |      24.680 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1215 |   4909.917 |     4.0411 |     2.2644 |     -5.0996 |      5.0889 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1215 |   2.670758 |  0.0021982 |  0.0052491 |  3.2236e-08 |     0.13628 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1215 |     283237 |     233.12 |     1504.7 |     -3773.1 |      4867.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1215 |  -95088.97 |    -78.263 |     898.85 |     -3905.5 |      2746.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1215 |1.552017e+07 |     12774. |     1486.3 |      11952. |      19037. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1215 |    3564652 |     2933.9 |     7643.5 |      1.4230 |      94843. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1215 |   53918.77 |     44.378 |     7.2154 |      39.867 |      116.26 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1215 |   523.5241 |    0.43088 |     6.0149 |     -31.247 |      171.04 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1215 |  -470.7499 |   -0.38745 |     7.6621 |     -237.68 |      24.680 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1215 |   4909.917 |     4.0411 |     2.2644 |     -5.0996 |      5.0889 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1215 |   2.670764 |  0.0021982 |  0.0052491 |      0.0000 |     0.13628 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1215 |     283237 |     233.12 |     1504.7 |     -3773.1 |      4867.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1215 |  -95088.97 |    -78.263 |     898.85 |     -3905.5 |      2746.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1215 |1.552017e+07 |     12774. |     1486.3 |      11952. |      19037. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1215 |    3564652 |     2933.9 |     7643.5 |      1.4200 |      94843. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1215 |   53918.77 |     44.378 |     7.2154 |      39.867 |      116.26 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9667,7 +9667,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.308 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.024 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9694,11 +9694,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.252 |     2101.3 |     0.0000 |      2101.3 |      2101.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.968 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9714,40 +9714,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   14.83826 |     14.838 |     0.0000 |      14.838 |      14.838 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        458 |     458.00 |     0.0000 |      458.00 |      458.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1083 |     1083.0 |     0.0000 |      1083.0 |      1083.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1462 |     1462.0 |     0.0000 |      1462.0 |      1462.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   14.60105 |     14.601 |     0.0000 |      14.601 |      14.601 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        473 |     473.00 |     0.0000 |      473.00 |      473.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1034 |     1034.0 |     0.0000 |      1034.0 |      1034.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1392 |     1392.0 |     0.0000 |      1392.0 |      1392.0 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   113.3574 |     113.36 |     0.0000 |      113.36 |      113.36 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       2971 |     2971.0 |     0.0000 |      2971.0 |      2971.0 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       8203 |     8203.0 |     0.0000 |      8203.0 |      8203.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       9731 |     9731.0 |     0.0000 |      9731.0 |      9731.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   119.5173 |     119.52 |     0.0000 |      119.52 |      119.52 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       3144 |     3144.0 |     0.0000 |      3144.0 |      3144.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       8707 |     8707.0 |     0.0000 |      8707.0 |      8707.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |      10198 |     10198. |     0.0000 |      10198. |      10198. |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   7.753184 |     7.7532 |     0.0000 |      7.7532 |      7.7532 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        898 |     898.00 |     0.0000 |      898.00 |      898.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1331 |     1331.0 |     0.0000 |      1331.0 |      1331.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       7879 |     7879.0 |     0.0000 |      7879.0 |      7879.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   8.184918 |     8.1849 |     0.0000 |      8.1849 |      8.1849 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        932 |     932.00 |     0.0000 |      932.00 |      932.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1384 |     1384.0 |     0.0000 |      1384.0 |      1384.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       8185 |     8185.0 |     0.0000 |      8185.0 |      8185.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.074875 |     3.0749 |     0.0000 |      3.0749 |      3.0749 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        606 |     606.00 |     0.0000 |      606.00 |      606.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        837 |     837.00 |     0.0000 |      837.00 |      837.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       4943 |     4943.0 |     0.0000 |      4943.0 |      4943.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.652411 |     3.6524 |     0.0000 |      3.6524 |      3.6524 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        722 |     722.00 |     0.0000 |      722.00 |      722.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        985 |     985.00 |     0.0000 |      985.00 |      985.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       5812 |     5812.0 |     0.0000 |      5812.0 |      5812.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -9793,144 +9793,144 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 189380.000 | 196603.531 | 196603.531  196603.5     0.00 |       1 |   196.604 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 189370.000 | 196595.875 | 196595.859  196595.9     0.00 |       1 |   196.596 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1350.000 |  1549.731 | 1549.731    1549.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.550 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1350.000 |  1549.718 | 1549.718    1549.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.550 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.187 |    1.187       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1350.000 |  1547.053 | 1547.053    1547.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.547 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.164 |    1.164       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.130 |    1.130       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 188020.000 | 195046.078 | 195046.078  195046.1     0.00 |       1 |   195.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 188020.000 | 195046.047 | 195046.047  195046.0     0.00 |       1 |   195.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.025 |    1.025       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 188020.000 | 195044.984 | 195045.000  195045.0     0.00 |       1 |   195.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 187690.000 | 194717.062 | 194717.047  194717.0     0.00 |       1 |   194.717 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 29880.000 | 31265.383 | 31265.383   31265.4     0.00 |       1 |    31.265 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 157620.000 | 163255.969 | 163255.969  163256.0     0.00 |       1 |   163.256 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    21.997 |   21.997      22.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   150.000 |   148.651 |  148.651     148.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.149 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     4.112 |    4.112       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     4.921 |    4.921       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     3.978 |    3.978       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     9.294 |    9.294       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   110.000 |   108.723 |  108.723     108.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    60.000 |    62.893 |   62.893      62.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    14.237 |   14.237      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    16.045 |   16.045      16.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.869 |    3.869       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.669       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    10.710 |   10.710      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.850 |    1.850       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.234 |    2.234       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     3.859 |    3.859       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     7.778 |    7.778       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    24.771 |   24.771      24.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |    10.000 |     3.276 |    3.276       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     2.493 |    2.493       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.309 |    1.309       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     1.032 |    1.032       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.025 |    1.025       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    10.000 |    11.297 |   11.297      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.770 |    1.770       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   330.000 |   327.920 |  327.920     327.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.328 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     2.338 |    2.338       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.889 |    1.889       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    31.367 |   31.367      31.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    10.448 |   10.448      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.308 |    2.308       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.730 |    3.730       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.095 |    3.095       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.298 |    3.298       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.143 |    4.143       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.980       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     2.361 |    2.361       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   290.000 |   291.905 |  291.905     291.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.292 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     4.228 |    4.228       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     3.929 |    3.929       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     2.124 |    2.124       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     2.247 |    2.247       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     1.702 |    1.702       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    30.000 |    17.284 |   17.284      17.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     6.186 |    6.186       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     4.680 |    4.680       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    20.000 |    17.876 |   17.876      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     2.035 |    2.035       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     3.340 |    3.340       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     1.717 |    1.717       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.749       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    24.292 |   24.292      24.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   150.000 |   152.905 |  152.905     152.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.153 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     3.435 |    3.435       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     1.306 |    1.306       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     5.893 |    5.893       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     1.375 |    1.375       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     9.674 |    9.674       9.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.952 |    1.952       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |    10.608 |   10.608      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.583 |    1.583       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     6.645 |    6.645       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 142780.000 | 151629.750 | 151629.734  151629.7     0.00 |       1 |   151.630 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 142780.000 | 151624.109 | 151624.109  151624.1     0.00 |       1 |   151.624 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1510.000 |  1518.366 | 1518.366    1518.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.518 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1510.000 |  1518.354 | 1518.354    1518.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.518 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1510.000 |  1516.109 | 1516.109    1516.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.516 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.050 |    1.050       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.023 |    1.023       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 141270.000 | 150105.703 | 150105.703  150105.7     0.00 |       1 |   150.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 141270.000 | 150105.688 | 150105.672  150105.7     0.00 |       1 |   150.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 141270.000 | 150104.859 | 150104.875  150104.9     0.00 |       1 |   150.105 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 140920.000 | 149756.938 | 149756.938  149756.9     0.00 |       1 |   149.757 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30820.000 | 31427.600 | 31427.600   31427.6     0.00 |       1 |    31.428 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 109930.000 | 118133.156 | 118133.156  118133.2     0.00 |       1 |   118.133 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    37.420 |   37.420      37.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   130.000 |   135.187 |  135.187     135.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.135 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     3.546 |    3.546       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     2.929 |    2.929       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     1.664 |    1.664       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     6.335 |    6.335       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   100.000 |   105.965 |  105.965     106.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    60.000 |    56.115 |   56.115      56.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    16.552 |   16.552      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    17.221 |   17.221      17.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.370 |    3.370       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    12.029 |   12.029      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     1.821 |    1.821       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.071 |    2.071       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     3.816 |    3.816       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     5.704 |    5.704       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    23.471 |   23.471      23.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     2.700 |    2.700       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     2.174 |    2.174       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.160 |    1.160       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.651 |    0.651       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.808       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    20.000 |    12.651 |   12.651      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.238 |    1.238       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   350.000 |   347.920 |  347.920     347.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.348 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.895 |    1.895       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.007 |    2.007       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    36.425 |   36.425      36.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    17.248 |   17.248      17.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.486 |    1.486       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.798       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.841 |    2.841       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     2.781 |    2.781       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.571 |    3.571       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.569 |    4.569       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.202 |    2.202       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   310.000 |   307.267 |  307.267     307.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.307 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     3.993 |    3.993       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     3.789 |    3.789       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     2.075 |    2.075       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     2.135 |    2.135       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     1.404 |    1.404       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    20.000 |    17.020 |   17.020      17.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     7.102 |    7.102       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |    10.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     6.232 |    6.232       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.717 |    0.717       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    20.000 |    18.952 |   18.952      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.888 |    1.888       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     4.335 |    4.335       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     1.590 |    1.590       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |    10.000 |     0.692 |    0.692       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    26.183 |   26.183      26.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   160.000 |   161.948 |  161.948     161.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.162 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     4.020 |    4.020       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     1.275 |    1.275       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     6.511 |    6.511       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |    10.000 |     1.367 |    1.367       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     9.041 |    9.041       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.752 |    1.752       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    20.000 |    11.026 |   11.026      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.518 |    1.518       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.302       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     7.925 |    7.925       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 7302     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 7831     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.J7N7H4
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  157  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  234  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  110  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  186  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |       9731 |     9731.0 |     0.0000 |      9731.0 |      9731.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |       1462 |     1462.0 |     0.0000 |      1462.0 |      1462.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        729 |     729.00 |     0.0000 |      729.00 |      729.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       6242 |     6242.0 |     0.0000 |      6242.0 |      6242.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        462 |     462.00 |     0.0000 |      462.00 |      462.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        391 |     391.00 |     0.0000 |      391.00 |      391.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       6738 |     6738.0 |     0.0000 |      6738.0 |      6738.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |       1008 |     1008.0 |     0.0000 |      1008.0 |      1008.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       2773 |     2773.0 |     0.0000 |      2773.0 |      2773.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       7879 |     7879.0 |     0.0000 |      7879.0 |      7879.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       7299 |     7299.0 |     0.0000 |      7299.0 |      7299.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       2978 |     2978.0 |     0.0000 |      2978.0 |      2978.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       4321 |     4321.0 |     0.0000 |      4321.0 |      4321.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       4943 |     4943.0 |     0.0000 |      4943.0 |      4943.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       2659 |     2659.0 |     0.0000 |      2659.0 |      2659.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |      10198 |     10198. |     0.0000 |      10198. |      10198. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |       1392 |     1392.0 |     0.0000 |      1392.0 |      1392.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        969 |     969.00 |     0.0000 |      969.00 |      969.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       6100 |     6100.0 |     0.0000 |      6100.0 |      6100.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       7831 |     7831.0 |     0.0000 |      7831.0 |      7831.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        489 |     489.00 |     0.0000 |      489.00 |      489.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        408 |     408.00 |     0.0000 |      408.00 |      408.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       6714 |     6714.0 |     0.0000 |      6714.0 |      6714.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |       1215 |     1215.0 |     0.0000 |      1215.0 |      1215.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |       2963 |     2963.0 |     0.0000 |      2963.0 |      2963.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       8185 |     8185.0 |     0.0000 |      8185.0 |      8185.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       7833 |     7833.0 |     0.0000 |      7833.0 |      7833.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       3661 |     3661.0 |     0.0000 |      3661.0 |      3661.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       4172 |     4172.0 |     0.0000 |      4172.0 |      4172.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       5812 |     5812.0 |     0.0000 |      5812.0 |      5812.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |       1119 |     1119.0 |     0.0000 |      1119.0 |      1119.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       2660 |     2660.0 |     0.0000 |      2660.0 |      2660.0 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
index 8f17c8c9d..65867b1d4 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 02:22:48 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:27:20 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -5088,7 +5088,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 02:23:55    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:28:38    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5303,19 +5303,25 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.327
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  *-------  PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only)  ------------------*
  |                                                                                                                 |
  | Name                                          |                      Now |      Default         Min         Max |
  |                                               |                          |                                      |
+ | BeamRemnants:remnantMode                      |                        1 |            0           0           1 |
  | Beams:allowMomentumSpread                     |                       on |          off                         |
  | Beams:frameType                               |                        3 |            1           1           5 |
  | Beams:pxA                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pxB                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pzA                                     |                 6500.000 |     7000.000                         |
  | Beams:pzB                                     |                -6500.000 |    -7000.000                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:allowDoubleJunRem          |                      off |           on                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:junctionCorrection         |                  0.83990 |      1.20000   0.0100000    10.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:m0                         |                  0.90210 |      0.30000     0.10000     5.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:mode                       |                        1 |            0           0           4 |
+ | ColourReconnection:timeDilationPar            |                  1.96670 |      0.18000         0.0   100.00000 |
  | Init:showChangedParticleData                  |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showChangedSettings                      |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showMultipartonInteractions              |                      off |           on                         |
@@ -5325,7 +5331,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | LhcbHooks:pT0Ref                              |                  1.43000 |      2.28000                         |
  | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile              |                        1 |            3           0           4 |
  | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow                |                  0.23800 |      0.21500         0.0     0.50000 |
- | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.74229 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
+ | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.41880 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
  | Next:numberCount                              |                        0 |         1000           0             |
  | Next:numberShowEvent                          |                        0 |            1           0             |
  | Next:numberShowInfo                           |                        0 |            1           0             |
@@ -5352,16 +5358,16 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J0                       |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J1                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J2                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
- | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.74744 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.38190 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S0J1                      |                0.0989000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J0                      |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J1                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J2                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDvector                      |                  0.60000 |      0.50000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0                       |                0.0500000 |    0.0275000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.16157 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.40000 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35016 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.10860 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.64510 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35900 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings  -----------------------------*
 Generation                DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias
@@ -5580,7 +5586,7 @@ GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.146
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.274
 GenerationPrevPrev.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5596,7 +5602,7 @@ GenerationPrev.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.175
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.257
 GenerationPrev.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5612,7 +5618,7 @@ GenerationNext.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.259
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.281
 GenerationNext.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5628,7 +5634,7 @@ GenerationNextNext.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.288
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.323
 GenerationNextNext.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -7264,7 +7270,7 @@ GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 371 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 841 particles
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 422620573, 0]
 GaussGenPrev               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1048387414, 0]
 GaussGenNext               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1039602768, 0]
@@ -7632,32 +7638,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   83 #SubHits=   94 #Slots=  554 Energy=   0.267[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  160 #SubHits=  195 #Slots= 1143 Energy=   0.986[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  811 #SubHits= 1180 #Slots= 1352 Energy=    16.8[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  143 #SubHits=  166 #Slots=  210 Energy=    2.09[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  165 #SubHits=  213 #Slots= 1269 Energy=   0.595[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  271 #SubHits=  385 #Slots= 2294 Energy=    2.34[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1366 #SubHits= 2363 #Slots= 2649 Energy=    46.7[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  187 #SubHits=  289 #Slots=  404 Energy=     4.5[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x248c3520 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x267e2bb0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 715
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1320
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 23
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 476
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 132
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 84
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 180
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 202
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 482
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 34
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 632
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 276
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 225
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 211
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 269
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 442
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 2
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 83
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 160
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 811
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 143
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 191
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 121
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 372
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 165
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 271
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 1366
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 187
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 314
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 296
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 634
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -7694,14 +7700,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 805 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 1564 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 874 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 1707 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	805
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	874
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1564
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1707
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1086029981, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
@@ -7710,31 +7716,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.2666088 |    0.26661 |     0.0000 |     0.26661 |     0.26661 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         83 |     83.000 |     0.0000 |      83.000 |      83.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         94 |     94.000 |     0.0000 |      94.000 |      94.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        554 |     554.00 |     0.0000 |      554.00 |      554.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.5954798 |    0.59548 |     0.0000 |     0.59548 |     0.59548 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        165 |     165.00 |     0.0000 |      165.00 |      165.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        213 |     213.00 |     0.0000 |      213.00 |      213.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1269 |     1269.0 |     0.0000 |      1269.0 |      1269.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.9859383 |    0.98594 |     0.0000 |     0.98594 |     0.98594 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        160 |     160.00 |     0.0000 |      160.00 |      160.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        195 |     195.00 |     0.0000 |      195.00 |      195.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1143 |     1143.0 |     0.0000 |      1143.0 |      1143.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   2.338791 |     2.3388 |     0.0000 |      2.3388 |      2.3388 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        271 |     271.00 |     0.0000 |      271.00 |      271.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        385 |     385.00 |     0.0000 |      385.00 |      385.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       2294 |     2294.0 |     0.0000 |      2294.0 |      2294.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   16.81382 |     16.814 |     0.0000 |      16.814 |      16.814 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        811 |     811.00 |     0.0000 |      811.00 |      811.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1180 |     1180.0 |     0.0000 |      1180.0 |      1180.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1352 |     1352.0 |     0.0000 |      1352.0 |      1352.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   46.71174 |     46.712 |     0.0000 |      46.712 |      46.712 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       1366 |     1366.0 |     0.0000 |      1366.0 |      1366.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       2363 |     2363.0 |     0.0000 |      2363.0 |      2363.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       2649 |     2649.0 |     0.0000 |      2649.0 |      2649.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   2.094864 |     2.0949 |     0.0000 |      2.0949 |      2.0949 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        143 |     143.00 |     0.0000 |      143.00 |      143.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        166 |     166.00 |     0.0000 |      166.00 |      166.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        210 |     210.00 |     0.0000 |      210.00 |      210.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   4.501733 |     4.5017 |     0.0000 |      4.5017 |      4.5017 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        187 |     187.00 |     0.0000 |      187.00 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        289 |     289.00 |     0.0000 |      289.00 |      289.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        404 |     404.00 |     0.0000 |      404.00 |      404.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7746,31 +7752,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.2666088 |    0.13330 |    0.13330 |      0.0000 |     0.26661 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |         83 |     41.500 |     41.500 |      0.0000 |      83.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |         94 |     47.000 |     47.000 |      0.0000 |      94.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        554 |     277.00 |     277.00 |      0.0000 |      554.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.5954798 |    0.29774 |    0.29774 |      0.0000 |     0.59548 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        165 |     82.500 |     82.500 |      0.0000 |      165.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        213 |     106.50 |     106.50 |      0.0000 |      213.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1269 |     634.50 |     634.50 |      0.0000 |      1269.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.9859383 |    0.49297 |    0.49297 |      0.0000 |     0.98594 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        160 |     80.000 |     80.000 |      0.0000 |      160.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        195 |     97.500 |     97.500 |      0.0000 |      195.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1143 |     571.50 |     571.50 |      0.0000 |      1143.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   2.338791 |     1.1694 |     1.1694 |      0.0000 |      2.3388 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        271 |     135.50 |     135.50 |      0.0000 |      271.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        385 |     192.50 |     192.50 |      0.0000 |      385.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       2294 |     1147.0 |     1147.0 |      0.0000 |      2294.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   16.81382 |     8.4069 |     8.4069 |      0.0000 |      16.814 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        811 |     405.50 |     405.50 |      0.0000 |      811.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       1180 |     590.00 |     590.00 |      0.0000 |      1180.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1352 |     676.00 |     676.00 |      0.0000 |      1352.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   46.71174 |     23.356 |     23.356 |      0.0000 |      46.712 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |       1366 |     683.00 |     683.00 |      0.0000 |      1366.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       2363 |     1181.5 |     1181.5 |      0.0000 |      2363.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       2649 |     1324.5 |     1324.5 |      0.0000 |      2649.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   2.094864 |     1.0474 |     1.0474 |      0.0000 |      2.0949 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        143 |     71.500 |     71.500 |      0.0000 |      143.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        166 |     83.000 |     83.000 |      0.0000 |      166.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        210 |     105.00 |     105.00 |      0.0000 |      210.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   4.501733 |     2.2509 |     2.2509 |      0.0000 |      4.5017 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        187 |     93.500 |     93.500 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        289 |     144.50 |     144.50 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        404 |     202.00 |     202.00 |      0.0000 |      404.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7782,34 +7788,34 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.2666088 |   0.088870 |    0.12568 |      0.0000 |     0.26661 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |         83 |     27.667 |     39.127 |      0.0000 |      83.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |         94 |     31.333 |     44.312 |      0.0000 |      94.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        554 |     184.67 |     261.16 |      0.0000 |      554.00 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   97 #SubHits=  109 #Slots=  644 Energy=   0.344[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.5954798 |    0.19849 |    0.28071 |      0.0000 |     0.59548 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        165 |     55.000 |     77.782 |      0.0000 |      165.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        213 |     71.000 |     100.41 |      0.0000 |      213.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1269 |     423.00 |     598.21 |      0.0000 |      1269.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  143 #SubHits=  172 #Slots= 1016 Energy=   0.736[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.9859383 |    0.32865 |    0.46478 |      0.0000 |     0.98594 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        160 |     53.333 |     75.425 |      0.0000 |      160.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        195 |     65.000 |     91.924 |      0.0000 |      195.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1143 |     381.00 |     538.82 |      0.0000 |      1143.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  147 #SubHits=  162 #Slots=  966 Energy=    1.07[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   2.338791 |    0.77960 |     1.1025 |      0.0000 |      2.3388 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        271 |     90.333 |     127.75 |      0.0000 |      271.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        385 |     128.33 |     181.49 |      0.0000 |      385.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       2294 |     764.67 |     1081.4 |      0.0000 |      2294.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  197 #SubHits=  232 #Slots= 1376 Energy=    1.19[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   16.81382 |     5.6046 |     7.9261 |      0.0000 |      16.814 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        811 |     270.33 |     382.31 |      0.0000 |      811.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       1180 |     393.33 |     556.26 |      0.0000 |      1180.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1352 |     450.67 |     637.34 |      0.0000 |      1352.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  861 #SubHits= 1008 #Slots= 1168 Energy=      17[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   46.71174 |     15.571 |     22.020 |      0.0000 |      46.712 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |       1366 |     455.33 |     643.94 |      0.0000 |      1366.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       2363 |     787.67 |     1113.9 |      0.0000 |      2363.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       2649 |     883.00 |     1248.8 |      0.0000 |      2649.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1070 #SubHits= 1468 #Slots= 1675 Energy=    17.3[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   2.094864 |    0.69829 |    0.98753 |      0.0000 |      2.0949 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        143 |     47.667 |     67.411 |      0.0000 |      143.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        166 |     55.333 |     78.253 |      0.0000 |      166.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        210 |     70.000 |     98.995 |      0.0000 |      210.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  147 #SubHits=  176 #Slots=  236 Energy=    2.08[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	872
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	926
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   4.501733 |     1.5006 |     2.1221 |      0.0000 |      4.5017 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        187 |     62.333 |     88.153 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        289 |     96.333 |     136.24 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        404 |     134.67 |     190.45 |      0.0000 |      404.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  123 #SubHits=  139 #Slots=  174 Energy=     1.2[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1103
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1112
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1769989743, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
@@ -7818,34 +7824,34 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |  0.6104928 |    0.15262 |    0.15505 |      0.0000 |     0.34388 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        180 |     45.000 |     45.271 |      0.0000 |      97.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        203 |     50.750 |     51.026 |      0.0000 |      109.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       1198 |     299.50 |     301.19 |      0.0000 |      644.00 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   93 #SubHits=  112 #Slots=  665 Energy=   0.293[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |    1.33189 |    0.33297 |    0.33668 |      0.0000 |     0.73641 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        308 |     77.000 |     77.392 |      0.0000 |      165.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        385 |     96.250 |     97.335 |      0.0000 |      213.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2285 |     571.25 |     578.21 |      0.0000 |      1269.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   71 #SubHits=   99 #Slots=  589 Energy=   0.294[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   2.055965 |    0.51399 |    0.51485 |      0.0000 |      1.0700 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        307 |     76.750 |     76.887 |      0.0000 |      160.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        357 |     89.250 |     90.009 |      0.0000 |      195.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2109 |     527.25 |     530.95 |      0.0000 |      1143.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  122 #SubHits=  137 #Slots=  810 Energy=   0.682[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   3.532136 |    0.88303 |    0.97147 |      0.0000 |      2.3388 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        468 |     117.00 |     119.89 |      0.0000 |      271.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        617 |     154.25 |     163.46 |      0.0000 |      385.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       3670 |     917.50 |     973.21 |      0.0000 |      2294.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   97 #SubHits=  145 #Slots=  865 Energy=       1[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |    33.7922 |     8.4481 |     8.4483 |      0.0000 |      16.978 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       1672 |     418.00 |     418.37 |      0.0000 |      861.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       2188 |     547.00 |     550.37 |      0.0000 |      1180.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2520 |     630.00 |     633.35 |      0.0000 |      1352.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  609 #SubHits=  893 #Slots= 1042 Energy=    12.1[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   64.03525 |     16.009 |     19.085 |      0.0000 |      46.712 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       2436 |     609.00 |     617.93 |      0.0000 |      1366.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       3831 |     957.75 |     1008.7 |      0.0000 |      2363.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       4324 |     1081.0 |     1134.5 |      0.0000 |      2649.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  541 #SubHits=  865 #Slots=  960 Energy=      13[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |    4.17732 |     1.0443 |     1.0443 |      0.0000 |      2.0949 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        290 |     72.500 |     72.514 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        342 |     85.500 |     85.573 |      0.0000 |      176.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        446 |     111.50 |     111.88 |      0.0000 |      236.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   63 #SubHits=   80 #Slots=   97 Energy=   0.708[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	736
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	815
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   5.698124 |     1.4245 |     1.8425 |      0.0000 |      4.5017 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        310 |     77.500 |     80.736 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        428 |     107.00 |     119.42 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        578 |     144.50 |     165.81 |      0.0000 |      404.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  101 #SubHits=  124 #Slots=  157 Energy=    1.47[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	383
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	427
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -7862,7 +7868,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Finalize
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 1 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 1 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 2 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 56.4185 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 56.4185 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 0 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 0 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
@@ -7888,21 +7894,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 371
+= Number of particles generated: 841
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 371
+= Mean multiplicity: 841
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 231
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 493
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 231
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 493
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 72
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 132
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 72
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 132
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 16
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 24
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 16
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 24
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -7984,21 +7990,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNext          INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 411
+= Number of particles generated: 527
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 411
+= Mean multiplicity: 527
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 251
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 306
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 251
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 306
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 76
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 98
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 76
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 98
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 17
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 26
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 17
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 26
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNext       SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8013,21 +8019,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext      INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 285
+= Number of particles generated: 190
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 285
+= Mean multiplicity: 190
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 184
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 164
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 184
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 164
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 42
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 62
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 42
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 62
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 3
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 11
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 3
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 11
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext   SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8105,26 +8111,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  264.00 +-16.25 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  684.00 +-26.15 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  436.00 +-20.88 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  711.00 +-26.66 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  246.00 +-15.68 ( 93.18 +-1.55%) Rich2 =  442.00 +-21.02 ( 64.62 +-1.83%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  4.55 +-1.28%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  0.44 +-0.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  124.00 +-11.14 ( 18.13 +-1.47%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  419.00 +-20.47 ( 96.10 +-0.93%) Rich2 =  468.00 +-21.63 ( 65.82 +-1.78%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   95.00 +- 9.75 ( 13.89 +-1.32%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  2.27 +-0.92%) Rich2 =   35.00 +- 5.92 (  5.12 +-0.84%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  1.52 +-0.75%) Rich2 =   22.00 +- 4.69 (  3.22 +-0.67%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  213.00 +-14.59 ( 29.96 +-1.72%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   17.00 +- 4.12 (  3.90 +-0.93%) Rich2 =   34.00 +- 5.83 (  4.78 +-0.80%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  2.75 +-0.78%) Rich2 =   28.00 +- 5.29 (  3.94 +-0.73%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  1.14 +-0.65%) Rich2 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  2.78 +-0.63%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  1.83 +-0.64%) Rich2 =   14.00 +- 3.74 (  1.97 +-0.52%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  246.00 +-15.68 ( 93.18 +-1.55%) Rich2Gas =  442.00 +-21.02 ( 64.62 +-1.83%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  419.00 +-20.47 ( 96.10 +-0.93%) Rich2Gas =  468.00 +-21.63 ( 65.82 +-1.78%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -8144,14 +8150,10 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   252.00 +- 15.87 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   557.00 +- 23.60 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   124.00 +- 11.14 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    40.00 +-  6.32 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   436.00 +- 20.88 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   711.00 +- 26.66 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    20.00 +-  4.47 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -8197,46 +8199,46 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        476 |     476.00 |     0.0000 |      476.00 |      476.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        632 |     632.00 |     0.0000 |      632.00 |      632.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         23 |     23.000 |     0.0000 |      23.000 |      23.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        132 |     132.00 |     0.0000 |      132.00 |      132.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        276 |     276.00 |     0.0000 |      276.00 |      276.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        296 |     296.00 |     0.0000 |      296.00 |      296.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        372 |     372.00 |     0.0000 |      372.00 |      372.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        634 |     634.00 |     0.0000 |      634.00 |      634.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        191 |     191.00 |     0.0000 |      191.00 |      191.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        314 |     314.00 |     0.0000 |      314.00 |      314.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1143 |     1143.0 |     0.0000 |      1143.0 |      1143.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2294 |     2294.0 |     0.0000 |      2294.0 |      2294.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        554 |     554.00 |     0.0000 |      554.00 |      554.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1269 |     1269.0 |     0.0000 |      1269.0 |      1269.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1352 |     1352.0 |     0.0000 |      1352.0 |      1352.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2649 |     2649.0 |     0.0000 |      2649.0 |      2649.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        210 |     210.00 |     0.0000 |      210.00 |      210.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        404 |     404.00 |     0.0000 |      404.00 |      404.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        948 |     948.00 |     0.0000 |      948.00 |      948.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1147 |     1147.0 |     0.0000 |      1147.0 |      1147.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        948 |     948.00 |     0.0000 |      948.00 |      948.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1147 |     1147.0 |     0.0000 |      1147.0 |      1147.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         47 |     47.000 |     0.0000 |      47.000 |      47.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8246,42 +8248,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       476+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 23+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       632+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 34+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 132
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 87.7752
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.161437
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0570144
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 276
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 407.395
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.154565
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0573096
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        10 |         10 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       132 |   11586.32 |     87.775 |     95.244 |     0.78221 |      479.39 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        132 |     132.00 |     0.0000 |      132.00 |      132.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        35 |         35 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       276 |     112441 |     407.39 |     1525.0 |     0.29909 |      12912. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        276 |     276.00 |     0.0000 |      276.00 |      276.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 121
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4090.95
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.111555
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0510053
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 296
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4099.23
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.125676
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.047784
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         5 |          5 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       121 |   495005.3 |     4091.0 |     11586. |      4.8314 |      70903. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        22 |         22 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       296 |    1213372 |     4099.2 |     16003. |    0.011818 |      81391. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        296 |     296.00 |     0.0000 |      296.00 |      296.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 372
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 575.711
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.190807
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.058061
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 634
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2340.54
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.194654
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0728101
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        43 |         43 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       372 |   214164.3 |     575.71 |     1694.4 |      2.8444 |      7891.6 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        372 |     372.00 |     0.0000 |      372.00 |      372.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        33 |         33 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       634 |    1483905 |     2340.5 |     6775.4 |   0.0039661 |      40849. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        634 |     634.00 |     0.0000 |      634.00 |      634.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -8290,374 +8292,374 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 73.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 43.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 28.000  15.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 16.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 53.000  3.000  6.000  0.000  1.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 109.000  34.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 49.000  1.000  3.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 54.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 160.000  19.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 265.000  38.000  10.000  0.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         23 |     23.000 |     0.0000 |      23.000 |      23.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        23 |1.100147e-06 | 4.7832e-08 | 2.5733e-07 | -4.8634e-07 |  4.7336e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        23 |1.079853e-06 | 4.6950e-08 | 2.9326e-07 | -4.8261e-07 |  4.7018e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        23 |1.398498e-06 | 6.0804e-08 | 2.5653e-07 | -4.2064e-07 |  4.6393e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        23 |-2.737549e-06 |-1.1902e-07 | 5.1225e-07 | -8.7479e-07 |  9.5373e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        23 |-3.061174e-05 |-1.3309e-06 | 3.1586e-05 | -4.9663e-05 |  4.9104e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        23 |1.342312e-05 | 5.8361e-07 | 2.6204e-05 | -4.5150e-05 |  4.8961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        23 |7.550868e-05 | 3.2830e-06 | 2.6282e-05 | -4.3575e-05 |  4.3084e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        23 |-0.001201665 |-5.2246e-05 |  0.0021793 |  -0.0044724 |   0.0031156 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        23 |-3.203483e-06 |-1.3928e-07 | 3.0898e-06 | -4.9470e-06 |  4.7775e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        23 |  0.0910781 |  0.0039599 |   0.016606 |   -0.021689 |    0.029159 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        23 |  0.1715141 |  0.0074571 |   0.024579 |   -0.039430 |    0.045850 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        23 |  -6.899955 |   -0.30000 | 0.00010967 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        23 |   2.292331 |   0.099667 |   0.026533 |    0.069950 |     0.16996 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        23 |   98.72627 |     4.2924 |     13.870 |     -19.997 |      22.353 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        23 |   148.3512 |     6.4501 |     19.766 |     -35.780 |      42.073 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        23 |  -6126.172 |    -266.36 |     41.322 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        23 |   220713.4 |     9596.2 |     6314.5 |      71.267 |      21174. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        23 |   19.60913 |    0.85257 |    0.13724 |     0.69158 |      1.0180 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        23 |   0.091077 |  0.0039599 |   0.016606 |   -0.021689 |    0.029159 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        23 |   0.171513 |  0.0074571 |   0.024579 |   -0.039430 |    0.045850 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        23 |  -6.899956 |   -0.30000 | 0.00010967 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        23 |   2.292334 |   0.099667 |   0.026533 |    0.069950 |     0.16996 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        23 |    98.7263 |     4.2924 |     13.870 |     -19.997 |      22.353 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        23 |   148.3512 |     6.4501 |     19.766 |     -35.780 |      42.074 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        23 |  -6126.172 |    -266.36 |     41.322 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        23 |   220713.4 |     9596.2 |     6314.5 |      71.270 |      21174. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        23 |   19.60913 |    0.85257 |    0.13724 |     0.69158 |      1.0180 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        34 |-2.056393e-06 |-6.0482e-08 | 2.3798e-07 | -4.9375e-07 |  3.7693e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        34 |-9.9645e-07 |-2.9307e-08 | 2.6416e-07 | -4.7112e-07 |  4.9976e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        34 |-1.136449e-06 |-3.3425e-08 | 2.8498e-07 | -4.6952e-07 |  4.7761e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        34 |4.347009e-06 | 1.2785e-07 | 5.6175e-07 | -8.7827e-07 |  9.9947e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        34 |6.652705e-05 | 1.9567e-06 | 2.7235e-05 | -4.6657e-05 |  4.7099e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        34 |-0.0003608967 |-1.0615e-05 | 2.7384e-05 | -4.9845e-05 |  4.7187e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        34 |-0.0001938127 |-5.7004e-06 | 2.8605e-05 | -4.9249e-05 |  4.6462e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        34 |-0.01680386 |-0.00049423 |  0.0028926 |  -0.0049893 |   0.0049668 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        34 |-2.500974e-05 |-7.3558e-07 | 2.7522e-06 | -4.9840e-06 |  4.6540e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        34 | -0.1370151 | -0.0040299 |   0.043807 |    -0.21227 |    0.098933 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        34 |   0.112071 |  0.0032962 |   0.026516 |   -0.092689 |    0.071530 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        34 |  -10.19956 |   -0.29999 | 0.00017983 |    -0.30052 |    -0.29963 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        34 |   3.919654 |    0.11528 |   0.064569 |    0.074763 |     0.39701 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        34 |   81.28827 |     2.3908 |     16.045 |     -27.983 |      36.218 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        34 |   86.55424 |     2.5457 |     15.298 |     -37.152 |      27.421 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        34 |    -9045.7 |    -266.05 |     41.200 |     -315.86 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        34 |   377600.1 |     11106. |     14901. |      886.74 |      54233. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        34 |   30.63808 |    0.90112 |    0.14640 |     0.69337 |      1.1552 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        34 |  -0.137013 | -0.0040298 |   0.043807 |    -0.21227 |    0.098933 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        34 |   0.112072 |  0.0032962 |   0.026516 |   -0.092689 |    0.071530 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        34 |  -10.19955 |   -0.29999 | 0.00017980 |    -0.30052 |    -0.29963 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        34 |    3.91965 |    0.11528 |   0.064569 |    0.074764 |     0.39701 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        34 |    81.2882 |     2.3908 |     16.045 |     -27.983 |      36.218 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        34 |    86.5546 |     2.5457 |     15.298 |     -37.152 |      27.421 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        34 |    -9045.7 |    -266.05 |     41.200 |     -315.86 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        34 |   377600.1 |     11106. |     14901. |      886.74 |      54233. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        34 |   30.63811 |    0.90112 |    0.14640 |     0.69337 |      1.1552 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        476 |     476.00 |     0.0000 |      476.00 |      476.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        632 |     632.00 |     0.0000 |      632.00 |      632.00 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       476 |9.792998e-06 | 2.0574e-08 | 2.9660e-07 | -4.9128e-07 |  4.9942e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       476 |9.283849e-06 | 1.9504e-08 | 2.8718e-07 | -4.9982e-07 |  4.9840e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       476 |-8.22172e-07 |-1.7273e-09 | 2.8766e-07 | -4.9546e-07 |  4.8950e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       476 |7.864974e-06 | 1.6523e-08 | 5.6931e-07 | -9.9295e-07 |  9.9893e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       476 |0.0006451064 | 1.3553e-06 | 2.9730e-05 | -4.9905e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       476 |-0.0007884751 |-1.6565e-06 | 2.9581e-05 | -4.9814e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       476 |0.0001210925 | 2.5440e-07 | 2.8252e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9887e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       476 | 0.07112836 | 0.00014943 |  0.0028463 |  -0.0049607 |   0.0049834 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       476 |-0.0001163916 |-2.4452e-07 | 2.8396e-06 | -4.9851e-06 |  4.9520e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       476 |  -6.303869 |  -0.013243 |    0.19896 |     -3.6704 |     0.34191 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       476 | -0.3945447 |-0.00082888 |    0.15035 |    -0.52187 |      2.5055 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       476 |   62.49588 |    0.13129 |    0.26522 |    -0.30055 |     0.30061 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       476 |   75.42212 |    0.15845 |    0.31419 |    0.022003 |      3.8737 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       476 | -0.1903549 |-0.00039991 |     16.187 |     -37.365 |      44.091 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       476 |  -1808.022 |    -3.7984 |     14.561 |     -40.590 |      39.890 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       476 |   112116.6 |     235.54 |     300.12 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       476 |    5340477 |     11219. |     15609. |      6.8312 |      66899. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       476 |   486.3723 |     1.0218 |    0.85121 |    0.035887 |      3.4575 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       476 |  -6.303879 |  -0.013243 |    0.19896 |     -3.6704 |     0.34191 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       476 |  -0.394554 |-0.00082889 |    0.15035 |    -0.52187 |      2.5055 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       476 |   62.49588 |    0.13129 |    0.26522 |    -0.30055 |     0.30061 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       476 |   75.42211 |    0.15845 |    0.31419 |    0.022004 |      3.8737 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       476 |     -0.191 |-0.00040126 |     16.187 |     -37.365 |      44.092 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       476 |  -1808.021 |    -3.7984 |     14.561 |     -40.590 |      39.890 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       476 |   112116.6 |     235.54 |     300.12 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       476 |    5340477 |     11219. |     15609. |      6.8300 |      66899. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       476 |   486.3724 |     1.0218 |    0.85121 |    0.035890 |      3.4575 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       632 |2.046836e-06 | 3.2387e-09 | 2.8580e-07 | -4.9929e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       632 |-5.58453e-06 |-8.8363e-09 | 2.9666e-07 | -4.9951e-07 |  4.9956e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       632 |7.365017e-06 | 1.1654e-08 | 2.9460e-07 | -4.9972e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       632 |2.562387e-06 | 4.0544e-09 | 5.8763e-07 | -9.9630e-07 |  9.9678e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       632 |-0.0002805168 |-4.4386e-07 | 2.9283e-05 | -4.9537e-05 |  4.9893e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       632 |-0.0008496839 |-1.3444e-06 | 2.8351e-05 | -4.9868e-05 |  4.9913e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       632 |-0.001366562 |-2.1623e-06 | 2.8092e-05 | -4.9904e-05 |  4.9721e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       632 |-0.03079235 |-4.8722e-05 |  0.0028451 |  -0.0049887 |   0.0049914 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       632 |-0.0001387785 |-2.1959e-07 | 2.9214e-06 | -4.9904e-06 |  4.9932e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       632 |    3.21203 |  0.0050823 |   0.081112 |    -0.66410 |     0.58377 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       632 |   2.086171 |  0.0033009 |   0.077428 |    -0.63738 |     0.33360 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       632 |   90.13323 |    0.14262 |    0.25592 |    -0.30063 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       632 |   135.4422 |    0.21431 |    0.63237 |  0.00043546 |      7.4546 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       632 |   665.0497 |     1.0523 |     15.509 |     -43.097 |      44.720 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       632 |   1310.255 |     2.0732 |     16.713 |     -39.520 |      42.991 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       632 |   122359.1 |     193.61 |     289.04 |     -175.78 |      751.01 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       632 |    5507624 |     8714.6 |     15716. |      2.3879 |      94265. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       632 |   562.3325 |    0.88977 |    0.75351 |    0.033427 |      2.5474 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       632 |   3.212028 |  0.0050823 |   0.081112 |    -0.66410 |     0.58377 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       632 |   2.086177 |  0.0033009 |   0.077428 |    -0.63738 |     0.33360 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       632 |   90.13322 |    0.14262 |    0.25592 |    -0.30063 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       632 |   135.4421 |    0.21431 |    0.63237 |  0.00043600 |      7.4546 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       632 |     665.05 |     1.0523 |     15.509 |     -43.097 |      44.720 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       632 |   1310.256 |     2.0732 |     16.713 |     -39.520 |      42.991 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       632 |   122359.1 |     193.61 |     289.04 |     -175.78 |      751.01 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       632 |    5507624 |     8714.6 |     15716. |      2.3900 |      94265. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       632 |   562.3326 |    0.88977 |    0.75351 |    0.033430 |      2.5474 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        132 |     132.00 |     0.0000 |      132.00 |      132.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        276 |     276.00 |     0.0000 |      276.00 |      276.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       132 |1.71888e-06 | 1.3022e-08 | 2.8878e-07 | -4.9832e-07 |  4.9839e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       132 |5.128286e-06 | 3.8851e-08 | 2.8249e-07 | -4.9209e-07 |  4.9403e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       132 |-1.377257e-07 |-1.0434e-09 | 8.2412e-08 | -4.5200e-07 |  2.9076e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       132 |-9.242442e-06 |-7.0018e-08 | 5.6668e-07 | -9.8905e-07 |  9.8793e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |0.0004031441 | 3.0541e-06 | 2.8329e-05 | -4.8831e-05 |  4.9077e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |0.000426375 | 3.2301e-06 | 2.8525e-05 | -4.9795e-05 |  4.8936e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |-1.617907e-05 |-1.2257e-07 | 6.5188e-06 | -4.5768e-05 |  3.2778e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |-0.007259344 |-5.4995e-05 |  0.0029205 |  -0.0049357 |   0.0049968 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       132 |2.127032e-05 | 1.6114e-07 | 2.9876e-06 | -4.9325e-06 |  4.8987e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       132 |   46.58691 |    0.35293 |     1.3366 |    -0.64125 |      11.930 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       132 |   5.605841 |   0.042468 |    0.37993 |    -0.47119 |      2.9418 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       132 |    37.5153 |    0.28421 |    0.38889 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       132 |   39.82912 |    0.30174 |    0.49422 |   0.0066818 |      4.6275 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |  -1323.771 |    -10.029 |     326.96 |     -807.68 |      716.51 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |  -4492.467 |    -34.034 |     227.31 |     -655.52 |      391.01 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |   331380.6 |     2510.5 |     135.18 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |   949529.1 |     7193.4 |     13273. |      3.7818 |      66892. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       132 |   3350.491 |     25.383 |     43.186 |      7.7872 |      155.07 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       132 |   46.58691 |    0.35293 |     1.3366 |    -0.64124 |      11.930 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       132 |   5.605836 |   0.042468 |    0.37993 |    -0.47119 |      2.9418 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       132 |    37.5153 |    0.28421 |    0.38889 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       132 |   39.82913 |    0.30174 |    0.49422 |   0.0066820 |      4.6275 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       132 |  -1323.771 |    -10.029 |     326.96 |     -807.68 |      716.51 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       132 |  -4492.467 |    -34.034 |     227.31 |     -655.52 |      391.01 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       132 |   331380.6 |     2510.5 |     135.18 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       132 |   949529.1 |     7193.4 |     13273. |      3.7800 |      66892. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       132 |   3350.491 |     25.383 |     43.186 |      7.7872 |      155.07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       276 |1.446163e-06 | 5.2397e-09 | 2.9560e-07 | -4.9982e-07 |  4.9854e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       276 |3.593391e-08 | 1.3020e-10 | 2.7250e-07 | -4.9180e-07 |  4.9907e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       276 |2.546309e-06 | 9.2258e-09 | 1.1782e-07 | -4.9275e-07 |  4.9275e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       276 |-1.710228e-05 |-6.1965e-08 | 5.7189e-07 | -9.9352e-07 |  9.9266e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       276 |-0.0002197242 |-7.9610e-07 | 2.8465e-05 | -4.9942e-05 |  4.9572e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       276 |0.0001635563 | 5.9260e-07 | 2.9108e-05 | -4.9663e-05 |  4.9836e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       276 |-2.821375e-05 |-1.0222e-07 | 8.2402e-06 | -4.1322e-05 |  4.6015e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       276 | 0.01200632 | 4.3501e-05 |  0.0028653 |  -0.0049971 |   0.0049945 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       276 |-4.053755e-05 |-1.4688e-07 | 3.0432e-06 | -4.9577e-06 |  4.9933e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       276 |  -10.00571 |  -0.036253 |    0.30753 |     -1.3629 |     0.92087 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       276 |  -0.213091 |-0.00077207 |    0.23323 |     -1.8879 |     0.92791 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       276 |   70.58769 |    0.25575 |    0.39530 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       276 |   71.43801 |    0.25883 |    0.31031 |   0.0039268 |      2.3277 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       276 |  -17569.42 |    -63.657 |     304.12 |     -706.47 |      767.38 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       276 |  -2250.798 |    -8.1551 |     294.10 |     -655.59 |      635.67 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       276 |   688832.5 |     2495.8 |     136.06 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       276 |    1206594 |     4371.7 |     12729. |      1.4354 |      94254. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       276 |   2979.914 |     10.797 |     3.9787 |      7.6978 |      24.990 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       276 |  -10.00571 |  -0.036253 |    0.30753 |     -1.3629 |     0.92087 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       276 |  -0.213091 |-0.00077207 |    0.23323 |     -1.8879 |     0.92791 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       276 |   70.58769 |    0.25575 |    0.39530 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       276 |   71.43803 |    0.25883 |    0.31031 |   0.0039260 |      2.3277 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       276 |  -17569.42 |    -63.657 |     304.12 |     -706.47 |      767.38 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       276 |  -2250.798 |    -8.1551 |     294.10 |     -655.59 |      635.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       276 |   688832.5 |     2495.8 |     136.06 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       276 |    1206594 |     4371.7 |     12729. |      1.4400 |      94254. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       276 |   2979.914 |     10.797 |     3.9787 |      7.6978 |      24.990 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        296 |     296.00 |     0.0000 |      296.00 |      296.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       121 |-5.91105e-06 |-4.8852e-08 | 2.8161e-07 | -4.8638e-07 |  4.9737e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       121 |2.336415e-07 | 1.9309e-09 | 2.9272e-07 | -4.9326e-07 |  4.9707e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       121 |7.244124e-07 | 5.9869e-09 | 3.1777e-07 | -4.8047e-07 |  4.9710e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       121 |4.266178e-06 | 3.5258e-08 | 5.5837e-07 | -9.6728e-07 |  9.8810e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |0.0003439697 | 2.8427e-06 | 2.7981e-05 | -4.9754e-05 |  4.9607e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |-0.0001225967 |-1.0132e-06 | 2.7109e-05 | -4.9854e-05 |  4.9118e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |-0.0007474504 |-6.1773e-06 | 2.8828e-05 | -4.7574e-05 |  4.9730e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |-0.05160208 |-0.00042646 |  0.0030634 |  -0.0048600 |   0.0049554 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       121 |-1.47942e-05 |-1.2227e-07 | 3.0540e-06 | -4.9684e-06 |  4.9551e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       121 |   1.424046 |   0.011769 |    0.13413 |    -0.46239 |     0.46080 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       121 |   1.938712 |   0.016022 |    0.12431 |   -0.067403 |      1.3103 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       121 |   44.02447 |    0.36384 |   0.091677 |    -0.16721 |     0.40998 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       121 |   19.91947 |    0.16462 |    0.12088 |    0.037001 |     0.86065 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |    8665.59 |     71.616 |     276.41 |     -504.31 |      622.65 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |   77.31748 |    0.63899 |     106.82 |     -202.39 |      211.95 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |    1025213 |     8472.8 |     555.01 |      7667.9 |      9172.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |    1962019 |     16215. |     22767. |      2.4239 |      66808. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       121 |   3436.384 |     28.400 |     1.8764 |      25.644 |      31.253 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       121 |   1.424052 |   0.011769 |    0.13413 |    -0.46239 |     0.46081 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       121 |   1.938712 |   0.016022 |    0.12431 |   -0.067403 |      1.3103 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       121 |   44.02447 |    0.36384 |   0.091677 |    -0.16721 |     0.40998 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       121 |   19.91947 |    0.16462 |    0.12088 |    0.037000 |     0.86065 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |    8665.59 |     71.616 |     276.41 |     -504.31 |      622.65 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |    77.3176 |    0.63899 |     106.82 |     -202.39 |      211.95 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |    1025213 |     8472.8 |     555.01 |      7667.9 |      9172.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |    1962019 |     16215. |     22767. |      2.4200 |      66808. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       121 |   3436.384 |     28.400 |     1.8764 |      25.644 |      31.253 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       296 |2.169582e-06 | 7.3297e-09 | 2.9019e-07 | -4.9882e-07 |  4.9714e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       296 |6.409429e-06 | 2.1653e-08 | 2.9019e-07 | -4.9862e-07 |  4.9831e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       296 |-8.232058e-07 |-2.7811e-09 | 3.0935e-07 | -4.9851e-07 |  4.9756e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       296 |-3.534837e-06 |-1.1942e-08 | 5.9553e-07 | -9.9634e-07 |  9.9243e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       296 |0.0005658179 | 1.9115e-06 | 2.8650e-05 | -4.9863e-05 |  4.9307e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       296 |0.0009913005 | 3.3490e-06 | 2.8656e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       296 |-0.0001003964 |-3.3918e-07 | 2.8884e-05 | -4.9477e-05 |  4.9830e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       296 |7.022855e-05 | 2.3726e-07 |  0.0027758 |  -0.0049674 |   0.0049876 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       296 |7.700644e-06 | 2.6016e-08 | 2.9025e-06 | -4.9553e-06 |  4.9388e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       296 |  -9.808781 |  -0.033138 |    0.20437 |     -1.1413 |     0.60579 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       296 | -0.8763856 | -0.0029608 |   0.094552 |    -0.67029 |     0.42374 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       296 |   87.72897 |    0.29638 |    0.21152 |    -0.41038 |     0.41087 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       296 |   48.19269 |    0.16281 |    0.15082 |  0.00072202 |      1.7547 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       296 |   -25934.4 |    -87.616 |     244.14 |     -577.07 |      615.67 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       296 |  -4153.305 |    -14.031 |     93.556 |     -200.42 |      211.05 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       296 |    2445702 |     8262.5 |     577.71 |      7667.8 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       296 |    3812801 |     12881. |     21773. |      1.4238 |      94247. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       296 |   8405.732 |     28.398 |     6.3821 |      25.569 |      124.96 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       296 |  -9.808783 |  -0.033138 |    0.20437 |     -1.1413 |     0.60579 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       296 |  -0.876392 | -0.0029608 |   0.094552 |    -0.67029 |     0.42374 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       296 |   87.72897 |    0.29638 |    0.21152 |    -0.41038 |     0.41087 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       296 |   48.19269 |    0.16281 |    0.15082 |  0.00072200 |      1.7547 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       296 |   -25934.4 |    -87.616 |     244.14 |     -577.07 |      615.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       296 |  -4153.306 |    -14.031 |     93.556 |     -200.42 |      211.05 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       296 |    2445702 |     8262.5 |     577.71 |      7667.8 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       296 |    3812801 |     12881. |     21773. |      1.4200 |      94247. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       296 |   8405.732 |     28.398 |     6.3821 |      25.569 |      124.96 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        372 |     372.00 |     0.0000 |      372.00 |      372.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        634 |     634.00 |     0.0000 |      634.00 |      634.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       372 |-7.603251e-06 |-2.0439e-08 | 2.8960e-07 | -4.9796e-07 |  4.9037e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       372 |-8.732726e-07 |-2.3475e-09 | 2.9439e-07 | -4.9794e-07 |  4.9716e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       372 |-9.255727e-08 |-2.4881e-10 | 2.8692e-07 | -4.9838e-07 |  4.9929e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       372 |1.689897e-06 | 4.5427e-09 | 5.6442e-07 | -9.9620e-07 |  9.9926e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       372 |0.0003300927 | 8.8735e-07 | 2.8289e-05 | -4.9819e-05 |  4.9613e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       372 |0.0004917416 | 1.3219e-06 | 2.9098e-05 | -4.9184e-05 |  4.9882e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       372 |-0.0001067787 |-2.8704e-07 | 2.9551e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9869e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       372 |-0.08741456 |-0.00023499 |  0.0029016 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0049973 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       372 |-2.202547e-05 |-5.9208e-08 | 2.9650e-06 | -4.9960e-06 |  4.9377e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       372 |   90.18298 |    0.24243 |     7.5031 |     -25.544 |      45.188 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       372 |  -50.79135 |   -0.13654 |     2.6781 |     -13.701 |      22.096 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       372 |   3230.356 |     8.6838 |     5.1566 |     -10.779 |      10.809 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       372 |   85.71627 |    0.23042 |    0.12129 |    0.013143 |      1.0456 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       372 |    25433.8 |     68.370 |     1301.8 |     -3071.1 |      2982.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       372 |  -38785.52 |    -104.26 |     498.42 |     -1074.5 |      2344.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       372 |    3239358 |     8708.0 |     565.40 |      7852.1 |      9408.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       372 |    1627735 |     4375.6 |     5063.4 |      1.4535 |      23867. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       372 |   11287.36 |     30.342 |     3.3749 |      26.251 |      55.949 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       372 |   90.18299 |    0.24243 |     7.5031 |     -25.544 |      45.188 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       372 |  -50.79135 |   -0.13654 |     2.6781 |     -13.701 |      22.096 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       372 |   3230.356 |     8.6838 |     5.1566 |     -10.779 |      10.809 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       372 |   85.71626 |    0.23042 |    0.12129 |    0.013142 |      1.0456 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       372 |    25433.8 |     68.370 |     1301.8 |     -3071.1 |      2982.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       372 |  -38785.52 |    -104.26 |     498.42 |     -1074.5 |      2344.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       372 |    3239358 |     8708.0 |     565.40 |      7852.1 |      9408.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       372 |    1627735 |     4375.6 |     5063.4 |      1.4500 |      23867. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       372 |   11287.36 |     30.342 |     3.3749 |      26.251 |      55.949 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       634 |4.477009e-06 | 7.0615e-09 | 2.8814e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       634 |1.751436e-05 | 2.7625e-08 | 2.9131e-07 | -4.9937e-07 |  4.9986e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       634 |4.599971e-06 | 7.2555e-09 | 3.0014e-07 | -4.9963e-07 |  4.9899e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       634 |-3.77648e-05 |-5.9566e-08 | 5.7743e-07 | -9.9979e-07 |  9.9901e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       634 |0.0008894873 | 1.4030e-06 | 2.8385e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9562e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       634 |0.0002012858 | 3.1749e-07 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9696e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       634 |-0.0003620449 |-5.7105e-07 | 2.9012e-05 | -4.9683e-05 |  4.9869e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       634 | 0.02074016 | 3.2713e-05 |  0.0028353 |  -0.0049849 |   0.0049984 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       634 |-4.929976e-05 |-7.7760e-08 | 2.8840e-06 | -4.9612e-06 |  4.9895e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       634 |  -523.4832 |   -0.82568 |     11.466 |     -166.64 |      71.430 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       634 |   33.28367 |   0.052498 |     4.1837 |     -20.291 |      39.885 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       634 |   4934.436 |     7.7830 |     6.1847 |     -10.803 |      10.794 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       634 |     158.21 |    0.24954 |    0.19571 |   0.0075284 |      3.1387 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       634 |  -84193.71 |    -132.80 |     1365.7 |     -3082.7 |      2944.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       634 |  -49304.66 |    -77.768 |     720.59 |     -1977.5 |      2373.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       634 |    5504204 |     8681.7 |     562.69 |      7849.6 |      9413.6 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       634 |    2414119 |     3807.8 |     9356.9 |      1.4229 |      94243. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       634 |   19803.03 |     31.235 |     6.3271 |      26.174 |      123.32 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       634 |  -523.4832 |   -0.82568 |     11.466 |     -166.64 |      71.430 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       634 |   33.28365 |   0.052498 |     4.1837 |     -20.291 |      39.885 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       634 |   4934.436 |     7.7830 |     6.1847 |     -10.803 |      10.794 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       634 |     158.21 |    0.24954 |    0.19571 |   0.0075280 |      3.1387 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       634 |  -84193.71 |    -132.80 |     1365.7 |     -3082.7 |      2944.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       634 |  -49304.66 |    -77.768 |     720.59 |     -1977.5 |      2373.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       634 |    5504204 |     8681.7 |     562.69 |      7849.6 |      9413.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       634 |    2414119 |     3807.8 |     9356.9 |      1.4200 |      94243. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       634 |   19803.03 |     31.235 |     6.3271 |      26.174 |      123.32 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        948 |     948.00 |     0.0000 |      948.00 |      948.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1147 |     1147.0 |     0.0000 |      1147.0 |      1147.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        948 |     948.00 |     0.0000 |      948.00 |      948.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1147 |     1147.0 |     0.0000 |      1147.0 |      1147.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         47 |     47.000 |     0.0000 |      47.000 |      47.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       948 |-6.578071e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       948 |-0.0007689809 |-8.1116e-07 | 2.8953e-05 | -4.9825e-05 |  4.9767e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       948 |0.0003382565 | 3.5681e-07 | 2.8921e-05 | -4.9855e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       948 |0.0004112971 | 4.3386e-07 | 2.9473e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9942e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       948 |-6.100502e-05 |-6.4351e-08 | 2.8616e-06 | -4.9932e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       948 |      18.96 |   0.020000 | 4.5141e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       948 |   -1118997 |    -1180.4 |     3197.4 |     -4150.3 |      4150.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       948 |   -82362.8 |    -86.881 |     680.49 |     -1283.2 |      1391.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       948 |    7811450 |     8239.9 |     4111.5 |      1331.9 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       948 |   38809.36 |     40.938 |     19.041 |      8.1060 |      95.440 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       948 |      18.96 |   0.020000 | 4.5206e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       948 |   -1118997 |    -1180.4 |     3197.4 |     -4150.3 |      4150.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       948 |   -82362.8 |    -86.881 |     680.49 |     -1283.2 |      1391.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       948 |    7811450 |     8239.9 |     4111.5 |      1331.9 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       948 |   38809.36 |     40.938 |     19.041 |      8.1060 |      95.440 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1147 |-7.958911e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1147 |-0.001234512 |-1.0763e-06 | 2.8426e-05 | -4.9929e-05 |  4.9890e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1147 |-0.001036629 |-9.0377e-07 | 2.8882e-05 | -4.9942e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1147 |4.165308e-06 | 3.6315e-09 | 2.8852e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1147 |0.000109357 | 9.5342e-08 | 2.8848e-06 | -4.9930e-06 |  4.9955e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1147 |      22.94 |   0.020000 | 4.6719e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1147 |  -700007.7 |    -610.29 |     3089.2 |     -4149.9 |      4149.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1147 |   25910.81 |     22.590 |     798.52 |     -1319.3 |      1391.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1147 |    8391851 |     7316.3 |     4478.2 |      1330.8 |      11092. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1147 |   45416.72 |     39.596 |     22.168 |      11.685 |      132.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1147 |      22.94 |   0.020000 | 4.6771e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1147 |  -700007.7 |    -610.29 |     3089.2 |     -4149.9 |      4149.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1147 |   25910.81 |     22.590 |     798.52 |     -1319.3 |      1391.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1147 |    8391851 |     7316.3 |     4478.2 |      1330.8 |      11092. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1147 |   45416.72 |     39.596 |     22.168 |      11.684 |      132.00 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       948 |0.0001935539 | 2.0417e-07 | 2.9753e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9937e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       948 |-0.0004901386 |-5.1702e-07 | 2.9627e-05 | -4.9903e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       948 |0.000930296 | 9.8132e-07 | 2.9064e-05 | -4.9885e-05 |  4.9964e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       948 |-1.500666e-11 |-1.5830e-14 | 5.7563e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       948 |-0.001988809 |-2.0979e-06 | 2.8428e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       948 |-0.0004287088 |-4.5222e-07 | 2.9185e-05 | -4.9912e-05 |  4.9902e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       948 |-6.95565e-05 |-7.3372e-08 | 2.8144e-05 | -4.9935e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       948 |   2871.061 |     3.0285 |     1.7909 |  0.00085988 |      6.2784 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       948 |    267.426 |    0.28209 |    0.52437 |   0.0028903 |      2.8876 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       948 |  -685033.2 |    -722.61 |     1562.8 |     -3915.1 |      3336.7 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       948 |   12039.31 |     12.700 |     280.45 |     -935.96 |      1068.6 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       948 |    7558420 |     7973.0 |     4060.6 |      993.12 |      11647. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       948 |0.004029971 | 4.2510e-06 | 1.0307e-06 |  1.8004e-06 |  6.7913e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       948 |   -1093636 |    -1153.6 |     3125.9 |     -4062.7 |      4078.7 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       948 |  -71266.84 |    -75.176 |     635.09 |     -1190.4 |      1285.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       948 |    7762152 |     8187.9 |     4107.3 |      1312.1 |      11066. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       948 |   2871.061 |     3.0285 |     1.7909 |  0.00085988 |      6.2784 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       948 |    267.426 |    0.28209 |    0.52437 |   0.0028903 |      2.8876 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       948 |  -685033.2 |    -722.61 |     1562.8 |     -3915.1 |      3336.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       948 |   12039.31 |     12.700 |     280.45 |     -935.96 |      1068.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       948 |    7558420 |     7973.0 |     4060.6 |      993.12 |      11647. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       948 |0.004029971 | 4.2510e-06 | 1.0307e-06 |  1.8004e-06 |  6.7913e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       948 |   -1093636 |    -1153.6 |     3125.9 |     -4062.7 |      4078.7 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       948 |  -71266.84 |    -75.176 |     635.09 |     -1190.4 |      1285.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       948 |    7762152 |     8187.9 |     4107.3 |      1312.1 |      11066. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       948 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1147 |-8.42471e-05 |-7.3450e-08 | 2.8370e-05 | -4.9916e-05 |  4.9933e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1147 |-0.0004012394 |-3.4982e-07 | 2.8550e-05 | -4.9943e-05 |  4.9674e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1147 |0.0007258196 | 6.3280e-07 | 2.9068e-05 | -4.9880e-05 |  4.9944e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1147 |7.821654e-11 | 6.8192e-14 | 5.6839e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1147 |-0.001759837 |-1.5343e-06 | 2.8289e-05 | -4.9879e-05 |  4.9772e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1147 |0.0009110542 | 7.9429e-07 | 2.8581e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9937e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1147 |-0.0003603815 |-3.1419e-07 | 2.8739e-05 | -4.9876e-05 |  4.9803e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1147 |   3571.014 |     3.1134 |     1.8090 |   0.0025624 |      6.2809 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1147 |   316.6647 |    0.27608 |    0.60825 |   0.0039034 |      2.8648 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1147 |  -17095.92 |    -14.905 |     875.92 |     -3400.9 |      3855.2 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1147 |  -4958.637 |    -4.3231 |     344.56 |     -1366.0 |      1380.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1147 |    8040546 |     7010.1 |     4350.9 |      992.45 |      11566. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1147 |0.004834197 | 4.2146e-06 | 9.8880e-07 |  1.8547e-06 |  6.5406e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1147 |  -684763.3 |    -597.00 |     3018.5 |     -4076.8 |      4078.2 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1147 |   23388.63 |     20.391 |     743.52 |     -1229.5 |      1308.5 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1147 |    8333419 |     7265.4 |     4476.3 |      1264.6 |      11056. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1147 |   3571.014 |     3.1134 |     1.8090 |   0.0025624 |      6.2809 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1147 |   316.6647 |    0.27608 |    0.60825 |   0.0039034 |      2.8648 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1147 |  -17095.92 |    -14.905 |     875.92 |     -3400.9 |      3855.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1147 |  -4958.636 |    -4.3231 |     344.56 |     -1366.0 |      1380.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1147 |    8040546 |     7010.1 |     4350.9 |      992.45 |      11566. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1147 |0.004834197 | 4.2146e-06 | 9.8880e-07 |  1.8547e-06 |  6.5406e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1147 |  -684763.3 |    -597.00 |     3018.5 |     -4076.8 |      4078.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1147 |   23388.63 |     20.391 |     743.52 |     -1229.5 |      1308.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1147 |    8333419 |     7265.4 |     4476.3 |      1264.6 |      11056. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1147 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        60 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        87 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        554 |     554.00 |     0.0000 |      554.00 |      554.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1269 |     1269.0 |     0.0000 |      1269.0 |      1269.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       554 |-5.023203e-06 |-9.0672e-09 | 2.8391e-05 | -4.9808e-05 |  4.9392e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       554 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       554 |   266.6088 |    0.48124 |     1.1572 |  6.9399e-06 |      17.035 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       554 |        890 |     1.6065 |     1.7280 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       554 |   266.6088 |    0.48124 |     1.1572 |      0.0000 |      17.035 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       554 |        890 |     1.6065 |     1.7280 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1269 |-0.0008536195 |-6.7267e-07 | 2.9169e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1269 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1269 |   595.4798 |    0.46925 |     1.0850 |  5.3601e-05 |      18.743 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1269 |       1926 |     1.5177 |     1.7008 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1269 |   595.4807 |    0.46925 |     1.0850 |  0.00010000 |      18.743 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1269 |       1926 |     1.5177 |     1.7008 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1143 |     1143.0 |     0.0000 |      1143.0 |      1143.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2294 |     2294.0 |     0.0000 |      2294.0 |      2294.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1143 |-0.001096352 |-9.5919e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9837e-05 |  4.9936e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1143 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1143 |   985.9383 |    0.86259 |     3.2037 |  5.3523e-06 |      58.240 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1143 |       1792 |     1.5678 |     1.6884 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1143 |   985.9394 |    0.86259 |     3.2037 |      0.0000 |      58.240 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1143 |       1792 |     1.5678 |     1.6884 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2294 |-0.002257942 |-9.8428e-07 | 2.8697e-05 | -4.9890e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2294 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2294 |   2338.791 |     1.0195 |     3.9167 |  7.2904e-06 |      102.62 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2294 |       3504 |     1.5275 |     1.7059 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2294 |   2338.794 |     1.0195 |     3.9167 |      0.0000 |      102.62 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2294 |       3504 |     1.5275 |     1.7059 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1352 |     1352.0 |     0.0000 |      1352.0 |      1352.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2649 |     2649.0 |     0.0000 |      2649.0 |      2649.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1352 |-0.0008554479 |-6.3273e-07 | 2.8761e-05 | -4.9868e-05 |  4.9947e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1352 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1352 |   16813.82 |     12.436 |     79.576 |  0.00019622 |      2572.8 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1352 |        191 |    0.14127 |    0.36692 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1352 |   16813.83 |     12.436 |     79.576 |  0.00020000 |      2572.8 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1352 |        191 |    0.14127 |    0.36692 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2649 |0.004655669 | 1.7575e-06 | 2.8711e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2649 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2649 |   46711.74 |     17.634 |     198.74 |  4.8145e-06 |      9616.9 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2649 |        308 |    0.11627 |    0.33098 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2649 |   46711.74 |     17.634 |     198.74 |      0.0000 |      9616.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2649 |        308 |    0.11627 |    0.33098 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        210 |     210.00 |     0.0000 |      210.00 |      210.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        404 |     404.00 |     0.0000 |      404.00 |      404.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       210 |-0.0003066714 |-1.4603e-06 | 2.8471e-05 | -4.9406e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       210 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       210 |   2094.864 |     9.9755 |     19.536 |  0.00077517 |      114.76 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       210 |         25 |    0.11905 |    0.44734 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       210 |   2094.865 |     9.9755 |     19.536 |  0.00080000 |      114.76 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       210 |         25 |    0.11905 |    0.44734 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       404 |3.98129e-05 | 9.8547e-08 | 2.9180e-05 | -4.9898e-05 |  4.9825e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       404 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       404 |   4501.733 |     11.143 |     47.620 |  0.00032677 |      750.54 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       404 |         68 |    0.16832 |    0.50872 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       404 |   4501.733 |     11.143 |     47.620 |  0.00030000 |      750.54 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       404 |         68 |    0.16832 |    0.50872 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        191 |     191.00 |     0.0000 |      191.00 |      191.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        314 |     314.00 |     0.0000 |      314.00 |      314.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       191 |-1.689625e-06 |-8.8462e-09 | 2.9292e-07 | -4.8542e-07 |  4.9341e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       191 |-6.244202e-06 |-3.2692e-08 | 2.7936e-07 | -4.9574e-07 |  4.9221e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       191 |-7.842221e-07 |-4.1059e-09 | 2.9756e-07 | -4.9902e-07 |  4.9735e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       191 |4.356303e-07 | 2.2808e-09 | 5.6682e-07 | -9.9675e-07 |  9.7716e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |-3.694608e-05 |-1.9343e-07 | 2.8776e-05 | -4.9762e-05 |  4.9067e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |-0.0002927893 |-1.5329e-06 | 2.9212e-05 | -4.8973e-05 |  4.9011e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |0.0002793987 | 1.4628e-06 | 2.8787e-05 | -4.9315e-05 |  4.9868e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       191 | 0.01600064 | 8.3773e-05 |  0.0028439 |  -0.0049167 |   0.0049679 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       191 |-4.372029e-05 |-2.2890e-07 | 2.7169e-06 | -4.7811e-06 |  4.9064e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       191 |    21.1238 |    0.11060 |     1.0108 |     -3.2560 |      3.8852 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       191 |  -17.38343 |  -0.091013 |    0.68471 |     -4.2936 |      3.7836 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       191 |   780.6582 |     4.0872 |     1.3663 |     -5.0039 |      5.0137 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       191 |  0.2361604 |  0.0012364 |  0.0010171 |  5.2044e-05 |   0.0076921 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |   7334.236 |     38.399 |     1209.9 |     -2245.0 |      3482.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |  -24903.53 |    -130.38 |     797.97 |     -2148.0 |      3713.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |    2449379 |     12824. |     1588.2 |      11953. |      18941. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       191 |   560822.4 |     2936.2 |     6622.5 |      1.6449 |      51187. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       191 |   8285.942 |     43.382 |     5.5765 |      39.926 |      63.785 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       191 |    21.1238 |    0.11060 |     1.0108 |     -3.2560 |      3.8852 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       191 |  -17.38342 |  -0.091013 |    0.68471 |     -4.2936 |      3.7836 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       191 |   780.6582 |     4.0872 |     1.3663 |     -5.0039 |      5.0137 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       191 |    0.23616 |  0.0012364 |  0.0010171 |  5.2000e-05 |   0.0076920 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       191 |   7334.236 |     38.399 |     1209.9 |     -2245.0 |      3482.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       191 |  -24903.53 |    -130.38 |     797.97 |     -2148.0 |      3713.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       191 |    2449379 |     12824. |     1588.2 |      11953. |      18941. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       191 |   560822.3 |     2936.2 |     6622.5 |      1.6400 |      51187. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       191 |   8285.942 |     43.382 |     5.5765 |      39.926 |      63.785 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       314 |5.280927e-06 | 1.6818e-08 | 2.8389e-07 | -4.9783e-07 |  4.9683e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       314 |-4.143531e-06 |-1.3196e-08 | 2.9239e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9938e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       314 |-3.571822e-06 |-1.1375e-08 | 2.8627e-07 | -4.9654e-07 |  4.9758e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       314 |9.639156e-06 | 3.0698e-08 | 5.8182e-07 | -9.9764e-07 |  9.9806e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       314 |2.25769e-05 | 7.1901e-08 | 2.9119e-05 | -4.9819e-05 |  4.9562e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       314 |0.0006766833 | 2.1550e-06 | 2.9329e-05 | -4.9456e-05 |  4.9595e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       314 |-0.0005099033 |-1.6239e-06 | 2.8351e-05 | -4.9841e-05 |  4.9393e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       314 |-0.07581596 |-0.00024145 |  0.0027028 |  -0.0049736 |   0.0049806 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       314 |2.212959e-05 | 7.0476e-08 | 2.9083e-06 | -4.9703e-06 |  4.9664e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       314 |  -249.6612 |   -0.79510 |     12.124 |     -181.58 |      80.184 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       314 |   31.02199 |   0.098796 |     3.0190 |     -14.874 |      22.214 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       314 |   1311.849 |     4.1779 |     1.9205 |     -5.0081 |      5.0800 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       314 |  0.6217656 |  0.0019801 |  0.0036432 |  0.00011293 |    0.043061 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       314 |  -74251.84 |    -236.47 |     1222.6 |     -3359.2 |      3894.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       314 |   8596.928 |     27.379 |     823.41 |     -2375.9 |      2596.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       314 |    3980092 |     12675. |     1278.7 |      11953. |      18743. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       314 |   745736.8 |     2375.0 |     6184.1 |      1.4548 |      39680. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       314 |   13537.23 |     43.112 |     4.5272 |      39.835 |      62.570 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       314 |  -249.6613 |   -0.79510 |     12.124 |     -181.58 |      80.184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       314 |   31.02199 |   0.098796 |     3.0190 |     -14.874 |      22.214 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       314 |   1311.849 |     4.1779 |     1.9205 |     -5.0081 |      5.0800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       314 |   0.621756 |  0.0019801 |  0.0036432 |  0.00011200 |    0.043062 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       314 |  -74251.84 |    -236.47 |     1222.6 |     -3359.2 |      3894.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       314 |   8596.927 |     27.379 |     823.41 |     -2375.9 |      2596.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       314 |    3980092 |     12675. |     1278.7 |      11953. |      18743. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       314 |   745736.8 |     2375.0 |     6184.1 |      1.4500 |      39680. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       314 |   13537.23 |     43.112 |     4.5272 |      39.835 |      62.570 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8796,14 +8798,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 73.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 43.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 28.000  15.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 16.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 53.000  3.000  6.000  0.000  1.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 109.000  34.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 49.000  1.000  3.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 54.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 160.000  19.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 265.000  38.000  10.000  0.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -8976,14 +8978,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 73.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 43.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 28.000  15.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 16.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 53.000  3.000  6.000  0.000  1.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 109.000  34.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 49.000  1.000  3.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 54.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 160.000  19.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 265.000  38.000  10.000  0.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -9031,26 +9033,26 @@ NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  303.00 +-17.41 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  810.00 +-28.46 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  578.00 +-24.04 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  799.00 +-28.27 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  278.00 +-16.67 ( 91.75 +-1.58%) Rich2 =  208.00 +-14.42 ( 25.68 +-1.53%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   14.00 +- 3.74 (  4.62 +-1.21%) Rich2 =   30.00 +- 5.48 (  3.70 +-0.66%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  429.00 +-20.71 ( 52.96 +-1.75%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  436.00 +-20.88 ( 75.43 +-1.79%) Rich2 =  302.00 +-17.38 ( 37.80 +-1.72%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  3.11 +-0.72%) Rich2 =   20.00 +- 4.47 (  2.50 +-0.55%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  103.00 +-10.15 ( 17.82 +-1.59%) Rich2 =  261.00 +-16.16 ( 32.67 +-1.66%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.17 +-0.17%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  136.00 +-11.66 ( 16.79 +-1.31%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  3.96 +-1.12%) Rich2 =  139.00 +-11.79 ( 17.16 +-1.32%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  2.64 +-0.92%) Rich2 =  118.00 +-10.86 ( 14.57 +-1.24%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  213.00 +-14.59 ( 26.66 +-1.56%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   27.00 +- 5.20 (  4.67 +-0.88%) Rich2 =   91.00 +- 9.54 ( 11.39 +-1.12%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  4.15 +-0.83%) Rich2 =   71.00 +- 8.43 (  8.89 +-1.01%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  1.98 +-0.80%) Rich2 =   40.00 +- 6.32 (  4.94 +-0.76%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  2.08 +-0.59%) Rich2 =   42.00 +- 6.48 (  5.26 +-0.79%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  278.00 +-16.67 ( 91.75 +-1.58%) Rich2Gas =  208.00 +-14.42 ( 25.68 +-1.53%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  436.00 +-20.88 ( 75.43 +-1.79%) Rich2Gas =  302.00 +-17.38 ( 37.80 +-1.72%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9070,96 +9072,98 @@ GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   289.00 +- 17.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   351.00 +- 18.73 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    44.00 +-  6.63 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   429.00 +- 20.71 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   456.00 +- 21.35 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   518.00 +- 22.76 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    38.00 +-  6.16 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   364.00 +- 19.08 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    50.00 +-  7.07 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracksNext          INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        382 |     382.00 |     0.0000 |      382.00 |      382.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        680 |     680.00 |     0.0000 |      680.00 |      680.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         36 |     36.000 |     0.0000 |      36.000 |      36.000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 MCOTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        525 |     525.00 |     0.0000 |      525.00 |      525.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        491 |     491.00 |     0.0000 |      491.00 |      491.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        189 |     189.00 |     0.0000 |      189.00 |      189.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        223 |     223.00 |     0.0000 |      223.00 |      223.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1376 |     1376.0 |     0.0000 |      1376.0 |      1376.0 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        644 |     644.00 |     0.0000 |      644.00 |      644.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1016 |     1016.0 |     0.0000 |      1016.0 |      1016.0 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1168 |     1168.0 |     0.0000 |      1168.0 |      1168.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1675 |     1675.0 |     0.0000 |      1675.0 |      1675.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        236 |     236.00 |     0.0000 |      236.00 |      236.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1113 |     1113.0 |     0.0000 |      1113.0 |      1113.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1377 |     1377.0 |     0.0000 |      1377.0 |      1377.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1113 |     1113.0 |     0.0000 |      1113.0 |      1113.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1377 |     1377.0 |     0.0000 |      1377.0 |      1377.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         80 |     80.000 |     0.0000 |      80.000 |      80.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         94 |     94.000 |     0.0000 |      94.000 |      94.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         81 |     81.000 |     0.0000 |      81.000 |      81.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       382+/-0
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 16+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       680+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 36+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 100
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1570.39
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.148031
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0303549
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 179
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 242.496
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.147546
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0440316
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        16 |         16 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       100 |   157038.9 |     1570.4 |     4912.3 |      4.7217 |      20244. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        11 |         11 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       179 |   43406.79 |     242.50 |     762.21 |     0.37826 |      3357.1 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 121
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 734.517
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.121447
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.033923
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 82
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 177.163
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.120251
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0428293
 ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       121 |    88876.5 |     734.52 |     3608.1 |      1.5317 |      20244. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         4 |          4 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        82 |   14527.41 |     177.16 |     247.56 |     0.23824 |      684.49 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 OTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 525
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 986.689
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.192931
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.067066
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 491
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 261.575
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.197977
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0770867
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        33 |         33 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       525 |   518011.9 |     986.69 |     3754.6 |    0.031721 |      20244. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        525 |     525.00 |     0.0000 |      525.00 |      525.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        25 |         25 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       491 |   128433.1 |     261.57 |     799.02 |   0.0043094 |      3677.9 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        491 |     491.00 |     0.0000 |      491.00 |      491.00 |
 SpdMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNext         SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9168,398 +9172,398 @@ MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 73.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 43.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 28.000  15.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 16.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 53.000  3.000  6.000  0.000  1.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 109.000  34.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 49.000  1.000  3.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 54.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 160.000  19.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 265.000  38.000  10.000  0.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         36 |     36.000 |     0.0000 |      36.000 |      36.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        16 |-1.431152e-06 |-8.9447e-08 | 2.6186e-07 | -4.8764e-07 |  4.0865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        16 |1.095929e-06 | 6.8496e-08 | 2.6842e-07 | -4.6610e-07 |  4.4807e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        16 |-1.15411e-06 |-7.2132e-08 | 2.6706e-07 | -4.8137e-07 |  4.3889e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        16 |4.43786e-06 | 2.7737e-07 | 6.1132e-07 | -9.5903e-07 |  9.7070e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        16 |3.893426e-05 | 2.4334e-06 | 3.3429e-05 | -4.5858e-05 |  4.8017e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        16 |0.0002124812 | 1.3280e-05 | 2.8511e-05 | -4.7315e-05 |  4.9065e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        16 |4.09518e-05 | 2.5595e-06 | 3.5922e-05 | -4.7178e-05 |  4.8350e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        16 |-0.01186756 |-0.00074172 |  0.0024313 |  -0.0045793 |   0.0042287 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        16 |-1.545868e-07 |-9.6617e-09 | 2.9709e-06 | -4.7940e-06 |  4.6070e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        16 |-0.04922643 | -0.0030767 |   0.027407 |   -0.046970 |    0.045589 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        16 | -0.0608609 | -0.0038038 |   0.016598 |   -0.020258 |    0.056637 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        16 |  -4.567897 |   -0.28549 |   0.056209 |    -0.30042 |   -0.067797 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        16 |   1.439056 |   0.089941 |   0.022389 |    0.021364 |     0.13321 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        16 |   114.7253 |     7.1703 |     24.725 |     -32.447 |      41.908 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        16 |  -116.9671 |    -7.3104 |     5.7565 |     -19.157 |      3.0379 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        16 |  -4303.967 |    -269.00 |     41.582 |     -315.81 |     -219.00 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        16 |     159693 |     9980.8 |     11514. |      913.93 |      36745. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        16 |    15.2209 |    0.95131 |    0.14136 |     0.77977 |      1.1376 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        16 |  -0.049225 | -0.0030766 |   0.027407 |   -0.046970 |    0.045589 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        16 |  -0.060862 | -0.0038039 |   0.016598 |   -0.020258 |    0.056637 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        16 |  -4.567896 |   -0.28549 |   0.056209 |    -0.30041 |   -0.067797 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        16 |   1.439052 |   0.089941 |   0.022389 |    0.021364 |     0.13321 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        16 |   114.7253 |     7.1703 |     24.725 |     -32.447 |      41.908 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        16 |  -116.9673 |    -7.3105 |     5.7564 |     -19.157 |      3.0379 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        16 |  -4303.967 |    -269.00 |     41.582 |     -315.81 |     -219.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        16 |     159693 |     9980.8 |     11514. |      913.93 |      36745. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        16 |    15.2209 |    0.95131 |    0.14136 |     0.77977 |      1.1376 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        36 |-3.230344e-06 |-8.9732e-08 | 2.8125e-07 | -4.9135e-07 |  4.8311e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        36 |-2.184173e-06 |-6.0671e-08 | 2.7269e-07 | -4.7009e-07 |  4.6631e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        36 |-1.202436e-06 |-3.3401e-08 | 2.7178e-07 | -4.6468e-07 |  4.8237e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        36 |2.075128e-06 | 5.7642e-08 | 5.8207e-07 | -9.9765e-07 |  9.7094e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |-0.000305805 |-8.4946e-06 | 2.9329e-05 | -4.9688e-05 |  4.6249e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |-0.0003884444 |-1.0790e-05 | 2.8277e-05 | -4.8946e-05 |  4.6601e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |3.23806e-05 | 8.9946e-07 | 2.7608e-05 | -4.7941e-05 |  4.8734e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        36 | 0.01500957 | 0.00041693 |  0.0033657 |  -0.0049256 |   0.0049802 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        36 |4.28289e-05 | 1.1897e-06 | 2.7678e-06 | -4.0659e-06 |  4.8662e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  0.1391538 |  0.0038654 |   0.021689 |   -0.027249 |     0.10441 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        36 |-0.01706818 |-0.00047412 |   0.015659 |   -0.034457 |    0.024211 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        36 |  -10.79859 |   -0.29996 | 0.00014055 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29933 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        36 |   4.087524 |    0.11354 |   0.062633 |    0.063006 |     0.41737 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |   88.43639 |     2.4566 |     12.279 |     -26.127 |      26.906 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |  -24.62769 |   -0.68410 |     14.067 |     -35.898 |      25.085 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |   -9714.81 |    -269.86 |     41.560 |     -315.88 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |     405797 |     11272. |     9066.7 |      4.0651 |      37442. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        36 |   32.13408 |    0.89261 |    0.14226 |     0.71836 |      1.1257 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        36 |   0.139157 |  0.0038655 |   0.021689 |   -0.027249 |     0.10441 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        36 |  -0.017066 |-0.00047406 |   0.015659 |   -0.034457 |    0.024211 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        36 |  -10.79859 |   -0.29996 | 0.00014058 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29933 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        36 |   4.087522 |    0.11354 |   0.062633 |    0.063006 |     0.41737 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |    88.4367 |     2.4566 |     12.279 |     -26.127 |      26.906 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |   -24.6273 |   -0.68409 |     14.067 |     -35.898 |      25.085 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |   -9714.81 |    -269.86 |     41.560 |     -315.88 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |     405797 |     11272. |     9066.7 |      4.0700 |      37442. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        36 |   32.13404 |    0.89261 |    0.14226 |     0.71836 |      1.1257 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        382 |     382.00 |     0.0000 |      382.00 |      382.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        680 |     680.00 |     0.0000 |      680.00 |      680.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       382 |4.339158e-06 | 1.1359e-08 | 2.7054e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9872e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       382 |5.286311e-06 | 1.3839e-08 | 2.9238e-07 | -4.9824e-07 |  4.9850e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       382 |-6.987234e-06 |-1.8291e-08 | 2.7905e-07 | -4.9722e-07 |  4.9502e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       382 |7.842411e-06 | 2.0530e-08 | 5.8141e-07 | -9.8927e-07 |  9.7754e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       382 |-5.76975e-05 |-1.5104e-07 | 2.8773e-05 | -4.9634e-05 |  4.9902e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       382 |0.0001604482 | 4.2002e-07 | 2.8159e-05 | -4.9830e-05 |  4.9746e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       382 |0.0002641033 | 6.9137e-07 | 2.9097e-05 | -4.9861e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       382 |-0.003917817 |-1.0256e-05 |  0.0028366 |  -0.0049604 |   0.0049156 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       382 |-5.627803e-05 |-1.4732e-07 | 2.8967e-06 | -4.9962e-06 |  4.9747e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       382 |  -13.68513 |  -0.035825 |    0.33058 |     -5.1502 |     0.17336 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       382 |   1.112274 |  0.0029117 |    0.17735 |     -1.1763 |      2.6493 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       382 |   53.43538 |    0.13988 |    0.26070 |    -0.30159 |     0.30055 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       382 |   53.81853 |    0.14089 |    0.24574 |    0.017234 |      2.7089 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       382 |   294.2078 |    0.77018 |     16.665 |     -39.713 |      43.219 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       382 |   111.7173 |    0.29245 |     15.298 |     -39.167 |      42.735 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       382 |   80002.33 |     209.43 |     282.69 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       382 |    2602949 |     6814.0 |     7169.6 |      3.0260 |      36746. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       382 |   329.9358 |    0.86371 |    0.76641 |    0.040976 |      2.4669 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       382 |  -13.68513 |  -0.035825 |    0.33058 |     -5.1502 |     0.17336 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       382 |   1.112269 |  0.0029117 |    0.17735 |     -1.1763 |      2.6493 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       382 |   53.43539 |    0.13988 |    0.26070 |    -0.30159 |     0.30055 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       382 |   53.81852 |    0.14089 |    0.24574 |    0.017234 |      2.7089 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       382 |   294.2079 |    0.77018 |     16.665 |     -39.713 |      43.219 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       382 |   111.7171 |    0.29245 |     15.298 |     -39.167 |      42.735 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       382 |   80002.33 |     209.43 |     282.69 |     -175.77 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       382 |    2602949 |     6814.0 |     7169.6 |      3.0300 |      36746. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       382 |   329.9359 |    0.86371 |    0.76641 |    0.040980 |      2.4670 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       680 |-1.011869e-05 |-1.4880e-08 | 2.8750e-07 | -4.9925e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       680 |1.346545e-05 | 1.9802e-08 | 2.8940e-07 | -4.9957e-07 |  4.9697e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       680 |9.359077e-06 | 1.3763e-08 | 2.9320e-07 | -4.9859e-07 |  4.9598e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       680 | 8.5158e-06 | 1.2523e-08 | 5.8620e-07 | -9.9471e-07 |  9.9624e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |0.0007168403 | 1.0542e-06 | 2.8368e-05 | -4.9721e-05 |  4.9787e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |-0.0008197613 |-1.2055e-06 | 2.8328e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9603e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |-0.0009648198 |-1.4189e-06 | 2.8758e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9111e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       680 | 0.01366485 | 2.0095e-05 |  0.0028319 |  -0.0049519 |   0.0049845 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       680 |-4.216002e-05 |-6.2000e-08 | 2.8575e-06 | -4.9864e-06 |  4.9743e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       680 | -0.3207451 |-0.00047168 |   0.087866 |     -1.1957 |     0.57755 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       680 |    3.15879 |  0.0046453 |   0.087696 |    -0.34166 |      1.5997 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       680 |   141.1393 |    0.20756 |    0.20808 |    -0.30217 |     0.30055 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       680 |   93.66777 |    0.13775 |    0.25796 |   0.0035634 |      3.6319 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |  -328.8821 |   -0.48365 |     15.911 |     -41.752 |      44.058 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |   239.4666 |    0.35216 |     18.460 |     -42.889 |      43.709 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |   144913.6 |     213.11 |     227.24 |     -175.79 |      750.97 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       680 |    3289778 |     4837.9 |     9141.0 |      2.2671 |      79838. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       680 |   562.0455 |    0.82654 |    0.65681 |    0.033825 |      2.5242 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       680 |  -0.320735 |-0.00047167 |   0.087866 |     -1.1957 |     0.57755 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       680 |   3.158777 |  0.0046453 |   0.087696 |    -0.34166 |      1.5997 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       680 |   141.1393 |    0.20756 |    0.20808 |    -0.30217 |     0.30055 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       680 |   93.66777 |    0.13775 |    0.25796 |   0.0035640 |      3.6319 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       680 |  -328.8828 |   -0.48365 |     15.911 |     -41.752 |      44.058 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       680 |   239.4674 |    0.35216 |     18.460 |     -42.889 |      43.709 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       680 |   144913.6 |     213.11 |     227.24 |     -175.79 |      750.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       680 |    3289778 |     4837.9 |     9141.0 |      2.2700 |      79838. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       680 |   562.0456 |    0.82654 |    0.65681 |    0.033830 |      2.5242 |
 UnpackTTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        100 |     100.00 |     0.0000 |      100.00 |      100.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       100 |-1.03364e-06 |-1.0336e-08 | 2.9640e-07 | -4.9816e-07 |  4.7604e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       100 |-2.543504e-06 |-2.5435e-08 | 2.9469e-07 | -4.9996e-07 |  4.9799e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       100 |4.942312e-07 | 4.9423e-09 | 1.4789e-07 | -4.9423e-07 |  4.9423e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       100 |1.735878e-06 | 1.7359e-08 | 5.6462e-07 | -9.8092e-07 |  9.8783e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |0.0005905285 | 5.9053e-06 | 2.5518e-05 | -4.3921e-05 |  4.9417e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |0.0004360998 | 4.3610e-06 | 2.9900e-05 | -4.4414e-05 |  4.9512e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |0.000110306 | 1.1031e-06 | 8.6769e-06 | -4.7293e-05 |  4.4401e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       100 | 0.01662381 | 0.00016624 |  0.0029708 |  -0.0048939 |   0.0048905 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       100 |-8.153622e-06 |-8.1536e-08 | 3.0837e-06 | -4.9909e-06 |  4.9920e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       100 |   0.406784 |  0.0040678 |    0.20393 |    -0.94483 |     0.64743 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       100 | -0.6439905 | -0.0064399 |    0.13205 |    -0.72785 |     0.40223 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       100 |   35.98808 |    0.35988 |    0.31444 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       100 |   18.47414 |    0.18474 |   0.090877 |   0.0036072 |     0.64784 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |  -1142.621 |    -11.426 |     310.25 |     -567.25 |      767.58 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |   4782.509 |     47.825 |     288.77 |     -574.00 |      645.46 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |   249800.6 |     2498.0 |     134.66 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       100 |   512568.9 |     5125.7 |     6151.2 |      1.6345 |      22370. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       100 |   1074.407 |     10.744 |     7.9127 |      7.7007 |      48.582 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       100 |   0.406785 |  0.0040678 |    0.20393 |    -0.94483 |     0.64743 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       100 |  -0.643988 | -0.0064399 |    0.13205 |    -0.72785 |     0.40223 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       100 |   35.98808 |    0.35988 |    0.31444 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       100 |   18.47413 |    0.18474 |   0.090877 |   0.0036080 |     0.64784 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       100 |  -1142.622 |    -11.426 |     310.25 |     -567.25 |      767.58 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       100 |   4782.508 |     47.825 |     288.77 |     -574.00 |      645.46 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       100 |   249800.6 |     2498.0 |     134.66 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       100 |   512568.9 |     5125.7 |     6151.2 |      1.6300 |      22370. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       100 |   1074.407 |     10.744 |     7.9127 |      7.7007 |      48.582 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       179 |2.413565e-06 | 1.3484e-08 | 2.7386e-07 | -4.9377e-07 |  4.8446e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       179 |-1.082001e-06 |-6.0447e-09 | 2.7644e-07 | -4.9934e-07 |  4.9298e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       179 |1.84143e-08 | 1.0287e-10 | 4.8561e-08 | -3.2324e-07 |  3.2324e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       179 |1.830595e-05 | 1.0227e-07 | 6.0543e-07 | -9.9665e-07 |  9.8968e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |-0.0001078027 |-6.0225e-07 | 2.9530e-05 | -4.9292e-05 |  4.9594e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |0.0004701355 | 2.6265e-06 | 2.8481e-05 | -4.9028e-05 |  4.9907e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |-1.822776e-05 |-1.0183e-07 | 5.3139e-06 | -3.0923e-05 |  3.7179e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       179 | 0.06878068 | 0.00038425 |  0.0028734 |  -0.0048015 |   0.0049982 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       179 |-0.0001022622 |-5.7130e-07 | 2.7921e-06 | -4.9013e-06 |  4.7241e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       179 |  -1.394791 | -0.0077921 |    0.13498 |    -0.34478 |     0.73719 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       179 |   3.911808 |   0.021854 |    0.12155 |    -0.19424 |      1.0688 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       179 |   79.86397 |    0.44617 |    0.20187 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       179 |   39.09873 |    0.21843 |    0.19440 |    0.013386 |      1.4314 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |  -14062.85 |    -78.563 |     276.93 |     -723.06 |      713.40 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |   3018.237 |     16.862 |     279.45 |     -658.39 |      658.60 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |   445145.9 |     2486.8 |     135.62 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       179 |   565269.2 |     3157.9 |     5613.6 |      1.4983 |      31281. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       179 |   1600.984 |     8.9440 |     2.3578 |      7.7593 |      24.401 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       179 |  -1.394793 | -0.0077921 |    0.13498 |    -0.34478 |     0.73719 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       179 |   3.911809 |   0.021854 |    0.12155 |    -0.19424 |      1.0688 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       179 |   79.86397 |    0.44617 |    0.20187 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       179 |   39.09872 |    0.21843 |    0.19440 |    0.013386 |      1.4314 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |  -14062.85 |    -78.563 |     276.93 |     -723.06 |      713.40 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |   3018.236 |     16.862 |     279.45 |     -658.39 |      658.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |   445145.9 |     2486.8 |     135.62 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       179 |   565269.1 |     3157.9 |     5613.6 |      1.5000 |      31281. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       179 |   1600.984 |     8.9440 |     2.3578 |      7.7592 |      24.401 |
 UnpackITHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        121 |     121.00 |     0.0000 |      121.00 |      121.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 CheckITHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       121 |3.526258e-06 | 2.9143e-08 | 2.8677e-07 | -4.9754e-07 |  4.8417e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       121 |4.156818e-06 | 3.4354e-08 | 2.8931e-07 | -4.9445e-07 |  4.8485e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       121 |6.946052e-07 | 5.7405e-09 | 3.0888e-07 | -4.9862e-07 |  4.9525e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       121 |2.825921e-06 | 2.3355e-08 | 5.9139e-07 | -9.6801e-07 |  9.8902e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |0.0004783548 | 3.9533e-06 | 2.7285e-05 | -4.9176e-05 |  4.9755e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |-0.0001347358 |-1.1135e-06 | 2.9710e-05 | -4.9748e-05 |  4.9402e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |0.000373156 | 3.0839e-06 | 2.8051e-05 | -4.9719e-05 |  4.9875e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |-0.01926779 |-0.00015924 |  0.0028890 |  -0.0047559 |   0.0048712 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       121 |-4.158103e-05 |-3.4364e-07 | 2.7855e-06 | -4.7779e-06 |  4.8928e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       121 |     3.9083 |   0.032300 |    0.15384 |    -0.50915 |      1.2103 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       121 |  -5.087381 |  -0.042044 |    0.24445 |     -1.8126 |     0.40420 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       121 |   41.37333 |    0.34193 |    0.16473 |    -0.41166 |     0.41067 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       121 |   21.19947 |    0.17520 |    0.15232 |    0.020494 |      1.2369 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |   5154.771 |     42.601 |     241.01 |     -362.02 |      461.22 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |   2743.424 |     22.673 |     99.153 |     -200.21 |      197.97 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |   994671.9 |     8220.4 |     536.68 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |    1322035 |     10926. |     15779. |      1.4343 |      53114. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       121 |   3404.122 |     28.133 |     3.5529 |      25.540 |      51.741 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       121 |   3.908296 |   0.032300 |    0.15384 |    -0.50915 |      1.2103 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       121 |  -5.087385 |  -0.042045 |    0.24445 |     -1.8126 |     0.40420 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       121 |   41.37333 |    0.34193 |    0.16473 |    -0.41166 |     0.41067 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       121 |   21.19947 |    0.17520 |    0.15232 |    0.020494 |      1.2369 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       121 |    5154.77 |     42.601 |     241.01 |     -362.02 |      461.22 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       121 |   2743.424 |     22.673 |     99.153 |     -200.21 |      197.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       121 |   994671.9 |     8220.4 |     536.68 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       121 |    1322035 |     10926. |     15779. |      1.4300 |      53114. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       121 |   3404.122 |     28.133 |     3.5529 |      25.540 |      51.741 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        82 |-4.548512e-06 |-5.5470e-08 | 2.9749e-07 | -4.9980e-07 |  4.9626e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        82 |2.227145e-06 | 2.7160e-08 | 3.0049e-07 | -4.9954e-07 |  4.8561e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        82 |-1.120402e-05 |-1.3663e-07 | 2.6646e-07 | -4.8257e-07 |  4.7009e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        82 |5.159229e-06 | 6.2917e-08 | 6.1927e-07 | -9.6075e-07 |  9.9200e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |-0.0002465033 |-3.0061e-06 | 3.0433e-05 | -4.7887e-05 |  4.9516e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |-0.0001392819 |-1.6986e-06 | 2.9890e-05 | -4.9322e-05 |  4.9717e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |-7.952727e-05 |-9.6984e-07 | 2.8940e-05 | -4.9598e-05 |  4.9065e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |-0.007267954 |-8.8634e-05 |  0.0029088 |  -0.0049783 |   0.0048208 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        82 |3.384507e-05 | 4.1274e-07 | 2.8429e-06 | -4.5784e-06 |  4.8442e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        82 |   2.151521 |   0.026238 |   0.084111 |   -0.065861 |     0.32073 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        82 |   2.211072 |   0.026964 |    0.22288 |    -0.43692 |      1.8407 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        82 |   28.53874 |    0.34803 |    0.17676 |    -0.41138 |     0.41048 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        82 |   44.03238 |    0.53698 |     1.6617 |    0.045905 |      10.733 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8943.312 |    -109.06 |     79.235 |     -225.50 |      121.79 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   4656.913 |     56.792 |     46.364 |     -106.09 |      155.30 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |   720763.7 |     8789.8 |     496.95 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |    2049407 |     24993. |     34303. |      1.4481 |      95367. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        82 |   2410.064 |     29.391 |     1.6965 |      25.593 |      31.182 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        82 |   2.151526 |   0.026238 |   0.084111 |   -0.065861 |     0.32073 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        82 |    2.21107 |   0.026964 |    0.22288 |    -0.43692 |      1.8407 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        82 |   28.53875 |    0.34803 |    0.17676 |    -0.41138 |     0.41048 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        82 |   44.03237 |    0.53698 |     1.6617 |    0.045906 |      10.733 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8943.311 |    -109.06 |     79.235 |     -225.50 |      121.79 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   4656.913 |     56.792 |     46.364 |     -106.09 |      155.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |   720763.7 |     8789.8 |     496.95 |      7668.1 |      9172.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |    2049407 |     24993. |     34303. |      1.4500 |      95367. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        82 |   2410.064 |     29.391 |     1.6965 |      25.593 |      31.182 |
 UnpackOTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        525 |     525.00 |     0.0000 |      525.00 |      525.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        491 |     491.00 |     0.0000 |      491.00 |      491.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       525 |8.549788e-06 | 1.6285e-08 | 2.8735e-07 | -4.9919e-07 |  4.9527e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       525 |-6.326668e-06 |-1.2051e-08 | 2.8472e-07 | -4.9944e-07 |  4.9900e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       525 |2.62053e-06 | 4.9915e-09 | 2.8512e-07 | -4.9921e-07 |  4.9755e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       525 |-9.196088e-08 |-1.7516e-10 | 6.0221e-07 | -9.9760e-07 |  9.9691e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       525 |4.796031e-05 | 9.1353e-08 | 2.8998e-05 | -4.9865e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       525 |0.0002199369 | 4.1893e-07 | 2.8695e-05 | -4.9529e-05 |  4.9601e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       525 |0.0008162339 | 1.5547e-06 | 2.8697e-05 | -4.9866e-05 |  4.9836e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       525 |-0.07291146 |-0.00013888 |  0.0028989 |  -0.0049472 |   0.0049834 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       525 |1.079533e-05 | 2.0563e-08 | 2.8975e-06 | -4.9828e-06 |  4.9746e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       525 |  -341.6224 |   -0.65071 |     6.7066 |     -31.376 |      36.532 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       525 |  -257.2866 |   -0.49007 |     4.8853 |     -67.778 |      14.960 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       525 |   3341.199 |     6.3642 |     7.5674 |     -10.974 |      10.770 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       525 |    158.171 |    0.30128 |    0.37577 |  0.00081874 |      2.9168 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       525 |  -93172.79 |    -177.47 |     1172.1 |     -2936.8 |      2514.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       525 |  -1235.558 |    -2.3534 |     778.13 |     -1772.7 |      1877.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       525 |    4514864 |     8599.7 |     565.35 |      7851.5 |      9410.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       525 |    1508501 |     2873.3 |     4255.7 |      1.4374 |      22356. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       525 |   17759.27 |     33.827 |     9.8802 |      26.183 |      88.272 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       525 |  -341.6224 |   -0.65071 |     6.7066 |     -31.376 |      36.532 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       525 |  -257.2866 |   -0.49007 |     4.8853 |     -67.778 |      14.960 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       525 |   3341.199 |     6.3642 |     7.5674 |     -10.974 |      10.770 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       525 |    158.171 |    0.30128 |    0.37577 |  0.00081800 |      2.9168 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       525 |  -93172.79 |    -177.47 |     1172.1 |     -2936.8 |      2514.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       525 |  -1235.558 |    -2.3534 |     778.13 |     -1772.7 |      1877.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       525 |    4514864 |     8599.7 |     565.35 |      7851.5 |      9410.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       525 |    1508501 |     2873.3 |     4255.7 |      1.4400 |      22356. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       525 |   17759.27 |     33.827 |     9.8802 |      26.183 |      88.272 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       491 |8.580474e-06 | 1.7476e-08 | 2.9189e-07 | -4.9686e-07 |  4.9977e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       491 |-2.561719e-06 |-5.2173e-09 | 2.9328e-07 | -4.9446e-07 |  4.9982e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       491 |1.710728e-06 | 3.4842e-09 | 2.8426e-07 | -4.9988e-07 |  4.9644e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       491 |1.272314e-05 | 2.5913e-08 | 5.5462e-07 | -9.9713e-07 |  9.9967e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       491 |-0.000268269 |-5.4637e-07 | 2.8382e-05 | -4.9808e-05 |  4.9766e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       491 |-0.0003510117 |-7.1489e-07 | 2.8533e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9588e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       491 |-0.001253105 |-2.5521e-06 | 2.8508e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9960e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       491 |-0.004545612 |-9.2579e-06 |  0.0027537 |  -0.0049864 |   0.0049490 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       491 |-4.417998e-05 |-8.9980e-08 | 2.8111e-06 | -4.9819e-06 |  4.9800e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       491 |   509.7712 |     1.0382 |     7.5425 |     -65.292 |      51.759 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       491 |  -36.70345 |  -0.074752 |     5.5249 |     -22.566 |      50.797 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       491 |   3284.992 |     6.6904 |     7.3149 |     -10.806 |      10.795 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       491 |   177.5044 |    0.36152 |    0.55048 |   0.0049079 |      6.1058 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       491 |  -2815.479 |    -5.7342 |     1258.6 |     -2954.5 |      3056.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       491 |   30726.06 |     62.579 |     915.06 |     -2200.9 |      2303.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       491 |    4236583 |     8628.5 |     556.41 |      7850.2 |      9411.7 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       491 |    1151889 |     2346.0 |     2363.6 |      1.5699 |      10775. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       491 |   17011.33 |     34.646 |     15.713 |      26.266 |      166.08 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       491 |   509.7712 |     1.0382 |     7.5425 |     -65.292 |      51.759 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       491 |  -36.70345 |  -0.074752 |     5.5249 |     -22.566 |      50.797 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       491 |   3284.992 |     6.6904 |     7.3149 |     -10.806 |      10.795 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       491 |   177.5044 |    0.36152 |    0.55048 |   0.0049080 |      6.1058 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       491 |  -2815.479 |    -5.7342 |     1258.6 |     -2954.5 |      3056.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       491 |   30726.06 |     62.579 |     915.06 |     -2200.9 |      2303.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       491 |    4236583 |     8628.5 |     556.41 |      7850.2 |      9411.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       491 |    1151889 |     2346.0 |     2363.6 |      1.5700 |      10775. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       491 |   17011.33 |     34.646 |     15.713 |      26.266 |      166.08 |
 UnpackRichHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1113 |     1113.0 |     0.0000 |      1113.0 |      1113.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1377 |     1377.0 |     0.0000 |      1377.0 |      1377.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1113 |     1113.0 |     0.0000 |      1113.0 |      1113.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1377 |     1377.0 |     0.0000 |      1377.0 |      1377.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         80 |     80.000 |     0.0000 |      80.000 |      80.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         94 |     94.000 |     0.0000 |      94.000 |      94.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         81 |     81.000 |     0.0000 |      81.000 |      81.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1113 |-7.722989e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1113 |0.001241547 | 1.1155e-06 | 2.8816e-05 | -4.9848e-05 |  4.9960e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1113 |0.0007085227 | 6.3659e-07 | 2.8489e-05 | -4.9857e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1113 |0.000369043 | 3.3158e-07 | 2.8807e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1113 |0.000158376 | 1.4230e-07 | 2.9439e-06 | -4.9919e-06 |  4.9999e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1113 |      22.26 |   0.020000 | 4.6471e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1113 |    2029211 |     1823.2 |     2841.9 |     -4149.3 |      4150.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1113 |   203204.2 |     182.57 |     699.66 |     -1353.5 |      1390.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1113 |    9303208 |     8358.7 |     4155.0 |      1333.5 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1113 |   42332.26 |     38.034 |     18.952 |      8.6053 |      144.25 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1113 |      22.26 |   0.020000 | 4.6525e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1113 |    2029211 |     1823.2 |     2841.9 |     -4149.3 |      4150.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1113 |   203204.2 |     182.57 |     699.66 |     -1353.5 |      1390.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1113 |    9303208 |     8358.7 |     4155.0 |      1333.5 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1113 |   42332.26 |     38.034 |     18.952 |      8.6053 |      144.25 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1377 |-9.554857e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1377 |0.001772871 | 1.2875e-06 | 2.9374e-05 | -4.9863e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1377 |0.0001343811 | 9.7590e-08 | 2.9195e-05 | -4.9907e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1377 |-2.366637e-05 |-1.7187e-08 | 2.8811e-05 | -4.9978e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1377 |-0.0001042282 |-7.5692e-08 | 2.8843e-06 | -4.9936e-06 |  4.9977e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1377 |      27.54 |   0.020000 | 4.2116e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1377 |  -388226.4 |    -281.94 |     3013.7 |     -4150.3 |      4150.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1377 |   88440.44 |     64.227 |     874.30 |     -1354.9 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1377 |    9559228 |     6942.1 |     4619.8 |      1331.4 |      11093. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1377 |   46989.33 |     34.124 |     22.016 |      6.6716 |      190.84 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1377 |      27.54 |   0.020000 | 4.2212e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1377 |  -388226.4 |    -281.94 |     3013.7 |     -4150.3 |      4150.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1377 |   88440.44 |     64.227 |     874.30 |     -1354.9 |      1391.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1377 |    9559228 |     6942.1 |     4619.8 |      1331.4 |      11093. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1377 |   46989.33 |     34.124 |     22.016 |      6.6716 |      190.84 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1113 |0.0006745706 | 6.0608e-07 | 2.8361e-05 | -4.9840e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1113 |-0.0002511276 |-2.2563e-07 | 2.9112e-05 | -4.9645e-05 |  4.9826e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1113 | 0.00231704 | 2.0818e-06 | 2.9819e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1113 |-2.802381e-10 |-2.5179e-13 | 5.8288e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1113 |-0.001012299 |-9.0952e-07 | 2.9148e-05 | -4.9937e-05 |  4.9852e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1113 |1.296304e-05 | 1.1647e-08 | 2.8870e-05 | -4.9930e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1113 |-0.0002122438 |-1.9070e-07 | 2.8400e-05 | -4.9929e-05 |  4.9887e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1113 |   3439.764 |     3.0905 |     1.7098 |   0.0010447 |      6.2670 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1113 |   589.8551 |    0.52997 |    0.53926 |   0.0047019 |      2.8338 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1113 |    1878537 |     1687.8 |     1931.7 |     -2999.6 |      4003.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1113 |   191057.3 |     171.66 |     360.17 |     -1443.5 |      1375.0 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1113 |    9118664 |     8192.9 |     4138.7 |      992.78 |      11634. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1113 |0.004840868 | 4.3494e-06 | 1.1088e-06 |  1.7807e-06 |  6.8867e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1113 |    1984388 |     1782.9 |     2779.5 |     -4077.1 |      4073.4 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1113 |   201728.4 |     181.25 |     654.11 |     -1259.3 |      1304.5 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1113 |    9242765 |     8304.4 |     4151.8 |      1269.0 |      11071. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1113 |   3439.764 |     3.0905 |     1.7098 |   0.0010447 |      6.2670 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1113 |   589.8551 |    0.52997 |    0.53926 |   0.0047019 |      2.8338 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1113 |    1878537 |     1687.8 |     1931.7 |     -2999.6 |      4003.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1113 |   191057.3 |     171.66 |     360.17 |     -1443.5 |      1375.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1113 |    9118664 |     8192.9 |     4138.7 |      992.78 |      11634. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1113 |0.004840868 | 4.3494e-06 | 1.1088e-06 |  1.7807e-06 |  6.8867e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1113 |    1984388 |     1782.9 |     2779.5 |     -4077.1 |      4073.4 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1113 |   201728.4 |     181.25 |     654.11 |     -1259.3 |      1304.5 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1113 |    9242765 |     8304.4 |     4151.8 |      1269.0 |      11071. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1113 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1377 |-0.0006065889 |-4.4051e-07 | 2.9259e-05 | -4.9920e-05 |  4.9980e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1377 |-0.00201479 |-1.4632e-06 | 2.9166e-05 | -4.9923e-05 |  4.9815e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1377 |-0.001089755 |-7.9140e-07 | 2.8866e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9948e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1377 |5.18412e-11 | 3.7648e-14 | 5.7013e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1377 |0.0004324207 | 3.1403e-07 | 2.9028e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9983e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1377 |0.0005040098 | 3.6602e-07 | 2.8625e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1377 |-5.857071e-05 |-4.2535e-08 | 2.8853e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9962e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1377 |   4373.133 |     3.1758 |     1.8683 |   0.0010636 |      6.2743 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1377 |   614.5505 |    0.44630 |    0.56488 |   0.0036100 |      2.7681 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1377 |  -251279.5 |    -182.48 |     2001.7 |     -3885.6 |      3859.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1377 |   89973.16 |     65.340 |     501.81 |     -1484.9 |      1421.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1377 |    9352325 |     6791.8 |     4566.9 |      997.48 |      11693. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1377 |0.005865616 | 4.2597e-06 | 1.0939e-06 |  1.7557e-06 |  6.8032e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1377 |  -384007.5 |    -278.87 |     2942.7 |     -4074.4 |      4076.9 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1377 |   77013.67 |     55.929 |     815.41 |     -1263.9 |      1309.4 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1377 |    9495306 |     6895.6 |     4619.7 |      1265.2 |      11070. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1377 |   4373.133 |     3.1758 |     1.8683 |   0.0010636 |      6.2743 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1377 |   614.5505 |    0.44630 |    0.56488 |   0.0036100 |      2.7681 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1377 |  -251279.5 |    -182.48 |     2001.7 |     -3885.6 |      3859.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1377 |   89973.16 |     65.340 |     501.81 |     -1484.9 |      1421.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1377 |    9352325 |     6791.8 |     4566.9 |      997.48 |      11693. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1377 |0.005865616 | 4.2597e-06 | 1.0939e-06 |  1.7557e-06 |  6.8032e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1377 |  -384007.5 |    -278.87 |     2942.7 |     -4074.4 |      4076.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1377 |   77013.67 |     55.929 |     815.41 |     -1263.9 |      1309.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1377 |    9495306 |     6895.6 |     4619.7 |      1265.2 |      11070. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1377 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        80 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        94 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        644 |     644.00 |     0.0000 |      644.00 |      644.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1016 |     1016.0 |     0.0000 |      1016.0 |      1016.0 |
 CheckSpdHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       644 |4.785558e-05 | 7.4310e-08 | 2.9303e-05 | -4.9681e-05 |  4.9719e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       644 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       644 |    343.884 |    0.53398 |     1.6063 |  9.1748e-06 |      28.623 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       644 |        991 |     1.5388 |     1.6922 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       644 |    343.884 |    0.53398 |     1.6063 |      0.0000 |      28.623 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       644 |        991 |     1.5388 |     1.6922 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1016 |-0.001019697 |-1.0036e-06 | 2.8937e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9846e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1016 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1016 |   736.4102 |    0.72481 |     2.5224 |  2.0668e-06 |      40.873 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1016 |       1576 |     1.5512 |     1.6951 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1016 |   736.4112 |    0.72481 |     2.5224 |      0.0000 |      40.873 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1016 |       1576 |     1.5512 |     1.6951 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        966 |     966.00 |     0.0000 |      966.00 |      966.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1376 |     1376.0 |     0.0000 |      1376.0 |      1376.0 |
 CheckPrsHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       966 |0.0003409107 | 3.5291e-07 | 2.8805e-05 | -4.9879e-05 |  4.9758e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       966 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       966 |   1070.027 |     1.1077 |     4.1089 |  4.8717e-05 |      59.920 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       966 |       1470 |     1.5217 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       966 |   1070.027 |     1.1077 |     4.1089 |      0.0000 |      59.920 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       966 |       1470 |     1.5217 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1376 |-0.0005494152 |-3.9928e-07 | 2.9418e-05 | -4.9929e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1376 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1376 |   1193.345 |    0.86726 |     3.0897 |  2.1764e-05 |      61.368 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1376 |       2110 |     1.5334 |     1.6974 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1376 |   1193.346 |    0.86726 |     3.0897 |      0.0000 |      61.368 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1376 |       2110 |     1.5334 |     1.6974 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1168 |     1168.0 |     0.0000 |      1168.0 |      1168.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1675 |     1675.0 |     0.0000 |      1675.0 |      1675.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1168 |0.001220903 | 1.0453e-06 | 2.9483e-05 | -4.9797e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1168 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1168 |   16978.38 |     14.536 |     41.469 |  9.6382e-05 |      567.30 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1168 |        194 |    0.16610 |    0.51831 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1168 |   16978.38 |     14.536 |     41.469 |  0.00010000 |      567.30 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1168 |        194 |    0.16610 |    0.51831 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1675 |-0.001591003 |-9.4985e-07 | 2.9066e-05 | -4.9970e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1675 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1675 |   17323.51 |     10.342 |     39.178 |  0.00058343 |      882.08 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1675 |        233 |    0.13910 |    0.41364 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1675 |   17323.51 |     10.342 |     39.178 |  0.00060000 |      882.08 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1675 |        233 |    0.13910 |    0.41364 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        236 |     236.00 |     0.0000 |      236.00 |      236.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       236 |-0.0008859631 |-3.7541e-06 | 2.9012e-05 | -4.9571e-05 |  4.9038e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       236 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       236 |   2082.455 |     8.8240 |     27.295 |  0.00046779 |      356.88 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       236 |         32 |    0.13559 |    0.48565 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       236 |   2082.456 |     8.8240 |     27.295 |  0.00050000 |      356.88 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       236 |         32 |    0.13559 |    0.48565 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       174 |0.0001779902 | 1.0229e-06 | 2.8286e-05 | -4.9769e-05 |  4.8720e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       174 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       174 |   1196.391 |     6.8758 |     14.435 |   0.0015487 |      116.75 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       174 |         31 |    0.17816 |    0.41159 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       174 |   1196.391 |     6.8758 |     14.435 |   0.0015000 |      116.75 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       174 |         31 |    0.17816 |    0.41159 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        189 |     189.00 |     0.0000 |      189.00 |      189.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        223 |     223.00 |     0.0000 |      223.00 |      223.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       189 |-1.410424e-06 |-7.4626e-09 | 2.7934e-07 | -4.9994e-07 |  4.9543e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       189 |3.857091e-06 | 2.0408e-08 | 3.0561e-07 | -4.8418e-07 |  4.9522e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       189 |1.556764e-06 | 8.2368e-09 | 2.8936e-07 | -4.9340e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       189 |7.364501e-07 | 3.8966e-09 | 6.0984e-07 | -9.9741e-07 |  9.9339e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       189 |-0.0005940407 |-3.1431e-06 | 2.8738e-05 | -4.9472e-05 |  4.9728e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       189 |0.0004727645 | 2.5014e-06 | 3.0106e-05 | -4.9585e-05 |  4.9664e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       189 |2.575508e-05 | 1.3627e-07 | 2.8542e-05 | -4.9850e-05 |  4.9683e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       189 |-0.03691497 |-0.00019532 |  0.0028969 |  -0.0049922 |   0.0047486 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       189 |3.178983e-05 | 1.6820e-07 | 2.6191e-06 | -4.9782e-06 |  4.9295e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       189 |  -53.59989 |   -0.28360 |     5.6142 |     -50.086 |      15.153 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       189 |   147.5155 |    0.78051 |     12.235 |     -15.770 |      161.89 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       189 |    721.313 |     3.8165 |     2.5559 |     -5.0329 |      5.0328 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       189 |  0.6198127 |  0.0032794 |  0.0071854 |  8.2415e-05 |    0.079145 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       189 |   51772.11 |     273.93 |     1626.3 |     -3853.9 |      4386.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       189 |   22375.11 |     118.39 |     943.86 |     -1999.0 |      2566.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       189 |    2421568 |     12813. |     1449.6 |      11953. |      17707. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       189 |   467152.1 |     2471.7 |     6450.2 |      1.5902 |      53053. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       189 |    8473.45 |     44.833 |     7.0977 |      39.859 |      80.926 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       189 |  -53.59989 |   -0.28360 |     5.6142 |     -50.086 |      15.153 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       189 |   147.5155 |    0.78051 |     12.235 |     -15.770 |      161.89 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       189 |    721.313 |     3.8165 |     2.5559 |     -5.0329 |      5.0328 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       189 |   0.619812 |  0.0032794 |  0.0071854 |  8.2000e-05 |    0.079146 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       189 |   51772.11 |     273.93 |     1626.3 |     -3853.9 |      4386.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       189 |   22375.11 |     118.39 |     943.86 |     -1999.0 |      2566.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       189 |    2421568 |     12813. |     1449.6 |      11953. |      17707. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       189 |   467152.1 |     2471.7 |     6450.2 |      1.5900 |      53053. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       189 |    8473.45 |     44.833 |     7.0977 |      39.859 |      80.926 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       223 |1.985805e-06 | 8.9050e-09 | 2.9975e-07 | -4.9740e-07 |  4.9840e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       223 |3.554435e-06 | 1.5939e-08 | 2.8853e-07 | -4.7563e-07 |  4.9463e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       223 |5.01409e-06 | 2.2485e-08 | 2.7499e-07 | -4.9107e-07 |  4.9969e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       223 |-3.517734e-06 |-1.5775e-08 | 5.7324e-07 | -9.9816e-07 |  9.7801e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       223 |0.0004627208 | 2.0750e-06 | 2.7405e-05 | -4.9608e-05 |  4.9671e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       223 |-0.0001274256 |-5.7142e-07 | 3.0218e-05 | -4.9847e-05 |  4.9386e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       223 |0.0006833021 | 3.0641e-06 | 2.9235e-05 | -4.9457e-05 |  4.9587e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       223 |-0.09319024 |-0.00041789 |  0.0028153 |  -0.0049993 |   0.0048511 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       223 |3.30648e-05 | 1.4827e-07 | 2.9178e-06 | -4.9449e-06 |  4.9877e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       223 |    153.582 |    0.68871 |     3.8643 |     -9.7898 |      29.972 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       223 |   94.90237 |    0.42557 |     2.7877 |     -11.782 |      25.592 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       223 |   745.4258 |     3.3427 |     2.9576 |     -5.0198 |      5.0499 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       223 |  0.3423405 |  0.0015352 |  0.0024769 |  0.00010503 |    0.031254 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       223 |   76085.67 |     341.19 |     1308.4 |     -3668.5 |      3227.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       223 |   16671.39 |     74.760 |     971.44 |     -3060.5 |      2417.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       223 |    2798820 |     12551. |     1409.0 |      11955. |      18754. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       223 |   349343.4 |     1566.6 |     2692.4 |      1.5357 |      21851. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       223 |   9715.769 |     43.568 |     5.5006 |      40.007 |      63.676 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       223 |    153.582 |    0.68871 |     3.8643 |     -9.7898 |      29.972 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       223 |   94.90237 |    0.42557 |     2.7877 |     -11.782 |      25.592 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       223 |   745.4258 |     3.3427 |     2.9576 |     -5.0198 |      5.0499 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       223 |   0.342344 |  0.0015352 |  0.0024768 |  0.00010600 |    0.031254 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       223 |   76085.67 |     341.19 |     1308.4 |     -3668.5 |      3227.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       223 |   16671.39 |     74.760 |     971.44 |     -3060.5 |      2417.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       223 |    2798820 |     12551. |     1409.0 |      11955. |      18754. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       223 |   349343.5 |     1566.6 |     2692.4 |      1.5400 |      21851. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       223 |   9715.769 |     43.568 |     5.5006 |      40.007 |      63.676 |
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  392.00 +-19.80 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  367.00 +-19.16 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.27 +-0.27%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  375.00 +-19.36 ( 95.66 +-1.03%) Rich2 =  241.00 +-15.52 ( 65.67 +-2.48%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  0.51 +-0.36%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  272.00 +-16.49 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  652.00 +-25.53 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.15 +-0.15%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  260.00 +-16.12 ( 95.59 +-1.25%) Rich2 =  380.00 +-19.49 ( 58.28 +-1.93%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.15 +-0.15%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  173.00 +-13.15 ( 26.53 +-1.73%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.27 +-0.27%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  113.00 +-10.63 ( 30.79 +-2.41%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   15.00 +- 3.87 (  3.83 +-0.97%) Rich2 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  4.90 +-1.13%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  3.06 +-0.87%) Rich2 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  3.54 +-0.96%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.15 +-0.15%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   78.00 +- 8.83 ( 11.96 +-1.27%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  4.41 +-1.25%) Rich2 =   30.00 +- 5.48 (  4.60 +-0.82%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  3.68 +-1.14%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  3.99 +-0.77%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  1.79 +-0.67%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  1.91 +-0.71%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.26 +-0.25%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  1.47 +-0.73%) Rich2 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  1.99 +-0.55%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  375.00 +-19.36 ( 95.66 +-1.03%) Rich2Gas =  241.00 +-15.52 ( 65.67 +-2.48%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  260.00 +-16.12 ( 95.59 +-1.25%) Rich2Gas =  380.00 +-19.49 ( 58.28 +-1.93%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9579,93 +9583,95 @@ GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   390.00 +- 19.75 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   366.00 +- 19.13 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    41.00 +-  6.40 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   272.00 +- 16.49 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   477.00 +- 21.84 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   173.00 +- 13.15 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    11.00 +-  3.32 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    27.00 +-  5.20 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
 GetRichTracksNextNext      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        129 |     129.00 |     0.0000 |      129.00 |      129.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        282 |     282.00 |     0.0000 |      282.00 |      282.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          7 |     7.0000 |     0.0000 |      7.0000 |      7.0000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        120 |     120.00 |     0.0000 |      120.00 |      120.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         79 |     79.000 |     0.0000 |      79.000 |      79.000 |
 MCITHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         19 |     19.000 |     0.0000 |      19.000 |      19.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        185 |     185.00 |     0.0000 |      185.00 |      185.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        175 |     175.00 |     0.0000 |      175.00 |      175.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         99 |     99.000 |     0.0000 |      99.000 |      99.000 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        810 |     810.00 |     0.0000 |      810.00 |      810.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        865 |     865.00 |     0.0000 |      865.00 |      865.00 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        665 |     665.00 |     0.0000 |      665.00 |      665.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        589 |     589.00 |     0.0000 |      589.00 |      589.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1042 |     1042.0 |     0.0000 |      1042.0 |      1042.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        960 |     960.00 |     0.0000 |      960.00 |      960.00 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         97 |     97.000 |     0.0000 |      97.000 |      97.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        157 |     157.00 |     0.0000 |      157.00 |      157.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        759 |     759.00 |     0.0000 |      759.00 |      759.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        924 |     924.00 |     0.0000 |      924.00 |      924.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        758 |     758.00 |     0.0000 |      758.00 |      758.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        923 |     923.00 |     0.0000 |      923.00 |      923.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         57 |     57.000 |     0.0000 |      57.000 |      57.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         41 |     41.000 |     0.0000 |      41.000 |      41.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         52 |     52.000 |     0.0000 |      52.000 |      52.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         32 |     32.000 |     0.0000 |      32.000 |      32.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       129+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       282+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 7+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 120
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2773.47
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.153706
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0520149
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 79
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1157.48
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.157755
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0408882
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
-TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       120 |     332816 |     2773.5 |     7250.5 |     0.36473 |      36184. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        120 |     120.00 |     0.0000 |      120.00 |      120.00 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |        79 |   91441.01 |     1157.5 |     2764.6 |     0.36687 |      12264. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         79 |     79.000 |     0.0000 |      79.000 |      79.000 |
 ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 19
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 195.025
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.128646
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0213719
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 133
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1406.73
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118209
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0283612
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
-ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
+ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        19 |   3705.483 |     195.03 |     104.65 |      3.6437 |      412.93 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         19 |     19.000 |     0.0000 |      19.000 |      19.000 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         8 |          8 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       133 |     187095 |     1406.7 |     2097.6 |      3.9145 |      5981.1 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 259
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3203.3
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.196507
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0780935
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 185
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2877.58
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19864
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.070435
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        10 |         10 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       259 |   829655.8 |     3203.3 |     8182.8 |      1.9201 |      36184. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       185 |     532353 |     2877.6 |     5363.9 |      2.6208 |      29802. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        185 |     185.00 |     0.0000 |      185.00 |      185.00 |
 SpdMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9674,374 +9680,374 @@ MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 73.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 43.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 28.000  15.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 16.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 53.000  3.000  6.000  0.000  1.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 109.000  34.000  1.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 49.000  1.000  3.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 54.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 160.000  19.000  4.000  4.000  4.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 265.000  38.000  10.000  0.000  1.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          7 |     7.0000 |     0.0000 |      7.0000 |      7.0000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         7 |4.323496e-07 | 6.1764e-08 | 2.9644e-07 | -4.9379e-07 |  4.7209e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         7 |-1.242065e-06 |-1.7744e-07 | 3.3899e-07 | -4.7824e-07 |  4.0600e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         7 |1.223355e-06 | 1.7476e-07 | 3.1144e-07 | -3.7775e-07 |  4.9802e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         7 |3.429731e-06 | 4.8996e-07 | 5.0456e-07 | -5.1380e-07 |  9.8382e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |-5.33411e-05 |-7.6202e-06 | 2.2853e-05 | -4.2935e-05 |  2.7098e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |4.429642e-05 | 6.3281e-06 | 2.9688e-05 | -4.1888e-05 |  4.8191e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |2.407229e-05 | 3.4389e-06 | 2.4904e-05 | -3.8168e-05 |  4.8421e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |0.003883195 | 0.00055474 |  0.0024932 |  -0.0030373 |   0.0034501 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         7 |-6.626169e-06 |-9.4660e-07 | 3.1434e-06 | -4.4495e-06 |  4.2584e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         7 | 0.01367043 |  0.0019529 |   0.015176 |   -0.021415 |    0.019855 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         7 | -0.1084942 |  -0.015499 |   0.025888 |   -0.062926 |    0.018634 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.099877 |   -0.29998 | 0.00010491 |    -0.30009 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |         7 |  0.7758374 |    0.11083 |   0.048936 |    0.077687 |     0.21643 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |   12.71585 |     1.8165 |     10.868 |     -17.666 |      13.681 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |  -77.64296 |    -11.092 |     18.382 |     -41.190 |      17.005 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1851.193 |    -264.46 |     40.582 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   19711.87 |     2816.0 |     2241.8 |      447.10 |      6143.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |         7 |   6.088493 |    0.86978 |    0.24712 |     0.60865 |      1.3784 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         7 |    0.01367 |  0.0019529 |   0.015176 |   -0.021415 |    0.019855 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         7 |  -0.108493 |  -0.015499 |   0.025888 |   -0.062926 |    0.018634 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.099878 |   -0.29998 | 0.00010498 |    -0.30009 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         7 |   0.775834 |    0.11083 |   0.048936 |    0.077686 |     0.21643 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |    12.7159 |     1.8166 |     10.868 |     -17.666 |      13.681 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |    -77.643 |    -11.092 |     18.382 |     -41.190 |      17.005 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1851.193 |    -264.46 |     40.582 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   19711.87 |     2816.0 |     2241.8 |      447.10 |      6143.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         7 |     6.0885 |    0.86979 |    0.24712 |     0.60865 |      1.3784 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         7 |5.773741e-07 | 8.2482e-08 | 2.4718e-07 | -3.6692e-07 |  3.7002e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         7 |2.74001e-07 | 3.9143e-08 | 3.2975e-07 | -4.3910e-07 |  4.4417e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         7 |8.880497e-07 | 1.2686e-07 | 2.9438e-07 | -3.2177e-07 |  4.8370e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         7 |-1.804597e-06 |-2.5780e-07 | 5.9227e-07 | -8.6247e-07 |  8.3303e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |0.000128089 | 1.8298e-05 | 2.0027e-05 | -1.4692e-05 |  3.7553e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |5.955996e-05 | 8.5086e-06 | 2.7348e-05 | -4.5512e-05 |  4.4200e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |-7.823825e-05 |-1.1177e-05 | 3.5346e-05 | -4.8466e-05 |  3.3519e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |-0.002782348 |-0.00039748 |  0.0035317 |  -0.0041617 |   0.0049975 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         7 |-9.382268e-06 |-1.3403e-06 | 8.5240e-07 | -2.5187e-06 |  1.1069e-08 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         7 |-0.03655842 | -0.0052226 |   0.034054 |   -0.055657 |    0.043908 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         7 |-0.02620773 | -0.0037440 |   0.028213 |   -0.042416 |    0.035371 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.100321 |   -0.30005 | 0.00016808 |    -0.30023 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |         7 |  0.9259002 |    0.13227 |    0.10506 |    0.077211 |     0.38914 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |  -19.71477 |    -2.8164 |     21.427 |     -30.412 |      28.773 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |  -15.07804 |    -2.1540 |     18.719 |     -27.150 |      23.127 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1724.933 |    -246.42 |     34.681 |     -300.51 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   42719.55 |     6102.8 |     4636.4 |      398.07 |      11568. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |         7 |   4.890241 |    0.69861 |    0.11295 |     0.60075 |     0.87378 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         7 |  -0.036559 | -0.0052227 |   0.034054 |   -0.055657 |    0.043908 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         7 |  -0.026208 | -0.0037440 |   0.028213 |   -0.042416 |    0.035371 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.100322 |   -0.30005 | 0.00016809 |    -0.30023 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         7 |   0.925902 |    0.13227 |    0.10506 |    0.077212 |     0.38914 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |   -19.7149 |    -2.8164 |     21.427 |     -30.413 |      28.773 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |   -15.0781 |    -2.1540 |     18.719 |     -27.150 |      23.127 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1724.933 |    -246.42 |     34.681 |     -300.51 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   42719.55 |     6102.8 |     4636.4 |      398.07 |      11568. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         7 |    4.89025 |    0.69861 |    0.11295 |     0.60075 |     0.87378 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        129 |     129.00 |     0.0000 |      129.00 |      129.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        282 |     282.00 |     0.0000 |      282.00 |      282.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       129 |2.188229e-06 | 1.6963e-08 | 2.8572e-07 | -4.9320e-07 |  4.9603e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       129 |-2.158705e-06 |-1.6734e-08 | 2.9433e-07 | -4.9052e-07 |  4.9583e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       129 |2.708078e-06 | 2.0993e-08 | 2.6321e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9876e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       129 |1.080732e-05 | 8.3778e-08 | 5.9370e-07 | -9.7080e-07 |  9.6853e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       129 |3.469354e-05 | 2.6894e-07 | 2.9237e-05 | -4.8801e-05 |  4.7814e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       129 |-0.0001768984 |-1.3713e-06 | 2.9828e-05 | -4.8633e-05 |  4.9536e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       129 |2.114645e-05 | 1.6393e-07 | 2.8647e-05 | -4.9787e-05 |  4.9127e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       129 |  0.0461998 | 0.00035814 |  0.0027463 |  -0.0048211 |   0.0049204 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       129 |-7.109966e-06 |-5.5116e-08 | 2.8442e-06 | -4.8793e-06 |  4.8758e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       129 |   1.043697 |  0.0080907 |    0.10907 |    -0.27544 |     0.69388 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       129 |   -1.56907 |  -0.012163 |   0.060120 |    -0.29872 |     0.10518 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       129 |   20.28053 |    0.15721 |    0.25210 |    -0.30160 |     0.30031 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       129 |   18.07868 |    0.14014 |    0.18146 |    0.050818 |      1.9007 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       129 |  -178.5049 |    -1.3838 |     16.725 |     -41.372 |      41.682 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       129 |   408.2463 |     3.1647 |     13.595 |     -29.282 |      29.791 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       129 |   32500.45 |     251.94 |     333.69 |     -175.79 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       129 |   706448.1 |     5476.3 |     7401.0 |      6.1278 |      31665. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       129 |   145.4167 |     1.1273 |    0.96189 |    0.033378 |      2.6328 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       129 |   1.043695 |  0.0080907 |    0.10907 |    -0.27544 |     0.69388 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       129 |  -1.569068 |  -0.012163 |   0.060120 |    -0.29872 |     0.10518 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       129 |   20.28052 |    0.15721 |    0.25210 |    -0.30160 |     0.30031 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       129 |   18.07867 |    0.14014 |    0.18146 |    0.050818 |      1.9007 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       129 |  -178.5049 |    -1.3838 |     16.725 |     -41.372 |      41.682 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       129 |   408.2465 |     3.1647 |     13.595 |     -29.282 |      29.791 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       129 |   32500.45 |     251.94 |     333.69 |     -175.79 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       129 |     706448 |     5476.3 |     7401.0 |      6.1300 |      31665. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       129 |   145.4167 |     1.1273 |    0.96189 |    0.033380 |      2.6328 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       282 |-2.244413e-06 |-7.9589e-09 | 2.8814e-07 | -4.9610e-07 |  4.9968e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       282 |-7.357197e-06 |-2.6089e-08 | 3.0255e-07 | -4.9899e-07 |  4.9640e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       282 |3.388663e-06 | 1.2017e-08 | 2.9060e-07 | -4.9960e-07 |  4.8994e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       282 |6.65715e-06 | 2.3607e-08 | 6.1083e-07 | -9.9804e-07 |  9.9828e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       282 |-0.0002659157 |-9.4296e-07 | 2.8237e-05 | -4.9642e-05 |  4.9807e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       282 |-0.0005058535 |-1.7938e-06 | 2.9295e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9471e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       282 |0.0003056798 | 1.0840e-06 | 2.8410e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9209e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       282 | -0.0220717 |-7.8268e-05 |  0.0029163 |  -0.0049317 |   0.0049402 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       282 |-1.359288e-06 |-4.8202e-09 | 2.8091e-06 | -4.9723e-06 |  4.9940e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       282 |  -11.16949 |  -0.039608 |    0.73551 |     -12.319 |     0.43761 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       282 |   7.763981 |   0.027532 |    0.30163 |    -0.49765 |      4.9294 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       282 |   54.45361 |    0.19310 |    0.22011 |    -0.30121 |     0.30031 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       282 |   39.13983 |    0.13879 |    0.40812 |   0.0041744 |      6.5439 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       282 |  -423.5613 |    -1.5020 |     16.322 |     -34.338 |      40.198 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       282 |   1284.667 |     4.5556 |     13.805 |     -35.285 |      31.314 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       282 |   79356.22 |     281.41 |     281.76 |     -175.76 |      751.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       282 |    2018357 |     7157.3 |     10086. |      1.4346 |      51321. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       282 |   329.3962 |     1.1681 |    0.82060 |    0.059342 |      2.6396 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       282 |  -11.16949 |  -0.039608 |    0.73551 |     -12.319 |     0.43761 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       282 |   7.763988 |   0.027532 |    0.30163 |    -0.49765 |      4.9294 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       282 |    54.4536 |    0.19310 |    0.22011 |    -0.30121 |     0.30031 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       282 |   39.13982 |    0.13879 |    0.40812 |   0.0041740 |      6.5439 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       282 |   -423.561 |    -1.5020 |     16.322 |     -34.338 |      40.198 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       282 |   1284.667 |     4.5556 |     13.805 |     -35.285 |      31.314 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       282 |   79356.22 |     281.41 |     281.76 |     -175.76 |      751.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       282 |    2018357 |     7157.3 |     10086. |      1.4300 |      51321. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       282 |   329.3962 |     1.1681 |    0.82060 |    0.059340 |      2.6396 |
 UnpackTTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        120 |     120.00 |     0.0000 |      120.00 |      120.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         79 |     79.000 |     0.0000 |      79.000 |      79.000 |
 CheckTTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       120 |-3.754617e-06 |-3.1288e-08 | 2.7253e-07 | -4.8047e-07 |  4.9492e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       120 |-2.365303e-06 |-1.9711e-08 | 2.7023e-07 | -4.8825e-07 |  4.7122e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       120 |-5.551115e-17 |-4.6259e-19 | 7.9889e-08 | -4.4239e-07 |  4.4239e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       120 |7.954009e-06 | 6.6283e-08 | 6.1272e-07 | -9.7035e-07 |  9.9967e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       120 |0.0004079512 | 3.3996e-06 | 2.9737e-05 | -4.8546e-05 |  4.9566e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       120 |0.0002686663 | 2.2389e-06 | 2.6839e-05 | -4.9200e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       120 |-0.0001354799 |-1.1290e-06 | 7.4888e-06 | -4.8954e-05 |  2.0283e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       120 |  0.0152924 | 0.00012744 |  0.0027298 |  -0.0049153 |   0.0049746 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       120 |-2.149104e-05 |-1.7909e-07 | 2.8947e-06 | -4.9496e-06 |  4.9970e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       120 |  -8.866132 |  -0.073884 |    0.77775 |     -7.8616 |      1.3731 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       120 |  -4.559945 |  -0.038000 |    0.16100 |    -0.83713 |     0.58146 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       120 |       40.5 |    0.33750 |    0.32421 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       120 |   34.17468 |    0.28479 |    0.43903 |   0.0066800 |      3.1261 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       120 |  -10997.29 |    -91.644 |     260.70 |     -679.92 |      633.55 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       120 |  -13222.45 |    -110.19 |     206.15 |     -639.72 |      461.97 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       120 |   300097.3 |     2500.8 |     135.69 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       120 |   200225.1 |     1668.5 |     3454.4 |      1.4252 |      17035. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       120 |   1539.734 |     12.831 |     9.6824 |      7.8756 |      55.653 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       120 |  -8.866128 |  -0.073884 |    0.77775 |     -7.8616 |      1.3731 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       120 |  -4.559943 |  -0.038000 |    0.16100 |    -0.83713 |     0.58145 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       120 |       40.5 |    0.33750 |    0.32421 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       120 |   34.17467 |    0.28479 |    0.43903 |   0.0066800 |      3.1261 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       120 |  -10997.29 |    -91.644 |     260.70 |     -679.92 |      633.55 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       120 |  -13222.45 |    -110.19 |     206.15 |     -639.72 |      461.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       120 |   300097.3 |     2500.8 |     135.69 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       120 |     200225 |     1668.5 |     3454.4 |      1.4300 |      17035. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       120 |   1539.734 |     12.831 |     9.6824 |      7.8756 |      55.653 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        79 |-6.071293e-06 |-7.6852e-08 | 2.8882e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9491e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        79 |-5.528097e-07 |-6.9976e-09 | 2.8178e-07 | -4.8190e-07 |  4.7191e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        79 |-3.921192e-08 |-4.9635e-10 | 4.3837e-09 | -3.9212e-08 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        79 |-5.295632e-06 |-6.7033e-08 | 6.1814e-07 | -9.7964e-07 |  9.9390e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        79 |7.943689e-05 | 1.0055e-06 | 2.9110e-05 | -4.8480e-05 |  4.8943e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        79 |0.0002002431 | 2.5347e-06 | 2.8061e-05 | -4.9611e-05 |  4.8851e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        79 |3.603921e-05 | 4.5619e-07 | 4.0290e-06 |      0.0000 |  3.6039e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        79 | 0.02391742 | 0.00030275 |  0.0026797 |  -0.0048696 |   0.0049475 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        79 |-1.985539e-05 |-2.5133e-07 | 2.9070e-06 | -4.9267e-06 |  4.7599e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        79 |  -3.382138 |  -0.042812 |    0.19102 |    -0.76300 |     0.18487 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        79 |   1.521118 |   0.019255 |   0.084845 |    -0.10024 |     0.26628 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        79 |   37.21306 |    0.47105 |    0.15975 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        79 |   21.05712 |    0.26655 |    0.30266 |    0.061365 |      1.5814 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        79 |   2483.893 |     31.442 |     235.30 |     -564.64 |      694.75 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        79 |   6992.035 |     88.507 |     207.08 |     -327.89 |      614.30 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        79 |   196374.3 |     2485.8 |     136.31 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        79 |   273216.3 |     3458.4 |     5268.3 |      83.088 |      25708. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        79 |   806.7635 |     10.212 |     6.3357 |      7.8856 |      45.801 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        79 |  -3.382132 |  -0.042812 |    0.19102 |    -0.76300 |     0.18487 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        79 |   1.521119 |   0.019255 |   0.084845 |    -0.10024 |     0.26628 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        79 |   37.21306 |    0.47105 |    0.15975 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        79 |   21.05713 |    0.26655 |    0.30266 |    0.061364 |      1.5814 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        79 |   2483.893 |     31.442 |     235.30 |     -564.64 |      694.75 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        79 |   6992.035 |     88.507 |     207.08 |     -327.89 |      614.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        79 |   196374.3 |     2485.8 |     136.31 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        79 |   273216.2 |     3458.4 |     5268.3 |      83.090 |      25708. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        79 |   806.7635 |     10.212 |     6.3357 |      7.8856 |      45.801 |
 UnpackITHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         19 |     19.000 |     0.0000 |      19.000 |      19.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 CheckITHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        19 |2.119653e-07 | 1.1156e-08 | 2.9929e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.7104e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        19 |-5.486596e-07 |-2.8877e-08 | 3.2989e-07 | -4.8456e-07 |  4.7892e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        19 |-6.092373e-07 |-3.2065e-08 | 2.0213e-07 | -4.1655e-07 |  2.2345e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        19 |6.280277e-07 | 3.3054e-08 | 6.1096e-07 | -9.7033e-07 |  8.6134e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |-0.0001298904 |-6.8363e-06 | 3.1199e-05 | -4.8327e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |-6.811963e-06 |-3.5852e-07 | 3.0768e-05 | -4.2807e-05 |  4.6788e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |-8.428395e-05 |-4.4360e-06 | 2.6127e-05 | -4.5835e-05 |  4.3821e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |0.009529765 | 0.00050157 |  0.0023406 |  -0.0039738 |   0.0045534 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        19 |-2.53278e-05 |-1.3330e-06 | 2.7210e-06 | -4.9649e-06 |  3.4956e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        19 | -0.2501928 |  -0.013168 |   0.017409 |   -0.025263 |    0.030486 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        19 |-0.005826549 |-0.00030666 |  0.0034578 |  -0.0027138 |    0.010007 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        19 |   7.557584 |    0.39777 |   0.051047 |     0.18119 |     0.40982 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        19 |   2.728069 |    0.14358 |   0.089221 |    0.051889 |     0.50807 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |  -2310.905 |    -121.63 |     126.52 |     -243.49 |      116.45 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |  -181.0298 |    -9.5279 |     60.463 |     -60.892 |      125.81 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |   162696.8 |     8563.0 |     573.67 |      7671.9 |      9088.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |   515545.2 |     27134. |     14602. |      1.8619 |      57475. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        19 |   545.3322 |     28.702 |     1.9137 |      25.729 |      30.449 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        19 |  -0.250193 |  -0.013168 |   0.017409 |   -0.025263 |    0.030486 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        19 |  -0.005826 |-0.00030663 |  0.0034577 |  -0.0027140 |    0.010007 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        19 |   7.557585 |    0.39777 |   0.051047 |     0.18119 |     0.40982 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        19 |   2.728068 |    0.14358 |   0.089221 |    0.051890 |     0.50807 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        19 |  -2310.905 |    -121.63 |     126.52 |     -243.49 |      116.45 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        19 |  -181.0298 |    -9.5279 |     60.463 |     -60.892 |      125.81 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        19 |   162696.8 |     8563.0 |     573.67 |      7671.9 |      9088.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        19 |   515545.2 |     27134. |     14602. |      1.8600 |      57475. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        19 |   545.3323 |     28.702 |     1.9137 |      25.729 |      30.449 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       133 |-7.491077e-07 |-5.6324e-09 | 2.8029e-07 | -4.9796e-07 |  4.8928e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       133 |7.556469e-07 | 5.6816e-09 | 2.7245e-07 | -4.9506e-07 |  4.8438e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       133 |3.818989e-07 | 2.8714e-09 | 3.1072e-07 | -4.9983e-07 |  4.8562e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       133 |3.360531e-06 | 2.5267e-08 | 5.8095e-07 | -9.7562e-07 |  9.8117e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |0.000756477 | 5.6878e-06 | 2.9041e-05 | -4.7498e-05 |  4.9611e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |6.033966e-05 | 4.5368e-07 | 2.7447e-05 | -4.9244e-05 |  4.9112e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |0.0002028024 | 1.5248e-06 | 2.9960e-05 | -4.9754e-05 |  4.8750e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       133 | 0.01922097 | 0.00014452 |  0.0029449 |  -0.0049844 |   0.0049923 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       133 |3.446691e-05 | 2.5915e-07 | 2.7981e-06 | -4.9547e-06 |  4.9694e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       133 |   1.544846 |   0.011615 |    0.12662 |    -0.14123 |     0.95238 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       133 |   1.429272 |   0.010746 |    0.10015 |    -0.38510 |     0.76971 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       133 |   47.06607 |    0.35388 |    0.13179 |    -0.41053 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       133 |   20.21339 |    0.15198 |    0.10612 |   0.0037442 |     0.77624 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |  -3603.416 |    -27.093 |     228.13 |     -432.92 |      236.80 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |  -4741.537 |    -35.651 |     64.417 |     -130.01 |      106.18 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |    1122088 |     8436.8 |     536.52 |      7667.7 |      9171.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       133 |    1537352 |     11559. |     13129. |      1.4247 |      40191. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       133 |   3770.233 |     28.348 |     1.7997 |      25.718 |      30.747 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       133 |   1.544847 |   0.011615 |    0.12662 |    -0.14123 |     0.95238 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       133 |   1.429271 |   0.010746 |    0.10015 |    -0.38510 |     0.76971 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       133 |   47.06607 |    0.35388 |    0.13179 |    -0.41053 |     0.40983 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       133 |   20.21339 |    0.15198 |    0.10612 |   0.0037440 |     0.77624 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |  -3603.417 |    -27.093 |     228.13 |     -432.92 |      236.80 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |  -4741.537 |    -35.651 |     64.417 |     -130.01 |      106.18 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |    1122088 |     8436.8 |     536.52 |      7667.7 |      9171.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       133 |    1537352 |     11559. |     13129. |      1.4200 |      40191. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       133 |   3770.233 |     28.348 |     1.7997 |      25.718 |      30.747 |
 UnpackOTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        259 |     259.00 |     0.0000 |      259.00 |      259.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        185 |     185.00 |     0.0000 |      185.00 |      185.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       259 |2.355161e-06 | 9.0933e-09 | 2.8937e-07 | -4.9627e-07 |  4.9750e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       259 |3.76034e-06 | 1.4519e-08 | 2.9325e-07 | -4.9682e-07 |  4.9252e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       259 |2.477299e-06 | 9.5649e-09 | 2.7154e-07 | -4.9856e-07 |  4.9326e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       259 |-8.572558e-06 |-3.3099e-08 | 5.8688e-07 | -9.9334e-07 |  9.9762e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       259 |0.0002728593 | 1.0535e-06 | 2.8815e-05 | -4.9818e-05 |  4.9304e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       259 |0.0001659943 | 6.4090e-07 | 2.8735e-05 | -4.9748e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       259 |0.0004212031 | 1.6263e-06 | 2.8900e-05 | -4.9706e-05 |  4.9700e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       259 | 0.05788452 | 0.00022349 |  0.0028794 |  -0.0049926 |   0.0049496 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       259 |-7.547872e-05 |-2.9142e-07 | 3.0196e-06 | -4.9962e-06 |  4.9969e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       259 |   -65.2035 |   -0.25175 |     15.433 |     -65.052 |      112.41 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       259 |   74.69349 |    0.28839 |     6.0015 |     -28.229 |      42.900 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       259 |   1360.501 |     5.2529 |     7.9607 |     -10.794 |      10.787 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       259 |   71.13488 |    0.27465 |    0.23796 |    0.012398 |      2.1972 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       259 |  -68256.17 |    -263.54 |     1479.7 |     -2924.5 |      2881.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       259 |   32274.96 |     124.61 |     547.14 |     -640.97 |      2139.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       259 |    2206787 |     8520.4 |     577.01 |      7854.1 |      9414.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       259 |     459216 |     1773.0 |     3397.7 |      1.5214 |      15724. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       259 |   8737.901 |     33.737 |     8.9365 |      26.346 |      66.309 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       259 |   -65.2035 |   -0.25175 |     15.433 |     -65.052 |      112.41 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       259 |   74.69348 |    0.28839 |     6.0015 |     -28.229 |      42.900 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       259 |   1360.501 |     5.2529 |     7.9607 |     -10.794 |      10.787 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       259 |   71.13489 |    0.27465 |    0.23796 |    0.012398 |      2.1972 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       259 |  -68256.17 |    -263.54 |     1479.7 |     -2924.5 |      2881.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       259 |   32274.96 |     124.61 |     547.14 |     -640.97 |      2139.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       259 |    2206787 |     8520.4 |     577.01 |      7854.1 |      9414.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       259 |   459215.9 |     1773.0 |     3397.7 |      1.5200 |      15724. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       259 |   8737.901 |     33.737 |     8.9365 |      26.346 |      66.309 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       185 |7.517754e-06 | 4.0637e-08 | 2.9253e-07 | -4.9875e-07 |  5.0000e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       185 |-2.535167e-06 |-1.3704e-08 | 2.8279e-07 | -4.9583e-07 |  4.9096e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       185 |-2.37462e-06 |-1.2836e-08 | 2.9224e-07 | -4.9953e-07 |  4.9933e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       185 |1.198962e-07 | 6.4809e-10 | 5.8107e-07 | -9.8443e-07 |  9.9202e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       185 |-0.0005973528 |-3.2289e-06 | 2.7417e-05 | -4.9798e-05 |  4.9309e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       185 |-1.737287e-05 |-9.3907e-08 | 2.9305e-05 | -4.9579e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       185 |-0.0002336157 |-1.2628e-06 | 2.8493e-05 | -4.8940e-05 |  4.9245e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       185 | 0.05759939 | 0.00031135 |  0.0028936 |  -0.0049839 |   0.0049856 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       185 |-5.66969e-05 |-3.0647e-07 | 2.8380e-06 | -4.9648e-06 |  4.9838e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       185 |    186.604 |     1.0087 |     5.2377 |     -13.745 |      26.857 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       185 |  -105.7501 |   -0.57162 |     2.1112 |     -14.909 |      10.638 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       185 |   1327.909 |     7.1779 |     6.7090 |     -10.752 |      10.736 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       185 |   38.87292 |    0.21012 |   0.098104 |    0.012270 |     0.87421 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       185 |   52026.51 |     281.22 |     1239.6 |     -2727.2 |      2491.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       185 |  -37253.66 |    -201.37 |     372.64 |     -1075.5 |      614.67 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       185 |    1617148 |     8741.3 |     570.30 |      7853.4 |      9407.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       185 |   757108.6 |     4092.5 |     5239.5 |      1.5940 |      19086. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       185 |   6020.534 |     32.543 |     7.8223 |      26.363 |      58.878 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       185 |    186.604 |     1.0087 |     5.2377 |     -13.745 |      26.857 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       185 |  -105.7501 |   -0.57162 |     2.1112 |     -14.909 |      10.638 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       185 |   1327.909 |     7.1779 |     6.7090 |     -10.752 |      10.736 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       185 |   38.87292 |    0.21012 |   0.098104 |    0.012270 |     0.87421 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       185 |   52026.51 |     281.22 |     1239.6 |     -2727.2 |      2491.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       185 |  -37253.66 |    -201.37 |     372.64 |     -1075.5 |      614.67 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       185 |    1617148 |     8741.3 |     570.30 |      7853.4 |      9407.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       185 |   757108.6 |     4092.5 |     5239.5 |      1.5900 |      19086. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       185 |   6020.534 |     32.543 |     7.8223 |      26.363 |      58.878 |
 UnpackRichHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        759 |     759.00 |     0.0000 |      759.00 |      759.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        924 |     924.00 |     0.0000 |      924.00 |      924.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        758 |     758.00 |     0.0000 |      758.00 |      758.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        923 |     923.00 |     0.0000 |      923.00 |      923.00 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         57 |     57.000 |     0.0000 |      57.000 |      57.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         41 |     41.000 |     0.0000 |      41.000 |      41.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         52 |     52.000 |     0.0000 |      52.000 |      52.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         32 |     32.000 |     0.0000 |      32.000 |      32.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       759 |-0.00378371 |-4.9851e-06 | 0.00013725 |  -0.0037837 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       759 |0.0006840218 | 9.0121e-07 | 2.9270e-05 | -4.9792e-05 |  4.9969e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       759 |0.0001039394 | 1.3694e-07 | 2.9147e-05 | -4.9781e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       759 |0.0008020627 | 1.0567e-06 | 2.8636e-05 | -4.9790e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       759 |8.769058e-05 | 1.1553e-07 | 2.8404e-06 | -4.9826e-06 |  4.9995e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       759 |   18.39622 |   0.024237 |    0.11666 |    0.020000 |      3.2362 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       759 |  -228564.8 |    -301.14 |     2770.1 |     -4150.1 |      4150.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       759 |  -389055.8 |    -512.59 |     769.05 |     -1352.9 |      1282.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       759 |    4594361 |     6053.2 |     4597.7 |      1404.5 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       759 |   25452.14 |     33.534 |     22.843 |      9.4595 |      110.28 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       759 |       18.4 |   0.024242 |    0.11680 |    0.020000 |      3.2400 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       759 |  -228564.8 |    -301.14 |     2770.1 |     -4150.1 |      4150.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       759 |  -389055.8 |    -512.59 |     769.05 |     -1352.9 |      1282.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       759 |    4594361 |     6053.2 |     4597.7 |      1404.5 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       759 |   25452.14 |     33.534 |     22.843 |      9.4595 |      110.28 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       924 |0.002035943 | 2.2034e-06 | 6.6941e-05 | -6.9389e-18 |   0.0020359 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       924 |0.0007995111 | 8.6527e-07 | 2.8515e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9914e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       924 |-0.0004832192 |-5.2296e-07 | 2.8769e-05 | -4.9740e-05 |  4.9827e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       924 |-0.0005176283 |-5.6020e-07 | 2.8851e-05 | -4.9799e-05 |  4.9658e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       924 |-3.087594e-05 |-3.3416e-08 | 2.8309e-06 | -4.9832e-06 |  4.9947e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       924 |    321.362 |    0.34779 |     9.9587 |    0.020000 |      302.90 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       924 |   656916.6 |     710.95 |     3297.0 |     -4150.6 |      4150.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       924 |   177247.1 |     191.83 |     663.38 |     -1247.8 |      1391.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       924 |    7473588 |     8088.3 |     4180.5 |      1332.2 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       924 |   35492.27 |     38.412 |     18.290 |      11.813 |      93.260 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       924 |     321.36 |    0.34779 |     9.9586 |    0.020000 |      302.90 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       924 |   656916.6 |     710.95 |     3297.0 |     -4150.6 |      4150.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       924 |   177247.1 |     191.83 |     663.38 |     -1247.8 |      1391.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       924 |    7473588 |     8088.3 |     4180.5 |      1332.2 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       924 |   35492.27 |     38.412 |     18.290 |      11.813 |      93.260 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       758 |-0.001432463 |-1.8898e-06 | 2.9380e-05 | -4.9833e-05 |  4.9916e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       758 |0.0008719831 | 1.1504e-06 | 2.8863e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       758 |0.002127062 | 2.8062e-06 | 2.8909e-05 | -4.9957e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       758 |-5.115908e-11 |-6.7492e-14 | 5.8892e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       758 |0.0003129807 | 4.1290e-07 | 2.9711e-05 | -4.9960e-05 |  5.0000e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       758 |0.0001992539 | 2.6287e-07 | 2.8809e-05 | -4.9925e-05 |  4.9886e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       758 |-0.001172043 |-1.5462e-06 | 2.8790e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9905e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       758 |    2447.81 |     3.2293 |     1.8700 |   0.0010075 |      6.2733 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       758 |    194.285 |    0.25631 |    0.58559 |   0.0040016 |      2.8532 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       758 |  -82308.29 |    -108.59 |     662.78 |     -3156.3 |      3307.5 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       758 |  -32131.15 |    -42.389 |     241.46 |     -1427.5 |      981.29 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       758 |    4411978 |     5820.6 |     4516.7 |      990.02 |      11722. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       758 |0.003272452 | 4.3172e-06 | 1.0006e-06 |  1.8498e-06 |  6.2723e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       758 |  -219283.6 |    -289.29 |     2705.9 |     -4075.2 |      4077.5 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       758 |  -361119.7 |    -476.41 |     715.62 |     -1251.8 |      1193.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       758 |    4546101 |     5997.5 |     4594.5 |      1358.5 |      11068. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       758 |    2447.81 |     3.2293 |     1.8700 |   0.0010075 |      6.2733 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       758 |    194.285 |    0.25631 |    0.58559 |   0.0040016 |      2.8532 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       758 |  -82308.28 |    -108.59 |     662.78 |     -3156.3 |      3307.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       758 |  -32131.15 |    -42.389 |     241.46 |     -1427.5 |      981.29 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       758 |    4411978 |     5820.6 |     4516.7 |      990.02 |      11722. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       758 |0.003272452 | 4.3172e-06 | 1.0006e-06 |  1.8498e-06 |  6.2723e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       758 |  -219283.6 |    -289.29 |     2705.9 |     -4075.2 |      4077.5 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       758 |  -361119.7 |    -476.41 |     715.62 |     -1251.8 |      1193.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       758 |    4546101 |     5997.5 |     4594.5 |      1358.5 |      11068. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       758 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       923 |-0.0002178218 |-2.3599e-07 | 2.8299e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9913e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       923 |2.703391e-05 | 2.9289e-08 | 2.9889e-05 | -4.9842e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       923 |-0.0007596087 |-8.2298e-07 | 2.9138e-05 | -4.9921e-05 |  4.9780e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       923 |-3.183231e-11 |-3.4488e-14 | 5.7187e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       923 |-0.001021248 |-1.1064e-06 | 2.8202e-05 | -4.9992e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       923 |0.0004015957 | 4.3510e-07 | 2.9016e-05 | -4.9774e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       923 |0.0004120787 | 4.4646e-07 | 2.8800e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9901e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       923 |   2973.322 |     3.2214 |     1.8164 |   0.0040784 |      6.2807 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       923 |   256.8806 |    0.27831 |    0.45118 |   0.0011016 |      2.6184 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       923 |   702133.6 |     760.71 |     1863.1 |     -3860.5 |      3952.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       923 |  -25789.58 |    -27.941 |     167.09 |     -819.03 |      806.03 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       923 |    7187660 |     7787.3 |     4110.4 |      995.78 |      11453. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       923 |0.003944228 | 4.2733e-06 | 1.0910e-06 |  1.7572e-06 |  6.7664e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       923 |   640534.2 |     693.97 |     3223.7 |     -4079.0 |      4069.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       923 |   161742.4 |     175.24 |     616.99 |     -1163.6 |      1296.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       923 |    7412922 |     8031.3 |     4177.0 |      1282.1 |      11072. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       923 |   2973.322 |     3.2214 |     1.8164 |   0.0040784 |      6.2807 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       923 |   256.8806 |    0.27831 |    0.45118 |   0.0011016 |      2.6184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       923 |   702133.6 |     760.71 |     1863.1 |     -3860.5 |      3952.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       923 |  -25789.58 |    -27.941 |     167.09 |     -819.03 |      806.03 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       923 |    7187660 |     7787.3 |     4110.4 |      995.78 |      11453. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       923 |0.003944228 | 4.2733e-06 | 1.0910e-06 |  1.7572e-06 |  6.7664e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       923 |   640534.2 |     693.97 |     3223.7 |     -4079.0 |      4069.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       923 |   161742.4 |     175.24 |     616.99 |     -1163.6 |      1296.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       923 |    7412922 |     8031.3 |     4177.0 |      1282.1 |      11072. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       923 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        57 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        41 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        665 |     665.00 |     0.0000 |      665.00 |      665.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        589 |     589.00 |     0.0000 |      589.00 |      589.00 |
 CheckSpdHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       665 |0.0007664765 | 1.1526e-06 | 2.9488e-05 | -4.9890e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       665 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       665 |   293.0584 |    0.44069 |    0.94251 |  4.7910e-05 |      8.3691 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       665 |       1021 |     1.5353 |     1.6998 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       665 |   293.0576 |    0.44069 |    0.94252 |      0.0000 |      8.3691 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       665 |       1021 |     1.5353 |     1.6998 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       589 |-0.000639689 |-1.0861e-06 | 2.8856e-05 | -4.9929e-05 |  4.9802e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       589 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       589 |   293.9451 |    0.49906 |     1.4812 |  2.7399e-05 |      20.416 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       589 |        908 |     1.5416 |     1.7050 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       589 |   293.9457 |    0.49906 |     1.4812 |      0.0000 |      20.416 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       589 |        908 |     1.5416 |     1.7050 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        810 |     810.00 |     0.0000 |      810.00 |      810.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        865 |     865.00 |     0.0000 |      865.00 |      865.00 |
 CheckPrsHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       810 |-0.0002918408 |-3.6030e-07 | 2.9899e-05 | -4.9626e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       810 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       810 |   682.3561 |    0.84241 |     2.8812 |  7.2893e-06 |      37.214 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       810 |       1245 |     1.5370 |     1.6929 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       810 |   682.3564 |    0.84242 |     2.8812 |      0.0000 |      37.214 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       810 |       1245 |     1.5370 |     1.6929 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       865 |-0.0002151713 |-2.4875e-07 | 2.8442e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9763e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       865 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       865 |    1001.76 |     1.1581 |     4.6206 |  4.5759e-06 |      74.029 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       865 |       1310 |     1.5145 |     1.7021 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       865 |   1001.761 |     1.1581 |     4.6206 |      0.0000 |      74.029 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       865 |       1310 |     1.5145 |     1.7021 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1042 |     1042.0 |     0.0000 |      1042.0 |      1042.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        960 |     960.00 |     0.0000 |      960.00 |      960.00 |
 CheckEcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1042 |0.001626584 | 1.5610e-06 | 2.9277e-05 | -4.9848e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1042 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1042 |   12106.47 |     11.618 |     68.637 |  0.00046016 |      1645.3 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1042 |        155 |    0.14875 |    0.36120 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1042 |   12106.47 |     11.618 |     68.637 |  0.00050000 |      1645.3 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1042 |        155 |    0.14875 |    0.36120 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       960 |-0.0004875946 |-5.0791e-07 | 2.9276e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9872e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       960 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       960 |   13007.44 |     13.549 |     73.858 |  7.6347e-05 |      1809.5 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       960 |        101 |    0.10521 |    0.31354 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       960 |   13007.44 |     13.549 |     73.858 |  0.00010000 |      1809.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       960 |        101 |    0.10521 |    0.31354 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         97 |     97.000 |     0.0000 |      97.000 |      97.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        157 |     157.00 |     0.0000 |      157.00 |      157.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        97 |0.0002445862 | 2.5215e-06 | 2.8801e-05 | -4.7616e-05 |  4.9469e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        97 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        97 |   708.1286 |     7.3003 |     22.058 |   0.0011257 |      206.47 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        97 |         11 |    0.11340 |    0.40299 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        97 |   708.1284 |     7.3003 |     22.058 |   0.0011000 |      206.47 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        97 |         11 |    0.11340 |    0.40299 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       157 |-0.0002881408 |-1.8353e-06 | 2.8325e-05 | -4.9904e-05 |  4.9142e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       157 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       157 |   1467.956 |     9.3500 |     22.470 |  0.00072484 |      205.18 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       157 |         27 |    0.17197 |    0.42499 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       157 |   1467.957 |     9.3500 |     22.470 |  0.00070000 |      205.18 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       157 |         27 |    0.17197 |    0.42499 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        175 |     175.00 |     0.0000 |      175.00 |      175.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         99 |     99.000 |     0.0000 |      99.000 |      99.000 |
 CheckMuonHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       175 |4.285728e-06 | 2.4490e-08 | 2.9896e-07 | -4.9198e-07 |  4.9907e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       175 |1.461039e-06 | 8.3488e-09 | 2.8890e-07 | -4.9075e-07 |  4.9934e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       175 |1.818162e-06 | 1.0389e-08 | 2.8491e-07 | -4.8785e-07 |  4.9816e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       175 |1.067114e-08 | 6.0978e-11 | 5.6926e-07 | -9.8960e-07 |  9.9768e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       175 |0.0002413161 | 1.3789e-06 | 2.8718e-05 | -4.9567e-05 |  4.7908e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       175 |-0.0001843038 |-1.0532e-06 | 3.0937e-05 | -4.9892e-05 |  4.9397e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       175 |0.0001450588 | 8.2891e-07 | 2.8090e-05 | -4.9915e-05 |  4.9717e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       175 |-0.02462361 |-0.00014071 |  0.0029380 |  -0.0049762 |   0.0049992 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       175 |6.19281e-05 | 3.5387e-07 | 2.8649e-06 | -4.9356e-06 |  4.9147e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       175 |   170.8604 |    0.97634 |     8.2761 |     -9.0447 |      96.466 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       175 |   103.6617 |    0.59235 |     9.4068 |     -32.374 |      109.12 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       175 |   704.6943 |     4.0268 |     1.8169 |     -4.9941 |      5.0128 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       175 |     0.3172 |  0.0018126 |  0.0028125 |  7.5192e-05 |    0.029619 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       175 |   53472.11 |     305.55 |     1578.6 |     -2255.8 |      3854.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       175 |    12431.2 |     71.035 |     660.08 |     -2034.0 |      2247.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       175 |    2178794 |     12450. |     1324.8 |      11957. |      18997. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       175 |   185179.8 |     1058.2 |     2769.5 |      1.5288 |      20695. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       175 |   7505.212 |     42.887 |     4.7168 |      40.063 |      65.182 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       175 |   170.8604 |    0.97634 |     8.2761 |     -9.0447 |      96.466 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       175 |   103.6617 |    0.59235 |     9.4068 |     -32.374 |      109.12 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       175 |   704.6943 |     4.0268 |     1.8169 |     -4.9941 |      5.0128 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       175 |     0.3172 |  0.0018126 |  0.0028124 |  7.6000e-05 |    0.029618 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       175 |   53472.11 |     305.55 |     1578.6 |     -2255.8 |      3854.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       175 |    12431.2 |     71.035 |     660.08 |     -2034.0 |      2247.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       175 |    2178794 |     12450. |     1324.8 |      11957. |      18997. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       175 |   185179.9 |     1058.2 |     2769.5 |      1.5300 |      20694. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       175 |   7505.212 |     42.887 |     4.7168 |      40.063 |      65.182 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        99 |4.21742e-06 | 4.2600e-08 | 2.8568e-07 | -4.9831e-07 |  4.9498e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        99 |-7.197202e-08 |-7.2699e-10 | 3.1289e-07 | -4.9828e-07 |  4.8069e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        99 |1.156073e-06 | 1.1678e-08 | 2.9688e-07 | -4.7117e-07 |  4.9943e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        99 |-5.214753e-06 |-5.2674e-08 | 5.6707e-07 | -9.9012e-07 |  9.7902e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        99 |0.0003412915 | 3.4474e-06 | 2.8351e-05 | -4.6715e-05 |  4.9196e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        99 |0.0003019667 | 3.0502e-06 | 2.8419e-05 | -4.9095e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        99 |0.0002665264 | 2.6922e-06 | 2.8967e-05 | -4.8508e-05 |  4.9458e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        99 |-0.03538543 |-0.00035743 |  0.0028218 |  -0.0049804 |   0.0049569 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        99 |1.558852e-05 | 1.5746e-07 | 2.6942e-06 | -4.9585e-06 |  4.9645e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        99 |  -22.33371 |   -0.22559 |     4.7941 |     -43.013 |      12.290 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        99 |   10.93869 |    0.11049 |     2.6040 |     -15.168 |      6.7095 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        99 |   413.7771 |     4.1796 |     1.9025 |     -5.0072 |      5.0242 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        99 |  0.1543808 |  0.0015594 |  0.0013118 |  4.2467e-05 |   0.0081158 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        99 |  -28897.46 |    -291.89 |     1542.5 |     -4755.8 |      3710.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        99 |   16640.76 |     168.09 |     485.25 |     -888.58 |      999.32 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        99 |    1223059 |     12354. |     742.72 |      11954. |      15326. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        99 |   288361.4 |     2912.7 |     7007.5 |      1.9129 |      40140. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        99 |   4173.419 |     42.156 |     3.3619 |      40.032 |      55.928 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        99 |  -22.33372 |   -0.22559 |     4.7941 |     -43.013 |      12.290 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        99 |   10.93869 |    0.11049 |     2.6040 |     -15.168 |      6.7095 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        99 |   413.7771 |     4.1796 |     1.9025 |     -5.0072 |      5.0242 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        99 |   0.154386 |  0.0015595 |  0.0013118 |  4.2000e-05 |   0.0081160 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        99 |  -28897.46 |    -291.89 |     1542.5 |     -4755.8 |      3710.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        99 |   16640.76 |     168.09 |     485.25 |     -888.58 |      999.32 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        99 |    1223059 |     12354. |     742.72 |      11954. |      15326. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        99 |   288361.5 |     2912.7 |     7007.5 |      1.9100 |      40140. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        99 |   4173.419 |     42.156 |     3.3619 |      40.032 |      55.928 |
 Simulation                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 Simulation                DEBUG Tools to release :
 Simulation                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10055,50 +10061,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1361.592 |     1361.6 |     0.0000 |      1361.6 |      1361.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1369.116 |     1369.1 |     0.0000 |      1369.1 |      1369.1 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1350.072 |     1350.1 |     0.0000 |      1350.1 |      1350.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.556 |     1357.6 |     0.0000 |      1357.6 |      1357.6 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1349.94 |     1349.9 |     0.0000 |      1349.9 |      1349.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.416 |     1357.4 |     0.0000 |      1357.4 |      1357.4 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1349.808 |     1349.8 |     0.0000 |      1349.8 |      1349.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.416 |     1357.4 |     0.0000 |      1357.4 |      1357.4 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10128,7 +10134,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.116 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10148,40 +10154,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   4.885448 |    0.97709 |    0.94372 |      0.0000 |      2.0949 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        353 |     70.600 |     64.970 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        422 |     84.400 |     76.570 |      0.0000 |      176.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        543 |     108.60 |     100.23 |      0.0000 |      236.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |    7.16608 |     1.4332 |     1.6481 |      0.0000 |      4.5017 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        411 |     82.200 |     72.821 |      0.0000 |      187.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        552 |     110.40 |     107.03 |      0.0000 |      289.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        735 |     147.00 |     148.39 |      0.0000 |      404.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   45.89867 |     9.1797 |     7.6967 |      0.0000 |      16.978 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       2281 |     456.20 |     381.92 |      0.0000 |      861.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       3081 |     616.20 |     511.35 |      0.0000 |      1180.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       3562 |     712.40 |     589.97 |      0.0000 |      1352.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   77.04269 |     15.409 |     17.112 |      0.0000 |      46.712 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       2977 |     595.40 |     553.36 |      0.0000 |      1366.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       4696 |     939.20 |     902.94 |      0.0000 |      2363.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       5284 |     1056.8 |     1015.9 |      0.0000 |      2649.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   2.738321 |    0.54766 |    0.46539 |      0.0000 |      1.0700 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        429 |     85.800 |     71.112 |      0.0000 |      160.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        494 |     98.800 |     82.742 |      0.0000 |      195.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       2919 |     583.80 |     488.18 |      0.0000 |      1143.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   4.533897 |    0.90678 |    0.87021 |      0.0000 |      2.3388 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        565 |     113.00 |     107.53 |      0.0000 |      271.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        762 |     152.40 |     146.25 |      0.0000 |      385.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       4535 |     907.00 |     870.72 |      0.0000 |      2294.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |  0.9035512 |    0.18071 |    0.14963 |      0.0000 |     0.34388 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        273 |     54.600 |     44.813 |      0.0000 |      97.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        315 |     63.000 |     51.800 |      0.0000 |      112.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       1863 |     372.60 |     306.50 |      0.0000 |      665.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   1.625835 |    0.32517 |    0.30154 |      0.0000 |     0.73641 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        379 |     75.800 |     69.263 |      0.0000 |      165.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        484 |     96.800 |     87.066 |      0.0000 |      213.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       2874 |     574.80 |     517.22 |      0.0000 |      1269.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -10321,13 +10327,13 @@ GaussGeo.FieldMgr         DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           1          1          1 |   5.642e+01  5.642e+01 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   2.226e+01  2.226e+01 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   7.867e+01  6.065e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -10358,517 +10364,517 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 98050.000 | 99109.234 | 99109.234   99109.2     0.00 |       1 |    99.109 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 98030.000 | 99097.102 | 99097.109   99097.1     0.00 |       1 |    99.097 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1340.000 |  1352.812 | 1352.812    1352.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.353 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1300.000 |  1314.948 | 1314.948    1314.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.315 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.275 |    1.275       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1300.000 |  1312.265 | 1312.265    1312.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.312 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.360 |    1.360       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.322 |    1.322       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     2.687 |    2.687       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.984 |    1.984       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |    10.000 |     1.409 |    1.409       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |    10.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.103 |    1.103       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    21.767 |   21.767      21.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    21.306 |   21.306      21.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |    11.942 |   11.942      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.443       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |    11.345 |   11.345      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 96690.000 | 97744.227 | 97744.227   97744.2     0.00 |       1 |    97.744 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 51670.000 | 52444.625 | 52444.625   52444.6     0.00 |       1 |    52.445 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 51670.000 | 52443.664 | 52443.664   52443.7     0.00 |       1 |    52.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 51610.000 | 52384.930 | 52384.930   52384.9     0.00 |       1 |    52.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30340.000 | 30676.539 | 30676.539   30676.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.677 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 21240.000 | 21680.947 | 21680.949   21680.9     0.00 |       1 |    21.681 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.632 |    4.632       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    17.594 |   17.594      17.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.812 |    1.812       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.720 |    1.720       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     3.326 |    3.326       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     6.105 |    6.105       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.615 |    2.615       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.843 |    0.843       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.088 |    1.088       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |    10.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.288       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.786 |    1.786       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.066 |    5.066       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.909 |    0.909       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.645       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    60.000 |    58.710 |   58.710      58.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |    10.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     0.000 |    12.733 |   12.733      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     6.798 |    6.798       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.950 |    0.950       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.512 |    0.512       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.789 |    0.789       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.983       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.153 |    1.153       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    50.000 |    44.823 |   44.823      44.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.785 |    0.785       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.673 |    0.673       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.574 |    0.574       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.675       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     3.159 |    3.159       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.905 |    0.905       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.844       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     2.488 |    2.488       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.483 |    0.483       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |    10.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     3.373 |    3.373       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    20.000 |    20.311 |   20.311      20.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.515       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.783 |    0.783       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.298 |    1.298       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.497 |    1.497       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    18.617 |   18.617      18.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |    10.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    10.000 |    18.098 |   18.098      18.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    10.000 |    16.107 |   16.107      16.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.954 |    1.954       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    13.248 |   13.248      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 89980.000 | 97294.703 | 97294.703   97294.7     0.00 |       1 |    97.295 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 89970.000 | 97288.734 | 97288.734   97288.7     0.00 |       1 |    97.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1210.000 |  1797.532 | 1797.532    1797.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1170.000 |  1760.510 | 1760.510    1760.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.761 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1170.000 |  1758.549 | 1758.549    1758.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.759 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.972 |    0.972       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     2.674 |    2.674       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.603       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     2.021 |    2.021       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.097 |    1.097       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.814 |    0.814       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    24.973 |   24.973      25.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    24.573 |   24.573      24.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     8.251 |    8.251       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.416       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     7.718 |    7.718       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 88760.000 | 95491.141 | 95491.148   95491.1     0.00 |       1 |    95.491 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 58100.000 | 63737.812 | 63737.812   63737.8     0.00 |       1 |    63.738 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 58100.000 | 63737.113 | 63737.113   63737.1     0.00 |       1 |    63.737 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 58030.000 | 63660.371 | 63660.371   63660.4     0.00 |       1 |    63.660 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30010.000 | 32647.104 | 32647.104   32647.1     0.00 |       1 |    32.647 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 27990.000 | 30988.775 | 30988.777   30988.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.989 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.276 |    4.276       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |    15.545 |   15.545      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.863 |    0.863       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.961       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.670       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.710 |    1.710       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     6.575 |    6.575       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.648 |    2.648       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.947 |    0.947       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     0.907 |    0.907       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.181 |    2.181       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     4.573 |    4.573       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |    10.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    70.000 |    76.725 |   76.725      76.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.077 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    14.285 |   14.285      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.518 |    6.518       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.321       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.569 |    0.569       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.069 |    1.069       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.318 |    1.318       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     1.689 |    1.689       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.357 |    1.357       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    50.000 |    61.239 |   61.239      61.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     1.112 |    1.112       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.516 |    0.516       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.317       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.259 |    4.259       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     1.858 |    1.858       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     2.003 |    2.003       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     4.273 |    4.273       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.538       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.649       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.523       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     4.131 |    4.131       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    20.000 |    25.802 |   25.802      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.757       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.489       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.395       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     2.503 |    2.503       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     2.771 |    2.771       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.183 |    2.183       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    30.000 |    23.167 |   23.167      23.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |    10.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    22.758 |   22.758      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.527 |   20.527      20.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.437 |    2.437       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    17.109 |   17.109      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     1.981 |    1.981       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.327 |    1.327       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     2.221 |    2.221       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.662 |    1.662       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.518 |    0.518       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    12.086 |   12.086      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    11.764 |   11.764      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |     9.791 |    9.791       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     8.940 |    8.940       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    14.245 |   14.245      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    13.971 |   13.971      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    11.541 |   11.541      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |    10.711 |   10.711      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.331       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.319       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     1.963 |    1.963       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.396 |    1.396       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.452       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.421 |    2.421       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.845 |    1.845       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.901 |    0.901       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 24410.000 | 24522.084 | 24522.086   24522.1     0.00 |       1 |    24.522 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 24410.000 | 24521.781 | 24521.781   24521.8     0.00 |       1 |    24.522 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 24350.000 | 24465.889 | 24465.889   24465.9     0.00 |       1 |    24.466 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.831       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 24330.000 | 24448.490 | 24448.490   24448.5     0.00 |       1 |    24.448 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |     1.371 |    1.371       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    13.193 |   13.193      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.760 |    0.760       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.386 |    2.386       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |     0.000 |     5.693 |    5.693       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.843 |    2.843       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.432       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.641 |    0.641       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.313 |    0.313       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |    10.000 |     1.849 |    1.849       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     1.882 |    1.882       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 19500.000 | 20260.270 | 20260.270   20260.3     0.00 |       1 |    20.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 19500.000 | 20259.939 | 20259.939   20259.9     0.00 |       1 |    20.260 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 19440.000 | 20190.039 | 20190.041   20190.0     0.00 |       1 |    20.190 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 19420.000 | 20175.633 | 20175.631   20175.6     0.00 |       1 |    20.176 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.551 |    1.551       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    10.366 |   10.366      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |    10.000 |     0.865 |    0.865       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |     0.000 |     5.576 |    5.576       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.854 |    2.854       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.656       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.856 |    0.856       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.518 |    0.518       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.596 |    0.596       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     1.978 |    1.978       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.481       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    60.000 |    55.882 |   55.882      55.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.195       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    10.000 |    10.794 |   10.794      10.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     5.781 |    5.781       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.734       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.777 |    0.777       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.961       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    44.402 |   44.402      44.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.545       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.557       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     2.547 |    2.547       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.685       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.870       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     3.551 |    3.551       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.523       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |    10.000 |     3.708 |    3.708       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    20.000 |    23.394 |   23.394      23.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.764 |    0.764       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.081 |    1.081       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     1.273 |    1.273       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.313 |    1.313       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 20580.000 | 20746.740 | 20746.740   20746.7     0.00 |       1 |    20.747 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 20580.000 | 20746.213 | 20746.211   20746.2     0.00 |       1 |    20.746 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 20540.000 | 20703.908 | 20703.908   20703.9     0.00 |       1 |    20.704 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.433 |    1.433       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 20530.000 | 20691.092 | 20691.092   20691.1     0.00 |       1 |    20.691 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.725 |    1.725       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     7.817 |    7.817       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.099 |    1.099       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     3.425 |    3.425       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.728 |    1.728       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.486       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.404       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |    10.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.028 |    1.028       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.672 |    1.672       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |    10.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    60.000 |    69.885 |   69.885      69.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |     0.000 |    11.541 |   11.541      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |     0.000 |     6.071 |    6.071       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.892 |    0.892       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.017 |    1.017       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     1.185 |    1.185       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.924       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    60.000 |    57.784 |   57.784      57.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.628       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     4.723 |    4.723       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.246 |    1.246       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     3.516 |    3.516       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.668       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     5.138 |    5.138       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    30.544 |   30.544      30.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.130 |    1.130       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |    10.000 |     1.528 |    1.528       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.767 |    1.767       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.543 |    1.543       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 11120.000 | 11455.597 | 11455.597   11455.6     0.00 |       1 |    11.456 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.406       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 11120.000 | 11455.172 | 11455.172   11455.2     0.00 |       1 |    11.455 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 11080.000 | 11410.040 | 11410.040   11410.0     0.00 |       1 |    11.410 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.608 |    1.608       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 11070.000 | 11400.319 | 11400.319   11400.3     0.00 |       1 |    11.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    10.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     5.951 |    5.951       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.427       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.461 |    0.461       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     3.152 |    3.152       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.307 |    1.307       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.486       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.251 |    1.251       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.358 |    0.358       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    40.000 |    42.282 |   42.282      42.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    10.000 |    10.667 |   10.667      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     5.610 |    5.610       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.495       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     1.144 |    1.144       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.749 |    0.749       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.911 |    0.911       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.358 |    0.358       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |    10.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    31.089 |   31.089      31.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.509       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|    10.000 |     0.393 |    0.393       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.838 |    0.838       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.767 |    1.767       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.594 |    2.594       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    16.036 |   16.036      16.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.515       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.778 |    0.778       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.930 |    0.930       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.245 |    1.245       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    40.000 |    45.121 |   45.121      45.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.045 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    10.000 |     9.337 |    9.337       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.258 |    5.258       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.224       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.728       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.779       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.819 |    0.819       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    35.411 |   35.411      35.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.963 |    1.963       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.551 |    0.551       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.933       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.276 |    1.276       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.494       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|    10.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     3.377 |    3.377       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    20.534 |   20.534      20.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.688       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.993 |    0.993       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.719       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2819     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3447     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 66.1  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 13.2(+- 10.9)/ 0.01/ 24.3  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  319  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 58.1  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 11.6(+- 10.9)/ 0.01/   28  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  292  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       3562 |     712.40 |     589.97 |      0.0000 |      1352.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        543 |     108.60 |     100.23 |      0.0000 |      236.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        261 |     52.200 |     56.602 |      0.0000 |      121.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       2423 |     484.60 |     393.95 |      5.0000 |      872.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        948 |     948.00 |     0.0000 |      948.00 |      948.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         47 |     47.000 |     0.0000 |      47.000 |      47.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       2623 |     524.60 |     426.52 |      4.0000 |      926.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        555 |     111.00 |     90.799 |      0.0000 |      191.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1156 |     231.20 |     206.80 |      0.0000 |      525.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       2919 |     583.80 |     488.18 |      0.0000 |      1143.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       2820 |     564.00 |     473.94 |      0.0000 |      1113.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |        959 |     191.80 |     162.01 |      0.0000 |      392.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       1861 |     372.20 |     336.45 |      0.0000 |      810.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       1863 |     372.60 |     306.50 |      0.0000 |      665.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        352 |     70.400 |     58.384 |      0.0000 |      132.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |        987 |     197.40 |     197.13 |      0.0000 |      476.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       5284 |     1056.8 |     1015.9 |      0.0000 |      2649.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        735 |     147.00 |     148.39 |      0.0000 |      404.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        511 |     102.20 |     109.37 |      0.0000 |      296.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       3060 |     612.00 |     622.37 |      5.0000 |      1564.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       1147 |     1147.0 |     0.0000 |      1147.0 |      1147.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         87 |     87.000 |     0.0000 |      87.000 |      87.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       3254 |     650.80 |     665.59 |      4.0000 |      1707.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        636 |     127.20 |     124.28 |      0.0000 |      314.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1310 |     262.00 |     258.47 |      0.0000 |      634.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       4535 |     907.00 |     870.72 |      0.0000 |      2294.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       3448 |     689.60 |     580.99 |      0.0000 |      1377.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       1286 |     257.20 |     231.26 |      0.0000 |      578.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       2162 |     432.40 |     356.14 |      0.0000 |      799.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       2874 |     574.80 |     517.22 |      0.0000 |      1269.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        534 |     106.80 |     107.17 |      0.0000 |      276.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       1594 |     318.80 |     294.34 |      0.0000 |      680.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
index cfdccd58b..1011d83e5 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 02:28:56 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:33:30 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -4692,7 +4692,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5088,7 +5088,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 02:30:07    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:34:43    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5303,19 +5303,25 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production
 LHAPDF 6.1.6 loading /workspace/build/DBASE/LHAPDFSets/v2r1/data/CT09MCS/CT09MCS_0000.dat
 CT09MCS PDF set, member #0, version 1; LHAPDF ID = 10770
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.240
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.327
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  *-------  PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings (changes only)  ------------------*
  |                                                                                                                 |
  | Name                                          |                      Now |      Default         Min         Max |
  |                                               |                          |                                      |
+ | BeamRemnants:remnantMode                      |                        1 |            0           0           1 |
  | Beams:allowMomentumSpread                     |                       on |          off                         |
  | Beams:frameType                               |                        3 |            1           1           5 |
  | Beams:pxA                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pxB                                     |                 -2.56750 |          0.0                         |
  | Beams:pzA                                     |                 6500.000 |     7000.000                         |
  | Beams:pzB                                     |                -6500.000 |    -7000.000                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:allowDoubleJunRem          |                      off |           on                         |
+ | ColourReconnection:junctionCorrection         |                  0.83990 |      1.20000   0.0100000    10.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:m0                         |                  0.90210 |      0.30000     0.10000     5.00000 |
+ | ColourReconnection:mode                       |                        1 |            0           0           4 |
+ | ColourReconnection:timeDilationPar            |                  1.96670 |      0.18000         0.0   100.00000 |
  | Init:showChangedParticleData                  |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showChangedSettings                      |                      off |           on                         |
  | Init:showMultipartonInteractions              |                      off |           on                         |
@@ -5325,7 +5331,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | LhcbHooks:pT0Ref                              |                  1.43000 |      2.28000                         |
  | MultipartonInteractions:bProfile              |                        1 |            3           0           4 |
  | MultipartonInteractions:ecmPow                |                  0.23800 |      0.21500         0.0     0.50000 |
- | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.74229 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
+ | MultipartonInteractions:pT0Ref                |                  2.41880 |      2.28000     0.50000    10.00000 |
  | Next:numberCount                              |                        0 |         1000           0             |
  | Next:numberShowEvent                          |                        0 |            1           0             |
  | Next:numberShowInfo                           |                        0 |            1           0             |
@@ -5352,16 +5358,16 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J0                       |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J1                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonSL1S1J2                       |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
- | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.74744 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:mesonSvector                       |                  0.38190 |      0.55000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S0J1                      |                0.0989000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J0                      |                0.0132000 |          0.0         0.0     1.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J1                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDL1S1J2                      |                0.0597000 |          0.0         0.0     5.00000 |
  | StringFlav:mesonUDvector                      |                  0.60000 |      0.50000         0.0     3.00000 |
  | StringFlav:probQQ1toQQ0                       |                0.0500000 |    0.0275000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.16157 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.40000 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
- | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35016 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probQQtoQ                          |                  0.10860 |    0.0810000         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probSQtoQQ                         |                  0.64510 |      0.91500         0.0     1.00000 |
+ | StringFlav:probStoUD                          |                  0.35900 |      0.21700         0.0     1.00000 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Flag + Mode + Parm + Word + FVec + MVec + PVec + WVec Settings  -----------------------------*
 Generation                DEBUG Registering tool Generation.MinimumBias
@@ -5580,7 +5586,7 @@ GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrevPrev.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.146
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.274
 GenerationPrevPrev.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrevPrev      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5596,7 +5602,7 @@ GenerationPrev.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationPrev.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.175
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.257
 GenerationPrev.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationPrev          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5612,7 +5618,7 @@ GenerationNext.Minimu...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNext.Minimu...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.259
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.281
 GenerationNext.BeamSp...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNext          SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -5628,7 +5634,7 @@ GenerationNextNext.Mi...   INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 GenerationNextNext.Mi...SUCCESS ==================================================================
- PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.288
+ PYTHIA Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased by factor 5.323
 GenerationNextNext.Be...   INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GenerationNextNext      SUCCESS Requested to generate EventType 30000000
@@ -7264,7 +7270,7 @@ GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for Pythia8
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 367 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 841 particles
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 422620573, 0]
 GaussGenPrev               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1048387414, 0]
 GaussGenNext               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1039602768, 0]
@@ -7632,32 +7638,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   75 #SubHits=   86 #Slots=  508 Energy=   0.249[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  147 #SubHits=  179 #Slots= 1051 Energy=   0.918[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  796 #SubHits= 1120 #Slots= 1300 Energy=    13.9[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  101 #SubHits=  110 #Slots=  143 Energy=    1.34[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  178 #SubHits=  293 #Slots= 1752 Energy=    1.01[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  299 #SubHits=  502 #Slots= 2991 Energy=    3.42[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1358 #SubHits= 2830 #Slots= 3084 Energy=    43.1[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  174 #SubHits=  225 #Slots=  295 Energy=    4.02[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x262a6120 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x259b08f0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 718
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1472
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 24
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 442
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 147
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 54
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 294
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 147
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 240
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 32
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 676
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 284
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 157
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 142
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 362
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 533
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 4
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 75
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 147
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 796
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 101
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 149
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 128
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 352
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 178
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 299
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 1358
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 174
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 350
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 155
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 710
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -7694,14 +7700,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 817 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 1700 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 953 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 1908 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	817
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	953
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1700
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1908
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1086029981, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
@@ -7710,31 +7716,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.2493557 |    0.24936 |     0.0000 |     0.24936 |     0.24936 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         75 |     75.000 |     0.0000 |      75.000 |      75.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         86 |     86.000 |     0.0000 |      86.000 |      86.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        508 |     508.00 |     0.0000 |      508.00 |      508.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.014797 |     1.0148 |     0.0000 |      1.0148 |      1.0148 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        178 |     178.00 |     0.0000 |      178.00 |      178.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        293 |     293.00 |     0.0000 |      293.00 |      293.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1752 |     1752.0 |     0.0000 |      1752.0 |      1752.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.9179224 |    0.91792 |     0.0000 |     0.91792 |     0.91792 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        147 |     147.00 |     0.0000 |      147.00 |      147.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1051 |     1051.0 |     0.0000 |      1051.0 |      1051.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.416497 |     3.4165 |     0.0000 |      3.4165 |      3.4165 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        299 |     299.00 |     0.0000 |      299.00 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        502 |     502.00 |     0.0000 |      502.00 |      502.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       2991 |     2991.0 |     0.0000 |      2991.0 |      2991.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   13.91127 |     13.911 |     0.0000 |      13.911 |      13.911 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        796 |     796.00 |     0.0000 |      796.00 |      796.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       1120 |     1120.0 |     0.0000 |      1120.0 |      1120.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       1300 |     1300.0 |     0.0000 |      1300.0 |      1300.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   43.11894 |     43.119 |     0.0000 |      43.119 |      43.119 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |       1358 |     1358.0 |     0.0000 |      1358.0 |      1358.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |       2830 |     2830.0 |     0.0000 |      2830.0 |      2830.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |       3084 |     3084.0 |     0.0000 |      3084.0 |      3084.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   1.339046 |     1.3390 |     0.0000 |      1.3390 |      1.3390 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        101 |     101.00 |     0.0000 |      101.00 |      101.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        110 |     110.00 |     0.0000 |      110.00 |      110.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        143 |     143.00 |     0.0000 |      143.00 |      143.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   4.022699 |     4.0227 |     0.0000 |      4.0227 |      4.0227 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        225 |     225.00 |     0.0000 |      225.00 |      225.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        295 |     295.00 |     0.0000 |      295.00 |      295.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7746,31 +7752,31 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.2493557 |    0.12468 |    0.12468 |      0.0000 |     0.24936 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |         75 |     37.500 |     37.500 |      0.0000 |      75.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |         86 |     43.000 |     43.000 |      0.0000 |      86.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        508 |     254.00 |     254.00 |      0.0000 |      508.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   1.014797 |    0.50740 |    0.50740 |      0.0000 |      1.0148 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        178 |     89.000 |     89.000 |      0.0000 |      178.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        293 |     146.50 |     146.50 |      0.0000 |      293.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1752 |     876.00 |     876.00 |      0.0000 |      1752.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |  0.9179224 |    0.45896 |    0.45896 |      0.0000 |     0.91792 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        147 |     73.500 |     73.500 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        179 |     89.500 |     89.500 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1051 |     525.50 |     525.50 |      0.0000 |      1051.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   3.416497 |     1.7082 |     1.7082 |      0.0000 |      3.4165 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        299 |     149.50 |     149.50 |      0.0000 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        502 |     251.00 |     251.00 |      0.0000 |      502.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       2991 |     1495.5 |     1495.5 |      0.0000 |      2991.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   13.91127 |     6.9556 |     6.9556 |      0.0000 |      13.911 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        796 |     398.00 |     398.00 |      0.0000 |      796.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       1120 |     560.00 |     560.00 |      0.0000 |      1120.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       1300 |     650.00 |     650.00 |      0.0000 |      1300.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   43.11894 |     21.559 |     21.559 |      0.0000 |      43.119 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |       1358 |     679.00 |     679.00 |      0.0000 |      1358.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |       2830 |     1415.0 |     1415.0 |      0.0000 |      2830.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |       3084 |     1542.0 |     1542.0 |      0.0000 |      3084.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   1.339046 |    0.66952 |    0.66952 |      0.0000 |      1.3390 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        101 |     50.500 |     50.500 |      0.0000 |      101.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        110 |     55.000 |     55.000 |      0.0000 |      110.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        143 |     71.500 |     71.500 |      0.0000 |      143.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         2 |   4.022699 |     2.0113 |     2.0113 |      0.0000 |      4.0227 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         2 |        174 |     87.000 |     87.000 |      0.0000 |      174.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         2 |        225 |     112.50 |     112.50 |      0.0000 |      225.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         2 |        295 |     147.50 |     147.50 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    0 #SubHits=    0 #Slots=    0 Energy=       0[GeV]
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	5
 GiGaGetPrevEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	4
@@ -7779,38 +7785,37 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.2493557 |   0.083119 |    0.11755 |      0.0000 |     0.24936 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |         75 |     25.000 |     35.355 |      0.0000 |      75.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |         86 |     28.667 |     40.541 |      0.0000 |      86.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        508 |     169.33 |     239.47 |      0.0000 |      508.00 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   97 #SubHits=  121 #Slots=  716 Energy=   0.472[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   1.014797 |    0.33827 |    0.47838 |      0.0000 |      1.0148 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        178 |     59.333 |     83.910 |      0.0000 |      178.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        293 |     97.667 |     138.12 |      0.0000 |      293.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1752 |     584.00 |     825.90 |      0.0000 |      1752.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  158 #SubHits=  212 #Slots= 1256 Energy=   0.698[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |  0.9179224 |    0.30597 |    0.43271 |      0.0000 |     0.91792 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        147 |     49.000 |     69.296 |      0.0000 |      147.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        179 |     59.667 |     84.381 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1051 |     350.33 |     495.45 |      0.0000 |      1051.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  152 #SubHits=  193 #Slots= 1142 Energy=     1.2[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   3.416497 |     1.1388 |     1.6106 |      0.0000 |      3.4165 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        299 |     99.667 |     140.95 |      0.0000 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        502 |     167.33 |     236.65 |      0.0000 |      502.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       2991 |     997.00 |     1410.0 |      0.0000 |      2991.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  223 #SubHits=  297 #Slots= 1774 Energy=    1.64[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   13.91127 |     4.6371 |     6.5578 |      0.0000 |      13.911 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        796 |     265.33 |     375.24 |      0.0000 |      796.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       1120 |     373.33 |     527.97 |      0.0000 |      1120.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       1300 |     433.33 |     612.83 |      0.0000 |      1300.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  891 #SubHits= 1150 #Slots= 1332 Energy=    17.6[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   43.11894 |     14.373 |     20.326 |      0.0000 |      43.119 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |       1358 |     452.67 |     640.17 |      0.0000 |      1358.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |       2830 |     943.33 |     1334.1 |      0.0000 |      2830.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |       3084 |     1028.0 |     1453.8 |      0.0000 |      3084.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1080 #SubHits= 1648 #Slots= 1885 Energy=    16.3[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   1.339046 |    0.44635 |    0.63123 |      0.0000 |      1.3390 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        101 |     33.667 |     47.612 |      0.0000 |      101.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        110 |     36.667 |     51.854 |      0.0000 |      110.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        143 |     47.667 |     67.411 |      0.0000 |      143.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  169 #SubHits=  191 #Slots=  245 Energy=    2.76[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1020
-GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1076
+ | "#energy"                                       |         3 |   4.022699 |     1.3409 |     1.8963 |      0.0000 |      4.0227 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         3 |        174 |     58.000 |     82.024 |      0.0000 |      174.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         3 |        225 |     75.000 |     106.07 |      0.0000 |      225.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         3 |        295 |     98.333 |     139.06 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  132 #SubHits=  166 #Slots=  222 Energy=    1.94[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	1281
+GiGaGetNextEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1367
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1769989743, 0]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='SpdHits' for SensDet='Spd'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for SensDet='Prs'
@@ -7819,34 +7824,34 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |  0.7215492 |    0.18039 |    0.19684 |      0.0000 |     0.47219 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        172 |     43.000 |     43.698 |      0.0000 |      97.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        207 |     51.750 |     53.209 |      0.0000 |      121.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       1224 |     306.00 |     314.71 |      0.0000 |      716.00 |
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=  141 #SubHits=  159 #Slots=  938 Energy=   0.548[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   1.712625 |    0.42816 |    0.44258 |      0.0000 |      1.0148 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        336 |     84.000 |     84.297 |      0.0000 |      178.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        505 |     126.25 |     129.46 |      0.0000 |      293.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       3008 |     752.00 |     772.18 |      0.0000 |      1752.0 |
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   64 #SubHits=  111 #Slots=  660 Energy=   0.305[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   2.122104 |    0.53053 |    0.54009 |      0.0000 |      1.2042 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        299 |     74.750 |     74.771 |      0.0000 |      152.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        372 |     93.000 |     93.132 |      0.0000 |      193.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2193 |     548.25 |     549.19 |      0.0000 |      1142.0 |
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  214 #SubHits=  252 #Slots= 1489 Energy=    1.54[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   5.054812 |     1.2637 |     1.4114 |      0.0000 |      3.4165 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        522 |     130.50 |     133.24 |      0.0000 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        799 |     199.75 |     212.49 |      0.0000 |      502.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       4765 |     1191.2 |     1266.6 |      0.0000 |      2991.0 |
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   89 #SubHits=  152 #Slots=  908 Energy=   0.902[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |    31.5313 |     7.8828 |     7.9911 |      0.0000 |      17.620 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       1687 |     421.75 |     423.09 |      0.0000 |      891.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       2270 |     567.50 |     567.60 |      0.0000 |      1150.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       2632 |     658.00 |     658.10 |      0.0000 |      1332.0 |
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  890 #SubHits= 1353 #Slots= 1543 Energy=    16.7[GeV]
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   59.46875 |     14.867 |     17.624 |      0.0000 |      43.119 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |       2438 |     609.50 |     617.37 |      0.0000 |      1358.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |       4478 |     1119.5 |     1195.0 |      0.0000 |      2830.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |       4969 |     1242.2 |     1312.6 |      0.0000 |      3084.0 |
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  628 #SubHits= 1026 #Slots= 1131 Energy=    14.5[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   4.096552 |     1.0241 |     1.1403 |      0.0000 |      2.7575 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        270 |     67.500 |     71.654 |      0.0000 |      169.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        301 |     75.250 |     80.515 |      0.0000 |      191.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        388 |     97.000 |     103.49 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   76 #SubHits=  105 #Slots=  141 Energy=     1.1[GeV]
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	886
-GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	1017
+ | "#energy"                                       |         4 |   5.965295 |     1.4913 |     1.6628 |      0.0000 |      4.0227 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         4 |        306 |     76.500 |     77.928 |      0.0000 |      174.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         4 |        391 |     97.750 |     99.951 |      0.0000 |      225.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         4 |        517 |     129.25 |     131.80 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   65 #SubHits=   77 #Slots=  105 Energy=    1.55[GeV]
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	522
+GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	610
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -7863,7 +7868,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Finalize
 Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'LHCb::GenFSR*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/FileRecords/GenFSR'
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.MinimumBias  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 1 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 1 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 5 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 1 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 2 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 2 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 2 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 2 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 56.4185 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 56.4185 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 0 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 0 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
@@ -7889,21 +7894,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 367
+= Number of particles generated: 841
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 367
+= Mean multiplicity: 841
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 227
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 493
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 227
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 493
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 74
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 132
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 74
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 132
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 16
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 24
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 16
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 24
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -7985,21 +7990,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNext          INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 411
+= Number of particles generated: 527
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 411
+= Mean multiplicity: 527
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 251
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 306
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 251
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 306
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 76
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 98
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 76
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 98
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 17
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 26
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 17
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 26
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNext       SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8014,21 +8019,21 @@ cross-sections:  }
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext      INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 285
+= Number of particles generated: 189
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 285
+= Mean multiplicity: 189
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 184
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 163
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 184
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 163
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 42
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 62
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 42
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 62
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 3
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 11
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 3
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 11
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlgNextNext   SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -8106,26 +8111,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  348.00 +-18.65 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  387.00 +-19.67 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  299.00 +-17.29 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  895.00 +-29.92 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  335.00 +-18.30 ( 96.26 +-1.02%) Rich2 =  298.00 +-17.26 ( 77.00 +-2.14%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  287.00 +-16.94 ( 95.99 +-1.14%) Rich2 =  588.00 +-24.25 ( 65.70 +-1.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   76.00 +- 8.72 (  8.49 +-0.93%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   74.00 +- 8.60 ( 19.12 +-2.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  3.74 +-1.02%) Rich2 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  4.91 +-1.10%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   11.00 +- 3.32 (  3.16 +-0.94%) Rich2 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  3.36 +-0.92%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  197.00 +-14.04 ( 22.01 +-1.38%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  4.01 +-1.14%) Rich2 =   71.00 +- 8.43 (  7.93 +-0.90%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  3.34 +-1.04%) Rich2 =   53.00 +- 7.28 (  5.92 +-0.79%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  1.72 +-0.70%) Rich2 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  2.58 +-0.81%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    4.00 +- 2.00 (  1.34 +-0.66%) Rich2 =   39.00 +- 6.24 (  4.36 +-0.68%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  335.00 +-18.30 ( 96.26 +-1.02%) Rich2Gas =  298.00 +-17.26 ( 77.00 +-2.14%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  287.00 +-16.94 ( 95.99 +-1.14%) Rich2Gas =  588.00 +-24.25 ( 65.70 +-1.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -8145,10 +8150,12 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   348.00 +- 18.65 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   387.00 +- 19.67 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    36.00 +-  6.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   299.00 +- 17.29 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   819.00 +- 28.62 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =    76.00 +-  8.72 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    23.00 +-  4.80 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -8194,46 +8201,46 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        442 |     442.00 |     0.0000 |      442.00 |      442.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        676 |     676.00 |     0.0000 |      676.00 |      676.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         24 |     24.000 |     0.0000 |      24.000 |      24.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         32 |     32.000 |     0.0000 |      32.000 |      32.000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        147 |     147.00 |     0.0000 |      147.00 |      147.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        284 |     284.00 |     0.0000 |      284.00 |      284.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        155 |     155.00 |     0.0000 |      155.00 |      155.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        352 |     352.00 |     0.0000 |      352.00 |      352.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        710 |     710.00 |     0.0000 |      710.00 |      710.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        149 |     149.00 |     0.0000 |      149.00 |      149.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        350 |     350.00 |     0.0000 |      350.00 |      350.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1051 |     1051.0 |     0.0000 |      1051.0 |      1051.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2991 |     2991.0 |     0.0000 |      2991.0 |      2991.0 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        508 |     508.00 |     0.0000 |      508.00 |      508.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1752 |     1752.0 |     0.0000 |      1752.0 |      1752.0 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1300 |     1300.0 |     0.0000 |      1300.0 |      1300.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3084 |     3084.0 |     0.0000 |      3084.0 |      3084.0 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        143 |     143.00 |     0.0000 |      143.00 |      143.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        295 |     295.00 |     0.0000 |      295.00 |      295.00 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        735 |     735.00 |     0.0000 |      735.00 |      735.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1194 |     1194.0 |     0.0000 |      1194.0 |      1194.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        735 |     735.00 |     0.0000 |      735.00 |      735.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1194 |     1194.0 |     0.0000 |      1194.0 |      1194.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         52 |     52.000 |     0.0000 |      52.000 |      52.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8243,42 +8250,42 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       442+/-0
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 24+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       676+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 32+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 147
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1475.62
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.160753
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0581958
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 284
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2949.39
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.157974
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0621347
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        20 |         20 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       147 |   216916.6 |     1475.6 |     3557.9 |      3.3028 |      15492. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        147 |     147.00 |     0.0000 |      147.00 |      147.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        18 |         18 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       284 |   837626.1 |     2949.4 |     19336. |     0.37227 |  1.6355e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        284 |     284.00 |     0.0000 |      284.00 |      284.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 128
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 3389.68
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.118206
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0379981
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 155
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2929.05
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.119451
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0360518
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         2 |          2 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       128 |   433879.1 |     3389.7 |     6065.1 |      5.2722 |      16790. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         6 |          6 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       155 |   454002.2 |     2929.0 |     14586. |      4.3622 |  1.6355e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        155 |     155.00 |     0.0000 |      155.00 |      155.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 352
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1606.18
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.196086
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0608753
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 710
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4338.62
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19126
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0732549
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        39 |         39 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       352 |   565376.2 |     1606.2 |     3372.4 |   0.0075956 |      13362. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        352 |     352.00 |     0.0000 |      352.00 |      352.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        30 |         30 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       710 |    3080418 |     4338.6 |     21272. |    0.059696 |  1.6355e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        710 |     710.00 |     0.0000 |      710.00 |      710.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -8287,374 +8294,374 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 70.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 28.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 92.000  6.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 116.000  5.000  16.000  4.000  4.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 40.000  0.000  2.000  0.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 52.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 144.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 300.000  15.000  23.000  4.000  8.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         24 |     24.000 |     0.0000 |      24.000 |      24.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         32 |     32.000 |     0.0000 |      32.000 |      32.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHits         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        24 |1.682904e-06 | 7.0121e-08 | 2.7530e-07 | -4.5706e-07 |  4.0427e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        24 |-2.272712e-06 |-9.4696e-08 | 2.6925e-07 | -4.7804e-07 |  3.9725e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        24 |1.164689e-06 | 4.8529e-08 | 2.5395e-07 | -4.2705e-07 |  4.3333e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        24 |-3.087991e-09 |-1.2867e-10 | 5.7106e-07 | -9.7716e-07 |  9.7445e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        24 |0.0001457269 | 6.0720e-06 | 3.3210e-05 | -4.5141e-05 |  4.9134e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        24 |-7.940637e-05 |-3.3086e-06 | 2.3651e-05 | -4.7391e-05 |  3.8791e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        24 |-0.0001344875 |-5.6036e-06 | 2.9302e-05 | -4.3469e-05 |  4.5446e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        24 |-0.005639453 |-0.00023498 |  0.0029982 |  -0.0049730 |   0.0049717 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        24 |-2.690279e-06 |-1.1209e-07 | 2.9775e-06 | -4.6977e-06 |  4.3187e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        24 |  0.2365207 |  0.0098550 |   0.022834 |   -0.021470 |    0.082779 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        24 |-0.09545027 | -0.0039771 |   0.029056 |    -0.11952 |    0.021626 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        24 |  -7.200319 |   -0.30001 | 0.00014056 |    -0.30042 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        24 |   3.079372 |    0.12831 |    0.10491 |    0.065556 |     0.60776 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        24 |    159.231 |     6.6346 |     13.817 |     -19.724 |      38.186 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        24 |   15.47422 |    0.64476 |     13.580 |     -35.638 |      21.645 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        24 |  -6568.568 |    -273.69 |     41.209 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        24 |   240168.6 |     10007. |     6622.0 |      6.0177 |      21174. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        24 |   20.99497 |    0.87479 |    0.13711 |     0.68642 |      1.0140 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        24 |   0.236519 |  0.0098550 |   0.022834 |   -0.021470 |    0.082779 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        24 |  -0.095448 | -0.0039770 |   0.029056 |    -0.11952 |    0.021626 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        24 |   -7.20032 |   -0.30001 | 0.00014058 |    -0.30041 |    -0.29976 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        24 |   3.079372 |    0.12831 |    0.10491 |    0.065556 |     0.60776 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        24 |   159.2309 |     6.6346 |     13.817 |     -19.724 |      38.186 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        24 |    15.4743 |    0.64476 |     13.580 |     -35.638 |      21.645 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        24 |  -6568.568 |    -273.69 |     41.209 |     -315.87 |     -218.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        24 |   240168.6 |     10007. |     6622.0 |      6.0200 |      21174. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        24 |   20.99497 |    0.87479 |    0.13711 |     0.68642 |      1.0140 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        32 |1.681415e-06 | 5.2544e-08 | 3.1039e-07 | -4.9704e-07 |  4.9556e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        32 |4.099564e-07 | 1.2811e-08 | 3.1080e-07 | -4.7837e-07 |  4.8917e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        32 |-1.08599e-06 |-3.3937e-08 | 2.5602e-07 | -4.2638e-07 |  4.5264e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        32 |-1.258568e-06 |-3.9330e-08 | 5.8532e-07 | -7.9486e-07 |  9.4715e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        32 |1.951965e-05 | 6.0999e-07 | 2.7444e-05 | -4.7935e-05 |  4.4692e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        32 |0.000431825 | 1.3495e-05 | 2.7877e-05 | -4.6828e-05 |  4.7775e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        32 |-0.0001210358 |-3.7824e-06 | 2.9858e-05 | -4.9504e-05 |  4.7987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        32 |0.0005938877 | 1.8559e-05 |  0.0028981 |  -0.0046759 |   0.0047510 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        32 |4.773468e-05 | 1.4917e-06 | 2.7588e-06 | -4.4028e-06 |  4.8330e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        32 | 0.08215368 |  0.0025673 |   0.016873 |   -0.026668 |    0.023295 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        32 | 0.09381241 |  0.0029316 |   0.016583 |   -0.036347 |    0.028033 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        32 |  -9.589854 |   -0.29968 |  0.0016514 |    -0.30012 |    -0.29051 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        32 |   3.417723 |    0.10680 |   0.053689 |    0.066166 |     0.37556 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        32 |    111.695 |     3.4905 |     15.119 |     -25.693 |      24.497 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        32 |   75.68683 |     2.3652 |     14.932 |     -37.098 |      27.225 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        32 |  -8608.356 |    -269.01 |     41.623 |     -315.86 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        32 |   393307.5 |     12291. |     14922. |      886.69 |      54234. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        32 |    28.9745 |    0.90545 |    0.14819 |     0.69981 |      1.1294 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        32 |   0.082152 |  0.0025673 |   0.016873 |   -0.026668 |    0.023295 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        32 |   0.093812 |  0.0029316 |   0.016583 |   -0.036347 |    0.028033 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        32 |  -9.589853 |   -0.29968 |  0.0016513 |    -0.30012 |    -0.29051 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        32 |   3.417724 |    0.10680 |   0.053689 |    0.066166 |     0.37556 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        32 |    111.695 |     3.4905 |     15.119 |     -25.693 |      24.497 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        32 |    75.6864 |     2.3652 |     14.932 |     -37.098 |      27.225 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        32 |  -8608.356 |    -269.01 |     41.623 |     -315.86 |     -218.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        32 |   393307.5 |     12291. |     14922. |      886.69 |      54234. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        32 |   28.97445 |    0.90545 |    0.14819 |     0.69981 |      1.1294 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        442 |     442.00 |     0.0000 |      442.00 |      442.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        676 |     676.00 |     0.0000 |      676.00 |      676.00 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       442 |-3.382733e-06 |-7.6532e-09 | 2.8812e-07 | -4.9906e-07 |  4.8952e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       442 | 2.1922e-06 | 4.9597e-09 | 2.8263e-07 | -4.9505e-07 |  4.9901e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       442 |1.533934e-06 | 3.4704e-09 | 2.8492e-07 | -4.8912e-07 |  4.9941e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       442 |1.939372e-05 | 4.3877e-08 | 5.7226e-07 | -9.9593e-07 |  9.9765e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       442 |-0.0003291918 |-7.4478e-07 | 2.8278e-05 | -4.9692e-05 |  4.9942e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       442 |0.0001544995 | 3.4955e-07 | 2.9807e-05 | -4.9878e-05 |  4.9568e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       442 |-2.95406e-05 |-6.6834e-08 | 2.8929e-05 | -4.9744e-05 |  4.9799e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       442 | 0.07789827 | 0.00017624 |  0.0027339 |  -0.0049241 |   0.0049950 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       442 |7.346705e-05 | 1.6622e-07 | 2.9724e-06 | -4.9586e-06 |  4.9941e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       442 |  -2.967906 | -0.0067147 |    0.18631 |     -3.7207 |     0.34099 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       442 |  -3.980002 | -0.0090045 |    0.10314 |    -0.54954 |      1.4643 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       442 |    65.2618 |    0.14765 |    0.25503 |    -0.30055 |     0.30028 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       442 |   56.66321 |    0.12820 |    0.17058 |   0.0089116 |      1.7382 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       442 |   443.0266 |     1.0023 |     16.570 |     -36.872 |      44.449 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       442 |  -1997.149 |    -4.5184 |     12.919 |     -38.529 |      38.076 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       442 |   110980.1 |     251.09 |     295.05 |     -175.77 |      750.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       442 |    5396223 |     12209. |     15527. |      106.42 |      66901. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       442 |   464.0401 |     1.0499 |    0.81638 |    0.036551 |      2.5535 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       442 |  -2.967903 | -0.0067147 |    0.18631 |     -3.7207 |     0.34099 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       442 |  -3.980004 | -0.0090045 |    0.10314 |    -0.54954 |      1.4643 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       442 |    65.2618 |    0.14765 |    0.25503 |    -0.30055 |     0.30028 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       442 |   56.66319 |    0.12820 |    0.17058 |   0.0089120 |      1.7382 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       442 |   443.0269 |     1.0023 |     16.570 |     -36.872 |      44.449 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       442 |   -1997.15 |    -4.5184 |     12.919 |     -38.529 |      38.076 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       442 |   110980.1 |     251.09 |     295.05 |     -175.77 |      750.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       442 |    5396223 |     12209. |     15527. |      106.42 |      66901. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       442 |   464.0401 |     1.0499 |    0.81638 |    0.036550 |      2.5535 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       676 |4.076523e-06 | 6.0304e-09 | 2.9108e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.9665e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       676 |4.726015e-07 | 6.9911e-10 | 2.8402e-07 | -4.9846e-07 |  4.9928e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       676 |-1.045096e-06 |-1.5460e-09 | 2.8998e-07 | -4.9967e-07 |  5.0000e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       676 |6.294673e-06 | 9.3116e-09 | 5.6301e-07 | -9.9988e-07 |  9.9716e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       676 |0.0003291102 | 4.8685e-07 | 2.8453e-05 | -4.9905e-05 |  4.9941e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       676 |0.001067206 | 1.5787e-06 | 2.9376e-05 | -4.9966e-05 |  4.9962e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       676 |0.001704371 | 2.5213e-06 | 2.9093e-05 | -4.9747e-05 |  4.9902e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       676 | 0.09215466 | 0.00013632 |  0.0028471 |  -0.0049883 |   0.0049831 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       676 |6.404763e-06 | 9.4745e-09 | 2.8229e-06 | -4.9736e-06 |  4.9852e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       676 |  -4.446706 | -0.0065780 |    0.20083 |     -5.0027 |     0.44669 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       676 |    10.5361 |   0.015586 |    0.30530 |    -0.64163 |      7.7187 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       676 |   109.8458 |    0.16249 |    0.24778 |    -0.32616 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       676 |   91.87359 |    0.13591 |    0.26932 |  0.00042589 |      4.0981 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       676 |   674.2739 |    0.99745 |     14.512 |     -43.080 |      43.950 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       676 |   1956.654 |     2.8945 |     16.959 |     -41.666 |      43.289 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       676 |   164700.1 |     243.64 |     293.20 |     -175.78 |      751.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       676 |    6173064 |     9131.8 |     17096. |      2.3692 |      94267. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       676 |   666.7734 |    0.98635 |    0.79943 |    0.044851 |      2.5611 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       676 |   -4.44671 | -0.0065780 |    0.20083 |     -5.0027 |     0.44669 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       676 |    10.5361 |   0.015586 |    0.30530 |    -0.64163 |      7.7187 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       676 |   109.8458 |    0.16249 |    0.24778 |    -0.32616 |     0.30047 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       676 |   91.87358 |    0.13591 |    0.26932 |  0.00042600 |      4.0981 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       676 |   674.2736 |    0.99745 |     14.512 |     -43.080 |      43.950 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       676 |   1956.653 |     2.8945 |     16.959 |     -41.666 |      43.289 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       676 |     164700 |     243.64 |     293.20 |     -175.78 |      751.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       676 |    6173064 |     9131.8 |     17096. |      2.3700 |      94267. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       676 |   666.7734 |    0.98635 |    0.79943 |    0.044850 |      2.5611 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        147 |     147.00 |     0.0000 |      147.00 |      147.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        284 |     284.00 |     0.0000 |      284.00 |      284.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       147 |1.609803e-06 | 1.0951e-08 | 2.9017e-07 | -4.8016e-07 |  4.9288e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       147 |-9.192571e-07 |-6.2534e-09 | 2.9029e-07 | -4.9775e-07 |  4.9508e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       147 |3.460937e-07 | 2.3544e-09 | 1.2064e-07 | -4.8022e-07 |  4.8022e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       147 |-9.13478e-06 |-6.2141e-08 | 5.7430e-07 | -9.7089e-07 |  9.6859e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       147 |-0.0001503203 |-1.0226e-06 | 2.7263e-05 | -4.9810e-05 |  4.8873e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       147 |0.0001346439 | 9.1595e-07 | 2.6645e-05 | -4.9604e-05 |  4.9802e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       147 |0.0001088071 | 7.4018e-07 | 8.9145e-06 | -4.2520e-05 |  4.7127e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       147 |-0.05128908 |-0.00034891 |  0.0028965 |  -0.0049203 |   0.0048161 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       147 |6.533006e-06 | 4.4442e-08 | 2.9128e-06 | -4.7811e-06 |  4.9889e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       147 |   15.81566 |    0.10759 |    0.42589 |     -1.6963 |      3.3929 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       147 |   1.744148 |   0.011865 |    0.15777 |    -0.63230 |     0.61674 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       147 |   44.20687 |    0.30073 |    0.36443 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       147 |   32.59812 |    0.22176 |    0.18630 |   0.0033964 |      1.2424 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       147 |  -15104.59 |    -102.75 |     262.50 |     -768.06 |      683.20 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       147 |  -6939.035 |    -47.204 |     157.98 |     -372.16 |      525.33 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       147 |   366934.2 |     2496.2 |     136.13 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       147 |    1307662 |     8895.7 |     15364. |      1.5791 |      66894. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       147 |   1657.984 |     11.279 |     5.0877 |      7.7909 |      24.621 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       147 |   15.81566 |    0.10759 |    0.42589 |     -1.6963 |      3.3929 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       147 |   1.744149 |   0.011865 |    0.15777 |    -0.63230 |     0.61674 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       147 |   44.20687 |    0.30073 |    0.36443 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       147 |   32.59813 |    0.22176 |    0.18630 |   0.0033960 |      1.2424 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       147 |  -15104.59 |    -102.75 |     262.50 |     -768.06 |      683.20 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       147 |  -6939.036 |    -47.204 |     157.98 |     -372.16 |      525.33 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       147 |   366934.2 |     2496.2 |     136.13 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       147 |    1307662 |     8895.7 |     15364. |      1.5800 |      66894. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       147 |   1657.984 |     11.279 |     5.0877 |      7.7909 |      24.621 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       284 |-5.353624e-06 |-1.8851e-08 | 2.8834e-07 | -4.9872e-07 |  4.9946e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       284 |4.700315e-06 | 1.6550e-08 | 2.9415e-07 | -4.9938e-07 |  4.9385e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       284 |-5.564097e-07 |-1.9592e-09 | 9.0465e-08 | -4.8357e-07 |  4.8357e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       284 |-1.141754e-05 |-4.0203e-08 | 5.8119e-07 | -9.8669e-07 |  9.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       284 |5.871169e-05 | 2.0673e-07 | 2.9572e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9075e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       284 |0.0006970754 | 2.4545e-06 | 2.9327e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9953e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       284 |0.0003138055 | 1.1049e-06 | 7.0805e-06 | -3.5910e-05 |  4.9420e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       284 |0.007115377 | 2.5054e-05 |  0.0027476 |  -0.0047909 |   0.0048267 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       284 |-3.083045e-05 |-1.0856e-07 | 2.8802e-06 | -4.9976e-06 |  4.9932e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       284 |   2.164113 |  0.0076201 |    0.40462 |     -1.4038 |      2.1104 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       284 |   14.70306 |   0.051771 |    0.29817 |     -1.0095 |      3.0678 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       284 |   60.66655 |    0.21361 |    0.42903 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       284 |    77.8173 |    0.27400 |    0.36991 |   0.0049728 |      4.0780 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       284 |  -13665.38 |    -48.118 |     324.50 |     -800.43 |      754.60 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       284 |   10187.52 |     35.872 |     256.15 |     -620.56 |      622.03 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       284 |   711434.8 |     2505.1 |     134.74 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       284 |    1518180 |     5345.7 |     14001. |      1.7129 |      94255. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       284 |   3721.174 |     13.103 |     6.9024 |      7.6932 |      35.387 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       284 |   2.164118 |  0.0076201 |    0.40462 |     -1.4038 |      2.1104 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       284 |   14.70306 |   0.051771 |    0.29817 |     -1.0095 |      3.0678 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       284 |   60.66655 |    0.21361 |    0.42903 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       284 |   77.81731 |    0.27400 |    0.36991 |   0.0049720 |      4.0780 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       284 |  -13665.38 |    -48.118 |     324.50 |     -800.43 |      754.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       284 |   10187.52 |     35.872 |     256.15 |     -620.56 |      622.03 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       284 |   711434.8 |     2505.1 |     134.74 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       284 |    1518180 |     5345.7 |     14001. |      1.7100 |      94255. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       284 |   3721.174 |     13.103 |     6.9024 |      7.6932 |      35.387 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        128 |     128.00 |     0.0000 |      128.00 |      128.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        155 |     155.00 |     0.0000 |      155.00 |      155.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       128 |1.863219e-06 | 1.4556e-08 | 2.7726e-07 | -4.7994e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       128 |4.609358e-06 | 3.6011e-08 | 2.8615e-07 | -4.9802e-07 |  4.9617e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       128 |-1.297739e-05 |-1.0139e-07 | 2.9660e-07 | -4.9229e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       128 |-3.003702e-06 |-2.3466e-08 | 5.1505e-07 | -9.8784e-07 |  9.5274e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |-0.0003812083 |-2.9782e-06 | 2.5984e-05 | -4.7783e-05 |  4.9713e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |-0.000113399 |-8.8593e-07 | 3.0003e-05 | -4.9747e-05 |  4.9620e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |-0.0003009796 |-2.3514e-06 | 2.9139e-05 | -4.9797e-05 |  4.9106e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |-0.008453218 |-6.6041e-05 |  0.0027861 |  -0.0049989 |   0.0049934 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       128 |1.150871e-05 | 8.9912e-08 | 2.7944e-06 | -4.7857e-06 |  4.9486e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       128 |   -2.10947 |  -0.016480 |   0.077437 |    -0.25398 |     0.32741 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       128 | -0.1706504 | -0.0013332 |   0.019909 |    -0.11399 |    0.090590 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       128 |   46.27955 |    0.36156 |   0.098087 |    -0.41021 |     0.41013 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       128 |   20.25284 |    0.15823 |    0.12739 |   0.0094756 |     0.81362 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |   -4786.32 |    -37.393 |     254.01 |     -628.93 |      622.31 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |  -2928.046 |    -22.875 |     90.156 |     -148.21 |      163.01 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |    1075339 |     8401.1 |     558.12 |      7667.7 |      9171.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |    2361289 |     18448. |     23383. |      1.6853 |      66868. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       128 |   3599.032 |     28.117 |     1.8532 |      25.638 |      30.642 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       128 |  -2.109472 |  -0.016480 |   0.077437 |    -0.25398 |     0.32741 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       128 |  -0.170655 | -0.0013332 |   0.019909 |    -0.11399 |    0.090590 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       128 |   46.27957 |    0.36156 |   0.098087 |    -0.41021 |     0.41013 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       128 |   20.25285 |    0.15823 |    0.12739 |   0.0094760 |     0.81362 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       128 |   -4786.32 |    -37.393 |     254.01 |     -628.93 |      622.31 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       128 |  -2928.046 |    -22.875 |     90.156 |     -148.21 |      163.01 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       128 |    1075339 |     8401.1 |     558.12 |      7667.7 |      9171.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       128 |    2361289 |     18448. |     23383. |      1.6900 |      66868. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       128 |   3599.032 |     28.117 |     1.8532 |      25.638 |      30.642 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       155 |-8.89911e-06 |-5.7414e-08 | 2.7210e-07 | -4.9823e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       155 |-1.002276e-06 |-6.4663e-09 | 2.9482e-07 | -4.8906e-07 |  4.8274e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       155 | 2.0257e-06 | 1.3069e-08 | 3.0359e-07 | -4.9263e-07 |  4.9618e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       155 |4.613908e-06 | 2.9767e-08 | 5.6022e-07 | -9.9397e-07 |  9.9898e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       155 |-0.0002937769 |-1.8953e-06 | 2.9423e-05 | -4.9517e-05 |  4.8131e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       155 |0.0001544261 | 9.9630e-07 | 2.8193e-05 | -4.8815e-05 |  4.9838e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       155 |-4.073695e-05 |-2.6282e-07 | 3.0685e-05 | -4.9810e-05 |  4.9605e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       155 | 0.03101629 | 0.00020011 |  0.0028867 |  -0.0049194 |   0.0049685 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       155 |5.372615e-06 | 3.4662e-08 | 2.9853e-06 | -4.9771e-06 |  4.9801e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       155 |   4.430849 |   0.028586 |    0.17089 |    -0.50774 |     0.92544 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       155 |   3.657919 |   0.023599 |    0.12398 |    -0.33874 |      1.1002 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       155 |   48.74035 |    0.31445 |    0.19019 |    -0.40920 |     0.41104 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       155 |   26.55636 |    0.17133 |    0.19718 |   0.0052011 |      1.8800 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       155 |   3087.581 |     19.920 |     240.38 |     -329.24 |      604.57 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       155 |   -3096.31 |    -19.976 |     124.76 |     -212.78 |      211.52 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       155 |    1298665 |     8378.5 |     585.55 |      7667.8 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       155 |    3092234 |     19950. |     25873. |      1.5650 |      94249. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       155 |   4401.332 |     28.396 |     2.3364 |      25.575 |      35.640 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       155 |   4.430858 |   0.028586 |    0.17089 |    -0.50774 |     0.92544 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       155 |    3.65792 |   0.023599 |    0.12398 |    -0.33874 |      1.1002 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       155 |   48.74034 |    0.31445 |    0.19019 |    -0.40920 |     0.41104 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       155 |   26.55636 |    0.17133 |    0.19718 |   0.0052020 |      1.8800 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       155 |   3087.582 |     19.920 |     240.38 |     -329.24 |      604.57 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       155 |   -3096.31 |    -19.976 |     124.76 |     -212.78 |      211.52 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       155 |    1298665 |     8378.5 |     585.55 |      7667.8 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       155 |    3092234 |     19950. |     25873. |      1.5600 |      94249. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       155 |   4401.332 |     28.396 |     2.3364 |      25.575 |      35.640 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        352 |     352.00 |     0.0000 |      352.00 |      352.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        710 |     710.00 |     0.0000 |      710.00 |      710.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       352 |-7.295272e-06 |-2.0725e-08 | 2.8217e-07 | -4.9730e-07 |  4.9823e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       352 |1.708328e-06 | 4.8532e-09 | 2.9862e-07 | -4.9700e-07 |  4.9974e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       352 |-2.101121e-06 |-5.9691e-09 | 2.9171e-07 | -4.9655e-07 |  4.9963e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       352 |1.169693e-05 | 3.3230e-08 | 5.7543e-07 | -9.9457e-07 |  9.9065e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       352 |-0.0001131633 |-3.2149e-07 | 2.9360e-05 | -4.9874e-05 |  4.9807e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       352 |0.000177207 | 5.0343e-07 | 2.9602e-05 | -4.9737e-05 |  4.9789e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       352 |0.0001261737 | 3.5845e-07 | 2.8814e-05 | -4.9813e-05 |  4.9364e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       352 |-0.02803777 |-7.9653e-05 |  0.0028978 |  -0.0048979 |   0.0049296 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       352 |2.250417e-05 | 6.3932e-08 | 3.0036e-06 | -4.9502e-06 |  4.9830e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       352 |   43.56788 |    0.12377 |     6.2080 |     -28.357 |      63.203 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       352 |   78.62498 |    0.22337 |     3.5217 |     -13.227 |      29.119 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       352 |   2360.344 |     6.7055 |     7.2915 |     -10.778 |      10.798 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       352 |   97.61024 |    0.27730 |    0.38233 |   0.0033649 |      3.8481 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       352 |  -101251.2 |    -287.65 |     1267.0 |     -3016.4 |      1898.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       352 |  -67549.32 |    -191.90 |     509.43 |     -1008.2 |      2210.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       352 |    3020998 |     8582.4 |     563.46 |      7852.5 |      9413.6 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       352 |    1366764 |     3882.9 |     5001.4 |      1.5394 |      23856. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       352 |   11458.25 |     32.552 |     6.8861 |      26.304 |      66.443 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       352 |   43.56789 |    0.12377 |     6.2080 |     -28.357 |      63.203 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       352 |   78.62498 |    0.22337 |     3.5217 |     -13.227 |      29.119 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       352 |   2360.344 |     6.7055 |     7.2915 |     -10.778 |      10.798 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       352 |   97.61023 |    0.27730 |    0.38233 |   0.0033640 |      3.8481 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       352 |  -101251.2 |    -287.65 |     1267.0 |     -3016.4 |      1898.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       352 |  -67549.32 |    -191.90 |     509.43 |     -1008.2 |      2210.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       352 |    3020998 |     8582.4 |     563.46 |      7852.5 |      9413.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       352 |    1366764 |     3882.9 |     5001.4 |      1.5400 |      23856. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       352 |   11458.25 |     32.552 |     6.8861 |      26.304 |      66.443 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       710 |7.512236e-06 | 1.0581e-08 | 2.9155e-07 | -4.9884e-07 |  4.9981e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       710 |-1.568505e-06 |-2.2092e-09 | 2.8898e-07 | -4.9936e-07 |  4.9895e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       710 |8.507769e-07 | 1.1983e-09 | 2.8439e-07 | -4.9986e-07 |  4.8866e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       710 |8.344097e-06 | 1.1752e-08 | 5.7708e-07 | -9.9031e-07 |  9.9977e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       710 |0.0006154365 | 8.6681e-07 | 2.8915e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       710 |6.056441e-06 | 8.5302e-09 | 2.8760e-05 | -4.9949e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       710 |-0.00195311 |-2.7509e-06 | 2.8766e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.9774e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       710 |-0.06844068 |-9.6395e-05 |  0.0028484 |  -0.0049861 |   0.0049722 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       710 |6.479248e-05 | 9.1257e-08 | 2.9880e-06 | -4.9893e-06 |  4.9968e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       710 |  -274.5141 |   -0.38664 |     10.157 |     -105.24 |      56.518 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       710 |   126.8437 |    0.17865 |     6.8532 |     -103.99 |      77.412 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       710 |   5662.206 |     7.9749 |     5.8793 |     -10.852 |      10.848 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       710 |   181.1062 |    0.25508 |    0.23197 |   0.0011095 |      2.4648 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       710 |   2498.911 |     3.5196 |     1261.6 |     -2990.3 |      2969.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       710 |   9073.613 |     12.780 |     712.24 |     -2380.2 |      2401.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       710 |    6140117 |     8648.1 |     558.99 |      7847.5 |      9411.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       710 |    3252364 |     4580.8 |     11558. |      1.4626 |      94247. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       710 |   22458.55 |     31.632 |     7.0738 |      26.169 |      109.69 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       710 |  -274.5141 |   -0.38664 |     10.157 |     -105.24 |      56.518 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       710 |   126.8437 |    0.17865 |     6.8532 |     -103.99 |      77.412 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       710 |   5662.206 |     7.9749 |     5.8793 |     -10.852 |      10.848 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       710 |   181.1062 |    0.25508 |    0.23197 |   0.0011100 |      2.4648 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       710 |    2498.91 |     3.5196 |     1261.6 |     -2990.3 |      2969.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       710 |   9073.613 |     12.780 |     712.24 |     -2380.2 |      2401.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       710 |    6140117 |     8648.1 |     558.99 |      7847.5 |      9411.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       710 |    3252364 |     4580.8 |     11558. |      1.4600 |      94247. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       710 |   22458.55 |     31.632 |     7.0738 |      26.169 |      109.69 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        735 |     735.00 |     0.0000 |      735.00 |      735.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1194 |     1194.0 |     0.0000 |      1194.0 |      1194.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        735 |     735.00 |     0.0000 |      735.00 |      735.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1194 |     1194.0 |     0.0000 |      1194.0 |      1194.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         52 |     52.000 |     0.0000 |      52.000 |      52.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       735 |-5.100087e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       735 |0.0003447024 | 4.6898e-07 | 2.8336e-05 | -4.9604e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       735 |-4.901107e-05 |-6.6682e-08 | 2.8396e-05 | -4.9797e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       735 |0.0002504024 | 3.4068e-07 | 2.9725e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9978e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       735 |-2.104021e-05 |-2.8626e-08 | 2.8810e-06 | -4.9956e-06 |  4.9891e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       735 |       14.7 |   0.020000 | 4.2397e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       735 |  -382856.8 |    -520.89 |     2875.3 |     -4150.5 |      4150.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       735 |  -304625.4 |    -414.46 |     762.44 |     -1350.6 |      1283.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       735 |    4731247 |     6437.1 |     4571.0 |      1409.1 |      11094. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       735 |   25502.51 |     34.697 |     21.836 |      11.753 |      126.26 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       735 |       14.7 |   0.020000 | 4.2486e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       735 |  -382856.8 |    -520.89 |     2875.3 |     -4150.5 |      4150.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       735 |  -304625.4 |    -414.46 |     762.44 |     -1350.6 |      1283.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       735 |    4731247 |     6437.1 |     4571.0 |      1409.1 |      11094. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       735 |   25502.51 |     34.697 |     21.836 |      11.753 |      126.26 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1194 |-8.285039e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1194 |-0.00104357 |-8.7401e-07 | 2.9011e-05 | -4.9909e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1194 |-0.000302427 |-2.5329e-07 | 2.9156e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9931e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1194 |0.0001510192 | 1.2648e-07 | 2.8139e-05 | -4.9968e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1194 |-1.73949e-05 |-1.4569e-08 | 2.9040e-06 | -4.9935e-06 |  4.9965e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1194 |      23.88 |   0.020000 | 4.6993e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1194 |  -677861.2 |    -567.72 |     3415.1 |     -4150.3 |      4150.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1194 |   24083.57 |     20.170 |     670.60 |     -1354.9 |      1319.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1194 |1.016214e+07 |     8511.0 |     3994.1 |      1400.6 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1194 |   52359.91 |     43.853 |     20.476 |      11.679 |      132.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1194 |      23.88 |   0.020000 | 4.7043e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1194 |  -677861.2 |    -567.72 |     3415.1 |     -4150.3 |      4150.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1194 |   24083.57 |     20.170 |     670.60 |     -1354.9 |      1319.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1194 |1.016214e+07 |     8511.0 |     3994.1 |      1400.6 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1194 |   52359.91 |     43.853 |     20.476 |      11.679 |      132.99 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       735 |-0.0005138374 |-6.9910e-07 | 2.8836e-05 | -4.9962e-05 |  4.9957e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       735 |0.0008673791 | 1.1801e-06 | 2.8761e-05 | -4.9858e-05 |  4.9825e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       735 |0.0001835327 | 2.4970e-07 | 2.8554e-05 | -4.9912e-05 |  4.9684e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       735 |-3.417426e-10 |-4.6496e-13 | 5.7648e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       735 |-7.365443e-05 |-1.0021e-07 | 2.8533e-05 | -4.9633e-05 |  4.9900e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       735 |0.0003396115 | 4.6206e-07 | 2.8538e-05 | -4.9860e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       735 |0.0003593954 | 4.8897e-07 | 2.9600e-05 | -4.9609e-05 |  4.9836e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       735 |   2268.146 |     3.0859 |     1.8526 |  0.00043778 |      6.2809 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       735 |   120.6062 |    0.16409 |    0.45877 |   0.0046208 |      2.8062 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       735 |  -15449.56 |    -21.020 |     517.46 |     -3324.1 |      2453.6 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       735 |  -36183.93 |    -49.230 |     220.96 |     -1197.2 |      1385.1 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       735 |    4520283 |     6150.0 |     4486.2 |      990.68 |      11481. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       735 |0.003101321 | 4.2195e-06 | 1.0517e-06 |  1.7929e-06 |  6.4559e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       735 |  -374068.7 |    -508.94 |     2809.8 |     -4078.2 |      4070.4 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       735 |  -281116.9 |    -382.47 |     706.76 |     -1270.1 |      1187.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       735 |    4695898 |     6389.0 |     4568.5 |      1335.7 |      11058. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       735 |   2268.146 |     3.0859 |     1.8526 |  0.00043778 |      6.2809 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       735 |   120.6062 |    0.16409 |    0.45877 |   0.0046208 |      2.8062 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       735 |  -15449.56 |    -21.020 |     517.46 |     -3324.1 |      2453.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       735 |  -36183.93 |    -49.230 |     220.96 |     -1197.2 |      1385.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       735 |    4520283 |     6150.0 |     4486.2 |      990.68 |      11481. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       735 |0.003101322 | 4.2195e-06 | 1.0517e-06 |  1.7929e-06 |  6.4559e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       735 |  -374068.7 |    -508.94 |     2809.8 |     -4078.2 |      4070.4 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       735 |  -281116.9 |    -382.47 |     706.76 |     -1270.1 |      1187.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       735 |    4695898 |     6389.0 |     4568.5 |      1335.7 |      11058. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       735 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1194 |0.0002932629 | 2.4561e-07 | 2.9231e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9943e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1194 |0.0004930197 | 4.1291e-07 | 2.8979e-05 | -4.9852e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1194 |0.001529941 | 1.2814e-06 | 2.8620e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9720e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1194 |6.946266e-11 | 5.8176e-14 | 5.6685e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1194 |0.0006659524 | 5.5775e-07 | 2.9055e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9692e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1194 |-0.0002548891 |-2.1347e-07 | 2.8999e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9866e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1194 |-0.0002340452 |-1.9602e-07 | 2.8621e-05 | -4.9701e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1194 |    3790.71 |     3.1748 |     1.8102 |    0.019540 |      6.2738 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1194 |   401.4276 |    0.33620 |    0.66485 |   0.0029293 |      2.9225 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1194 |     204678 |     171.42 |     1173.0 |     -3478.1 |      3815.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1194 |  -12907.91 |    -10.811 |     353.70 |     -1262.5 |      1435.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1194 |    9759586 |     8173.9 |     3914.3 |      992.51 |      11633. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1194 |0.005160307 | 4.3219e-06 | 1.0075e-06 |  1.7623e-06 |  6.7737e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1194 |  -662822.1 |    -555.13 |     3337.0 |     -4072.9 |      4076.6 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1194 |   22843.98 |     19.132 |     627.86 |     -1249.6 |      1213.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1194 |1.010114e+07 |     8459.9 |     3993.5 |      1367.8 |      11071. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1194 |    3790.71 |     3.1748 |     1.8102 |    0.019540 |      6.2738 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1194 |   401.4276 |    0.33620 |    0.66485 |   0.0029293 |      2.9225 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1194 |     204678 |     171.42 |     1173.0 |     -3478.1 |      3815.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1194 |  -12907.91 |    -10.811 |     353.70 |     -1262.5 |      1435.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1194 |    9759586 |     8173.9 |     3914.3 |      992.51 |      11633. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1194 |0.005160307 | 4.3219e-06 | 1.0075e-06 |  1.7623e-06 |  6.7737e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1194 |  -662822.1 |    -555.13 |     3337.0 |     -4072.9 |      4076.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1194 |   22843.98 |     19.132 |     627.86 |     -1249.6 |      1213.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1194 |1.010114e+07 |     8459.9 |     3993.5 |      1367.8 |      11071. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1194 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        52 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        91 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        508 |     508.00 |     0.0000 |      508.00 |      508.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1752 |     1752.0 |     0.0000 |      1752.0 |      1752.0 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       508 |-7.304984e-05 |-1.4380e-07 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9909e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       508 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       508 |   249.3557 |    0.49086 |     1.1311 |  8.7215e-05 |      10.374 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       508 |        782 |     1.5394 |     1.6919 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       508 |   249.3558 |    0.49086 |     1.1311 |  0.00010000 |      10.374 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       508 |        782 |     1.5394 |     1.6919 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1752 |-0.0002797919 |-1.5970e-07 | 2.8945e-05 | -4.9900e-05 |  4.9876e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1752 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1752 |   1014.797 |    0.57922 |     2.5957 |  3.2014e-05 |      63.491 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1752 |       2667 |     1.5223 |     1.7124 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1752 |   1014.797 |    0.57922 |     2.5957 |      0.0000 |      63.491 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1752 |       2667 |     1.5223 |     1.7124 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1051 |     1051.0 |     0.0000 |      1051.0 |      1051.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2991 |     2991.0 |     0.0000 |      2991.0 |      2991.0 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1051 |0.000391401 | 3.7241e-07 | 2.9028e-05 | -4.9984e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1051 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1051 |   917.9224 |    0.87338 |     3.3675 |  3.6775e-07 |      58.565 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1051 |       1646 |     1.5661 |     1.6884 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1051 |    917.922 |    0.87338 |     3.3675 |      0.0000 |      58.565 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1051 |       1646 |     1.5661 |     1.6884 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2991 |0.001354299 | 4.5279e-07 | 2.9091e-05 | -4.9965e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2991 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2991 |   3416.497 |     1.1423 |     5.3999 |  3.2416e-07 |      186.61 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2991 |       4539 |     1.5176 |     1.7009 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2991 |   3416.495 |     1.1423 |     5.3999 |      0.0000 |      186.61 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2991 |       4539 |     1.5176 |     1.7009 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1300 |     1300.0 |     0.0000 |      1300.0 |      1300.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3084 |     3084.0 |     0.0000 |      3084.0 |      3084.0 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1300 |-0.0002626052 |-2.0200e-07 | 2.8402e-05 | -4.9878e-05 |  4.9864e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1300 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1300 |   13911.27 |     10.701 |     40.886 |  0.00055550 |      747.04 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1300 |        202 |    0.15538 |    0.39283 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1300 |   13911.27 |     10.701 |     40.886 |  0.00060000 |      747.04 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1300 |        202 |    0.15538 |    0.39283 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3084 |-0.0005636532 |-1.8277e-07 | 2.8715e-05 | -4.9969e-05 |  4.9880e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3084 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3084 |   43118.94 |     13.981 |     86.938 |  2.4503e-06 |      2617.4 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3084 |        272 |   0.088197 |    0.29699 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3084 |   43118.94 |     13.981 |     86.938 |      0.0000 |      2617.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3084 |        272 |   0.088197 |    0.29699 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        143 |     143.00 |     0.0000 |      143.00 |      143.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        295 |     295.00 |     0.0000 |      295.00 |      295.00 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       143 |-0.0006746191 |-4.7176e-06 | 2.9657e-05 | -4.9689e-05 |  4.9826e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       143 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       143 |   1339.046 |     9.3640 |     19.225 |   0.0019650 |      171.31 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       143 |         29 |    0.20280 |    0.43548 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       143 |   1339.047 |     9.3640 |     19.225 |   0.0020000 |      171.31 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       143 |         29 |    0.20280 |    0.43548 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       295 |-0.0006151602 |-2.0853e-06 | 2.8440e-05 | -4.9570e-05 |  4.9907e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       295 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       295 |   4022.699 |     13.636 |     45.345 |   0.0010736 |      599.26 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       295 |         46 |    0.15593 |    0.47595 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       295 |   4022.699 |     13.636 |     45.345 |   0.0011000 |      599.26 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       295 |         46 |    0.15593 |    0.47595 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        149 |     149.00 |     0.0000 |      149.00 |      149.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        350 |     350.00 |     0.0000 |      350.00 |      350.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       149 |2.872896e-07 | 1.9281e-09 | 2.6728e-07 | -4.9400e-07 |  4.8514e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       149 |-2.090326e-06 |-1.4029e-08 | 2.8910e-07 | -4.9880e-07 |  4.9916e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       149 |2.847231e-06 | 1.9109e-08 | 2.7547e-07 | -4.9427e-07 |  4.9965e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       149 |4.70878e-06 | 3.1603e-08 | 6.0873e-07 | -9.8457e-07 |  9.9400e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       149 |-0.0001202587 |-8.0711e-07 | 2.5862e-05 | -4.8985e-05 |  4.9361e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       149 |-8.358313e-05 |-5.6096e-07 | 2.8602e-05 | -4.9831e-05 |  4.9027e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       149 |0.0006269162 | 4.2075e-06 | 2.9392e-05 | -4.8839e-05 |  4.9865e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       149 | 0.03509903 | 0.00023556 |  0.0030375 |  -0.0049625 |   0.0049955 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       149 |-2.68585e-05 |-1.8026e-07 | 2.8531e-06 | -4.9897e-06 |  4.9602e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       149 |  -28.65275 |   -0.19230 |     2.2288 |     -9.0877 |      17.256 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       149 | -0.7393651 | -0.0049622 |     1.9621 |     -6.7572 |      12.685 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       149 |   508.3099 |     3.4115 |     2.3218 |     -5.0244 |      5.0457 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       149 |  0.1939187 |  0.0013015 |  0.0010529 |  0.00010157 |   0.0053615 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       149 |   -34848.3 |    -233.88 |     1376.1 |     -3756.0 |      2956.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       149 |  -29633.44 |    -198.88 |     529.62 |     -1500.9 |      1725.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       149 |    1830964 |     12288. |     735.06 |      11953. |      18800. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       149 |   363890.3 |     2442.2 |     6867.1 |      1.5796 |      51179. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       149 |   6250.697 |     41.951 |     3.6744 |      39.929 |      77.714 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       149 |  -28.65275 |   -0.19230 |     2.2288 |     -9.0877 |      17.256 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       149 |  -0.739363 | -0.0049622 |     1.9621 |     -6.7572 |      12.685 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       149 |   508.3099 |     3.4115 |     2.3218 |     -5.0244 |      5.0457 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       149 |   0.193914 |  0.0013014 |  0.0010530 |  0.00010200 |   0.0053620 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       149 |   -34848.3 |    -233.88 |     1376.1 |     -3756.0 |      2956.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       149 |  -29633.44 |    -198.88 |     529.62 |     -1500.9 |      1725.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       149 |    1830964 |     12288. |     735.06 |      11953. |      18800. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       149 |   363890.2 |     2442.2 |     6867.1 |      1.5800 |      51179. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       149 |   6250.697 |     41.951 |     3.6744 |      39.929 |      77.714 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       350 |1.935208e-06 | 5.5292e-09 | 2.9309e-07 | -4.9911e-07 |  4.9752e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       350 |6.15548e-06 | 1.7587e-08 | 2.8022e-07 | -4.9905e-07 |  4.9869e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       350 |-8.616248e-06 |-2.4618e-08 | 2.9276e-07 | -4.9430e-07 |  4.9861e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       350 |8.549955e-06 | 2.4428e-08 | 5.7559e-07 | -9.9864e-07 |  9.9805e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       350 |-0.0004480444 |-1.2801e-06 | 2.9756e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9772e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       350 |0.000500848 | 1.4310e-06 | 2.8412e-05 | -4.8859e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       350 |-0.001192231 |-3.4064e-06 | 2.8712e-05 | -4.9791e-05 |  4.9639e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       350 | 0.05074003 | 0.00014497 |  0.0029458 |  -0.0049237 |   0.0049988 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       350 |6.112561e-05 | 1.7464e-07 | 2.9625e-06 | -4.9735e-06 |  4.9628e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       350 |  -92.12707 |   -0.26322 |     4.0406 |     -52.912 |      19.825 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       350 |   174.2079 |    0.49774 |     5.1684 |     -16.656 |      67.437 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       350 |   1307.439 |     3.7355 |     2.5133 |     -5.0164 |      5.0786 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       350 |  0.7178065 |  0.0020509 |  0.0035207 |  7.0201e-05 |    0.038981 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       350 |  -73130.33 |    -208.94 |     1199.5 |     -3847.2 |      4759.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       350 |  -11047.64 |    -31.565 |     667.99 |     -2522.0 |      2211.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       350 |    4474705 |     12785. |     1608.9 |      11953. |      19032. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       350 |    1335114 |     3814.6 |     10178. |      1.5463 |      94205. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       350 |   15240.82 |     43.545 |     5.8942 |      39.868 |      70.426 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       350 |  -92.12707 |   -0.26322 |     4.0406 |     -52.912 |      19.825 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       350 |   174.2079 |    0.49774 |     5.1684 |     -16.656 |      67.437 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       350 |   1307.439 |     3.7355 |     2.5133 |     -5.0164 |      5.0786 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       350 |   0.717798 |  0.0020509 |  0.0035208 |  7.0000e-05 |    0.038982 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       350 |  -73130.33 |    -208.94 |     1199.5 |     -3847.2 |      4759.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       350 |  -11047.64 |    -31.565 |     667.99 |     -2522.0 |      2211.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       350 |    4474705 |     12785. |     1608.9 |      11953. |      19032. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       350 |    1335114 |     3814.6 |     10178. |      1.5500 |      94205. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       350 |   15240.82 |     43.545 |     5.8942 |      39.868 |      70.426 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -8793,14 +8800,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 70.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 28.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 92.000  6.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 116.000  5.000  16.000  4.000  4.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 40.000  0.000  2.000  0.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 52.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 144.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 300.000  15.000  23.000  4.000  8.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPrevSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -8973,14 +8980,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 70.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 28.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 92.000  6.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 116.000  5.000  16.000  4.000  4.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 40.000  0.000  2.000  0.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 52.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 144.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 300.000  15.000  23.000  4.000  8.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -9028,26 +9035,26 @@ NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  681.00 +-26.10 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  722.00 +-26.87 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  312.00 +-17.66 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  925.00 +-30.41 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  648.00 +-25.46 ( 95.15 +-0.82%) Rich2 =  181.00 +-13.45 ( 25.07 +-1.61%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   17.00 +- 4.12 (  2.35 +-0.56%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  362.00 +-19.03 ( 50.14 +-1.86%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  247.00 +-15.72 ( 79.17 +-2.30%) Rich2 =  212.00 +-14.56 ( 22.92 +-1.38%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  1.60 +-0.71%) Rich2 =   54.00 +- 7.35 (  5.84 +-0.77%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =   55.00 +- 7.42 ( 17.63 +-2.16%) Rich2 =  465.00 +-21.56 ( 50.27 +-1.64%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  156.00 +-12.49 ( 21.61 +-1.53%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   33.00 +- 5.74 (  4.85 +-0.82%) Rich2 =   36.00 +- 6.00 (  4.99 +-0.81%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   23.00 +- 4.80 (  3.38 +-0.69%) Rich2 =   25.00 +- 5.00 (  3.46 +-0.68%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  183.00 +-13.53 ( 19.78 +-1.31%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   31.00 +- 5.57 (  9.94 +-1.69%) Rich2 =   94.00 +- 9.70 ( 10.16 +-0.99%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  8.33 +-1.56%) Rich2 =   68.00 +- 8.25 (  7.35 +-0.86%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =   17.00 +- 4.12 (  2.50 +-0.60%) Rich2 =   18.00 +- 4.24 (  2.49 +-0.58%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.15 +-0.15%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.14 +-0.14%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  2.88 +-0.95%) Rich2 =   44.00 +- 6.63 (  4.76 +-0.70%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  648.00 +-25.46 ( 95.15 +-0.82%) Rich2Gas =  181.00 +-13.45 ( 25.07 +-1.61%)
+GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  247.00 +-15.72 ( 79.17 +-2.30%) Rich2Gas =  212.00 +-14.56 ( 22.92 +-1.38%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9067,96 +9074,95 @@ GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNext            INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   681.00 +- 26.10 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   343.00 +- 18.52 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    17.00 +-  4.12 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   362.00 +- 19.03 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    30.00 +-  5.48 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    54.00 +-  7.35 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   252.00 +- 15.87 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   406.00 +- 20.15 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    59.00 +-  7.68 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNext         INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   520.00 +- 22.80 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    62.00 +-  7.87 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     6.00 +-  2.45 / event
 GetRichSegmentsNext        INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
 GetRichTracksNext          INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        424 |     424.00 |     0.0000 |      424.00 |      424.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        623 |     623.00 |     0.0000 |      623.00 |      623.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         18 |     18.000 |     0.0000 |      18.000 |      18.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         39 |     39.000 |     0.0000 |      39.000 |      39.000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        240 |     240.00 |     0.0000 |      240.00 |      240.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        123 |     123.00 |     0.0000 |      123.00 |      123.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        718 |     718.00 |     0.0000 |      718.00 |      718.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        535 |     535.00 |     0.0000 |      535.00 |      535.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        187 |     187.00 |     0.0000 |      187.00 |      187.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        272 |     272.00 |     0.0000 |      272.00 |      272.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1142 |     1142.0 |     0.0000 |      1142.0 |      1142.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1774 |     1774.0 |     0.0000 |      1774.0 |      1774.0 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        716 |     716.00 |     0.0000 |      716.00 |      716.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1256 |     1256.0 |     0.0000 |      1256.0 |      1256.0 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1332 |     1332.0 |     0.0000 |      1332.0 |      1332.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1885 |     1885.0 |     0.0000 |      1885.0 |      1885.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        245 |     245.00 |     0.0000 |      245.00 |      245.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        222 |     222.00 |     0.0000 |      222.00 |      222.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1403 |     1403.0 |     0.0000 |      1403.0 |      1403.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1237 |     1237.0 |     0.0000 |      1237.0 |      1237.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1403 |     1403.0 |     0.0000 |      1403.0 |      1403.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1237 |     1237.0 |     0.0000 |      1237.0 |      1237.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         93 |     93.000 |     0.0000 |      93.000 |      93.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         88 |     88.000 |     0.0000 |      88.000 |      88.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         76 |     76.000 |     0.0000 |      76.000 |      76.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       424+/-0
-VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 18+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       623+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 39+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNext          INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 179
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 381.418
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.148637
-TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0347573
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 240
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 208.254
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.15971
+TTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0594859
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         2 |          2 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       179 |   68273.74 |     381.42 |     766.25 |     0.40176 |      3258.1 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        24 |         24 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       240 |   49980.88 |     208.25 |     817.70 |     0.45968 |      5635.0 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        240 |     240.00 |     0.0000 |      240.00 |      240.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 174
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 183.71
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.117365
-ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0429353
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 123
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 113.76
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.116139
+ITHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0533878
 ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
-ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
+ITHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         3 |          3 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       174 |   31965.55 |     183.71 |     467.49 |     0.10591 |      2181.1 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       123 |   13992.45 |     113.76 |     183.09 |     0.50888 |      684.49 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        123 |     123.00 |     0.0000 |      123.00 |      123.00 |
 OTHitMonitorNext           INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 718
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 150.348
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.20534
-OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.114117
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO #hits per event: 535
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Mean beta * gamma: 150.339
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.205923
+OTHitMonitorNext           INFO Half Sample width 0.0841719
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        38 |         38 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       718 |   107949.9 |     150.35 |     498.10 |   0.0048545 |      3258.1 |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        718 |     718.00 |     0.0000 |      718.00 |      718.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        26 |         26 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       535 |   80431.42 |     150.34 |     581.70 |   0.0045562 |      5358.5 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        535 |     535.00 |     0.0000 |      535.00 |      535.00 |
 SpdMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNext          SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNext         SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9165,398 +9171,398 @@ MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 70.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 28.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 92.000  6.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 116.000  5.000  16.000  4.000  4.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 40.000  0.000  2.000  0.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 52.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 144.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 300.000  15.000  23.000  4.000  8.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         18 |     18.000 |     0.0000 |      18.000 |      18.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         39 |     39.000 |     0.0000 |      39.000 |      39.000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        18 |2.316274e-06 | 1.2868e-07 | 2.4747e-07 | -3.3074e-07 |  4.8680e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        18 |-2.483395e-07 |-1.3797e-08 | 2.1890e-07 | -3.7786e-07 |  3.4840e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        18 |7.353682e-07 | 4.0854e-08 | 2.6105e-07 | -4.6131e-07 |  4.2667e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        18 |-9.421841e-08 |-5.2344e-09 | 4.6954e-07 | -9.3774e-07 |  9.7388e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        18 |-0.0002950804 |-1.6393e-05 | 2.7859e-05 | -4.7661e-05 |  3.9681e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        18 |1.722357e-05 | 9.5687e-07 | 2.9380e-05 | -4.1518e-05 |  4.6236e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        18 |1.037515e-05 | 5.7640e-07 | 2.5774e-05 | -4.2445e-05 |  4.7307e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        18 |-0.002481271 |-0.00013785 |  0.0028660 |  -0.0049463 |   0.0040142 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        18 |9.061431e-07 | 5.0341e-08 | 2.6201e-06 | -4.6665e-06 |  4.1309e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        18 | -0.1010307 | -0.0056128 |   0.026161 |   -0.031734 |    0.045652 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        18 | -0.1102592 | -0.0061255 |  0.0055096 |   -0.020056 |   0.0028643 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        18 |  -5.399172 |   -0.29995 | 0.00018463 |    -0.30026 |    -0.29964 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        18 |   3.245554 |    0.18031 |    0.34942 |    0.064588 |      1.6135 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        18 |    -26.085 |    -1.4492 |     21.241 |     -32.612 |      38.609 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        18 |  -70.07218 |    -3.8929 |     6.5790 |     -17.158 |      5.1875 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        18 |  -4711.336 |    -261.74 |     40.360 |     -315.77 |     -219.00 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        18 |   158263.7 |     8792.4 |     11355. |      182.04 |      36745. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        18 |   16.72627 |    0.92924 |    0.13412 |     0.78445 |      1.1073 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        18 |  -0.101033 | -0.0056129 |   0.026161 |   -0.031734 |    0.045652 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        18 |  -0.110259 | -0.0061255 |  0.0055096 |   -0.020056 |   0.0028640 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        18 |  -5.399173 |   -0.29995 | 0.00018464 |    -0.30025 |    -0.29964 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        18 |   3.245554 |    0.18031 |    0.34942 |    0.064588 |      1.6135 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        18 |   -26.0847 |    -1.4492 |     21.241 |     -32.611 |      38.609 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        18 |   -70.0722 |    -3.8929 |     6.5790 |     -17.158 |      5.1875 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        18 |  -4711.336 |    -261.74 |     40.360 |     -315.77 |     -219.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        18 |   158263.7 |     8792.4 |     11355. |      182.04 |      36745. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        18 |   16.72627 |    0.92924 |    0.13411 |     0.78445 |      1.1073 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        39 |1.588431e-06 | 4.0729e-08 | 2.7350e-07 | -4.9571e-07 |  4.9423e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        39 |8.618962e-07 | 2.2100e-08 | 3.1178e-07 | -4.9707e-07 |  4.9362e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        39 |1.503419e-07 | 3.8549e-09 | 2.7712e-07 | -4.9974e-07 |  4.6937e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        39 |-1.961607e-06 |-5.0298e-08 | 4.6781e-07 | -8.2947e-07 |  8.4561e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        39 |-5.58959e-05 |-1.4332e-06 | 2.7845e-05 | -4.4713e-05 |  4.3129e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        39 |0.0001786329 | 4.5803e-06 | 3.0237e-05 | -4.4517e-05 |  4.8049e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        39 |0.0001366558 | 3.5040e-06 | 2.3535e-05 | -4.7182e-05 |  4.1369e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        39 |  0.0128878 | 0.00033046 |  0.0028593 |  -0.0048124 |   0.0049584 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        39 |9.470415e-06 | 2.4283e-07 | 2.9549e-06 | -4.7687e-06 |  4.7878e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        39 | 0.09647459 |  0.0024737 |   0.013642 |   -0.027205 |    0.025206 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        39 |-0.007688138 |-0.00019713 |   0.014921 |   -0.034271 |    0.024145 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        39 |  -11.69923 |   -0.29998 | 9.2928e-05 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29970 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        39 |   3.932582 |    0.10084 |   0.032792 |    0.071914 |     0.27605 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        39 |   126.3985 |     3.2410 |     12.162 |     -26.272 |      27.061 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        39 |  -17.54292 |   -0.44982 |     13.557 |     -35.867 |      25.135 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        39 |  -10497.44 |    -269.17 |     41.425 |     -315.88 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        39 |   408175.7 |     10466. |     9148.6 |      62.076 |      37440. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        39 |   34.85537 |    0.89373 |    0.13864 |     0.72421 |      1.0551 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        39 |   0.096473 |  0.0024737 |   0.013642 |   -0.027205 |    0.025206 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        39 |  -0.007689 |-0.00019715 |   0.014921 |   -0.034271 |    0.024145 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        39 |  -11.69923 |   -0.29998 | 9.2959e-05 |    -0.30015 |    -0.29970 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        39 |   3.932584 |    0.10084 |   0.032793 |    0.071914 |     0.27605 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        39 |   126.3986 |     3.2410 |     12.162 |     -26.272 |      27.061 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        39 |   -17.5431 |   -0.44982 |     13.557 |     -35.867 |      25.135 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        39 |  -10497.44 |    -269.17 |     41.425 |     -315.88 |     -218.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        39 |   408175.6 |     10466. |     9148.6 |      62.080 |      37440. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        39 |   34.85536 |    0.89373 |    0.13864 |     0.72421 |      1.0551 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        424 |     424.00 |     0.0000 |      424.00 |      424.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        623 |     623.00 |     0.0000 |      623.00 |      623.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       424 |-8.587833e-07 |-2.0254e-09 | 2.8752e-07 | -4.9706e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       424 |7.29592e-06 | 1.7207e-08 | 2.9243e-07 | -4.9307e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       424 |-6.825955e-06 |-1.6099e-08 | 2.9469e-07 | -4.9817e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       424 |-1.576974e-06 |-3.7193e-09 | 5.7537e-07 | -9.9890e-07 |  9.9763e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       424 |0.0001677342 | 3.9560e-07 | 2.8860e-05 | -4.9691e-05 |  4.9735e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       424 |0.0002757906 | 6.5045e-07 | 2.9219e-05 | -4.9973e-05 |  4.9509e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       424 |-0.0003841666 |-9.0605e-07 | 2.8347e-05 | -4.9922e-05 |  4.9160e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       424 | 0.02430605 | 5.7326e-05 |  0.0028875 |  -0.0049551 |   0.0049760 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       424 |-2.807391e-05 |-6.6212e-08 | 2.8783e-06 | -4.9872e-06 |  4.9804e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       424 |-0.04487086 |-0.00010583 |    0.10406 |     -1.1384 |     0.32797 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       424 |  0.6619193 |  0.0015611 |    0.11513 |     -1.1927 |     0.82016 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       424 |   62.99628 |    0.14858 |    0.25692 |    -0.30159 |     0.30055 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       424 |   81.95024 |    0.19328 |    0.42828 |    0.054888 |      3.9109 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       424 |   1098.991 |     2.5920 |     15.313 |     -37.860 |      42.604 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       424 |   440.2327 |     1.0383 |     15.171 |     -39.672 |      42.848 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       424 |   114908.4 |     271.01 |     314.02 |     -175.77 |      751.01 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       424 |    2657274 |     6267.2 |     7201.4 |      5.2030 |      36745. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       424 |   449.2525 |     1.0596 |    0.89126 |    0.037751 |      2.8904 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       424 |   -0.04487 |-0.00010583 |    0.10406 |     -1.1384 |     0.32797 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       424 |   0.661912 |  0.0015611 |    0.11513 |     -1.1927 |     0.82016 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       424 |   62.99628 |    0.14858 |    0.25692 |    -0.30159 |     0.30055 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       424 |   81.95025 |    0.19328 |    0.42828 |    0.054888 |      3.9109 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       424 |    1098.99 |     2.5920 |     15.313 |     -37.860 |      42.604 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       424 |   440.2324 |     1.0383 |     15.171 |     -39.672 |      42.848 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       424 |   114908.4 |     271.01 |     314.02 |     -175.77 |      751.01 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       424 |    2657274 |     6267.2 |     7201.4 |      5.2000 |      36745. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       424 |   449.2525 |     1.0596 |    0.89126 |    0.037750 |      2.8904 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       623 |-2.945558e-06 |-4.7280e-09 | 2.8835e-07 | -4.9968e-07 |  4.9869e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       623 |-1.2075e-05 |-1.9382e-08 | 2.8761e-07 | -4.9519e-07 |  4.9808e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       623 |-3.887972e-06 |-6.2407e-09 | 2.9601e-07 | -4.9922e-07 |  4.9643e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       623 |-1.471606e-05 |-2.3621e-08 | 5.8966e-07 | -9.9765e-07 |  9.9949e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       623 |0.0009173416 | 1.4725e-06 | 2.8318e-05 | -4.9631e-05 |  4.9893e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       623 |0.0009106724 | 1.4618e-06 | 2.8875e-05 | -4.9835e-05 |  4.9761e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       623 |-0.001035872 |-1.6627e-06 | 2.7945e-05 | -4.9585e-05 |  4.9811e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       623 |  0.1022633 | 0.00016415 |  0.0028914 |  -0.0049962 |   0.0049992 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       623 |5.420173e-05 | 8.7001e-08 | 2.9066e-06 | -4.9994e-06 |  4.9748e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       623 |   21.29963 |   0.034189 |    0.22432 |    -0.55122 |      2.3006 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       623 |   17.92707 |   0.028775 |    0.23256 |    -0.70230 |      3.1040 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       623 |    102.709 |    0.16486 |    0.23533 |    -0.30217 |     0.30046 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       623 |   265.3605 |    0.42594 |     1.6252 |    0.010146 |      26.900 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       623 |  -545.3463 |   -0.87536 |     16.680 |     -41.859 |      44.012 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       623 |  -215.8083 |   -0.34640 |     16.484 |     -42.400 |      43.740 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       623 |     116340 |     186.74 |     222.04 |     -175.79 |      750.97 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       623 |    3136811 |     5035.0 |     9446.4 |      1.7831 |      79838. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       623 |    522.664 |    0.83895 |     1.0066 |    0.034099 |      18.773 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       623 |   21.29963 |   0.034189 |    0.22432 |    -0.55123 |      2.3006 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       623 |   17.92709 |   0.028775 |    0.23256 |    -0.70230 |      3.1040 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       623 |    102.709 |    0.16486 |    0.23533 |    -0.30217 |     0.30046 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       623 |   265.3605 |    0.42594 |     1.6252 |    0.010146 |      26.900 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       623 |  -545.3472 |   -0.87536 |     16.680 |     -41.858 |      44.012 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       623 |  -215.8092 |   -0.34640 |     16.484 |     -42.400 |      43.740 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       623 |     116340 |     186.74 |     222.04 |     -175.79 |      750.97 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       623 |    3136810 |     5035.0 |     9446.4 |      1.7800 |      79838. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       623 |    522.664 |    0.83895 |     1.0066 |    0.034100 |      18.773 |
 UnpackTTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        179 |     179.00 |     0.0000 |      179.00 |      179.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        240 |     240.00 |     0.0000 |      240.00 |      240.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       179 |1.586025e-06 | 8.8605e-09 | 2.9163e-07 | -4.9924e-07 |  4.9556e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       179 |1.922253e-06 | 1.0739e-08 | 2.8764e-07 | -4.9696e-07 |  4.9136e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       179 |3.06457e-07 | 1.7121e-09 | 4.1710e-08 | -3.2507e-07 |  3.2507e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       179 |-2.295409e-06 |-1.2824e-08 | 6.4175e-07 | -9.9603e-07 |  9.8078e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |0.0001137739 | 6.3561e-07 | 3.0088e-05 | -4.9397e-05 |  4.9837e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |0.0002567281 | 1.4342e-06 | 2.7674e-05 | -4.9721e-05 |  4.9841e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |-5.792359e-05 |-3.2360e-07 | 3.5861e-06 | -4.7306e-05 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       179 | 0.03432592 | 0.00019176 |  0.0029769 |  -0.0049893 |   0.0048904 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       179 |8.010563e-05 | 4.4752e-07 | 2.8137e-06 | -4.9848e-06 |  4.8679e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       179 |  -2.662444 |  -0.014874 |    0.12688 |    -0.64609 |     0.40228 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       179 |   1.619315 |  0.0090465 |    0.10289 |    -0.39403 |     0.51530 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       179 |   65.35575 |    0.36512 |    0.33577 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       179 |   39.59857 |    0.22122 |    0.26446 |    0.010648 |      2.2097 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |    2198.92 |     12.284 |     312.41 |     -686.45 |      749.23 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |   9943.502 |     55.550 |     301.83 |     -568.46 |      697.07 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |   445341.2 |     2487.9 |     135.98 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       179 |   718101.9 |     4011.7 |     5352.6 |      1.5812 |      22372. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       179 |   1722.245 |     9.6215 |     3.1598 |      7.6966 |      22.617 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       179 |  -2.662446 |  -0.014874 |    0.12688 |    -0.64609 |     0.40228 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       179 |   1.619313 |  0.0090464 |    0.10289 |    -0.39403 |     0.51530 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       179 |   65.35575 |    0.36512 |    0.33577 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       179 |   39.59857 |    0.22122 |    0.26446 |    0.010648 |      2.2097 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       179 |   2198.919 |     12.284 |     312.41 |     -686.45 |      749.23 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       179 |   9943.502 |     55.550 |     301.83 |     -568.46 |      697.07 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       179 |   445341.2 |     2487.9 |     135.98 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       179 |   718101.8 |     4011.7 |     5352.6 |      1.5800 |      22372. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       179 |   1722.245 |     9.6215 |     3.1598 |      7.6966 |      22.617 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       240 |-1.803398e-06 |-7.5142e-09 | 3.0837e-07 | -4.9846e-07 |  4.9425e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       240 |-5.426198e-07 |-2.2609e-09 | 2.7911e-07 | -4.9833e-07 |  4.9971e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       240 |-5.713231e-07 |-2.3805e-09 | 1.1087e-07 | -4.8724e-07 |  4.8724e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       240 |2.310022e-06 | 9.6251e-09 | 5.9849e-07 | -9.9832e-07 |  9.9459e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       240 |0.0001872095 | 7.8004e-07 | 2.7213e-05 | -4.8291e-05 |  4.9147e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       240 |-0.0002720448 |-1.1335e-06 | 2.8048e-05 | -4.9924e-05 |  4.9311e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       240 |0.0001717944 | 7.1581e-07 | 6.2806e-06 | -3.5661e-05 |  4.3513e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       240 |   0.047594 | 0.00019831 |  0.0028475 |  -0.0049424 |   0.0049146 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       240 |-4.245622e-06 |-1.7690e-08 | 2.9137e-06 | -4.9649e-06 |  4.9857e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       240 |   13.07234 |   0.054468 |    0.40765 |     -1.6261 |      1.9828 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       240 |   38.70623 |    0.16128 |    0.99778 |    -0.63624 |      12.810 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       240 |   66.82386 |    0.27843 |    0.38638 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       240 |   80.32474 |    0.33469 |    0.59604 |   0.0034477 |      4.9741 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       240 |  -10608.17 |    -44.201 |     324.42 |     -754.59 |      757.37 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       240 |   -7029.47 |    -29.289 |     280.25 |     -637.19 |      659.25 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       240 |   602373.4 |     2509.9 |     134.42 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       240 |   483367.4 |     2014.0 |     4775.6 |      1.4874 |      30969. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       240 |   2909.044 |     12.121 |     6.2466 |      7.7535 |      37.152 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       240 |   13.07234 |   0.054468 |    0.40765 |     -1.6261 |      1.9828 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       240 |   38.70623 |    0.16128 |    0.99778 |    -0.63624 |      12.810 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       240 |   66.82386 |    0.27843 |    0.38638 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       240 |   80.32474 |    0.33469 |    0.59604 |   0.0034480 |      4.9741 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       240 |  -10608.17 |    -44.201 |     324.42 |     -754.59 |      757.37 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       240 |   -7029.47 |    -29.289 |     280.25 |     -637.19 |      659.25 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       240 |   602373.4 |     2509.9 |     134.42 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       240 |   483367.4 |     2014.0 |     4775.6 |      1.4900 |      30969. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       240 |   2909.044 |     12.121 |     6.2466 |      7.7535 |      37.152 |
 UnpackITHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        174 |     174.00 |     0.0000 |      174.00 |      174.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        123 |     123.00 |     0.0000 |      123.00 |      123.00 |
 CheckITHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       174 |-7.25726e-07 |-4.1708e-09 | 2.9423e-07 | -4.9298e-07 |  4.9072e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       174 |1.401967e-06 | 8.0573e-09 | 2.8003e-07 | -4.9995e-07 |  4.9694e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       174 |5.633008e-06 | 3.2374e-08 | 3.1564e-07 | -4.9629e-07 |  4.9286e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       174 |3.365876e-06 | 1.9344e-08 | 5.5920e-07 | -9.8703e-07 |  9.9409e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       174 |-0.0006961693 |-4.0010e-06 | 2.8565e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9661e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       174 |-0.0003502972 |-2.0132e-06 | 2.7983e-05 | -4.9824e-05 |  4.9520e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       174 |-0.000312808 |-1.7977e-06 | 2.8631e-05 | -4.9520e-05 |  4.9662e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       174 |-0.06042239 |-0.00034726 |  0.0028949 |  -0.0049961 |   0.0049751 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       174 |2.424234e-05 | 1.3932e-07 | 2.8282e-06 | -4.9234e-06 |  4.9623e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       174 | -0.3425607 | -0.0019687 |    0.16920 |    -0.60516 |     0.94457 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       174 |     6.1836 |   0.035538 |    0.13950 |    -0.15610 |     0.99026 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       174 |   55.60027 |    0.31954 |    0.19495 |    -0.40905 |     0.41159 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       174 |   53.03417 |    0.30479 |    0.61119 |   0.0016024 |      4.5087 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       174 |   7869.023 |     45.224 |     262.52 |     -497.92 |      616.37 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       174 |   1644.882 |     9.4533 |     98.779 |     -190.79 |      201.88 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       174 |    1449188 |     8328.7 |     526.22 |      7667.7 |      9172.2 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       174 |    1258386 |     7232.1 |     10510. |      1.7543 |      35620. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       174 |   4926.617 |     28.314 |     2.1271 |      25.539 |      33.510 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       174 |   -0.34256 | -0.0019687 |    0.16920 |    -0.60516 |     0.94457 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       174 |   6.183599 |   0.035538 |    0.13950 |    -0.15610 |     0.99026 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       174 |   55.60026 |    0.31954 |    0.19495 |    -0.40905 |     0.41159 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       174 |   53.03416 |    0.30479 |    0.61119 |   0.0016020 |      4.5087 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       174 |   7869.024 |     45.224 |     262.52 |     -497.92 |      616.37 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       174 |   1644.882 |     9.4533 |     98.779 |     -190.79 |      201.88 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       174 |    1449188 |     8328.7 |     526.22 |      7667.7 |      9172.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       174 |    1258386 |     7232.1 |     10510. |      1.7500 |      35620. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       174 |   4926.617 |     28.314 |     2.1271 |      25.539 |      33.510 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       123 |-3.727052e-06 |-3.0301e-08 | 2.7901e-07 | -4.9522e-07 |  4.8401e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       123 |-8.705564e-07 |-7.0777e-09 | 2.9094e-07 | -4.9705e-07 |  4.8647e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       123 |  1.016e-05 | 8.2602e-08 | 2.9145e-07 | -4.9828e-07 |  4.9254e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       123 |-8.17193e-06 |-6.6438e-08 | 5.9939e-07 | -9.9121e-07 |  9.9030e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       123 |-0.0005199721 |-4.2274e-06 | 2.7000e-05 | -4.9344e-05 |  4.7304e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       123 |-0.0002151865 |-1.7495e-06 | 2.8284e-05 | -4.9608e-05 |  4.8854e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       123 |-0.0002885185 |-2.3457e-06 | 2.8469e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.8902e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       123 |-0.003877785 |-3.1527e-05 |  0.0028214 |  -0.0049823 |   0.0049916 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       123 |-7.89551e-05 |-6.4191e-07 | 2.7455e-06 | -4.9524e-06 |  4.8847e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       123 |  -11.03568 |  -0.089721 |    0.40786 |     -3.4234 |     0.18862 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       123 |  -1.353127 |  -0.011001 |    0.12921 |    -0.46692 |      1.0899 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       123 |   44.06586 |    0.35826 |   0.080426 |    -0.14767 |     0.41023 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       123 |   25.32765 |    0.20592 |    0.19041 |    0.070545 |      1.2767 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       123 |  -407.1418 |    -3.3101 |     182.22 |     -259.04 |      398.85 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       123 |  -4802.528 |    -39.045 |     113.99 |     -204.37 |      213.16 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       123 |    1048257 |     8522.4 |     539.01 |      7667.9 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       123 |    1797010 |     14610. |     25661. |      2.2398 |      95381. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       123 |   3546.784 |     28.836 |     2.0124 |      25.587 |      32.894 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       123 |  -11.03568 |  -0.089721 |    0.40786 |     -3.4234 |     0.18862 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       123 |  -1.353126 |  -0.011001 |    0.12921 |    -0.46692 |      1.0899 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       123 |   44.06585 |    0.35826 |   0.080426 |    -0.14767 |     0.41023 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       123 |   25.32766 |    0.20592 |    0.19041 |    0.070546 |      1.2767 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       123 |  -407.1413 |    -3.3101 |     182.22 |     -259.04 |      398.85 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       123 |  -4802.528 |    -39.045 |     113.99 |     -204.37 |      213.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       123 |    1048257 |     8522.4 |     539.01 |      7667.9 |      9172.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       123 |    1797010 |     14610. |     25661. |      2.2400 |      95381. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       123 |   3546.784 |     28.836 |     2.0124 |      25.587 |      32.894 |
 UnpackOTHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        718 |     718.00 |     0.0000 |      718.00 |      718.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        535 |     535.00 |     0.0000 |      535.00 |      535.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNext         SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       718 |1.446162e-05 | 2.0142e-08 | 2.9241e-07 | -4.9888e-07 |  4.9800e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       718 |-4.342206e-06 |-6.0476e-09 | 2.8643e-07 | -4.9955e-07 |  4.9839e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       718 |-8.019056e-06 |-1.1169e-08 | 2.8773e-07 | -4.9764e-07 |  4.9897e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       718 |-2.010331e-05 |-2.7999e-08 | 5.7486e-07 | -9.9479e-07 |  9.9923e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       718 |-0.0003151394 |-4.3891e-07 | 2.8666e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9917e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       718 |0.0007822731 | 1.0895e-06 | 2.7959e-05 | -4.9065e-05 |  4.9896e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       718 |-0.00126256 |-1.7584e-06 | 2.9402e-05 | -4.9670e-05 |  4.9938e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       718 | 0.04952392 | 6.8975e-05 |  0.0028860 |  -0.0049901 |   0.0049767 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       718 |-6.072031e-05 |-8.4569e-08 | 2.9097e-06 | -4.9981e-06 |  4.9880e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       718 |    18.4832 |   0.025743 |     7.6727 |     -41.860 |      47.550 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       718 |  -522.4817 |   -0.72769 |     5.6209 |     -33.403 |      23.325 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       718 |   5456.295 |     7.5993 |     6.2233 |     -10.850 |      10.776 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       718 |   346.3056 |    0.48232 |    0.68018 |  2.9434e-05 |      5.3545 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       718 |   15631.24 |     21.771 |     1239.1 |     -2903.8 |      2978.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       718 |   73546.76 |     102.43 |     828.79 |     -2399.3 |      2406.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       718 |    6218905 |     8661.4 |     535.63 |      7849.3 |      9408.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       718 |    1727605 |     2406.1 |     3795.6 |      1.4227 |      22356. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       718 |   23555.68 |     32.807 |     6.6200 |      26.179 |      77.754 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       718 |   18.48319 |   0.025743 |     7.6727 |     -41.860 |      47.550 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       718 |  -522.4817 |   -0.72769 |     5.6209 |     -33.403 |      23.325 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       718 |   5456.295 |     7.5993 |     6.2233 |     -10.850 |      10.776 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       718 |   346.3056 |    0.48232 |    0.68018 |  3.0000e-05 |      5.3545 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       718 |   15631.24 |     21.771 |     1239.1 |     -2903.8 |      2978.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       718 |   73546.76 |     102.43 |     828.79 |     -2399.3 |      2406.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       718 |    6218905 |     8661.4 |     535.63 |      7849.3 |      9408.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       718 |    1727605 |     2406.1 |     3795.6 |      1.4200 |      22356. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       718 |   23555.68 |     32.807 |     6.6200 |      26.179 |      77.754 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       535 |2.074708e-06 | 3.8780e-09 | 2.8813e-07 | -4.9756e-07 |  4.9831e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       535 |6.734697e-06 | 1.2588e-08 | 2.9020e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9876e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       535 |-9.619758e-06 |-1.7981e-08 | 2.9176e-07 | -4.9874e-07 |  4.9919e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       535 |-6.13396e-06 |-1.1465e-08 | 5.8228e-07 | -9.9803e-07 |  9.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       535 |-0.0008431886 |-1.5761e-06 | 2.8954e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9673e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       535 |-0.0001308932 |-2.4466e-07 | 2.9710e-05 | -4.9955e-05 |  4.9832e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       535 |-0.0005239078 |-9.7927e-07 | 2.7936e-05 | -4.9987e-05 |  4.9920e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       535 | -0.0239815 |-4.4825e-05 |  0.0028037 |  -0.0050000 |   0.0049260 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       535 |-2.643434e-05 |-4.9410e-08 | 2.8615e-06 | -4.9592e-06 |  4.9897e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       535 |  -296.2185 |   -0.55368 |     10.746 |     -70.665 |      82.290 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       535 |  -388.1389 |   -0.72549 |     4.4537 |     -30.589 |      28.563 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       535 |   3162.141 |     5.9105 |     7.9111 |     -10.840 |      10.788 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       535 |   158.0781 |    0.29547 |    0.37007 |   0.0018204 |      4.4842 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       535 |  -143043.1 |    -267.37 |     1441.1 |     -3034.6 |      3039.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       535 |  -187697.5 |    -350.84 |     820.86 |     -2363.5 |      1744.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       535 |    4704819 |     8794.1 |     541.41 |      7850.3 |      9413.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       535 |   926640.1 |     1732.0 |     2516.5 |      1.4236 |      11654. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       535 |   18844.21 |     35.223 |     9.4736 |      26.245 |      81.868 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       535 |  -296.2185 |   -0.55368 |     10.746 |     -70.665 |      82.290 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       535 |  -388.1389 |   -0.72549 |     4.4537 |     -30.589 |      28.563 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       535 |   3162.141 |     5.9105 |     7.9111 |     -10.840 |      10.788 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       535 |   158.0781 |    0.29547 |    0.37007 |   0.0018200 |      4.4842 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       535 |  -143043.1 |    -267.37 |     1441.1 |     -3034.6 |      3039.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       535 |  -187697.5 |    -350.84 |     820.86 |     -2363.5 |      1744.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       535 |    4704819 |     8794.1 |     541.41 |      7850.3 |      9413.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       535 |   926640.1 |     1732.0 |     2516.5 |      1.4200 |      11654. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       535 |   18844.21 |     35.223 |     9.4736 |      26.245 |      81.868 |
 UnpackRichHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1403 |     1403.0 |     0.0000 |      1403.0 |      1403.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1237 |     1237.0 |     0.0000 |      1237.0 |      1237.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1403 |     1403.0 |     0.0000 |      1403.0 |      1403.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1237 |     1237.0 |     0.0000 |      1237.0 |      1237.0 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         93 |     93.000 |     0.0000 |      93.000 |      93.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         88 |     88.000 |     0.0000 |      88.000 |      88.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         76 |     76.000 |     0.0000 |      76.000 |      76.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1403 |-9.735268e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1403 |0.001852334 | 1.3203e-06 | 2.8865e-05 | -4.9997e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1403 |-0.001285826 |-9.1648e-07 | 2.8791e-05 | -4.9912e-05 |  4.9958e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1403 |0.000353951 | 2.5228e-07 | 2.8967e-05 | -4.9937e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1403 |6.30773e-05 | 4.4959e-08 | 2.9135e-06 | -4.9843e-06 |  4.9961e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1403 |      28.06 |   0.020000 | 4.1151e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1403 |   -1577496 |    -1124.4 |     2690.4 |     -4150.4 |      4150.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1403 |   274630.7 |     195.75 |     893.42 |     -1390.4 |      1391.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1403 |    8814735 |     6282.8 |     4561.3 |      1331.3 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1403 |   41801.45 |     29.794 |     18.319 |      11.537 |      104.32 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1403 |      28.06 |   0.020000 | 4.1247e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1403 |   -1577496 |    -1124.4 |     2690.4 |     -4150.4 |      4150.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1403 |   274630.7 |     195.75 |     893.42 |     -1390.4 |      1391.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1403 |    8814735 |     6282.8 |     4561.3 |      1331.3 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1403 |   41801.45 |     29.794 |     18.319 |      11.537 |      104.32 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1237 |-8.583412e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1237 |0.0007711152 | 6.2338e-07 | 2.8827e-05 | -4.9887e-05 |  4.9947e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1237 |-0.00101642 |-8.2168e-07 | 2.8575e-05 | -4.9915e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1237 |-0.0005832763 |-4.7152e-07 | 2.8770e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9947e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1237 |-4.236808e-05 |-3.4251e-08 | 2.9582e-06 | -4.9991e-06 |  4.9950e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1237 |      24.74 |   0.020000 | 4.7179e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1237 |    1333798 |     1078.3 |     3260.6 |     -4150.5 |      4147.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1237 |  -142831.3 |    -115.47 |     719.20 |     -1389.4 |      1389.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1237 |1.052574e+07 |     8509.1 |     4065.6 |      1334.5 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1237 |   49278.78 |     39.837 |     19.641 |      6.7696 |      117.34 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1237 |      24.74 |   0.020000 | 4.7226e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1237 |    1333798 |     1078.3 |     3260.6 |     -4150.5 |      4147.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1237 |  -142831.3 |    -115.47 |     719.20 |     -1389.4 |      1389.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1237 |1.052574e+07 |     8509.1 |     4065.6 |      1334.5 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1237 |   49278.78 |     39.837 |     19.641 |      6.7697 |      117.34 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1403 |-0.001038981 |-7.4054e-07 | 2.8295e-05 | -4.9867e-05 |  4.9865e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1403 |0.002052579 | 1.4630e-06 | 2.9031e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1403 |0.0002141347 | 1.5263e-07 | 2.8431e-05 | -4.9737e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1403 |-2.079332e-10 |-1.4821e-13 | 5.7571e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1403 |-0.0006493265 |-4.6281e-07 | 2.8745e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1403 |0.0004869838 | 3.4710e-07 | 2.8852e-05 | -4.9959e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1403 |0.0001175835 | 8.3809e-08 | 2.9137e-05 | -4.9794e-05 |  4.9995e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1403 |   4344.177 |     3.0963 |     1.8032 |   0.0019141 |      6.2708 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1403 |   572.4452 |    0.40802 |    0.55720 |   0.0042691 |      2.7428 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1403 |   -1428620 |    -1018.3 |     2153.0 |     -4058.5 |      3921.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1403 |   150786.1 |     107.47 |     290.34 |     -1355.7 |      1483.3 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1403 |    8549610 |     6093.8 |     4509.8 |      990.16 |      11588. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1403 |0.006026359 | 4.2953e-06 | 1.0918e-06 |  1.7730e-06 |  6.8247e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1403 |   -1540842 |    -1098.2 |     2628.9 |     -4078.2 |      4073.5 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1403 |   266744.8 |     190.12 |     832.26 |     -1314.0 |      1302.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1403 |    8745485 |     6233.4 |     4559.5 |      1262.2 |      11071. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1403 |   4344.177 |     3.0963 |     1.8032 |   0.0019141 |      6.2708 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1403 |   572.4452 |    0.40802 |    0.55720 |   0.0042691 |      2.7428 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1403 |   -1428620 |    -1018.3 |     2153.0 |     -4058.5 |      3921.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1403 |   150786.1 |     107.47 |     290.34 |     -1355.7 |      1483.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1403 |    8549610 |     6093.8 |     4509.8 |      990.16 |      11588. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1403 |0.006026359 | 4.2953e-06 | 1.0918e-06 |  1.7730e-06 |  6.8247e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1403 |   -1540842 |    -1098.2 |     2628.9 |     -4078.2 |      4073.5 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1403 |   266744.8 |     190.12 |     832.26 |     -1314.0 |      1302.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1403 |    8745485 |     6233.4 |     4559.5 |      1262.2 |      11071. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1403 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1237 |-0.0009525336 |-7.7004e-07 | 2.8602e-05 | -4.9794e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1237 |0.001342841 | 1.0856e-06 | 2.9593e-05 | -4.9982e-05 |  4.9931e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1237 |0.001322378 | 1.0690e-06 | 2.8872e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9931e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1237 |2.015668e-10 | 1.6295e-13 | 5.9212e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1237 |0.001986974 | 1.6063e-06 | 2.8682e-05 | -4.9822e-05 |  4.9952e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1237 |-0.001328952 |-1.0743e-06 | 2.8386e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9909e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1237 |0.0003761663 | 3.0410e-07 | 2.9309e-05 | -4.9801e-05 |  4.9896e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1237 |    3760.77 |     3.0402 |     1.7849 |   0.0063063 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1237 |   728.2385 |    0.58871 |    0.55665 |   0.0026559 |      2.7454 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1237 |   898057.1 |     726.00 |     2471.0 |     -3845.4 |      3963.2 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1237 |  -25599.91 |    -20.695 |     487.27 |     -1191.0 |      1414.6 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1237 |1.030051e+07 |     8327.0 |     3996.7 |      990.65 |      11538. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1237 |0.005458284 | 4.4125e-06 | 1.1039e-06 |  1.7646e-06 |  6.8000e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1237 |    1302314 |     1052.8 |     3189.5 |     -4072.9 |      4072.4 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1237 |  -139094.7 |    -112.45 |     678.50 |     -1298.0 |      1316.0 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1237 |1.045708e+07 |     8453.6 |     4063.3 |      1262.3 |      11062. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1237 |    3760.77 |     3.0402 |     1.7849 |   0.0063063 |      6.2830 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1237 |   728.2385 |    0.58871 |    0.55665 |   0.0026559 |      2.7454 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1237 |   898057.1 |     726.00 |     2471.0 |     -3845.4 |      3963.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1237 |  -25599.91 |    -20.695 |     487.27 |     -1191.0 |      1414.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1237 |1.030051e+07 |     8327.0 |     3996.7 |      990.65 |      11538. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1237 |0.005458284 | 4.4125e-06 | 1.1039e-06 |  1.7646e-06 |  6.8000e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1237 |    1302314 |     1052.8 |     3189.5 |     -4072.9 |      4072.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1237 |  -139094.7 |    -112.45 |     678.50 |     -1298.0 |      1316.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1237 |1.045708e+07 |     8453.6 |     4063.3 |      1262.3 |      11062. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1237 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        93 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        88 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        716 |     716.00 |     0.0000 |      716.00 |      716.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1256 |     1256.0 |     0.0000 |      1256.0 |      1256.0 |
 CheckSpdHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       716 |8.364965e-05 | 1.1683e-07 | 2.8867e-05 | -4.9700e-05 |  4.9416e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       716 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       716 |   472.1935 |    0.65949 |     1.7710 |  2.8792e-06 |      19.799 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       716 |       1099 |     1.5349 |     1.6938 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       716 |   472.1934 |    0.65949 |     1.7710 |      0.0000 |      19.800 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       716 |       1099 |     1.5349 |     1.6938 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1256 |2.280474e-05 | 1.8157e-08 | 2.8715e-05 | -4.9815e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1256 |    697.828 |    0.55560 |     1.5488 |  5.3750e-06 |      23.315 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1256 |       1930 |     1.5366 |     1.6964 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1256 |    697.828 |    0.55560 |     1.5488 |      0.0000 |      23.315 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1256 |       1930 |     1.5366 |     1.6964 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1142 |     1142.0 |     0.0000 |      1142.0 |      1142.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1774 |     1774.0 |     0.0000 |      1774.0 |      1774.0 |
 CheckPrsHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1142 |-0.0001659722 |-1.4533e-07 | 2.8752e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1142 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1142 |   1204.182 |     1.0545 |     3.5274 |  5.4352e-05 |      50.319 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1142 |       1759 |     1.5403 |     1.6952 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1142 |   1204.182 |     1.0545 |     3.5274 |  0.00010000 |      50.319 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1142 |       1759 |     1.5403 |     1.6952 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1774 |-0.001575788 |-8.8827e-07 | 2.8785e-05 | -4.9924e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1774 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1774 |   1638.315 |    0.92351 |     3.2002 |  3.3011e-06 |      49.389 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1774 |       2681 |     1.5113 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1774 |   1638.317 |    0.92352 |     3.2002 |      0.0000 |      49.389 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1774 |       2681 |     1.5113 |     1.7034 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1332 |     1332.0 |     0.0000 |      1332.0 |      1332.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1885 |     1885.0 |     0.0000 |      1885.0 |      1885.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1332 |-0.002018827 |-1.5156e-06 | 2.8701e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9895e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1332 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1332 |   17620.02 |     13.228 |     41.579 |  8.4525e-06 |      538.57 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1332 |        302 |    0.22673 |     2.9763 |      0.0000 |      108.00 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1332 |   17620.03 |     13.228 |     41.579 |      0.0000 |      538.57 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1332 |        302 |    0.22673 |     2.9763 |      0.0000 |      108.00 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1885 |0.001169182 | 6.2026e-07 | 2.9193e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9905e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1885 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1885 |   16349.81 |     8.6736 |     27.068 |  9.0549e-05 |      557.23 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1885 |        258 |    0.13687 |    0.36902 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1885 |    16349.8 |     8.6736 |     27.068 |  0.00010000 |      557.23 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1885 |        258 |    0.13687 |    0.36902 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        245 |     245.00 |     0.0000 |      245.00 |      245.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        222 |     222.00 |     0.0000 |      222.00 |      222.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       245 |0.0006839533 | 2.7916e-06 | 2.8497e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       245 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       245 |   2757.506 |     11.255 |     32.463 |  0.00053664 |      382.83 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       245 |         36 |    0.14694 |    0.44589 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       245 |   2757.505 |     11.255 |     32.463 |  0.00050000 |      382.83 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       245 |         36 |    0.14694 |    0.44589 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       222 |0.000437544 | 1.9709e-06 | 2.8604e-05 | -4.9411e-05 |  4.9673e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       222 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       222 |   1942.596 |     8.7504 |     25.123 |  0.00064087 |      293.54 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       222 |         54 |    0.24324 |    0.47867 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       222 |   1942.596 |     8.7504 |     25.123 |  0.00060000 |      293.54 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       222 |         54 |    0.24324 |    0.47867 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNext      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        187 |     187.00 |     0.0000 |      187.00 |      187.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        272 |     272.00 |     0.0000 |      272.00 |      272.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNext       SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       187 |1.006033e-08 | 5.3799e-11 | 2.8022e-07 | -4.9938e-07 |  4.8501e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       187 |-8.109195e-06 |-4.3365e-08 | 3.0400e-07 | -4.9891e-07 |  4.9812e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       187 |5.407342e-06 | 2.8916e-08 | 2.8282e-07 | -4.9803e-07 |  4.9454e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       187 |1.273211e-05 | 6.8086e-08 | 5.4888e-07 | -9.9596e-07 |  9.8571e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       187 |-0.0001858884 |-9.9406e-07 | 2.8947e-05 | -4.9881e-05 |  4.9894e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       187 |-0.001065432 |-5.6975e-06 | 2.9386e-05 | -4.9906e-05 |  4.8065e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       187 |0.000145434 | 7.7772e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9079e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       187 |-0.003499597 |-1.8714e-05 |  0.0028380 |  -0.0049673 |   0.0049908 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       187 |2.504313e-05 | 1.3392e-07 | 2.7183e-06 | -4.9600e-06 |  4.9887e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       187 |   309.6861 |     1.6561 |     27.285 |     -7.3176 |      371.34 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       187 |   193.3681 |     1.0341 |     12.513 |     -16.812 |      165.24 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       187 |   673.3633 |     3.6009 |     3.1858 |     -5.0606 |      5.0221 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       187 |  0.4960187 |  0.0026525 |  0.0097409 |  5.2844e-05 |     0.10741 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       187 |   50625.89 |     270.73 |     2070.4 |     -3454.9 |      4773.9 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       187 |   48372.85 |     258.68 |     1095.6 |     -2839.7 |      2719.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       187 |    2488906 |     13310. |     1851.1 |      11955. |      17817. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       187 |   429221.3 |     2295.3 |     4953.3 |      1.5226 |      35558. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       187 |    8790.98 |     47.011 |     7.7875 |      39.858 |      83.913 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       187 |   309.6861 |     1.6561 |     27.285 |     -7.3176 |      371.34 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       187 |   193.3681 |     1.0341 |     12.513 |     -16.812 |      165.24 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       187 |   673.3633 |     3.6009 |     3.1858 |     -5.0606 |      5.0221 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       187 |   0.496006 |  0.0026524 |  0.0097409 |  5.2000e-05 |     0.10741 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       187 |   50625.89 |     270.73 |     2070.4 |     -3454.9 |      4773.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       187 |   48372.85 |     258.68 |     1095.6 |     -2839.7 |      2719.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       187 |    2488906 |     13310. |     1851.1 |      11955. |      17817. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       187 |   429221.3 |     2295.3 |     4953.3 |      1.5200 |      35558. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       187 |    8790.98 |     47.011 |     7.7875 |      39.858 |      83.913 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       272 |-5.593671e-06 |-2.0565e-08 | 2.9784e-07 | -4.9724e-07 |  4.9620e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       272 |-2.305147e-06 |-8.4748e-09 | 2.9579e-07 | -4.9825e-07 |  4.9534e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       272 |-1.046023e-06 |-3.8457e-09 | 2.8087e-07 | -4.9865e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       272 |7.246731e-06 | 2.6642e-08 | 5.8026e-07 | -9.9021e-07 |  9.9639e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       272 |-0.000457726 |-1.6828e-06 | 2.8060e-05 | -4.8970e-05 |  4.9268e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       272 |0.0006139722 | 2.2573e-06 | 2.8004e-05 | -4.9625e-05 |  4.9824e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       272 |0.0004822894 | 1.7731e-06 | 2.7064e-05 | -4.9771e-05 |  4.9847e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       272 | 0.01745996 | 6.4191e-05 |  0.0028761 |  -0.0049790 |   0.0049826 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       272 |5.850023e-05 | 2.1507e-07 | 2.8446e-06 | -4.9687e-06 |  4.9877e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       272 |   199.4415 |    0.73324 |     4.1441 |     -6.7782 |      37.220 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       272 |  -151.4057 |   -0.55664 |     4.2278 |     -23.836 |      26.140 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       272 |   929.4051 |     3.4169 |     3.2219 |     -5.0317 |      5.0629 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       272 |  0.5992612 |  0.0022032 |  0.0025702 |  3.9037e-05 |    0.014698 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       272 |   71073.34 |     261.30 |     1447.5 |     -3806.0 |      3807.0 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       272 |  -91247.28 |    -335.47 |     990.78 |     -2978.0 |      2074.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       272 |    3398906 |     12496. |     1331.1 |      11953. |      19034. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       272 |   327262.7 |     1203.2 |     3434.0 |      1.4429 |      35491. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       272 |   12044.51 |     44.281 |     7.2212 |      39.910 |      80.922 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       272 |   199.4415 |    0.73324 |     4.1441 |     -6.7782 |      37.220 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       272 |  -151.4057 |   -0.55664 |     4.2278 |     -23.836 |      26.140 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       272 |   929.4051 |     3.4169 |     3.2219 |     -5.0317 |      5.0629 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       272 |   0.599254 |  0.0022031 |  0.0025702 |  4.0000e-05 |    0.014698 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       272 |   71073.34 |     261.30 |     1447.5 |     -3806.0 |      3807.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       272 |  -91247.28 |    -335.47 |     990.78 |     -2978.0 |      2074.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       272 |    3398906 |     12496. |     1331.1 |      11953. |      19034. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       272 |   327262.6 |     1203.2 |     3434.0 |      1.4400 |      35491. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       272 |   12044.51 |     44.281 |     7.2212 |      39.910 |      80.922 |
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 NextNextEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  210.00 +-14.49 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1014.00 +-31.84 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  272.00 +-16.49 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  473.00 +-21.75 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   61.00 +- 7.81 ( 29.05 +-3.13%) Rich2 =  363.00 +-19.05 ( 35.80 +-1.51%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  2.86 +-1.15%) Rich2 =   30.00 +- 5.48 (  2.96 +-0.53%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  140.00 +-11.83 ( 66.67 +-3.25%) Rich2 =  282.00 +-16.79 ( 27.81 +-1.41%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  261.00 +-16.16 ( 95.96 +-1.19%) Rich2 =  388.00 +-19.70 ( 82.03 +-1.77%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  322.00 +-17.94 ( 31.76 +-1.46%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   35.00 +- 5.92 ( 16.67 +-2.57%) Rich2 =   62.00 +- 7.87 (  6.11 +-0.75%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   31.00 +- 5.57 ( 14.76 +-2.45%) Rich2 =   45.00 +- 6.71 (  4.44 +-0.65%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   72.00 +- 8.49 ( 15.22 +-1.65%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   11.00 +- 3.32 (  4.04 +-1.19%) Rich2 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  4.02 +-0.90%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =   10.00 +- 3.16 (  3.68 +-1.14%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  3.38 +-0.83%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  3.33 +-1.24%) Rich2 =   36.00 +- 6.00 (  3.55 +-0.58%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.10 +-0.10%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  1.10 +-0.63%) Rich2 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  2.54 +-0.72%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   61.00 +- 7.81 ( 29.05 +-3.13%) Rich2Gas =  363.00 +-19.05 ( 35.80 +-1.51%)
+GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  261.00 +-16.16 ( 95.96 +-1.19%) Rich2Gas =  388.00 +-19.70 ( 82.03 +-1.77%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9576,96 +9582,92 @@ GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHitsNextNext        INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    64.00 +-  8.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   702.00 +- 26.50 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =    36.00 +-  6.00 / event
-GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   422.00 +- 20.54 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     7.00 +-  2.65 / event
-GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     4.00 +-  2.00 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   272.00 +- 16.49 / event
+GetRichPhotonsNextNext     INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   473.00 +- 21.75 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    15.00 +-  3.87 / event
+GetRichSegmentsNextNext    INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    28.00 +-  5.29 / event
 GetRichTracksNextNext      INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVeloHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        141 |     141.00 |     0.0000 |      141.00 |      141.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        315 |     315.00 |     0.0000 |      315.00 |      315.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          7 |     7.0000 |     0.0000 |      7.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          5 |     5.0000 |     0.0000 |      5.0000 |      5.0000 |
 MCTTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 MCITHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        172 |     172.00 |     0.0000 |      172.00 |      172.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        114 |     114.00 |     0.0000 |      114.00 |      114.00 |
 MCOTHitPackerNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        242 |     242.00 |     0.0000 |      242.00 |      242.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        186 |     186.00 |     0.0000 |      186.00 |      186.00 |
 MCMuonHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        213 |     213.00 |     0.0000 |      213.00 |      213.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
 MCPrsHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1489 |     1489.0 |     0.0000 |      1489.0 |      1489.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        908 |     908.00 |     0.0000 |      908.00 |      908.00 |
 MCSpdHitPackerNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        938 |     938.00 |     0.0000 |      938.00 |      938.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        660 |     660.00 |     0.0000 |      660.00 |      660.00 |
 MCEcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1543 |     1543.0 |     0.0000 |      1543.0 |      1543.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1131 |     1131.0 |     0.0000 |      1131.0 |      1131.0 |
 MCHcalHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        141 |     141.00 |     0.0000 |      141.00 |      141.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        105 |     105.00 |     0.0000 |      105.00 |      105.00 |
 MCRichHitPackerNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1224 |     1224.0 |     0.0000 |      1224.0 |      1224.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        745 |     745.00 |     0.0000 |      745.00 |      745.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPackerNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1224 |     1224.0 |     0.0000 |      1224.0 |      1224.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        745 |     745.00 |     0.0000 |      745.00 |      745.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPackerNe...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         77 |     77.000 |     0.0000 |      77.000 |      77.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         43 |     43.000 |     0.0000 |      43.000 |      43.000 |
 MCRichTrackPackerNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         37 |     37.000 |     0.0000 |      37.000 |      37.000 |
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       141+/-0
-VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 7+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       315+/-0
+VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 5+/-0
 VeloGaussMoniNextNext      INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 103
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1116.28
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.157357
-TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0577544
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 133
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 4101.27
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.158476
+TTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0419659
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 TTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        35 |         35 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       103 |   114976.5 |     1116.3 |     4622.8 |      14.248 |      33248. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        18 |         18 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       133 |   545469.5 |     4101.3 |     10306. |      1.1727 |      42115. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 172
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 6088.56
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.12815
-ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0394449
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 114
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1316.07
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.121674
+ITHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0257697
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 ITHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       172 |    1047233 |     6088.6 |     9550.7 |      4.7872 |      33248. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        172 |     172.00 |     0.0000 |      172.00 |      172.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |         8 |          8 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       114 |   150031.5 |     1316.1 |     2400.4 |      12.920 |      9173.2 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        114 |     114.00 |     0.0000 |      114.00 |      114.00 |
 OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 242
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 5002.57
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.214505
-OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.123833
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO #hits per event: 186
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Mean beta * gamma: 5959.1
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.197284
+OTHitMonitorNextNext       INFO Half Sample width 0.0797774
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitorNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |         9 |          9 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       242 |    1210623 |     5002.6 |     9360.4 |     0.42568 |      33248. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        242 |     242.00 |     0.0000 |      242.00 |      242.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        15 |         15 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       186 |    1108393 |     5959.1 |     10307. |      3.5422 |      39711. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        186 |     186.00 |     0.0000 |      186.00 |      186.00 |
 SpdMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitorNextNext      SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitorNextNext     SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
@@ -9674,374 +9676,374 @@ MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 70.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 28.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 23.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 92.000  6.000  5.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 116.000  5.000  16.000  4.000  4.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 40.000  0.000  2.000  0.000  4.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 52.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 144.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  1.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 300.000  15.000  23.000  4.000  8.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          7 |     7.0000 |     0.0000 |      7.0000 |      7.0000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          5 |     5.0000 |     0.0000 |      5.0000 |      5.0000 |
 CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         7 |-1.201444e-06 |-1.7163e-07 | 2.3967e-07 | -4.6976e-07 |  3.0062e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         7 |3.20898e-07 | 4.5843e-08 | 2.9073e-07 | -4.9340e-07 |  4.3142e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         7 |7.262394e-07 | 1.0375e-07 | 2.6017e-07 | -4.3968e-07 |  4.2442e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         7 |1.296539e-06 | 1.8522e-07 | 5.8049e-07 | -8.6277e-07 |  8.6085e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |0.0001012191 | 1.4460e-05 | 2.9787e-05 | -4.3715e-05 |  4.4926e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |7.563248e-06 | 1.0805e-06 | 2.3291e-05 | -4.5278e-05 |  2.6586e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |-0.0001228988 |-1.7557e-05 | 2.2592e-05 | -4.0809e-05 |  2.9236e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |-0.007562915 | -0.0010804 |  0.0026500 |  -0.0044145 |   0.0023448 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         7 |-1.283108e-05 |-1.8330e-06 | 2.8105e-06 | -4.5430e-06 |  3.8345e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         7 |0.004708799 | 0.00067269 |   0.014116 |   -0.020645 |    0.019218 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         7 | -0.1060027 |  -0.015143 |   0.025932 |   -0.063362 |    0.018585 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.099887 |   -0.29998 | 9.5415e-05 |    -0.30008 |    -0.29978 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |         7 |  0.8260813 |    0.11801 |   0.035506 |    0.074834 |     0.17113 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |   7.520001 |     1.0743 |     10.483 |     -17.463 |      13.592 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |  -77.87949 |    -11.126 |     18.608 |     -41.816 |      17.210 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1851.206 |    -264.46 |     40.587 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   19710.35 |     2815.8 |     2241.7 |      445.21 |      6143.1 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |         7 |   6.151627 |    0.87880 |    0.24816 |     0.61682 |      1.3897 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         7 |    0.00471 | 0.00067286 |   0.014116 |   -0.020645 |    0.019218 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         7 |  -0.106003 |  -0.015143 |   0.025932 |   -0.063362 |    0.018585 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         7 |  -2.099888 |   -0.29998 | 9.5602e-05 |    -0.30008 |    -0.29978 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         7 |    0.82608 |    0.11801 |   0.035506 |    0.074834 |     0.17113 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         7 |     7.5199 |     1.0743 |     10.483 |     -17.463 |      13.592 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         7 |   -77.8795 |    -11.126 |     18.608 |     -41.816 |      17.210 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         7 |  -1851.206 |    -264.46 |     40.587 |     -315.85 |     -218.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         7 |   19710.36 |     2815.8 |     2241.7 |      445.21 |      6143.1 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         7 |    6.15164 |    0.87881 |    0.24816 |     0.61682 |      1.3897 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |         5 |-3.904587e-07 |-7.8092e-08 | 3.3574e-07 | -4.2513e-07 |  4.4033e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |         5 |1.532462e-07 | 3.0649e-08 | 2.7126e-07 | -4.7511e-07 |  2.7481e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |         5 |2.062487e-07 | 4.1250e-08 | 3.0376e-07 | -3.9578e-07 |  4.6711e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |         5 |-1.524945e-06 |-3.0499e-07 | 3.7276e-07 | -7.6464e-07 |  6.9560e-08 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |-4.515784e-05 |-9.0316e-06 | 2.5638e-05 | -4.7451e-05 |  2.0710e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |7.512662e-05 | 1.5025e-05 | 2.4675e-05 | -2.0173e-05 |  4.6536e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |1.377604e-05 | 2.7552e-06 | 2.9051e-05 | -4.1644e-05 |  4.2473e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |0.003130684 | 0.00062614 |  0.0033270 |  -0.0043981 |   0.0049914 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |         5 |-9.932757e-06 |-1.9866e-06 | 6.2044e-07 | -2.6771e-06 | -1.0517e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |         5 | -0.1240244 |  -0.024805 |   0.017012 |   -0.055980 |  -0.0093932 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |         5 | 0.05868515 |   0.011737 |   0.017079 |  -0.0078855 |    0.035623 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |         5 |  -1.499862 |   -0.29997 | 0.00014275 |    -0.30014 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |         5 |  0.4505905 |   0.090118 |   0.012732 |    0.078235 |     0.10780 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |  -78.27615 |    -15.655 |     9.4559 |     -30.973 |     -4.8876 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |   40.26368 |     8.0527 |     12.039 |     -6.9949 |      23.547 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |  -1257.927 |    -251.59 |     39.879 |     -300.51 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |    41765.6 |     8353.1 |     3514.5 |      1941.9 |      11567. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |         5 |    3.61117 |    0.72223 |    0.13050 |     0.60901 |     0.88203 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |         5 |  -0.124024 |  -0.024805 |   0.017012 |   -0.055980 |  -0.0093930 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |         5 |   0.058685 |   0.011737 |   0.017079 |  -0.0078850 |    0.035623 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |         5 |  -1.499862 |   -0.29997 | 0.00014262 |    -0.30014 |    -0.29973 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |         5 |   0.450592 |   0.090118 |   0.012732 |    0.078236 |     0.10780 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |         5 |   -78.2761 |    -15.655 |     9.4559 |     -30.973 |     -4.8876 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |         5 |    40.2636 |     8.0527 |     12.039 |     -6.9949 |      23.547 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |         5 |  -1257.927 |    -251.59 |     39.879 |     -300.51 |     -219.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |         5 |    41765.6 |     8353.1 |     3514.5 |      1941.9 |      11567. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |         5 |    3.61118 |    0.72224 |    0.13050 |     0.60901 |     0.88203 |
 UnpackVeloHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        141 |     141.00 |     0.0000 |      141.00 |      141.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        315 |     315.00 |     0.0000 |      315.00 |      315.00 |
 CheckVeloHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       141 |-3.317429e-06 |-2.3528e-08 | 2.7674e-07 | -4.9795e-07 |  4.8865e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       141 |-1.331623e-06 |-9.4441e-09 | 2.8969e-07 | -4.8906e-07 |  4.9058e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       141 |-5.42939e-06 |-3.8506e-08 | 2.9022e-07 | -4.8988e-07 |  4.9663e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       141 |-3.127767e-06 |-2.2183e-08 | 5.6992e-07 | -9.9052e-07 |  9.8772e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       141 |-0.0004232676 |-3.0019e-06 | 2.7625e-05 | -4.9607e-05 |  4.9847e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       141 |-0.0005152653 |-3.6544e-06 | 2.8111e-05 | -4.9915e-05 |  4.9949e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       141 |-0.000123828 |-8.7821e-07 | 2.7790e-05 | -4.9413e-05 |  4.7737e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       141 |-0.01848887 |-0.00013113 |  0.0028601 |  -0.0049963 |   0.0049947 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       141 |1.471371e-05 | 1.0435e-07 | 2.7260e-06 | -4.9961e-06 |  4.8885e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       141 |  -1.163775 | -0.0082537 |   0.093961 |    -0.33336 |     0.59571 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       141 |  0.3019327 |  0.0021414 |    0.11759 |    -0.59643 |     0.67274 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       141 |    23.7812 |    0.16866 |    0.24371 |    -0.30065 |     0.30044 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       141 |    17.4986 |    0.12410 |    0.10475 |  0.00067133 |      1.0478 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       141 |  -412.7463 |    -2.9273 |     15.626 |     -40.961 |      43.490 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       141 |   227.8043 |     1.6156 |     11.231 |     -29.649 |      29.706 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       141 |   41672.47 |     295.55 |     342.25 |     -175.79 |      750.98 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       141 |   783145.1 |     5554.2 |     12772. |      3.1303 |      55235. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       141 |   176.0161 |     1.2483 |    0.99304 |    0.033579 |      2.6241 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       141 |  -1.163772 | -0.0082537 |   0.093961 |    -0.33336 |     0.59571 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       141 |   0.301934 |  0.0021414 |    0.11759 |    -0.59642 |     0.67274 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       141 |   23.78121 |    0.16866 |    0.24371 |    -0.30065 |     0.30044 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       141 |    17.4986 |    0.12410 |    0.10475 |  0.00067200 |      1.0478 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       141 |  -412.7459 |    -2.9273 |     15.626 |     -40.961 |      43.490 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       141 |   227.8048 |     1.6156 |     11.231 |     -29.649 |      29.706 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       141 |   41672.47 |     295.55 |     342.25 |     -175.79 |      750.98 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       141 |   783145.1 |     5554.2 |     12772. |      3.1300 |      55235. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       141 |   176.0161 |     1.2483 |    0.99304 |    0.033580 |      2.6241 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       315 |1.925626e-06 | 6.1131e-09 | 2.9334e-07 | -4.9839e-07 |  4.9802e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       315 |-3.456557e-06 |-1.0973e-08 | 2.9245e-07 | -4.9814e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       315 |8.133347e-08 | 2.5820e-10 | 2.9036e-07 | -4.9980e-07 |  4.9763e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       315 |-3.687644e-06 |-1.1707e-08 | 5.8919e-07 | -9.9997e-07 |  9.9910e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       315 |-0.0007916758 |-2.5133e-06 | 2.8102e-05 | -4.9047e-05 |  4.9895e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       315 |0.0001855904 | 5.8918e-07 | 2.8135e-05 | -4.9609e-05 |  4.8838e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       315 |0.000330348 | 1.0487e-06 | 2.9485e-05 | -4.9812e-05 |  4.9855e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       315 |0.002389867 | 7.5869e-06 |  0.0027644 |  -0.0049797 |   0.0049881 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       315 |2.10855e-05 | 6.6938e-08 | 2.8246e-06 | -4.9782e-06 |  4.9072e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       315 |   2.149841 |  0.0068249 |   0.075217 |    -0.25598 |     0.65114 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       315 |   5.135735 |   0.016304 |   0.073031 |    -0.42317 |     0.53379 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       315 |   67.78138 |    0.21518 |    0.19766 |    -0.30123 |     0.30011 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       315 |   43.70316 |    0.13874 |    0.29041 |    0.019259 |      3.7880 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       315 |  -345.0821 |    -1.0955 |     15.985 |     -36.443 |      38.292 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       315 |   1635.203 |     5.1911 |     13.150 |     -30.501 |      38.174 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       315 |   106663.7 |     338.61 |     279.73 |     -160.84 |      751.00 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       315 |    2299169 |     7298.9 |     9049.5 |      2.8405 |      51325. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       315 |   416.3893 |     1.3219 |    0.84035 |    0.055072 |      2.6312 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       315 |   2.149839 |  0.0068249 |   0.075217 |    -0.25598 |     0.65114 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       315 |   5.135738 |   0.016304 |   0.073031 |    -0.42317 |     0.53379 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       315 |   67.78138 |    0.21518 |    0.19766 |    -0.30123 |     0.30011 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       315 |   43.70316 |    0.13874 |    0.29041 |    0.019260 |      3.7880 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       315 |  -345.0813 |    -1.0955 |     15.985 |     -36.443 |      38.291 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       315 |   1635.203 |     5.1911 |     13.150 |     -30.501 |      38.174 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       315 |   106663.7 |     338.61 |     279.73 |     -160.84 |      751.00 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       315 |    2299169 |     7298.9 |     9049.5 |      2.8400 |      51325. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       315 |   416.3893 |     1.3219 |    0.84035 |    0.055070 |      2.6312 |
 UnpackTTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        133 |     133.00 |     0.0000 |      133.00 |      133.00 |
 CheckTTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       103 |-1.089133e-06 |-1.0574e-08 | 2.9872e-07 | -4.9587e-07 |  4.9938e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       103 |1.504653e-06 | 1.4608e-08 | 2.5964e-07 | -4.9093e-07 |  4.7579e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       103 |1.572793e-07 | 1.5270e-09 | 9.6969e-08 | -4.8894e-07 |  4.8894e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       103 |1.434826e-07 | 1.3930e-09 | 5.6836e-07 | -9.8531e-07 |  9.5271e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |-0.0004762577 |-4.6239e-06 | 2.9848e-05 | -4.8563e-05 |  4.9725e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |-4.841203e-05 |-4.7002e-07 | 3.0348e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.8961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |8.481263e-05 | 8.2342e-07 | 7.5145e-06 | -4.5989e-05 |  4.2639e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |-0.04174241 |-0.00040527 |  0.0029779 |  -0.0049305 |   0.0049896 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       103 |-3.627055e-05 |-3.5214e-07 | 2.7858e-06 | -4.9976e-06 |  4.6963e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       103 |   7.355543 |   0.071413 |     1.6113 |     -3.9672 |      14.762 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       103 |  -2.976784 |  -0.028901 |    0.25788 |    -0.95143 |     0.89976 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       103 |   14.16466 |    0.13752 |    0.44886 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       103 |   35.06107 |    0.34040 |    0.66216 |   0.0023427 |      6.3801 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |  -19359.72 |    -187.96 |     285.99 |     -785.26 |      341.54 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |   9297.051 |     90.263 |     196.54 |     -476.04 |      646.46 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |   259477.9 |     2519.2 |     131.54 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |   69360.41 |     673.40 |     2498.4 |      1.6391 |      16913. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       103 |   1225.442 |     11.897 |     4.3438 |      7.8651 |      24.871 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       103 |   7.355544 |   0.071413 |     1.6113 |     -3.9672 |      14.762 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       103 |  -2.976786 |  -0.028901 |    0.25788 |    -0.95143 |     0.89976 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       103 |   14.16466 |    0.13752 |    0.44886 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       103 |   35.06107 |    0.34040 |    0.66216 |   0.0023420 |      6.3801 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       103 |  -19359.72 |    -187.96 |     285.99 |     -785.26 |      341.54 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       103 |   9297.051 |     90.263 |     196.54 |     -476.04 |      646.46 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       103 |   259477.9 |     2519.2 |     131.54 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       103 |   69360.45 |     673.40 |     2498.4 |      1.6400 |      16913. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       103 |   1225.442 |     11.897 |     4.3438 |      7.8651 |      24.871 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       133 |1.107376e-06 | 8.3261e-09 | 2.8466e-07 | -4.9984e-07 |  4.9089e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       133 |4.258277e-07 | 3.2017e-09 | 2.7335e-07 | -4.9982e-07 |  4.8865e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       133 |-2.06591e-07 |-1.5533e-09 | 1.0650e-07 | -4.9671e-07 |  4.7621e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       133 |1.28993e-05 | 9.6987e-08 | 6.2446e-07 | -9.9608e-07 |  9.9269e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |0.0004324372 | 3.2514e-06 | 2.9207e-05 | -4.9264e-05 |  4.9039e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |0.0001225485 | 9.2142e-07 | 2.8465e-05 | -4.9464e-05 |  4.7890e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |0.0001153918 | 8.6761e-07 | 7.7170e-06 | -2.8524e-05 |  4.6819e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       133 | 0.02319908 | 0.00017443 |  0.0029378 |  -0.0049030 |   0.0047577 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       133 |5.259815e-05 | 3.9547e-07 | 2.9685e-06 | -4.9376e-06 |  4.9049e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       133 |  -4.774266 |  -0.035897 |    0.22225 |     -1.3927 |     0.44324 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       133 |  -3.893555 |  -0.029275 |    0.14018 |    -0.80513 |     0.20269 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       133 |   48.21341 |    0.36251 |    0.29629 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       133 |   25.24538 |    0.18981 |    0.10714 |   0.0060017 |     0.71758 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |  -8007.423 |    -60.206 |     297.36 |     -714.14 |      678.83 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |   3147.516 |     23.666 |     195.25 |     -644.14 |      473.23 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |   332664.4 |     2501.2 |     134.46 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       133 |   417372.7 |     3138.1 |     5235.8 |      1.5652 |      25701. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       133 |   1186.818 |     8.9234 |    0.94999 |      7.8728 |      12.535 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       133 |  -4.774267 |  -0.035897 |    0.22225 |     -1.3927 |     0.44324 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       133 |  -3.893555 |  -0.029275 |    0.14018 |    -0.80513 |     0.20269 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       133 |   48.21341 |    0.36251 |    0.29629 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       133 |   25.24537 |    0.18981 |    0.10714 |   0.0060020 |     0.71758 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       133 |  -8007.423 |    -60.206 |     297.36 |     -714.14 |      678.83 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       133 |   3147.516 |     23.666 |     195.25 |     -644.14 |      473.23 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       133 |   332664.4 |     2501.2 |     134.46 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       133 |   417372.7 |     3138.1 |     5235.8 |      1.5700 |      25701. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       133 |   1186.818 |     8.9234 |    0.94999 |      7.8728 |      12.535 |
 UnpackITHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        172 |     172.00 |     0.0000 |      172.00 |      172.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        114 |     114.00 |     0.0000 |      114.00 |      114.00 |
 CheckITHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       172 |2.168726e-06 | 1.2609e-08 | 2.9518e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9020e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       172 |-2.427769e-06 |-1.4115e-08 | 2.8587e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9353e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       172 |6.326981e-06 | 3.6785e-08 | 2.7877e-07 | -4.9490e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       172 |7.94149e-06 | 4.6171e-08 | 5.8415e-07 | -9.9727e-07 |  9.8950e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       172 |-0.0001335767 |-7.7661e-07 | 2.7305e-05 | -4.6666e-05 |  4.9376e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       172 |-0.0002557168 |-1.4867e-06 | 3.0103e-05 | -4.9691e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       172 |-0.0002452508 |-1.4259e-06 | 2.8404e-05 | -4.9607e-05 |  4.9677e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       172 | 0.06164216 | 0.00035838 |  0.0028642 |  -0.0049917 |   0.0049942 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       172 |-1.604075e-05 |-9.3260e-08 | 2.7383e-06 | -4.9875e-06 |  4.9202e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       172 |   7.389719 |   0.042963 |    0.27075 |     -2.1181 |     0.66798 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       172 |  0.4146216 |  0.0024106 |   0.049603 |    -0.38801 |     0.35553 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       172 |   63.91125 |    0.37158 |    0.13336 |    -0.32049 |     0.40990 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       172 |   29.93743 |    0.17405 |    0.12886 |   0.0091269 |      1.1431 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       172 |  -6679.561 |    -38.835 |     279.48 |     -513.59 |      632.20 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       172 |   11880.28 |     69.071 |     40.995 |     -61.370 |      194.96 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       172 |    1451758 |     8440.5 |     529.05 |      7668.2 |      9135.4 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       172 |   899825.3 |     5231.5 |     10007. |      1.4832 |      57502. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       172 |   4893.034 |     28.448 |     1.8041 |      25.715 |      31.597 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       172 |   7.389717 |   0.042963 |    0.27075 |     -2.1181 |     0.66798 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       172 |   0.414624 |  0.0024106 |   0.049603 |    -0.38800 |     0.35553 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       172 |   63.91124 |    0.37158 |    0.13336 |    -0.32049 |     0.40990 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       172 |   29.93742 |    0.17405 |    0.12886 |   0.0091260 |      1.1431 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       172 |  -6679.561 |    -38.835 |     279.48 |     -513.59 |      632.20 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       172 |   11880.28 |     69.071 |     40.995 |     -61.370 |      194.96 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       172 |    1451758 |     8440.5 |     529.05 |      7668.2 |      9135.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       172 |   899825.3 |     5231.5 |     10007. |      1.4800 |      57502. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       172 |   4893.034 |     28.448 |     1.8041 |      25.715 |      31.597 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       114 |-1.626551e-07 |-1.4268e-09 | 3.0116e-07 | -4.8993e-07 |  4.9351e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       114 |-2.034107e-06 |-1.7843e-08 | 3.0036e-07 | -4.8074e-07 |  4.8980e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       114 |-4.041005e-06 |-3.5447e-08 | 2.9429e-07 | -4.9930e-07 |  4.9573e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       114 |-1.945668e-06 |-1.7067e-08 | 5.9251e-07 | -9.9974e-07 |  9.9304e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       114 |0.0001712843 | 1.5025e-06 | 2.8570e-05 | -4.9855e-05 |  4.9621e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       114 |9.989233e-05 | 8.7625e-07 | 2.6931e-05 | -4.9623e-05 |  4.9705e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       114 |-0.0005111162 |-4.4835e-06 | 2.7382e-05 | -4.9406e-05 |  4.8872e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       114 |-0.09140174 |-0.00080177 |  0.0028426 |  -0.0049338 |   0.0049959 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       114 |-1.16473e-05 |-1.0217e-07 | 2.7732e-06 | -4.8744e-06 |  4.9772e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       114 |  -5.395732 |  -0.047331 |    0.16415 |     -1.2139 |     0.26064 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       114 |    0.88246 |  0.0077409 |   0.037804 |   -0.047195 |     0.28957 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       114 |   40.72029 |    0.35720 |    0.16015 |    -0.40997 |     0.41032 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       114 |   16.99624 |    0.14909 |   0.088290 |   0.0015037 |     0.65920 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       114 |  -11571.67 |    -101.51 |     327.38 |     -614.19 |      624.35 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       114 |   193.8132 |     1.7001 |     59.097 |     -124.69 |      98.217 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       114 |   951941.5 |     8350.4 |     535.98 |      7667.7 |      9167.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       114 |    1428252 |     12529. |     13086. |      2.5726 |      40190. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       114 |   3201.692 |     28.085 |     1.8341 |      25.712 |      30.961 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       114 |  -5.395732 |  -0.047331 |    0.16415 |     -1.2139 |     0.26064 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       114 |   0.882462 |  0.0077409 |   0.037804 |   -0.047195 |     0.28957 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       114 |   40.72029 |    0.35720 |    0.16015 |    -0.40997 |     0.41032 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       114 |   16.99625 |    0.14909 |   0.088290 |   0.0015040 |     0.65920 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       114 |  -11571.67 |    -101.51 |     327.38 |     -614.19 |      624.35 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       114 |   193.8131 |     1.7001 |     59.097 |     -124.69 |      98.217 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       114 |   951941.5 |     8350.4 |     535.98 |      7667.7 |      9167.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       114 |    1428252 |     12529. |     13086. |      2.5700 |      40190. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       114 |   3201.692 |     28.085 |     1.8341 |      25.712 |      30.961 |
 UnpackOTHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        242 |     242.00 |     0.0000 |      242.00 |      242.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        186 |     186.00 |     0.0000 |      186.00 |      186.00 |
 CheckOTHitsNextNext     SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       242 |2.986289e-06 | 1.2340e-08 | 2.8935e-07 | -4.9697e-07 |  4.9479e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       242 |6.786222e-07 | 2.8042e-09 | 2.7664e-07 | -4.9465e-07 |  4.9547e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       242 |1.323145e-06 | 5.4675e-09 | 2.8091e-07 | -4.9945e-07 |  4.9189e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       242 |7.176373e-06 | 2.9654e-08 | 5.6374e-07 | -9.9972e-07 |  9.8217e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       242 |0.0002450867 | 1.0128e-06 | 2.8923e-05 | -4.9118e-05 |  4.9939e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       242 |-0.0006296381 |-2.6018e-06 | 2.9954e-05 | -4.9916e-05 |  4.9840e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       242 |-0.0005869349 |-2.4254e-06 | 2.9223e-05 | -4.9330e-05 |  4.9558e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       242 |-0.04898511 |-0.00020242 |  0.0029108 |  -0.0049626 |   0.0048956 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       242 |4.629955e-05 | 1.9132e-07 | 2.9665e-06 | -4.9765e-06 |  4.9610e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       242 |  -159.2555 |   -0.65808 |     18.071 |     -190.89 |      49.137 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       242 |   38.64945 |    0.15971 |     6.9243 |     -38.937 |      60.542 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       242 |   659.3577 |     2.7246 |     9.0826 |     -10.811 |      10.776 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       242 |    108.523 |    0.44844 |    0.52720 |    0.010966 |      3.5530 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       242 |  -26014.02 |    -107.50 |     1407.5 |     -3068.5 |      2849.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       242 |   19852.06 |     82.033 |     583.64 |     -2055.0 |      1906.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       242 |    2091571 |     8642.9 |     572.15 |      7855.6 |      9410.3 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       242 |   311555.9 |     1287.4 |     2378.7 |      1.4360 |      11019. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       242 |   8864.846 |     36.632 |     15.484 |      26.427 |      158.46 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       242 |  -159.2555 |   -0.65808 |     18.071 |     -190.89 |      49.137 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       242 |   38.64945 |    0.15971 |     6.9243 |     -38.937 |      60.542 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       242 |   659.3577 |     2.7246 |     9.0826 |     -10.811 |      10.776 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       242 |    108.523 |    0.44844 |    0.52720 |    0.010966 |      3.5530 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       242 |  -26014.02 |    -107.50 |     1407.5 |     -3068.5 |      2849.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       242 |   19852.06 |     82.033 |     583.64 |     -2055.0 |      1906.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       242 |    2091571 |     8642.9 |     572.15 |      7855.6 |      9410.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       242 |     311556 |     1287.4 |     2378.7 |      1.4400 |      11019. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       242 |   8864.846 |     36.632 |     15.484 |      26.427 |      158.46 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       186 |5.281319e-06 | 2.8394e-08 | 2.9344e-07 | -4.9722e-07 |  4.9370e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       186 |-2.786376e-06 |-1.4981e-08 | 2.9757e-07 | -4.9494e-07 |  4.9905e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       186 |-1.242433e-06 |-6.6797e-09 | 2.9501e-07 | -4.9663e-07 |  4.9956e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       186 |1.974835e-05 | 1.0617e-07 | 5.5374e-07 | -9.9352e-07 |  9.9998e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       186 |-6.108948e-05 |-3.2844e-07 | 2.9385e-05 | -4.9720e-05 |  4.9032e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       186 |0.0004997972 | 2.6871e-06 | 2.9198e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9599e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       186 |0.0001727915 | 9.2899e-07 | 2.9281e-05 | -4.9280e-05 |  4.9848e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       186 |-0.03362626 |-0.00018079 |  0.0028081 |  -0.0049635 |   0.0049298 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       186 |-6.19559e-05 |-3.3310e-07 | 2.9292e-06 | -4.8601e-06 |  4.9794e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       186 |  -1211.292 |    -6.5123 |     25.009 |     -232.25 |      21.169 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       186 |   14.70241 |   0.079045 |     3.5969 |     -29.828 |      16.104 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       186 |    1153.46 |     6.2014 |     7.7029 |     -10.749 |      10.758 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       186 |   58.79923 |    0.31612 |    0.44544 |   0.0029919 |      4.2671 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       186 |  -73334.39 |    -394.27 |     1410.2 |     -2778.3 |      2396.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       186 |   11992.89 |     64.478 |     363.83 |     -780.44 |      2144.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       186 |    1611574 |     8664.4 |     601.30 |      7854.7 |      9415.2 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       186 |   728959.8 |     3919.1 |     5250.7 |      1.4314 |      25658. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       186 |   6117.783 |     32.891 |     6.2690 |      26.358 |      55.598 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       186 |  -1211.292 |    -6.5123 |     25.009 |     -232.25 |      21.169 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       186 |   14.70241 |   0.079045 |     3.5969 |     -29.828 |      16.104 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       186 |    1153.46 |     6.2014 |     7.7029 |     -10.749 |      10.758 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       186 |   58.79921 |    0.31612 |    0.44544 |   0.0029920 |      4.2671 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       186 |  -73334.39 |    -394.27 |     1410.2 |     -2778.3 |      2396.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       186 |   11992.89 |     64.478 |     363.83 |     -780.44 |      2144.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       186 |    1611574 |     8664.4 |     601.30 |      7854.7 |      9415.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       186 |   728959.9 |     3919.1 |     5250.7 |      1.4300 |      25658. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       186 |   6117.783 |     32.891 |     6.2690 |      26.358 |      55.598 |
 UnpackRichHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1224 |     1224.0 |     0.0000 |      1224.0 |      1224.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        745 |     745.00 |     0.0000 |      745.00 |      745.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhotNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1224 |     1224.0 |     0.0000 |      1224.0 |      1224.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        745 |     745.00 |     0.0000 |      745.00 |      745.00 |
 UnpackRichSegmentsNex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         77 |     77.000 |     0.0000 |      77.000 |      77.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         43 |     43.000 |     0.0000 |      43.000 |      43.000 |
 UnpackRichTracksNextNextSUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         68 |     68.000 |     0.0000 |      68.000 |      68.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         37 |     37.000 |     0.0000 |      37.000 |      37.000 |
 CheckRichHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1224 |-8.493206e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1224 |0.0005994095 | 4.8971e-07 | 2.9357e-05 | -4.9895e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1224 |0.001046427 | 8.5492e-07 | 2.8427e-05 | -4.9885e-05 |  4.9966e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1224 |-0.0007656895 |-6.2556e-07 | 2.9339e-05 | -4.9993e-05 |  4.9955e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1224 |4.882804e-05 | 3.9892e-08 | 2.8787e-06 | -4.9995e-06 |  4.9825e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1224 |      24.48 |   0.020000 | 4.7141e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1224 |   883165.7 |     721.54 |     3625.3 |     -4150.3 |      4150.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1224 |  -5184.163 |    -4.2354 |     618.09 |     -1354.1 |      1284.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1224 |1.118263e+07 |     9136.1 |     3473.9 |      1402.6 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1224 |   59563.57 |     48.663 |     23.386 |      7.2385 |      132.50 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1224 |      24.48 |   0.020000 | 4.7189e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1224 |   883165.7 |     721.54 |     3625.3 |     -4150.3 |      4150.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1224 |  -5184.164 |    -4.2354 |     618.09 |     -1354.1 |      1284.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1224 |1.118263e+07 |     9136.1 |     3473.9 |      1402.6 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1224 |   59563.57 |     48.663 |     23.386 |      7.2385 |      132.50 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       745 |-5.169476e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       745 |-0.0002975066 |-3.9934e-07 | 2.8528e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       745 |-0.0005448332 |-7.3132e-07 | 2.9489e-05 | -4.9939e-05 |  4.9890e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       745 |-0.001118426 |-1.5012e-06 | 2.8695e-05 | -4.9683e-05 |  4.9769e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       745 |-0.0001126678 |-1.5123e-07 | 2.8852e-06 | -4.9989e-06 |  4.9975e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       745 |       14.9 |   0.020000 | 4.2639e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       745 |  -123964.1 |    -166.39 |     3171.5 |     -4150.5 |      4149.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       745 |   69126.85 |     92.788 |     765.56 |     -1354.2 |      1391.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       745 |    5561516 |     7465.1 |     4453.9 |      1332.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       745 |   29358.64 |     39.408 |     21.249 |      11.862 |      112.30 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       745 |       14.9 |   0.020000 | 4.2726e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       745 |  -123964.1 |    -166.39 |     3171.5 |     -4150.5 |      4149.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       745 |   69126.85 |     92.788 |     765.56 |     -1354.2 |      1391.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       745 |    5561516 |     7465.1 |     4453.9 |      1332.0 |      11094. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       745 |   29358.64 |     39.408 |     21.249 |      11.862 |      112.30 |
 CheckRichOpPhotNextNext SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      1224 | 0.00111207 | 9.0855e-07 | 2.8937e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      1224 |-0.001560916 |-1.2753e-06 | 2.8749e-05 | -4.9867e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      1224 |0.0006458718 | 5.2767e-07 | 2.9155e-05 | -4.9971e-05 |  4.9907e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1224 |-1.799663e-10 |-1.4703e-13 | 5.6996e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1224 |-0.0007105451 |-5.8051e-07 | 2.9274e-05 | -4.9888e-05 |  4.9940e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1224 |-0.00276878 |-2.2621e-06 | 2.9093e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9959e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1224 |0.0005563469 | 4.5453e-07 | 2.9716e-05 | -4.9923e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1224 |   3748.286 |     3.0623 |     1.7429 |   0.0034694 |      6.2761 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1224 |   806.9611 |    0.65928 |    0.66739 |   0.0020713 |      2.8256 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      1224 |    1195391 |     976.63 |     1988.1 |     -3970.9 |      4054.6 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      1224 |   2939.341 |     2.4014 |     557.22 |     -1429.2 |      1182.9 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      1224 |1.093752e+07 |     8935.9 |     3424.9 |      1069.8 |      11633. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1224 |0.005281457 | 4.3149e-06 | 1.0523e-06 |  1.7520e-06 |  6.8872e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1224 |   865098.3 |     706.78 |     3544.3 |     -4075.5 |      4079.3 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1224 |   593.4828 |    0.48487 |     583.97 |     -1277.7 |      1198.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1224 |1.11168e+07 |     9082.4 |     3471.8 |      1334.1 |      11065. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      1224 |   3748.286 |     3.0623 |     1.7429 |   0.0034694 |      6.2761 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      1224 |   806.9611 |    0.65928 |    0.66739 |   0.0020713 |      2.8256 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      1224 |    1195391 |     976.63 |     1988.1 |     -3970.9 |      4054.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      1224 |   2939.343 |     2.4014 |     557.22 |     -1429.2 |      1182.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      1224 |1.093752e+07 |     8935.9 |     3424.9 |      1069.8 |      11633. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1224 |0.005281457 | 4.3149e-06 | 1.0523e-06 |  1.7520e-06 |  6.8872e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      1224 |   865098.3 |     706.78 |     3544.3 |     -4075.5 |      4079.3 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      1224 |   593.4856 |    0.48487 |     583.97 |     -1277.7 |      1198.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      1224 |1.11168e+07 |     9082.4 |     3471.8 |      1334.1 |      11065. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      1224 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       745 |0.0004483703 | 6.0184e-07 | 2.8479e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       745 |0.0005768394 | 7.7428e-07 | 2.9557e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9831e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       745 |-0.0002030415 |-2.7254e-07 | 2.8999e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9974e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       745 |3.62661e-11 | 4.8679e-14 | 5.7162e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       745 |-0.001176656 |-1.5794e-06 | 2.8905e-05 | -4.9946e-05 |  4.9763e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       745 |0.001452079 | 1.9491e-06 | 2.8480e-05 | -4.9880e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       745 |-0.0005292638 |-7.1042e-07 | 2.8856e-05 | -4.9918e-05 |  4.9919e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       745 |   2218.396 |     2.9777 |     1.9090 |   0.0012087 |      6.2557 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       745 |   133.2636 |    0.17888 |    0.50996 |   0.0017897 |      2.8404 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       745 |   -46244.4 |    -62.073 |     578.65 |     -3170.9 |      3255.4 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       745 |  -1482.517 |    -1.9900 |     124.55 |     -472.96 |      705.31 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       745 |    5314202 |     7133.2 |     4305.0 |      999.16 |      11496. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       745 | 0.00318749 | 4.2785e-06 | 1.0102e-06 |  1.7688e-06 |  6.2218e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       745 |  -121163.1 |    -162.64 |     3098.6 |     -4077.8 |      4067.9 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       745 |   63916.21 |     85.794 |     710.66 |     -1279.0 |      1300.3 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       745 |    5523883 |     7414.6 |     4452.7 |      1287.3 |      11071. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       745 |   2218.396 |     2.9777 |     1.9090 |   0.0012087 |      6.2557 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       745 |   133.2636 |    0.17888 |    0.50996 |   0.0017897 |      2.8404 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       745 |   -46244.4 |    -62.073 |     578.65 |     -3170.9 |      3255.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       745 |  -1482.517 |    -1.9900 |     124.55 |     -472.96 |      705.31 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       745 |    5314202 |     7133.2 |     4305.0 |      999.16 |      11496. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       745 | 0.00318749 | 4.2785e-06 | 1.0102e-06 |  1.7688e-06 |  6.2218e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       745 |  -121163.1 |    -162.64 |     3098.6 |     -4077.8 |      4067.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       745 |   63916.21 |     85.794 |     710.66 |     -1279.0 |      1300.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       745 |    5523883 |     7414.6 |     4452.7 |      1287.3 |      11071. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       745 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegmentsNext...SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        77 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        43 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        938 |     938.00 |     0.0000 |      938.00 |      938.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        660 |     660.00 |     0.0000 |      660.00 |      660.00 |
 CheckSpdHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       938 |-0.001503291 |-1.6027e-06 | 2.8179e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       938 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       938 |   547.9222 |    0.58414 |     1.9252 |  4.4572e-06 |      34.172 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       938 |       1483 |     1.5810 |     1.7117 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       938 |   547.9237 |    0.58414 |     1.9252 |      0.0000 |      34.172 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       938 |       1483 |     1.5810 |     1.7117 |     -1.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       660 |-9.987297e-05 |-1.5132e-07 | 2.7944e-05 | -4.9367e-05 |  4.9879e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       660 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       660 |   304.9473 |    0.46204 |    0.97414 |  0.00011003 |      6.0201 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       660 |       1005 |     1.5227 |     1.6988 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       660 |   304.9474 |    0.46204 |    0.97414 |  0.00010000 |      6.0201 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       660 |       1005 |     1.5227 |     1.6988 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1489 |     1489.0 |     0.0000 |      1489.0 |      1489.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        908 |     908.00 |     0.0000 |      908.00 |      908.00 |
 CheckPrsHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1489 |-0.001540523 |-1.0346e-06 | 2.8321e-05 | -4.9989e-05 |  4.9775e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1489 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1489 |   1539.256 |     1.0338 |     5.1639 |  3.0639e-06 |      104.47 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1489 |       2302 |     1.5460 |     1.6952 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1489 |   1539.257 |     1.0338 |     5.1639 |      0.0000 |      104.47 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1489 |       2302 |     1.5460 |     1.6952 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       908 |-0.001541015 |-1.6972e-06 | 2.9308e-05 | -4.9991e-05 |  4.9732e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       908 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       908 |   902.0778 |    0.99348 |     3.6004 |  2.8465e-05 |      52.954 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       908 |       1377 |     1.5165 |     1.7067 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       908 |   902.0793 |    0.99348 |     3.6004 |      0.0000 |      52.954 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       908 |       1377 |     1.5165 |     1.7067 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1543 |     1543.0 |     0.0000 |      1543.0 |      1543.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1131 |     1131.0 |     0.0000 |      1131.0 |      1131.0 |
 CheckEcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1543 |0.001396777 | 9.0523e-07 | 2.9790e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9965e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1543 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1543 |   16678.48 |     10.809 |     60.886 |   0.0011291 |      1874.2 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1543 |        221 |    0.14323 |    0.40680 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1543 |   16678.48 |     10.809 |     60.886 |   0.0011000 |      1874.2 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1543 |        221 |    0.14323 |    0.40680 |      0.0000 |      6.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1131 |-0.00191579 |-1.6939e-06 | 2.8803e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9908e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1131 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1131 |   14465.02 |     12.790 |     64.979 |  0.00059242 |      1085.9 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1131 |        118 |    0.10433 |    0.35395 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1131 |   14465.02 |     12.790 |     64.979 |  0.00060000 |      1085.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1131 |        118 |    0.10433 |    0.35395 |      0.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        141 |     141.00 |     0.0000 |      141.00 |      141.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        105 |     105.00 |     0.0000 |      105.00 |      105.00 |
 CheckHcalHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       141 |-5.641638e-05 |-4.0012e-07 | 3.0219e-05 | -4.9773e-05 |  4.9738e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       141 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       141 |   1097.141 |     7.7811 |     18.097 |  0.00035210 |      131.81 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       141 |         37 |    0.26241 |    0.43995 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       141 |   1097.141 |     7.7811 |     18.097 |  0.00040000 |      131.81 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       141 |         37 |    0.26241 |    0.43995 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       105 |-0.0001667524 |-1.5881e-06 | 2.9194e-05 | -4.9095e-05 |  4.9905e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       105 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       105 |   1548.172 |     14.744 |     39.490 |   0.0042531 |      294.60 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       105 |         23 |    0.21905 |    0.47771 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       105 |   1548.172 |     14.744 |     39.490 |   0.0043000 |      294.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       105 |         23 |    0.21905 |    0.47771 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHitsNextNext  SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        213 |     213.00 |     0.0000 |      213.00 |      213.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        109 |     109.00 |     0.0000 |      109.00 |      109.00 |
 CheckMuonHitsNextNext   SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       213 |-6.50507e-06 |-3.0540e-08 | 2.8739e-07 | -4.9564e-07 |  4.9956e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       213 |2.586744e-06 | 1.2144e-08 | 2.8680e-07 | -4.9917e-07 |  4.9941e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       213 |-4.716756e-06 |-2.2144e-08 | 3.0241e-07 | -4.8488e-07 |  4.9382e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       213 |-2.231919e-06 |-1.0478e-08 | 5.9828e-07 | -9.9174e-07 |  9.9150e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       213 |0.0005174946 | 2.4296e-06 | 2.8485e-05 | -4.9834e-05 |  4.9828e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       213 |-0.0001390621 |-6.5287e-07 | 2.9149e-05 | -4.9815e-05 |  4.8844e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       213 |-0.000956748 |-4.4918e-06 | 2.9311e-05 | -4.9333e-05 |  4.9793e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       213 |-0.006451838 |-3.0290e-05 |  0.0027452 |  -0.0048465 |   0.0049992 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       213 |6.478465e-05 | 3.0415e-07 | 2.9813e-06 | -4.9727e-06 |  4.9460e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       213 |  -142.7128 |   -0.67001 |     5.3569 |     -49.052 |      21.163 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       213 |  -15.46506 |  -0.072606 |     2.7997 |     -16.664 |      11.620 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       213 |   775.3221 |     3.6400 |     2.8420 |     -5.0305 |      5.0419 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       213 |  0.4662198 |  0.0021888 |  0.0036324 |  0.00016303 |    0.041996 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       213 |   -47444.3 |    -222.74 |     1573.2 |     -4656.3 |      3701.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       213 |  -7791.236 |    -36.579 |     567.99 |     -1857.0 |      1395.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       213 |    2621265 |     12306. |     870.31 |      11953. |      17739. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       213 |   176584.3 |     829.03 |     2487.6 |      1.4375 |      20673. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       213 |   9325.155 |     43.780 |     8.1071 |      40.072 |      92.635 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       213 |  -142.7128 |   -0.67001 |     5.3569 |     -49.052 |      21.163 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       213 |  -15.46506 |  -0.072606 |     2.7997 |     -16.664 |      11.620 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       213 |   775.3221 |     3.6400 |     2.8420 |     -5.0305 |      5.0419 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       213 |   0.466222 |  0.0021888 |  0.0036325 |  0.00016400 |    0.041996 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       213 |   -47444.3 |    -222.74 |     1573.2 |     -4656.3 |      3701.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       213 |  -7791.236 |    -36.579 |     567.99 |     -1857.0 |      1395.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       213 |    2621265 |     12306. |     870.31 |      11953. |      17739. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       213 |   176584.3 |     829.03 |     2487.6 |      1.4400 |      20673. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       213 |   9325.155 |     43.780 |     8.1071 |      40.072 |      92.635 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       109 |-9.642162e-07 |-8.8460e-09 | 2.3570e-07 | -4.9061e-07 |  4.3216e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       109 |2.454416e-06 | 2.2518e-08 | 2.8782e-07 | -4.9794e-07 |  4.9319e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       109 |4.379163e-06 | 4.0176e-08 | 2.9051e-07 | -4.9919e-07 |  4.9493e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       109 |-2.336486e-06 |-2.1436e-08 | 5.8514e-07 | -9.8620e-07 |  9.8834e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |-0.0006687511 |-6.1353e-06 | 2.9929e-05 | -4.8376e-05 |  4.9032e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |8.859844e-05 | 8.1283e-07 | 2.8193e-05 | -4.9686e-05 |  4.9893e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |0.0004476531 | 4.1069e-06 | 2.9084e-05 | -4.9061e-05 |  4.9900e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |0.003964256 | 3.6369e-05 |  0.0028114 |  -0.0048880 |   0.0049884 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       109 |4.261697e-05 | 3.9098e-07 | 2.7679e-06 | -4.9694e-06 |  4.9175e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       109 |  -111.0095 |    -1.0184 |     7.8985 |     -46.997 |      24.405 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       109 |  -82.91195 |   -0.76066 |     9.3972 |     -62.840 |      27.475 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       109 |   358.4599 |     3.2886 |     2.3380 |     -5.0081 |      5.0990 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       109 |  0.5317817 |  0.0048787 |   0.011361 |  5.7517e-05 |    0.071271 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |    16800.5 |     154.13 |     1466.8 |     -3080.4 |      3428.5 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |   20160.07 |     184.95 |     396.86 |     -325.30 |      1290.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |    1333697 |     12236. |     433.30 |      11954. |      15342. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |   367207.6 |     3368.9 |     7402.2 |      1.5308 |      40168. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       109 |   4608.783 |     42.282 |     3.2682 |      40.024 |      59.432 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       109 |  -111.0095 |    -1.0184 |     7.8985 |     -46.997 |      24.405 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       109 |  -82.91196 |   -0.76066 |     9.3972 |     -62.840 |      27.475 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       109 |   358.4599 |     3.2886 |     2.3380 |     -5.0081 |      5.0990 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       109 |   0.531784 |  0.0048788 |   0.011361 |  5.8000e-05 |    0.071270 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       109 |    16800.5 |     154.13 |     1466.8 |     -3080.4 |      3428.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       109 |   20160.07 |     184.95 |     396.86 |     -325.30 |      1290.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       109 |    1333697 |     12236. |     433.30 |      11954. |      15342. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       109 |   367207.6 |     3368.9 |     7402.2 |      1.5300 |      40168. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       109 |   4608.783 |     42.282 |     3.2682 |      40.024 |      59.432 |
 Simulation                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 Simulation                DEBUG Tools to release :
 Simulation                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10055,50 +10057,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1361.832 |     1361.8 |     0.0000 |      1361.8 |      1361.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1370.824 |     1370.8 |     0.0000 |      1370.8 |      1370.8 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1348.256 |     1348.3 |     0.0000 |      1348.3 |      1348.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1358.736 |     1358.7 |     0.0000 |      1358.7 |      1358.7 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1348.124 |     1348.1 |     0.0000 |      1348.1 |      1348.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1358.736 |     1358.7 |     0.0000 |      1358.7 |      1358.7 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1347.984 |     1348.0 |     0.0000 |      1348.0 |      1348.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |     1358.6 |     1358.6 |     0.0000 |      1358.6 |      1358.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10128,11 +10130,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.152 |     1238.2 |     0.0000 |      1238.2 |      1238.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10148,40 +10150,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   5.193694 |     1.0387 |     1.0204 |      0.0000 |      2.7575 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        346 |     69.200 |     64.179 |      0.0000 |      169.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        406 |     81.200 |     72.992 |      0.0000 |      191.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        529 |     105.80 |     94.220 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   7.513468 |     1.5027 |     1.4874 |      0.0000 |      4.0227 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        371 |     74.200 |     69.852 |      0.0000 |      174.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        468 |     93.600 |     89.783 |      0.0000 |      225.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |        622 |     124.40 |     118.29 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   48.20978 |     9.6420 |     7.9665 |      0.0000 |      17.620 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       2577 |     515.40 |     422.23 |      0.0000 |      891.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       3623 |     724.60 |     597.04 |      0.0000 |      1353.0 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       4175 |     835.00 |     686.87 |      0.0000 |      1543.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   73.93377 |     14.787 |     15.764 |      0.0000 |      43.119 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |       3066 |     613.20 |     552.25 |      0.0000 |      1358.0 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |       5504 |     1100.8 |     1069.5 |      0.0000 |      2830.0 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       6100 |     1220.0 |     1174.9 |      0.0000 |      3084.0 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |    3.66136 |    0.73227 |    0.62942 |      0.0000 |      1.5393 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        513 |     102.60 |     87.035 |      0.0000 |      214.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        624 |     124.80 |     104.80 |      0.0000 |      252.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       3682 |     736.40 |     618.78 |      0.0000 |      1489.0 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |    5.95689 |     1.1914 |     1.2707 |      0.0000 |      3.4165 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        611 |     122.20 |     120.32 |      0.0000 |      299.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        951 |     190.20 |     191.02 |      0.0000 |      502.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       5673 |     1134.6 |     1138.5 |      0.0000 |      2991.0 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   1.269471 |    0.25389 |    0.22937 |      0.0000 |     0.54792 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        313 |     62.600 |     55.356 |      0.0000 |      141.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        366 |     73.200 |     64.073 |      0.0000 |      159.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       2162 |     432.40 |     378.34 |      0.0000 |      938.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         5 |   2.017573 |    0.40351 |    0.39891 |      0.0000 |      1.0148 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         5 |        400 |     80.000 |     75.821 |      0.0000 |      178.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         5 |        616 |     123.20 |     115.95 |      0.0000 |      293.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         5 |       3668 |     733.60 |     691.64 |      0.0000 |      1752.0 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -10321,13 +10323,13 @@ GaussGeo.FieldMgr         DEBUG Services to release :
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |           1          1          1 |   5.642e+01  5.642e+01 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           1          1          1 |   2.226e+01  2.226e+01 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           0          0          0 |   0.000e+00  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   7.867e+01  6.065e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |           2          2          2 |   5.642e+01  0.000e+00 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -10358,519 +10360,517 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 108140.000 | 110482.391 | 110482.391  110482.4     0.00 |       1 |   110.482 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 108130.000 | 110471.977 | 110471.977  110472.0     0.00 |       1 |   110.472 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1340.000 |  1346.796 | 1346.796    1346.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.347 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1310.000 |  1309.705 | 1309.705    1309.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.310 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.308 |    1.308       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1300.000 |  1306.875 | 1306.875    1306.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.307 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |    10.000 |     1.454 |    1.454       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |    10.000 |     1.424 |    1.424       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     2.429 |    2.429       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.701 |    1.701       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.585 |    1.585       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.213 |    1.213       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    21.103 |   21.103      21.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    20.557 |   20.557      20.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |    11.941 |   11.941      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |    11.364 |   11.364      11.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 106790.000 | 109125.117 | 109125.117  109125.1     0.00 |       1 |   109.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 47230.000 | 47851.281 | 47851.281   47851.3     0.00 |       1 |    47.851 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.073 |    1.073       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 47230.000 | 47850.176 | 47850.176   47850.2     0.00 |       1 |    47.850 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 47170.000 | 47797.281 | 47797.281   47797.3     0.00 |       1 |    47.797 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30390.000 | 30689.129 | 30689.129   30689.1     0.00 |       1 |    30.689 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 16760.000 | 17078.207 | 17078.209   17078.2     0.00 |       1 |    17.078 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     5.083 |    5.083       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    19.298 |   19.298      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.457 |    1.457       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     2.110 |    2.110       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     1.982 |    1.982       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     3.760 |    3.760       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     6.143 |    6.143       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.750 |    2.750       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.997 |    0.997       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.409 |    0.409       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.323       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.085       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     1.823 |    1.823       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.392 |    5.392       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.745 |    0.745       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.526 |    0.526       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.608 |    0.608       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    60.000 |    52.866 |   52.866      52.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.053 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.234 |    0.234       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    13.001 |   13.001      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |     6.802 |    6.802       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.063 |    1.063       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.831       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.797 |    0.797       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.998 |    0.998       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    40.000 |    38.652 |   38.652      38.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.871 |    0.871       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.724 |    0.724       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.739 |    0.739       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    10.000 |     2.840 |    2.840       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.861       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     2.260 |    2.260       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.582       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     2.609 |    2.609       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    10.000 |    15.823 |   15.823      15.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.701 |    0.701       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.159 |    1.159       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.470 |    1.470       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.013 |    1.013       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    19.516 |   19.516      19.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    19.004 |   19.004      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    10.000 |    16.988 |   16.988      17.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.960 |    1.960       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    13.933 |   13.933      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 86350.000 | 89199.812 | 89199.820   89199.8     0.00 |       1 |    89.200 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 86350.000 | 89194.055 | 89194.062   89194.1     0.00 |       1 |    89.194 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1370.000 |  1372.621 | 1372.621    1372.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.373 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1340.000 |  1335.098 | 1335.098    1335.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.335 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     1.041 |    1.041       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1330.000 |  1333.120 | 1333.120    1333.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.333 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.897       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.826 |    0.826       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     2.745 |    2.745       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.079 |    2.079       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.162 |    1.162       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.861       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    30.000 |    25.331 |   25.331      25.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.260       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    30.000 |    24.871 |   24.871      24.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     0.000 |     8.259 |    8.259       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     0.000 |     7.672 |    7.672       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 84980.000 | 87821.391 | 87821.391   87821.4     0.00 |       1 |    87.821 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 56970.000 | 58296.469 | 58296.469   58296.5     0.00 |       1 |    58.296 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 56970.000 | 58295.719 | 58295.719   58295.7     0.00 |       1 |    58.296 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 56890.000 | 58215.309 | 58215.309   58215.3     0.00 |       1 |    58.215 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30370.000 | 31079.160 | 31079.160   31079.2     0.00 |       1 |    31.079 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 26500.000 | 27106.889 | 27106.887   27106.9     0.00 |       1 |    27.107 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     7.485 |    7.485       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    16.571 |   16.571      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.403       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.846       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     0.916 |    0.916       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.524       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.693 |    1.693       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     6.773 |    6.773       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.565 |    2.565       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.908 |    0.908       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.199 |    1.199       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.156 |    1.156       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.540       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     0.555 |    0.555       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.243 |    1.243       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.291 |    2.291       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.088 |    5.088       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.091 |    1.091       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.711 |    0.711       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.350       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.693 |    0.693       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    80.000 |    80.395 |   80.395      80.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.578       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    15.166 |   15.166      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.518 |    6.518       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.386 |    2.386       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.661 |    1.661       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     1.320 |    1.320       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    60.000 |    64.006 |   64.006      64.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     1.274 |    1.274       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.201 |    1.201       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.771 |    0.771       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.820 |    0.820       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.483 |    4.483       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.868 |    1.868       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     1.030 |    1.030       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     5.003 |    5.003       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.709       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     4.135 |    4.135       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    20.000 |    25.589 |   25.589      25.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.873       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     2.037 |    2.037       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.522       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     3.265 |    3.265       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     3.257 |    3.257       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.276 |    2.276       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    22.346 |   22.346      22.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    21.353 |   21.353      21.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    19.315 |   19.315      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     2.876 |    2.876       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    15.519 |   15.519      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.175 |    0.175       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     1.998 |    1.998       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.270 |    1.270       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.428       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     0.549 |    0.549       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     2.028 |    2.028       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.476 |    1.476       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.754 |    0.754       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|    10.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    13.554 |   13.554      13.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    13.174 |   13.174      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.942 |   10.942      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.805 |    9.805       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    20.000 |    11.998 |   11.998      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    20.000 |    11.730 |   11.730      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |     9.291 |    9.291       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     8.565 |    8.565       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.220 |    2.220       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.474 |    1.474       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.543 |    0.543       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |    10.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.855 |    1.855       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     1.076 |    1.076       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |    10.000 |     0.457 |    0.457       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 25150.000 | 26640.191 | 26640.191   26640.2     0.00 |       1 |    26.640 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 25150.000 | 26639.852 | 26639.852   26639.9     0.00 |       1 |    26.640 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 25080.000 | 26571.428 | 26571.430   26571.4     0.00 |       1 |    26.571 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 25060.000 | 26551.408 | 26551.406   26551.4     0.00 |       1 |    26.551 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |     1.591 |    1.591       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    15.671 |   15.671      15.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.723 |    0.723       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.189 |    1.189       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.201 |    1.201       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.548 |    2.548       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     7.278 |    7.278       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     3.605 |    3.605       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     1.117 |    1.117       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |    10.000 |     1.153 |    1.153       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.345 |    1.345       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.141 |    2.141       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.331 |    0.331       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.622 |    0.622       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    70.000 |    68.398 |   68.398      68.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    20.000 |    12.216 |   12.216      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     6.021 |    6.021       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.455       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.339       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.498 |    1.498       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.888 |    0.888       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |    10.000 |     1.046 |    1.046       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.481       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    55.507 |   55.507      55.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     2.845 |    2.845       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.230 |    1.230       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.158 |    1.158       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     4.718 |    4.718       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.876 |    4.876       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    29.451 |   29.451      29.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.816 |    0.816       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.348 |    0.348       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |    10.000 |     1.266 |    1.266       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.317       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.418 |    1.418       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.268 |    1.268       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 34380.000 | 34600.480 | 34600.477   34600.5     0.00 |       1 |    34.600 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 34380.000 | 34599.895 | 34599.895   34599.9     0.00 |       1 |    34.600 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 34310.000 | 34540.641 | 34540.641   34540.6     0.00 |       1 |    34.541 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.594 |    1.594       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 34300.000 | 34522.535 | 34522.539   34522.5     0.00 |       1 |    34.523 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     2.207 |    2.207       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |    12.038 |   12.038      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.303       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.481 |    0.481       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.039 |    1.039       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    10.000 |     6.251 |    6.251       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     3.238 |    3.238       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|    10.000 |     0.939 |    0.939       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.980       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.618 |    0.618       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.349 |    1.349       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     2.105 |    2.105       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    70.000 |    59.236 |   59.236      59.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.059 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.390 |    0.390       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    20.000 |    10.202 |   10.202      10.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.163 |    5.163       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.826 |    0.826       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.989 |    0.989       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.070 |    1.070       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.474 |    0.474       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    50.000 |    48.199 |   48.199      48.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.048 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.830 |    0.830       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.765       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.489 |    0.489       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.955 |    0.955       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.703       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     1.621 |    1.621       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     4.248 |    4.248       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    30.000 |    26.970 |   26.970      27.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.697 |    0.697       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.156 |    1.156       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.739 |    1.739       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.748 |    1.748       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.460 |    1.460       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 18040.000 | 18995.545 | 18995.543   18995.5     0.00 |       1 |    18.996 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 18040.000 | 18995.279 | 18995.279   18995.3     0.00 |       1 |    18.995 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 17970.000 | 18928.145 | 18928.145   18928.1     0.00 |       1 |    18.928 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 17950.000 | 18911.559 | 18911.559   18911.6     0.00 |       1 |    18.912 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |     2.172 |    2.172       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    11.599 |   11.599      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.743 |    0.743       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.214 |    1.214       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |     0.000 |     5.371 |    5.371       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.458 |    2.458       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.796 |    0.796       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.934 |    0.934       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.419       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.371       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |    10.000 |     0.566 |    0.566       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.919 |    0.919       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.266 |    2.266       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    70.000 |    67.120 |   67.120      67.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    20.000 |    12.395 |   12.395      12.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     6.362 |    6.362       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.991 |    0.991       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.083 |    1.083       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |    10.000 |     1.243 |    1.243       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     1.000 |    1.000       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    54.047 |   54.047      54.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.416       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.093 |    4.093       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.587 |    1.587       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.834 |    0.834       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     3.463 |    3.463       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.128 |    4.128       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    26.034 |   26.034      26.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.401 |    1.401       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.947 |    1.947       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     1.998 |    1.998       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.778 |    1.778       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  9930.000 | 10494.972 | 10494.972   10495.0     0.00 |       1 |    10.495 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  9930.000 | 10494.468 | 10494.468   10494.5     0.00 |       1 |    10.494 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  9900.000 | 10454.746 | 10454.746   10454.7     0.00 |       1 |    10.455 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.352 |    2.352       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  9890.000 | 10444.278 | 10444.278   10444.3     0.00 |       1 |    10.444 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     5.596 |    5.596       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.420       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    10.000 |     2.554 |    2.554       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     1.150 |    1.150       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.327 |    1.327       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    30.000 |    39.709 |   39.709      39.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |     9.378 |    9.378       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     5.154 |    5.154       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.719       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.973 |    0.973       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    29.934 |   29.934      29.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.049 |    2.049       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.754 |    0.754       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.229 |    1.229       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.501 |    2.501       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    15.574 |   15.574      15.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.750 |    0.750       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.986 |    0.986       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.163 |    1.163       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.738       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3364     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3177     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 76.1  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 15.2(+- 13.6)/ 0.01/ 34.3  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  328  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 54.3  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 10.9(+- 10.3)/ 0.01/ 26.5  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  288  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       4175 |     835.00 |     686.87 |      0.0000 |      1543.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        529 |     105.80 |     94.220 |      0.0000 |      245.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        474 |     94.800 |     79.131 |      0.0000 |      174.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       2733 |     546.60 |     447.01 |      5.0000 |      1020.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        735 |     735.00 |     0.0000 |      735.00 |      735.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         52 |     52.000 |     0.0000 |      52.000 |      52.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       3054 |     610.80 |     496.98 |      4.0000 |      1076.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        549 |     109.80 |     91.933 |      0.0000 |      213.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1312 |     262.40 |     265.98 |      0.0000 |      718.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       3682 |     736.40 |     618.78 |      0.0000 |      1489.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       3362 |     672.40 |     590.97 |      0.0000 |      1403.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |       1239 |     247.80 |     253.75 |      0.0000 |      681.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       2123 |     424.60 |     399.46 |      0.0000 |      1014.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       2162 |     432.40 |     378.34 |      0.0000 |      938.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        429 |     85.800 |     74.096 |      0.0000 |      179.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       1007 |     201.40 |     196.07 |      0.0000 |      442.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         5 |       6100 |     1220.0 |     1174.9 |      0.0000 |      3084.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         5 |        622 |     124.40 |     118.29 |      0.0000 |      295.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         5 |        392 |     78.400 |     65.448 |      0.0000 |      155.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |       3513 |     702.60 |     683.41 |      5.0000 |      1700.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       1194 |     1194.0 |     0.0000 |      1194.0 |      1194.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |       3893 |     778.60 |     755.01 |      4.0000 |      1908.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        731 |     146.20 |     142.47 |      0.0000 |      350.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         5 |       1431 |     286.20 |     288.23 |      0.0000 |      710.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       5673 |     1134.6 |     1138.5 |      0.0000 |      2991.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |       3176 |     635.20 |     546.52 |      0.0000 |      1237.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |        883 |     176.60 |     144.77 |      0.0000 |      312.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |       2293 |     458.60 |     407.14 |      0.0000 |      925.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |       3668 |     733.60 |     691.64 |      0.0000 |      1752.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         5 |        657 |     131.40 |     118.00 |      0.0000 |      284.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       1614 |     322.80 |     290.97 |      0.0000 |      676.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -10896,4 +10896,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050-caloonly.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050-caloonly.ref
index d68c8e30f..931b8dd9e 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050-caloonly.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050-caloonly.ref
@@ -72,16 +72,16 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {}
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Mon Oct 29 06:01:50 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:25:32 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ GaussGeo                   INFO Global 'G4MagneticField' is set to 'GiGaMagField
 GaussGeo                   INFO Global 'G4MagIntegratorStepper' is set to 'G4ClassicalRK4'
 RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
-HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
-RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
+HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
+RFileCnv                   INFO opening Root file "/cvmfs/" for reading
 GaussGeo.ZeroField         INFO createFieldMgr(): null magnetic field
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
 GaussGeo                   INFO =    Converted objects
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, ParticleGun, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |        438 |     43.800 |     32.317 |      6.0000 |      114.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       438 |0.0007160437 | 1.6348e-06 | 2.8755e-05 | -4.8893e-05 |  4.9463e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       438 |0.0007159622 | 1.6346e-06 | 2.8755e-05 | -4.8893e-05 |  4.9463e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       438 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "Original - Energy"                             |       438 |   1320.003 |     3.0137 |     16.998 |  2.0727e-05 |      194.97 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |       438 |        657 |     1.5000 |     1.7078 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |        399 |     39.900 |     22.142 |      19.000 |      94.000 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       399 |0.0006999238 | 1.7542e-06 | 2.9404e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9838e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       399 |0.0006991624 | 1.7523e-06 | 2.9601e-05 | -4.9952e-05 |  4.9800e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       399 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "Original - Energy"                             |       399 |   67708.07 |     169.69 |     811.61 |   0.0011891 |      6478.6 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |       399 |          8 |   0.020050 |    0.14017 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
@@ -730,80 +730,80 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   10561.47 |     1056.1 |     3.5401 |      1045.5 |      1057.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   10563.69 |     1056.4 |     3.7310 |      1045.2 |      1057.7 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   10561.47 |     1056.1 |     3.5401 |      1045.5 |      1057.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   10563.69 |     1056.4 |     3.7310 |      1045.2 |      1057.7 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    |  1462.000 |  1963.421 |  568.919   14053.6  4248.13 |      10 |    19.634 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               |  1461.000 |  1962.195 |  568.887   14041.8  4244.40 |      10 |    19.622 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |     1.000 |     0.615 |    0.215       4.0     1.19 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |     1.000 |     0.608 |    0.210       4.0     1.19 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     1.000 |     0.237 |    0.118       1.1     0.32 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     ParticleGun               |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.049       2.1     0.65 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.026       0.7     0.22 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.020       0.7     0.22 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  |  1460.000 |  1961.571 |  568.663   14037.7  4243.21 |      10 |    19.616 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               |  1460.000 |  1961.555 |  568.648   14037.7  4243.21 |      10 |    19.616 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.099       0.6     0.15 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            |  1460.000 |  1961.384 |  568.535   14037.1  4243.06 |      10 |    19.614 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              |  1458.000 |  1960.340 |  568.079   14033.5  4242.16 |      10 |    19.603 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |   837.000 |  1202.345 |    0.049   12022.6  3801.84 |      10 |    12.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |   621.000 |   757.306 |  567.732    2007.3   439.93 |      10 |     7.573 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.037       2.3     0.70 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.070       0.3     0.06 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.021       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.130       1.0     0.28 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.030       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.015       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.021       0.5     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |     2.000 |     1.035 |    0.434       3.6     0.94 |      10 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.051       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     2.000 |     0.368 |    0.083       1.5     0.43 |      10 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.014       0.4     0.16 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     2.000 |     0.075 |    0.017       0.5     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.021       0.3     0.13 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.009       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |     0.000 |     0.529 |    0.226       1.7     0.43 |      10 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.013       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.009       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.007       0.6     0.18 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.017       0.3     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.018       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.028       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    |  1464.000 |  2487.749 |  591.028   19300.1  5907.27 |      10 |    24.877 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               |  1464.000 |  2486.941 |  590.999   19292.4  5904.85 |      10 |    24.869 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |     1.000 |     0.569 |    0.184       3.7     1.10 |      10 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |     1.000 |     0.563 |    0.178       3.7     1.10 |      10 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.100       1.1     0.31 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     ParticleGun               |     1.000 |     0.248 |    0.044       2.0     0.63 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.022       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.016       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  |  1463.000 |  2486.362 |  590.793   19288.7  5903.75 |      10 |    24.864 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               |  1463.000 |  2486.347 |  590.779   19288.6  5903.75 |      10 |    24.863 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.089       0.5     0.12 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            |  1463.000 |  2486.203 |  590.678   19288.2  5903.63 |      10 |    24.862 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              |  1462.000 |  2485.310 |  590.300   19285.1  5902.87 |      10 |    24.853 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |   839.000 |  1861.102 |    0.037   18610.2  5885.02 |      10 |    18.611 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |   622.000 |   623.512 |  589.968     671.0    23.52 |      10 |     6.235 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     1.000 |     0.318 |    0.031       2.8     0.87 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.062       0.3     0.06 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.020       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.010       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.219 |    0.119       0.8     0.22 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.026       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.014       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.019       0.4     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |     1.000 |     0.883 |    0.370       3.0     0.78 |      10 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.044       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     1.000 |     0.333 |    0.075       1.4     0.39 |      10 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.012       0.4     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     1.000 |     0.072 |    0.015       0.5     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.021       0.3     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.189       1.4     0.34 |      10 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.012       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.009       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.006       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.015       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.017       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.025       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 6.21  [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.621(+-0.0298)/ 0.57/ 0.68  [s] #= 10
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 49.9  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 6.21  [s] Ave/Min/Max=0.621(+-0.0202)/ 0.59/ 0.66  [s] #= 10
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 46.9  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050.ref
index f370846e8..158b1248e 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-pgun-56000050.ref
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # \----- (End of User Gauss/Gauss) -------------------------------------------------------------------
 # GaussTape.ItemList    = ['/Event/Gen/Header#1', '/Event/MC/Header#1', '/Event/Gen/BeamParameters#1', '/Event/Gen/Collisions#1', '/Event/pSim/MCVertices#1', '/Event/pSim/MCParticles#1', '/Event/pSim/Velo/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/PuVeto/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/IT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/OT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/TT/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Muon/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Spd/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Prs/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Ecal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Hcal/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Hits#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Tracks#1', '/Event/pSim/Rich/Segments#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Particles2MCRichTracks#1', '/Event/Link/MC/Rich/Hits2MCRichOpticalPhotons#1']
 # GaussTape.OptItemList = ['/Event/Gen/HepMCEvents#1']
-# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20180726-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
+# WARNING: Default global tags will be overridden with the latest ones available for '2016' data type: {'DDDB': 'dddb-20181113-3', 'SIMCOND': 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100'}
 # WARNING: Latest unbound local tags on top of the latest global tags of 2016 data type(s) are added: {'DDDB': ['rich-20140220']}
 # WARNING: local tags in DDDB are ignored
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 05:57:16 2018
+                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:27:23 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
-ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20180726-3' corresponding to 05002a3c11db60349dbc247e1bccb0b833f9c41d
+ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO using commit 'dddb-20181113-3' corresponding to be0330fb2a31b79da4c070bfa0c63e3f1f21c2d2
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
 ToolSvc.GitSIMCOND         INFO using commit 'sim-20161124-1-vc-md100' corresponding to 7b54d919ab54f3a716e32ae2f90c9de6a8ec26e9
 DetectorPersistencySvc     INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, ParticleGun, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |         36 |     3.6000 |     5.1420 |      0.0000 |      15.000 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |       1322 |     132.20 |     184.48 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |       1316 |     131.60 |     184.73 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |        618 |     61.800 |     85.489 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |        624 |     62.400 |     85.200 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |       1128 |     112.80 |     149.67 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |       1130 |     113.00 |     149.55 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |        10 |         31 |     3.1000 |     2.3000 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
@@ -1061,37 +1061,37 @@ CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        14 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |        618 |     61.800 |     85.489 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |        624 |     62.400 |     85.200 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       618 |0.001390171 | 2.2495e-06 | 2.8384e-05 | -4.9442e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       618 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       618 |   286.9496 |    0.46432 |     1.0510 |  1.2088e-05 |      8.4264 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       618 |        927 |     1.5000 |     1.7078 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       618 |   286.9482 |    0.46432 |     1.0510 |      0.0000 |      8.4264 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       618 |        927 |     1.5000 |     1.7078 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       624 |0.001495619 | 2.3968e-06 | 2.8422e-05 | -4.9442e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       624 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       624 |   287.7435 |    0.46113 |     1.0467 |  1.2088e-05 |      8.4264 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       624 |        936 |     1.5000 |     1.7078 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       624 |    287.742 |    0.46113 |     1.0467 |      0.0000 |      8.4264 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       624 |        936 |     1.5000 |     1.7078 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |       1322 |     132.20 |     184.48 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |       1316 |     131.60 |     184.73 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1322 |0.0003569603 | 2.7002e-07 | 2.9461e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1322 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1322 |   2229.808 |     1.6867 |     8.3515 |  1.3711e-05 |      159.21 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1322 |       1993 |     1.5076 |     1.7049 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1322 |   2229.807 |     1.6867 |     8.3515 |      0.0000 |      159.21 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1322 |       1993 |     1.5076 |     1.7049 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1316 |6.156423e-05 | 4.6781e-08 | 2.9402e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1316 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1316 |   2271.031 |     1.7257 |     8.8455 |  1.3711e-05 |      189.09 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1316 |       1984 |     1.5076 |     1.7048 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1316 |   2271.031 |     1.7257 |     8.8455 |      0.0000 |      189.09 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1316 |       1984 |     1.5076 |     1.7048 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |       1128 |     112.80 |     149.67 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |       1130 |     113.00 |     149.55 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1128 |0.0009433215 | 8.3628e-07 | 2.9241e-05 | -4.9876e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1128 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1128 |   65494.63 |     58.063 |     437.51 |   0.0031619 |      6432.0 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1128 |          3 |  0.0026596 |   0.051502 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1128 |   65494.63 |     58.063 |     437.51 |   0.0032000 |      6432.0 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1128 |          3 |  0.0026596 |   0.051502 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1130 |0.0006084928 | 5.3849e-07 | 2.9378e-05 | -4.9876e-05 |  4.9972e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1130 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      1130 |   65462.27 |     57.931 |     436.66 |   0.0031619 |      6432.0 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      1130 |          3 |  0.0026549 |   0.051457 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1130 |   65462.27 |     57.931 |     436.66 |   0.0032000 |      6432.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1130 |          3 |  0.0026549 |   0.051457 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |         31 |     3.1000 |     2.3000 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
@@ -1108,30 +1108,30 @@ UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |        10 |         36 |     3.6000 |     5.1420 |      0.0000 |      15.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        36 |-1.367337e-06 |-3.7982e-08 | 3.1212e-07 | -4.6515e-07 |  4.8732e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        36 |-6.185096e-07 |-1.7181e-08 | 2.8163e-07 | -4.8299e-07 |  4.9228e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        36 |6.68796e-07 | 1.8578e-08 | 2.7314e-07 | -4.8280e-07 |  4.9467e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        36 |-4.772837e-06 |-1.3258e-07 | 5.2606e-07 | -9.7656e-07 |  9.2879e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |-6.027611e-05 |-1.6743e-06 | 3.5225e-05 | -4.9838e-05 |  4.9703e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |-8.879377e-05 |-2.4665e-06 | 2.9486e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9918e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |-0.0001356182 |-3.7672e-06 | 3.1874e-05 | -4.9642e-05 |  4.9534e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |-0.005226159 |-0.00014517 |  0.0026106 |  -0.0047750 |   0.0049015 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        36 |3.511568e-06 | 9.7544e-08 | 2.7936e-06 | -4.9990e-06 |  4.8338e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  -15.65325 |   -0.43481 |     2.8290 |     -10.675 |      9.4834 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        36 |   19.52958 |    0.54249 |     2.9294 |     -2.9593 |      16.671 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        36 |-1.379237e-06 |-3.8312e-08 | 3.1256e-07 | -4.6515e-07 |  4.8732e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        36 |-6.437693e-07 |-1.7882e-08 | 2.8175e-07 | -4.8299e-07 |  4.9228e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        36 |7.659176e-07 | 2.1275e-08 | 2.7371e-07 | -4.8280e-07 |  4.9467e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        36 |-4.23272e-06 |-1.1758e-07 | 5.2846e-07 | -9.7656e-07 |  9.2879e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |-6.142202e-05 |-1.7062e-06 | 3.5218e-05 | -4.9838e-05 |  4.9703e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |8.81369e-06 | 2.4482e-07 | 2.9536e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9918e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |-0.0001356268 |-3.7674e-06 | 3.1874e-05 | -4.9642e-05 |  4.9534e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |-0.005276851 |-0.00014658 |  0.0026088 |  -0.0047750 |   0.0049015 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        36 |3.522072e-06 | 9.7835e-08 | 2.7937e-06 | -4.9990e-06 |  4.8338e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  -15.66405 |   -0.43511 |     2.8297 |     -10.675 |      9.4834 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        36 |   19.52683 |    0.54241 |     2.9295 |     -2.9621 |      16.671 |
  | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        36 |   160.0714 |     4.4464 |     2.2921 |     -5.0107 |      5.0601 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        36 | 0.07696323 |  0.0021379 |  0.0022103 |  0.00068651 |    0.011768 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        36 | 0.07696377 |  0.0021379 |  0.0022103 |  0.00068651 |    0.011768 |
  | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |   -18401.8 |    -511.16 |     1436.7 |     -2304.4 |      3753.9 |
  | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |   409.5157 |     11.375 |     873.96 |     -1598.0 |      1422.2 |
  | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |   435389.7 |     12094. |     136.36 |      11959. |      12266. |
  | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |   290530.8 |     8070.3 |     13224. |      1.6500 |      47010. |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |        36 |   1479.316 |     41.092 |     1.4030 |      39.966 |      46.499 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  -15.65325 |   -0.43481 |     2.8290 |     -10.675 |      9.4834 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        36 |   19.52958 |    0.54249 |     2.9294 |     -2.9593 |      16.671 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        36 |  -15.66404 |   -0.43511 |     2.8297 |     -10.675 |      9.4834 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        36 |   19.52683 |    0.54241 |     2.9295 |     -2.9621 |      16.671 |
  | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        36 |   160.0714 |     4.4464 |     2.2921 |     -5.0107 |      5.0601 |
  | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        36 |   0.076968 |  0.0021380 |  0.0022101 |  0.00068600 |    0.011768 |
  | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        36 |   -18401.8 |    -511.16 |     1436.7 |     -2304.4 |      3753.9 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |   409.5158 |     11.375 |     873.96 |     -1598.0 |      1422.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        36 |   409.5157 |     11.375 |     873.96 |     -1598.0 |      1422.2 |
  | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        36 |   435389.7 |     12094. |     136.36 |      11959. |      12266. |
  | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        36 |   290530.8 |     8070.3 |     13224. |      1.6500 |      47010. |
  | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        36 |   1479.316 |     41.092 |     1.4030 |      39.966 |      46.499 |
@@ -1142,121 +1142,121 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   11766.54 |     1176.7 |     27.487 |      1094.2 |      1185.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |    11768.1 |     1176.8 |     27.677 |      1093.8 |      1186.0 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |   11766.54 |     1176.7 |     27.487 |      1094.2 |      1185.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |        10 |    11768.1 |     1176.8 |     27.677 |      1093.8 |      1186.0 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    |  4212.000 |  4244.782 |  688.451   34186.1 10524.86 |      10 |    42.448 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               |  4211.000 |  4244.032 |  688.162   34179.5 10522.80 |      10 |    42.440 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.221       3.8     1.13 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.214       3.8     1.13 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.123       1.1     0.31 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     ParticleGun               |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.044       2.1     0.65 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.023       0.6     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.016       0.6     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  |  4211.000 |  4243.388 |  687.773   34175.7 10521.67 |      10 |    42.434 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               |  4211.000 |  4243.372 |  687.750   34175.6 10521.67 |      10 |    42.434 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.088       0.6     0.14 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            |  4211.000 |  4243.192 |  687.536   34175.1 10521.54 |      10 |    42.432 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              |  4208.000 |  4236.772 |  686.442   34127.4 10507.00 |      10 |    42.368 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  3145.000 |  3175.358 |    0.055   31751.8 10040.75 |      10 |    31.754 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  1059.000 |  1059.239 |  684.736    2364.4   552.07 |      10 |    10.592 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     1.000 |     0.344 |    0.036       2.8     0.86 |      10 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     1.000 |     1.131 |    0.314       4.9     1.40 |      10 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.006       0.7     0.25 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.007       0.7     0.21 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     1.000 |     0.480 |    0.126       2.6     0.75 |      10 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.020       1.1     0.33 |      10 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     1.000 |     0.037 |    0.010       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.010       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.007       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.028       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.006       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.016       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.007       0.4     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     2.000 |     0.631 |    0.270       3.3     0.95 |      10 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.018       0.8     0.24 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.013       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.017       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.014       0.4     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.011       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.012       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.014       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.013       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     1.000 |     0.040 |    0.012       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |     3.000 |     6.409 |    0.856      47.7    14.58 |      10 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.052       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.026       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     0.000 |     4.185 |    0.162      38.6    12.10 |      10 |     0.042 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.016       0.6     0.19 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.009       0.6     0.18 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    |  4016.000 |  4846.137 |  687.712   40832.4 12646.11 |      10 |    48.461 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               |  4016.000 |  4845.561 |  687.677   40827.2 12644.49 |      10 |    48.456 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.186       4.5     1.37 |      10 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.180       4.5     1.37 |      10 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.105       0.8     0.23 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     ParticleGun               |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.041       1.6     0.50 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.021       2.0     0.64 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.014       2.0     0.64 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  |  4016.000 |  4844.909 |  687.478   40822.7 12643.12 |      10 |    48.449 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               |  4016.000 |  4844.893 |  687.465   40822.7 12643.12 |      10 |    48.449 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.091       0.4     0.09 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            |  4016.000 |  4844.754 |  687.362   40822.3 12643.02 |      10 |    48.448 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              |  4013.000 |  4825.038 |  686.579   40640.4 12586.04 |      10 |    48.250 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  3060.000 |  3868.899 |    0.047   38687.8 12234.11 |      10 |    38.689 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |   950.000 |   954.591 |  685.874    1945.3   408.00 |      10 |     9.546 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     1.000 |     0.202 |    0.032       1.5     0.45 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     2.000 |     0.793 |    0.271       3.4     0.96 |      10 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.021       0.1     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.007       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     0.080 |    0.008       0.4     0.12 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.125       1.9     0.53 |      10 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.019       0.7     0.20 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.010       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.026       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.016       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.007       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.017       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.008       0.3     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.503 |    0.263       2.3     0.65 |      10 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.019       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.014       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.018       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.014       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.013       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.012       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |     3.000 |    19.707 |    0.713     181.9    56.99 |      10 |     0.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.045       0.2     0.04 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.026       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     1.000 |    17.679 |    0.151     174.1    54.98 |      10 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.014       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.008       0.4     0.13 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.005       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.013       0.4     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.008       0.4     0.12 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.021       0.6     0.18 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.009       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     3.571 |    0.019      35.5    11.20 |      10 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |     3.000 |     2.037 |    0.513       8.4     2.57 |      10 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.013       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.009       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.006       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.016       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     1.000 |     0.020 |    0.009       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.004       0.5     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.004       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.004       0.4     0.13 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.011       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.012       0.4     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.011       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.012       0.3     0.09 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     1.000 |     0.099 |    0.005       0.4     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.005       2.2     0.82 |      10 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.004       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.013       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.005       0.3     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.004       0.7     0.23 |      10 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.005       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.012       0.4     0.12 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.008       0.4     0.12 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.020       0.5     0.15 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.009       0.3     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     1.000 |    17.169 |    0.016     171.5    54.22 |      10 |     0.172 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |     2.000 |     1.878 |    0.452       7.2     2.24 |      10 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.012       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.010       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.008       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.006       0.2     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.015       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.004       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.004       0.4     0.11 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.004       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.013       0.2     0.07 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.012       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.013       0.3     0.08 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.005       0.4     0.14 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     2.000 |     0.532 |    0.005       2.2     0.83 |      10 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.005       0.1     0.04 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.005       0.3     0.10 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.005       0.7     0.21 |      10 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.025       0.6     0.18 |      10 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.010       0.0     0.01 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.004       0.1     0.05 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.025       0.5     0.17 |      10 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |      10 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.005       0.2     0.06 |      10 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 231      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -1264,14 +1264,14 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 10.6  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 1.06(+-0.521)/ 0.69/ 2.36  [s] #= 10
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 87.3  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  9.5  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 0.95(+-0.377)/ 0.69/ 1.91  [s] #= 10
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 81.2  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |        10 |       1128 |     112.80 |     149.67 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |        10 |       1130 |     113.00 |     149.55 |      19.000 |      484.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |        10 |         31 |     3.1000 |     2.3000 |      0.0000 |      7.0000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |        10 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |        10 |        153 |     15.300 |     20.030 |      1.0000 |      63.000 |
@@ -1281,11 +1281,11 @@ ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 87.3  [s]
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |        10 |        238 |     23.800 |     31.006 |      2.0000 |      98.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |        10 |         36 |     3.6000 |     5.1420 |      0.0000 |      15.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |        10 |        104 |     10.400 |     13.872 |      0.0000 |      44.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |        10 |       1322 |     132.20 |     184.48 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |        10 |       1316 |     131.60 |     184.73 |      0.0000 |      623.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |        10 |        231 |     23.100 |     34.613 |      0.0000 |      91.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |        10 |         61 |     6.1000 |     18.300 |      0.0000 |      61.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |        10 |        170 |     17.000 |     32.345 |      0.0000 |      91.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |        10 |        618 |     61.800 |     85.489 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |        10 |        624 |     62.400 |     85.200 |      0.0000 |      288.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |        10 |         20 |     2.0000 |     3.3466 |      0.0000 |      10.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |        10 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
@@ -1311,4 +1311,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10

From b429a27f4ff14c0cfd99a31c13d1126d6e34f1ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gloria Corti <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 18:07:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] update tests due to chnage in GenFSR optional and
 possibility to attach sensDet to GMDL volumes

 .../tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref    |  628 +++----
 .../refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref  | 1504 +++++++++--------
 .../tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref |  837 ++++-----
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia6.ref    |  165 +-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref    |  166 +-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia6.ref    |  167 +-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref    |  165 +-
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref   | 1061 ++++++------
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref    |  984 +++++------
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref   |  257 +--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref   |  674 ++++----
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref   |  256 +--
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref    |  996 +++++------
 .../refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref    |  990 +++++------
 14 files changed, 4521 insertions(+), 4329 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
index b527cd8ed..f7ccaf7c1 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-DEV-spillover.ref
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.109999999999999e-24
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.459, -0.015, 0.5]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 82.03
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 3500000.0
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:40:30 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:44:33 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO   Rich Max Mirror reflectivity R1M1 R1M2 R2M1 R2
 RichG4TrackActionPhotOpt   INFO  Total Photon suppress factor for Aerogel Rich1Gas Rich2Gas 0.297488    0.273167    0.285066
 GiGa                       INFO Used Tracking Action Object is GiGaTrackActionSequence/GiGa.TrackSeq
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Stepping Action Object is GiGaStepActionSequence/GiGa.StepSeq
-RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114-histos.root
+RootHistSvc                INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181126-histos.root
 HistogramPersistencySvc    INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
 HistogramDataSvc           INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as GaussCalo
 GiGa                       INFO Used  Event Action Object is GiGaEventActionSequence/GiGa.EventSeq
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:42:18    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:45:29    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -574,9 +575,9 @@ OTHitMonitorNextNext....   INFO            Eta cut          : -1.79769e+308 < P
 DataUnpackTestNextNext     INFO Member list: UnpackMCVertex/UnpackMCVertexNextNext, UnpackMCParticle/UnpackMCParticleNextNext, CompareMCVertex/CompareMCVertexNextNext, CompareMCParticle/CompareMCParticleNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPuVetoHitPacker>/CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/UnpackVeloHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCVeloHitPacker>/CheckVeloHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/UnpackTTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCTTHitPacker>/CheckTTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/UnpackITHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCITHitPacker>/CheckITHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/UnpackOTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCOTHitPacker>/CheckOTHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/UnpackRichHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/UnpackRichOpPhotNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/UnpackRichSegmentsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/UnpackRichTracksNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichHitPacker>/CheckRichHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonPacker>/CheckRichOpPhotNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichSegmentPacker>/CheckRichSegmentsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCRichTrackPacker>/CheckRichTracksNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/UnpackSpdHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCSpdHitPacker>/CheckSpdHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/UnpackPrsHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCPrsHitPacker>/CheckPrsHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/UnpackEcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCEcalHitPacker>/CheckEcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/UnpackHcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCHcalHitPacker>/CheckHcalHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Unpack<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/UnpackMuonHitsNextNext, DataPacking::Check<LHCb::MCMuonHitPacker>/CheckMuonHitsNextNext, with rootInTES 'NextNext/'
 GenFSRSeq                  INFO Member list:
 EventPersistencySvc        INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
-GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+GaussTape                  INFO Data source: EventDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181126.sim' SVC='RootCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 FileRecordPersistencySvc   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:FileRecordCnvSvc
-FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
+FSROutputStreamGaussTape   INFO Data source: FileRecordDataSvc output: DATAFILE='Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181126.sim' SVC='FileRecordCnvSvc' OPT='REC'
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector"
 EventLoopMgr            WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
@@ -932,7 +933,7 @@ GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'
 NextNextEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 1769989743, 0]
 GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	2
 GiGaGetNextNextEvent       INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3
-IODataManager              INFO Referring to dataset Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim by its file ID:EE797A2A-B7E7-E811-91BF-02163E01BFAC
+IODataManager              INFO Referring to dataset Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181126.sim by its file ID:D6146147-1DF1-E811-9927-02163E01BE69
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1474865432, 0]
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 1139999521, 0]
 GaussGenNextNext           INFO Evt 2,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 2 with seeds [1082, 2, 590814074, 0]
@@ -985,7 +986,7 @@ Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 30000000  Hard Generator
  generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 15 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 2 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 5 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 10 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 5 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 0 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 0 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 23 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 111  value: 4 / f + g -> f + g                key: 128  value: 4 / g + g -> g + g                key: 168  value: 5 / Elastic scattering            key: 191  value: 7 / Double  diffractive           key: 194  value: 3 /
-cross-sections: All included subprocesses   ý  key: 0  value: 77.1056 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 14.9061 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 14.9061 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 18.6327 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 0 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 0 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00351894 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 2.84508e-08 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.00395446 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0179079 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
+cross-sections: All included subprocesses     key: 0  value: 77.1056 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 14.9061 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 14.9061 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 18.6327 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 0 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 0 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00351894 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 2.84508e-08 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.00395446 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0179079 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
@@ -2607,345 +2608,345 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6859.356 |     1371.9 |     17.672 |      1336.6 |      1382.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6854.676 |     1370.9 |     17.742 |      1335.5 |      1381.8 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6820.856 |     1364.2 |     31.848 |      1300.5 |      1380.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |     6816.7 |     1363.3 |     31.977 |      1299.4 |      1380.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6700.064 |     1340.0 |     78.628 |      1182.8 |      1380.0 |
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6700.064 |     1340.0 |     78.628 |      1182.8 |      1380.0 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6700.064 |     1340.0 |     78.628 |      1182.8 |      1380.0 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |    6704.08 |     1340.8 |     78.557 |      1183.7 |      1380.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         5 |   6700.064 |     1340.0 |     78.628 |      1182.8 |      1380.0 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 53648.000 | 56657.633 | 17618.713  108754.3 34578.09 |       5 |   283.288 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 52988.000 | 55491.832 | 17417.188  104902.9 33193.92 |       5 |   277.459 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   278.000 |   283.838 |   11.822    1306.3   571.68 |       5 |     1.419 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   266.000 |   267.952 |    0.745    1284.5   568.31 |       5 |     1.340 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.155       1.1     0.40 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   266.000 |   266.302 |    0.516    1277.7   565.45 |       5 |     1.332 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.250 |    0.032       5.7     2.47 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.238 |    0.025       5.6     2.46 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    12.000 |    13.079 |    0.338      21.0     7.64 |       5 |     0.065 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.088       0.8     0.27 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    12.000 |    12.591 |    0.188      19.9     7.37 |       5 |     0.063 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.022       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.015       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     0.000 |     2.790 |    0.224      10.7     4.49 |       5 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.084       0.5     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.509 |    0.051      10.5     4.52 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.028       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.020       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 52710.000 | 55207.984 | 17405.354  103596.6 32716.13 |       5 |   276.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 25594.000 | 26673.436 |   89.615   58857.8 22652.04 |       5 |   133.367 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     2.000 |     0.215 |    0.090       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 25592.000 | 26673.207 |   89.440   58857.2 22651.88 |       5 |   133.366 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 25534.000 | 26615.445 |   88.743   58782.1 22623.25 |       5 |   133.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  6106.000 |  6450.112 |    0.589   32242.5 14418.38 |       5 |    32.251 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 19416.000 | 20149.307 |   84.702   37662.9 14173.33 |       5 |   100.747 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.369 |    0.255       4.8     1.75 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    12.000 |    11.506 |    1.468      19.8     6.84 |       5 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.022       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     2.000 |     0.811 |    0.010       1.6     0.58 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.136       1.2     0.40 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.032       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     1.082 |    0.013       1.7     0.66 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     8.000 |     6.118 |    1.178      10.8     3.54 |       5 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     3.021 |    1.075       5.6     1.64 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     2.000 |     0.813 |    0.011       1.5     0.55 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     2.000 |     1.104 |    0.011       1.9     0.73 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     2.000 |     0.503 |    0.008       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.028       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     0.521 |    0.018       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.011       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.007       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.008       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.007       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.224 |    0.008       2.2     0.86 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.086 |    0.273       4.2     1.44 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.021       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.017       0.4     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.017       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.015       0.3     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.014       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.014       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.014       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.013       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    58.000 |    57.750 |    0.687      99.0    36.43 |       5 |     0.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.047       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.014       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.025       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     8.000 |     5.317 |    0.114      12.1     4.51 |       5 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     4.000 |     2.148 |    0.015       6.1     2.37 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.009       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.005       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.376 |    0.006       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.011       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     2.000 |     0.581 |    0.008       1.1     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     2.000 |     0.735 |    0.008       1.2     0.52 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.009       0.4     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.018       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    50.000 |    51.704 |    0.470      90.9    32.84 |       5 |     0.259 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.016       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.012       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.009       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     2.000 |     0.380 |    0.007       0.7     0.27 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.016       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.006       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.086       0.2     0.04 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     2.000 |     4.252 |    0.006       9.1     3.25 |       5 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     4.000 |     1.630 |    0.005       2.6     1.04 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     2.000 |     0.933 |    0.004       1.7     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.012       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     3.210 |    0.004       6.0     2.22 |       5 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     2.000 |     0.224 |    0.014       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.014       0.8     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.014       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.014       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     6.000 |     4.254 |    0.005       7.4     2.69 |       5 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    28.000 |    26.742 |    0.006      46.6    16.84 |       5 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.005       1.1     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.005       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.013       0.5     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.090 |    0.006       1.9     0.71 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.012       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.527 |    0.005       3.2     1.16 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.012       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     4.000 |     1.636 |    0.004       3.3     1.19 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.011       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.004       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.011       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.625 |    0.005       3.1     1.18 |       5 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 23554.000 | 24720.939 |   35.550   44717.6 16104.66 |       5 |   123.605 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.139       0.4     0.09 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 23554.000 | 24720.721 |   35.398   44717.2 16104.58 |       5 |   123.604 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 23468.000 | 24636.299 |   34.760   44495.6 16030.54 |       5 |   123.181 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     4.000 |     2.268 |    0.082       4.0     1.45 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 23432.000 | 24602.279 |   27.421   44392.3 15999.63 |       5 |   123.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     2.664 |    0.046       5.2     1.83 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    24.000 |    24.705 |    2.585      83.4    33.15 |       5 |     0.124 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.042 |    0.009       2.2     0.81 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.821 |    0.010       1.6     0.58 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.397 |    0.009       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     4.000 |     1.410 |    0.009       2.4     0.91 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    18.000 |    18.182 |    2.432      71.9    30.09 |       5 |     0.091 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     9.880 |    0.124      41.1    17.51 |       5 |     0.049 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     2.000 |     2.365 |    0.012       9.7     4.10 |       5 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     2.000 |     2.986 |    0.013      12.2     5.17 |       5 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.646 |    0.009       1.2     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.033       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     2.164 |    0.283       7.4     3.01 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.018       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.009       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.816 |    0.009       1.4     0.50 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.008       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.098 |    0.011       1.5     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     6.000 |     4.310 |    1.626      11.6     4.28 |       5 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     4.000 |     1.243 |    0.327       4.0     1.60 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.057       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.024       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.014       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.017       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.015       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.017       0.4     0.18 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     2.000 |     1.760 |    0.018       7.5     3.19 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.016       0.6     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    86.000 |    84.412 |    0.630     221.6    82.18 |       5 |     0.422 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.047       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.014       1.1     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.023       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     8.000 |     6.484 |    0.124      15.7     5.68 |       5 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     2.567 |    0.016       8.2     3.24 |       5 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.010       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.005       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.006       1.0     0.38 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     2.000 |     0.543 |    0.013       1.1     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.008       1.3     0.48 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.986 |    0.009       1.8     0.63 |       5 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.009       0.5     0.20 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.353 |    0.020       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    78.000 |    77.026 |    0.404     203.7    75.74 |       5 |     0.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.015       1.2     0.43 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.012       1.2     0.45 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.010       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     2.000 |     0.573 |    0.008       1.0     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.006       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.014       0.4     0.15 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     6.000 |     5.201 |    0.005      10.0     3.66 |       5 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.013       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     2.058 |    0.005       4.1     1.49 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.013       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     4.000 |     1.354 |    0.004       2.8     1.09 |       5 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.013       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     4.442 |    0.005       7.4     2.93 |       5 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.444 |    0.015       1.6     0.64 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     2.000 |     0.778 |    0.015       2.6     1.08 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.014       0.8     0.31 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.015       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     8.000 |     6.705 |    0.006      20.5     7.96 |       5 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|    42.000 |    43.026 |    0.006     133.4    52.01 |       5 |     0.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     2.000 |     0.809 |    0.005       2.1     0.77 |       5 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.014       0.3     0.12 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.291 |    0.005       1.7     0.72 |       5 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.255 |    0.012       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     2.039 |    0.005       2.8     1.15 |       5 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.013       0.6     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     2.260 |    0.005       3.2     1.29 |       5 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.005       0.6     0.20 |       5 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     1.708 |    0.005       2.4     0.96 |       5 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  3562.000 |  3813.581 |    0.191   17280.2  7566.49 |       5 |    19.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.171       0.5     0.14 |       5 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  5936.666 |  6355.546 |   20.605   17280.0  9501.01 |       3 |    19.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  5913.333 |  6333.695 |   18.418   17223.6  9470.99 |       3 |    19.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.056 |    0.344       3.5     1.59 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  5906.666 |  6324.608 |   10.383   17209.5  9466.85 |       3 |    18.974 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.937 |    0.392       1.7     0.68 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     3.333 |     5.112 |    1.536      10.1     4.43 |       3 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.032       0.1     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.010       0.5     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.009       0.5     0.24 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.009       0.5     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     3.333 |     0.392 |    0.009       1.0     0.54 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     3.240 |    0.382       5.8     2.72 |       3 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.145 |    0.113       3.4     1.78 |       3 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.017       0.9     0.47 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.017       1.0     0.55 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.012       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.036       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.018       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.014       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.009       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.009       0.6     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.009       0.1     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.011       0.5     0.26 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.908 |    0.347       1.9     0.83 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.026       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.019       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.024       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.012       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.017       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.013       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.027       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.017       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    23.333 |    21.840 |    2.176      56.4    30.02 |       3 |     0.066 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.047       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.017       0.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     3.333 |     0.125 |    0.029       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |     2.722 |    1.374       5.3     2.20 |       3 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.121       1.8     0.97 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.035       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.028       0.3     0.13 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.025       0.5     0.25 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.115       0.5     0.21 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.112       0.7     0.31 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.113       0.9     0.46 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.039       0.3     0.15 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.023       0.8     0.39 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    20.000 |    18.809 |    0.486      50.5    27.58 |       3 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.019       0.3     0.13 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.013       0.4     0.19 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.011       0.3     0.18 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.008       0.4     0.18 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.023       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.007       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.006       2.3     1.24 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.427 |    0.006       1.1     0.63 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.005       1.7     0.90 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.087 |    0.005       3.0     1.68 |       3 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.2     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.043       0.3     0.12 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.016       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.015       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     3.333 |     1.647 |    0.007       4.7     2.64 |       3 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|     6.666 |    10.186 |    0.007      29.0    16.31 |       3 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     3.333 |     0.220 |    0.006       0.6     0.33 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.006       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.016       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.006       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.014       0.1     0.06 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.005       1.1     0.58 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.013       0.2     0.08 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.720 |    0.005       1.7     0.90 |       3 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.005       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.014       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     3.333 |     0.427 |    0.005       1.0     0.52 |       3 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GenFSRSeq                    |     0.000 |     0.003 |    0.003       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   652.000 |  1164.461 |  201.398    3845.5  1517.00 |       5 |     5.822 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 76580.000 | 79364.344 | 24102.658  141656.4 45304.88 |       5 |   396.822 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 75852.000 | 77911.133 | 23893.260  136332.9 43534.11 |       5 |   389.556 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |   284.000 |   285.960 |   12.928    1295.1   564.32 |       5 |     1.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |   268.000 |   269.115 |    2.601    1272.7   561.12 |       5 |     1.346 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     2.000 |     0.423 |    0.204       1.2     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |   266.000 |   266.877 |    2.162    1264.2   557.66 |       5 |     1.334 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.762 |    0.163       7.2     3.06 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.736 |    0.149       7.2     3.05 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    14.000 |    14.008 |    0.606      21.5     7.88 |       5 |     0.070 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.151       0.9     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    14.000 |    13.266 |    0.299      20.3     7.59 |       5 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.134       0.6     0.16 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.311 |    0.120       0.5     0.16 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     2.000 |     2.811 |    0.301       9.7     3.95 |       5 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     2.000 |     0.282 |    0.128       0.6     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.197 |    0.062       8.4     3.54 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.029       0.9     0.44 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.021       0.9     0.43 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 75566.000 | 77625.141 | 23880.311  135037.7 43108.05 |       5 |   388.126 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 35710.000 | 36892.930 |   33.883   71301.0 28963.91 |       5 |   184.465 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.124       0.7     0.25 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 35710.000 | 36892.625 |   33.649   71300.2 28963.77 |       5 |   184.463 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 35640.000 | 36822.398 |   32.768   71203.2 28923.19 |       5 |   184.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                |  6132.000 |  6255.297 |    0.745   31266.1 13981.46 |       5 |    31.276 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 29484.000 | 30540.744 |   27.430   59623.1 22222.32 |       5 |   152.704 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.008       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     4.000 |     3.905 |    0.498       9.4     3.46 |       5 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    18.000 |    18.850 |    2.026      32.1    12.31 |       5 |     0.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.230 |    0.052       0.8     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     2.000 |     1.114 |    0.014       2.1     0.76 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     2.000 |     1.634 |    0.008       3.2     1.20 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.384 |    0.014       2.8     1.12 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     2.000 |     2.302 |    0.008       4.0     1.57 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     8.595 |    1.833      15.0     5.11 |       5 |     0.043 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     6.000 |     4.617 |    1.693       8.4     2.54 |       5 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     2.000 |     1.122 |    0.014       2.0     0.83 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.275 |    0.030       2.3     0.89 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.009       1.2     0.44 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.033       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     0.644 |    0.018       1.1     0.42 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.011       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.013       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.009       1.3     0.47 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.008       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     2.000 |     1.956 |    0.010       3.5     1.53 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     2.000 |     3.416 |    0.355       8.6     3.16 |       5 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.632 |    0.026       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.019       0.7     0.24 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.021       1.3     0.55 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.012       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     2.000 |     0.056 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.013       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.016       0.6     0.26 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.012       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.013       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.012       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.016       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.791 |    0.031       1.6     0.62 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.015       1.0     0.41 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.015       0.5     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    70.000 |    70.204 |    0.871     119.1    44.60 |       5 |     0.351 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.059       0.9     0.38 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     2.000 |     0.674 |    0.038       1.1     0.42 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.029       0.7     0.30 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    16.000 |    12.187 |    0.204      24.9     8.89 |       5 |     0.061 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     8.000 |     4.960 |    0.034      12.9     4.77 |       5 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.177 |    0.016       2.5     0.95 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.011       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.218 |    0.006       3.5     1.35 |       5 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.023       1.4     0.52 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     2.000 |     0.708 |    0.010       1.3     0.56 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     4.000 |     0.887 |    0.010       1.6     0.67 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.011       0.7     0.26 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     2.000 |     0.687 |    0.022       1.4     0.57 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    52.000 |    56.617 |    0.508     103.5    37.30 |       5 |     0.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.018       1.6     0.57 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.014       1.4     0.54 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.011       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.009       0.8     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.020       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.007       0.7     0.29 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.013       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     4.000 |     4.210 |    0.005       9.0     3.22 |       5 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.012       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.602 |    0.005       2.6     1.04 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.013       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.927 |    0.005       1.7     0.62 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     2.000 |     0.142 |    0.012       0.2     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     4.000 |     3.264 |    0.005       6.1     2.21 |       5 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     2.000 |     0.369 |    0.014       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.015       1.4     0.54 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.014       0.9     0.32 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.015       0.9     0.37 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     2.000 |     4.322 |    0.006       7.5     2.72 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    32.000 |    29.173 |    0.007      56.0    19.88 |       5 |     0.146 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.765 |    0.006       1.3     0.50 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.006       0.2     0.09 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     2.000 |     0.295 |    0.014       0.8     0.32 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.123 |    0.006       2.0     0.74 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.013       0.6     0.22 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.548 |    0.005       3.3     1.19 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.014       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     2.000 |     1.665 |    0.004       3.4     1.23 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.005       0.4     0.16 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     2.000 |     1.628 |    0.004       3.2     1.18 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 34698.000 | 35475.652 |    9.409   63715.2 23040.86 |       5 |   177.378 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.261       0.8     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 34698.000 | 35475.207 |    9.119   63714.3 23040.66 |       5 |   177.376 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 34606.000 | 35382.004 |    8.398   63477.7 22961.41 |       5 |   176.910 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     6.000 |     3.018 |    0.112       5.4     2.03 |       5 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 34562.000 | 35339.617 |    7.502   63362.3 22923.22 |       5 |   176.698 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.007       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     3.436 |    0.037       5.3     2.03 |       5 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    32.000 |    31.347 |    0.391      92.6    35.65 |       5 |     0.157 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.018       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.495 |    0.009       2.8     1.06 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     2.000 |     1.721 |    0.009       3.3     1.26 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     1.394 |    0.009       3.1     1.17 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     4.000 |     2.868 |    0.024       5.8     2.22 |       5 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    22.000 |    19.239 |    0.240      71.9    29.70 |       5 |     0.096 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    12.000 |    11.139 |    0.128      42.9    17.90 |       5 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     2.000 |     2.684 |    0.013       9.8     4.01 |       5 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     4.000 |     2.757 |    0.013      10.4     4.29 |       5 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.677 |    0.009       1.0     0.40 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.029       0.2     0.05 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     2.000 |     1.760 |    0.019       7.5     3.22 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.614 |    0.011       1.4     0.54 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.008       0.9     0.35 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     0.965 |    0.008       1.3     0.54 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.008       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     2.051 |    0.010       3.3     1.22 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     4.000 |     4.372 |    0.315      13.5     5.21 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.032       0.9     0.31 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.017       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.020       0.3     0.10 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.016       0.0     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.014       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.013       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.015       0.1     0.01 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.017       0.1     0.05 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.089 |    0.015       0.2     0.06 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.014       0.2     0.07 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.016       0.7     0.28 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     2.052 |    0.015       8.5     3.61 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.339 |    0.015       1.2     0.49 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    92.000 |    93.183 |    0.710     236.6    87.11 |       5 |     0.466 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.042       1.0     0.45 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     4.000 |     0.624 |    0.016       1.4     0.53 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.023       0.9     0.34 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    10.000 |    12.796 |    0.140      32.5    11.98 |       5 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     4.742 |    0.018      14.5     5.65 |       5 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.036 |    0.010       2.6     0.99 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.545 |    0.007       1.5     0.60 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     2.490 |    0.007       5.9     2.13 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.714 |    0.013       1.6     0.55 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.942 |    0.010       1.8     0.64 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.227 |    0.010       2.6     0.93 |       5 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.011       0.8     0.29 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.690 |    0.022       1.2     0.47 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |    78.000 |    78.950 |    0.468     200.9    74.03 |       5 |     0.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     4.000 |     1.062 |    0.014       2.0     0.73 |       5 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     2.000 |     0.876 |    0.012       1.9     0.71 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.009       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.643 |    0.008       0.9     0.36 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.018       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.006       0.4     0.17 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.014       0.9     0.33 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     5.152 |    0.005       9.8     3.58 |       5 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     0.146 |    0.025       0.3     0.11 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     2.006 |    0.005       3.7     1.36 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.013       0.2     0.08 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     2.000 |     1.332 |    0.005       2.7     1.07 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     2.000 |     0.285 |    0.013       0.5     0.21 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     4.000 |     4.432 |    0.005       7.2     2.92 |       5 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.016       2.8     1.16 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     1.537 |    0.015       5.4     2.21 |       5 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.015       1.0     0.37 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     4.000 |     6.523 |    0.005      19.7     7.62 |       5 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|    44.000 |    42.014 |    0.007     125.7    48.46 |       5 |     0.210 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.773 |    0.006       1.7     0.62 |       5 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.005       0.1     0.02 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.015       0.3     0.13 |       5 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.402 |    0.006       2.1     0.81 |       5 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     0.312 |    0.013       0.5     0.19 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     4.000 |     2.090 |    0.005       2.9     1.18 |       5 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     2.000 |     0.501 |    0.014       1.0     0.35 |       5 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     2.335 |    0.005       3.3     1.32 |       5 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.005       0.6     0.23 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.013       0.1     0.04 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     2.000 |     1.764 |    0.005       2.4     0.99 |       5 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  5158.000 |  5256.502 |    0.289   23837.0 10439.35 |       5 |    26.283 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.138       0.7     0.22 |       5 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  8596.666 |  8760.192 |   20.749   23836.8 13111.86 |       3 |    26.281 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  8570.000 |  8732.648 |   17.566   23767.2 13075.26 |       3 |    26.198 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     6.666 |     2.503 |    0.410       4.0     1.86 |       3 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  8556.666 |  8720.398 |   10.656   23745.7 13067.23 |       3 |    26.161 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.141 |    0.235       2.2     0.97 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     6.666 |     7.308 |    2.605      16.4     7.89 |       3 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.030       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.020       0.6     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     3.333 |     0.549 |    0.014       1.0     0.50 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.009       2.2     1.24 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.009       2.3     1.27 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     3.333 |     3.592 |    0.535       7.6     3.63 |       3 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.256 |    0.198       4.1     1.97 |       3 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     3.333 |     0.386 |    0.028       1.1     0.59 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.405 |    0.018       1.1     0.63 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.011       0.5     0.27 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.032       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.018       0.5     0.29 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.017       0.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.008       0.3     0.14 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.366 |    0.009       0.8     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.085 |    0.009       0.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.324 |    0.011       0.8     0.39 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.145 |    0.499       2.3     0.98 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.034       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.019       0.2     0.12 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.023       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.014       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.014       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.017       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.014       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.014       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.017       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.017       0.6     0.35 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.016       0.1     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.015       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    26.666 |    27.504 |    3.155      69.6    36.58 |       3 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.092       0.2     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.393 |    0.093       0.9     0.42 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.040       0.3     0.14 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     6.666 |     6.952 |    1.807      15.5     7.44 |       3 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     3.333 |     1.573 |    0.204       3.6     1.78 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.078       1.9     0.98 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.547 |    0.085       1.5     0.80 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     3.333 |     1.931 |    0.073       5.4     3.03 |       3 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.142       0.7     0.28 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.144       0.7     0.32 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.509 |    0.125       1.1     0.52 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.103       0.4     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.043       1.1     0.54 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    20.000 |    19.832 |    0.890      52.7    28.61 |       3 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.021       0.3     0.16 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.072       0.5     0.20 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.010       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.008       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.027       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.008       0.2     0.09 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.023       0.1     0.04 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.870 |    0.011       2.3     1.24 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.015       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.005       1.1     0.61 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.014       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     3.333 |     0.644 |    0.006       1.7     0.94 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.013       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     3.333 |     1.061 |    0.006       3.0     1.64 |       3 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.023       0.2     0.11 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.017       0.4     0.20 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.017       0.2     0.12 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.022       0.1     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.693 |    0.007       4.8     2.70 |       3 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    10.000 |    10.493 |    0.008      29.9    16.84 |       3 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.014       0.7     0.37 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.006       0.0     0.01 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.016       0.1     0.05 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.010       0.7     0.34 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.013       0.1     0.07 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.005       1.1     0.58 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.018       0.2     0.10 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.716 |    0.004       1.7     0.88 |       3 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.012       0.1     0.03 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.005       0.4     0.21 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.017       0.0     0.02 |       3 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.413 |    0.005       1.0     0.51 |       3 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GenFSRSeq                    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussTape                    |   728.000 |  1451.339 |  209.144    5316.5  2169.76 |       5 |     7.257 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  FSROutputStreamGaussTape     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       5 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 17803    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:EE797A2A-B7E7-E811-91BF-02163E01BFAC [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181114.sim]
+RootCnvSvc                 INFO Disconnected data IO:D6146147-1DF1-E811-9927-02163E01BE69 [Gauss-30000000-5ev-20181126.sim]
 XMLCatalog                 INFO File 'NewCatalog.xml' does not exist. New file created.
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  232  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 17.8(+- 13.5)/ 0.01/   41  [s] #= 13
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  314  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  346  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 26.6(+- 20.4)/ 0.01/ 62.4  [s] #= 13
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  434  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -2993,4 +2994,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
index 4b449178c..f3b7500df 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline-25ns.ref
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 Ecut value = 5.0
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.0249999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 90.0  (default: 82.03)
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 7000000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:30:36 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 06:10:15 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -232,9 +233,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotPrevSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextSeq, GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, Generation, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 07:32:03    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 06:11:17    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -617,6 +618,8 @@ ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Started successfully
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 644571761, 0]
  PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
  PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours
+ PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
 GaussGenPrevPrev           INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 304947982, 0]
 GaussGenPrev               INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1902665432, 0]
  PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
@@ -964,9 +967,8 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich Ckv G4 Histo Set2
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO  End booking Rich G4 Histo set2
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3382
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3984
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	10888
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	12159
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim      INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 111083353, 0]
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
@@ -1030,27 +1032,27 @@ GaussGen                SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 7 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 3 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 16 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 3 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / Bs0Gen  key: 34  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / Bs0Acc  key: 45  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 16 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 10 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 3 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 2 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 3 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 2 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 29 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 25 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 199 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 27 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 2 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 2 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 1 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 1 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antibBaryonGen  key: 37  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antibBaryonAcc  key: 48  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 2 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / cBaryonGen  key: 61  value: 1 / anticBaryonGen  key: 62  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 2 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / cBaryonAcc  key: 70  value: 1 / anticBaryonAcc  key: 71  value: 1 / BGen  key: 75  value: 1 / BAcc  key: 78  value: 1 / DGen  key: 85  value: 2 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 2 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 199 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 120 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 49 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 12 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 9 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 9 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 86.1886 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 57.1656 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 22.5806 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.44236 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 0 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 0 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1557
+= Number of particles generated: 6017
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 1557
+= Mean multiplicity: 6017
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 733
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2615
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 733
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 2615
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 212
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 782
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 212
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 782
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 41
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 157
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 41
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 157
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -1174,374 +1176,374 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2174.00 +-46.63 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1038.00 +-32.22 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) Rich2 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  210.00 +-14.49 (  9.66 +-0.63%) Rich2 =  120.00 +-10.95 ( 11.56 +-0.99%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 5317.00 +-72.92 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2959.00 +-54.40 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  0.36 +-0.08%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.88 +-0.17%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 4610.00 +-67.90 ( 86.70 +-0.47%) Rich2 = 1697.00 +-41.19 ( 57.35 +-0.91%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  503.00 +-22.43 (  9.46 +-0.40%) Rich2 =  405.00 +-20.12 ( 13.69 +-0.63%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.23 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  0.24 +-0.07%) Rich2 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.20 +-0.08%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  271.00 +-16.46 ( 26.11 +-1.36%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  0.36 +-0.08%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.88 +-0.17%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  345.00 +-18.57 ( 11.66 +-0.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) CF4 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 4610.00 +-67.90 ( 86.70 +-0.47%) CF4 = 1697.00 +-41.19 ( 57.35 +-0.91%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1698.00 +- 41.21 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   791.00 +- 28.12 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   330.00 +- 18.17 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   372.00 +- 19.29 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   115.00 +- 10.72 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    39.00 +-  6.24 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  4610.00 +- 67.90 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2042.00 +- 45.19 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   908.00 +- 30.13 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   652.00 +- 25.53 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   178.00 +- 13.34 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   277.00 +- 16.64 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    90.00 +-  9.49 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =    11.00 +-  3.32 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    34.00 +-  5.83 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3112 |     3112.0 |     0.0000 |      3112.0 |      3112.0 |
 MCUTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 MCFTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        250 |     250.00 |     0.0000 |      250.00 |      250.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      11997 |     11997. |     0.0000 |      11997. |      11997. |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2042 |     2042.0 |     0.0000 |      2042.0 |      2042.0 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8276 |     8276.0 |     0.0000 |      8276.0 |      8276.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoni                INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 936+/-0
+VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 3112+/-0
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 799
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1262.69
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0788977
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0380725
+UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2106
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 538.663
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0791995
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.037746
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        76 |         76 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       799 |    1008886 |     1262.7 |     4685.8 |     0.27460 |      49687. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       239 |        239 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      2106 |    1134424 |     538.66 |     2407.0 |   0.0039185 |      42156. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 FTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1710
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2332.76
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.24549
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.100757
+FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 4709
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2353.1
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.243474
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0873553
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       176 |        176 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1710 |    3989013 |     2332.8 |     7401.9 |   0.0060999 |      49687. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       317 |        317 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      4709 |1.108073e+07 |     2353.1 |     16448. |   0.0071678 |  2.3007e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3112 |     3112.0 |     0.0000 |      3112.0 |      3112.0 |
 CheckVPHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       936 |-3.5451e-06 |-3.7875e-09 | 2.9038e-07 | -4.9790e-07 |  4.9959e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       936 |-1.17528e-05 |-1.2556e-08 | 2.7753e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.9805e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       936 |-1.48233e-06 |-1.5837e-09 | 5.8300e-08 | -4.9613e-07 |  4.9613e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       936 |-6.922633e-06 |-7.3960e-09 | 5.6718e-07 | -9.9973e-07 |  9.9023e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |-0.001038475 |-1.1095e-06 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9874e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |4.05432e-05 | 4.3315e-08 | 2.8516e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |0.0001568515 | 1.6758e-07 | 3.9536e-06 | -3.5656e-05 |  4.8341e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |-0.04239743 |-4.5296e-05 |  0.0028828 |  -0.0049760 |   0.0049596 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       936 |8.341044e-05 | 8.9114e-08 | 2.9130e-06 | -4.9690e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233257 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871575 | -0.0019995 |   0.061991 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93243 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021159 |      4.1321 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3267 |    0.46402 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.741 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8160 |      71967. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       936 |   973.4051 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022677 |      28.829 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233253 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871563 | -0.0019995 |   0.061992 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93244 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021160 |      4.1321 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3277 |    0.46403 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.740 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8200 |      71967. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       936 |    973.405 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022680 |      28.829 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |5.924073e-06 | 1.9036e-09 | 2.8924e-07 | -4.9960e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |-1.784148e-05 |-5.7331e-09 | 2.8823e-07 | -4.9994e-07 |  4.9850e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |4.862168e-06 | 1.5624e-09 | 5.0815e-08 | -4.9917e-07 |  4.9917e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3112 |-0.0001046761 |-3.3636e-08 | 5.8133e-07 | -9.9887e-07 |  9.9950e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |-0.0002153155 |-6.9189e-08 | 2.9007e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |0.0006707228 | 2.1553e-07 | 2.8937e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |0.0005259248 | 1.6900e-07 | 3.3849e-06 | -3.4686e-05 |  4.8674e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 | -0.1823459 |-5.8594e-05 |  0.0028689 |  -0.0049969 |   0.0049970 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3112 |-0.0001478618 |-4.7513e-08 | 2.8794e-06 | -4.9968e-06 |  4.9878e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |   1.645652 | 0.00052881 |   0.080228 |     -1.9893 |      1.5040 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |   -4.56919 | -0.0014682 |   0.066781 |     -1.0480 |      1.6094 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |     228.33 |   0.073371 |    0.18439 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3112 |    293.464 |   0.094301 |    0.19363 |  0.00010339 |      4.8687 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |   6219.252 |     1.9985 |     15.252 |     -47.023 |      48.662 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |  -1761.485 |   -0.56603 |     14.682 |     -47.272 |      47.170 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |   410410.3 |     131.88 |     274.25 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 |3.052618e+07 |     9809.2 |     20022. |      1.5491 |  2.5114e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3112 |   2703.075 |    0.86860 |     1.3392 |    0.026161 |      32.896 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |   1.645646 | 0.00052881 |   0.080228 |     -1.9893 |      1.5040 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |  -4.569172 | -0.0014682 |   0.066781 |     -1.0480 |      1.6094 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |     228.33 |   0.073371 |    0.18439 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3112 |   293.4641 |   0.094301 |    0.19363 |  0.00010400 |      4.8687 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |   6219.253 |     1.9985 |     15.252 |     -47.023 |      48.662 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |  -1761.486 |   -0.56603 |     14.682 |     -47.272 |      47.170 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |   410410.3 |     131.88 |     274.25 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 |3.052618e+07 |     9809.2 |     20022. |      1.5500 |  2.5114e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3112 |   2703.075 |    0.86860 |     1.3392 |    0.026160 |      32.896 |
 UnpackUTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 CheckUTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       799 |8.130843e-06 | 1.0176e-08 | 2.8248e-07 | -4.9840e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       799 |-2.281308e-06 |-2.8552e-09 | 2.8123e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       799 |-6.307342e-07 |-7.8940e-10 | 8.8536e-08 | -4.7182e-07 |  4.7995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       799 |1.234927e-05 | 1.5456e-08 | 5.6297e-07 | -9.9730e-07 |  9.9530e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |-0.001147916 |-1.4367e-06 | 2.8136e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |-0.001082746 |-1.3551e-06 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.9715e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |-0.0001099674 |-1.3763e-07 | 6.3116e-06 | -4.5955e-05 |  4.5659e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |-0.02272803 |-2.8446e-05 |  0.0027903 |  -0.0049806 |   0.0049743 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       799 |2.827111e-05 | 3.5383e-08 | 2.9275e-06 | -4.9934e-06 |  4.9526e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       799 |    23.0073 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       799 |  -6.395372 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3489 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030480 |      2.6382 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.669 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4560 |      71901. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       799 |   23.00729 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       799 |   -6.39537 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3488 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030400 |      2.6382 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.668 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4600 |      71901. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |-4.864743e-06 |-2.3099e-09 | 2.8693e-07 | -4.9868e-07 |  4.9950e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |-1.106044e-05 |-5.2519e-09 | 2.9120e-07 | -4.9975e-07 |  4.9895e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |-1.069643e-06 |-5.0790e-10 | 8.3071e-08 | -4.9511e-07 |  4.9571e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2106 |-2.201472e-06 |-1.0453e-09 | 5.7954e-07 | -9.9999e-07 |  9.9773e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |0.0003955369 | 1.8781e-07 | 2.9002e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |-0.003923117 |-1.8628e-06 | 2.8735e-05 | -4.9956e-05 |  4.9878e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |-0.0002287421 |-1.0861e-07 | 6.9498e-06 | -4.9539e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |  0.1161576 | 5.5156e-05 |  0.0028580 |  -0.0049982 |   0.0049990 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2106 |-2.969532e-05 |-1.4100e-08 | 2.8764e-06 | -4.9993e-06 |  4.9986e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |   57.93615 |   0.027510 |    0.32359 |     -3.4004 |      4.8120 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |   16.16853 |  0.0076774 |    0.20672 |     -2.4465 |      2.7429 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |   174.9321 |   0.083064 |    0.22740 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2106 |   332.2655 |    0.15777 |    0.40529 |   0.0011022 |      11.616 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |   51568.57 |     24.487 |     390.14 |     -896.96 |      878.55 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |   29374.09 |     13.948 |     267.34 |     -668.34 |      670.28 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |    5292347 |     2513.0 |     135.22 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |    7418039 |     3522.3 |     12169. |      1.4238 |  1.7381e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2106 |   28867.78 |     13.707 |     8.4801 |      7.4645 |      83.869 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |   57.93615 |   0.027510 |    0.32359 |     -3.4004 |      4.8120 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |   16.16854 |  0.0076774 |    0.20672 |     -2.4465 |      2.7429 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |   174.9321 |   0.083064 |    0.22740 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2106 |   332.2655 |    0.15777 |    0.40529 |   0.0011020 |      11.616 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |   51568.57 |     24.487 |     390.14 |     -896.96 |      878.55 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |   29374.09 |     13.948 |     267.34 |     -668.34 |      670.28 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |    5292347 |     2513.0 |     135.22 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |    7418039 |     3522.3 |     12169. |      1.4200 |  1.7381e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2106 |   28867.78 |     13.707 |     8.4801 |      7.4645 |      83.869 |
 UnpackFTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 CheckFTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |1.010116e-05 | 5.9071e-09 | 2.8885e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |-6.938369e-07 |-4.0575e-10 | 2.8456e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |-7.139572e-06 |-4.1752e-09 | 2.8477e-07 | -4.9935e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1710 |-2.431618e-05 |-1.4220e-08 | 5.7608e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9810e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |0.0003080386 | 1.8014e-07 | 2.9035e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9946e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |-0.002184913 |-1.2777e-06 | 2.8644e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |0.0009949966 | 5.8187e-07 | 2.8795e-05 | -4.9837e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 | 0.07525092 | 4.4006e-05 |  0.0029024 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049976 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1710 |0.0001353358 | 7.9144e-08 | 2.8723e-06 | -4.9831e-06 |  4.9720e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021856 |      11.485 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.92 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4241 |      71897. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021800 |      11.485 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.93 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4200 |      71897. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |5.386296e-06 | 1.1438e-09 | 2.8531e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9923e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |4.417171e-07 | 9.3803e-11 | 2.8919e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |2.165919e-05 | 4.5995e-09 | 2.8429e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4709 |-2.392651e-05 |-5.0810e-09 | 5.7088e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9953e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |-0.001426847 |-3.0300e-07 | 2.8938e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |-0.002613665 |-5.5504e-07 | 2.8872e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |-0.002482239 |-5.2713e-07 | 2.9051e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |  0.3241034 | 6.8826e-05 |  0.0028773 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049993 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4709 |0.000251537 | 5.3416e-08 | 2.9184e-06 | -4.9967e-06 |  4.9960e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |  -178.8204 |  -0.037974 |     1.6497 |     -40.467 |      34.184 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |   27.33753 |  0.0058054 |    0.83270 |     -38.356 |      8.7612 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |   4126.235 |    0.87624 |    0.86658 |     -1.3209 |      1.3316 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4709 |   2004.662 |    0.42571 |    0.60350 |  5.3255e-05 |      12.791 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |   60930.57 |     12.939 |     1158.0 |     -3127.3 |      3313.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |   267043.9 |     56.709 |     618.08 |     -2411.0 |      2424.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |4.046185e+07 |     8592.4 |     568.90 |      7818.9 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |2.312372e+07 |     4910.5 |     14002. |      1.4256 |  1.7380e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4709 |   156504.9 |     33.235 |     19.767 |      25.834 |      516.06 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |  -178.8204 |  -0.037974 |     1.6497 |     -40.467 |      34.184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |   27.33753 |  0.0058054 |    0.83270 |     -38.356 |      8.7612 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |   4126.235 |    0.87624 |    0.86658 |     -1.3209 |      1.3316 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4709 |   2004.662 |    0.42571 |    0.60350 |  5.4000e-05 |      12.791 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |   60930.58 |     12.939 |     1158.0 |     -3127.3 |      3313.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |   267043.9 |     56.709 |     618.08 |     -2411.0 |      2424.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |4.046185e+07 |     8592.4 |     568.90 |      7818.9 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |2.312372e+07 |     4910.5 |     14002. |      1.4300 |  1.7380e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4709 |   156504.9 |     33.235 |     19.767 |      25.834 |      516.06 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8276 |     8276.0 |     0.0000 |      8276.0 |      8276.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3212 |1.069173e-05 | 3.3287e-09 | 0.00018845 |  -0.0041984 |   0.0039666 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |0.0006117115 | 1.9045e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |-0.0001188687 |-3.7008e-08 | 2.8868e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |-0.000590575 |-1.8387e-07 | 2.9011e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3212 |-8.712409e-05 |-2.7125e-08 | 2.9293e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9983e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8276 |-0.02100238 |-2.5377e-06 | 0.00020288 |  -0.0048505 |   0.0042739 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |-0.0006876402 |-8.3088e-08 | 2.8966e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |0.001094056 | 1.3220e-07 | 2.9114e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |0.001394619 | 1.6851e-07 | 2.8613e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8276 |-1.033045e-06 |-1.2482e-10 | 2.8920e-06 | -4.9981e-06 |  4.9992e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      8276 |   16818.31 |     2.0322 |     39.707 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |    3354784 |     405.36 |     2312.3 |     -4075.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |   -1252033 |    -151.28 |     1098.2 |     -1653.6 |      1639.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |4.09821e+07 |     4951.9 |     4329.7 |      1269.7 |      11074. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      8276 |   225162.6 |     27.207 |     20.880 |      7.0362 |      142.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8276 |   16818.33 |     2.0322 |     39.707 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |    3354784 |     405.36 |     2312.3 |     -4075.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |   -1252033 |    -151.28 |     1098.2 |     -1653.6 |      1639.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |4.09821e+07 |     4951.9 |     4329.7 |      1269.7 |      11074. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8276 |   225162.6 |     27.207 |     20.880 |      7.0362 |      142.16 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |-0.0002449524 |-7.6643e-08 | 2.8479e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |0.001679691 | 5.2556e-07 | 2.8720e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |-0.002696419 |-8.4369e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3196 |2.580691e-11 | 8.0748e-15 | 5.8024e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |-0.0004441598 |-1.3897e-07 | 2.8858e-05 | -4.9947e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |0.0004688422 | 1.4670e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |-0.00224869 |-7.0360e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |0.003573214 | 4.3412e-07 | 2.9048e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |0.005417527 | 6.5819e-07 | 2.9003e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |-0.0004119669 |-5.0051e-08 | 2.8939e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8231 |2.172555e-10 | 2.6395e-14 | 5.7808e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |0.001109041 | 1.3474e-07 | 2.9045e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 | 0.00165246 | 2.0076e-07 | 2.8772e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |-0.0006764182 |-8.2179e-08 | 2.9194e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |   26025.21 |     3.1619 |     1.8280 |  0.00060487 |      6.2832 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |   2030.107 |    0.24664 |    0.41393 |    0.010305 |      2.8594 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |    1637051 |     198.89 |     1488.5 |     -4064.2 |      4021.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |  -712910.9 |    -86.613 |     410.69 |     -2453.2 |      3071.5 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |3.887704e+07 |     4723.2 |     4340.8 |      861.03 |      11753. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      8231 | 0.03071904 | 3.7321e-06 | 7.6775e-07 |  1.8287e-06 |  6.1457e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |    3339470 |     405.72 |     2303.1 |     -4065.1 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 |   -1236687 |    -150.25 |     1092.5 |     -1645.1 |      1630.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |4.062608e+07 |     4935.7 |     4326.5 |      1264.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |   26025.21 |     3.1619 |     1.8280 |  0.00060487 |      6.2832 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |   2030.107 |    0.24664 |    0.41393 |    0.010305 |      2.8594 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |    1637051 |     198.89 |     1488.5 |     -4064.2 |      4021.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |  -712910.9 |    -86.613 |     410.69 |     -2453.2 |      3071.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |3.887704e+07 |     4723.2 |     4340.8 |      861.03 |      11753. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8231 | 0.03071904 | 3.7321e-06 | 7.6775e-07 |  1.8287e-06 |  6.1457e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |    3339470 |     405.72 |     2303.1 |     -4065.1 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 |   -1236687 |    -150.25 |     1092.5 |     -1645.1 |      1630.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |4.062608e+07 |     4935.7 |     4326.5 |      1264.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      11997 |     11997. |     0.0000 |      11997. |      11997. |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4656 |-0.0002995226 |-6.4330e-08 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4656 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00012600 |      3014.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00010000 |      3014.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     11997 |0.0005777465 | 4.8158e-08 | 2.8947e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     11997 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     11997 |   170657.2 |     14.225 |     66.415 |  3.2291e-05 |      2879.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     11997 |       2242 |    0.18688 |    0.88691 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     11997 |   170657.2 |     14.225 |     66.415 |      0.0000 |      2879.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     11997 |       2242 |    0.18688 |    0.88691 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2042 |     2042.0 |     0.0000 |      2042.0 |      2042.0 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       496 |-0.0003035474 |-6.1199e-07 | 2.9141e-05 | -4.9343e-05 |  4.9718e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       496 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.903 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030899 |      304.30 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.904 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030000 |      304.30 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2042 |0.001439686 | 7.0504e-07 | 2.8792e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2042 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2042 |   21903.79 |     10.727 |     39.327 |  0.00022612 |      803.60 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2042 |        345 |    0.16895 |    0.47705 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2042 |   21903.78 |     10.727 |     39.327 |  0.00020000 |      803.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2042 |        345 |    0.16895 |    0.47705 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        250 |     250.00 |     0.0000 |      250.00 |      250.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        66 |-3.192241e-06 |-4.8367e-08 | 2.8040e-07 | -4.9503e-07 |  4.8530e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        66 |2.149414e-06 | 3.2567e-08 | 2.8054e-07 | -4.7238e-07 |  4.5177e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        66 |5.647688e-07 | 8.5571e-09 | 2.6455e-07 | -4.9399e-07 |  4.7948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        66 |-2.86845e-06 |-4.3461e-08 | 6.3560e-07 | -9.8251e-07 |  9.7124e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |-0.0003045014 |-4.6137e-06 | 2.9727e-05 | -4.9213e-05 |  4.9550e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |-2.203884e-05 |-3.3392e-07 | 2.6502e-05 | -4.7776e-05 |  4.9880e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |4.281464e-05 | 6.4871e-07 | 2.9126e-05 | -4.6453e-05 |  4.5181e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |-0.01688626 |-0.00025585 |  0.0028743 |  -0.0047496 |   0.0049404 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        66 |-2.991571e-05 |-4.5327e-07 | 2.8733e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.7230e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32669 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        66 |  0.4613031 |  0.0069894 |   0.013991 |  0.00012308 |    0.097077 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.35 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4853 |      3642.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32668 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        66 |   0.461306 |  0.0069895 |   0.013991 |  0.00012400 |    0.097076 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.37 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4900 |      3642.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       250 |1.974846e-06 | 7.8994e-09 | 2.8646e-07 | -4.9858e-07 |  4.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       250 |-6.497127e-07 |-2.5989e-09 | 2.9496e-07 | -4.9508e-07 |  4.9287e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       250 |-1.667071e-06 |-6.6683e-09 | 2.8159e-07 | -4.9117e-07 |  4.9942e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       250 |-1.263551e-05 |-5.0542e-08 | 5.8406e-07 | -9.8059e-07 |  9.6797e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |-0.0001176315 |-4.7053e-07 | 2.6549e-05 | -4.9493e-05 |  4.8285e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |-0.0004394209 |-1.7577e-06 | 2.7697e-05 | -4.9442e-05 |  4.9912e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |-0.0002752042 |-1.1008e-06 | 2.9882e-05 | -4.9705e-05 |  4.9949e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |0.009168555 | 3.6674e-05 |  0.0029525 |  -0.0049981 |   0.0049032 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       250 |1.801344e-05 | 7.2054e-08 | 2.9742e-06 | -4.9547e-06 |  4.9677e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       250 |   111.4841 |    0.44594 |     4.9338 |     -26.834 |      34.737 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       250 |  -142.6242 |   -0.57050 |     4.2707 |     -36.386 |      14.739 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       250 |    982.604 |     3.9304 |     2.9426 |     -5.1311 |      5.0403 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       250 |  0.6508874 |  0.0026035 |  0.0041026 |  0.00013489 |    0.034311 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |   117497.7 |     469.99 |     1818.4 |     -4687.2 |      4596.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |   10601.35 |     42.405 |     808.75 |     -2248.7 |      3396.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |    4045073 |     16180. |     1278.5 |      15094. |      19036. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |   265840.5 |     1063.4 |     1419.3 |      1.4314 |      5680.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       250 |   13979.99 |     55.920 |     5.4967 |      50.662 |      88.539 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       250 |   111.4841 |    0.44594 |     4.9338 |     -26.834 |      34.737 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       250 |  -142.6242 |   -0.57050 |     4.2707 |     -36.386 |      14.739 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       250 |    982.604 |     3.9304 |     2.9426 |     -5.1311 |      5.0403 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       250 |     0.6509 |  0.0026036 |  0.0041026 |  0.00013400 |    0.034312 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |   117497.7 |     469.99 |     1818.4 |     -4687.2 |      4596.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |   10601.35 |     42.405 |     808.75 |     -2248.7 |      3396.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |    4045073 |     16180. |     1278.5 |      15094. |      19036. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |   265840.5 |     1063.4 |     1419.3 |      1.4300 |      5680.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       250 |   13979.99 |     55.920 |     5.4967 |      50.662 |      88.539 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS 1 events processed
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim   SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -1632,14 +1634,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -2004,14 +2006,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerPrev         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsPrev        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -2376,14 +2378,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNext         INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsNext        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -2748,14 +2750,14 @@ MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO ------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitCheckerNextNext     INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHitsNextNext    SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
@@ -3037,54 +3039,54 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1465.496 |     1465.5 |     0.0000 |      1465.5 |      1465.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1492.896 |     1492.9 |     0.0000 |      1492.9 |      1492.9 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1426.244 |     1426.2 |     0.0000 |      1426.2 |      1426.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1453.732 |     1453.7 |     0.0000 |      1453.7 |      1453.7 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1365.92 |     1365.9 |     0.0000 |      1365.9 |      1365.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1395.184 |     1395.2 |     0.0000 |      1395.2 |      1395.2 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1304.984 |     1305.0 |     0.0000 |      1305.0 |      1305.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1347.28 |     1347.3 |     0.0000 |      1347.3 |      1347.3 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1182.34 |     1182.3 |     0.0000 |      1182.3 |      1182.3 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1183.936 |     1183.9 |     0.0000 |      1183.9 |      1183.9 |
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1182.208 |     1182.2 |     0.0000 |      1182.2 |      1182.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1183.636 |     1183.6 |     0.0000 |      1183.6 |      1183.6 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.928 |     1178.9 |     0.0000 |      1178.9 |      1178.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1180.412 |     1180.4 |     0.0000 |      1180.4 |      1180.4 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.756 |     1176.8 |     0.0000 |      1176.8 |      1176.8 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.756 |     1176.8 |     0.0000 |      1176.8 |      1176.8 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1177.212 |     1177.2 |     0.0000 |      1177.2 |      1177.2 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1176.756 |     1176.8 |     0.0000 |      1176.8 |      1176.8 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3197,13 +3199,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |          10         10         10 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           3          3          3 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |         120        120        120 |   5.717e+01  4.083e-07 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          49         49         49 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |          12         12         12 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           9          9          9 |   6.442e+00  3.974e-08 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           9          9          9 |   8.881e+00  5.620e-08 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |          16         16         16 |   1.015e+02  1.272e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |         199        199        199 |   1.015e+02  4.141e-07 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -3211,428 +3213,430 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      1   Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed                                   |
+ |      1   Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours               |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
- |      1   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
- |      2   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
+ |      3   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |     13   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 246470.000 | 289184.781 | 289184.750  289184.8     0.00 |       1 |   289.185 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 246460.000 | 289179.094 | 289179.125  289179.1     0.00 |       1 |   289.179 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  5560.000 |  6685.013 | 6685.013    6685.0     0.00 |       1 |     6.685 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2500.000 |  3204.896 | 3204.896    3204.9     0.00 |       1 |     3.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2500.000 |  3202.929 | 3202.929    3202.9     0.00 |       1 |     3.203 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.102 |    1.102       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.077 |    1.077       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |   920.000 |   972.747 |  972.747     972.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.973 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.770 |    0.770       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |   920.000 |   969.273 |  969.273     969.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.969 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.988 |    0.988       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |  1160.000 |  1483.843 | 1483.843    1483.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.484 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     1.358 |    1.358       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |  1160.000 |  1479.012 | 1479.012    1479.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.479 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     3.428 |    3.428       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     3.413 |    3.413       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |   870.000 |   913.667 |  913.667     913.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.914 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     2.074 |    2.074       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |   870.000 |   910.349 |  910.349     910.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.910 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     1.207 |    1.207       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     1.181 |    1.181       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |   110.000 |   109.836 |  109.836     109.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |   110.000 |   107.856 |  107.856     107.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.108 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 240900.000 | 282494.094 | 282494.094  282494.1     0.00 |       1 |   282.494 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 45780.000 | 60393.086 | 60393.082   60393.1     0.00 |       1 |    60.393 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.193 |    1.193       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 45780.000 | 60391.871 | 60391.871   60391.9     0.00 |       1 |    60.392 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 45630.000 | 56019.930 | 56019.926   56019.9     0.00 |       1 |    56.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 19870.000 | 21502.865 | 21502.865   21502.9     0.00 |       1 |    21.503 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 25720.000 | 32493.992 | 32493.992   32494.0     0.00 |       1 |    32.494 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.439 |    8.439       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |  2006.573 | 2006.573    2006.6     0.00 |       1 |     2.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.561       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |     0.000 |     1.948 |    1.948       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |     0.000 |  1975.167 | 1975.167    1975.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.975 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    25.050 |   25.050      25.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |    10.658 |   10.658      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     3.908 |    3.908       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     4.174 |    4.174       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.392 |    3.392       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.253 |    2.253       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.687 |    1.687       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.918 |    0.918       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     7.965 |    7.965       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.288 |    1.288       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.855       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |    10.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     2.642 |    2.642       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.661 |    0.661       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   150.000 |  4371.934 | 4371.934    4371.9     0.00 |       1 |     4.372 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |  2026.740 | 2026.740    2026.7     0.00 |       1 |     2.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |  2220.814 | 2220.814    2220.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.221 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    10.000 |    22.283 |   22.283      22.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.254 |    1.254       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.438 |    1.438       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.736 |    2.736       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |  2192.479 | 2192.479    2192.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.192 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   120.000 |   123.104 |  123.104     123.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.123 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     2.731 |    2.731       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.169 |    2.169       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.073 |    1.073       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.982 |    0.982       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    10.000 |     6.533 |    6.533       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |     0.000 |     5.569 |    5.569       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    10.000 |    11.326 |   11.326      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.958 |    0.958       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.818 |    1.818       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    10.738 |   10.738      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    60.000 |    67.154 |   67.154      67.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.733 |    1.733       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     5.165 |    5.165       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.495 |    0.495       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 54780.000 | 59957.688 | 59957.688   59957.7     0.00 |       1 |    59.958 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 54780.000 | 59957.270 | 59957.270   59957.3     0.00 |       1 |    59.957 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 54460.000 | 59643.449 | 59643.449   59643.4     0.00 |       1 |    59.643 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     6.028 |    6.028       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 54300.000 | 59403.457 | 59403.457   59403.5     0.00 |       1 |    59.403 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |    10.000 |    12.998 |   12.998      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |   130.000 |   202.321 |  202.321     202.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |    27.166 |   27.166      27.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |    14.309 |   14.309      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |   100.000 |   153.527 |  153.527     153.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.154 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    50.000 |   105.597 |  105.597     105.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|    10.000 |    16.450 |   16.450      16.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|    30.000 |    16.209 |   16.209      16.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     3.065 |    3.065       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    11.937 |   11.937      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |    10.000 |     3.985 |    3.985       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.647 |    0.647       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|    10.000 |    18.549 |   18.549      18.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.809 |    1.809       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.398 |    1.398       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.519       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|    10.000 |    12.537 |   12.537      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.846       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |   320.000 |   313.806 |  313.806     313.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.314 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     1.931 |    1.931       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     1.249 |    1.249       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    40.000 |    33.993 |   33.993      34.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    24.432 |   24.432      24.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.082 |    1.082       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     2.553 |    2.553       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     4.270 |    4.270       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.999       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.595       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |   280.000 |   276.495 |  276.495     276.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.276 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     3.872 |    3.872       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|    10.000 |     3.765 |    3.765       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.947 |    1.947       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     1.747 |    1.747       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.570 |    0.570       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrevPrev    |    20.000 |    14.612 |   14.612      14.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.378       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     8.733 |    8.733       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.864 |    0.864       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    23.328 |   23.328      23.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.564 |    1.564       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|    10.000 |     3.997 |    3.997       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     1.305 |    1.305       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |    30.000 |    26.439 |   26.439      26.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|   160.000 |   163.022 |  163.022     163.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.163 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     3.314 |    3.314       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.708 |    1.708       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |    11.341 |   11.341      11.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     1.989 |    1.989       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.987 |    0.987       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               | 66950.000 | 77826.469 | 77826.469   77826.5     0.00 |       1 |    77.826 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            | 66950.000 | 77826.047 | 77826.047   77826.0     0.00 |       1 |    77.826 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              | 66630.000 | 77480.281 | 77480.281   77480.3     0.00 |       1 |    77.480 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |    10.000 |    11.546 |   11.546      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           | 66480.000 | 77331.266 | 77331.266   77331.3     0.00 |       1 |    77.331 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |    20.000 |    18.708 |   18.708      18.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |   110.000 |   101.574 |  101.574     101.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.102 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     2.687 |    2.687       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     3.007 |    3.007       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     7.537 |    7.537       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |    80.000 |    81.925 |   81.925      81.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.082 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |    40.000 |    42.679 |   42.679      42.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |    10.000 |    12.932 |   12.932      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |    10.000 |    12.872 |   12.872      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |    10.000 |     4.306 |    4.306       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.239 |    0.239       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |     8.782 |    8.782       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     5.251 |    5.251       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.403       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    17.097 |   17.097      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     2.519 |    2.519       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     2.151 |    2.151       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.565       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.464       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |    10.000 |     9.376 |    9.376       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.896 |    0.896       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |   320.000 |   345.754 |  345.754     345.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.346 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.831 |    2.831       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |    10.000 |     0.998 |    0.998       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |    30.000 |    39.042 |   39.042      39.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrev        |    20.000 |    27.543 |   27.543      27.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     1.225 |    1.225       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrev       |    10.000 |     3.189 |    3.189       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     5.352 |    5.352       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     1.066 |    1.066       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |   280.000 |   302.764 |  302.764     302.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.303 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |    20.000 |     5.305 |    5.305       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     5.243 |    5.243       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     2.696 |    2.696       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     2.702 |    2.702       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrev        |    20.000 |    17.390 |   17.390      17.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     9.478 |    9.478       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     1.108 |    1.108       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrev        |    30.000 |    29.433 |   29.433      29.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     1.359 |    1.359       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     3.461 |    3.461       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |    10.000 |     1.220 |    1.220       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    22.366 |   22.366      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |   150.000 |   172.790 |  172.790     172.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.173 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     4.161 |    4.161       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     2.634 |    2.634       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    15.358 |   15.358      15.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     2.362 |    2.362       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     1.270 |    1.270       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 31420.000 | 38110.309 | 38110.309   38110.3     0.00 |       1 |    38.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 31420.000 | 38109.809 | 38109.809   38109.8     0.00 |       1 |    38.110 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 31190.000 | 37885.066 | 37885.066   37885.1     0.00 |       1 |    37.885 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |    20.000 |    19.303 |   19.303      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 31080.000 | 37766.695 | 37766.699   37766.7     0.00 |       1 |    37.767 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |    18.562 |   18.562      18.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    60.000 |    68.276 |   68.276      68.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNext          |    10.000 |     2.629 |    2.629       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     2.781 |    2.781       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     3.505 |    3.505       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    50.000 |    55.942 |   55.942      55.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    30.000 |    29.974 |   29.974      30.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |    10.000 |     8.829 |    8.829       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     8.261 |    8.261       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |    10.000 |     3.613 |    3.613       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     4.951 |    4.951       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     2.669 |    2.669       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    12.097 |   12.097      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |    10.000 |     2.513 |    2.513       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |    10.000 |     2.012 |    2.012       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.372 |    0.372       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     5.295 |    5.295       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.758 |    0.758       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |   230.000 |   224.726 |  224.726     224.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.225 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     2.663 |    2.663       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.881 |    0.881       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    30.000 |    34.559 |   34.559      34.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNext        |    20.000 |    27.817 |   27.817      27.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNext       |    10.000 |     1.150 |    1.150       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.485 |    1.485       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     2.695 |    2.695       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.714 |    0.714       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |   190.000 |   186.448 |  186.448     186.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.186 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     3.592 |    3.592       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     3.709 |    3.709       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     2.487 |    2.487       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |    10.000 |     3.356 |    3.356       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.602       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNext        |    10.000 |    14.266 |   14.266      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     7.657 |    7.657       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNext        |    10.000 |    12.036 |   12.036      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     1.169 |    1.169       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |    10.000 |     2.713 |    2.713       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |    10.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |    10.000 |    16.776 |   16.776      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |   110.000 |   104.445 |  104.445     104.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     2.718 |    2.718       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.981 |    0.981       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     5.758 |    5.758       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 41970.000 | 46206.504 | 46206.504   46206.5     0.00 |       1 |    46.207 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 41970.000 | 46205.980 | 46205.980   46206.0     0.00 |       1 |    46.206 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 41780.000 | 46017.195 | 46017.195   46017.2     0.00 |       1 |    46.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |    10.000 |     9.819 |    9.819       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 41710.000 | 45945.281 | 45945.277   45945.3     0.00 |       1 |    45.945 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    10.000 |    11.235 |   11.235      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    40.000 |    42.980 |   42.980      43.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.596 |    1.596       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     2.173 |    2.173       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |     4.587 |    4.587       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    30.000 |    31.068 |   31.068      31.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |    15.240 |   15.240      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|    10.000 |     5.258 |    5.258       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     5.154 |    5.154       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |    10.000 |     2.365 |    2.365       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.820 |    2.820       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     2.683 |    2.683       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     7.766 |    7.766       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     1.549 |    1.549       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.183 |    1.183       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|    10.000 |     3.225 |    3.225       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |   190.000 |   188.769 |  188.769     188.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.189 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     1.633 |    1.633       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.617 |    0.617       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    30.000 |    30.315 |   30.315      30.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNextNext    |    20.000 |    22.822 |   22.822      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.920 |    0.920       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.010 |    2.010       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |    10.000 |     3.182 |    3.182       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.738       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |   160.000 |   156.085 |  156.085     156.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.156 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |    10.000 |     3.082 |    3.082       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     3.033 |    3.033       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|    10.000 |     1.621 |    1.621       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     1.827 |    1.827       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     9.278 |    9.278       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     7.063 |    7.063       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.700 |    0.700       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNextNext    |    20.000 |    17.867 |   17.867      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.829 |    0.829       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     2.008 |    2.008       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    20.000 |    12.962 |   12.962      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    80.000 |    80.456 |   80.456      80.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     1.959 |    1.959       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     7.596 |    7.596       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.203 |    0.203       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.107 |    1.107       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.480 |    1.480       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 311110.031 | 317710.375 | 317710.375  317710.4     0.00 |       1 |   317.710 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 311089.969 | 317694.969 | 317694.969  317695.0     0.00 |       1 |   317.695 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   | 15110.000 | 15197.115 | 15197.115   15197.1     0.00 |       1 |    15.197 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       | 11970.000 | 12041.262 | 12041.262   12041.3     0.00 |       1 |    12.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.320 |    1.320       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                | 11970.000 | 12035.882 | 12035.882   12035.9     0.00 |       1 |    12.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     3.990 |    3.990       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     3.862 |    3.862       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |   950.000 |   947.603 |  947.603     947.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.948 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |    10.000 |     2.856 |    2.856       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |   940.000 |   943.457 |  943.457     943.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.943 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     1.212 |    1.212       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.190 |    1.190       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |  1180.000 |  1191.518 | 1191.518    1191.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     1.854 |    1.854       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |  1180.000 |  1187.865 | 1187.865    1187.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.188 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     1.721 |    1.721       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     1.700 |    1.700       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |   890.000 |   896.388 |  896.388     896.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.896 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     2.891 |    2.891       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |   890.000 |   891.882 |  891.882     891.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.892 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     1.563 |    1.563       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     1.548 |    1.548       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |   120.000 |   120.303 |  120.303     120.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.120 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |    10.000 |     2.145 |    2.145       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |   110.000 |   117.504 |  117.504     117.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.118 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 295980.000 | 302497.812 | 302497.812  302497.8     0.00 |       1 |   302.498 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 95610.000 | 98133.672 | 98133.672   98133.7     0.00 |       1 |    98.134 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.697 |    1.697       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 95610.000 | 98131.953 | 98131.953   98132.0     0.00 |       1 |    98.132 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 95200.000 | 97164.438 | 97164.438   97164.4     0.00 |       1 |    97.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 20360.000 | 20764.828 | 20764.828   20764.8     0.00 |       1 |    20.765 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 74620.000 | 76174.859 | 76174.859   76174.9     0.00 |       1 |    76.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    40.000 |    34.078 |   34.078      34.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   150.000 |   157.535 |  157.535     157.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.158 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |    10.000 |     7.090 |    7.090       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |    10.000 |    10.294 |   10.294      10.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    10.000 |    19.095 |   19.095      19.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   110.000 |   111.825 |  111.825     111.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.112 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    50.000 |    47.735 |   47.735      47.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    20.729 |   20.729      20.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    21.142 |   21.142      21.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    20.000 |     6.766 |    6.766       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     1.148 |    1.148       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    13.911 |   13.911      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     5.886 |    5.886       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.911 |    0.911       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.228 |    2.228       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    30.000 |    32.744 |   32.744      32.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     5.173 |    5.173       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |    10.000 |     3.113 |    3.113       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |     0.000 |     1.595 |    1.595       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.525 |    0.525       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.786 |    1.786       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.356 |    1.356       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    10.000 |    15.254 |   15.254      15.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |    10.000 |     2.371 |    2.371       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   410.000 |   967.475 |  967.475     967.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.967 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.702       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     4.469 |    4.469       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |   549.892 |  549.892     549.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.550 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    70.000 |    58.834 |   58.834      58.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    50.000 |    38.698 |   38.698      38.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.633 |    3.633       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     6.335 |    6.335       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     6.397 |    6.397       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.314 |    1.314       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.251 |    2.251       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   340.000 |   353.471 |  353.471     353.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.353 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     7.869 |    7.869       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |    20.000 |    10.567 |   10.567      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     3.972 |    3.972       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     4.028 |    4.028       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |    10.000 |     2.897 |    2.897       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    20.000 |    22.350 |   22.350      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.778 |    0.778       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |    10.000 |    14.195 |   14.195      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.561       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    30.000 |    31.930 |   31.930      31.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     3.383 |    3.383       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |    10.000 |     6.072 |    6.072       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     2.593 |    2.593       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     1.409 |    1.409       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    30.000 |    27.792 |   27.792      27.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   170.000 |   183.121 |  183.121     183.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     4.458 |    4.458       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     3.287 |    3.287       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |    14.205 |   14.205      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |    10.000 |     2.289 |    2.289       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.805       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.835 |    1.835       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           | 55990.000 | 57048.137 | 57048.137   57048.1     0.00 |       1 |    57.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        | 55990.000 | 57047.430 | 57047.430   57047.4     0.00 |       1 |    57.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          | 55650.000 | 56706.152 | 56706.152   56706.2     0.00 |       1 |    56.706 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    30.000 |    47.227 |   47.227      47.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.047 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       | 55440.000 | 56478.434 | 56478.434   56478.4     0.00 |       1 |    56.478 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    19.400 |   19.400      19.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |   130.000 |   139.239 |  139.239     139.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.139 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     2.649 |    2.649       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     3.146 |    3.146       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrevPrev      |    10.000 |     7.270 |    7.270       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |   120.000 |   118.908 |  118.908     118.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.119 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |    60.000 |    66.863 |   66.863      66.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|    20.000 |    17.957 |   17.957      18.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|    20.000 |    17.836 |   17.836      17.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |    10.000 |     3.598 |    3.598       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    12.280 |   12.280      12.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     5.325 |    5.325       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.997 |    0.997       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|    20.000 |    21.697 |   21.697      21.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |    10.000 |     2.377 |    2.377       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.953 |    1.953       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.406       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.616 |    0.616       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.699 |    0.699       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|    10.000 |    13.427 |   13.427      13.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     1.272 |    1.272       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |   340.000 |   341.251 |  341.251     341.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.341 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     2.240 |    2.240       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     1.261 |    1.261       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    40.000 |    48.196 |   48.196      48.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrevPrev    |    30.000 |    34.083 |   34.083      34.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.295 |    1.295       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     5.469 |    5.469       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     4.717 |    4.717       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     1.306 |    1.306       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.179 |    1.179       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |   290.000 |   289.382 |  289.382     289.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.289 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |    10.000 |     4.899 |    4.899       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|    10.000 |     4.826 |    4.826       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     2.283 |    2.283       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     3.122 |    3.122       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.625 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrevPrev    |    20.000 |    15.250 |   15.250      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrevPrev    |    10.000 |     8.961 |    8.961       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     1.023 |    1.023       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrevPrev    |    20.000 |    25.070 |   25.070      25.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |    10.000 |     2.284 |    2.284       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     5.557 |    5.557       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     1.597 |    1.597       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.457       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |    30.000 |    27.246 |   27.246      27.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|   160.000 |   164.176 |  164.176     164.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     3.623 |    3.623       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     1.948 |    1.948       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |    20.000 |    11.491 |   11.491      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     1.996 |    1.996       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     1.069 |    1.069       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               | 68070.000 | 69428.195 | 69428.195   69428.2     0.00 |       1 |    69.428 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.540       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            | 68070.000 | 69427.617 | 69427.609   69427.6     0.00 |       1 |    69.428 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              | 67710.000 | 69079.984 | 69079.977   69080.0     0.00 |       1 |    69.080 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |    20.000 |    17.572 |   17.572      17.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           | 67510.000 | 68873.523 | 68873.516   68873.5     0.00 |       1 |    68.874 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |    30.000 |    25.492 |   25.492      25.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |   140.000 |   137.273 |  137.273     137.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.137 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsPrev          |    10.000 |     4.863 |    4.863       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     5.258 |    5.258       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsPrev          |    10.000 |    12.891 |   12.891      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |   110.000 |   103.549 |  103.549     103.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |    50.000 |    53.031 |   53.031      53.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |    20.000 |    16.727 |   16.727      16.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |    20.000 |    15.746 |   15.746      15.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     6.265 |    6.265       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    11.212 |   11.212      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     7.280 |    7.280       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.924       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     2.251 |    2.251       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    25.838 |   25.838      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     4.029 |    4.029       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     4.680 |    4.680       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.592 |    0.592       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     1.309 |    1.309       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.878 |    0.878       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.659       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |    10.000 |    11.389 |   11.389      11.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     1.325 |    1.325       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |   360.000 |   347.606 |  347.606     347.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.348 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |    20.000 |     3.701 |    3.701       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     1.261 |    1.261       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |    50.000 |    54.824 |   54.824      54.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniPrev        |    30.000 |    36.763 |   36.763      36.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     2.935 |    2.935       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorPrev       |    10.000 |     6.227 |    6.227       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     6.423 |    6.423       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     1.158 |    1.158       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     1.121 |    1.121       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |   290.000 |   287.432 |  287.432     287.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.287 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |    10.000 |     6.767 |    6.767       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     6.964 |    6.964       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |    10.000 |     3.918 |    3.918       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     3.997 |    3.997       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.859 |    0.859       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsPrev        |    20.000 |    19.613 |   19.613      19.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsPrev        |    10.000 |     9.962 |    9.962      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     1.511 |    1.511       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsPrev        |    30.000 |    30.743 |   30.743      30.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     1.908 |    1.908       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |    10.000 |     4.729 |    4.729       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     2.265 |    2.265       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.343 |    0.343       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |    20.000 |    23.300 |   23.300      23.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |   140.000 |   143.124 |  143.124     143.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     4.554 |    4.554       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |    10.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     2.639 |    2.639       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |    10.000 |    14.986 |   14.986      15.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.520 |    0.520       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     1.994 |    1.994       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |    10.000 |     1.268 |    1.268       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 33120.000 | 33834.211 | 33834.211   33834.2     0.00 |       1 |    33.834 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.600 |    0.600       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 33120.000 | 33833.562 | 33833.566   33833.6     0.00 |       1 |    33.834 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 32870.000 | 33580.098 | 33580.098   33580.1     0.00 |       1 |    33.580 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |    20.000 |    22.320 |   22.320      22.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 32740.000 | 33449.305 | 33449.305   33449.3     0.00 |       1 |    33.449 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    20.000 |    20.548 |   20.548      20.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    70.000 |    72.535 |   72.535      72.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.073 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNext          |     0.000 |     3.262 |    3.262       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     3.997 |    3.997       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNext          |    10.000 |     5.260 |    5.260       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    50.000 |    56.375 |   56.375      56.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    30.000 |    27.451 |   27.451      27.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |    10.000 |     9.560 |    9.560       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     9.317 |    9.317       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     3.906 |    3.906       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     5.685 |    5.685       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |    10.000 |     2.610 |    2.610       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    15.092 |   15.092      15.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |    10.000 |     3.220 |    3.220       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     2.200 |    2.200       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.350       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.550       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |    10.000 |     6.454 |    6.454       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.968 |    0.968       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |   250.000 |   253.429 |  253.429     253.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.253 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.859 |    2.859       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.858 |    0.858       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    60.000 |    57.534 |   57.534      57.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.058 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNext        |    40.000 |    40.117 |   40.117      40.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     3.646 |    3.646       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNext       |    10.000 |     8.852 |    8.852       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |    10.000 |     2.775 |    2.775       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |   190.000 |   191.933 |  191.933     191.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     3.754 |    3.754       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     4.132 |    4.132       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     2.726 |    2.726       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |    10.000 |     3.206 |    3.206       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNext       |    10.000 |     0.639 |    0.639       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNext        |    10.000 |    14.660 |   14.660      14.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     7.965 |    7.965       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.547 |    0.547       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNext        |    10.000 |    12.607 |   12.607      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     1.208 |    1.208       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     2.851 |    2.851       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     1.132 |    1.132       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |    20.000 |    17.482 |   17.482      17.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |   110.000 |   106.292 |  106.292     106.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.106 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     3.086 |    3.086       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.945 |    0.945       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     5.688 |    5.688       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.914 |    0.914       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.558 |    0.558       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 43190.000 | 44053.520 | 44053.520   44053.5     0.00 |       1 |    44.054 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.595 |    0.595       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 43190.000 | 44052.891 | 44052.891   44052.9     0.00 |       1 |    44.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 42920.000 | 43779.863 | 43779.863   43779.9     0.00 |       1 |    43.780 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |    10.000 |    12.499 |   12.499      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 42810.000 | 43669.238 | 43669.238   43669.2     0.00 |       1 |    43.669 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    30.000 |    25.724 |   25.724      25.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    50.000 |    59.123 |   59.123      59.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.059 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     2.631 |    2.631       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |     4.124 |    4.124       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     8.558 |    8.558       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    40.000 |    38.050 |   38.050      38.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    20.000 |    16.832 |   16.832      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|    10.000 |     8.255 |    8.255       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     6.385 |    6.385       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |    10.000 |     3.134 |    3.134       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.991 |    2.991       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     4.007 |    4.007       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.648       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.895 |    0.895       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    20.000 |    13.017 |   13.017      13.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |    10.000 |     2.598 |    2.598       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.987 |    1.987       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.601 |    0.601       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|    10.000 |     4.969 |    4.969       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     1.120 |    1.120       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |   270.000 |   272.987 |  272.987     273.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.273 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |    10.000 |     2.649 |    2.649       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    90.000 |    90.390 |   90.390      90.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.090 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoniNextNext    |    50.000 |    66.741 |   66.741      66.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |     4.360 |    4.360       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |    12.385 |   12.385      12.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |    10.000 |     3.782 |    3.782       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |    10.000 |     1.986 |    1.986       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |   170.000 |   178.808 |  178.808     178.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.179 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     6.104 |    6.104       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     7.998 |    7.998       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|    10.000 |     2.030 |    2.030       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     2.442 |    2.442       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.124 |    1.124       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     9.808 |    9.808       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     7.325 |    7.325       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     1.536 |    1.536       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHitsNextNext    |    20.000 |    18.744 |   18.744      18.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     1.681 |    1.681       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     4.034 |    4.034       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     1.596 |    1.596       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |    13.171 |   13.171      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    80.000 |    83.276 |   83.276      83.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|    10.000 |     2.194 |    2.194       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     2.425 |    2.425       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     7.802 |    7.802       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.105 |    1.105       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     1.740 |    1.740       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
+GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 31581    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 37608    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  219  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 43.8(+- 14.9)/ 25.7/ 66.4  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  444  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  273  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 54.6(+- 15.4)/ 32.7/ 74.5  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 8.82[min]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        678 |     135.60 |     58.284 |      66.000 |      217.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       5929 |     1185.8 |     523.29 |      496.00 |      1799.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |       9336 |     1867.2 |     609.91 |      936.00 |      2649.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |      10299 |     2059.8 |     945.15 |      1038.0 |      3413.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |      16431 |     3286.2 |     1002.0 |      1998.0 |      4454.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |      26730 |     5346.0 |     1739.5 |      3212.0 |      7867.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |      30645 |     6129.0 |     1887.1 |      3382.0 |      9200.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |      33971 |     6794.2 |     2057.8 |      3984.0 |      10267. |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |      39650 |     7930.0 |     3108.9 |      4656.0 |      12748. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         5 |        862 |     172.40 |     60.757 |      74.000 |      250.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         5 |       7475 |     1495.0 |     479.25 |      832.00 |      2042.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         5 |      11512 |     2302.4 |     564.87 |      1419.0 |      3112.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         5 |      12220 |     2444.0 |     835.82 |      1095.0 |      3413.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         5 |      19574 |     3914.8 |     1089.2 |      1998.0 |      5317.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         5 |      31794 |     6358.8 |     1675.2 |      3895.0 |      8276.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         5 |      38151 |     7630.2 |     2080.4 |      5349.0 |      10888. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         5 |      42146 |     8429.2 |     2395.4 |      5936.0 |      12159. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         5 |      46991 |     9398.2 |     2945.1 |      5089.0 |      12748. |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
index 5f66156db..e76fd538c 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-Upgrade-Baseline.ref
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Gen/LbPythia8/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 Ecut value = 5.0
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.0249999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 90.0  (default: 82.03)
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 7000000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = 'Upgrade'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ Upgrade RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 07:40:21 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 06:19:31 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -230,9 +231,9 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 Generator                  INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/GeneratorSlotMainSeq
 GeneratorSlotMainSeq       INFO Member list: GenInit/GaussGen, Generation, GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 07:42:16    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 06:20:33    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -447,6 +448,8 @@ ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Started successfully
 GaussGen                   INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 644571761, 0]
  PYTHIA Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity
  PYTHIA Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame
+ PYTHIA Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours
+ PYTHIA Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed
 MainEventGaussSim          INFO Evt 1,  Run 1,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1, 1, 1711122878, 0]
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager::  Geometry will be extracted from GaussGeo
@@ -789,36 +792,35 @@ GiGa.ModularPL             INFO  The production cut for positron is set to 	5 mm
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO Now Booking Rich Ckv G4 Histo Set2
 RichG4HistoSet2            INFO  End booking Rich G4 Histo set2
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackWARNING GaussTrackActionHepMC:: The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown'
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	3382
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	3984
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	10888
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	12159
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GaussGen                SUCCESS 1 events processed
 GaussGen                SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator: Pythia8  Generation method: Generation.Inclusive  DecFiles version: v31r0  njobs:1
- generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 3 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 3 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 16 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 3 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 0 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 1 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / Bs0Gen  key: 34  value: 1 / BminusAcc  key: 44  value: 1 / Bs0Acc  key: 45  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / antiD0Acc  key: 65  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 2 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 16 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 10 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 3 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 1 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 1 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 1 /
+ generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 25 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 25 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 199 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 10 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 27 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 2 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 2 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 1 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 2 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 1 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antibBaryonGen  key: 37  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antibBaryonAcc  key: 48  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 2 / DsminusGen  key: 60  value: 1 / cBaryonGen  key: 61  value: 1 / anticBaryonGen  key: 62  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 2 / DsminusAcc  key: 69  value: 1 / cBaryonAcc  key: 70  value: 1 / anticBaryonAcc  key: 71  value: 1 / BGen  key: 75  value: 1 / BAcc  key: 78  value: 1 / DGen  key: 85  value: 2 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 1 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 2 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 199 / non-diffractive  key: 201  value: 120 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 202  value: 49 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 203  value: 12 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 204  value: 9 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 205  value: 9 /
 cross-sections: Total cross-section  key: 0  value: 101.512 / non-diffractive  key: 101  value: 57.1656 / A B -> A B elastic  key: 102  value: 22.5806 / A B -> X B single diffractive  key: 103  value: 6.44236 / A B -> A X single diffractive  key: 104  value: 6.44236 / A B -> X X double diffractive  key: 105  value: 8.88086 /  }
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 1557
+= Number of particles generated: 6017
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 1557
+= Mean multiplicity: 6017
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 733
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 2615
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 733
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 2615
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 212
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 782
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 212
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 782
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 41
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 157
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 41
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 157
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -826,374 +828,374 @@ MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ================================================
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS 1 events processed
 MainEventGaussSim       SUCCESS ==================================================================
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 2174.00 +-46.63 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 1038.00 +-32.22 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) Rich2 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  210.00 +-14.49 (  9.66 +-0.63%) Rich2 =  120.00 +-10.95 ( 11.56 +-0.99%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 = 5317.00 +-72.92 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 = 2959.00 +-54.40 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  0.36 +-0.08%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.88 +-0.17%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 = 4610.00 +-67.90 ( 86.70 +-0.47%) Rich2 = 1697.00 +-41.19 ( 57.35 +-0.91%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =  503.00 +-22.43 (  9.46 +-0.40%) Rich2 =  405.00 +-20.12 ( 13.69 +-0.63%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  0.23 +-0.10%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =   13.00 +- 3.61 (  0.24 +-0.07%) Rich2 =    6.00 +- 2.45 (  0.20 +-0.08%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    9.00 +- 3.00 (  0.41 +-0.14%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  0.67 +-0.25%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  271.00 +-16.46 ( 26.11 +-1.36%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =   19.00 +- 4.36 (  0.36 +-0.08%) Rich2 =   26.00 +- 5.10 (  0.88 +-0.17%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  345.00 +-18.57 ( 11.66 +-0.59%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 1698.00 +-41.21 ( 78.10 +-0.89%) CF4 =  520.00 +-22.80 ( 50.10 +-1.55%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits     C4F10 = 4610.00 +-67.90 ( 86.70 +-0.47%) CF4 = 1697.00 +-41.19 ( 57.35 +-0.91%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits     C4F10 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) CF4 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  1698.00 +- 41.21 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   791.00 +- 28.12 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   330.00 +- 18.17 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =     5.00 +-  2.24 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   372.00 +- 19.29 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    67.00 +-  8.19 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   115.00 +- 10.72 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    39.00 +-  6.24 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    16.00 +-  4.00 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =  4610.00 +- 67.90 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =  2042.00 +- 45.19 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =   908.00 +- 30.13 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Nitrogen =    19.00 +-  4.36 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : PMTQuartzWin =   652.00 +- 25.53 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =   178.00 +- 13.34 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =   277.00 +- 16.64 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =    90.00 +-  9.49 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Nitrogen =    11.00 +-  3.32 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : PMTQuartzWin =    34.00 +-  5.83 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 MCVPHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3112 |     3112.0 |     0.0000 |      3112.0 |      3112.0 |
 MCUTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 MCFTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        250 |     250.00 |     0.0000 |      250.00 |      250.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |      11997 |     11997. |     0.0000 |      11997. |      11997. |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       2042 |     2042.0 |     0.0000 |      2042.0 |      2042.0 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8276 |     8276.0 |     0.0000 |      8276.0 |      8276.0 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VPGaussMoni                INFO                 - VPGaussMoni table -
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 936+/-0
+VPGaussMoni                INFO  Number of MCHits/Event: 3112+/-0
 VPGaussMoni                INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 UTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 799
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1262.69
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0788977
-UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0380725
+UTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 2106
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 538.663
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.0791995
+UTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.037746
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
 UTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        76 |         76 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       799 |    1008886 |     1262.7 |     4685.8 |     0.27460 |      49687. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       239 |        239 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      2106 |    1134424 |     538.66 |     2407.0 |   0.0039185 |      42156. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 FTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 1710
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2332.76
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.24549
-FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.100757
+FTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 4709
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2353.1
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.243474
+FTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0873553
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 FTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |       176 |        176 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |      1710 |    3989013 |     2332.8 |     7401.9 |   0.0060999 |      49687. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |       317 |        317 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |      4709 |1.108073e+07 |     2353.1 |     16448. |   0.0071678 |  2.3007e+05 |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  8.000  0.000  8.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  3.000  4.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 3.000  0.000  0.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 9.000  5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 41.000  8.000  4.000  14.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 66.000  15.000  10.000  5.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 22.000  5.000  4.000  5.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 25.000  12.000  8.000  6.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 36.000  13.000  3.000  14.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 154.000  40.000  26.000  30.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackVPHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3112 |     3112.0 |     0.0000 |      3112.0 |      3112.0 |
 CheckVPHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       936 |-3.5451e-06 |-3.7875e-09 | 2.9038e-07 | -4.9790e-07 |  4.9959e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       936 |-1.17528e-05 |-1.2556e-08 | 2.7753e-07 | -4.9715e-07 |  4.9805e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       936 |-1.48233e-06 |-1.5837e-09 | 5.8300e-08 | -4.9613e-07 |  4.9613e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       936 |-6.922633e-06 |-7.3960e-09 | 5.6718e-07 | -9.9973e-07 |  9.9023e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |-0.001038475 |-1.1095e-06 | 2.8669e-05 | -4.9926e-05 |  4.9874e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |4.05432e-05 | 4.3315e-08 | 2.8516e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |0.0001568515 | 1.6758e-07 | 3.9536e-06 | -3.5656e-05 |  4.8341e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |-0.04239743 |-4.5296e-05 |  0.0028828 |  -0.0049760 |   0.0049596 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       936 |8.341044e-05 | 8.9114e-08 | 2.9130e-06 | -4.9690e-06 |  4.9991e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233257 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871575 | -0.0019995 |   0.061991 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93243 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021159 |      4.1321 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3267 |    0.46402 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.741 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8160 |      71967. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       936 |   973.4051 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022677 |      28.829 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       936 |  -1.233253 | -0.0013176 |   0.064800 |     -1.0195 |     0.28852 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       936 |  -1.871563 | -0.0019995 |   0.061992 |    -0.87033 |     0.42844 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       936 |   109.9595 |    0.11748 |    0.15892 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       936 |   92.93244 |   0.099287 |    0.21553 |   0.0021160 |      4.1321 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       936 |   434.3277 |    0.46403 |     15.647 |     -41.941 |      46.740 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       936 |   764.1185 |    0.81637 |     13.661 |     -46.359 |      45.535 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       936 |   171069.9 |     182.77 |     278.80 |     -287.98 |      750.68 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       936 |    8234285 |     8797.3 |     13711. |      1.8200 |      71967. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       936 |    973.405 |     1.0400 |     1.1744 |    0.022680 |      28.829 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |5.924073e-06 | 1.9036e-09 | 2.8924e-07 | -4.9960e-07 |  4.9972e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |-1.784148e-05 |-5.7331e-09 | 2.8823e-07 | -4.9994e-07 |  4.9850e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |4.862168e-06 | 1.5624e-09 | 5.0815e-08 | -4.9917e-07 |  4.9917e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3112 |-0.0001046761 |-3.3636e-08 | 5.8133e-07 | -9.9887e-07 |  9.9950e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |-0.0002153155 |-6.9189e-08 | 2.9007e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9971e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |0.0006707228 | 2.1553e-07 | 2.8937e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |0.0005259248 | 1.6900e-07 | 3.3849e-06 | -3.4686e-05 |  4.8674e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 | -0.1823459 |-5.8594e-05 |  0.0028689 |  -0.0049969 |   0.0049970 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3112 |-0.0001478618 |-4.7513e-08 | 2.8794e-06 | -4.9968e-06 |  4.9878e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |   1.645652 | 0.00052881 |   0.080228 |     -1.9893 |      1.5040 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |   -4.56919 | -0.0014682 |   0.066781 |     -1.0480 |      1.6094 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |     228.33 |   0.073371 |    0.18439 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      3112 |    293.464 |   0.094301 |    0.19363 |  0.00010339 |      4.8687 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |   6219.252 |     1.9985 |     15.252 |     -47.023 |      48.662 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |  -1761.485 |   -0.56603 |     14.682 |     -47.272 |      47.170 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |   410410.3 |     131.88 |     274.25 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 |3.052618e+07 |     9809.2 |     20022. |      1.5491 |  2.5114e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      3112 |   2703.075 |    0.86860 |     1.3392 |    0.026161 |      32.896 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      3112 |   1.645646 | 0.00052881 |   0.080228 |     -1.9893 |      1.5040 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      3112 |  -4.569172 | -0.0014682 |   0.066781 |     -1.0480 |      1.6094 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      3112 |     228.33 |   0.073371 |    0.18439 |    -0.20000 |     0.20000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3112 |   293.4641 |   0.094301 |    0.19363 |  0.00010400 |      4.8687 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3112 |   6219.253 |     1.9985 |     15.252 |     -47.023 |      48.662 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3112 |  -1761.486 |   -0.56603 |     14.682 |     -47.272 |      47.170 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3112 |   410410.3 |     131.88 |     274.25 |     -288.18 |      750.48 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      3112 |3.052618e+07 |     9809.2 |     20022. |      1.5500 |  2.5114e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3112 |   2703.075 |    0.86860 |     1.3392 |    0.026160 |      32.896 |
 UnpackUTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        799 |     799.00 |     0.0000 |      799.00 |      799.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2106 |     2106.0 |     0.0000 |      2106.0 |      2106.0 |
 CheckUTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       799 |8.130843e-06 | 1.0176e-08 | 2.8248e-07 | -4.9840e-07 |  4.9979e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       799 |-2.281308e-06 |-2.8552e-09 | 2.8123e-07 | -4.9987e-07 |  4.9994e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       799 |-6.307342e-07 |-7.8940e-10 | 8.8536e-08 | -4.7182e-07 |  4.7995e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       799 |1.234927e-05 | 1.5456e-08 | 5.6297e-07 | -9.9730e-07 |  9.9530e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |-0.001147916 |-1.4367e-06 | 2.8136e-05 | -4.9980e-05 |  4.9976e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |-0.001082746 |-1.3551e-06 | 2.8597e-05 | -4.9715e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |-0.0001099674 |-1.3763e-07 | 6.3116e-06 | -4.5955e-05 |  4.5659e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |-0.02272803 |-2.8446e-05 |  0.0027903 |  -0.0049806 |   0.0049743 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       799 |2.827111e-05 | 3.5383e-08 | 2.9275e-06 | -4.9934e-06 |  4.9526e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       799 |    23.0073 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       799 |  -6.395372 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3489 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030480 |      2.6382 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.669 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4560 |      71901. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       799 |   23.00729 |   0.028795 |    0.49116 |     -6.6605 |      7.0722 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       799 |   -6.39537 | -0.0080042 |    0.13952 |     -1.2673 |      1.4816 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       799 |     39.468 |   0.049397 |    0.23623 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       799 |   115.3488 |    0.14437 |    0.21262 |  0.00030400 |      2.6382 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       799 |    32275.9 |     40.395 |     427.13 |     -884.35 |      906.29 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       799 |  -8580.668 |    -10.739 |     218.60 |     -672.10 |      672.38 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       799 |    2005190 |     2509.6 |     134.27 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       799 |    2143076 |     2682.2 |     8726.4 |      1.4600 |      71901. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       799 |      10680 |     13.367 |     5.2703 |      7.8327 |      34.342 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |-4.864743e-06 |-2.3099e-09 | 2.8693e-07 | -4.9868e-07 |  4.9950e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |-1.106044e-05 |-5.2519e-09 | 2.9120e-07 | -4.9975e-07 |  4.9895e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |-1.069643e-06 |-5.0790e-10 | 8.3071e-08 | -4.9511e-07 |  4.9571e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2106 |-2.201472e-06 |-1.0453e-09 | 5.7954e-07 | -9.9999e-07 |  9.9773e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |0.0003955369 | 1.8781e-07 | 2.9002e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9981e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |-0.003923117 |-1.8628e-06 | 2.8735e-05 | -4.9956e-05 |  4.9878e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |-0.0002287421 |-1.0861e-07 | 6.9498e-06 | -4.9539e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |  0.1161576 | 5.5156e-05 |  0.0028580 |  -0.0049982 |   0.0049990 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2106 |-2.969532e-05 |-1.4100e-08 | 2.8764e-06 | -4.9993e-06 |  4.9986e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |   57.93615 |   0.027510 |    0.32359 |     -3.4004 |      4.8120 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |   16.16853 |  0.0076774 |    0.20672 |     -2.4465 |      2.7429 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |   174.9321 |   0.083064 |    0.22740 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2106 |   332.2655 |    0.15777 |    0.40529 |   0.0011022 |      11.616 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |   51568.57 |     24.487 |     390.14 |     -896.96 |      878.55 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |   29374.09 |     13.948 |     267.34 |     -668.34 |      670.28 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |    5292347 |     2513.0 |     135.22 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |    7418039 |     3522.3 |     12169. |      1.4238 |  1.7381e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2106 |   28867.78 |     13.707 |     8.4801 |      7.4645 |      83.869 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      2106 |   57.93615 |   0.027510 |    0.32359 |     -3.4004 |      4.8120 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      2106 |   16.16854 |  0.0076774 |    0.20672 |     -2.4465 |      2.7429 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      2106 |   174.9321 |   0.083064 |    0.22740 |    -0.25000 |     0.25000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2106 |   332.2655 |    0.15777 |    0.40529 |   0.0011020 |      11.616 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      2106 |   51568.57 |     24.487 |     390.14 |     -896.96 |      878.55 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      2106 |   29374.09 |     13.948 |     267.34 |     -668.34 |      670.28 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      2106 |    5292347 |     2513.0 |     135.22 |      2320.2 |      2649.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      2106 |    7418039 |     3522.3 |     12169. |      1.4200 |  1.7381e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2106 |   28867.78 |     13.707 |     8.4801 |      7.4645 |      83.869 |
 UnpackFTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       1710 |     1710.0 |     0.0000 |      1710.0 |      1710.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4709 |     4709.0 |     0.0000 |      4709.0 |      4709.0 |
 CheckFTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |1.010116e-05 | 5.9071e-09 | 2.8885e-07 | -4.9965e-07 |  4.9998e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |-6.938369e-07 |-4.0575e-10 | 2.8456e-07 | -4.9847e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |-7.139572e-06 |-4.1752e-09 | 2.8477e-07 | -4.9935e-07 |  4.9906e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      1710 |-2.431618e-05 |-1.4220e-08 | 5.7608e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9810e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |0.0003080386 | 1.8014e-07 | 2.9035e-05 | -4.9964e-05 |  4.9946e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |-0.002184913 |-1.2777e-06 | 2.8644e-05 | -4.9951e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |0.0009949966 | 5.8187e-07 | 2.8795e-05 | -4.9837e-05 |  4.9924e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 | 0.07525092 | 4.4006e-05 |  0.0029024 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049976 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      1710 |0.0001353358 | 7.9144e-08 | 2.8723e-06 | -4.9831e-06 |  4.9720e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021856 |      11.485 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.92 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4241 |      71897. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      1710 |  -340.8616 |   -0.19933 |     1.1024 |     -11.202 |      10.800 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      1710 |  -12.31616 | -0.0072024 |    0.58986 |     -6.5438 |      7.0667 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      1710 |   1194.599 |    0.69860 |    0.98521 |     -1.3236 |      1.3088 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      1710 |   705.5182 |    0.41258 |    0.65035 |  0.00021800 |      11.485 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      1710 |  -243239.6 |    -142.25 |     1145.9 |     -3163.1 |      3061.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      1710 |   48036.93 |     28.092 |     587.41 |     -2414.9 |      2392.6 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      1710 |1.482035e+07 |     8666.9 |     564.59 |      7817.3 |      9410.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      1710 |    6893345 |     4031.2 |     10095. |      1.4200 |      71897. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      1710 |    58657.7 |     34.303 |     19.340 |      26.201 |      693.02 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |5.386296e-06 | 1.1438e-09 | 2.8531e-07 | -4.9990e-07 |  4.9923e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |4.417171e-07 | 9.3803e-11 | 2.8919e-07 | -4.9998e-07 |  4.9999e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |2.165919e-05 | 4.5995e-09 | 2.8429e-07 | -4.9991e-07 |  4.9991e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4709 |-2.392651e-05 |-5.0810e-09 | 5.7088e-07 | -9.9939e-07 |  9.9953e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |-0.001426847 |-3.0300e-07 | 2.8938e-05 | -4.9998e-05 |  4.9929e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |-0.002613665 |-5.5504e-07 | 2.8872e-05 | -4.9999e-05 |  4.9996e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |-0.002482239 |-5.2713e-07 | 2.9051e-05 | -4.9976e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |  0.3241034 | 6.8826e-05 |  0.0028773 |  -0.0049995 |   0.0049993 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4709 |0.000251537 | 5.3416e-08 | 2.9184e-06 | -4.9967e-06 |  4.9960e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |  -178.8204 |  -0.037974 |     1.6497 |     -40.467 |      34.184 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |   27.33753 |  0.0058054 |    0.83270 |     -38.356 |      8.7612 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |   4126.235 |    0.87624 |    0.86658 |     -1.3209 |      1.3316 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      4709 |   2004.662 |    0.42571 |    0.60350 |  5.3255e-05 |      12.791 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |   60930.57 |     12.939 |     1158.0 |     -3127.3 |      3313.6 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |   267043.9 |     56.709 |     618.08 |     -2411.0 |      2424.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |4.046185e+07 |     8592.4 |     568.90 |      7818.9 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |2.312372e+07 |     4910.5 |     14002. |      1.4256 |  1.7380e+05 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      4709 |   156504.9 |     33.235 |     19.767 |      25.834 |      516.06 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |      4709 |  -178.8204 |  -0.037974 |     1.6497 |     -40.467 |      34.184 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |      4709 |   27.33753 |  0.0058054 |    0.83270 |     -38.356 |      8.7612 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |      4709 |   4126.235 |    0.87624 |    0.86658 |     -1.3209 |      1.3316 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4709 |   2004.662 |    0.42571 |    0.60350 |  5.4000e-05 |      12.791 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      4709 |   60930.58 |     12.939 |     1158.0 |     -3127.3 |      3313.6 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      4709 |   267043.9 |     56.709 |     618.08 |     -2411.0 |      2424.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      4709 |4.046185e+07 |     8592.4 |     568.90 |      7818.9 |      9412.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |      4709 |2.312372e+07 |     4910.5 |     14002. |      1.4300 |  1.7380e+05 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4709 |   156504.9 |     33.235 |     19.767 |      25.834 |      516.06 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8276 |     8276.0 |     0.0000 |      8276.0 |      8276.0 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3212 |1.069173e-05 | 3.3287e-09 | 0.00018845 |  -0.0041984 |   0.0039666 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |0.0006117115 | 1.9045e-07 | 2.8788e-05 | -4.9981e-05 |  4.9993e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |-0.0001188687 |-3.7008e-08 | 2.8868e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |-0.000590575 |-1.8387e-07 | 2.9011e-05 | -4.9940e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      3212 |-8.712409e-05 |-2.7125e-08 | 2.9293e-06 | -4.9992e-06 |  4.9983e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3212 |     3718.3 |     1.1576 |     29.216 |    0.020000 |      1000.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      3212 |  -969408.3 |    -301.81 |     2199.9 |     -4074.0 |      4071.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      3212 |   482712.2 |     150.28 |     1146.8 |     -1644.5 |      1655.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      3212 |1.489079e+07 |     4636.0 |     4256.2 |      1266.7 |      11075. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      3212 |   84850.36 |     26.417 |     21.229 |      7.1083 |      196.56 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8276 |-0.02100238 |-2.5377e-06 | 0.00020288 |  -0.0048505 |   0.0042739 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |-0.0006876402 |-8.3088e-08 | 2.8966e-05 | -4.9963e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |0.001094056 | 1.3220e-07 | 2.9114e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9994e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |0.001394619 | 1.6851e-07 | 2.8613e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      8276 |-1.033045e-06 |-1.2482e-10 | 2.8920e-06 | -4.9981e-06 |  4.9992e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      8276 |   16818.31 |     2.0322 |     39.707 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |    3354784 |     405.36 |     2312.3 |     -4075.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |   -1252033 |    -151.28 |     1098.2 |     -1653.6 |      1639.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |4.09821e+07 |     4951.9 |     4329.7 |      1269.7 |      11074. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      8276 |   225162.6 |     27.207 |     20.880 |      7.0362 |      142.16 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8276 |   16818.33 |     2.0322 |     39.707 |    0.020000 |      1000.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |      8276 |    3354784 |     405.36 |     2312.3 |     -4075.9 |      4074.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |      8276 |   -1252033 |    -151.28 |     1098.2 |     -1653.6 |      1639.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |      8276 |4.09821e+07 |     4951.9 |     4329.7 |      1269.7 |      11074. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      8276 |   225162.6 |     27.207 |     20.880 |      7.0362 |      142.16 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |-0.0002449524 |-7.6643e-08 | 2.8479e-05 | -4.9983e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |0.001679691 | 5.2556e-07 | 2.8720e-05 | -4.9941e-05 |  4.9990e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |-0.002696419 |-8.4369e-07 | 2.9081e-05 | -4.9975e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      3196 |2.580691e-11 | 8.0748e-15 | 5.8024e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |-0.0004441598 |-1.3897e-07 | 2.8858e-05 | -4.9947e-05 |  4.9997e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |0.0004688422 | 1.4670e-07 | 2.8721e-05 | -4.9958e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |-0.00224869 |-7.0360e-07 | 2.8862e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9985e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      3196 |   9866.626 |     3.0872 |     1.8063 |  0.00080490 |      6.2823 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      3196 |   1040.483 |    0.32556 |    0.49281 |    0.018832 |      2.7613 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      3196 |  -681903.2 |    -213.36 |     1348.5 |     -4056.9 |      3850.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      3196 |   279949.4 |     87.594 |     576.76 |     -2391.7 |      2286.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      3196 |1.41548e+07 |     4428.9 |     4265.6 |      864.53 |      11770. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      3196 | 0.01203275 | 3.7649e-06 | 7.7768e-07 |  1.8958e-06 |  6.0045e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      3196 |  -945276.2 |    -295.77 |     2193.7 |     -4065.2 |      4062.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      3196 |   481150.2 |     150.55 |     1140.2 |     -1636.0 |      1647.0 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      3196 |1.478416e+07 |     4625.8 |     4254.4 |      1261.4 |      11070. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      3196 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |0.003573214 | 4.3412e-07 | 2.9048e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |0.005417527 | 6.5819e-07 | 2.9003e-05 | -4.9977e-05 |  4.9979e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |-0.0004119669 |-5.0051e-08 | 2.8939e-05 | -4.9996e-05 |  4.9988e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      8231 |2.172555e-10 | 2.6395e-14 | 5.7808e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |0.001109041 | 1.3474e-07 | 2.9045e-05 | -4.9985e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 | 0.00165246 | 2.0076e-07 | 2.8772e-05 | -4.9979e-05 |  4.9999e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |-0.0006764182 |-8.2179e-08 | 2.9194e-05 | -4.9967e-05 |  4.9987e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |   26025.21 |     3.1619 |     1.8280 |  0.00060487 |      6.2832 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |   2030.107 |    0.24664 |    0.41393 |    0.010305 |      2.8594 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |    1637051 |     198.89 |     1488.5 |     -4064.2 |      4021.1 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |  -712910.9 |    -86.613 |     410.69 |     -2453.2 |      3071.5 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |3.887704e+07 |     4723.2 |     4340.8 |      861.03 |      11753. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      8231 | 0.03071904 | 3.7321e-06 | 7.6775e-07 |  1.8287e-06 |  6.1457e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |    3339470 |     405.72 |     2303.1 |     -4065.1 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 |   -1236687 |    -150.25 |     1092.5 |     -1645.1 |      1630.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |4.062608e+07 |     4935.7 |     4326.5 |      1264.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |      8231 |   26025.21 |     3.1619 |     1.8280 |  0.00060487 |      6.2832 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |      8231 |   2030.107 |    0.24664 |    0.41393 |    0.010305 |      2.8594 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |      8231 |    1637051 |     198.89 |     1488.5 |     -4064.2 |      4021.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |      8231 |  -712910.9 |    -86.613 |     410.69 |     -2453.2 |      3071.5 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |      8231 |3.887704e+07 |     4723.2 |     4340.8 |      861.03 |      11753. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      8231 | 0.03071904 | 3.7321e-06 | 7.6775e-07 |  1.8287e-06 |  6.1457e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |      8231 |    3339470 |     405.72 |     2303.1 |     -4065.1 |      4065.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |      8231 |   -1236687 |    -150.25 |     1092.5 |     -1645.1 |      1630.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |      8231 |4.062608e+07 |     4935.7 |     4326.5 |      1264.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |      8231 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       238 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |       590 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |      11997 |     11997. |     0.0000 |      11997. |      11997. |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      4656 |-0.0002995226 |-6.4330e-08 | 2.8722e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      4656 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00012600 |      3014.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      4656 |   64341.78 |     13.819 |     76.252 |  0.00010000 |      3014.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      4656 |        732 |    0.15722 |    0.53905 |      0.0000 |      19.000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |     11997 |0.0005777465 | 4.8158e-08 | 2.8947e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |     11997 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |     11997 |   170657.2 |     14.225 |     66.415 |  3.2291e-05 |      2879.2 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |     11997 |       2242 |    0.18688 |    0.88691 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |     11997 |   170657.2 |     14.225 |     66.415 |      0.0000 |      2879.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |     11997 |       2242 |    0.18688 |    0.88691 |      0.0000 |      59.000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |       2042 |     2042.0 |     0.0000 |      2042.0 |      2042.0 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       496 |-0.0003035474 |-6.1199e-07 | 2.9141e-05 | -4.9343e-05 |  4.9718e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       496 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.903 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030899 |      304.30 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       496 |   4391.904 |     8.8546 |     26.314 |  0.00030000 |      304.30 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       496 |        115 |    0.23185 |    0.45423 |     -1.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |      2042 |0.001439686 | 7.0504e-07 | 2.8792e-05 | -4.9995e-05 |  4.9984e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |      2042 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |      2042 |   21903.79 |     10.727 |     39.327 |  0.00022612 |      803.60 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |      2042 |        345 |    0.16895 |    0.47705 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |      2042 |   21903.78 |     10.727 |     39.327 |  0.00020000 |      803.60 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |      2042 |        345 |    0.16895 |    0.47705 |     -1.0000 |      3.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        250 |     250.00 |     0.0000 |      250.00 |      250.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        66 |-3.192241e-06 |-4.8367e-08 | 2.8040e-07 | -4.9503e-07 |  4.8530e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        66 |2.149414e-06 | 3.2567e-08 | 2.8054e-07 | -4.7238e-07 |  4.5177e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        66 |5.647688e-07 | 8.5571e-09 | 2.6455e-07 | -4.9399e-07 |  4.7948e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        66 |-2.86845e-06 |-4.3461e-08 | 6.3560e-07 | -9.8251e-07 |  9.7124e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |-0.0003045014 |-4.6137e-06 | 2.9727e-05 | -4.9213e-05 |  4.9550e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |-2.203884e-05 |-3.3392e-07 | 2.6502e-05 | -4.7776e-05 |  4.9880e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |4.281464e-05 | 6.4871e-07 | 2.9126e-05 | -4.6453e-05 |  4.5181e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |-0.01688626 |-0.00025585 |  0.0028743 |  -0.0047496 |   0.0049404 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        66 |-2.991571e-05 |-4.5327e-07 | 2.8733e-06 | -4.9903e-06 |  4.7230e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32669 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        66 |  0.4613031 |  0.0069894 |   0.013991 |  0.00012308 |    0.097077 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.35 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4853 |      3642.7 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        66 |  -42.32668 |   -0.64131 |     42.561 |     -275.23 |      101.20 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        66 |  -272.3827 |    -4.1270 |     23.281 |     -173.33 |      41.566 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        66 |   134.2012 |     2.0334 |     4.2380 |     -5.6242 |      5.0533 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        66 |   0.461306 |  0.0069895 |   0.013991 |  0.00012400 |    0.097076 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        66 |      14183 |     214.89 |     1672.8 |     -4787.6 |      4464.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        66 |  -36732.98 |    -556.56 |     1375.2 |     -4058.9 |      2096.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        66 |    1082798 |     16406. |     1451.7 |      15178. |      19036. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        66 |   34600.37 |     524.25 |     725.77 |      1.4900 |      3642.7 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        66 |   3891.881 |     58.968 |     7.2232 |      50.933 |      74.178 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       250 |1.974846e-06 | 7.8994e-09 | 2.8646e-07 | -4.9858e-07 |  4.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       250 |-6.497127e-07 |-2.5989e-09 | 2.9496e-07 | -4.9508e-07 |  4.9287e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       250 |-1.667071e-06 |-6.6683e-09 | 2.8159e-07 | -4.9117e-07 |  4.9942e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       250 |-1.263551e-05 |-5.0542e-08 | 5.8406e-07 | -9.8059e-07 |  9.6797e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |-0.0001176315 |-4.7053e-07 | 2.6549e-05 | -4.9493e-05 |  4.8285e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |-0.0004394209 |-1.7577e-06 | 2.7697e-05 | -4.9442e-05 |  4.9912e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |-0.0002752042 |-1.1008e-06 | 2.9882e-05 | -4.9705e-05 |  4.9949e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |0.009168555 | 3.6674e-05 |  0.0029525 |  -0.0049981 |   0.0049032 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       250 |1.801344e-05 | 7.2054e-08 | 2.9742e-06 | -4.9547e-06 |  4.9677e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       250 |   111.4841 |    0.44594 |     4.9338 |     -26.834 |      34.737 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       250 |  -142.6242 |   -0.57050 |     4.2707 |     -36.386 |      14.739 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       250 |    982.604 |     3.9304 |     2.9426 |     -5.1311 |      5.0403 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       250 |  0.6508874 |  0.0026035 |  0.0041026 |  0.00013489 |    0.034311 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |   117497.7 |     469.99 |     1818.4 |     -4687.2 |      4596.7 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |   10601.35 |     42.405 |     808.75 |     -2248.7 |      3396.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |    4045073 |     16180. |     1278.5 |      15094. |      19036. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |   265840.5 |     1063.4 |     1419.3 |      1.4314 |      5680.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       250 |   13979.99 |     55.920 |     5.4967 |      50.662 |      88.539 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       250 |   111.4841 |    0.44594 |     4.9338 |     -26.834 |      34.737 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       250 |  -142.6242 |   -0.57050 |     4.2707 |     -36.386 |      14.739 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       250 |    982.604 |     3.9304 |     2.9426 |     -5.1311 |      5.0403 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       250 |     0.6509 |  0.0026036 |  0.0041026 |  0.00013400 |    0.034312 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       250 |   117497.7 |     469.99 |     1818.4 |     -4687.2 |      4596.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       250 |   10601.35 |     42.405 |     808.75 |     -2248.7 |      3396.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       250 |    4045073 |     16180. |     1278.5 |      15094. |      19036. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       250 |   265840.5 |     1063.4 |     1419.3 |      1.4300 |      5680.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       250 |   13979.99 |     55.920 |     5.4967 |      50.662 |      88.539 |
 RootHistSvc             WARNING no ROOT output file name, Histograms cannot be persistified
 EventLoopMgr               INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
 ToolSvc                    INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
@@ -1201,14 +1203,14 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1121.08 |     1121.1 |     0.0000 |      1121.1 |      1121.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1119.556 |     1119.6 |     0.0000 |      1119.6 |      1119.6 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1121.08 |     1121.1 |     0.0000 |      1121.1 |      1121.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1119.556 |     1119.6 |     0.0000 |      1119.6 |      1119.6 |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1220,13 +1222,13 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | non-diffractive                                101 |          10         10         10 |   5.717e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |           3          3          3 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
- | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
- | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           1          1          1 |   6.442e+00  6.442e+00 |
- | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           1          1          1 |   8.881e+00  8.881e+00 |
+ | non-diffractive                                101 |         120        120        120 |   5.717e+01  4.083e-07 |
+ | A B -> A B elastic                             102 |          49         49         49 |   2.258e+01  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> X B single diffractive                  103 |          12         12         12 |   6.442e+00  0.000e+00 |
+ | A B -> A X single diffractive                  104 |           9          9          9 |   6.442e+00  3.974e-08 |
+ | A B -> X X double diffractive                  105 |           9          9          9 |   8.881e+00  5.620e-08 |
  |                                                    |                                   |                        |
- | sum                                                |          16         16         16 |   1.015e+02  1.272e+01 |
+ | sum                                                |         199        199        199 |   1.015e+02  4.141e-07 |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Event and Cross Section Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------*
@@ -1234,124 +1236,124 @@ ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO ------------------------------------------------
  |                                                                                                                 |
  |  times   message                                                                                                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
+ |      1   Error in BeamRemnants::setKinematics: kinematics construction failed                                   |
+ |      1   Warning in JunctionSplitting::CheckColours: Made a gluon colour singlet; redoing colours               |
  |      3   Warning in MultipartonInteractions::init: maximum increased                                            |
- |      1   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
- |      2   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
+ |      3   Warning in SpaceShower::pT2nextQCD: weight above unity                                                 |
+ |     13   Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction: bad convergence junction rest frame                |
  |                                                                                                                 |
  *-------  End PYTHIA Error and Warning Messages Statistics  ------------------------------------------------------*
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 50130.000 | 58545.391 | 58545.391   58545.4     0.00 |       1 |    58.545 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 50130.000 | 58540.172 | 58540.172   58540.2     0.00 |       1 |    58.540 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2480.000 |  2495.799 | 2495.799    2495.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.496 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2480.000 |  2495.792 | 2495.792    2495.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.496 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2480.000 |  2493.564 | 2493.564    2493.6     0.00 |       1 |     2.494 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.148 |    1.148       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.105 |    1.105       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 47650.000 | 56044.355 | 56044.355   56044.4     0.00 |       1 |    56.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 47650.000 | 56044.340 | 56044.340   56044.3     0.00 |       1 |    56.044 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.960 |    0.960       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 47650.000 | 56043.363 | 56043.363   56043.4     0.00 |       1 |    56.043 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 47490.000 | 51449.992 | 51449.992   51450.0     0.00 |       1 |    51.450 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 20430.000 | 20696.174 | 20696.174   20696.2     0.00 |       1 |    20.696 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 27010.000 | 29490.951 | 29490.951   29491.0     0.00 |       1 |    29.491 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.241 |    8.241       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |  1245.822 | 1245.822    1245.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.246 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |     0.000 |     1.485 |    1.485       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |     0.000 |     1.811 |    1.811       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    10.000 |  1214.242 | 1214.242    1214.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.214 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    24.706 |   24.706      24.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |    10.587 |   10.587      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     4.200 |    4.200       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     4.472 |    4.472       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     2.302 |    2.302       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.528       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     2.496 |    2.496       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.033 |    1.033       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     8.714 |    8.714       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.618 |    1.618       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.978 |    0.978       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     2.652 |    2.652       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.812 |    0.812       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   160.000 |  4593.340 | 4593.340    4593.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.593 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.254 |    0.254       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.226 |    1.226       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |  3323.717 | 3323.717    3323.7     0.00 |       1 |     3.324 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |  1139.436 | 1139.436    1139.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.139 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    30.000 |    22.981 |   22.981      23.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.340       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.369 |    1.369       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.524 |    2.524       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |  1110.668 | 1110.668    1110.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.111 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   130.000 |   128.651 |  128.651     128.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.129 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     2.520 |    2.520       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.365 |    2.365       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     1.307 |    1.307       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.206 |    1.206       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |     0.000 |     6.430 |    6.430       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.256       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |    20.000 |     5.290 |    5.290       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     0.452 |    0.452       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    10.000 |    11.099 |   11.099      11.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.953 |    0.953       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.867 |    1.867       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.874 |    0.874       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.428 |    0.428       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    10.952 |   10.952      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    70.000 |    71.787 |   71.787      71.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     2.004 |    2.004       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.095 |    1.095       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     5.596 |    5.596       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 108720.000 | 110389.398 | 110389.398  110389.4     0.00 |       1 |   110.389 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 108720.000 | 110381.930 | 110381.922  110381.9     0.00 |       1 |   110.382 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   | 11880.000 | 12057.387 | 12057.387   12057.4     0.00 |       1 |    12.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       | 11880.000 | 12057.380 | 12057.380   12057.4     0.00 |       1 |    12.057 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.204 |    1.204       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                | 11880.000 | 12052.482 | 12052.482   12052.5     0.00 |       1 |    12.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     3.636 |    3.636       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     3.540 |    3.540       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 96840.000 | 98324.516 | 98324.516   98324.5     0.00 |       1 |    98.325 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 96840.000 | 98324.484 | 98324.492   98324.5     0.00 |       1 |    98.324 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     2.701 |    2.701       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 96840.000 | 98321.766 | 98321.766   98321.8     0.00 |       1 |    98.322 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 96430.000 | 97901.586 | 97901.578   97901.6     0.00 |       1 |    97.902 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 20940.000 | 21363.779 | 21363.781   21363.8     0.00 |       1 |    21.364 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 75260.000 | 76310.125 | 76310.125   76310.1     0.00 |       1 |    76.310 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    30.000 |    37.560 |   37.560      37.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.038 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   160.000 |   151.075 |  151.075     151.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.151 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVPHits              |    10.000 |     5.438 |    5.438       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetUTHits              |     0.000 |     7.075 |    7.075       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetFTHits              |    20.000 |    12.204 |   12.204      12.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   120.000 |   115.825 |  115.825     115.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.116 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    50.000 |    49.882 |   49.882      49.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    23.348 |   23.348      23.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    20.744 |   20.744      20.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     6.753 |    6.753       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.817 |    0.817       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    14.043 |   14.043      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     7.537 |    7.537       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.180 |    1.180       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.693 |    1.693       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    40.000 |    38.813 |   38.813      38.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     5.894 |    5.894       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     4.800 |    4.800       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVPHitPacker          |    10.000 |     1.487 |    1.487       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCUTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCFTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     1.055 |    1.055       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.722 |    1.722       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.478 |    1.478       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    20.000 |    18.472 |   18.472      18.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |    10.000 |     2.342 |    2.342       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.731       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   410.000 |   420.171 |  420.171     420.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.420 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     3.953 |    3.953       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.244 |    2.244       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    70.000 |    68.796 |   68.796      68.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.069 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VPGaussMoni            |    50.000 |    49.967 |   49.967      50.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     3.601 |    3.601       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        FTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     5.913 |    5.913       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     5.622 |    5.622       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.198 |    1.198       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.382 |    2.382       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   340.000 |   344.778 |  344.778     344.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.345 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |    10.561 |   10.561      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |    20.000 |    11.631 |   11.631      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     3.515 |    3.515       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     3.409 |    3.409       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVPHits           |     0.000 |     2.439 |    2.439       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVPHits            |    20.000 |    20.718 |   20.718      20.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackUTHits           |     0.000 |     1.047 |    1.047       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckUTHits            |    20.000 |    13.876 |   13.876      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackFTHits           |     0.000 |     1.859 |    1.859       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckFTHits            |    30.000 |    30.990 |   30.990      31.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     3.219 |    3.219       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |    10.000 |     6.670 |    6.670       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |    10.000 |     2.745 |    2.745       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.887       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    30.000 |    28.382 |   28.382      28.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   170.000 |   177.109 |  177.109     177.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.177 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     4.172 |    4.172       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     2.487 |    2.487       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |    13.627 |   13.627      13.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     2.197 |    2.197       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     1.670 |    1.670       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3776     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 9803     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=   27  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  125  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 75.2  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  195  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        202 |     202.00 |     0.0000 |      202.00 |      202.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        238 |     238.00 |     0.0000 |      238.00 |      238.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        496 |     496.00 |     0.0000 |      496.00 |      496.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |        936 |     936.00 |     0.0000 |      936.00 |      936.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       1038 |     1038.0 |     0.0000 |      1038.0 |      1038.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       2174 |     2174.0 |     0.0000 |      2174.0 |      2174.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       3196 |     3196.0 |     0.0000 |      3196.0 |      3196.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       3212 |     3212.0 |     0.0000 |      3212.0 |      3212.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |       3382 |     3382.0 |     0.0000 |      3382.0 |      3382.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |       3984 |     3984.0 |     0.0000 |      3984.0 |      3984.0 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |       4656 |     4656.0 |     0.0000 |      4656.0 |      4656.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        250 |     250.00 |     0.0000 |      250.00 |      250.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |        480 |     480.00 |     0.0000 |      480.00 |      480.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |        590 |     590.00 |     0.0000 |      590.00 |      590.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |       2042 |     2042.0 |     0.0000 |      2042.0 |      2042.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |       2959 |     2959.0 |     0.0000 |      2959.0 |      2959.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |       3112 |     3112.0 |     0.0000 |      3112.0 |      3112.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |       5317 |     5317.0 |     0.0000 |      5317.0 |      5317.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |       8231 |     8231.0 |     0.0000 |      8231.0 |      8231.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |       8276 |     8276.0 |     0.0000 |      8276.0 |      8276.0 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |      10888 |     10888. |     0.0000 |      10888. |      10888. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |      11997 |     11997. |     0.0000 |      11997. |      11997. |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |      12159 |     12159. |     0.0000 |      12159. |      12159. |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -1377,3 +1379,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia6.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia6.ref
index a209e7b68..4d38dffa3 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia6.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia6.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.109999999999999e-24  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.459, -0.015, 0.5]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 82.03  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 3500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2011'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 01:46:49 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 01:54:59 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -410,6 +413,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1498,6 +1502,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1572,6 +1577,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1615,6 +1621,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,6 +1671,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1715,6 +1723,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1770,6 +1779,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1817,6 +1827,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1853,6 +1864,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1888,6 +1900,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4608,6 +4621,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4638,7 +4652,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -4691,7 +4705,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.56 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5010,7 +5024,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5083,7 +5098,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 01:47:44    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 01:55:54    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5187,8 +5202,9 @@ Generation                DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 30
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 31
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'InclusivePIDList':[ 521 , -521 , 511 , -511 , 531 , -531 , 541 , -541 , 5122 , -5122 , 5222 , -5222 , 5212 , -5212 , 5112 , -5112 , 5312 , -5312 , 5322 , -5322 , 5332 , -5332 , 5132 , -5132 , 5232 , -5232 ]
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':LHCbAcceptance
@@ -5226,7 +5242,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.EvtGenDecay
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of PythiaProduction/Generation.Inclusive.PythiaProduction  #properties = 36
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of PythiaProduction/Generation.Inclusive.PythiaProduction  #properties = 37
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ParticlesToAdd':[ 30443 , 200553 , 300553 , 9000553 ]
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UpdatedParticles':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Inconsistencies':HEPEVT_inconsistencies.out
@@ -8424,7 +8441,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  876 #SubHits= 1262 #Slots= 7481 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 2992 #SubHits= 7746 #Slots= 8898 Energy=     105[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  405 #SubHits=  755 #Slots= 1003 Energy=    8.02[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x262be310 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x25f49640 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 5
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 6348
@@ -8500,7 +8517,7 @@ Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator
  generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 46 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 4 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 42 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 90 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 5 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 1 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 2 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 1 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 0 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 1 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 1 / AfterLevelCut  key: 27  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / antibBaryonGen  key: 37  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antibBaryonAcc  key: 48  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / DminusGen  key: 58  value: 1 / DsplusGen  key: 59  value: 1 / D0Acc  key: 64  value: 1 / DminusAcc  key: 67  value: 1 / DsplusAcc  key: 68  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 1 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 1 / DGen  key: 85  value: 1 / DstarGen  key: 86  value: 2 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / DstarAcc  key: 89  value: 2 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 90 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 111  value: 14 / f + g -> f + g                key: 128  value: 14 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 153  value: 1 / g + g -> g + g                key: 168  value: 30 / Elastic scattering            key: 191  value: 14 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 192  value: 2 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 193  value: 7 / Double  diffractive           key: 194  value: 8 /
-cross-sections: All included subprocesses   ü  key: 0  value: 90.9045 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 11.4954 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 11.4954 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0.821101 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 24.633 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 6.8422 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 6.8422 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0.0361773 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00848036 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0.000171087 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0.00101515 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0.0304241 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0.0108429 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 0.0341622 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.012683 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.00593787 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
+cross-sections: All included subprocesses     key: 0  value: 90.9045 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 11.4954 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 11.4954 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0.821101 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 24.633 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.3752 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 6.8422 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 6.8422 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 9.26002 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0.0361773 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0.00848036 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0.000171087 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0.00101515 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0.0304241 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0.0108429 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 0.0341622 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.012683 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.00593787 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
 Generation                DEBUG De-Registering tool Generation.FixedLuminosity
 Generation                DEBUG The tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity' of type 'FixedLuminosity' is released
@@ -8840,7 +8857,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.56 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -8941,59 +8958,59 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 197200.000 | 197997.594 | 197997.609  197997.6     0.00 |       1 |   197.998 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 197190.000 | 197989.969 | 197989.969  197990.0     0.00 |       1 |   197.990 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1590.000 |  1599.791 | 1599.791    1599.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.600 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1590.000 |  1599.776 | 1599.776    1599.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.600 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.197 |    1.197       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1590.000 |  1596.430 | 1596.430    1596.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.596 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.107 |    2.107       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.043 |    2.043       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 195600.000 | 196390.125 | 196390.125  196390.1     0.00 |       1 |   196.390 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 187800.000 | 189163.141 | 189163.141  189163.1     0.00 |       1 |   189.163 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 187790.000 | 189154.594 | 189154.594  189154.6     0.00 |       1 |   189.155 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1530.000 |  1551.859 | 1551.859    1551.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.552 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1530.000 |  1551.847 | 1551.847    1551.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.552 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.727 |    1.727       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1530.000 |  1548.203 | 1548.203    1548.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.548 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.870 |    1.870       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.779 |    1.779       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 186260.000 | 187602.688 | 187602.688  187602.7     0.00 |       1 |   187.603 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 195600.000 | 196390.094 | 196390.094  196390.1     0.00 |       1 |   196.390 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.082 |    1.082       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 195600.000 | 196388.969 | 196388.984  196389.0     0.00 |       1 |   196.389 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 195570.000 | 196343.406 | 196343.406  196343.4     0.00 |       1 |   196.343 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 43680.000 | 43769.188 | 43769.188   43769.2     0.00 |       1 |    43.769 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 151670.000 | 152359.984 | 152359.984  152360.0     0.00 |       1 |   152.360 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    30.000 |    31.273 |   31.273      31.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   190.000 |   182.623 |  182.623     182.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.183 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.291 |    1.291       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     5.881 |    5.881       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     6.402 |    6.402       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     5.245 |    5.245       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |    10.956 |   10.956      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   140.000 |   134.106 |  134.106     134.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.134 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    70.000 |    69.641 |   69.641      69.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    23.570 |   23.570      23.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    30.000 |    21.095 |   21.095      21.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     4.531 |    4.531       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.688       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    14.341 |   14.341      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.607 |    1.607       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.998 |    2.998       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     4.850 |    4.850       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    20.000 |     8.480 |    8.480       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    45.540 |   45.540      45.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.448       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.419 |    2.419       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.528 |    2.528       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    39.881 |   39.881      39.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    17.537 |   17.537      17.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.265 |    2.265       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     0.805 |    0.805       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.729 |    3.729       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.904 |    2.904       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.670 |    3.670       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.391 |    4.391       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.924       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     3.489 |    3.489       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 186260.000 | 187602.656 | 187602.641  187602.6     0.00 |       1 |   187.603 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.185 |    1.185       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 186260.000 | 187601.422 | 187601.422  187601.4     0.00 |       1 |   187.601 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 186220.000 | 187560.484 | 187560.484  187560.5     0.00 |       1 |   187.560 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 42990.000 | 43190.648 | 43190.648   43190.6     0.00 |       1 |    43.191 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 143040.000 | 144175.125 | 144175.125  144175.1     0.00 |       1 |   144.175 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    30.000 |    25.009 |   25.009      25.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   160.000 |   169.434 |  169.434     169.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.169 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.485 |    1.485       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     5.245 |    5.245       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     6.575 |    6.575       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     4.086 |    4.086       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     7.928 |    7.928       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   120.000 |   127.095 |  127.095     127.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.127 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    70.000 |    67.411 |   67.411      67.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    18.620 |   18.620      18.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    21.396 |   21.396      21.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     5.120 |    5.120       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.766 |    0.766       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    13.429 |   13.429      13.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.790 |    1.790       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |    10.000 |     2.144 |    2.144       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     3.459 |    3.459       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.430 |    0.430       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     8.933 |    8.933       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    40.000 |    40.902 |   40.902      40.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.828 |    2.828       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.395 |    2.395       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    35.108 |   35.108      35.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    13.055 |   13.055      13.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     2.547 |    2.547       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.871 |    0.871       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.158 |    3.158       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.400 |    3.400       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.511 |    3.511       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.422 |    4.422       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.012 |    1.012       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     3.014 |    3.014       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 8043     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -9001,8 +9018,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  152  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  246  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  143  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  238  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
index 3b5cde4b8..afed16467 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2011-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.109999999999999e-24  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.459, -0.015, 0.5]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 82.03  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 3500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2011'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 02:56:52 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 01:59:13 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -410,6 +413,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1498,6 +1502,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1572,6 +1577,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1615,6 +1621,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,6 +1671,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1715,6 +1723,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1770,6 +1779,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1817,6 +1827,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1853,6 +1864,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1888,6 +1900,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4608,6 +4621,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4691,7 +4705,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5010,7 +5024,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5083,7 +5098,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 02:58:20    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:00:09    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5187,8 +5202,9 @@ Generation                DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 30
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 31
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'InclusivePIDList':[ 521 , -521 , 511 , -511 , 531 , -531 , 541 , -541 , 5122 , -5122 , 5222 , -5222 , 5212 , -5212 , 5112 , -5112 , 5312 , -5312 , 5322 , -5322 , 5332 , -5332 , 5132 , -5132 , 5232 , -5232 ]
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':LHCbAcceptance
@@ -5229,7 +5245,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.Inclusive.Pythia8Production  #properties = 32
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.Inclusive.Pythia8Production  #properties = 33
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShowBanner':False
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UserTuning':
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Tuning':LHCbDefault.cmd
@@ -7757,7 +7774,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  171 #SubHits=  196 #Slots= 1157 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  858 #SubHits= 1139 #Slots= 1361 Energy=    15.1[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  152 #SubHits=  224 #Slots=  318 Energy=    3.16[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27c44620 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27677ae0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 3
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 952
@@ -8128,7 +8145,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.484 |     1186.5 |     0.0000 |      1186.5 |      1186.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1185.984 |     1186.0 |     0.0000 |      1186.0 |      1186.0 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -8167,11 +8184,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.484 |     1186.5 |     0.0000 |      1186.5 |      1186.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1185.984 |     1186.0 |     0.0000 |      1186.0 |      1186.0 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -8304,56 +8321,56 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 63390.000 | 68324.031 | 68324.031   68324.0     0.00 |       1 |    68.324 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 63390.000 | 68318.641 | 68318.641   68318.6     0.00 |       1 |    68.319 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  4540.000 |  4897.318 | 4897.318    4897.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.897 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  4540.000 |  4897.306 | 4897.306    4897.3     0.00 |       1 |     4.897 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  4540.000 |  4894.360 | 4894.360    4894.4     0.00 |       1 |     4.894 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.977 |    1.977       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.951 |    1.951       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 58850.000 | 63421.277 | 63421.273   63421.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.421 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 58850.000 | 63421.254 | 63421.254   63421.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.421 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.043 |    1.043       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 58850.000 | 63420.188 | 63420.188   63420.2     0.00 |       1 |    63.420 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 58830.000 | 63407.258 | 63407.258   63407.3     0.00 |       1 |    63.407 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 41490.000 | 44061.727 | 44061.727   44061.7     0.00 |       1 |    44.062 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 17320.000 | 19327.111 | 19327.111   19327.1     0.00 |       1 |    19.327 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     3.514 |    3.514       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    14.818 |   14.818      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     0.686 |    0.686       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.387 |    1.387       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     7.391 |    7.391       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.896 |    2.896       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.403 |    1.403       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.293 |    1.293       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.825 |    0.825       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.333 |    0.333       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.561 |    0.561       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.084 |    2.084       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    12.914 |   12.914      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    11.750 |   11.750      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.133 |    6.133       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.761       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.410 |    0.410       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.840 |    0.840       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.805 |    0.805       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     0.923 |    0.923       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.407 |    0.407       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.172 |    1.172       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 73070.000 | 73398.703 | 73398.703   73398.7     0.00 |       1 |    73.399 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 73070.000 | 73391.570 | 73391.570   73391.6     0.00 |       1 |    73.392 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  4760.000 |  4767.597 | 4767.597    4767.6     0.00 |       1 |     4.768 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  4760.000 |  4767.584 | 4767.584    4767.6     0.00 |       1 |     4.768 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     2.005 |    2.005       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  4760.000 |  4763.937 | 4763.937    4763.9     0.00 |       1 |     4.764 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.586 |    1.586       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.555 |    1.555       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 68310.000 | 68623.906 | 68623.906   68623.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.624 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 68310.000 | 68623.875 | 68623.875   68623.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.624 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.171 |    1.171       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 68310.000 | 68622.672 | 68622.672   68622.7     0.00 |       1 |    68.623 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 68290.000 | 68604.867 | 68604.859   68604.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.605 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 43960.000 | 44082.152 | 44082.152   44082.2     0.00 |       1 |    44.082 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 24300.000 | 24484.213 | 24484.213   24484.2     0.00 |       1 |    24.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    13.913 |   13.913      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    24.338 |   24.338      24.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.859 |    0.859       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.022 |    1.022       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     2.479 |    2.479       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     2.457 |    2.457       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     3.176 |    3.176       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     9.828 |    9.828       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     4.619 |    4.619       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.294 |    1.294       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.532 |    1.532       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.988 |    0.988       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |    10.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.669 |    0.669       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.369       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.546 |    0.546       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.659 |    2.659       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    17.788 |   17.788      17.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.573 |    0.573       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    16.207 |   16.207      16.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     7.992 |    7.992       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.339 |    1.339       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.863 |    0.863       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.737 |    0.737       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.982 |    0.982       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.891 |    0.891       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.070 |    1.070       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.738 |    1.738       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1267     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -8361,8 +8378,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 17.3  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  138  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 24.3  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  156  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -8410,4 +8427,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia6.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia6.ref
index 89751cd6a..676e62ca4 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia6.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia6.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.32e-24  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.626, 0.1, 25.732]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 73.54  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 4000000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2012'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Tue Nov  6 01:55:55 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:02:06 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -410,6 +413,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1498,6 +1502,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1572,6 +1577,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1615,6 +1621,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,6 +1671,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1715,6 +1723,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1770,6 +1779,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1817,6 +1827,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1853,6 +1864,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1888,6 +1900,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4608,6 +4621,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4691,7 +4705,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5010,7 +5024,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5083,7 +5098,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 06 Nov 2018 at 01:57:06    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:03:04    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5187,8 +5202,9 @@ Generation                DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 30
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 31
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'InclusivePIDList':[ 521 , -521 , 511 , -511 , 531 , -531 , 541 , -541 , 5122 , -5122 , 5222 , -5222 , 5212 , -5212 , 5112 , -5112 , 5312 , -5312 , 5322 , -5322 , 5332 , -5332 , 5132 , -5132 , 5232 , -5232 ]
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':LHCbAcceptance
@@ -5226,7 +5242,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.EvtGenDecay
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of PythiaProduction/Generation.Inclusive.PythiaProduction  #properties = 36
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of PythiaProduction/Generation.Inclusive.PythiaProduction  #properties = 37
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ParticlesToAdd':[ 30443 , 200553 , 300553 , 9000553 ]
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UpdatedParticles':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Inconsistencies':HEPEVT_inconsistencies.out
@@ -8440,7 +8457,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits= 1000 #SubHits= 1467 #Slots= 8733 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3129 #SubHits= 9094 #Slots=10299 Energy=     137[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  487 #SubHits= 1143 #Slots= 1517 Energy=    16.2[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27783e00 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27a04a20 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 4
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 5048
@@ -8516,7 +8533,7 @@ Generation              SUCCESS READ FSR: { Event type: 10000000  Hard Generator
  generator counters: AllEvt  key: 0  value: 38 / ZeroInt  key: 1  value: 1 / EvtGenerated  key: 2  value: 37 / IntGenerated  key: 3  value: 100 / EvtAccepted  key: 4  value: 1 / IntAccepted  key: 5  value: 4 / OnebGen  key: 10  value: 2 / ThreebGen  key: 11  value: 0 / PromptBGen  key: 12  value: 0 / OnecGen  key: 13  value: 3 / ThreecGen  key: 14  value: 0 / PromptCGen  key: 15  value: 3 / bAndcGen  key: 16  value: 0 / OnebAcc  key: 17  value: 1 / ThreebAcc  key: 18  value: 0 / PromptBAcc  key: 19  value: 0 / OnecAcc  key: 20  value: 0 / ThreecAcc  key: 21  value: 0 / PromptCAcc  key: 22  value: 0 / bAndcAcc  key: 23  value: 0 / BeforeLevelCut  key: 26  value: 2 / EvtInverted  key: 28  value: 1 / B0Gen  key: 30  value: 1 / BplusGen  key: 32  value: 1 / BminusGen  key: 33  value: 1 / antiBs0Gen  key: 35  value: 1 / B0Acc  key: 41  value: 1 / antiBs0Acc  key: 46  value: 1 / D0Gen  key: 55  value: 1 / antiD0Gen  key: 56  value: 1 / DsplusGen  key: 59  value: 1 / anticBaryonGen  key: 62  value: 1 / DsplusAcc  key: 68  value: 1 / anticBaryonAcc  key: 71  value: 1 / BGen  key: 75  value: 1 / BstarGen  key: 76  value: 2 / B2starGen  key: 77  value: 1 / BstarAcc  key: 79  value: 1 / B2starAcc  key: 80  value: 1 / DGen  key: 85  value: 3 / DAcc  key: 88  value: 1 / AllsubProcess  key: 100  value: 100 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 111  value: 13 / f + g -> f + g                key: 128  value: 13 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 153  value: 1 / g + g -> g + g                key: 168  value: 28 / Elastic scattering            key: 191  value: 18 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 192  value: 5 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 193  value: 11 / Double  diffractive           key: 194  value: 8 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 533  value: 2 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 585  value: 1 /
-cross-sections: All included subprocesses   ÿ  key: 0  value: 92.21 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 11.7204 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 11.7204 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0.901567 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 25.2439 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.8945 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 6.90282 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 6.90282 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 8.40498 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0.000418604 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0.00173084 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0.0919152 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 0.0051802 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.247792 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0565855 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0.0205779 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0.0115776 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0.0828716 /  }
+cross-sections: All included subprocesses     key: 0  value: 92.21 / f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)        key: 11  value: 11.7204 / f + fbar -> f' + fbar'        key: 12  value: 0 / f + fbar -> g + g             key: 13  value: 0 / f + g -> f + g                key: 28  value: 11.7204 / g + g -> f + fbar             key: 53  value: 0.901567 / g + g -> g + g                key: 68  value: 25.2439 / Elastic scattering            key: 91  value: 19.8945 / Single diffractive (XB)       key: 92  value: 6.90282 / Single diffractive (AX)       key: 93  value: 6.90282 / Double  diffractive           key: 94  value: 8.40498 / Low-pT scattering             key: 95  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 421  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 422  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 423  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 424  value: 0.000418604 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 425  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 426  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 427  value: 0.00173084 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3S1(8)]     key: 428  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[1S0(8)]     key: 429  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3PJ(8)]     key: 430  value: 0 / g + g  -> cc~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 431  value: 0.0919152 / g + g  -> cc~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 432  value: 0.0051802 / g + g  -> cc~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 433  value: 0.247792 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 434  value: 0.0565855 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 435  value: 0.0205779 / q + g  -> q + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 436  value: 0.0115776 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P0(1)]     key: 437  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P1(1)]     key: 438  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + cc~[3P2(1)]     key: 439  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(1)] + g     key: 461  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3S1(8)] + g     key: 462  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[1S0(8)] + g     key: 463  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3PJ(8)] + g     key: 464  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 465  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 466  value: 0 / g + q  -> q + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 467  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3S1(8)]     key: 468  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[1S0(8)]     key: 469  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3PJ(8)]     key: 470  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P0(1)] + g     key: 471  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P1(1)] + g     key: 472  value: 0 / g + g  -> bb~[3P2(1)] + g     key: 473  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 474  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 475  value: 0 / q + g  -> q + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 476  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P0(1)]     key: 477  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P1(1)]     key: 478  value: 0 / q + q~ -> g + bb~[3P2(1)]     key: 479  value: 0 / g + g  -> Psi(2S) + g         key: 480  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(2S) + g     key: 481  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(3S) + g     key: 482  value: 0 / g + g  -> Upsilon(4S) + g     key: 483  value: 0 / g + g  -> psi(3770) + g       key: 485  value: 0.0828716 /  }
 Generation                DEBUG Releasing tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity'
 Generation                DEBUG De-Registering tool Generation.FixedLuminosity
 Generation                DEBUG The tool 'Generation.FixedLuminosity' of type 'FixedLuminosity' is released
@@ -8815,7 +8832,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.564 |     1178.6 |     0.0000 |      1178.6 |      1178.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.628 |     1178.6 |     0.0000 |      1178.6 |      1178.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -8854,11 +8871,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.564 |     1178.6 |     0.0000 |      1178.6 |      1178.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1178.628 |     1178.6 |     0.0000 |      1178.6 |      1178.6 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -8962,56 +8979,56 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 222540.000 | 224534.625 | 224534.625  224534.6     0.00 |       1 |   224.535 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 222530.000 | 224527.688 | 224527.688  224527.7     0.00 |       1 |   224.528 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1550.000 |  1633.645 | 1633.645    1633.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.634 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1550.000 |  1633.633 | 1633.633    1633.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.634 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.278 |    1.278       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1550.000 |  1627.040 | 1627.040    1627.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.627 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     5.266 |    5.266       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     5.233 |    5.233       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 220980.000 | 222894.000 | 222894.000  222894.0     0.00 |       1 |   222.894 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 220980.000 | 222893.953 | 222893.953  222894.0     0.00 |       1 |   222.894 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.183 |    1.183       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 220980.000 | 222892.734 | 222892.734  222892.7     0.00 |       1 |   222.893 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 220950.000 | 222853.938 | 222853.938  222853.9     0.00 |       1 |   222.854 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 42420.000 | 42909.359 | 42909.359   42909.4     0.00 |       1 |    42.909 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 178340.000 | 179762.297 | 179762.312  179762.3     0.00 |       1 |   179.762 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    17.899 |   17.899      17.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   170.000 |   164.179 |  164.179     164.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.164 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.843 |    0.843       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     5.169 |    5.169       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     5.044 |    5.044       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     3.568 |    3.568       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     8.027 |    8.027       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   130.000 |   124.657 |  124.657     124.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.125 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    60.000 |    58.334 |   58.334      58.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    30.000 |    21.373 |   21.373      21.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    22.802 |   22.802      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     4.154 |    4.154       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.719       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    16.979 |   16.979      17.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     1.871 |    1.871       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.411 |    2.411       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     4.327 |    4.327       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.659 |    0.659       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     7.429 |    7.429       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    38.766 |   38.766      38.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.204 |    2.204       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.478 |    2.478       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    33.657 |   33.657      33.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    12.119 |   12.119      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.407 |    2.407       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.794 |    0.794       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     2.810 |    2.810       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.085 |    3.085       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.985 |    3.985       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     4.568 |    4.568       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.974 |    0.974       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.766 |    2.766       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 223030.000 | 225799.516 | 225799.516  225799.5     0.00 |       1 |   225.800 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 223020.000 | 225790.344 | 225790.344  225790.3     0.00 |       1 |   225.790 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1600.000 |  1607.154 | 1607.154    1607.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.607 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1600.000 |  1607.141 | 1607.141    1607.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.607 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.516 |    1.516       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1600.000 |  1603.701 | 1603.701    1603.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.604 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.868 |    1.868       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.809 |    1.809       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 221420.000 | 224183.125 | 224183.125  224183.1     0.00 |       1 |   224.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 221420.000 | 224183.109 | 224183.094  224183.1     0.00 |       1 |   224.183 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.221 |    1.221       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 221420.000 | 224181.844 | 224181.844  224181.8     0.00 |       1 |   224.182 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 221370.000 | 224128.906 | 224128.906  224128.9     0.00 |       1 |   224.129 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 43640.000 | 43803.941 | 43803.938   43803.9     0.00 |       1 |    43.804 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 177540.000 | 180137.906 | 180137.906  180137.9     0.00 |       1 |   180.138 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    19.626 |   19.626      19.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   180.000 |   167.204 |  167.204     167.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.167 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |    10.000 |     1.445 |    1.445       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     5.616 |    5.616       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     5.791 |    5.791       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     4.487 |    4.487       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     9.795 |    9.795       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   130.000 |   121.609 |  121.609     121.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.122 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    70.000 |    60.243 |   60.243      60.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    19.808 |   19.808      19.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    21.533 |   21.533      21.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     4.123 |    4.123       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.711 |    0.711       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    14.899 |   14.899      14.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     2.280 |    2.280       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.469 |    2.469       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     4.752 |    4.752       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.786 |    0.786       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     7.907 |    7.907       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    50.000 |    52.904 |   52.904      52.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.417       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.519 |    2.519       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.273 |    2.273       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    50.000 |    47.606 |   47.606      47.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.048 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    13.951 |   13.951      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     5.186 |    5.186       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.840 |    1.840       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |    10.354 |   10.354      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.453 |    3.453       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.807 |    3.807       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     4.522 |    4.522       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.967 |    0.967       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     3.354 |    3.354       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 8491     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -9019,8 +9036,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  178  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  271  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  177  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  274  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
index 8a026218b..d24ee32e4 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2012-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.32e-24  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.626, 0.1, 25.732]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 73.54  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 4000000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2012'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:05:00 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:07:04 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -375,6 +377,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -410,6 +413,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1498,6 +1502,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1572,6 +1577,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1615,6 +1621,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1664,6 +1671,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1715,6 +1723,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1770,6 +1779,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1817,6 +1827,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1853,6 +1864,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1888,6 +1900,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4608,6 +4621,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4638,7 +4652,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5010,7 +5024,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5083,7 +5098,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:06:09    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:08:25    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5187,8 +5202,9 @@ Generation                DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 30
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG List of ALL properties of Inclusive/Generation.Inclusive  #properties = 31
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'InclusivePIDList':[ 521 , -521 , 511 , -511 , 531 , -531 , 541 , -541 , 5122 , -5122 , 5222 , -5222 , 5212 , -5212 , 5112 , -5112 , 5312 , -5312 , 5322 , -5322 , 5332 , -5332 , 5132 , -5132 , 5232 , -5232 ]
+Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.Inclusive      DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':LHCbAcceptance
@@ -5229,7 +5245,8 @@ Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.Inclusive....SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.Inclusive.Pythia8Production  #properties = 32
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.Inclusive.Pythia8Production  #properties = 33
+Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShowBanner':False
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UserTuning':
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Tuning':LHCbDefault.cmd
@@ -7400,7 +7417,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits= 1199 #SubHits= 1781 #Slots=10560 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3619 #SubHits=11288 #Slots=13134 Energy=     208[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  521 #SubHits= 1324 #Slots= 1785 Energy=    15.6[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x27cfcef0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x28633ec0 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 4
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 6346
@@ -7771,7 +7788,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.696 |     1186.7 |     0.0000 |      1186.7 |      1186.7 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.172 |     1186.2 |     0.0000 |      1186.2 |      1186.2 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -7810,7 +7827,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.696 |     1186.7 |     0.0000 |      1186.7 |      1186.7 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1186.172 |     1186.2 |     0.0000 |      1186.2 |      1186.2 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7942,59 +7959,59 @@ Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.Inclusive....  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 213150.000 | 225147.547 | 225147.562  225147.6     0.00 |       1 |   225.148 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 213150.000 | 225141.766 | 225141.766  225141.8     0.00 |       1 |   225.142 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2520.000 |  2523.792 | 2523.792    2523.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.524 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2520.000 |  2523.780 | 2523.780    2523.8     0.00 |       1 |     2.524 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     0.913 |    0.913       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2510.000 |  2520.522 | 2520.522    2520.5     0.00 |       1 |     2.521 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.302 |    2.302       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.259 |    2.259       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 210630.000 | 222617.906 | 222617.906  222617.9     0.00 |       1 |   222.618 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 210630.000 | 222617.891 | 222617.875  222617.9     0.00 |       1 |   222.618 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     2.553 |    2.553       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 210630.000 | 222615.297 | 222615.297  222615.3     0.00 |       1 |   222.615 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 210590.000 | 222577.812 | 222577.797  222577.8     0.00 |       1 |   222.578 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 41360.000 | 45028.305 | 45028.305   45028.3     0.00 |       1 |    45.028 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 169010.000 | 177330.875 | 177330.891  177330.9     0.00 |       1 |   177.331 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    13.902 |   13.902      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   210.000 |   204.624 |  204.624     204.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.205 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     5.354 |    5.354       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     4.292 |    4.292       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.792 |    1.792       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    20.000 |     8.323 |    8.323       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   160.000 |   166.461 |  166.461     166.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.166 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    90.000 |    89.153 |   89.153      89.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.089 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    24.880 |   24.880      24.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    30.000 |    27.062 |   27.062      27.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.907 |    3.907       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.505 |    0.505       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    20.000 |    20.804 |   20.804      20.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.944 |    1.944       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.683 |    2.683       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     4.889 |    4.889       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.657 |    0.657       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     7.548 |    7.548       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    40.000 |    37.487 |   37.487      37.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     2.166 |    2.166       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.448 |    2.448       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    32.615 |   32.615      32.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    11.235 |   11.235      11.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.784 |    1.784       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.853 |    2.853       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.106 |    3.106       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     4.167 |    4.167       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     5.286 |    5.286       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.402 |    2.402       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 305440.000 | 310417.156 | 310417.156  310417.2     0.00 |       1 |   310.417 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 305430.031 | 310405.375 | 310405.375  310405.4     0.00 |       1 |   310.405 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  2590.000 |  2667.226 | 2667.226    2667.2     0.00 |       1 |     2.667 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  2590.000 |  2667.208 | 2667.208    2667.2     0.00 |       1 |     2.667 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.448 |    1.448       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  2590.000 |  2662.994 | 2662.994    2663.0     0.00 |       1 |     2.663 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.700 |    2.700       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.632 |    2.632       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 302840.000 | 307738.094 | 307738.094  307738.1     0.00 |       1 |   307.738 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 302840.000 | 307738.062 | 307738.062  307738.1     0.00 |       1 |   307.738 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |    10.000 |     3.025 |    3.025       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 302830.031 | 307734.969 | 307735.000  307735.0     0.00 |       1 |   307.735 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 302780.000 | 307681.750 | 307681.750  307681.8     0.00 |       1 |   307.682 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 42750.000 | 43596.793 | 43596.789   43596.8     0.00 |       1 |    43.597 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 259740.000 | 263798.406 | 263798.406  263798.4     0.00 |       1 |   263.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    30.000 |    31.828 |   31.828      31.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.032 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   260.000 |   254.387 |  254.387     254.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.254 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.903 |    1.903       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |    10.000 |     6.765 |    6.765       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     8.755 |    8.755       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     8.200 |    8.200       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    20.000 |    14.776 |   14.776      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   190.000 |   187.007 |  187.007     187.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.187 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |   110.000 |   101.621 |  101.621     101.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.102 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    20.000 |    27.257 |   27.257      27.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    30.000 |    29.866 |   29.866      29.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     5.305 |    5.305       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.935 |    0.935       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    30.000 |    21.680 |   21.680      21.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     2.934 |    2.934       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     3.411 |    3.411       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     6.238 |    6.238       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |    10.000 |     0.905 |    0.905       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |    13.114 |   13.114      13.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    50.000 |    53.197 |   53.197      53.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.053 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     3.167 |    3.167       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |    10.000 |     3.215 |    3.215       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    46.029 |   46.029      46.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.046 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    15.271 |   15.271      15.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.882 |    3.882       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.290 |    1.290       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     5.146 |    5.146       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     4.630 |    4.630       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |    10.000 |     4.762 |    4.762       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     5.563 |    5.563       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     4.030 |    4.030       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 10348    Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -8002,8 +8019,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  169  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  288  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  260  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  389  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
index 279d31a89..2f452c56a 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-epos-pAr.ref
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 9.499999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.651, 0.213, -13.13]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 158.11  (default: 82.03)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'  (default: 'p')
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:10:46 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:14:29 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -339,6 +340,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -374,6 +376,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -409,6 +412,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1497,6 +1501,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1571,6 +1576,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1614,6 +1620,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1663,6 +1670,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1714,6 +1722,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1769,6 +1778,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1816,6 +1826,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1852,6 +1863,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1887,6 +1899,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4607,6 +4620,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -5083,7 +5097,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:11:47    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:15:44    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5188,7 +5202,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5274,7 +5289,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.Yukvhn for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6791,7 +6806,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000180400 (id), -0 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 110.45 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.Yukvhn
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8508,7 +8523,7 @@ Generation                DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::GenColl
 GenMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Execute
 GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Monitor for CRMC
-GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 59 particles
+GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG Event number 1 contains 61 particles
 Simulation                DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventSeq              DEBUG ==> Execute
 MainEventGaussSim         DEBUG ==> Execute
@@ -8873,32 +8888,32 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='PrsHits' for Sens
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for SensDet='Ecal'
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
-GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   38 #SubHits=   40 #Slots=  234 Energy=   0.169[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   89 #SubHits=  101 #Slots=  596 Energy=   0.595[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  421 #SubHits=  542 #Slots=  610 Energy=    6.48[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   51 #SubHits=   53 #Slots=   73 Energy=   0.367[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   91 #SubHits=  103 #Slots=  613 Energy=   0.334[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  137 #SubHits=  167 #Slots=  998 Energy=   0.767[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  553 #SubHits=  866 #Slots=  935 Energy=    9.77[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=   53 #SubHits=   60 #Slots=   74 Energy=    0.81[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x2054b520 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20580760 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 225
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 638
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 74
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 33
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 56
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 45
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 67
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 88
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 0
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 188
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 257
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 237
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 82
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 280
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 155
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 7 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'BcmSDet' 	#Hits = 1
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 8 	Name = 'CaloSPHits' 	SD = 'CaloSP' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 38
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 89
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 421
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 51
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 91
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 106
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 230
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 9 	Name = 'SpdHits' 	SD = 'Spd' 	#Hits = 91
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 137
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 553
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 53
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 159
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 234
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 326
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  IsAborted              : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetUserInformation     :  G4VUserEventInformation* points to NULL
@@ -8935,14 +8950,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 245 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 717 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 266 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 932 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	245
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	266
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	717
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	932
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -8985,21 +9000,21 @@ GenMonitorAlg             DEBUG ==> Finalize
 GenMonitorAlg              INFO
 ======================== Generators Statistics ====================
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of particles generated: 59
+= Number of particles generated: 61
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean multiplicity: 59
+= Mean multiplicity: 61
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 57
+= Number of pseudo stable particles generated: 59
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 57
+= Mean pseudo stable multiplicity: 59
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles generated: 22
+= Number of charged stable particles generated: 18
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 22
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity: 18
 =                                                                 =
-= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 4
+= Number of charged stable particles in LHCb eta 0
 = Number of events: 1
-= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 4
+= Mean charged stable multiplicity in LHCb eta: 0
 =                                                                 =
 GenMonitorAlg           SUCCESS Booked 21 Histogram(s) : 1D=19 2D=2
@@ -9086,26 +9101,26 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  101.00 +-10.05 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  155.00 +-12.45 (100.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   99.00 +- 9.95 ( 98.02 +-1.39%) Rich2 =   74.00 +- 8.60 ( 47.74 +-4.01%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =  319.00 +-17.86 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  435.00 +-20.86 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.23 +-0.23%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =  307.00 +-17.52 ( 96.24 +-1.07%) Rich2 =  178.00 +-13.34 ( 40.92 +-2.36%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  1.84 +-0.64%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  111.00 +-10.54 ( 25.52 +-2.09%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   77.00 +- 8.77 ( 49.68 +-4.02%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    7.00 +- 2.65 (  4.52 +-1.67%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  3.23 +-1.42%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  0.23 +-0.23%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  129.00 +-11.36 ( 29.66 +-2.19%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =   12.00 +- 3.46 (  3.76 +-1.07%) Rich2 =   25.00 +- 5.00 (  5.75 +-1.12%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    8.00 +- 2.83 (  2.51 +-0.88%) Rich2 =   17.00 +- 4.12 (  3.91 +-0.93%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.98 +-1.39%) Rich2 =    2.00 +- 1.41 (  1.29 +-0.91%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    5.00 +- 2.24 (  1.57 +-0.70%) Rich2 =   16.00 +- 4.00 (  3.68 +-0.90%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   99.00 +- 9.95 ( 98.02 +-1.39%) Rich2Gas =   74.00 +- 8.60 ( 47.74 +-4.01%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =  307.00 +-17.52 ( 96.24 +-1.07%) Rich2Gas =  178.00 +-13.34 ( 40.92 +-2.36%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9125,10 +9140,14 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   101.00 +- 10.05 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   155.00 +- 12.45 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =     6.00 +-  2.45 / event
-GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    32.00 +-  5.66 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =   319.00 +- 17.86 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =   315.00 +- 17.75 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     8.00 +-  2.83 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   111.00 +- 10.54 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich1Gas =    14.00 +-  3.74 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : Rich2Gas =    49.00 +-  7.00 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : GasQuartzWin =     2.00 +-  1.41 / event
+GetRichSegments            INFO Av. # MCRichSegments       : HPDQuartzWin =     1.00 +-  1.00 / event
 GetRichTracks              INFO Av. # MCRichTracks         : Overall =     0.00 +-  0.00
 RichHits                  DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 RichHits                  DEBUG Tools to release :
@@ -9174,46 +9193,46 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        188 |     188.00 |     0.0000 |      188.00 |      188.00 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 MCTTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        257 |     257.00 |     0.0000 |      257.00 |      257.00 |
 MCITHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        326 |     326.00 |     0.0000 |      326.00 |      326.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        159 |     159.00 |     0.0000 |      159.00 |      159.00 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        998 |     998.00 |     0.0000 |      998.00 |      998.00 |
 MCSpdHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        613 |     613.00 |     0.0000 |      613.00 |      613.00 |
 MCEcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        935 |     935.00 |     0.0000 |      935.00 |      935.00 |
 MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        754 |     754.00 |     0.0000 |      754.00 |      754.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        753 |     753.00 |     0.0000 |      753.00 |      753.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 MCRichTrackPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9223,387 +9242,389 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       74+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       188+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 0+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 33
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 2861.89
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.151611
-TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0327269
+TTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 257
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 916.408
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.190426
+TTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.112352
 TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 7 Histogram(s) : 1D=7
-TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
+TTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |        33 |   94442.37 |     2861.9 |     4401.9 |      1.5646 |      11109. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        36 |         36 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       257 |   235516.8 |     916.41 |     2080.6 |      1.5646 |      10783. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        257 |     257.00 |     0.0000 |      257.00 |      257.00 |
 ITHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 106
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 15676.5
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.12993
-ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.074517
+ITHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 234
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 9098.33
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.12612
+ITHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0540088
 ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
-ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
+ITHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       106 |    1661709 |     15677. |     33239. |     0.32010 |      96368. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        18 |         18 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       234 |    2129010 |     9098.3 |     24527. |      3.7356 |      94942. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 OTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
-OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 230
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1742.32
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.19307
-OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.0832676
+OTHitMonitor               INFO #hits per event: 326
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Mean beta * gamma: 1551.48
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Most Probable deposited charge: 0.212982
+OTHitMonitor               INFO Half Sample width 0.127121
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Booked 9 Histogram(s) : 1D=9
 OTHitMonitor            SUCCESS Number of counters : 3
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "DeltaRay"                                      |        12 |         12 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "betaGamma"                                     |       230 |   400733.9 |     1742.3 |     4194.1 |   0.0056077 |      17932. |
- | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
+ | "DeltaRay"                                      |        13 |         13 |     1.0000 |     0.0000 |      1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "betaGamma"                                     |       326 |     505781 |     1551.5 |     5579.6 |     0.94246 |      36208. |
+ | "numberHits"                                    |         1 |        326 |     326.00 |     0.0000 |      326.00 |      326.00 |
 SpdMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 PrsMonitor              SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
 EcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 19 Histogram(s) : 1D=19
-HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 16 Histogram(s) : 1D=16
+HcalMonitor             SUCCESS Booked 13 Histogram(s) : 1D=13
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO        Muon Monitoring Table
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 21.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 26.000  7.000  4.000  2.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 22.000  0.000  1.000  4.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 75.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 34.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 33.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 11.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 73.000  7.000  5.000  6.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 153.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        188 |     188.00 |     0.0000 |      188.00 |      188.00 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        74 |-5.248473e-07 |-7.0925e-09 | 2.8409e-07 | -4.8654e-07 |  4.7572e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        74 |-6.111876e-07 |-8.2593e-09 | 2.9458e-07 | -4.9802e-07 |  4.9819e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        74 |2.187459e-07 | 2.9560e-09 | 3.1967e-07 | -4.9921e-07 |  4.9397e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        74 |2.318194e-06 | 3.1327e-08 | 5.5367e-07 | -9.8162e-07 |  9.9642e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |0.0001615919 | 2.1837e-06 | 2.9209e-05 | -4.8595e-05 |  4.9848e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |-0.0001002626 |-1.3549e-06 | 2.7134e-05 | -4.9731e-05 |  4.6231e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |0.0001097652 | 1.4833e-06 | 2.9935e-05 | -4.8802e-05 |  4.9800e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        74 | 0.01390193 | 0.00018786 |  0.0028683 |  -0.0049192 |   0.0049748 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        74 |-2.331173e-05 |-3.1502e-07 | 2.7234e-06 | -4.8846e-06 |  4.7016e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        74 |  0.5381295 |  0.0072720 |   0.063758 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        74 |  0.2977244 |  0.0040233 |   0.050996 |    -0.28858 |     0.18559 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   21.49034 |    0.29041 |   0.042981 |    0.033683 |     0.30030 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        74 |    8.58228 |    0.11598 |   0.076419 |   0.0055702 |     0.57916 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |   21.43706 |    0.28969 |     9.8077 |     -16.438 |      34.777 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   394.2558 |     5.3278 |     19.395 |     -39.404 |      43.496 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |   36488.64 |     493.09 |     193.81 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   282098.8 |     3812.1 |     2286.8 |      2.6029 |      7522.5 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        74 |   122.4469 |     1.6547 |    0.63864 |     0.58914 |      2.5091 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        74 |    0.53813 |  0.0072720 |   0.063758 |    -0.32944 |     0.20465 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        74 |   0.297725 |  0.0040233 |   0.050996 |    -0.28858 |     0.18559 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        74 |   21.49034 |    0.29041 |   0.042981 |    0.033683 |     0.30030 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        74 |   8.582278 |    0.11598 |   0.076419 |   0.0055700 |     0.57916 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        74 |    21.4369 |    0.28969 |     9.8077 |     -16.438 |      34.777 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        74 |   394.2559 |     5.3278 |     19.395 |     -39.404 |      43.496 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        74 |   36488.64 |     493.09 |     193.81 |      171.31 |      750.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        74 |   282098.7 |     3812.1 |     2286.8 |      2.6000 |      7522.5 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        74 |   122.4469 |     1.6547 |    0.63864 |     0.58914 |      2.5091 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       188 |-3.412064e-06 |-1.8149e-08 | 2.7836e-07 | -4.9447e-07 |  4.9635e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       188 |9.163257e-06 | 4.8741e-08 | 2.9863e-07 | -4.9065e-07 |  4.9728e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       188 |3.921676e-06 | 2.0860e-08 | 2.7900e-07 | -4.9588e-07 |  4.9699e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       188 |-9.740046e-06 |-5.1809e-08 | 5.7905e-07 | -9.8766e-07 |  9.8497e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       188 |-0.0002064787 |-1.0983e-06 | 2.7641e-05 | -4.9569e-05 |  4.9129e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       188 |-0.0001119486 |-5.9547e-07 | 2.6963e-05 | -4.9264e-05 |  4.5159e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       188 |0.0002967493 | 1.5785e-06 | 2.8065e-05 | -4.9910e-05 |  4.9761e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       188 |-0.02692834 |-0.00014324 |  0.0028709 |  -0.0049981 |   0.0049308 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       188 |1.711496e-05 | 9.1037e-08 | 2.9026e-06 | -4.9215e-06 |  4.9617e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       188 |  -1.889579 |  -0.010051 |   0.079428 |    -0.78319 |     0.20550 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       188 | -0.3344868 | -0.0017792 |   0.053867 |    -0.58825 |     0.21457 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       188 |   53.90489 |    0.28673 |   0.050544 |   0.0096855 |     0.30025 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       188 |    22.8559 |    0.12157 |    0.12647 |   0.0044297 |      1.3060 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       188 |   146.4102 |    0.77878 |     12.705 |     -28.615 |      32.692 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       188 |   1047.978 |     5.5743 |     16.121 |     -29.942 |      39.505 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       188 |   61316.21 |     326.15 |     224.91 |     -10.935 |      750.98 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       188 |   756083.6 |     4021.7 |     3528.1 |      1.7677 |      14047. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       188 |    205.973 |     1.0956 |    0.74466 |   -0.024888 |      2.5104 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       188 |  -1.889576 |  -0.010051 |   0.079428 |    -0.78319 |     0.20550 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       188 |  -0.334496 | -0.0017792 |   0.053867 |    -0.58825 |     0.21457 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       188 |   53.90488 |    0.28673 |   0.050544 |   0.0096850 |     0.30025 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       188 |   22.85591 |    0.12157 |    0.12647 |   0.0044300 |      1.3060 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       188 |   146.4104 |    0.77878 |     12.705 |     -28.615 |      32.691 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       188 |   1047.978 |     5.5743 |     16.121 |     -29.942 |      39.505 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       188 |   61316.21 |     326.15 |     224.91 |     -10.935 |      750.98 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       188 |   756083.6 |     4021.7 |     3528.1 |      1.7700 |      14047. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       188 |   205.9729 |     1.0956 |    0.74465 |   -0.024890 |      2.5104 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        257 |     257.00 |     0.0000 |      257.00 |      257.00 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        33 |-2.562358e-08 |-7.7647e-10 | 2.4495e-07 | -4.0989e-07 |  4.9443e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        33 |-4.17489e-07 |-1.2651e-08 | 3.0854e-07 | -4.9872e-07 |  4.8680e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        33 |          0 |     0.0000 | 9.5880e-08 | -3.8947e-07 |  3.8947e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        33 |1.797571e-06 | 5.4472e-08 | 5.9356e-07 | -9.8269e-07 |  9.9817e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |0.000179171 | 5.4294e-06 | 2.8366e-05 | -4.4367e-05 |  4.5199e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |-0.0001454035 |-4.4062e-06 | 2.9041e-05 | -4.9451e-05 |  4.7569e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |-2.389468e-06 |-7.2408e-08 | 4.0960e-07 | -2.3895e-06 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |-0.003732395 |-0.00011310 |  0.0028940 |  -0.0047362 |   0.0048099 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        33 |1.452488e-05 | 4.4015e-07 | 2.8487e-06 | -4.5197e-06 |  4.9931e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        33 |   0.336843 |   0.010207 |   0.036773 |   -0.018729 |     0.10673 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        33 |-0.06983042 | -0.0021161 |   0.045496 |   -0.082726 |    0.081015 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        33 |         16 |    0.48485 |   0.062201 |     0.17840 |     0.50000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        33 |    7.52359 |    0.22799 |    0.19640 |     0.11041 |      1.1202 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |   1399.487 |     42.409 |     159.99 |     -53.672 |      496.09 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |  -180.7338 |    -5.4768 |     211.52 |     -403.28 |      401.11 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |   81440.82 |     2467.9 |     137.85 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |   112189.7 |     3399.7 |     2249.9 |      522.31 |      7502.2 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        33 |   279.5651 |     8.4717 |    0.76086 |      7.7500 |      10.687 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        33 |   0.336843 |   0.010207 |   0.036773 |   -0.018729 |     0.10673 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        33 |   -0.06983 | -0.0021161 |   0.045496 |   -0.082726 |    0.081015 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        33 |         16 |    0.48485 |   0.062201 |     0.17840 |     0.50000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        33 |   7.523588 |    0.22799 |    0.19640 |     0.11041 |      1.1202 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        33 |   1399.487 |     42.409 |     159.99 |     -53.672 |      496.09 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        33 |  -180.7337 |    -5.4768 |     211.52 |     -403.28 |      401.11 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        33 |   81440.82 |     2467.9 |     137.85 |      2322.0 |      2647.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        33 |   112189.7 |     3399.7 |     2249.9 |      522.31 |      7502.2 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        33 |   279.5651 |     8.4717 |    0.76086 |      7.7500 |      10.687 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       257 |5.483877e-06 | 2.1338e-08 | 2.9438e-07 | -4.9400e-07 |  4.9888e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       257 |3.541327e-06 | 1.3779e-08 | 2.9049e-07 | -4.9977e-07 |  4.9341e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       257 |-1.283379e-06 |-4.9937e-09 | 1.4334e-07 | -4.7849e-07 |  4.7849e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       257 |5.698555e-06 | 2.2173e-08 | 5.8087e-07 | -9.9071e-07 |  9.9142e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       257 |4.97983e-05 | 1.9377e-07 | 2.7618e-05 | -4.9994e-05 |  4.9930e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       257 |-0.0002666119 |-1.0374e-06 | 2.8260e-05 | -4.9936e-05 |  4.9845e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       257 |-9.602596e-05 |-3.7364e-07 | 1.0207e-05 | -4.9292e-05 |  4.7478e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       257 |-0.01718871 |-6.6882e-05 |  0.0030557 |  -0.0049938 |   0.0049534 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       257 |-3.08185e-05 |-1.1992e-07 | 2.8310e-06 | -4.9591e-06 |  4.9643e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       257 |   67.01551 |    0.26076 |     2.0954 |     -2.4020 |      32.025 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       257 |  -5.828967 |  -0.022681 |    0.30501 |     -2.7461 |      1.0504 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       257 |  0.4876587 |  0.0018975 |    0.46084 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       257 |   85.97312 |    0.33453 |    0.79747 |  5.8894e-05 |      12.250 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       257 |  -5617.641 |    -21.859 |     428.50 |     -767.08 |      767.89 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       257 |   19344.16 |     75.269 |     224.14 |     -593.90 |      635.39 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       257 |   646712.3 |     2516.4 |     132.48 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       257 |   171875.5 |     668.78 |     1889.3 |      1.4506 |      11453. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       257 |   4407.125 |     17.148 |     9.3387 |      7.7490 |      49.530 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       257 |   67.01551 |    0.26076 |     2.0954 |     -2.4020 |      32.025 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       257 |  -5.828971 |  -0.022681 |    0.30501 |     -2.7461 |      1.0504 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       257 |    0.48766 |  0.0018975 |    0.46084 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       257 |   85.97311 |    0.33453 |    0.79747 |  5.8000e-05 |      12.250 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       257 |  -5617.641 |    -21.859 |     428.50 |     -767.08 |      767.89 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       257 |   19344.16 |     75.269 |     224.14 |     -593.90 |      635.39 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       257 |   646712.3 |     2516.4 |     132.48 |      2322.0 |      2648.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       257 |   171875.5 |     668.78 |     1889.3 |      1.4500 |      11453. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       257 |   4407.125 |     17.148 |     9.3387 |      7.7490 |      49.530 |
 UnpackITHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
 CheckITHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       106 |-3.114781e-06 |-2.9385e-08 | 2.6153e-07 | -4.7555e-07 |  4.8500e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       106 |-4.329605e-06 |-4.0845e-08 | 2.6391e-07 | -4.9834e-07 |  4.8755e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       106 |-1.091734e-06 |-1.0299e-08 | 2.5601e-07 | -4.9686e-07 |  4.9346e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       106 |2.544969e-06 | 2.4009e-08 | 5.7975e-07 | -9.8757e-07 |  9.9288e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |8.865498e-05 | 8.3637e-07 | 2.8199e-05 | -4.9920e-05 |  4.8753e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |0.0005238434 | 4.9419e-06 | 3.0055e-05 | -4.9800e-05 |  4.8556e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |-0.0004476175 |-4.2228e-06 | 2.8569e-05 | -4.8338e-05 |  4.8781e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |0.008653127 | 8.1633e-05 |  0.0028565 |  -0.0049832 |   0.0048027 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       106 |-3.909723e-05 |-3.6884e-07 | 2.8181e-06 | -4.9728e-06 |  4.9385e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       106 |   6.073989 |   0.057302 |    0.32869 |    -0.34330 |      1.6196 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       106 |    6.01569 |   0.056752 |    0.24787 |    -0.73555 |     0.76106 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       106 |   42.33094 |    0.39935 |   0.036276 |     0.17828 |     0.41254 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       106 |   46.41681 |    0.43789 |    0.58489 |    0.059178 |      2.8765 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |   8666.321 |     81.758 |     318.35 |     -608.64 |      403.63 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -2356.062 |    -22.227 |     85.842 |     -210.50 |      105.63 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   917348.6 |     8654.2 |     565.52 |      7668.2 |      9170.8 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   946921.3 |     8933.2 |     15725. |      55.469 |      47600. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       106 |   3082.571 |     29.081 |     2.0007 |      25.584 |      32.191 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       106 |   6.073992 |   0.057302 |    0.32869 |    -0.34330 |      1.6196 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       106 |   6.015694 |   0.056752 |    0.24787 |    -0.73555 |     0.76106 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       106 |   42.33094 |    0.39935 |   0.036276 |     0.17828 |     0.41254 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       106 |   46.41681 |    0.43789 |    0.58489 |    0.059178 |      2.8765 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |   8666.321 |     81.758 |     318.35 |     -608.64 |      403.63 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |  -2356.063 |    -22.227 |     85.842 |     -210.50 |      105.63 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |   917348.6 |     8654.2 |     565.52 |      7668.2 |      9170.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |   946921.2 |     8933.2 |     15725. |      55.470 |      47600. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       106 |   3082.571 |     29.081 |     2.0007 |      25.584 |      32.191 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       234 |-3.584198e-06 |-1.5317e-08 | 2.9308e-07 | -4.9742e-07 |  4.9745e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       234 |1.748423e-07 | 7.4719e-10 | 2.8274e-07 | -4.9753e-07 |  4.9660e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       234 |3.252697e-06 | 1.3900e-08 | 2.7895e-07 | -4.8866e-07 |  4.9970e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       234 |-1.282307e-05 |-5.4799e-08 | 5.8651e-07 | -9.8729e-07 |  9.9814e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       234 |-0.0002535877 |-1.0837e-06 | 2.9762e-05 | -4.9640e-05 |  4.9670e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       234 |-5.774906e-05 |-2.4679e-07 | 2.8253e-05 | -4.9360e-05 |  4.9618e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       234 |-0.0004731862 |-2.0222e-06 | 2.8483e-05 | -4.9625e-05 |  4.8811e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       234 |0.007274739 | 3.1089e-05 |  0.0030703 |  -0.0049948 |   0.0049205 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       234 |-5.185863e-06 |-2.2162e-08 | 2.7730e-06 | -4.9497e-06 |  4.9402e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       234 |  -33.82633 |   -0.14456 |    0.88514 |     -11.824 |      1.0715 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       234 |  -2.765376 |  -0.011818 |    0.31112 |     -4.1443 |      1.3038 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       234 |    55.4366 |    0.23691 |    0.29026 |    -0.42473 |     0.41157 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       234 |   49.24178 |    0.21043 |    0.39182 |   0.0033954 |      5.4521 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       234 |  -7270.788 |    -31.072 |     327.46 |     -634.02 |      606.29 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       234 |    9325.73 |     39.854 |     70.172 |     -183.69 |      199.72 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       234 |    1919140 |     8201.5 |     518.34 |      7667.9 |      9088.8 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       234 |    1441422 |     6159.9 |     11671. |      1.4403 |      40901. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       234 |   6810.837 |     29.106 |     4.3437 |      25.584 |      63.404 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       234 |  -33.82633 |   -0.14456 |    0.88514 |     -11.824 |      1.0715 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       234 |  -2.765376 |  -0.011818 |    0.31112 |     -4.1443 |      1.3038 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       234 |    55.4366 |    0.23691 |    0.29026 |    -0.42473 |     0.41157 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       234 |   49.24179 |    0.21043 |    0.39182 |   0.0033960 |      5.4521 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       234 |  -7270.788 |    -31.072 |     327.46 |     -634.02 |      606.29 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       234 |    9325.73 |     39.854 |     70.172 |     -183.69 |      199.72 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       234 |    1919140 |     8201.5 |     518.34 |      7667.9 |      9088.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       234 |    1441422 |     6159.9 |     11671. |      1.4400 |      40901. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       234 |   6810.837 |     29.106 |     4.3437 |      25.584 |      63.404 |
 UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        326 |     326.00 |     0.0000 |      326.00 |      326.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       230 |-5.354772e-06 |-2.3282e-08 | 3.0553e-07 | -4.9572e-07 |  4.9699e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       230 |-2.200246e-06 |-9.5663e-09 | 2.7910e-07 | -4.9164e-07 |  4.9294e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       230 |-5.688699e-06 |-2.4733e-08 | 2.7989e-07 | -4.9942e-07 |  4.9471e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       230 |-1.696452e-06 |-7.3759e-09 | 5.9640e-07 | -9.9999e-07 |  9.9389e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |-0.0002806183 |-1.2201e-06 | 2.8135e-05 | -4.9915e-05 |  4.9304e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |-0.0001394473 |-6.0629e-07 | 2.7474e-05 | -4.9858e-05 |  4.8604e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |0.0005034758 | 2.1890e-06 | 2.9670e-05 | -4.9885e-05 |  4.9856e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |-0.05576336 |-0.00024245 |  0.0028876 |  -0.0049493 |   0.0049563 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       230 |4.727339e-05 | 2.0554e-07 | 3.0307e-06 | -4.9941e-06 |  4.9387e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       230 |   531.3311 |     2.3101 |     9.0865 |     -12.063 |      49.201 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       230 |  -47.51964 |   -0.20661 |     5.2570 |     -19.606 |      19.422 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       230 |   1901.745 |     8.2685 |     5.0857 |     -10.734 |      10.800 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       230 |   122.9901 |    0.53474 |    0.77258 |  0.00027200 |      3.9438 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |  -53168.31 |    -231.17 |     929.17 |     -2383.8 |      1860.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |   1114.298 |     4.8448 |     687.82 |     -2235.9 |      1462.0 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |    2031416 |     8832.2 |     544.36 |      7852.9 |      9409.0 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |   557443.6 |     2423.7 |     2419.4 |      1.4247 |      7782.8 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       230 |   7388.863 |     32.125 |     4.9948 |      26.368 |      55.562 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       230 |   531.3311 |     2.3101 |     9.0865 |     -12.063 |      49.201 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       230 |  -47.51964 |   -0.20661 |     5.2570 |     -19.606 |      19.422 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       230 |   1901.745 |     8.2685 |     5.0857 |     -10.734 |      10.800 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       230 |   122.9901 |    0.53474 |    0.77258 |  0.00027200 |      3.9438 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       230 |  -53168.31 |    -231.17 |     929.17 |     -2383.8 |      1860.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       230 |   1114.298 |     4.8448 |     687.82 |     -2235.9 |      1462.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       230 |    2031416 |     8832.2 |     544.36 |      7852.9 |      9409.0 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       230 |   557443.7 |     2423.7 |     2419.4 |      1.4200 |      7782.8 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       230 |   7388.863 |     32.125 |     4.9948 |      26.368 |      55.562 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       326 |-3.505042e-06 |-1.0752e-08 | 2.8771e-07 | -4.9548e-07 |  4.9767e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       326 |-4.484382e-06 |-1.3756e-08 | 2.9764e-07 | -4.9773e-07 |  4.9417e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       326 |-4.343229e-06 |-1.3323e-08 | 2.8837e-07 | -4.9148e-07 |  4.9992e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       326 |-3.402126e-06 |-1.0436e-08 | 5.7645e-07 | -9.8858e-07 |  9.9761e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       326 |0.0002671124 | 8.1936e-07 | 2.7350e-05 | -4.9747e-05 |  4.9908e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       326 |0.0003809371 | 1.1685e-06 | 2.9891e-05 | -4.9968e-05 |  4.9900e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       326 |0.0002371862 | 7.2757e-07 | 3.0326e-05 | -4.9489e-05 |  4.9932e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       326 |-0.05791701 |-0.00017766 |  0.0028152 |  -0.0049980 |   0.0049970 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       326 |4.675631e-05 | 1.4342e-07 | 2.9630e-06 | -4.9289e-06 |  4.9784e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       326 |  -881.2933 |    -2.7034 |     13.337 |     -66.350 |      84.458 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       326 |  -446.5835 |    -1.3699 |     6.7572 |     -45.774 |      42.334 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       326 |   839.5179 |     2.5752 |     9.4119 |     -10.842 |      10.774 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       326 |   101.9272 |    0.31266 |    0.21303 |  0.00011970 |      1.7210 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       326 |  -111705.6 |    -342.66 |     1146.3 |     -2914.5 |      2961.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       326 |  -19809.34 |    -60.765 |     544.78 |     -2030.9 |      2056.4 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       326 |    2779215 |     8525.2 |     532.16 |      7849.5 |      9409.7 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       326 |     361761 |     1109.7 |     2179.5 |      1.4265 |      11433. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       326 |   11390.33 |     34.940 |     9.2461 |      26.241 |      73.908 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       326 |  -881.2933 |    -2.7034 |     13.337 |     -66.350 |      84.458 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       326 |  -446.5835 |    -1.3699 |     6.7572 |     -45.774 |      42.334 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       326 |   839.5179 |     2.5752 |     9.4119 |     -10.842 |      10.774 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       326 |   101.9272 |    0.31266 |    0.21303 |  0.00012000 |      1.7210 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       326 |  -111705.6 |    -342.66 |     1146.3 |     -2914.5 |      2961.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       326 |  -19809.34 |    -60.765 |     544.78 |     -2030.9 |      2056.4 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       326 |    2779215 |     8525.2 |     532.16 |      7849.5 |      9409.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       326 |   361761.1 |     1109.7 |     2179.5 |      1.4300 |      11433. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       326 |   11390.33 |     34.940 |     9.2461 |      26.241 |      73.908 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        754 |     754.00 |     0.0000 |      754.00 |      754.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        753 |     753.00 |     0.0000 |      753.00 |      753.00 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
 UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       256 |-1.776357e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |6.983602e-05 | 2.7280e-07 | 2.9013e-05 | -4.9579e-05 |  4.8949e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |-6.676082e-05 |-2.6078e-07 | 2.9604e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9652e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |-0.0002519451 |-9.8416e-07 | 2.8392e-05 | -4.8316e-05 |  4.9263e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       256 |-9.000648e-05 |-3.5159e-07 | 2.9478e-06 | -4.9747e-06 |  4.9838e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       256 |       5.12 |   0.020000 | 1.2963e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |  -84146.24 |    -328.70 |     3092.0 |     -4149.9 |      4148.4 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |   24678.84 |     96.402 |     812.00 |     -1283.7 |      1319.5 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |    1840183 |     7188.2 |     4504.8 |      1469.5 |      11093. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       256 |   10220.19 |     39.923 |     23.942 |      11.747 |      108.64 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       256 |       5.12 |   0.020000 | 1.3171e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       256 |  -84146.24 |    -328.70 |     3092.0 |     -4149.9 |      4148.4 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       256 |   24678.84 |     96.402 |     812.00 |     -1283.7 |      1319.5 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       256 |    1840183 |     7188.2 |     4504.8 |      1469.5 |      11093. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       256 |   10220.19 |     39.923 |     23.942 |      11.747 |      108.64 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       754 |-0.001563098 |-2.0731e-06 | 5.6887e-05 |  -0.0015631 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       754 |0.0009123072 | 1.2100e-06 | 2.8420e-05 | -4.9735e-05 |  4.9992e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       754 |-0.0003253005 |-4.3143e-07 | 2.8904e-05 | -4.9785e-05 |  4.9643e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       754 |-0.00150047 |-1.9900e-06 | 2.9792e-05 | -4.9812e-05 |  4.9998e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       754 |8.577805e-05 | 1.1376e-07 | 2.8500e-06 | -4.9958e-06 |  4.9704e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       754 |   41.50844 |   0.055051 |    0.96183 |    0.020000 |      26.448 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       754 |   497533.2 |     659.86 |     2963.4 |     -4149.9 |      4150.2 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       754 |   211329.9 |     280.28 |     781.43 |     -1319.3 |      1316.9 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       754 |    5228757 |     6934.7 |     4544.9 |      1469.2 |      11093. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       754 |   26616.09 |     35.300 |     20.961 |      11.688 |      92.654 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       754 |      41.51 |   0.055053 |    0.96189 |    0.020000 |      26.450 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       754 |   497533.2 |     659.86 |     2963.4 |     -4149.9 |      4150.2 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       754 |   211329.9 |     280.28 |     781.43 |     -1319.3 |      1316.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       754 |    5228757 |     6934.7 |     4544.9 |      1469.2 |      11093. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       754 |   26616.09 |     35.300 |     20.961 |      11.688 |      92.654 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       256 | 0.00067177 | 2.6241e-06 | 2.9112e-05 | -4.9611e-05 |  4.9967e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |0.0002439728 | 9.5302e-07 | 2.9258e-05 | -4.9902e-05 |  4.9834e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |-0.0003703061 |-1.4465e-06 | 2.9340e-05 | -4.9798e-05 |  4.9982e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       256 |5.888978e-11 | 2.3004e-13 | 5.7251e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |9.595742e-05 | 3.7483e-07 | 2.9781e-05 | -4.9988e-05 |  4.8961e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |-3.934049e-07 |-1.5367e-09 | 2.8302e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.8632e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |0.0001108693 | 4.3308e-07 | 2.9580e-05 | -4.9881e-05 |  4.9413e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |   778.3183 |     3.0403 |     1.8217 |   0.0096417 |      6.2735 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |   125.8717 |    0.49169 |    0.80305 |    0.015235 |      2.8880 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       256 |  -7986.802 |    -31.198 |     816.44 |     -2729.0 |      3234.1 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |   11527.25 |     45.028 |     379.44 |     -1209.0 |      1220.2 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |    1770014 |     6914.1 |     4409.0 |      999.60 |      11619. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       256 |0.001116478 | 4.3612e-06 | 9.5029e-07 |  1.8116e-06 |  6.3089e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |  -82166.29 |    -320.96 |     3022.4 |     -4073.4 |      4070.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |   24006.91 |     93.777 |     757.52 |     -1195.5 |      1221.8 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |    1826748 |     7135.7 |     4502.4 |      1437.8 |      11052. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       256 |   778.3183 |     3.0403 |     1.8217 |   0.0096417 |      6.2735 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       256 |   125.8717 |    0.49169 |    0.80305 |    0.015235 |      2.8880 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       256 |  -7986.803 |    -31.198 |     816.44 |     -2729.0 |      3234.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       256 |   11527.25 |     45.028 |     379.44 |     -1209.0 |      1220.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       256 |    1770014 |     6914.1 |     4409.0 |      999.60 |      11619. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       256 |0.001116477 | 4.3612e-06 | 9.5029e-07 |  1.8116e-06 |  6.3089e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       256 |  -82166.29 |    -320.96 |     3022.4 |     -4073.4 |      4070.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       256 |   24006.91 |     93.777 |     757.52 |     -1195.5 |      1221.8 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       256 |    1826748 |     7135.7 |     4502.4 |      1437.8 |      11052. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       256 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       753 |-0.000587071 |-7.7964e-07 | 2.8682e-05 | -4.9907e-05 |  4.9916e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       753 |-0.00117651 |-1.5624e-06 | 2.9166e-05 | -4.9990e-05 |  4.9973e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       753 |-0.0002201713 |-2.9239e-07 | 2.9141e-05 | -4.9933e-05 |  4.9756e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       753 |-4.206413e-12 |-5.5862e-15 | 5.6328e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       753 |0.0001444652 | 1.9185e-07 | 2.9222e-05 | -4.9792e-05 |  4.9737e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       753 |-0.0001816254 |-2.4120e-07 | 2.8811e-05 | -4.9838e-05 |  4.9730e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       753 |-0.001812379 |-2.4069e-06 | 2.8027e-05 | -4.9884e-05 |  4.9911e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       753 |   2304.695 |     3.0607 |     1.8320 |   0.0083935 |      6.2774 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       753 |   281.6639 |    0.37406 |    0.58932 |    0.020046 |      2.8095 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       753 |     512067 |     680.04 |     1569.1 |     -3528.6 |      3992.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       753 |   55396.51 |     73.568 |     177.64 |     -967.05 |      1029.9 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       753 |    5068899 |     6731.6 |     4540.8 |      1003.3 |      11535. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       753 |0.003220809 | 4.2773e-06 | 1.0904e-06 |  1.7675e-06 |  6.7610e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       753 |   480447.7 |     638.04 |     2893.5 |     -4068.8 |      4073.8 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       753 |     198828 |     264.05 |     727.36 |     -1213.3 |      1223.7 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       753 |    5181577 |     6881.2 |     4548.6 |      1421.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       753 |   2304.695 |     3.0607 |     1.8320 |   0.0083935 |      6.2774 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       753 |   281.6639 |    0.37406 |    0.58932 |    0.020046 |      2.8095 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       753 |     512067 |     680.04 |     1569.1 |     -3528.6 |      3992.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       753 |   55396.51 |     73.568 |     177.64 |     -967.05 |      1029.9 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       753 |    5068899 |     6731.6 |     4540.8 |      1003.3 |      11535. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       753 |0.003220809 | 4.2773e-06 | 1.0904e-06 |  1.7675e-06 |  6.7610e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       753 |   480447.7 |     638.04 |     2893.5 |     -4068.8 |      4073.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       753 |     198828 |     264.05 |     727.36 |     -1213.3 |      1223.7 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       753 |    5181577 |     6881.2 |     4548.6 |      1421.4 |      11069. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       753 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        38 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point x"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point y"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Traj. Point z"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point x"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point y"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Traj. Point z"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta y"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Momenta z"                    |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point x"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point y"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Traj. Point z"                      |        66 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        613 |     613.00 |     0.0000 |      613.00 |      613.00 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       234 |0.000114194 | 4.8801e-07 | 2.9277e-05 | -5.0000e-05 |  4.9288e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       234 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       234 |   169.3034 |    0.72352 |     1.9594 |  0.00021606 |      22.859 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       234 |        372 |     1.5897 |     1.6878 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       234 |   169.3033 |    0.72352 |     1.9594 |  0.00020000 |      22.859 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       234 |        372 |     1.5897 |     1.6878 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       613 |0.0002714474 | 4.4282e-07 | 2.9392e-05 | -4.9802e-05 |  4.9934e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       613 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       613 |   334.4699 |    0.54563 |     2.0658 |  1.1536e-05 |      41.672 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       613 |        932 |     1.5204 |     1.6997 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       613 |   334.4696 |    0.54563 |     2.0658 |      0.0000 |      41.672 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       613 |        932 |     1.5204 |     1.6997 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        998 |     998.00 |     0.0000 |      998.00 |      998.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       596 |-0.0007454403 |-1.2507e-06 | 2.7871e-05 | -4.9547e-05 |  4.9665e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       596 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       596 |   595.0963 |    0.99848 |     3.4376 |  6.6586e-06 |      47.697 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       596 |        919 |     1.5419 |     1.6909 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       596 |    595.097 |    0.99848 |     3.4376 |      0.0000 |      47.697 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       596 |        919 |     1.5419 |     1.6909 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       998 |0.0001150593 | 1.1529e-07 | 2.8727e-05 | -4.9986e-05 |  4.9744e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       998 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       998 |   767.0055 |    0.76854 |     2.7877 |  3.4681e-06 |      40.043 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       998 |       1513 |     1.5160 |     1.7056 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       998 |   767.0054 |    0.76854 |     2.7877 |      0.0000 |      40.043 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       998 |       1513 |     1.5160 |     1.7056 |     -1.0000 |      5.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        935 |     935.00 |     0.0000 |      935.00 |      935.00 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       610 |0.0001877218 | 3.0774e-07 | 2.9907e-05 | -4.9741e-05 |  4.9768e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       610 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       610 |   6480.412 |     10.624 |     35.367 |  1.8103e-05 |      466.97 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       610 |         76 |    0.12459 |    0.35420 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       610 |   6480.411 |     10.624 |     35.367 |      0.0000 |      466.97 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       610 |         76 |    0.12459 |    0.35420 |      0.0000 |      3.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       935 |0.0007076559 | 7.5685e-07 | 2.9031e-05 | -4.9944e-05 |  4.9801e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       935 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       935 |   9769.174 |     10.448 |     48.525 |  0.00034838 |      1024.0 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       935 |         70 |   0.074866 |    0.26318 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       935 |   9769.173 |     10.448 |     48.525 |  0.00030000 |      1024.0 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       935 |         70 |   0.074866 |    0.26318 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        73 |9.830273e-05 | 1.3466e-06 | 2.8845e-05 | -4.6819e-05 |  4.7430e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        73 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        73 |   367.1629 |     5.0296 |     8.6466 |  0.00038690 |      45.260 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        73 |         23 |    0.31507 |    0.49315 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        73 |   367.1628 |     5.0296 |     8.6466 |  0.00040000 |      45.260 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        73 |         23 |    0.31507 |    0.49315 |      0.0000 |      2.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        74 |0.0002759852 | 3.7295e-06 | 3.0071e-05 | -4.9933e-05 |  4.9505e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        74 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        74 |   809.6129 |     10.941 |     34.237 |   0.0022327 |      275.46 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        74 |          8 |    0.10811 |    0.42131 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        74 |   809.6126 |     10.941 |     34.237 |   0.0022000 |      275.46 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        74 |          8 |    0.10811 |    0.42131 |     -1.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        159 |     159.00 |     0.0000 |      159.00 |      159.00 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        91 |-7.137901e-06 |-7.8438e-08 | 2.8157e-07 | -4.9379e-07 |  4.7163e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        91 |1.361794e-06 | 1.4965e-08 | 2.7342e-07 | -4.8560e-07 |  4.7786e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        91 |-2.182469e-06 |-2.3983e-08 | 2.7602e-07 | -4.7638e-07 |  4.9283e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        91 |-7.19715e-06 |-7.9090e-08 | 5.9531e-07 | -9.8490e-07 |  9.6585e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |7.317405e-05 | 8.0411e-07 | 3.1176e-05 | -4.9405e-05 |  4.9481e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |-0.0001810582 |-1.9897e-06 | 2.6551e-05 | -4.9124e-05 |  4.9462e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |-0.000308508 |-3.3902e-06 | 2.9015e-05 | -4.9782e-05 |  4.9193e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |-0.009927782 |-0.00010910 |  0.0028626 |  -0.0048820 |   0.0047914 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        91 |-2.279429e-06 |-2.5049e-08 | 2.5649e-06 | -4.8640e-06 |  4.5295e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        91 |   -159.352 |    -1.7511 |     5.8502 |     -38.115 |      4.5917 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        91 |  -8.199195 |  -0.090101 |     5.3139 |     -15.608 |      34.186 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        91 |   297.8795 |     3.2734 |     3.6524 |     -5.0562 |      5.1231 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        91 |  0.2034808 |  0.0022361 |  0.0024931 |  0.00036219 |    0.014496 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |   11173.66 |     122.79 |     1585.7 |     -3322.1 |      2846.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |  -27609.48 |    -303.40 |     1217.6 |     -3190.9 |      2309.1 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |    1179840 |     12965. |     1730.4 |      11955. |      17739. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |   212916.9 |     2339.7 |     6293.6 |      1.4880 |      42579. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        91 |   4256.818 |     46.778 |     7.6425 |      40.308 |      72.123 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        91 |   -159.352 |    -1.7511 |     5.8502 |     -38.115 |      4.5917 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        91 |  -8.199196 |  -0.090101 |     5.3139 |     -15.608 |      34.186 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        91 |   297.8795 |     3.2734 |     3.6524 |     -5.0562 |      5.1231 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        91 |   0.203488 |  0.0022361 |  0.0024929 |  0.00036200 |    0.014496 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        91 |   11173.66 |     122.79 |     1585.7 |     -3322.1 |      2846.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        91 |  -27609.48 |    -303.40 |     1217.6 |     -3190.9 |      2309.1 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        91 |    1179840 |     12965. |     1730.4 |      11955. |      17739. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        91 |   212916.9 |     2339.7 |     6293.6 |      1.4900 |      42579. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        91 |   4256.818 |     46.778 |     7.6425 |      40.308 |      72.123 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       159 |-5.503117e-06 |-3.4611e-08 | 2.8870e-07 | -4.9599e-07 |  4.9729e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       159 |-3.219311e-06 |-2.0247e-08 | 2.8182e-07 | -4.9454e-07 |  4.9469e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       159 |5.305267e-07 | 3.3366e-09 | 2.9661e-07 | -4.9760e-07 |  4.9160e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       159 |4.458109e-06 | 2.8038e-08 | 6.0847e-07 | -9.9046e-07 |  9.8584e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       159 |0.0002873898 | 1.8075e-06 | 2.9039e-05 | -4.9151e-05 |  4.9147e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       159 |0.0003252386 | 2.0455e-06 | 3.0495e-05 | -4.9799e-05 |  4.9534e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       159 |0.0005302473 | 3.3349e-06 | 2.9999e-05 | -4.9585e-05 |  4.9918e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       159 |-0.04886267 |-0.00030731 |  0.0029931 |  -0.0049169 |   0.0049764 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       159 |6.74738e-05 | 4.2436e-07 | 2.8271e-06 | -4.6930e-06 |  4.9678e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       159 |  -5.871239 |  -0.036926 |     5.2364 |     -33.874 |      46.715 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       159 |   45.24582 |    0.28456 |     1.9479 |     -5.4125 |      11.757 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       159 |   609.5674 |     3.8338 |     1.4547 |     -4.9886 |      5.0424 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       159 |  0.2517985 |  0.0015836 |  0.0020924 |  1.2927e-05 |    0.015222 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       159 |  -16967.14 |    -106.71 |     899.71 |     -2766.5 |      3241.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       159 |   5676.296 |     35.700 |     641.90 |     -2232.5 |      3028.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       159 |    1947864 |     12251. |     615.04 |      11953. |      15338. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |       159 |   256104.6 |     1610.7 |     5412.6 |      1.5494 |      37322. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       159 |   6613.748 |     41.596 |     2.9506 |      39.889 |      55.600 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |       159 |  -5.871233 |  -0.036926 |     5.2364 |     -33.874 |      46.715 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |       159 |   45.24582 |    0.28456 |     1.9479 |     -5.4125 |      11.757 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |       159 |   609.5674 |     3.8338 |     1.4547 |     -4.9886 |      5.0424 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       159 |   0.251794 |  0.0015836 |  0.0020924 |  1.2000e-05 |    0.015222 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       159 |  -16967.14 |    -106.71 |     899.71 |     -2766.5 |      3241.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       159 |   5676.295 |     35.700 |     641.90 |     -2232.5 |      3028.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       159 |    1947864 |     12251. |     615.04 |      11953. |      15338. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |       159 |   256104.6 |     1610.7 |     5412.6 |      1.5500 |      37322. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       159 |   6613.748 |     41.596 |     2.9506 |      39.889 |      55.600 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9627,7 +9648,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.988 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.604 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.FlatZSmear...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9654,7 +9675,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.944 |     2100.9 |     0.0000 |      2100.9 |      2100.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    2100.56 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9674,40 +9695,40 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.3671629 |    0.36716 |     0.0000 |     0.36716 |     0.36716 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         51 |     51.000 |     0.0000 |      51.000 |      51.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         53 |     53.000 |     0.0000 |      53.000 |      53.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.8096129 |    0.80961 |     0.0000 |     0.80961 |     0.80961 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         53 |     53.000 |     0.0000 |      53.000 |      53.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   6.480412 |     6.4804 |     0.0000 |      6.4804 |      6.4804 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        421 |     421.00 |     0.0000 |      421.00 |      421.00 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        542 |     542.00 |     0.0000 |      542.00 |      542.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   9.769174 |     9.7692 |     0.0000 |      9.7692 |      9.7692 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        553 |     553.00 |     0.0000 |      553.00 |      553.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        866 |     866.00 |     0.0000 |      866.00 |      866.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        935 |     935.00 |     0.0000 |      935.00 |      935.00 |
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.5950963 |    0.59510 |     0.0000 |     0.59510 |     0.59510 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         89 |     89.000 |     0.0000 |      89.000 |      89.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        101 |     101.00 |     0.0000 |      101.00 |      101.00 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.7670055 |    0.76701 |     0.0000 |     0.76701 |     0.76701 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        137 |     137.00 |     0.0000 |      137.00 |      137.00 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        167 |     167.00 |     0.0000 |      167.00 |      167.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        998 |     998.00 |     0.0000 |      998.00 |      998.00 |
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1693034 |    0.16930 |     0.0000 |     0.16930 |     0.16930 |
- | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
- | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         40 |     40.000 |     0.0000 |      40.000 |      40.000 |
- | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.3344699 |    0.33447 |     0.0000 |     0.33447 |     0.33447 |
+ | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
+ | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        103 |     103.00 |     0.0000 |      103.00 |      103.00 |
+ | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        613 |     613.00 |     0.0000 |      613.00 |      613.00 |
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Services to release : HistogramDataSvc
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
@@ -9756,139 +9777,139 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 39620.000 | 39870.875 | 39870.875   39870.9     0.00 |       1 |    39.871 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 39620.000 | 39865.855 | 39865.859   39865.9     0.00 |       1 |    39.866 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1250.000 |  1254.434 | 1254.434    1254.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1250.000 |  1254.421 | 1254.421    1254.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.254 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.954 |    0.954       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1250.000 |  1252.877 | 1252.877    1252.9     0.00 |       1 |     1.253 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 38370.000 | 38611.375 | 38611.379   38611.4     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 38370.000 | 38611.336 | 38611.336   38611.3     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 38370.000 | 38610.695 | 38610.695   38610.7     0.00 |       1 |    38.611 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 38350.000 | 38584.883 | 38584.887   38584.9     0.00 |       1 |    38.585 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30470.000 | 30664.713 | 30664.711   30664.7     0.00 |       1 |    30.665 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  7870.000 |  7909.656 | 7909.656    7909.7     0.00 |       1 |     7.910 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.005 |    2.005       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |     0.000 |     5.815 |    5.815       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.879       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     2.210 |    2.210       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.763 |    0.763       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.434 |    0.434       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.887 |    0.887       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     2.617 |    2.617       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.261 |    0.261       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    20.000 |    25.792 |   25.792      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |     0.000 |     9.412 |    9.412       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |     5.474 |    5.474       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.554 |    0.554       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.563 |    0.563       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.553 |    0.553       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.861       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    15.796 |   15.796      15.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |     1.501 |    1.501       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.357       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.959       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     5.463 |    5.463       5.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.340 |    0.340       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.645       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.658 |    0.658       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.084 |    0.084       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     0.640 |    0.640       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 53470.000 | 57024.938 | 57024.938   57024.9     0.00 |       1 |    57.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 53460.000 | 57016.949 | 57016.949   57016.9     0.00 |       1 |    57.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1260.000 |  1294.437 | 1294.437    1294.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.294 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1260.000 |  1294.423 | 1294.423    1294.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.294 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.770 |    1.770       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1260.000 |  1291.777 | 1291.777    1291.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.292 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.650 |    0.650       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.137 |    0.137       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 52200.000 | 55722.457 | 55722.453   55722.5     0.00 |       1 |    55.722 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 52200.000 | 55722.426 | 55722.426   55722.4     0.00 |       1 |    55.722 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.800 |    0.800       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 52200.000 | 55721.605 | 55721.602   55721.6     0.00 |       1 |    55.722 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 52150.000 | 55666.562 | 55666.562   55666.6     0.00 |       1 |    55.667 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30520.000 | 31074.473 | 31074.473   31074.5     0.00 |       1 |    31.074 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 21600.000 | 24550.652 | 24550.652   24550.7     0.00 |       1 |    24.551 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     7.629 |    7.629       7.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    21.592 |   21.592      21.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.959 |    0.959       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     2.988 |    2.988       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.711 |    1.711       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     2.447 |    2.447       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     6.862 |    6.862       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.558 |    2.558       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.453 |    1.453       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.161 |    1.161       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     0.803 |    0.803       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.418 |    0.418       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.395       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.400 |    0.400       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     5.161 |    5.161       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    11.931 |   11.931      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.107 |    1.107       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.763 |    0.763       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |    10.000 |     3.627 |    3.627       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     2.381 |    2.381       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.888 |    0.888       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.795       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.748 |    0.748       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.449 |    0.449       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    50.000 |    55.015 |   55.015      55.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.055 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |    15.020 |   15.020      15.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     8.944 |    8.944       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.115 |    1.115       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.386 |    0.386       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.950 |    0.950       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.793 |    0.793       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.909 |    0.909       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    40.000 |    38.754 |   38.754      38.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.039 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.692 |    0.692       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.564 |    0.564       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |    10.000 |     0.435 |    0.435       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.357 |    0.357       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     1.751 |    1.751       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.673 |    1.673       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     1.562 |    1.562       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.104 |    0.104       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     2.107 |    2.107       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.803 |    0.803       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     2.880 |    2.880       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    10.000 |    16.665 |   16.665      16.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.876 |    0.876       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.652       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.830 |    0.830       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     1.084 |    1.084       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.967 |    0.967       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     1.102 |    1.102       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 256      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 753      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.1H9WJM
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.Yukvhn
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 7.86  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 82.4  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 21.6  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  103  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO      Counter     |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        610 |     610.00 |     0.0000 |      610.00 |      610.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        245 |     245.00 |     0.0000 |      245.00 |      245.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         38 |     38.000 |     0.0000 |      38.000 |      38.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         34 |     34.000 |     0.0000 |      34.000 |      34.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        266 |     266.00 |     0.0000 |      266.00 |      266.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         91 |     91.000 |     0.0000 |      91.000 |      91.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        230 |     230.00 |     0.0000 |      230.00 |      230.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        596 |     596.00 |     0.0000 |      596.00 |      596.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        256 |     256.00 |     0.0000 |      256.00 |      256.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |        101 |     101.00 |     0.0000 |      101.00 |      101.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        155 |     155.00 |     0.0000 |      155.00 |      155.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |         33 |     33.000 |     0.0000 |      33.000 |      33.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        935 |     935.00 |     0.0000 |      935.00 |      935.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         74 |     74.000 |     0.0000 |      74.000 |      74.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |        234 |     234.00 |     0.0000 |      234.00 |      234.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        717 |     717.00 |     0.0000 |      717.00 |      717.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        753 |     753.00 |     0.0000 |      753.00 |      753.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         66 |     66.000 |     0.0000 |      66.000 |      66.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        932 |     932.00 |     0.0000 |      932.00 |      932.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |        159 |     159.00 |     0.0000 |      159.00 |      159.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        326 |     326.00 |     0.0000 |      326.00 |      326.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        998 |     998.00 |     0.0000 |      998.00 |      998.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        754 |     754.00 |     0.0000 |      754.00 |      754.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |        319 |     319.00 |     0.0000 |      319.00 |      319.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        435 |     435.00 |     0.0000 |      435.00 |      435.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        613 |     613.00 |     0.0000 |      613.00 |      613.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |        257 |     257.00 |     0.0000 |      257.00 |      257.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |        188 |     188.00 |     0.0000 |      188.00 |      188.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -9912,4 +9933,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
index 79e08b2e3..76b2ba132 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2015-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.0149999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.788, 0.091, 8.64]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 55.58  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2015'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:12:40 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:16:59 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -376,6 +378,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1499,6 +1503,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1573,6 +1578,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1616,6 +1622,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1665,6 +1672,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1716,6 +1724,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1771,6 +1780,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1818,6 +1828,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1854,6 +1865,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1889,6 +1901,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4609,6 +4622,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4639,7 +4653,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5015,7 +5029,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5088,7 +5103,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:13:28    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:17:57    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5193,7 +5208,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5234,7 +5250,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 32
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 33
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShowBanner':False
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UserTuning':
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Tuning':LHCbDefault.cmd
@@ -7643,7 +7660,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  368 #SubHits=  594 #Slots= 3538 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1673 #SubHits= 3654 #Slots= 4049 Energy=      53[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  187 #SubHits=  267 #Slots=  344 Energy=    3.11[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x261c2df0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x2650f570 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1694
@@ -10066,50 +10083,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1374.924 |     1374.9 |     0.0000 |      1374.9 |      1374.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1373.848 |     1373.8 |     0.0000 |      1373.8 |      1373.8 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.596 |     1365.6 |     0.0000 |      1365.6 |      1365.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1364.52 |     1364.5 |     0.0000 |      1364.5 |      1364.5 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.464 |     1365.5 |     0.0000 |      1365.5 |      1365.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1364.388 |     1364.4 |     0.0000 |      1364.4 |      1364.4 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1365.464 |     1365.5 |     0.0000 |      1365.5 |      1365.5 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1364.388 |     1364.4 |     0.0000 |      1364.4 |      1364.4 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10139,7 +10156,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.936 |     1238.9 |     0.0000 |      1238.9 |      1238.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.128 |     1238.1 |     0.0000 |      1238.1 |      1238.1 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10366,489 +10383,489 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 93030.000 | 94695.547 | 94695.547   94695.5     0.00 |       1 |    94.696 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 93030.000 | 94689.602 | 94689.594   94689.6     0.00 |       1 |    94.690 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1380.000 |  1519.973 | 1519.973    1520.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.520 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1340.000 |  1481.022 | 1481.022    1481.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.481 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1340.000 |  1468.165 | 1468.165    1468.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.468 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |    11.877 |   11.877      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |    11.842 |   11.842      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     3.088 |    3.088       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |    10.000 |     0.840 |    0.840       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.192 |    2.192       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.132 |    1.132       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.844 |    0.844       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    26.159 |   26.159      26.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.223 |    0.223       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    25.760 |   25.760      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     8.543 |    8.543       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.465 |    0.465       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     7.956 |    7.956       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 91650.000 | 93169.578 | 93169.578   93169.6     0.00 |       1 |    93.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 124250.000 | 124840.344 | 124840.344  124840.3     0.00 |       1 |   124.840 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 124240.000 | 124826.141 | 124826.141  124826.1     0.00 |       1 |   124.826 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1430.000 |  1440.209 | 1440.209    1440.2     0.00 |       1 |     1.440 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1390.000 |  1398.009 | 1398.009    1398.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.398 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.525 |    1.525       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1380.000 |  1394.777 | 1394.777    1394.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.395 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |    10.000 |     1.652 |    1.652       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |    10.000 |     1.593 |    1.593       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     4.055 |    4.055       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     1.013 |    1.013       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.909 |    2.909       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.636 |    1.636       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.118 |    1.118       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    30.000 |    26.961 |   26.961      27.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    30.000 |    26.455 |   26.455      26.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     9.516 |    9.516       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     8.828 |    8.828       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 122810.000 | 123385.867 | 123385.859  123385.9     0.00 |       1 |   123.386 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 67630.000 | 68722.406 | 68722.406   68722.4     0.00 |       1 |    68.722 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.696       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 67630.000 | 68721.688 | 68721.688   68721.7     0.00 |       1 |    68.722 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 67530.000 | 68617.906 | 68617.898   68617.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.618 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30490.000 | 30875.549 | 30875.549   30875.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.876 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 37000.000 | 37709.613 | 37709.609   37709.6     0.00 |       1 |    37.710 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.650 |    4.650       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |    22.429 |   22.429      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.969 |    0.969       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     1.015 |    1.015       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.760 |    0.760       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     2.381 |    2.381       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    20.000 |    11.700 |   11.700      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    20.000 |     5.155 |    5.155       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.966 |    1.966       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     2.028 |    2.028       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.154 |    1.154       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.363       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.947 |    0.947       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.675 |    0.675       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.460 |    1.460       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     1.869 |    1.869       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.569 |    5.569       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.588 |    0.588       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.417 |    0.417       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.363 |    0.363       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.215 |    1.215       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   100.000 |   103.772 |  103.772     103.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.104 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.171 |    0.171       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.579 |    0.579       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.713       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |    14.771 |   14.771      14.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.294 |    6.294       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.811 |    0.811       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.334 |    0.334       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.378 |    1.378       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.629 |    1.629       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.969 |    1.969       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.045 |    1.045       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    90.000 |    87.480 |   87.480      87.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.087 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     1.358 |    1.358       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.256 |    1.256       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.629 |    0.629       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.734       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.710 |    0.710       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.669 |    4.669       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     1.980 |    1.980       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     2.220 |    2.220       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     6.058 |    6.058       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     0.678 |    0.678       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.202 |    1.202       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.652 |    0.652       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.347 |    0.347       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     6.497 |    6.497       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    40.000 |    40.380 |   40.380      40.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.108 |    1.108       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     0.662 |    0.662       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     2.622 |    2.622       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.598 |    0.598       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     3.844 |    3.844       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.704 |    0.704       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     4.221 |    4.221       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.506 |    2.506       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    22.889 |   22.889      22.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.408 |    0.408       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    22.466 |   22.466      22.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.590 |   20.590      20.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     3.239 |    3.239       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    16.347 |   16.347      16.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.507 |    0.507       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 86030.000 | 86434.867 | 86434.867   86434.9     0.00 |       1 |    86.435 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.061 |    1.061       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 86030.000 | 86433.773 | 86433.773   86433.8     0.00 |       1 |    86.434 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 85860.000 | 86268.852 | 86268.852   86268.9     0.00 |       1 |    86.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30760.000 | 30967.916 | 30967.918   30967.9     0.00 |       1 |    30.968 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 55050.000 | 55240.305 | 55240.305   55240.3     0.00 |       1 |    55.240 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    10.575 |   10.575      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    40.000 |    40.968 |   40.968      41.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.854 |    0.854       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.624 |    1.624       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     3.782 |    3.782       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     3.390 |    3.390       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     6.963 |    6.963       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    16.801 |   16.801      16.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     8.323 |    8.323       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |     2.426 |    2.426       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     2.575 |    2.575       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.538 |    1.538       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     1.108 |    1.108       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.081 |    1.081       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     1.105 |    1.105       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.726 |    1.726       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     3.185 |    3.185       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     8.865 |    8.865       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.676 |    1.676       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.014 |    1.014       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.227 |    0.227       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.621 |    0.621       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.459 |    1.459       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.916 |    0.916       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   170.000 |   164.901 |  164.901     164.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.165 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |    10.000 |     0.882 |    0.882       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.831 |    0.831       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    19.930 |   19.930      19.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     8.383 |    8.383       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.432 |    1.432       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.776 |    1.776       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.649 |    1.649       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.836 |    1.836       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.194 |    2.194       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.512 |    1.512       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   140.000 |   142.888 |  142.888     142.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.143 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     1.632 |    1.632       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.552 |    1.552       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.715 |    0.715       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |    10.000 |     1.144 |    1.144       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     8.011 |    8.011       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     3.479 |    3.479       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     3.890 |    3.890       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |    10.763 |   10.763      10.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.044 |    1.044       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |    10.000 |     1.462 |    1.462       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.879 |    0.879       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.534 |    0.534       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    11.064 |   11.064      11.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    70.000 |    67.893 |   67.893      67.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.068 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.843 |    1.843       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     1.337 |    1.337       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     3.891 |    3.891       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.712       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     5.705 |    5.705       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.730 |    0.730       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     6.379 |    6.379       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.559 |    0.559       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     4.368 |    4.368       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    30.000 |    25.906 |   25.906      25.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.575 |    0.575       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    30.000 |    25.303 |   25.303      25.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    23.029 |   23.029      23.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     4.011 |    4.011       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    17.446 |   17.446      17.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.209 |    0.209       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.734       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.486       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     1.865 |    1.865       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.346 |    1.346       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.411 |    0.411       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.436 |    0.436       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     2.256 |    2.256       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    10.000 |     1.571 |    1.571       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.130 |    0.130       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |    10.000 |     0.625 |    0.625       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.490 |    0.490       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    12.913 |   12.913      12.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    12.643 |   12.643      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.470 |   10.470      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.669 |    9.669       9.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    13.862 |   13.862      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.352       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    13.488 |   13.488      13.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.935 |   10.935      10.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.929 |    9.929       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.378 |    0.378       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.164 |    2.164       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.632 |    1.632       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.730 |    0.730       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.004 |    0.004       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.542 |    2.542       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.766 |    1.766       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.769 |    0.769       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 12840.000 | 12985.661 | 12985.661   12985.7     0.00 |       1 |    12.986 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 12840.000 | 12985.388 | 12985.388   12985.4     0.00 |       1 |    12.985 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 12780.000 | 12923.967 | 12923.967   12924.0     0.00 |       1 |    12.924 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 12770.000 | 12910.054 | 12910.054   12910.1     0.00 |       1 |    12.910 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.692 |    1.692       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |     9.645 |    9.645       9.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.033 |    6.033       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.872 |    2.872       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     1.051 |    1.051       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.415 |    0.415       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.047 |    2.047       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 19320.000 | 19427.561 | 19427.561   19427.6     0.00 |       1 |    19.428 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.403       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 19320.000 | 19427.139 | 19427.139   19427.1     0.00 |       1 |    19.427 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 19220.000 | 19329.396 | 19329.396   19329.4     0.00 |       1 |    19.329 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 19210.000 | 19312.648 | 19312.648   19312.6     0.00 |       1 |    19.313 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.820 |    1.820       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    11.891 |   11.891      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.996 |    0.996       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.802 |    0.802       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.925 |    0.925       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.903 |    6.903       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    10.000 |     3.454 |    3.454       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     1.117 |    1.117       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.429 |    0.429       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.575 |    0.575       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.270 |    0.270       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.520 |    0.520       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.718 |    0.718       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.257 |    2.257       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    60.000 |    61.409 |   61.409      61.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    10.000 |     9.854 |    9.854       9.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     5.800 |    5.800       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.260       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.705 |    0.705       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.931 |    0.931       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    50.864 |   50.864      50.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.399       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     4.448 |    4.448       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.148 |    1.148       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.600 |    1.600       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.301 |    0.301       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.576 |    0.576       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.730 |    4.730       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    29.790 |   29.790      29.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |    10.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.648 |    0.648       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.897       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.316 |    1.316       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 11150.000 | 11425.654 | 11425.654   11425.7     0.00 |       1 |    11.426 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.384 |    0.384       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 11150.000 | 11425.251 | 11425.251   11425.3     0.00 |       1 |    11.425 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 11120.000 | 11384.571 | 11384.571   11384.6     0.00 |       1 |    11.385 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.430 |    1.430       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 11110.000 | 11374.766 | 11374.766   11374.8     0.00 |       1 |    11.375 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.006 |    1.006       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     5.918 |    5.918       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.222 |    0.222       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.815 |    0.815       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     2.657 |    2.657       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.466 |    0.466       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.312       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.463 |    0.463       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.455 |    0.455       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|    10.000 |     1.384 |    1.384       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.184 |    0.184       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|    10.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.295 |    0.295       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    30.000 |    40.668 |   40.668      40.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.078 |    0.078       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |    10.027 |   10.027      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     5.872 |    5.872       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.188 |    0.188       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.903 |    0.903       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.735 |    0.735       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    30.273 |   30.273      30.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.101 |    0.101       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.699 |    0.699       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |   100.000 |    97.719 |   97.719      97.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.098 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |    10.000 |     0.242 |    0.242       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    10.000 |    12.288 |   12.288      12.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     7.320 |    7.320       7.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.565 |    0.565       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.645 |    0.645       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.733 |    0.733       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.975 |    0.975       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.795       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    80.000 |    84.731 |   84.731      84.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.085 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.536 |    0.536       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.402 |    0.402       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     7.901 |    7.901       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     2.012 |    2.012       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.590 |    0.590       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     2.831 |    2.831       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.369       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.734 |    0.734       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     8.011 |    8.011       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    60.000 |    51.198 |   51.198      51.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.775       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.972 |    0.972       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.340 |    1.340       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.957 |    1.957       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.045 |    0.045       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.378 |    1.378       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 17420.000 | 17483.576 | 17483.574   17483.6     0.00 |       1 |    17.484 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.514 |    0.514       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 17420.000 | 17483.031 | 17483.031   17483.0     0.00 |       1 |    17.483 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 17350.000 | 17419.305 | 17419.303   17419.3     0.00 |       1 |    17.419 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |    10.000 |     1.660 |    1.660       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 17330.000 | 17408.172 | 17408.172   17408.2     0.00 |       1 |    17.408 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.036 |    1.036       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     6.843 |    6.843       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.443 |    0.443       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |    10.000 |     1.025 |    1.025       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     2.755 |    2.755       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.221 |    1.221       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.127 |    0.127       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.268 |    0.268       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.491       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.502 |    0.502       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.489       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    70.000 |    63.710 |   63.710      63.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.092 |    0.092       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.385       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.144 |    0.144       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    20.000 |    11.394 |   11.394      11.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.903 |    5.903       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |     0.288 |    0.288       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.519 |    0.519       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.761 |    0.761       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.935 |    0.935       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.035 |    1.035       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    50.000 |    51.635 |   51.635      51.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.052 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     2.125 |    2.125       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.674 |    0.674       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.703 |    0.703       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.413 |    2.413       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    15.205 |   15.205      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.121 |    0.121       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.539 |    0.539       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.002 |    1.002       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.175 |    1.175       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.623 |    0.623       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     3.930 |    3.930       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     1.232 |    1.232       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.414 |    1.414       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     4.692 |    4.692       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.257 |    0.257       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     4.385 |    4.385       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    26.780 |   26.780      26.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.631 |    0.631       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     0.751 |    0.751       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.390 |    1.390       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.220 |    0.220       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.687 |    1.687       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.186 |    0.186       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.134 |    1.134       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 2        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
@@ -10858,8 +10875,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 60.7  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 12.1(+- 13.5)/ 0.01/ 36.9  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  292  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 91.6  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 18.3(+- 20.1)/ 0.01/   55  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  335  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -10907,4 +10924,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
index de74d2f61..3d43750f6 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-Pbp.ref
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 3.861e-22  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.885, -0.143, -12.19]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 57.37  (default: 82.03)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 2560000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'Pb'  (default: 'p')
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:18:00 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:22:56 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -337,6 +338,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -372,6 +374,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -407,6 +410,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1495,6 +1499,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1569,6 +1574,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1612,6 +1618,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1661,6 +1668,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1712,6 +1720,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1767,6 +1776,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1814,6 +1824,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1850,6 +1861,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1885,6 +1897,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4605,6 +4618,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4635,7 +4649,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5081,7 +5095,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:19:19    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:23:52    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5186,7 +5200,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5272,7 +5287,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.7RTadC for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6789,7 +6804,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 1000822080 (id), 2560 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 2212 (id), -6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 8158.43 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.7RTadC
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8873,7 +8888,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  630 #SubHits=  854 #Slots= 5055 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 2435 #SubHits= 5461 #Slots= 6383 Energy=    81.7[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  314 #SubHits=  676 #Slots=  895 Energy=    9.71[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20d4d790 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20931510 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 3395
@@ -9663,7 +9678,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.952 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.612 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9690,7 +9705,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.896 |     2100.9 |     0.0000 |      2100.9 |      2100.9 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    2100.56 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9789,120 +9804,120 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 97200.000 | 99202.078 | 99202.086   99202.1     0.00 |       1 |    99.202 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 97200.000 | 99196.781 | 99196.781   99196.8     0.00 |       1 |    99.197 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1400.000 |  1490.685 | 1490.685    1490.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.491 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1400.000 |  1490.672 | 1490.672    1490.7     0.00 |       1 |     1.491 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.000 |    1.000       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1400.000 |  1488.564 | 1488.564    1488.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.489 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.894 |    0.894       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.866       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 95800.000 | 97706.055 | 97706.055   97706.1     0.00 |       1 |    97.706 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 95800.000 | 97706.031 | 97706.031   97706.0     0.00 |       1 |    97.706 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.757       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 95800.000 | 97705.258 | 97705.258   97705.3     0.00 |       1 |    97.705 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 95600.000 | 97510.609 | 97510.609   97510.6     0.00 |       1 |    97.511 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30160.000 | 30536.775 | 30536.777   30536.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.537 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 65370.000 | 66903.789 | 66903.789   66903.8     0.00 |       1 |    66.904 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     8.795 |    8.795       8.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    50.000 |    51.038 |   51.038      51.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.051 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     2.622 |    2.622       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     1.966 |    1.966       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     1.252 |    1.252       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     4.014 |    4.014       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    30.000 |    32.304 |   32.304      32.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.032 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    20.000 |    15.892 |   15.892      15.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     4.947 |    4.947       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     5.607 |    5.607       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.981 |    1.981       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.399 |    0.399       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     3.360 |    3.360       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.934 |    0.934       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |    10.000 |     1.319 |    1.319       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     2.372 |    2.372       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     3.400 |    3.400       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |    10.118 |   10.118      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.520 |    1.520       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.219 |    1.219       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.493 |    0.493       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     3.670 |    3.670       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.728       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   200.000 |   194.630 |  194.630     194.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.195 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     1.145 |    1.145       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    20.116 |   20.116      20.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     8.035 |    8.035       8.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.104 |    1.104       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     1.349 |    1.349       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.654 |    1.654       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.240 |    2.240       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     2.895 |    2.895       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.554 |    1.554       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   180.000 |   171.952 |  171.952     172.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.172 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.333 |    2.333       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.195 |    1.195       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.368 |    1.368       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    20.000 |    11.948 |   11.948      11.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     4.443 |    4.443       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     4.529 |    4.529       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |    11.590 |   11.590      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.099 |    1.099       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.745 |    1.745       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.980       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    14.185 |   14.185      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    90.000 |    84.250 |   84.250      84.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.084 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.929 |    1.929       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.801 |    0.801       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     3.531 |    3.531       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.866 |    0.866       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     5.598 |    5.598       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.078 |    1.078       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     6.833 |    6.833       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.983 |    0.983       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     4.449 |    4.449       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 123890.000 | 125538.516 | 125538.516  125538.5     0.00 |       1 |   125.539 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 123880.000 | 125530.547 | 125530.547  125530.5     0.00 |       1 |   125.531 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1430.000 |  1682.979 | 1682.979    1683.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.683 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1430.000 |  1682.965 | 1682.965    1683.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.683 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.266 |    1.266       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1430.000 |  1680.354 | 1680.354    1680.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.680 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.965       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.929 |    0.929       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 122450.000 | 123847.508 | 123847.508  123847.5     0.00 |       1 |   123.848 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 122450.000 | 123847.469 | 123847.469  123847.5     0.00 |       1 |   123.847 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.953 |    0.953       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 122450.000 | 123846.461 | 123846.461  123846.5     0.00 |       1 |   123.846 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 122230.000 | 123629.422 | 123629.422  123629.4     0.00 |       1 |   123.629 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30590.000 | 30936.141 | 30936.141   30936.1     0.00 |       1 |    30.936 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 91530.000 | 92578.258 | 92578.258   92578.3     0.00 |       1 |    92.578 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    21.236 |   21.236      21.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    70.000 |    75.722 |   75.722      75.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.076 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.102 |    1.102       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     3.170 |    3.170       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     4.250 |    4.250       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     4.441 |    4.441       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     8.598 |    8.598       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    40.000 |    41.101 |   41.101      41.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.041 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    20.000 |    20.874 |   20.874      20.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |     5.916 |    5.916       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     6.828 |    6.828       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     2.975 |    2.975       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     3.602 |    3.602       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     1.334 |    1.334       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     1.757 |    1.757       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     3.115 |    3.115       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.462 |    0.462       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     6.042 |    6.042       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    17.709 |   17.709      17.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |    10.000 |     3.030 |    3.030       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.997 |    1.997       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.639 |    1.639       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.105 |    0.105       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.240 |    0.240       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     1.429 |    1.429       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.420       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |    10.000 |     1.719 |    1.719       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     4.170 |    4.170       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.420 |    1.420       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.646 |    0.646       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   220.000 |   217.004 |  217.004     217.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.217 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.337 |    0.337       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.690 |    1.690       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |    10.000 |     1.424 |    1.424       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    30.000 |    29.829 |   29.829      29.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    10.437 |   10.437      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.610 |    2.610       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.396 |    1.396       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     3.246 |    3.246       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     2.338 |    2.338       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.978 |    2.978       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     3.493 |    3.493       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.807 |    0.807       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     2.363 |    2.363       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   180.000 |   183.580 |  183.580     183.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.184 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     3.032 |    3.032       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.772 |    2.772       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     1.461 |    1.461       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.561 |    1.561       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |    10.000 |     1.174 |    1.174       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.528 |    0.528       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    10.000 |    12.628 |   12.628      12.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     4.685 |    4.685       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     4.483 |    4.483       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |    11.842 |   11.842      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.724 |    1.724       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     3.363 |    3.363       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     1.398 |    1.398       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |    10.000 |     0.741 |    0.741       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |    13.921 |   13.921      13.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    90.000 |    87.871 |   87.871      87.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.088 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     2.245 |    2.245       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     1.107 |    1.107       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     3.798 |    3.798       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.943 |    0.943       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     5.666 |    5.666       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     1.163 |    1.163       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     6.883 |    6.883       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.179 |    0.179       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.997 |    0.997       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     4.505 |    4.505       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 4045     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.JWOljc
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.7RTadC
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 65.4  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  142  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 91.5  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  173  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -9948,4 +9963,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
index fa597bf7d..037d8d9c3 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pHe.ref
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.55e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.81, -0.22, 0.0]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 53.6  (default: 82.03)
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'  (default: 'p')
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:21:15 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:26:10 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -339,6 +340,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -374,6 +376,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -409,6 +412,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1497,6 +1501,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1571,6 +1576,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1614,6 +1620,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1663,6 +1670,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1714,6 +1722,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1769,6 +1778,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1816,6 +1826,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1852,6 +1863,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1887,6 +1899,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4607,6 +4620,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4690,7 +4704,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5083,7 +5097,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:22:12    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:27:06    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5188,7 +5202,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5274,7 +5289,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.08Ns0n for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6791,7 +6806,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000020040 (id), -0 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 110.45 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.08Ns0n
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8873,19 +8888,19 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='EcalHits' for Sen
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  Initialize(): CollectionName='HcalHits' for SensDet='Hcal'
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG  #GaussSensPlaneHits=   0
 GaussGeo.Spd            SUCCESS  #Hits=   39 #SubHits=   51 #Slots=  304 Energy=   0.168[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   60 #SubHits=   90 #Slots=  537 Energy=   0.412[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  227 #SubHits=  447 #Slots=  471 Energy=    3.95[GeV]
-GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    8 #SubHits=    9 #Slots=   14 Energy=   0.114[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=   60 #SubHits=   90 #Slots=  537 Energy=    0.41[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  227 #SubHits=  447 #Slots=  471 Energy=    3.94[GeV]
+GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=    8 #SubHits=    9 #Slots=   14 Energy=   0.111[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21efadb0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x206c5d60 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 265
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 258
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  # of Hit Collections       : 16
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 0 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloPuSDet' 	#Hits = 0
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 73
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 1 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'VeloSDet' 	#Hits = 75
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 2 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'TTSDet' 	#Hits = 71
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 34
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 3 	Name = 'Rich1TopHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 31
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 4 	Name = 'Rich1BotHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 29
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 5 	Name = 'Rich2LeftHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 39
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 6 	Name = 'Rich2RightHC' 	SD = 'HpdSiliconSensDet' 	#Hits = 219
@@ -8895,7 +8910,7 @@ GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21efadb0 **************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 10 	Name = 'PrsHits' 	SD = 'Prs' 	#Hits = 60
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 11 	Name = 'EcalHits' 	SD = 'Ecal' 	#Hits = 227
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 12 	Name = 'HcalHits' 	SD = 'Hcal' 	#Hits = 8
- GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 82
+ GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 13 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'MuonSDet' 	#Hits = 80
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 14 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'ITSDet' 	#Hits = 64
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  Collection: ID = 15 	Name = 'Hits' 	SD = 'OTSDet' 	#Hits = 106
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  GetDCofThisEvent       :  G4DCofThisEvent*          points to NULL
@@ -8934,14 +8949,14 @@ GetMuonHits               DEBUG ==> Execute
 GetMuonHits               DEBUG GetTrackerHitsAlg:: The object of type 'ObjectVector<LHCb::MCHit>' is registered in TS at address 'MC/Muon/Hits'
 MainEventDataPacking      DEBUG ==> Execute
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Particles'
-PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 287 MCParticles to convert.
+PackMCParticle            DEBUG MC/Particles contains 280 MCParticles to convert.
 PackMCParticle            DEBUG PackMCParticle:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCParticles' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCParticles'
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG The object of type 'KeyedContainer<LHCb::MCVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >' has been retrieved from TS at address 'MC/Vertices'
-PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 380 MCVertices to convert.
+PackMCVertex              DEBUG MC/Vertices contains 374 MCVertices to convert.
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG PackMCVertex:: The object of type 'LHCb::PackedMCVertices' is registered in TS at address 'pSim/MCVertices'
 SimMonitor                DEBUG ==> Execute
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	287
-GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	380
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCParticles 'MC/Particles' 	280
+GiGaGetMainEvent           INFO Number of extracted MCVertices  'MC/Vertices'  	374
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
 GaussGen                  DEBUG Delete BeamForInitialization
 GaussGen                  DEBUG ==> Finalize
@@ -9085,9 +9100,9 @@ GetOTHits                 DEBUG Services to release : GiGa GiGaKine
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGa'
 GetOTHits                 DEBUG Releasing service 'GiGaKine'
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid RICH flags              =    0.00 +- 0.00
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =   63.00 +- 7.94 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  258.00 +-16.06 (100.00 +-0.00%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCRichHits              : Rich1 =   60.00 +- 7.75 (100.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  258.00 +-16.06 (100.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Invalid radiator hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   62.00 +- 7.87 ( 98.41 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal Hits             : Rich1 =   59.00 +- 7.68 ( 98.33 +-1.65%) Rich2 =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Gas Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    3.00 +- 1.73 (  1.16 +-0.67%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # HPD Quartz CK hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =  173.00 +-13.15 ( 67.05 +-2.93%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Nitrogen CK hits        : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
@@ -9095,16 +9110,16 @@ GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero Filter CK hits     : Rich1 =    0.00
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Si back-scattering      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Charged Track hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Scintillation hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   30.00 +- 5.48 ( 11.63 +-2.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.59 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   56.00 +- 7.48 ( 21.71 +-2.57%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # All HPD reflection hits : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.67 +-1.65%) Rich2 =   56.00 +- 7.48 ( 21.71 +-2.57%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # QW/PC refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =   41.00 +- 6.40 ( 15.89 +-2.28%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Chromium refl. hits   : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.59 +-1.57%) Rich2 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  9.30 +-1.81%)
+GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/QW refl. hits     : Rich1 =    1.00 +- 1.00 (  1.67 +-1.65%) Rich2 =   24.00 +- 4.90 (  9.30 +-1.81%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Air/PC refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # PC/QW refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Silicon refl. hits    : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kovar refl. hits      : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO   Av. # Kapton refl. hits     : Rich1 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2 =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
-GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   62.00 +- 7.87 ( 98.41 +-1.57%) Rich2Gas =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
+GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Signal CK MCRichHits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =   59.00 +- 7.68 ( 98.33 +-1.65%) Rich2Gas =   47.00 +- 6.86 ( 18.22 +-2.40%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Rayleigh scattered hits : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # MCParticle-less hits    : Aero  =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich1Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%) Rich2Gas =    0.00 +- 0.00 (  0.00 +-0.00%)
 GetRichHits                INFO Av. # Aero hits per tile     :
@@ -9124,7 +9139,7 @@ GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 12 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / eve
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 13 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 14 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
 GetRichHits                INFO           tile = 15 hits =    0.00 +- 0.00 / event
-GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    63.00 +-  7.94 / event
+GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich1Gas =    60.00 +-  7.75 / event
 GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : Rich2Gas =    82.00 +-  9.06 / event
 GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : GasQuartzWin =     3.00 +-  1.73 / event
 GetRichPhotons             INFO Av. # MCRichOpticalPhotons : HPDQuartzWin =   173.00 +- 13.15 / event
@@ -9177,7 +9192,7 @@ PackMCVertex              DEBUG Tools to release :
 PackMCVertex              DEBUG Services to release :
 MCVeloHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         75 |     75.000 |     0.0000 |      75.000 |      75.000 |
 MCPuVetoHitPacker       SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
@@ -9192,7 +9207,7 @@ MCOTHitPacker           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 MCMuonHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         80 |     80.000 |     0.0000 |      80.000 |      80.000 |
 MCPrsHitPacker          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
@@ -9207,10 +9222,10 @@ MCHcalHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 MCRichHitPacker         SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 MCRichOpPhotPacker      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+ | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 MCRichSegmentPacker     SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# PackedData"                                  |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
@@ -9226,7 +9241,7 @@ MakeMainSim               DEBUG Services to release :
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO                 - VeloGaussMoni table -
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
-VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       73+/-0
+VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of MCHits/Event:       75+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO | Number of PileUpMCHits/Event: 0+/-0
 VeloGaussMoni              INFO ------------------------------------------------------
 TTHitMonitor               INFO *** Summary ***
@@ -9272,63 +9287,63 @@ MuonHitChecker             INFO  M1        M2        M3        M4        M5
 MuonHitChecker             INFO 42.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R1
 MuonHitChecker             INFO 17.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R2
 MuonHitChecker             INFO 5.000  0.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R3
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 12.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 12.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   R4
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -------    Integrated over regions    ---------------------------
 MuonHitChecker             INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
-MuonHitChecker             INFO 76.000  6.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
+MuonHitChecker             INFO 76.000  4.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   allR
 MuonHitChecker             INFO  number of hits generated outside gaps volume 0
 UnpackPuVetoHits        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 UnpackVeloHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         75 |     75.000 |     0.0000 |      75.000 |      75.000 |
 CheckVeloHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        73 |1.17425e-06 | 1.6086e-08 | 2.9802e-07 | -4.9660e-07 |  4.9930e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        73 |4.028101e-07 | 5.5179e-09 | 2.6763e-07 | -4.9453e-07 |  4.5941e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        73 |2.857583e-06 | 3.9145e-08 | 2.9347e-07 | -4.6413e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        73 |3.78703e-06 | 5.1877e-08 | 5.6478e-07 | -9.7974e-07 |  9.6238e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |-0.0002795158 |-3.8290e-06 | 2.8883e-05 | -4.9487e-05 |  4.6962e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |-1.963984e-05 |-2.6904e-07 | 2.9414e-05 | -4.9308e-05 |  4.8836e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |-0.0002958291 |-4.0525e-06 | 2.6918e-05 | -4.9897e-05 |  4.9140e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |-0.008946061 |-0.00012255 |  0.0026837 |  -0.0049928 |   0.0049342 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        73 |3.29374e-05 | 4.5120e-07 | 2.8299e-06 | -4.9163e-06 |  4.9350e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        73 |  0.6854162 |  0.0093893 |   0.025223 |   -0.012420 |     0.14583 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        73 |   1.124895 |   0.015410 |   0.048950 |  -0.0090871 |     0.28661 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        73 |   20.75329 |    0.28429 |   0.053114 |    0.016707 |     0.30011 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        73 |   8.391766 |    0.11496 |   0.090769 |    0.010429 |     0.72927 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |   347.5885 |     4.7615 |     14.090 |     -20.616 |      28.715 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |   82.54828 |     1.1308 |     15.742 |     -28.281 |      41.478 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |   18180.43 |     249.05 |     275.93 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |    1100052 |     15069. |     9999.0 |      2.5426 |      26511. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        73 |   60.93218 |    0.83469 |    0.91747 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        73 |   0.685415 |  0.0093892 |   0.025223 |   -0.012420 |     0.14584 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        73 |   1.124895 |   0.015410 |   0.048950 |  -0.0090870 |     0.28662 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        73 |   20.75329 |    0.28429 |   0.053114 |    0.016707 |     0.30011 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        73 |   8.391762 |    0.11496 |   0.090769 |    0.010428 |     0.72927 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        73 |   347.5888 |     4.7615 |     14.090 |     -20.616 |      28.715 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        73 |    82.5483 |     1.1308 |     15.742 |     -28.281 |      41.477 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        73 |   18180.43 |     249.05 |     275.93 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        73 |    1100052 |     15069. |     9999.0 |      2.5400 |      26511. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        73 |   60.93215 |    0.83469 |    0.91747 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        75 |7.826105e-07 | 1.0435e-08 | 2.9623e-07 | -4.9660e-07 |  4.9930e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        75 |2.517247e-07 | 3.3563e-09 | 2.6565e-07 | -4.9453e-07 |  4.5941e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        75 |1.573688e-06 | 2.0983e-08 | 2.9083e-07 | -4.6413e-07 |  4.9975e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        75 |5.422469e-06 | 7.2300e-08 | 5.7527e-07 | -9.7974e-07 |  9.6238e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        75 |-0.0003102742 |-4.1370e-06 | 2.8584e-05 | -4.9487e-05 |  4.6962e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        75 |-0.000236264 |-3.1502e-06 | 2.9052e-05 | -4.9335e-05 |  4.8043e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        75 |-0.0002914685 |-3.8862e-06 | 2.7369e-05 | -4.9897e-05 |  4.9140e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        75 |0.0003284867 | 4.3798e-06 |  0.0026610 |  -0.0049143 |   0.0049342 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        75 |3.966852e-05 | 5.2891e-07 | 2.7714e-06 | -4.9163e-06 |  4.9350e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        75 |  0.9242778 |   0.012324 |   0.031185 |   -0.021231 |     0.16538 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        75 |  0.6008273 |  0.0080110 |   0.057728 |    -0.26304 |     0.27829 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        75 |   21.04001 |    0.28053 |   0.058527 |    0.016707 |     0.30016 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        75 |   8.442041 |    0.11256 |   0.090901 |   0.0053540 |     0.72927 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        75 |   388.6249 |     5.1817 |     14.211 |     -20.616 |      29.758 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        75 |   126.1229 |     1.6816 |     16.015 |     -28.281 |      39.112 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        75 |   18040.89 |     240.55 |     277.04 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        75 |    1100054 |     14667. |     10159. |      1.4825 |      26511. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        75 |   60.61505 |    0.80820 |    0.91929 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        75 |   0.924277 |   0.012324 |   0.031185 |   -0.021231 |     0.16538 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        75 |   0.600827 |  0.0080110 |   0.057728 |    -0.26304 |     0.27830 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        75 |      21.04 |    0.28053 |   0.058527 |    0.016707 |     0.30016 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        75 |   8.442036 |    0.11256 |   0.090901 |   0.0053540 |     0.72927 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        75 |   388.6252 |     5.1817 |     14.211 |     -20.616 |      29.758 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        75 |   126.1231 |     1.6816 |     16.015 |     -28.281 |      39.112 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        75 |   18040.89 |     240.55 |     277.04 |     -146.11 |      750.99 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        75 |    1100054 |     14667. |     10159. |      1.4800 |      26511. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        75 |   60.61501 |    0.80820 |    0.91929 |    -0.48394 |      2.5073 |
 UnpackTTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
 CheckTTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |-1.097346e-06 |-1.5456e-08 | 2.8260e-07 | -4.9584e-07 |  4.9745e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |1.617913e-06 | 2.2788e-08 | 2.9046e-07 | -4.8079e-07 |  4.9268e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        71 |-1.059551e-06 |-1.4923e-08 | 2.8268e-07 | -4.9584e-07 |  4.9745e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        71 |1.652985e-06 | 2.3281e-08 | 2.9041e-07 | -4.8079e-07 |  4.9268e-07 |
  | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        71 |-1.020812e-07 |-1.4378e-09 | 9.9252e-08 | -4.4756e-07 |  4.4756e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |2.067598e-06 | 2.9121e-08 | 5.6761e-07 | -9.2653e-07 |  9.9038e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |6.413756e-05 | 9.0335e-07 | 3.0626e-05 | -4.9074e-05 |  4.9894e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |9.108067e-05 | 1.2828e-06 | 2.9966e-05 | -4.8625e-05 |  4.8365e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        71 |2.070774e-06 | 2.9166e-08 | 5.6765e-07 | -9.2653e-07 |  9.9038e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |-5.05779e-05 |-7.1236e-07 | 3.0336e-05 | -4.9074e-05 |  4.9239e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        71 |0.0001646949 | 2.3196e-06 | 2.9871e-05 | -4.8625e-05 |  4.8365e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        71 |-5.32156e-06 |-7.4952e-08 | 5.3315e-06 | -2.1867e-05 |  3.5448e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |0.004882141 | 6.8763e-05 |  0.0028631 |  -0.0048457 |   0.0049665 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |-1.497512e-06 |-2.1092e-08 | 2.8219e-06 | -4.8218e-06 |  4.9922e-06 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        71 |0.003836083 | 5.4029e-05 |  0.0028676 |  -0.0048457 |   0.0049665 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        71 |-1.285921e-06 |-1.8112e-08 | 2.8213e-06 | -4.8218e-06 |  4.9922e-06 |
  | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        71 |   10.95784 |    0.15434 |    0.57591 |    -0.97771 |      2.3855 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 | -0.6309854 | -0.0088871 |    0.16304 |    -0.68662 |     0.17928 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        71 | -0.6309853 | -0.0088871 |    0.16304 |    -0.68662 |     0.17928 |
  | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        71 |  -11.98848 |   -0.16885 |    0.44548 |    -0.50000 |     0.50000 |
  | "Original - Energy"                             |        71 |   19.90517 |    0.28035 |    0.21435 |    0.023828 |      1.1674 |
  | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        71 |  -15971.36 |    -224.95 |     458.94 |     -782.42 |      696.09 |
@@ -9382,15 +9397,15 @@ UnpackOTHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       106 |1.579569e-06 | 1.4902e-08 | 2.9856e-07 | -4.9983e-07 |  4.9381e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       106 |-1.054754e-06 |-9.9505e-09 | 2.7251e-07 | -4.9224e-07 |  4.7015e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       106 |-1.275378e-06 |-1.2032e-08 | 2.9219e-07 | -4.9323e-07 |  4.7566e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       106 |-1.387254e-06 |-1.3087e-08 | 5.8702e-07 | -9.3324e-07 |  9.8337e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |-0.0004341102 |-4.0954e-06 | 2.6808e-05 | -4.8244e-05 |  4.8905e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |-9.0963e-05 |-8.5814e-07 | 2.7622e-05 | -4.9868e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |0.0001894333 | 1.7871e-06 | 3.0414e-05 | -4.9632e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |-0.02781937 |-0.00026245 |  0.0027955 |  -0.0048325 |   0.0049878 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       106 |2.972142e-06 | 2.8039e-08 | 3.0576e-06 | -4.9455e-06 |  4.9110e-06 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |       106 |3.280998e-06 | 3.0953e-08 | 2.9935e-07 | -4.9685e-07 |  4.9381e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |       106 |-7.366376e-07 |-6.9494e-09 | 2.7057e-07 | -4.8253e-07 |  4.7015e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |       106 |-1.274234e-06 |-1.2021e-08 | 2.9220e-07 | -4.9323e-07 |  4.7580e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       106 |-1.36758e-06 |-1.2902e-08 | 5.8694e-07 | -9.3324e-07 |  9.8337e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       106 |-0.0004401628 |-4.1525e-06 | 2.7775e-05 | -4.8244e-05 |  4.8905e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       106 |-3.892991e-05 |-3.6726e-07 | 2.7365e-05 | -4.9868e-05 |  4.9991e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       106 |0.0001935818 | 1.8262e-06 | 3.0418e-05 | -4.9632e-05 |  4.9873e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |       106 |-0.02992781 |-0.00028234 |  0.0027833 |  -0.0048325 |   0.0048121 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       106 |4.912631e-06 | 4.6346e-08 | 3.0630e-06 | -4.9455e-06 |  4.9110e-06 |
  | "Original - Displacement x"                     |       106 |  -247.7522 |    -2.3373 |     7.9783 |     -36.810 |      11.127 |
  | "Original - Displacement y"                     |       106 |  -74.47728 |   -0.70262 |     2.9857 |     -8.4332 |      16.044 |
  | "Original - Displacement z"                     |       106 |    634.893 |     5.9896 |     7.8820 |     -10.760 |      10.736 |
@@ -9411,10 +9426,10 @@ CheckOTHits             SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       106 |   3999.763 |     37.734 |     18.867 |      26.217 |      102.04 |
 UnpackRichHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 UnpackRichOpPhot        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 UnpackRichSegments      SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
@@ -9423,95 +9438,95 @@ UnpackRichTracks        SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
 CheckRichHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 15
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       321 |-2.227385e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |0.000118652 | 3.6963e-07 | 2.8441e-05 | -4.9805e-05 |  4.9011e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |8.264934e-05 | 2.5747e-07 | 2.8319e-05 | -4.9896e-05 |  4.9752e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |-6.395806e-05 |-1.9925e-07 | 2.8288e-05 | -4.9857e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       321 |3.598033e-05 | 1.1209e-07 | 2.9131e-06 | -4.9769e-06 |  4.9982e-06 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       321 |       6.42 |   0.020000 | 2.1608e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |  -730502.5 |    -2275.7 |     2845.1 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |  -769.4419 |    -2.3970 |     584.62 |     -1246.5 |      1318.2 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |    2861231 |     8913.5 |     3613.4 |      1472.1 |      11025. |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |       321 |   12340.37 |     38.444 |     15.016 |      11.696 |      99.498 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       321 |       6.42 |   0.020000 | 2.1807e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       321 |  -730502.5 |    -2275.7 |     2845.1 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       321 |   -769.442 |    -2.3970 |     584.62 |     -1246.5 |      1318.2 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       321 |    2861231 |     8913.5 |     3613.4 |      1472.1 |      11025. |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       321 |   12340.37 |     38.444 |     15.016 |      11.696 |      99.498 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       318 |-2.206568e-15 |-6.9389e-18 |     0.0000 | -6.9389e-18 | -6.9389e-18 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |       318 |0.0001062988 | 3.3427e-07 | 2.8396e-05 | -4.9805e-05 |  4.9298e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |       318 |2.020892e-05 | 6.3550e-08 | 2.8859e-05 | -4.9565e-05 |  4.9752e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |       318 |-0.0001574559 |-4.9514e-07 | 2.8404e-05 | -4.9857e-05 |  4.9989e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       318 |1.49016e-05 | 4.6860e-08 | 2.9091e-06 | -4.9769e-06 |  4.9982e-06 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       318 |       6.36 |   0.020000 | 2.1098e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |       318 |  -731504.2 |    -2300.3 |     2847.2 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |       318 |  -4612.165 |    -14.504 |     573.87 |     -1246.5 |      1318.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |       318 |    2856600 |     8983.0 |     3558.5 |      1471.9 |      11025. |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |       318 |   12305.19 |     38.696 |     14.860 |      11.695 |      99.498 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       318 |       6.36 |   0.020000 | 2.1304e-09 |    0.020000 |    0.020000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |       318 |  -731504.2 |    -2300.3 |     2847.2 |     -4150.4 |      4148.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |       318 |  -4612.165 |    -14.504 |     573.87 |     -1246.5 |      1318.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |       318 |    2856600 |     8983.0 |     3558.5 |      1471.9 |      11025. |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       318 |   12305.19 |     38.696 |     14.860 |      11.695 |      99.498 |
 CheckRichOpPhot         SUCCESS Number of counters : 72
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |0.0004732652 | 1.4743e-06 | 2.9041e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9654e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |4.588716e-05 | 1.4295e-07 | 2.7952e-05 | -4.9709e-05 |  4.8696e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |0.0002462978 | 7.6728e-07 | 2.9172e-05 | -4.9096e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       321 |-2.978595e-11 |-9.2791e-14 | 6.2149e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |0.0009697123 | 3.0209e-06 | 2.8234e-05 | -4.9291e-05 |  4.9786e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |-0.0002532729 |-7.8901e-07 | 2.8566e-05 | -4.9750e-05 |  4.9137e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |0.0001428284 | 4.4495e-07 | 2.8771e-05 | -4.9796e-05 |  4.9660e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |   1080.494 |     3.3660 |     1.7881 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
- | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |   188.7816 |    0.58810 |    0.48236 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
- | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |  -726130.9 |    -2262.1 |     2075.7 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
- | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |  -13412.68 |    -41.784 |     218.38 |     -1250.9 |      366.97 |
- | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |    2813431 |     8764.6 |     3634.4 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       321 |0.001330558 | 4.1450e-06 | 1.1939e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |  -713955.8 |    -2224.2 |     2783.5 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |  -1081.693 |    -3.3698 |     548.29 |     -1166.4 |      1224.6 |
- | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |    2844906 |     8862.6 |     3615.0 |      1424.8 |      10984. |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       321 |   1080.494 |     3.3660 |     1.7881 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
- | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       321 |   188.7816 |    0.58810 |    0.48236 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       321 |  -726130.9 |    -2262.1 |     2075.7 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       321 |  -13412.68 |    -41.784 |     218.38 |     -1250.9 |      366.97 |
- | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       321 |    2813431 |     8764.6 |     3634.4 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       321 |0.001330559 | 4.1450e-06 | 1.1939e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       321 |  -713955.8 |    -2224.2 |     2783.5 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       321 |  -1081.693 |    -3.3698 |     548.29 |     -1166.4 |      1224.6 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       321 |    2844906 |     8862.6 |     3615.0 |      1424.8 |      10984. |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       321 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Aero. Exit z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point x"                   |       318 |0.000382628 | 1.2032e-06 | 2.9179e-05 | -4.9913e-05 |  4.9654e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point y"                   |       318 |-3.388908e-05 |-1.0657e-07 | 2.7468e-05 | -4.9709e-05 |  4.8696e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Emission Point z"                   |       318 |0.0001064059 | 3.3461e-07 | 2.9348e-05 | -4.9096e-05 |  4.9906e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       318 |-3.79714e-11 |-1.1941e-13 | 6.2819e-12 | -1.0004e-11 |  1.0004e-11 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point x"                    |       318 |0.0005490066 | 1.7264e-06 | 2.8093e-05 | -4.9291e-05 |  4.9786e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point y"                    |       318 |-2.901421e-06 |-9.1240e-09 | 2.8544e-05 | -4.8873e-05 |  4.9137e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD In. Point z"                    |       318 |4.611518e-05 | 1.4502e-07 | 2.8520e-05 | -4.9796e-05 |  4.9660e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point x"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point y"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - HPD QW Point z"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum x"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum y"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent Momentum z"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Diff.    - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Aero. Exit z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       318 |   1065.085 |     3.3493 |     1.7995 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
+ | "Original - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       318 |   188.6937 |    0.59338 |    0.48155 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point x"                   |       318 |  -727159.9 |    -2286.7 |     2069.9 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point y"                   |       318 |  -14434.52 |    -45.392 |     216.42 |     -1250.9 |      380.52 |
+ | "Original - Emission Point z"                   |       318 |    2808206 |     8830.8 |     3587.0 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       318 |0.001318978 | 4.1477e-06 | 1.1962e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point x"                    |       318 |  -714714.4 |    -2247.5 |     2786.1 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point y"                    |       318 |  -4661.718 |    -14.659 |     538.35 |     -1166.4 |      1225.1 |
+ | "Original - HPD In. Point z"                    |       318 |    2840445 |     8932.2 |     3559.9 |      1420.8 |      10984. |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point x"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point y"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - HPD QW Point z"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum x"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum y"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Parent Momentum z"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Original - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Aero. Exit z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Phi"                      |       318 |   1065.085 |     3.3493 |     1.7995 |    0.040364 |      6.2706 |
+ | "Unpacked - Cherenkov Theta"                    |       318 |   188.6937 |    0.59338 |    0.48155 |    0.025790 |      2.7081 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point x"                   |       318 |  -727159.9 |    -2286.7 |     2069.9 |     -4030.0 |      3338.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point y"                   |       318 |  -14434.52 |    -45.392 |     216.42 |     -1250.9 |      380.52 |
+ | "Unpacked - Emission Point z"                   |       318 |    2808206 |     8830.8 |     3587.0 |      1016.9 |      11345. |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       318 |0.001318978 | 4.1477e-06 | 1.1962e-06 |  1.7745e-06 |  6.8663e-06 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point x"                    |       318 |  -714714.4 |    -2247.5 |     2786.1 |     -4075.4 |      4070.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point y"                    |       318 |  -4661.718 |    -14.659 |     538.35 |     -1166.4 |      1225.1 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD In. Point z"                    |       318 |    2840445 |     8932.2 |     3559.9 |      1420.8 |      10984. |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point x"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point y"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - HPD QW Point z"                     |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum x"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum y"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent Momentum z"                  |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. x"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. y"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Prim. Mirr. z"                      |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. x"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. y"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
+ | "Unpacked - Sec. Mirr. z"                       |       318 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
 CheckRichSegments       SUCCESS Number of counters : 18
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Diff.    - Traj. Momenta x"                    |        20 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
@@ -9537,7 +9552,7 @@ UnpackSpdHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 CheckSpdHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       304 |-0.0005533874 |-1.8204e-06 | 2.9409e-05 | -4.9713e-05 |  4.9598e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       304 |-0.0005533627 |-1.8203e-06 | 2.9409e-05 | -4.9713e-05 |  4.9618e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       304 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
  | "Original - Energy"                             |       304 |   168.4628 |    0.55415 |     1.5418 |  0.00029244 |      19.644 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |       304 |        461 |     1.5164 |     1.7013 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
@@ -9548,66 +9563,66 @@ UnpackPrsHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
 CheckPrsHits            SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       537 |-0.001084998 |-2.0205e-06 | 2.8761e-05 | -4.9431e-05 |  4.9884e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       537 |-0.00116626 |-2.1718e-06 | 2.8689e-05 | -4.9431e-05 |  4.9653e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       537 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       537 |    411.754 |    0.76677 |     2.1597 |  1.6795e-05 |      25.307 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       537 |   410.3106 |    0.76408 |     2.1578 |  1.6795e-05 |      25.307 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |       537 |        813 |     1.5140 |     1.7023 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       537 |   411.7551 |    0.76677 |     2.1597 |      0.0000 |      25.306 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       537 |   410.3118 |    0.76408 |     2.1578 |      0.0000 |      25.306 |
  | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       537 |        813 |     1.5140 |     1.7023 |     -1.0000 |      4.0000 |
 UnpackEcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
 CheckEcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       471 |-0.0002819508 |-5.9862e-07 | 2.9045e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |       471 |-0.0003129105 |-6.6435e-07 | 2.9104e-05 | -4.9894e-05 |  4.9935e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |       471 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |       471 |   3952.926 |     8.3926 |     30.690 |  0.00082889 |      380.72 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |       471 |    3943.89 |     8.3734 |     30.722 |  0.00082889 |      380.72 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |       471 |         25 |   0.053079 |    0.22419 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       471 |   3952.926 |     8.3926 |     30.690 |  0.00080000 |      380.72 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |       471 |    3943.89 |     8.3734 |     30.722 |  0.00080000 |      380.72 |
  | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |       471 |         25 |   0.053079 |    0.22419 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackHcalHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 CheckHcalHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 6
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        14 |-9.70867e-05 |-6.9348e-06 | 2.6553e-05 | -4.3169e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        14 |-3.322611e-05 |-2.3733e-06 | 2.6501e-05 | -4.3169e-05 |  4.9977e-05 |
  | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        14 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 |      0.0000 |      0.0000 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        14 |    113.506 |     8.1076 |     16.511 |   0.0048494 |      61.891 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        14 |   111.3542 |     7.9539 |     16.418 |   0.0048494 |      61.891 |
  | "Original - TOF"                                |        14 |          5 |    0.35714 |    0.47916 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        14 |   113.5061 |     8.1076 |     16.511 |   0.0048000 |      61.891 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        14 |   111.3542 |     7.9539 |     16.418 |   0.0048000 |      61.891 |
  | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        14 |          5 |    0.35714 |    0.47916 |      0.0000 |      1.0000 |
 UnpackMuonHits          SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+ | "# UnPackedData"                                |         1 |         80 |     80.000 |     0.0000 |      80.000 |      80.000 |
 CheckMuonHits           SUCCESS Number of counters : 27
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        82 |8.151877e-07 | 9.9413e-09 | 2.8034e-07 | -4.7315e-07 |  4.8078e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        82 |-4.241794e-06 |-5.1729e-08 | 2.7305e-07 | -4.9537e-07 |  4.9683e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        82 |3.070922e-06 | 3.7450e-08 | 3.0009e-07 | -4.8920e-07 |  4.9250e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        82 |8.986943e-07 | 1.0960e-08 | 5.6632e-07 | -9.8693e-07 |  9.6503e-07 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |0.0006066556 | 7.3982e-06 | 2.7547e-05 | -4.5636e-05 |  4.8630e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |-2.588094e-05 |-3.1562e-07 | 3.0356e-05 | -4.9600e-05 |  4.9428e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |0.0001475431 | 1.7993e-06 | 2.6654e-05 | -4.7829e-05 |  4.9190e-05 |
- | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        82 | 0.01136785 | 0.00013863 |  0.0028107 |  -0.0047343 |   0.0048441 |
- | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        82 |-1.510173e-06 |-1.8417e-08 | 2.8355e-06 | -4.9598e-06 |  4.7862e-06 |
- | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        82 |  -17.11572 |   -0.20873 |     3.6142 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
- | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        82 |  -243.1182 |    -2.9649 |     21.272 |     -191.82 |      1.6075 |
- | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        82 |     262.76 |     3.2044 |     2.4447 |     -5.3584 |      5.0058 |
- | "Original - Energy"                             |        82 |  0.1749909 |  0.0021340 |  0.0049946 |  0.00020230 |    0.040283 |
- | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8854.461 |    -107.98 |     1109.0 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
- | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   5905.343 |     72.016 |     864.98 |     -870.88 |      2553.7 |
- | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |    1014881 |     12377. |     820.74 |      11963. |      15347. |
- | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |   56887.02 |     693.74 |     1608.1 |      1.6542 |      9907.8 |
- | "Original - TOF"                                |        82 |   3450.787 |     42.083 |     3.4486 |      40.007 |      53.764 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        82 |  -17.11572 |   -0.20873 |     3.6142 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        82 |  -243.1182 |    -2.9649 |     21.272 |     -191.82 |      1.6075 |
- | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        82 |     262.76 |     3.2044 |     2.4447 |     -5.3584 |      5.0058 |
- | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        82 |    0.17499 |  0.0021340 |  0.0049946 |  0.00020200 |    0.040282 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        82 |  -8854.461 |    -107.98 |     1109.0 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        82 |   5905.343 |     72.016 |     864.98 |     -870.88 |      2553.7 |
- | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        82 |    1014881 |     12377. |     820.74 |      11963. |      15347. |
- | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        82 |   56887.01 |     693.74 |     1608.1 |      1.6500 |      9907.8 |
- | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        82 |   3450.787 |     42.083 |     3.4486 |      40.007 |      53.764 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement x"                     |        80 |9.127617e-07 | 1.1410e-08 | 2.7288e-07 | -4.7315e-07 |  4.9004e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement y"                     |        80 |-3.525281e-06 |-4.4066e-08 | 2.7810e-07 | -4.9537e-07 |  4.9683e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Displacement z"                     |        80 |3.684185e-06 | 4.6052e-08 | 2.9411e-07 | -4.8920e-07 |  4.9250e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Energy"                             |        80 |-7.310104e-08 |-9.1376e-10 | 5.6636e-07 | -9.8693e-07 |  9.6503e-07 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point x"                      |        80 |0.0004775292 | 5.9691e-06 | 2.7637e-05 | -4.5636e-05 |  4.9149e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point y"                      |        80 |-1.135291e-05 |-1.4191e-07 | 3.1083e-05 | -4.9600e-05 |  4.9428e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Entry Point z"                      |        80 |0.0001526058 | 1.9076e-06 | 2.5875e-05 | -4.7829e-05 |  4.8565e-05 |
+ | "Diff.    - Parent |P|"                         |        80 | 0.01319465 | 0.00016493 |  0.0028350 |  -0.0047343 |   0.0048441 |
+ | "Diff.    - TOF"                                |        80 |4.39201e-06 | 5.4900e-08 | 2.9750e-06 | -4.9598e-06 |  4.7862e-06 |
+ | "Original - Displacement x"                     |        80 |  -18.33099 |   -0.22914 |     3.6787 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
+ | "Original - Displacement y"                     |        80 |  -242.1178 |    -3.0265 |     21.536 |     -191.82 |      2.5089 |
+ | "Original - Displacement z"                     |        80 |   252.7635 |     3.1595 |     2.4584 |     -5.3584 |      5.0091 |
+ | "Original - Energy"                             |        80 |  0.1704859 |  0.0021311 |  0.0050263 |  0.00020230 |    0.040283 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point x"                      |        80 |  -5479.269 |    -68.491 |     1095.5 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point y"                      |        80 |    1265.18 |     15.815 |     799.44 |     -870.88 |      2652.3 |
+ | "Original - Entry Point z"                      |        80 |   984493.6 |     12306. |     697.90 |      11963. |      15347. |
+ | "Original - Parent |P|"                         |        80 |   56466.94 |     705.84 |     1626.3 |      1.6542 |      9907.8 |
+ | "Original - TOF"                                |        80 |   3345.563 |     41.820 |     3.0618 |      40.007 |      54.047 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement x"                     |        80 |  -18.33099 |   -0.22914 |     3.6787 |     -15.361 |      14.976 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement y"                     |        80 |  -242.1178 |    -3.0265 |     21.536 |     -191.82 |      2.5089 |
+ | "Unpacked - Displacement z"                     |        80 |   252.7635 |     3.1595 |     2.4584 |     -5.3584 |      5.0091 |
+ | "Unpacked - Energy"                             |        80 |   0.170486 |  0.0021311 |  0.0050262 |  0.00020200 |    0.040282 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point x"                      |        80 |  -5479.269 |    -68.491 |     1095.5 |     -3475.1 |      3388.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point y"                      |        80 |    1265.18 |     15.815 |     799.44 |     -870.88 |      2652.3 |
+ | "Unpacked - Entry Point z"                      |        80 |   984493.6 |     12306. |     697.90 |      11963. |      15347. |
+ | "Unpacked - Parent |P|"                         |        80 |   56466.93 |     705.84 |     1626.3 |      1.6500 |      9907.8 |
+ | "Unpacked - TOF"                                |        80 |   3345.563 |     41.820 |     3.0618 |      40.007 |      54.047 |
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Finalize base class GaudiAlgorithm
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Tools to release :
 SimMonitor                DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -9631,7 +9646,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.996 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.576 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.FlatZSmear...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9658,11 +9673,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.972 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.548 |     2100.5 |     0.0000 |      2100.5 |      2100.5 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.63 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9678,7 +9693,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   0.113506 |    0.11351 |     0.0000 |     0.11351 |     0.11351 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.1113542 |    0.11135 |     0.0000 |     0.11135 |     0.11135 |
  | "#hits"                                         |         1 |          8 |     8.0000 |     0.0000 |      8.0000 |      8.0000 |
  | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |          9 |     9.0000 |     0.0000 |      9.0000 |      9.0000 |
  | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
@@ -9688,7 +9703,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   3.952926 |     3.9529 |     0.0000 |      3.9529 |      3.9529 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |    3.94389 |     3.9439 |     0.0000 |      3.9439 |      3.9439 |
  | "#hits"                                         |         1 |        227 |     227.00 |     0.0000 |      227.00 |      227.00 |
  | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |        447 |     447.00 |     0.0000 |      447.00 |      447.00 |
  | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
@@ -9698,7 +9713,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Releasing service 'HistogramDataSvc'
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS Number of counters : 4
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
- | "#energy"                                       |         1 |   0.411754 |    0.41175 |     0.0000 |     0.41175 |     0.41175 |
+ | "#energy"                                       |         1 |  0.4103106 |    0.41031 |     0.0000 |     0.41031 |     0.41031 |
  | "#hits"                                         |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
  | "#subhits"                                      |         1 |         90 |     90.000 |     0.0000 |      90.000 |      90.000 |
  | "#tslots"                                       |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
@@ -9760,117 +9775,117 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 37550.000 | 37890.754 | 37890.754   37890.8     0.00 |       1 |    37.891 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 37550.000 | 37885.137 | 37885.133   37885.1     0.00 |       1 |    37.885 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1240.000 |  1251.793 | 1251.793    1251.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.252 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1240.000 |  1251.780 | 1251.780    1251.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.252 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.159 |    1.159       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1240.000 |  1250.011 | 1250.011    1250.0     0.00 |       1 |     1.250 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.448 |    0.448       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 36310.000 | 36633.297 | 36633.297   36633.3     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 36310.000 | 36633.266 | 36633.266   36633.3     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.577 |    0.577       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 36310.000 | 36632.668 | 36632.668   36632.7     0.00 |       1 |    36.633 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 36280.000 | 36607.473 | 36607.473   36607.5     0.00 |       1 |    36.607 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30410.000 | 30726.123 | 30726.123   30726.1     0.00 |       1 |    30.726 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  5860.000 |  5870.427 | 5870.427    5870.4     0.00 |       1 |     5.870 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     2.210 |    2.210       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |     5.785 |    5.785       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.396 |    0.396       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     0.623 |    0.623       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     2.606 |    2.606       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     0.945 |    0.945       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.300 |    0.300       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.190 |    0.190       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.846 |    2.846       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.264 |    0.264       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.299 |    0.299       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.238 |    0.238       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    30.000 |    25.147 |   25.147      25.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.374 |    0.374       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |     7.925 |    7.925       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     4.338 |    4.338       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.515 |    0.515       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.275 |    0.275       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     0.718 |    0.718       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    20.000 |    16.514 |   16.514      16.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.231 |    0.231       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.802 |    0.802       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.712       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.320 |    0.320       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.262 |    0.262       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     1.161 |    1.161       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |     0.000 |     7.001 |    7.001       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.328 |    0.328       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     0.421 |    0.421       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     0.596 |    0.596       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.491 |    0.491       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.557 |    0.557       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 40540.000 | 40707.359 | 40707.359   40707.4     0.00 |       1 |    40.707 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 40530.000 | 40699.645 | 40699.645   40699.6     0.00 |       1 |    40.700 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1270.000 |  1268.309 | 1268.309    1268.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1270.000 |  1268.286 | 1268.286    1268.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.268 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.585 |    1.585       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1270.000 |  1265.835 | 1265.835    1265.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.266 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.638 |    0.638       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 39260.000 | 39431.273 | 39431.273   39431.3     0.00 |       1 |    39.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 39260.000 | 39431.242 | 39431.242   39431.2     0.00 |       1 |    39.431 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.763 |    0.763       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 39260.000 | 39430.457 | 39430.457   39430.5     0.00 |       1 |    39.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 39220.000 | 39400.098 | 39400.098   39400.1     0.00 |       1 |    39.400 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30690.000 | 30847.520 | 30847.520   30847.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.848 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               |  8510.000 |  8531.707 | 8531.707    8531.7     0.00 |       1 |     8.532 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.767 |    4.767       4.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |    10.549 |   10.549      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.303 |    1.303       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.980 |    0.980       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.713       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.742 |    1.742       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     3.662 |    3.662       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     1.452 |    1.452       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.344 |    0.344       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    10.000 |     0.641 |    0.641       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     0.506 |    0.506       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     1.095 |    1.095       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.307 |    5.307       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.884 |    0.884       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.416       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.468 |    0.468       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.987 |    0.987       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.404 |    0.404       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    40.000 |    30.341 |   30.341      30.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.243 |    0.243       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.323 |    0.323       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |    10.440 |   10.440      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     5.416 |    5.416       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.376 |    1.376       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     0.581 |    0.581       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.303       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.031 |    1.031       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    30.000 |    18.849 |   18.849      18.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     0.534 |    0.534       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     0.387 |    0.387       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.325 |    0.325       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     0.999 |    0.999       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     0.470 |    0.470       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |    10.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.731       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.391 |    0.391       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.620 |    0.620       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.555 |    0.555       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.441       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     1.221 |    1.221       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    10.000 |     6.973 |    6.973       7.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.480 |    0.480       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.125 |    0.125       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     0.584 |    0.584       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.497 |    0.497       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
-GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 321      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
+GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 318      Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.gZBHhh
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.08Ns0n
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 5.86  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 81.4  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 8.49  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 89.4  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -9879,20 +9894,20 @@ ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 81.4  [s]
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Ecal MCHits"  |         1 |        471 |     471.00 |     0.0000 |      471.00 |      471.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Hcal MCHits"  |         1 |         14 |     14.000 |     0.0000 |      14.000 |      14.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#IT MCHits"    |         1 |         64 |     64.000 |     0.0000 |      64.000 |      64.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        287 |     287.00 |     0.0000 |      287.00 |      287.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCParticles"  |         1 |        280 |     280.00 |     0.0000 |      280.00 |      280.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichOpPhoto |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichSegment |         1 |         20 |     20.000 |     0.0000 |      20.000 |      20.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#MCRichTracks" |         1 |         16 |     16.000 |     0.0000 |      16.000 |      16.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        380 |     380.00 |     0.0000 |      380.00 |      380.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         82 |     82.000 |     0.0000 |      82.000 |      82.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#MCVertices"   |         1 |        374 |     374.00 |     0.0000 |      374.00 |      374.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Muon MCHits"  |         1 |         80 |     80.000 |     0.0000 |      80.000 |      80.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#OT MCHits"    |         1 |        106 |     106.00 |     0.0000 |      106.00 |      106.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Prs MCHits"   |         1 |        537 |     537.00 |     0.0000 |      537.00 |      537.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        321 |     321.00 |     0.0000 |      321.00 |      321.00 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |         63 |     63.000 |     0.0000 |      63.000 |      63.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich MCHits"  |         1 |        318 |     318.00 |     0.0000 |      318.00 |      318.00 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich1 MCHits" |         1 |         60 |     60.000 |     0.0000 |      60.000 |      60.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Rich2 MCHits" |         1 |        258 |     258.00 |     0.0000 |      258.00 |      258.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#Spd MCHits"   |         1 |        304 |     304.00 |     0.0000 |      304.00 |      304.00 |
 ******Stat******           INFO  "#TT MCHits"    |         1 |         71 |     71.000 |     0.0000 |      71.000 |      71.000 |
-******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         73 |     73.000 |     0.0000 |      73.000 |      73.000 |
+******Stat******           INFO  "#Velo MCHits"  |         1 |         75 |     75.000 |     0.0000 |      75.000 |      75.000 |
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ChronoStatSvc.finalize()   INFO  Service finalized successfully
 ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
@@ -9916,3 +9931,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
index 8c5013df0..8c9691ac6 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-epos-pPb.ref
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/tests/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # applying configuration of Gauss
 veloMisAlignGeometry: 2
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 3.8659999999999997e-22  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.867, -0.161, -12.21]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 62.17  (default: 82.03)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'  (default: 'p')
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:23:07 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:27:59 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -337,6 +338,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -372,6 +374,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -407,6 +410,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1495,6 +1499,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1569,6 +1574,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1612,6 +1618,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1661,6 +1668,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1712,6 +1720,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1767,6 +1776,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1814,6 +1824,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1850,6 +1861,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1885,6 +1897,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4605,6 +4618,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4635,7 +4649,7 @@ RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
 RndmGenSvc.Engine          INFO This is the GEANT4 engine!
 RndmGenSvc                 INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<Algorithm>
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
@@ -5081,7 +5095,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:24:32    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:29:02    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5186,7 +5200,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5272,7 +5287,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc for generator's parameters
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Created temporary file /tmp/lbcrmc.R6IKIl for generator's parameters
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Releasing service 'RndmGenSvc'
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
@@ -6789,7 +6804,7 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  MC model: 0 (EPOS LHC)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Projectile id and momentum: 2212 (id), 6500 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Target id and momentum: 1000822080 (id), -2560 (GeV)
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Nucleon-Nucleon center-of-mass energy: 8158.43 (GeV)
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS  Configuration file: /tmp/lbcrmc.R6IKIl
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS _________________________________________________________________
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.XmlCounterLogFile
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG CRMCProduction::printRunningConditions called
@@ -8875,7 +8890,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  932 #SubHits= 1384 #Slots= 8185 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 3144 #SubHits= 8707 #Slots=10198 Energy=     120[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  473 #SubHits= 1034 #Slots= 1392 Energy=    14.6[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x20989320 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x21e19d80 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 1
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 5417
@@ -9667,7 +9682,7 @@ MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2101.024 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.608 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
@@ -9694,7 +9709,7 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.968 |     2101.0 |     0.0000 |      2101.0 |      2101.0 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   2100.556 |     2100.6 |     0.0000 |      2100.6 |      2100.6 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -9793,122 +9808,122 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Services to release :
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 142780.000 | 151629.750 | 151629.734  151629.7     0.00 |       1 |   151.630 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 142780.000 | 151624.109 | 151624.109  151624.1     0.00 |       1 |   151.624 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1510.000 |  1518.366 | 1518.366    1518.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.518 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1510.000 |  1518.354 | 1518.354    1518.4     0.00 |       1 |     1.518 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.951 |    0.951       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1510.000 |  1516.109 | 1516.109    1516.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.516 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.050 |    1.050       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.023 |    1.023       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.199 |    0.199       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 141270.000 | 150105.703 | 150105.703  150105.7     0.00 |       1 |   150.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 141270.000 | 150105.688 | 150105.672  150105.7     0.00 |       1 |   150.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 141270.000 | 150104.859 | 150104.875  150104.9     0.00 |       1 |   150.105 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 140920.000 | 149756.938 | 149756.938  149756.9     0.00 |       1 |   149.757 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30820.000 | 31427.600 | 31427.600   31427.6     0.00 |       1 |    31.428 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 109930.000 | 118133.156 | 118133.156  118133.2     0.00 |       1 |   118.133 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    37.420 |   37.420      37.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.037 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   130.000 |   135.187 |  135.187     135.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.135 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     3.546 |    3.546       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     2.929 |    2.929       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     1.664 |    1.664       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     6.335 |    6.335       6.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   100.000 |   105.965 |  105.965     106.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.106 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    60.000 |    56.115 |   56.115      56.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    16.552 |   16.552      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    17.221 |   17.221      17.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     3.370 |    3.370       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.541 |    0.541       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    12.029 |   12.029      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     1.821 |    1.821       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.071 |    2.071       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     3.816 |    3.816       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.499 |    0.499       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     5.704 |    5.704       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    23.471 |   23.471      23.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     2.700 |    2.700       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     2.174 |    2.174       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.160 |    1.160       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.651 |    0.651       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.284 |    0.284       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.422 |    0.422       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.808       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    20.000 |    12.651 |   12.651      12.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     1.238 |    1.238       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   350.000 |   347.920 |  347.920     347.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.348 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     1.895 |    1.895       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.007 |    2.007       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    40.000 |    36.425 |   36.425      36.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.036 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    17.248 |   17.248      17.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.486 |    1.486       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.798 |    0.798       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     2.841 |    2.841       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     2.781 |    2.781       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.571 |    3.571       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.569 |    4.569       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.202 |    2.202       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   310.000 |   307.267 |  307.267     307.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.307 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     3.993 |    3.993       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     3.789 |    3.789       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     2.075 |    2.075       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     2.135 |    2.135       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.388 |    0.388       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     1.404 |    1.404       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.671 |    0.671       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    20.000 |    17.020 |   17.020      17.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     7.102 |    7.102       7.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |    10.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     6.232 |    6.232       6.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.717 |    0.717       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    20.000 |    18.952 |   18.952      19.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     1.888 |    1.888       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     4.335 |    4.335       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     1.590 |    1.590       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |    10.000 |     0.692 |    0.692       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    20.000 |    26.183 |   26.183      26.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   160.000 |   161.948 |  161.948     161.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.162 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     4.020 |    4.020       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     1.275 |    1.275       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     6.511 |    6.511       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |    10.000 |     1.367 |    1.367       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     9.041 |    9.041       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.752 |    1.752       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    20.000 |    11.026 |   11.026      11.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.294 |    0.294       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.518 |    1.518       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.302 |    0.302       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     7.925 |    7.925       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 193840.000 | 197272.234 | 197272.234  197272.2     0.00 |       1 |   197.272 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 193830.000 | 197263.797 | 197263.797  197263.8     0.00 |       1 |   197.264 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1550.000 |  1559.543 | 1559.543    1559.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.560 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1550.000 |  1559.528 | 1559.528    1559.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.560 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.403 |    1.403       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1550.000 |  1556.346 | 1556.346    1556.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.556 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.473 |    1.473       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     1.435 |    1.435       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     BoostForEpos              |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 192280.000 | 195704.141 | 195704.141  195704.1     0.00 |       1 |   195.704 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 192280.000 | 195704.094 | 195704.094  195704.1     0.00 |       1 |   195.704 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.219 |    1.219       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 192280.000 | 195702.828 | 195702.844  195702.8     0.00 |       1 |   195.703 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 191900.000 | 195335.297 | 195335.297  195335.3     0.00 |       1 |   195.335 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30800.000 | 31020.510 | 31020.510   31020.5     0.00 |       1 |    31.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 160890.000 | 164093.859 | 164093.859  164093.9     0.00 |       1 |   164.094 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    20.000 |    22.798 |   22.798      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |   170.000 |   169.516 |  169.516     169.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.170 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     1.330 |    1.330       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     5.058 |    5.058       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     6.474 |    6.474       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     5.941 |    5.941       5.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |    11.829 |   11.829      11.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |   110.000 |   120.534 |  120.534     120.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.121 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    60.000 |    63.916 |   63.916      63.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.064 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |    10.000 |    18.104 |   18.104      18.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |    20.000 |    19.341 |   19.341      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     4.584 |    4.584       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |    10.000 |     0.927 |    0.927       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|    10.000 |    12.808 |   12.808      12.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     2.060 |    2.060       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     2.367 |    2.367       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     4.108 |    4.108       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.689 |    0.689       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     8.854 |    8.854       8.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    20.000 |    28.315 |   28.315      28.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     3.115 |    3.115       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |    10.000 |     2.458 |    2.458       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.484 |    1.484       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     1.065 |    1.065       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.482 |    0.482       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.136 |    1.136       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |    10.000 |    13.296 |   13.296      13.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     2.872 |    2.872       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.927 |    0.927       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |   380.000 |   367.518 |  367.518     367.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.368 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |    10.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     3.045 |    3.045       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     2.561 |    2.561       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    50.000 |    41.632 |   41.632      41.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.042 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    20.000 |    12.455 |   12.455      12.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     4.091 |    4.091       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.654 |    1.654       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |    10.000 |     8.139 |    8.139       8.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |    10.000 |     3.156 |    3.156       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     3.706 |    3.706       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     4.525 |    4.525       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     0.868 |    0.868       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.860 |    2.860       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |   320.000 |   319.594 |  319.594     319.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.320 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     4.478 |    4.478       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     3.994 |    3.994       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |    10.000 |     2.034 |    2.034       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     2.351 |    2.351       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     1.751 |    1.751       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.766 |    0.766       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    20.000 |    18.098 |   18.098      18.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.018 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     7.351 |    7.351       7.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     6.609 |    6.609       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.793 |    0.793       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    20.000 |    19.765 |   19.765      19.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     2.362 |    2.362       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     5.559 |    5.559       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     2.440 |    2.440       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.886 |    0.886       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    30.000 |    26.832 |   26.832      26.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |   160.000 |   164.192 |  164.192     164.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.164 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |    10.000 |     3.925 |    3.925       3.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     1.557 |    1.557       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |    10.000 |     6.657 |    6.657       6.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     1.313 |    1.313       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     9.220 |    9.220       9.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |    10.000 |     1.822 |    1.822       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |    11.632 |   11.632      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     1.627 |    1.627       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |    10.000 |     8.322 |    8.322       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.HepMCTrackSUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 1        Message = 'The process is known 'Electromagnetic/hPairProd', but vertex type is still 'Unknown''
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 7831     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
 GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
-Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.JTN7Vc
+Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS LbCRMC : Cleanup: removing CRMC temporary options file /tmp/lbcrmc.R6IKIl
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  110  [s]                                             #=  1
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  186  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot=  161  [s]                                             #=  1
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  242  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -9954,3 +9969,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
index 65867b1d4..75856584e 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2016-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.0149999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.84, -0.18, -3.1]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 53.034  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2016'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:27:20 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:32:33 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -376,6 +378,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1499,6 +1503,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1573,6 +1578,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1616,6 +1622,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1665,6 +1672,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1716,6 +1724,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1771,6 +1780,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1818,6 +1828,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1854,6 +1865,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1889,6 +1901,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4609,6 +4622,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4692,7 +4706,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5015,7 +5029,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5088,7 +5103,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:28:38    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:33:29    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5193,7 +5208,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5234,7 +5250,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 32
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 33
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShowBanner':False
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UserTuning':
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Tuning':LHCbDefault.cmd
@@ -7643,7 +7660,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  271 #SubHits=  385 #Slots= 2294 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1366 #SubHits= 2363 #Slots= 2649 Energy=    46.7[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  187 #SubHits=  289 #Slots=  404 Energy=     4.5[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x267e2bb0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x24a8d140 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1320
@@ -10061,50 +10078,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1369.116 |     1369.1 |     0.0000 |      1369.1 |      1369.1 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1368.096 |     1368.1 |     0.0000 |      1368.1 |      1368.1 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.556 |     1357.6 |     0.0000 |      1357.6 |      1357.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1356.536 |     1356.5 |     0.0000 |      1356.5 |      1356.5 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.416 |     1357.4 |     0.0000 |      1357.4 |      1357.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1356.396 |     1356.4 |     0.0000 |      1356.4 |      1356.4 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.416 |     1357.4 |     0.0000 |      1357.4 |      1357.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1356.396 |     1356.4 |     0.0000 |      1356.4 |      1356.4 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10134,11 +10151,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1238.42 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1237.668 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10364,486 +10381,486 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 89980.000 | 97294.703 | 97294.703   97294.7     0.00 |       1 |    97.295 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 89970.000 | 97288.734 | 97288.734   97288.7     0.00 |       1 |    97.289 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1210.000 |  1797.532 | 1797.532    1797.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.798 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1170.000 |  1760.510 | 1760.510    1760.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.761 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     0.917 |    0.917       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1170.000 |  1758.549 | 1758.549    1758.5     0.00 |       1 |     1.759 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     1.005 |    1.005       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.972 |    0.972       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     2.674 |    2.674       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.603 |    0.603       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     2.021 |    2.021       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.097 |    1.097       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.814 |    0.814       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    20.000 |    24.973 |   24.973      25.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.226 |    0.226       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    20.000 |    24.573 |   24.573      24.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.132 |    0.132       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     8.251 |    8.251       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.416       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     7.718 |    7.718       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 88760.000 | 95491.141 | 95491.148   95491.1     0.00 |       1 |    95.491 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 58100.000 | 63737.812 | 63737.812   63737.8     0.00 |       1 |    63.738 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 58100.000 | 63737.113 | 63737.113   63737.1     0.00 |       1 |    63.737 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 58030.000 | 63660.371 | 63660.371   63660.4     0.00 |       1 |    63.660 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30010.000 | 32647.104 | 32647.104   32647.1     0.00 |       1 |    32.647 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 27990.000 | 30988.775 | 30988.777   30988.8     0.00 |       1 |    30.989 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |     4.276 |    4.276       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    10.000 |    15.545 |   15.545      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.863 |    0.863       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.961       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.670       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.710 |    1.710       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |     6.575 |    6.575       6.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.648 |    2.648       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.947 |    0.947       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.166 |    1.166       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |    10.000 |     0.907 |    0.907       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.479 |    0.479       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.932 |    0.932       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.181 |    2.181       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     4.573 |    4.573       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.527 |    0.527       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.346 |    0.346       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.123 |    0.123       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.398 |    0.398       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.653 |    0.653       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |    10.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    70.000 |    76.725 |   76.725      76.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.077 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.521 |    0.521       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.471 |    0.471       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    14.285 |   14.285      14.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.518 |    6.518       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.321 |    0.321       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.569 |    0.569       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.069 |    1.069       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.318 |    1.318       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     1.689 |    1.689       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.357 |    1.357       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    50.000 |    61.239 |   61.239      61.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.061 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |     0.000 |     1.112 |    1.112       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.516 |    0.516       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.708 |    0.708       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.317 |    0.317       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.162 |    0.162       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.259 |    4.259       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |    10.000 |     1.858 |    1.858       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     2.003 |    2.003       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     4.273 |    4.273       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.538       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.649 |    0.649       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.523 |    0.523       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     4.131 |    4.131       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    20.000 |    25.802 |   25.802      25.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.757 |    0.757       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |    10.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.489 |    1.489       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.395 |    0.395       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     2.503 |    2.503       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.450 |    0.450       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     2.771 |    2.771       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.453 |    0.453       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.183 |    2.183       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    30.000 |    23.167 |   23.167      23.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |    10.000 |     0.394 |    0.394       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    22.758 |   22.758      22.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.527 |   20.527      20.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.437 |    2.437       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    17.109 |   17.109      17.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |    10.000 |     0.438 |    0.438       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 113570.000 | 114414.414 | 114414.422  114414.4     0.00 |       1 |   114.414 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 113560.000 | 114396.086 | 114396.086  114396.1     0.00 |       1 |   114.396 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1480.000 |  1476.337 | 1476.337    1476.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.476 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1430.000 |  1434.324 | 1434.324    1434.3     0.00 |       1 |     1.434 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.918 |    1.918       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1430.000 |  1429.636 | 1429.636    1429.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.675 |    2.675       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.626 |    2.626       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |    10.000 |     3.571 |    3.571       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |    10.000 |     0.803 |    0.803       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.631 |    2.631       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.109 |    0.109       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.461 |    1.461       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.046 |    1.046       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    30.000 |    27.944 |   27.944      27.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.028 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    30.000 |    27.400 |   27.400      27.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     9.008 |    9.008       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     8.216 |    8.216       8.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 112080.000 | 112919.672 | 112919.672  112919.7     0.00 |       1 |   112.920 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 68380.000 | 68987.906 | 68987.906   68987.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.988 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.014 |    1.014       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 68380.000 | 68986.867 | 68986.859   68986.9     0.00 |       1 |    68.987 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 68290.000 | 68899.648 | 68899.648   68899.6     0.00 |       1 |    68.900 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 31140.000 | 31304.932 | 31304.932   31304.9     0.00 |       1 |    31.305 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 37100.000 | 37542.594 | 37542.594   37542.6     0.00 |       1 |    37.543 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |    10.000 |    10.023 |   10.023      10.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    30.000 |    33.942 |   33.942      33.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.034 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.707 |    0.707       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.574 |    1.574       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     3.838 |    3.838       3.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |    10.000 |     3.418 |    3.418       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     5.840 |    5.840       5.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    10.603 |   10.603      10.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |     5.345 |    5.345       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.173 |    1.173       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.566 |    1.566       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.199 |    1.199       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.459 |    0.459       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.613       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.567 |    0.567       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.808 |    0.808       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.222 |    1.222       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |    10.000 |     4.881 |    4.881       4.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     7.869 |    7.869       7.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.721 |    1.721       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.764 |    0.764       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     1.168 |    1.168       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |    10.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.569 |    0.569       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.912 |    0.912       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.731       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    90.000 |    87.182 |   87.182      87.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.087 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |    10.000 |     0.281 |    0.281       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.594 |    0.594       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.538 |    0.538       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    10.000 |    19.662 |   19.662      19.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |     0.000 |    10.099 |   10.099      10.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.522 |    1.522       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.850 |    0.850       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.217 |    1.217       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.398 |    1.398       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     1.627 |    1.627       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     1.784 |    1.784       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    70.000 |    66.009 |   66.009      66.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.066 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     2.102 |    2.102       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.405 |    1.405       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.725 |    0.725       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.090 |    1.090       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.548 |    0.548       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.851 |    0.851       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.676 |    0.676       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    10.000 |     4.300 |    4.300       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.858 |    1.858       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.138 |    0.138       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     1.996 |    1.996       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |    10.000 |     4.204 |    4.204       4.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.049 |    1.049       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.810 |    0.810       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.874 |    0.874       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     4.051 |    4.051       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    30.000 |    24.647 |   24.647      24.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.964 |    0.964       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.195 |    0.195       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.729 |    0.729       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     1.641 |    1.641       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.535 |    0.535       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     2.515 |    2.515       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.604 |    0.604       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     2.881 |    2.881       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.148 |    2.148       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    23.610 |   23.610      23.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.606 |    0.606       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    22.984 |   22.984      23.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.023 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.169 |   20.169      20.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.020 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.996 |    2.996       3.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    15.887 |   15.887      15.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.160 |    0.160       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     0.290 |    0.290       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.457 |    0.457       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.368 |    0.368       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.359 |    0.359       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     2.221 |    2.221       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.662 |    1.662       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.437 |    0.437       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     2.798 |    2.798       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.073 |    0.073       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.032 |    0.032       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.814 |    1.814       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.170 |    0.170       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.842       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.762 |    0.762       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    14.245 |   14.245      14.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    13.971 |   13.971      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    11.541 |   11.541      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |    10.711 |   10.711      10.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.319 |    0.319       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    10.000 |    13.676 |   13.676      13.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    10.000 |    13.295 |   13.295      13.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.509 |   10.509      10.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.011 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.222 |    9.222       9.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.550 |    0.550       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.068 |    0.068       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.478 |    0.478       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.421 |    2.421       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |     0.000 |     2.769 |    2.769       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.090 |    0.090       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.845 |    1.845       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.187 |    0.187       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.937 |    1.937       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.153 |    0.153       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.148 |    0.148       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.901 |    0.901       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.140 |    0.140       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.899 |    0.899       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.586 |    0.586       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 19500.000 | 20260.270 | 20260.270   20260.3     0.00 |       1 |    20.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.315 |    0.315       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 19500.000 | 20259.939 | 20259.939   20259.9     0.00 |       1 |    20.260 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 19440.000 | 20190.039 | 20190.041   20190.0     0.00 |       1 |    20.190 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.447 |    0.447       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 19420.000 | 20175.633 | 20175.631   20175.6     0.00 |       1 |    20.176 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.551 |    1.551       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    10.366 |   10.366      10.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |    10.000 |     0.865 |    0.865       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.498 |    0.498       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |     0.000 |     5.576 |    5.576       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.854 |    2.854       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.656 |    0.656       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.856 |    0.856       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.583 |    0.583       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.518 |    0.518       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.327 |    0.327       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.596 |    0.596       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.862 |    0.862       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     1.978 |    1.978       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.316 |    0.316       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |    10.000 |     0.599 |    0.599       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.120 |    0.120       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    60.000 |    69.885 |   69.885      69.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.070 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.216 |    0.216       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |     0.000 |    11.541 |   11.541      11.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |     0.000 |     6.071 |    6.071       6.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.892 |    0.892       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.017 |    1.017       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     1.185 |    1.185       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.477 |    0.477       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     0.924 |    0.924       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    60.000 |    57.784 |   57.784      57.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.058 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.628 |    0.628       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.345 |    0.345       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.292 |    0.292       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |    10.000 |     4.723 |    4.723       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.094 |    0.094       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.246 |    1.246       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.636 |    0.636       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     3.516 |    3.516       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.309 |    0.309       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.668 |    0.668       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.258 |    0.258       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     5.138 |    5.138       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    30.544 |   30.544      30.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.031 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.624 |    0.624       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.225 |    0.225       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.130 |    1.130       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |    10.000 |     1.528 |    1.528       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.291 |    0.291       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.767 |    1.767       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.543 |    1.543       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 11120.000 | 11455.597 | 11455.597   11455.6     0.00 |       1 |    11.456 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.406 |    0.406       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 11120.000 | 11455.172 | 11455.172   11455.2     0.00 |       1 |    11.455 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 11080.000 | 11410.040 | 11410.040   11410.0     0.00 |       1 |    11.410 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     1.608 |    1.608       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 11070.000 | 11400.319 | 11400.319   11400.3     0.00 |       1 |    11.400 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |    10.000 |     0.845 |    0.845       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     5.951 |    5.951       6.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.427 |    0.427       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.461 |    0.461       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     3.152 |    3.152       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.307 |    1.307       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.683 |    0.683       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.285 |    0.285       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.215 |    0.215       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.351 |    0.351       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.486 |    0.486       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.251 |    1.251       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.370 |    0.370       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    40.000 |    45.121 |   45.121      45.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.045 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.112 |    0.112       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    10.000 |     9.337 |    9.337       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     5.258 |    5.258       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.185 |    0.185       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.224 |    0.224       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.660 |    0.660       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.728       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.779 |    0.779       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.382 |    0.382       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.819 |    0.819       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    35.411 |   35.411      35.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.217 |    0.217       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.143 |    0.143       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.963 |    1.963       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.551 |    0.551       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.933       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.276 |    1.276       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.205 |    0.205       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.494 |    0.494       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|    10.000 |     0.229 |    0.229       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     3.377 |    3.377       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    20.534 |   20.534      20.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.476 |    0.476       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.688       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.156 |    0.156       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.940 |    0.940       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.993 |    0.993       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 27850.000 | 27946.688 | 27946.689   27946.7     0.00 |       1 |    27.947 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |    10.000 |     0.356 |    0.356       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 27840.000 | 27946.314 | 27946.314   27946.3     0.00 |       1 |    27.946 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 27760.000 | 27873.955 | 27873.955   27874.0     0.00 |       1 |    27.874 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.605 |    0.605       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 27750.000 | 27853.961 | 27853.959   27854.0     0.00 |       1 |    27.854 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |     0.000 |     1.902 |    1.902       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    14.663 |   14.663      14.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.012 |    1.012       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.952 |    0.952       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.971 |    0.971       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.908 |    1.908       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.914 |    6.914       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |    10.000 |     3.953 |    3.953       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.744 |    0.744       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.933 |    0.933       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.303 |    0.303       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.451 |    0.451       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.712 |    0.712       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.140 |    1.140       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.692 |    2.692       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.460 |    0.460       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.116 |    0.116       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.111 |    0.111       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.157 |    0.157       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.691 |    0.691       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.178 |    0.178       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    80.000 |    72.339 |   72.339      72.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.312       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    20.000 |    15.689 |   15.689      15.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    20.000 |     8.612 |    8.612       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.261 |    1.261       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.938 |    0.938       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.089 |    1.089       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     1.322 |    1.322       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     1.067 |    1.067       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    60.000 |    55.945 |   55.945      55.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.056 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.690 |    0.690       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |    10.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.065 |    0.065       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.545 |    4.545       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.203 |    1.203       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     3.256 |    3.256       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.713       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.306 |    0.306       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.612 |    4.612       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    28.728 |   28.728      28.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.029 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.272 |    0.272       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.136 |    1.136       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.352 |    0.352       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.508 |    1.508       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.424 |    0.424       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     1.765 |    1.765       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.189 |    0.189       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.103 |    0.103       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.517 |    1.517       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 15820.000 | 15947.714 | 15947.714   15947.7     0.00 |       1 |    15.948 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.731 |    0.731       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 15820.000 | 15946.931 | 15946.931   15946.9     0.00 |       1 |    15.947 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 15770.000 | 15897.683 | 15897.683   15897.7     0.00 |       1 |    15.898 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.094 |    2.094       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 15760.000 | 15882.889 | 15882.889   15882.9     0.00 |       1 |    15.883 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.137 |    1.137       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     9.751 |    9.751       9.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     0.560 |    0.560       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.582 |    0.582       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.990 |    0.990       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     1.080 |    1.080       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |     0.000 |     4.702 |    4.702       4.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     2.029 |    2.029       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     1.138 |    1.138       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.807 |    0.807       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.267 |    0.267       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.279 |    0.279       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.263 |    0.263       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.432 |    0.432       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.687 |    0.687       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.638 |    1.638       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.241 |    0.241       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.154 |    0.154       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.081 |    0.081       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.074 |    0.074       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.364 |    0.364       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    50.000 |    49.231 |   49.231      49.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.049 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.159 |    0.159       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.213 |    0.213       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    20.000 |    13.231 |   13.231      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    20.000 |     7.170 |    7.170       7.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.442 |    0.442       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.633 |    0.633       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.852 |    0.852       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.822 |    0.822       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.027 |    1.027       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.562 |    0.562       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     1.168 |    1.168       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    35.349 |   35.349      35.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.214 |    0.214       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.236 |    0.236       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.145 |    0.145       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.142 |    0.142       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.923 |    1.923       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.909 |    0.909       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.096 |    0.096       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.232 |    1.232       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.265 |    0.265       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.741 |    0.741       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     3.121 |    3.121       3.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    19.481 |   19.481      19.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.197 |    0.197       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.706 |    0.706       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.237 |    0.237       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.957 |    0.957       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.280 |    0.280       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.003 |    1.003       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.719       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.702 |    0.702       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3447     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -10851,8 +10868,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 58.1  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 11.6(+- 10.9)/ 0.01/   28  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  292  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 80.6  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 16.1(+- 14.8)/ 0.01/ 37.1  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  324  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -10900,3 +10917,4 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
index 1011d83e5..f4bcb10b2 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/refs/testGauss-config-2017-pythia8.ref
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 # --> Including file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
-# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
-# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
+# --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
+# <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/workspace/build/GAUSS/GAUSS_HEAD/Sim/Gauss/options/'
 # --> Including file '/cvmfs/'
 # <-- End of file '/cvmfs/'
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-Production              = 'PHYS'
 # |-TotalCrossSection       = 1.0149999999999999e-23  (default: 9.109999999999999e-24)
 # |-BeamPipe                = 'BeamPipeOn'
-# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}]
-# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': ''}])
+# |-ReplaceWithGDML         = [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}]
+# |                         (default: [{'volsToReplace': [], 'gdmlFile': '', 'volsToInstrument': {}}])
 # |-InteractionPosition     = [0.8146, -0.1028, -1.36]  (default: [0.459, -0.015, 0.5])
 # |-BeamLineAngles          = [0.0, 0.0]  (default: [-7.5e-05, 3.5000000000000004e-05])
 # |-BunchRMS                = 51.972  (default: 82.03)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 # |-MergeGenFSR             = False
 # |-Debug                   = False
 # |-BeamMomentum            = 6500000.0  (default: 3500000.0)
+# |-SplitSim                = False
 # |-DataType                = '2017'  (default: '')
 # |-PostSimFilters          = []  (default: [])
 # |-B1Particle              = 'p'
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ RICH simulation now configured
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS
                                                    Welcome to Gauss version HEAD
-                                          running on on Wed Nov 14 03:33:30 2018
+                                          running on on Mon Nov 26 02:38:18 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
 ToolSvc.GitDDDB            INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet -> VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloPuSDet FullPathName=/VeloPuSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloPuSDet       DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -376,6 +378,7 @@ GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.VeloSDet -> VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=VeloSDet FullPathName=/VeloSDet
 GaussGeo.VeloSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.TTSDet -> TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=TTSDet FullPathName=/TTSDet
 GaussGeo.TTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor31
@@ -1499,6 +1503,7 @@ GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSensDet -> HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=HpdSiliconSensDet FullPathName=/HpdSiliconSensDet
 GaussGeo.HpdSiliconSe...  DEBUG RichSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ZeroField        DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1573,6 +1578,7 @@ GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.BcmSDet -> BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=BcmSDet FullPathName=/BcmSDet
 GaussGeo.BcmSDet          DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1616,6 +1622,7 @@ GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.CaloSP -> CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=CaloSP FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/CaloSP
 GaussGeo.CaloSP           DEBUG GaussSensPlaneDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1665,6 +1672,7 @@ GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Spd -> Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Spd FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Spd
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Spd              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Spd'
@@ -1716,6 +1724,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Prs -> Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Prs FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Prs
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG SpdPrsSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Prs              DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Prs'
@@ -1771,6 +1780,7 @@ GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Ecal -> Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Ecal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Ecal
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG EcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Ecal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal'
@@ -1818,6 +1828,7 @@ GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.Hcal -> Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/LHCb/Calo/ Name=Hcal FullPathName=/LHCb/Calo/Hcal
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG HcalSensDet::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.Hcal             DEBUG The object of type 'DeCalorimeter*' has been retrieved from TS at address '/dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Hcal'
@@ -1854,6 +1865,7 @@ GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.MuonSDet -> MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=MuonSDet FullPathName=/MuonSDet
 GaussGeo.MuonSDet         DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
@@ -1889,6 +1901,7 @@ GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.ITSDet -> ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=ITSDet FullPathName=/ITSDet
 GaussGeo.ITSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                  DEBUG For misalignment Multiple DetElem-s for phys vol name =  pvSensor410L1
@@ -4609,6 +4622,7 @@ GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'MonitorService':Mon
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'OutputLevel':2
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraOutputs':[]
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ExtraInputs':[]
+GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG Sens det shortened name GaussGeo.OTSDet -> OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Names for G4VSensitiveDetector are:  Path=/ Name=OTSDet FullPathName=/OTSDet
 GaussGeo.OTSDet           DEBUG GiGaSensDetTracker::initialize() Sensitive Detector is activated
 GaussGeo                   INFO ================================
@@ -4692,7 +4706,7 @@ GaussSequencer            DEBUG ==> Initialise
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Generator
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Added algorithm Simulation
 GaussSequencer             INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/Generator, GaudiSequencer/Simulation
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG Releasing tool 'ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool'
 GaussSequencer            DEBUG De-Registering tool ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool
@@ -5015,7 +5029,8 @@ Generation                DEBUG ==> Initialise
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 25
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of FixedLuminosity/Generation.FixedLuminosity  #properties = 26
+Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'BeamParameters':Gen/BeamParameters
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ContextService':AlgContextSvc
 Generation.FixedLumin...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'StatEntityList':[  ]
@@ -5088,7 +5103,7 @@ MODOP=5 -- corrects Energy from mass+flow
  |  |   P  P   Y Y     T    H   H   I    A A     This is PYTHIA version 8.235      |  |
  |  |   PPP     Y      T    HHHHH   I   AAAAA    Last date of change: 27 Mar 2018  |  |
  |  |   P       Y      T    H   H   I   A   A                                      |  |
- |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 14 Nov 2018 at 03:34:43    |  |
+ |  |   P       Y      T    H   H  III  A   A    Now is 26 Nov 2018 at 02:39:14    |  |
  |  |                                                                              |  |
  |  |   Christian Bierlich;  Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics,      |  |
  |  |      Lund University, Solvegatan 14A, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden;                |  |
@@ -5193,7 +5208,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 2
 Generation.MinimumBias     INFO Generating Minimum Bias events.
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 29
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG List of ALL properties of MinimumBias/Generation.MinimumBias  #properties = 30
+Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'KeepOriginalProperties':False
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'LhaPdfCommands':[  ]
 Generation.MinimumBias    DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CutTool':
@@ -5234,7 +5250,8 @@ Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS Using as production engine Pythia8Production
 Generation.MinimumBia...SUCCESS ==================================================================
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Initialize base class GaudiCommon<AlgTool>
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG could not locate CounterSummarySvc, no counter summary will be made
-Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 32
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG List of ALL properties of Pythia8Production/Generation.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production  #properties = 33
+Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'GenFSRLocation':/FileRecords/GenFSR
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ShowBanner':False
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'UserTuning':
 Generation.MinimumBia...  DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Tuning':LHCbDefault.cmd
@@ -7643,7 +7660,7 @@ GaussGeo.Prs            SUCCESS  #Hits=  299 #SubHits=  502 #Slots= 2991 Energy=
 GaussGeo.Ecal           SUCCESS  #Hits= 1358 #SubHits= 2830 #Slots= 3084 Energy=    43.1[GeV]
 GaussGeo.Hcal           SUCCESS  #Hits=  174 #SubHits=  225 #Slots=  295 Energy=    4.02[GeV]
 GiGaFlush                 DEBUG  Dump G4 event object
-GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x259b08f0 **************************************************
+GiGaFlush                  INFO  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event 0x25049770 **************************************************
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  EventID                : 0
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  NumberOfPrimaryVertex  : 2
  GiGaUtil::DumpG4Event  #StoredTrajectories    : 1472
@@ -10057,50 +10074,50 @@ NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextNextEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1370.824 |     1370.8 |     0.0000 |      1370.8 |      1370.8 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1369.82 |     1369.8 |     0.0000 |      1369.8 |      1369.8 |
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 NextEventGaussSim.Nex...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1358.736 |     1358.7 |     0.0000 |      1358.7 |      1358.7 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.732 |     1357.7 |     0.0000 |      1357.7 |      1357.7 |
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevEventGaussSim.Pre...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1358.736 |     1358.7 |     0.0000 |      1358.7 |      1358.7 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.732 |     1357.7 |     0.0000 |      1357.7 |      1357.7 |
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 PrevPrevEventGaussSim...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |     1358.6 |     1358.6 |     0.0000 |      1358.6 |      1358.6 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1357.596 |     1357.6 |     0.0000 |      1357.6 |      1357.6 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 MainEventGaussSim.Mai...  DEBUG Services to release :
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNextNext.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenNext.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrev.GaussGen...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
 GaussGenPrevPrev.Gaus...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Tools to release :
 Generation.BeamSpotSm...  DEBUG Services to release :
@@ -10130,11 +10147,11 @@ GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG  ==> Finalize the base class GaudiTool
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
  |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
  | "Delta Memory/MB"                               |         0 |          0 |     0.0000 |     0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
- | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |   1238.396 |     1238.4 |     0.0000 |      1238.4 |      1238.4 |
+ | "Total Memory/MB"                               |         1 |    1237.66 |     1237.7 |     0.0000 |      1237.7 |      1237.7 |
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Tools to release :
 GaussGen.GaussGenMemory   DEBUG Services to release :
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.86 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
+ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO This machine has a speed about   2.70 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ToolSvc.SequencerTime...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -10360,486 +10377,486 @@ TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO ------------------------------------------------
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO This machine has a speed about   2.78 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 86350.000 | 89199.812 | 89199.820   89199.8     0.00 |       1 |    89.200 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 86350.000 | 89194.055 | 89194.062   89194.1     0.00 |       1 |    89.194 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1370.000 |  1372.621 | 1372.621    1372.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.373 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1340.000 |  1335.098 | 1335.098    1335.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.335 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |    10.000 |     1.041 |    1.041       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1330.000 |  1333.120 | 1333.120    1333.1     0.00 |       1 |     1.333 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     0.897 |    0.897       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     0.826 |    0.826       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     2.745 |    2.745       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.079 |    2.079       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.162 |    1.162       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     0.861 |    0.861       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    30.000 |    25.331 |   25.331      25.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.260 |    0.260       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    30.000 |    24.871 |   24.871      24.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |     0.000 |     8.259 |    8.259       8.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.469 |    0.469       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |     0.000 |     7.672 |    7.672       7.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 84980.000 | 87821.391 | 87821.391   87821.4     0.00 |       1 |    87.821 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 56970.000 | 58296.469 | 58296.469   58296.5     0.00 |       1 |    58.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 56970.000 | 58295.719 | 58295.719   58295.7     0.00 |       1 |    58.296 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 56890.000 | 58215.309 | 58215.309   58215.3     0.00 |       1 |    58.215 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30370.000 | 31079.160 | 31079.160   31079.2     0.00 |       1 |    31.079 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 26500.000 | 27106.889 | 27106.887   27106.9     0.00 |       1 |    27.107 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     7.485 |    7.485       7.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    20.000 |    16.571 |   16.571      16.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.017 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |     0.000 |     0.403 |    0.403       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     0.846 |    0.846       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |    10.000 |     0.916 |    0.916       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     0.524 |    0.524       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |     0.000 |     1.693 |    1.693       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |     0.000 |     6.773 |    6.773       6.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |     0.000 |     2.565 |    2.565       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     0.908 |    0.908       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.199 |    1.199       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.156 |    1.156       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.540 |    0.540       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |    10.000 |     0.555 |    0.555       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |     0.000 |     1.243 |    1.243       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.166 |    0.166       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     2.291 |    2.291       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     5.088 |    5.088       5.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.091 |    1.091       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     0.711 |    0.711       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.473 |    0.473       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.080 |    0.080       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.392 |    0.392       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.098 |    0.098       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.350 |    0.350       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     0.693 |    0.693       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.458 |    0.458       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.269 |    0.269       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    80.000 |    80.395 |   80.395      80.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.080 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.152 |    0.152       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.578 |    0.578       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.446 |    0.446       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    15.166 |   15.166      15.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |     6.518 |    6.518       6.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.828 |    0.828       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.210 |    0.210       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.571 |    0.571       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     2.386 |    2.386       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     1.661 |    1.661       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.414 |    0.414       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |    10.000 |     1.320 |    1.320       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    60.000 |    64.006 |   64.006      64.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.064 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     1.274 |    1.274       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     1.201 |    1.201       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.771 |    0.771       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     0.820 |    0.820       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.322 |    0.322       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.615 |    0.615       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |     0.000 |     4.483 |    4.483       4.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.868 |    1.868       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.062 |    0.062       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |    10.000 |     1.030 |    1.030       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.191 |    0.191       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     5.003 |    5.003       5.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |     0.000 |     0.572 |    0.572       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     0.709 |    0.709       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.492 |    0.492       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |    10.000 |     4.135 |    4.135       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    20.000 |    25.589 |   25.589      25.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     0.873 |    0.873       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.587 |    0.587       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     2.037 |    2.037       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     0.522 |    0.522       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |    10.000 |     3.265 |    3.265       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.530 |    0.530       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |     0.000 |     3.257 |    3.257       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.326 |    0.326       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.276 |    2.276       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    20.000 |    22.346 |   22.346      22.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.977 |    0.977       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    20.000 |    21.353 |   21.353      21.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    19.315 |   19.315      19.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.019 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |    10.000 |     2.876 |    2.876       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    10.000 |    15.519 |   15.519      15.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO EVENT LOOP                    | 104020.000 | 104636.227 | 104636.227  104636.2     0.00 |       1 |   104.636 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO  GaussSequencer               | 104010.000 | 104621.633 | 104621.633  104621.6     0.00 |       1 |   104.622 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Generator                   |  1430.000 |  1429.627 | 1429.627    1429.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.430 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotMainSeq       |  1390.000 |  1387.607 | 1387.607    1387.6     0.00 |       1 |     1.388 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGen                  |     0.000 |     1.461 |    1.461       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     Generation                |  1390.000 |  1383.846 | 1383.846    1383.8     0.00 |       1 |     1.384 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitor                |     0.000 |     2.243 |    2.243       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlg            |     0.000 |     2.192 |    2.192       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevPrevSeq   |     0.000 |     3.741 |    3.741       3.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrevPrev          |     0.000 |     0.728 |    0.728       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     2.837 |    2.837       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotPrevSeq       |     0.000 |     1.415 |    1.415       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenPrev              |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationPrev            |     0.000 |     1.040 |    1.040       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorPrev            |     0.000 |     0.033 |    0.033       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgPrev        |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextSeq       |    30.000 |    27.366 |   27.366      27.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNext              |     0.000 |     0.307 |    0.307       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNext            |    30.000 |    26.771 |   26.771      26.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNext            |     0.000 |     0.245 |    0.245       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNext        |     0.000 |     0.233 |    0.233       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GeneratorSlotNextNextSeq   |    10.000 |     9.467 |    9.467       9.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GaussGenNextNext          |     0.000 |     0.585 |    0.585       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenerationNextNext        |    10.000 |     8.718 |    8.718       8.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     GenMonitorNextNext        |     0.000 |     0.119 |    0.119       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      GenMonitorAlgNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO   Simulation                  | 102580.000 | 103191.930 | 103191.930  103191.9     0.00 |       1 |   103.192 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    GiGaStore                  |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    MainEventSeq               | 64550.000 | 65036.746 | 65036.746   65036.7     0.00 |       1 |    65.037 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     1.080 |    1.080       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     MainSimulation            | 64550.000 | 65035.625 | 65035.625   65035.6     0.00 |       1 |    65.036 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeMainSim              | 64460.000 | 64934.895 | 64934.895   64934.9     0.00 |       1 |    64.935 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSim                | 30670.000 | 30928.488 | 30928.486   30928.5     0.00 |       1 |    30.928 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlush               | 33740.000 | 33953.688 | 33953.688   33953.7     0.00 |       1 |    33.954 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEvent          |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruth            |     0.000 |     8.445 |    8.445       8.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHits           |    40.000 |    34.921 |   34.921      34.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.035 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHits          |    10.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHits            |     0.000 |     1.632 |    1.632       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHits              |     0.000 |     3.247 |    3.247       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHits              |     0.000 |     3.619 |    3.619       3.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHits              |    10.000 |     5.329 |    5.329       5.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHits               |    10.000 |    12.106 |   12.106      12.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHits           |    10.000 |     5.671 |    5.671       5.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotons        |     0.000 |     1.624 |    1.624       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegments       |     0.000 |     1.799 |    1.799       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracks         |     0.000 |     1.418 |    1.418       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrack   |     0.000 |     0.679 |    0.679       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.713 |    0.713       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHits             |     0.000 |     0.835 |    0.835       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHits             |     0.000 |     1.381 |    1.381       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHits            |    10.000 |     1.591 |    1.591       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHits            |     0.000 |     0.198 |    0.198       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHits            |     0.000 |     4.000 |    4.000       4.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainEventDataPacking    |    10.000 |     9.033 |    9.033       9.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticle         |     0.000 |     1.645 |    1.645       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertex           |     0.000 |     1.026 |    1.026       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.965 |    0.965       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPacker      |     0.000 |     0.076 |    0.076       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.508 |    0.508       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPacker          |     0.000 |     0.136 |    0.136       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.086 |    0.086       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.736 |    0.736       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPacker         |     0.000 |     0.182 |    0.182       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPacker        |     0.000 |     0.591 |    0.591       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPacker     |     0.000 |     1.046 |    1.046       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPacker    |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.795       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPacker      |     0.000 |     0.433 |    0.433       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitor               |    90.000 |   100.701 |  100.701     100.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.101 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetMainEvent        |     0.000 |     0.274 |    0.274       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       MainMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.833 |    0.833       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlg          |     0.000 |     0.602 |    0.602       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitor        |    20.000 |    26.711 |   26.711      26.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoni          |    10.000 |    15.588 |   15.588      15.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     1.380 |    1.380       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.304 |    0.304       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitor           |     0.000 |     0.768 |    0.768       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.487 |    1.487       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitor             |     0.000 |     1.705 |    1.705       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitor            |    10.000 |     2.409 |    2.409       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitor            |     0.000 |     0.670 |    0.670       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitChecker         |     0.000 |     2.270 |    2.270       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTest          |    70.000 |    72.185 |   72.185      72.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.072 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertex         |    10.000 |     2.213 |    2.213       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticle       |     0.000 |     2.587 |    2.587       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertex        |     0.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticle      |     0.000 |     1.186 |    1.186       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHits       |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.655       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHits        |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHits         |     0.000 |     0.365 |    0.365       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHits          |    10.000 |     4.439 |    4.439       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHits           |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHits            |     0.000 |     1.874 |    1.874       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHits           |     0.000 |     0.102 |    0.102       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHits            |     0.000 |     1.063 |    1.063       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHits           |     0.000 |     0.441 |    0.441       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHits            |     0.000 |     4.593 |    4.593       4.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHits         |    10.000 |     1.010 |    1.010       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhot       |     0.000 |     1.355 |    1.355       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegments     |     0.000 |     0.928 |    0.928       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracks       |     0.000 |     0.556 |    0.556       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHits          |     0.000 |     4.142 |    4.142       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhot        |    30.000 |    25.255 |   25.255      25.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.025 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegments      |     0.000 |     1.078 |    1.078       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracks        |     0.000 |     0.208 |    0.208       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHits          |     0.000 |     0.995 |    0.995       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHits           |     0.000 |     2.354 |    2.354       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHits          |     0.000 |     1.140 |    1.140       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHits           |     0.000 |     3.311 |    3.311       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHits         |     0.000 |     1.621 |    1.621       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHits          |    10.000 |     3.244 |    3.244       3.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHits         |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHits          |     0.000 |     0.314 |    0.314       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHits         |     0.000 |     0.194 |    0.194       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHits          |     0.000 |     2.364 |    2.364       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevPrevEventSeq           |    30.000 |    24.376 |   24.376      24.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.696 |    0.696       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevPrevSimulation        |    30.000 |    23.644 |   23.644      23.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.024 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevPrevSim          |    20.000 |    20.906 |   20.906      20.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.021 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrevPrev        |     0.000 |     3.384 |    3.384       3.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrevPrev       |    20.000 |    16.210 |   16.210      16.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.672 |    0.672       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.298 |    0.298       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrevPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     0.472 |    0.472       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.249 |    0.249       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.310 |    0.310       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     0.385 |    0.385       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |     0.000 |     2.028 |    2.028       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|     0.000 |     1.476 |    1.476       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.124 |    0.124       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.042 |    0.042       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.026 |    0.026       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.133 |    0.133       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.754 |    0.754       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrevP|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrevPrev       |    10.000 |     2.708 |    2.708       2.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevPrevEvent    |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevPrevMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.034 |    0.034       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrevPrev|    10.000 |     1.929 |    1.929       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrevPrev  |    10.000 |     0.167 |    0.167       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.172 |    0.172       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrevPrev     |     0.000 |     0.128 |    0.128       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.181 |    0.181       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.126 |    0.126       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.842 |    0.842       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.597 |    0.597       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrevPr|     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrevPrev    |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrevP|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrevPre|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrevPr|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrevPrev|     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrevPrev   |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrevPrev |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrevPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    20.000 |    11.998 |   11.998      12.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.253 |    0.253       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    20.000 |    11.730 |   11.730      11.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |     9.291 |    9.291       9.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     8.565 |    8.565       8.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.161 |    0.161       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.041 |    0.041       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.296 |    0.296       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    PrevEventSeq               |    20.000 |    13.585 |   13.585      13.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.342 |    0.342       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     PrevSimulation            |    20.000 |    13.220 |   13.220      13.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.013 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakePrevSim              |    10.000 |    10.261 |   10.261      10.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.010 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimPrev            |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushPrev           |    10.000 |     9.110 |    9.110       9.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventPrev      |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthPrev        |     0.000 |     0.057 |    0.057       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.464 |    0.464       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.011 |    0.011       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsPrev          |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsPrev           |     0.000 |     0.247 |    0.247       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackPre|     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsPrev         |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     0.439 |    0.439       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticlePrev     |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |    10.000 |     2.430 |    2.430       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.053 |    0.053       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |     0.000 |     1.855 |    1.855       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.151 |    0.151       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.025 |    0.025       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.129 |    0.129       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.122 |    0.122       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |     0.000 |     1.076 |    1.076       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |    10.000 |     0.457 |    0.457       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.009 |    0.009       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerPrev     |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerPrev    |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerPrev|     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerPrev  |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorPrev           |    10.000 |     2.948 |    2.948       2.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetPrevEvent        |     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       PrevMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgPrev      |     0.000 |     0.029 |    0.029       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorPrev    |    10.000 |     2.124 |    2.124       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniPrev      |     0.000 |     0.155 |    0.155       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.046 |    0.046       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorPrev       |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorPrev         |     0.000 |     0.177 |    0.177       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.150 |    0.150       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorPrev        |     0.000 |     0.135 |    0.135       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerPrev     |    10.000 |     0.987 |    0.987       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestPrev      |     0.000 |     0.612 |    0.612       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexPrev     |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticlePrev   |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexPrev    |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticlePrev  |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsPrev   |     0.000 |     0.030 |    0.030       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsPrev        |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotPrev   |     0.000 |     0.021 |    0.021       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsPrev |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksPrev   |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotPrev    |     0.000 |     0.008 |    0.008       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsPrev  |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksPrev    |     0.000 |     0.007 |    0.007       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsPrev       |     0.000 |     0.006 |    0.006       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.014 |    0.014       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.012 |    0.012       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.013 |    0.013       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsPrev     |     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsPrev      |     0.000 |     0.005 |    0.005       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 18040.000 | 18995.545 | 18995.543   18995.5     0.00 |       1 |    18.996 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.248 |    0.248       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 18040.000 | 18995.279 | 18995.279   18995.3     0.00 |       1 |    18.995 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 17970.000 | 18928.145 | 18928.145   18928.1     0.00 |       1 |    18.928 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 17950.000 | 18911.559 | 18911.559   18911.6     0.00 |       1 |    18.912 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.010 |    0.010       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |     2.172 |    2.172       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    11.599 |   11.599      11.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.060 |    0.060       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.784 |    0.784       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.743 |    0.743       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.214 |    1.214       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |     0.000 |     5.371 |    5.371       5.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     2.458 |    2.458       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |     0.000 |     0.796 |    0.796       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     0.934 |    0.934       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.644 |    0.644       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.419 |    0.419       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.371 |    0.371       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |    10.000 |     0.566 |    0.566       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.919 |    0.919       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.114 |    0.114       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.038 |    1.038       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     2.266 |    2.266       2.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.475 |    0.475       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.330 |    0.330       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.088 |    0.088       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.044 |    0.044       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.064 |    0.064       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.100 |    0.100       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.070 |    0.070       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.089 |    0.089       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.110 |    0.110       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.542 |    0.542       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.131 |    0.131       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    70.000 |    67.120 |   67.120      67.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.067 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |     0.000 |     0.196 |    0.196       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    20.000 |    12.395 |   12.395      12.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.012 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |     6.362 |    6.362       6.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.355 |    0.355       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.380 |    0.380       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.501 |    0.501       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     0.991 |    0.991       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.083 |    1.083       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |    10.000 |     1.243 |    1.243       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.401 |    0.401       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |     0.000 |     1.000 |    1.000       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    54.047 |   54.047      54.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.054 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     0.767 |    0.767       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     0.772 |    0.772       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.537 |    0.537       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.416 |    0.416       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.329 |    0.329       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.093 |    4.093       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.108 |    0.108       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.587 |    1.587       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.051 |    0.051       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.834 |    0.834       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     3.463 |    3.463       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.289 |    0.289       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     0.517 |    0.517       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.251 |    0.251       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.128 |    4.128       4.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    26.034 |   26.034      26.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.026 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.694 |    0.694       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.271 |    0.271       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.401 |    1.401       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.947 |    1.947       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.349 |    0.349       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |    10.000 |     1.998 |    1.998       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.244 |    0.244       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.778 |    1.778       1.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           |  9930.000 | 10494.972 | 10494.972   10495.0     0.00 |       1 |    10.495 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.484 |    0.484       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        |  9930.000 | 10494.468 | 10494.468   10494.5     0.00 |       1 |    10.494 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          |  9900.000 | 10454.746 | 10454.746   10454.7     0.00 |       1 |    10.455 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.352 |    2.352       2.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       |  9890.000 | 10444.278 | 10444.278   10444.3     0.00 |       1 |    10.444 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.016 |    0.016       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     5.596 |    5.596       5.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.006 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.037 |    0.037       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.488 |    0.488       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.420 |    0.420       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.277 |    0.277       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.511 |    0.511       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    10.000 |     2.554 |    2.554       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     1.150 |    1.150       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.425 |    0.425       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.440 |    0.440       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.246 |    0.246       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.193 |    0.193       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.158 |    0.158       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.228 |    0.228       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.049 |    0.049       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.381 |    0.381       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.327 |    1.327       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.221 |    0.221       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.206 |    0.206       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.069 |    0.069       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.017 |    0.017       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.027 |    0.027       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.036 |    0.036       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.023 |    0.023       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.048 |    0.048       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.052 |    0.052       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.055 |    0.055       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.259 |    0.259       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    30.000 |    39.709 |   39.709      39.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.040 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.091 |    0.091       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.147 |    0.147       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.134 |    0.134       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|     0.000 |     9.378 |    9.378       9.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |     0.000 |     5.154 |    5.154       5.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.005 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.218 |    0.218       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.232 |    0.232       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.637 |    0.637       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.719 |    0.719       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.849 |    0.849       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.341 |    0.341       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.973 |    0.973       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    29.934 |   29.934      29.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.030 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.297 |    0.297       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.174 |    0.174       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.082 |    0.082       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.049 |    2.049       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |    10.000 |     0.890 |    0.890       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.754 |    0.754       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.229 |    1.229       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.282 |    0.282       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.501 |    2.501       2.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    20.000 |    15.574 |   15.574      15.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.360 |    0.360       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.149 |    0.149       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.750 |    0.750       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.173 |    0.173       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.986 |    0.986       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.201 |    0.201       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.163 |    1.163       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.038 |    0.038       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.050 |    0.050       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
-TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.738 |    0.738       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextEventSeq               | 24680.000 | 24798.045 | 24798.043   24798.0     0.00 |       1 |    24.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextEventGaussSim         |     0.000 |     0.338 |    0.338       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextSimulation            | 24680.000 | 24797.682 | 24797.682   24797.7     0.00 |       1 |    24.798 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextSim              | 24590.000 | 24714.289 | 24714.289   24714.3     0.00 |       1 |    24.714 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNext            |     0.000 |     0.635 |    0.635       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNext           | 24570.000 | 24692.828 | 24692.828   24692.8     0.00 |       1 |    24.693 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNext      |     0.000 |     0.015 |    0.015       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNext        |    10.000 |     2.159 |    2.159       2.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNext       |    10.000 |    15.285 |   15.285      15.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.015 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.075 |    0.075       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.848 |    0.848       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.142 |    1.142       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNext          |     0.000 |     0.811 |    0.811       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNext          |     0.000 |     1.720 |    1.720       1.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNext           |    10.000 |     6.950 |    6.950       6.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.007 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNext       |     0.000 |     3.251 |    3.251       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNext    |    10.000 |     1.048 |    1.048       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNext   |     0.000 |     1.213 |    1.213       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNext     |     0.000 |     0.783 |    0.783       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.083 |    0.083       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.487 |    0.487       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.445 |    0.445       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNext         |     0.000 |     0.727 |    0.727       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.961 |    0.961       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.146 |    0.146       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNext        |     0.000 |     1.336 |    1.336       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextEventDataPacking    |     0.000 |     3.269 |    3.269       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNext     |     0.000 |     0.613 |    0.613       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNext       |     0.000 |     0.426 |    0.426       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.139 |    0.139       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.059 |    0.059       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNext      |     0.000 |     0.095 |    0.095       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.164 |    0.164       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNext     |     0.000 |     0.099 |    0.099       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.141 |    0.141       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.040 |    0.040       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNext    |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNext |     0.000 |     0.714 |    0.714       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.204 |    0.204       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNext  |     0.000 |     0.063 |    0.063       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNext           |    90.000 |    83.379 |   83.379      83.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.083 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextEvent        |     0.000 |     0.113 |    0.113       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextMCTruthMonitor      |     0.000 |     0.354 |    0.354       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNext      |    10.000 |     0.200 |    0.200       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNext    |    30.000 |    22.354 |   22.354      22.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.022 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNext      |    10.000 |    13.992 |   13.992      14.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.014 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.655 |    0.655       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     0.353 |    0.353       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNext       |     0.000 |     1.002 |    1.002       1.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNext         |    10.000 |     1.098 |    1.098       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNext         |     0.000 |     1.355 |    1.355       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     1.529 |    1.529       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNext        |     0.000 |     0.634 |    0.634       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNext     |    10.000 |     1.586 |    1.586       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNext      |    50.000 |    60.290 |   60.290      60.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.060 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNext     |     0.000 |     1.284 |    1.284       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNext   |     0.000 |     1.892 |    1.892       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNext    |     0.000 |     0.444 |    0.444       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNext  |     0.000 |     0.412 |    0.412       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNext   |     0.000 |     0.066 |    0.066       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNext    |     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.308 |    0.308       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.378 |    4.378       4.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.165 |    0.165       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNext        |    10.000 |     1.596 |    1.596       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.077 |    0.077       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNext        |     0.000 |     0.855 |    0.855       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNext       |     0.000 |     0.332 |    0.332       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNext        |     0.000 |     3.457 |    3.457       3.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.685 |    0.685       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNext   |     0.000 |     1.082 |    1.082       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNext |     0.000 |     0.576 |    0.576       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNext   |     0.000 |     0.180 |    0.180       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNext      |     0.000 |     4.260 |    4.260       4.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.004 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNext    |    30.000 |    26.593 |   26.593      26.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.027 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNext  |     0.000 |     0.654 |    0.654       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNext    |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.513 |    0.513       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.433 |    1.433       1.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.627 |    0.627       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNext       |     0.000 |     1.933 |    1.933       1.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNext     |    10.000 |     0.630 |    0.630       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     2.072 |    2.072       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNext      |     0.000 |     0.276 |    0.276       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNext     |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNext      |     0.000 |     1.958 |    1.958       2.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO    NextNextEventSeq           | 13300.000 | 13319.061 | 13319.061   13319.1     0.00 |       1 |    13.319 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextEventGaussSim     |     0.000 |     0.724 |    0.724       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO     NextNextSimulation        | 13300.000 | 13318.302 | 13318.302   13318.3     0.00 |       1 |    13.318 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      MakeNextNextSim          | 13250.000 | 13268.616 | 13268.616   13268.6     0.00 |       1 |    13.269 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GenToSimNextNext        |     0.000 |     2.789 |    2.789       2.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaFlushNextNext       | 13240.000 | 13254.641 | 13254.641   13254.6     0.00 |       1 |    13.255 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaCheckEventNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.018 |    0.018       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       SimToMCTruthNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.558 |    1.558       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     7.836 |    7.836       7.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.008 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPuVetoHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.061 |    0.061       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetVeloHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.580 |    0.580       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetTTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.688 |    0.688       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetITHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.721 |    0.721       0.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetOTHitsNextNext      |     0.000 |     0.795 |    0.795       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        RichHitsNextNext       |    10.000 |     3.343 |    3.343       3.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichHitsNextNext   |    10.000 |     1.640 |    1.640       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichPhotonsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.544 |    0.544       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichSegmentsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.496 |    0.496       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         GetRichTracksNextNext |     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCPartToMCRichTrackNex|     0.000 |     0.093 |    0.093       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO         MCRichHitToMCRichOpPho|     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetSpdHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.202 |    0.202       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetPrsHitsNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.288 |    0.288       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetEcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.485 |    0.485       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetHcalHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.054 |    0.054       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        GetMuonHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.467 |    0.467       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextEventDataPacking|     0.000 |     1.599 |    1.599       1.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCParticleNextNext |     0.000 |     0.273 |    0.273       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PackMCVertexNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.211 |    0.211       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCVeloHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.106 |    0.106       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPuVetoHitPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.019 |    0.019       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCTTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.039 |    0.039       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCITHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.028 |    0.028       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCOTHitPackerNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.035 |    0.035       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCMuonHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.031 |    0.031       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCPrsHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.056 |    0.056       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCSpdHitPackerNextNext |     0.000 |     0.047 |    0.047       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCEcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.071 |    0.071       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCHcalHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.022 |    0.022       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichHitPackerNextNext|     0.000 |     0.097 |    0.097       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichOpPhotPackerNextN|     0.000 |     0.266 |    0.266       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichSegmentPackerNext|     0.000 |     0.087 |    0.087       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MCRichTrackPackerNextNe|     0.000 |     0.024 |    0.024       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO      SimMonitorNextNext       |    50.000 |    49.665 |   49.665      49.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.050 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetNextNextEvent    |     0.000 |     0.115 |    0.115       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       NextNextMCTruthMonitor  |     0.000 |     0.361 |    0.361       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       GiGaGetHitsAlgNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.163 |    0.163       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DetectorsMonitorNextNext|    20.000 |    15.670 |   15.670      15.7     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        VeloGaussMoniNextNext  |    10.000 |     8.524 |    8.524       8.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.009 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        TTHitMonitorNextNext   |    10.000 |     1.289 |    1.289       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        ITHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.287 |    0.287       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        OTHitMonitorNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.312 |    0.312       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        SpdMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.907 |    0.907       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        PrsMonitorNextNext     |     0.000 |     0.943 |    0.943       0.9     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        EcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.071 |    1.071       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        HcalMonitorNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.642 |    0.642       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        MuonHitCheckerNextNext |     0.000 |     1.519 |    1.519       1.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO       DataUnpackTestNextNext  |    30.000 |    33.284 |   33.284      33.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.033 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCVertexNextNext |     0.000 |     0.423 |    0.423       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMCParticleNextNex|     0.000 |     0.531 |    0.531       0.5     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCVertexNextNext|     0.000 |     0.283 |    0.283       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CompareMCParticleNextNe|     0.000 |     0.183 |    0.183       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPuVetoHitsNextNex|     0.000 |     0.043 |    0.043       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPuVetoHitsNextNext|     0.000 |     0.107 |    0.107       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackVeloHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.176 |    0.176       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckVeloHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     2.093 |    2.093       2.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.002 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackTTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.079 |    0.079       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckTTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.338 |    1.338       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackITHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.072 |    0.072       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckITHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     0.790 |    0.790       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackOTHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.118 |    0.118       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckOTHitsNextNext    |     0.000 |     1.232 |    1.232       1.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.318 |    0.318       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichOpPhotNextNex|     0.000 |     0.611 |    0.611       0.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichSegmentsNextN|     0.000 |     0.336 |    0.336       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackRichTracksNextNex|     0.000 |     0.058 |    0.058       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     2.641 |    2.641       2.6     0.00 |       1 |     0.003 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichOpPhotNextNext|    10.000 |    15.776 |   15.776      15.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.016 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichSegmentsNextNe|     0.000 |     0.369 |    0.369       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckRichTracksNextNext|     0.000 |     0.020 |    0.020       0.0     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackSpdHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.256 |    0.256       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckSpdHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     0.775 |    0.775       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackPrsHitsNextNext  |    10.000 |     0.335 |    0.335       0.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckPrsHitsNextNext   |     0.000 |     1.114 |    1.114       1.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackEcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.379 |    0.379       0.4     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckEcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     1.288 |    1.288       1.3     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackHcalHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.067 |    0.067       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckHcalHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.117 |    0.117       0.1     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        UnpackMuonHitsNextNext |     0.000 |     0.168 |    0.168       0.2     0.00 |       1 |     0.000 |
+TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO        CheckMuonHitsNextNext  |     0.000 |     0.774 |    0.774       0.8     0.00 |       1 |     0.001 |
 TimingAuditor.TIMER        INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
 GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack SUCCESS  #WARNINGS   = 3177     Message = 'RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp PhotoelectricProcess  RichHpd/Pmt/Mcp SiEnergyLossProcess particles not kept'
@@ -10847,8 +10864,8 @@ GiGa.GiGaMgr               INFO GiGaRunManager:: GiGaRunManager Finalization
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 *****Chrono*****           INFO  The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
-GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 54.3  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 10.9(+- 10.3)/ 0.01/ 26.5  [s] #=  5
-ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  288  [s]                                             #=  1
+GiGa.GiGaMgr::process...   INFO Time User   : Tot= 71.5  [s] Ave/Min/Max= 14.3(+- 13.3)/ 0.01/ 33.7  [s] #=  5
+ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=  312  [s]                                             #=  1
 *****Chrono*****           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO ****************************************************************************************************
 ******Stat******           INFO  The Final stat Table (not ordered)
@@ -10896,4 +10913,3 @@ Electron internal conversion ID                     2
 Correlated gamma emission flag                      0
 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations         10