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Re-use of the underlying event (LHCBGAUSS-955)

Dominik Muller requested to merge (removed):sim09_dev_rebased into Sim09

Associated JIRA task: LHCBGAUSS-955

Hello everybody,

this merge request contains the code for re-using the underlying event and only simulating the signal parts again.

The main part of the code exists in its own package Sim/GaussRedecaywith only minimal changes to existing parts of Gauss except the main Gauss Configurable. Please ask away, I will go over the code and add additional comments as well.


Some slides to clarify the procedure

Running the code

For running the it, the only options needed are those below (with 27163003 as event type):

from Configurables import Gauss
from Configurables import GaussRedecayFakePileUp
gen = Generation("GenerationSignal")
gen.PileUpTool = "GaussRedecayFakePileUp"
gen.VertexSmearingTool = ""
gen.EventType = 27163003
gen.SampleGenerationTool = "SignalPlain"
from Configurables import SignalPlain
gen.SignalPlain.ProductionTool = "RedecayProduction"
gen.SignalPlain.CutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"
gen.SignalPlain.SignalPIDList = [413, -413]
gen.SignalPlain.AllowReverting = False

Most of which could be added to the main configurable, depending on the desired flexibility for allowing different SampleGenerationTools.

Remaining issues

  • Ideally, one wants to propagate information about the redecay through to the user's creating their ntuples, most importantly the event and run number of the original event a set of redecayed events was based on to be able to group the events. Idea's how to do this most elegantly are highly welcome.
  • Set up a todo list to ensure compatibility with the new Gaudi framework.

Merge request reports
