The source project of this merge request has been removed.
Re-use of the underlying event (LHCBGAUSS-955)
Associated JIRA task: LHCBGAUSS-955
Hello everybody,
this merge request contains the code for re-using the underlying event and only simulating the signal parts again.
The main part of the code exists in its own package Sim/GaussRedecay
with only minimal changes to existing parts of Gauss except the main Gauss Configurable. Please ask away, I will go over the code and add additional comments as well.
Some slides to clarify the procedure
- Fast simulation meeting 24.11.2016
- Fast simulation meeting 13.10.2016
- A&S week 10.5.2016
- Simulation meeting 12.4.2016
Running the code
For running the it, the only options needed are those below (with 27163003 as event type):
from Configurables import Gauss
from Configurables import GaussRedecayFakePileUp
gen = Generation("GenerationSignal")
gen.PileUpTool = "GaussRedecayFakePileUp"
gen.VertexSmearingTool = ""
gen.EventType = 27163003
gen.SampleGenerationTool = "SignalPlain"
from Configurables import SignalPlain
gen.SignalPlain.ProductionTool = "RedecayProduction"
gen.SignalPlain.CutTool = "DaughtersInLHCb"
gen.SignalPlain.SignalPIDList = [413, -413]
gen.SignalPlain.AllowReverting = False
Most of which could be added to the main configurable, depending on the desired flexibility for allowing different SampleGenerationTools.
Remaining issues
- Ideally, one wants to propagate information about the redecay through to the user's creating their ntuples, most importantly the event and run number of the original event a set of redecayed events was based on to be able to group the events. Idea's how to do this most elegantly are highly welcome.
- Set up a todo list to ensure compatibility with the new Gaudi framework.