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[Futurev4] fix failing tests

Merged Michal Mazurek requested to merge Futurev3_fix_failing_tests into Futurev4
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from Configurables import Generation, Gauss, MinimumBias, Pythia8Production
from Configurables import Special, Inclusive, SignalPlain, SignalRepeatedHadronization
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits
import math
# Table of known ions
__ion_pdg_id__ = {
'Pb': 1000822080,
'Ar': 1000180400,
'p': 2212,
'Ne': 1000100200,
'He': 1000020040,
'Kr': 1000360840,
'Xe': 1000541320}
# Mass table
__ion_mass__ = {
'Pb': 207.6,
'Ar': 39.948,
'p': 0.938272046,
'Ne': 20.1797,
'He': 4.002602,
'Kr': 83.798,
'Xe': 131.293}
# Get some object
gen = Generation("Generation")
gauss = Gauss()
# Default Pythia8 configuration for LHCb
gen.addTool( MinimumBias , name = "MinimumBias" )
gen.MinimumBias.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
gen.MinimumBias.addTool( Pythia8Production , name = "Pythia8Production" )
gen.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.addTool( Inclusive , name = "Inclusive" )
gen.Inclusive.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
gen.Inclusive.addTool( Pythia8Production , name = "Pythia8Production" )
gen.Inclusive.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.addTool( SignalPlain , name = "SignalPlain" )
gen.SignalPlain.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
gen.SignalPlain.addTool( Pythia8Production , name = "Pythia8Production" )
gen.SignalPlain.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.addTool( SignalRepeatedHadronization , name = "SignalRepeatedHadronization" )
gen.SignalRepeatedHadronization.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
gen.SignalRepeatedHadronization.addTool( Pythia8Production , name = "Pythia8Production" )
gen.SignalRepeatedHadronization.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.addTool( Special , name = "Special" )
gen.Special.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
gen.Special.addTool( Pythia8Production , name = "Pythia8Production" )
gen.Special.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.Special.PileUpProductionTool = "Pythia8Production/Pythia8PileUp"
gen.Special.addTool(Pythia8Production, name = "Pythia8PileUp")
gen.Special.Pythia8PileUp.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
gen.Special.ReinitializePileUpGenerator = False
# Use same generator and configuration for spillover
spillOverList = gauss.getProp("SpilloverPaths")
for slot in spillOverList:
genSlot = Generation("Generation"+slot)
genSlot.addTool(MinimumBias, name = "MinimumBias")
genSlot.MinimumBias.ProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
genSlot.MinimumBias.addTool(Pythia8Production, name = "Pythia8Production")
genSlot.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production.Tuning = "LHCbDefault.cmd"
# Get beam 4-momentum
def getBeamMomentum(beam):
# Get the crossings angles.
hCrossingAngle = gauss.getProp('BeamHCrossingAngle')
hBeamlineAngle = gauss.getProp('BeamLineAngles')[0]
vCrossingAngle = gauss.getProp('BeamVCrossingAngle')
vBeamlineAngle = gauss.getProp('BeamLineAngles')[1]
# Calculate the momentum.
sn = -1.0 if beam == 2 else 1.0
p = math.fabs(gauss.getProp('%sMomentum' % ('B2' if beam == 2 else 'Beam'))) / SystemOfUnits.GeV
px = p * math.sin(hCrossingAngle + sn*hBeamlineAngle)
py = p * math.sin(vCrossingAngle + sn*vBeamlineAngle)
pz = math.sqrt(p**2 - px**2 -py**2)
if beam == 2: pz = -pz
# compute the beam energy
m = 0.938 # m_proton \simeq m_A/A
e = math.sqrt(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2 + m**2)
return px, py, pz, e
# Set collision and boost parameters
def configureHICollisions(): # Get beam momentum and CMS sqrt(s_NN) in GeV for Pythia
pxA, pyA, pzA, eProjectile = getBeamMomentum(1)
pxB, pyB, pzB, eTarget = getBeamMomentum(2)
# Set the properties in Pythia
for genType in ["Inclusive", "SignalPlain", "SignalRepeatedHadronization", "MinimumBias", "Special"]:
getattr(gen, genType).Pythia8Production.Commands += [
"Beams:idA = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B1Particle')],
"Beams:idB = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B2Particle')],
'Beams:eA = %s' % eProjectile,
'Beams:eB = %s' % eTarget,
"Beams:frameType = 2"]
if genType == "Special":
getattr(gen, genType).Pythia8PileUp.Commands += [
"Beams:idA = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B1Particle')],
"Beams:idB = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B2Particle')],
'Beams:eA = %s' % eProjectile,
'Beams:eB = %s' % eTarget,
"Beams:frameType = 2"]
for slot in spillOverList:
genSlot = Generation("Generation"+slot)
genSlot.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production.Commands += [
"Beams:idA = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B1Particle')],
"Beams:idB = %s" % __ion_pdg_id__[gauss.getProp('B2Particle')],
'Beams:eA = %s' % eProjectile,
'Beams:eB = %s' % eTarget,
"Beams:frameType = 2"]
from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
# Turn on Heavy-Ion Pythia
for genType in ["Inclusive", "SignalPlain", "SignalRepeatedHadronization", "MinimumBias", "Special"]:
getattr(gen, genType).Pythia8Production.Commands += [
"HeavyIon:mode = 2",
"SoftQCD:all = on",
"Init:showProcesses = on"]
if genType == "Special":
getattr(gen, genType).Pythia8PileUp.Commands += [
"HeavyIon:mode = 2",
"SoftQCD:all = on",
"Init:showProcesses = on"]
for slot in spillOverList:
genSlot = Generation("Generation"+slot)
genSlot.MinimumBias.Pythia8Production.Commands += [
"HeavyIon:mode = 2",
"SoftQCD:all = on",
"Init:showProcesses = on"]