New CMake for Sim10
@gcorti @clemenci @kreps @adavis
All the sub-packages have now been ported. I think that the MR is ready to be reviewed. Feel free to comment or directly push commits. I left some comments in the code with either TODO: [New CMake]
or FIXME: [New CMake]
for non-standard things or for those that I was not certain of.
Nightly tests
The most recent nightly fails with 11 tests. I will try to understand them, but maybe you already know what needs to be done.
Changes in the output diff
List of tests:
gauss-config-2015-epos-par -
gauss-config-2016-epos-pbp -
gauss-config-2016-epos-phe -
auto-load safe-path problem?
List of tests:
gauss-gen-11174204-pythia8 -
gauss-gen-24142001-epos-par -
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
0x00007fd6b1023aa3 in __ieee754_pow_sse2 () from /lib64/
warning: File "/cvmfs/" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load".
To enable execution of this file add
add-auto-load-safe-path /cvmfs/
line to your configuration file "/userhome/.gdbinit".
To completely disable this security protection add
set auto-load safe-path /
line to your configuration file "/userhome/.gdbinit".
For more information about this security protection see the
"Auto-loading safe path" section in the GDB manual. E.g., run from the shell:
info "(gdb)Auto-loading safe path"
undefined symbol: bcvegpy_upinit_
List of tests:
gauss-gen-14165011-pythia8 -
python: symbol lookup error: /workspace/build/Gauss/build/Gen/GENSER/ undefined symbol: bcvegpy_upinit_
Missing epos.iniev file
List of tests:
Problem when unzipping archive
List of tests:
stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
tail: cannot open '/workspace/build/Gauss/build/Sim/Gauss/qmtest_tmp/42912009_6500_6500/SubProcesses/P0_gg_mupmumbbx/GF10/events.lhe' for reading: No such file or directory
[NON-XML-CHAR-0x1B][1;31mError detected in "launch --parton --nocompile --only_generation --force --name run"
write debug file /workspace/build/Gauss/build/Sim/Gauss/qmtest_tmp/42912009_6500_6500/run_tag_1_debug.log
If you need help with this issue please contact us on
str : An error occurred during event generation. The event file has not been created. Check collect_events.log[NON-XML-CHAR-0x1B][0m
mv: cannot stat 'Events/run/events.lhe.gz': No such file or directory
gzip: 42912009_6500_6500/events.lhe.gz: No such file or directory
Sub-packages to be ported:
Bcm/BcmMoniSim -
Bls/BlsMoniSim -
Calo/CaloMoniSim -
GaussSys -
Gen/BcVegPy -
Gen/Generators -
Gen/GenCuts -
Gen/GenTests -
Gen/GenTune -
Gen/GenXicc -
Gen/LbAmpGen -
Gen/LbBcVegPy -
Gen/LbBound -
Gen/LbCRMC -
Gen/LbEvtGen -
Gen/LbGenXicc -
Gen/LbHard -
Gen/LbHerwigpp -
Gen/LbHidValley -
Gen/LbHijing -
Gen/LbLPair -
Gen/LbMadgraph -
Gen/LbMIB -
Gen/LbOniaPairs -
Gen/LbPythia -
Gen/LbPythia8 -
Gen/LbPGuns -
Gen/LbStarLight -
Gen/LbSuperChic2 -
Gen/LPair -
Gen/Mint -
Gen/SuperChic2 -
HC/HCMoniSim -
Muon/MuonMoniSim -
Phys/LoKiGen -
Sim/ExternalDetector -
Sim/Gauss -
Sim/GaussAlgs -
Sim/GaussCalo -
Sim/GaussCherenkov -
Sim/GaussFastCaloPointlib -
Sim/GaussFastSim -
Sim/GaussGeo -
Sim/GaussKine -
Sim/GaussMonitor -
Sim/GaussPhysics -
Sim/GaussRedecay -
Sim/GaussRICH -
Sim/GaussTools -
Sim/GaussTracker -
Sim/GiGa -
Sim/GiGaCnv -
Sim/GiGaVisUI -
Sim/LbGDML -
Sim/LbLamarr -
Sim/MCCollector -
Sim/ParallelGeometry -
Sim/SimChecks -
Sim/SimSvc -
Tools/ClhepTools -
Velo/VeloGauss -
Vis/VisSvc -
Edited by Gloria Corti