From f6f622625ac1334e11070cdda14b53e4e98d5d7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpozzi <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 22:10:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Fixed error with madgraph qmt test of empty option text

 .../tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt      | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt b/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
index d16879e17..3caf076d7 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 <argument name="unsupported_platforms"><set/></argument>
 <argument name="workdir"><text/></argument>
 <argument name="stderr"><text/></argument>
-<argument name="options"><text></text></argument>
+<!-- <argument name="options"><text></text></argument> -->
 <argument name="validator"><text>
 expected_string = &quot;Application Manager Terminated successfully&quot;
 expected_string2 = &quot;5 events processed&quot;

From b87c5c361869742c65fedec43683910f76fce058 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpozzi <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 22:45:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Removed .h file for MadgraphProduction and added it to
 source file

 .../src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp      | 119 +++++++++++++-
 .../src/component/MadgraphProduction.h        | 150 ------------------
 2 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.h

diff --git a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
index b59464fde..411e8ce0d 100644
--- a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
+++ b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
@@ -8,18 +8,135 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
+// Beginning of header 
 // Gaudi.
 #include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
 #include "Kernel/ParticleProperty.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmEngine.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
 // Generators.
 #include "Generators/IBeamTool.h"
+// LbHard
+#include "LbHard/HardProduction.h"
 // LbMadgraph.
-#include "MadgraphProduction.h"
+#include "LHAMadgraph.h"
 #include <filesystem>
+ * Production tool to generate events with Madgraph. This class
+ * utilizes the LHAupMadgraph class from Pythia 8.
+ *
+ * This class automatically generates hard processes with MadGraph 5
+ * and aMC@NLO, reads in the LHEF file output, and performs
+ * matching. For tree-level generation MLM matching is performed while
+ * FxFx is used for aMC@NLO generation.
+ *
+ * The user can send commands to MadGraph via the "Commands"
+ * configurable. Any string begining with "configure " is used for the
+ * initial MadGraph configuration with "configure " stripped from the
+ * begining. In general, only the process needs to be provided. Run
+ * settings must begin with " set" (note the leading space). The
+ * output and launch commands, random seed, and shower choice are
+ * automatically handled. For example, the following will produce
+ * di-muon events from 13 TeV proton proton collisions at NLO in QCD:
+ *
+ *    readString("generate p p > mu+ mu- [QCD]")
+ *
+ * The number of events generated per MadGraph run is controlled by
+ * the "Events" configurable. In general the default should be
+ * sufficient, but for highly inefficient selections, increasing this
+ * number is recommended. The maximum number of jets produced by
+ * MadGraph (needed for matching) is automatically determined but can
+ * be manually specified with "Jets" configurable. In general these
+ * configurables should not need to be touched.
+ *
+ * Events are generated with MadGraph utilizing the "gridpack" method
+ * for MadGraph 5:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * and an eqivalent method for aMC@NLO:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * The run directory is set as 
+ *
+ *    <event number>_<beam 1 energy in GeV>_<beam 2 energy in GeV>
+ *
+ * and does not need to be deleted between independent runs with the
+ * same configuration (excluding random seeds). Indeed, keeping the
+ * directory significantly speeds the generation process, particularly
+ * for NLO generation with aMC@NLO as the grid initialization can be
+ * skipped after the initial run. 
+ *
+ * Gridpacks can be generated with the "doc/" script using
+ * the command:
+ *
+ *    ./ <beam configuration> <decay file>
+ *
+ * This will generate a zipped tarball of the gridpack which can then
+ * be stored in "Gen/MadgraphData/gridpacks".
+ * 
+ *    git clone ssh://
+ *    cp <gridpack>.tgz MadgraphData/gridpacks/
+ *    git -am "Added gridpack for <gridpack>."
+ *    git push
+ *
+ * Note that a gridpack is only valid for a given beam energy
+ * configuration and event type. Note that a gridpack is not necessary
+ * for this tool to run, but it is highly recommended.
+ *
+ * @class  MadgraphProduction
+ * @author Philip Ilten
+ * @date   2018-08-01
+ */
+class MadgraphProduction : public HardProduction {
+  /// Default constructor.
+  MadgraphProduction(const std::string &type, const std::string &name,
+		     const IInterface *parent);
+  /// Default destructor.
+  ~MadgraphProduction();
+  /**
+   * Initialize the hard process tool.
+   *
+   * This is called by HardProduction::initialize prior to
+   * initialization of the shower. Here, the Pythia 8 LHAup pointer is
+   * created, and the Madgraph initialization is performed.
+   */
+  StatusCode hardInitialize() override;
+  /// Generate an event.
+  StatusCode generateEvent(HepMC::GenEvent *theEvent,
+			   LHCb::GenCollision *theCollision) override;
+  /// Finalize.
+  StatusCode finalize() override;
+  // Members.
+  IRndmGenSvc             *m_randSvc;   ///< Random number service.
+  Pythia8::LHAupMadgraph  *m_madgraph;  ///< The Madgraph LHAup object.
+  int                      m_seed;      ///< Current random seed.
+  int                      m_events;    ///< Number of events per Madgraph run.
+  int                      m_jets;      ///< Number of fixed order jets.
+  std::vector<std::string> m_pdf;       ///< Default PDF commands.
+  int                      m_eventType; ///< Event type.
+  bool                     m_genGridpack; ///< Gridpack generation flag
 //  Implementation file for class: MadgraphProduction
diff --git a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.h b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d0ff2b7..000000000
--- a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2020 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Gaudi.
-#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmEngine.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
-// LbHard.
-#include "LbHard/HardProduction.h"
-// LbMadgraph.
-#include "LHAMadgraph.h"
-#include "Event/GenHeader.h"
- * Production tool to generate events with Madgraph. This class
- * utilizes the LHAupMadgraph class from Pythia 8.
- *
- * This class automatically generates hard processes with MadGraph 5
- * and aMC@NLO, reads in the LHEF file output, and performs
- * matching. For tree-level generation MLM matching is performed while
- * FxFx is used for aMC@NLO generation.
- *
- * The user can send commands to MadGraph via the "Commands"
- * configurable. Any string begining with "configure " is used for the
- * initial MadGraph configuration with "configure " stripped from the
- * begining. In general, only the process needs to be provided. Run
- * settings must begin with " set" (note the leading space). The
- * output and launch commands, random seed, and shower choice are
- * automatically handled. For example, the following will produce
- * di-muon events from 13 TeV proton proton collisions at NLO in QCD:
- *
- *    readString("generate p p > mu+ mu- [QCD]")
- *
- * The number of events generated per MadGraph run is controlled by
- * the "Events" configurable. In general the default should be
- * sufficient, but for highly inefficient selections, increasing this
- * number is recommended. The maximum number of jets produced by
- * MadGraph (needed for matching) is automatically determined but can
- * be manually specified with "Jets" configurable. In general these
- * configurables should not need to be touched.
- *
- * Events are generated with MadGraph utilizing the "gridpack" method
- * for MadGraph 5:
- *
- *
- *
- * and an eqivalent method for aMC@NLO:
- *
- *
- *
- * The run directory is set as 
- *
- *    <event number>_<beam 1 energy in GeV>_<beam 2 energy in GeV>
- *
- * and does not need to be deleted between independent runs with the
- * same configuration (excluding random seeds). Indeed, keeping the
- * directory significantly speeds the generation process, particularly
- * for NLO generation with aMC@NLO as the grid initialization can be
- * skipped after the initial run. 
- *
- * Gridpacks can be generated with the "doc/" script using
- * the command:
- *
- *    ./ <beam configuration> <decay file>
- *
- * This will generate a zipped tarball of the gridpack which can then
- * be stored in "Gen/MadgraphData/gridpacks".
- * 
- *    git clone ssh://
- *    cp <gridpack>.tgz MadgraphData/gridpacks/
- *    git -am "Added gridpack for <gridpack>."
- *    git push
- *
- * Note that a gridpack is only valid for a given beam energy
- * configuration and event type. Note that a gridpack is not necessary
- * for this tool to run, but it is highly recommended.
- *
- * @class  MadgraphProduction
- * @file   MadgraphProduction.h
- * @author Philip Ilten
- * @date   2018-08-01
- */
-class MadgraphProduction : public HardProduction {
-  /// Default constructor.
-  MadgraphProduction(const std::string &type, const std::string &name,
-		     const IInterface *parent);
-  /// Default destructor.
-  ~MadgraphProduction();
-  /**
-   * Initialize the hard process tool.
-   *
-   * This is called by HardProduction::initialize prior to
-   * initialization of the shower. Here, the Pythia 8 LHAup pointer is
-   * created, and the Madgraph initialization is performed.
-   */
-  StatusCode hardInitialize() override;
-  /// Generate an event.
-  StatusCode generateEvent(HepMC::GenEvent *theEvent,
-			   LHCb::GenCollision *theCollision) override;
-  /// Finalize.
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  /// Location where to store the Header of the events (set by options)
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation
-  {
-    this,"GenHeaderLocation",
-      LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,"GenHeaderLocation"
-      }
-  ;
-  // Members.
-  IRndmGenSvc             *m_randSvc;   ///< Random number service.
-  Pythia8::LHAupMadgraph  *m_madgraph;  ///< The Madgraph LHAup object.
-  int                      m_seed;      ///< Current random seed.
-  int                      m_events;    ///< Number of events per Madgraph run.
-  int                      m_jets;      ///< Number of fixed order jets.
-  std::vector<std::string> m_pdf;       ///< Default PDF commands.
-  int                      m_eventType; ///< Event type.
-  bool                     m_genGridpack; ///< Gridpack generation flag

From 8ac80a7b2d25d47af2e477f8d81a4c7ab527c07b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpozzi <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 13:49:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Rewrote qmt test

 .../src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp      |  2 ++
 .../gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt | 26 +++++++------------
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
index 411e8ce0d..359fc4679 100644
--- a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
+++ b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ private:
   bool                     m_genGridpack; ///< Gridpack generation flag
+// End of header
 //  Implementation file for class: MadgraphProduction
diff --git a/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt b/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
index 3caf076d7..e8b4d9855 100644
--- a/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
+++ b/Sim/Gauss/tests/qmtest/gauss.qms/gauss-gen-42912009-madgraph.qmt
@@ -36,22 +36,16 @@
 <argument name="stderr"><text/></argument>
 <!-- <argument name="options"><text></text></argument> -->
 <argument name="validator"><text>
-expected_string = &quot;Application Manager Terminated successfully&quot;
-expected_string2 = &quot;5 events processed&quot;
-expected_string3 = &quot;Requested to generate EventType 42912009&quot;
-expected_string4 = &quot;Using as production engine MadgraphProduction&quot;
-if stdout.find(expected_string) == -1:
-	causes.append('missing string 1')
-	result['GaudiTest.expected_string'] = result.Quote(expected_string)
-if stdout.find(expected_string2) == -1:
-	causes.append('missing string 2')
-	result['GaudiTest.expected_string2'] = result.Quote(expected_string2)
-if stdout.find(expected_string3) == -1:
-	causes.append('missing string 3')
-	result['GaudiTest.expected_string3'] = result.Quote(expected_string3)
-if stdout.find(expected_string4) == -1:
-	causes.append('missing string 4')
-	result['GaudiTest.expected_string4'] = result.Quote(expected_string4)
+expected_strings = [
+	&quot;Application Manager Terminated successfully&quot;,
+	&quot;5 events processed&quot;,
+	&quot;Requested to generate EventType 42912009&quot;,
+	&quot;Using as production engine MadgraphProduction&quot;
+	]
+for exp_string in expected_strings:
+	if exp_string not in stdout:
+		causes.append('missing string')
+		result['GaudiTest.exp_string'] = result.Quote(exp_string)
 <argument name="resources"><set/></argument>
 <argument name="stdin"><text/></argument>

From d0afbc06817f8faeca2df2b5c3a7de6c00d97914 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpozzi <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 12:01:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Getting rid of declareProperties

 .../src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp      | 100 +++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
index 359fc4679..07e58bef5 100644
--- a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
+++ b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
 // LbMadgraph.
 #include "LHAMadgraph.h"
+#include "Event/GenHeader.h"
 #include <filesystem>
@@ -99,42 +102,47 @@
 class MadgraphProduction : public HardProduction {
+  public:
-  /// Default constructor.
-  MadgraphProduction(const std::string &type, const std::string &name,
-		     const IInterface *parent);
+    /// Default constructor.
+    using HardProduction::HardProduction;
-  /// Default destructor.
-  ~MadgraphProduction();
-  /**
-   * Initialize the hard process tool.
-   *
-   * This is called by HardProduction::initialize prior to
-   * initialization of the shower. Here, the Pythia 8 LHAup pointer is
-   * created, and the Madgraph initialization is performed.
-   */
-  StatusCode hardInitialize() override;
+    /**
+     * Initialize the hard process tool.
+     *
+     * This is called by HardProduction::initialize prior to
+     * initialization of the shower. Here, the Pythia 8 LHAup pointer is
+     * created, and the Madgraph initialization is performed.
+     */
+    StatusCode hardInitialize() override;
-  /// Generate an event.
-  StatusCode generateEvent(HepMC::GenEvent *theEvent,
-			   LHCb::GenCollision *theCollision) override;
+    /// Generate an event.
+    StatusCode generateEvent(HepMC::GenEvent *theEvent,
+          LHCb::GenCollision *theCollision) override;
-  /// Finalize.
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
+    /// Finalize.
+    StatusCode finalize() override;
+  private:
+    // Members.
+    IRndmGenSvc             *m_randSvc{nullptr};   ///< Random number service.
+    Pythia8::LHAupMadgraph  *m_madgraph{nullptr};  ///< The Madgraph LHAup object.
+    Pythia8::UserHooks      *m_hooks{nullptr};     ///< User hooks to veto events.
+    int                      m_seed{0};      ///< Current random seed.
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_events {this, "Events",10000,
+      "Number of events to produce per Madgraph run."};    ///< Number of events per Madgraph run.
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_jets{this, "Jets", -1,
+      "Number of jets produced at the highest fixed order." "If -1, then try to determine the number of jets."}; ///< Number of fixed order jets.
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_pdf {this, "PdfCommands", {" set pdlabel lhapdf", " set lhaid 10770"},
+      "Default PDF commands when no user PDF commands specified."};       ///< Default PDF commands.
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_eventType {this, "EventType", 0,
+      "Event type, needed when searching for a gridpack."}; ///< Event type.
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_genGridpack{this, "GenGridpack", false,
+      "Flag for gridpack generation (only to be used by experts)" "If == true, no gridpack search is performed." }; ///< Gridpack generation flag
+    /// Location where to store the Header of the events (set by options)
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this, "GenHeaderLocation", LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,"GenHeaderLocation"};
-  // Members.
-  IRndmGenSvc             *m_randSvc;   ///< Random number service.
-  Pythia8::LHAupMadgraph  *m_madgraph;  ///< The Madgraph LHAup object.
-  int                      m_seed;      ///< Current random seed.
-  int                      m_events;    ///< Number of events per Madgraph run.
-  int                      m_jets;      ///< Number of fixed order jets.
-  std::vector<std::string> m_pdf;       ///< Default PDF commands.
-  int                      m_eventType; ///< Event type.
-  bool                     m_genGridpack; ///< Gridpack generation flag
 // End of header
@@ -148,38 +156,6 @@ private:
 // Declaration of the tool factory.
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( MadgraphProduction )
-// Default constructor.
-MadgraphProduction::MadgraphProduction(const std::string &type,
-				       const std::string &name,
-				       const IInterface *parent)
-: HardProduction (type, name, parent), m_randSvc(0), m_madgraph(0), m_seed(0){
-  // Declare the tool properties.
-  declareInterface<IProductionTool>(this);
-  declareProperty("Events", m_events = 10000,
-		  "Number of events to produce per Madgraph run.");
-  declareProperty("Jets", m_jets = -1,
-		  "Number of jets produced at the highest fixed order. "
-		  "If -1, then try to determine the number of jets.");
-  declareProperty("PdfCommands",
-		  m_pdf = {" set pdlabel lhapdf", " set lhaid 10770"},
-		  "Default PDF commands when no user PDF commands specified.");
-  declareProperty("EventType", m_eventType = 0,
-		  "Event type, needed when searching for a gridpack.");
-  declareProperty("GenGridpack", m_genGridpack = false,
-		  "Flag for gridpack generation (only to be used by experts)"
-		  "If == true, no gridpack search is performed.");
-// Default destructor.
-MadgraphProduction::~MadgraphProduction() {
-  // No deletion of m_madgraph is required, as this is called by
-  // Pythia8Production::finalize().
 // Initialize the hard process tool.

From adf6fae9cf43550f61a65d6dc987e8c175b36f68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rpozzi <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 10:56:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Removing redundant GenHeaderLocation

 Gen/LbHard/include/LbHard/HardProduction.h        | 15 +++++++++------
 .../src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp          |  3 ---
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Gen/LbHard/include/LbHard/HardProduction.h b/Gen/LbHard/include/LbHard/HardProduction.h
index 4b93539da..a8f92a943 100644
--- a/Gen/LbHard/include/LbHard/HardProduction.h
+++ b/Gen/LbHard/include/LbHard/HardProduction.h
@@ -131,12 +131,15 @@ protected:
   int hashSeed();
   // Properties.
-  Gaudi::Property<CommandVector> m_userSettings{this,"Commands",{},"The commands to pass to the hard process generator."}; ///< The user settings vector.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_beamToolName{this,"BeamToolName","CollidingBeams","The beam tool to use."};   ///< The beam tool name.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_showerToolName{this,"ShowerToolName","PythiaProduction",
-  "The shower tool to use: PythiaProduction, Pythia8Production,"
-  " or HerwigppProduction."}; ///< The shower generator name.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this,"GenHeaderLocation",LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,"GenHeaderLocation"};
+  Gaudi::Property<CommandVector> m_userSettings{this, "Commands" , {},
+      "The commands to pass to the hard process generator."}; ///< The user settings vector.
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_beamToolName{this, "BeamToolName", "CollidingBeams",
+      "The beam tool to use."}; ///< The beam tool name.
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_showerToolName{this, "ShowerToolName", "PythiaProduction",
+      "The shower tool to use: PythiaProduction, Pythia8Production or HerwigppProduction."}; ///< The shower generator name.
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this, "GenHeaderLocation", LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,
+      "GenHeaderLocation"}; ///< Location where to store the Header of the events (set by options)
diff --git a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
index 07e58bef5..f8061fcd2 100644
--- a/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
+++ b/Gen/LbMadgraph/src/component/MadgraphProduction.cpp
@@ -140,9 +140,6 @@ class MadgraphProduction : public HardProduction {
       "Event type, needed when searching for a gridpack."}; ///< Event type.
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_genGridpack{this, "GenGridpack", false,
       "Flag for gridpack generation (only to be used by experts)" "If == true, no gridpack search is performed." }; ///< Gridpack generation flag
-    /// Location where to store the Header of the events (set by options)
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_genHeaderLocation{this, "GenHeaderLocation", LHCb::GenHeaderLocation::Default,"GenHeaderLocation"};
 // End of header