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Draft: update lamarr for run2 event model

Adam Davis requested to merge adavis_update_lamarr_for_run2_event_model into Sim10

Move Lamarr to Run2 event model support. can then replace by differing event model by different using tags in the future. Leave for further implementation.

Must solve

ApplicationMgr             INFO Application Manager Started successfully
GaussGen                   INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 2119103972, 0]
InitLamarr                 INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1 with seeds [1082, 1, 164297396, 0]
BooleInit                  INFO Evt 1,  Run 1082,  Nr. in job = 1
GaussTape                 FATAL std::exception during createRep for '/Event/Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Charged' LHCb::RelationWeighted1D<LHCb::Run2::ProtoParticle,L\
GaussTape                 FATAL Unknown ROOT class for object:LHCb::RelationWeighted1D<LHCb::Run2::ProtoParticle,LHCb::MCParticle,double>
GaussTape                 FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
GaussTape                 ERROR Unknown ROOT class for object:LHCb::RelationWeighted1D<LHCb::Run2::ProtoParticle,LHCb::MCParticle,double>

hence why still draft

Merge request reports
