Add monitoring histograms to PID lines
The following histograms have been added:
- B2KJPsiMuMuPosTagged: B and J/psi mass
- B2KJPsiMuMuNegTagged: B and J/psi mass
- DetJPsiMuMuPosTagged: J/psi mass
- DetJPsiMuMuNegTagged: J/psi mass
- Lb2LcMuNu: Lc mass
- Ks2PiPiLL: Ks mass
- Lambda2PPiLL: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiLLhighPT: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiLLveryhighPT: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiDD: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiDDhighPT: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiDDveryhighPT: L0 mass
- Lambda2PPiLLisMuon: L0 mass
- B2KJPsiEEPosTagged: B and J/psi mass
- B2KJPsiEENegTagged: B and J/psi mass
- D02KPiTag: D0 mass (Dst-D0 already added by Roel)
- Lc2KPPi: Lc mass
- Ds2PiPhiKKPosTagged: Ds and Phi mass
- Ds2PiPhiKKNegTagged: Ds and Phi mass
- Ds2PiPhiMuMuPosTagged: Ds and Phi mass
- Ds2PiPhiMuMuNegTagged: Ds and Phi mass
- Omega2LambdaKDDD: Omega and Lambda mass. This includes removing the
in this line and directly adding the mass cuts in theOmegaCombiner
where the monitoring histograms are configured.