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Tuning Xicc lines

Patrick Spradlin requested to merge spradlin-XiccTune-LBHLT-325 into master

Tuning Xicc lines for JIRA task LHCbHLT/LBHLT-325

  • Removed top-level TISTOS requirements from all Xicc/Omcc lines
  • Changed the cuts on the basic particle decay products of Xicc++: Added IP chi^2 lower limit, reduced pT lower limit for pions. Increased PID thresholds for kaons and protons.
  • Separated configuration dictionaries for Xicc++ from those for Xicc+/Omegacc+. Tightened mass window on Xicc++ lines.
  • Created 'Loose' combinatorics for D0 -> K- pi+, D+ -> K- pi+ pi+, and D_s+ -> K- K+ pi+ from which the combinations for the standard lines and those for the Xicc lines are derived via new filters.

Merge request reports
