Hlt2CharmHadPentaToPhiPpTurbo line with new selections
Merge request reports
- [2017-06-28 00:07] Validation started with lhcb-2017-patches#61
- [2017-06-28 00:07] Validation started with lhcb-gitconddb#117
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head#1516
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head-noavx2#34
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-head#1519
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-lcg-dev4#203
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-clang-test#626
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-lcg-dev3#203
- [2017-06-28 00:11] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head-noavx#53
Edited by Software for LHCbI don't think the two Topo files should be part of this MR. Could you please remove them?
I remember you showed a nice summary of why you chose the initial cut values for this line, so why are they changing now?
How do the rates change? All the cuts you've changed are now looser.
Looks like it is some surprise from Git. Yesterday only one file with my changes was in Merge request. Do you know how delete other two files from MR? I can not find necessary button.
More loose cuts are useful for our future studies. The idea is a particle IPChi2 cut should be more loose to have a possibility to search for the Betac^+ in b-decays. We need IPCHI2<20. With IPCHI2<20 we expect a factor
6 in purity from the signal purity on 2017 data plot . It means with new selectiond we should have a rate for the Hlt2CharmHadPentaToPhiPpTurbo around 6K events at L0.5 pb^-1 . Next the background should be suppressed with additional criteria for Lambda b selections. Here , the first plot is after the old cuts of Hlt2CharmHadPentaToPhiPpTurbo line with 0.5 pb^-1 2017 data, the second plot shows for 2016 data how the Hlt2CharmHadPentaToPhiPpTurbo rate can be changed with new
New merge request !359 (closed) was opened instead of this one !357 (closed), because I have no idea how to delete two unexpected files from !357 (closed)