New WS Omega_cc turbo line
I would like to propose new WS turbo line for Omega_cc searches: Omega_cc+ -> Xi_c+ (-> pK-pi+) K-pi-
There are currently dedicated RS turbo lines, but not even one WS, so we would like to include WS line for the one of the CF decays.
- since there is RS line (Hlt2CharmHadOmccp2XicpKmPip_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo) in place - I have just copied the construction of this existing line and changed the descriptor where needed for the new WS line (and tested afterwards) to keep both RS and WS lines consistent
- I believe changes in should not conflict with other MRs, change in potentially might, but there is only one line added (name of new line in the list of the active lines)
- I measured rate of this new line (which is expected to be the ~same as for the existing RS one since only the charge of the pion is changed to the opposite one), see bellow
The rate (kHz) of the existing RS line and new proposed WS line (measured with 50,000 Hlt1 accepted data & Hlt1Global Rate 110kHz):
Hlt2CharmHadOmccp2XicpKmPim_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo - 0.00000+-0.00000 (**new**)
Hlt2CharmHadOmccp2XicpKmPip_Xicp2PpKmPipTurbo - 0.00440+-0.00311 (**existing**)
Only 2 events were selected for the existing RS line (so error is very high) and none for the new one.
- Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/CharmHad/
- Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/CharmHad/
I am ready that you decline this MR (I have already contacted @apearce about this) since considerable time after the deadline for introducing new lines has passed.. I am really sorry for that, but somehow we forgot about the Omega_cc while discussing other possibilities for other doubly charmed baryons..