diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/doc/release.notes b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/doc/release.notes
index f9d8e97aadd26ed9bf96ed196939a6827fdf6ca1..580bff46adcf0fa43a298ba91195ce0161a2c092 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/doc/release.notes
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
+! 2016-05-15 - Sascha Stahl
+ - Add Hlt2 lines for semileptonic B decays. All lines go to Turbo.
 ! 2016-05-15 - Jessica Prisciandaro
  - ProbNNe added to StrangeLFVMuonElectronSoft
diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Inputs.py b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Inputs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbb490a1684bfdc79d55e10419d258889b60e678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Inputs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from HltTracking.Hlt2TrackingConfigurations import Hlt2BiKalmanFittedForwardTracking
+from Hlt2SharedParticles.TrackFittedBasicParticles import BiKalmanFittedMuons   as Hlt2LooseMuons
+from Hlt2SharedParticles.TrackFittedBasicParticles import BiKalmanFittedRichPions   as Hlt2LoosePions
+from Hlt2SharedParticles.TrackFittedBasicParticles import BiKalmanFittedPions   as Hlt2NoPIDPions
+from Hlt2SharedParticles.TrackFittedBasicParticles import BiKalmanFittedRichKaons   as Hlt2LooseKaons
diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Lines.py b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Lines.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c481faffa131dad4be0997f41e71f8060d282bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Lines.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Module for the selection of semileptonic B decays going to the Turbo stream.
+__author__  = "Sascha Stahl sascha.stahl@cern.ch"
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, mm
+from Hlt2Lines.Utilities.Hlt2LinesConfigurableUser import Hlt2LinesConfigurableUser
+_local_m_pip = 139.57018 * MeV
+class SLBLines(Hlt2LinesConfigurableUser) :
+    __slots__ = {
+        'Prescale'  : {},
+        'Postscale' : {},
+        'Common'    : { 'TisTosSpec'        : [],
+                        'Had_GHOSTPROB_MAX' :  1.0,
+                        'Had_PT_MIN'        : 200.0*MeV,
+                        'Had_P_MIN'         : 2000.0*MeV,
+                        'Had_MIPCHI2DV_MIN' : 9.0,
+                        'Mu_GHOSTPROB_MAX'  : 1.0,
+                        'Mu_PT_MIN'         : 1000.0*MeV,
+                        'Mu_P_MIN'          : 3000.0*MeV,
+                        'Mu_MIPCHI2DV_MIN'  : 9.0,
+                        'Mu_PIDMU_MIN'      : 0.0,
+                        'D0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'  : 25.0,
+                        'D0_AMassWin'       : 100.0 *MeV,
+                        'D0_MassWin'        : 90.0 *MeV,
+                        'D0_BPVVDCHI2_MIN'  : 9.0,
+                        'D0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'  : 9.0,
+                        'B_Mass_MIN'        : 2.3*GeV,
+                        'B_Mass_MAX'        : 10.0*GeV,
+                        'B_CorrMass_MIN'    : 2.8*GeV,
+                        'B_CorrMass_MAX'    : 8.5*GeV,
+                        'B_DocaChi2_MAX'    : 10.0,
+                        'B_DIRA_MIN'        : 0.999,
+                        'B_D_DZ_MIN'        : -0.05*mm,
+                        'B_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'   : 9.0
+                       },
+        'SLB_SlowPionTag': { "Pi_PT_MIN"          : 150.0*MeV,
+                             "Pi_P_MIN"           : 2000.0*MeV,
+                             "Pi_GHOSTPROB_MAX"   : 0.3,
+                             "Tag_VCHI2PDOF_MAX"  : 16.0,
+                             'Q_AM_MIN'           : 130.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                             'Q_M_MIN'            : 130.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                             'Q_AM_MAX'           : 165.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                             'Q_M_MAX'            : 160.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip
+                             },
+        'SLB_D02KmPip'   : { "K_PIDK_MIN"  : 5.,
+                             "Pi_PIDK_MAX" : 0.
+                           },
+        'SLB_D02KmKp'    : { "K_PIDK_MIN"  : 5.},
+        'SLB_D02PimPip'  : { "Pi_PIDK_MAX" : 0.},
+        'PersistReco'    : { 'B2D0Mu_D02KmPipTurbo'    : False,
+                             'B2D0Mu_D02KmKpTurbo'     : False,
+                             'B2D0Mu_D02PimPipTurbo'   : False,
+                            }
+        }
+    def stages(self, nickname = ""):
+        if hasattr(self, '_stages') and self._stages:
+            if nickname:
+                return self._stages[nickname]
+            else:
+                return self._stages
+        from Stages import (SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmPip, SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmKp, SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToPimPip,SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmPip,
+                            SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmPip,SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmKp,SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToPimPip)
+        self._stages = {"B2D0Mu_D02KmPipTurbo"   : [SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmPip],
+                        "B2D0Mu_D02PimPipTurbo"  : [SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToPimPip],
+                        "B2D0Mu_D02KmKpTurbo"    : [SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmKp],
+                        "B2DstMu_D02KmPipTurbo"  : [SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmPip],
+                        "B2DstMu_D02KmKpTurbo"   : [SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmKp],
+                        "B2DstMu_D02PimPipTurbo" : [SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToPimPip],
+                        }
+        if nickname:
+            return self._stages[nickname]
+        else:
+            return self._stages
+    def __apply_configuration__(self) :
+        from HltLine.HltLine import Hlt2Line
+        from Configurables import HltANNSvc
+        stages = self.stages()
+        for (nickname, algos) in self.algorithms(stages):
+            linename = 'SLB_' + nickname if nickname != 'SLB_' else nickname
+            if "Turbo" in nickname :
+                Hlt2Line(linename, prescale = self.prescale,
+                         algos = algos, postscale = self.postscale, Turbo = True,
+                         PersistReco=self.getProps()['PersistReco'].get(nickname, False))
+            else:
+                Hlt2Line(linename, prescale = self.prescale,
+                         algos = algos, postscale = self.postscale)
diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Stages.py b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Stages.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42e642cb20a2d63d04d46c44967d1c78a3328df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/Stages.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+from Hlt2Lines.Utilities.Hlt2Combiner import Hlt2Combiner
+from Inputs import Hlt2LoosePions, Hlt2LooseKaons, Hlt2LooseMuons,Hlt2NoPIDPions
+class SLB_D02HH(Hlt2Combiner) : 
+    def __init__(self, name, decay, inputs, nickname = None, shared = False) : 
+        dc = { }
+        children = []
+        for d in decay:
+            if d.find("K-") !=-1 or d.find("K+") != -1:
+                children += ["K+"]
+            if d.find("pi-") !=-1 or d.find("pi+") != -1:
+                children += ["pi+"]
+        for child in children :
+            dc[child] = ( "(PT > %(Had_PT_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (P > %(Had_P_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(Had_MIPCHI2DV_MIN)s)"+
+                          "& (TRGHOSTPROB < %(Had_GHOSTPROB_MAX)s)" )
+            if child == 'pi+':
+                dc["pi+"] = dc["pi+"] + "& (PIDK < %(Pi_PIDK_MAX)s)"
+            if child == 'K+':
+                dc["K+"] = dc["K+"] + "& (PIDK > %(K_PIDK_MIN)s)"
+        combCut = ( "(ADAMASS('D0') < %(D0_AMassWin)s)" )
+        parentCut = ( "(VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF) < %(D0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX)s)" +
+                      "& (BPVVDCHI2 > %(D0_BPVVDCHI2_MIN)s)" +
+                      "& (ADMASS('D0')  < %(D0_MassWin)s)" )
+        from HltTracking.HltPVs import PV3D
+        Hlt2Combiner.__init__( self, name, decay, inputs,
+                               dependencies = [PV3D('Hlt2')],
+                               nickname = nickname,
+                               shared = shared,
+                               DaughtersCuts = dc,
+                               CombinationCut = combCut,
+                               MotherCut = parentCut,
+                               Preambulo = [] )
+class SLB_DstTag(Hlt2Combiner) : 
+    def __init__(self, name, decay, inputs, nickname = None, shared = False) : 
+        dc = { }
+        for child in ["pi+"] :
+            dc[child] = ( "(PT > %(Pi_PT_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (P > %(Pi_P_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (TRGHOSTPROB < %(Pi_GHOSTPROB_MAX)s)" )
+        combCut = ( 'in_range( %(Q_AM_MIN)s, (AM - AM1 - AM2), %(Q_AM_MAX)s )' )
+        parentCut = ( "(VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF) < %(Tag_VCHI2PDOF_MAX)s)" +
+                      "& in_range( %(Q_M_MIN)s, (M - M1 - M2), %(Q_M_MAX)s )" )
+        from HltTracking.HltPVs import PV3D
+        Hlt2Combiner.__init__( self, name, decay, inputs,
+                               dependencies = [PV3D('Hlt2')],
+                               nickname = nickname,
+                               shared = shared,
+                               DaughtersCuts = dc,
+                               CombinationCut = combCut,
+                               MotherCut = parentCut,
+                               Preambulo = [] )
+class SLB_B2D0Mu(Hlt2Combiner)  :
+    def __init__(self, name, decay, inputs, nickname = None, shared = False) : 
+        dc = { }
+        for child in ['mu-'] :
+            dc[child] = ( "(PT > %(Mu_PT_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (P > %(Mu_P_MIN)s)" +
+                          "& (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(Mu_MIPCHI2DV_MIN)s)"+
+                          "& (TRGHOSTPROB < %(Mu_GHOSTPROB_MAX)s)" +
+                          "& (PIDmu > %(Mu_PIDMU_MIN)s)" )
+        combCut = ( "(in_range(%(B_Mass_MIN)s,AM,%(B_Mass_MAX)s))"+
+                    "& (ADOCACHI2CUT( %(B_DocaChi2_MAX)s, ''))" )
+        parentCut = ( "(in_range(%(B_Mass_MIN)s,M,%(B_Mass_MAX)s))" +
+                      "&(in_range(%(B_CorrMass_MIN)s,BPVCORRM,%(B_CorrMass_MAX)s))" +
+                      "& (VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF) < %(B_VCHI2PDOF_MAX)s)" +
+                      "& (BPVDIRA> %(B_DIRA_MIN)s)" )
+        from HltTracking.HltPVs import PV3D
+        Hlt2Combiner.__init__( self, name, decay, inputs,
+                               dependencies = [PV3D('Hlt2')],
+                               tistos = 'TisTosSpec',
+                               nickname = nickname,
+                               shared = shared,
+                               DaughtersCuts = dc,
+                               CombinationCut = combCut,
+                               MotherCut = parentCut,
+                               Preambulo = [] )
+SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmPip  = SLB_D02HH( 'SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmPip'
+                                  , decay = ["[D0 -> K- pi+]cc"]
+                                  , inputs = [ Hlt2LoosePions, Hlt2LooseKaons, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                  , nickname = 'SLB_D02KmPip'           
+                                  , shared = True)
+SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmPip  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmPip'
+                                    , decay = ['[B- -> D0 mu-]cc','[B+ -> D0 mu+]cc']
+                                    , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmPip, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                    )
+SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToKmPip  = SLB_DstTag( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmPip'
+                                       , decay = [ "[D*(2010)+ -> D0 pi+]cc", "[D*(2010)- -> D0 pi-]cc" ]
+                                       , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmPip, Hlt2LoosePions ]
+                                       , nickname = 'SLB_SlowPionTag' 
+                                       )
+SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmPip  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmPip'
+                                     , decay = [ '[B~0 -> D*(2010)+ mu-]cc' ]
+                                     , inputs = [ SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToKmPip, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                     )
+SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmKp  = SLB_D02HH( 'SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmKp'
+                                 , decay = ["D0 -> K- K+"]
+                                 , inputs = [ Hlt2LooseKaons , Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                 , nickname = 'SLB_D02KmKp'        
+                                 , shared = True)
+SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmKp  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmKp'
+                                   , decay = ['B- -> D0 mu-','B+ -> D0 mu+']
+                                   , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmKp, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                   )
+SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToKmKp  = SLB_DstTag( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToKmKp'
+                                      , decay = [ "D*(2010)+ -> D0 pi+","D*(2010)- -> D0 pi-" ]
+                                      , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToKmKp, Hlt2LoosePions ]
+                                      , nickname = 'SLB_SlowPionTag' 
+                                      )
+SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmKp  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToKmKp'
+                                    , decay = [ '[B~0 -> D*(2010)+ mu-]cc' ]
+                                    , inputs = [ SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToKmKp, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                    )
+SLB_D02HH_D0ToPimPip  = SLB_D02HH( 'SLB_D02HH_D0ToPimPip'
+                                   , decay = ["D0 -> pi- pi+"]
+                                   , inputs = [ Hlt2LoosePions, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                   , nickname = 'SLB_D02PimPip'     
+                                   , shared = True)
+SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToPimPip  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToPimPip'
+                                     , decay = ['B- -> D0 mu-','B+ -> D0 mu+']
+                                     , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToPimPip, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                     )
+SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToPimPip  = SLB_DstTag( 'SLB_B2D0Mu_D0ToPimPip'
+                                        , decay = ["D*(2010)+ -> D0 pi+","D*(2010)- -> D0 pi-"]
+                                        , inputs = [ SLB_D02HH_D0ToPimPip, Hlt2LoosePions ]
+                                        , nickname = 'SLB_SlowPionTag' 
+                                        )
+SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToPimPip  = SLB_B2D0Mu( 'SLB_B2DstMu_D0ToPimPip'
+                                      , decay = [ '[B~0 -> D*(2010)+ mu-]cc' ]
+                                      , inputs = [ SLB_DstToD0pi_D0ToPimPip, Hlt2LooseMuons ]
+                                    )
diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/__init__.py b/Hlt/Hlt2Lines/python/Hlt2Lines/SLB/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Hlt/HltSettings/doc/release.notes b/Hlt/HltSettings/doc/release.notes
index 3bc832a6b64db75f3b88fa910b79cc6ded31bcad..111925d8ba616023e2c9d7cec3d065a56448add2 100644
--- a/Hlt/HltSettings/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Hlt/HltSettings/doc/release.notes
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 ! Purpose     : All trigger threshold settings
+! 2016-05-15 - Sascha Stahl
+ - Add settings directory for semilpetonic B decays (SLB). Added configuration
+   of these lines to Physics_pp_Draft2016.
 ! 2016-05-16 - Stefanie Reichert
  - Added Phi settings for new Phi2EE lines
diff --git a/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/Physics_pp_Draft2016.py b/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/Physics_pp_Draft2016.py
index d67c386ee99f8df3b1f6eab47541568323d44065..5357de22c147d32bca10c4707200c065788db078 100644
--- a/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/Physics_pp_Draft2016.py
+++ b/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/Physics_pp_Draft2016.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Physics_pp_Draft2016( object ):
         return {'Draft2016': ['CcDiHadron', 'DPS', 'Bc2JpsiX','Bottomonium','B2HH','B2Kpi0','BHad','CharmHad','DiElectron','Exotica',
-                              'DiMuon', 'SingleMuon','Majorana','RareStrange','TriMuon','Strange']}
+                              'DiMuon', 'SingleMuon','Majorana','RareStrange','TriMuon','Strange','SLB']}
     def Thresholds(self) :
diff --git a/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/SLB/SLB_25ns_Draft2016.py b/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/SLB/SLB_25ns_Draft2016.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3563a9d2c258a9e5826a4934b9f0eeae737f862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/SLB/SLB_25ns_Draft2016.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, mm, MeV 
+class SLB_25ns_Draft2016(object) :
+    """
+    Threshold settings for Hlt2 SLB lines
+    @author Sascha Stahl
+    """
+    __all__ = ( 'ActiveHlt2Lines' )
+    def ActiveHlt2Lines(self) :
+        """
+        Returns a list of active lines
+        """
+        lines = [
+            # D0 mu decays
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02KmPipTurbo',
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02PimPipTurbo',
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2D0Mu_D02KmKpTurbo',
+            # Dstar mu decays
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02KmPipTurbo',
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02PimPipTurbo',
+            'Hlt2SLB_B2DstMu_D02KmKpTurbo'
+            ]
+        return lines
+    def Thresholds(self) :
+        """
+        Returns a dictionary of cuts
+        """
+        # keep pass through thresholds
+        d = { }
+        from Hlt2Lines.SLB.Lines import SLBLines
+        _local_m_pip = 139.57018 * MeV
+        d.update({SLBLines : {
+            'Prescale'  : {},
+            'Postscale' : {},
+            'Common'    : { 'TisTosSpec'        : [],
+                            'Had_GHOSTPROB_MAX' :  1.0,
+                            'Had_PT_MIN'        : 200.0*MeV,
+                            'Had_P_MIN'         : 2000.0*MeV,
+                            'Had_MIPCHI2DV_MIN' : 9.0,
+                            'Mu_GHOSTPROB_MAX'  : 1.0,
+                            'Mu_PT_MIN'         : 1000.0*MeV,
+                            'Mu_P_MIN'          : 3000.0*MeV,
+                            'Mu_MIPCHI2DV_MIN'  : 9.0,
+                            'Mu_PIDMU_MIN'      : 0.0,
+                            'D0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'  : 25.0,
+                            'D0_AMassWin'       : 100.0 *MeV,
+                            'D0_MassWin'        : 90.0 *MeV,
+                            'D0_BPVVDCHI2_MIN'  : 9.0,
+                            'D0_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'  : 9.0,
+                            'B_Mass_MIN'        : 2.3*GeV,
+                            'B_Mass_MAX'        : 10.0*GeV,
+                            'B_CorrMass_MIN'    : 2.8*GeV,
+                            'B_CorrMass_MAX'    : 8.5*GeV,
+                            'B_DocaChi2_MAX'    : 10.0,
+                            'B_DIRA_MIN'        : 0.999,
+                            'B_D_DZ_MIN'        : -0.05*mm,
+                            'B_VCHI2PDOF_MAX'   : 9.0
+                            },
+            'SLB_SlowPionTag': { "Pi_PT_MIN"          : 150.0*MeV,
+                                 "Pi_P_MIN"           : 2000.0*MeV,
+                                 "Pi_PIDK_MAX"        : 2.0,
+                                 "Pi_GHOSTPROB_MAX"   : 0.3,
+                                 "Tag_VCHI2PDOF_MAX"  : 16.0,
+                                 'Q_AM_MIN'           : 130.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                                 'Q_M_MIN'            : 130.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                                 'Q_AM_MAX'           : 165.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip,
+                                 'Q_M_MAX'            : 160.0 * MeV - _local_m_pip
+                                 },
+            'SLB_D02KmPip'   : { "K_PIDK_MIN"  : 5.,
+                                 "Pi_PIDK_MAX" : 0.
+                                 },
+            'SLB_D02KmKp'    : { "K_PIDK_MIN"  : 5.},
+            'SLB_D02PimPip'  : { "Pi_PIDK_MAX" : 0.},
+            'PersistReco'    : { 'B2D0Mu_D02KmPipTurbo'    : False,
+                                 'B2D0Mu_D02KmKpTurbo'     : False,
+                                 'B2D0Mu_D02PimPipTurbo'   : False,
+                                 }
+            }})
+        return d
diff --git a/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/SLB/__init__.py b/Hlt/HltSettings/python/HltSettings/SLB/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391