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VDM settings for 2018 June

Rosen Matev requested to merge vdm-2018 into 2018-patches

With respect to last year in HLT1:

  • Add Hlt1MBNoBias and Hlt1NoBiasEmptyEmpty for monitoring
  • Add Hlt1LumiSequencer so we can accept the sequencer trigger

and in HLT2:

  • BEAMGAS stream: keep all events but only essential banks like lumi counters + SelReports (and VELO+HRC banks for the moment)
  • FULL stream: prescale the most abundant events (bb) but keep the full raw events. The lumi events still only keep the subset of banks that allows their re-computation. There are even more prescaled Hlt2FullLumi events that keep the full raw event.

Merge request reports
