diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/doc/release.notes b/Hlt/TCKUtils/doc/release.notes
index f0f2e5fa4d265703c983e44fbce775630e6da951..466767f93653c678bed9017067d560b270c38870 100755
--- a/Hlt/TCKUtils/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,6 +5,21 @@
 !               and the underlying information
+! 2016-06-01 - Rosen Matev
+ - Add a more sophisticated TCKsh.py script, called by TCKsh and iTCKsh
+   - currently, you can specify non-default paths to a cdb file 
+! 2016-05-25 - Rosen Matev
+ - Fixed blank lines in diff
+ - Fixed triplication of output from dump
+ - Improve diff()
+   - can write diff to file with an argument
+   - a more human readable output can be produced with human=True
+ - Improve dump()
+   - can now output to an open file object
+   - can output only a sub-tree
+   - print TisTosSpecs
 !========================= TCKUtils v1r21 2016-04-20 =========================
 ! 2016-04-18 - Stefano Perazzini
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/backend.py b/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/backend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7fd9eeea0e46660675eb80fd07ff3d126f9e3668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/backend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+import os
+import weakref
+from pprint import pprint, pformat
+from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
+import GaudiPython
+import cppyy
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from Configurables import ConfigTreeEditor, PropertyConfigSvc
+# Decorate the MD5 object
+MD5 = cppyy.gbl.Gaudi.Math.MD5
+MD5.__str__ = MD5.str
+MD5.__hash__ = lambda x: x.str().__hash__()
+MD5.__eq__ = lambda self, other: self.str() == str(other)
+MD5.__ne__ = lambda self, other: self.str() != str(other)
+digest = MD5.createFromStringRep
+ConfigTreeNodeAlias = cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias
+ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type.__str__ = ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type.str
+alias = ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type
+topLevelAlias = ConfigTreeNodeAlias.createTopLevel
+TCK = ConfigTreeNodeAlias.createTCK
+def _appMgr():
+    # print 'starting appMgr @ pid = %s' % os.getpid()
+    ApplicationMgr().AppName = ""
+    ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = ERROR
+    appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
+    appMgr.initialize()
+    return appMgr
+def _tck(x):
+    if isinstance(x, basestring) and x.upper().startswith('0X'):
+        return int(x, 16)
+    return int(x)
+def _digest(x):
+    if type(x) == str:
+        x = digest(x)
+    return x
+class AccessSvcSingleton(object):
+    __app = None
+    __pcs = None
+    __cas = None
+    __cte = None
+    def reset(self):
+        if self._app():
+            self._app().finalize()
+        AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs = None
+        AccessSvcSingleton.__cas = None
+        AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = None
+        AccessSvcSingleton.__app = None
+    def _app(self):
+        return AccessSvcSingleton.__app
+    def _pcs(self):
+        return AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs
+    def _cas(self):
+        return AccessSvcSingleton.__cas
+    def _cte(self):
+        if callable(AccessSvcSingleton.__cte):
+            AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = AccessSvcSingleton.__cte(self)
+        return AccessSvcSingleton.__cte
+    def __init__(self, create=False, createConfigTreeEditor=None, cas=None):
+        if create:
+            if (AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs or AccessSvcSingleton.__cas):
+                raise LogicError('re-entry of singleton creation')
+            pcs = PropertyConfigSvc(ConfigAccessSvc=cas.getFullName())
+            cte = ConfigTreeEditor(
+                PropertyConfigSvc=pcs.getFullName(), ConfigAccessSvc=cas.getFullName())
+            AccessSvcSingleton.__app = _appMgr()
+            self._app().createSvc(cas.getFullName())
+            AccessSvcSingleton.__cas = self._app().service(
+                cas.getFullName(), 'IConfigAccessSvc')
+            self._app().createSvc(pcs.getFullName())
+            AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs = self._app().service(
+                pcs.getFullName(), 'IPropertyConfigSvc')
+            AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = lambda x: self._app().toolsvc().create(
+                cte.getFullName(), interface='IConfigTreeEditor')
+    def resolveTCK(self, tck):
+        """Return the id (digest) for a TCK."""
+        tck = _tck(tck)
+        for i in self._cas().configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TCK/')):
+            if _tck(i.alias().str().split('/')[-1]) == tck:
+                return digest(i.ref().str())
+        raise KeyError('Not a valid TCK: {:#x}'.format(tck))
+    def _2id(self, id):
+        if type(id) is int:
+            id = '0x%08x' % id
+        if type(id) is str and len(id) == 32:
+            id = _digest(id)
+        #  if we're not a valid id at this point, maybe we're a TCK...
+        if type(id) is not MD5:
+            id = self.resolveTCK(id)
+        return id
+    def resolveConfigTreeNode(self, id):
+        if type(id) is not MD5:
+            id = self._2id(id)
+        return self._pcs().resolveConfigTreeNode(id) if (id and id.valid()) else None
+    def writeConfigTreeNode(self, node):
+        return self._cas().writeConfigTreeNode(node)
+    def resolvePropertyConfig(self, id):
+        return self._pcs().resolvePropertyConfig(id) if (id and id.valid()) else None
+    def writePropertyConfig(self, node):
+        return self._cas().writePropertyConfig(node)
+    def collectLeafRefs(self, id):
+        if type(id) is not MD5:
+            id = self._2id(id)
+        for ids in self._pcs().collectLeafRefs(id):
+            yield PropCfg(ids)
+    def resolveConfigTreeNodeAliases(self, a):
+        if type(a) is not type(alias):
+            a = alias(a)
+        return self._pcs().configTreeNodeAliases(a)
+    def configTreeNodeAliases(self, alias):
+        return self._cas().configTreeNodeAliases(alias)
+    def writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(self, alias):
+        return self._cas().writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(alias)
+    def updateAndWrite(self, id, updates, label, copy=False):
+        # For copy we still need the next bit, but the updates are empty
+        if not updates and not copy:
+            return
+        if updates:
+            print 'updateAndWrite updates:'
+            pprint(dict(updates))
+        mod_map = cppyy.gbl.std.multimap(
+            'std::string', 'std::pair<std::string, std::string>')
+        value_pair = cppyy.gbl.std.pair('std::string', 'std::string')
+        insert_pair = cppyy.gbl.std.pair(
+            'const std::string', 'std::pair<std::string, std::string>')
+        mods = mod_map()
+        for algname, props in updates.iteritems():
+            for k, v in props.iteritems():
+                vp = value_pair(k, v if type(v) == str else repr(v))
+                ip = insert_pair(algname, vp)
+                mods.insert(ip)
+        return self._cte().updateAndWrite(id, mods, label)
+def createAccessSvcSingleton(cas, createConfigTreeEditor=False):
+    return AccessSvcSingleton(True, createConfigTreeEditor, cas)
+class Configuration:
+    " A class representing a configuration entry "
+    def __init__(self, alias, svc):
+        self.info = {'id': alias.ref().str(), 'TCK': [], 'label': '<NONE>'}
+        self.info.update(zip(['release', 'hlttype'],
+                             alias.alias().str().split('/')[1:3]))
+        x = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(alias.ref())
+        if not x:
+            print 'Configuration: failed to resolve configtreenode %s - %s ' % (alias.alias().str(), alias.ref())
+        label = x.label()
+        self.info.update({'label': label})
+    def __getitem__(self, label):
+        return self.info[label]
+    def update(self, d):
+        self.info.update(d)
+    def printSimple(self, prefix='      '):
+        if not self.info['TCK']:
+            print prefix + '%10s : %s : %s' % ('<NONE>', self.info['id'], self.info['label'])
+        else:
+            for tck in self.info['TCK']:
+                if type(tck) == int:
+                    tck = '0x%08x' % tck
+                print prefix + '%10s : %s : %s' % (tck, self.info['id'], self.info['label'])
+    def PVSS(self):
+        for tck in self.info['TCK']:
+            if type(tck) == str and not tck.startswith('0x'):
+                tck = int(tck)
+            if type(tck) != str:
+                tck = '0x%08x' % tck
+            return '%20s : %10s : %s : %s\n' % (self.info['hlttype'], tck, self.info['id'], self.info['label'])
+class TreeNode(object):
+    " A class representing a ConfigTreeNode "
+    #  use flyweight pattern, and use digest to identify objects...
+    import weakref
+    _pool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+    _nreq = 0
+    _noid = 0
+    _cm = 0
+    #  TODO: add functionality to flush _pool
+    def __new__(cls, id=None):
+        TreeNode._nreq = TreeNode._nreq + 1
+        if not id:
+            TreeNode._noid = TreeNode._noid + 1
+            return object.__new__(cls)
+        if type(id) != MD5 and type(id) != int:
+            print id, type(id)
+            id = digest(id)
+        obj = TreeNode._pool.get(id)
+        if not obj:
+            TreeNode._cm = TreeNode._cm + 1
+            obj = AccessSvcSingleton().resolveConfigTreeNode(id)
+            TreeNode._pool[id] = obj
+        if not obj:
+            print 'failed to resolve ConfigTreeNode %s' % id
+        return obj
+class PropCfg(object):
+    " A class representing a PropertyConfig "
+    #  use flyweight pattern, and use digest to identify objects...
+    __slots__ = ('__weakref__', 'name', 'type', 'kind',
+                 'fullyQualifiedName', 'digest', 'props')
+    import weakref
+    _pool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+    _nreq = 0
+    _noid = 0
+    _cm = 0
+    #  TODO: make a singleton svc which we use to resolve IDs if not existent yet...
+    #  TODO: add functionality to flush _pool
+    def __new__(cls, id=None):
+        PropCfg._nreq = PropCfg._nreq + 1
+        if not id:
+            PropCfg._noid = PropCfg._noid + 1
+            # added to make it possible to recv in parent process...
+            return object.__new__(cls)
+        if type(id) != MD5:
+            print id, type(id)
+            id = digest(id)
+        obj = PropCfg._pool.get(id)
+        if not obj:
+            PropCfg._cm = PropCfg._cm + 1
+            x = AccessSvcSingleton().resolvePropertyConfig(id)
+            if not x:
+                print 'failed to resolve PropertyConfig ' + id
+            obj = object.__new__(cls)
+            obj.name = x.name()
+            obj.type = x.type()
+            obj.kind = x.kind()
+            obj.fullyQualifiedName = x.fullyQualifiedName()
+            obj.digest = id
+            obj.props = dict((i.first, i.second) for i in x.properties())
+            PropCfg._pool[id] = obj
+        if not obj:
+            print 'invalid PropCfg %s' % id
+        return obj
+    def properties(self): return self.props
+    def fqn(self): return self.fullyQualifiedName + ' (' + self.kind + ')'
+    def fmt(self):
+        return ["'%s':%s\n" % (k, v) for k, v in self.props.iteritems()]
+    def evaled_props(self):
+        def try_eval(x):
+            try:
+                return eval(x, {}, {})
+            except (SyntaxError, NameError):
+                return x
+            except:
+                print x
+                raise
+        return {k: try_eval(v) for k, v in self.props.iteritems()}
+class Tree(object):
+    __slots__ = ('__weakref__', 'digest', 'label', 'leaf', 'nodes')
+    _pool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+    def __new__(cls, id=None):
+        if not id:
+            return object.__new__(cls)
+        if not isinstance(id, (MD5, int)):
+            print id, type(id)
+            id = digest(id)
+        obj = cls._pool.get(id)
+        if not obj:
+            obj = object.__new__(cls)
+            cls._pool[id] = obj
+            node = TreeNode(id)
+            if not node:
+                print 'invalid TreeNode for ' + id
+            obj.digest = node.digest().str()
+            obj.label = node.label()
+            leaf = node.leaf()
+            obj.leaf = PropCfg(leaf) if leaf.valid() else None
+            obj.nodes = [cls(id) for id in node.nodes()]
+        return obj
+    def prnt(self, depth=0, file=None):
+        s = ' --> ' + str(self.leaf.digest) if self.leaf else ''
+        indent = depth * '   '
+        print >>file, indent + str(self.digest) + (30 - len(indent)) * ' ' + s
+        for tree in self.nodes:
+            tree.prnt(depth + 1, file)
+    def _inorder(self, visited=None):
+        if visited is not None:
+            if self in visited:
+                return
+            visited.add(self)
+        yield self
+        for i in self.nodes:
+            for x in i._inorder(visited):
+                yield x
+    def iter(self, duplicates=False):
+        return self._inorder(None if duplicates else set())
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self._inorder(set())
+    def iterleafs(self, duplicates=False):
+        """Return a generator yielding leafs.
+        Args:
+            duplicates: whether to traverse the full tree (slow!)
+        Yields:
+            leaf objects of type PropCfg
+        """
+        return (i.leaf for i in self.iter(duplicates) if i.leaf)
+    def leafs(self):
+        return {i.name: i for i in self.iterleafs()}
+class RemoteAccess(object):
+    _svc = None
+    def __init__(self, cas):
+        # print 'remote(%s) created at pid=%s and cas %s' %
+        # (self,os.getpid(),cas.getType())
+        RemoteAccess._svc = createAccessSvcSingleton(cas=cas)
+    def __del__(self):
+        RemoteAccess._svc.reset()
+    def rgetConfigTree(self, id):
+        # maybe prefetch all leafs by invoking
+        # RemoteAccess._svc.collectLeafRefs(id)
+        # benchmark result: makes no difference whatsoever...
+        # from time import clock
+        # x = clock()
+        t = Tree(id)
+        # print '<< remote(%s) at pid=%s: rgetConfigTree(%s) : lookup time: %s s.' % (self, os.getpid(), id, clock() - x)
+        return t
+    def rgetConfigurations(self):
+        # print 'remote(%s) at pid=%s: rgetConfigurations()' %
+        # (self,os.getpid())
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        info = dict()
+        # print 'reading TOPLEVEL'
+        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TOPLEVEL/')):
+            x = Configuration(i, svc)
+            info[i.alias().str()] = x
+        # print 'reading TCK'
+        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TCK/')):
+            tck = _tck(i.alias().str().split('/')[-1])
+            id = i.ref().str()
+            for k in info.values():
+                if k.info['id'] == id:
+                    k.info['TCK'].append(tck)
+        # print 'reading TAG'
+        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TAG/')):
+            tag = i.alias().str().split('/')[1:]
+            id = i.ref().str()
+            for k in info.values():
+                if k.info['id'] == id:
+                    k.update({'TAG': tag})
+        return info
+    def rupdateProperties(self, id, updates, label, copy=False):
+        if not label:
+            print 'please provide a reasonable label for the new configuration'
+            return None
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        #  either we got (some form of) an ID, and we reverse engineer back the alias (provided it is unique!)
+        #  or we got an alias directly...
+        if type(id) == ConfigTreeNodeAlias:
+            a = id.alias().str()
+            id = id.ref()
+            # this is fine for TOPLEVEL, but not TCK...
+        else:
+            id = svc._2id(id)
+            if not id.valid():
+                raise RuntimeWarning('not a valid id : %s' % id)
+            a = [i.alias().str() for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(
+                alias('TOPLEVEL/')) if i.ref() == id]
+            if len(a) != 1:
+                print 'something went wrong: no unique toplevel match for ' + str(id)
+                return
+            a = a[0]
+        (release, hlttype) = a.split('/', 3)[1:3]
+        newId = svc.updateAndWrite(id, updates, label, copy)
+        noderef = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(newId)
+        top = topLevelAlias(release, hlttype, noderef)
+        svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(top)
+        print 'wrote ' + str(top.alias())
+        return str(newId)
+    def rupdateL0TCK(self, id, l0config, label, extra):
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        id = svc._2id(id)
+        if not id.valid():
+            raise RuntimeWarning('not a valid id : %s' % id)
+        a = [i.alias().str() for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(
+            alias('TOPLEVEL/')) if i.ref() == id]
+        if len(a) != 1:
+            print 'something went wrong: no unique toplevel match for ' + str(id)
+            return
+        (release, hlttype) = a[0].split('/', 3)[1:3]
+        from collections import defaultdict
+        updates = defaultdict(dict)
+        # check L0 config in source config
+        for cfg in svc.collectLeafRefs(id):
+            #  check for either a MultiConfigProvider with the right setup,
+            #  or for a template with the right TCK in it...
+            if cfg.name == 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig':
+                if cfg.type != 'L0DUConfigProvider':
+                    raise KeyError(
+                        "Can only update configuration which use L0DUConfigProvider, not  %s" % cfg.type)
+                #  check that all specified properties exist in cfg
+                for (k, v) in l0config.iteritems():
+                    if k not in cfg.props:
+                        raise KeyError(
+                            'Specified property %s not in store' % k)
+                    updates['ToolSvc.L0DUConfig'].update({k: v})
+        if extra:
+            updates.update(extra)
+        newId = svc.updateAndWrite(id, updates, label)
+        noderef = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(newId)
+        if not noderef:
+            print 'oops, could not find node for %s ' % newId
+        top = topLevelAlias(release, hlttype, noderef)
+        svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(top)
+        print 'wrote ' + str(top.alias())
+        return str(newId)
+    def rresolveTCK(self, tck):
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        return svc.resolveTCK(tck)
+    def rcreateTCKEntries(self, d):
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        for tck, id in d.iteritems():
+            id = _digest(id)
+            tck = _tck(tck)
+            # check whether L0 part of the TCK is specified
+            l0tck = tck & 0xffff
+            hlt1, hlt2 = (False, False)
+            masks = {(True, False): 1 << 28,
+                     (False, True): 1 << 29,
+                     (True, True): 0}
+            if l0tck:
+                l0tck = '0x%04X' % l0tck
+            for cfg in svc.collectLeafRefs(id):
+                if l0tck and cfg.name == 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig':
+                    #  check for either a MultiConfigProvider with the right setup,
+                    #  or for a template with the right TCK in it...
+                    if cfg.type not in ['L0DUMultiConfigProvider', 'L0DUConfigProvider']:
+                        raise KeyError(
+                            "not a valid L0DU config provider: %s" % cfg.type)
+                    if cfg.type == 'L0DUMultiConfigProvider' and l0tck not in cfg.props['registerTCK']:
+                        raise KeyError('requested L0TCK %s not known by L0DUMultiConfigProvider in config %s; known L0TCKs: %s' % (
+                            l0tck, id, cfg.props['registerTCK']))
+                    elif cfg.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' and l0tck != cfg.props['TCK']:
+                        raise KeyError('requested L0TCK %s not known by L0DUConfigProvider in config %s; known L0TCK: %s' % (
+                            l0tck, id, cfg.props['TCK']))
+                if cfg.type == 'GaudiSequencer' and cfg.name == 'HltDecisionSequence':
+                    hlt1 = 'GaudiSequencer/Hlt1' in cfg.props['Members']
+                    hlt2 = 'GaudiSequencer/Hlt2' in cfg.props['Members']
+            # Check and set HLT1/HLT2 bits
+            # If most significant bit is set check if it is really a techincal TCK or a PID-less TCK
+            # this check is moved from
+            # Kernel/HltInterfaces/src/ConfigTreeNodeAlias.cpp
+            if (tck & (1 << 31)):
+                if (tck & (3 << 30)):
+                    print 'Creating PID-less TCK %x' % (tck)
+                elif (tck & 0xFFFF):
+                        # check if the technical TCK respect the rules
+                    raise ValeError(
+                        'The requested TCK does not match the rules: technical TCK must have L0 bits set to zero')
+            else:
+                mask = masks[(hlt1, hlt2)]
+                # In case bits were already assigned, check if they are correct
+                if ((tck & (3 << 28)) | mask) != mask:
+                    raise ValueError('Wrong HLT1 and HLT2 specific bits set in tck: %x instead of %x for highest four bits.' % (
+                        tck >> 28, mask >> 28))
+                # Apply HLT1/HLT2 mask
+                tck |= mask
+            print 'creating mapping TCK: 0x%08x -> ID: %s' % (tck, id)
+            ref = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(id)
+            alias = TCK(ref, tck)
+            svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(alias)
+    def rcopyTree(self, nodeRef):
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        def __nodes(n):
+            node = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(n)
+            from itertools import chain
+            # depth first traversal -- this insures we do not write
+            # incomplete data objects...
+            for j in chain.from_iterable(__nodes(i) for i in node.nodes()):
+                yield j
+            yield node
+        for i in __nodes(nodeRef):
+            leafRef = i.leaf()
+            if leafRef.valid():
+                leaf = svc.resolvePropertyConfig(leafRef)
+                assert leaf
+                newRef = svc.writePropertyConfig(leaf)
+                assert leafRef == newRef
+            n = svc.writeConfigTreeNode(i)
+            assert n == i.digest()
+    def rcopy(self, glob=None):
+        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
+        from copy import deepcopy
+        from itertools import chain
+        aliases = [deepcopy(i) for label in ('TOPLEVEL/', 'TCK/')
+                   for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases(alias(label))]
+        if glob:
+            from fnmatch import fnmatch
+            aliases = filter(lambda i: fnmatch(i.alias().str(), glob), aliases)
+        # Now, split them into
+        #    TOPLEVEL (just copy)
+        top = filter(lambda i: i.alias().str(
+        ).startswith('TOPLEVEL/'), aliases)
+        # The rest: find corresponding TOPLEVEL, add it to the toplevel list,
+        # re-create alias afterwards
+        other = filter(lambda i: not i.alias().str(
+        ).startswith('TOPLEVEL/'), aliases)
+        assert len(top) + len(other) == len(aliases)
+        toplevelaliases = svc.configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TOPLEVEL/'))
+        for i in other:
+            top += [deepcopy(j) for j in toplevelaliases if j.ref() == i.ref() and j not in top]
+        l = len(top)
+        print '# of TOPLEVEL items to copy: %s' % l
+        # TODO: sort on the (integer) numbers appearing in the string...
+        for k, i in enumerate(sorted(top, key=lambda x: x.alias().str()), 1):
+            print '[%s/%s] copying tree %s' % (k, l, i.alias())
+            empty = dict()
+            node = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode(i.ref())
+            newid = self.rupdateProperties(i, empty, node.label(), True)
+            assert newid == i.ref().str()
+        for i in other:
+            print 'copying alias %s -> %s ' % (i.alias().str(), i.ref())
+            svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(i)
+        print 'done copying... '
+class AccessMgr(BaseManager):
+    pass
+AccessMgr.register('Access', RemoteAccess)
+class AccessProxy(object):
+    _manager = None
+    _access = None
+    _cas = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        # print 'creating proxy in pid = %s' % os.getpid()
+        pass
+    # TODO: access should be seperately for each cas instance...
+    #  worse: since Configurables are singletons, they may have
+    #         changed since the last time used. Hence, have to
+    #         check that that hasn't happend, so we need a local
+    #         copy of the state of cas, and compare to that....
+    #         and if different, let's just shutdown the remote
+    #         and start again...
+    #         (shouldn't have to flush PropertyConfig/ConfigTreeNode)
+    def access(self, cas):
+        if not self._valid(cas):
+            self.flush()
+        if not AccessProxy._manager:
+            AccessProxy._manager = AccessMgr()
+            AccessProxy._manager.start()
+            # print 'proxy started manager'
+        if not AccessProxy._access:
+            # print 'proxy requesting access to remote -- cas =
+            # %s'%(cas.getType())
+            AccessProxy._access = AccessProxy._manager.Access(cas)
+            AccessProxy._cas = cas
+            AccessProxy._properties = cas.getProperties()
+        return AccessProxy._access
+    def _valid(self, cas):
+        if not AccessProxy._access or not AccessProxy._cas:
+            return True
+        if cas != AccessProxy._cas:
+            return False  # different configurable!
+        return cas.getProperties() == AccessProxy._properties
+    # make flush visible such that eg. createTCKEntries can flush the remote
+    # and force re-reading...
+    def flush(self):
+        AccessProxy._cas = None
+        AccessProxy._properties = None
+        AccessProxy._access = None
+        AccessProxy._manager.shutdown()
+        AccessProxy._manager = None
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/utils.py b/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/utils.py
index 47a12b28e904fc7398977e586d56118a841bb0c7..1762af8ca54bb59c49ac2c4d46a0001333c2918e 100755
--- a/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/utils.py
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/python/TCKUtils/utils.py
@@ -1,61 +1,50 @@
-import GaudiPython
-import cppyy
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import ConfigStackAccessSvc, ConfigDBAccessSvc, ConfigZipFileAccessSvc, ConfigTarFileAccessSvc, ConfigFileAccessSvc, ConfigCDBAccessSvc
-from Configurables import ConfigTreeEditor, PropertyConfigSvc
+"""Utilities for working with TCKs.
+TCK numbering
+Bit 31 is assigned to "technical"
+Bit 30 is assigned to "for MC"
+Bit 29 is assigned to "HLT2 only"
+Bit 28 is assigned to "HLT1 only"
+Neither 29 nor 28 is "old style" Hlt1 + Hlt2
+import os
+import re
+import contextlib
+from pprint import pprint, pformat
+from Configurables import (ConfigStackAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigDBAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigZipFileAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigTarFileAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigFileAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigCDBAccessSvc)
+import backend
+def cdb_file(filename):
+    return os.path.join(os.environ['HLTTCKROOT'], filename)
-# pick the default config access svc
-import os.path
-def cdb_file(filename) :
-    return os.path.join( os.environ['HLTTCKROOT'], filename )
 def cdb_file_exists(filename):
-    return os.path.isfile( cdb_file(filename) )
-if cdb_file_exists('config.cdb') :
-    from Configurables import ConfigCDBAccessSvc as ConfigAccessSvc
-else :
-    from Configurables import ConfigTarFileAccessSvc as ConfigAccessSvc
-cdb_filename = cdb_file('config.cdb') if cdb_file_exists('config.cdb') else cdb_file('config.tar')
-print 'using %s as input.' % cdb_filename
-from pprint import pprint
-## TCK numbering
-## Bit 31 is assigned to "technical"
-## Bit 30 is assigned to "for MC"
-## Bit 29 is assigned to "HLT2 only"
-## Bit 28 is assigned to "HLT1 only"
-## Neither 29 nor 28 is "old style" Hlt1 + Hlt2
-### add some decoration...
-MD5 = cppyy.gbl.Gaudi.Math.MD5
-MD5.__str__ = MD5.str
-MD5.__hash__ = lambda x : x.str().__hash__()
-MD5.__eq__ = lambda self, other: self.str() == str(other)
-cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type.__str__ = cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type.str
-digest = MD5.createFromStringRep
-alias = cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias.alias_type
-topLevelAlias = cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias.createTopLevel
-TCK = cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias.createTCK
-from os import getpid
-def _appMgr() :
-    #print 'starting appMgr @ pid = %s' % getpid()
-    ApplicationMgr().AppName = ""
-    ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = ERROR
-    appMgr = GaudiPython.AppMgr()
-    appMgr.initialize()
-    return appMgr
-def _tck(x) :
-    if type(x) == str and x[0:2].upper() == '0X' :  return int(x,16)
-    return int(x)
-def _digest(x) :
-    if type(x) == str : x = digest( x )
-    return x
+    return os.path.isfile(cdb_file(filename))
+ConfigAccessSvc = ConfigCDBAccessSvc if cdb_file_exists('config.cdb') \
+                  else ConfigTarFileAccessSvc
+def get_default_cas():
+    from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
+    if 'ConfigAccessSvc' not in allConfigurables:
+        filename = cdb_file('config.cdb') if cdb_file_exists('config.cdb') \
+                   else cdb_file('config.tar')
+        print 'Using {} as input.'.format(filename)
+        return ConfigAccessSvc('ConfigAccessSvc', File=filename)
+    else:
+        return allConfigurables['ConfigAccessSvc']
+default_cas = get_default_cas()
 # utilities to pack and unpack L0 conditions into Condition property...
 # given the 'Conditions' property of an L0DUCOnfig tool instance,
@@ -86,7 +75,7 @@ def _parseL0setting( setting ) :
         val.update( { key : value } )
     return val
-def dumpL0( id, cas  = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def dumpL0( id, cas=default_cas):
     tree  =  getConfigTree( id, cas )
     l0s   = [ i for i in tree if i.leaf and i.leaf.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' ]
     for i in l0s :
@@ -98,7 +87,7 @@ def dumpL0( id, cas  = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
         print 100*'*'
-def getL0Prescales( id, cas  = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def getL0Prescales( id, cas=default_cas):
     tree  =  getConfigTree( id, cas )
     l0s   = [ i for i in tree if i.leaf and i.leaf.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' ]
     ret = dict()
@@ -110,701 +99,320 @@ def getL0Prescales( id, cas  = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
             ret[ l0tck ][ chan['name'] ] = chan['rate']
     return ret
-class AccessSvcSingleton(object) :
-    __app = None
-    __pcs = None
-    __cas = None
-    __cte = None
-    def reset(self) :
-        if self._app() : self._app().finalize()
-        AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs = None
-        AccessSvcSingleton.__cas = None
-        AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = None
-        AccessSvcSingleton.__app = None
-    def _app(self) :
-        return AccessSvcSingleton.__app
-    def _pcs(self) :
-        return AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs
-    def _cas(self) :
-        return AccessSvcSingleton.__cas
-    def _cte(self) :
-        if callable( AccessSvcSingleton.__cte) :
-            AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = AccessSvcSingleton.__cte(self)
-        return AccessSvcSingleton.__cte
-    def __init__(self,create=False,createConfigTreeEditor=False,cas=ConfigAccessSvc()) :
-         if create :
-            if (AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs or AccessSvcSingleton.__cas) :
-                   raise LogicError('re-entry of singleton creation')
-            pcs = PropertyConfigSvc( ConfigAccessSvc = cas.getFullName() )
-            cte = ConfigTreeEditor( PropertyConfigSvc = pcs.getFullName()
-                                  , ConfigAccessSvc   = cas.getFullName() )
-            AccessSvcSingleton.__app = _appMgr()
-            self._app().createSvc(cas.getFullName())
-            AccessSvcSingleton.__cas = self._app().service(cas.getFullName(),'IConfigAccessSvc')
-            self._app().createSvc(pcs.getFullName())
-            AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs = self._app().service(pcs.getFullName(),'IPropertyConfigSvc')
-            AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = lambda x : self._app().toolsvc().create(cte.getFullName(),interface='IConfigTreeEditor')
-    def resolveTCK(self, tck):
-        """Return the id (digest) for a TCK."""
-        tck = _tck(tck)
-        for i in self._cas().configTreeNodeAliases(alias('TCK/')):
-            if _tck(i.alias().str().split('/')[-1]) == tck:
-                return digest(i.ref().str())
-        raise KeyError('Not a valid TCK: {:#x}'.format(tck))
-    def _2id(self,id) :
-         if type(id) is int : id = '0x%08x' % id
-         if type(id) is str and len(id)==32 : id = _digest(id)
-         #  if we're not a valid id at this point, maybe we're a TCK...
-         if type(id) is not MD5 : id = self.resolveTCK(id)
-         return id
-    def resolveConfigTreeNode(self,id) :
-         if type(id) is not MD5 :
-             id = self._2id(id)
-         return self._pcs().resolveConfigTreeNode(id) if (id and id.valid()) else None
-    def writeConfigTreeNode(self,node) :
-         return self._cas().writeConfigTreeNode(node)
-    def resolvePropertyConfig(self,id) :
-         return self._pcs().resolvePropertyConfig(id) if (id and id.valid()) else None
-    def writePropertyConfig(self,node) :
-         return self._cas().writePropertyConfig(node)
-    def collectLeafRefs(self,id) :
-         if type(id) is not MD5 :
-             id = self._2id(id)
-         for ids in self._pcs().collectLeafRefs( id )  :
-             yield PropCfg(ids)
-    def resolveConfigTreeNodeAliases(self, a ) :
-         if type(a) is not type(alias) : a = alias(a)
-         return self._pcs().configTreeNodeAliases( a )
-    def configTreeNodeAliases( self, alias ) :
-         return self._cas().configTreeNodeAliases( alias )
-    def writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(self,alias) :
-         return self._cas().writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(alias)
-    def updateAndWrite(self, id, updates, label, copy = False) :
-        # For copy we still need the next bit, but the updates are empty
-        if not updates and not copy:
-            return
-        if updates:
-            print 'updateAndWrite updates:'
-            pprint(dict(updates))
-        mod_map = cppyy.gbl.std.multimap('std::string', 'std::pair<std::string, std::string>')
-        value_pair = cppyy.gbl.std.pair('std::string', 'std::string')
-        insert_pair = cppyy.gbl.std.pair('const std::string', 'std::pair<std::string, std::string>')
-        mods = mod_map()
-        for algname, props in updates.iteritems() :
-            for k, v in props.iteritems() :
-                vp = value_pair(k, v if type(v) == str else repr(v))
-                ip = insert_pair(algname, vp)
-                mods.insert(ip)
-        return self._cte().updateAndWrite(id,mods,label)
-def createAccessSvcSingleton( cas = ConfigAccessSvc(), createConfigTreeEditor = False ) :
-    return AccessSvcSingleton( create = True, createConfigTreeEditor = createConfigTreeEditor, cas = cas )
-def _lookupProperty(table,algname,property) :
+def _getProperty(table, algname, property):
     if algname not in table : raise KeyError("no algorithm named %s in specified config"%algname )
     properties = table[algname].properties()
     if property not in properties: raise KeyError("could not locate property %s for algorithm %s in specified config"%(property,algname) )
     return properties[property]
-def getProperty(id,algname,property, cas ) :
+def getProperty(id, algname, property, cas=default_cas):
+    # getConfigTree(t).leafs()
     tables = xget( [ id ], cas )
-    return _lookupProperty(tables[id],algname,property)
-### and now define the routines visible from the outside world...
-class Configuration :
-    " A class representing a configuration entry "
-    def __init__(self,alias,svc) :
-        self.info = { 'id' : alias.ref().str() , 'TCK' : [], 'label' : '<NONE>' }
-        self.info.update( zip(['release','hlttype'],alias.alias().str().split('/')[1:3]))
-        x = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( alias.ref() )
-        if not x :
-            print 'Configuration: failed to resolve configtreenode %s - %s ' %  ( alias.alias().str(), alias.ref() )
-        label =  x.label();
-        self.info.update( { 'label' : label } )
-    def __getitem__(self,label) :
-        return self.info[label]
-    def update(self,d) :
-        self.info.update( d )
-    def printSimple(self,prefix='      ') :
-        if not self.info['TCK'] :
-            print prefix + '%10s : %s : %s'%('<NONE>',self.info['id'],self.info['label'])
-        else :
-            for tck in self.info['TCK'] :
-                if type(tck) == int : tck = '0x%08x' % tck
-                print prefix + '%10s : %s : %s'%(tck,self.info['id'],self.info['label'])
-    def PVSS(self) :
-        for tck in self.info['TCK'] :
-            if type(tck) == str and not tck.startswith('0x') : tck = int(tck)
-            if type(tck) != str : tck = '0x%08x' % tck
-            return  '%20s : %10s : %s : %s\n'%(self.info['hlttype'],tck,self.info['id'],self.info['label'])
-class TreeNode(object) :
-    " A class representing a ConfigTreeNode "
-    #  use flyweight pattern, and use digest to identify objects...
-    import weakref
-    _pool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-    _nreq = 0
-    _noid = 0
-    _cm = 0
-    #  TODO: add functionality to flush _pool
-    def __new__(cls, id = None) :
-        TreeNode._nreq = TreeNode._nreq + 1
-        if not id:
-            TreeNode._noid = TreeNode._noid+1
-            return object.__new__(cls)
-        if type(id) != MD5 and type(id) != int :
-            print id,type(id)
-            id = digest(id)
-        obj = TreeNode._pool.get( id )
-        if not obj :
-            TreeNode._cm = TreeNode._cm+1
-            obj = AccessSvcSingleton().resolveConfigTreeNode(id)
-            TreeNode._pool[id] = obj
-        if not obj :
-            print 'failed to resolve ConfigTreeNode %s'%id
-        return obj
-class PropCfg(object) :
-    " A class representing a PropertyConfig "
-    #  use flyweight pattern, and use digest to identify objects...
-    import weakref
-    _pool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-    _nreq = 0
-    _noid = 0
-    _cm = 0
-    #  TODO: make a singleton svc which we use to resolve IDs if not existent yet...
-    #  TODO: add functionality to flush _pool
-    def __new__(cls, id = None) :
-        PropCfg._nreq = PropCfg._nreq + 1
-        if not id :
-            PropCfg._noid = PropCfg._noid +1
-            return object.__new__(cls) # added to make it possible to recv in parent process...
-        if type(id) != MD5 :
-            print id,type(id)
-            id = digest(id)
-        obj = PropCfg._pool.get( id )
-        if not obj :
-            PropCfg._cm = PropCfg._cm + 1
-            x = AccessSvcSingleton().resolvePropertyConfig(id)
-            if not x :
-                print 'failed to resolve PropertyCondif %s'%id
-            obj = object.__new__(cls)
-            obj.name = x.name()
-            obj.type = x.type()
-            obj.kind = x.kind()
-            obj.fullyQualifiedName = x.fullyQualifiedName()
-            obj.digest = id
-            obj.props  = dict( (i.first,i.second) for i in x.properties() )
-            PropCfg._pool[id] = obj
-        if not obj :
-                print 'invalid PropCfg %s'%id
-        return obj
-    def properties(self) : return self.props
-    def fqn(self) : return  self.fullyQualifiedName + ' ('+self.kind+')'
-    def fmt(self) :
-        return [  "'%s':%s\n"%(k,v)  for k,v in self.props.iteritems() ]
-class Tree(object):
-    def __init__(self,id,parent=None ) :
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.depth = self.parent.depth+1  if self.parent else 0
-        node = TreeNode(id)
-        if not node : print 'invalid TreeNode for %s' % id
-        self.digest = node.digest().str()
-        self.label = node.label()
-        leaf =  node.leaf()
-        self.leaf = PropCfg( leaf ) if leaf.valid() else None
-        self.nodes = [ Tree(id=id,parent=self) for id in node.nodes() ]
-        #TODO: add direct access to leafs 'in' this tree by name
-        #      i.e. notify 'top level parent' of 'my' leafs...
-    def prnt(self):
-        s = ' --> ' + str(self.leaf.digest) if self.leaf else ''
-        indent = self.depth*'   '
-        print indent + str(self.digest) + (30-len(indent))*' ' +  s
-        for i in self.nodes: i.prnt()
-    # define in order traversal
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self._inorder()
-    def _inorder(self) :
-        yield self
-        for i in self.nodes:
-           for x in i._inorder() : yield x
-    def iterleafs(self) :
-        for i in self._inorder() : # this _can_ give duplicate leafs!!!
-            if i.leaf is None : continue
-            yield i.leaf
-    def leafs(self) :
-        d = dict()
-        for i in self.iterleafs() :
-            if i.name not in d : d[ i.name ] = i
-        return d
-    #TODO: add direct access to leafs 'in' this tree by name
-    # and use it to implement an efficient __contains__
+    return _getProperty(tables[id],algname,property)
 # TODO: rewrite in terms of trees...
 #       that should make it a lot faster for almost identical
 #       trees...
-def diff( lhs, rhs , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    table = xget( [ lhs, rhs ] , cas )
-    setl = set( table[lhs].keys() )
-    setr = set( table[rhs].keys() )
-    onlyInLhs = setl - setr
-    if len(onlyInLhs)>0 :
-        print 'only in %s: ' % lhs
-        for i in onlyInLhs : print '   ' + i
-    onlyInRhs = setr - setl
-    if len(onlyInRhs)>0 :
-        print 'only in %s:'  % rhs
-        for i in onlyInRhs : print '   ' + i
-    for i in setl & setr :
-        (l,r) = ( table[lhs][i], table[rhs][i] )
-        if l.digest != r.digest :
-            from difflib import unified_diff
-            print ''.join( unified_diff(l.fmt(), r.fmt(),
-                                        l.fqn(), r.fqn(),
-                                        lhs, rhs, n=0) )
-def copy( source = ConfigAccessSvc() , target = ConfigDBAccessSvc(ReadOnly=False), glob = None ) :
-    if source == target :
+def diff(lhs, rhs, file=None, human=False, cas=default_cas):
+    ltree = getConfigTree(lhs)
+    rtree = getConfigTree(rhs)
+    lnodes = {i.leaf.name: i for i in ltree if i.leaf}
+    rnodes = {i.leaf.name: i for i in rtree if i.leaf}
+    lleafs = set(lnodes.keys())
+    rleafs = set(rnodes.keys())
+    onlyInLhs = lleafs - rleafs
+    onlyInRhs = rleafs - lleafs
+    lhs_nice = hex(lhs) if isinstance(lhs, int) else lhs
+    rhs_nice = hex(rhs) if isinstance(rhs, int) else rhs
+    with smart_open(file) as f:
+        if len(onlyInLhs) > 0:
+            f.write('only in %s:\n' % lhs_nice)
+            for i in onlyInLhs:
+                f.write('   ' + i + '\n')
+        if len(onlyInRhs) > 0:
+            f.write('only in %s:\n' % rhs_nice)
+            for i in onlyInRhs:
+                f.write('   ' + i + '\n')
+                dump(rnodes[i], file=f, cas=cas)
+        for i in lleafs & rleafs:
+            l, r = lnodes[i].leaf, rnodes[i].leaf
+            if l.digest != r.digest:
+                from difflib import unified_diff, ndiff
+                if not human:
+                    lines = unified_diff(l.fmt(), r.fmt(),
+                                         l.fqn(), r.fqn(),
+                                         lhs_nice, rhs_nice, n=0)
+                    f.write(''.join(lines) + '\n')
+                else:
+                    f.write('--- {}\t{}\n'.format(l.fqn(), lhs_nice))
+                    f.write('+++ {}\t{}\n'.format(r.fqn(), rhs_nice))
+                    lps = l.evaled_props()
+                    rps = r.evaled_props()
+                    for k in set(lps.keys() + rps.keys()):
+                        lp = lps.get(k)
+                        rp = rps.get(k)
+                        if lp != rp:
+                            f.write('@@ -{} +{} @@\n'.format(k if lp else '', k if rp else ''))
+                            lines = ndiff(pformat(lp).splitlines(), pformat(rp).splitlines(), None, None)
+                            f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
+def copy(source=default_cas, target=None, glob=None):
+    from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
+    if not target:
+        target = ConfigDBAccessSvc(ReadOnly=False)
+    if source == target:
         print 'WARNING: source and target are the same -- no-op ...'
-    r = AccessProxy().access( cas = ConfigStackAccessSvc( ConfigAccessSvcs = [ target.getFullName(), source.getFullName() ]
-                                                        , OutputLevel=DEBUG )
-                            ).rcopy(glob)
-    AccessProxy().flush()
+    stack_cas = ConfigStackAccessSvc(
+        ConfigAccessSvcs=[target.getFullName(), source.getFullName()],
+        OutputLevel=DEBUG)
+    r = backend.AccessProxy().access(cas=stack_cas).rcopy(glob)
+    backend.AccessProxy().flush()
     return r
-def listComponents( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    tree = getConfigTree( id, cas )
-    for i in tree :
-        if i.leaf :
-          s =  i.depth*3*' ' + i.leaf.name
-          print s + (80-len(s))*' ' + str(i.leaf.digest)
-def getAlgorithms( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    tree =  getConfigTree( id, cas )
-    x = ''
-    for i in tree :
-       if i.leaf and i.leaf.kind =='IAlgorithm':
-          s =  i.depth*3*' ' + i.leaf.name
-          x = x + s + (80-len(s))*' ' + str(i.leaf.digest) + '\n'
-    return x
-def listAlgorithms( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    print getAlgorithms(id,cas)
-def getProperties( id, algname='',property='',cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    retlist= dict()
-    tree = getConfigTree( id, cas )
+def _getComponents(tree, depth=0, kinds=None):
+    leaf = tree.leaf
+    if leaf and (not kinds or leaf.kind in kinds):
+        yield (depth, leaf.name, str(leaf.digest))
+    # # Don't write anything below the WriterFilter
+    # if leaf and leaf.name == 'WriterFilter':
+    #     return
+    for i in tree.nodes:
+        for x in _getComponents(i, depth + 1, kinds=kinds):
+            yield x
+def getComponents(id, kinds=None, cas=default_cas):
+    tree = getConfigTree(id, cas)
+    return _getComponents(tree, kinds=kinds)
+def getAlgorithms(id, cas=default_cas):
+    return getComponents(id, kinds=['IAlgorithm'], cas=cas)
+def listComponents(id, kinds=None, cas=default_cas):
+    for depth, name, digest in getComponents(id, kinds, cas):
+        s = depth * '   ' + name
+        print s + (80-len(s))*' ' + digest
+def listAlgorithms(id, cas=default_cas):
+    listComponents(id, kinds=['IAlgorithm'], cas=cas)
+def getProperties(id, algname='', property='', cas=default_cas):
+    retlist = dict()
+    tree = getConfigTree(id, cas)
     import re
-    if algname :
+    if algname:
         reqNode = re.compile(algname)
-        matchNode = lambda x : reqNode.match(x.leaf.fullyQualifiedName)
-    else :
-        matchNode = None
-    if property :
+        matchNode = lambda leaf: reqNode.match(leaf.fullyQualifiedName)
+    else:
+        matchNode = lambda leaf: True
+    if property:
         reqProp = re.compile(property)
-        matchProp = lambda x : reqProp.match(x)
-    else :
-        matchProp = None
-    # generate a unique ID for this traversal, so that we do not
-    # repeat leafs...
-    import uuid
-    sig = uuid.uuid4().hex
-    for i in tree :
-       if not i.leaf or (matchNode and not matchNode(i)) : continue
-       if hasattr(i.leaf,sig) : continue
-       setattr(i.leaf,sig,True)
-       pdict = dict()
-       for (k,v) in i.leaf.properties().iteritems() :
-          if matchProp and not matchProp(k) : continue
-          pdict[k] = v
-       if pdict : retlist[  i.leaf.name ] = pdict
+        matchProp = lambda x: reqProp.match(x)
+    else:
+        matchProp = lambda x: True
+    for leaf in tree.iterleafs():
+        if not leaf or not matchNode(leaf):
+            continue
+        pdict = {k: v for k, v in leaf.properties().iteritems() if matchProp(k)}
+        if pdict:
+            retlist[leaf.name] = pdict
     return retlist
-def listProperties( id, algname='',property='',cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    for (c,d) in getProperties(id,algname,property,cas).iteritems() :
-         print '\n   Requested Properties for %s' % c
-         for k,v in d.iteritems() :
-            print "      '%s':%s" % (k,v)
-def getTCKInfo(x) :
-    for (i,j) in getConfigurations().iteritems() :
-        if x in j['TCK'] : return (j['hlttype'],j['release'])
+def listProperties(id, algname='', property='', cas=default_cas):
+    for c, d in getProperties(id, algname, property, cas).iteritems():
+        print '\nRequested Properties for %s' % c
+        for k, v in d.iteritems():
+            print "      '%s':%s" % (k, v)
+def getConfigurations(cas=default_cas):
+    return backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigurations()
+def getTCKInfo(x, cas=default_cas):
+    for i in getConfigurations(cas).itervalues():
+        if x in i['TCK']:
+            return (i['hlttype'], i['release'])
     return None
-def getReleases( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    return set( [ i['release']  for i in getConfigurations(cas).itervalues()  ] )
-def getHltTypes( release, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    info = getConfigurations( cas )
-    return set( [ i['hlttype']  for i in info.itervalues() if i['release']==release ] )
-def getTCKs( release = None, hlttype = None, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    info = getConfigurations( cas )
-    pred = lambda x : x['TCK'] and ( not release or x['release'] == release ) and ( not hlttype or x['hlttype'] == hlttype )
+def getReleases(cas=default_cas):
+    return set([i['release'] for i in getConfigurations(cas).itervalues()])
+def getHltTypes(release, cas=default_cas):
+    info = getConfigurations(cas)
+    return set([i['hlttype'] for i in info.itervalues() if i['release'] == release])
+def getTCKs(release=None, hlttype=None, cas=default_cas):
+    def pred(x):
+        return (x['TCK'] and (not release or x['release'] == release) and
+                (not hlttype or x['hlttype'] == hlttype))
+    info = getConfigurations(cas)
     result = []
-    for i in [ x for x in info.itervalues() if pred(x) ]:
-            for tck in i['TCK'] :
-                result.append( ('0x%08x'%tck,i['label'])  )
+    for i in filter(pred, info.itervalues()):
+        for tck in i['TCK']:
+            result.append(('0x%08x' % tck, i['label']))
     return result
-def getTCKList( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    info = getConfigurations( cas )
+def getTCKList(cas=default_cas):
+    info = getConfigurations(cas)
     result = []
-    for i in info.itervalues() :
-            for tck in i['TCK'] : result.append( '0x%08x'%tck  )
+    for i in info.itervalues():
+        for tck in i['TCK']:
+            result.append('0x%08x' % tck)
     return result
-def getRoutingBits( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    # should be a map... so we try to 'eval' it
+def getRoutingBits(id, stages=('Hlt1', 'Hlt2', 'Hlt'), cas=default_cas):
     rbs = {}
-    for stage in ('Hlt1', 'Hlt2', 'Hlt'):
-        for p in ['RoutingBits','routingBitDefinitions'] :
-            try :
+    for stage in stages:
+        for p in ['RoutingBits', 'routingBitDefinitions']:
+            try:
                 prop = getProperty(id, '%sRoutingBitsWriter' % stage, p, cas)
-            except KeyError :
+            except KeyError:
     return rbs if rbs else None
-## TODO:  is a string the best thing to return???
-def getAlgorithms( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    tree =  getConfigTree( id, cas )
-    tempstr = ''
-    for i in tree :
-       if i.leaf and i.leaf.kind =='IAlgorithm':
-          s =  i.depth*3*' ' + i.leaf.name
-          tempstr = tempstr + s + (80-len(s))*' ' + str(i.leaf.digest) + '\n'
-    return tempstr
-def dump( id, properties = None,  lines = None, file = None, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    if not properties :
-        properties = [ 'RoutingBits', 'AcceptFraction', 'FilterDescriptor'
-                     , 'Preambulo', 'Code', 'InputLocations','Input','Inputs'
-                     , 'DaughtersCuts', 'CombinationCut', 'MotherCut', 'DecayDescriptor'
-                     , 'OutputSelection', 'Output' ]
-    tree =  getConfigTree( id, cas )
-    def len1(line):
-        _i = line.rfind('\n')
-        return len(line) if _i<0 else len(line)-(_i+1)
-    def prettyPrintStreamer(code) :
-        code.translate(None,'\n')
-        return ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + '>> ' ).join( [ i.strip() for i in code.split('>>') ] )
-    def prettyPrintDict(code,trItem) :
-        try :
-            cuts = eval(code) # should be a dict
-            return "{ "+ ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join(  [ trItem(k,v) for (k,v) in cuts.iteritems() ] ) + '\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+"}"
-        except :
-            return code
-    def prettyPrintList(code,trItem = None, skipEmpty = True) :
-        try :
-            l = eval(code)
-            if skipEmpty and not l : return ''
-            if len(l)<2 : return code
-            if trItem :
-                l = [ trItem(i) for i in l ]
-            return "[ "+('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join( l )+'\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+']'
-        except :
-            return code
-    trtable = { 'Code' : prettyPrintStreamer
-              , 'DaughtersCuts' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "'%s' : '%s'"%(k,v) )
-              , 'Inputs' : prettyPrintList
-              , 'InputLocations' : prettyPrintList
-              , 'Preambulo' : prettyPrintList
-              , 'FilterDescriptor' : lambda x : prettyPrintList(x,lambda y : "'%s'"%y, True)
-              , 'RoutingBits' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "%2d : \"%s\""%(k,v) )
-              }
-    import re
-    show = not lines
-    from sys import stdout
-    file = open(file,'w') if file else sys.stdout
-    for i in tree :
-       if not i.leaf or i.leaf.kind != 'IAlgorithm' : continue
-       if lines and i.leaf.type in [ 'Hlt::Line', 'HltLine' ] :
-           show =  re.match(lines,i.leaf.name)
-       if not show : continue
-       _tab = 50
-       line =  i.depth * '   ' + i.leaf.name
-       if len1(line)>( _tab-1): line +=  '\n'+ _tab*' '
-       else :                   line +=  (_tab-len1(line))*' '
-       line +=  '%-25.25s'%i.leaf.type
-       for k,v in [ (k,v) for k,v in i.leaf.props.iteritems() if k in properties and v ]:
-           if _tab+25 < len1(line) : line+= '\n'+(_tab+25)*' '
-           if k in trtable.keys() : v = trtable[k](v)
-           if v : line += '%-15s : %s' % ( k, v)
-       file.write(line+'\n')
-class RemoteAccess(object) :
-    _svc = None
-    def __init__( self, cas ) :
-        #print 'remote(%s) created at pid=%s and cas %s' % (self,getpid(),cas.getType())
-        RemoteAccess._svc = createAccessSvcSingleton( cas = cas )
-    def __del__( self ) :
-        RemoteAccess._svc.reset()
-    def rgetConfigTree( self, id ) :
-        # maybe prefetch all leafs by invoking
-        #RemoteAccess._svc.collectLeafRefs(id)
-        # benchmark result: makes no difference whatsoever...
-        #from time import clock
-        #x = clock()
-        t = Tree(id)
-        #print '<< remote(%s) at pid=%s: rgetConfigTree(%s) : lookup time: %s s.' % (self,getpid(),id, clock()-x)
-        return t
-    def rgetConfigurations( self ) :
-        #print 'remote(%s) at pid=%s: rgetConfigurations()' % (self,getpid())
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        info = dict()
-        #print 'reading TOPLEVEL'
-        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias( 'TOPLEVEL/') ) :
-            x = Configuration( i,svc )
-            info[ i.alias().str() ] = x
-        #print 'reading TCK'
-        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias( 'TCK/'  ) ) :
-            tck =  _tck(i.alias().str().split('/')[-1])
-            id  =  i.ref().str()
-            for k in info.values() :
-                if k.info['id'] == id : k.info['TCK'].append(tck)
-        #print 'reading TAG'
-        for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias( 'TAG/'  ) ) :
-            tag = i.alias().str().split('/')[1:]
-            id  = i.ref().str()
-            for k in info.values() :
-                if k.info['id'] == id : k.update( { 'TAG' : tag } )
-        return info
-    def rupdateProperties(self, id, updates, label, copy = False ) :
-        if not label :
-            print 'please provide a reasonable label for the new configuration'
-            return None
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        #  either we got (some form of) an ID, and we reverse engineer back the alias (provided it is unique!)
-        #  or we got an alias directly...
-        if type(id) == cppyy.gbl.ConfigTreeNodeAlias :
-            a = id.alias().str()
-            id = id.ref()
-            # this is fine for TOPLEVEL, but not TCK...
-        else :
-            id = svc._2id(id)
-            if not id.valid() : raise RuntimeWarning('not a valid id : %s' % id )
-            a = [ i.alias().str() for  i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias('TOPLEVEL/') ) if i.ref() == id ]
-            if len(a) != 1 :
-                print 'something went wrong: no unique toplevel match for ' + str(id)
+def smart_open(filename=None):
+    if not filename:
+        import sys
+        fh, close = sys.stdout, False
+    elif isinstance(filename, basestring):
+        fh, close = open(filename, 'w'), True
+    else:
+        fh, close = filename, False
+    try:
+        yield fh
+    finally:
+        if close:
+            fh.close()
+_default_properties = [
+    'RoutingBits', 'AcceptFraction', 'FilterDescriptor',
+    'Preambulo', 'Code', 'InputLocations', 'Input', 'Inputs', 'TisTosSpecs',
+    'DaughtersCuts', 'CombinationCut', 'MotherCut', 'DecayDescriptor',
+    'OutputSelection', 'Output',
+    'BankTypes', 'KillFromAll', 'DefaultIsKill',
+_tab = 50
+def _len1(line):
+    _i = line.rfind('\n')
+    return len(line) if _i<0 else len(line)-(_i+1)
+def prettyPrintStreamer(code) :
+    code.translate(None,'\n')
+    return ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + '>> ' ).join( [ i.strip() for i in code.split('>>') ] )
+def prettyPrintDict(code,trItem) :
+    try :
+        cuts = eval(code) # should be a dict
+        return "{ "+ ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join(  [ trItem(k,v) for (k,v) in cuts.iteritems() ] ) + '\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+"}"
+    except :
+        return code
+def prettyPrintList(code,trItem = None, skipEmpty = True) :
+    try :
+        l = eval(code)
+        if skipEmpty and not l : return ''
+        if len(l)<2 : return code
+        if trItem :
+            l = [ trItem(i) for i in l ]
+        return "[ "+('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join( l )+'\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+']'
+    except :
+        return code
+_trtable = { 'Code' : prettyPrintStreamer
+          , 'DaughtersCuts' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "'%s' : '%s'"%(k,v) )
+          , 'Inputs' : prettyPrintList
+          , 'InputLocations' : prettyPrintList
+          , 'Preambulo' : prettyPrintList
+          , 'FilterDescriptor' : lambda x : prettyPrintList(x,lambda y : "'%s'"%y, True)
+          , 'RoutingBits' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "%2d : \"%s\""%(k,v) )
+          }
+def prettyPrintLeaf(leaf, depth, properties):
+    line = depth * '   ' + leaf.name
+    if _len1(line) > (_tab - 1):
+        line += '\n' + _tab*' '
+    else:
+        line += (_tab-_len1(line))*' '
+    line += '%-25.25s' % leaf.type
+    for k, v in leaf.props.iteritems():
+        if k in properties and v:
+            if _tab + 25 < _len1(line):
+                line += '\n'+(_tab+25)*' '
+            if k in _trtable.keys():
+                prettyPrint = _trtable.get(k)
+                if prettyPrint:
+                    v = prettyPrint(v)
+            if v:
+                line += '%-15s : %s' % (k, v)
+    return line
+def _dump(tree, depth=0, properties=_default_properties, lines=None, file=None):
+    leaf = tree.leaf
+    if leaf and leaf.kind == 'IAlgorithm':
+        if lines and leaf.type in ['Hlt::Line', 'HltLine']:
+            if not re.match(lines, leaf.name):
-            a = a[0]
-        (release,hlttype) = a.split('/',3)[1:3]
-        newId = svc.updateAndWrite(id, updates, label, copy)
-        noderef = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( newId )
-        top = topLevelAlias( release, hlttype, noderef )
-        svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(top)
-        print 'wrote ' + str(top.alias())
-        return str(newId)
-    def rupdateL0TCK(self, id, l0config, label, extra ) :
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        id  = svc._2id(id)
-        if not id.valid() : raise RuntimeWarning('not a valid id : %s' % id )
-        a = [ i.alias().str() for  i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias('TOPLEVEL/') ) if i.ref() == id ]
-        if len(a) != 1 :
-            print 'something went wrong: no unique toplevel match for ' + str(id)
-            return
-        (release,hlttype) = a[0].split('/',3)[1:3]
-        from collections import defaultdict
-        updates = defaultdict(dict)
-        # check L0 config in source config
-        for cfg in svc.collectLeafRefs( id ):
-            #  check for either a MultiConfigProvider with the right setup,
-            #  or for a template with the right TCK in it...
-            if cfg.name == 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig' :
-                if cfg.type != 'L0DUConfigProvider':
-                    raise KeyError("Can only update configuration which use L0DUConfigProvider, not  %s" % cfg.type )
-                #  check that all specified properties exist in cfg
-                for (k,v) in l0config.iteritems() :
-                    if k not in cfg.props : raise KeyError('Specified property %s not in store'%k)
-                    updates['ToolSvc.L0DUConfig'].update({k : v})
-        if extra:
-            updates.update(extra)
-        newId = svc.updateAndWrite(id, updates, label)
-        noderef = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( newId )
-        if not noderef : print 'oops, could not find node for %s ' % newId
-        top = topLevelAlias( release, hlttype, noderef )
-        svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(top)
-        print 'wrote ' + str(top.alias())
-        return str(newId)
-    def rresolveTCK(self, tck ) :
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        return svc.resolveTCK(tck)
-    def rcreateTCKEntries(self, d ) :
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        for tck,id in d.iteritems() :
-            id  = _digest(id)
-            tck = _tck(tck)
-            # check whether L0 part of the TCK is specified
-            l0tck = tck & 0xffff
-            hlt1, hlt2 = (False, False)
-            masks = {(True, False) : 1 << 28, (False, True) : 1 << 29, (True, True) : 0}
-            if l0tck :
-                l0tck = '0x%04X' % l0tck
-            for cfg in svc.collectLeafRefs( id ) :     
-                if l0tck and cfg.name == 'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig' :
-                    #  check for either a MultiConfigProvider with the right setup,
-                    #  or for a template with the right TCK in it...
-                    if cfg.type not in [ 'L0DUMultiConfigProvider', 'L0DUConfigProvider' ] :
-                        raise KeyError("not a valid L0DU config provider: %s" % cfg.type )
-                    if cfg.type == 'L0DUMultiConfigProvider' and l0tck not in cfg.props['registerTCK'] :
-                        raise KeyError('requested L0TCK %s not known by L0DUMultiConfigProvider in config %s; known L0TCKs: %s' % ( l0tck, id, cfg.props['registerTCK'] ))
-                    elif cfg.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' and l0tck != cfg.props['TCK'] :
-                        raise KeyError('requested L0TCK %s not known by L0DUConfigProvider in config %s; known L0TCK: %s' % ( l0tck, id, cfg.props['TCK'] ))
-                if cfg.type == 'GaudiSequencer' and cfg.name == 'HltDecisionSequence':
-                    hlt1 = 'GaudiSequencer/Hlt1' in cfg.props['Members']
-                    hlt2 = 'GaudiSequencer/Hlt2' in cfg.props['Members']
-            # Check and set HLT1/HLT2 bits
-            # If most significant bit is set check if it is really a techincal TCK or a PID-less TCK
-            # this check is moved from Kernel/HltInterfaces/src/ConfigTreeNodeAlias.cpp
-            if (tck & (1 << 31)):
-                if (tck & (3 << 30)):
-                    print 'Creating PID-less TCK %x' % (tck)
-                elif (tck & 0xFFFF):
-                        #check if the technical TCK respect the rules
-                        raise ValeError('The requested TCK does not match the rules: technical TCK must have L0 bits set to zero')
-            else:
-                mask = masks[(hlt1, hlt2)]
-                # In case bits were already assigned, check if they are correct
-                if ((tck & (3 << 28)) | mask) != mask:
-                    raise ValueError('Wrong HLT1 and HLT2 specific bits set in tck: %x instead of %x for highest four bits.' % (tck >> 28, mask >> 28))
-                # Apply HLT1/HLT2 mask
-                tck |= mask
-            print 'creating mapping TCK: 0x%08x -> ID: %s' % (tck,id)
-            ref = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( id )
-            alias = TCK( ref, tck )
-            svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias(alias)
-    def rcopyTree( self, nodeRef ) :
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        def __nodes( n ) :
-            node = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( n )
-            from itertools import chain
-            # depth first traversal -- this insures we do not write
-            # incomplete data objects...
-            for j in chain.from_iterable( __nodes(i) for i in node.nodes() ) :
-                yield j
-            yield node
-        for i in __nodes( nodeRef ) :
-            leafRef = i.leaf()
-            if leafRef.valid() :
-                leaf = svc.resolvePropertyConfig(leafRef)
-                assert leaf
-                newRef = svc.writePropertyConfig(leaf)
-                assert leafRef == newRef
-            n = svc.writeConfigTreeNode(i)
-            assert n == i.digest()
-    def rcopy( self, glob = None  ) :
-        svc = RemoteAccess._svc
-        from copy import deepcopy
-        from itertools import chain
-        aliases = [ deepcopy(i)  for label in ( 'TOPLEVEL/','TCK/' ) for i in svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias(label) ) ]
-        if glob :
-             from fnmatch import fnmatch
-             aliases = filter( lambda i : fnmatch(i.alias().str(),glob), aliases)
-        # Now, split them into
-        #    TOPLEVEL (just copy)
-        top   = filter( lambda i : i.alias().str().startswith('TOPLEVEL/'), aliases )
-        #    The rest: find corresponding TOPLEVEL, add it to the toplevel list, re-create alias afterwards
-        other = filter( lambda i : not i.alias().str().startswith('TOPLEVEL/'), aliases )
-        assert len(top)+len(other) == len(aliases)
-        toplevelaliases = svc.configTreeNodeAliases( alias('TOPLEVEL/') )
-        for i in other :
-            top += [ deepcopy(j) for j in toplevelaliases if j.ref() == i.ref() and j not in top ]
-        l = len(top)
-        print '# of TOPLEVEL items to copy: %s' % l
-        for k,i in enumerate( sorted( top, key = lambda x : x.alias().str() ), 1 ):# TODO: sort on the (integer) numbers appearing in the string...
-            print '[%s/%s] copying tree %s' % (k,l, i.alias())
-            empty = dict()
-            node = svc.resolveConfigTreeNode( i.ref() )
-            newid = self.rupdateProperties(i,empty,node.label(), True)
-            assert newid == i.ref().str()
-        for i in  other:
-            print 'copying alias %s -> %s ' % (i.alias().str(),i.ref() )
-            svc.writeConfigTreeNodeAlias( i )
-        print 'done copying... '
-from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
-class AccessMgr(BaseManager):
-    pass
-class AccessProxy( object ) :
-    _manager = None
-    _access = None
-    _cas = None
-    def __init__( self ) :
-        #print 'creating proxy in pid = %s' % os.getpid()
-        pass
-    # TODO: access should be seperately for each cas instance...
-    #  worse: since Configurables are singletons, they may have
-    #         changed since the last time used. Hence, have to
-    #         check that that hasn't happend, so we need a local
-    #         copy of the state of cas, and compare to that....
-    #         and if different, let's just shutdown the remote
-    #         and start again...
-    #         (shouldn't have to flush PropertyConfig/ConfigTreeNode)
-    def access( self, cas ) :
-        if not self._valid(cas) : self.flush()
-        if not AccessProxy._manager :
-            AccessProxy._manager  = AccessMgr()
-            AccessProxy._manager.start()
-            #print 'proxy started manager'
-        if not AccessProxy._access :
-            #print 'proxy requesting access to remote -- cas = %s'%(cas.getType())
-            AccessProxy._access = AccessProxy._manager.Access( cas )
-            AccessProxy._cas = cas
-            AccessProxy._properties = cas.getProperties()
-        return AccessProxy._access
-    def _valid( self, cas ) :
-        if not AccessProxy._access or not AccessProxy._cas: return True
-        if cas != AccessProxy._cas : return False # different configurable!
-        return cas.getProperties() == AccessProxy._properties
-    def flush( self ) : # make flush visible such that eg. createTCKEntries can flush the remote and force re-reading...
-        AccessProxy._cas = None
-        AccessProxy._properties = None
-        AccessProxy._access = None
-        AccessProxy._manager.shutdown()
-        AccessProxy._manager = None
-def resolveTCK( tck, cas=ConfigAccessSvc()) :
-    return AccessProxy().access(cas).rresolveTCK( tck )
-def getConfigTree(id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc()):
-    if 'forest' not in dir(getConfigTree) : getConfigTree.forest = dict()
-    if id not in getConfigTree.forest :
-        tree = AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigTree( id )
+        line = prettyPrintLeaf(leaf, depth, properties)
+        file.write(line + '\n')
+    # Don't write anything below the WriterFilter
+    if leaf and leaf.name == 'WriterFilter':
+        return
+    for i in tree.nodes:
+        _dump(i, depth + 1, properties, lines, file)
+def dump(id, properties=_default_properties, lines=None, file=None, cas=default_cas):
+    tree = id if isinstance(id, backend.Tree) else getConfigTree(id, cas)
+    with smart_open(file) as f:
+        _dump(tree, properties=properties, lines=lines, file=f)
+def resolveTCK( tck, cas=default_cas):
+    return backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rresolveTCK( tck )
+def getConfigTree(id, cas=default_cas):
+    if not hasattr(getConfigTree, 'forest'):
+        getConfigTree.forest = dict()
+    if id not in getConfigTree.forest:
+        tree = backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigTree(id)
         getConfigTree.forest[id] = tree
         if tree.digest != id :
             # in case we got a TCK, the remote side resolves this to an ID
@@ -814,19 +422,29 @@ def getConfigTree(id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc()):
             getConfigTree.forest[tree.digest] = tree
     return getConfigTree.forest[id]
-def getConfigurations( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    return AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigurations()
+def get( ids , cas=default_cas):
+    if 'forest' not in dir(xget) : xget.forest = dict()
+    fetch = [ id for id in ids if id not in xget.forest.keys() ]
+    if fetch :
+        for t in fetch : xget.forest[t] = getConfigTree(t).leafs()
+    forest = dict()
+    for id in ids : forest[id] = xget.forest[id]
+    return forest
-def updateProperties(id,updates,label='', cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateProperties( id,updates,label )
-    if ret : AccessProxy().flush() # explicit flush in case we wrote something
+def updateProperties(id,updates,label='', cas=default_cas):
+    ret = backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateProperties( id,updates,label )
+    if ret : backend.AccessProxy().flush() # explicit flush in case we wrote something
     return ret
-def updateL0TCK(id, l0tck, label='', cas = ConfigAccessSvc(), extra = None ) :
+def updateL0TCK(id, l0tck, label='', cas=default_cas, extra=None):
+    from Gaudi.Configuration import importOptions
     if not label :
         print 'please provide a reasonable label for the new configuration'
         return None
-    l0tck = '0x%04X'%_tck(l0tck)
+    l0tck = '0x%04X' % backend._tck(l0tck)
     from Configurables import L0DUMultiConfigProvider,L0DUConfigProvider
     if l0tck not in L0DUMultiConfigProvider('L0DUConfig').registerTCK :
@@ -834,40 +452,32 @@ def updateL0TCK(id, l0tck, label='', cas = ConfigAccessSvc(), extra = None ) :
     configProvider = L0DUConfigProvider('ToolSvc.L0DUConfig.TCK_%s'%l0tck)
     l0config = configProvider.getValuedProperties()
     l0config['TCK'] = l0tck
-    ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateL0TCK(id,l0config,label,extra)
-    if ret : AccessProxy().flush()
+    ret = backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateL0TCK(id,l0config,label,extra)
+    if ret : backend.AccessProxy().flush()
     return ret
-def createTCKEntries(d, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rcreateTCKEntries(d)
-    AccessProxy().flush()
+def createTCKEntries(d, cas=default_cas):
+    ret = backend.AccessProxy().access(cas).rcreateTCKEntries(d)
+    backend.AccessProxy().flush()
     return ret
-def xget( ids , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
-    if 'forest' not in dir(xget) : xget.forest = dict()
-    fetch = [ id for id in ids if id not in xget.forest.keys() ]
-    if fetch :
-        for t in fetch : xget.forest[t] = getConfigTree(t).leafs()
-    forest = dict()
-    for id in ids : forest[id] = xget.forest[id]
-    return forest
-def getHlt1Lines( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def getHlt1Lines( id , cas=default_cas):
     # should be a list... so we try to 'eval' it
     return eval(getProperty(id,'Hlt1','Members',cas))
-def getHlt2Lines( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def getHlt2Lines( id , cas=default_cas):
     # should be a list... so we try to 'eval' it
     return eval(getProperty(id,'Hlt2','Members',cas))
-def getHltLines( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def getHltLines( id , cas=default_cas):
     return getHlt1Lines(id,cas) + getHlt2Lines(id,cas)
-def getHlt1Decisions( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def getHlt1Decisions( id , cas=default_cas):
     table = xget( [ id ], cas )[id]
-    lines = eval(_lookupProperty(table,'Hlt1','Members'))
-    return [ _lookupProperty(table,i.split('/')[-1],'DecisionName') for i in lines ]
+    lines = eval(_getProperty(table,'Hlt1','Members'))
+    return [ _getProperty(table,i.split('/')[-1],'DecisionName') for i in lines ]
 def _sortReleases( release ):
     version = release.split('_')[ 1 ]
@@ -898,25 +508,19 @@ def printReleases( rel ) : pprint(rel)
 def printHltTypes( rt ) : pprint(rt)
 def printTCKs( tcks ) : pprint(tcks)
-def listConfigurations( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listConfigurations( cas=default_cas):
     return printConfigurations( getConfigurations(cas) )
-def listReleases( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listReleases( cas=default_cas):
     return printReleases( getReleases() )
-def listHltTypes( release, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listHltTypes( release, cas=default_cas):
     return printHltTypes( getHltTypes(release) )
-def listTCKs( release, hlttype, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listTCKs( release, hlttype, cas=default_cas):
     return printTCKs( getTCKs(release,hlttype) )
-def listRoutingBits( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listRoutingBits( id, cas=default_cas):
-def listHlt1Lines( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listHlt1Lines( id, cas=default_cas):
-def listHlt2Lines( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listHlt2Lines( id, cas=default_cas):
-def listHlt1Decisions( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) :
+def listHlt1Decisions( id, cas=default_cas):
-######  do the actual work...
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
-    listConfigurations()
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh
index 6251679c3a363776ffbb993129e5c712ee5335a2..79f9b7cfa2263a5f2bde80eb632843daf3524c82 100755
--- a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
-exec `which python` -i -c 'from TCKUtils.utils import *'
+if [[ "$@" == "--help" ]] || [[ "$@" == "-h" ]]; then
+    interactive=''
+    interactive='-i'
+python ${interactive} `which TCKsh.py` -- "$@"
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh.py b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cdb536752e1e05968400b475869e7fb257a267c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/TCKsh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import os
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Explore TCK database')
+parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='config.cdb/tar files (use - for the default)')
+parser.add_argument('--write', action='store_true', help='Open the first file for writing')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if not args.files and args.write:
+    parser.error('"--write" requires at least one file to be specified')
+from Configurables import (ConfigStackAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigZipFileAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigTarFileAccessSvc,
+                           ConfigCDBAccessSvc)
+def __create_file_cas(name, path, mode):
+    if path == '-':
+        return ConfigCDBAccessSvc(name, Mode=mode)
+    ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
+    try:
+        ConfigAccessSvc = {
+            '.zip': ConfigZipFileAccessSvc,
+            '.tar': ConfigTarFileAccessSvc,
+            '.cdb': ConfigCDBAccessSvc,
+        }[ext]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise ValueError("Extension '{}' not recognized".format(ext))
+    if 'Write' not in mode and not os.path.isfile(path):
+        raise IOError("File not found '{}'".format(path))
+    return ConfigCDBAccessSvc(name, File=path, Mode=mode)
+if len(args.files) == 1:
+    fn = args.files[0]
+    mode = 'ReadWrite' if args.write else 'ReadOnly'
+    __create_file_cas('ConfigAccessSvc', fn, mode)
+elif len(args.files) > 1:
+    svcs = []
+    for i, fn in enumerate(args.files):
+        mode = 'ReadWrite' if i == 0 and args.write else 'ReadOnly'
+        svc = __create_file_cas('ConfigAccessSvc{}'.format(i), fn, mode)
+        svcs.append(svc)
+    ConfigStackAccessSvc('ConfigAccessSvc', ConfigAccessSvcs=svcs)
+# The only essential thing:
+from TCKUtils.utils import *
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/cdb_diff b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/cdb_diff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd8efaf96395c878dfa991bc004a57812e18b8e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/cdb_diff
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+from difflib import unified_diff
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+# dummy svc to prevent "Using ... as input"
+from Configurables import ConfigCDBAccessSvc
+from TCKUtils.utils import *
+def strConfigurations(cas):
+    sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
+    listConfigurations(cas)
+    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+    return mystdout.getvalue()
+if len(sys.argv) == 3:
+    fromfile, tofile = sys.argv[1:]
+    fromfile = os.path.expandvars('$HLTTCKROOT/config.cdb')
+    tofile = sys.argv[1]
+a = strConfigurations(ConfigAccessSvc('From', File=fromfile)).splitlines(True)
+b = strConfigurations(ConfigAccessSvc('To', File=tofile)).splitlines(True)
+print ''.join(unified_diff(a, b, fromfile, tofile, n=0))
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/iTCKsh b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/iTCKsh
index ee6b8db15a48704ae66c8d04bfb5b52477beace5..9a362b2fdd6d50189acad7ff1d53b66981565e0e 100644
--- a/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/iTCKsh
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/scripts/iTCKsh
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
-ipython -i -c 'from TCKUtils.utils import *'
+if [[ "$@" == "--help" ]] || [[ "$@" == "-h" ]]; then
+    interactive=''
+    interactive='-i'
+ipython ${interactive} `which TCKsh.py` -- "$@"
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/dumpdiff.py b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/dumpdiff.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8414f8778c47b2d5c2b46e61b1f4251806ab03aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/dumpdiff.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import os
+from TCKUtils.utils import *
+dump(0x11291600, file='dump_0x11291600.txt')
+dump(0x21291600, file='dump_0x21291600.txt')
+diff(0x212c1605, 0x212c1606, file='diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt')
+diff(0x21291600, 0x212c1600, file='diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt')
+diff(0x212c1605, 0x212c1606, human=True, file='hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt')
+diff(0x21291600, 0x212c1600, human=True, file='hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt')
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/queries.py b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/queries.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dad3b19d07ac7daf5a4817e99ffb446c7176eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/options/queries.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import unittest
+import itertools
+from TCKUtils.utils import *
+class TestQueryMethods(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_getComponents(self):
+        expected = [
+            (7, 'Hlt1ForwardHPT', 'b7aab5b0114f4dc8378148c6148ef46a'),
+            (8, 'Hlt1ForwardHPT.PatForwardTool', 'a9df2f268ba78325058b7184aa3a43c3'),
+            (9, 'Hlt1ForwardHPT.PatForwardTool.PatFwdTool', '3d9ba410de73d72172ba775099b28df1')
+        ]
+        result = getComponents(0x11291600)
+        result = list(itertools.islice(result, 298, 301))
+        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+    def test_getAlgorithms(self):
+        expected = [
+            (1, 'Hlt', 'c87b1cfc29bb0f766a03a346c15af9c6'),
+            (2, 'HltDecisionSequence', '70aab61e02f643b518a0cb5cde49296f'),
+            (3, 'Hlt1', 'bf20bdf0ddee88643841d87002eaed30'),
+            (4, 'Hlt1TrackMVA', 'f3a75204403fa8914f6243ec3d19eeca')
+        ]
+        result = getAlgorithms(0x11291600)
+        result = list(itertools.islice(result, 0, 4))
+        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+    def test_getProperties(self):
+        expected = {'PatPV3DHltBeamGas.PVOfflineTool': {'BeamSpotRCut': '0.20000000'}}
+        result = getProperties(0x11291600, '.*PatPV3D.*', 'BeamSpotRCut')
+        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+    def test_getTCKInfo(self):
+        expected = ('Physics_pp_May2016', 'MOORE_v25r2')
+        result = getTCKInfo(0x11291600)
+        self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+    def test_getReleases(self):
+        releases = getReleases()
+        self.assertTrue('MOORE_v25r2' in releases)
+    def test_getTCKs(self):
+        expected = ('0x11291600', 'Hlt1, Physics_pp_May2016, 0x1600')
+        tcks = getTCKs()
+        tcks2 = getTCKs(release='MOORE_v25r2', hlttype='Physics_pp_May2016')
+        self.assertTrue(expected in tcks)
+        self.assertTrue(expected in tcks2)
+    def test_getTCKList(self):
+        tcks = getTCKList()
+        self.assertTrue('0x11291600' in tcks)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/dumpdiff.qmt b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/dumpdiff.qmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b6dd6056171a94d72f94f089b5eedefee99243a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/dumpdiff.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+# ...................
+# Author: Rosen Matev
+# Purpose: Check that dump and diff functions work
+# Prerequisites: None
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+    <text>../options/dumpdiff.py</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/dump_0x11291600.txt.gz dump_0x11291600.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Dump 1 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/dump_0x21291600.txt.gz dump_0x21291600.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Dump 2 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Diff 1 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Diff 2 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Diff 3 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+retcode = os.system('zdiff ../refs/hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt')
+if retcode != 0:
+    causes.append('Diff 4 differs, check stdout/stderr')
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/queries.qmt b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/queries.qmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67d72de28e5e935310ab53d4d001993519a301cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/qmtest/tckutils.qms/queries.qmt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
+# ...................
+# Author: Rosen Matev
+# Purpose: Check that TCKUtils query (get*) functions work
+# Prerequisites: None
+<extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
+  <argument name="program"><text>python</text></argument>
+  <argument name="args"><set>
+    <text>../options/queries.py</text>
+  </set></argument>
+  <argument name="validator"><text>
+if stderr.strip().splitlines()[-1] != 'OK':
+    causes.append('Failed tests, check stderr')
+  </text></argument>
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..513537d8327891345944227b6a1c25acfc949c95
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cc88fe53591fcd884c5c5583d5989eb68d678bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/diff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x11291600.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x11291600.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..845f2b8c6fbe211032f23db37e1121daa9bc9a31
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x11291600.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x21291600.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x21291600.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..848f1d22258be4b3c3ea6e07e197784eb49e1b45
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/dump_0x21291600.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82cea1b3c5e28963c67e17a702e8a9b817eeb35e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x21291600_0x212c1600.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8955cbde433cde4222bda49259f096c92fb1ee77
Binary files /dev/null and b/Hlt/TCKUtils/tests/refs/hdiff_0x212c1605_0x212c1606.txt.gz differ