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DeUTSector.h 25.08 KiB
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Detector/UT/ChannelID.h"
#include "Kernel/LineTraj.h"
#ifdef USE_DD4HEP
# include "Detector/UT/DeUTSector.h"
using DeUTSector = LHCb::Detector::UT::DeUTSector;
# include "GaudiKernel/Plane3DTypes.h"
# include "Kernel/LHCbConstants.h"
# include "LHCbMath/LineTypes.h"
# include "UTDet/DeUTBaseElement.h"
# include "UTDet/DeUTModule.h"
# include "UTDet/DeUTSensor.h"
# include "UTDet/DeUTStave.h"
# include <iomanip>
# include <map>
# include <memory>
# include <string>
# include <utility>
# include <vector>
/** @class DeUTSector DeUTSector.h UTDet/DeUTSector.h
* Class representing a UT Sector
* @author Xuhao Yuan (based on code by Andy Beiter, Jianchun Wang, Matt Needham)
* @date 2021-03-29
static const CLID CLID_DeUTSector = 9320;
class DeUTSector : public DeUTBaseElement {
/** status enum
* <b> For details on definitions see:</b>
* \li <a href=""><b>documentation</b></a><p>
enum Status {
OK = 0,
Open = 1,
Short = 2,
Pinhole = 3,
ReadoutProblems = 4,
NotBonded = 5,
LowGain = 6,
Noisy = 7,
OtherFault = 9,
Dead = 10,
UnknownStatus = 100
/** lookup the enum corresponding to a string */
friend Status toStatus( std::string_view str );
/** lookup the string corresponding to a status enum */
friend std::string toString( Status status );
/** allow for Status to be used as a Gaudi::Property **/
friend StatusCode parse( Status&, std::string const& );
friend std::ostream& toStream( Status status, std::ostream& os ) {
return os << std::quoted( toString( status ), '\'' );
using Sensors = std::vector<DeUTSensor const*>;
/** child type */
using child_type = DeUTSensor;
/** parent type */
using stave_type = DeUTStave;
using module_type = DeUTModule;
/** Constructor */
using DeUTBaseElement::DeUTBaseElement;
* Retrieves reference to class identifier
* @return the class identifier for this class
static const CLID& classID() { return CLID_DeUTSector; }
* another reference to class identifier
* @return the class identifier for this class
const CLID& clID() const override { return DeUTSector::classID(); }
* Retrieves the hybrid type
* @return the hybrid type
enum struct HybridType { D, Q, N };
friend std::string toString( HybridType t ) {
switch ( t ) {
case HybridType::D:
return "D";
case HybridType::Q:
return "Q";
case HybridType::N:
return "N";
throw std::out_of_range( "unknown UTSector::HybridType" );
[[nodiscard]] HybridType hybridType() const { return m_hybridType; }
/** initialization method
* @return Status of initialisation
StatusCode initialize() override;
/** column number */
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int column() const { return m_column; }
/** staveID number */
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int staveID() const { return m_staveID; }
/** row Number.... */
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int row() const { return m_row; }
/** production ID --> in fact parent ID */
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int prodID() const { return m_prodID; }
/** get the noise of the corresponding strip
* @param aChannel channel
* @return float noise of the strip
[[nodiscard]] float noise( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const;
/** get the average noise in the sector
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float sectorNoise() const;
/** get the average noise of a beetle
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float beetleNoise( unsigned int beetle ) const;
/** get the average noise of a beetle port
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @param port beetle port number (1-3)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float portNoise( unsigned int beetle, unsigned int port ) const;
/** set the Noise of the corresponding strip
* @param strip strip number
* @param value Noise value
void setNoise( unsigned int strip, double value );
/** set the Noise of the corresponding channel
* @param chan channel
* @param value Noise value
void setNoise( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan, double value ) { setNoise( chan.strip(), value ); }
/** set the Noise vector
* @param values Noise vector
void setNoise( std::vector<double> values );
/** get the Noise of the corresponding strip
* @param aChannel channel
* @return float noise of the strip
[[nodiscard]] float rawNoise( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const;
/** get the average raw noise in the sector
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float rawSectorNoise() const;
/** get the average raw noise of a beetle
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float rawBeetleNoise( unsigned int beetle ) const;
/** get the average raw noise of a beetle port
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @param port beetle port number (1-3)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float rawPortNoise( unsigned int beetle, unsigned int port ) const;
/** get the common mode noise of the corresponding strip
* @param aChannel channel
* @return float noise of the strip
[[nodiscard]] float cmNoise( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const;
/** get the average common noise in the sector
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float cmSectorNoise() const;
/** get the average common mode noise of a beetle
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float cmBeetleNoise( unsigned int beetle ) const;
/** get the average common mode noise of a beetle port
* @param beetle beetle number (1-4)
* @param port beetle port number (1-3)
* @return float average noise
[[nodiscard]] float cmPortNoise( unsigned int beetle, unsigned int port ) const;
/** set the cmNoise of the corresponding strip
* @param strip strip number
* @param value cmNoise value
void setCMNoise( unsigned int strip, double value );
/** set the cmNoise of the corresponding channel
* @param chan channel
* @param value cmNoise value
void setCMNoise( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan, double value ) { setCMNoise( chan.strip(), value ); }
/** set the cmNoise vector
* @param values cmNoise vector
void setCMNoise( std::vector<double> values );
/** set the ACD count from the electron number vector
* @param values
void setADCConversion( std::vector<double> values );
/** get the ADC count from the electron number
* @param e electron number
* @param aChannel channel
* @return ADC count
[[nodiscard]] double toADC( double e, LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const;
/** get the ADC count from the electron number
* @param e electron number
* @param aStrip strip number
* @return ADC count
[[nodiscard]] double toADC( double e, unsigned int aStrip ) const;
/** get the electron number from the ADC count
* @param val ADV count
* @param aChannel channel
* @return electron number
[[nodiscard]] double toElectron( double val, LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const;
/** get the electron number from the ADC count
* @param val ADV count
* @param aStrip strip number
* @return electron number
[[nodiscard]] double toElectron( double val, unsigned int aStrip ) const;
/** sector identfier
* @return id
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int id() const { return m_id; }
/** set sector id */
DeUTSector& setID( const unsigned int id ) {
m_id = id;
return *this;
/** check whether contains
* @param aChannel channel
* @return bool
[[nodiscard]] bool contains( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const override;
/** detector pitch
* @return pitch
[[nodiscard]] double pitch() const { return m_pitch; }
/** number of strips
* @return number of strips
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int nStrip() const { return m_nStrip; }
* check if valid strip number
[[nodiscard]] bool isStrip( unsigned int strip ) const;
/** trajectory
* @return trajectory for the fit
[[nodiscard]] LHCb::LineTraj<double> trajectory( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChan, double offset ) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool getStripflip() const { return m_stripflip; }
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int firstStrip() const { return m_firstStrip; }
[[nodiscard]] auto version() const { return m_version; }
/** Trajectory<double> parameterized along y-axis */
void trajectory( unsigned int strip, double offset, double& dxdy, double& dzdy, double& xAtYEq0, double& zAtYEq0,
double& ybegin, double& yend ) const;
* @return total capacitance
* ie sensors, cable + pitch adaptor
[[nodiscard]] double capacitance() const { return m_capacitance; }
* @return sensor Capacitance
[[nodiscard]] double sensorCapacitance() const;
/** strip length
* @return strip length
[[nodiscard]] double stripLength() const { return m_stripLength; }
/** thickness
* @return double thickness
[[nodiscard]] double thickness() const { return m_thickness; }
/** get the next channel left
* @return next chan left
[[nodiscard]] LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID nextLeft( const LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID testChan ) const;
/** get the next channel right
* @return next chan left
[[nodiscard]] LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID nextRight( const LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID testChan ) const;
/// Workaround to prevent hidden base class function
[[nodiscard]] const std::type_info& type( const std::string& name ) const override {
return ParamValidDataObject::type( name );
* @return std::string type
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& type() const { return m_type; }
/** @return double stereo angle */
[[nodiscard]] double angle() const { return m_angle; }
/** @return double sin of stereo angle */
[[nodiscard]] double sinAngle() const { return m_sinAngle; }
/** @return cosine of stereo angle */
[[nodiscard]] double cosAngle() const { return m_cosAngle; }
/** @return check if is a stereo ladder */
[[nodiscard]] bool isStereo() const { return m_isStereo; }
/** beetle corresponding to channel 1-3 (IT) 1-4 (TT)*/
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int beetle( const LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID& chan ) const {
return beetle( chan.strip() + ( firstStrip() + 1 ) % 2 );
/** beetle corresponding to channel 1-3 (IT) 1-4 (TT)*/
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int beetle( const unsigned int strip ) const {
return ( ( strip - 1u ) / LHCbConstants::nStripsInBeetle ) + 1u;
/** n beetle
* @return double nBeetles
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int nBeetle() const { return nStrip() / LHCbConstants::nStripsInBeetle; }
/** measured efficiency
* @ return double measured Eff
[[nodiscard]] double measEff() const { return m_measEff; }
/** set measured Eff of sector */
void setMeasEff( const double measEff );
/** Status of sector
@return Status of readout sector
[[nodiscard]] Status sectorStatus() const { return m_status; }
/** Status of the Beetle corresponding to strip */
[[nodiscard]] Status beetleStatus( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) const {
return beetleStatus( beetle( chan ) );
/** Status of the Beetle with given id 1-3 (IT), 1-4 (TT) */
[[nodiscard]] Status beetleStatus( unsigned int id ) const;
/** vector of beetle status */
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<DeUTSector::Status> beetleStatus() const;
/** Status of channel */
[[nodiscard]] Status stripStatus( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) const;
/** get vector of strip status for all strips in sector */
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<Status> stripStatus() const;
/** set the sector status */
void setSectorStatus( const Status& newStatus );
/** set vector of beetleStatus
* @param unsigned int beetle [numbering from 1]
* @param Status newStatus
void setBeetleStatus( unsigned int beetle, const Status& newStatus );
/** set vector of beetleStatus
* @param LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan id of beetle
* @param Status newStatus
void setBeetleStatus( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan, const Status& newStatus ) {
setBeetleStatus( beetle( chan ), newStatus );
/** set vector of beetleStatus
* @param unsigned int strip [numbering from 1]
* @param Status newStatus
void setStripStatus( unsigned int strip, const Status& newStatus );
/** set vector of beetleStatus
* @param LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan id of strip
* @param Status newStatus
void setStripStatus( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan, const Status& newStatus ) {
setStripStatus( chan.strip(), newStatus );
/** short cut for strip status ok
* @return isOKStrip
[[nodiscard]] bool isOKStrip( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) const {
return stripStatus( chan ) == DeUTSector::OK;
/** short cut for hit error scaling factor
* @return std::array all scaling factors
[[nodiscard]] std::array<double, 4> hitErrorFactors() const { return m_hitErrorFactors; }
/** short cut for hit error scaling factor
* @return scaling factor for a certain cluster size
[[nodiscard]] double hitErrorFactor( unsigned int clusterSize ) const {
// support up to clusterSize=4
return hitErrorFactors()[std::min( static_cast<int>( clusterSize ) - 1, 3 )];
/** strip to channel
* @param strip
* @return corresponding channel */
[[nodiscard]] LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID stripToChan( const unsigned int strip ) const;
/** version */
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& versionString() const { return m_versionString; };
/** dead width */
[[nodiscard]] double deadWidth() const { return m_deadWidth; }
/** print to stream */
std::ostream& printOut( std::ostream& os ) const override;
/** print to msgstream */
MsgStream& printOut( MsgStream& os ) const override;
/// Get given sensor
[[nodiscard]] const DeUTSensor& sensor( unsigned int index ) const { return *m_sensors[index]; }
/// number of sensors
[[nodiscard]] unsigned int nSensors() const { return m_sensors.size(); }
/// apply given callable to all sensors
void applyToAllSensors( const std::function<void( DeUTSensor const& )>& func ) const {
for ( auto* sensor : m_sensors ) { func( *sensor ); }
/** locate sensor based on a point
* @return stave */
[[nodiscard]] const DeUTSensor* findSensor( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& point ) const;
/** find the middle sensor. rounding down if odd **/
[[nodiscard]] const DeUTSensor* middleSensor() const { return m_sensors[m_sensors.size() / 2u]; }
/** check if inside the active area
* @param point point in global frame
* @param tol tolerance
* @return bool isInside
[[nodiscard]] bool globalInActive( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& point, Gaudi::XYZPoint tol = {0., 0., 0.} ) const;
/** globalInActive
* @param point point in global frame
* @param tol tolerance
* @return bool in bondgap
[[nodiscard]] bool globalInBondGap( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& point, double tol = 0 ) const;
* Nickname for the sensor
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& nickname() const { return m_nickname; }
* fraction active channels
* @return bool fraction active
[[nodiscard]] double fractionActive() const;
/** direct access to the status condition, for experts only */
[[nodiscard]] const Condition* statusCondition() const { return condition( m_statusString ); }
/** direct access to the noise condition, for experts only */
[[nodiscard]] const Condition* noiseCondition() const { return condition( m_noiseString ); }
/** x sense of local frame relative to global */
[[nodiscard]] bool xInverted() const { return middleSensor()->xInverted(); }
/** y sense of local frame relative to global */
[[nodiscard]] bool yInverted() const { return middleSensor()->yInverted(); }
[[nodiscard]] std::string conditionsPathName() const;
/** getter for p0 */
[[nodiscard]] Gaudi::XYZPoint get_p0() const { return m_p0; }
/** getter for dp0di */
[[nodiscard]] Gaudi::XYZVector get_dp0di() const { return m_dp0di; }
/** getter for dy */
[[nodiscard]] double get_dy() const { return m_dy; }
/** getter for dxdy */
[[nodiscard]] double get_dxdy() const { return m_dxdy; }
/// get half length in x an y
std::pair<double, double> halfLengths() const;
Gaudi::XYZVector normalY() const { return globalPoint( 0, 1, 0 ) - globalPoint( 0, 0, 0 ); }
/** ouput operator for class DeUTSector
* @see DeUTSector
* @see MsgStream
* @param os reference to STL output stream
* @param aSector reference to DeUTSector object
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const DeUTSector& aSector ) { return aSector.printOut( os ); }
/** ouput operator for class DeUTSector
* @see DeUTSector
* @see MsgStream
* @param os reference to MsgStream output stream
* @param aSector reference to DeUTSector object
friend MsgStream& operator<<( MsgStream& os, const DeUTSector& aSector ) { return aSector.printOut( os ); }
/** stream operator for status */
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& s, DeUTSector::Status e );
bool m_isStereo = false;
StatusCode registerConditionsCallbacks();
StatusCode cacheInfo();
Sensors m_sensors;
double m_thickness = 0.0;
std::string m_nickname;
typedef std::map<unsigned int, Status> StatusMap;
stave_type* m_stave = nullptr;
module_type* m_module = nullptr;
unsigned int m_row = 0u;
HybridType m_hybridType;
std::string m_conditionPathName;
std::string staveNumber( unsigned int chan, unsigned int reg ) const;
StatusCode updateStatusCondition();
StatusCode updateHitErrorFactorCondition();
StatusCode updateNoiseCondition();
LHCb::LineTraj<double> createTraj( const unsigned int strip, const double offset ) const;
void setStatusCondition( const std::string& type, const unsigned int entry, const DeUTSector::Status& newStatus );
unsigned int m_firstStrip = 1;
unsigned int m_firstBeetle = 1;
unsigned int m_id = 0u;
double m_pitch = 0.0;
unsigned int m_nStrip = 0u;
double m_capacitance = 0.0;
double m_stripLength = 0.0;
// std::pair<double, double> m_range;
unsigned int m_prodID = 0u;
double m_deadWidth = 0.0;
std::string m_type;
double m_dxdy = 0.0;
double m_dzdy = 0.0;
double m_dy = 0.0;
Gaudi::XYZVector m_dp0di;
Gaudi::XYZPoint m_p0;
double m_angle = 0.0;
double m_cosAngle = 0.0;
double m_sinAngle = 0.0;
double m_measEff = 0.0;
// status info
Status m_status = OK;
StatusMap m_beetleStatus;
StatusMap m_stripStatus;
std::string m_statusString = "Status";
std::string m_versionString = "DC06";
// Hit error scaling factors
std::string m_hitErrorFactorsString = "HitError";
std::string m_hitErrorFactorsPathString = "/dd/Conditions/HitError/UT/HitError";
std::array<double, 4> m_hitErrorFactors{1., 1., 1., 1.};
// Noise info
std::string m_noiseString = "Noise";
std::vector<double> m_noiseValues;
std::vector<double> m_electronsPerADC;
std::vector<double> m_cmModeValues;
// Readout info, to determine stripflip based on new/old readout map
bool m_stripflip = false;
GeoVersion m_version = GeoVersion::v1;
inline static const std::string m_readoutString = "ReadoutMap";
inline static const std::string m_readoutpathString = "/dd/Conditions/ReadoutConf/UT/ReadoutMap";
unsigned int m_column{0};
unsigned int m_staveID{0};
static unsigned int face_map( unsigned int i ) {
constexpr auto m = std::array{1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0};
return i - 1 );
static unsigned int module_map( unsigned int i ) {
constexpr auto m = std::array{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7};
return i - 1 );
static unsigned int sector_map( unsigned int i ) {
constexpr auto m = std::array{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return i - 1 );
inline bool DeUTSector::contains( const LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID aChannel ) const {
return aChannel.uniqueSector() == elementID().uniqueSector();
inline bool DeUTSector::isStrip( const unsigned int strip ) const {
return strip >= m_firstStrip && strip < m_firstStrip + m_nStrip;
inline double DeUTSector::sensorCapacitance() const { return nSensors() * sensor( 0 ).capacitance(); }
inline void DeUTSector::trajectory( unsigned int strip, double offset, double& dxdy, double& dzdy, double& xAtYEq0,
double& zAtYEq0, double& ybegin, double& yend ) const {
auto i = offset + strip;
auto numstrips = ( ( m_stripflip && xInverted() ) ? ( m_nStrip - i ) : i );
dxdy = m_dxdy;
dzdy = m_dzdy;
xAtYEq0 = m_p0.x() + numstrips * m_dp0di.x();
zAtYEq0 = m_p0.z() + numstrips * m_dp0di.z();
ybegin = m_p0.y() + numstrips * m_dp0di.y();
yend = ybegin + m_dy;
inline DeUTSector::Status DeUTSector::beetleStatus( unsigned int id ) const {
DeUTSector::Status theStatus = sectorStatus();
if ( theStatus == DeUTSector::OK ) {
if ( auto iter = m_beetleStatus.find( id ); iter != m_beetleStatus.end() ) theStatus = iter->second;
return theStatus;
inline DeUTSector::Status DeUTSector::stripStatus( LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) const {
DeUTSector::Status theStatus = beetleStatus( chan );
if ( theStatus == DeUTSector::OK ) {
if ( auto iter = m_stripStatus.find( chan.strip() ); iter != m_stripStatus.end() ) theStatus = iter->second;
return theStatus;
inline std::vector<DeUTSector::Status> DeUTSector::beetleStatus() const {
std::vector<Status> vec;
vec.resize( nBeetle() );
for ( unsigned int iBeetle = m_firstBeetle; iBeetle <= nBeetle(); ++iBeetle ) {
if ( sectorStatus() != DeUTSector::OK ) {
vec[iBeetle - 1] = sectorStatus();
auto iter = m_beetleStatus.find( iBeetle );
if ( iter != m_beetleStatus.end() ) {
vec[iBeetle - 1] = iter->second;
} else {
vec[iBeetle - 1] = DeUTSector::OK;
} // nStrip
return vec;
inline std::vector<DeUTSector::Status> DeUTSector::stripStatus() const {
std::vector<Status> vec;
vec.resize( nStrip() );
for ( unsigned int iStrip = m_firstStrip; iStrip <= nStrip(); ++iStrip ) {
if ( sectorStatus() != DeUTSector::OK ) {
vec[iStrip - m_firstStrip] = sectorStatus();
LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chan = stripToChan( iStrip );
if ( beetleStatus( chan ) != DeUTSector::OK ) {
vec[iStrip - m_firstStrip] = beetleStatus( chan );
auto iter = m_stripStatus.find( iStrip );
vec[iStrip - m_firstStrip] = ( iter != m_stripStatus.end() ? iter->second : DeUTSector::OK );
} // nStrip
return vec;
inline LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID DeUTSector::stripToChan( unsigned int strip ) const {
return isStrip( strip ) ? LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID( elementID().channelID() + strip - m_firstStrip )
: LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID( 0 );
[[deprecated( "please deref first" )]] inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const DeUTSector* aSector ) {
return os << *aSector;
[[deprecated( "please deref first" )]] inline MsgStream& operator<<( MsgStream& os, const DeUTSector* aSector ) {
return os << *aSector;