From 3704d443263533be00e099517d96ea85a8650ff0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 13:29:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] RichSmartIDMCUtils: Add isCherenkovRadiation overload that
 deduces radiator from SmartID RICH

 .../include/RichFutureMCUtils/RichSmartIDMCUtils.h          | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureMCUtils/include/RichFutureMCUtils/RichSmartIDMCUtils.h b/Rich/RichFutureMCUtils/include/RichFutureMCUtils/RichSmartIDMCUtils.h
index 01ffc90debb..9c5e52c121c 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureMCUtils/include/RichFutureMCUtils/RichSmartIDMCUtils.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureMCUtils/include/RichFutureMCUtils/RichSmartIDMCUtils.h
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::MC::Relations {
     /// Checks if the given RichSmartID is the result of true Cherenkov
     bool isCherenkovRadiation( const LHCb::RichSmartID id, const Rich::RadiatorType rad ) const;
+    /// Checks if the given RichSmartID is the result of true Cherenkov
+    inline bool isCherenkovRadiation( const LHCb::RichSmartID id ) const {
+      const auto rad = ( Rich::Rich1 == ? Rich::Rich1Gas : Rich::Rich2Gas );
+      return isCherenkovRadiation( id, rad );
+    }
     /// Checks if the given cluster is the result of true Cherenkov
     bool isCherenkovRadiation( const Rich::PDPixelCluster& cluster, const Rich::RadiatorType rad ) const;