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Commit a538ff88 authored by Sebastien Ponce's avatar Sebastien Ponce
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Made DeCaloTiming functional

Also dropped its header file
parent 283bcbbc
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1 merge request!3001Towards dropping GaudiAlgorithm from LHCb
......@@ -8,138 +8,126 @@
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
// from Gaudi
#include "CaloDet/DeCalorimeter.h"
#include "DetDesc/GenericConditionAccessorHolder.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/Consumer.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTupleAlg.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/RndmGenerators.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StdArrayAsProperty.h"
// local
#include "DeCaloTiming.h"
// Implementation file for class : DeCaloTiming
// Simple algorithm to add time shift (user-defined or Gaussian or flat randomly
// distributed) at the DeCalorimeter initialisation level
// Useful to produce time misalignment (in Gauss) and check/develop alignment procedure
// 2007-08-22 : Olivier DESCHAMPS
// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
// Standard constructor, initializes variables
DeCaloTiming::DeCaloTiming( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) : GaudiTupleAlg( name, pSvcLocator ) {
declareProperty( "Method", m_method = "Flat" ); // Flat/Gauss/User
declareProperty( "Params", m_params = {0, 0} );
declareProperty( "Key", m_key = "CellID" );
declareProperty( "deltaTime", m_deltas );
* Simple algorithm to add time shift (user-defined or Gaussian or flat randomly
* distributed) at the DeCalorimeter initialisation level
* Useful to produce time misalignment (in Gauss) and check/develop alignment procedure
* @author Olivier DESCHAMPS
* @date 2007-08-22
class DeCaloTiming
: public Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void( const DeCalorimeter& ),
LHCb::DetDesc::usesBaseAndConditions<GaudiTupleAlg, DeCalorimeter>> {
/// Standard constructor
DeCaloTiming( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
StatusCode initialize() override;
void operator()( const DeCalorimeter& ) const override;
m_deltas["Default"] = 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns;
double delta( long id ) const {
auto delta = m_deltas.find( std::to_string( id ) );
return delta != m_deltas.end() ? delta->second : m_deltas.value().at( "Default" );
// set default detectorName
auto idx = name.find_last_of( "." );
if ( idx == std::string::npos )
idx = 0;
m_detectorName = name.substr( idx, 4 );
if ( name.substr( idx, 3 ) == "Prs" ) m_detectorName = "Prs";
if ( name.substr( idx, 3 ) == "Spd" ) m_detectorName = "Spd";
// Note that thread safety depends on the thread safety of the underlying random generator
mutable Rndm::Numbers m_shoot;
declareProperty( "DetectorName", m_detectorName );
// Initialization
StatusCode DeCaloTiming::initialize() {
StatusCode sc = GaudiTupleAlg::initialize(); // must be executed first
if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc; // error printed already by GaudiAlgorithm
ServiceHandle<IRndmGenSvc> m_rndmSvc{this, "RndmGenSvc", "RndmGenSvc"};
if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) ) debug() << "==> Initialize" << endmsg;
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_method{this, "Method", "Flat", "Flat/Gauss/User"};
Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 2>> m_params{this, "Params", {0, 0}};
Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, double>> m_deltas{this, "deltaTime", {{"Default", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns}}};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_key{this, "Key", "CellID"};
// get DeCalorimeter
if ( "Ecal" == m_detectorName ) {
m_calo = getDet<DeCalorimeter>( DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal );
} else if ( "Hcal" == m_detectorName ) {
m_calo = getDet<DeCalorimeter>( DeCalorimeterLocation::Hcal );
} else if ( "Prs" == m_detectorName ) {
m_calo = getDet<DeCalorimeter>( DeCalorimeterLocation::Prs );
} else if ( "Spd" == m_detectorName ) {
m_calo = getDet<DeCalorimeter>( DeCalorimeterLocation::Spd );
} else {
error() << "Unknown Calo detector name " << m_detectorName << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// used to run only one first event
mutable std::once_flag m_onlyFirstEvent;
info() << " ======= SIMULATING THE MISALIGNMENT of " << m_detectorName << " TIMING ======= " << endmsg;
// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
// Params
auto rndmSvc = service<IRndmGenSvc>( "RndmGenSvc", true );
Rndm::Numbers shoot;
DeCaloTiming::DeCaloTiming( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"DetectorName", ""}} ) {}
if ( m_method == "Gauss" ) {
// Gaussian random (mean, rms)
info() << "---- Method : gaussian random timing values " << endmsg;
double a = m_params[0];
double b = m_params[1];
info() << " mean/sigma = " << a << "/" << b << endmsg;
sc = shoot.initialize( rndmSvc, Rndm::Gauss( a, b ) );
if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
} else if ( m_method == "Flat" ) {
// Flat random (min, max)
info() << "---- Method : flat random timing values " << endmsg;
double a = m_params[0];
double b = m_params[1];
info() << " min/max = " << a << "/" << b << endmsg;
sc = shoot.initialize( rndmSvc, Rndm::Flat( a, b ) );
if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
} else if ( m_method == "User" ) {
info() << "---- Method : user-defined timing values " << endmsg;
info() << "Timing value have been defined for " << m_deltas.size() << " cells " << endmsg;
info() << "Default value [" << m_deltas["Default"] << "] will be applied to "
<< m_calo->numberOfCells() - m_deltas.size() << " other cells." << endmsg;
if ( m_key == "CellID" ) {
info() << "The timing values are mapped with KEY = CellID " << endmsg;
} else if ( m_key == "Index" ) {
info() << "The timing values are are mapped with KEY = Index" << endmsg;
StatusCode DeCaloTiming::initialize() {
return GaudiTupleAlg::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
info() << " ======= SIMULATING THE MISALIGNMENT of " << inputLocation<DeCalorimeter>()
<< " TIMING ======= " << endmsg;
if ( m_method == "Gauss" ) {
// Gaussian random (mean, rms)
info() << "---- Method : gaussian random timing values " << endmsg;
double a = m_params[0];
double b = m_params[1];
info() << " mean/sigma = " << a << "/" << b << endmsg;
auto sc = m_shoot.initialize( m_rndmSvc.get(), Rndm::Gauss( a, b ) );
if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
} else if ( m_method == "Flat" ) {
// Flat random (min, max)
info() << "---- Method : flat random timing values " << endmsg;
double a = m_params[0];
double b = m_params[1];
info() << " min/max = " << a << "/" << b << endmsg;
auto sc = m_shoot.initialize( m_rndmSvc.get(), Rndm::Flat( a, b ) );
if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
} else if ( m_method == "User" ) {
info() << "---- Method : user-defined timing values " << endmsg;
info() << "Timing value have been defined for " << m_deltas.size() << " cells " << endmsg;
info() << "Default value [" << m_deltas["Default"] << "] will be applied to other cells." << endmsg;
if ( m_key == "CellID" ) {
info() << "The timing values are mapped with KEY = CellID " << endmsg;
} else if ( m_key == "Index" ) {
info() << "The timing values are are mapped with KEY = Index" << endmsg;
} else {
error() << "undefined deltaKey : must be either 'CellID' or 'Index' " << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else {
error() << "undefined deltaKey : must be either 'CellID' or 'Index' " << endmsg;
error() << "Method " << m_method << " unknown - should be 'Flat', 'Gauss' or 'User'" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else {
error() << "Method " << m_method << " unknown - should be 'Flat', 'Gauss' or 'User'" << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// update cellParams
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
} );
auto& cells = const_cast<CaloVector<CellParam>&>( m_calo->cellParams() ); // no-const conversion
std::vector<int> cellids, cellind;
std::vector<double> times, dtimes;
for ( auto& icell : cells ) {
LHCb::CaloCellID id = icell.cellID();
if ( !m_calo->valid( id ) || m_calo->isPinId( id ) ) continue;
long num = m_calo->cellIndex( id );
double dt = ( m_method != "User" ? shoot() : delta( m_key != "Index" ? id.index() : num ) );
if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) )
debug() << num << " Delta time for cellID " << id << " : " << dt << endmsg;
icell.setDeltaTime( dt ); // add delta time (ns)
cellids.push_back( id.index() );
cellind.push_back( num );
times.push_back( icell.time() );
dtimes.push_back( icell.deltaTime() );
void DeCaloTiming::operator()( const DeCalorimeter& deCalo ) const {
std::call_once( m_onlyFirstEvent, [&]() {
// update cellParams
auto& cells = const_cast<CaloVector<CellParam>&>( deCalo.cellParams() ); // no-const conversion
std::vector<int> cellids, cellind;
std::vector<double> times, dtimes;
for ( auto& icell : cells ) {
LHCb::CaloCellID id = icell.cellID();
if ( !deCalo.valid( id ) || deCalo.isPinId( id ) ) continue;
long num = deCalo.cellIndex( id );
double dt = ( m_method != "User" ? m_shoot() : delta( m_key != "Index" ? id.index() : num ) );
if ( UNLIKELY( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) )
debug() << num << " Delta time for cellID " << id << " : " << dt << endmsg;
icell.setDeltaTime( dt ); // add delta time (ns)
cellids.push_back( id.index() );
cellind.push_back( num );
times.push_back( icell.time() );
dtimes.push_back( icell.deltaTime() );
// Ntupling
Tuple ntp = nTuple( 500, m_detectorName + "DeTiming", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple );
auto max = m_calo->numberOfCells();
ntp->farray( "cellID", cellids, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "index", cellind, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "time", times, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "dtime", dtimes, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
return ntp->write();
// Ntupling
Tuple ntp = nTuple( 500, inputLocation<DeCalorimeter>() + "DeTiming", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple );
auto max = deCalo.numberOfCells();
ntp->farray( "cellID", cellids, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "index", cellind, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "time", times, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
ntp->farray( "dtime", dtimes, "Nchannels", max ).ignore();
} );
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
// from Gaudi
#include "CaloDet/DeCalorimeter.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTupleAlg.h"
/** @class DeCaloTiming DeCaloTiming.h component/DeCaloTiming.h
* @author Olivier DESCHAMPS
* @date 2007-08-22
class DeCaloTiming : public GaudiTupleAlg {
/// Standard constructor
DeCaloTiming( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
StatusCode initialize() override; ///< Algorithm initialization
double delta( long id ) {
auto i = m_deltas.find( std::to_string( id ) );
if ( i == m_deltas.end() ) i = m_deltas.find( "Default" );
return i->second;
std::string m_detectorName;
std::string m_method;
std::array<double, 2> m_params{};
std::map<std::string, double> m_deltas;
std::string m_key;
DeCalorimeter* m_calo = nullptr;
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