diff --git a/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.h b/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.h
index 3a4f2fb599a29727d381c0c15ac30092558ea377..4c6255eb389e852558e2379a25bc3e2d45271507 100644
--- a/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.h
+++ b/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.h
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ public:
   const std::string& name() const { return m_parent->name(); }
-  const std::string& context() const { return m_parent->context(); }
   MsgStream& debug() { return m_parent->debug(); }
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@ private:
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_noAlgTypeErr{m_parent, "No alg type given", 10};
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_noIAlgMgrErr{m_parent, "Could not locate IAlgManager", 10};
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_algoCreationErr{m_parent, "Could not create algorithm", 10};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_setContextErr{m_parent, "Unable to set Property Context", 10};
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_algInitErr{m_parent, "Error in algorithm initialization!", 10};
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_setOutTableErr{m_parent, "Unable to set Property OutputTable",
diff --git a/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.icpp b/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.icpp
index 9692bb4a84cf065ae5d20bbb3c1d0b8ebd2ec633..65c82d9a8fb2557fee1f48effc57e434911bb351 100644
--- a/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.icpp
+++ b/Associators/MCAssociators/include/Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.icpp
@@ -84,12 +84,6 @@ StatusCode Object2MCLinker<SOURCE, PARENT>::locateAlgorithm( const std::string&
     return sc;
-  IProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<IProperty*>( alg );
-  sc              = prop->setProperty( "Context", this->context() );
-  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-    ++m_setContextErr;
-    return sc;
-  }
   // add the reference to the new algorithm
@@ -122,15 +116,9 @@ StatusCode Object2MCLinker<SOURCE, PARENT>::setAlgInputData( IAlgorithm*&
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  // Context property is contagious (from myMother)
-  auto sc = prop->setProperty( "Context", context() );
-  if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
-    ++m_setContextErr;
-    return sc;
-  }
   // Set OutputTable property to "" avoiding Relations table
-  sc = prop->setProperty( "OutputTable", "" );
+  auto sc = prop->setProperty( "OutputTable", "" );
   if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) {
     return sc;
diff --git a/Event/RecEvent/include/Event/ProtoParticle.h b/Event/RecEvent/include/Event/ProtoParticle.h
index 335711bdab5c32479c712c45ee1296ebd9cabf39..1d27d994c0e13a090dc1ca6e82e033df74299a87 100644
--- a/Event/RecEvent/include/Event/ProtoParticle.h
+++ b/Event/RecEvent/include/Event/ProtoParticle.h
@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
   // Namespace for locations in TDS
   namespace ProtoParticleLocation {
-    inline const std::string Charged     = "Rec/ProtoP/Charged";
-    inline const std::string Upstream    = "Rec/ProtoP/Upstream";
-    inline const std::string Neutrals    = "Rec/ProtoP/Neutrals";
-    inline const std::string HltCharged  = "Hlt/ProtoP/Charged";
-    inline const std::string HltNeutrals = "Hlt/ProtoP/Neutrals";
+    inline const std::string Charged  = "Rec/ProtoP/Charged";
+    inline const std::string Upstream = "Rec/ProtoP/Upstream";
+    inline const std::string Neutrals = "Rec/ProtoP/Neutrals";
   } // namespace ProtoParticleLocation
   /** @class ProtoParticle ProtoParticle.h
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/include/GaudiAlg/GaudiCommon.h b/GaudiAlg/include/GaudiAlg/GaudiCommon.h
index d0f2f4fe5c0666d1e870d63317ec329732bebc07..b3d7723cd13d3faf784686be5361ec5af1d020a9 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/include/GaudiAlg/GaudiCommon.h
+++ b/GaudiAlg/include/GaudiAlg/GaudiCommon.h
@@ -606,19 +606,8 @@ public:
   StatusCode runUpdate() { return updMgrSvc()->update( this ); }
-  /// Algorithm constructor - the SFINAE constraint below ensures that this is
-  /// constructor is only defined if PBASE derives from Algorithm
-  template <typename U = PBASE, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Gaudi::Algorithm, PBASE>, U>>
-  GaudiCommon( std::string name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) : base_class( std::move( name ), pSvcLocator ) {
-    initGaudiCommonConstructor();
-  }
-  /// Tool constructor - SFINAE-ed to insure this constructor is only defined
-  /// if PBASE derives from AlgTool.
-  template <typename U = PBASE, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<AlgTool, PBASE>, U>>
-  GaudiCommon( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* ancestor )
-      : base_class( std::move( type ), std::move( name ), ancestor ) {
-    initGaudiCommonConstructor( this->parent() );
-  }
+  /// constructor
+  using base_class::base_class;
   /** standard initialization method
@@ -670,10 +659,6 @@ public:
   /// get the list of aquired services
   const Services& services() const { return m_services; } // get all services
   // ==========================================================================
-  // ==========================================================================
-  /// Returns the "context" string. Used to identify different processing states.
-  const std::string& context() const { return m_context; }
   // ==========================================================================
@@ -731,7 +716,6 @@ protected:
                                      "print the properties of the component"};
   Gaudi::Property<bool> m_typePrint{this, "TypePrint", true, "add the actual C++ component type into the messages"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>              m_context{this, "Context", {}, "note: overridden by parent settings"};
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_counterList{
       this, "CounterList", {".*"}, "RegEx list, of simple integer counters for CounterSummary"};
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiCommon.icpp b/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiCommon.icpp
index 747a49ef7ec8298731e86955d2e02180a7253643..a32b9f02db6800feeed51f7519ecbbde9617af65 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiCommon.icpp
+++ b/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiCommon.icpp
@@ -45,30 +45,6 @@
 #include <fmt/format.h>
 #include <numeric>
-// ============================================================================
-// constructor initialisation
-// ============================================================================
-template <class PBASE>
-void GaudiCommon<PBASE>::initGaudiCommonConstructor( const IInterface* parent ) {
-  // setup context from parent if available
-  if ( parent ) {
-    if ( const GaudiAlgorithm* gAlg = dynamic_cast<const GaudiAlgorithm*>( parent ) ) {
-      m_context = gAlg->context();
-    } else if ( const GaudiTool* gTool = dynamic_cast<const GaudiTool*>( parent ) ) {
-      m_context = gTool->context();
-    }
-  }
-  // Get options values from IOptionsSvc
-  // \fixme this part is not needed because this method is called in the constructor,
-  // and properties are, anyway, set during the initialize... except for Context
-  // which might be set in the contructor by GaudiSequencer.
-  const auto&       optsSvc = this->serviceLocator()->getOptsSvc();
-  const std::string key     = this->name() + ".Context";
-  if ( optsSvc.has( key ) ) { this->setPropertyRepr( "Context", optsSvc.get( key ) ).ignore(); }
 // Initialise the common functionality
@@ -82,7 +58,6 @@ StatusCode GaudiCommon<PBASE>::initialize() {
   // some debug printout
   if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
     this->debug() << "Initialize base class GaudiCommon<" << System::typeinfoName( typeid( PBASE ) ) << ">" << endmsg;
-    if ( !context().empty() ) this->debug() << "Created with context = '" << context() << "'" << endmsg;
   // Set up the CounterSummarySvc May need to be changed
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiSequencer.cpp b/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiSequencer.cpp
index fa45cbca8560e429a922ef816686a200c26b373a..7cef8e3b0bab947bc5c4ba4a2451899c94e1fc16 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiSequencer.cpp
+++ b/GaudiAlg/src/lib/GaudiSequencer.cpp
@@ -152,11 +152,8 @@ StatusCode GaudiSequencer::decodeNames() {
       Gaudi::Algorithm* myAlg = nullptr;
       result                  = createSubAlgorithm( theType, theName, myAlg );
       if ( myAlg ) {
-        // Override the default values of the special properties Context and RootInTES,
+        // Override the default values of the special property RootInTES,
         // which will be superseded by the explicit value in options (if present).
-        if ( !isDefault( context() ) && myAlg->hasProperty( "Context" ) ) {
-          myAlg->setProperty( "Context", context() ).ignore();
-        }
         if ( !isDefault( rootInTES() ) && myAlg->hasProperty( "RootInTES" ) ) {
           myAlg->setProperty( "RootInTES", rootInTES() ).ignore();
@@ -216,7 +213,6 @@ StatusCode GaudiSequencer::decodeNames() {
                                          if ( alg->name() != typ ) os << "/" << alg->name();
                                          return os;
                                        } );
-  if ( !isDefault( context() ) ) msg << ", with context '" << context() << "'";
   if ( !isDefault( rootInTES() ) ) msg << ", with rootInTES '" << rootInTES() << "'";
   msg << endmsg;
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Aida2Root.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Aida2Root.ref
index 130b49e80a1849eeeb41694156846f6ffeb9391b..3174eea3b418595040b97b01d48cd1d70bee794d 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Aida2Root.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Aida2Root.ref
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/EvtColsEx/Write.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/EvtColsEx/Write.ref
index 0d132d15e6243938c746d303c507de26beb1d498..ea611ea9e262f389889b642e7127ce253bccd971 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/EvtColsEx/Write.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/EvtColsEx/Write.ref
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':False
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':True
 Fill              SUCCESS Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/GaudiCommonTests.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/GaudiCommonTests.ref
index f51b1b55f56757a94fa0d47e27b67789c4550d0d..3a4b156b1a0017d2ebee38998b7f802a6f581375 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/GaudiCommonTests.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/GaudiCommonTests.ref
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ Test1               DEBUG List of ALL properties of GaudiCommonTests/Test1  #pro
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 Test1               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ Test2               DEBUG List of ALL properties of GaudiCommonTests/Test2  #pro
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 Test2               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
@@ -113,7 +111,6 @@ Test3               DEBUG List of ALL properties of GaudiCommonTests/Test3  #pro
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 Test3               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
@@ -149,7 +146,6 @@ Test4               DEBUG List of ALL properties of GaudiCommonTests/Test4  #pro
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 Test4               DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_opts.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_opts.ref
index 32bebafaa1a37e332485c733f510f3be6720fb06..42d2b72730b2cc2a5ca9eae3c3aa1124341c6027 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_opts.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_opts.ref
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_py.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_py.ref
index 9615aa420769636fef559d1d33aae3cf68d22d97..9a4cb816045ee4c47364c8704c701e178a9d8201 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_py.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/Histograms_py.ref
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/gaudiconfig2/Histograms_wg.ref b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/gaudiconfig2/Histograms_wg.ref
index 2df1de704091620613ab4bf0153c6547de636590..e1bf0aae5d779351819d0a8beeec67855b25f2c3 100644
--- a/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/gaudiconfig2/Histograms_wg.ref
+++ b/GaudiAlg/tests/qmtest/refs/gaudiconfig2/Histograms_wg.ref
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'HistoProduce':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'RequireObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'VetoObjects':[  ]
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'CounterList':[ '.*' ]
-SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'Context':''
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'TypePrint':True
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'PropertiesPrint':False
 SimpleHistos        DEBUG Property ['Name': Value] =  'ErrorsPrint':True
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiCore/src/AlgFunctors.cpp b/Phys/LoKiCore/src/AlgFunctors.cpp
index ef8388f1844bd969f6bd12a014c07bbe327cef10..ebe7b080d166e1ab6a1fe90fe21ef55844675922 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiCore/src/AlgFunctors.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiCore/src/AlgFunctors.cpp
@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@ namespace {
       // ensure some magic properties are set while we create the subalgorithm so
       // that it effectively inherites 'our' settings -- if they have non-default
       // values... and are not set explicitly already.
-      if ( !optsSvc.isSet( typeName.name() + ".Context" ) )
-        optsSvc.set( typeName.name() + ".Context", parent->context() );
       if ( !optsSvc.isSet( typeName.name() + ".RootInTES" ) )
         optsSvc.set( typeName.name() + ".RootInTES", parent->rootInTES() );
       myIAlg = iam->algorithm( typeName, true );
diff --git a/Rich/RichInterfaces/include/RichInterfaces/IRichToolRegistry.h b/Rich/RichInterfaces/include/RichInterfaces/IRichToolRegistry.h
index 3394301cf9accd873c8d2f2c619d876ec7f8ff87..9ae7ee203191379d719f251674a5a3621002fd93 100644
--- a/Rich/RichInterfaces/include/RichInterfaces/IRichToolRegistry.h
+++ b/Rich/RichInterfaces/include/RichInterfaces/IRichToolRegistry.h
@@ -49,16 +49,6 @@ namespace Rich {
      *  @return The class name of the tool associated to the given "nickname"
     virtual const std::string& toolType( const std::string& nickname ) const = 0;
-    /** Converts a tool "nickname" into a particular instance name
-     *
-     *  Takes into account the Context of the tool.
-     *
-     *  @param nickname The tool nickname for which the class name is requested
-     *
-     *  @return The instance name of the tool associated to the given "nickname"
-     */
-    virtual const std::string toolName( const std::string& nickname ) const = 0;
 } // namespace Rich
diff --git a/Rich/RichKernel/include/RichKernel/RichCommonBase.h b/Rich/RichKernel/include/RichKernel/RichCommonBase.h
index 4e8807fe8958c955b825aee94bb4a8891c6de858..574b7ddac17cbaba6cf0e8f68eb9c88559d9c979 100644
--- a/Rich/RichKernel/include/RichKernel/RichCommonBase.h
+++ b/Rich/RichKernel/include/RichKernel/RichCommonBase.h
@@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ namespace Rich {
     /// Pointer to Job Options Service
     inline Gaudi::Interfaces::IOptionsSvc& optsSvc() const noexcept { return this->serviceLocator()->getOptsSvc(); }
-    /** Generate a context specific TES location for the given Default location
-     *  @param loc The Default TES location
-     *  @return The context specific TES location for the input location
-     */
-    std::string contextSpecificTES( const std::string& loc ) const;
     /** Propagate a list oj job options from one object to another
      *  @param from_name The name of the object to get the options from
      *  @param to_name   The name of the oject to copy the options to
diff --git a/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.cpp b/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.cpp
index ed2c9e3830a8311bf142319bfcf1ea754848ea7f..b13baf72d74081a724144340895faa6f724eae81 100644
--- a/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.cpp
@@ -131,10 +131,6 @@ const std::string& Rich::ToolRegistry::toolType( const std::string& nickname ) c
   return m_myTools[nickname];
-const std::string Rich::ToolRegistry::toolName( const std::string& nickname ) const {
-  return ( context().empty() ? nickname : context() + "_" + nickname );
 void Rich::ToolRegistry::addEntry( const std::string& nickname, const std::string& type ) const {
   if ( !m_myTools[nickname].empty() && type != m_myTools[nickname] ) {
     std::ostringstream mess;
diff --git a/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.h b/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.h
index c6a6b0e3e8de3dc267678df42e6d530e3df1ecdf..1cc814a2ff17b2c1cbb0803b35eacf5c942e229d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.h
+++ b/Rich/RichKernel/src/component/RichToolRegistry.h
@@ -65,9 +65,6 @@ namespace Rich {
     // Converts a tool nickname into a particular class name
     const std::string& toolType( const std::string& nickname ) const override final;
-    // Converts a tool "nickname" into a particular instance name
-    const std::string toolName( const std::string& nickname ) const override final;
   private: // methods
     /// Set up the tool mappings
     void setUpTools( const ToolList& toolList );
diff --git a/Rich/RichKernel/src/lib/RichCommonBase.icpp b/Rich/RichKernel/src/lib/RichCommonBase.icpp
index 2f7533c03cab6582c49e1e772cbed283a9fc4722..0a6a36628a8d1657fcd7ddd9ff5b72f0ee7f74a3 100644
--- a/Rich/RichKernel/src/lib/RichCommonBase.icpp
+++ b/Rich/RichKernel/src/lib/RichCommonBase.icpp
@@ -32,18 +32,6 @@
 // Gaudi
 #include <Gaudi/Interfaces/IOptionsSvc.h>
-// Generate a context specific TES location for the given Default location
-template <class PBASE>
-std::string Rich::CommonBase<PBASE>::contextSpecificTES( const std::string& loc ) const {
-  const auto slash = loc.find_last_of( "/" );
-  return ( slash > 0 && !this->context().empty()
-               ? loc.substr( 0, slash ) + "/" + this->context() + "/" + loc.substr( slash + 1 )
-               : loc );
 // Propagate a list oj job options from one object to another