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21 results
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Commits on Source (60)
with 760 additions and 639 deletions
......@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ gaudi_install(CMAKE
# helpers to use in LHCb projects
......@@ -124,28 +124,15 @@ for report in ["Dec", "Sel"]:
"OutputHlt" + report + "ReportsLocation":
hltname + "/" + report + "Reports"
properties={"SourceID": hltname},
"SourceID": hltname,
"DecoderMapping": "TCKANNSvc"
if report == "Sel":
"OutputHltObjectSummariesLocation"] = hltname + "/SelReports/Candidates"
#Vertex Decoder
for hltname in ["Hlt1", "Hlt2"]:
"HltVertexReportsDecoder/" + hltname + "VertexReportsDecoder",
inputs={"RawEventLocations": None},
"OutputHltVertexReportsLocations": [
hltname + "/VertexReports/PV3D",
hltname + "/VertexReports/ProtoPV3D"
properties={"SourceID": hltname},
#is a Routing bits filter really a decoder? it doesn't create output...
/***** User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions **************************************************
|-auditors = [] (default: [])
|-buffer_events = 20000 (default: 20000)
|-callgrind_profile = False (default: False)
|-conddb_tag = 'upgrade/sim-20220705-vc-mu100' (default: '')
|-control_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_type = 'Upgrade' (default: 'Upgrade')
|-dddb_tag = 'upgrade/dddb-20220705' (default: '')
|-event_store = 'HiveWhiteBoard' (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
|-evt_max = 8 (default: -1)
|-first_evt = 0 (default: 0)
|-histo_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_files = ['root://']
| (default: [])
|-input_raw_format = 0.5 (default: 0.5)
|-input_type = 'ROOT' (default: '')
|-lines_maker = None
|-memory_pool_size = 10485760 (default: 10485760)
|-monitoring_file = '' (default: '')
|-msg_svc_format = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M' (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
|-msg_svc_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC' (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
|-n_event_slots = 1 (default: -1)
|-n_threads = 1 (default: 1)
|-ntuple_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_level = 3 (default: 3)
|-output_type = '' (default: '')
|-phoenix_filename = '' (default: '')
|-print_freq = 10000 (default: 10000)
|-python_logging_level = 20 (default: 20)
|-scheduler_legacy_mode = True (default: True)
|-simulation = True (default: True)
|-tck = 0 (default: 0)
|-use_iosvc = False (default: False)
| (default: '')
|-append_decoding_keys_to_output_manifest = True (default: True)
|-auditors = [] (default: [])
|-buffer_events = 20000 (default: 20000)
|-callgrind_profile = False (default: False)
|-conddb_tag = 'upgrade/sim-20220705-vc-mu100' (default: '')
|-control_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_flow_file = '' (default: '')
|-data_type = 'Upgrade' (default: 'Upgrade')
|-dddb_tag = 'upgrade/dddb-20220705' (default: '')
|-event_store = 'HiveWhiteBoard' (default: 'HiveWhiteBoard')
|-evt_max = 8 (default: -1)
|-first_evt = 0 (default: 0)
|-histo_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_files = ['root://']
| (default: [])
|-input_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-input_raw_format = 0.5 (default: 0.5)
|-input_type = 'ROOT' (default: '')
|-lines_maker = None
|-memory_pool_size = 10485760 (default: 10485760)
|-monitoring_file = '' (default: '')
|-msg_svc_format = '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M' (default: '% F%35W%S %7W%R%T %0W%M')
|-msg_svc_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC' (default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
|-n_event_slots = 1 (default: -1)
|-n_threads = 1 (default: 1)
|-ntuple_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_level = 3 (default: 3)
|-output_manifest_file = '' (default: '')
|-output_type = '' (default: '')
|-phoenix_filename = '' (default: '')
|-print_freq = 10000 (default: 10000)
|-python_logging_level = 20 (default: 20)
|-scheduler_legacy_mode = True (default: True)
|-simulation = True (default: True)
|-use_iosvc = False (default: False)
| (default: '')
|-write_decoding_keys_to_git = True (default: True)
\----- (End of User ApplicationOptions/ApplicationOptions) -----------------------------------------
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include "Event/PackedCaloDigit.h"
#include "Event/PackedCaloHypo.h"
#include "Event/PackedCluster.h"
#include "Event/PackedData.h"
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Event/PackedDecReport.h"
#include "Event/PackedFlavourTag.h"
......@@ -9,32 +9,12 @@
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Event/RawBank.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
enum HeaderIDs { kVersionNumber = 2 };
/// Bit masks in the SourceID word
enum struct SourceIDMasks : uint16_t { PartID = 0x00FF, Reserved = 0x1F00, Compression = 0xE000 };
template <SourceIDMasks m>
uint16_t extract( uint16_t i ) {
auto s = __builtin_ctz( static_cast<unsigned>( m ) );
return ( i & static_cast<unsigned>( m ) ) >> s;
template <SourceIDMasks m>
uint16_t shift( uint16_t i ) {
auto s = __builtin_ctz( static_cast<unsigned>( m ) );
uint16_t v = ( i << s ) & static_cast<unsigned>( m );
assert( extract<m>( v ) == i );
return v;
/// Compression algorithms -- note: these values are written to the RawBank, so have to remain stable
/// hence we do _not_ use native ROOT values, which could change between ROOT versions...
enum struct Compression { NoCompression = 0, ZLIB = 1, LZMA = 2, LZ4 = 3, ZSTD = 4 };
......@@ -60,7 +40,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
inline StatusCode parse( Compression& c, std::string in ) {
auto sv = std::string_view( in );
if ( !sv.empty() && ( sv.front() == '\'' || sv.front() == '\"' ) && sv.front() == sv.back() ) {
if ( sv.size() > 1 && ( sv.front() == '\'' || sv.front() == '\"' ) && sv.front() == sv.back() ) {
sv.remove_prefix( 1 );
sv.remove_suffix( 1 );
......@@ -72,11 +52,4 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
/// Return the part ID from the SourceID word
inline std::uint32_t partID( RawBank const& b ) { return extract<SourceIDMasks::PartID>( b.sourceID() ); }
/// Return the compression from the SourceID word
inline Compression compression( RawBank const& b ) {
return static_cast<Compression>( extract<SourceIDMasks::Compression>( b.sourceID() ) );
} // namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Compression.h"
#include "Event/PackedData.h"
#include "Kernel/STLExtensions.h"
#include "RVersion.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
class ByteBuffer {
using buffer_type = std::vector<std::byte>;
using buffer_view = span<std::byte const>;
/// Return the current position in the buffer.
std::size_t pos() const { return m_pos; }
......@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
/// Reset the position to zero without clearing the buffer
void reset() { m_pos = 0; }
/// Initialize from an existing buffer and reset position to zero.
bool init( const buffer_type& data, bool compressed = false );
bool init( buffer_view data, bool compressed = false );
/// Return the internal buffer.
const buffer_type& buffer() const { return m_buffer; }
/// Return the size of the internal buffer.
......@@ -143,11 +145,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
m_pos += x.size();
/// Take requested part of the buffer
LHCb::span<std::byte const> subspan( size_t offset, size_t size = gsl::dynamic_extent ) const {
ByteBuffer::buffer_view subspan( size_t offset, size_t size = gsl::dynamic_extent ) const {
return LHCb::span{m_buffer}.subspan( offset, size );
/// Add sub span of a buffer to a new buffer
void assign( LHCb::span<std::byte const> data ) {
void assign( ByteBuffer::buffer_view data ) {
m_buffer.assign( data.begin(), data.end() );
m_pos = 0;
......@@ -262,15 +264,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
class PackedDataOutBuffer {
PackedDataOutBuffer( std::uint32_t key ) : m_key{key} {}
/// Clear the internal byte buffer.
void clear() { m_buffer.clear(); }
/// Return a reference to the internal buffer.
const std::vector<std::byte>& buffer() const { return m_buffer.buffer(); }
const ByteBuffer::buffer_type& buffer() const { return m_buffer.buffer(); }
/// Compress the buffer
bool compress( Compression compression, int level, ByteBuffer::buffer_type& output ) const {
return m_buffer.compress( compression, level, output );
std::uint32_t key() const { return m_key; }
/// Reserve size for the buffer
void reserve( std::size_t size ) { m_buffer.reserve( size ); }
/// Function called by serializable objects' save method.
......@@ -301,9 +306,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
m_buffer.write( x, pos );
/// Add byte buffer of a packed data buffer to another one
void addBuffer( PackedDataOutBuffer const& x ) { m_buffer.writeBuffer( x.m_buffer ); }
/// Add a byte buffer to a packed data buffer
void addBuffer( ByteBuffer const& x ) { m_buffer.writeBuffer( x ); }
void addBuffer( PackedDataOutBuffer const& x ) {
// if empty, inherit value from x. If not empty, require to be the same
if ( x.m_key != m_key ) {
if ( m_key != 0 || m_buffer.size() != 0 || m_buffer.pos() != 0 ) {
throw std::runtime_error( "PackedDataInBuffer: merging buffers with distinct keys" );
m_key = x.m_key;
m_buffer.writeBuffer( x.m_buffer );
/// Save a size integer.
std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> saveSize( std::size_t x ) { return save<uint32_t>( x ); }
/// Save a vector of scalars.
......@@ -338,7 +350,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
ByteBuffer m_buffer; ///< Internal byte buffer
std::uint32_t m_key = 0u; ///< key used to encode, and thus required, to decode stored strings
ByteBuffer m_buffer; ///< Internal byte buffer
/** @class PackedDataInBuffer PackedDataBuffer.h
......@@ -349,19 +362,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
class PackedDataInBuffer {
/// Return whether the end of buffer was reached.
bool eof() const { return m_buffer.eof(); }
/// Skip a number of bytes from the buffer.
void skip( std::size_t n ) { m_buffer.readNull( n ); }
/// Initialize from an existing byte buffer.
bool init( const ByteBuffer::buffer_type& data, bool compressed = false ) {
return m_buffer.init( data, compressed );
bool init( const ByteBuffer& buffer, bool compressed = false ) {
return m_buffer.init( buffer.buffer(), compressed );
PackedDataInBuffer( std::uint32_t key = 0 ) : m_key{key} {}
/// Initialize from an existing header and byte buffer.
void init( const ObjectHeader header, const ByteBuffer::buffer_type& data ) {
PackedDataInBuffer( const ObjectHeader header, ByteBuffer::buffer_view data, std::uint32_t key ) {
m_key = key;
m_buffer.write( header.classID );
m_buffer.write( header.locationID );
......@@ -370,8 +374,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
for ( auto d : data ) m_buffer.write( d );
/// init a byte buffer from a subset of another packed data buffer
PackedDataInBuffer( PackedDataInBuffer const& x, std::size_t pos, std::size_t size = -1 ) {
m_key = x.m_key;
x.m_buffer.subspan( pos, size == static_cast<std::size_t>( -1 ) ? x.m_buffer.pos() - pos : size ) );
/// Return whether the end of buffer was reached.
bool eof() const { return m_buffer.eof(); }
/// Skip a number of bytes from the buffer.
void skip( std::size_t n ) { m_buffer.readNull( n ); }
/// Initialize from an existing byte buffer.
bool init( ByteBuffer::buffer_view data, bool compressed = false ) { return m_buffer.init( data, compressed ); }
bool init( const ByteBuffer& buffer, bool compressed = false ) {
return m_buffer.init( buffer.buffer(), compressed );
std::uint32_t key() const { return m_key; }
/// Return a reference to the internal buffer.
const ByteBuffer& buffer() const { return m_buffer; }
const ByteBuffer& buffer() const& { return m_buffer; }
ByteBuffer buffer() && { return std::move( m_buffer ); }
/// Clear the internal byte buffer.
void clear() { m_buffer.clear(); }
/// Function called by serializable objects' load method.
......@@ -418,12 +439,6 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
return x;
/// Add a byte buffer of a packed data buffer to another one at a given position
void addBuffer( PackedDataInBuffer const& x, std::uint32_t p ) {
return m_buffer.assign( x.m_buffer.subspan( p, x.m_buffer.pos() - p ) );
/// Add a byte buffer of a packed data buffer to another one at a given position
void addBuffer( ByteBuffer const& x, std::uint32_t p ) { return m_buffer.assign( x.subspan( p, x.pos() - p ) ); }
/// Load a scalar from a given position and return it.
template <typename T>
T loadAt( std::size_t i ) const {
......@@ -468,7 +483,50 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
ByteBuffer m_buffer; ///< Internal byte buffer
std::uint32_t m_key = 0; ///< key used to encode, and thus required to decode stored strings
ByteBuffer m_buffer; ///< Internal byte buffer
class MappedInBuffers {
std::unordered_map<std::int32_t, PackedDataInBuffer> m_map; // map of locationID -> buffer:
std::uint32_t m_key = 0;
std::uint32_t m_bankversion = -1;
MappedInBuffers( std::uint32_t key = 0, std::uint32_t bankversion = -1 ) : m_key{key}, m_bankversion{bankversion} {}
std::uint32_t key() const { return m_key; }
std::uint32_t bankVersion() const { return m_bankversion; }
PackedDataInBuffer const* find( std::int32_t locationID ) const {
auto i = m_map.find( locationID );
return i == m_map.end() ? nullptr : &i->second;
bool empty() const { return m_map.empty(); }
auto size() const { return m_map.size(); }
auto begin() const { return m_map.begin(); }
auto end() const { return m_map.end(); }
template <typename... Args>
auto try_emplace( Args&&... args ) {
auto i = m_map.try_emplace( std::forward<Args>( args )... );
if ( i.second ) {
if ( !m_key ) {
m_key = i.first->second.key();
} else if ( i.first->second.key() != m_key ) {
throw std::runtime_error( "MappedInBuffers: tried to add buffer with inconsistent key" );
return i;
MappedInBuffers& setBankVersion( std::uint32_t version ) {
if ( version != m_bankversion && m_bankversion != (std::uint32_t)-1 ) {
throw std::runtime_error( "MappedInBuffers: tried to change bankversion which was already set" );
m_bankversion = version;
return *this;
} // namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData
* (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "LHCbAlgs/Consumer.h"
#include "Event/Particle.h"
#include "Event/PackedPartToRelatedInfoRelation.h"
#include "Event/PackedRelations.h"
#include "Event/RelatedInfoMap.h"
#include "Relations/Relation1D.h"
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Event/StandardPacker.h"
#include "RegistryWrapper.h"
* Templated base algorithm for
* Particle to Int and Particle to info relation unpacking algorithms
* Note that the inheritance from Consumer and the void input are misleading.
* The algorithm is reading from and writing to TES, just via Handles so that
* it can deal with non existant input and with output failures, which is not
* authorized in the functional world.
* FIXME this should not be necessary, it's mainly due to misconfigurations in
* the tests
* Additionally packing requires the data objects to be in TES before one can add links to it
namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
// Relation types
using Part2IntRelations = LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, int>;
using Part2InfoRelations = LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap>;
template <typename RELATION, typename PRELATION, typename FROM>
class Rel1Unpack : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer& )> {
using Buffer = LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer;
Rel1Unpack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const Buffer& )>( name, pSvcLocator,
KeyValue{"InputName", "/Event/PackedRelations"} ) {}
void operator()( const Buffer& buffer ) const override {
auto* rels = m_rels.put( std::make_unique<RELATION>() );
if ( !buffer.buffer().size() ) return;
// Sadly the pack structure expects an object with a valid RegistryEntry . To be improved
auto prels = RegistryWrapper<PRELATION>( m_rels.fullKey().key() + "_Packed" );
Buffer readBuffer;
readBuffer.init( buffer.buffer(), false );
// Do the actual loading of the objects
LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::ObjectHeader header;
while ( !readBuffer.eof() ) {
Packer::io( readBuffer, header );
auto nBytesRead = readBuffer.load( *prels );
if ( nBytesRead != header.storedSize ) {
this->fatal() << "Loading of object (CLID=" << header.classID << " locationID=" << header.locationID << ") "
<< " consumed " << nBytesRead << " bytes, "
<< " but " << header.storedSize << " were stored!" << endmsg;
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Loading of object (CLID=" << header.classID << " locationID=" << header.locationID << ") "
<< header.storedSize << " were stored" << endmsg;
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
for ( auto id : header.linkLocationIDs ) {
auto location = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, id );
if ( location ) {
prels->linkMgr()->addLink( location.value().first, nullptr );
} else {
if ( prels->data().size() ) {
rels->setVersion( prels->version() );
unpack( *rels, *prels );
// Count packed output
m_unpackedData += rels->relations().size();
void unpack( Part2IntRelations& rels, const LHCb::PackedRelations& prels ) const {
for ( const auto& prel : ) {
for ( int kk = prel.start; prel.end > kk; ++kk ) {
int srcLink( 0 );
int srcKey( 0 );
int destLink( 0 );
int destKey( 0 );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( prels.sources()[kk], srcLink, srcKey );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( prels.dests()[kk], destLink, destKey );
DataObject* fp = nullptr;
this->evtSvc()->retrieveObject( prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path(), fp ).ignore();
auto* from = static_cast<FROM*>( fp );
if ( !from ) {
this->warning() << "Source location " << prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path()
<< " not persisted, skip the relation." << endmsg;
typename RELATION::From f = from->object( srcKey );
typename RELATION::To t = (int)prels.dests()[kk];
StatusCode sc = rels.relate( f, t );
if ( !sc )
this->warning() << "Something went wrong with relation unpacking "
<< "sourceKey " << srcKey << " sourceLink " << srcLink << "destKey " << destKey
<< " destLink " << destLink << endmsg;
void unpack( Part2InfoRelations& rels, const LHCb::PackedRelatedInfoRelations& prels ) const {
for ( const auto& prel : prels.containers() ) {
for ( unsigned int kk = prel.first; prel.last > kk; ++kk ) {
const auto& rel = prels.relations()[kk];
int srcLink( 0 );
int srcKey( 0 );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( rel.reference, srcLink, srcKey );
DataObject* fp = nullptr;
this->evtSvc()->retrieveObject( prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path(), fp ).ignore();
auto* from = static_cast<FROM*>( fp );
if ( !from ) {
this->warning() << "Source location " << prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path()
<< " not persisted, skip the relation." << endmsg;
typename RELATION::From f = from->object( srcKey );
LHCb::RelatedInfoMap t;
t.reserve( rel.last - rel.first );
for ( const auto& jj : Packer::subrange(, rel.first, rel.last ) ) { t.insert( jj ); }
StatusCode sc = rels.relate( f, t );
if ( !sc )
this->warning() << "Something went wrong with relation unpacking "
<< "sourceKey " << srcKey << " sourceLink " << srcLink << endmsg;
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
DataObjectWriteHandle<RELATION> m_rels{this, "OutputName", ""};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_unpackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_missingLinks{this, "# Missing Link Locations"};
} // namespace DataPacking::Buffer
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "LHCbAlgs/Producer.h"
#include "RegistryWrapper.h"
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
using Producer = LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataOutBuffer()>;
inline const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
template <class PACKER>
class Pack final : public Producer {
......@@ -45,14 +46,19 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
Buffer operator()() const override {
if ( !m_data.exist() ) {
auto const* data = m_data.getIfExists();
m_nbInputFound += ( data != nullptr );
if ( !data ) {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Input location " << m_data << " doesn't exist." << endmsg;
return {};
return {0};
auto const* data = m_data.get();
if ( data->size() == 0 ) {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Input location " << m_data << " empty." << endmsg;
return {};
// if ( data->size() == 0 ) {
// if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Input location " << m_data << " empty." << endmsg;
// return {0};
if ( m_encodingKey == 0 ) {
throw GaudiException( "encoding key is zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
// Sadly the pack structure expects an object with a valid registry entry. To be improved
......@@ -69,36 +75,41 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
m_nbPackedData += pdata->data().size();
// reserve some space for data, this should be tuned
Buffer buffer;
Buffer buffer( m_encodingKey );
buffer.reserve( pdata->data().size() );
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
auto locationID = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, outputLocation() );
auto classID = pdata->clID();
const auto& map = m_annsvc->s2i( m_encodingKey, PackedObjectLocations );
auto iloc = map.find( m_data.fullKey().key() );
if ( iloc == map.end() ) {
error() << "could not locate packedobjectlocation " << m_data.fullKey().key() << " in table with key "
<< m_encodingKey.value() << endmsg;
throw GaudiException( "unknown location", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
auto locationID = iloc->second;<uint32_t>( classID );<int32_t>( locationID->second );<uint32_t>( pdata->clID() );<int32_t>( locationID );
auto* linkMgr = pdata->linkMgr();
unsigned int nlinks = linkMgr->size();
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Packed version " << (unsigned int)pdata->version() << endmsg;
this->debug() << "packed data type " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *pdata ) ) << endmsg;
this->debug() << "data location " << locationID->first << endmsg;
this->debug() << "data location " << outputLocation() << endmsg;
this->debug() << "packed data size " << pdata->data().size() << endmsg;
this->debug() << "classID " << classID << " locationID " << locationID->second << " nlinks " << nlinks
<< endmsg;
this->debug() << "classID " << pdata->clID() << " locationID " << locationID << " nlinks " << nlinks << endmsg;
buffer.saveSize( nlinks );
for ( unsigned int id = 0; id < nlinks; ++id ) {
auto location = linkMgr->link( id )->path();
if ( location[0] != '/' ) { location = "/Event/" + location; }
auto packedLocation = m_containerMap.find( location );
if ( packedLocation != end( m_containerMap ) ) { location = packedLocation->second; }
auto linkID = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, location );<int32_t>( linkID->second );
if ( !location.empty() && location.front() != '/' ) { location = "/Event/" + location; }
auto iloc = map.find( location );
if ( iloc == map.end() ) {
error() << "could not locate referred location " << location << " originally: " << linkMgr->link( id )->path()
<< " in table with key " << m_encodingKey.value() << endmsg;
throw GaudiException( "unknown location", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
}<int32_t>( iloc->second );
// Reserve bytes for the size of the object
......@@ -146,22 +157,27 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve PackedObjectLocations"};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_annsvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve PackedObjectLocations"};
DataObjectReadHandle<typename PACKER::DataVector> m_data{this, "InputName", PACKER::unpackedLocation()};
Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_encodingKey{this, "EncodingKey", 0u};
Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_packingVersion{
this, "PackingVersion", (unsigned short int)PACKER::PackedDataVector::defaultPackingVersion(),
"Packing version number"};
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_enableCheck{this, "EnableCheck", false};
// Mapping of reconstruction object to their location after packing
Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_containerMap{this, "ContainerMap"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_nbInputFound{this, "input found"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbPackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_unregisterError{
this, "Problem unregistering data in PackerBaseAlg", 10};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_zero_key{
"Encoding key is zero -- this implies explicit configuration of decoding will be required.. make sure you know "
"how to do this, and will have the required configuration setup",
} // namespace DataPacking::Buffer
......@@ -66,15 +66,16 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
Buffer operator()() const override {
if ( !m_rels.exist() ) {
auto const* rels = m_rels.getIfExists();
m_nbInputFound += ( rels != nullptr );
if ( !rels ) {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Input location " << m_rels << " doesn't exist." << endmsg;
return {};
return {0};
auto const* rels = m_rels.get();
if ( !rels->relations().size() ) {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Relations empty " << endmsg;
return {};
return {0};
// FIXME This (temporary) TES usage should not be needed
......@@ -96,14 +97,22 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
// reserve some space for data, this should be tuned
Buffer buffer;
Buffer buffer{m_encodingKey};
buffer.reserve( prels->data().size() );
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
auto locationID = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, outputLocation() );
auto classID = prels->clID();
if ( m_encodingKey == 0 ) ++m_zero_key;
const auto& map = m_annsvc->s2i( m_encodingKey, PackedObjectLocations );
auto iloc = map.find( m_rels.fullKey().key() );
if ( iloc == map.end() ) {
error() << "could not locate packedobjectlocation " << m_rels.fullKey().key() << " in table with key "
<< m_encodingKey.value() << endmsg;
throw GaudiException( "unknown location", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
auto locationID = iloc->second;
auto classID = prels->clID();<uint32_t>( classID );<int32_t>( locationID->second );<int32_t>( locationID );
auto* linkMgr = prels->linkMgr();
unsigned int nlinks = linkMgr->size();
......@@ -112,11 +121,13 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
for ( unsigned int id = 0; id < nlinks; ++id ) {
auto location = linkMgr->link( id )->path();
if ( location[0] != '/' ) { location = "/Event/" + location; }
auto packedLocation = m_containerMap.find( location );
if ( packedLocation != end( m_containerMap ) ) { location = packedLocation->second; }
auto linkID = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, location );<int32_t>( linkID->second );
auto iloc = map.find( location );
if ( iloc == map.end() ) {
error() << "could not locate referred location " << location << " originally: " << linkMgr->link( id )->path()
<< " in table with key " << m_encodingKey.value() << endmsg;
throw GaudiException( "unknown location", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
}<int32_t>( iloc->second );
// Reserve bytes for the size of the object
......@@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
DataObjectReadHandle<RELATION> m_rels{this, "InputName", "/Event/PackedRelations"};
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve PackdObjectLocations"};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_annsvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve PackdObjectLocations"};
/// Related Info Packer
const LHCb::RelatedInfoRelationsPacker m_rInfoPacker{this};
......@@ -288,10 +299,15 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
// Should add some packing checks, this is here only to make configuration happy for now
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_enableCheck{this, "EnableCheck", false};
// Mapping of reconstruction object to their location after packing
Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_containerMap{this, "ContainerMap"};
Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_encodingKey{this, "EncodingKey", 0u};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbPackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_nbInputFound{this, "input found"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbPackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_zero_key{
"Encoding key is zero -- this implies explicit configuration of decoding will be required.. make sure you know "
"how to do this, and will have the required configuration setup",
} // namespace DataPacking::Buffer
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "LHCbAlgs/Consumer.h"
#include "Event/MCParticle.h"
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include "Event/ProtoParticle.h"
#include "Event/RecVertex.h"
#include "Event/PackedPartToRelatedInfoRelation.h"
#include "Event/RelatedInfoMap.h"
#include "Event/PackedRelations.h"
#include "Relations/Relation1D.h"
#include "Relations/RelationWeighted1D.h"
......@@ -25,6 +28,7 @@
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Event/StandardPacker.h"
#include "RawbankV2Compatibility.h"
#include "RegistryWrapper.h"
......@@ -43,24 +47,50 @@
namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
template <typename RELATION, typename PRELATION, typename FROM, typename TO>
class Rel2Unpack : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer& )> {
// Relation types
using Part2IntRelations = LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, int>;
using Part2InfoRelations = LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap>;
template <typename RELATION, typename PRELATION, typename FROM, typename TO = void>
class RelUnpack : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers& )> {
using Buffer = LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer;
Rel2Unpack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const Buffer& )>( name, pSvcLocator,
KeyValue{"InputName", "/Event/PackedRelations"} ) {}
RelUnpack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers& )>(
name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputName", "/Event/DAQ/MappedDstData"} ) {}
void operator()( const Buffer& buffer ) const override {
void operator()( const LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers& buffers ) const override {
auto* rels = m_rels.put( std::make_unique<RELATION>() );
if ( buffers.empty() ) {
if ( !buffer.buffer().size() ) return;
const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
Buffer readBuffer;
readBuffer.init( buffer.buffer(), false );
const auto& s2i = m_annsvc->s2i( buffers.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
auto j = buffers.bankVersion() < 3
? std::find_if( s2i.begin(), s2i.end(),
v2_compatibility::match_first_with_missing_p_after_slash( m_rels.fullKey().key() ) )
: s2i.find( m_rels.fullKey().key() );
if ( j == s2i.end() ) {
// FIXME: requires ref update ++m_unknown;
auto* rels = m_rels.put( std::make_unique<RELATION>() );
const auto* buffer = buffers.find( j->second );
if ( !buffer ) {
// FIXME: requires ref update ++m_absent;
if ( buffer->buffer().size() == 0 ) return;
Buffer readBuffer{*buffer}; // TODO: avoid copying just because 'pos' gets updated -- allow a 'shallow' emphemeral
// version which allows reading
// Sadly the pack structure expects an object with a valid RegEntry. To be improved
auto prels = RegistryWrapper<PRELATION>( m_rels.fullKey().key() + "_Packed" );
......@@ -90,13 +120,12 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
<< endmsg;
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
assert( buffers.key() == readBuffer.key() );
const auto& map = m_annsvc->i2s( readBuffer.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
for ( auto id : header.linkLocationIDs ) {
auto location = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, id );
if ( location ) {
prels->linkMgr()->addLink( location.value().first, nullptr );
auto location = map.find( id );
if ( location != end( map ) ) {
prels->linkMgr()->addLink( location->second, nullptr );
} else {
......@@ -104,14 +133,19 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
if ( prels->data().size() ) {
rels->setVersion( prels->version() );
unpack( *rels, *prels );
if constexpr ( std::is_void<TO>::value )
unpack1d( *rels, *prels );
unpack2d( *rels, *prels );
// Count packed output
m_unpackedData += rels->relations().size();
void unpack( RELATION& rels, const PRELATION& prels ) const {
// Relations between two containers
void unpack2d( RELATION& rels, const PRELATION& prels ) const {
for ( const auto& prel : ) {
for ( int kk = prel.start; prel.end > kk; ++kk ) {
......@@ -143,15 +177,14 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
typename RELATION::From f = from->object( srcKey );
typename RELATION::To t = to->object( destKey );
auto f = from->object( srcKey );
auto t = to->object( destKey );
StatusCode sc;
// only weighted relations have weights
if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<PRELATION, LHCb::PackedWeightedRelations> ) {
typename RELATION::Weight wgt = prels.weights()[kk];
sc = rels.relate( f, t, wgt );
sc = rels.relate( f, t, prels.weights()[kk] );
} else {
sc = rels.relate( f, t );
......@@ -176,13 +209,95 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
// relation between particles and ints
void unpack1d( Part2IntRelations& rels, const LHCb::PackedRelations& prels ) const {
for ( const auto& prel : ) {
for ( int kk = prel.start; prel.end > kk; ++kk ) {
int srcLink( 0 );
int srcKey( 0 );
int destLink( 0 );
int destKey( 0 );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( prels.sources()[kk], srcLink, srcKey );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( prels.dests()[kk], destLink, destKey );
DataObject* fp = nullptr;
this->evtSvc()->retrieveObject( prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path(), fp ).ignore();
auto* from = static_cast<FROM*>( fp );
if ( !from ) {
this->warning() << "Source location " << prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path()
<< " not persisted, skip the relation." << endmsg;
auto f = from->object( srcKey );
auto t = (int)prels.dests()[kk];
StatusCode sc = rels.relate( f, t );
if ( !sc )
this->warning() << "Something went wrong with relation unpacking "
<< "sourceKey " << srcKey << " sourceLink " << srcLink << "destKey " << destKey
<< " destLink " << destLink << endmsg;
// Relation between particles and related info
void unpack1d( Part2InfoRelations& rels, const LHCb::PackedRelatedInfoRelations& prels ) const {
for ( const auto& prel : prels.containers() ) {
for ( unsigned int kk = prel.first; prel.last > kk; ++kk ) {
const auto& rel = prels.relations()[kk];
int srcLink( 0 );
int srcKey( 0 );
StandardPacker::indexAndKey64( rel.reference, srcLink, srcKey );
DataObject* fp = nullptr;
this->evtSvc()->retrieveObject( prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path(), fp ).ignore();
auto* from = static_cast<FROM*>( fp );
if ( !from ) {
this->warning() << "Source location " << prels.linkMgr()->link( srcLink )->path()
<< " not persisted, skip the relation." << endmsg;
auto f = from->object( srcKey );
LHCb::RelatedInfoMap t;
t.reserve( rel.last - rel.first );
for ( const auto& jj : Packer::subrange(, rel.first, rel.last ) ) { t.insert( jj ); }
StatusCode sc = rels.relate( f, t );
if ( !sc )
this->warning() << "Something went wrong with relation unpacking "
<< "sourceKey " << srcKey << " sourceLink " << srcLink << endmsg;
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_annsvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
DataObjectWriteHandle<RELATION> m_rels{this, "OutputName", ""};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_unpackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_unknown{
this, "Requested output is not known for the given input stream - not creating output"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_absent{
this, "Requested output is known, but not present in packed data - creating empty container"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_buffers{
this, "Input has empty map of buffers -- can not do anything at this point. Verify HltPackedBufferDecoder "
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_unpackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_missingLinks{this, "# Missing Link Locations"};
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
#pragma once
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "LHCbAlgs/Consumer.h"
#include "RawbankV2Compatibility.h"
#include "RegistryWrapper.h"
......@@ -30,24 +31,36 @@
namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
namespace {
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
template <class PACKER>
class Unpack final : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void()> {
class Unpack final : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const& )> {
using Buffer = LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer;
using Consumer::Consumer;
Unpack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: Consumer{name, pSvcLocator, {"InputName", "/Event/DAQ/MappedDstData"}} {}
StatusCode initialize() override;
void operator()() const override;
void operator()( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const& ) const override;
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
DataObjectReadHandle<Buffer> m_buffer{this, "InputName", PACKER::packedLocation()};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to resolve location IDs"};
DataObjectWriteHandle<typename PACKER::DataVector> m_data{this, "OutputName", PACKER::unpackedLocation()};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_inconsistentSize{this,
"Size read does not match size expected"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_unknown{
this, "Requested output is not known for the given input stream - not creating output"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_absent{
this, "Requested output is known, but not present in packed data - creating empty container"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_buffers{
this, "Input has empty map of buffers -- can not do anything at this point. Verify HltPackedBufferDecoder "
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_unpackedData{this, "# PackedData"};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_missingLinks{this, "# Missing Link Locations"};
......@@ -56,25 +69,48 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
StatusCode Unpack<PACKER>::initialize() {
return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
this->debug() << "Input " << m_buffer.fullKey() << " Output " << m_data.fullKey() << "" << endmsg;
this->debug() << "Input " << inputLocation() << " Output " << m_data.fullKey() << "" << endmsg;
} );
template <class PACKER>
void Unpack<PACKER>::operator()() const {
void Unpack<PACKER>::operator()( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const& buffers ) const {
if ( buffers.empty() ) {
const auto& s2i = m_hltANNSvc->s2i( buffers.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
auto j = buffers.bankVersion() < 3
? std::find_if( s2i.begin(), s2i.end(),
v2_compatibility::match_first_with_missing_p_after_slash( m_data.fullKey().key() ) )
: s2i.find( m_data.fullKey().key() );
if ( j == s2i.end() ) {
// FIXME: requires update of refs... ++m_unknown;
// unfortunately, the output data must be on the TES prior to filling it with data
// as it needs a valid `registry entry` (which it obtains when it is added to the TES)
// for the unpacking to work...
auto* data = m_data.put( std::make_unique<typename PACKER::DataVector>() );
const auto* buffer = buffers.find( j->second );
if ( !buffer ) {
// FIXME: requires update of refs... ++m_absent;
if ( buffer->buffer().size() == 0 ) return;
const PACKER packer( this );
const auto buffer = m_buffer.get();
if ( !buffer or !buffer->buffer().size() ) return;
// Sadly the pack structure expects data with valid Registry. To be improved
auto pdata = RegistryWrapper<typename PACKER::PackedDataVector>( m_data.fullKey().key() + "_Packed" );
LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::ObjectHeader header;
Buffer readBuffer;
readBuffer.init( buffer->buffer(), false );
Buffer readBuffer{*buffer}; // TODO: allow for emphemeral 'view' for reading without copying just to update 'pos'
while ( !readBuffer.eof() ) {
readBuffer.load( header.classID );
......@@ -85,6 +121,7 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
auto nBytesRead = readBuffer.load( *pdata );
if ( nBytesRead != header.storedSize ) {
this->fatal() << "Loading of object (CLID=" << header.classID << " locationID=" << header.locationID << ") "
<< " consumed " << nBytesRead << " bytes, "
<< " but " << header.storedSize << " were stored!" << endmsg;
......@@ -97,12 +134,12 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
assert( buffers.key() == readBuffer.key() );
const auto& map = m_hltANNSvc->i2s( readBuffer.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
for ( auto id : header.linkLocationIDs ) {
auto location = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, id );
if ( location ) {
pdata->linkMgr()->addLink( location.value().first, nullptr );
auto location = map.find( id );
if ( location != end( map ) ) {
pdata->linkMgr()->addLink( location->second, nullptr );
} else {
......@@ -112,12 +149,13 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
data->setVersion( pdata->version() );
packer.unpack( *pdata, *data );
if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
this->debug() << "Created " << data->size() << " data objects from " << m_buffer << endmsg;
this->debug() << "data type " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( data ) ) << endmsg;
this->debug() << "packed data type " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( pdata ) ) << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Packed Data Version = " << (unsigned int)pdata->version() << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Packed Packing Version = " << (unsigned int)pdata->packingVersion() << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Unpacked Data Version = " << (unsigned int)data->version() << endmsg;
this->debug() << "Created " << data->size() << " data objects for " << m_data.fullKey() << " from "
<< inputLocation() << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Output data type " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *data ) ) << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Packed data type " << System::typeinfoName( typeid( *pdata ) ) << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Packed data Version = " << (unsigned int)pdata->version() << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Packed packing version = " << (unsigned int)pdata->packingVersion() << endmsg;
this->debug() << " Output data Version = " << (unsigned int)data->version() << endmsg;
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
#include "GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h"
#include "Event/PackedDataBuffer.h"
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "RawbankV2Compatibility.h"
#include "RegistryWrapper.h"
namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
......@@ -32,43 +33,64 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
* Note that the inheritance from Consumer is misleading. The algorithm is
* writing to TES, just via a Handle so that it can do it at the begining of
* the operator(), as cross pointers are used in the TES and requires this.
* the operator(), as rebuilding pointers from persistency requires objects
* to be in the TES _prior_ to adding their content
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
struct ProtoParticleUnpacker
: LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( DetectorElement const& ),
: LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const&, DetectorElement const& ),
LHCb::DetDesc::usesBaseAndConditions<FixTESPath<Gaudi::Algorithm>, DetectorElement>> {
ProtoParticleUnpacker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: Consumer{name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {}
void operator()( DetectorElement const& ) const override;
: Consumer{name,
{{"InputName", LHCb::PackedProtoParticleLocation::Charged},
{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {}
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
void operator()( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
DataObjectWriteHandle<LHCb::ProtoParticles> m_protos{this, "OutputName", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged};
DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer> m_buffer{
this, "InputName", LHCb::PackedProtoParticleLocation::Charged};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_annsvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
ToolHandleArray<LHCb::Rec::Interfaces::IProtoParticles> m_addInfo{this, "AddInfo", {}};
void ProtoParticleUnpacker::operator()( DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const {
void ProtoParticleUnpacker::operator()( LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::MappedInBuffers const& buffers,
DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const {
if ( buffers.empty() ) {
error() << "empty buffer is an error" << endmsg;
// ++m_something;
auto* data = m_protos.put( std::make_unique<LHCb::ProtoParticles>() );
const auto& s2i = m_annsvc->s2i( buffers.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
auto const buffer = m_buffer.get();
if ( !buffer or !buffer->buffer().size() ) return;
auto j = buffers.bankVersion() < 3
? std::find_if( s2i.begin(), s2i.end(),
v2_compatibility::match_first_with_missing_p_after_slash( m_protos.fullKey().key() ) )
: s2i.find( m_protos.fullKey().key() );
if ( j == s2i.end() ) {
throw GaudiException{"Could not find entry for requested output " + m_protos.fullKey().key(), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
auto* data = m_protos.put( std::make_unique<LHCb::ProtoParticles>() );
const auto* buffer = buffers.find( j->second );
if ( !buffer || !buffer->buffer().size() ) return;
// Sadly the pack structure expects an object with a valid RegEntry. To be improved
auto pdata = RegistryWrapper<LHCb::PackedProtoParticles>( m_protos.fullKey().key() + "_Packed" );
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
this->debug() << "Unpacking ProtoParticles from " << m_buffer << " to " << m_protos << endmsg;
this->debug() << "Unpacking ProtoParticles from " << inputLocation() << " to " << m_protos << endmsg;
std::vector<int32_t> linkLocationIDs;
LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer readBuffer = *buffer;
LHCb::Hlt::PackedData::PackedDataInBuffer readBuffer{*buffer};
const LHCb::ProtoParticlePacker packer( this );
// Do the actual loading of the objects
......@@ -91,10 +113,13 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
<< "and " << header.linkLocationIDs.size() << " links were stored!" << endmsg;
assert( readBuffer.key() == buffers.key() );
const auto& map = m_annsvc->i2s( readBuffer.key(), PackedObjectLocations );
for ( auto id : header.linkLocationIDs ) {
auto location = m_hltANNSvc->value( PackedObjectLocations, id );
if ( location ) {
pdata->linkMgr()->addLink( location.value().first, nullptr );
auto location = map.find( id );
if ( location != end( map ) ) {
pdata->linkMgr()->addLink( location->second, nullptr );
} else {
this->warning() << " could not find the location for link id " << id << endmsg;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
......@@ -8,38 +8,21 @@
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include "ANNSvc.h"
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <string_view>
class HltANNSvc : public ANNSvc {
HltANNSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLocator )
: ANNSvc( name, svcLocator,
{"PackedObjectTypes"}} ) {}
using ANNSvc::handleUndefined;
std::optional<minor_value_type> handleUndefined( const major_key_type& major,
const std::string& minor ) const override;
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowUndefined{this, "allowUndefined", true,
"do we allow undefined, on-demand generated, key/value pairs?"};
std::optional<IANNSvc::minor_value_type> HltANNSvc::handleUndefined( const major_key_type& major,
const std::string& minor ) const {
if ( !m_allowUndefined ) return {};
static const std::hash<std::string> hasher;
debug() << "handleUndefined called for " << major << " : " << minor << " --> " << hasher( minor ) << endmsg;
return minor_value_type( minor, hasher( minor ) );
namespace DataPacking::Buffer::v2_compatibility {
inline auto match_first_with_missing_p_after_slash( std::string_view k ) {
return [=]( const auto& i ) {
// for 'v2' banks, the id stored is the '/p' version of the name
// but here we want the actual (target) name...
if ( i.first.size() != k.size() + 1 ) return false;
auto [m, n] = std::mismatch( k.begin(), k.end(), i.first.begin() );
if ( n == i.first.end() || *n != 'p' ) return false;
if ( n == i.first.begin() || *std::prev( n ) != '/' ) return false;
return std::mismatch( m, k.end(), std::next( n ) ).first == k.end();
} // namespace DataPacking::Buffer::v2_compatibility
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include "Buffer1RelationUnpackerBaseAlg.h"
#include "Buffer2RelationUnpackerBaseAlg.h"
#include "BufferRelationUnpackerBaseAlg.h"
#include "BufferUnpackerBaseAlg.h"
#include "UnpackerBaseAlg.h"
......@@ -89,20 +88,20 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( DataPacking::Buffer::Unpack<LHCb::RecSummaryPacker>,
// ProtoParticleUnpacker is not templated, because it needs an additional function.
// Relation packers
using P2VRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::Rel2Unpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::VertexBase>,
LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles, LHCb::RecVertices>;
using P2MCPRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::Rel2Unpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle>,
LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles, LHCb::MCParticles>;
using P2VRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::RelUnpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::VertexBase>,
LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles, LHCb::RecVertices>;
using P2MCPRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::RelUnpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle>,
LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles, LHCb::MCParticles>;
DataPacking::Buffer::Rel2Unpack<LHCb::RelationWeighted1D<LHCb::ProtoParticle, LHCb::MCParticle, double>,
LHCb::PackedWeightedRelations, LHCb::ProtoParticles, LHCb::MCParticles>;
DataPacking::Buffer::RelUnpack<LHCb::RelationWeighted1D<LHCb::ProtoParticle, LHCb::MCParticle, double>,
LHCb::PackedWeightedRelations, LHCb::ProtoParticles, LHCb::MCParticles>;
using P2IntRELATION =
DataPacking::Buffer::Rel1Unpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, int>, LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles>;
DataPacking::Buffer::RelUnpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, int>, LHCb::PackedRelations, LHCb::Particles>;
using P2InfoRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::Rel1Unpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap>,
LHCb::PackedRelatedInfoRelations, LHCb::Particles>;
using P2InfoRELATION = DataPacking::Buffer::RelUnpack<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap>,
LHCb::PackedRelatedInfoRelations, LHCb::Particles>;
......@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::PackedData {
return output_size > 0;
bool ByteBuffer::init( const buffer_type& data, bool compressed ) {
bool ByteBuffer::init( buffer_view data, bool compressed ) {
m_pos = 0;
if ( !compressed ) {
m_buffer = data;
assert( != );
m_buffer.assign( data.begin(), data.end() );
return true;
if ( data.size() < 9 ) {
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class Options(BaseModel):
input_files: list[str] = []
input_type: FileFormats = FileFormats.NONE
input_raw_format: float = 0.5
input_manifest_file: Optional[str] = None
xml_file_catalog: Optional[str] = None
evt_max: int = -1
first_evt: int = 0
......@@ -56,6 +57,9 @@ class Options(BaseModel):
output_file: Optional[str] = None
output_type: FileFormats = FileFormats.ROOT
output_manifest_file: Optional[str] = None
append_decoding_keys_to_output_manifest: bool = True
write_decoding_keys_to_git: bool = True
compression: Optional[constr(regex=r'^(ZLIB|LZMA|LZ4|ZSTD):\d+$')] = None
histo_file: Optional[str] = None
ntuple_file: Optional[str] = None
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import os
from PyConf import configurable
from PyConf.Algorithms import RecVertexPacker, RecVertexUnpacker
from PyConf.Algorithms import VertexPacker, VertexUnpacker
from PyConf.Algorithms import RichPIDPacker, RichPIDUnpacker
......@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ from PyConf.Algorithms import PP2MCPRelationPacker, PP2MCPRelationUnpacker
from PyConf.application import make_data_with_FetchDataFromFile
from PyConf.components import get_output, force_location
from PyConf.dataflow import dataflow_config
from PyConf.location_prefix import prefix, packed_prefix, unpacked_prefix
from PyConf.location_prefix import prefix, packed_prefix
import logging
#from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG as WARNING
......@@ -210,6 +211,36 @@ standardUnpacked = {
standardPacked = {}
_default_persisted_locations = {
'NeutralProtos': '/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Neutrals',
'ChargedProtos': '/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Charged',
'Tracks': '/Event/Rec/Track/Best',
'PVs': '/Event/Rec/Vertex/Primary',
'MuonPIDs': '/Event/Rec/Muon/MuonPID',
'MuonPIDTracks': '/Event/Rec/Muon/MuonTracks',
'RichPIDs': '/Event/Rec/Rich/PIDs',
'CaloElectrons': '/Event/Rec/Calo/Electrons',
'CaloPhotons': '/Event/Rec/Calo/Photons',
'CaloMergedPi0s': '/Event/Rec/Calo/MergedPi0s',
'CaloSplitPhotons': '/Event/Rec/Calo/SplitPhotons',
'RecSummary': '/Event/Rec/Summary',
def default_persisted_locations(locations=_default_persisted_locations,
if not prefix: return locations
return {
k: v.replace('/Event', '/Event/{}'.format(prefix))
for k, v in locations.items()
def persisted_location(k, force=True, locations=default_persisted_locations):
return force_location(locations()[k]) if force else None
#for unpackers: input with p (ie, pRec), output without(Rec). For packers, it's other way around.
class PersistRecoPacking(object):
......@@ -219,14 +250,13 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
def __init__(self,
"""Collection of packed object descriptors.
......@@ -236,23 +266,32 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
unpacked: Dict of the form {descriptor_name: unpacked_location list}.
prefix: TES location stream in the form /Event/Spruce
recoprefix: TES location stream in the form /Event/HLT2 for reconstruction objects
annsvc: Name of the ANNService
mc: in case of simulation, used in unpacking relations to MC particles
self._descriptors = descriptors[data_type]
# if we are only unpacking/packing standard reco locations
# attach the stream to the locations
if packed == standardPacked:
if unpacked is None:
unpacked = standardUnpacked
for k, vals in unpacked.items():
if reco_stream not in stream:
vals = [prefix(l, reco_stream) for l in vals]
packed[k] = [packed_prefix(l, stream) for l in vals]
if unpacked == standardUnpacked:
unpacked[k] = [
l.removeprefix(stream + '/'),
stream + '/' + reco_stream) for l in vals
unpacked[k] = [
prefix(l.removeprefix(stream + '/'), stream)
for l in vals
if packed is None:
packed = standardPacked
for k, vals in unpacked.items():
if reco_stream not in stream:
vals = [prefix(l, reco_stream) for l in vals]
unpacked[k] = [prefix(l, stream) for l in vals]
packed[k] = [packed_prefix(l, stream) for l in vals]
# This is to avoid complaints about missing keys
for name, d in self._descriptors.items():
......@@ -265,7 +304,6 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
self.unpacked = unpacked
self.prefix = stream
self.recoprefix = reco_stream
self.annsvc = annsvc = mc
def printPacking(self, log):
......@@ -274,7 +312,6 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
log.debug("Unpacked locations == ", self.unpacked)
log.debug("Stream == ", self.prefix)
log.debug("Reco stream == ", self.recoprefix)
log.debug("ANN service name ==", self.annsvc)
log.debug("Is simulation ==",
def packedLocations(self):
......@@ -299,7 +336,7 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
"""Return the dict with object type => unpacked object locations."""
return self.unpacked
def unpackers_by_key(self, configurables=False, output_level=WARNING):
def unpackers_by_key(self, output_level=WARNING):
"""Return the dictionary of unpacking algorithms."""
algs = {}
......@@ -308,30 +345,27 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
algs[name] = []
for name, d in self._descriptors.items():
zipped = zip(self.unpacked[name], self.packed[name])
for loc, ploc in zipped:
for loc, inputName in zip(self.unpacked[name], self.packed[name]):
#unpack only locations in the requested stream
if (ploc.startswith(self.prefix)):
if loc.startswith(self.prefix):
# craete a list of extra inputs for each type
extra_inputs = []
for dl in d.extra_inputs:
extra_inputs += self.unpacked[dl]
# create a list of extra inputs for each type
extra_inputs = [self.unpacked[dl] for dl in d.extra_inputs]
# Relations are special, deal with others first
#if not name.endswith("Relations"):
alg = d.unpacker(
inputName, 'location', inputName
) # check for either location or fullKey().key()
), # BUG / FIXME: why is force_location needed here??? inputName is a data handle!!!
outputs={'OutputName': force_location(loc)},
ExtraInputs=[force_location(l) for l in extra_inputs])
algs[name] += [alg]
if configurables:
algs = self.as_configurables(algs)
return algs
def unpackers(self, configurables=False, output_level=WARNING):
......@@ -346,34 +380,24 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
def packers_by_key(self,
"""Return the dict of packing algorithms for the inputs."""
algs = {}
map = {}
for name in self._descriptors.keys():
algs[name] = []
for name in self._descriptors.keys():
zipped = zip(self.unpacked[name], self.packed[name])
for loc, ploc in zipped:
if self.recoprefix in loc:
if loc != unpacked_prefix(ploc, self.prefix):
map[loc] = unpacked_prefix(ploc, self.prefix)
for name, d in self._descriptors.items():
zipped = zip(self.unpacked[name], self.packed[name])
for loc, ploc in zipped:
for loc, ploc in zip(self.unpacked[name], self.packed[name]):
if (loc.startswith(
self.prefix)): #only location in the requested stream
alg = d.packer(
outputs={'OutputName': force_location(ploc)},
algs[name] += [alg]
if configurables:
algs = self.as_configurables(algs)
......@@ -382,11 +406,14 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
def packers(self,
"""Return the list of packing algorithms."""
algs = []
for p in self.packers_by_key(
output_level=output_level, enable_check=enable_check).values():
algs += p
if configurables:
algs = self.as_configurables(algs)
......@@ -399,16 +426,6 @@ class PersistRecoPacking(object):
m[name] = []
return m
def unpackedToPackedLocationMap(self):
"""Return the dict {unpacked_location: packed_location}.
Packed Location is the location of the packed data objects to test the unpacking
m = {}
for name, d in self._descriptors.items():
for loc in self.unpacked[name]:
m[loc] = packed_prefix(loc, self.prefix)
return m
def as_configurables(algs):
"""Convert a list of PyConf Algorithm objects to Configurables.
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
"""Helpers for configuring an application to read Moore HLT2 output."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os, json, XRootD.client
import functools
import os, json
from PyConf.utils import load_file
from .PersistRecoConf import PersistRecoPacking
from PyConf.location_prefix import unpacked_prefix
from PyConf.object_types import inv_classid_map
from PyConf.application import (
default_raw_event, make_data_with_FetchDataFromFile, ComponentConfig)
......@@ -38,6 +38,121 @@ RawBanks = {
# These are the known types that we can persist
def type_map():
type_map = {
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Particle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::ProtoParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Event::v1::Track,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::RichPID,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::MuonPID,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::RecVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Vertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
#"KeyedContainer<LHCb::TwoProngVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloHypo,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
#"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloCluster,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
#"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloDigit,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
#"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloAdc,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::FlavourTag,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
#"KeyedContainer<LHCb::WeightsVector,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >":
return type_map
def load_manifest(fname):
# needed for backwards compatibility with old style .tck.json files
__lookup = {
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloCluster,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloDigit,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloAdc,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Event::v1::Track,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::CaloHypo,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::ProtoParticle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::RecVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::TwoProngVertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::WeightsVector,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::RichPID,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::MuonPID,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Particle,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::Vertex,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
"KeyedContainer<LHCb::FlavourTag,Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap> >",
d = json.loads(load_file(fname))
# check for old-style .tck.json file (note: this actually has _nothing_ to do with the ANNSvc...)
ann = d.get("HltANNSvc/HltANNSvc", None)
if ann is not None:
# this is an old style .tck.json file -- adapt it on the fly
fix_prefix = lambda x, prefix: prefix + x.removeprefix(prefix + 'p') if x.startswith(prefix + 'p') else x
manifest = {
[(functools.reduce(fix_prefix, ('/Event/Spruce/', '/Event/HLT2/'),
loc), __lookup[t % 10000])
for loc, t in ann['PackedObjectTypes'].items()]
manifest = d
return manifest
def mc_unpackers(process='Hlt2',
......@@ -117,12 +232,12 @@ def unpack_rawevent(bank_types=["DstData", "HltDecReports"],
if process == "Spruce" or process == "Turbo":
bank_location = make_data_with_FetchDataFromFile(stream)
# FIXME: this assumes all `bank_types` co-exist in the same raw-event as `DstData` - which may, or may not, be true...
bank_location = default_raw_event(["DstData"],
for rb in bank_types:
if rb not in RawBanks.keys():
RawBanks[rb] = "/Event/DAQ/RawBanks/" + rb
for rb in set(bank_types).difference(RawBanks.keys()):
RawBanks[rb] = "/Event/DAQ/RawBanks/" + rb
if configurables:
from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent
......@@ -146,7 +261,8 @@ def unpack_rawevent(bank_types=["DstData", "HltDecReports"],
def unpackers(locations,
......@@ -160,7 +276,7 @@ def unpackers(locations,
process (str): 'Turbo' or 'Spruce' or 'Hlt2'.
data_type (str): The data type to configure PersistRecoPacking (only option is Upgrade atm)
mc: MCParticle and MCVertices locations
ann: ANNSvc component, needed for finding linker locations
cfg: configuration needed for finding linker locations
locations: list of packed object locations to unpack
configurables (bool): set to False to use PyConf Algorithm.
output_level (int): Level of verbosity 1-8.
......@@ -174,11 +290,7 @@ def unpackers(locations,
TES_ROOT = '/Event/HLT2'
inputs = make_dict(locations, TES_ROOT, ann)
outputs = {}
for k, v in inputs.items():
outputs[k] = [unpacked_prefix(l, TES_ROOT) for l in v]
outputs = make_dict(locations, TES_ROOT, cfg)
mc_loc = {}
if len(mc) > 1:
if configurables:
......@@ -193,11 +305,12 @@ def unpackers(locations,
prpacking = PersistRecoPacking(
packed={k: [mappedBuffers] * len(v)
for k, v in outputs.items()
}, # the input for _each_ output is 'the one map of buffers'
......@@ -207,9 +320,7 @@ def unpackers(locations,
return unpack_persistreco
def decoder(locations,
def decoder(process='Hlt2',
......@@ -223,7 +334,6 @@ def decoder(locations,
- drives `RawEventLocation` only.
raw_event_format (float):
data_type (str): The data type to configure PersistRecoPacking.
ann: ANNSvc component, needed for finding linker locations
locations: list of packed object locations to unpack
configurables (bool): set to False to use PyConf Algorithm.
output_level (int): Level of verbosity 1-8.
......@@ -244,83 +354,58 @@ def decoder(locations,
from Configurables import HltPackedBufferDecoder
bank_location = bank_location.location
decoder = HltPackedBufferDecoder(
SourceID=process.replace("Turbo", "Hlt2"),
from PyConf.Algorithms import HltPackedBufferDecoder
# Decoder is a splitting transformer
# PyConf Algorithms expect a single output location
# so following workaorund is needed to have a list as output
import collections
location_map = collections.OrderedDict()
for l in range(len(locations)):
location_map["Buffer" + str(l)] = locations[l]
def decoder_transform(**outputs):
dict = {
location_map[k]: tes_location
for k, tes_location in outputs.items()
return {"OutputBuffers": locations}
decoder = HltPackedBufferDecoder(
SourceID=process.replace("Turbo", "Hlt2"),
outputs={prop: None
for prop in location_map},
return decoder
def make_dict(locations, stream, ann):
def make_dict(locations, stream, manifest):
"""Return a dictionary of object type: location list
This is needed to decide which unpacker to use for a given object
stream (str): TES location prefix
ann: ANNSvc component, needed for finding object types from json file
cfg: configuration needed for finding object types from json file
locations: list of packed object locations to unpack
dict = PersistRecoPacking(stream=stream).dictionary()
ptype = ann.PackedObjectTypes
if ptype:
classids = inv_classid_map()
for loc in locations:
if loc in ptype.keys():
# ANN service doesn't allow duplicate keys/values
# When an object type is registered for a location, type number is increased by i x 10^4
# Here we undo that operation
number = ptype[loc] % 10000
type = classids[number]
dict[type] += [loc]
return dict
def make_locations(locations, stream):
dct = PersistRecoPacking(stream=stream).dictionary()
present = {loc: tpe for (loc, tpe) in manifest['PackedLocations']}
for loc in locations:
typ = present.get(loc)
if typ:
alias = type_map().get(typ)
if alias: typ = alias
if typ not in dct.keys():
print("Warning: unknown type - ", present.get(loc),
" at location ", loc, " -- skipping for now")
dct[typ] += [loc]
return dct
def make_locations(manifest, stream):
"""Return a location list to unpack and decode
stream (str): TES location prefix
locations: PackedObjectLocations dict from json file
manifest: dict from json file
locations_to_decode = []
for key in locations.keys():
if key.startswith(stream + "/p") or key.startswith(stream + "p"):
for (l, t) in manifest['PackedLocations']:
# if l.startswith(stream + "/p") or l.startswith(stream + "p"):
if l.startswith(stream) and not l.startswith(stream + "/MC"):
return locations_to_decode
......@@ -375,7 +460,7 @@ def hlt_decisions(process='Hlt2',
return decode_hlt
def do_unpacking(annsvc,
def do_unpacking(cfg,
......@@ -390,7 +475,7 @@ def do_unpacking(annsvc,
stream (str): needed post-sprucing as RawEvent is then dependent on stream name
- drives `RawEventLocation` only.
raw_event_format (float):
annsvc: ANNSvc component, needed for finding linker locations and packed locations
cfg: configuration needed for finding linker locations and packed locations
locations: list of packed object locations to unpack.
if none is given, all locations in PackedObjectLocation are taken
......@@ -400,11 +485,11 @@ def do_unpacking(annsvc,
if len(locations) == 0:
# no locations are specified, so try to unpack everything in PackedObjectLocations
locations = make_locations(annsvc.PackedObjectLocations, TES_ROOT)
locations = make_locations(cfg, TES_ROOT)
assert len(
) > 0, 'Nothing to be decoded, check the locations or ANNSvc file'
) > 0, 'Nothing to be decoded, check the locations or configuration file'
# First we unpack rawbanks
algs = [
......@@ -439,11 +524,9 @@ def do_unpacking(annsvc,
# decode raw banks to packed data buffers
# decode raw banks to map of packed data buffers
packed_decoder = decoder(
......@@ -462,94 +545,10 @@ def do_unpacking(annsvc,
# Finally unpack packed data buffers to objects
algs += unpackers(
return algs
def get_hltAnn_dict(annsvc_json_config):
Extract the HLT ANN dictionary of HLT2/Spruce locations from a .json file.
annsvc_json_config (str): path to the .json file containing the HltAnnSvc configuration.
1. local path: path/to/json_file
2. eos path: root://
Dict with all the HLT2/Spruce locations.
tck = {}
if "root://" in str(annsvc_json_config):
with XRootD.client.File() as f:
status, _ =
if not status.ok:
raise RuntimeError(
f"could not open {annsvc_json_config}: {status.message}")
status, data =
if not status.ok:
raise RuntimeError(
f"could not read {annsvc_json_config}: {status.message}")
tck = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
elif annsvc_json_config:
with open(os.path.expandvars(annsvc_json_config)) as f:
tck = json.load(f)
return tck
def set_hltAnn_svc(annsvc_json_config):
Configures the Hlt ANN service to read correctly the spruced locations using the HltAnnSvc
configuration of the HLT2 application.
annsvc_json_config (str): path to the .json file containing the HltAnnSvc configuration.
1. local path: path/to/json_file
2. eos path: root://
config = ComponentConfig()
tck = get_hltAnn_dict(annsvc_json_config)
if tck:
ann_config = tck["HltANNSvc/HltANNSvc"]
hlt1_sel_ids = {
str(k): v
for k, v in ann_config["Hlt1SelectionID"].items()
hlt2_sel_ids = {
str(k): v
for k, v in ann_config["Hlt2SelectionID"].items()
spruce_sel_ids = {
str(k): v
for k, v in ann_config["SpruceSelectionID"].items()
packed_object_locs = {
str(k): v
for k, v in ann_config["PackedObjectLocations"].items()
packed_object_types = {}
if "PackedObjectTypes" in ann_config.keys():
packed_object_types = {
str(k): v
for k, v in ann_config["PackedObjectTypes"].items()
return config
......@@ -14,12 +14,19 @@
#include "GaudiKernel/EventContext.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
#include "Kernel/EventContextExt.h"
#include "Kernel/IANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/ISchedulerConfiguration.h"
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace {
bool ends_with( std::string_view s, std::string_view suffix ) {
return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr( s.size() - suffix.size() ).compare( suffix ) == 0;
} // namespace
/** @brief Write DecReport objects based on the status of the execution nodes in the scheduler.
* Each execution node of the HltControlFlowMgr is converted to a DecReport
......@@ -41,14 +48,22 @@ private:
ServiceHandle<LHCb::Interfaces::ISchedulerConfiguration> m_scheduler{this, "Scheduler", "HLTControlFlowMgr"};
/// ANNSvc for translating selection names to int selection IDs
ServiceHandle<IANNSvc> m_hltANNSvc{this, "ANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
ServiceHandle<IIndexedANNSvc> m_annsvc{this, "IndexedANNSvc", "HltANNSvc", "Service to retrieve DecReport IDs"};
/// Map from line name to index in the scheduler's execution node list and
/// number assigned by the HltAnnSvc
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, IANNSvc::minor_mapped_type>> m_name_indices{};
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int>> m_name_indices{};
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_line_names{this, "Persist", {}, "Specify the nodes to be written to TES"};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_ann_key{this, "ANNSvcKey", "", "Key from the ANN service to query."};
Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_ann_key{
this, "ANNSvcKey", "",
[this]( const auto& ) {
if ( m_ann_key.value().empty() || ends_with( m_ann_key.value(), "SelectionID" ) ) return;
throw GaudiException( "ANNSvcKey " + m_ann_key.value() + " does not end in \"SelectionID\"",
"Key used to query the ANN service"};
Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_key{this, "TCK", 0u};
DECLARE_COMPONENT( ExecutionReportsWriter )
......@@ -58,7 +73,6 @@ StatusCode ExecutionReportsWriter::start() {
if ( !sc ) return sc;
const auto& scheduler_items = m_scheduler->getNodeNamesWithIndices();
const auto& ann_items = m_hltANNSvc->items( m_ann_key.value() );
for ( const auto& name : m_line_names ) {
// The scheduler stores execution nodes as a flat list. We can cache the
// index of the execution node for each line now, and retrieve the node from
......@@ -76,7 +90,8 @@ StatusCode ExecutionReportsWriter::start() {
// Translate each decision name to an int, which will be written to the DecReport
// If the decision name isn't known to the ANNSvc we can't translate it
auto ann_idx = std::find_if( ann_items.begin(), ann_items.end(),
const auto& ann_items = m_annsvc->s2i( m_key.value(), m_ann_key.value() );
auto ann_idx = std::find_if( ann_items.begin(), ann_items.end(),
[&]( const auto& p ) { return std::get<0>( p ) == decision_name; } );
if ( ann_idx == ann_items.end() ) {
error() << "Decision name not known to ANNSvc: " << decision_name << endmsg;
......@@ -94,6 +109,7 @@ LHCb::HltDecReports ExecutionReportsWriter::operator()( EventContext const& evtC
auto const& state = lhcbExt.getSchedulerExtension<LHCb::Interfaces::ISchedulerConfiguration::State>();
LHCb::HltDecReports reports{};
reports.setConfiguredTCK( m_key );
reports.reserve( m_name_indices.size() );
for ( const auto& [i, item] : LHCb::range::enumerate( m_name_indices ) ) {
const auto& [decision_name, idx] = item;
......@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ from PyConf.Algorithms import (
from PyConf.application import ApplicationOptions, configure, configure_input
from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
from Configurables import HltANNSvc
from PyConf.filecontent_metadata import key_registry
from Configurables import GitANNSvc
from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
import json
prescale2 = ConfigurableDummy(name="Prescale2", CFD=2)
prescale3 = ConfigurableDummy(name="Prescale3", CFD=3)
......@@ -38,17 +40,22 @@ lines = [
CompositeNode("line3", [prescale3, a4], force_order=True),
CompositeNode("line4", [a1, a4, a5], force_order=True),
dict((i, + 'Decision') for i, n in enumerate(lines, 1))
decision = CompositeNode(
"decision", lines, combine_logic=NodeLogic.NONLAZY_OR, force_order=False)
reports_writer = ExecutionReportsWriter(
Persist=[ for line in lines],
HltANNSvc().Hlt1SelectionID = {
name + 'Decision': i + 1
for i, name in enumerate(['Persist'])
dec_reports_monitor = HltDecReportsMonitor(
exec_reports_monitor = ExecutionReportsMonitor()
......@@ -69,6 +76,7 @@ options.histo_file = "histograms.root"
options.input_type = "NONE"
options.dddb_tag = "dummy"
options.conddb_tag = "dummy"
options.write_decoding_keys_to_git = False
config2 = configure_input(options)
config = configure(options, moore)