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  • rrabadan/LHCb
  • talin/LHCb
  • imjelde/LHCb
  • mstahl/LHCb
  • padeken/LHCb
  • mimazure/LHCb
  • roiser/LHCb
  • conrad/LHCb
  • kklimasz/LHCb
  • rcurrie/LHCb
  • wkrzemie/LHCb
  • fkeizer/LHCb
  • valassi/LHCb
  • hschrein/LHCb
  • anstahll/LHCb
  • jonrob/LHCb
  • graven/LHCb
  • clemenci/LHCb
  • chaen/LHCb
  • sstahl/LHCb
  • lhcb/LHCb
21 results
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Commits on Source (40)
with 678 additions and 64 deletions
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
// Include files
#include "Event/ProtoParticle.h"
#include "Event/VertexBase.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/GenericMatrixTypes.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/KeyedContainer.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/KeyedObject.h"
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
#include "GaudiKernel/Vector4DTypes.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/VectorMap.h"
#include "Kernel/ParticleID.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "LHCbMath/MatVec.h"
#include "LHCbMath/Vec3.h"
#include <algorithm>
......@@ -445,9 +447,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
friend auto pid( const Particle& p ) { return p.particleID().pid(); }
// flag which indicates client code should go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov
static constexpr bool hasVertex = true;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites), maybe
// (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::maybe;
LHCb::ParticleID m_particleID; ///< PDG code
......@@ -481,6 +484,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Including forward declarations
#include "Event/ParticleCombination.h"
#include "Event/Vertex.h"
namespace LHCb {
......@@ -493,6 +497,30 @@ namespace LHCb {
return {pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()};
inline auto decayProducts( const LHCb::Particle& p ) {
auto const& d = p.daughtersVector();
switch ( d.size() ) {
case 2:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1]};
case 3:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2]};
case 4:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]};
case 5:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]};
case 6:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]};
case 7:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[7]};
case 8:
return ParticleCombination<LHCb::Particle>{d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[7], d[7]};
throw GaudiException{"Combination of less than 2, or more than 8 -- this should never happen",
"decayProducts(LHCb::Particle const&)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
inline Particle& Particle::operator=( const Particle& rhs ) {
if ( this != &rhs ) {
m_particleID = rhs.m_particleID;
* (c) Copyright 2019-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Event/Particle.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
#include "LHCbMath/Vec3.h"
#include "boost/container/static_vector.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
namespace LHCb {
namespace Combination::details {
using fp = float;
/** @brief A list of particle objects.
* A 'combination' is simply an ordered list of particle objects. This
* combination object holds such a list and has several member functions for
* computing kinematic 'properties' of the list.
* The 'four momentum' of a combination is defined as the sum of the four
* momentum of the particles held by it. Most other intrinsic properties can be
* derived from this, such as the 'invariant mass' of a combination.
* Some other methods exist to make this object compatible with the API expected
* by the ThOr functor framework, allowing an instance of ParticleCombination to
* be passed in as an argument to a functor.
template <typename... InputTypes>
struct ParticleCombination;
template <typename Particle_t>
struct ParticleCombination<Particle_t> {
/// Pointers to each of the N child objects in this combination
/// 8 children should be more than enough...
static_assert( !std::is_pointer_v<Particle_t> );
boost::container::static_vector<Particle_t const*, 8> m_children{};
template <typename... Args,
typename = std::enable_if_t<( sizeof...( Args ) > 1 ) &&
std::conjunction_v<std::is_convertible<Particle_t const*, Args>...>>>
ParticleCombination( Args&&... args ) : m_children{std::forward<Args>( args )...} {
assert( std::none_of( m_children.begin(), m_children.end(), []( auto* i ) { return i == nullptr; } ) );
template <typename Predicate>
bool pairwise_none_of( Predicate predicate ) const {
auto e = m_children.end();
for ( auto i1 = m_children.begin(); i1 != e; ++i1 ) {
for ( auto i2 = std::next( i1 ); i2 != e; ++i2 ) {
if ( predicate( **i1, **i2 ) ) return false;
return true;
template <typename Transform, typename Reduce = std::plus<>>
auto transform_reduce( Transform transform, Reduce reduce = {} ) const {
auto i1 = m_children.begin();
auto end = m_children.end();
if ( i1 == end ) {
throw GaudiException{"Empty collection of children -- this should never happen", "transform_reduce",
using value_t = std::invoke_result_t<Transform, decltype( **i1 )>;
using reduced_t = std::invoke_result_t<Reduce, value_t, value_t>;
reduced_t current = transform( **i1 );
for ( ; i1 != m_children.end(); ++i1 ) { current = reduce( std::move( current ), transform( **i1 ) ); }
return current;
template <typename Transform, typename Reduce = std::plus<>>
auto pairwise_transform_reduce( Transform transform, Reduce reduce = {} ) const {
auto i1 = m_children.begin();
auto end = m_children.end();
if ( i1 == end ) {
throw GaudiException{"Empty collection -- this should never happen", "pairwise_transform_reduce",
auto i2 = std::next( i1 );
if ( i2 == end ) {
throw GaudiException{"single particle collection -- this should never happen", "pairwise_transform_reduce",
// Calculate the first value explicitly to avoid having to pass in an initial value, and thus having to specify
// its type
using value_t = std::invoke_result_t<Transform, decltype( **i1 ), decltype( **i1 )>;
using reduced_t = std::invoke_result_t<Reduce, value_t, value_t>;
reduced_t current = transform( **i1, **i2 );
do {
for ( ; i2 != end; ++i2 ) { current = reduce( std::move( current ), transform( **i1, **i2 ) ); }
i2 = i1;
} while ( i1 != end );
return current;
/** @brief Number of children.
auto size() const { return m_children.size(); }
auto numChildren() const { return m_children.size(); }
Particle_t const& operator[]( size_t i ) const {
assert( i < m_children.size() );
assert( m_children[i] != nullptr );
return *m_children[i];
template <size_t N>
Particle_t const& get() const {
return ( *this )[N];
/** @brief the decayProducts of a combination _is_ the combination
friend ParticleCombination const& decayProducts( ParticleCombination const& pc ) { return pc; }
auto begin() const { return m_children.begin(); }
auto end() const { return m_children.end(); }
/** @brief three momentum sum of the children.
auto threeMomentum() const {
Combination::details::fp px = 0;
Combination::details::fp py = 0;
Combination::details::fp pz = 0;
for ( auto* i : m_children ) {
px += i->momentum().px();
py += i->momentum().py();
pz += i->momentum().pz();
return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3{px, py, pz};
auto slopes() const {
auto mom = threeMomentum();
return mom / Z( mom );
/** @brief Squared-magnitude of the three momentum sum of the children.
Combination::details::fp mom2() const { return threeMomentum().mag2(); }
template <std::size_t... idxs>
ParticleCombination subCombination() const {
assert( ( ( 0 <= idxs && idxs < m_children.size() ) && ... ) );
return ParticleCombination{m_children[idxs]...};
/** @brief Magnitude of the four momentum sum of the children.
Combination::details::fp p() const { return std::sqrt( mom2() ); }
/** @brief Transverse momentum component of the four momentum sum of the children.
Combination::details::fp pt() const {
Combination::details::fp px = 0.;
Combination::details::fp py = 0.;
for ( auto* i : m_children ) {
px += i->momentum().px();
py += i->momentum().py();
return std::sqrt( px * px + py * py );
/** @brief Invariant mass of the four momentum sum of the children.
Combination::details::fp mass2() const {
// FIXME/TODO: use stable computation from
using std::sqrt;
Combination::details::fp energy = 0.;
for ( auto* i : m_children ) { energy += sqrt( pow( i->p(), 2 ) + pow( i->measuredMass(), 2 ) ); }
return energy * energy - mom2();
Combination::details::fp mass() const {
using std::sqrt;
return sqrt( mass2() );
template <typename Particle_t, typename... InputTypes>
struct ParticleCombination<Particle_t, InputTypes...> : ParticleCombination<InputTypes...> {
static_assert( sizeof...( InputTypes ) > 0 );
static_assert( std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<Particle_t, InputTypes>...> );
using ParticleCombination<InputTypes...>::ParticleCombination;
} // namespace LHCb
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "Event/UniqueIDGenerator.h"
#include "Kernel/ParticleID.h"
#include "Kernel/STLExtensions.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "Kernel/Variant.h"
#include "LHCbMath/MatVec.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
......@@ -256,7 +257,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Event {
[&]( auto i ) { unwind<0, i + 1>( [&]( auto j ) { out( i, j ) = this->posCovElement( i, j ); } ); } );
return out;
static constexpr bool hasVertex = true;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::no;
// Helper for returning bits of the momentum covariance matrix
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "Event/UniqueIDGenerator.h"
#include "Kernel/EventLocalAllocator.h"
#include "Kernel/LHCbID.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
#include "LHCbMath/Vec3.h"
#include "TrackEnums.h"
......@@ -48,7 +49,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward {
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto referencePoint( const FittedState& p ) { return p.position(); }
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto threeMomentum( const FittedState& p ) { return p.momentum(); }
static constexpr bool hasVertex = TrackProxy::hasVertex;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
TrackProxy m_proxy;
......@@ -267,7 +272,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward {
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto referencePoint( const FittedProxy& fp ) {
return fp.closestToBeamStatePos();
static constexpr bool hasVertex = false;
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto trackState( FittedProxy const& fp ) {
return fp.closestToBeamState();
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "Event/PrVeloTracks.h"
#include "Kernel/EventLocalAllocator.h"
#include "Kernel/LHCbID.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "Kernel/UTChannelID.h"
#include "Kernel/VPChannelID.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
......@@ -175,7 +176,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Long {
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto trackState( const LongProxy& p ) {
return p.template get<Tag::States>( 0 );
static constexpr bool hasVertex = false;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
template <SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet simd, ProxyBehaviour behaviour, typename ContainerType>
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "Kernel/EventLocalAllocator.h"
#include "Kernel/HeaderMapping.h"
#include "Kernel/LHCbID.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "Kernel/VPChannelID.h"
#include "LHCbMath/MatVec.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
......@@ -138,7 +139,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
return ids;
static constexpr bool hasVertex = false;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto referencePoint( VeloProxy const& vp ) {
return vp.closestToBeamStatePos();
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "Kernel/HeaderMapping.h"
#include "Kernel/LHCbID.h"
#include "Kernel/STLExtensions.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "LHCbMath/Vec3.h"
#include "TrackEnums.h"
#include <algorithm>
......@@ -504,7 +505,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Event {
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& str, const Track& obj ) { return obj.fillStream( str ); }
static constexpr bool hasVertex = false;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto trackState( Track const& t ) { return t.firstState(); }
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto threeMomentum( Track const& t ) {
auto m = t.momentum();
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "Event/UniqueIDGenerator.h"
#include "Kernel/EventLocalAllocator.h"
#include "Kernel/LHCbID.h"
#include "Kernel/Traits.h"
#include "Kernel/meta_enum.h"
#include "LHCbMath/SIMDWrapper.h"
#include "LHCbMath/Vec3.h"
......@@ -148,7 +149,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] auto z() const { return position().Z(); }
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] auto tx() const { return slopes().X(); }
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] auto ty() const { return slopes().Y(); }
static constexpr bool hasVertex = TrackProxy::hasVertex;
// flag which indicates client code can go for 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix` and not
// for a track-like stateCov -- possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites),
// maybe (particle, check at runtime, calls may return invalid results)
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
TrackProxy m_proxy;
......@@ -321,7 +326,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto referencePoint( FittedProxy const& fp ) {
return fp.position( fp.defaultState() );
static constexpr bool hasVertex = false;
static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
[[nodiscard, gnu::always_inline]] friend auto trackState( FittedProxy const& fp ) {
return fp.state( StateLocation::ClosestToBeam );
* (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
// traits which indicate whether client code should use 'threeMomCovMatrix', `momPosCovMatrix` and `posCovMatrix`
// or whether to request a `trackState`
// possible values: yes (for track-like objects ) no (for neutrals, composites), maybe (particle, check at runtime, as
// calls may return invalid results -- not yet implemented)
namespace LHCb::Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream {
struct yes_t : std::true_type {};
struct no_t : std::false_type {};
struct maybe_t : no_t {
}; // basically, if you need to know at compile time, the answer is 'no' as there is no guarantee -- but it could
// still eg. be a Particle v1 representing a track, which in turn could be extrapolated downstream..
inline constexpr auto yes = yes_t{};
inline constexpr auto no = no_t{};
inline constexpr auto maybe = maybe_t{};
} // namespace LHCb::Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream
......@@ -10,16 +10,6 @@
#pragma once
#include "Kernel/HeaderMapping.h"
#include <boost/version.hpp>
// ROOT/Cling has problems with std::variant in [at least] the version shipped
// in LCG_97a. Fortunately that version of LCG is new enough to contain a
// version of Boost that includes boost::variant2::variant, which ROOT/Cling
// seems to handle better.
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 107200
# include <boost/variant2/variant.hpp>
#include <tuple>
#include <variant>
......@@ -38,13 +28,6 @@ namespace LHCb {
using tuple_type = std::tuple<Ts...>;
template <typename... Ts>
struct is_variant<boost::variant2::variant<Ts...>> : std::true_type {
using tuple_type = std::tuple<Ts...>;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_variant_v = is_variant<T>::value;
......@@ -52,12 +35,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
* on compile-time checks. See
template <typename... Ts>
using variant =
using variant = std::variant<Ts...>;
/** Check that the given list of types is not empty and contains only variant
* types.
......@@ -86,10 +64,3 @@ template <typename... Ts>
struct LHCb::header_map<std::variant<Ts...>> {
constexpr static auto value = ( LHCb::header_map_v<Ts> + ... ) + "<variant>";
template <typename... Ts>
struct LHCb::header_map<boost::variant2::variant<Ts...>> {
constexpr static auto value = ( LHCb::header_map_v<Ts> + ... ) + "<boost/variant2/variant.hpp>";
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ gaudi_add_library(LHCbMathLib
......@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
constexpr friend bool any( mask_v mask ) { return != 0; }
constexpr friend bool testbit( mask_v mask, int ) { return == 1; }
constexpr friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return; }
constexpr friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return mask.cast(); }
constexpr friend int select( mask_v mask, int a, int b ) { return mask.cast() ? a : b; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, mask_v mask ) { return os << "scalar{" << << "}"; }
......@@ -254,10 +256,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
int data{};
constexpr int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return mask.cast(); }
constexpr int select( mask_v mask, int a, int b ) { return mask.cast() ? a : b; }
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>>>
constexpr T hmax( T data, mask_v mask ) {
return mask.cast() ? data : std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
......@@ -276,7 +274,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return scalar::popcount( mask ); }
static mask_v loop_mask( int offset, int size ) { return size > offset; }
static constexpr InstructionSet instructionSet() { return Scalar; }
......@@ -583,6 +580,8 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
friend bool testbit( mask_v mask, int bit ) { return ( movemask_u32( mask.native() ) & ( 1 << bit ) ) != 0; }
// TODO: c++20 countl_zero
friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_ffs( movemask_u32( mask.native() ) ); }
// TODO: c++20 std::popcount
friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_popcount( movemask_u32( mask.native() ) ); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, mask_v x ) {
return print_bitset<4>( os, static_cast<unsigned long long>( movemask_u32( x.native() ) ), "neon" );
......@@ -594,9 +593,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
uint32x4_t data{};
// TODO: c++20 std::popcount
inline int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_popcount( movemask_u32( mask.native() ) ); }
struct types {
constexpr static std::size_t size = 4;
using int_v = neon::int_v;
......@@ -606,7 +602,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return neon::popcount( mask ); }
static mask_v loop_mask( int i, int n ) { return vcltq_s32( int32x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, vdupq_n_s32( n - i ) ); }
static constexpr InstructionSet instructionSet() { return Neon; }
......@@ -1014,6 +1009,7 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
friend bool testbit( mask_v mask, int bit ) { return ( _mm_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) & ( 1 << bit ) ) != 0; }
// TODO: c++20 countl_zero
friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_ffs( _mm_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( _mm_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, mask_v x ) {
return print_bitset<4>( os, static_cast<unsigned long long>( _mm_movemask_ps( x.native() ) ), "sse" );
......@@ -1025,8 +1021,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
__m128 data{};
inline int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( _mm_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
struct types {
constexpr static std::size_t size = 4;
using int_v = sse::int_v;
......@@ -1036,7 +1030,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return sse::popcount( mask ); }
static mask_v loop_mask( int i, int n ) {
return _mm_cmplt_ps( _mm_setr_ps( 0, 1, 2, 3 ), _mm_set1_ps( n - i ) );
......@@ -1506,6 +1499,7 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
// TODO: c++20 countl_zero
friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_ffs( _mm256_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( _mm256_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
__m256 native() const { return data; }
......@@ -1522,7 +1516,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask );
static mask_v loop_mask( int i, int n );
static constexpr InstructionSet instructionSet() { return AVX2; }
......@@ -1650,8 +1643,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
__m256 data{};
inline int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( _mm256_movemask_ps( mask.native() ) ); }
class int_v {
constexpr static std::size_t size() { return avx2::types::size; }
......@@ -1840,8 +1831,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
inline int_v types::indices( int start ) { return indices() + start; }
inline int types::popcount( mask_v mask ) { return avx2::popcount( mask ); }
inline mask_v types::loop_mask( int i, int n ) {
return _mm256_cmp_ps( _mm256_setr_ps( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ), _mm256_set1_ps( n - i ), _CMP_LT_OS );
......@@ -1905,6 +1894,7 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
friend bool testbit( mask_v mask, int bit ) { return ( mask.native() & ( 1 << bit ) ) != 0; }
// TODO: c++20 countl_zero
friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_ffs( mask.native() ); }
friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( mask.native() ); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, mask_v x ) {
return print_bitset<8>( os, x.native(), "avx256" );
......@@ -1916,8 +1906,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
__mmask8 data{};
inline int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( mask.native() ); }
class float_v;
struct types {
......@@ -1929,7 +1917,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return avx256::popcount( mask ); }
static mask_v loop_mask( int i, int n ) { return ( ( i + 8 ) > n ) ? ~( 0xFF << ( n - i ) ) : 0xFF; }
static constexpr InstructionSet instructionSet() { return AVX256; }
......@@ -2249,6 +2236,7 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
friend bool testbit( mask_v mask, int bit ) { return ( mask.native() & ( 1 << bit ) ) != 0; }
// TODO: c++20 countl_zero
friend int ffs( mask_v mask ) { return __builtin_ffs( mask.native() ); }
friend int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( mask.native() ); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, mask_v x ) {
return print_bitset<16>( os, x.native(), "avx512" );
......@@ -2260,8 +2248,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
__mmask16 data{};
inline int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return _mm_popcnt_u32( mask.native() ); }
class float_v;
struct types {
......@@ -2273,7 +2259,6 @@ namespace SIMDWrapper {
static mask_v mask_false() { return mask_v{false}; }
static int_v indices();
static int_v indices( int start );
static int popcount( mask_v mask ) { return avx512::popcount( mask ); }
static mask_v loop_mask( int i, int n ) { return ( ( i + 16 ) > n ) ? ~( 0xFFFF << ( n - i ) ) : 0xFFFF; }
static constexpr InstructionSet instructionSet() { return AVX512; }
/***************************************************************************** \
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "GaudiKernel/Point3DTypes.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Vector3DTypes.h"
#include "LHCbMath/MatVec.h"
namespace ROOT::Math {
template <typename T>
auto X( const T& t ) {
return t.x();
template <typename T>
auto Y( const T& t ) {
return t.y();
template <typename T>
auto Z( const T& t ) {
return t.z();
} // namespace ROOT::Math
namespace LHCb {
namespace StateVertexUtils {
enum ReturnStatus { Failure, Success };
/// Return the doca between two track states
template <typename StateVector>
auto doca( const StateVector& stateA, const StateVector& stateB );
/// Return the distance between a track state and a point
template <typename StateVector, typename XYZPoint>
auto doca( const StateVector& stateA, const XYZPoint& pos );
/// Compute the chi2 and decaylength of a 'particle' with respect
/// to a vertex. Return 1 if successful.
/// This should probably go into LHCb math.
ReturnStatus computeChiSquare( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& pos, const Gaudi::XYZVector& mom,
const Gaudi::SymMatrix6x6& cov6, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& motherpos,
const Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3& mothercov, double& chi2, double& decaylength,
double& decaylengtherr );
/// Compute the chi2, decaylength and decaylength uncertainty of a 'particle' with respect
/// to a vertex.
template <typename Vec_t, typename Sym6x6_t, typename Sym3x3_t, typename Vec_t1>
auto computeChiSquare( Vec_t const& pos, Vec_t const& mom, Sym6x6_t const& cov6, Vec_t1 const& motherpos,
Sym3x3_t const& mothercov ) {
// pos: decay vertex of particle
// vec: direction or momentum of particle (does not need to be normalized)
// cov6: corresponding covariance matrix
// This calculation is basically a 1-iteration beamspot fit. The
// constraint is
// r = x - lambda p/|p| - xbs
// where x and p are the position of the decay vertex of the
// candidate and its momentum, lambda is the decaylength and xbs
// the position of the beamspot. The covariance in the constraint
// is
// V = Vbs + Vxx - a * Vxp - a Vxp^T + a^2 * Vpp
// where a=lambda/|p|^2. It needs an initial estimate for the
// flightlength, for which we simply take the projection of deltaX
// on the direction. We now minimize the chisquare contribution
// chi^2 = r^T V^{-1} r
// for lambda.
// @todo add an implementation for ipchi2-of-composite that just returns
// it without calculating the decay length [error] too. OL tried
// this in, but without a
// better study of which implementation copes better when the
// matrix inversion fails (which it inevitably does sometimes)
// lets not switch to using it.
// const auto dx = pos - motherpos;
const auto dx = Vec_t{pos.X() - motherpos.X(), pos.Y() - motherpos.Y(), pos.Z() - motherpos.Z()};
const auto p3mag = mom.mag();
const auto dir = mom * ( 1.f / p3mag ); // rsqrt
const auto a = dot( dir, dx ) / p3mag;
LHCb::LinAlg::resize_t<Sym6x6_t, 3> W{};
W.fill( [&]( auto i, auto j ) {
return mothercov( i, j ) + cov6( i, j ) + a * a * cov6( i + 3, j + 3 ) -
a * ( cov6( i + 3, j ) + cov6( j + 3, i ) );
} );
// TODO check if easier to just give 3x3 cov matrices instead of creating 6x6 cov matrix
W = W.invChol();
const auto halfdChi2dLam2 = similarity( dir, W );
const auto decaylength = W * dx ) / halfdChi2dLam2;
const auto decaylengtherr = sqrt( 1 / halfdChi2dLam2 ); // TODO: put rsqrt here
const auto res = dx - dir * decaylength;
const auto chi2 = similarity( res, W );
return std::tuple{chi2, decaylength, decaylengtherr};
/// Compute the point of the doca of two track states. Return 1 if successful.
template <typename StateVector, typename XYZPoint>
ReturnStatus poca( const StateVector& stateA, const StateVector& stateB, XYZPoint& vertex );
/// Return the doca between two track states
template <typename StateVector>
auto doca( const StateVector& stateA, const StateVector& stateB ) {
// first compute the cross product of the directions.
const auto txA = stateA.tx();
const auto tyA = stateA.ty();
const auto txB = stateB.tx();
const auto tyB = stateB.ty();
auto nx = tyA - tyB; // y1 * z2 - y2 * z1
auto ny = txB - txA; // - x1 * z2 + x2 * z1
auto nz = txA * tyB - tyA * txB; // x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
auto n = std::sqrt( nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz );
// compute the doca
auto dx = stateA.x() - stateB.x();
auto dy = stateA.y() - stateB.y();
auto dz = stateA.z() - stateB.z();
auto ndoca = dx * nx + dy * ny + dz * nz;
return ndoca / n;
/// Return the distance between a track state and a point
template <typename StateVector, typename XYZPoint>
auto doca( const StateVector& state, const XYZPoint& pos ) {
auto tx = state.tx();
auto ty = state.ty();
auto dz = pos.z() - state.z();
auto dx = state.x() + dz * tx - pos.x();
auto dy = state.y() + dz * ty - pos.y();
return std::sqrt( ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) / ( 1.0 + tx * tx + ty * ty ) );
/// Compute the point of the doca of two track states. Return 1 if successful.
template <typename StateVector, typename XYZPoint>
ReturnStatus poca( const StateVector& stateA, const StateVector& stateB, XYZPoint& vertex ) {
// find the z-positions of the doca. then take the average of the two points.
// see also Gaudi::Math::closestPointParams.
const auto zA = stateA.z();
const auto xA = stateA.x();
const auto yA = stateA.y();
const auto txA = stateA.tx();
const auto tyA = stateA.ty();
const auto zB = stateB.z();
const auto xB = stateB.x();
const auto yB = stateB.y();
const auto txB = stateB.tx();
const auto tyB = stateB.ty();
// define d^2 = ( xA + muA*txA - xB - muB*txB)^2 + ( yA + muA*tyA - xB - muB*tyB)^2 + (zA + muA - zB - muB)^2
// compute (half) 2nd derivative to muA and muB in point muA=muB=0
auto secondAA = txA * txA + tyA * tyA + 1;
auto secondBB = txB * txB + tyB * tyB + 1;
auto secondAB = -txA * txB - tyA * tyB - 1;
// compute inverse matrix, but stop if determinant not positive
auto det = secondAA * secondBB - secondAB * secondAB;
ReturnStatus rc = Success;
if ( std::abs( det ) > 0 ) {
auto secondinvAA = secondBB / det;
auto secondinvBB = secondAA / det;
auto secondinvAB = -secondAB / det;
// compute (half) first derivative
auto firstA = txA * ( xA - xB ) + tyA * ( yA - yB ) + ( zA - zB );
auto firstB = -txB * ( xA - xB ) - tyB * ( yA - yB ) - ( zA - zB );
// compute muA and muB with delta-mu = - seconderivative^-1 * firstderivative
auto muA = -( secondinvAA * firstA + secondinvAB * firstB );
auto muB = -( secondinvBB * firstB + secondinvAB * firstA );
// return the average point
vertex.SetX( 0.5 * ( xA + muA * txA + xB + muB * txB ) );
vertex.SetY( 0.5 * ( yA + muA * tyA + yB + muB * tyB ) );
vertex.SetZ( 0.5 * ( zA + muA + zB + muB ) );
} else {
rc = Failure; // parallel tracks
return rc;
/// Return the chi2 of a track state with respect to a
/// vertex. This is also known as the 'IPCHI2'.
template <typename STATE, typename POS, typename POSCOV>
auto vertexChi2( const STATE& state, const POS& vertexpos, const POSCOV& vertexcov ) {
auto tx = state.tx();
auto ty = state.ty();
auto dz = Z( vertexpos ) - state.z();
auto dx = state.x() + dz * tx - X( vertexpos );
auto dy = state.y() + dz * ty - Y( vertexpos );
// compute the covariance matrix. first only the trivial parts:
const auto& statecov = state.covariance();
auto cov00 = vertexcov( 0, 0 ) + statecov( 0, 0 );
auto cov10 = vertexcov( 1, 0 ) + statecov( 1, 0 );
auto cov11 = vertexcov( 1, 1 ) + statecov( 1, 1 );
// add the contribution from the extrapolation
cov00 += dz * dz * statecov( 2, 2 ) + 2 * dz * statecov( 2, 0 );
cov10 += dz * dz * statecov( 3, 2 ) + dz * ( statecov( 3, 0 ) + statecov( 2, 1 ) );
cov11 += dz * dz * statecov( 3, 3 ) + 2 * dz * statecov( 3, 1 );
// add the contribution from pv Z
cov00 += tx * tx * vertexcov( 2, 2 ) - 2 * tx * vertexcov( 2, 0 );
cov10 += tx * ty * vertexcov( 2, 2 ) - ty * vertexcov( 2, 0 ) - tx * vertexcov( 2, 1 );
cov11 += ty * ty * vertexcov( 2, 2 ) - 2 * ty * vertexcov( 2, 1 );
// invert the covariance matrix on the fly
return ( dx * dx * cov11 - 2 * dx * dy * cov10 + dy * dy * cov00 ) / ( cov00 * cov11 - cov10 * cov10 );
/// Return the chi2 of the vertex of two track states
template <typename STATEA, typename STATEB>
auto vertexChi2( const STATEA& stateA, const STATEB& stateB ) {
// first compute the cross product of the directions. we'll need this in any case
const auto txA = stateA.tx();
const auto tyA = stateA.ty();
const auto txB = stateB.tx();
const auto tyB = stateB.ty();
auto nx = tyA - tyB; // y1 * z2 - y2 * z1
auto ny = txB - txA; // - x1 * z2 + x2 * z1
auto nz = txA * tyB - tyA * txB; // x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
// auto n2 = nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz ;
// compute doca. we don't divide by the normalization to save time. we call it 'ndoca'
auto dx = stateA.x() - stateB.x();
auto dy = stateA.y() - stateB.y();
auto dz = stateA.z() - stateB.z();
auto ndoca = dx * nx + dy * ny + dz * nz;
// figure out what floating point type to use for the covariance matrix manipulations
using float_t = std::decay_t<decltype( stateA.covariance()( 0, 0 ) )>;
using Vector4 = ROOT::Math::SVector<float_t, 4>;
using SymMatrix4x4 = ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float_t, 4, 4, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<float_t, 4>>;
// the hard part: compute the jacobians :-)
Vector4 jacA, jacB;
jacA( 0 ) = nx;
jacA( 1 ) = ny;
jacA( 2 ) = -dy + dz * tyB;
jacA( 3 ) = dx - dz * txB;
jacB( 0 ) = -nx;
jacB( 1 ) = -ny;
jacB( 2 ) = dy - dz * tyA;
jacB( 3 ) = -dx + dz * txA;
// compute the variance on ndoca
decltype( auto ) covA = stateA.covariance();
decltype( auto ) covB = stateB.covariance();
using ROOT::Math::Similarity;
auto const varndoca = Similarity( jacA, covA.template Sub<SymMatrix4x4>( 0, 0 ) ) +
Similarity( jacB, covB.template Sub<SymMatrix4x4>( 0, 0 ) );
// return the chi2
return ndoca * ndoca / varndoca;
} // namespace StateVertexUtils
} // namespace LHCb
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include "LHCbMath/StateVertexUtils.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/GenericVectorTypes.h"
namespace LHCb {
namespace StateVertexUtils {
/// Compute the chi2 and decaylength of a 'particle' with respect
/// to a vertex.
Gaudi::Vector3 transform( const Gaudi::XYZVector& vec ) { return Gaudi::Vector3( vec.X(), vec.Y(), vec.Z() ); }
ReturnStatus computeChiSquare( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& pos, const Gaudi::XYZVector& vec,
const Gaudi::SymMatrix6x6& cov6, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& motherpos,
const Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3& mothercov, double& chi2, double& decaylength,
double& decaylengtherr ) {
// pos: decay vertex of particle
// vec: direction or momentum of particle (does not need to be normalized)
// cov6: corresponding covariance matrix
// This calculation is basically a 1-iteration beamspot fit. The
// constraint is
// r = x - lambda p/|p| - xbs
// where x and p are the position of the decay vertex of the
// candidate and its momentum, lambda is the decaylength and xbs
// the position of the beamspot. The covariance in the constraint
// is
// V = Vbs + Vxx - a * Vxp - a Vxp^T + a^2 * Vpp
// where a=lambda/|p|^2. It needs an initial estimate for the
// flightlength, for which we simply take the projection of deltaX
// on the direction. We now minimize the chisquare contribution
// chi^2 = r^T V^{-1} r
// for lambda.
Gaudi::Vector3 dx = transform( pos - motherpos );
double p3mag = vec.R();
Gaudi::Vector3 dir = transform( vec.Unit() );
double a = ROOT::Math::Dot( dir, dx ) / p3mag;
Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 W;
for ( size_t row = 0; row < 3; ++row )
for ( size_t col = 0; col <= row; ++col )
W( row, col ) = mothercov( row, col ) + cov6( row, col ) + a * a * cov6( row + 3, col + 3 ) -
a * ( cov6( row + 3, col ) + cov6( col + 3, row ) );
int OK = W.Invert();
double halfdChi2dLam2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity( W, dir );
decaylength = ROOT::Math::Dot( dir, W * dx ) / halfdChi2dLam2;
decaylengtherr = std::sqrt( 1 / halfdChi2dLam2 );
Gaudi::Vector3 res = dx - decaylength * dir;
chi2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity( W, res );
return OK ? Success : Failure;
} // namespace StateVertexUtils
} // namespace LHCb