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......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
// if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) this->debug() << "Input location " << m_data << " empty." << endmsg;
// return {0};
if ( m_encodingKey == 0 ) {
if ( m_encodingKey == 0u ) {
throw GaudiException( "encoding key is zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace DataPacking::Buffer {
buffer.reserve( prels->data().size() );
static const Gaudi::StringKey PackedObjectLocations{"PackedObjectLocations"};
if ( m_encodingKey == 0 ) ++m_zero_key;
if ( m_encodingKey == 0u ) ++m_zero_key;
const auto& map = m_annsvc->s2i( m_encodingKey, PackedObjectLocations );
auto iloc = map.find( m_rels.fullKey().key() );
if ( iloc == map.end() ) {
......@@ -158,11 +158,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::DAQ {
outputSummary.setTaskID( pop( data ) );
// --------------------------------- get configuration --------------------
if ( key != 0 && m_forcedKey != 0 ) ++m_overrule_nonzero_key;
if ( key != 0 && m_forcedKey != 0u ) ++m_overrule_nonzero_key;
if ( key == 0 ) key = outputSummary.configuredTCK();
if ( key == 0 && m_forcedKey == 0 ) ++m_not_overruled_zero_key;
if ( key == 0 && m_forcedKey == 0u ) ++m_not_overruled_zero_key;
const auto& tbl = m_svc->i2s( m_forcedKey == 0 ? key : m_forcedKey.value(), selectionID_for( m_sourceID.value() ) );
const auto& tbl =
m_svc->i2s( m_forcedKey == 0u ? key : m_forcedKey.value(), selectionID_for( m_sourceID.value() ) );
// ---------------- loop over decisions in the bank body; insert them into the output container
int err = 0;
......@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ namespace LHCb::Hlt::DAQ {
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
debug() << "Rawbank size " << rawBank->size() << endmsg;
debug() << "Payload size " << payload.size() << endmsg;
debug() << "Compression " << compression << endmsg;
......@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ def configured_ann_svc(name='HltANNSvc',
for k, v in key_registry.items()})
if 'Overrule' in kwargs:'Overrule specified for keys {}'.format(
kwargs['Overrule'].keys()))'Overrule specified for keys {}'.format(', '.join(
"0x{:08x}".format(k) for k in kwargs['Overrule'].keys())))
else:'No Overrule specified - relying solely on repository')
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def get_keys_from_jsonfile(json_file):
return keys
def update_json_file(fname, d, **kwargs):
def update_decoding_keys_in_json_file(fname, d, **kwargs):
with open(fname, '+x') as f:
json.dump(d, f, **kwargs)
......@@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ def update_json_file(fname, d, **kwargs):
txt =
prev = json.loads(txt) if len(txt) > 1 else dict(
) # json has at least '{}' as content
if any(prev[k] != d[k] for k in prev.keys() & d.keys()):
prev_keys = prev.get('DecodingKeys', dict())
if any(prev_keys[k] != d[k] for k in prev_keys.keys() & d.keys()):
raise RuntimeError(
'key collision while merging dictionaries: {} vs {}'.
format(prev, d))
format(prev_keys, d))
with open(fname, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump({**prev, **d}, f, **kwargs)
json.dump(prev, f, **kwargs)
def _flush_keys_to_git(key_and_tables):
......@@ -84,8 +86,7 @@ def _flush_keys_to_git(key_and_tables):
_dict_from_json(d), _dict_from_json(table))
continue"Adding new key {} to git repository at {}".format(
key, path))"Adding key {} to git repository at {}".format(key, path))
oid = _get_hash_for_text(table, write_to_odb=True, path=path)
if oid[:8] != key:
......@@ -95,10 +96,9 @@ def _flush_keys_to_git(key_and_tables):
branch_name = 'key-' + key
_commit_oid_to_branch(path, 'master', branch_name, oid)'**** to publish this encoding table, please do `git -C {0} push origin {1}\n' \
'and then in the readback application configure the GitANNSvc to use the branch {1} by adding \n' \
' from PyConf.application import metainfo_repos\n' \
' metainfo_repos.global_bind( extra_central_tags = [ \'{1}\' ] )'.format(path,branch_name))
'Created new key {0} - to publish the corresponding decoding table, please do `git -C {1} push origin {2}`'
.format(key, path, branch_name))
# to make sure we can continue, merge the just created branch into master,
_merge_branch_to_master(path, branch_name)
......@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ class __KeyRegistry(object):
def __del__(self):
if not self.__locked and not self.empty():
"OOPS -- registry not locked, and not empty -- someone forgot to flush"
"OOPS -- registry not locked, and not empty -- got new keys {} -- someone forgot to flush"
def valid_key(key):
......@@ -141,9 +141,8 @@ class __KeyRegistry(object):
i = self.__d.get(key, None)
if i is not None: # already registered
if i == text: return # same, so done
raise RuntimeError(
"cannot modify registered item for key {}".format(key))
raise RuntimeError(
"cannot modify registered item for key {}".format(key))
if self.__locked:
raise RuntimeError("trying to add new key to a locked registry")'adding new key {} to registry'.format(key))
......@@ -177,12 +176,10 @@ class __KeyRegistry(object):
def append_to_jsonfile(self, fname, **kwargs):
self.lock() # prevent future updates that would not be flushed...
fname, {
{'0x{}'.format(k): json.loads(v)
for k, v in self.__d.items()}
}, **kwargs)
{'0x{}'.format(k): json.loads(v)
for k, v in self.__d.items()}, **kwargs)
def flush_to_git(self):
self.lock() # prevent future updates that would not be flushed...
......@@ -395,6 +392,16 @@ def _make_key(cfg):
return key
if d == cfg:"**** known key = {}".format(key))
# to make sure that, when writing keys to the manifest, _all_ keys encountered are written
# also pre-exisiting keys are registered at this point.
# This eg. avoids the scenario that in a first run, a key is (still) new and would be
# added, but then in any subsequent run the key is already in the (local) git repository,
# thus it is no longer new, and is thus subsequently _not_ added to the manifest...
# -- which implies that the key has to be published to the global reco if someone else
# wants to process the data, or the local repo must be made configured for use by the
# job processing the data.
key_registry.add(key, table)
return key
# we've got a hash collision - add a space to get a different key, and try again
......@@ -160,90 +160,12 @@ LHCb::RawEvent VPRetinaSPmixer::operator()( const LHCb::RawEvent& rawEvent ) con
} else {
// make list of pairs of banks to combine, there are 208 sensors and 104 pairs
std::array<std::pair<LHCb::RawBank const*, LHCb::RawBank const*>, 104> bankPairs;
bankPairs.fill( {nullptr, nullptr} ); // fill with iterators to the end of the bank
// Loop over VP RawBanks
for ( auto iterBank : tBanks ) {
const unsigned int sensor = iterBank->sourceID();
const unsigned int pos = sensor / 2; // integer division to get pair pos
if ( pos > 103 ) {
warning() << "Bad sensorID (" << sensor << ") should be 0->207" << endmsg;
return result;
if ( ( sensor & 0x1U ) == 0x0U ) {
// first sensor in pair [even number]
bankPairs[pos].first = iterBank;
} else {
// second sensor in pair
bankPairs[pos].second = iterBank;
for ( auto iPair : bankPairs ) {
uint32_t sensor0 = 0;
LHCb::span<const uint32_t> bank0 = {};
uint32_t sensor1 = 0;
LHCb::span<const uint32_t> bank1 = {};
if ( iPair.first ) {
sensor0 = iPair.first->sourceID();
bank0 = iPair.first->range<uint32_t>();
if ( iPair.second ) {
sensor1 = iPair.second->sourceID();
bank1 = iPair.second->range<uint32_t>();
std::vector<uint32_t> mixedSP;
unsigned int pairBankSize = bank0[0] + bank1[0];
mixedSP.reserve( pairBankSize + 1 );
mixedSP.push_back( pairBankSize ); // set bank size (element 0) to sum of length of both inputs
// check if the isolated cluster bits should be set (set to zero if too many clusters)
uint32_t icf_over_mask = 0xffffffffU; // default mask is everything passes through
if ( pairBankSize > m_icf_cut ) {
icf_over_mask = 0x7fffffffU; // mask to zero bit 31
// skip entry 0 (bank size) when copying words into the combined bank
for ( auto isp_word = begin( bank0 ) + 1; isp_word != end( bank0 ); ++isp_word ) {
mixedSP.push_back( ( *isp_word ) & icf_over_mask );
// skip entry 0 (bank size) when copying words into the combined bank
for ( auto isp_word = begin( bank1 ) + 1; isp_word != end( bank1 ); ++isp_word ) {
mixedSP.push_back( ( *isp_word ) & icf_over_mask );
uint32_t n = mixedSP[0];
if ( n > 1 ) { // check there are at least 2 SPs
for ( uint32_t i = n - 1; i > 0; --i ) {
// pick random int from 0 to i inclusive
uint32_t j = static_cast<int>( m_rndm.shoot() * ( i + 1 ) );
std::swap( mixedSP[i + 1], mixedSP[j + 1] );
assert( mixedSP.size() == 1 + mixedSP[0] );
// see comment above for bit definitions
uint32_t bankID;
if ( ( sensor0 & 0x4 ) == 0x0 ) { // c-side has even module numbers (bit 2 is first of module index)
bankID = 0x1800; // C-side
} else {
bankID = 0x1000; // A-side
bankID |= ( sensor0 >> 1 ); // left shift by 1 as final bit in each superpixel
result.addBank( bankID, LHCb::RawBank::VP, VPRetinaCluster::c_SPBankVersion, mixedSP );
result.addBank( iterBank->sourceID(), LHCb::RawBank::VP, VPRetinaCluster::c_SPBankVersion,
iterBank->range<uint32_t>() );
if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) {
verbose() << format( "Added bank with sourceID 0x%x containing sensors %i and %i", bankID, sensor0, sensor1 )
<< endmsg;
} // loop over all banks
if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Added " << nBanks << " raw banks of retina clusters to TES" << endmsg;