From d4f77604ac48d7e97dbfefc81cd6546be90de973 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ibelyaev <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:38:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] GaudiConf:  - add "ligth" version of dst-dump script from

 GaudiConf/CMakeLists.txt              |   1 +
 GaudiConf/python/GaudiConf/ | 914 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 GaudiConf/scripts/dst-dump-light      | 208 ++++++
 3 files changed, 1123 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 GaudiConf/python/GaudiConf/
 create mode 100755 GaudiConf/scripts/dst-dump-light

diff --git a/GaudiConf/CMakeLists.txt b/GaudiConf/CMakeLists.txt
index 08670834824..c065c000315 100644
--- a/GaudiConf/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/GaudiConf/CMakeLists.txt
              GaudiConf.SimConf GaudiConf.DigiConf GaudiConf.CaloPackingConf
              GaudiConf.DstConf GaudiConf.TurboConf)
 # GAUDI_QMTEST_CLASS overwrites the default python class used for LHCb tests
 # Default is QMTTest, we use here an LHCb extension : LHCbTest
diff --git a/GaudiConf/python/GaudiConf/ b/GaudiConf/python/GaudiConf/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..492c1b6dbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiConf/python/GaudiConf/
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python 
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# =============================================================================
+## @file
+#  Light version of DstDump module from Bender project to dump the content of (x,mu,s,r,...)DSTs
+# Usage:
+# @code
+#    dst-dump-light [options] file1 [ file2 [ file3 [ file4 ....'
+#  @endcode 
+#  @date   2011-10-24
+#  @author Vanya BELYAEV
+# =============================================================================
+"""``Light'' version of DstDump module from Bender project to dump the content
+of various (x,mu,s,r,...)DST files 
+    dst-dump-light [options] file1 [ file2 [ file3 [ file4 ....'
+# =============================================================================
+__author__  = 'Vanya BELYAEV'
+__date__    = "2011-10-24"
+__version__ = '$Revision$'
+__all__     = ()  ## nothing to import 
+__all__     =  ( 'dumpDst' , )
+# =============================================================================
+## logging
+# ============================================================================
+import logging, ROOT  
+# =============================================================================
+## get configured logger
+#  @code
+#  logger1 = getLogger ( 'LOGGER1' )
+#  logger2 = getLogger ( 'LOGGER2' , level = logging.INFO )
+#  @endcode 
+def getLogger ( name                                                 ,
+                fmt    = '# %(name)-25s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s' ,
+                level  = logging.INFO                                ,
+                stream = None                                        ) :  
+    """Get the proper logger
+    >>> logger1 = getLogger ( 'LOGGER1' )
+    >>> logger2 = getLogger ( 'LOGGER2' , level = logging.INFO )
+    """
+    #
+    logger = logging.getLogger ( name )
+    logger.propagate =  False 
+    ##logger.propagate =  True
+    #
+    while logger.handlers :
+        logger.removeHandler ( logger.handlers[0] )
+    #
+    if not stream :
+        import sys
+        stream = sys.stdout
+    lh  = logging.StreamHandler ( stream ) 
+    fmt = logging.Formatter     ( fmt    )
+    lh  . setFormatter          ( fmt    )
+    logger.addHandler           ( lh     ) 
+    #
+    logger.setLevel             ( level  )
+    #
+    return logger
+# =============================================================================
+if '__main__' == __name__ : logger = getLogger ( 'GaudiConf.DstDump' )
+else                      : logger = getLogger ( __name__ )
+# =============================================================================
+# =============================================================================
+## table format 
+_fhdr_ = ' | %8s | %15s | %7s | %4s | %6s |'                 ## header  
+_fmt1_ = ' | %8g | %7.1f+-%-6.1f | %-7.1f | %4d | %-6d |'  
+_fmt2_ = ' | %8d | %7d%8s | %7s | %4s | %6s |'
+# =============================================================================
+def formatItem ( item ) : 
+    if item.Min() != item.Max() or 0 != item.rms() or  0 != item.meanErr() :
+        return  _fmt1_ % ( item.sum     () ,
+                           item.mean    () ,
+                           item.meanErr () ,
+                           item.rms     () ,
+                           long ( item.Min () ) ,
+                           long ( item.Max () ) )
+    else :
+        return _fmt2_ % ( long ( item.sum  ().value() ) ,
+                          long ( item.mean ().value() ) , '' , '' , '', '' ) 
+# =============================================================================
+## the function that prints the table 
+def print_them ( objects , config , iEvent ) :
+    """The function that prints the table 
+    """
+    keys = objects.keys()
+    keys.sort()
+    length  = 25
+    for key in keys : length = max ( length , len  ( key ) ) 
+    length += 2-7
+    _printMessage = []
+    lline   = ' +' + ( length + 58 ) * '-' + '+'
+    _printMessage += [ lline ] 
+    message = _fhdr_ % ( 'Total ' , '     Mean     ' , '  rms  ' ,  'min' , ' max ' ) 
+    message = " | %s %s" % ( 'Location'.ljust(length) , message )
+    _printMessage += [ message ] 
+    _printMessage += [ lline   ]
+    for loc in keys :
+        item     = objects[loc]
+        l = loc.replace('/Event/','')
+        if config.Zeroes :
+            while item.nEntries() < _nevents_ : item += 0
+        ## the actual formating 
+        message = formatItem ( item )
+        message = " | %s %s" % ( l.ljust(length) , message )
+        _printMessage += [ message ] 
+    _printMessage += [ lline ]
+    _printMessage += [ "   Analysed %d events" % iEvent  ] 
+ ( 100*'*')
+    print '\n\n\n'
+    ofile  = open ( config.SummaryFile , 'w' )     
+    for line in _printMessage :
+        print           line   
+        print >> ofile, line 
+    ofile.close()
+    print '\n\n\n'
+ ( 100*'*')
+# =============================================================================
+## try to extract the data type, simulation flag and file extension (type)
+#  @code
+#    >>> file_names  = ...
+#    >>> data_type, simulation,ext = dataType ( file_names )
+#  @endcode
+def dataType ( files ) :
+    """Extract the data type,
+    simulation type and input type from file name(s)
+    >>> file_names  = ...
+    >>> data_type , simulation , ext = dataType ( file_names )
+    """
+    #
+    if isinstance ( files  , str ) : files = [ files ]
+    #
+    dtype = ''
+    simu  = False
+    ext   = '' 
+    for f in files  :
+        #
+        fu = f.upper() 
+        if   0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION09'   ) : dtype = '2009'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION10'   ) : dtype = '2010'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION11'   ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION12'   ) : dtype = '2012'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION13'   ) : dtype = '2012' ## ATTENTION
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION15'   ) : dtype = '2015'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION16'   ) : dtype = '2016'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION17'   ) : dtype = '2017'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'COLLISION18'   ) : dtype = '2018'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING13'   ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING17'   ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING15'   ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING19'   ) : dtype = '2012'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING20R1' ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING20'   ) : dtype = '2012'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING21R1' ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING21'   ) : dtype = '2012'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING22'   ) : dtype = '2015'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING23'   ) : dtype = '2015'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING24'   ) : dtype = '2015'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING26'   ) : dtype = '2016'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING28'   ) : dtype = '2016'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'STRIPPING29'   ) : dtype = '2017'
+        #
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+10'         ) : dtype = '2010'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+11'         ) : dtype = '2011'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+12'         ) : dtype = '2012'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+13'         ) : dtype = '2013'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+15'         ) : dtype = '2015'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+16'         ) : dtype = '2016'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+17'         ) : dtype = '2017'
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '2K+18'         ) : dtype = '2018'
+        #
+        if   0 <= fu.find ( 'MC09' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2009' ) :
+            dtype = '2009'
+            simu  = True 
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC10' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2010' ) :
+            dtype = '2010'
+            simu  = True 
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC11' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2011' ) :  
+            dtype = '2011'
+            simu  = True 
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC12' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2012' ) :
+            dtype = '2012'
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC13' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2013' ) :
+            dtype = '2013' ## ?? 
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC15' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2015' ) :
+            dtype = '2015'
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC16' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2016' ) :
+            dtype = '2016'
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC17' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2017' ) :
+            dtype = '2017'
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC18' ) or 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/2018' ) :
+            dtype = '2018'
+            simu  = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'MC/UPGRADE' ) :
+            dtype = 'Upgrade'
+            simu  = True            
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( '/MC/'            ) : simu = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'PYTHIA'          ) : simu = True
+        elif 0 <= fu.find ( 'BCVEGPY'         ) : simu = True
+        flst = f.split()
+        for _f in flst :
+            _ff          = _f.strip().strip('"').strip("'")
+            _ff , qm , _ = _ff.partition('?')
+            ## allow up to 5 symbols for exension 
+            first , dot , second = _ff.rpartition('.')
+            if dot and 3<=len(second)<=5 and not ext : ext = second.upper() 
+    return  dtype , simu , ext
+# =============================================================================
+## try to extract more information from file names 
+def hasInFile ( files , patterns ) :
+    """Check the presence of certain (uppercased) patterns in the file name(s)
+    - return the first found pattern
+    """
+    #
+    if isinstance ( files    , str ) : files    = [ files    ]
+    if isinstance ( patterns , str ) : patterns = [ patterns ] 
+    #
+    upatterns = [ p.upper() for p in patterns ]
+    for f in files  :
+        fu = f.upper()
+        for p in upatterns : 
+            if p  and 0 <= fu.find ( p ) : return p 
+    return False
+# =============================================================================
+## Configure node killing agents for uDST processing
+#  @author VanyaBELYAEV
+#  @date   2011-10-05
+def killDAQ ( nodes = [ '/Event/DAQ' , '/Event/pRec' ] )  :
+    """Configure node killing agents for uDST processing
+    """
+    #
+    from Configurables import EventNodeKiller
+    killer = EventNodeKiller ( "KillDAQ" )
+    for node in nodes :
+        if node in killer.Nodes : continue 
+        killer.Nodes.append ( node ) 
+    from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
+    a = ApplicationMgr()
+    a.TopAlg = [ killer  ] + a.TopAlg 
+  ( "Add killer agent for: %s" % killer.Nodes )
+# ======================================================================================
+## Configure various uDst settings from RootInTES
+#  @code
+#  from PhysConf.MicroDST import uDstConf
+#  uDstConf ( '/Event/Leptonic' )
+#  @endcode
+#  ``KillNodes'': list of nodes to be killed.
+#  If not specified explicitely, for the regular uDST the following nodes will be removed:
+#  - '/Event/DAQ'
+#  - '/Event/pRec'
+#  @param  rootInTes  Root-In-TES for this uDST 
+#  @param  killNodes  list of nodes to be killed
+#  @author VanyaBELYAEV
+#  @date   2011-10-05  
+def uDstConf ( rootInTes        ,
+               killNodes = None ) :
+    """Various settings for mDst
+    >>>  from PhysConf.MicroDST import uDstConf
+    >>> uDstConf ( '/Event/Leptonic' )
+    ``KillNodes'': list of nodes to be killed.
+    If not specified explicitely, for the regular uDST following the nodes will be removed:
+    - '/Event/DAQ'
+    - '/Event/pRec'
+    """
+    #
+    if killNodes is None :
+        ## for TURBO streams no need to kill nodes
+        #  but they need to be killed for regular uDST
+        killNodes = () if '/TURBO' in rootInTes.upper() else ( '/Event/DAQ' , '/Event/pRec' )
+    elif     isinstance ( killNodes , str          ) : killNodes = ( killNodes , )
+    elif not isinstance ( killNodes , (list,tuple) ) :
+        logger.error ('Invalid type of ``killNodes'':%s/%s' % ( killNodes, type(killNodes) ) ) 
+    #
+    ## Never use gfal ...
+    #
+    from Configurables import Gaudi__IODataManager as IODataManager 
+    IODataManager( "IODataManager" ).UseGFAL = False
+  ( "Disable GFAL"  )
+  ( "Reconfigure uDST to use    RootInTES='%s'" % rootInTes )
+    from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
+    dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
+    #
+    ## extra configuration:
+    #
+    ## 0. Kill Event/DAQ
+    #
+    if killNodes:
+        from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
+        def _killDAQ_ ( ) :
+            return  killDAQ ( nodes = killNodes )     
+        appendPostConfigAction ( _killDAQ_ )
+  ( "Configure node-killer agent for %s " % str( killNodes ) )
+    #
+    ## 1. Copy/Link ODIN, RawEvent and RecSummary
+    #
+    from Configurables import Gaudi__DataLink as Link
+    rawEvt  = Link ( 'LinkRawEvent'                      ,
+                     What   =  '/Event/Trigger/RawEvent' ,
+                     Target = rootInTes + 'DAQ/RawEvent' )
+    odin    = Link ( 'LinkODIN'                          ,
+                     What   =          '/Event/DAQ/ODIN' ,
+                     Target = rootInTes +     'DAQ/ODIN' )
+    summary = Link ( 'LinkSummary'                       ,
+                     What   =      '/Event/Rec/Summary'  ,
+                     Target = rootInTes + 'Rec/Summary'  )    
+    header  = Link ( 'LinkHeader'                        ,
+                     What   =       '/Event/Rec/Header'  ,
+                     Target = rootInTes +  'Rec/Header'  )
+    reports = Link ( 'LinkStripReports',
+                     What =        '/Event/Strip/Phys/DecReports' ,
+                     Target = rootInTes + 'Strip/Phys/DecReports' )
+    dod.AlgMap [ rawEvt  . Target ] = rawEvt 
+    dod.AlgMap [ odin    . Target ] = odin
+    dod.AlgMap [ summary . Target ] = summary
+    dod.AlgMap [ header  . Target ] = header
+    dod.AlgMap [ reports . Target ] = reports
+    hlt1_reports = Link ( 'LinkHlt1Reports',
+                          What   = rootInTes +  'Hlt1/DecReports'  ,
+                          Target =       '/Event/Hlt1/DecReports' )
+    hlt2_reports = Link ( 'LinkHlt2Reports',
+                          What   = rootInTes +  'Hlt2/DecReports'  ,
+                          Target =       '/Event/Hlt2/DecReports' )
+    dod.AlgMap [ hlt1_reports . Target ] = hlt1_reports
+    dod.AlgMap [ hlt2_reports . Target ] = hlt2_reports
+  ( "Configure ODIN,Raw,Summary&Reports RootInTES='%s'" % rootInTes )
+    rawEventLoc=rootInTes + 'DAQ/RawEvent' 
+    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
+    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
+    for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB,"L0PU"):
+        d.overrideInputs(rawEventLoc)
+# ============================================================================
+## further suppress printout (suitbale doe "dst-dump"-like scripts
+def totalSilence ( lst = [ 'RootCnvSvc'               ,
+                           'IOManagerSvc'             ,
+                           'RootHistSvc'              ,
+                           'LHCb::RawDataCnvSvc'      ,
+                           'HcalDet.Quality'          ,
+                           'EcalDet.Quality'          ,
+                           'MagneticFieldSvc'         ,
+                           'PropertyConfigSvc'        ,
+                           'ToolSvc.L0DUConfig'       ,
+                           'ToolSvc.L0CondDBProvider' , 
+                           'L0MuonFromRaw'            ,
+                           'IntegrateBeamCrossing'    ] , dod = True ) :
+    from Configurables import MessageSvc, DataOnDemandSvc, ToolSvc 
+    from Configurables import Gaudi__RootCnvSvc    as RootCnvSvc 
+    from Configurables import Gaudi__IODataManager as IODataManager
+    from Configurables import LHCb__RawDataCnvSvc  as RawDataCnvSvc 
+    msg = MessageSvc()
+    msg.OutputLevel = 5
+    ToolSvc           (                                  OutputLevel = 5 )
+    RootCnvSvc        ( "RootCnvSvc"                   , OutputLevel = 6 )
+    RawDataCnvSvc     (                                  OutputLevel = 6 )
+    IODataManager     ( 'IODataManager'                , OutputLevel = 6 ,
+                        AgeLimit = 1 , UseGFAL = False )
+    if dod :
+        DataOnDemandSvc   ( Dump = True  )
+    else :
+        DataOnDemandSvc   ( Dump = False , OutputLevel = 6 )
+        msg.setError += [ 'DataOnDemandSvc' ] 
+    msg.setError += lst
+def _nodes_(self, forceload = False, node = '') :
+    """A simple tool to obtain list of nodes in Data Store 
+    Usage:
+    >>> evtSvc = gaudi.evtSvc()
+    >>> nodes = evtSvc.nodes('Rec')
+    >>> for node in nodes :
+    >>>  print node
+    >>> nodes = evtSvc.nodes('Rec', forceload = True)
+    >>> for node in nodes :
+    >>>  print node
+    """
+    nodelist = []
+    if type(node) is str:
+        root = self.retrieveObject(node)
+        if root : node = root.registry()
+        else    : return nodelist
+    if node.object() :
+        if self.leaves(node).size() > 0 :
+            for l in self.leaves(node) :
+                if forceload :
+                    try :
+                        temp = self[l.identifier()]
+                    except :
+                        temp = self[l.identifier()]
+                nodelist+=self.nodes(forceload,l)
+        else :
+            nodelist.append(node.identifier())
+    else:
+        nodelist.append(node.identifier())
+    return nodelist
+# =============================================================================
+## stripped down verison of the function from BenderTools.DstExplorer moodule
+def configure ( config ) :
+    """Configure the application from parser data
+    - stripped down version of the function from BEnderTools.DstExplorer moodule
+    """    
+    #
+    if config.OutputLevel <= 3 and not config.Quiet :
+        _vars   = vars ( config )
+        _keys   = _vars.keys()
+        _keys .sort()
+ ( 'Configuration:')
+        for _k in _keys : ( '  %15s : %-s ' % ( _k , _vars[_k] ) )
+    if config.Quiet :
+        config.OutputLevel = max ( config.OutputLevel , 4 ) 
+'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel )
+    output_level = config.OutputLevel 
+    if   6 <= output_level : logging.disable ( logging.FATAL   - 1 )
+    elif 5 <= output_level : logging.disable ( logging.ERROR   - 1 )
+    elif 4 <= output_level : logging.disable ( logging.WARNING - 1 )
+    elif 3 <= output_level : logging.disable ( logging.INFO    - 1 )
+    elif 2 <= output_level : logging.disable ( logging.DEBUG   - 1 )
+    ## redefine output level for 'quiet'-mode
+    if config.OutputLevel > 5 :
+        config.OutputLevel = 5
+'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel )
+    if config.OutputLevel < 0 :
+        config.OutputLevel = 0
+'set OutputLevel to be %s ' % config.OutputLevel )
+    from Configurables       import EventSelector
+    es =  EventSelector ( OutputLevel = config.OutputLevel ) 
+    if   config.OutputLevel >= 5 : es.PrintFreq = 1000
+    elif config.OutputLevel >= 4 : es.PrintFreq =  500 
+    elif config.OutputLevel >= 3 : es.PrintFreq =  100 
+    #
+    # some sanity actions:
+    #
+    config.RootInTES = config.RootInTES.strip()
+    config.files     = [ i.strip() for i in config.files if i.strip() ]
+    #
+    ## get the file type for the file extension
+    #
+    files   = [ i for i in config.files ]
+    if not files and not config.ImportOptions : 
+        raise AttributeError('No data files are specified!')
+    from Configurables       import EventSelector
+    from Gaudi.Configuration import importOptions
+    from GaudiConf           import IOHelper 
+    ifiles = EventSelector().Input
+    if ifiles :
+        io = IOHelper()
+        ii = []
+        for i in ifiles : ii.append ( io.undressFile ( i ) )
+        ifiles = ii 
+    if not files and not ifiles : 
+        raise AttributeError('No data files are specified!')
+    ## append command line files to the IO helper
+    io = IOHelper ()    
+    io.inputFiles (  files , clear = False )
+    allfiles = files + ifiles
+    ## try to get some information from the file names
+    ## get some info from file names/extensision
+    dtype, simu, ext = None , None , None
+    ## try to get information form input file names (via command line) 
+    dtype, simu, ext = dataType ( allfiles )
+    if not simu :
+        if   'DST'  == ext and hasInFile ( files , 'AllStreams.dst'  ) :
+            simu = True 
+   ("Simulation flag is activated 'ALLSTREAMS.DST'" )
+        elif 'LDST' == ext and hasInFile ( files , 'AllStreams.ldst' ) :
+            simu = True 
+   ("Simulation flag is activated 'ALLSTREAMS.LDST'")
+        elif 'MDST' == ext and hasInFile ( files , 'AllStreams.mdst' ) :
+            simu = True
+   ("Simulation flag is activated 'ALLSTREAMS.MDST'")
+            logger.debug('DataType,Simu&extension:"%s",%s,"%s" (from files)' %
+                         ( dtype , simu  , ext ) )
+    # 
+    if ext.upper() in ( 'GEN'  , 'XGEN' , 'LDST' ) and not simu : simu = True 
+    if dtype and dtype != config.DataType :
+ ( 'Redefine DataType from  %s to %s '   % ( config.DataType, dtype ) )
+        config.DataType  = dtype
+    if simu and not config.Simulation : 
+ ( 'Redefine Simulation from  %s to %s ' % ( config.Simulation, simu ) )
+        config.Simulation  = simu 
+    if config.Simulation and config.Lumi :
+'suppress Lumi for Simulated data')    
+        config.Lumi = False
+    ## summary information (when available) 
+    from Configurables import LHCbApp
+    LHCbApp().XMLSummary = 'summary.xml'
+    lhcb = LHCbApp (
+        DataType    = config.DataType    ,
+        Simulation  = config.Simulation  ,
+        OutputLevel = config.OutputLevel 
+        )
+    #
+    ## DB tags
+    #
+    tags_set = False 
+    if config.DDDBtag and config.CondDBtag :
+        if not config.NoTagsFromDATA :
+            config.NoTagsFromDATA  = True 
+            logger.debug ('DDDB/CONDDB Tags are given explicitely, disable extraction from data')
+        app = LHCbApp ( DDDBtag   = config.DDDBtag   ,
+                        CondDBtag = config.CondDBtag )
+        tags_set = True 
+ ('Use DDDBtag   : %s ' % app.DDDBtag   )
+ ('Use CONDDBtag : %s ' % app.CondDBtag )
+    elif config.DDDBtag    :
+        logger.warning ('DDDB   tag is specified but CondDB tag it not specified!')
+        app = LHCbApp ( DDDBtag   = config.DDDBtag   )
+ ('Use DDDBtag   : %s ' % app.DDDBtag   )
+    elif  config.CondDBtag :
+        logger.warning ('CondDB tag is specified but DDDB   tag it not specified!')
+        app = LHCbApp ( CondDBtag = config.CondDBtag )
+ ('Use CONDDBtag : %s ' % app.CondDBtag )
+    #
+    ## try to use the latest available tags, if not specified from the command line 
+    #
+    latest = False 
+    if not tags_set          and \
+       not config.Simulation and \
+       not config.DDDBtag    and \
+       not config.CondDBtag  and config.DataType in ( '2010' ,
+                                                      '2011' ,
+                                                      '2012' ,
+                                                      '2013' , 
+                                                      '2015' ,
+                                                      '2016' ,
+                                                      '2017' ,
+                                                      '2018' ) :
+        from Configurables import CondDB    
+        CondDB( LatestGlobalTagByDataType = config.DataType ) 
+'Use latest global tag for data type %s' % config.DataType )
+        latest = True
+    if 'UPGRADE' == config.DataType.upper() :
+        from Configurables import CondDB    
+        db = CondDB( Upgrade = True )
+'Use Upgrade partition of CondDB')
+    if config.IgnoreDQFlags :
+'DataQuality flags will be ignored')
+        lhcb.IgnoreDQFlags = config.IgnoreDQFlags
+    if config.MicroDST or 'mdst' == ext or 'MDST' == ext or 'uDST' == ext :
+ ( 'Define input type as micro-DST' )
+        if not config.RootInTES :
+            logger.error ('Root-in-TES is not specified for MDST  data!' )
+        else :
+            uDstConf ( config.RootInTES ) 
+    from Configurables import EventClockSvc, CondDB 
+    EventClockSvc ( EventTimeDecoder = "FakeEventTime" )
+    logger.debug ( 'Use fake event time decoder' )
+    CondDB  ( IgnoreHeartBeat = True )
+    logger.debug ( 'Ignore Heart-beat' )
+    totalSilence() 
+# =============================================================================
+## dump it ! 
+#  @date   2011-10-24
+#  @author Vanya BELYAEV
+def dumpDst ( config ) :
+    ##
+ ( 100*'*') 
+    configure ( config ) 
+    if 1000 < config.nEvents :
+        logger.warning('Large number of events is required to process %s ' % config.nEvents )
+    #
+    ## decorate some   classes 
+    #
+    ## 1) iDataSvc
+    import GaudiPython.Bindings
+    GaudiPython.Bindings.iDataSvc.nodes = _nodes_
+    ## 2) packed classes
+    import ROOT 
+    LHCb = ROOT.LHCb
+    for i in [
+        ## RC 
+        ( LHCb.PackedCaloHypos            , 'hypos'     ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedRecVertices          , 'vertices'  ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedTwoProngVertices     , 'vertices'  ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedParticles            , 'data'      ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedVertices             , 'data'      ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedMuonPIDs             , 'data'      ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedRichPIDs             , 'data'      ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedProtoParticles       , 'protos'    ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedTracks               , 'tracks'    ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedClusters             , 'clusters'  ) , 
+        ( LHCb.PackedDecReport            , 'reports'   ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedRelations            , 'relations' ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedWeightedRelations    , 'relations' ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedFlavourTags          , 'data'      ) , 
+        ( LHCb.PackedCaloClusters         , 'data'      ) , 
+        ( LHCb.PackedCaloHypos            , 'hypos'     ) , 
+        ( LHCb.PackedMuonPIDs             , 'data'      ) , 
+        ( LHCb.PackedRelatedInfoRelations , 'data'      ) ,
+        ## 
+        ## MC
+        ( LHCb.PackedMCParticles          , 'mcParts'   ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedMCVertices           , 'mcVerts'   ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedMCCaloHits           , 'data'      ) ,
+        ( LHCb.PackedMCHits               , 'data'      )
+        ] :
+        t = i[0]
+        m = i[1]
+        if not hasattr ( t , 'size' ) :
+            t.get_data    = getattr ( t , m ) 
+            t.__len__     = lambda s : s.get_data().size()
+            t.size        = lambda s : len  ( s )
+        # =============================================================================
+        ## Number of banks in RawEvent 
+        #  @code
+        #  raw_event = ...
+        #  print ' total: ', raw_event.nBanks()
+        #  print ' Muon : ', raw_event.nBanks( LHCb.RawBank.Muon )
+        #  @endcode
+        def _re_nbanks_ ( rawevt , bank_type = None ) :
+            """Number of banks in RawEvent 
+            >>> raw_event = ...
+            >>> print ' total: ', raw_event.nBanks()
+            >>> print ' Muon : ', raw_event.nBanks( LHCb.RawBank.Muon )
+            """
+            if isinstance ( bank_type , int ) :
+                return len( rawevt.banks( bank_type ) )
+            _nb = 0
+            for _bt in range ( 0 , 100 ) :
+                _bn = LHCb.RawBank.typeName ( _bt )
+                if 'Undefined_name' == _bn : continue
+                _banks = rawevt.banks ( _bt )
+                _nb   += len( _banks )
+            return _nb
+        LHCb.RawEvent._len__ = _re_nbanks_ 
+    #
+    ## instantiate the application manager
+    #
+    gaudi = GaudiPython.Bindings.AppMgr()
+    import LHCbMath.Types 
+    #
+    ## copy the lines from Juan's script
+    #
+    evtSvc = gaudi.evtSvc()
+    import ROOT,cppyy 
+    SE     = ROOT.StatEntity ##  well, it is a class frpm Gaudi 
+    _nevents_ = 0 
+    def addEntry ( dct , key , val ) :
+        if not dct.has_key(key) : dct[key] = SE()
+        se  = dct[key]
+        se += float(val)
+    dodSvc = gaudi.service('DataOnDemandSvc')
+    nSelEvents = {}
+    nObjects   = {}
+    root = config.RootInTES 
+    if not root :
+        root = '/Event'
+        logger.warning('Use "%s" as root, could be non-efficient' % root )
+    iEvent = 0  
+    while True : 
+        sc   =
+        _nevents_ += 1
+        if sc.isFailure()       : break
+        #
+        if not evtSvc['/Event'] : break
+        ##
+        if 0 < config.nEvents <= iEvent : break
+        iEvent += 1
+        #
+        nodes = evtSvc.nodes ( node      = root ,
+                               forceload = True )
+        if not nodes :
+            logger.warning ( "No nodes are selected for Root:'%s'" % root  )
+        nodes = set ( nodes ) 
+        links = set ()
+        dods  = set ()
+        #
+        ## explore the regular nodes
+        #
+        for loc in nodes :
+            loc0 = loc 
+            data = evtSvc[loc]
+            loc  = loc[:7] + ' ' + loc[7:] 
+            if not data :
+                addEntry ( nSelEvents , loc , 0 )
+                addEntry ( nObjects   , loc , 0 )
+            elif type( data ) == ROOT.DataObject  : continue 
+            else :
+                #
+                if   hasattr ( data , 'size'   ) : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , data.size()  )
+                elif hasattr ( data , '__len__') : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , len ( data ) )
+                else                             : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , 1            )
+                #
+                ## collect the links (if needed) 
+                if config.FollowLinks: 
+                    lnks = data.links()
+                    for l in lnks : links.add ( l )
+                    if '/pRec/DecReport' in loc0 : 
+                        links.add ( loc0.replace ( '/pRec/'  , '/Rec/'  ) )
+        #
+        ## follow the links? Useful for packed (u)DST
+        #
+        if config.FollowLinks: 
+            links = links - nodes 
+            for loc in links:
+                if config.RootInTES and not config.RootInTES in ( '/Event' , '/Event/' ) :  
+                    if not config.RootInTES in loc : continue 
+                data = evtSvc[loc]
+                loc  = loc[:7] + '*' + loc[7:] 
+                if          data is None             : continue 
+                elif type ( data ) == cpp.DataObject : continue 
+                elif not data :
+                    addEntry ( nSelEvents , loc , 0 )
+                    addEntry ( nObjects   , loc , 0 )
+                elif hasattr ( data , 'size'   ) : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , data.size()  )
+                elif hasattr ( data , '__len__') : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , len ( data ) )
+                else                             : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , 1            )
+        #
+        ## explore locations known for DOD
+        #
+        if config.DataOnDemand :
+            for k in dodSvc.AlgMap .keys () : dods.add ( k ) 
+            for k in dodSvc.NodeMap.keys () :
+                obj = dodSvc.NodeMap[k]
+                if 'DataObject' == obj : continue 
+                dods.add ( k )
+            dods = dods - nodes 
+            dods = dods - links
+            for loc in dods :
+                if config.RootInTES :
+                    if not config.RootInTES in loc : continue 
+                if not config.Simulation :
+                    if 'MC'   in loc : continue 
+                    if 'Prev' in loc : continue 
+                    if 'Next' in loc : continue 
+                data = evtSvc[loc]
+                loc = loc[:7] + '+' + loc[7:] 
+                if not data :
+                    addEntry ( nSelEvents , loc , 0 )
+                    addEntry ( nObjects   , loc , 0 )
+                elif type( data ) == cpp.DataObject : continue 
+                else :
+                #
+                    if   hasattr ( data , 'size'   ) : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , data.size()  )
+                    elif hasattr ( data , '__len__') : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , len ( data ) )
+                    else                             : addEntry ( nObjects , loc , 1            )
+        if 1 < config.DumpFrequency and 0 < iEvent and 0 == iEvent % config.DumpFrequency :
+            print_them (  nObjects , config , iEvent + 1 )
+    ## print the final table 
+    print_them (  nObjects , config , iEvent )
+# =============================================================================
+if '__main__' == __name__ :
+ ( 100*'*')
+ ( __doc__ ) 
+ ( 100*'*')
+ ( ' Author  : %s ' % __author__   ) 
+ ( ' Version : %s ' % __version__  ) 
+ ( ' Date    : %s ' % __date__     )
+ ( 100*'*')
+    dumpDst ()
+ ( 100*'*')
+# =============================================================================
+# The END 
+# =============================================================================
diff --git a/GaudiConf/scripts/dst-dump-light b/GaudiConf/scripts/dst-dump-light
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..76354f475ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GaudiConf/scripts/dst-dump-light
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# =============================================================================
+## @file dst-dump-light
+#  Light version of dst-dump script from Bender-project.
+#  It allows to dump the content of (x,mu,s,r)DST files 
+# Usage:
+# @code
+# > dst-dump-light [options] file1 [ file2 [ file3 [ file4 ....'
+# @endcode 
+# @date   2011-10-24
+# @author Vanya BELYAEV
+# =============================================================================
+"""``Light'' version of dst-dump script from Bender-project.
+It allows to dump the content of (x,u,r)DST files 
+    dst-dump-light [options] file1 [ file2 [ file3 [ file4 ....'
+# =============================================================================
+__author__  = 'Vanya BELYAEV'
+__date__    = "2011-10-24"
+__version__ = ''
+__all__     = ()  ## nothing to import 
+# =============================================================================
+import ROOT, sys
+ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
+# =============================================================================
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
+    prog        = 'dst-dump-light' ,
+    description = "The script to dump the content of (x,mu,s,r,...)DSTs",
+    version     = 'dst-dump-light' + __version__
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-q'                          ,
+    '--quiet'                     ,
+    action  = "store_true"        ,
+    dest    = 'Quiet'             ,
+    help    = "``Quiet'' processing [defaut : %(default)s ]"  ,
+    default = False   
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-i'                       ,
+    '--import'                 ,
+    dest    = 'ImportOptions'  ,
+    metavar = 'IMPORT'         ,
+    ## action  = Collect          , 
+    nargs   = '*'              ,
+    default = []               , 
+    help    = """List of files to be used for 'importOptions',
+    e.g. input data [default:%(default)s].
+    The files are imported at the end of configuration step"""
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-n'                          ,
+    '--nevents'                   ,
+    dest    = 'nEvents'           ,
+    type    = int                 , 
+    help    = "Number of events to process " ,
+    default = -1    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '--dump'                      ,
+    dest    = 'DumpFrequency'     ,
+    type    = int                 , 
+    help    = "Dump  the DST-content every Nth event" ,
+    default = 1000    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-0'                          ,
+    '--count-empty'               ,
+    dest    = 'Zeroes'            ,
+    help    = "Count empty/none occurances in statistics?" ,
+    action  = "store_true"       ,
+    default = False    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-z'                         ,
+    '--summary'                  ,
+    dest    = 'SummaryFile'      ,
+    help    = "Output file with dst-summary" ,
+    type    = str               , 
+    default = 'dst_summary.txt'    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-f'                         ,
+    '--follow'                   ,
+    dest    = 'FollowLinks'      ,
+    help    = "Flag to follow links, useful for packed (u)DST (*)" ,
+    action  = "store_true"       ,
+    default = False    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-w'                         ,
+    '--dod'                      ,
+    dest    = 'DataOnDemand'     ,
+    help    = "Dump the known DOD-locations (fragile!), (+)" ,
+    action  = "store_true"       ,
+    default = False    
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-p'                          ,
+    '--print'                     ,
+    type     = int                , 
+    choices  = range(1,7)         , 
+    dest     = 'OutputLevel'      ,
+    help     = "``OutputLevel'' attribute for ApplicationMgr/MessageSvc [default : %(default)s]"  ,
+    default  = 3                  
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-m'                          ,
+    '--micro'                     ,
+    action  = "store_true"        ,
+    dest    = 'MicroDST'          ,
+    help    = """``MicroDST''    attribute for DaVinci [default : %(default)s].
+    For some cases it can be deduced from input file name/extension""" ,
+    default = False   
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-d'                      ,
+    '--datatype'              ,
+    dest    = 'DataType'      ,
+    type    =  str            ,
+    choices = ( '2009' , '2010' , '2011', '2012' , '2015' , '2016' ,  '2017' , '2018', 'Upgrade' ) , 
+    help    = """``DataType''    attribute for DaVinci [default : %(default)s].
+    Often it can be deduced from input file name/extension""" ,
+    default = '2012'  
+    )
+    ## 
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-s'                      ,
+    '--simulation'            ,
+    action  = "store_true"    ,
+    dest    = 'Simulation'    ,
+    help    = """``Simulation''  attribute for DaVinci [default: %(default)s].
+    Often it can be deduced from input file name/extension""" ,
+    default = False   
+    )
+    ##
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-r'                         ,
+    '--root'                     ,
+    type    = str                ,
+    default = ''                 ,
+    dest    = 'RootInTES'        ,
+    help    = """Root-In-TES for uDST [default : %(default)s].
+    For some cases it can be deduced from input file name/extension""" 
+    )
+    ##
+parser.add_argument (
+    '-l'                       ,
+    '--lumi'                   ,
+    action  = "store_true"     ,
+    dest    = 'Lumi'           ,
+    help    = "``Lumi''       attribute for DaVinci [default : %(default)s]",
+    default = False   
+    )
+    ##
+parser.add_argument (
+    '--ignore-dqflags'         ,
+    action  = "store_true"     ,
+    dest    = 'IgnoreDQFlags'  ,
+    help    = "Use ``ALL'', IgnoreDQFlags attribute for LHCbApp [default : %(default)s]",
+    default = False   
+    )
+    ##
+parser.add_argument (
+    '--dddbtag'                  ,
+    dest    = 'DDDBtag'          ,
+    type    = str                , 
+    help    = """DDDBTag attribute for LHCbApp
+    Usually it is not needed for real data and can be extracted from input file for MC""",
+    default = ''                 , 
+    )
+    ##
+parser.add_argument (
+    '--conddbtag'                ,
+    dest    = 'CondDBtag'        ,
+    type    = str                , 
+    help    = """CondDBTag attribute for LHCbApp
+    Usually it is not needed for real data and can be extracted from input file for MC""",
+    default = ''                 , 
+    )
+parser.add_argument (
+    "files" ,
+    metavar = "FILE"          ,
+    nargs   = '*'             ,
+    default = []              , 
+    help    = "Input data(&python) files to be processed [default: %(default)s]" )
+# =============================================================================
+## eliminate artifacts and parse command-line arguments 
+config = parser.parse_args( [ a for a in sys.argv[1:] if '--' != a ] )
+from GaudiConf.DstDump import dumpDst
+dumpDst ( config )
+# =============================================================================
+# The END 
+# =============================================================================