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Port L0 Calo fix for 2016 constants to master

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Configuration tools for L0Calo
from Configurables import LHCbConfigurableUser
from Configurables import L0CaloAlg, DataOnDemandSvc, L0CaloCandidatesFromRaw
from Configurables import L0CaloCandidatesFromRawBank, ToolSvc
from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction, log
## @class L0CaloFix2016
# Configurable to configure L0Calo to handle 2016 electron bug
# Definitions:
# GOOD = the expected correct constants, depend on cell position
# BAD = the wrong constants loaded in the CALO electronics in 2016,
# equal to 127 everywhere
# Use cases:
# #1 Simulation was done with GOOD constants (eg Sim09b) and the DST contains
# the CALO RAW banks: in order to represent 2016 data taken with BAD
# constants, use L0CaloFix2016 with options ApproximateMethod = False
# and Simulation = True. Set the TCK property to the one you want to
# simulate (best to use the one that was used for the simulation,
# ie '0x160F' for most cases. In the DaVinci options, set the DB tags to
# these used for the simulation.
# #2 Simulation was done with GOOD constants (Sim09b) and the DST do not contain
# the CALO RAW banks: in order to represent 2016 data taken with BAD
# constants, use L0CaloFix2016 with options ApproximateMethod = True
# and Simulation = True. Set the TCK property to the one you want to
# simulate (best to use the one that was used for the simulation,
# ie '0x160F' for most cases.In the DaVinci options, set the DB tags to
# these used for the simulation.
# #3 Data was recorded in 2016 with BAD constants and you want to re-run
# L0 with the GOOD constants in order to reject the extra events that
# were triggered because of the BAD constants, in order to obtain a
# coherent sample with 2015, 2017 or 2018. Use ApproximateMethod = False
# and Simulation = False.
# NB: Check for messages when running: if there are error messages due
# to missing CALO banks, do not trust the results. Use the approximate
# method instead.
# NB: Only L0 is redone, not HLT. If the HLT depends on L0, it has to be
# ran again.
# @author Patrick Robbe <>
# @date 2018/03/12
class L0CaloFix2016(LHCbConfigurableUser):
__slots__ = {
# Properties
"ApproximateMethod" : False,
"Simulation" : True ,
"TCK" : '0x160F'
__propertyDocDct = {
# Properties
"ApproximateMethod" : """Use approximation on L0Calo to correct energy, otherwise use full method on Calo banks. Useful when Calo banks are not available.""" ,
"Simulation" : """True for MC, False for data.""",
"TCK": """The TCK number to emulate"""
def __apply_configuration__(self):
def fixL0Calo( approximate , simulation , tck ):
dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
if not approximate:
l0calo = L0CaloAlg()
l0calo.WriteBanks = False
l0calo.WriteOnTES = True
l0calo.L0CaloADCTool = "CaloTriggerAdcsFromCaloRaw"
from Configurables import CaloTriggerAdcsFromCaloRaw
l0calo.addTool( CaloTriggerAdcsFromCaloRaw ,
"EcalTriggerAdcTool" )
if simulation:
l0calo.EcalTriggerAdcTool.FixFor2016 = True
# for data, take what is in database for the constants
l0calo.EcalTriggerAdcTool.FixFor2016 = False
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/FullCalo' ] = l0calo
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/Calo' ] = l0calo
l0calo = L0CaloCandidatesFromRaw("L0CaloFromRaw")
ToolSvc().addTool( L0CaloCandidatesFromRawBank )
ToolSvc().L0CaloCandidatesFromRawBank.FixFor2016 = True
if simulation:
ToolSvc().L0CaloCandidatesFromRawBank.Simulation = True
# assumes that the correct database tag is given
ToolSvc().L0CaloCandidatesFromRawBank.Simulation = False
l0calo.WriteProcData = True
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/FullCalo' ] = l0calo
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/Calo' ] = l0calo
from Configurables import L0DUAlg, L0DUFromRawAlg, GaudiSequencer, L0DUFromRawTool
l0du = L0DUAlg()
l0du.WriteBanks = False
l0du.WriteOnTES = True
if not approximate:
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/L0DUCaloData' ] = l0calo
l0du.ProcessorDataLocations = [ 'Trig/L0/L0DUCaloData' , 'Trig/L0/L0DUData' ]
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/L0DUL0CaloData' ] = l0calo
l0du.ProcessorDataLocations = [ 'Trig/L0/L0DUL0CaloData' , 'Trig/L0/L0DUData' ]
l0du.TCK = tck
l0seq = GaudiSequencer("L0Seq")
l0raw = L0DUFromRawAlg( WriteProcData = True , WriteOnTES = False )
l0raw.addTool( L0DUFromRawTool )
l0raw.L0DUFromRawTool.Emulate = False
l0seq.Members = [ l0raw , l0du ]
dod.AlgMap[ 'Trig/L0/L0DUReport' ] = l0seq
log.warning( "Apply 2016 L0Calo fix" )
if self.getProp( "ApproximateMethod" ):
if self.getProp( "Simulation" ):
appendPostConfigAction( lambda tck = self.getProp( "TCK" ): fixL0Calo(True,True,tck) )
appendPostConfigAction( lambda tck = self.getProp( "TCK" ): fixL0Calo(True,False,tck) )
if self.getProp( "Simulation" ):
appendPostConfigAction( lambda tck = self.getProp( "TCK" ): fixL0Calo(False,True,tck) )
appendPostConfigAction( lambda tck = self.getProp( "TCK" ): fixL0Calo(False,False,tck) )