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add functional decoding of Muon system

Merged Ricardo Vazquez Gomez requested to merge rvazquez-FunctionalMuonDecoding into master
+ 351
* (c) Copyright 2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
#include <cstdio>
// local
#include "MuonRawToCoord.h"
using namespace LHCb;
// Implementation file for class : MuonRawToCoord
struct Coord {
LHCb::MuonTileID m_pad;
unsigned m_tdc1;
unsigned m_tdc2;
const LHCb::MuonTileID& m_tile1;
const LHCb::MuonTileID& m_tile2;
Coord(const LHCb::MuonTileID& pad, unsigned tdc1, unsigned tdc2, const LHCb::MuonTileID& tile1, const LHCb::MuonTileID& tile2) :
m_pad(pad), m_tdc1(tdc1), m_tdc2(tdc2), m_tile1(tile1), m_tile2(tile2) {}
using Coords = std::vector<Coord>;
// Standard constructor, initializes variables
MuonRawToCoord::MuonRawToCoord( const std::string& name,
ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
: Transformer ( name , pSvcLocator ,
KeyValue{"RawEventLocation" , LHCb::RawEventLocation::Default},
KeyValue{"MuonCoordLocation", LHCb::MuonCoordLocation::MuonCoords})
// Initialisation. Check parameters
StatusCode MuonRawToCoord::initialize() {
auto sc = Transformer::initialize();
if(sc.isFailure()) return sc;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug() << "==> Initialise" << endmsg;
return Error("Could not read /dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Muon from TDS");
// unnecessary debug
MuonBasicGeometry basegeometry( detSvc(),msgSvc());
m_NStation= basegeometry.getStations();
m_NRegion = basegeometry.getRegions();
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug()<<" station number "<<m_NStation<<" "<<m_NRegion <<endmsg;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Main execution
LHCb::MuonCoords MuonRawToCoord::operator()(const LHCb::RawEvent &raw) const {
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
// need to loop over input vector of MuonDigits
// and make output vectors of MuonCoords one for each station
//Digits decoding;
//FIXME: should this decoding be used?
std::array<std::vector<std::pair<LHCb::MuonTileID, unsigned int> >, 14> m_decoding;
std::vector<std::pair<LHCb::MuonTileID, unsigned int> > decoding;
LHCb::MuonCoords coords;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::VERBOSE) ) )
verbose()<<" start the real decoding "<<endmsg;
const auto& mb = raw.banks(RawBank::Muon);
if (mb.empty()){
return coords;
//first decode data
for( const auto& r : mb ) {
unsigned int tell1Number=r->sourceID();
m_decoding[tell1Number] = decodeTileAndTDCV1(r);
//TODO handle failure
// if(sc.isFailure())return storage;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::VERBOSE) ) )
verbose()<<" the decoding is finished "<<endmsg;
//compact data in one container
// flatten out the vector of vectors
// this is quick and dirty
for( const auto& r : mb ) {
unsigned int tell1Number=r->sourceID();
std::back_inserter(decoding) );
if(decoding.empty()) {
error() << "Error in decoding the muon raw data ";
return coords;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug()<<decoding.size()<<" digits in input "<<endmsg;
std::sort(decoding.begin(), decoding.end(),
[] (const Digit& a, const Digit& b) {
if (a.first.station() < b.first.station()) return true;
else if (b.first.station() < a.first.station()) return false;
else return a.first.region() < b.first.region();
std::array<DigitsRange, 5 * 4> perStaReg;
perStaReg.fill(boost::make_iterator_range(decoding.end(), decoding.end()));
unsigned nStaReg = 0;
auto it = decoding.begin();
for (auto jt = it, kt = decoding.end(); kt != jt; ++jt) {
if (jt->first.station() != it->first.station() ||
jt->first.region() != it->first.region()) {
perStaReg[nStaReg++] = boost::make_iterator_range(it, jt);
it = jt;
perStaReg[nStaReg++] = boost::make_iterator_range(it, decoding.end());
Coords mycoords;
mycoords.reserve(10000); // FIXME: increase if needed
for (auto& coordsPerStaReg : boost::make_iterator_range(perStaReg.begin(), perStaReg.begin() + nStaReg)) {
// return coords directly
addCoordsCrossingMap(coordsPerStaReg, coords);
//return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug() << "coords size = " << coords.size() << endmsg;
return coords;
void MuonRawToCoord::addCoordsCrossingMap(DigitsRange& digits, LHCb::MuonCoords& retVal) const {
// need to calculate the shape of the horizontal and vertical logical strips
// if( 2 != m_muonDetector->getLogMapInRegion(station,region) ){
// log << MSG::ERROR << "There are " << pRegion->numberLogicalMap()
// << " logical maps, I expect either 1 or 2" << endmsg;
// get local MuonLayouts for strips
MuonLayout layoutOne, layoutTwo;
layoutOne, layoutTwo);
// used flags
std::vector<bool> used(digits.size(), false);
// partition into the two directions of digits
// vertical and horizontal stripes
const auto mid = std::partition(digits.begin(), digits.end(),
[&layoutOne] (const Digit& digit) {
return digit.first.layout() == layoutOne; });
auto digitsOne = boost::make_iterator_range(digits.begin(), mid);
auto digitsTwo = boost::make_iterator_range(mid, digits.end());
// check how many cross
unsigned i = 0;
retVal.reserve(digitsOne.size() * digitsTwo.size() + digits.size());
for (const Digit& one: digitsOne) {
unsigned j = mid - digits.begin();
for (const Digit& two: digitsTwo) {
LHCb::MuonTileID pad = one.first.intercept(two.first);
if (pad.isValid()) {
auto current = std::make_unique<MuonCoord>();
current->setDigitTile({one.first, two.first});
retVal.insert(current.get(), pad);
// set used flag
used[i] = used[j] = true;
// copy over "uncrossed" digits
unsigned m = 0;
for (const Digit& digit: digits) {
if (!used[m]) {
LHCb::MuonTileID pad = digit.first;
auto current = std::make_unique<MuonCoord>();
retVal.insert(current.get(), pad);
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug() << "retVal size = " << retVal.size() << endmsg;
void MuonRawToCoord::makeStripLayouts(unsigned int station, unsigned int region,
MuonLayout &layout1,
MuonLayout &layout2) const {
unsigned int x1 = m_muonDetector->getLayoutX(0,station,region);
unsigned int y1 = m_muonDetector->getLayoutY(0,station,region);
unsigned int x2 = m_muonDetector->getLayoutX(1,station,region);
unsigned int y2 = m_muonDetector->getLayoutY(1,station,region);
layout1= MuonLayout(x1,y1);
layout2= MuonLayout(x2,y2);
StatusCode MuonRawToCoord::checkBankSize(const LHCb::RawBank* rawdata) const {
if( RawBank::MagicPattern != rawdata->magic() ) {
error()<<"magic pattern not correct in muon bank "<<endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const unsigned short * it=rawdata->begin<unsigned short>();
unsigned int tell1Number=(rawdata)->sourceID();
int bank_size=rawdata->size();
int read_data=0;
//minimum length is 3 words --> 12 bytes
error()<< " muon bank "<<tell1Number<<" is too short "<< bank_size<<endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
//how many pads ?
//const unsigned short * itPad=rawdata->begin<unsigned short>();
unsigned short nPads=*it;
// if ( msgLevel(MSG::VERBOSE) ){
// verbose()<< " pad # "<<nPads<<endmsg;
// }
int skip=(nPads+3)*0.5;
error()<<"bank_size "<<bank_size<<" pad size to read "<<nPads*4<<endmsg;
error()<< "so muon bank "<<tell1Number<<" is too short in pad part "<<endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
it += 2*skip;
if(read_data<0)info()<<nPads<<" "<<skip<<" "<< bank_size<<" "<<read_data<<endmsg;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
//now go to the single pp counter
int pp_cnt=*it++;
//check size before start looping
error()<<"bank_size "<<bank_size<<"read data "<<read_data<<" hit size to read "<<pp_cnt*2<<endmsg;
error()<< "so muon bank "<<tell1Number<<" is too short in hit part "<<endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
std::vector<std::pair<LHCb::MuonTileID, unsigned int>> MuonRawToCoord::decodeTileAndTDCV1(const RawBank* rawdata) const {
StatusCode sc=checkBankSize(rawdata);
return Digits();
unsigned int tell1Number=rawdata->sourceID();
error()<<" in muon data a Tell1 Source ID is gretare than maximum "<<endmsg;
//TODO handle failure
//return StatusCode::FAILURE;
const unsigned short* it=rawdata->begin<unsigned short>();
// std::array<unsigned int,24> hit_link_cnt = { { 0 } };
short skip=0;
unsigned short nPads=*it;
for(int k=0;k<2*skip;k++){
// if (k==1) fillTell1Header(tell1Number,*it);
std::vector<std::pair<LHCb::MuonTileID, unsigned int> > storage;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
//now go to the single pp counter
unsigned int pp_cnt=*it++;
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::VERBOSE) ) )
verbose()<<" hit in PP "<<pp_cnt<<endmsg;
for (unsigned int loop=0;loop<pp_cnt;++loop) {
unsigned int add=(*it)&(0x0FFF);
unsigned int tdc_value=(((*it)&(0xF000))>>12);
LHCb::MuonTileID tile = m_muonDetector->getDAQInfo()->getADDInTell1(tell1Number,add);
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::VERBOSE) ) )
verbose()<<" add "<<add<<" "<<tile <<endmsg;
if(tile.isValid()) {
if( UNLIKELY( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) ) )
debug()<<" valid add "<<add<<" "<<tile <<endmsg;
storage.emplace_back(tile, tdc_value);
} else {
info() << "invalid add " << add << " " << tile << endmsg;
//update the hitillink counter
// unsigned int link=add/192;
// hit_link_cnt[link]++;
return storage;