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WIP: Fix of the vertices checking sequence

Saverio Mariani requested to merge samarian_VtxCheckBug into master

This is a temporary patch to allow the check of the vertices, currently crashing using TBLVSoA.

In TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA the tracks associated to vertices are not saved anymore, causing a crash in the following vertices conversion. As a temporary patch, the idea is to:

  • Change the RecVertex class to accept an int and not a pointer to a Track (under LHCb/VtxCheckBug)
  • Save the indices of the tracks associated to vertices in TBLVSoA.
  • Restore the association inside the conversion. This requires to give as input to the VertexConverter the container of the tracks too.

The merge is WIP because the discussion is ongoing on how to proceed for PatPV3DFuture too See also the corresponding Rec!1664 (closed)

Edited by Sascha Stahl

Merge request reports
