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Add helper class to abstract the difference between DetDesc DE* and DD4hep handles

Marco Clemencic requested to merge add-dd4hep-compat-helper into master

During adaptation of code to transparently work with DetDesc and DD4hep, I had to keep a pointer/reference to a DetectorElement in a derived condition.

This is highly non transparent because in DetDesc we have to use bare pointers and in DD4hep we have handles:

struct MyCond {
  MyCond() = default; // must be default constructible, see lhcb/LHCb!3544
  MyCond& operator=(MyCond&&) = default; // must be default (at least) move assignable, see lhcb/LHCb!3544
  MyCond(const DetElement& det_):
#ifdef USE_DD4HEP

#ifdef USE_DD4HEP
  DetElement det; // we must make a copy as handles are temporary
  const DetElement* det = nullptr; // we must make have a pointer do be default constructible

void userCode(const MyCond& cond) {
#ifdef USE_DD4HEP

With the new helper one can write:

struct MyCond {
  MyCond() = default; // must be default constructible, see lhcb/LHCb!3544
  MyCond& operator=(MyCond&&) = default; // must be default (at least) move assignable, see lhcb/LHCb!3544
  MyCond(const DetElement& det_): det(det_) {}

  LHCb::DetDesc::DetElementRef<DetElement> det; // alias pointing to the right version

void userCode(const MyCond& cond) {

/cc @sponce

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