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loopy unpacking and multi packing

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* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/VectorMap.h"
#include "Kernel/IIndexedANNSvc.h"
#include "Kernel/SynchronizedValue.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace ANNSvcBase_details {
inline const std::array<std::string, 5> s_majors{"Hlt1SelectionID", "Hlt2SelectionID", "SpruceSelectionID", "InfoID",
inline int index_major( const Gaudi::StringKey& major ) {
auto i = std::find( s_majors.begin(), s_majors.end(), major );
return i == s_majors.end() ? -1 : std::distance( s_majors.begin(), i );
inline auto reverse( IIndexedANNSvc::map_t const& m ) {
IIndexedANNSvc::inv_map_t imap;
for ( auto const& [k, v] : m ) {
auto [_, ok] = imap.insert( v, k );
if ( !ok ) throw GaudiException( "unable to invert map", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
return imap;
} // namespace ANNSvcBase_details
class ANNSvcBase : public extends<Service, IIndexedANNSvc> {
using extends::extends;
map_t const& i2s( unsigned int index, const Gaudi::StringKey& major ) const override final {
auto i = ANNSvcBase_details::index_major( major );
if ( i < 0 ) throw GaudiException{"bad major key", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE};
auto ptr = m_maps[i].with_lock( [&]( std::map<unsigned int, map_t>& map ) -> map_t const* {
auto j = map.find( index );
if ( j != map.end() ) return &j->second;
auto [k, ok] = map.emplace( index, fetch( index, major ) );
return ok ? &k->second : nullptr;
} );
if ( !ptr ) throw GaudiException{"Failed to add to map", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE};
return *ptr;
inv_map_t const& s2i( unsigned int index, const Gaudi::StringKey& major ) const override final {
auto i = ANNSvcBase_details::index_major( major );
if ( i < 0 ) throw GaudiException{"bad major key", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE};
auto ptr = m_inv_maps[i].with_lock( [&]( std::map<unsigned int, inv_map_t>& imap ) -> inv_map_t const* {
auto j = imap.find( index );
if ( j != imap.end() ) return &j->second;
auto [k, ok] = imap.emplace( index, ANNSvcBase_details::reverse( this->i2s( index, major ) ) );
return ok ? &k->second : nullptr;
} );
if ( !ptr ) throw GaudiException{"Failed to add to map", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE};
return *ptr;
Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_zero_as_key{this, "AllowZeroAsKey", false};
bool require_valid_key( unsigned key ) const {
if ( key == 0 && !m_allow_zero_as_key ) {
throw GaudiException{"Zero used as key while this is explicitly dis-allowed", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
virtual map_t fetch( unsigned int tck, const Gaudi::StringKey& major ) const = 0;
mutable std::array<LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::map<unsigned int, map_t>>, ANNSvcBase_details::s_majors.size()>
mutable std::array<LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::map<unsigned int, inv_map_t>>,