Prepare for new GaudiPartProp in Gaudi v38
gaudi/Gaudi!1493 (merged) replaces the old GaudiPartProp with a backport of LHCb Kernel/PartProp. This deprecates headers like GaudiKernel/ParticleProperty.h
(which is not really needed in LHCb) and introduces the namespace Gaudi::Decays
that might clash with Decays
in some cases.
This backward compatible MR is to make sure that when we switch to Gaudi v38 everything still works.
Merge request reports
added backport run2 backport sim10 lhcb-gaudi-head labels
- Resolved by Marco Clemencic
/ci-test --without-downstream --platforms x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt
added ci-test-triggered label
- [2024-01-23 10:44] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#10213
- [2024-01-23 13:15] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#10217
- [2024-01-23 14:25] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head#3798
- [2024-01-24 00:05] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head#3799
- [2024-01-24 09:59] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#10231
- [2024-01-25 00:04] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head#3800
- [2024-01-25 00:40] Validation started with lhcb-gaudi-head#3800
Edited by Software for LHCbadded RTA label
mentioned in merge request Rec!3723 (merged)
added 1 commit
- a1991923 - Prevent clashes with Gaudi::Decays namespace
mentioned in merge request gaudi/Gaudi!1493 (merged)
added 1 commit
- b6f08026 - Prevent clashes with Gaudi::Decays namespace
added 9 commits
b6f08026...b0579beb - 7 commits from branch
- cef75341 - Drop unused include
- ed2faee3 - Prevent clashes with Gaudi::Decays namespace
b6f08026...b0579beb - 7 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 65c88e32
mentioned in merge request !4440 (merged)
mentioned in issue Moore#699 (closed)
removed backport run2 label
mentioned in merge request !4854