add 2 new run3 raw DAQ error bank types
Merge request reports
assigned to @sponce
- Resolved by Rosen Matev
added ci-test-triggered label
added RTA label
- [2024-03-20 18:35] Validation started with lhcb-master-mr#11168
- [2024-05-04 04:39] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#361
- [2024-05-04 20:13] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#371
- [2024-05-16 12:37] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#467
- [2024-05-16 15:27] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#471
Edited by Software for LHCbadded hlt2-throughput-decreased label
mentioned in commit Online@211b4c7a
mentioned in merge request Online!995 (merged)
assigned to @rmatev
- Resolved by Rosen Matev
@bleverin should we also update the list in the FTErrorBankDecoder?
LHCb/FT/FTDAQ/tests/refs/error_monitoring.json 16: "DaqErrorEVIDJumped" LHCb/FT/FTDAQ/tests/options/ 64:# DaqErrorEVIDJumped, // 96 72: 'DaqErrorFragmentMalformed', 'DaqErrorEVIDJumped', 'ODIN' LHCb/FT/FTDAQ/src/FTErrorBankDecoder.cpp 37: "DaqErrorEVIDJumped"}; 121: bankCounter <= static_cast<unsigned int>( LHCb::RawBank::DaqErrorEVIDJumped ) ) {
- Resolved by Rosen Matev
@liangjun should we update
?Lbcom/VP/VPMonitors/src/VPDQMonitors.cpp 161: const auto& DaqErrorEVIDJumped = rawEvent.banks( LHCb::RawBank::DaqErrorEVIDJumped ); // 96 174: DaqErrorFragmentMalformed.size(), DaqErrorEVIDJumped.size()};
mentioned in commit Online@4c82913b
mentioned in commit Online@dc495c85
mentioned in merge request MooreOnline!372 (merged)
mentioned in merge request Allen!1514 (merged)
added priorityhigh label
added impactlow label
mentioned in merge request Allen!1616 (merged)
added 82 commits
c88fdc67...1e5941e5 - 81 commits from branch
- e7af1cf7 - add 2 new run3 raw DAQ error bank types
c88fdc67...1e5941e5 - 81 commits from branch
- Resolved by Miroslav Saur
This would be good to get in as soon as possible and the previous test is too old.
- Resolved by Rosen Matev
removed hlt2-throughput-decreased label
assigned to @pvidrier
assigned to @jonrob
mentioned in issue Moore#760 (closed)
unassigned @jonrob
mentioned in issue Moore#768 (closed)
added 8 commits
e7af1cf7...c5ac94d0 - 6 commits from branch
- 7c375ee6 - add 2 new run3 raw DAQ error bank types
- be74db6c - Update FTErrorBankDecoder and test
e7af1cf7...c5ac94d0 - 6 commits from branch
mentioned in merge request Lbcom!730 (merged)
mentioned in issue Moore#776 (closed)
added backport RTA/2024.05.08 label
mentioned in commit 455b8488
mentioned in merge request !4546 (merged)
picked the changes into the branch
with commit c714ee12mentioned in commit c714ee12
mentioned in merge request !4569 (merged)
mentioned in issue Moore#790 (closed)