Fix SelReport decoder/encoder mismatch
In Allen, an event with no selected tracks will not include a Hits sub bank in the SelReport. The SelReport decoder requires a Hits bank, so if no tracks are found an empty hits SubBank is created.
Note that all data affected by this issue will be usable after this fix.
Closes Allen#534 (closed)
Merge request reports
requested review from @raaij
assigned to @thboettc
mentioned in issue Allen#534 (closed)
added RTA label
- Resolved by Christopher Rob Jones
- Resolved by Thomas Boettcher
This fix we need anyway to process the data already run through HLT1. But is the idea to also change something in
(trying to interpret your second paragraph)?
assigned to @isanders
added priorityhigh label
added bug fix label
added ci-test-triggered label
- [2024-04-28 13:19] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#266
- [2024-04-30 10:11] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#299
- [2024-04-30 13:55] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#311
Edited by Software for LHCbadded rta-operations label
changed milestone to %RTA/2024.04.19.3
assigned to @jonrob