Historical release
Release notes
2018-03-06 LHCb v44r0
This version uses Gaudi v29r3 and LCG_93 with ROOT 6.12.06.
This version is released on `2018-patches` branch.
Built relative to LHCb v43r1, with the following changes:
Updates for CondDB
Ignore CALIBOFF if we use Git CondDB, !1095 (@clemenci) [LHCBCNDB-667]
Propagate LHCbApp.CondDBtag based on .Simulation, !1094 (@rmatev)
This avoids always adding two entries in CondDB.Tags, one for LHCBCOND and one for SIMCOND. -
Add 2018 DataType, !1086 (@rmatev) [LHCBCNDB-667]
Fix the default CondDB tag for 2017, !1085 (@rmatev)
The latest tag for 2017 data type is cond-20170724, which we were using at the end of the year. -
Set default initial time for 2017 at end of fill 6417, !1022 (@cattanem)
Update to latest LHCbCond global tag for 2015: cond-20171211, !1017 (@cattanem)
Update default DDDB tags to pick up LHCBCNDB-659, !915 (@cattanem)
Name Datatype
dddb-20171030 2010
dddb-20171030-1 2011
dddb-20171030-2 2012,2013
dddb-20171030-3 2015,2016,2017
Fixes to handling of Turbo data
Correct wrong comparison in TurboConf, !1154 (@apearce)
We were applying configuration to 2015, 2016, and 2017 data, but only should have been applying it to 2015 and 2016, else Tesla will fail running over 2017 data. -
Do not try to unpack Turbo for non-Turbo jobs, !1136 (@apearce)
Support processing of 2016 Turbo MC, !1135 (@apearce)
See discussion in !1132 for motivation. -
Link DAQ/RawEvent to Trigger/RawEvent for 2015 and 2016 Turbo data, !954 (@apearce)
New features
- GaudiConf: add "light" version of dst-dump script from Bender, !1133 (@ibelyaev)
- some functionality can't be ported in an easy way, in particular, access to grid files, LFN -> PFN conversion, automatic setting of DDDB/CondDB-tags, etc...
Improve FileStagerSvc and add a test, !1160 (@raaij)
- Add ssh capability to FileStagerSvc (expert use)
- Remove capability to copy LFNs directory using lcg-cp and add fix a property.
Extend standalone TCK utility, !1031 (@rmatev)
This will streamline the workflow with the new TCK/HltTCK package in git.- Create CDB from file records
- Add option to avoid reformatting when converting to CDB
LHCbMath: refactor the code for 2D-splines, !1093 (@ibelyaev)
- rewrite 2D/3D-interpolation functions for histograms
- replace "parabolic" with "2-parabolic" interpolation for n_bins>=4
LHCbMath: Improve parabolic interpolation for 1D-histograms, !990 (@ibelyaev)
LHCbMath, !953, !967, !971, !977, !979, !1115 (@ibelyaev)
- add generic 3D-polynomial Bernstein3D
- add positive 3D-polynomial Positive3D
Add the RICH and Muon digit summaries (equivalent of the linkers) to the LDST output format, !1088 (@jonrob)
Added new platforms to the list of known ones in PlatformInfo, !929, !968 (@clemenci)
- x86_64-centos7-clang50-opt
- x86_64-centos7-clang50-dbg
- x86_64+avx2+fma-centos7-gcc7-opt
- x86_64-centos7-gcc7-dbg to PlatformInfo
Bug fixes
Fix DecisionBankKiller.AlwaysKeepBanks property, !1155 (@rmatev)
The propertyAlwaysKeepBanks
uses an update handler, which was not
"used" in the constructor. -
UnpackParticlesAndVertices: add protection against segmentation fault, !1132 (@ibelyaev) [LHCBPS-1770]
Correctly use RootInTES in Particle2MCLinker, !1092 (@kgizdov)
was not respectingRootInTES
and failed on MDST MC. This patch makes sureDataOnDemand
type tools (likeMCTupleToolReconstructed
) are configured correctly. -
Fix opening a new cdb with ConfigCDBAccessSvc, !1105 (@rmatev)
This only affects the case whereConfigCDBAccessSvc(File='x.cdb', Mode='ReadWrite')
is used andx.cdb
does not exist. -
Added protection in
against module numbers that are out of bounds, !1023 (@jvantilb). -
Fix cache building of the LoKi::TES::Get functor, !948 (@rmatev)
Fixed messaging to deal with changes in gaudi/Gaudi!428, !917, !919 (@cattanem)
Code modernisations and cleanups
Mask gcc 7.3 compilation warnings from Python, exposed with LCG_93, !1158 (@cattanem)
Make forward compatible with gaudi/Gaudi!477, !941 (@graven)