index 0e456fceb10560394d7a9723f1f2b72df5fadf07..3f066bbcba51d3d038be1c2db2c7c4ce861fddbe 100644
@@ -37,10 +37,15 @@ you notice things are out of date.
 ## Branches
-The `master` branch is used for Run 3 development and data-taking. This is the
-usual branch to open merge requests against.
+The `master` branch is used for Run 3 developments. 
+Dedicated branches exist for the data-taking in a specific year, eg `2024-patches`. How to know which branch your MR should target:
+- Fixes and additions for the data-taking in the current year should target the specific `{year}-patches` branch.
+By default, it is understood that a MR targeting the current year branch should also be included in `master`,
+so the `master` branch is regularly synchronised with the current year branch. 
+If you are putting in a temporary fix that is not meant as a long-term solution and should not be included in `master`, please state it clearly in the MR description.
+- If you are working on a long-term development that is not meant for immediate inclusion in the data taking (e.g., for end-of-year Sprucing), your MR should target the `master` branch.
+In case of doubt, you are encouraged to contact the coordinators of the WP you work within.
-Some other branches track code from previous campaigns. Open an issue if you're
-unsure what branch to use.
 [shifterpage]: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/LHCb/RealTimeAnalysisShifterChecklist