Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_packed_data_check fails with warnings
Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_packed_data_check fails because of warnings such as
CaloHypoPacker#1 WARNING Problem with CaloHypo data packing :-
CaloHypoPacker#1 WARNING Original CaloHypo key=98 in '/Event/HLT2/LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__fromV2/OutputHypos'
CaloHypoPacker#1 WARNING {
hypothesis : Photon
lh : -1
position : {
z : 12752.8
parameters : -352.334, 132.875, 101594
covariance :
[ 0.183737 0.0285899 18.3099
0.0285899 0.185823 215.366
18.3099 215.366 7.03394e+06 ]
center : -347.98, 138.406
spread :
[ 98.7678 34.2858
34.2858 235.349 ]
CaloHypoPacker#1 WARNING Unpacked CaloHypo
CaloHypoPacker#1 WARNING {
hypothesis : Photon
lh : -1
position : {
z : 12752.8
parameters : -352.334, 132.875, 101594
covariance :
[ 0.183698 0.02859 18.3011
0.02859 0.185847 215.368
18.3011 215.368 7.03395e+06 ]
center : -347.98, 138.406
spread :
[ 98.7678 34.2838
34.2838 235.349 ]
They were somehow taking into account in the test validator but in a fragile way that broke after some configuration changes.
#We expect 5 warning messages due to a calo hypo unpacking
#until understood, count them as expected
from Moore.qmtest.exclusions import remove_known_warnings
countErrorLines({"FATAL": 0, "ERROR": 0, "WARNING": 5},
We need to find the root cause and fix that. In the meantime we could have some more sophisticated way to filter out only these warnings.