From 4652734e2492ba1bfb71aa4b1795d0ad9c3932fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:22:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/15] migrate the RD builders to ThOr

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 561 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 561 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a200f2f9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Definition of RD builders for ThOr framework.
+For now does not use any MVA tools as they are not ThOr-friendly.
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV
+from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs_v2 as make_pvs
+import Functors as F
+from Functors.math import in_range
+from Hlt2Conf.algorithms import  ParticleFilterWithTMVA#, ParticleFilterWithPVs, ParticleFilter
+from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
+from PyConf import configurable
+from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
+    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
+    #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
+    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
+    #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
+    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
+    )
+# Charged hadron selections        #
+def make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        name="rd_has_rich_long_pions",
+        pt_min=250. * MeV,  #TBC with Reco
+        p_min=2.0 * GeV,
+        #p_max=150. * GeV, #propose to move such cuts to the analysis level, can be quite inefficient for certain channels like B->mumu.
+        #eta_min=2., #same as above
+        #eta_max=5., #same as above
+        trchi2dof_max=3,  #TBC with Reco
+        trghostprob_max=0.4,  #TBC with Reco
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=None,
+        pid=None):
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
+    if pid is not None:
+        code &= pid
+    if mipchi2dvprimary_min is not None:
+        code &= F.MINIPCHI2(pvs) > mipchi2dvprimary_min
+    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
+# Detached                         #
+def make_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks", mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
+    """
+    Return RD detached tracks.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_pions,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min)
+def make_detached_muons(
+        name="rd_detached_muons",
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_MU > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached pions.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_muons,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_electrons(
+        name="rd_detached_electrons",
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_E > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached pions.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_pions(
+        name="rd_detached_pions",
+        p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_K <= 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached pions.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_pions,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_kaons(
+        name="rd_detached_kaons",
+        p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached kaons.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_kaons,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_protons(
+        name="rd_detached_protons",
+        p_min=8.5 * GeV,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_P > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached protons.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_protons,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+# Prompt                           #
+def make_prompt_pions(name="rd_prompt_pions", pid=(F.PID_K < 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD prompt pions.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
+def make_prompt_kaons(name="rd_prompt_kaons", pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD prompt kaons.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_kaons, name=name, pid=pid)
+def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
+                        p_min=10. * GeV,
+                        pid=(F.PID_P > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD prompt protons.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_protons,
+        name=name,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pid=pid)
+# Downstream tracks                #
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
+    """
+    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
+def make_detached_down_pions(
+        name="rd_detached_down_pions",
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pt_min=0. * MeV,
+        p_min=0 * GeV,
+        pid=None):
+    """
+    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_down_pions,
+        name=name,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        p_min=pt_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_down_kaons(
+        name="rd_detached_down_kaons",
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pt_min=0. * MeV,
+        p_min=0 * GeV,
+        pid=None):
+    """
+    Return RD down hadrons with kaon mass hypothesis.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_down_kaons,
+        name=name,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        p_min=pt_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_detached_down_protons(
+        name="rd_detached_down_protons",
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pt_min=0. * MeV,
+        p_min=0 * GeV,
+        pid=None):
+    """
+    Return RD down hadrons with proton mass hypothesis.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        make_particles=make_down_protons,
+        name=name,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        p_min=pt_min,
+        pid=pid)
+# Neutral particles                #
+# builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
+def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
+                    make_particles=make_photons,
+                    cl_min=0.1,
+                    et_min=250 * MeV,
+                    e_min=0 * MeV):
+    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
+    code = require_all(F.PT > et_min)
+    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code), name=name)
+def make_rd_resolved_pi0s(
+        name="rd_resolved_pi0s",
+        make_particles=make_resolved_pi0s,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        cl_min=0,
+        # photon_args={
+        #     'ConfLevelCut': 0.1,
+        #     'PtCut': 250. * MeV
+        # },
+    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
+    # code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'P > {p_min}').format(
+    #     pt_min=pt_min, p_min=p_min)
+    #
+    # return ParticleFilter(
+    #     make_particles(photon_args=photon_args), Code=code, name=name)
+    code = F.PT > pt_min
+    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
+def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
+                        make_particles=make_merged_pi0s,
+                        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+                        cl_min=0):
+    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
+    # code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'P > {p_min}').format(
+    #     pt_min=pt_min, p_min=p_min)
+    #
+    # return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), Code=code, name=name)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, )
+    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code), name=name)
+# V0 particles and alike           #
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=540 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+    '''
+    Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
+    '''
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
+                am_max=570 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+    '''
+    Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
+    '''
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
+                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=1156 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+    '''
+    Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
+    '''
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
+                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
+                am_max=1180 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+    '''
+    Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
+    '''
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+# 2-body hadron combinations       #
+def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
+                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=592 * MeV,
+                am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+    '''
+    Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
+    '''
+    pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
+    descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+    '''
+    Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
+    '''
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
+    descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        F.MASS < am_max,
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
+                              )
+    return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)
+# Dileptons                        #
+#Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
+def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
+    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(probnn_mu=0.05, pt_mu=150 * MeV)
+    code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dimuon_mass)
+    return ParticleFilter(dimuons, F.FILTER(code))
+def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)
+    code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
+    return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))
+# todo : mue with brem

From 28d579290acabbf07f10fced4a22c21e80c46e99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gitlab CI <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 17:26:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/15] Fixed formatting

patch generated by
 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 273 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 8a200f2f9f9..01fe57bac99 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -19,21 +19,30 @@ from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs_v2 as make_pvs
 import Functors as F
 from Functors.math import in_range
-from Hlt2Conf.algorithms import  ParticleFilterWithTMVA#, ParticleFilterWithPVs, ParticleFilter
+from Hlt2Conf.algorithms import ParticleFilterWithTMVA  #, ParticleFilterWithPVs, ParticleFilter
 from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
 from PyConf import configurable
 from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
+    make_has_rich_long_pions,
+    make_has_rich_long_kaons,
+    make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions,
+    make_long_kaons,
+    make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
-    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
+    make_down_pions,
+    make_down_kaons,
+    make_down_protons,
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
-    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
-    )
+    make_long_muons,
+    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons,
+    make_resolved_pi0s,
+    make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu,
+    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -56,7 +65,8 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
+                       F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
@@ -68,7 +78,6 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
 # Detached                         #
@@ -212,7 +221,8 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
+                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
     Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
@@ -237,6 +247,7 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -254,6 +265,7 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -277,6 +289,7 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
 # builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
 def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
@@ -331,31 +344,36 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
-def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=540 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(
+        name="rd_ks0_lls",
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=540 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0 * GeV,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -364,30 +382,34 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
-                am_max=570 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(
+        name="rd_ks0_dds",
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
+        am_max=570 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -396,71 +418,88 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
-                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=1156 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(
+        name="rd_lambda_lls",
+        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=1156 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
-def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
-                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
-                am_max=1180 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(
+        name="rd_lambda_dds",
+        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
+        am_max=1180 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -475,32 +514,30 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=592 * MeV,
-                am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                             am_min=592 * MeV,
+                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                             adocachi2cut=30.,
+                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
@@ -509,15 +546,16 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_phis(
+        name="rd_detached_phis",
+        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+        phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
@@ -525,22 +563,22 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
-    combination_code = require_all(
-        F.MASS < am_max,
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
+                                   F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -553,7 +591,8 @@ def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
+        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))

From a17b765c407b7682f2a5dfaa855277edc1d49c01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:29:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/15] fix date

 .../python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/         | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 01fe57bac99..30b1a1430d6 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
 #                                                                             #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #

From 4005898e639ca5d3f03752bf09f99040f0c5f439 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:32:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/15] fix unused vars

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 283 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 30b1a1430d6..eaba4dcd128 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
 #                                                                             #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
@@ -19,30 +19,20 @@ from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs_v2 as make_pvs
 import Functors as F
 from Functors.math import in_range
-from Hlt2Conf.algorithms import ParticleFilterWithTMVA  #, ParticleFilterWithPVs, ParticleFilter
 from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilter
 from PyConf import configurable
 from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions,
-    make_has_rich_long_kaons,
-    make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_long_pions,
-    make_long_kaons,
-    make_long_protons,
+    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
-    make_down_pions,
-    make_down_kaons,
-    make_down_protons,
+    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_muons,
-    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-    make_photons,
-    make_resolved_pi0s,
-    make_merged_pi0s,
-    make_detached_mumu,
-    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
+    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
+    )
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -65,8 +55,7 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
-                       F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
@@ -78,6 +67,7 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
 # Detached                         #
@@ -221,8 +211,7 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
-                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
     Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
@@ -247,7 +236,6 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -265,7 +253,6 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -289,7 +276,6 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
 # builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
 def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
@@ -344,36 +330,31 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
-def make_rd_ks0_lls(
-        name="rd_ks0_lls",
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
-        am_max=540 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        pi_pt_min=0 * GeV,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=540 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -382,34 +363,30 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(
-def make_rd_ks0_dds(
-        name="rd_ks0_dds",
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
-        am_max=570 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
+                am_max=570 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -418,88 +395,71 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
-def make_rd_lambda_lls(
-        name="rd_lambda_lls",
-        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
-        am_max=1156 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-        p_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
+                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=1156 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(
-        p_min=p_p_min,
-        pt_min=p_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
-def make_rd_lambda_dds(
-        name="rd_lambda_dds",
-        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
-        am_max=1180 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-        p_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
+                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
+                am_max=1180 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(
-        p_min=p_p_min,
-        pt_min=p_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -514,30 +474,32 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                             am_min=592 * MeV,
-                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                             adocachi2cut=30.,
-                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
+                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=592 * MeV,
+                am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
-    pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    #pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
@@ -546,16 +508,15 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-def make_rd_detached_phis(
-        name="rd_detached_phis",
-        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
-        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-        phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
@@ -563,22 +524,22 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
-    combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
-                                   F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
-    pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min)
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        F.MASS < am_max,
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    #pvs = make_pvs()
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -591,10 +552,4 @@ def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
-        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
-    code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
-    return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))
-# todo : mue with brem
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)

From 35551281bace875980119f4f8facbf1d15147a8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gitlab CI <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 17:32:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 05/15] Fixed formatting

patch generated by
 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 271 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 155 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index eaba4dcd128..4c38bdd3567 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -24,15 +24,24 @@ from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilt
 from PyConf import configurable
 from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
+    make_has_rich_long_pions,
+    make_has_rich_long_kaons,
+    make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions,
+    make_long_kaons,
+    make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
-    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
+    make_down_pions,
+    make_down_kaons,
+    make_down_protons,
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
-    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
-    )
+    make_long_muons,
+    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons,
+    make_resolved_pi0s,
+    make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu,
+    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -55,7 +64,8 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
+                       F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
@@ -67,7 +77,6 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
 # Detached                         #
@@ -211,7 +220,8 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
+                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
     Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
@@ -236,6 +246,7 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -253,6 +264,7 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -276,6 +288,7 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
 # builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
 def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
@@ -330,31 +343,36 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
-def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=540 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(
+        name="rd_ks0_lls",
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=540 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0 * GeV,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -363,30 +381,34 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
-                am_max=570 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(
+        name="rd_ks0_dds",
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
+        am_max=570 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -395,71 +417,88 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
-                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=1156 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(
+        name="rd_lambda_lls",
+        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=1156 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
-def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
-                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
-                am_max=1180 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(
+        name="rd_lambda_dds",
+        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
+        am_max=1180 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -474,32 +513,30 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=592 * MeV,
-                am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                             am_min=592 * MeV,
+                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                             adocachi2cut=30.,
+                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
@@ -508,15 +545,16 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_phis(
+        name="rd_detached_phis",
+        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+        phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
@@ -524,22 +562,22 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
-    combination_code = require_all(
-        F.MASS < am_max,
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
+                                   F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -552,4 +590,5 @@ def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
+        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)

From 731d248038543339f58f46482a5e022a1464a844 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:34:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/15] fix accidental removal

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 276 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 121 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 4c38bdd3567..47afff7c9f0 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -24,24 +24,15 @@ from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilt
 from PyConf import configurable
 from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions,
-    make_has_rich_long_kaons,
-    make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_long_pions,
-    make_long_kaons,
-    make_long_protons,
+    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
-    make_down_pions,
-    make_down_kaons,
-    make_down_protons,
+    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_muons,
-    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-    make_photons,
-    make_resolved_pi0s,
-    make_merged_pi0s,
-    make_detached_mumu,
-    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
+    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
+    )
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -64,8 +55,7 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
-                       F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
@@ -77,6 +67,7 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
 # Detached                         #
@@ -220,8 +211,7 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
-                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
     Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
@@ -246,7 +236,6 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -264,7 +253,6 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -288,7 +276,6 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
 # builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
 def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
@@ -343,36 +330,31 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
-def make_rd_ks0_lls(
-        name="rd_ks0_lls",
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
-        am_max=540 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        pi_pt_min=0 * GeV,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=540 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -381,34 +363,30 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(
-def make_rd_ks0_dds(
-        name="rd_ks0_dds",
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
-        am_max=570 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
+                am_max=570 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -417,88 +395,71 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
-def make_rd_lambda_lls(
-        name="rd_lambda_lls",
-        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
-        am_max=1156 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-        p_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
+                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
+                am_max=1156 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(
-        p_min=p_p_min,
-        pt_min=p_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
-def make_rd_lambda_dds(
-        name="rd_lambda_dds",
-        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
-        am_max=1180 * MeV,
-        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
-        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-        p_ipchi2_min=9,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
+                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
+                am_max=1180 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
+                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
+                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+                p_ipchi2_min=9,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(
-        p_min=p_p_min,
-        pt_min=p_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions = make_pions(
-        p_min=pi_p_min,
-        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
-        pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -513,30 +474,32 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                             am_min=592 * MeV,
-                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                             adocachi2cut=30.,
-                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
+                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_min=592 * MeV,
+                am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
@@ -545,16 +508,15 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-def make_rd_detached_phis(
-        name="rd_detached_phis",
-        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
-        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-        phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-        adocachi2cut=30.,
-        vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
+                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                adocachi2cut=30.,
+                vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
@@ -562,22 +524,22 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
-    combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
-                                   F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        F.MASS < am_max,
+        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
+                              )
     return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -590,5 +552,9 @@ def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
-        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)
+    code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
+    return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))
+# todo : mue with brem

From 82288e3f44dbdee2dc8b7340f7222ab5a991eb01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 19:50:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/15] formatting patch

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 271 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 155 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 47afff7c9f0..29828ef0258 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -24,15 +24,24 @@ from Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor import require_all, ParticleCombiner, ParticleFilt
 from PyConf import configurable
 from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_long_pions, make_long_kaons, make_long_protons,
+    make_has_rich_long_pions,
+    make_has_rich_long_kaons,
+    make_has_rich_long_protons,
+    make_long_pions,
+    make_long_kaons,
+    make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
-    make_down_pions, make_down_kaons, make_down_protons,
+    make_down_pions,
+    make_down_kaons,
+    make_down_protons,
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_muons, make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-    make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s, make_merged_pi0s,
-    make_detached_mumu, make_detached_dielectron_with_brem
-    )
+    make_long_muons,
+    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_photons,
+    make_resolved_pi0s,
+    make_merged_pi0s,
+    make_detached_mumu,
+    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -55,7 +64,8 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max, F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
+    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
+                       F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
@@ -67,7 +77,6 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
 # Detached                         #
@@ -211,7 +220,8 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None): #do we really need this one?
+def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
+                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
     Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
@@ -236,6 +246,7 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -253,6 +264,7 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
@@ -276,6 +288,7 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
 # builders to be updated once the CL functor is implemented in ThOr.
 def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
@@ -330,31 +343,36 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
-def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=460 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=540 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0 * GeV, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_ks0_lls(
+        name="rd_ks0_lls",
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=540 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0 * GeV,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -363,30 +381,34 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(name="rd_ks0_lls",
-def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=420 * MeV, # ~75 MeV window
-                am_max=570 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=4,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_ks0_dds(
+        name="rd_ks0_dds",
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
+        am_max=570 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseKsLL" cuts.
-    pions = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -395,71 +417,88 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(name="rd_ks0_dds",
-def make_rd_lambda_lls(name="rd_lambda_lls",
-                make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1076 * MeV, # ~40 MeV window
-                am_max=1156 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=30.):
+def make_rd_lambda_lls(
+        name="rd_lambda_lls",
+        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
+        am_max=1156 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=30.):
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
-def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
-                make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-                make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=1050 * MeV, # ~65 MeV window
-                am_max=1180 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                p_pt_min=0, # recommended to be 0
-                pi_pt_min=0, # has to be 0 !!!
-                pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-                p_ipchi2_min=9,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25.):
+def make_rd_lambda_dds(
+        name="rd_lambda_dds",
+        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
+        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
+        am_max=1180 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
+        pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
+        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        bpvvdchi2_min=4.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25.):
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseLambdaLL" cuts.
-    protons = make_protons(p_min=p_p_min, pt_min=p_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min, pid=None) # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
-    pions   = make_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=None)
+    protons = make_protons(
+        p_min=p_p_min,
+        pt_min=p_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
+    pions = make_pions(
+        p_min=pi_p_min,
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        pid=None)
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -474,32 +513,30 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(name="rd_lambda_dds",
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_min=592 * MeV,
-                am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
+                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
+                             am_min=592 * MeV,
+                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
+                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+                             adocachi2cut=30.,
+                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min,  pt_min=k_pt_min )
+    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
-        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
@@ -508,15 +545,16 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
-                make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
-                make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                am_max=1100 * MeV, #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
-                k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                adocachi2cut=30.,
-                vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_phis(
+        name="rd_detached_phis",
+        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
+        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+        phi_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build phi(1020) candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
@@ -524,22 +562,22 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(name="rd_detached_phis",
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
-    combination_code = require_all(
-        F.MASS < am_max,
-        F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
+    combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
+                                   F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min
-                              )
+    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > phi_pt_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([kaons, kaons],
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -552,7 +590,8 @@ def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max = max_dielectron_mass)
+    dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
+        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))

From f1b85f15436ffd27f18bd7d581fe42fd0e32f515 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 09:22:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/15] apply Renato's comments

 .../python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/  | 9 ++-------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 29828ef0258..24ace807f18 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -53,25 +53,21 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
-        pt_min=250. * MeV,  #TBC with Reco
+        pt_min=250. * MeV,
         p_min=2.0 * GeV,
-        #p_max=150. * GeV, #propose to move such cuts to the analysis level, can be quite inefficient for certain channels like B->mumu.
-        #eta_min=2., #same as above
-        #eta_max=5., #same as above
         trchi2dof_max=3,  #TBC with Reco
         trghostprob_max=0.4,  #TBC with Reco
-    pvs = make_pvs()
     code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, F.P > p_min, F.CHI2DOF < trchi2dof_max,
                        F.GHOSTPROB < trghostprob_max)
-    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code))
     if pid is not None:
         code &= pid
     if mipchi2dvprimary_min is not None:
+        pvs = make_pvs()
         code &= F.MINIPCHI2(pvs) > mipchi2dvprimary_min
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), name=name, Cut=F.FILTER(code))
@@ -577,7 +573,6 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
 # Dileptons                        #
 #Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):

From 28d3f7252a9e39c644922026620f91ee759ac69a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 11:46:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/15] add tau builder; fix D tracks

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 91 +++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 24ace807f18..71ff0f9e325 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Definition of RD builders for ThOr framework.
 For now does not use any MVA tools as they are not ThOr-friendly.
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, mm
 from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs_v2 as make_pvs
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
 def make_detached_down_pions(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #this does not work
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
 def make_detached_down_kaons(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
 def make_detached_down_protons(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def make_detached_down_protons(
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
@@ -326,11 +326,6 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
     """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    # code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'P > {p_min}').format(
-    #     pt_min=pt_min, p_min=p_min)
-    #
-    # return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), Code=code, name=name)
     code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, )
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code), name=name)
@@ -385,7 +380,7 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
         am_max=570 * MeV,
         pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
         pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=4,
+        #pi_ipchi2_min=4,
@@ -397,7 +392,7 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
     pions = make_pions(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
     descriptor = 'KS0 -> pi+ pi-'
     combination_code = require_all(
@@ -469,8 +464,8 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
         p_p_min=2 * GeV,
         p_pt_min=0,  # recommended to be 0
         pi_pt_min=0,  # has to be 0 !!!
-        pi_ipchi2_min=6,
-        p_ipchi2_min=9,
+        #pi_ipchi2_min=6,
+        #p_ipchi2_min=9,
@@ -482,12 +477,12 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
     protons = make_protons(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=p_ipchi2_min,
         pid=None)  # important to get rid of any PID cuts!
     pions = make_pions(
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
+        #mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min,
     descriptor = '[Lambda0 -> p+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
@@ -573,7 +568,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
 # Dileptons                        #
-#Take the standard detached dileptons, filter with an MVA and save the necessary related tracks
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
@@ -592,3 +587,61 @@ def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
 # todo : mue with brem
+# Tau builders                     #
+def make_rd_tauons_hadronic_decay(
+        name="rd_tauons_hadronic_decay",
+        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        descriptor="[tau+ -> pi+ pi- pi+]cc",
+        pi_pt_min=150 * MeV,
+        pi_ipchi2_min=4.0,
+        pi_pid=(F.PID_K < 8.),
+        best_pi_pt_min=300 * MeV,
+        best_pi_ipchi2_min=5,
+        pt_max=300 * MeV,
+        am_min=400 * MeV,
+        am_max=3500 * MeV,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        adoca_max=0.15 * mm,
+        am_2pi_max=1670 * MeV,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25,
+        bpvdira_min=0.99,
+    '''
+    Build tau->3pi candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
+    "StdLooseDetachedTau" cuts.
+    '''
+    pions = make_pions(
+        pt_min=pi_pt_min, mipchi2dvprimary_min=pi_ipchi2_min, pid=pi_pid)
+    combination12_code = require_all(
+        F.MASS < am_2pi_max,
+        F.DOCA(1, 2) < adoca_max,
+    )
+    pvs = make_pvs()
+    combination_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.DOCA(1, 3) < adoca_max,
+        F.DOCA(2, 3) < adoca_max,
+        F.SUM(F.PT > best_pi_pt_min) > 1,
+        F.SUM(F.MINIPCHI2(pvs) > best_pi_ipchi2_min) > 1,
+    )
+    #TODO: add the M23<1670 cut once this is possible.
+    vertex_code = require_all(
+        in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
+        F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+        F.BPVDIRA(pvs) > bpvdira_min,
+    )
+    return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions, pions],
+                            name=name,
+                            DecayDescriptor=descriptor,
+                            Combination12Cut=combination12_code,
+                            CombinationCut=combination_code,
+                            CompositeCut=vertex_code)

From c4e95544d6e3433019e67659d921eedd68df6888 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 10:49:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/15] fix the order of particles in descriptors

 .../Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/       | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 71ff0f9e325..725592ff318 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
 #                                                                             #
 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
@@ -523,12 +523,12 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
     pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
     kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
-    descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> pi- K+]cc'
+    descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     #pvs = make_pvs()
     vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max, F.PT > kstar0_pt_min)
-    return ParticleCombiner([pions, kaons],
+    return ParticleCombiner([kaons, pions],
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def make_rd_tauons_hadronic_decay(
-        descriptor="[tau+ -> pi+ pi- pi+]cc",
+        descriptor="[tau+ -> pi- pi+ pi+]cc",
         pi_pt_min=150 * MeV,
         pi_pid=(F.PID_K < 8.),
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ def make_rd_tauons_hadronic_decay(
         F.SUM(F.PT > best_pi_pt_min) > 1,
         F.SUM(F.MINIPCHI2(pvs) > best_pi_ipchi2_min) > 1,
-    #TODO: add the M23<1670 cut once this is possible.
+    #TODO: add the M13<1670 cut once this is possible.
     vertex_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max),
         F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,

From 75cefab9a7b078913241e9ebc0487bc3e6f216c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:25:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/15] small fixes

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 71 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 725592ff318..e947f244e98 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
-def make_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks", mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
+def make_rd_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks",
+                            mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
     Return RD detached tracks.
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ def make_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks", mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
-def make_detached_muons(
+def make_rd_detached_muons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pid=(F.PID_MU > 0.)):
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ def make_detached_muons(
-def make_detached_electrons(
+def make_rd_detached_electrons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pid=(F.PID_E > 0.)):
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ def make_detached_electrons(
-def make_detached_pions(
+def make_rd_detached_pions(
         p_min=2 * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ def make_detached_pions(
-def make_detached_kaons(
+def make_rd_detached_kaons(
         p_min=2 * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ def make_detached_kaons(
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_long_kaons,
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_kaons,
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ def make_detached_kaons(
-def make_detached_protons(
+def make_rd_detached_protons(
         p_min=8.5 * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ def make_detached_protons(
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_long_protons,
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_protons,
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ def make_detached_protons(
-def make_prompt_pions(name="rd_prompt_pions", pid=(F.PID_K < 0.)):
+def make_rd_prompt_pions(name="rd_prompt_pions", pid=(F.PID_K < 0.)):
     Return RD prompt pions.
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ def make_prompt_pions(name="rd_prompt_pions", pid=(F.PID_K < 0.)):
-def make_prompt_kaons(name="rd_prompt_kaons", pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
+def make_rd_prompt_kaons(name="rd_prompt_kaons", pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
     Return RD prompt kaons.
@@ -200,9 +201,9 @@ def make_prompt_kaons(name="rd_prompt_kaons", pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
-def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
-                        p_min=10. * GeV,
-                        pid=(F.PID_P > 0.)):
+def make_rd_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
+                           p_min=10. * GeV,
+                           pid=(F.PID_P > 0.)):
     Return RD prompt protons.
@@ -219,20 +220,20 @@ def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
                      pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
-    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
+    Return RD downstream hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
     return make_filter_tracks(
         make_particles=make_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
-def make_detached_down_pions(
+def make_rd_detached_down_pions(
         #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #this does not work
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
-    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
+    Return RD downstream hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
     return make_filter_tracks(
@@ -243,14 +244,14 @@ def make_detached_down_pions(
-def make_detached_down_kaons(
+def make_rd_detached_down_kaons(
         #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
-    Return RD down hadrons with kaon mass hypothesis.
+    Return RD downstream hadrons with kaon mass hypothesis.
     return make_filter_tracks(
@@ -261,14 +262,14 @@ def make_detached_down_kaons(
-def make_detached_down_protons(
+def make_rd_detached_down_protons(
         #mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pt_min=0. * MeV,
         p_min=0 * GeV,
-    Return RD down hadrons with proton mass hypothesis.
+    Return RD downstream hadrons with proton mass hypothesis.
     return make_filter_tracks(
@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 def make_rd_ks0_lls(
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pions=make_rd_detached_pions,
         am_min=460 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
         am_max=540 * MeV,
@@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(
 def make_rd_ks0_dds(
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_pions=make_rd_detached_down_pions,
         am_min=420 * MeV,  # ~75 MeV window
         am_max=570 * MeV,
@@ -410,8 +411,8 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
 def make_rd_lambda_lls(
-        make_protons=make_detached_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_protons=make_rd_detached_protons,
+        make_pions=make_rd_detached_pions,
         am_min=1076 * MeV,  # ~40 MeV window
         am_max=1156 * MeV,
@@ -455,8 +456,8 @@ def make_rd_lambda_lls(
 def make_rd_lambda_dds(
-        make_protons=make_detached_down_protons,
-        make_pions=make_detached_down_pions,
+        make_protons=make_rd_detached_down_protons,
+        make_pions=make_rd_detached_down_pions,
         am_min=1050 * MeV,  # ~65 MeV window
         am_max=1180 * MeV,
@@ -504,8 +505,8 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
 def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                             make_detached_pions=make_detached_pions,
-                             make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+                             make_rd_detached_pions=make_rd_detached_pions,
+                             make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_detached_kaons,
                              am_min=592 * MeV,
                              am_max=1192 * MeV,
@@ -521,8 +522,8 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
-    pions = make_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
+    pions = make_rd_detached_pions(p_min=pi_p_min, pt_min=pi_pt_min)
+    kaons = make_rd_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = '[K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]cc'
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
@@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
 def make_rd_detached_phis(
-        make_detached_kaons=make_detached_kaons,
+        make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_detached_kaons,
         am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
         k_p_min=2 * GeV,
@@ -551,7 +552,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
     "StdLooseDetachedPhi2KK" cuts.
-    kaons = make_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
+    kaons = make_rd_detached_kaons(p_min=k_p_min, pt_min=k_pt_min)
     descriptor = 'phi(1020) -> K+ K-'
     combination_code = require_all(F.MASS < am_max,
@@ -572,7 +573,9 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(probnn_mu=0.05, pt_mu=150 * MeV)
+    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(
+        probnn_mu=0.0,
+        pt_mu=150 * MeV)  # I think the ProbNN does not work properly atm
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dimuon_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dimuons, F.FILTER(code))
@@ -596,7 +599,7 @@ def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
 def make_rd_tauons_hadronic_decay(
-        make_pions=make_detached_pions,
+        make_pions=make_rd_detached_pions,
         descriptor="[tau+ -> pi- pi+ pi+]cc",
         pi_pt_min=150 * MeV,

From fc2c6d77944d09a2f13c78c7345d1e0bedbaae55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:31:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/15] unusaed imports

 .../python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/       | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index e947f244e98..f9392f83187 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_long_kaons,
-    make_long_protons,
+    #make_long_kaons,
+    #make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks

From 9049cfd6a88a10665f7ebfe84776e4b4ebe13d3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:00:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/15] separate the builders with/without hasRich requirement
 so that we don't require hasRich on tracks from V0

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 138 ++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index f9392f83187..076e39a7169 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    #make_long_kaons,
-    #make_long_protons,
+    make_long_kaons,
+    make_long_protons,
     #make_has_rich_down_pions, make_has_rich_down_kaons, make_has_rich_down_protons, # we don't usually need RICH info in fact for D tracks
     #make_KsLL, make_KsDD, make_LambdaLL, make_LambdaDD, # we build our own versions below
-    make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+    make_long_electrons_with_brem,
@@ -77,17 +77,16 @@ def make_filter_tracks(
 # Detached                         #
-def make_rd_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks",
-                            mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
-    """
-    Return RD detached tracks.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        name=name,
-        make_particles=make_long_pions,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min)
+# @configurable
+# def make_rd_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks",
+#                             mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
+#     """
+#     Return RD detached tracks.
+#     """
+#     return make_filter_tracks(
+#         name=name,
+#         make_particles=make_long_pions,
+#         mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min)
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_muons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pid=(F.PID_MU > 0.)):
-    Return RD detached pions.
+    Return RD detached muons.
     return make_filter_tracks(
@@ -111,11 +110,11 @@ def make_rd_detached_electrons(
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
         pid=(F.PID_E > 0.)):
-    Return RD detached pions.
+    Return RD detached electrons with brem recovery.
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_long_electrons_no_brem,
+        make_particles=make_long_electrons_with_brem,
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_pions(
         p_min=2 * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid=(F.PID_K <= 0.)):
+        pid=(F.PID_K <= 2.)):
     Return RD detached pions.
@@ -145,13 +144,13 @@ def make_rd_detached_kaons(
         p_min=2 * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
+        pid=(F.PID_K > -2.)):
     Return RD detached kaons.
     return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_kaons,
+        make_particles=make_long_kaons,
@@ -161,13 +160,71 @@ def make_rd_detached_kaons(
 def make_rd_detached_protons(
-        p_min=8.5 * GeV,
+        p_min=2. * GeV,
         pt_min=250 * MeV,
         mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid=(F.PID_P > 0.)):
+        pid=(F.PID_P > -2.)):
     Return RD detached protons.
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_long_protons,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_rd_has_rich_detached_pions(
+        name="rd_has_rich_detached_pions",
+        p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_K <= 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached pions with hasRich.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_pions,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_rd_has_rich_detached_kaons(
+        name="rd_has_rich_detached_kaons",
+        p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=(F.PID_K > 0.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached kaons with hasRich.
+    """
+    return make_filter_tracks(
+        name=name,
+        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_kaons,
+        p_min=p_min,
+        pt_min=pt_min,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
+        pid=pid)
+def make_rd_has_rich_detached_protons(
+        name="rd_has_rich_detached_protons",
+        p_min=8.5 *
+        GeV,  #kaon RICH threshold below which we have no p-K separation
+        pt_min=250 * MeV,
+        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
+        pid=require_all(F.PID_P > 0., F.PID_P - F.PID_K > -2.)):
+    """
+    Return RD detached protons with hasRich.
+    """
     return make_filter_tracks(
@@ -294,7 +351,7 @@ def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
                     e_min=0 * MeV):
     """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    code = require_all(F.PT > et_min)
+    code = F.PT > et_min
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code), name=name)
@@ -327,7 +384,7 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
     """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    code = require_all(F.PT > pt_min, )
+    code = F.PT > pt_min
     return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), F.FILTER(code), name=name)
@@ -504,19 +561,20 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
-def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
-                             make_rd_detached_pions=make_rd_detached_pions,
-                             make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_detached_kaons,
-                             make_pvs=make_pvs,
-                             am_min=592 * MeV,
-                             am_max=1192 * MeV,
-                             pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             k_p_min=2 * GeV,
-                             k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
-                             kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
-                             adocachi2cut=30.,
-                             vchi2pdof_max=25):
+def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(
+        name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
+        make_rd_detached_pions=make_rd_has_rich_detached_pions,
+        make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_has_rich_detached_kaons,
+        make_pvs=make_pvs,
+        am_min=592 * MeV,
+        am_max=1192 * MeV,
+        pi_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        pi_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+        k_p_min=2 * GeV,
+        k_pt_min=100 * MeV,
+        kstar0_pt_min=400 * MeV,
+        adocachi2cut=30.,
+        vchi2pdof_max=25):
     Build Kstar0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
     "StdVeryLooseDetachedKstar" cuts.
@@ -539,7 +597,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(name="rd_detached_kstar0s",
 def make_rd_detached_phis(
-        make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_detached_kaons,
+        make_rd_detached_kaons=make_rd_has_rich_detached_kaons,
         am_max=1100 * MeV,  #min is the di-kaon threshold anyway
         k_p_min=2 * GeV,
@@ -573,9 +631,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
 def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(
-        probnn_mu=0.0,
-        pt_mu=150 * MeV)  # I think the ProbNN does not work properly atm
+    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(probnn_mu=0.0, pt_mu=150 * MeV)
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dimuon_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dimuons, F.FILTER(code))

From 605546b11059d3e4d978cb8a753dc865a77ee2b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:35:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/15] placeholder for V0 BPVLTIME cuts

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 46 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index 076e39a7169..c92821afe49 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Definition of RD builders for ThOr framework.
 For now does not use any MVA tools as they are not ThOr-friendly.
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, mm
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, mm, ps
 from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs_v2 as make_pvs
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ def make_rd_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
 # Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
-                     pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
-    """
-    Return RD downstream hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
+# def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks",
+#                      pid=None):  #do we really need this one?
+#     """
+#     Return RD downstream hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
+#     """
+#     return make_filter_tracks(
+#         make_particles=make_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
 def make_rd_detached_down_pions(
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
 # V0 particles and alike           #
+# they are in principle defined in the Hlt2 standard_particles, however there is no way to tune IPCHI2 cuts on their children with the current ThOr framework.
@@ -405,6 +406,7 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(
+        bpvltime_min=1 * ps,
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
@@ -420,8 +422,10 @@ def make_rd_ks0_lls(
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(
+        F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+        #F.BPVLTIME(pvs) > bpvltime_min,
+        F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -441,6 +445,7 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
+        bpvltime_min=1 * ps,
     Build Long-Long KS0 candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
@@ -456,8 +461,10 @@ def make_rd_ks0_dds(
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(
+        F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+        #F.BPVLTIME(pvs) > bpvltime_min,
+        F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([pions, pions],
@@ -481,6 +488,7 @@ def make_rd_lambda_lls(
+        bpvltime_min=1 * ps,
     Build Long-Long Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
@@ -501,8 +509,10 @@ def make_rd_lambda_lls(
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(
+        F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+        #F.BPVLTIME(pvs) > bpvltime_min,
+        F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -526,6 +536,7 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
+        bpvltime_min=1 * ps,
     Build Down-Down Lambda candidates. Approximately corresponding to the Run2
@@ -546,8 +557,10 @@ def make_rd_lambda_dds(
     combination_code = require_all(
         in_range(am_min, F.MASS, am_max), F.MAXDOCACHI2CUT(adocachi2cut))
     pvs = make_pvs()
-    vertex_code = require_all(F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
-                              F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
+    vertex_code = require_all(
+        F.CHI2DOF < vchi2pdof_max,
+        #F.BPVLTIME(pvs) > bpvltime_min,
+        F.BPVFDCHI2(pvs) > bpvvdchi2_min)
     return ParticleCombiner([protons, pions],
@@ -594,6 +607,7 @@ def make_rd_detached_kstar0s(
+# this is in principle defined in the Hlt2 standard_particles, however there is no way to provide IPCHI2 cuts on the kaons within the current ThOr framework.
 def make_rd_detached_phis(

From 23d1c01d75149405bd29d0246aac3c42f21eec67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vitalii Lisovskyi <Vitalii Lisovskyi>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:49:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/15] add mue combinations

 .../lines/rd/builders/       | 23 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
index c92821afe49..bce8cb7b84b 100644
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
+++ b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem)
+    make_detached_dielectron_with_brem,
+    make_detached_mue_with_brem)
 # Charged hadron selections        #
@@ -643,23 +644,33 @@ def make_rd_detached_phis(
-def filter_dimuon_noMVA(max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
+def filter_dimuon_noMVA(probnn_mu=0.0, max_dimuon_mass=6000 * MeV):
-    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(probnn_mu=0.0, pt_mu=150 * MeV)
+    dimuons = make_detached_mumu(probnn_mu=probnn_mu, pt_mu=150 * MeV)
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dimuon_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dimuons, F.FILTER(code))
-def filter_dielectron_noMVA(max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
+def filter_dielectron_noMVA(probnn_e=0.05, max_dielectron_mass=6000 * MeV):
     dielectrons = make_detached_dielectron_with_brem(
-        probnn_e=0.05, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
+        probnn_e=probnn_e, m_diE_max=max_dielectron_mass)
     code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dielectron_mass)
     return ParticleFilter(dielectrons, F.FILTER(code))
-# todo : mue with brem
+def filter_mue_noMVA(max_dilepton_mass=6000 * MeV,
+                     min_probnn_mu=0.0,
+                     min_PIDe=2.,
+                     same_sign=False):
+    dileptons = make_detached_mue_with_brem(
+        min_probnn_mu=min_probnn_mu, min_PIDe=min_PIDe, same_sign=same_sign)
+    code = require_all(F.MASS < max_dilepton_mass)
+    return ParticleFilter(dileptons, F.FILTER(code))
 # Tau builders                     #