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Draft: Add Electron PID HLT2 lines for Calib Stream

Seophine Stanislaus requested to merge sstanisl-pid-electrons into master

Two sets of lines. One set is a copy of the Run 2 selection and includes PIDe cut on tag electron. Other set (labelled with noPIDe in line name) does not include PIDe on tag electron, instead tighter B and Jpsi cuts.

Rates run over 60K min bias events

Efficiencies run over Upgrade MC that is not HLT1 filtered

Total integrated rate of all lines: 673 Hz

Lines, their rates, and their efficiencies (HLT1+HLT2)

Line Rate (Hz) Efficiency (%)
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToembremepbremTagged_Line 151 5.6
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToembremepbremTagged_noPIDe_Line 286 7.1
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToembremepTagged_Line 118 2.6
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToembremepTagged_noPIDe_Line 286 4.1
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToemepbremTagged_Line 151 4.7
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToemepbremTagged_noPIDe_Line 252 5.9
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToemepTagged_Line 118 2.2
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToemepTagged_noPIDe_Line 252 3.4
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepbremembremTagged_Line 67 6.1
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepbremembremTagged_noPIDe_Line 185 7.0
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepbrememTagged_Line 84 4.7
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepbrememTagged_noPIDe_Line 135 5.5
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepembremTagged_Line 67 4.8
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepembremTagged_noPIDe_Line 185 5.4
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepemTagged_Line 84 3.6
Hlt2PID_BToKJpsi_JpsiToepemTagged_noPIDe_Line 135 4.1

@smalde @sstanisl

Edited by Seophine Stanislaus

Merge request reports
