make packing configuration simpler
Simplify packing/unpacking configuration. Remove all references to PersistRecoConf.
To be tested with LHCb!3750 (merged) DaVinci!747 (merged) MooreAnalysis!92 (merged) Analysis!918 (merged)
Merge request reports
assigned to @sesen
- Resolved by Sevda Esen
- Resolved by Sevda Esen
added 2 commits
- Resolved by Sevda Esen
- Resolved by Sebastien Ponce
@sponce This is not meant to be merged with master. So please ignore it for the moment.
Morning Sevda, would it not make sense to move all persistency stuff once and for all to a "framework dependency" such as LHCb where anyway we already have related stuff (for example see and others)? Having related stuff in one library seems better to me in just about any perspective I take. Happy to hear your thoughts, thanks.
- Resolved by Sevda Esen
Hi @erodrigu PersistRecoConf was meant to be used only for standard reco locations but I expanded its usage to all packing/unpacking so it became cumbersome to maintain. With @graven upcoming MR, most of it will not even be needed anymore.
With this MR I first would like to separate packing and unpacking. Packing is only done in Moore, packers are only called inside persistency code. There will be a similar MR for unpacking where for all unpacking related code will stay in LHCb to be used by both Moore and DaVinci.
added 2 commits
added 75 commits
16b3de7b...d7c73bdb - 74 commits from branch
- c467f75f - pick changes from require_key
16b3de7b...d7c73bdb - 74 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- ca21dc18 - make relation packer to take multiple locations