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Baryon cuts for Charm Cross Section early measurements

New merge request for baryon cuts, with the following improvements: -style of the docstrings changed (Args/Returns/To do) -makers now renamed with _xsec_make_lc_or_xicp_pKpi -same convention used for the variable name for Lc/Xic0 lines -cuts not hardcoded -didn’t defined other makers “loose”, to avoid defining lots of makers (one for each daughter of each line). Passing the argument for the moment should be fine

The baryon lines with these new cuts have the following rates(running over 50 files of minibias):

Line: Hlt2Charm_LcpToPpKmPip_XSec_LineDecision Incl: 10.530399600953277 +/- 2.41 kHz, Excl: 9.976168043008368 +/- 2.35 kHz Line: Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToPpKmKmPip_XSec_LineDecision Incl: 2.771157789724547 +/- 1.23 kHz, Excl: 2.771157789724547 +/- 1.23 kHz Line: Hlt2Charm_XicpToPpKmPip_XSec_LineDecision Incl: 9.42193648506346 +/- 2.28 kHz, Excl: 8.86770492711855 +/- 2.21 kHz

Rate of the Lc and Xicp slightly high as for the beginning the PID requirements are quite loose.

Merge request reports
