index 0babe7cb5a8c4a8b6324f70eb04aefa90fd9f302..153d0f1d01948285f6f2b28b2f26d97e7573ced8 100644
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 /Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/topological_b/ @gciezare
 # Rare decays
 /Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/inclusive_radiative_b/ @aalfonso
-/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/ @alvarezc @elsmith @fevolle @mrama @msaur @yafan
+/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/ @elsmith @mrama @cagapopo @tfulghes @fevolle @htilquin 
 /Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/b2ll_builders.py @tmombach
 /Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/B2ll_lines.py @tmombach
 /Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/beauty2xtaul_rd_builder.py @tfulghes
diff --git a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/rdbuilder.py b/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/rdbuilder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09e0d507a90a7f51bbbc728c1069a46c79c0075a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines/rd/builders/rdbuilder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-Definition of RD builders taking into account RICHes acceptance and radiator thresholds.
-Use track reduced chi square and ghost probability used in Run 2
-Separate detached and prompt categories. Prompt to be cheched for rate.
-Use DLL so far for PID response.
-currently more or less copy paste from bandq
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV
-from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs
-from Hlt2Conf.algorithms import require_all, ParticleFilterWithPVs, ParticleFilter
-from PyConf import configurable
-from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (
-    make_has_rich_long_pions, make_has_rich_long_kaons, make_long_pions,
-    make_long_kaons, make_long_muons, make_long_protons,
-    make_long_electrons_no_brem, make_has_rich_long_protons,
-    make_has_rich_down_pions, make_photons, make_resolved_pi0s,
-    make_merged_pi0s)
-# Charged hadron selections        #
-def make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_pions,
-        make_pvs=make_pvs,
-        name="rd_has_rich_long_pions",
-        pt_min=250. * MeV,  #TBC with Reco
-        p_min=2.0 * GeV,
-        p_max=150. * GeV,
-        eta_min=2.,
-        eta_max=5.,
-        trchi2dof_max=4,  #TBC with Reco
-        trghostprob_max=0.4,  #TBC with Reco
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=None,
-        pid=None):
-    code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'in_range({p_min}, P, {p_max})',
-                       'in_range({eta_min}, ETA, {eta_max})',
-                       'TRCHI2DOF < {trchi2dof_max}',
-                       'TRGHOSTPROB < {trghostprob_max}').format(
-                           pt_min=pt_min,
-                           p_min=p_min,
-                           p_max=p_max,
-                           eta_min=eta_min,
-                           eta_max=eta_max,
-                           trchi2dof_max=trchi2dof_max,
-                           trghostprob_max=trghostprob_max)
-    if pid is not None:
-        code += ' & ({})'.format(pid)
-    if mipchi2dvprimary_min is not None:
-        code += '& (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > {mipchi2dvprimary_min})'.format(
-            mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min)
-    return ParticleFilterWithPVs(
-        make_particles(), make_pvs(), name=name, Code=code)
-# Detached                         #
-def make_detached_tracks(name="rd_detached_tracks", mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.):
-    """
-    Return RD detached tracks.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        name=name,
-        make_particles=make_long_pions,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min)
-def make_detached_muons(
-        name="rd_detached_muons",
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid='PIDmu > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD detached pions.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        name=name,
-        make_particles=make_long_muons,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
-        pid=pid)
-def make_detached_electrons(
-        name="rd_detached_electrons",
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid='PIDe > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD detached pions.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        name=name,
-        make_particles=make_long_electrons_no_brem,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
-        pid=pid)
-def make_detached_pions(
-        name="rd_detached_pions",
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid='PIDK <= 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD detached pions.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        name=name,
-        make_particles=make_long_pions,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
-        pid=pid)
-def make_detached_kaons(
-        name="rd_detached_kaons",
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid='PIDK > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD detached kaons.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_long_kaons,
-        name=name,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
-        pid=pid)
-def make_detached_protons(
-        name="rd_detached_protons",
-        p_min=10. * GeV,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=3.,  #TBC
-        pid='PIDp > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD detached protons.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_long_protons,
-        name=name,
-        p_min=p_min,
-        mipchi2dvprimary_min=mipchi2dvprimary_min,
-        pid=pid)
-# Prompt                           #
-def make_prompt_pions(name="rd_prompt_pions", pid='PIDK < 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD prompt pions.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
-def make_prompt_kaons(name="rd_prompt_kaons", pid='PIDK > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD prompt kaons.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_kaons, name=name, pid=pid)
-def make_prompt_protons(name="rd_prompt_protons",
-                        p_min=10. * GeV,
-                        pid='PIDp > 0.'):
-    """
-    Return RD prompt protons.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_long_protons,
-        name=name,
-        p_min=p_min,
-        pid=pid)
-# Downstream tracks                #
-def make_down_tracks(name="rd_down_tracks", pid=None):
-    """
-    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
-def make_down_pions(name="rd_down_pions", pid=None):
-    """
-    Return RD down hadrons with pion mass hypothesis.
-    """
-    return make_filter_tracks(
-        make_particles=make_has_rich_down_pions, name=name, pid=pid)
-#dont use until !593 is merged
-# Play with neutrals
-def make_rd_photons(name="rd_photons",
-                    make_particles=make_photons,
-                    CL_min=0.1,
-                    et_min=250 * MeV,
-                    e_min=0 * MeV):
-    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    code = require_all('CL > {CL_min}', 'PT > {et_min}', 'P > {e_min}').format(
-        CL_min=CL_min, et_min=et_min, e_min=e_min)
-    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), Code=code, name=name)
-#dont use until !593 is merged
-def make_rd_resolved_pi0s(
-        name="rd_resolved_pi0s",
-        make_particles=make_resolved_pi0s,
-        pt_min=250 * MeV,
-        p_min=0 * MeV,
-        photon_args={
-            'ConfLevelCut': 0.1,
-            'PtCut': 250. * MeV
-        },
-    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'P > {p_min}').format(
-        pt_min=pt_min, p_min=p_min)
-    return ParticleFilter(
-        make_particles(photon_args=photon_args), Code=code, name=name)
-#dont use until !593 is merged
-def make_rd_merged_pi0s(name="rd_merged_pi0s",
-                        make_particles=make_merged_pi0s,
-                        pt_min=250 * MeV,
-                        p_min=0 * MeV):
-    """For the time being just a dummy selection"""
-    code = require_all('PT > {pt_min}', 'P > {p_min}').format(
-        pt_min=pt_min, p_min=p_min)
-    return ParticleFilter(make_particles(), Code=code, name=name)