HLT2 lines for charmonium + open charm
This MR contains the following changes:
- Charmonium + open charm combinations are added
- Charm combiners changed from those for early-data cross-section measurement (high-rate lines only persisted in early-data taking periods) to those for standard charm lines (lower-rate lines for stable data taking).
- Persistency feature is added for jpsi + jpsi, jpsi + psi2s, and psi2s + psi2s lines
The rates of modified combiners are
LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSignDecisionWithOutput #=100000 Sum=9 Eff=|(0.009000000 +- 0.00299986)%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSignDecisionWithOutput #=100000 Sum=13 Eff=|(0.01300000 +- 0.00360532)%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleDiMuon_Jpsi_Jpsi_DPSDecisionWithOutput #=100000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleDiMuon_Jpsi_Psi2S_DPSDecisionWithOutput #=100000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.001000000 +- 0.000999995)%|
LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_DoubleDiMuon_Psi2S_Psi2S_DPSDecisionWithOutput #=100000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
As a reference, the previous rate is documented in !1591 (merged):
Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmOppositeSign_LineDecisionWithOutput #=50000 Sum=48 Eff=|(0.09600000 +- 0.0138498)%|
Hlt2BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSign_LineDecisionWithOutput #=50000 Sum=56 Eff=|(0.1120000 +- 0.0149582)%|
Assuming 1MHz rate for hlt1 filtered sample, the new total rate is about 20/100000x1000kHz = 0.2kHz. It's significantly reduced compared to the old one of 100/50000x1000kHz=2kHz.
We did not perform a dedicated size/event check. As a naive estimation, we take this number from the central test. One could see
EvtSize_BandQ_DoubleCharmOpposit... INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "DstData bank size (bytes)" | 139 |1.594253e+07 | 1.1469e+05 | 1.3585e+05 | 21886.0 | 1.5742e+06 |
| "Event size (bytes)" | 139 |1.675596e+07 | 1.2055e+05 | 1.3585e+05 | 27738.0 | 1.5800e+06 |
EvtSize_BandQ_DoubleCharmSameSign INFO Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "DstData bank size (bytes)" | 93 | 9747209 | 1.0481e+05 | 39944.0 | 49285.0 | 2.8491e+05 |
| "Event size (bytes)" | 93 |1.029144e+07 | 1.1066e+05 | 39944.0 | 55137.0 | 2.9076e+05 |
So we would estimate about 100kb/event. The bandwidth cost is 0.2kHz*100kb=20MB/s. As a reference, the total allowed bandwidth rate for hlt2 full-persistency lines is 5.9GB/s (http://cds.cern.ch/record/2319756/files/LHCB-TDR-018.pdf?version=4). These lines are taking 0.3% of the total bandwidth.
The efficiencies of some of the charm combiners are tested
Charm_Spec_Lcp_PpKmPip INFO Number of counters : 9
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"# passed" | 10000 | 58 |(0.5800000 +- 0.07593655)% |
|*"# passed Combination12Cut" | 16616 | 16616 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
|*"# passed CombinationCut" | 130801 | 95 |(0.07262941 +- 0.007448914)% |
|*"# passed CompositeCut" | 95 | 59 |( 62.10526 +- 4.977277)% |
|*"# passed vertex fit" | 95 | 95 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "Input1 size" | 10000 | 7046 | 0.70460 |
| "Input2 size" | 10000 | 37883 | 3.7883 |
| "Input3 size" | 10000 | 107904 | 10.790 |
| "Lifetime fit did not converge. Aborting." | 29 |
Charm_DToHHH_DpDspToKmKpPip INFO Number of counters : 9
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"# passed" | 10000 | 384 |( 3.840000 +- 0.1921599)% |
|*"# passed Combination12Cut" | 157849 | 21593 |( 13.67953 +- 0.08649113)% |
|*"# passed CombinationCut" | 180820 | 520 |(0.2875788 +- 0.01259302)% |
|*"# passed CompositeCut" | 520 | 394 |( 75.76923 +- 1.879007)% |
|*"# passed vertex fit" | 520 | 520 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "Input1 size" | 10000 | 51423 | 5.1423 |
| "Input2 size" | 10000 | 51423 | 5.1423 |
| "Input3 size" | 10000 | 135585 | 13.559 |
| "Lifetime fit did not converge. Aborting." | 201 |
Charm_DToHHH_DpDspToKmPipPip INFO Number of counters : 9
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"# passed" | 10000 | 416 |( 4.160000 +- 0.1996733)% |
|*"# passed Combination12Cut" | 410011 | 51477 |( 12.55503 +- 0.05174621)% |
|*"# passed CombinationCut" | 252789 | 549 |(0.2171772 +- 0.009258825)% |
|*"# passed CompositeCut" | 549 | 428 |( 77.95993 +- 1.769115)% |
|*"# passed vertex fit" | 549 | 549 |( 100.0000 +- 0.000000)% |
| "Input1 size" | 10000 | 48472 | 4.8472 |
| "Input2 size" | 10000 | 142615 | 14.261 |
| "Input3 size" | 10000 | 142615 | 14.261 |
| "Lifetime fit did not converge. Aborting." | 232 |
As a reference for the efficiency check: In Run2 the cut-based Lc2pKpi line has a efficiency of close to 1% for prompt Lc2pKpi sample. What we see here is a efficiency of 0.6%, which looks reasonable and could be used as a starting point of further fine-tunings. For the charm meson 3-body combiners, the efficiencies at percent level also look reasonable.