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WIP: Bs2MuMu Hlt2 trigger line

Maik Becker requested to merge mbecker-Hlt2Bs2mumuLine into master

The MR contains an implementation of the HLT2 trigger line for B_s\to\mu^+\mu^-. The cuts in the line are taken from the Stripping34 selection.


Measured on 1269 events of MinBias Upgrade MC (HLT1 filtered, Efficiency = (5.2966±0.0031)%):

Input samples:

root:// root:// root:// root://

Loop over 1269 Events Finished -  WSS 1372.58, timed 269 Events: 6804 ms, Evts/s = 39.5356

CombineParticles                    SUCCESS Number of counters : 9
 |    Counter                            |   #   |  sum   |  mean/eff^*  |    rms/err^*   |   min   |   max   |
 | "# B_s0 -> mu+  mu- "                 |  1018 |      2 |   0.0019646 |       0.044281 |  0.0000 |  1.0000 |
 | "# FunctionalParticleMaker/Particles" |  1018 | 150464 |      147.80 |         55.675 |  5.0000 |  344.00 |
 | "# input particles"                   |  1018 | 150464 |      147.80 |         55.675 |  5.0000 |  344.00 |
 | "# mu+"                               |  1018 |   6809 |      6.6886 |         3.2018 |  0.0000 |  21.000 |
 | "# mu-"                               |  1018 |   6256 |      6.1454 |         3.0581 |  0.0000 |  22.000 |
 | "# selected"                          |  1018 |      2 |   0.0019646 |       0.044281 |  0.0000 |  1.0000 |
 |*"#accept"                             |  1018 |      2 | (0.1964637 +- 0.1387843)%    |
 |*"#pass combcut"                       | 46497 |     67 | (0.1440953 +- 0.01759136)%   | ------- | ------- |
 |*"#pass mother cut"                    |    67 |      2 | ( 2.985075 +- 2.079024)%     | ------- | ------- |

HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO 
LAZY_AND: HLT                          #=1269    Sum=2           Eff=|(0.1576044 +- 0.111355)%|
 NONLAZY_OR: hlt_decision              #=1269    Sum=2           Eff=|(0.1576044 +- 0.111355)%|
  LAZY_AND: Hlt2BsToMuMuLine           #=1269    Sum=2           Eff=|(0.1576044 +- 0.111355)%|

Measured on 9524 events of Bs2MuMu Upgrade MC (HLT1 filtered, Efficiency = (82.75±0.08)%):

Input samples:

root:// root://

Loop over 9524 Events Finished -  WSS 1359.43, timed 8001 Events: 229909 ms, Evts/s = 34.8007

CombineParticles                    SUCCESS Number of counters : 9
 |    Counter                            |    #   |   sum   |   mean/eff^*  |   rms/err^* |   min   |   max   |
 | "# B_s0 -> mu+  mu- "                 |   8223 |    4523 |      0.55004 |     0.50933 |  0.0000 |  2.0000 |
 | "# FunctionalParticleMaker/Particles" |   8223 | 1120452 |       136.26 |      55.631 |  12.000 |  319.00 |
 | "# input particles"                   |   8223 | 1120452 |       136.26 |      55.631 |  12.000 |  319.00 |
 | "# mu+"                               |   8223 |   57034 |       6.9359 |      3.3124 |  0.0000 |  21.000 |
 | "# mu-"                               |   8223 |   53273 |       6.4785 |      3.0786 |  0.0000 |  25.000 |
 | "# selected"                          |   8223 |    4523 |      0.55004 |     0.50933 |  0.0000 |  2.0000 |
 |*"#accept"                             |   8223 |    4474 | ( 54.40837 +- 0.5492376)%  |
 |*"#pass combcut"                       | 413646 |    6507 | ( 1.573084 +- 0.01934722)% | ------- | ------- |
 |*"#pass mother cut"                    |   6507 |    4523 | ( 69.50976 +- 0.5707066)%  | ------- | ------- |

HLTControlFlowMgr                      INFO 
LAZY_AND: HLT                          #=9524    Sum=4474        Eff=|( 46.97606 +- 0.511405)%|
 NONLAZY_OR: hlt_decision              #=9524    Sum=4474        Eff=|( 46.97606 +- 0.511405)%|
  LAZY_AND: Hlt2BsToMuMuLine           #=9524    Sum=4474        Eff=|( 46.97606 +- 0.511405)%|
Edited by Sascha Stahl

Merge request reports
