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Fix 2012-patches tests

Marco Cattaneo requested to merge fixInputFiles-2012 into hlt2012-patches
  • Fix input data locations: tests were looking for input data in obsolete AFS or castor locations. These files have been migrated to eos and are described in the TestFileDB (though strangely the real data tests are using 2011 data to test 2012 data type)
  • Fix the VDM test to use May12 settings (the Mar11 settings are inconsistent with the hlt2012-patches version of Hlt1BeamGasLinesConf)
  • Fix the Physics test to use September2012 settings and head-20111102 database tags (the Sept11 settings are inconsistent with the hlt2012-patches version of Hlt2Lines, and the earlier database tags are inconsistent with the hlt2012-patches version of RichDet)
Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
