convert Run2 D2HHH lines to Run3
Convert Run 2 D2HHH lines to Run 3.
Final states built are:
- D+ -> pi- pi+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
- D+ -> K- pi+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> pi- pi+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
- D+ -> K- K+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
- D+ -> K- K+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> K- K+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> pi- K+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> K- K+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
- D+ -> pi- pi+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> pi- pi+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+ -> pi- K+ K+ and its charge conjugate
- D+_s -> K- pi+ pi+ and its charge conjugate
Edited by Marian Stahl