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Setting persistreco to true to Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_ElectronProbe and Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_MuonProbe

Made a mistake by merging recent changes, please see new MR: !2493 (merged)

This MR is set up to activate persistreco to the tracking efficiencies HLT2 lines with names Hlt2TrackEff_Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_MuonProbe_VELO and Hlt2TrackEff_Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_ElectronProbe_VELO. In addition, we removed the requirement ISMUON to the muon probe and replaced it to PID_MU>1 (these two requirements give similar rates of 1KHz). Both electron and muon lines have rates (measured on minbias) of about 1KHz.

PS: Previously, we did not set persistreco to true, because we are planning to study muon and electron tracking efficiencies through TURCAL, where the reconstruction can be done offline in DaVinci. However, now we want to have the full reconstruction in HLT2 and will be able to compare online and offline reconstruction with this way.

Edited by Guillaume Max Pietrzyk

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