Draft: B2OC: add 2 TurCal lines
- add 2 TurCal lines with
:- Hlt2Calib_BdToDmH_DmToPimPimKp
- Hlt2Calib_BdToDsmH_DsmToKpKmPim
purpose: provide clean
Bd2D(2KPiPi)H and Bs2Ds(2KKPi)H samples for dedicated offline calibrations and new algorithms developement
the Hlt2 output level S/B ratio for the first line is shown by the plot below (from Collision23)
- set the DOCA cut for the 3 body builder to 0.2 mm
patch generated by https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Moore/-/jobs/32982407
Edited by Alessandro Bertolin