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Lumi line that "nanofies" events

Rosen Matev requested to merge cherry-pick-b0b7af2c into hlt2023-patches

Lumi line that "nanofies" events

See merge request !2436 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit b0b7af2c)

74e80263 Lumi line that "nanofies" events 13f6c9aa fixing pipelines 4d581f90 saving all banks works a45087f9 preparing test for new Hlt2LuminosityLine 97fc3af2 working nanofied Hlt2LumiLine 4d1e7d7b removing debug messages 622ca31b code clean up and preparing for a new test 10086ba7 added a dedicated test for lumi line/stream; reverted to ugly but working code... 88b7ee46 including qmt file, filter fix d8fb1e23 copyright fix 905b37e3 reverting unintentional changes to _hlt2_hlt1passthrough_line 081895fe disabling IO warning about navigation ancestors 74a4e2bf skip check of Hlt2LumiLine_persistreco in hlt2_pp_commissioning 84bacf32 fix 4b572abd applying comments db7d9002 removing some debug comments a0fca1e0 fix passthrough and make raw bank list unique for selective raw bank combiner 48a3e4eb fix line raw banks when output is ROOT e488d6f0 Check for lumi line by type and adapt all settings 75cbf497 Never use sets constants! 9b3d84a4 Make correct routing bits are saved for Lumi lines 77f5d7b1 Add lumi line to stream test

Merge request reports
