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[QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23

Merged Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-qee-ZTrackEff-sprucingturnon into master

This should be included in Spruce_EoY23! Closes #661 (closed).
Requires !2773 (merged).
Requires lhcb-datapkg/PRConfig!366 (merged)

This MR adds the qee/sprucing_ztrkeff_lines module to the active running. SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_TrackEff_{trkeff-method}_Tag

These sprucing lines, added in !2530 (merged) are able to run over the 2023 data due to The 2023 data including raw_banks by default for all lines. [Not at all the normal state of running, but very fortunate for us].

They are not 'turned-on' i.e. included in the qee_sprucing_lines, due to them breaking when running over the current sprucing tests that run on MC. !2530 (merged) added the raw_banks extra output to the hlt2_ZTrkEff lines, so this MR intends to turn on the Spruce_ZTrkEFf lines when we get new sprucing input files.


  • New sprucing input files [Exp. ~27th Nov] (Thanks Shunan !2773 (merged))
    • Check working
      • Works with the make_muon_hits.global_bind(geometry_version=2) fix. Needs adding in this MR
  • sprucing BW Test needs the bind too.
  • Prevent these lines from running on 'legacy data' tests?
    • Popped the offending lines from the spruce_all_lines_realtime tests. (With a 'print' message à la spruce_all_lines)


Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports

Merge request pipeline #6585695 passed

Merge request pipeline passed for 659c1b07

Approved by

Merged by Nicole SkidmoreNicole Skidmore 1 year ago (Dec 13, 2023 3:51pm UTC)

Merge details

  • Changes merged into master with 2d0d8167 (commits were squashed).
  • Deleted the source branch.

Pipeline #6613450 passed

Pipeline passed for 2d0d8167 on master


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  • assigned to @lugrazet

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  • Author Developer

    Hi @abertoli, cc: @rjhunter,

    As discussed in !2530 (merged), now merged, once a new sprucing-test input-file is available including that MR, we want these to be tested and (:fingers_crossed:) included in the running of any Sprucing_EoY data processing.

    Not sure the sort of timescale for generating new input files (especially when potentially non-urgent) but don't want this being forgotten. Accessing the ZTrkEff out of sprucing would be very important for EW physics in 2023 :smile:.

  • Luke Grazette changed the description

    changed the description

  • Alessandro Bertolin changed the description

    changed the description

  • mentioned in issue #669 (closed)

  • Luke Grazette changed title from [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 if happening to [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23

    changed title from [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 if happening to [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23

  • Luke Grazette changed the description

    changed the description

  • Luke Grazette changed title from [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 to [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 [Requires new InputSample]

    changed title from [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 to [QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23 [Requires new InputSample]

  • mentioned in issue #671 (closed)

  • Luke Grazette changed the description

    changed the description

  • Luke Grazette resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

    • Author Developer
      Resolved by Luke Grazette

      @rjhunter While waiting for the MR !2773 (merged) to update the test input, I've evaluated the lines locally with the same new input on some slightly modified script.

      Trying naively just to include the lines in running gives the following error on the first successful event (NOTE: not the first event for the trkeff lines being added! These lines don't fire in the first 1000 events, but it still breaks the test regardless)

      reserveIOV                            ERROR DeMuonDetector : Using Muon conditions with Run 1-2 readout: cannot use getUpgradeDAQInfo()
      HLTControlFlowMgr                     FATAL Event failed in Node ThreeBodyCombiner/ThreeBodyCombiner_239f4266 : Error in algorithm execute
      HLTControlFlowMgr                     FATAL *** Event 0 on slot 0 failed! ***
      HLTControlFlowMgr                     FATAL Failed event detected on s: 0  e: 0

      full failed log

      This looks familiar, related to the following being missing from the options file.

      from RecoConf.hlt1_muonid import make_muon_hits

      Including this regains a normal output from the test (NOTE: again this doesn't check that the lines themselves are working! need a larger evtmax in my test for that. But it does prevent the immediate breaking). successful log.

      I'm currently running a larger scale test to find some events that pass the new Sprucing lines.

      EDIT: Ran a test that included an event which fired the VeloMuon trkeff sprucing line, no issues. Full new log

      Edited by Luke Grazette
  • Luke Grazette marked the checklist item Check working as completed

    marked the checklist item Check working as completed

  • Luke Grazette added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 535d6ff5 - add the necessary 'make_muon_hits' bind to spruce_all_lines

    Compare with previous version

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