[QEE]: Turn-on ZTrkEff sprucing lines for Spruce_EoY23
This should be included in Spruce_EoY23! Closes #661 (closed).
Requires !2773 (merged).
Requires lhcb-datapkg/PRConfig!366 (merged)
This MR adds the qee/sprucing_ztrkeff_lines module to the active running. SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_TrackEff_{trkeff-method}_Tag
These sprucing lines, added in !2530 (merged) are able to run over the 2023 data due to The 2023 data including raw_banks by default for all lines. [Not at all the normal state of running, but very fortunate for us].
They are not 'turned-on' i.e. included in the qee_sprucing_lines, due to them breaking when running over the current sprucing tests that run on MC. !2530 (merged) added the raw_banks extra output to the hlt2_ZTrkEff lines, so this MR intends to turn on the Spruce_ZTrkEFf
lines when we get new sprucing input files.
New sprucing input files [Exp. ~27th Nov] (Thanks Shunan !2773 (merged)) -
Check working -
Works with the make_muon_hits.global_bind(geometry_version=2)
fix. Needs adding in this MR
sprucing BW Test needs the bind too. - Added here to the
sprucing BW test - Added to the actual PR sprucing BW test lhcb-datapkg/PRConfig!366 (merged)
- Added here to the
Prevent these lines from running on 'legacy data' tests? - Popped the offending lines from the
tests. (With a 'print' message à laspruce_all_lines
- Popped the offending lines from the
Merge request reports
added DPA-WP1 Spruce_EoY23 qee labels
assigned to @lugrazet
added RTA label
As discussed in !2530 (merged), now merged, once a new sprucing-test input-file is available including that MR, we want these to be tested and (
) included in the running of any Sprucing_EoY data processing.Not sure the sort of timescale for generating new input files (especially when potentially non-urgent) but don't want this being forgotten. Accessing the ZTrkEff out of sprucing would be very important for EW physics in 2023
.- Resolved by Luke Grazette
as it is properly labeled I will do my best not to forget about it
mentioned in issue #669 (closed)
mentioned in issue #671 (closed)
- Resolved by Luke Grazette
@rjhunter While waiting for the MR !2773 (merged) to update the test input, I've evaluated the lines locally with the same new input on some slightly modified spruce_all_lines.py script.
Trying naively just to include the lines in running gives the following error on the first successful event (NOTE: not the first event for the trkeff lines being added! These lines don't fire in the first 1000 events, but it still breaks the test regardless)
reserveIOV ERROR DeMuonDetector : Using Muon conditions with Run 1-2 readout: cannot use getUpgradeDAQInfo() HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node ThreeBodyCombiner/ThreeBodyCombiner_239f4266 : Error in algorithm execute HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL *** Event 0 on slot 0 failed! *** HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Failed event detected on s: 0 e: 0
This looks familiar, related to the following being missing from the options file.
from RecoConf.hlt1_muonid import make_muon_hits make_muon_hits.global_bind(geometry_version=2)
Including this regains a normal output from the test (NOTE: again this doesn't check that the lines themselves are working! need a larger evtmax in my test for that. But it does prevent the immediate breaking). successful log.
I'm currently running a larger scale test to find some events that pass the new Sprucing lines.
EDIT: Ran a test that included an event which fired the VeloMuon trkeff sprucing line, no issues. Full new log
Edited by Luke Grazette
added 1 commit
- 535d6ff5 - add the necessary 'make_muon_hits' bind to spruce_all_lines