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Hotfix: Avoid touching the combination limits in RD builder for vertex isolation

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge rd-hotfix-vtxiso-combination into 2024-patches

@matzeni was pointing me that some combiners are touching the limit in the number of combinations when using threebody ParticleCombiner (Signal Candidate + 2 extra tracks).


Currently, no selection was limiting the number of combinations. Therefore, a requirement on the possible mass combination has been added. Maybe this issue could interest also SLB (cc: @anmorris, @amathad).

This MRT aims to add combination cut to the 2-body and 3-body combiners in RD to avoid reaching the maximum number of combinations in ParticleCombiners when using vertex isolation.


  • Test if the WARNING message disappears or if tighter requirements are needed
Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
