Add isolation information to B2VV lines
Second attempt to have isolation information in BnoC B2VV lines, based on @mmonk first implementation in This change adds isolation functions to
and adds a new dictionary of lines named isolation_lines
. These are based on lhcb/Moore!2420, lhcb/Moore!2911 and lhcb/Moore!2147
The BW is reduced with respect to @mmonk first estimate presented in here by including only the following information:
- Neutral isolation from make_photons()
- LongTrackIsolation from make_long_pions()
In a cone around the signal candidate. The information excluded is Vtx isolation:
- Where the vtx fit is repeated by taking 1 or 2 extra charged pions that have good vtxchi2
These changes are applied to the lines:
A first check in BW variation on 50k evts in expected_2024_min_bias_hlt1_filtered
pv_tracks=True, flavour_tagging=True
and no isolation information yields ~ 50 MB/s vs
pv_tracks=True, flavour_tagging=True
with isolation information yields maximal bandwidth 52.44 MB/s.