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Basic HLT2 persistency

Alex Pearce requested to merge apearce-hlt2-persistency into master

This builds on top of !317 (merged) to add persistency for LHCb::Particle objects created by HLT2 lines, towards LBRTAPLAN-140.

The logic is inspired by that in the old Run 2 HltAfterburner implementation; I haven't taken much effort to improve the general flow because there's so much work to do on the Run 3 persistency in general I figured there was little point in making the old stuff nicer.

Using the changes here I'm able to create ntuples in DaVinci (using DecayTreeTuple) from an HLT2 output file. There's a tutorial file included that explains how to do this.

@sgweber added a test that checks the output file contains associated Particle objects in every event a given trigger line fires.


  • All outputs (the final algorithm in each HltLine definition) are containers of LHCb::Particle objects.
  • The outputs are created by DVAlgorithm algorithms.
  • The HLT2 output is being written to a DST.
  • The HLT2 reconstruction comes from the file (i.e. from Brunel).

These are all met by the current HLT2 line development flow, but will require revisiting once we're able to run the reconstruction on the fly.

Supported functionality

  • Saving line candidates and associated objects
    • Pretty similar to the information made available in Run 2, but see 'Unsupported functionality' below.
  • Saving LHCb::Particle containers created by 'extra selections' on HLT2 lines
    • Enabled by the new extra_outputs property on the HltLine object. This isn't an ideal extension of the API because in principle HLT1 lines can now declare these, but nothing will be done with them.

Unsupported functionality

  • Writing objects in the CALO event model 'above' the CaloHypo (i.e. CaloCluster, CaloDigit, and ADCs).
    • These are not persisted by Brunel, so if we wanted to persist them we'd first have to create them.
  • Writing clusters associated to tracks.
    • The track cluster cloner only supports Run 1 subdetectors.
  • Saving the full HLT2 reconstruction a.k.a. PersistReco.
  • Can't use the output for bandwidth studies as InputCopyStream is used, so all input data is copied to the output (for events which pass HLT2).
    • No longer using InputCopyStream due to its dependence on incidents. Using OutputStream instead, and hard-coding assumed input locations to be propagated to the output.

Depends on

Edited by Alex Pearce

Merge request reports
