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[QEE] Turn on Inclusive Jet Lines. Requires Allen!1372

Nate Grieser requested to merge QEE_DiJetLinesOn into qee_upgrade_24

Inclusive jet HLT2 lines need to be taken off passthrough and require the new HLT1 decisions made with Allen!1372 (merged)

  • Removes Hlt2QEE_IncJet10GeVFull
  • Adds Hlt2QEE_IncJet(15|25|35|45)GeVFull
    • filtering on new Hlt1 Jet lines.
    • calo_clusters=True
  • Removes Hlt2QEE_IncDiJet10GeVFull
  • Add new prescales to Hlt2QEE_IncDiJet(15|20|25|30)GeVFull
    • benefit from the new filtering on Hlt1 Jet Lines
    • they already have calo_clusters=True
  • Removes SpruceQEE_SingleJet10
  • Adds `SpruceQEE_SingleJet(15|25|35|45)
    • calo_clusters=True
    • persistreco=True
    • filtering on new Hlt2QEE_IncJet()GeVFull
  • Updates SpruceQEE_Trijets
    • filtering on new Hlt1 Jet lines.
  • Removes `SpruceQEE_Dijets1010
  • Updates SpruceQEE_Dijets()() (Except DiTopo)
    • calo_clusters=True
    • persistreco=True

10 GeV lines are removed because HLT1 filter starts at 15 GeV

Trijet lines are filtered now on HLT1 as these target primarily alpha_s (3jet vs 2jet) measurements. Since the inclusive lines will use the HLT1 filter, it makes sense also the trijet inclusive line one does as well.

Di-Topo lines are not included with persistreco and calo_clusters as these are targeting the same physics as SVtags. The nominal candidates should be enough for comparison studies, and in future, can add these back in. This saves ~50 MB/s over including them.

N.B. : BW here is calculated using unfiltered, full 30 MHz HLT1 ran minbias simulation 300k_HLT1_log.log

With Changes:

Ran over 300,000 events. 300k_HLT2_withIncJets.log

Fullstream filesize = 10.6 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 84

Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 84 / 300,000 = 8.4 kHz

Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 10.6 MB / 300,000 = 1060 MB/s

Turbo filesize = 5.2 MB. 1091 events passed (overlap 13)

Exclusive Sprucing BW = 8.4 kHz * 5.8 MB / 84 = 580 MB/s

Without Inclusive Jets (Changes):

Ran over 300,000 events with inclusive jet lines prescaled to 0 300k_HLT2_NoIncJets.log

Fullstream filesize = 8.8 MB. Fullstream Events fired = 69 Fullstream Rate = 30 MHz * 69 / 300,000 = 6.9 kHz
Fullstream BW = 30 MHz * 8.8 MB / 300,000 = 880 MB/s

Turbo filesize = 1.2 MB. 1091 events passed (overlap 11)

Exclusive Sprucing BW From !3151 (merged) = 274 MB/s (Does not include Wcharm)

Edited by Nate Grieser

Merge request reports
