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Draft: Update for B2pphh

Youhua Yang requested to merge PpPmhh_update into bnoc_run3

patch generated by

last round, the rate estimated by a old script, so it is underestimated.

Add functor:

F.MIN(F.MINIPCHI2(pvs)) > daughter_mipchi2_min
F.BPVIPCHI2(pvs) < bpvipchi2_max
F.BPVLTIME(pvs) > ltime_min

Now the rate

pipi: 285 Hz
KK: 148 Hz
Kpi: 285 Hz

bandwidth for all three lines (40K events, 100K samples are running)

0.125 GB/s 

efficiency based on CanRecoChildren

pipi: 0.222 +/- 0.035
KK: 0.368 +/- 0.036
Kpi: 0.239 +/- 0.034
Edited by Youhua Yang

Merge request reports